configVersion: 0 ################## ## Optimization ## ################## # By default, mobs that are currently attacking a player do not check every tick if it's still okay to do so. # This is how often the mob will check. (Set this to 1 to check every tick.) # Must be at least 1. # Default: 20 recheckInterval: 20 # Should Apathy attempt to optimize the rule in the config file, to do less work per tick? # If your rule is doing something unexpected, or isn't working like it should, try turning this off. # And report it too, since it's definitely a bug, lol. # Default: true runRuleOptimizer: true ################################ ## Wow even more misc options ## ################################ # Comma-separated list of difficulties where zombies are allowed to attack villagers. # Default: easy, normal, hard zombieAttackVillagerDifficulties: easy, normal, hard #################### ## Revenge Spread ## #################### # Comma-separated list of difficulties. # If the current world difficulty appears in the set, zombified piglins will alert their friends # when a player provokes one. This will also spread Apathy's revengeTimer to them. # Default: easy, normal, hard angryPiggies: easy, normal, hard # Let's say this option is set to 10, and you attack a zombie. Other zombies within 10 blocks will have their revengeTimer set, too. # This option affects mobs of the same type only. # Please recall that the revengeTimer is an Apathy concept, and Apathy only ever suppresses normal mob AI. # i.e, this won't cause a mob to attack a player that already wasn't going to. # Must be at least 0. # Default: 0 sameTypeRevengeSpread: 16 # When attacking any mob, other mobs within this range will have their revengeTimer set, too. # This option affects all mobs, whether they have the same type or not. # Please recall that the revengeTimer is an Apathy concept, and Apathy only ever suppresses normal mob AI. # i.e, this won't cause a mob to attack a player that already wasn't going to. # Must be at least 0. # Default: 0 differentTypeRevengeSpread: 10 ########### ## Debug ## ########### # If 'true', Apathy will dump the rule specified in the config file to the file 'comfig/apathy/dumps/builtin-rule.json'. # It will also dump the automatically optimized rule out to 'config/apathy/dumps/builtin-rule-opt.json'. # Maybe this is handy if you'd like to see what the .json format looks like for a particular config file. # Default: false debugBuiltinRule: false # If 'true', Apathy will dump the rule specified in mobs.json to the file 'config/apathy/dumps/json-rule.json'. # It will also dump the automatically optimized rule out to 'config/apathy/dumps/json-rule-opt.json'. # Default: false debugJsonRule: false