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using System;
namespace gaemstone.ECS;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class SourceAttribute : Attribute
public Type Type { get; }
// TODO: Support path as source too.
internal SourceAttribute(Type type) => Type = type;
public class SourceAttribute<TEntity> : SourceAttribute
{ public SourceAttribute() : base(typeof(TEntity)) { } }
// Parameters types marked with [Tag] are equivalent to [Has].
public class HasAttribute : Attribute { }
// Parameters with "in" modifier are equivalent to [In].
public class InAttribute : Attribute { }
// Parameters with "out" modifier are equivalent to [Out].
public class OutAttribute : Attribute { }
public class OrAttribute : Attribute { }
public class NotAttribute : Attribute { }