Source Generators, step 2: Modules

- Add IModule interface, contains static interface
  methods to get its path and dependencies
- ModuleGenerator generates the implementation
- Universe.Modules.Register now expects an IModule
- Replace ModuleInfo with generic version
- Remove GetModulePath helper method
copygirl 2 years ago
parent 2b877e0c5c
commit 03d672febf
  1. 65
  2. 19
  3. 102

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using gaemstone.SourceGen.Utility;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
@ -71,6 +72,70 @@ public class ModuleGenerator
.ConstructorArguments.FirstOrDefault().Value == null))
symbol.Locations.FirstOrDefault(), symbol.GetFullName()));
// Static classes can't implement interfaces.
if (symbol.IsStatic) continue;
var modulePath = GetModulePath(symbol).ToStringLiteral();
var dependencies = new List<string>();
foreach (var attr in symbol.GetAttributes())
for (var type = attr.AttributeClass; type != null; type = type.BaseType)
if ((type.GetFullName(true) == "gaemstone.ECS.AddAttribute`2")
&& type.TypeArguments[0].GetFullName() == "gaemstone.Flecs.Core.DependsOn")
var sb = new StringBuilder();
// <auto-generated/>
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using gaemstone.ECS;
namespace {{ symbol.GetNamespace() }};
public partial class {{ symbol.Name }}
: IModule
public static string ModulePath { get; }
= {{ modulePath }};
if (dependencies.Count > 0) {
public static IEnumerable<string> Dependencies { get; } = new[] {
foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
sb.AppendLine($$""" {{ dependency.ToStringLiteral() }},""");
} else sb.AppendLine($$"""
public static IEnumerable<string> Dependencies { get; } = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
context.AddSource($"{symbol.GetFullName()}_Module.g.cs", sb.ToString());
private static string GetModulePath(ISymbol module)
var path = module.GetAttribute("gaemstone.ECS.PathAttribute")?
.ConstructorArguments.FirstOrDefault().Value as string;
var isAbsolute = (path?.FirstOrDefault() == '/');
if (isAbsolute) return path!;
var fullPath = module.GetFullName().Replace('.', '/');
if (path != null) {
var index = fullPath.LastIndexOf('/');
fullPath = $"{fullPath.Substring(0, index)}/{path}";
return $"/{fullPath}";

@ -1,16 +1,27 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace gaemstone.ECS;
public class ModuleAttribute : Attribute { }
public interface IModuleAutoRegisterComponents
public interface IModuleInitializer
void RegisterComponents(EntityRef module);
void Initialize(EntityRef module);
public interface IModuleInitializer
// The following will be implemented on [Module]
// types automatically for you by source generators.
public interface IModule
void Initialize(EntityRef module);
static abstract string ModulePath { get; }
static abstract IEnumerable<string> Dependencies { get; }
public interface IModuleAutoRegisterComponents
void RegisterComponents(EntityRef module);

