Refactoring into Tile and other helper types

copygirl 2 months ago
parent 464c0f3f1c
commit 8ad77c4616
  1. 29
  2. 45
  3. 258
  4. 129

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
public static class SideAndCornerExtensions
public static (Corner, Corner) GetCorners(this Side side)
=> side switch {
Side.Left => (Corner.TopLeft, Corner.BottomLeft),
Side.Top => (Corner.TopLeft, Corner.TopRight),
Side.Right => (Corner.TopRight, Corner.BottomRight),
Side.Bottom => (Corner.BottomLeft, Corner.BottomRight),
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Side value '{side}'", nameof(side)),
public static Side GetOpposite(this Side side)
=> side switch {
Side.Left => Side.Right,
Side.Top => Side.Bottom,
Side.Right => Side.Left,
Side.Bottom => Side.Top,
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Side value '{side}'", nameof(side)),
public static Corner GetOpposite(this Corner corner)
=> corner switch {
Corner.TopLeft => Corner.BottomRight,
Corner.TopRight => Corner.BottomLeft,
Corner.BottomRight => Corner.TopLeft,
Corner.BottomLeft => Corner.TopRight,
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Corner value '{corner}'", nameof(corner)),

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
public partial class Terrain
bool _unhandledMouseMotion = false; // Used to detect when mouse moves off the terrain.
bool _unhandledMotion = false; // Used to detect when mouse moves off the terrain.
TilePos? _tileHover = null; // Position of currently hovered tile.
bool _isSelecting = false; // Whether left mouse is held down to select tiles.
(TilePos, TilePos)? _selection = null;
@ -37,11 +37,14 @@ public partial class Terrain
var innerPos = selection.GetTileFor(innerCorner);
var outerPos = innerPos.GetNeighbor(innerCorner);
var innerHeight = GetCornerHeights(innerPos)[innerCorner];
var outerHeight = GetCornerHeights(outerPos)[outerCorner];
var outerTile = GetTile(outerPos);
var innerHeight = GetTile(innerPos).Height[innerCorner];
var outerHeight = outerTile.Height[outerCorner];
if (IsEqualApprox(outerHeight, innerHeight))
SetCornerHeight(outerPos, outerCorner, innerHeight + amount);
if (IsEqualApprox(outerHeight, innerHeight)) {
outerTile.Height[outerCorner] = innerHeight + amount;
SetTile(outerPos, outerTile);
// Raise connected sides.
@ -49,40 +52,40 @@ public partial class Terrain
foreach (var innerPos in selection.GetTilesFor(side)) {
var outerPos = innerPos.GetNeighbor(side);
var innerHeights = GetCornerHeights(innerPos);
var outerHeights = GetCornerHeights(outerPos);
var innerTile = GetTile(innerPos);
var outerTile = GetTile(outerPos);
var (innerCorner1, innerCorner2) = side.GetCorners();
var (outerCorner1, outerCorner2) = side.GetOpposite().GetCorners();
var current = outerHeights;
var changed = false;
var matchingCorners = new[]{ (innerCorner1, outerCorner1), (innerCorner2, outerCorner2) };
foreach (var (innerCorner, outerCorner) in matchingCorners) {
var innerHeight = innerHeights[innerCorner];
var outerHeight = outerHeights[outerCorner];
var innerHeight = innerTile.Height[innerCorner];
var outerHeight = outerTile.Height[outerCorner];
if (IsEqualApprox(outerHeight, innerHeight)) {
current = current.With(outerCorner, innerHeight + amount);
outerTile.Height[outerCorner] = innerHeight + amount;
changed = true;
if (changed) SetCornerHeights(outerPos, current);
if (changed) SetTile(outerPos, outerTile);
// Raise selected tiles themselves.
