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239 lines
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239 lines
7.7 KiB
using System; |
using System.Buffers; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using gaemstone.Utility; |
using static flecs_hub.flecs; |
namespace gaemstone.ECS; |
public class EntityPath |
{ |
private readonly byte[][] _parts; |
public bool IsAbsolute { get; } |
public bool IsRelative => !IsAbsolute; |
public int Count => _parts.Length; |
public UTF8View Name => this[^1]; |
public EntityPath? Parent => (Count > 1) ? new(IsAbsolute, _parts[..^1]) : null; |
public UTF8View this[int index] |
=> (index >= 0 && index < Count) ? new(_parts[index].AsSpan()[..^1]) |
: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); |
public EntityPath this[Range range] |
=> new(IsAbsolute && (range.GetOffsetAndLength(Count).Offset == 0), _parts[range]); |
internal EntityPath(bool absolute, params byte[][] parts) |
{ |
if (parts.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException( |
"Must have at least one part", nameof(parts)); |
IsAbsolute = absolute; |
_parts = parts; |
} |
public EntityPath(params string[] parts) |
: this(false, parts) { } |
public EntityPath(bool absolute, params string[] parts) |
: this(absolute, parts.Select(part => { |
if (GetNameValidationError(part) is string error) |
throw new ArgumentException(error); |
var byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(part); |
// Includes NUL character at the end of bytes. |
var bytes = new byte[byteCount + 1]; |
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(part, bytes); |
return bytes; |
}).ToArray()) { } |
public static bool TryParse(string str, [NotNullWhen(true)] out EntityPath? result) |
{ |
result = null; |
if (str.Length == 0) return false; |
var strSpan = str.AsSpan(); |
var isAbsolute = (str[0] == '/'); |
if (isAbsolute) strSpan = strSpan[1..]; |
var numSeparators = 0; |
foreach (var chr in strSpan) if (chr == '/') numSeparators++; |
var index = 0; |
var parts = new byte[numSeparators + 1][]; |
foreach (var part in strSpan.Split('/')) { |
if (GetNameValidationError(part) != null) return false; |
var byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(part); |
// Includes NUL character at the end of bytes. |
var bytes = new byte[byteCount + 1]; |
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(part, bytes); |
parts[index++] = bytes; |
} |
result = new(isAbsolute, parts); |
return true; |
} |
public static EntityPath Parse(string str) |
{ |
if (str.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException( |
"String must not be empty", nameof(str)); |
var parts = str.Split('/'); |
// If string starts with a slash, first part will be empty, so create an absolute path. |
return (parts[0].Length == 0) ? new(true, parts[1..]) : new(parts); |
} |
public static string? GetNameValidationError(ReadOnlySpan<char> name) |
{ |
if (name.Length == 0) return "Must not be empty"; |
// NOTE: This is a hopefully straightforward way to also prevent "." |
// and ".." to be part of paths which may access the file system. |
if (name[0] == '.') return "Must not begin with a dot"; |
foreach (var chr in name) if (char.IsControl(chr)) |
return "Must not contain contol characters"; |
return null; |
} |
// private static readonly Rune[] _validRunes = { (Rune)'-', (Rune)'.', (Rune)'_' }; |
// private static readonly UnicodeCategory[] _validCategories = { |
// UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter, UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter, |
// UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter, UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber }; |
// private static void ValidateRune(Rune rune) |
// { |
// if (!_validRunes.Contains(rune) && !_validCategories.Contains(Rune.GetUnicodeCategory(rune))) |
// throw new ArgumentException($"Must not contain {Rune.GetUnicodeCategory(rune)} character"); |
// } |
public string[] GetParts() |
{ |
var result = new string[Count]; |
for (var i = 0; i < Count; i++) result[i] = this[i]; |
return result; |
} |
public override string ToString() |
{ |
