Well-rounded Minecraft 1.18.2 modpack featuring Tech, Magic, Exploration and Decoration content. Made with love. 💚
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// priority: 0
onEvent("recipes", event => {
event.stonecutting("2x minecraft:stick", "#minecraft:planks");
event.stonecutting("2x minecraft:bowl" , "#minecraft:planks");
event.stonecutting("tconstruct:pattern", "#minecraft:planks");
let COSTS = {
// Logs
wood: { log: 1 },
stripped_log: { log: 1 },
stripped_wood: { log: 1, wood: 1, stripped_log: 1, },
// Items from Logs
planks: { any_log: 4 },
boat: { any_log: 1 },
beam: { any_log: 1 },
palisade: { any_log: 4 },
post: { log: 4, wood: 4 },
stripped_post: { any_log: 4 },
// Items from Planks
stairs: { planks: 1 },
slab: { planks: 2 },
ladder: { planks: 2 },
door: { planks: 1 },
trapdoor: { planks: 1 },
fence: { planks: 1 },
fence_gate: { planks: 1 },
button: { planks: 4 },
pressure_plate: { planks: 2 },
sign: { planks: 1 },
support: { planks: 1 },
seat: { planks: 1 },
vertical_planks: { planks: 1, any_log: 4 },
vertical_slab: { planks: 2 },
chair: { planks: 1 },
table: { planks: 1 },
shelf: { planks: 1 },
bench: { planks: 2 },
backpack_shelf: { planks: 2 },
banister: { planks: 2 },
let WOOD_TYPES = {
minecraft: [ "oak", "spruce", "birch", "jungle", "acacia", "dark_oak", "crimson", "warped" ],
biomesoplenty: [ "cherry", "dead", "fir", "hellbark", "jacaranda", "magic", "mahogany", "palm", "redwood", "umbran", "willow" ],
botania: [ "livingwood", "dreamwood" ],
nourished_end: [ "seldge", "verdant", "cerulean" ],
malum: [ "runewood", "soulwood" ],
tconstruct: [ "greenheart", "skyroot", "bloodshroom" ],
twilightforest: [ "twilight_oak", "canopy", "mangrove", "dark", "time", "transformation", "mining", "sorting" ],
quark: [ "azalea", "blossom" ],
"ladder", "post", "stripped_post", "vertical_planks",
"beam", "palisade", "support", "seat",
"backpack_shelf", "banister",
function makeEveryCompatFormat(mod) { return {
// Quark
ladder: `{MOD}:q/${mod}/{WOOD}_ladder`,
post: `{MOD}:q/${mod}/{WOOD}_post`,
stripped_post: `{MOD}:q/${mod}/stripped_{WOOD}_post`,
vertical_planks: `{MOD}:q/${mod}/vertical_{WOOD}_planks`,
// Decorative Blocks
beam: `{MOD}:db/${mod}/{WOOD}_beam`,
palisade: `{MOD}:db/${mod}/{WOOD}_palisade`,
support: `{MOD}:db/${mod}/{WOOD}_support`,
seat: `{MOD}:db/${mod}/{WOOD}_seat`,
// Backpacked
backpack_shelf: `{MOD}:bp/${mod}/{WOOD}_backpack_shelf`,
// Twilight Forest
banister: `{MOD}:tf/${mod}/{WOOD}_banister`,
}; }
any_log: "#{MOD}:{WOOD}_logs",
stripped_log: "{MOD}:stripped_{WOOD}_log",
stripped_wood: "{MOD}:stripped_{WOOD}_wood",
stripped_post: "{MOD}:stripped_{WOOD}_post",
vertical_planks: "{MOD}:vertical_{WOOD}_planks",
// ===============================
// ========== MINECRAFT ==========
// ===============================
minecraft: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.minecraft,
types: [ "planks", "stairs", "slab", "door", "trapdoor", "fence", "fence_gate", "sign", "button", "pressure_plate" ],
woods: [ "oak", "spruce", "birch", "jungle", "acacia", "dark_oak" ],
types: [ "any_log", "log", "wood", "stripped_log", "stripped_wood", "boat" ],
woods: [ "crimson", "warped" ],
types: [ "any_log", "log", "wood", "stripped_log", "stripped_wood" ],
format: {
any_log: "#{MOD}:{WOOD}_stems",
log: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_stem",
wood: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_hyphae",
stripped_log: "{MOD}:stripped_{WOOD}_stem",
stripped_wood: "{MOD}:stripped_{WOOD}_hyphae",
woods: [ "oak" ], types: [ "ladder" ],
format: { ladder: "{MOD}:{TYPE}" },
// ======================================
// ========== BIOMES O' PLENTY ==========
// ======================================
biomesoplenty: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.biomesoplenty,
types: [
"any_log", "log", "wood", "stripped_log", "stripped_wood",
"planks", "stairs", "slab", "door", "trapdoor", "fence", "fence_gate",
"sign", "button", "pressure_plate", "boat",
// =============================
// ========== BOTANIA ==========
// =============================
botania: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.botania,
types: [
"any_log", "log", "wood", "stripped_log", "stripped_wood",
"planks", "stairs", "slab", "fence", "fence_gate",
format: {
wood: "{MOD}:{WOOD}",
stripped_wood: "{MOD}:stripped_{WOOD}",
stairs: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_planks_{TYPE}",
slab: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_planks_{TYPE}",
// ===================================
// ========== NOURISHED END ==========
// ===================================
nourished_end: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.nourished_end,
types: [
"any_log", "log", "wood", "stripped_log", "stripped_wood",
"planks", "door", "trapdoor", "fence", "fence_gate",
"button", "pressure_plate",
format: {
// any_log: "#{MOD}:{WOOD}_stems",
log: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_stem",
wood: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_hyphae",
stripped_log: "{MOD}:stripped_{WOOD}_stem",
stripped_wood: "{MOD}:stripped_{WOOD}_hyphae",
woods: [ "seldge" ],
