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using System;
using static flecs_hub.flecs;
namespace gaemstone.ECS;
public unsafe readonly struct Identifier
public Universe Universe { get; }
public ecs_id_t Value { get; }
public bool IsPair => ecs_id_is_pair(Value);
public IdentifierFlags Flags => (IdentifierFlags)(Value.Data & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK);
public Identifier(Universe universe, ecs_id_t value)
{ Universe = universe; Value = value; }
public static Identifier Pair(Entity first, Entity second)
=> new(first.Universe, Universe.ECS_PAIR | ((first.Value.Data << 32) + (uint)second.Value.Data));
public static Identifier Pair(ecs_entity_t first, Entity second)
=> new(second.Universe, Universe.ECS_PAIR | ((first.Data << 32) + (uint)second.Value.Data));
public (Entity, Entity) AsPair()
=> (Universe.Lookup((ecs_id_t)((Value & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK) >> 32)),
Universe.Lookup((ecs_id_t)(Value & ECS_ENTITY_MASK)));
// public Entity AsComponent()
// {
// var value = Value.Data & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK;
// return new Entity(Universe, new() { Data = value });
// }
public override string ToString()
=> ecs_id_str(Universe, Value).ToStringAndFree();
public static implicit operator ecs_id_t(Identifier e) => e.Value;
public static Identifier operator |(ecs_id_t left, Identifier right)
=> new(right.Universe, left | right.Value);
public static Identifier operator |(Identifier left, Identifier right)
=> new(left.Universe, left.Value | right.Value);
public enum IdentifierFlags : ulong
Pair = 1ul << 63,
Override = 1ul << 62,
Toggle = 1ul << 61,
Or = 1ul << 60,
And = 1ul << 59,
Not = 1ul << 58,