Casual Update 2.0

- Remove Apathy Mod
- Remove In Control!
- Add TorchMaster
- Default `mobGriefing` to false
copygirl 3 years ago
parent 77940cacbf
commit eced79dd36
  1. 104
  2. 67
  3. 169
  4. 2
  5. 7
  6. 234
  7. 2
  8. 13
  9. 13
  10. 13

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
configVersion: 2
## Ender Dragon ##
# What is the initial state of the Ender Dragon in the End?
# If 'default', she will be present and attack players, just like the vanilla game.
# If 'passive_dragon', she will be present, but idly noodle about until a player provokes her first.
# If 'calm', the End will not contain an Ender Dragon by default.
# Note: If you choose 'calm', you should also change the 'portalInitialState' setting, so it is possible to leave the End.
# Default: default
dragonInitialState: passive_dragon
# What is the initial state of the End Portal in the center of the main End Island?
# If 'closed', it will not be usable until the first Ender Dragon dies, just like in vanilla.
# If 'open', it will already be open.
# If 'open_with_egg', it will already be open and a Dragon Egg will be present.
# Default: closed
portalInitialState: open
# How many End Gateways will be available when first entering the End, without any Dragons having to die?
# Must be at least 0.
# Must be at most 20.
# Default: 0
initialEndGatewayCount: 0
# What happens when a player places four End Crystals onto the exit End Portal?
# If 'default', a new Ender Dragon will be summoned and she will attack the player, just like in vanilla.
# If 'spawn_gateway', the mechanic will be replaced with one that directly creates an End Gateway, with no fighting required.
# If 'disabled', nothing will happen.
# Default: default
resummonSequence: default
# If 'true', and 'dragonInitialState' is 'calm', players automatically earn the Free the End advancement when visiting the End.
# If 'true', and 'resummonSequence' is 'spawn_gateway', players earn the advancement for resummoning the Dragon when using the spawn_gateway mechanic.
# Has no effects otherwise. Probably should be left as 'true'.
# Default: true
simulacraDragonAdvancements: true
# Can the Dragon perform the 'strafe_player' or 'charging_player' actions?
# strafe_player is the one where she shoots a fireball.
# charge_player is the one where she tries to fly into you.
# If 'false', she will perform the 'landing_approach' action instead, which will cause her to perch on the portal.
# Default: true
dragonFlies: true
# Can the Dragon perform the 'sitting_flaming' or 'sitting_attacking' actions?
# sitting_flaming is the one where she perches on the End portal and pours out a puddle of dragon's breath.
# sitting_attacking is when she roars at you.
# If 'false', she will perform the 'sitting_scanning' action instead, which will soon lead to her leaving her perch.
# Default: true
dragonSits: true
# Does the Dragon deal contact damage?
# Default: true
dragonDamage: true
# Does the Dragon knock back nearby entities, and damage them while she's sitting?
# Default: true
dragonKnockback: true
## Wither ##
# Comma-separated list of difficulties where the Wither is enabled.
# If the current world difficulty does not appear in the set, building the Wither formation will spawn a Nether Star
# item, and give you the advancement for killing the Wither.
# Default: easy, normal, hard
witherDifficulties: easy, normal, hard
# Is the Wither allowed to intentionally target players?
# Default: true
witherTargetsPlayers: true
# Is the Wither allowed to intentionally target non-players?
# Default: true
witherTargetsMobs: true
# Can the Wither fire black wither skulls?
# Default: true
blackWitherSkulls: true
# Can the Wither fire blue ('charged') wither skulls on Normal and Hard difficulty?
# Default: true
blueWitherSkulls: true
# Does the Wither break nearby blocks after it gets damaged?
# Default: true
witherBreaksBlocks: true
## Elder Guardian ##
# This option affects your own client.
# What happens when an Elder Guardian gives you the Mining Fatigue effect?
# If 'default', the sound effect and particle appear.
# If 'only_sound', only the sound plays, and if 'only_particle', only the particle effect appears.
# If 'disabled', neither of those happen.
# Default: default
elderGuardianEffect: only_sound

