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using System;
using gaemstone.ECS;
using gaemstone.Flecs;
using ImGuiNET;
using Silk.NET.Input;
using Silk.NET.OpenGL.Extensions.ImGui;
using static gaemstone.Client.Components.InputComponents;
using static gaemstone.Client.Systems.Windowing;
namespace gaemstone.Client.Systems;
public class ImGuiManager
[Entity, Add<Pipeline.Phase>]
public struct ImGuiUpdatePhase { }
[Entity, Add<Pipeline.Phase>]
public struct ImGuiRenderPhase { }
[Component, Singleton]
public class ImGuiData
public ImGuiController Controller { get; }
internal ImGuiData(ImGuiController controller) => Controller = controller;
public unsafe void Initialize(Universe universe, GameWindow window, Canvas canvas,
[Source<Input>] IInputContext inputContext, [Not] ImGuiData _)
=> universe.LookupOrThrow<ImGuiData>().Set(new ImGuiData(
new(canvas.GL, window.Handle, inputContext, () => {
var IO = ImGui.GetIO();
// Do not save a settings or log file.
IO.NativePtr->IniFilename = null;
IO.NativePtr->LogFilename = null;
IO.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags.HasMouseCursors
| ImGuiBackendFlags.HasSetMousePos;
IO.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags.NavEnableKeyboard
| ImGuiConfigFlags.NavEnableSetMousePos;
IO.ConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges = true;
// Set up key mappings.
foreach (var imguiKey in Enum.GetValues<ImGuiKey>()) {
var name = imguiKey.ToString();
// Adjust ImGuiKey enum names to match Silk.NET.Input.Key enum.
if (name.StartsWith("_")) name = name.Replace("_", "Number");
if (name.EndsWith("Arrow")) name = name[..^"Arrow".Length];
if (name.EndsWith("Ctrl" )) name = name.Replace("Ctrl", "Control");
if (!name.EndsWith("Bracket")) { // Leave "LeftBracket" and "RightBracket" alone.
if (name.StartsWith("Left" )) name = name["Left" .Length..] + "Left";
if (name.StartsWith("Right")) name = name["Right".Length..] + "Right";
if (Enum.TryParse<Key>(name, true, out var silkKey))
IO.KeyMap[(int)imguiKey] = (int)silkKey;
public static void UpdateMouse(Universe universe,
[Source<Mouse>] IMouse impl, ImGuiData _)
var input = universe.LookupOrThrow<Input>();
var module = universe.LookupOrThrow<ImGuiManager>();
var capturedBy = input.GetTarget<MouseInputCapturedBy>();
var isCaptured = (capturedBy != null);
// If another system has the mouse captured, don't do anything here.
if (isCaptured && (capturedBy != module)) return;
var IO = ImGui.GetIO();
// Set the mouse position if ImGui wants to move it.
if (IO.WantSetMousePos) impl.Position = IO.MousePos;
// Capture the mouse input it is above GUI elements.
if (IO.WantCaptureMouse != isCaptured) {
if (IO.WantCaptureMouse) input.Add <MouseInputCapturedBy>(module);
else input.Remove<MouseInputCapturedBy>(module);
var cursor = ImGui.GetMouseCursor();
impl.Cursor.CursorMode = (cursor == ImGuiMouseCursor.None)
? CursorMode.Hidden : CursorMode.Normal;
// TODO: Use additional cursors once Silk.NET supports GLFW 3.4.
impl.Cursor.StandardCursor = cursor switch {
ImGuiMouseCursor.Arrow => StandardCursor.Arrow,
ImGuiMouseCursor.TextInput => StandardCursor.IBeam,
// ImGuiMouseCursor.ResizeAll => StandardCursor.,
ImGuiMouseCursor.ResizeNS => StandardCursor.VResize,
ImGuiMouseCursor.ResizeEW => StandardCursor.HResize,
// ImGuiMouseCursor.ResizeNESW => StandardCursor.,
// ImGuiMouseCursor.ResizeNWSE => StandardCursor.,
ImGuiMouseCursor.Hand => StandardCursor.Hand,
// ImGuiMouseCursor.NotAllowed => StandardCursor.,
_ => StandardCursor.Default,
public static void Update(TimeSpan delta, ImGuiData imgui)
=> imgui.Controller.Update((float)delta.TotalSeconds);
public static void ShowDemoWindow(ImGuiData _)
=> ImGui.ShowDemoWindow();
public static void Render(ImGuiData imgui)
=> imgui.Controller.Render();