.. is a medium-level managed wrapper library around the [flecs-cs] bindings
for the amazing [Entity Component System (ECS)][ECS] framework [Flecs]. It is
used as part of the [gæmstone] game engine, but may be used in other projects
as well. To efficiently use this library, a thorough understanding of [Flecs]
is required.
.. is a medium-level managed wrapper library around the [flecs-cs] bindings for the amazing [Entity Component System (ECS)][ECS] framework [Flecs]. It is used as part of the [gæmstone] game engine, but may be used in other projects as well. To efficiently use this library, a thorough understanding of [Flecs] is required.
These classes have been split from the main [gæmstone] project. It is still a little unclear what functionality belongs where, and structural changes may occur. In its current state, I recommend to use this repository simply as a reference for building similar projects.
These classes have only recently been split from the main **gæmstone** project. It is currently unclear what functionality belongs where, and structural changes are still very likely. In its current state, feel free to use **gæmstone.ECS** as a reference for building similar projects, or be aware that things are in flux, and in general nowhere near stable.
- Simple wrapper structs such as [Entity] and [Identifier].
- Classes with convenience functions like [EntityRef] and [EntityType].
- Convenient wrapper types such as [Identifier], [Entity] and [EntityType].
- [EntityPath] uses a unix-like path, for example `/Game/Players/copygirl`.
- Fast type-to-entity lookup using generic context on [World]. (See below.)
- Define your own [Components] as both value or reference types.
- Query the ECS with [Iterators], [Filters], [Queries] and [Rules].
- Create [Systems] for game logic and [Observers] to act on changes.
[Entity]: ./src/gaemstone.ECS/Entity.cs
[Identifier]: ./src/gaemstone.ECS/Identifier.cs
[EntityRef]: ./src/gaemstone.ECS/EntityRef.cs
[Entity]: ./src/gaemstone.ECS/Entity.cs
[EntityType]: ./src/gaemstone.ECS/EntityType.cs
[EntityPath]: ./src/gaemstone.ECS/EntityPath.cs
[World]: ./src/gaemstone.ECS/World.cs
[Components]: ./src/gaemstone.ECS/Component.cs
[Iterators]: ./src/gaemstone.ECS/Iterator.cs
[Filters]: ./src/gaemstone.ECS/Filter.cs
@ -38,7 +34,7 @@ These classes have only recently been split from the main **gæmstone** project.
## Example
var world = new World();
var world = new World<Program>();
var position = world
.New("Position") // Create a new EntityBuilder, and set its name.
Entities may be looked up simply by their type, once they're registered with `CreateLookup` or `InitComponent`. Under the hood, this is made possible using a nested static generic class that hold onto an `Entity` field. Theoretically this could be compiled into a simple field lookup and therefore be faster than dictionary lookups.
To support scenarios where multiple worlds may be used simultaneously, each with their own unique type lookups, we specify a generic type as that context.
In cases where only a single world is used, the amount of typing can be reduced by including a file similar to the following, defining global aliases:
global using Entity = gaemstone.ECS.Entity<Context>;
global using Id = gaemstone.ECS.Id<Context>;
global using Iterator = gaemstone.ECS.Iterator<Context>;
global using World = gaemstone.ECS.World<Context>;