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
configVersion: 0
## Optimization ##
# By default, mobs that are currently attacking a player do not check every tick if it's still okay to do so.
# This is how often the mob will check. (Set this to 1 to check every tick.)
# Must be at least 1.
# Default: 20
recheckInterval: 20
# Should Apathy attempt to optimize the rule in the config file, to do less work per tick?
# If your rule is doing something unexpected, or isn't working like it should, try turning this off.
# And report it too, since it's definitely a bug, lol.
# Default: true
runRuleOptimizer: true
## Wow even more misc options ##
# Comma-separated list of difficulties where zombies are allowed to attack villagers.
# Default: easy, normal, hard
zombieAttackVillagerDifficulties: easy, normal, hard
## Revenge Spread ##
# Comma-separated list of difficulties.
# If the current world difficulty appears in the set, zombified piglins will alert their friends
# when a player provokes one. This will also spread Apathy's revengeTimer to them.
# Default: easy, normal, hard
angryPiggies: easy, normal, hard
# Let's say this option is set to 10, and you attack a zombie. Other zombies within 10 blocks will have their revengeTimer set, too.
# This option affects mobs of the same type only.
# Please recall that the revengeTimer is an Apathy concept, and Apathy only ever suppresses normal mob AI.
# i.e, this won't cause a mob to attack a player that already wasn't going to.
# Must be at least 0.
# Default: 0
sameTypeRevengeSpread: 16
# When attacking any mob, other mobs within this range will have their revengeTimer set, too.
# This option affects all mobs, whether they have the same type or not.
# Please recall that the revengeTimer is an Apathy concept, and Apathy only ever suppresses normal mob AI.
# i.e, this won't cause a mob to attack a player that already wasn't going to.
# Must be at least 0.
# Default: 0
differentTypeRevengeSpread: 10
## Debug ##
# If 'true', Apathy will dump the rule specified in the config file to the file 'comfig/apathy/dumps/builtin-rule.json'.
# It will also dump the automatically optimized rule out to 'config/apathy/dumps/builtin-rule-opt.json'.
# Maybe this is handy if you'd like to see what the .json format looks like for a particular config file.
# Default: false
debugBuiltinRule: false
# If 'true', Apathy will dump the rule specified in mobs.json to the file 'config/apathy/dumps/json-rule.json'.
# It will also dump the automatically optimized rule out to 'config/apathy/dumps/json-rule-opt.json'.
# Default: false
debugJsonRule: false

