Well-rounded Minecraft 1.18.2 modpack featuring Tech, Magic, Exploration and Decoration content. Made with love. 💚
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# Configure the options below to one of the following: disabled, enabled, onShift, onDebug or onShiftAndDebug
# Configure tooltip for burn time.
burnTimeTooltipMode = "disabled"
# Configure tooltip for durability.
durabilityTooltipMode = "onShift"
# Configure tooltip for enchantability
enchantabilityTooltipMode = "onShift"
# Configure tooltip for hunger and saturation.
foodTooltipMode = "disabled"
# Configure tooltip for max stack size.
maxStackSizeTooltipMode = "disabled"
# Configure tooltip for NBT data.
nbtTooltipMode = "disabled"
# Configure tooltip for registry name. E.g. minecraft:stone
registryNameTooltipMode = "disabled"
# Configure tooltip for tags. E.g. forge:ingot, minecraft:planks
tagsTooltipMode = "disabled"
# Configure tooltip for translation key. E.g. block.minecraft.stone
translationKeyTooltipMode = "disabled"