foreach (var tile in selection.GetAllTiles())
AdjustTileHeight(tile, amount);
foreach (var pos in selection.GetAllTiles()) {
var tile = GetTile(pos);
SetTile(pos, tile);
if (ev is InputEventMouseMotion)
_unhandledMouseMotion = true;
_unhandledMotion = true;
public override void _InputEvent(Camera3D camera, InputEvent ev, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, int shapeIdx)
@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ public partial class Terrain
if (ev is InputEventMouseMotion) {
_unhandledMouseMotion = false;
_unhandledMotion = false;
_tileHover = tilePos;
if (_isSelecting) _selection = _selection.Value with { Item2 = tilePos };
@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ public partial class Terrain
_isSelecting = false;
if (_unhandledMouseMotion)
if (_unhandledMotion)
_tileHover = null;
if ((_tileHover != null) || (_selection != null)) {
@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ public partial class Terrain
if (_tileHover is TilePos hover) {
var corners = GetCornersPosition(hover);
var corners = GetTileCornerPositions(hover);
var margin = 0.1f;
AddQuad(corners.TopLeft + new Vector3(-margin, 0, -margin),
@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ public partial class Terrain
if (_selection is (TilePos, TilePos) selection)
foreach (var pos in TileRegion.From(selection).GetAllTiles()) {
var corners = GetCornersPosition(pos);
var corners = GetTileCornerPositions(pos);
AddQuad(corners.TopLeft, corners.TopRight, corners.BottomLeft, corners.BottomRight);

@ -26,6 +26,18 @@ public partial class Terrain
public Tile GetTile(TilePos pos)
=> (Tiles?.TryGetValue(pos.ToVector2I(), out var result) == true)
? Tile.FromDictionary(result.AsGodotDictionary()) : default;
public void SetTile(TilePos pos, Tile value)
var key = pos.ToVector2I();
var dict = value.ToDictionary();
if (dict == null) Tiles.Remove(key);
else Tiles[key] = dict;
public bool Contains(TilePos pos)
=> (pos.X >= 0) && (pos.X < Size.X)
&& (pos.Y >= 0) && (pos.Y < Size.Y);
@ -35,83 +47,6 @@ public partial class Terrain
=> new(RoundToInt(localPos.X / TileSize + Size.X / 2.0f),
RoundToInt(localPos.Z / TileSize + Size.Y / 2.0f));
public Corners<float> GetCornerHeights(TilePos pos)
=> GetTileRaw(pos) switch {
{ VariantType: Variant.Type.Nil } => default,
{ VariantType: Variant.Type.Float } v => Corners<float>.From((float)v),
{ VariantType: Variant.Type.PackedFloat32Array } v => Corners<float>.From((float[])v),
_ => throw new Exception("Invalid type in Points dictionary"),
public void SetCornerHeight(TilePos pos, Corner corner, float value)
=> SetCornerHeights(pos, default(Corners<float?>).With(corner, value));
public void SetCornerHeights(TilePos pos, Corners<float> values)
=> SetCornerHeights(pos, new Corners<float?>(values.TopLeft, values.TopRight, values.BottomRight, values.BottomLeft));
public void SetCornerHeights(TilePos pos, Corners<float?> values)
if (!Contains(pos)) return;
var current = GetCornerHeights(pos);
var changed = false;
foreach (var corner in Enum.GetValues<Corner>())
if (values[corner] is float value)
{ current = current.With(corner, value); changed = true; }
if (!changed) return;
if (current.IsZeroApprox()) RemoveTileRaw(pos);
else if (current.IsEqualApprox()) SetTileRaw(pos, current.TopLeft);
else SetTileRaw(pos, current.ToArray());
public void SetTileHeight(TilePos pos, float value)
if (!Contains(pos)) return;
if (IsZeroApprox(value)) RemoveTileRaw(pos);
else SetTileRaw(pos, value);
public void AdjustTileHeight(TilePos pos, float relative)
if (relative == 0) return;
if (!Contains(pos)) return;
switch (GetTileRaw(pos)) {
case { VariantType: Variant.Type.Nil }:
SetTileRaw(pos, relative);
case { VariantType: Variant.Type.Float } num:
var newNum = (float)num + relative;
if (IsZeroApprox(newNum)) RemoveTileRaw(pos);
else SetTileRaw(pos, newNum);
case { VariantType: Variant.Type.PackedFloat32Array } nums:
var newNums = (float[])nums;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) newNums[i] += relative;
SetTileRaw(pos, newNums);
default: throw new Exception("Invalid type in Points dictionary");
public Corners<Vector3> GetCornersPosition(TilePos pos)
var heights = GetCornerHeights(pos);
var vx = (pos.X - Size.X / 2.0f) * TileSize;
var vz = (pos.Y - Size.Y / 2.0f) * TileSize;
var half = TileSize / 2;
return new(new(vx - half, heights[Corner.TopLeft ], vz - half),
new(vx + half, heights[Corner.TopRight ], vz - half),
new(vx + half, heights[Corner.BottomRight], vz + half),
new(vx - half, heights[Corner.BottomLeft ], vz + half));
Variant GetTileRaw(TilePos pos)
=> (Tiles?.TryGetValue(pos.ToVector2I(), out var result) == true) ? result : default;
void SetTileRaw(TilePos pos, Variant value)
=> (Tiles ??= [])[pos.ToVector2I()] = value;
void RemoveTileRaw(TilePos pos)
=> Tiles?.Remove(pos.ToVector2I());
void UpdateMeshAndShape()
@ -138,25 +73,37 @@ public partial class Terrain
AddPoint(v3, uv3);
// TODO: Don't hardcode.