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
configVersion: 0
## Nuclear Option ##
# If set to 'true', no mob will ever attack anyone.
# Use this option if you don't want to deal with the rest of the config file.
# Default: false
nuclearOption: false
## Built In Rule Order ##
# Which order should the rules in this config file be evaluated in?
# Comma-separated list built out of any or all of the following keywords, in any order:
# json, difficulty, boss, mobSet, tagSet, playerSet, revenge
# Example: difficulty, revenge, playerSet
# Note: If a rule is not listed in the rule order, it will not be checked.
# Default: json, difficulty, boss, mobSet, tagSet, playerSet, revenge
ruleOrder: json, difficulty, boss, mobSet, tagSet, playerSet, revenge
## Difficulty Rule ##
# Comma-separated list of difficulties.
# Example: easy, normal
# Default: <empty>
# What happens when the current world difficulty appears in difficultySet?
# May be one of:
# allow - Every mob is always allowed to attack everyone.
# deny - No mob is ever allowed to attack anyone.
# pass - Defer to the next rule.
# Default: pass
difficultySetIncluded: pass
# What happens when the current world difficulty does *not* appear in difficultySet?
# May be one of:
# allow - Every mob is always allowed to attack everyone.
# deny - No mob is ever allowed to attack anyone.
# pass - Defer to the next rule.
# Default: pass
difficultySetExcluded: pass
## Boss Rule ##
# What happens when the attacker is a boss?
# 'Bossness' is defined by inclusion in the 'apathy:bosses' tag.
# May be one of:
# allow - Every boss is allowed to attack everyone.
# deny - No boss is allowed to attack anyone.
# pass - Defer to the next rule.
# Note: If the current attacker is *not* a boss, always passes to the next rule.
# Default: allow
boss: allow
## Mob Set Rule ##
# A comma-separated set of mob IDs.
# Example: minecraft:creeper, minecraft:spider
# Default: <empty>
mobSet: minecraft:piglin_brute, minecraft:pillager, minecraft:vindicator, minecraft:ravager, minecraft:vex, minecraft:evoker
# What happens when the attacker's entity ID appears in mobSet?
# May be one of:
# allow - The mob will be allowed to attack the player.
# deny - The mob will not be allowed to attack the player.
# pass - Defer to the next rule.
# Default: pass
mobSetIncluded: allow
# What happens when the attacker's entity ID does *not* appear in mobSet?
# May be one of:
# allow - The mob will be allowed to attack the player.
# deny - The mob will not be allowed to attack the player.
# pass - Defer to the next rule.
# Default: pass
mobSetExcluded: pass
## Tag Set Rule ##
# A comma-separated set of entity type tags.
# Example: minecraft:raiders, some_datapack:some_tag
# Default: <empty>
# What happens when the attacker is tagged with one of the tags in mobTagSet?
# May be one of:
# allow - The mob will be allowed to attack the player.
# deny - The mob will not be allowed to attack the player.
# pass - Defer to the next rule.
# Default: pass
tagSetIncluded: pass
# What happens when the attacker is *not* tagged with one of the tags in mobTagSet?
# May be one of:
# allow - The mob will be allowed to attack the player.
# deny - The mob will not be allowed to attack the player.
# pass - Defer to the next rule.
# Default: pass
tagSetExcluded: pass
## Player Set Rule ##
# The name of a set of players.
# If this option is not provided, a player set is not created, and this whole rule always passes.
# Default: no-mobs
playerSetName: aggressive-mobs
# If 'true', players can add themselves to the set, using '/apathy set join <playerListName>'.
# If 'false', only an operator can add them to the set, using '/apathy set-admin join <selector> <playerListName>'.
# Default: true
playerSetSelfSelect: true
# What happens when a mob tries to attack someone who appears in the playerSet?
# May be one of:
# allow - The mob is allowed to attack the player.
# deny - The mob is not allowed to attack the player.
# pass - Defer to the next rule.
# Default: deny
playerSetIncluded: allow
# What happens when a mob tries to attack someone who does *not* appear in the playerSet?
# May be one of:
# allow - The mob is allowed to attack the player.
# deny - The mob is not allowed to attack the player.
# pass - Defer to the next rule.
# Default: pass
playerSetExcluded: pass
## Revenge Rule ##
# For how many ticks is a mob allowed to retaliate after being attacked?
# Set to -1 to disable this 'revenge' mechanic.
# When the timer expires, defers to the next rule.
# Must be at least -1.
# Note: The exact duration of the attack may be up to (<revengeTimer> + <recheckInterval>) ticks.
# Btw, the original mod had an option for 'eternal revenge', with an uncapped timer.
# I didn't port that, but the maximum value of the timer is 9223372036854775807 ticks.
# Make of that information what you will ;)
# Default: -1
revengeTimer: 1200
## Last Resort Rule ##
# If absolutely none of the previous rules applied, what happens?
# May be one of:
# allow - By default, mobs are allowed to attack players.
# deny - By default, mobs are not allowed to attack players.
# May *not* be set to 'pass'.
# Default: allow
fallthrough: allow

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
#Range: > 0
max_entity_cramming = 24
#Whether creepers, zombies, endermen, ghasts, withers, ender dragons, rabbits, sheep, villagers, silverfish, snow golems, and end crystals should be able to change blocks and whether mobs can pick up items, which also disables bartering. This also affects the capability of zombie-like creatures like zombified piglins and drowned to pathfind to turtle eggs
mob_griefing = true
mob_griefing = false
#Whether the player can regenerate health naturally if their hunger is full enough (doesn't affect external healing, such as golden apples, the Regeneration effect, etc.)
natural_regeneration = true
#What percentage of players must sleep to skip the night

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
"hostile": true,
"seesky": true,
"result": "deny"

