forked from copygirl/heck
9 changed files with 946 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,586 @@ |
[general] |
#Whether all players should get an Animal Dictionary when joining the world for the first time. |
giveBookOnStartup = false |
#Lava Opacity for the Lava Vision Potion. |
#Range: 0.01 ~ 1.0 |
lavaVisionOpacity = 0.65 |
#Whether to disable certain aspects of the Lava Vision Potion. Enable if issues with shaders persist. |
shadersCompat = false |
#Whether bananas should drop from blocks tagged with #alexsmobs:drops_bananas |
bananasDropFromLeaves = true |
#1 out of this number chance for leaves to drop a banana when broken. Fortune is automatically factored in |
#Range: > 0 |
bananaChance = 200 |
#Whether spiders should target fly mobs. |
spidersAttackFlies = true |
#Whether wolves should target moose mobs. |
wolvesAttackMoose = true |
#Whether polar bears should target seal mobs. |
polarBearsAttackSeals = true |
#Whether cats, ocelots and foxes should target jerboa mobs. |
catsAndFoxesAttackJerboas = true |
#Whether dolphins should target flying fish mobs. |
dolphinsAttackFlyingFish = true |
#Whether lava can be bottled with a right click of a glass bottle. |
lavaBottleEnabled = true |
#Whether bone serpents are neutral or hostile. |
neutralBoneSerpents = false |
#Maximum world y-level that cave centipedes can spawn at |
#Range: -64 ~ 320 |
caveCentipedeSpawnHeight = 0 |
#Maximum world y-level that blobfish can spawn at |
#Range: -64 ~ 320 |
blobfishSpawnHeight = 25 |
#Whether mimicubes spawns should be restricted solely to the end city structure or to whatever biome is specified in their respective biome config. |
mimicubeSpawnInEndCity = true |
#Whether mimicream can be used to duplicate items. |
mimicreamRepair = true |
#Blacklist for items that mimicream cannot make a copy of. Ex: "minecraft:stone_sword", "alexsmobs:blood_sprayer" |
mimicreamBlacklist = ["alexsmobs:blood_sprayer", "alexsmobs:hemolymph_blaster"] |
#Whether wild raccoons steal food from chests. |
raccoonStealFromChests = true |
#Whether fish oil gives players a special levitation effect. |
fishOilMeme = true |
#Whether soul vulture spawns should be restricted solely to the nether fossil structure or to whatever biome is specified in their respective biome config. |
soulVultureSpawnOnFossil = true |
#Whether acacia blossoms should drop from blocks tagged with #alexsmobs:drops_acacia_blossoms |
acaciaBlossomsDropFromLeaves = true |
#Whether wandering traders offer items like acacia blossoms, mosquito larva, crocodile egg, etc. |
wanderingTraderOffers = true |
#0 = no mungus biome transformation. 1 = mungus changes blocks, but not chunk's biome. 2 = mungus transforms blocks and biome of chunk. |
#Range: 0 ~ 2 |
mungusBiomeTransformationType = 2 |
#List of all mungus mushrooms, biome transformations and surface blocks. Each is seperated by a |. Add an entry with a block registry name, biome registry name, and block registry name(for the ground). |
mungusBiomeMatches = ["minecraft:red_mushroom|minecraft:mushroom_fields|minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:brown_mushroom|minecraft:mushroom_fields|minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:crimson_fungus|minecraft:crimson_forest|minecraft:crimson_nylium", "minecraft:warped_fungus|minecraft:warped_forest|minecraft:warped_nylium"] |
#Whether guster spawns are limited to when it is raining/thundering. |
limitGusterSpawnsToWeather = true |
#Whether Crimson Mosquitoes can transform into Warped Moscos if attacking a Mungus or any listed creature. |
warpedMoscoTransformation = true |
#List of extra(non mungus) mobs that will trigger a crimson mosquito to become a warped mosquito. Ex: "minecraft:mooshroom", "alexsmobs:warped_toad" |
warpedMoscoMobTriggers = [""] |
#True if straddleboard enchants are enabled. |
straddleboardEnchants = true |
#Whether emu should target skeletons. |
emuTargetSkeletons = true |
#Percent chance for emu leggings to dodge projectile attacks. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
emuPantsDodgeChance = 0.45 |
#Whether cachalots can destroy wood blocks if angry. |
cachalotDestruction = true |
#Relative volume of cachalot whales compared to other animals. Note that irl they are the loudest animal. Turn this down if you find their clicks annoying. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 |
cachalotVolume = 3.0 |
#Percent chance for fungus to grow per each leaf a leafcutter ant returns to the colony. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
leafcutterAntFungusGrowChance = 0.3 |
#How many feedings of leaves does a leafcutter colony need in order to regain a worker ant, if below half the max members. |
#Range: 2 ~ 100000 |
leafcutterAntRepopulateFeedings = 25 |
