Wasmtime bindings for Zig
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const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const panic = std.debug.panic;
const c_alloc = std.heap.c_allocator;
const Store = @import("./store.zig").Store;
const Extern = @import("./extern.zig").Extern;
const Memory = @import("./memory.zig").Memory;
const Diagnostics = @import("./diagnostics.zig").Diagnostics;
const Error = @import("./error.zig").Error;
const Trap = @import("./trap.zig").Trap;
const _val = @import("./val.zig");
const Val = _val.Val;
const ValType = _val.ValType;
const ValTypeVec = _val.ValTypeVec;
/// Structure used to learn about the caller of a host-defined function.
/// This structure is an argument to `Func.Callback`. Its purpose is to
/// acquire a `Store.Context` pointer to interact with objects, but it can
/// also be used to inspect the state of the caller (such as getting memories
/// and functions) with `getExport`.
pub const Caller = opaque {
/// Returns the store context of the caller object.
pub fn getContext(self: *Caller) *Store.Context {
return wasmtime_caller_context(self);
/// Gets an exported `Extern` by name from the caller's context, converted
/// to the specified type. If `T` is `Extern` no conversion is done.
/// Returns `error.ExportNotFound` if export with that name is not found.
/// Returns `error.IncorrectType` if the export isn't the right type.
pub fn get(
self: *Caller,
name: []const u8,
comptime T: type,
) !T {
var result: Extern = undefined;
return if (wasmtime_caller_export_get(self, name.ptr, name.len, &result)) result.as(T) else error.ExportNotFound;
/// Get an exported `Memory`'s data slice from the caller's context.
/// Returns `error.ExportNotFound` if export with that name is not found.
/// Returns `error.IncorrectType` if the export isn't the a `Memory`.
pub fn getData(
self: *Caller,
name: []const u8,
) ![]u8 {
return (try self.get(name, Memory)).getData(self.getContext());
extern "c" fn wasmtime_caller_context(*Caller) *Store.Context;
extern "c" fn wasmtime_caller_export_get(*Caller, [*]const u8, usize, *Extern) bool;
/// Representation of a function in Wasmtime.
pub const Func = extern struct {
/// Internal identifier of what store this belongs to, never zero.
store_id: u64,
/// Internal index within the store.
index: usize,
/// Inserts a host-defined function into the `store` provided, which can
/// be used to then instantiate a module with or define within a `Linker`.
/// The returned function can only be used with the specified `store`.
pub fn init(
context: *Store.Context,
func_type: *FuncType,
callback: *const Callback,
env: ?*anyopaque,
env_finalizer: ?*const Finalizer,
) Func {
var result: Func = undefined;
wasmtime_func_new(context, func_type, callback, env, env_finalizer, &result);
return result;
pub fn initFromFn(context: *Store.Context, func: anytype) Func {
const func_type = FuncType.fromFn(func);
const wrapped = Wrapped.init(func);
return init(context, func_type, wrapped.callback, wrapped.env, wrapped.env_finalizer);
pub const Wrapped = struct {
env: ?*anyopaque,
env_finalizer: ?*const Finalizer,
callback: *const Callback,
pub fn init(func: anytype) Wrapped {
return .{
// Use the function's pointer itself as the "env" variable
// that'll be passed to the callback. This way we can call
// the original function from our custom callback.
.env = @ptrCast(@constCast(&func)),
.env_finalizer = null, // No finalizer necessary.
.callback = &(struct {
const meta = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(func)).Fn;
const ArgsType = std.meta.ArgsTuple(@TypeOf(func));
const ReturnType = meta.return_type orelse void;
fn callback(
env: ?*anyopaque,
caller: *Caller,
args: [*]const Val,
num_args: usize,
results: [*]Val,
num_results: usize,
) ?*Trap {
var func_args: ArgsType = undefined;
comptime var offset = 0;
// If the first function parameter accepts a *Caller, pass that in!
if (meta.params.len > 0 and meta.params[0].type.? == *Caller) {
func_args[0] = caller;
offset = 1;
assert(num_args == meta.params.len - offset);
assert(num_results == getNumResultsFromReturnType(ReturnType));
// Turn the "env" parameter back into a function pointer.
const func_ptr: *const @TypeOf(func) = @ptrCast(env);
// Build argument tuple from the arguments WASM has given us.
inline for (meta.params[offset..], args, offset..) |p, arg, i|
func_args[i] = arg.toValue(p.type.?) catch
panic("Cannot convert {} to {s}", .{ arg, @typeName(p.type.?) });
// Call the function with the arguments, get the results.
const func_results_maybe_error = @call(.auto, func_ptr, func_args);
// If function returns an ErrorUnion, convert it to
// its payload, or return a trap if an error occurred.
const func_results = if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(func_results_maybe_error)) == .ErrorUnion)
func_results_maybe_error catch |err| {
const fmt = "Error '{s}' occurred in host code";
const msg = std.fmt.allocPrintZ(c_alloc, fmt, .{@errorName(err)});
return Trap.init(msg catch "Error occurred in host code");
// Pass the result(s) back to WASM.
