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#The Backbone of Create
#[in Ticks]
#The amount of time a server waits before sending out tickrate synchronization packets.
#These packets help animations to be more accurate when tps is below 20.
#Range: > 5
tickrateSyncTimer = 20
#Packmakers' control panel for internal recipe compat
#Allow the Mechanical Press to process entire stacks at a time.
bulkPressing = false
#Allow the Mechanical Saw to process entire stacks at a time.
bulkCutting = false
#Allow supported potions to be brewed by a Mechanical Mixer + Basin.
allowBrewingInMixer = true
#Allow any shapeless crafting recipes to be processed by a Mechanical Mixer + Basin.
allowShapelessInMixer = true
#Allow any single-ingredient 2x2 or 3x3 crafting recipes to be processed by a Mechanical Press + Basin.
allowShapedSquareInPress = true
#Allow any standard crafting recipes to be processed by Mechanical Crafters.
allowRegularCraftingInCrafter = true
#The Maximum amount of ingredients that can be used to craft Firework Rockets using Mechanical Crafters.
#Range: > 1
maxFireworkIngredientsInCrafter = 9
#Allow any stonecutting recipes to be processed by a Mechanical Saw.
allowStonecuttingOnSaw = true
#Allow any Druidcraft woodcutter recipes to be processed by a Mechanical Saw.
allowWoodcuttingOnSaw = true
#Allow Spouts to interact with Casting Tables and Basins from Tinkers' Construct.
allowCastingBySpout = true
#Display vanilla Log-stripping interactions in JEI.
displayLogStrippingRecipes = true
#The amount of Light sources destroyed before Chromatic Compound turns into Refined Radiance.
#Range: > 1
lightSourceCountForRefinedRadiance = 10
#Allow the standard in-world Refined Radiance recipes.
enableRefinedRadianceRecipe = true
#Allow the standard in-world Shadow Steel recipe.
enableShadowSteelRecipe = true
#Parameters and abilities of Create's kinetic mechanisms
#Disable the Stress mechanic altogether.
disableStress = false
#Maximum length in blocks of mechanical belts.
#Range: > 5
maxBeltLength = 20
#Damage dealt by active Crushing Wheels.
#Range: > 0
crushingDamage = 4
#[in Revolutions per Minute]
#Maximum allowed rotation speed for any Kinetic Block.
#Range: > 64
maxRotationSpeed = 256
#Select what mobs should ignore Deployers when attacked by them.
#Allowed Values: ALL, CREEPERS, NONE
ignoreDeployerAttacks = "CREEPERS"
#Game ticks between Kinetic Blocks checking whether their source is still valid.
#Range: > 5
kineticValidationFrequency = 60
#multiplier used for calculating exhaustion from speed when a crank is turned.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
crankHungerMultiplier = 0.009999999776482582
#Amount of sail-type blocks required for a windmill to assemble successfully.
#Range: > 0
minimumWindmillSails = 8
#Number of sail-type blocks required to increase windmill speed by 1RPM.
#Range: > 1
windmillSailsPerRPM = 8
#Max Distance in blocks a Weighted Ejector can throw
#Range: > 0
maxEjectorDistance = 32
#Time in ticks until the next item launched by an ejector scans blocks for potential collisions
#Range: > 10
ejectorScanInterval = 120
#Encased Fan
#Maximum distance in blocks Fans can push entities.
#Range: > 5
fanPushDistance = 20
#Maximum distance in blocks from where Fans can pull entities.
#Range: > 5
fanPullDistance = 20
#Game ticks between Fans checking for anything blocking their air flow.
#Range: > 10
fanBlockCheckRate = 30
#[in Revolutions per Minute]
#Rotation speed at which the maximum stats of fans are reached.
#Range: > 64
fanRotationArgmax = 256
#Game ticks required for a Fan-based processing recipe to take effect.
#Range: > 0
fanProcessingTime = 150
#Moving Contraptions
#Maximum amount of blocks in a structure movable by Pistons, Bearings or other means.
#Range: > 1
maxBlocksMoved = 2048
#[in Bytes]
#[0 to disable this limit]
#Maximum amount of data a contraption can have before it can't be synced with players.
#Un-synced contraptions will not be visible and will not have collision.
#Range: > 0
maxDataSize = 2000000
#Maximum value of a chassis attachment range.
#Range: > 1
maxChassisRange = 16
#Maximum amount of extension poles behind a Mechanical Piston.
#Range: > 1
maxPistonPoles = 64
#Max length of rope available off a Rope Pulley.
#Range: > 1
maxRopeLength = 256
#Maximum allowed distance of two coupled minecarts.