#Max number of ant entities allowed inside a leafcutter anthill. |
#Range: 2 ~ 100000 |
leafcutterAntColonySize = 10 |
#Percent chance for leafcutter ants to break leaves blocks when harvesting. Set to zero so that they can not break any blocks. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
leafcutterAntBreakLeavesChance = 0.2 |
#Makes eagles teleport back to their owner if they get stuck during controlled flight. Useful for when playing with the Optifine mod, since this mod is the fault of many issues with the falconry system. |
falconryTeleportsBack = false |
#Makes Tarantula Hawks fireproof, perfect if you also want these guys to spawn in the nether. |
fireproofTarantulaHawk = false |
#List of dimensions in which spawning void worms via mysterious worm items is allowed. |
voidWormSpawnDimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"] |
#All void worm damage is scaled to this. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 |
voidWormDamageModifier = 1.0 |
#Max Health of the void worm boss. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 |
voidWormMaxHealth = 160.0 |
#Whether the void worm boss is summonable or not, via the mysterious worm item. |
voidWormSummonable = true |
#Whether seagulls should steal food out of players' hotbar slots. |
seagullStealing = true |
#List of items that seagulls cannot take from players. |
seagullStealingBlacklist = [] |
#Whether the Clinging Potion effect should flip the screen. Warning: may cause nausea. |
clingingFlipEffect = false |
#Percent chance of getting Pigshoes from Piglin Bartering. Set to zero to disable. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
tusklinShoesBarteringChance = 0.02500000037252903 |
#The visual zoom of the rainbow pattern on the rainbow glass block. Higher number = bigger pattern. |
#Range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0 |
rainbowGlassFidelity = 16.0 |
#Whether Rabbits can transform into Bunfungus if fed Mungal spores. |
bunfungusTransformation = true |
#True if some Alex's Mobs items should spawn in loot chests. |
addLootToChests = true |
[general.spawning] |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
grizzlyBearSpawnWeight = 0 # 8 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
grizzlyBearSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
roadrunnerSpawnWeight = 9 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
roadrunnerSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
boneSerpentSpawnWeight = 8 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
boneSeprentSpawnRolls = 40 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
gazelleSpawnWeight = 40 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
gazelleSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
crocodileSpawnWeight = 40 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
crocSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
flySpawnWeight = 0 # 3 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
flySpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
hummingbirdSpawnWeight = 19 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
hummingbirdSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
orcaSpawnWeight = 2 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
orcaSpawnRolls = 6 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
sunbirdSpawnWeight = 2 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
sunbirdSpawnRolls = 15 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
gorillaSpawnWeight = 50 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
gorillaSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
crimsonMosquitoSpawnWeight = 0 # 15 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
crimsonMosquitoSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
rattlesnakeSpawnWeight = 12 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
rattlesnakeSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
endergradeSpawnWeight = 10 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
endergradeSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
hammerheadSharkSpawnWeight = 0 # 8 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
hammerheadSharkSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
lobsterSpawnWeight = 7 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
lobsterSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
komodoDragonSpawnWeight = 16 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
komodoDragonSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
capuchinMonkeySpawnWeight = 55 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
capuchinMonkeySpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
caveCentipedeSpawnWeight = 8 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
caveCentipedeSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
