#Settings [settings] #Maximum distance from where Blocks and Entities can be picked up #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 maxDistance = 2.5 #Max width of entities that can be picked up in survival mode #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 maxEntityWidth = 1.5 #Max height of entities that can be picked up in survival mode #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 maxEntityHeight = 2.0 #Slowness multiplier for blocks #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 blockSlownessMultiplier = 1.0 #Slowness multiplier for entities #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 entitySlownessMultiplier = 1.0 #Maximum stack limit for entities #Range: > 1 maxEntityStackLimit = 10 #More complex Tile Entities slow down the player more heavyTiles = true #Allow all blocks to be picked up, not just Tile Entites pickupAllBlocks = false #Whether Blocks and Entities slow the creative player down when carried slownessInCreative = true #Whether hostile mobs should be able to picked up in survival mode pickupHostileMobs = false #Larger Entities slow down the player more heavyEntities = true #Allow babies to be carried even when adult mob is blacklisted (or not whitelisted) allowBabies = false #Use Whitelist instead of Blacklist for Blocks useWhitelistBlocks = false #Use Whitelist instead of Blacklist for Entities useWhitelistEntities = false #Use Whitelist instead of Blacklist for Stacking useWhitelistStacking = false #Whether the player can hit blocks and entities while carrying or not hitWhileCarrying = false #Whether the player drops the carried object when hit or not dropCarriedWhenHit = false #Use custom Pickup Scripts. Having this set to false, will not allow you to run scripts, but will increase your performance useScripts = false #Whether entities' size matters when stacking or not stackableEntities = true [blacklist] #Blocks that cannot be picked up forbiddenTiles = [ "#forge:immovable", "#forge:relocation_not_supported", "minecraft:spawner", "minecraft:end_portal", "minecraft:end_gateway", "minecraft:nether_portal", "minecraft:*_bed", "minecraft:cake", "tconstruct:*", "botania:*", "quark:colored_bed_*", "immersiveengineering:*", "create:*", "supplementaries:book_pile", "supplementaries:book_pile_horizontal", "untamedwilds:trap_cage", ] #Entities that cannot be picked up forbiddenEntities = [ "minecraft:end_crystal", "minecraft:ender_dragon", "minecraft:ghast", "minecraft:shulker", "minecraft:leash_knot", "minecraft:armor_stand", "minecraft:item_frame", "minecraft:painting", "minecraft:shulker_bullet", "quark:totem", "ars_nouveau:*", "ars_elemental:*", ] #Entities that cannot have other entities stacked on top of them forbiddenStacking = ["minecraft:horse"] [whitelist] #Entities that CAN be picked up (useWhitelistEntities must be true) allowedEntities = [] #Blocks that CAN be picked up (useWhitelistBlocks must be true) allowedBlocks = [] #Entities that CAN have other entities stacked on top of them (useWhitelistStacking must be true) allowedStacking = [] [custom_pickup_conditions] #Custom Pickup Conditions for Blocks customPickupConditionsBlocks = [] #Custom Pickup Conditions for Entities customPickupConditionsEntities = []