types: [ "stripped_log" ],
format: { stripped_log: "{MOD}:stripped_{WOOD}_log" },
woods: [ "verdant" ],
types: [ "any_log", "log" ],
format: {
any_log: "#{MOD}:{WOOD}_log",
log: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_stalk",
woods: [ "cerulean" ],
types: [ "log", "wood", "stripped_log", ],
format: {
log: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_stem_thick",
wood: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_wood",
stripped_log: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_stem_stripped",
// ===========================
// ========== MALUM ==========
// ===========================
malum: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.malum,
types: [
"any_log", "log", "wood", "stripped_log", "stripped_wood",
"planks", "door", "trapdoor", "fence", "fence_gate",
"sign", "boat", "vertical_planks", "beam",
format: {
wood: "{MOD}:{WOOD}",
stripped_wood: "{MOD}:stripped_{WOOD}",
woods: WOOD_TYPES.malum,
types: [ "stairs", "slab", "fence", "fence_gate", "button", "pressure_plate" ],
format: { DEFAULT: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_planks_{TYPE}" },
// ========================================
// ========== TINKERS' CONSTRUCT ==========
// ========================================
tconstruct: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.tconstruct,
types: [
"any_log", "log", "wood", "stripped_log", "stripped_wood",
"planks", "door", "trapdoor", "fence", "fence_gate",
"sign", "button", "pressure_plate",
// =====================================
// ========== TWILIGHT FOREST ==========
// =====================================
twilightforest: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.twilightforest,
types: [
"any_log", "log", "wood", "stripped_log", "stripped_wood",
"planks", "stairs", "slab", "door", "trapdoor", "fence", "fence_gate",
"sign", "button", "pressure_plate",
woods: WOOD_TYPES.minecraft.concat(WOOD_TYPES.twilightforest),
types: [ "banister" ],
woods: [ "dark" ], types: [ "sign", "banister" ],
format: { DEFAULT: "{MOD}:darkwood_{TYPE}" },
woods: [ "time", "dark" ], types: [ "any_log" ],
format: { any_log: "#{MOD}:{WOOD}wood_logs" }
woods: [ "transformation" ], types: [ "any_log" ],
format: { any_log: "#{MOD}:transwood_logs" }
woods: [ "sorting" ], types: [ "any_log" ],
format: { any_log: "#{MOD}:sortwood_logs" }
// ===========================
// ========== QUARK ==========
// ===========================
quark: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.quark,
types: [
"any_log", "log", "wood", "stripped_log", "stripped_wood",
"planks", "stairs", "slab", "door", "trapdoor", "fence", "fence_gate",
"sign", "button", "pressure_plate", "boat",
"vertical_planks", "vertical_slab", "post", "stripped_post",
format: {
stairs: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_planks_{TYPE}",
slab: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_planks_{TYPE}",
vertical_slab: "{MOD}:{WOOD}_planks_{TYPE}",
woods: WOOD_TYPES.minecraft,
types: [ "vertical_planks", "post", "stripped_post" ],
woods: WOOD_TYPES.minecraft.concat(WOOD_TYPES.quark).filter(wood => wood != "oak"),
types: [ "ladder" ],
// =======================================
// ========== DECORATIVE BLOCKS ==========
// =======================================
decorative_blocks: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.minecraft,
types: [ "beam", "palisade", "support", "seat" ],
// ===========================
// ========== ADORN ==========
// ===========================
adorn: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.minecraft,
types: [ "chair", "table", "shelf", "bench" ],
woods: WOOD_TYPES.biomesoplenty,
types: [ "chair", "table", "shelf", "bench" ],
format: { DEFAULT: "{MOD}:biomesoplenty/{WOOD}_{TYPE}" },
// ================================
// ========== BACKPACKED ==========
// ================================
backpacked: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.minecraft,
types: [ "backpack_shelf" ],
// ======================================
// ========== COMPAT O' PLENTY ==========
// ======================================
compatoplenty: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.biomesoplenty,
types: [ "ladder", "vertical_planks", "vertical_slab", "post", "stripped_post" ],
// ==================================
// ========== EVERY COMPAT ==========
// ==================================
everycomp: [
woods: WOOD_TYPES.biomesoplenty,
types: [ "beam", "palisade", "support", "seat", "backpack_shelf", "banister" ],
format: makeEveryCompatFormat("biomesoplenty"),
woods: WOOD_TYPES.botania,
format: makeEveryCompatFormat("botania"),
woods: WOOD_TYPES.nourished_end,
format: makeEveryCompatFormat("nourished_end"),
woods: WOOD_TYPES.malum,
types: [ "palisade", "support", "seat", "backpack_shelf", "banister" ],
format: makeEveryCompatFormat("malum"),
woods: WOOD_TYPES.tconstruct,
format: makeEveryCompatFormat("tconstruct"),
woods: WOOD_TYPES.twilightforest,
types: EVERY_COMPAT_TYPES.filter(type => type != "banister"),
format: makeEveryCompatFormat("twilightforest"),
let items = { };
// Collect all definitions into "items".