var num_textures = 4;
var num_blend_textures = 7;
var rnd = new Random();
for (var x = 0; x < Size.X; x++)
for (var z = 0; z < Size.Y; z++) {
var corners = GetCornersPosition(new(x, z));
// Find the "ideal way" to split the quad for the tile into two triangles.
// This is done by finding the corner with the least variance between its neighboring corners.
var sorted = corners.ToSorted((a, b) => a.Y.CompareTo(b.Y));
var minDiff = Abs(sorted[0].Value.Y - sorted[2].Value.Y); // Difference between lowest and 3rd lowest point.
var maxDiff = Abs(sorted[3].Value.Y - sorted[1].Value.Y); // Difference between highest and 3rd highest point.
var tile = GetTile(new(x, z));
var corners = GetTileCornerPositions(new(x, z), tile);
// Randomly select two different textures and one blend texture.
// Randomly select two different textures and one blend texture.
(float)tile.TexturePrimary / num_textures,
(float)tile.TextureSecondary / num_textures,
(float)tile.TextureBlend / num_blend_textures
var sorted = new (Corner Corner, float Height)[] {
(Corner.TopLeft , tile.Height.TopLeft ),
(Corner.TopRight , tile.Height.TopRight ),
(Corner.BottomRight , tile.Height.BottomRight),
(Corner.BottomLeft , tile.Height.BottomLeft ),
Array.Sort(sorted, (a, b) => a.Height.CompareTo(b.Height));
// Find the "ideal way" to split the quad for the tile into two triangles.
// This is done by finding the corner with the least variance between its neighboring corners.
var minDiff = Abs(sorted[0].Height - sorted[2].Height); // Difference between lowest and 3rd lowest point.
var maxDiff = Abs(sorted[3].Height - sorted[1].Height); // Difference between highest and 3rd highest point.
var first = sorted[(minDiff > maxDiff) ? 0 : 3].Corner;
if (first is Corner.TopLeft or Corner.BottomRight) {
AddTriangle(corners.TopLeft , new(0.0f, 0.0f),
corners.TopRight , new(1.0f, 0.0f),
@ -181,11 +128,25 @@ rnd.NextSingle(),
public Corners<Vector3> GetTileCornerPositions(TilePos pos)
=> GetTileCornerPositions(pos, GetTile(pos));
public Corners<Vector3> GetTileCornerPositions(TilePos pos, Tile tile)
var half = TileSize / 2;
var vx = (pos.X - Size.X / 2.0f) * TileSize;
var vz = (pos.Y - Size.Y / 2.0f) * TileSize;
return new(new(vx - half, tile.Height.TopLeft , vz - half),
new(vx + half, tile.Height.TopRight , vz - half),
new(vx + half, tile.Height.BottomRight, vz + half),
new(vx - half, tile.Height.BottomLeft , vz + half));
ImmediateMesh GetOrCreateMesh(string name)
var meshInstance = (MeshInstance3D)GetNodeOrNull(name);
if (meshInstance == null) {
meshInstance = new() { Name = name, Mesh = new ImmediateMesh() };
meshInstance = new(){ Name = name, Mesh = new ImmediateMesh() };
meshInstance.Owner = this;
@ -196,125 +157,10 @@ rnd.NextSingle(),
var collisionShape = (CollisionShape3D)GetNodeOrNull(name);
if (collisionShape == null) {
collisionShape = new() { Name = name, Shape = new ConcavePolygonShape3D() };
collisionShape = new(){ Name = name, Shape = new ConcavePolygonShape3D() };
collisionShape.Owner = this;
return (ConcavePolygonShape3D)collisionShape.Shape;
public readonly record struct TilePos(int X, int Y)
public TilePos GetNeighbor(Side side)
=> side switch {
Side.Left => new(X - 1, Y),
Side.Top => new(X, Y - 1),
Side.Right => new(X + 1, Y),
Side.Bottom => new(X, Y + 1),
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Side value '{side}'", nameof(side)),
public TilePos GetNeighbor(Corner corner)
=> corner switch {
Corner.TopLeft => new(X - 1, Y - 1),
Corner.TopRight => new(X + 1, Y - 1),
Corner.BottomRight => new(X + 1, Y + 1),
Corner.BottomLeft => new(X - 1, Y + 1),
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Corner value '{corner}'", nameof(corner)),
public static TilePos From(Vector2I value) => new(value.X, value.Y);
public Vector2I ToVector2I() => new(X, Y);
public readonly record struct Corners<T>
(T TopLeft, T TopRight, T BottomRight, T BottomLeft)
public T this[Corner corner] {
get => corner switch {
