Alternative managed wrapper around flecs-cs bindings for using the ECS framework Flecs in modern .NET.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using gaemstone.Utility;
using static flecs_hub.flecs;
namespace gaemstone.ECS;
public unsafe sealed class Filter
: IDisposable
public World World { get; }
public ecs_filter_t* Handle { get; }
public Filter(World world, FilterDesc desc)
using var alloc = TempAllocator.Use();
var flecsDesc = desc.ToFlecs(alloc);
World = world;
Handle = ecs_filter_init(world, &flecsDesc);
public void Dispose()
=> ecs_filter_fini(Handle);
public Iterator Iter()
=> new(World, IteratorType.Filter, ecs_filter_iter(World, this));
public override string ToString()
=> ecs_filter_str(World, Handle).FlecsToStringAndFree()!;
public static implicit operator ecs_filter_t*(Filter q) => q.Handle;
public class FilterDesc
public IReadOnlyList<Term> Terms { get; }
public string? Expression { get; }
/// <summary>
/// When true, terms returned by an iterator may either contain 1 or N
/// elements, where terms with N elements are owned, and terms with 1
/// element are shared, for example from a parent or base entity. When
/// false, the iterator will at most return 1 element when the result
/// contains both owned and shared terms.
/// </summary>
public bool Instanced { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Entity associated with query (optional).
/// </summary>
public Entity Entity { get; set; }
public FilterDesc(params Term[] terms)
=> Terms = terms;
public FilterDesc(string expression) : this()
=> Expression = expression;
public unsafe ecs_filter_desc_t ToFlecs(IAllocator allocator)
var desc = new ecs_filter_desc_t {
expr = allocator.AllocateCString(Expression),
instanced = Instanced,
entity = Entity,
var span = desc.terms;
if (Terms.Count > span.Length) {
span = allocator.Allocate<ecs_term_t>(Terms.Count);
desc.terms_buffer = (ecs_term_t*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref span[0]);
desc.terms_buffer_count = Terms.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < Terms.Count; i++)
span[i] = Terms[i].ToFlecs(allocator);
return desc;