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using gaemstone.ECS;
using gaemstone.Utility;
@ -21,16 +20,13 @@ public class ModuleManager
=> _modules.GetValueOrDefault(entity);
public EntityRef Register<T>()
where T : class, new()
where T : class, IModule, new()
var moduleType = typeof(T);
if (moduleType.IsGenericType) throw new Exception(
$"Module {moduleType} must be a non-generic class");
if (!moduleType.Has<ModuleAttribute>()) throw new Exception(
$"Module {moduleType} must be marked with ModuleAttribute");
var path = GetModulePath(moduleType);
var module = new ModuleInfo(Universe, moduleType, path);
var module = new ModuleInfo<T>(Universe);
_modules.Add(module.Entity, module);
return module.Entity;
@ -40,7 +36,7 @@ public class ModuleManager
if (module.UnmetDependencies.Count > 0) return;
Console.WriteLine($"Enabling module {module.Path} ...");
Console.WriteLine($"Enabling module {module.Entity.GetFullPath()} ...");
// Find other modules that might be missing this module as a dependency.
@ -56,102 +52,66 @@ public class ModuleManager
public static EntityPath GetModulePath(Type type)
internal abstract class ModuleInfo
var attr = type.Get<ModuleAttribute>();
if (attr == null) throw new ArgumentException(
$"Module {type} must be marked with ModuleAttribute", nameof(type));
public abstract EntityRef Entity { get; }
public abstract bool IsActive { get; }
var path = EntityPath.Parse(
(type.Get<PathAttribute>() is PathAttribute pathAttr)
? pathAttr.Value : type.Name);
// If specified path is absolute, return it now.
if (path.IsAbsolute) return path;
// Otherwise, create it based on the type's assembly, namespace and name.
var assemblyName = type.Assembly.GetName().Name!;
if (!type.FullName!.StartsWith(assemblyName + '.')) throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Module {type} must be defined under namespace {assemblyName}");
var fullNameWithoutAssembly = type.FullName![(assemblyName.Length + 1)..];
public HashSet<ModuleInfo> MetDependencies { get; } = new();
public HashSet<Entity> UnmetDependencies { get; } = new();
var parts = fullNameWithoutAssembly.Split('.')[..^1];
return new(true, parts.Prepend(assemblyName).Concat(path.GetParts()).ToArray());
public abstract void Enable();
internal class ModuleInfo
internal class ModuleInfo<T> : ModuleInfo
where T : IModule, new()
public Universe Universe { get; }
public Type Type { get; }
public EntityPath Path { get; }
public override EntityRef Entity { get; }
public override bool IsActive => (Instance != null);
public T? Instance { get; internal set; }
public EntityRef Entity { get; }
public object? Instance { get; internal set; }
public bool IsActive => Instance != null;
public ModuleInfo(Universe universe)
var builder = universe.New(T.ModulePath).Add<Module>();
public HashSet<ModuleInfo> MetDependencies { get; } = new();
public HashSet<Entity> UnmetDependencies { get; } = new();
foreach (var dependsPath in T.Dependencies) {
var dependency = universe.LookupByPath(dependsPath) ??
public ModuleInfo(Universe universe, Type type, EntityPath path)
Universe = universe;
Type = type;
Path = path;
if (Type.IsAbstract || Type.IsSealed) throw new Exception(
$"Module {Type} must not be abstract, sealed or static");
if (Type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) == null) throw new Exception(
$"Module {Type} must define public parameterless constructor");
var module = Universe.New(Path).Add<Module>();
// Add module dependencies from [DependsOn<>] attributes.
foreach (var attr in Type.GetCustomAttributes()) {
// TODO: Do this without reflection.
var attrType = attr.GetType();
if (!attrType.IsGenericType) continue;
if (attrType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(DependsOnAttribute<>)) continue;
var dependsTarget = attrType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
var dependsPath = GetModulePath(dependsTarget);
var dependency = Universe.LookupByPath(dependsPath) ??
var depModule = Universe.Modules.Lookup(dependency);
var depModule = universe.Modules.Lookup(dependency);
if (depModule?.IsActive == true) MetDependencies.Add(depModule);
else { UnmetDependencies.Add(dependency); module.Disable(); }
else { UnmetDependencies.Add(dependency); builder.Disable(); }
Entity = module.Build().CreateLookup(Type);
Entity = builder.Build().CreateLookup<T>();
// Ensure all parent entities have Module set.
for (var p = Entity.Parent; p != null; p = p.Parent)
public void Enable()
public override void Enable()
Instance = Activator.CreateInstance(Type)!; // TODO: Replace with generic new() somehow.
if (Instance is IModuleAutoRegisterComponents generatedComponents)
Instance = new T();
(Instance as IModuleAutoRegisterComponents)?.RegisterComponents(Entity);
(Instance as IModuleInitializer)?.Initialize(Entity);
private void RegisterMethods(object? instance)
foreach (var method in Type.GetMethods(
var world = Entity.World;
foreach (var method in typeof(T).GetMethods(
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic |
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance
)) {
if (method.Has<SystemAttribute>())
Universe.InitSystem(instance, method).ChildOf(Entity);
world.InitSystem(instance, method).ChildOf(Entity);
if (method.Has<ObserverAttribute>())
Universe.InitObserver(instance, method).ChildOf(Entity);
world.InitObserver(instance, method).ChildOf(Entity);
