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using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace gaemstone.Bloxel.WorldGen;
// FIXME: There is an issue with this generator where it doesn't generate grass and dirt properly.
public partial class SurfaceGrassGenerator
: IWorldGenerator
public static readonly string IDENTIFIER = nameof(SurfaceGrassGenerator);
private const int AIR_BLOCKS_NEEDED = 12;
private const int DIRT_BLOCKS_BENEATH = 3;
public string Identifier { get; } = IDENTIFIER;
public IEnumerable<string> Dependencies { get; } = new[]{
public IEnumerable<(Neighbor, string)> NeighborDependencies { get; } = new[]{
(Neighbor.Up, BasicWorldGenerator.IDENTIFIER)
public void Populate(Chunk chunk)
var up = chunk.Neighbors[Neighbor.Up]!;
for (var lx = 0; lx < Chunk.LENGTH; lx++)
for (var lz = 0; lz < Chunk.LENGTH; lz++)
var numAirBlocks = 0;
var blockIndex = 0;
for (var ly = Chunk.LENGTH + AIR_BLOCKS_NEEDED - 1; ly >= 0; ly--)
var block = ly >= Chunk.LENGTH
? up.Storage[lx, ly - Chunk.LENGTH, lz]
: chunk.Storage[lx, ly, lz];
if (block.IsAir)
blockIndex = 0;
else if (numAirBlocks >= AIR_BLOCKS_NEEDED || blockIndex > 0)
if (ly < Chunk.LENGTH)
if (blockIndex == 0)
chunk.Storage[lx, ly, lz] = Block.GRASS;
else if (blockIndex <= DIRT_BLOCKS_BENEATH)
chunk.Storage[lx, ly, lz] = Block.DIRT;
numAirBlocks = 0;