Split Render system into 3

copygirl 2 years ago
parent 8177ea24ef
commit bb0ab53c06
  1. 29

@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ using static gaemstone.Components.TransformComponents;
namespace gaemstone.Client.Systems;
public class Renderer
: IModuleInitializer
@ -51,28 +54,29 @@ public class Renderer
_modelMatrixUniform = GL.GetUniformLocation(_program, "modelMatrix");
public void Render(Universe universe, GameWindow window, Canvas canvas)
public void Clear(Canvas canvas)
var GL = canvas.GL;
GL.Viewport(default, canvas.Size);
GL.ClearColor(new Vector4D<float>(0, 0, 0, 255));
GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
Filter.RunOnce(universe, (in GlobalTransform cameraTransform,
in Camera camera, CameraViewport? viewport) => {
public void Render(Universe universe, [Game] Canvas canvas,
in GlobalTransform cameraTransform, in Camera camera, CameraViewport? viewport)
var color = viewport?.ClearColor ?? new(0x4B, 0x00, 0x82, 255);
var bounds = viewport?.Viewport ?? new(default, canvas.Size);
var GL = canvas.GL;
GL.Viewport(bounds); GL.Scissor(bounds.Origin.X, bounds.Origin.Y, (uint)bounds.Size.X, (uint)bounds.Size.Y);
GL.ClearColor(color); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
// Get the camera's transform matrix and invert it.
Matrix4X4.Invert<float>(cameraTransform, out var invertedTransform);
// Create the camera's projection matrix.
var cameraProjection = camera.IsOrthographic
? Matrix4X4.CreateOrthographic(
@ -83,6 +87,8 @@ public class Renderer
(float)bounds.Size.X / bounds.Size.Y, // Aspect Ratio
camera.NearPlane, camera.FarPlane);
// Get the camera's transform matrix and invert it.
Matrix4X4.Invert<float>(cameraTransform, out var invertedTransform);
// Set the uniform to the combined transform and projection.
var cameraMatrix = invertedTransform * cameraProjection;
GL.UniformMatrix4(_cameraMatrixUniform, 1, false, in cameraMatrix.Row1.X);
@ -117,11 +123,12 @@ public class Renderer
if (texture.HasValue) GL.BindTexture(texture.Value.Target, 0);
public static void SwapBuffers(GameWindow window)
=> window.Handle.SwapBuffers();
private static void DebugCallback(GLEnum source, GLEnum _type, int id, GLEnum _severity,
int length, nint _message, nint userParam)
