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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using gaemstone.SourceGen.Structure;
using gaemstone.SourceGen.Utility;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
namespace gaemstone.SourceGen;
public class RelevantSymbolReceiver
: ISyntaxContextReceiver
private static readonly HashSet<string> RelevantAttributeNames = new(){
// Base entity attributes
"Module", // Can also be [Singleton]
"Relation", // Can also be [Tag] or [Component]
"Singleton", // Implies [Component]
// Entity properties that specify additional info / behavior
"BuiltIn", // Valid on [Module]
"Expression", // Valid on [System] and [Observer]
// Term properties (on [System] and [Observer] parameters)
public Dictionary<ISymbol, BaseInfo> Symbols { get; } = new(SymbolEqualityComparer.Default);
public void OnVisitSyntaxNode(GeneratorSyntaxContext context)
var model = context.SemanticModel;
if (context.Node is not AttributeSyntax node) return;
if (node.Parent?.Parent is not SyntaxNode parent) return;
if (model.GetDeclaredSymbol(parent) is not ISymbol symbol) return;
if (model.GetTypeInfo(node).Type is not INamedTypeSymbol type) return;
// Go through the attribute's type hierarchy to see if it matches any
// of the attributes we care about. This is to make sure attributes
// based on [Add<...>] are picked up correctly, including custom ones.
for (var baseType = type; baseType != null; baseType = baseType.BaseType) {
if ((ToRelevantAttributeName(baseType) is string name)
&& RelevantAttributeNames.Contains(name) // Check if we found a relevant attribute.
&& !Symbols.ContainsKey(symbol)) // Check if this is already a known symbol.
Symbols.Add(symbol, symbol switch {
INamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol =>
typeSymbol.GetAttributes().Any(attr => attr.AttributeClass!
.GetFullName() == "gaemstone.ECS.ModuleAttribute")
? new ModuleEntityInfo(typeSymbol)
: new TypeEntityInfo(typeSymbol),
IMethodSymbol methodSymbol => new MethodEntityInfo(methodSymbol),
IParameterSymbol paramSymbol => new ParameterInfo(paramSymbol),
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Unhandled symbol type {symbol.GetType()}"),
public static string? ToRelevantAttributeName(INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
if (symbol.GetNamespace() != "gaemstone.ECS") return null;
var name = symbol.MetadataName.Split('`')[0];
return name.EndsWith("Attribute") ? name[..^"Attribute".Length] : null;