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2 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using gaemstone.ECS;
using Silk.NET.Input;
using Silk.NET.Maths;
using static gaemstone.Client.Windowing;
namespace gaemstone.Client;
public class Input
public class RawInput
internal IInputContext? Context { get; set; }
public Dictionary<Key, ButtonState> Keyboard { get; } = new();
public Dictionary<MouseButton, ButtonState> MouseButtons { get; } = new();
public Vector2D<float> MousePosition { get; set; }
public float MouseWheel { get; set; }
public float MouseWheelDelta { get; set; }
public bool IsDown(Key key) => Keyboard.GetValueOrDefault(key)?.IsDown == true;
public bool IsDown(MouseButton button) => MouseButtons.GetValueOrDefault(button)?.IsDown == true;
public class ButtonState
public TimeSpan TimePressed;
public bool IsDown;
public bool Pressed;
public bool Released;
public static void ProcessInput(GameWindow window, RawInput input, TimeSpan delta)
input.Context ??= window.Handle.CreateInput();
foreach (var state in input.Keyboard.Values.Concat(input.MouseButtons.Values)) {
if (state.IsDown) state.TimePressed += delta;
state.Pressed = state.Released = false;
var keyboard = input.Context.Keyboards[0];
foreach (var key in keyboard.SupportedKeys) {
var state = input.Keyboard.GetValueOrDefault(key);
if (keyboard.IsKeyPressed(key)) {
if (state == null) input.Keyboard.Add(key, state = new());
if (!state.IsDown) state.Pressed = true;
state.IsDown = true;
} else if (state != null) {
if (state.IsDown) state.Released = true;
state.IsDown = false;
var mouse = input.Context.Mice[0];
foreach (var button in mouse.SupportedButtons) {
var state = input.MouseButtons.GetValueOrDefault(button);
if (mouse.IsButtonPressed(button)) {
if (state == null) input.MouseButtons.Add(button, state = new());
if (!state.IsDown) state.Pressed = true;
state.IsDown = true;
} else if (state != null) {
if (state.IsDown) state.Released = true;
state.IsDown = false;
input.MousePosition = mouse.Position.ToGeneric();
input.MouseWheelDelta += mouse.ScrollWheels[0].Y - input.MouseWheel;
input.MouseWheel = mouse.ScrollWheels[0].Y;