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"minecraft:bee" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:blaze mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:blaze" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:blaze" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:boat mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:boat" = "DEFAULT"
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"minecraft:cow" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:creeper" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:dolphin mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:dolphin" = "DEFAULT"
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"minecraft:dragon_fireball" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:drowned mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:drowned" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:drowned" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:elder_guardian mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:elder_guardian" = "DEFAULT"
@ -63,10 +63,10 @@
"minecraft:end_crystal" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:ender_dragon mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:ender_dragon" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:ender_dragon" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:enderman mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:enderman" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:enderman" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:endermite mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:endermite" = "DEFAULT"
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
"minecraft:fox" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:ghast mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:ghast" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:ghast" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:giant mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:giant" = "DEFAULT"
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
"minecraft:item_frame" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:fireball mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:fireball" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:fireball" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:leash_knot mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:leash_knot" = "DEFAULT"
@ -198,10 +198,10 @@
"minecraft:pig" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:piglin mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:piglin" = "DEFAULT"
"minecraft:piglin" = "TRUE"
#minecraft:piglin_brute mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:piglin_brute" = "DEFAULT"
"minecraft:piglin_brute" = "TRUE"
#minecraft:pillager mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:pillager" = "DEFAULT"
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
"minecraft:salmon" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:sheep mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:sheep" = "DEFAULT"
"minecraft:sheep" = "TRUE"
#minecraft:shulker mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:shulker" = "DEFAULT"
@ -246,10 +246,10 @@
"minecraft:slime" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:small_fireball mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:small_fireball" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:small_fireball" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:snow_golem mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:snow_golem" = "DEFAULT"
"minecraft:snow_golem" = "TRUE"
#minecraft:snowball mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:snowball" = "DEFAULT"
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
"minecraft:vex" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:villager mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:villager" = "DEFAULT"
"minecraft:villager" = "TRUE"
#minecraft:vindicator mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:vindicator" = "DEFAULT"
@ -324,16 +324,16 @@
"minecraft:zoglin" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:zombie mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:zombie" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:zombie" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:zombie_horse mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:zombie_horse" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:zombie_villager mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:zombie_villager" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:zombie_villager" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:zombified_piglin mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:zombified_piglin" = "FALSE"
"minecraft:zombified_piglin" = "DEFAULT"
#minecraft:player mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"minecraft:player" = "DEFAULT"
@ -369,19 +369,19 @@
"stalwart_dungeons:projectile_keeping_castle_spawner" = "DEFAULT"
#stalwart_dungeons:awful_ghast mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"stalwart_dungeons:awful_ghast" = "FALSE"
"stalwart_dungeons:awful_ghast" = "DEFAULT"
#stalwart_dungeons:nether_keeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"stalwart_dungeons:nether_keeper" = "DEFAULT"
#stalwart_dungeons:giddy_blaze mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"stalwart_dungeons:giddy_blaze" = "FALSE"
"stalwart_dungeons:giddy_blaze" = "DEFAULT"
#stalwart_dungeons:incomplete_wither mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"stalwart_dungeons:incomplete_wither" = "FALSE"
"stalwart_dungeons:incomplete_wither" = "DEFAULT"
#stalwart_dungeons:reinforced_blaze mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"stalwart_dungeons:reinforced_blaze" = "FALSE"
"stalwart_dungeons:reinforced_blaze" = "DEFAULT"
#stalwart_dungeons:projectile_chorundum_shield mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"stalwart_dungeons:projectile_chorundum_shield" = "DEFAULT"
@ -711,244 +711,244 @@
"guardvillagers:guard" = "DEFAULT"
#twilightforest:adherent mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:adherent" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:adherent" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:alpha_yeti mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:alpha_yeti" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:alpha_yeti" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:armored_giant mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:armored_giant" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:armored_giant" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:bighorn_sheep mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:bighorn_sheep" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:bighorn_sheep" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:blockchain_goblin mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:blockchain_goblin" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:blockchain_goblin" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:boar mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:boar" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:boar" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:carminite_broodling mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:carminite_broodling" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:carminite_broodling" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:carminite_ghastguard mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:carminite_ghastguard" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:carminite_ghastguard" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:carminite_ghastling mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:carminite_ghastling" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:carminite_ghastling" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:carminite_golem mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:carminite_golem" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:carminite_golem" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:chain_block mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:chain_block" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:chain_block" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:charm_effect mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:charm_effect" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:charm_effect" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:cicada_shot mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:cicada_shot" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:cicada_shot" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:cube_of_annihilation mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:cube_of_annihilation" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:cube_of_annihilation" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:death_tome mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:death_tome" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:death_tome" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:deer mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:deer" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:deer" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:dwarf_rabbit mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:dwarf_rabbit" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:dwarf_rabbit" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:falling_ice mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:falling_ice" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:falling_ice" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:fire_beetle mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:fire_beetle" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:fire_beetle" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:giant_miner mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:giant_miner" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:giant_miner" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:harbinger_cube mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:harbinger_cube" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:harbinger_cube" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:hedge_spider mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:hedge_spider" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:hedge_spider" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:helmet_crab mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:helmet_crab" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:helmet_crab" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:hostile_wolf mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:hostile_wolf" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:hostile_wolf" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:hydra mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:hydra" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:hydra" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:hydra_mortar mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:hydra_mortar" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:hydra_mortar" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:ice_arrow mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:ice_arrow" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:ice_arrow" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:thrown_ice mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:thrown_ice" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:thrown_ice" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:ice_crystal mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:ice_crystal" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:ice_crystal" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:ice_snowball mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:ice_snowball" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:ice_snowball" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:king_spider mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:king_spider" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:king_spider" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:knight_phantom mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:knight_phantom" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:knight_phantom" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:kobold mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:kobold" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:kobold" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:lich mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:lich" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:lich" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:lich_bolt mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:lich_bolt" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:lich_bolt" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:lich_bomb mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:lich_bomb" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:lich_bomb" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:lich_minion mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:lich_minion" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:lich_minion" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:lower_goblin_knight mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:lower_goblin_knight" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:lower_goblin_knight" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:loyal_zombie mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:loyal_zombie" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:loyal_zombie" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:maze_slime mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:maze_slime" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:maze_slime" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:minoshroom mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:minoshroom" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:minoshroom" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:minotaur mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:minotaur" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:minotaur" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:mist_wolf mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:mist_wolf" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:mist_wolf" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:moonworm_shot mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:moonworm_shot" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:moonworm_shot" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:mosquito_swarm mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:mosquito_swarm" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:mosquito_swarm" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:naga mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:naga" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:naga" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:nature_bolt mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:nature_bolt" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:nature_bolt" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:penguin mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:penguin" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:penguin" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:pinch_beetle mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:pinch_beetle" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:pinch_beetle" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:plateau_boss mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:plateau_boss" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:plateau_boss" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:protection_box mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:protection_box" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:protection_box" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:quest_ram mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:quest_ram" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:quest_ram" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:raven mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:raven" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:raven" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:redcap mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:redcap" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:redcap" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:redcap_sapper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:redcap_sapper" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:redcap_sapper" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:rising_zombie mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:rising_zombie" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:rising_zombie" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:roving_cube mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:roving_cube" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:roving_cube" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:seeker_arrow mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:seeker_arrow" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:seeker_arrow" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:skeleton_druid mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:skeleton_druid" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:skeleton_druid" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:slider mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:slider" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:slider" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:slime_beetle mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:slime_beetle" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:slime_beetle" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:slime_blob mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:slime_blob" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:slime_blob" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:snow_guardian mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:snow_guardian" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:snow_guardian" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:snow_queen mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:snow_queen" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:snow_queen" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:squirrel mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:squirrel" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:squirrel" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:stable_ice_core mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:stable_ice_core" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:stable_ice_core" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:swarm_spider mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:swarm_spider" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:swarm_spider" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:thrown_block mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:thrown_block" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:thrown_block" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:thrown_wep mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:thrown_wep" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:thrown_wep" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:tiny_bird mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:tiny_bird" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:tiny_bird" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:tome_bolt mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:tome_bolt" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:tome_bolt" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:towerwood_borer mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:towerwood_borer" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:towerwood_borer" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:troll mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:troll" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:troll" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:wand_bolt mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:wand_bolt" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:wand_bolt" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:unstable_ice_core mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:unstable_ice_core" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:unstable_ice_core" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:upper_goblin_knight mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:upper_goblin_knight" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:upper_goblin_knight" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:ur_ghast mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:ur_ghast" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:ur_ghast" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:winter_wolf mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:winter_wolf" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:winter_wolf" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:wraith mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:wraith" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:wraith" = "TRUE"
#twilightforest:yeti mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"twilightforest:yeti" = "DEFAULT"
"twilightforest:yeti" = "TRUE"
#tis3d:robot mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"tis3d:robot" = "DEFAULT"
@ -1116,13 +1116,13 @@
"untamedwilds:big_cat" = "DEFAULT"
#untamedwilds:hippo mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"untamedwilds:hippo" = "DEFAULT"
"untamedwilds:hippo" = "TRUE"
#untamedwilds:aardvark mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"untamedwilds:aardvark" = "DEFAULT"
#untamedwilds:rhino mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"untamedwilds:rhino" = "DEFAULT"
"untamedwilds:rhino" = "TRUE"
#untamedwilds:hyena mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"untamedwilds:hyena" = "DEFAULT"
@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@
"untamedwilds:boar" = "DEFAULT"
#untamedwilds:bison mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"untamedwilds:bison" = "DEFAULT"
"untamedwilds:bison" = "TRUE"
#untamedwilds:camel mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"untamedwilds:camel" = "DEFAULT"
@ -1764,46 +1764,46 @@
"cgm:throwable_stun_grenade" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:jungle_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:jungle_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:jungle_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:bamboo_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:bamboo_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:bamboo_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:desert_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:desert_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:desert_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:badlands_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:badlands_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:badlands_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:hills_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:hills_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:hills_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:savannah_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:savannah_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:savannah_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:mushroom_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:mushroom_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:mushroom_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:swamp_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:swamp_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:swamp_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:dripstone_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:dripstone_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:dripstone_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:cave_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:cave_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:cave_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:dark_oak_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:dark_oak_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:dark_oak_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:spruce_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:spruce_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:spruce_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:beach_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:beach_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:beach_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#creeperoverhaul:snowy_creeper mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"creeperoverhaul:snowy_creeper" = "FALSE"
"creeperoverhaul:snowy_creeper" = "DEFAULT"
#lootr:lootr_minecart mobGriefing
#Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TRUE, FALSE
"lootr:lootr_minecart" = "DEFAULT"