#Range: > 1
maxCartCouplingLength = 32
#Maximum depth of blocks filled in using a Mechanical Roller.
#Range: > 1
rollerFillDepth = 12
#Whether minecart contraptions can be picked up in survival mode.
survivalContraptionPickup = true
#Configure how Spawner blocks can be moved by contraptions.
movableSpawners = "NO_PICKUP"
#Configure how Budding Amethyst can be moved by contraptions.
amethystMovement = "NO_PICKUP"
#Configure how Obsidian blocks can be moved by contraptions.
movableObsidian = "UNMOVABLE"
#Configure how Reinforced Deepslate blocks can be moved by contraptions.
movableReinforcedDeepslate = "UNMOVABLE"
#Whether items mined or harvested by contraptions should be placed in their mounted storage.
moveItemsToStorage = true
#Whether harvesters should break crops that aren't fully grown.
harvestPartiallyGrown = false
#Whether harvesters should replant crops after harvesting.
harvesterReplants = true
#Whether minecart contraptions can be placed into container items.
minecartContraptionInContainers = false
#Configure speed/capacity levels for requirements and indicators.
#[in Revolutions per Minute]
#Minimum speed of rotation to be considered 'medium'
#Range: 0.0 ~ 4096.0
mediumSpeed = 30.0
#[in Revolutions per Minute]
#Minimum speed of rotation to be considered 'fast'
#Range: 0.0 ~ 65535.0
fastSpeed = 100.0
#[in Stress Units]
#Minimum stress impact to be considered 'medium'
#Range: 0.0 ~ 4096.0
mediumStressImpact = 4.0
#[in Stress Units]
#Minimum stress impact to be considered 'high'
#Range: 0.0 ~ 65535.0
highStressImpact = 8.0
#[in Stress Units]
#Minimum added Capacity by sources to be considered 'medium'
#Range: 0.0 ~ 4096.0
mediumCapacity = 256.0
#[in Stress Units]
#Minimum added Capacity by sources to be considered 'high'
#Range: 0.0 ~ 65535.0
highCapacity = 1024.0
#Fine tune the kinetic stats of individual components
#[in Stress Units]
#Configure the individual stress impact of mechanical blocks. Note that this cost is doubled for every speed increase it receives.
display_board = 0.0
deployer = 4.0
mechanical_piston = 4.0
millstone = 4.0
mechanical_bearing = 4.0
clockwork_bearing = 4.0
cuckoo_clock = 1.0
speedometer = 0.0
copper_backtank = 4.0
mechanical_saw = 4.0
flywheel = 0.0
encased_chain_drive = 0.0
clutch = 0.0
encased_fan = 2.0
adjustable_chain_gearshift = 0.0
mechanical_pump = 4.0
crushing_wheel = 8.0
mechanical_mixer = 4.0
gantry_shaft = 0.0
rope_pulley = 4.0
rotation_speed_controller = 0.0
mechanical_arm = 2.0
netherite_backtank = 4.0
andesite_encased_shaft = 0.0
mechanical_press = 8.0
large_cogwheel = 0.0
mechanical_drill = 4.0
andesite_encased_large_cogwheel = 0.0
brass_encased_large_cogwheel = 0.0
mysterious_cuckoo_clock = 1.0
stressometer = 0.0
shaft = 0.0
brass_encased_shaft = 0.0
gearshift = 0.0
turntable = 4.0
sticky_mechanical_piston = 4.0
sequenced_gearshift = 0.0
weighted_ejector = 2.0
cogwheel = 0.0
andesite_encased_cogwheel = 0.0
belt = 0.0
brass_encased_cogwheel = 0.0
gearbox = 0.0
hose_pulley = 4.0
elevator_pulley = 4.0
mechanical_crafter = 2.0
#[in Stress Units]
#Configure how much stress a source can accommodate for.
copper_valve_handle = 8.0
hand_crank = 8.0
steam_engine = 1024.0
creative_motor = 16384.0
large_water_wheel = 128.0
water_wheel = 32.0
windmill_bearing = 512.0
#Create's liquid manipulation tools
#[in Buckets]
#The amount of liquid a tank can hold per block.
#Range: > 1
fluidTankCapacity = 8
#[in Blocks]
#The maximum height a fluid tank can reach.
#Range: > 1
fluidTankMaxHeight = 32
#[in Blocks]
#The maximum distance a mechanical pump can push or pull liquids on either side.
#Range: > 1
mechanicalPumpRange = 16
#[in Blocks]
#The maximum distance a hose pulley can draw fluid blocks from.
#Range: > 1
hosePulleyRange = 128
#[in Blocks]
#[-1 to disable this behaviour]
#The minimum amount of fluid blocks the hose pulley needs to find before deeming it an infinite source.
