NodeCore mod that adds contraptions
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8 months ago
# NodeCore Contraptions Mod
This mod for [NodeCore], a game written for the open source [Minetest] engine,
adds so-called "contraptions" to the game, which are node-based objects that
can be moved around the world as a connected structure.
Contraptions can be platforms, rafts, carts, boats, doors, minecarts, vehicles
and even trains. Or, at least, that's the plan. This mod is still heavily in
development. Items and players riding on top or inside contraption will be
pushed along with them.
These contraptions are inspired by the *Minecraft* mod [Create], which allows
creation of similar contraptions, however this implementation will achieve
this effect by using purely nodes in their usual grid. Rotation will be done
in a similar fashion as the vehicles in [Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead].
[Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead]: