Introduce allocation using GeneralPurposeAllocator

copygirl 1 year ago
parent e595f9a9b2
commit 302b9e7d4c
  1. 37

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
const std = @import("std");
const GeneralPurposeAllocator = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{});
const core = @import("mach-core");
const gpu = core.gpu;
@ -51,18 +53,31 @@ const PrimitiveData = struct {
pub const App = @This();
gpa: GeneralPurposeAllocator,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
app_timer: core.Timer,
title_timer: core.Timer,
pipeline: *gpu.RenderPipeline,
scene_uniform_buffer: *gpu.Buffer,
scene_uniform_bind_group: *gpu.BindGroup,
object_data: [3]ObjectData,
primitives: [2]PrimitiveData,
object_data: []ObjectData,
primitives: []PrimitiveData,
pub fn init(app: *App) !void {
try core.init(.{});
// Set up a "general purpose allocator" that will handle allocations for
// the lifetime of the application, for which a more specific allocation
// strategy is not necessary.
// Here, `gpa` is an instance of this allocator, which handles the
// allocation logic, while `allocator` is the interface through which
// functions such as `alloc` and `free` are called.
app.gpa = GeneralPurposeAllocator{};
app.allocator = app.gpa.allocator();
app.app_timer = try core.Timer.start();
app.title_timer = try core.Timer.start();
@ -124,7 +139,17 @@ pub fn init(app: *App) !void {
// would see the back side of the triangles, which are culled.
const rotation = zm.rotationY(std.math.tau / 2.0);
for (object_desc, &app.object_data) |desc, *object| {
// Allocate a slice to store as many ObjectData as we want to create.
// Using a slice instead of an array means that we could change how
// many object we want to render at compile time, however it requires
// allocating, and later freeing, memory to store the slice.
app.object_data = try app.allocator.alloc(ObjectData, object_desc.len);
// Note that for loops in Zig are a little different than you might
// know from other languages. They only look over arrays, slices,
// tuples and ranges, potentially multiple at once.
for (object_desc, app.object_data) |desc, *object| {
const translation = zm.translation(desc.pos[0], desc.pos[1], desc.pos[2]);
const model_matrix = zm.mul(rotation, translation);
@ -136,6 +161,8 @@ pub fn init(app: *App) !void {
// The `*object` syntax gets us a pointer to each element in the
// `object_data` slice, allowing us to override it within the loop.
object.* = .{
.uniform_buffer = result.buffer,
.uniform_bind_group = result.bind_group,
@ -145,6 +172,7 @@ pub fn init(app: *App) !void {
// Set up the primitives we want to render.
app.primitives = try app.allocator.alloc(PrimitiveData, 2);
// Triangle
app.primitives[0] = createPrimitive(
@ -246,13 +274,16 @@ pub fn deinit(app: *App) void {
// Using `defer` here, so we can specify them
// in the order they were created in `init`.
defer core.deinit();
defer _ = app.gpa.deinit(); // TODO: Check for memory leaks?
defer app.pipeline.release();
defer app.scene_uniform_buffer.release();
defer app.scene_uniform_bind_group.release();
defer for (app.object_data) |o| {
defer for (app.primitives) |p| {