warpedToadSpawnWeight = 80 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
warpedToadSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
mooseSpawnWeight = 9 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
mooseSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
mimicubeSpawnWeight = 40 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
mimicubeSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
raccoonSpawnWeight = 10 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
raccoonSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
blobfishSpawnWeight = 30 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
blobfishSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
sealSpawnWeight = 30 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
sealSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
cockroachSpawnWeight = 0 # 4 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
cockroachSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
shoebillSpawnWeight = 10 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
shoebillSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
elephantSpawnWeight = 30 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
elephantSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
soulVultureSpawnWeight = 30 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
soulVultureSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
snowLeopardSpawnWeight = 20 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
snowLeopardSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
spectreSpawnWeight = 10 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
spectreSpawnRolls = 5 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
crowSpawnWeight = 10 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
crowSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
alligatorSnappingTurtleSpawnWeight = 20 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
alligatorSnappingTurtleSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
mungusSpawnWeight = 4 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
mungusSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
mantisShrimpSpawnWeight = 0 # 15 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
mantisShrimpSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
gusterSpawnWeight = 35 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
gusterSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn. NOTE: By default the warped mosco doesn't spawn in any biomes. |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
warpedMoscoSpawnWeight = 0 # 1 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
warpedMoscoSpawnRolls = 1000 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
straddlerSpawnWeight = 85 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
straddlerSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
stradpoleSpawnWeight = 10 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
stradpoleSpawnRolls = 3 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
emuSpawnWeight = 20 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
emuSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
platypusSpawnWeight = 30 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
platypusSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
dropbearSpawnWeight = 19 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
dropbearSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
tasmanianDevilSpawnWeight = 10 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
tasmanianDevilSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
kangarooSpawnWeight = 25 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
kangarooSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
cachalotWhaleSpawnWeight = 2 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
cachalotWhaleSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
enderiophageSpawnWeight = 4 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
enderiophageSpawnRolls = 2 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
baldEagleSpawnWeight = 15 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
baldEagleSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
tigerSpawnWeight = 0 # 100 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
tigerSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
tarantulaHawkSpawnWeight = 0 # 6 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
tarantulaHawkSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
voidWormSpawnWeight = 0 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
voidWormSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
frilledSharkSpawnWeight = 11 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
frilledSharkSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