Corner.TopLeft => TopLeft,
Corner.TopRight => TopRight,
Corner.BottomRight => BottomRight,
Corner.BottomLeft => BottomLeft,
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Corner value '{corner}'", nameof(corner)),
init { switch (corner) {
case Corner.TopLeft : TopLeft = value; break;
case Corner.TopRight : TopRight = value; break;
case Corner.BottomRight : BottomRight = value; break;
case Corner.BottomLeft : BottomLeft = value; break;
default: throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Corner value '{corner}'", nameof(corner));
} }
public static Corners<T> From(T value) => new()
{ TopLeft = value, TopRight = value, BottomRight = value, BottomLeft = value };
public static Corners<T> From(T[] values) => new()
{ TopLeft = values[0], TopRight = values[1], BottomRight = values[2], BottomLeft = values[3] };
public Corners<T> With(Corner corner, T value)
=> new((corner == Corner.TopLeft) ? value : TopLeft,
(corner == Corner.TopRight) ? value : TopRight,
(corner == Corner.BottomRight) ? value : BottomRight,
(corner == Corner.BottomLeft) ? value : BottomLeft);
public T[] ToArray()
=> [ TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft ];
public (Corner Corner, T Value)[] ToSorted(Comparison<T> comparison)
var result = new (Corner Corner, T Value)[] {
(Corner.TopLeft , TopLeft ),
(Corner.TopRight , TopRight ),
(Corner.BottomRight , BottomRight),
(Corner.BottomLeft , BottomLeft ),
Array.Sort(result, (a, b) => comparison(a.Value, b.Value));
return result;
public static class CornersExtensions
public static bool IsZeroApprox(this Terrain.Corners<float> self)
=> Mathf.IsZeroApprox(self.TopLeft) && Mathf.IsZeroApprox(self.TopRight)
&& Mathf.IsZeroApprox(self.BottomRight) && Mathf.IsZeroApprox(self.BottomLeft);
public static bool IsEqualApprox(this Terrain.Corners<float> self)
=> Mathf.IsEqualApprox(self.TopLeft, self.TopRight)
&& Mathf.IsEqualApprox(self.TopLeft, self.BottomRight)
&& Mathf.IsEqualApprox(self.TopLeft, self.BottomLeft);
// TODO: Put this in a different file.
public static class TerrainExtensions
public static (Corner, Corner) GetCorners(this Side side)
=> side switch {
Side.Left => (Corner.TopLeft, Corner.BottomLeft),
Side.Top => (Corner.TopLeft, Corner.TopRight),
Side.Right => (Corner.TopRight, Corner.BottomRight),
Side.Bottom => (Corner.BottomLeft, Corner.BottomRight),
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Side value '{side}'", nameof(side)),
public static Side GetOpposite(this Side side)
=> side switch {
Side.Left => Side.Right,
Side.Top => Side.Bottom,
Side.Right => Side.Left,
Side.Bottom => Side.Top,
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Side value '{side}'", nameof(side)),
public static Corner GetOpposite(this Corner corner)
=> corner switch {
Corner.TopLeft => Corner.BottomRight,
Corner.TopRight => Corner.BottomLeft,
Corner.BottomRight => Corner.TopLeft,
Corner.BottomLeft => Corner.TopRight,
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Corner value '{corner}'", nameof(corner)),

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
using Dictionary = Godot.Collections.Dictionary;
public readonly record struct TilePos(int X, int Y)
public TilePos GetNeighbor(Side side)
=> side switch {
Side.Left => new(X - 1, Y),
Side.Top => new(X, Y - 1),
Side.Right => new(X + 1, Y),
Side.Bottom => new(X, Y + 1),
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Side value '{side}'", nameof(side)),
public TilePos GetNeighbor(Corner corner)
=> corner switch {
Corner.TopLeft => new(X - 1, Y - 1),
Corner.TopRight => new(X + 1, Y - 1),
Corner.BottomRight => new(X + 1, Y + 1),
Corner.BottomLeft => new(X - 1, Y + 1),
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Corner value '{corner}'", nameof(corner)),
public static TilePos From(Vector2I value) => new(value.X, value.Y);
public Vector2I ToVector2I() => new(X, Y);
public struct Tile
public Corners<float> Height;
// TODO: Replace with enum or something more permanent?
