Server Setup
copygirl edited this page 3 years ago
Grab the latest packwiz bootstrapper and Forge installer - the recommended version can be found in our pack.toml
. The entire installation process on the server side will look a little something like the following, assuming you have Java 17 ready and set up as the default. Otherwise just point any of the java
commands to the correct executable.
# Download the required bootstrapper and installer.
# Adjust if necessary, such as if a new version is available or required.
wget https://github.com/packwiz/packwiz-installer-bootstrap/releases/download/v0.0.3/packwiz-installer-bootstrap.jar
wget https://maven.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.18.2-40.1.68/forge-1.18.2-40.1.68-installer.jar
# Download modpack files. Run this same command to update the pack as well.
# Replace $BRANCH with a release version such as `v2.0.0`, or a branch like `main` or `dev`.
java -jar packwiz-installer-bootstrap.jar -g -s server https://meowface.org/copygirl/heck/$BRANCH/pack.toml
# Changes made to files in `defaultconfigs` during updates are not applied to existing worlds.
# Therefore it is advised to copy them over by running the following command.
# Replace $WORLD_LOCATION with the location of the world folder, `world` by default.
cp defaultconfigs/* $WORLD_LOCATION/serverconfig/
# Download Minecraft and Forge files.
java -jar forge-1.18.2-40.1.68-installer.jar --installServer
# Now do the usual, accept the EULA, edit your server
# properties, run your startup script as you're used to.
java -jar -Xmx6G -Xms6G forge-1.18.2-40.1.68.jar nogui