mimicOctopusSpawnWeight = 9 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
mimicOctopusSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
seagullSpawnWeight = 21 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
seagullSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
froststalkerSpawnWeight = 20 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
froststalkerSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
tusklinSpawnWeight = 18 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
tusklinSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
laviathanSpawnWeight = 15 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
laviathanSpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
cosmawSpawnWeight = 0 # 9 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
cosmawSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
toucanSpawnWeight = 23 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
toucanSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
manedWolfSpawnWeight = 8 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
manedWolfSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
anacondaSpawnWeight = 12 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
anacondaSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
anteaterSpawnWeight = 0 # 7 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
anteaterSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
rockyRollerSpawnWeight = 40 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
rockyRollerSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
flutterSpawnWeight = 13 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
flutterSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
geladaMonkeySpawnWeight = 3 |
#Minimum world y-level that gelada monkeys can spawn at |
#Range: -64 ~ 320 |
geladaMonkeySpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
jerboaSpawnWeight = 12 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
jerboaSpawnRolls = 2 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
terrapinSpawnWeight = 4 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
terrapinSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
combJellySpawnWeight = 5 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
combJellySpawnRolls = 1 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
cosmicCodSpawnWeight = 5 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
cosmicCodSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
bunfungusSpawnWeight = 3 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
bunfungusSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
bisonSpawnWeight = 0 # 9 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
bisonSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
giantSquidSpawnWeight = 3 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
giantSquidSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn (NOTE: this mob spawns are restricted exclusively to one chunk, see below) |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
devilsHolePupfishSpawnWeight = 23 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning (NOTE: this mob spawns are restricted exclusively to one chunk, see below) |
#Range: > 0 |
devilsHolePupfishSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
catfishSpawnWeight = 0 # 4 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
catfishSpawnRolls = 2 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
flyingFishSpawnWeight = 8 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
flyingFishSpawnRolls = 0 |
#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
skelewagSpawnWeight = 15 |
#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning |
#Range: > 0 |
skelewagSpawnRolls = 0 |
[general.spawning.uniqueSpawning] |
#Whether to enable beached cachalot whales to spawn on beaches during thunder storms. |
beachedCachalotWhales = true |
#Percent chance increase for each failed attempt to spawn a beached cachalot whale. Higher value = more spawns. |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
beachedCachalotWhaleSpawnChance = 5 |
#Delay (in ticks) between attempts to spawn beached cachalot whales. Default is a single day. Works like wandering traders. |
#Range: > 0 |
beachedCachalotWhaleSpawnDelay = 24000 |
#Percent chance for leafcutter anthills to spawn as world gen in each chunk. Set to zero to disable spawning. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
leafcutterAnthillSpawnChance = 0.004999999888241291 |
#Whether to restrict all pupfish spawns to one chunk (similar to real life) or have them only obey their spawn config. |
restrictPupfishSpawns = true |
#The maximum distance a pupfish spawn chunk is from world spawn(0, 0) in blocks. |
#Range: 2 ~ 1000000000 |
pupfishChunkSpawnDistance = 2000 |
