Rotate optics and doors from NodeCore with ease.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

67 lines
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local math_abs, math_sign
= math.abs, math.sign
local minetest, vector, include
= minetest, vector, include
local rotate = include("rotate")
local utility = {}
-- Default selection boxes for a node that doesn't have one them explicitly.
local DEFAULT_SELECTION_BOX = { min =, -0.5, -0.5),
max = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) }
-- Gets the active `selection_box` for the specified `node` which
-- has a `paramtype2` of `facedir`, based on its `param2` value.
local function get_node_active_selection_box(node)
local def = minetest.registered_nodes[]
local box = def.selection_box and def.selection_box.fixed
-- No need to rotate the default selection box.
if not box then return DEFAULT_SELECTION_BOX end
-- If node definition specifies multiple selection boxes, just pick the first (for now).
if type(box[1]) == "table" then box = box[1] end
-- Transform the `{ x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 }` box to a `{ min, max }` one.
box = { min =[1], box[2], box[3]),
max =[4], box[5], box[6]) }
-- Rotate the box to face `facedir`.
rotate.rotate_box_by_facedir(box, node.param2)
return box
-- Finds the closest edge of the node the player is looking at as
-- a vector pointing away from the center, and the distance to it.
local function find_closest_edge(node, pointed_thing)
-- For this math to work, we assume that selection box is centered.
local max = get_node_active_selection_box(node).max
-- Point relative to the collision box we're pointing at.
local point = pointed_thing.intersection_point - pointed_thing.under
-- Find the edge we're closest to.
local vec =
if math_abs(point.y / point.x) > max.x / max.y then
vec.y = math_sign(point.y)
if math_abs(point.z / point.x) > max.x / max.z
then vec.z = math_sign(point.z)
else vec.x = math_sign(point.x)
vec.x = math_sign(point.x)
if math_abs(point.z / point.y) > max.y / max.z
then vec.z = math_sign(point.z)
else vec.y = math_sign(point.y)
local d = 1
local v = max - point:multiply(vec):apply(math_abs)
local EPSILON = tonumber("1.19e-07")
if math_abs(v.x) > EPSILON and v.x < d then d = v.x end
if math_abs(v.y) > EPSILON and v.y < d then d = v.y end
if math_abs(v.z) > EPSILON and v.z < d then d = v.z end
return vec, d
utility.find_closest_edge = find_closest_edge
return utility