Fix RenderEntity underline

- Now visisble again on hover
- Only covers text, not icon
copygirl 2 years ago
parent b45a050526
commit 8cb6191bb1
  1. 27

@ -697,15 +697,15 @@ public class EntityInspector
var isDisabled = entity.IsDisabled;
var displayName = (docName != null) ? $"\"{docName}\"" : entity.Name ?? entity.Id.ToString();
if (docIcon is string icon) displayName = $"{icon} {displayName}";
if (docIcon != null) displayName = $"{docIcon} {displayName}";
var font = ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.Fonts[(docName != null) ? 2 : 0];
// Gotta push the font to calculate size properly.
// Can't just pass it to CalcTextSize for some reason.
ImGui.PushFont(ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.Fonts[(docName != null) ? 2 : 0]);
var color = docColor ?? Color.FromRGBA(ImGui.GetColorU32(ImGuiCol.Text));
if (isDisabled) color = color.WithAlpha(ImGui.GetStyle().DisabledAlpha);
// Gotta push the font to calculate size properly.
// Can't just pass it to CalcTextSize for some reason.
ImGui.PushFont(font); var size = ImGui.CalcTextSize(displayName); ImGui.PopFont();
var size = ImGui.CalcTextSize(displayName);
if (isHeaderLike) size.X += ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.X * 2;
if (spanAvailWidth) size.X = Math.Max(size.X, ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X);
@ -721,7 +721,8 @@ public class EntityInspector
} else ImGui.InvisibleButton($"##{entity.Id}", size);
var shift = ImGui.IsKeyDown(ImGuiKey.ModShift);
var canClick = isHeaderLike || shift;
var hovered = ImGui.IsItemHovered();
var canClick = isHeaderLike || hovered || shift;
if (canClick && ImGui.IsItemClicked()) {
if (shift) window = NewEntityInspectorWindow(window.World);
// Don't re-select this entity if it's already selected.
@ -732,15 +733,17 @@ public class EntityInspector
var drawList = ImGui.GetWindowDrawList();
if (isHeaderLike) pos.X += ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.X;
drawList.AddText(font, ImGui.GetFontSize(), pos, color.RGBA, displayName);
if (!isHeaderLike && canClick && ImGui.IsItemHovered()) {
drawList.AddText(ImGui.GetFont(), ImGui.GetFontSize(), pos, color.RGBA, displayName);
if (!isHeaderLike && canClick && hovered) {
// Draw a hyperlink-link underscore.
pos.Y -= 1.75f;
drawList.AddLine(pos + new Vector2(0, size.Y), pos + size, color.RGBA);
var p1 = pos + new Vector2( 0, size.Y - 1.75f);
var p2 = pos + new Vector2(size.X, size.Y - 1.75f);
if (docIcon != null) p1.X += ImGui.CalcTextSize($"{docIcon} ").X;
drawList.AddLine(p1, p2, color.RGBA);
if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) {
if (hovered) {
@ -754,6 +757,8 @@ public class EntityInspector
if (entity.GetDocBrief() is string brief) ImGui.Text(brief);