#Whether to restrict all skelewag spawns to shipwreck structures. |
restrictSkelewagSpawns = true |
[general.spawning.uniqueSpawning.dangerZone] |
#Its been so long... |
superSecretSettings = false |
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ |
[modcompat] |
#Controls whether to check for Serene Seasons for compatibility (Mobs will only breed during specific seasons). |
serene_seasons = true |
#Controls whether to check for YUNG's Better Caves (Reduces the rate at which Underground mobs are placed). |
better_caves = true |
#Controls whether to check for Caves and Cliffs backport (Reduces the rate at which Underground mobs are placed). |
caves_and_cliffs = true |
[mobcontrol] |
#Chance, defined as once every N tries, where N is this value, for a new mob to be generated when a burrow spawns a new mob. |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
burrowRepopulationChance = 10 |
#Critters further than this value from any Player will despawn into their Burrow (only if they have a Burrow assigned). |
#Range: > 0 |
critterSpawnRange = 40 |
#This toggle can used to fully disable the spawning of all UntamedWilds entities, giving flexibility if somebody chooses to use alternative mob spawning methods. |
masterspawner = true |
#If a mob were to be unable to spawn on the ground (due to terrain collisions), check again N blocks above the floor, where N is this value. Set to 0 to disable, higher values will mean mobs spawning on top of taller trees |
#Range: 0 ~ 256 |
treeSpawnBias = 4 |
#Prevent mobs and burrows from spawning in the defined dimensions. |
dimensionBlacklist = [] |
[gencontrol] |
#Frequency of Reeds, 1 in N chunks will generate Reeds (0 to disable) |
#Range: > 0 |
freqreeds = 4 |
#Frequency of Flora, 1 in N chunks will generate random Flora (0 to disable) |
#Range: > 0 |
freqflora = 4 |
#Controls whether to add Anemones and their associated items to oceans. |
anemone = true |
#Controls whether to spawn random Flora in the world |
bush = true |
#Prevent spawns of Reeds in these biomes |
reed_blacklist = [] |
#Frequency of Apex Predators, 1 in N chunks will generate with an Apex Predator (0 to disable) |
#Range: > 0 |
freqapex = 64 |
#Frequency of Critters, 1 in N chunks will generate with Critters (0 to disable) |
#Range: > 0 |
freqcritter = 6 |
#Controls whether to spawn Amazon Sword in Swamp/Jungle biomes |
algae = true |
#Frequency of Herbivores, 1 in N chunks will generate with an Apex Predator (0 to disable) |
#Range: > 0 |
freqherbivore = 48 |
#Frequency of Sessile Ocean Mobs, 1 in N chunks will generate with Sessile Mobs (0 to disable) |
#Range: > 0 |
freqsessile = 8 |
#Frequency of Freshwater Mobs, 1 in N chunks will generate with Freshwater Mobs (0 to disable) |
#Range: > 0 |
freqwater = 8 |
#Prevent spawns of Flora in these biomes |
flora_blacklist = [] |
#Controls whether to spawn Reeds in River/Swamp biomes |
reeds = true |
#Frequency of Algae, abstract value (0 to disable) |
#Range: > 0 |
freqalgae = 1 |
#Prevent spawns of Algae in these biomes |
algae_blacklist = ["minecraft:frozen_ocean", "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean"] |
#Probability that an Underground block in a cave will attempt to spawn a mob (0 to disable). If YUNG's Better Caves is installed, this value is further reduced to 0.33x |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
probunderground = 4.0E-4 |
#Frequency of Ocean Mobs, 1 in N chunks will generate with Ocean Mobs (0 to disable) |
#Range: > 0 |
freqocean = 16 |
#Controls whether to use Burrows to spawn Critters, instead of having them clog up the Spawns |
burrows = true |
#Controls whether to add Tree Orchids (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) |
tree_orchid = true |
#Prevent flora and other blocks (but not Burrows) from generating in the defined dimensions. |
dimensionFeatureBlacklist = [] |
[gamerules] |
#Pregnancy time is only used as a cooldown, babies pop out instantly like in Vanilla. |
easy_breeding = false |
#Defines whether animals should breed without Player intervention. |
natural_breeding = true |
#Defines whether certain large predators will be angered if a player approaches them while they are sleeping. |
angry_sleepers = true |
#Allows mobs to spawn as fully random species, ignoring Biomes and Rarity. |
random_species = false |
#Should 'Grazing' mobs destroy Tall Grass and/or turn Grass into dirt blocks (like Vanilla Sheep do). |
grazer_griefing = true |
#If a mob was not able to spawn in a certain position due to existing blocks, try again with this vertical offset. A value of 0 will disable it (you should never see a mob on top of a tree), a value too high will lead to fall damage. |
#Range: 0 ~ 128 |
spawn_height_bias = 4 |
#If set to false, prevents mobs from dropping eggs |
