NodeCore mod that adds contraptions
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local math, setmetatable, vector
= math, setmetatable, vector
local math_min, math_max, math_floor, math_ceil, math_round
= math.min, math.max, math.floor, math.ceil, math.round
local region = {}
local metatable = { __index = region }
region.metatable = metatable
local function fast_new(min, max) return setmetatable({ min = min, max = max }, metatable) end
-- Returns a new region from the specified `min` and `max` position vectors.
function, max) return fast_new(vector.copy(min), vector.copy(max)) end
-- Returns a deep copy of this region. Can also be called as `region.copy(r))`.
function region:copy() return, self.max) end
-- Returns this region's bounds as an array in the form of
-- `{ min.x, min.y, min.z, max.x, max.y, max.z }`, similar to `collisionbox`.
function region:to_array() return { self.min.x, self.min.y, self.min.z, self.max.x, self.max.y, self.max.z } end
-- Returns a new region from the specified array `a` in the form of
-- `{ min.x, min.y, min.z, max.x, max.y, max.z }`, similar to `collisionbox`.
function region.from_array(a) return fast_new([1], a[2], a[3]),[4], a[5], a[6])) end
-- Returns a new region from the specified `ObjectRef` using its position and collision box.
function region.from_object(obj) return region.from_array(obj:get_properties().collisionbox):offset_in_place(obj:get_pos()) end
function region:size() return self.max - self.min end
function region:center() return (self.min + self.max) / 2 end
-- Offsets this region by the specified vector.
function region:offset_in_place(...)
local x, y, z = vector.get(...)
local min, max = self.min, self.max
min.x = min.x + x
min.y = min.y + y
min.z = min.z + z
max.x = max.x + x
max.y = max.y + y
max.z = max.z + z
return self
-- Returns a new region offset by the specified vector.
function region:offset(...)
return self:copy():offset_in_place(...)
-- Expanded this region in all directions by the specified amount.
-- For example, `region:expand_in_place(2)` expands the region by 2 meters in all directions.
function region:expand_in_place(...)
local x, y, z = vector.get(...)
local min, max = self.min, self.max
min.x = min.x - x
min.y = min.y - y
min.z = min.z - z
max.x = max.x + x
max.y = max.y + y
max.z = max.z + z
return self
-- Returns a new region expanded in all directions by the specified amount.
-- For example, `region:expand(2)` expands the region by 2 meters in all directions.
function region:expand(...)
return self:copy():expand_in_place(...)
-- Extends this region by the specified vector depending on the signedness of its components.
-- For example, `region:extend_in_place(0, -2, 0)` extends the region downwards by 2 meters.
function region:extend_in_place(...)
local x, y, z = vector.get(...)
local min, max = self.min, self.max
min.x = min.x + math_min(0, x)
min.y = min.y + math_min(0, y)
min.z = min.z + math_min(0, z)
max.x = max.x + math_max(0, x)
max.y = max.y + math_max(0, y)
max.z = max.z + math_max(0, z)
return self
-- Returns a new region extended by the specified vector depending on the signedness of its components.
-- For example, `region:extend(0, -2, 0)` extends the region downwards by 2 meters.
function region:extend(...)
return self:copy():extend_in_place(...)
function region:round_in_place()
local min, max = self.min, self.max
min.x = math_round(min.x)
min.y = math_round(min.y)
min.z = math_round(min.z)
max.x = math_round(max.x)
max.y = math_round(max.y)
max.z = math_round(max.z)
return self
function region:round()
return self:copy():round_in_place()
-- Returns if the specified `r` overlaps with this region.
function region:overlaps(r)
return r.min.x < self.max.x and r.max.x > self.min.x
and r.min.y < self.max.y and r.max.y > self.min.y
and r.min.z < self.max.z and r.max.z > self.min.z
-- Returns if the specified `pos` is contained within this region.
function region:contains(pos)
return pos.x >= self.min.x and pos.x <= self.max.x
and pos.y >= self.min.y and pos.y <= self.max.y
and pos.z >= self.min.z and pos.z <= self.max.z
function region:to_relative(abs_pos) return vector.subtract(abs_pos, self.min) end
function region:to_absolute(rel_pos) return vector.add(rel_pos, self.min) end
-- Returns an iterator over the node positions contained in this region.
function region:iter_node_positions()
local min_x = math_ceil(self.min.x)
local min_y = math_ceil(self.min.y)
local min_z = math_ceil(self.min.z)
local max_x = math_floor(self.max.x)
local max_y = math_floor(self.max.y)
local max_z = math_floor(self.max.z)
local x, y, z = min_x, min_y, min_z
return function()
local result =, y, z)
x = x + 1
if x > max_x then x = min_x; y = y + 1 end
if y > max_y then y = min_y; z = z + 1 end
if z > max_z then return nil end
return result
function region.equals(a, b)
return vector.equals(a.min, b.min)
and vector.equals(a.max, b.max)
metatable.__eq = region.equals
return region