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using gaemstone.ECS;
namespace gaemstone.Flecs;
[Module("flecs", "core")]
public static class Core
// Entity Tags
[Tag] public struct Module { }
[Tag] public struct Prefab { }
[Tag] public struct SlotOf { }
[Tag] public struct Disabled { }
[Tag] public struct Empty { }
// Entities
[Entity] public struct World { }
[Entity("*")] public struct Wildcard { }
[Entity("_")] public struct Any { }
[Entity] public struct This { }
[Entity("$")] public struct Variable { }
[Entity] public struct Flag { }
// Entity Relationships
[Tag, Relation] public struct IsA { }
[Tag, Relation] public struct ChildOf { }
[Tag, Relation] public struct DependsOn { }
// Component / Relationship Properties
[Tag] public struct Transitive { }
[Tag] public struct Reflexive { }
[Tag] public struct Symmetric { }
[Tag] public struct Final { }
[Tag] public struct DontInherit { }
[Tag] public struct Tag { }
[Tag] public struct Union { }
[Tag] public struct Exclusive { }
[Tag] public struct Acyclic { }
[Tag, Relation] public struct With { }
[Tag] public struct OneOf { }