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#Disables certain types. Note that all these configs, like in any other mod, only hide stuff from tabs and disable their recipes
origin = true
flowering_oak = true
maple = true
orange_autumn = true
yellow_autumn = true
rainbow_birch = true
snowblossom = true
fir = true
redwood = true
mahogany = true
jacaranda = true
palm = true
willow = true
dead = true
magic = true
umbran = true
hellbark = true
ancient = true
blue_blossom = true
lavender_blossom = true
orange_blossom = true
yellow_blossom = true
red_blossom = true
acacia = false
azalea = false
birch = false
cherry = false
dark_oak = false
flowering_azalea = false
jungle = false
jungle_undergrowth = false
mangrove = false
oak = false
oak_undergrowth = false
spruce = false
acacia_twiglet = false
acacia_undergrowth = false
cypress_willow = false
dark_oak_twiglet = false
dark_poplar = false
dying = false
fir = false
flowering_oak = false
flowering_oak_undergrowth = false
hellbark = false
hellbark_bush = false
jacaranda = false
jungle_twiglet = false
magic_poplar = false
mahogany = false
maple = false
maple_twiglet = false
mega_dark_oak = false
oak_twiglet = false
orange_autumn = false
palm = false
poplar = false
rainbow_birch = false
redwood = false
snowblossom = false
sparse_acacia = false
sparse_oak = false
spruce_poplar = false
spruce_twiglet = false
spruce_undergrowth = false
umbran = false
willow = false
yellow_autumn = false
ancient = false
fiery_blossom = false
frosty_blossom = false
serene_blossom = false
sunny_blossom = false
warm_blossom = false
azalea = true
ancient = true
blossom = true
fir = true
redwood = true
mahogany = true
jacaranda = true
palm = true
willow = true
dead = true
magic = true
umbran = true
hellbark = true
white_sandstone = true
smooth_white_sandstone = true
cut_white_sandstone = true
orange_sandstone = true
smooth_orange_sandstone = true
cut_orange_sandstone = true
black_sandstone = true
smooth_black_sandstone = true
cut_black_sandstone = true
brimstone_brick = true
fir = true
redwood = true
mahogany = true
jacaranda = true
palm = true
willow = true
dead = true
magic = true
umbran = true
hellbark = true
copper_shingle = true
exposed_copper_shingle = true
weathered_copper_shingle = true
oxidized_copper_shingle = true
waxed_copper_shingle = true
waxed_exposed_copper_shingle = true
waxed_weathered_copper_shingle = true
waxed_oxidized_copper_shingle = true
copper_tile = true
exposed_copper_tile = true
weathered_copper_tile = true
oxidized_copper_tile = true
waxed_copper_tile = true
waxed_exposed_copper_tile = true
waxed_weathered_copper_tile = true
waxed_oxidized_copper_tile = true
cut_granite = true
polished_cut_granite = true
cut_granite_brick = true
small_granite_brick = true
cut_diorite = true
polished_cut_diorite = true
cut_diorite_brick = true
small_diorite_brick = true
cut_andesite = true
polished_cut_andesite = true
cut_andesite_brick = true
small_andesite_brick = true
cut_calcite = true
polished_cut_calcite = true
cut_calcite_brick = true
small_calcite_brick = true
cut_dripstone = true
polished_cut_dripstone = true
cut_dripstone_brick = true
small_dripstone_brick = true
cut_deepslate = true
polished_cut_deepslate = true
cut_deepslate_brick = true
small_deepslate_brick = true
cut_tuff = true
polished_cut_tuff = true
cut_tuff_brick = true
small_tuff_brick = true
cut_asurine = true
polished_cut_asurine = true
cut_asurine_brick = true
small_asurine_brick = true
cut_crimsite = true
polished_cut_crimsite = true
cut_crimsite_brick = true
small_crimsite_brick = true
cut_limestone = true
polished_cut_limestone = true
cut_limestone_brick = true
small_limestone_brick = true
cut_ochrum = true
polished_cut_ochrum = true
cut_ochrum_brick = true
small_ochrum_brick = true
cut_scoria = true
polished_cut_scoria = true
cut_scoria_brick = true
small_scoria_brick = true
cut_scorchia = true
polished_cut_scorchia = true
cut_scorchia_brick = true
small_scorchia_brick = true
cut_veridium = true
polished_cut_veridium = true
cut_veridium_brick = true
small_veridium_brick = true
ancient_planks = true
azalea_planks = true
blossom_planks = true
duskbound_block = true
iron_plate = true
rusty_iron_plate = true
midori_block = true
blue_nether_bricks = true
sandstone_bricks = true
red_sandstone_bricks = true
soul_sandstone_bricks = true
cobblestone_bricks = true
mossy_cobblestone_bricks = true
blackstone_bricks = true
dirt_bricks = true
netherrack_bricks = true
limestone = true
polished_limestone = true
jasper = true
polished_jasper = true
shale = true
polished_shale = true
myalite = true
polished_myalite = true
permafrost = true
permafrost_bricks = true
raw_iron_bricks = true
raw_gold_bricks = true
raw_copper_bricks = true
shingles = true
white_shingles = true
orange_shingles = true
magenta_shingles = true
light_blue_shingles = true
yellow_shingles = true
lime_shingles = true
pink_shingles = true
gray_shingles = true
light_gray_shingles = true
cyan_shingles = true
purple_shingles = true
blue_shingles = true
brown_shingles = true
green_shingles = true
red_shingles = true
black_shingles = true
soul_sandstone = true
cut_soul_sandstone = true
smooth_soul_sandstone = true
thatch = true
calcite = true
polished_calcite = true
dripstone_block = true
polished_dripstone = true
tuff = true
polished_tuff = true
granite_bricks = true
diorite_bricks = true
andesite_bricks = true
calcite_bricks = true
dripstone_bricks = true
tuff_bricks = true
limestone_bricks = true
jasper_bricks = true
shale_bricks = true
myalite_bricks = true
#Disables specific entries
hedge = true
leaf_carpet = true
vertical_planks = true
post = true
trapped_chest = true
bookshelf = true
chest = true
stripped_post = true
ladder = true
hollow_log = true
beam = true
support = true
seat = true
palisade = true
window = true
window_pane = true