Fix Time in a Bottle tooltip script some more

copygirl 3 years ago
parent b6054ca261
commit f105f2877a
  1. 2
  2. 20

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"item.tiab.time_in_a_bottle": "Time In A Bottle",
"item.tiab.time_in_a_bottle": "Time in a Bottle",
"item.tiab.time_in_a_bottle.tooltip.summary": "A _solitary_ bottle of tick-manipulating power that _accumulates time_ when carried in _your inventory_. Can be used to _accelerate_ machine speed and plant growth.",
"item.tiab.time_in_a_bottle.tooltip.condition": "R-Click on Block",
"item.tiab.time_in_a_bottle.tooltip.behaviour": "_Multiplies_ the speed of the targeted block by a power of two, _consuming_ 30s from the bottle per multiplier. The effect _expires_ after 30s."

@ -4,22 +4,27 @@ onEvent("item.tooltip", event => {
const ItemDescription = java("");
const Palette = java("$Palette");
event.addAdvanced("tiab:time_in_a_bottle", (item, _, tooltip) => {
let name = tooltip[0];
tooltip.pop(); // Remove "Stored time hh:mm:ss" line.
event.addAdvanced("tiab:time_in_a_bottle", (item, advanced, tooltip) => {
// Append time to the item's name.
let storedTime = item.nbt.getInt("storedTime");
let totalSeconds = Math.floor(storedTime / 20);
let totalMinutes = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60)
let totalHours = Math.floor(totalMinutes / 60);
if (storedTime > 0) {
let totalSeconds = Math.floor(storedTime / 20);
let totalMinutes = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60)
let totalHours = Math.floor(totalMinutes / 60);
if (totalSeconds > 0) {
let name = tooltip[0];
name.append(" (");
if (totalHours > 0) name.append(`${totalHours}h`);
if (totalMinutes > 0) name.append(`${totalMinutes % 60}m`);
name.append(`${totalSeconds % 60}s)`);
// Remove "Stored time hh:mm:ss" line.
// NOTE: This is a Java list, not a JavaScript(-like) one.
// Add Create-style description and usage hint.
new ItemDescription(Palette.Gray)
// Create expects localized strings instead of components here, so we localize ourselves
@ -27,5 +32,6 @@ onEvent("item.tooltip", event => {