public int TexturePrimary;
public int TextureSecondary;
public int TextureBlend;
public static Tile FromDictionary(Dictionary dict)
if (dict == null) return default;
float topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft;
switch (dict["heights"]) {
case { VariantType: Variant.Type.Float } variant:
var height = (float)variant;
(topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft) = (height, height, height, height);
case { VariantType: Variant.Type.PackedFloat32Array } variant:
var heights = (float[])variant;
(topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft) = (heights[0], heights[1], heights[2], heights[3]);
default: throw new Exception("Invalid variant type");
int texturePrimary, textureSecondary, textureBlend;
switch (dict["texture"]) {
case { VariantType: Variant.Type.Int } variant:
var texture = (int)variant;
(texturePrimary, textureSecondary, textureBlend) = (texture, 0, 0);
case { VariantType: Variant.Type.PackedInt32Array } variant:
var textures = (int[])variant;
(texturePrimary, textureSecondary, textureBlend) = (textures[0], textures[1], textures[2]);
default: throw new Exception("Invalid variant type");
return new(){
Height = new(topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft),
TexturePrimary = texturePrimary,
TextureSecondary = textureSecondary,
TextureBlend = textureBlend,
public readonly Dictionary ToDictionary()
if (Height.IsZeroApprox() && (TexturePrimary == 0) && (TextureBlend == 0))
return null;
return new(){
["heights"] = Height.IsEqualApprox() ? Height.TopLeft : new[]{ Height.TopLeft, Height.TopRight, Height.BottomRight, Height.BottomLeft },
["texture"] = (TextureBlend == 0) ? TexturePrimary : new[]{ TexturePrimary, TextureSecondary, TextureBlend },
public struct Corners<T>(T topLeft, T topRight, T bottomRight, T bottomLeft)
public T TopLeft = topLeft;
public T TopRight = topRight;
public T BottomRight = bottomRight;
public T BottomLeft = bottomLeft;
public T this[Corner corner] {
readonly get => corner switch {
Corner.TopLeft => TopLeft,
Corner.TopRight => TopRight,
Corner.BottomRight => BottomRight,
Corner.BottomLeft => BottomLeft,
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Corner value '{corner}'", nameof(corner)),
set { switch (corner) {
case Corner.TopLeft : TopLeft = value; break;
case Corner.TopRight : TopRight = value; break;
case Corner.BottomRight : BottomRight = value; break;
case Corner.BottomLeft : BottomLeft = value; break;
default: throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Corner value '{corner}'", nameof(corner));
} }
public static class CornersExtensions
public static void Adjust(this ref Corners<float> self, float amount)
self.TopLeft += amount;
self.TopRight += amount;
self.BottomRight += amount;
self.BottomLeft += amount;
public static bool IsZeroApprox(this Corners<float> self)
=> Mathf.IsZeroApprox(self.TopLeft ) && Mathf.IsZeroApprox(self.TopRight )
&& Mathf.IsZeroApprox(self.BottomRight) && Mathf.IsZeroApprox(self.BottomLeft);
public static bool IsEqualApprox(this Corners<float> self)
=> Mathf.IsEqualApprox(self.TopLeft, self.TopRight )
&& Mathf.IsEqualApprox(self.TopLeft, self.BottomRight)
&& Mathf.IsEqualApprox(self.TopLeft, self.BottomLeft );