@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
- ![](icon/mr.png) [Twilight Delight] - Knives from Twilight Forest's materials and more meals
- ![](icon/cf.png) [Storage Drawers] - Compact and aesthetic storage solution
- ![](icon/cf.png) [Drawers Tooltip] - Shows what's contained in a drawer after picking it up
- ![](icon/mr.png) [TorchMaster] - Blocks that control mob spawning
- ![](icon/cf.png) [Quark] - Various content and gameplay improvements
- ![](icon/cf.png) [Quark Oddities] - Item pipes and totem of holding (captures items on death)
- ![](icon/cf.png) [Supplementaries] - Various content and decoration
@ -79,6 +80,7 @@
[Steel's Delight]:
[Twilight Delight]:
[Storage Drawers]:
[Drawers Tooltip]:
[Quark Oddities]:

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "Apathy Mod"
filename = "apathy-1.18.2-forge-2.4.jar"
side = "both"
hash-format = "sha1"
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mode = "metadata:curseforge"
file-id = 3800643
project-id = 499846

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "In Control!"
filename = "incontrol-1.18-6.0.13.jar"
side = "both"
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "7f3f0d8bea7dc4ed90ce61240f0ab1bd569d3ddc"
mode = "metadata:curseforge"
file-id = 3884251
project-id = 257356

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "TorchMaster"
filename = "torchmaster-18.1.0.jar"
side = "both"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "de042e7bd650f6ee00959cd32b6e53cb12a25413"
mod-id = "Tl8ESrhX"
version = "D26cBYtG"