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using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Silk.NET.Maths;
namespace gaemstone.Bloxel;
public enum BlockFacing
East, // +X
West, // -X
Up, // +Y
Down, // -Y
South, // +Z
North, // -Z
public static class BlockFacings
public static readonly ImmutableHashSet<BlockFacing> Horizontals
= ImmutableHashSet.Create(BlockFacing.East , BlockFacing.West ,
BlockFacing.South, BlockFacing.North);
public static readonly ImmutableHashSet<BlockFacing> Verticals
= ImmutableHashSet.Create(BlockFacing.Up, BlockFacing.Down);
public static readonly ImmutableHashSet<BlockFacing> All
= Horizontals.Union(Verticals);
public static class BlockFacingExtensions
public static void Deconstruct(this BlockFacing self, out int x, out int y, out int z)
=> (x, y, z) = self switch {
BlockFacing.East => (+1, 0, 0),
BlockFacing.West => (-1, 0, 0),
BlockFacing.Up => ( 0, +1, 0),
BlockFacing.Down => ( 0, -1, 0),
BlockFacing.South => ( 0, 0, +1),
BlockFacing.North => ( 0, 0, -1),
_ => throw new ArgumentException(
$"'{self}' is not a valid BlockFacing", nameof(self))
public static bool IsValid(this BlockFacing self)
=> (self >= BlockFacing.East) && (self <= BlockFacing.North);
public static BlockFacing GetOpposite(this BlockFacing self)
=> (BlockFacing)((int)self ^ 0b1);
public static Vector3D<float> ToVector3(this BlockFacing self)
=> self switch {
BlockFacing.East => Vector3D<float>.UnitX,
BlockFacing.West => -Vector3D<float>.UnitX,
BlockFacing.Up => Vector3D<float>.UnitY,
BlockFacing.Down => -Vector3D<float>.UnitY,
BlockFacing.South => Vector3D<float>.UnitZ,
BlockFacing.North => -Vector3D<float>.UnitZ,
_ => throw new ArgumentException(
$"'{self}' is not a valid BlockFacing", nameof(self))