var builder = new StringBuilder(); |
if (IsAbsolute) builder.Append('/'); |
foreach (var part in this) builder.Append(part).Append('/'); |
return builder.ToString(0, builder.Length - 1); |
} |
public static implicit operator EntityPath(string path) => Parse(path); |
public Enumerator GetEnumerator() => new(this); |
public ref struct Enumerator |
{ |
private readonly EntityPath _path; |
private int index = -1; |
public UTF8View Current => _path[index]; |
internal Enumerator(EntityPath path) => _path = path; |
public bool MoveNext() => (++index < _path.Count); |
} |
internal static unsafe Entity Lookup( |
World world, Entity parent, EntityPath path, bool throwOnNotFound) |
{ |
var start = path.IsAbsolute ? Entity.None // If path is absolute, ignore parent and use root. |
: parent.IsNone ? new(ecs_get_scope(world)) // If no parent is specified, use the current scope. |
: parent; // Otherwise just use the specified parent. |
var current = start; |
foreach (var part in path) |
fixed (byte* ptr = part.AsSpan()) { |
current = new(ecs_lookup_child(world, current, ptr)); |
if (current.IsSome && ecs_is_alive(world, current)) continue; |
if (!throwOnNotFound) return Entity.None; |
var startStr = EntityRef.CreateOrNull(world, start)?.GetFullPath().ToString() ?? start.ToString(); |
throw new World.EntityNotFoundException( |
start.IsNone ? $"Entity at '{path}' not found" |
: (start == parent) ? $"Child entity of '{startStr}' at '{path}' not found" |
: $"Entity at scope '{startStr}' at '{path}' not found"); |
} |
return current; |
} |
/// <summary> Used by <see cref="EntityBuilder.Build"/>. </summary> |
internal static unsafe Entity EnsureEntityExists( |
World world, Entity parent, EntityPath path) |
{ |
// If no parent is specified and path is relative, use the current scope. |
if (parent.IsNone && path.IsRelative) parent = new(ecs_get_scope(world)); |
var skipLookup = parent.IsNone; |
foreach (var part in path) |
fixed (byte* ptr = part.AsSpan()) |
if (skipLookup || (parent = new(ecs_lookup_child(world, parent, ptr))).IsNone) { |
var desc = new ecs_entity_desc_t { name = ptr, sep = CStringExtensions.ETX }; |
if (parent.IsSome) desc.add[0] = Identifier.Pair(world.ChildOf, parent); |
parent = new(ecs_entity_init(world, &desc)); |
skipLookup = true; |
} |
return parent; |
} |
} |
public static class EntityPathExtensions |
{ |
public static unsafe EntityPath GetFullPath(this EntityRef entity) |
{ |
var current = (Entity)entity; |
var parts = new List<byte[]>(32); |
do { |
var name = ecs_get_name(entity.World, current).FlecsToBytes(); |
if (name != null) parts.Add(name); |
else { |
// If name is not set, use the numeric Id, instead. |
var id = current.Id.ToString(); |
var bytes = new byte[Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(id) + 1]; |
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(id, bytes); |
parts.Add(bytes); |
} |
} while ((current = new(ecs_get_target(entity.World, current, EcsChildOf, 0))).IsSome); |
parts.Reverse(); |
return new(true, parts.ToArray()); |
} |
} |
public readonly ref struct UTF8View |
{ |
private readonly ReadOnlySpan<byte> _bytes; |
public UTF8View(ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes) |
=> _bytes = bytes; |
public int Length => _bytes.Length; |
public byte this[int index] => _bytes[index]; |
public ReadOnlySpan<byte> AsSpan() => _bytes; |
public override string ToString() => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_bytes); |
public static implicit operator string(UTF8View view) => view.ToString(); |
public Enumerator GetEnumerator() => new(_bytes); |
public ref struct Enumerator |
{ |
private readonly ReadOnlySpan<byte> _bytes; |
private int index = 0; |
private Rune _current = default; |
public Rune Current => _current; |
internal Enumerator(ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes) |
=> _bytes = bytes; |
public bool MoveNext() |
{ |
if (index >= _bytes.Length) return false; |
if (Rune.DecodeFromUtf8(_bytes[index..], out _current, out var consumed) != OperationStatus.Done) |
throw new InvalidOperationException("Contains invalid UTF8"); |
index += consumed; |
return true; |
} |
} |