Rotate optics and doors from NodeCore with ease.
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98 lines
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local nodecore, vector, math_round
= nodecore, vector, math.round
local TAU = math.pi * 2 -- The real circle constant.
local LABEL_ROTATION_HINT = "rotation hint"
local LABEL_AXIS_HINT = "axis hint"
local TEX_ROTATE_FACE = "nc_extended_rotating_hud_rotate_face.png"
local TEX_ROTATE_EDGE = "nc_extended_rotating_hud_rotate_edge.png"
local TEX_ROTATION_AXIS = "nc_extended_rotating_hud_rotation_axis.png"
local hud = {}
function hud.update_player_hud(player, state)
local rotation_texture = nil
local axis_texture = nil
local mode = state and state.mode
if mode == "face" then
local tex = TEX_ROTATE_FACE
if state.invert then tex = tex .. "^[transformFX" end
rotation_texture = tex
elseif mode == "edge" then
local tex = TEX_ROTATE_EDGE
if state.invert then tex = tex .. "^[transformFX" end
local face = state.face -- Face looked at.
local edge = state.edge -- Face, edge or corner looked at.
local axis = state.axis -- Actual axis of rotation.
local look = player:get_look_dir() -- Player look vector.
-- Transform a vertical face to an equivalent horizontal one,
-- to make the following comparisons work in either case.
if state.face.y ~= 0 then
local player_yaw = math_round(player:get_look_horizontal() / QUARTER_CIRCLE) * QUARTER_CIRCLE
local playing_facing =, 0, 1):rotate_around_axis(, 1, 0), player_yaw)
local rotation_axis = face:cross(playing_facing)
face = face:rotate_around_axis(rotation_axis, QUARTER_CIRCLE)
edge = edge:rotate_around_axis(rotation_axis, QUARTER_CIRCLE)
axis = axis:rotate_around_axis(rotation_axis, QUARTER_CIRCLE)
look = look:rotate_around_axis(rotation_axis, QUARTER_CIRCLE)
if edge.y == 0 then -- Looking at left or right edge.
if axis.y > 0
then tex = tex .. "^[transformFX" -- left
else -- right
-- Flip side the arrow is on depending on look vector.
if look.y < 0 then tex = tex .. "^[transformFY" end
-- Vertical axis rotation texture.
axis_texture = TEX_ROTATION_AXIS
else -- Looking at top or bottom edge.
if edge.y > 0
then tex = tex .. "^[transformR90" -- top
else tex = tex .. "^[transformFXR90" -- bottom
-- Flip side the arrow is on depending on look vector.
if face:cross(look).y < 0 then tex = tex .. "^[transformFX" end
-- Horizontal axis rotation texture.
axis_texture = TEX_ROTATION_AXIS .. "^[transformR270"
rotation_texture = tex
elseif mode == "corner" then
-- TODO: Handle corners.
local function crosshair_hud_element(label, texture)
if texture then return {
label = label,
hud_elem_type = "image",
text = texture .. "^[opacity:" .. 192,
position = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 },
offset = { x = 0, y = 0 },
alignment = { x = 0, y = 0 },
scale = { x = 1, y = 1 },
quick = true,
} else return {
label = label,
ttl = 0,
} end
-- Actually update the HUD elements.
nodecore.hud_set(player, crosshair_hud_element(LABEL_ROTATION_HINT, rotation_texture))
nodecore.hud_set(player, crosshair_hud_element(LABEL_AXIS_HINT, axis_texture))
return hud