if (comptime std.meta.trait.isTuple(@TypeOf(func_results))) {
inline for (func_results, 0..) |res, i|
results[i] = Val.fromValue(@TypeOf(res), res);
} else if (@TypeOf(func_results) != void)
results[0] = Val.fromValue(@TypeOf(func_results), func_results);
return null;
pub fn getType(self: *const Func, context: *Store.Context) *FuncType {
return wasmtime_func_type(context, self);
pub fn call(
self: *const Func,
context: *const Store.Context,
args: anytype,
comptime TResult: type,
diag: ?*Diagnostics,
) !TResult {
if (!comptime isTupleOrEmpty(@TypeOf(args)))
@compileError("Expected tuple, but found '" ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(args)) ++ "'");
// Set up function arguments.
var args_array: [args.len]Val = undefined;
inline for (&args_array, args) |*val, arg|
val.* = Val.fromValue(@TypeOf(arg), arg);
// Set up function results.
const num_results = comptime getNumResultsFromReturnType(TResult);
var results_array: [num_results]Val = undefined;
var trap: ?*Trap = null;
const err = wasmtime_func_call(context, self, &args_array, args_array.len, &results_array, results_array.len, &trap);
try Diagnostics.handleErrorOrTrap(err, error.FuncCall, trap, {}, diag);
if (comptime std.meta.trait.isTuple(TResult)) {
var result: TResult = undefined;
inline for (TResult, results_array, result) |T, val, *res| {
defer val.deinit();
res.* = val.toValue(T) catch
panic("Cannot convert {} to {s}", .{ val, @typeName(T) });
return result;
} else if (TResult != void) {
defer results_array[0].deinit();
return results_array[0].toValue(TResult) catch
panic("Cannot convert {} to {s}", .{ results_array[0], @typeName(TResult) });
} else return {};
pub fn toExtern(self: Func) Extern {
return Extern.from(self, Func);
fn isTupleOrEmpty(comptime T: type) bool {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => |s| s.is_tuple or s.fields.len == 0,
else => false,
fn getNumResultsFromReturnType(comptime T: type) usize {
const meta = @typeInfo(T);
return comptime if (meta == .ErrorUnion)
else if (std.meta.trait.isTuple(T))
else if (T != void)
pub const Callback = fn (
env: ?*anyopaque,
caller: *Caller,
args: [*]const Val,
num_args: usize,
results: [*]Val,
num_results: usize,
) ?*Trap;
pub const Finalizer = fn (env: *anyopaque) void;
extern "c" fn wasmtime_func_new(
context: *Store.Context,
func_type: *const FuncType,
callback: *const Callback,
env: ?*anyopaque,
env_finalizer: ?*const Finalizer,
result: *Func,
) void;
extern "c" fn wasmtime_func_type(
context: *const Store.Context,
func: *const Func,
) *FuncType;
extern "c" fn wasmtime_func_call(
context: *const Store.Context,
func: *const Func,
args: [*]const Val,
num_args: usize,
results: [*]Val,
num_results: usize,
trap: *?*Trap,
) ?*Error;
/// An opaque object representing the type of a function.
pub const FuncType = opaque {
pub fn init(params: *ValTypeVec, results: *ValTypeVec) *FuncType {
return wasm_functype_new(params, results);
pub fn fromFn(func: anytype) *FuncType {
const meta = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(func)).Fn;
comptime var offset = 0;
// If the first function parameter accepts a *Caller, skip it!
if (meta.params.len > 0 and meta.params[0].type.? == *Caller) offset = 1;
var params = ValTypeVec.initUninitialized(meta.params.len - offset);
inline for (meta.params[offset..], 0..) |p, i|
params.data[i] = ValType.fromType(p.type.?);
const ResultType = switch (@typeInfo(meta.return_type orelse void)) {
.ErrorUnion => |u| u.payload,
else => |t| t,
var results = if (comptime std.meta.trait.isTuple(ResultType)) blk: {
var res = ValTypeVec.initUninitialized(ResultType.len);
inline for (ResultType, res.toSlice()) |T, *r|
r.* = ValType.fromType(T);
break :blk res;
} else if (ResultType != void) blk: {
var res = ValTypeVec.initUninitialized(1);
res.data[0] = ValType.fromType(ResultType);
break :blk res;
} else ValTypeVec.initEmpty(0);
return init(&params, &results);
pub fn copy(self: *const FuncType) *FuncType {
return wasm_functype_copy(self);
pub fn deinit(self: *FuncType) void {
pub fn getParams(self: *const FuncType) *const ValTypeVec {
return wasm_functype_params(self);
pub fn getResults(self: *const FuncType) *const ValTypeVec {
return wasm_functype_results(self);
extern "c" fn wasm_functype_new(*ValTypeVec, *ValTypeVec) *FuncType;
extern "c" fn wasm_functype_copy(*const FuncType) *FuncType;
extern "c" fn wasm_functype_delete(*FuncType) void;
extern "c" fn wasm_functype_params(*const FuncType) *const ValTypeVec;
extern "c" fn wasm_functype_results(*const FuncType) *const ValTypeVec;
// pub const FuncTypeVec = Vec(*FuncType, wasm_functype_vec_new_empty, wasm_functype_vec_new_uninitialized, wasm_functype_vec_new, wasm_functype_vec_copy, wasm_functype_vec_delete);
// extern "c" fn wasm_functype_vec_new_empty(*anyopaque, usize) void;
// extern "c" fn wasm_functype_vec_new_uninitialized(*anyopaque, usize) void;
// extern "c" fn wasm_functype_vec_new(*anyopaque, usize, [*]const ?*FuncType) void;
// extern "c" fn wasm_functype_vec_copy(*anyopaque, *const anyopaque) void;
// extern "c" fn wasm_functype_vec_delete(*anyopaque) void;