mobs_drop_eggs = false |
#Should mobs with Rare skins generate in the wild (if defined through assets) |
wild_rare_skins = true |
#Whether breeding requires a Male and a Female to produce offspring/eggs. (Warning: may lead to uncontrolled spawns of eggs) |
gendered_breeding = true |
#Features scientific names in various descriptions (eg. for mobs inside Cage Traps). |
scientific_names = true |
#Defines whether certain critters will become angry if a mob/player 'steps' on them, by coming too close. |
contact_agression = true |
#Disable this option to have tamed mobs respawn in their home with half a Heart if they were to 'die' (IMPORTANT: This gamerule is NOT fully functional and using it as a free get-out-of-jail card is bound to be disappointing, use at your own risk). |
hardcore_death = true |
#Should mobs potentially destroy the terrain? Keep in mind 'mobGriefing' is still required |
mob_griefing = false |
#Adds additional restrictions to mob breeding, including Biome/Temperature requirements and Overcrowding. |
hardcore_breeding = false |
#Defines how long a cycle should last, cycles are used to scale the gestation and breeding periods |
#Example values: 24000 - Day, 168000 - Week, 720000 - Month, 8760000 - Year |
#Range: 0 ~ 8760000 |
cycle_length = 24000 |
#Chance for a mob, out of 1, to have it's Skin replaced by a Rare skin (if any are defined through assets) |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
rare_skin_chance = 0.05 |
#Defines whether players can trigger breeding by feeding a creature's favourite item, like in vanilla. |
player_breeding = false |
#Should the 'Sleeping' behaviour run? Disabling this option also disables the activity |
mob_sleeping = true |
#If set to false, makes mobs a lot harder to catch by preventing the capture of hostile mobs |
easy_mob_capture = true |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
{ |
"name": "critter", |
"entries": [ |
{ |
"type": "untamedwilds:aardvark", |
"weight": 2, |
"size_min": 1, |
"size_max": 2 |
}, |
{ |
"type": "untamedwilds:newt", |
"weight": 2, |
"size_min": 2, |
"size_max": 4 |
}, |
{ |
"type": "untamedwilds:snake", |
"weight": 4, |
"size_min": 1, |
"size_max": 1 |
}, |
{ |
"type": "untamedwilds:softshell_turtle", |
"weight": 3, |
"size_min": 2, |
"size_max": 4 |
}, |
{ |
"type": "untamedwilds:tortoise", |
"weight": 3, |
"size_min": 1, |
"size_max": 3 |
}, |
{ |
"type": "untamedwilds:tarantula", |
"weight": 0, |
"size_min": 0, |
"size_max": 0 |
} |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
// priority: 0
onEvent("lootjs", event => { |
event.addEntityLootModifier("untamedwilds:bear" ).randomChance(0.5).addLoot("alexsmobs:bear_fur").applyLootingBonus([1, 3]); |
event.addEntityLootModifier("untamedwilds:bison").randomChance(0.5).addLoot("alexsmobs:bison_fur").applyLootingBonus([1, 3]); |
event.addEntityLootModifier("untamedwilds:shark").randomChance(0.5).addLoot("alexsmobs:shark_tooth").applyLootingBonus([1, 2]); |
event.addEntityLootModifier("untamedwilds:shark").randomChance(0.3).addLoot("alexsmobs:serrated_shark_tooth"); |
event.addEntityLootModifier("untamedwilds:whale_shark").randomChance(0.5).addLoot("alexsmobs:shark_tooth").applyLootingBonus([1, 3]); |
event.addEntityLootModifier("untamedwilds:whale_shark").randomChance(0.5).addLoot("alexsmobs:serrated_shark_tooth"); |
}); |
onEvent("recipes", event => { |
event.remove({ output: "alexsmobs:blood_sprayer" }); |
event.remove({ output: "alexsmobs:hemolymph_blaster" }); |
event.remove({ output: "alexsmobs:mosquito_larva" }); |
event.remove({ output: "alexsmobs:cockroach_wing" }); |
event.remove({ output: "alexsmobs:tarantula_hawk_wing" }); |
event.remove({ output: "alexsmobs:tarantula_hawk_elytra" }); |
event.remove({ output: "alexsmobs:banner_pattern_new_mexico" }); |
event.shapeless("alexsmobs:banner_pattern_new_mexico", [ "minecraft:paper", "minecraft:sunflower" ]); |
event.shapeless("alexsmobs:mysterious_worm", [ "twilightforest:moonworm", "reliquary:void_tear" ]); |
}); |
onEvent("item.tags", event => { |
event.remove("alexsmobs:animal_dictionary_ingredient", "alexsmobs:cockroach_wing"); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
name = "Alex's Mobs" |
filename = "alexsmobs-1.18.6.jar" |
side = "both" |
[download] |
hash-format = "sha1" |
hash = "f279efff26754fbdf1d6400150f5126f5029e65f" |
mode = "metadata:curseforge" |
[update] |
[update.curseforge] |
file-id = 3853078 |
project-id = 426558 |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
name = "Untamed Wilds" |
filename = "untamedwilds-1.18.2-2.1.3.jar" |
side = "both" |
[download] |
hash-format = "sha1" |
hash = "121f86ec574cd95a8ad16cb44de58179cbe13d76" |
mode = "metadata:curseforge" |
[update] |
[update.curseforge] |
file-id = 3794273 |
project-id = 457252 |
Reference in new issue