using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using gaemstone.ECS; using static flecs_hub.flecs; namespace gaemstone.Utility.IL; public unsafe class QueryActionGenerator { private static readonly PropertyInfo _iteratorUniverseProp = typeof(Iterator).GetProperty(nameof(Iterator.Universe))!; private static readonly PropertyInfo _iteratorDeltaTimeProp = typeof(Iterator).GetProperty(nameof(Iterator.DeltaTime))!; private static readonly PropertyInfo _iteratorCountProp = typeof(Iterator).GetProperty(nameof(Iterator.Count))!; private static readonly MethodInfo _iteratorFieldMethod = typeof(Iterator).GetMethod(nameof(Iterator.Field))!; private static readonly MethodInfo _iteratorFieldIsSetMethod = typeof(Iterator).GetMethod(nameof(Iterator.FieldIsSet))!; private static readonly MethodInfo _iteratorEntityMethod = typeof(Iterator).GetMethod(nameof(Iterator.Entity))!; private static readonly MethodInfo _handleFromIntPtrMethod = typeof(GCHandle).GetMethod(nameof(GCHandle.FromIntPtr))!; private static readonly PropertyInfo _handleTargetProp = typeof(GCHandle).GetProperty(nameof(GCHandle.Target))!; private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable _cache = new(); private static readonly Dictionary, ILocal>> _uniqueParameters = new() { [typeof(Iterator)] = (IL, iter, i) => { IL.Load(iter); }, [typeof(Universe)] = (IL, iter, i) => { IL.Load(iter, _iteratorUniverseProp); }, [typeof(TimeSpan)] = (IL, iter, i) => { IL.Load(iter, _iteratorDeltaTimeProp); }, [typeof(Entity)] = (IL, iter, i) => { IL.Load(iter); IL.Load(i); IL.Call(_iteratorEntityMethod); }, }; public Universe Universe { get; } public MethodInfo Method { get; } public ParamInfo[] Parameters { get; } public ecs_filter_desc_t Filter { get; } public Action GeneratedAction { get; } public string ReadableString { get; } public void RunWithTryCatch(object? instance, Iterator iter) { try { GeneratedAction(instance, iter); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Exception occured while running:"); Console.WriteLine(" " + Method); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Method's IL code:"); Console.WriteLine(ReadableString); Console.WriteLine(); throw; } } public QueryActionGenerator(Universe universe, MethodInfo method) { Universe = universe; Method = method; Parameters = method.GetParameters().Select(ParamInfo.Build).ToArray(); if (!Parameters.Any(c => c.IsRequired && (c.Kind != ParamKind.Unique))) throw new ArgumentException($"At least one parameter in {method} is required"); var filter = default(ecs_filter_desc_t); var name = "<>Query_" + string.Join("_", Parameters.Select(p => p.UnderlyingType.Name)); var genMethod = new DynamicMethod(name, null, new[] { typeof(object), typeof(Iterator) }); var IL = new ILGeneratorWrapper(genMethod); var instanceArg = IL.Argument(0); var iteratorArg = IL.Argument(1); var counter = 0; // Counter for fields actually part of the filter terms. var fieldLocals = new ILocal[Parameters.Length]; var tempLocals = new ILocal[Parameters.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < Parameters.Length; i++) { var p = Parameters[i]; if (p.Kind == ParamKind.Unique) continue; // Update the flecs filter to look for this type. // Term index is 0-based and field index (used below) is 1-based, so increasing counter here works out. ref var term = ref filter.terms[counter++]; = Universe.Lookup(p.UnderlyingType); term.inout = p.Kind switch { ParamKind.In => ecs_inout_kind_t.EcsIn, ParamKind.Out => ecs_inout_kind_t.EcsOut, ParamKind.Has or ParamKind.Not => ecs_inout_kind_t.EcsInOutNone, _ => ecs_inout_kind_t.EcsInOut, }; term.oper = p.Kind switch { ParamKind.Not => ecs_oper_kind_t.EcsNot, _ when !p.IsRequired => ecs_oper_kind_t.EcsOptional, _ => ecs_oper_kind_t.EcsAnd, }; if (p.Source != null) term.src = new() { id = Universe.Lookup(p.Source) }; // Create a Span local and initialize it to iterator.Field(i). var spanType = typeof(Span<>).MakeGenericType(p.FieldType); fieldLocals[i] = IL.Local(spanType, $"field_{counter}"); if (p.Kind is ParamKind.Has or ParamKind.Not) { // If a "has" or "not" parameter is a struct, we require a temporary local that // we can later load onto the stack when loading the arguments for the action. if (p.ParameterType.IsValueType) { IL.Comment($"temp_{counter} = default({p.ParameterType});"); tempLocals[i] = IL.Local(p.ParameterType); IL.LoadAddr(tempLocals[i]); IL.Init(tempLocals[i].LocalType); } } else if (p.IsRequired) { IL.Comment($"field_{counter} = iterator.Field<{p.FieldType.Name}>({counter})"); IL.Load(iteratorArg); IL.LoadConst(counter); IL.Call(_iteratorFieldMethod.MakeGenericMethod(p.FieldType)); IL.Store(fieldLocals[i]); } else { IL.Comment($"field_{counter} = iterator.FieldIsSet({counter}) ? iterator.Field<{p.FieldType.Name}>({counter}) : default"); var elseLabel = IL.DefineLabel(); var doneLabel = IL.DefineLabel(); IL.Load(iteratorArg); IL.LoadConst(counter); IL.Call(_iteratorFieldIsSetMethod); IL.GotoIfFalse(elseLabel); IL.Load(iteratorArg); IL.LoadConst(counter); IL.Call(_iteratorFieldMethod.MakeGenericMethod(p.FieldType)); IL.Store(fieldLocals[i]); IL.Goto(doneLabel); IL.MarkLabel(elseLabel); IL.LoadAddr(fieldLocals[i]); IL.Init(spanType); IL.MarkLabel(doneLabel); } if (p.Kind == ParamKind.Nullable) { IL.Comment($"temp_{counter} = default({p.ParameterType});"); tempLocals[i] = IL.Local(p.ParameterType); IL.LoadAddr(tempLocals[i]); IL.Init(tempLocals[i].LocalType); } } // If there's any reference type parameters, we need to define a GCHandle local. var hasReferenceType = Parameters .Where(p => p.Kind != ParamKind.Unique) .Any(p => !p.UnderlyingType.IsValueType); var handleLocal = hasReferenceType ? IL.Local() : null; using (IL.For(() => IL.Load(iteratorArg, _iteratorCountProp), out var currentLocal)) { if (!Method.IsStatic) IL.Load(instanceArg); for (var i = 0; i < Parameters.Length; i++) { var p = Parameters[i]; if (p.Kind == ParamKind.Unique) { IL.Comment($"Unique parameter {p.ParameterType}"); _uniqueParameters[p.ParameterType](IL, iteratorArg, currentLocal); } else if (p.Kind is ParamKind.Has or ParamKind.Not) { if (p.ParameterType.IsValueType) IL.LoadObj(tempLocals[i]!); else IL.LoadNull(); } else { var spanType = typeof(Span<>).MakeGenericType(p.FieldType); var spanItemMethod = spanType.GetProperty("Item")!.GetMethod!; var spanLengthMethod = spanType.GetProperty("Length")!.GetMethod!; IL.Comment($"Parameter {p.ParameterType}"); if (p.IsByRef) { IL.LoadAddr(fieldLocals[i]!); IL.Load(currentLocal); IL.Call(spanItemMethod); } else if (p.IsRequired) { IL.LoadAddr(fieldLocals[i]!); IL.Load(currentLocal); IL.Call(spanItemMethod); IL.LoadObj(p.FieldType); } else { var elseLabel = IL.DefineLabel(); var doneLabel = IL.DefineLabel(); IL.LoadAddr(fieldLocals[i]!); IL.Call(spanLengthMethod); IL.GotoIfFalse(elseLabel); IL.LoadAddr(fieldLocals[i]!); IL.Load(currentLocal); IL.Call(spanItemMethod); IL.LoadObj(p.FieldType); if (p.Kind == ParamKind.Nullable) IL.New(p.ParameterType); IL.Goto(doneLabel); IL.MarkLabel(elseLabel); if (p.Kind == ParamKind.Nullable) IL.LoadObj(tempLocals[i]!); else IL.LoadNull(); IL.MarkLabel(doneLabel); } if (!p.UnderlyingType.IsValueType) { IL.Comment($"Convert nint to {p.UnderlyingType}"); IL.Call(_handleFromIntPtrMethod); IL.Store(handleLocal!); IL.LoadAddr(handleLocal!); IL.Call(_handleTargetProp.GetMethod!); IL.Cast(p.UnderlyingType); } } } IL.Call(Method); } IL.Return(); Filter = filter; GeneratedAction = genMethod.CreateDelegate>(); ReadableString = IL.ToReadableString(); } public static QueryActionGenerator GetOrBuild(Universe universe, MethodInfo method) =>_cache.GetValue(method, m => new QueryActionGenerator(universe, m)); public class ParamInfo { public ParameterInfo Info { get; } public int Index { get; } public ParamKind Kind { get; } public Type ParameterType { get; } public Type UnderlyingType { get; } public Type FieldType { get; } public Type? Source { get; } public bool IsRequired => (Kind < ParamKind.Nullable); public bool IsByRef => (Kind >= ParamKind.In) && (Kind <= ParamKind.Ref); private ParamInfo( ParameterInfo info, int index, ParamKind kind, Type paramType, Type underlyingType) { Info = info; Index = index; Kind = kind; ParameterType = paramType; UnderlyingType = underlyingType; // Reference types have a backing type of nint - they're pointers. FieldType = underlyingType.IsValueType ? underlyingType : typeof(nint); // If the underlying type has EntityAttribute, it's a singleton. if (UnderlyingType.Has()) Source = underlyingType; if (Info.Get() is SourceAttribute attr) Source = attr.Type; } public static ParamInfo Build(ParameterInfo info, int index) { if (info.IsOptional) throw new ArgumentException("Optional parameters are not supported\nParameter: " + info); if (info.ParameterType.IsArray) throw new ArgumentException("Arrays are not supported\nParameter: " + info); if (info.ParameterType.IsPointer) throw new ArgumentException("Pointers are not supported\nParameter: " + info); if (_uniqueParameters.ContainsKey(info.ParameterType)) return new(info, index, ParamKind.Unique, info.ParameterType, info.ParameterType); var isByRef = info.ParameterType.IsByRef; var isNullable = info.IsNullable(); if (info.Has()) { if (isByRef || isNullable) throw new ArgumentException( "Parameter with NotAttribute must not be ByRef or nullable\nParameter: " + info); return new(info, index, ParamKind.Not, info.ParameterType, info.ParameterType); } if (info.Has() || info.ParameterType.Has()) { if (isByRef || isNullable) throw new ArgumentException( "Parameter with HasAttribute / TagAttribute must not be ByRef or nullable\nParameter: " + info); return new(info, index, ParamKind.Has, info.ParameterType, info.ParameterType); } var kind = ParamKind.Normal; var underlyingType = info.ParameterType; if (info.IsNullable()) { if (info.ParameterType.IsValueType) underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(info.ParameterType)!; kind = ParamKind.Nullable; } if (info.ParameterType.IsByRef) { if (kind == ParamKind.Nullable) throw new ArgumentException( "ByRef and Nullable are not supported together\nParameter: " + info); underlyingType = info.ParameterType.GetElementType()!; if (!underlyingType.IsValueType) throw new ArgumentException( "Reference types can't also be ByRef\nParameter: " + info); kind = info.IsIn ? ParamKind.In : info.IsOut ? ParamKind.Out : ParamKind.Ref; } if (underlyingType.IsPrimitive) throw new ArgumentException( "Primitives are not supported\nParameter: " + info); return new(info, index, kind, info.ParameterType, underlyingType); } } public enum ParamKind { /// Parameter is not part of terms, handled uniquely, such as Universe and Entity. Unique, /// Passed by value. Normal, /// Struct passed with the "in" modifier. In, /// Struct passed with the "out" modifier. Out, /// Struct passed with the "ref" modifier. Ref, /// /// Only checks for presence. /// Manually applied with . /// Automatically applied for types with . /// Has, /// Struct passed as Nullable<T>. Nullable, /// /// Only checks for absence. /// Applied with . /// Not, } }