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using System;
using System.Numerics;
using gaemstone.Client.Systems;
using gaemstone.ECS;
using static gaemstone.Bloxel.Components.CoreComponents;
using static gaemstone.Client.Components.RenderingComponents;
using static gaemstone.Client.Components.ResourceComponents;
using static gaemstone.Client.Systems.Windowing;
namespace gaemstone.Bloxel.Client.Systems;
public partial class ChunkMeshGenerator
private const int StartingCapacity = 1024;
private static readonly Vector3[][] OffsetPerFacing = {
new Vector3[]{ new(1,1,1), new(1,0,1), new(1,0,0), new(1,1,0) }, // East (+X)
new Vector3[]{ new(0,1,0), new(0,0,0), new(0,0,1), new(0,1,1) }, // West (-X)
new Vector3[]{ new(1,1,0), new(0,1,0), new(0,1,1), new(1,1,1) }, // Up (+Y)
new Vector3[]{ new(1,0,1), new(0,0,1), new(0,0,0), new(1,0,0) }, // Down (-Y)
new Vector3[]{ new(0,1,1), new(0,0,1), new(1,0,1), new(1,1,1) }, // South (+Z)
new Vector3[]{ new(1,1,0), new(1,0,0), new(0,0,0), new(0,1,0) } // North (-Z)
private static readonly int[] TriangleIndices
= { 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3 };
private ushort[] _indices = new ushort[StartingCapacity];
private Vector3[] _vertices = new Vector3[StartingCapacity];
private Vector3[] _normals = new Vector3[StartingCapacity];
private Vector2[] _uvs = new Vector2[StartingCapacity];
[Expression("[in] Chunk, ChunkStoreBlocks, HasBasicWorldGeneration, !(Mesh, *)")]
public void GenerateChunkMeshes(Universe universe, EntityRef entity,
in Chunk chunk, ChunkStoreBlocks blocks)
if (Generate(universe, chunk.Position, blocks) is MeshHandle handle)
else entity.Delete();
public MeshHandle? Generate(Universe universe,
ChunkPos chunkPos, ChunkStoreBlocks centerBlocks)
// TODO: We'll need a way to get neighbors again.
// var storages = new ChunkStoreBlocks[3, 3, 3];
// foreach (var (x, y, z) in Neighbors.ALL.Prepend(Neighbor.None))
// if (_chunkStore.TryGetEntityId(chunkPos.Add(x, y, z), out var neighborId))
// if (_storageStore.TryGet(neighborId, out var storage))
// storages[x+1, y+1, z+1] = storage;
// var centerStorage = storages[1, 1, 1];
var storages = new ChunkStoreBlocks[3, 3, 3];
storages[1, 1, 1] = centerBlocks;
var indexCount = 0;
var vertexCount = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < 16; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < 16; y++)
for (var z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
var block = universe.LookupAlive(centerBlocks[x, y, z]);
if (block == null) continue;
var blockVertex = new Vector3(x, y, z);
var textureCell = block.GetOrThrow<TextureCoords4>();
foreach (var facing in BlockFacings.All) {
if (!IsNeighborEmpty(storages, x, y, z, facing)) continue;
if (_indices.Length <= indexCount + 6)
Array.Resize(ref _indices, _indices.Length << 1);
if (_vertices.Length <= vertexCount + 4) {
Array.Resize(ref _vertices, _vertices.Length << 1);
Array.Resize(ref _normals , _vertices.Length << 1);
Array.Resize(ref _uvs , _vertices.Length << 1);
for (var i = 0; i < TriangleIndices.Length; i++)
_indices[indexCount++] = (ushort)(vertexCount + TriangleIndices[i]);
var normal = facing.ToVector3();
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var offset = OffsetPerFacing[(int)facing][i];
_vertices[vertexCount] = blockVertex + offset;
_normals[vertexCount] = normal;
_uvs[vertexCount] = i switch {
0 => textureCell.TopLeft,
1 => textureCell.BottomLeft,
2 => textureCell.BottomRight,
3 => textureCell.TopRight,
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException()
// TODO: Should dynamically generating meshes require getting GL this way?
var GL = universe.LookupByTypeOrThrow<Game>().GetOrThrow<Canvas>().GL;
return (indexCount > 0)
? MeshManager.Create(GL,
_indices.AsSpan(0, indexCount), _vertices.AsSpan(0, vertexCount),
_normals.AsSpan(0, vertexCount), _uvs.AsSpan(0, vertexCount))
: null;
static bool IsNeighborEmpty(
ChunkStoreBlocks[,,] blocks,
int x, int y, int z, BlockFacing facing)
var cx = 1; var cy = 1; var cz = 1;
switch (facing) {
case BlockFacing.East : x += 1; if (x >= 16) cx += 1; break;
case BlockFacing.West : x -= 1; if (x < 0) cx -= 1; break;
case BlockFacing.Up : y += 1; if (y >= 16) cy += 1; break;
case BlockFacing.Down : y -= 1; if (y < 0) cy -= 1; break;
case BlockFacing.South : z += 1; if (z >= 16) cz += 1; break;
case BlockFacing.North : z -= 1; if (z < 0) cz -= 1; break;
var neighborChunk = blocks[cx, cy, cz];
if (neighborChunk == null) return true;
var neighborBlock = neighborChunk[x & 0b1111, y & 0b1111, z & 0b1111];
return neighborBlock.IsNone;