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using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
namespace gaemstone.SourceGen;
public static class Descriptors
public const string DiagnosticCategory = "gaemstone.SourceGen";
// TODO: Replace this counter with proper hardcoded IDs.
private static int _idCounter = 1;
// Diagnostics relating to where the symbol occurs.
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ModuleMustNotBeNested = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Module must not be a nested class",
"A [Module] must be defined as a top-level class.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor EntityMustBeInModule = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Entity must be part of a Module",
"Entity type must be defined within a [Module].",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor InstanceMethodOnlyValidInSingleton = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Non-static method is only valid in Singleton Module",
"Non-static [System] or [Observer] is only valid in a [Module] which is also marked as a [Singleton].",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ParamMustBeInMethod = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Parameter must be part of a System or Observer",
"This parameter must be part of a method marked as [System] or [Observer].",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
// Diagnostics relating to the combined usage of attributes.
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor AttributesRequireTypeOrPath = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Entity attributes require type or path",
"Entity attributes require a type (such as [Entity]) or [Path].",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor InvalidAttributeCombination = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Invalid combination of entity attributes",
"The combination of entity attributes {0} is not valid.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ValidModuleAttributesHint = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Module may be a Singleton",
"A [Module] may be marked as a [Singleton].",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Info, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ValidRelationAttributesHint = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Relation may be a Tag or Component",
"A [Relation] may be marked as a [Tag] or [Component].",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Info, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor SingletonImpliesComponentHint = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Singleton implies Component",
"A [Singleton] is already implied to be a [Component].",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Info, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor BuiltInModuleMustHavePath = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "BuiltIn Module must have Path",
"A [BuiltIn, Module] must also have a [Path] set.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Info, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor BuiltInModuleMustNotHaveMethods = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "BuiltIn Module must not have System / Observer",
"A [BuiltIn, Module] must not have [System] or [Observer] methods.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Info, true);
// Diagnostics relating to keywords / modifiers used with the symbol.
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ModuleMustBePartial = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "ModuleMustBePartial",
"A [Module] type must be marked as partial.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor TypeMustNotBeStatic = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Entity type must not be static",
"Entity type must not be static.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor TypeMustNotBeAbstract = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Entity type must not be abstract",
"Entity type must not be abstract.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor MethodMustNotBeAbstract = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "System / Observer must not be abstract",
"A [System] or [Observer] method must not be marked as abstract.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor MethodMustNotBeAsync = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "System / Observer must not be async",
"A [System] or [Observer] method must not be marked as async.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
// TODO: Check for any other weird modifiers we don't want.
// Diagnostics relating to (generic) parameters on the attributes themselves.
// TODO: Be more specific?
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor InvalidTypeArgument = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Invalid type argument",
"The specified type argument is not valid here.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
// Diagnostics relating to system / observer generic parameters.
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor MethodMustNotBeExtension = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "System / Observer must not be extension method",
"A [System] or [Observer] method must not be an extension method.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor MethodMustHaveParameters = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "System / Observer must have parameters",
"A [System] or [Observer] must have parameters.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor MethodMustHaveExpression = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Iterator-only System / Observer must have expression",
"An Iterator-only [System] or [Observer] must have an [Expression] set.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor MethodGenericParamAtMostOne = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "System / Observer must have at most one generic parameter",
"A [System] or [Observer] must at most one generic parameter.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
// TODO: See if we can change this wording, but try to use the correct one. (Does "open generic" work?)
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor MethodGenericParamMustNotBeSubstutited = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "System / Observer generic parameter must not be substituted",
"The generic parameter of a [System] or [Observer] must not be substituted.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor MethodGenericParamMustNotBeConstrained = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "System / Observer generic parameter must not be substituted",
"The generic parameter of a [System] or [Observer] must not be constrained.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
// Diagnostics relating to system / observer parameters.
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ParamMustNotBeArray = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Parameter must not be array",
"Parameter must not be an array type.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ParamMustNotBePointer = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Parameter must not be pointer",
"Parameter must not be a pointer type.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ParamMustNotBeGenericType = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Parameter must not be generic type",
"Parameter must not be a generic type parameter.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ParamMustNotBePrimitive = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Parameter must not be primitive",
"Parameter must not be a primitive type.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ParamMustNotBeGeneric = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Parameter must not be geric",
"Parameter must not be generic (except Iterator, World, Entity, Nullable, Has, Not and Or).",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ParamDoesNotSupportOptional = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Parameter does not support optional",
"Parameter does not support optional value syntax.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ParamByRefMustBeValueType = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "ByRef parameter must be a value type",
"ByRef (in/out/ref) parameter must be a value type (struct).",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor ParamByRefMustNotBeNullable = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "ByRef parameter must not be nullable",
"ByRef (in/out/ref) parameter must not be nullable.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
// TODO: Make this more descriptive. (Special = Has<>, Not<> and [Tag]?)
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor SpecialMustNotBeByRef = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Special parameter must not be ByRef",
"Special parameter must not be ByRef (in/out/ref).",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor SpecialArgMustNotBeNullable = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Special type argument must not be nullable",
"Special type argument must not be nullable.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor SpecialArgMustNotBeGeneric = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Special type argument must not be generic",
"Special type argument must not be generic.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor UniqueParamMustNotBeByRef = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Unique parameter must not be ByRef",
"Unique parameter must not be ByRef (in/out/ref).",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor UniqueParamMustNotBeNullable = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Unique parameter must not be nullable",
"Unique parameter must not be nullable.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor UniqueParamGenericMustMatch = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Unique parameter generic type parameter must match method",
"Unique parameter's generic type parameter must match the method's type parameter.",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);
public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor UniqueParamNotSupported = new(
$"gSG{_idCounter++:00}", "Unique parameter does not support this attribute",
"Unique parameter does not support {0}",
DiagnosticCategory, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, true);