#Range: > -1
hosePulleyBlockThreshold = 10000
#Whether hose pulleys should continue filling up above-threshold sources.
fillInfinite = false
#Configure which fluids can be drained infinitely.
bottomlessFluidMode = "ALLOW_BY_TAG"
#Whether hose pulleys should be allowed to place fluid sources.
fluidFillPlaceFluidSourceBlocks = true
#Whether open-ended pipes should be allowed to place fluid sources.
pipesPlaceFluidSourceBlocks = true
#Tweaks for logistical components
#The amount of ticks a funnel waits between item transferrals, when it is not re-activated by redstone.
#Range: > 1
defaultExtractionTimer = 8
#The amount of ticks a portable storage interface waits for transfers until letting contraptions move along.
#Range: > 1
psiTimeout = 60
#Maximum distance in blocks a Mechanical Arm can reach across.
#Range: > 1
mechanicalArmRange = 5
#Maximum possible range in blocks of redstone link connections.
#Range: > 1
linkRange = 256
#Maximum possible distance in blocks between data gatherers and their target.
#Range: > 1
displayLinkRange = 64
#The total amount of stacks a vault can hold per block in size.
#Range: > 1
vaultCapacity = 20
#The amount of ticks a brass tunnel waits between distributions.
#Range: 1 ~ 10
brassTunnelTimer = 10
#Whether hostile mobs walking near a seat will start riding it.
seatHostileMobs = true
#Everything related to Schematic tools
#Whether placing a Schematic directly in Creative Mode should replace world blocks with Air
creativePrintIncludesAir = false
#[in KiloBytes]
#The maximum allowed file size of uploaded Schematics.
#Range: > 16
maxSchematics = 256
#[in Bytes]
#The maximum packet size uploaded Schematics are split into.
#Range: 256 ~ 32767
maxSchematicPacketSize = 1024
#Amount of game ticks without new packets arriving until an active schematic upload process is discarded.
#Range: > 100
schematicIdleTimeout = 600
#Amount of game ticks between shots of the cannon. Higher => Slower
#Range: > 1
schematicannonDelay = 10
#% of Schematicannon's Fuel filled by 1 Gunpowder.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
schematicannonGunpowderWorth = 20.0
#% of Schematicannon's Fuel used for each fired block.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
schematicannonFuelUsage = 0.05000000074505806
#Equipment and gadgets added by Create
#The Maximum Distance to an active mirror for the symmetry wand to trigger.
#Range: > 10
maxSymmetryWandRange = 50
#The Maximum Distance a Block placed by Create's placement assist will have to its interaction point.
#Range: > 3
placementAssistRange = 12
#The Maximum Distance at which a Toolbox can interact with Players' Inventories.
#Range: > 1
toolboxRange = 10
#The Maximum volume of Air that can be stored in a backtank = Seconds of underwater breathing
#Range: > 1
airInBacktank = 900
#The volume of Air added by each level of the backtanks Capacity Enchantment
#Range: > 1
enchantedBacktankCapacity = 300
#Amount of free Extendo Grip actions provided by one filled Copper Backtank. Set to 0 makes Extendo Grips unbreakable
#Range: > 0
maxExtendoGripActions = 1000
#Amount of free Potato Cannon shots provided by one filled Copper Backtank. Set to 0 makes Potato Cannons unbreakable
#Range: > 0
maxPotatoCannonShots = 200
#Create's builtin Railway systems
#Whether moving Trains can hurt colliding mobs and players.
trainsCauseDamage = true
#Maximum length of track that can be placed as one batch or turn.
#Range: 16 ~ 128
maxTrackPlacementLength = 32
#Maximum length of a Train Stations' assembly track.
#Range: > 5
maxAssemblyLength = 128
#Maximum amount of bogeys assembled as a single Train.
#Range: > 1
maxBogeyCount = 20
#Relative speed of a manually controlled Train compared to a Scheduled one.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
manualTrainSpeedModifier = 0.75
#Standard Trains
#[in Blocks/Second]
#The top speed of any assembled Train.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
trainTopSpeed = 28.0
#[in Blocks/Second]
#The top speed of Trains during a turn.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
trainTurningTopSpeed = 14.0
#[in Blocks/Second²]
#The acceleration of any assembled Train.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
trainAcceleration = 3.0
#Powered Trains
#[in Blocks/Second]
#The top speed of powered Trains.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
poweredTrainTopSpeed = 40.0
#[in Blocks/Second]
#The top speed of powered Trains during a turn.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
poweredTrainTurningTopSpeed = 20.0
#[in Blocks/Second²]
#The acceleration of powered Trains.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38
poweredTrainAcceleration = 3.0