// { oak: { planks: "minecraft:oak_planks", ... }, ... }
for (let mod in DEFINITIONS) {
for (let { woods, types, format } of DEFINITIONS[mod]) {
format = Object.assign({ }, DEFAULT_FORMAT, format);
for (let wood of woods) {
let items_by_wood = items[wood] = items[wood] || { };
for (let type of types) {
let item = (format[type] || format.DEFAULT)
.replace("{MOD}", mod)
.replace("{WOOD}", wood)
.replace("{TYPE}", type);
items_by_wood[type] = item;
// Register stonecutting recipes based on "COSTS".
for (let wood in items) {
for (let [type, item] of Object.entries(items[wood])) {
for (let [input, result_count] of Object.entries(COSTS[type] || { })) {
let o = `${result_count}x ${item}`;
let i = items[wood] && items[wood][input];
// console.log(`${wood} ${type} :: ${i} => ${o}`);
if (i != null) event.stonecutting(o, i);
else console.error(`Can't create ${wood} ${type} recipe for ${item} since input wasn't found`);
// Additional Botania wood blocks
for (let wood of WOOD_TYPES.botania) {
event.stonecutting(`4x botania:framed_${wood}` , `#botania:${wood}_logs`);
event.stonecutting(`4x botania:pattern_framed_${wood}`, `#botania:${wood}_logs`);
event.stonecutting(`botania:framed_${wood}` , `botania:${wood}_planks`);
event.stonecutting(`botania:pattern_framed_${wood}`, `botania:${wood}_planks`);
event.stonecutting( `botania:${wood}_stairs`, `botania:${wood}`);
event.stonecutting(`2x botania:${wood}_slab` , `botania:${wood}`);
event.stonecutting( `botania:${wood}_wall` , `botania:${wood}`);
event.stonecutting( `botania:stripped_${wood}_stairs`, `botania:stripped_${wood}`);
event.stonecutting(`2x botania:stripped_${wood}_slab` , `botania:stripped_${wood}`);
event.stonecutting( `botania:stripped_${wood}_wall` , `botania:stripped_${wood}`);
// Additional Malum wood blocks
for (let wood of WOOD_TYPES.malum) {
event.stonecutting(`4x malum:${wood}_panel`, `#malum:${wood}_logs`);
event.stonecutting(`4x malum:${wood}_tiles`, `#malum:${wood}_logs`);
event.stonecutting(`malum:${wood}_panel`, `malum:${wood}_planks`);
event.stonecutting(`malum:${wood}_tiles`, `malum:${wood}_planks`);
event.stonecutting(`malum:${wood}_tiles`, `malum:${wood}_panel`);
event.stonecutting(`2x malum:vertical_${wood}_planks_slab`, `malum:vertical_${wood}_planks`);
event.stonecutting(`2x malum:${wood}_panel_slab`, `malum:${wood}_panel`);
event.stonecutting(`2x malum:${wood}_tiles_slab`, `malum:${wood}_tiles`);
event.stonecutting(`malum:vertical_${wood}_planks_stairs`, `malum:vertical_${wood}_planks`);
event.stonecutting(`malum:${wood}_panel_stairs`, `malum:${wood}_panel`);
event.stonecutting(`malum:${wood}_tiles_stairs`, `malum:${wood}_tiles`);
event.stonecutting(`malum:solid_${wood}_trapdoor`, `malum:${wood}_planks`);