Compare commits
2 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
22dd934e95 | 2 years ago |
c6613679cc | 2 years ago |
33 changed files with 20795 additions and 28 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ |
[submodule "src/flecs-cs"] |
path = src/flecs-cs |
url = |
[submodule "src/flecs"] |
path = src/flecs |
url = |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
{ |
"version": "0.2.0", |
"configurations": [ |
{ |
"name": "Launch BindGen", |
"type": "coreclr", |
"request": "launch", |
"preLaunchTask": "build", |
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/src/gaemstone.ECS.BindGen", |
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/src/gaemstone.ECS.BindGen/bin/Debug/net7.0/gaemstone.ECS.BindGen.dll", |
"args": [], |
"console": "internalConsole", |
"stopAtEntry": false, |
} |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
{ |
"files.exclude": { |
"**/.git": true, |
"**/.DS_Store": true, |
"**/bin": true, |
"**/obj": true, |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
{ |
"version": "2.0.0", |
"tasks": [ |
{ |
"group": "build", |
"label": "build", |
"type": "shell", "command": "dotnet", |
"options": { "cwd": "src/gaemstone.ECS.BindGen" }, |
"args": [ "build", "/property:GenerateFullPaths=true", "/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary" ], |
"presentation": { "reveal": "silent" }, |
"problemMatcher": "$msCompile" |
} |
] |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
Subproject commit ddf4dfc8d0b09eec42876ea06f5f42849a0c23be |
@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Diagnostics; |
using System.IO; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using ClangSharp.Interop; |
namespace gaemstone.ECS.BindGen; |
public unsafe static class Program |
{ |
// TODO: Handle being called from other working directories gracefully. |
private const string FlecsRepositoryLocation = "../flecs"; |
private const string OutputFolderLocation = "../gaemstone.ECS/flecs"; |
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> TypeAliases = new() { |
{ "int8_t" , "sbyte" }, |
{ "int16_t", "short" }, |
{ "int32_t", "int" }, |
{ "int64_t", "long" }, |
{ "uint8_t" , "byte" }, |
{ "uint16_t", "ushort" }, |
{ "uint32_t", "uint" }, |
{ "uint64_t", "ulong" }, |
{ "ecs_flags8_t" , "byte" }, |
{ "ecs_flags16_t", "ushort" }, |
{ "ecs_flags32_t", "uint" }, |
{ "ecs_flags64_t", "ulong" }, |
{ "ecs_size_t", "int" }, |
}; |
public static void Main() |
{ |
using var fileConstants = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(OutputFolderLocation, "flecs+Constants.g.cs")); |
using var fileStructs = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(OutputFolderLocation, "flecs+Structs.g.cs")); |
using var fileFunctions = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(OutputFolderLocation, "flecs+Functions.g.cs")); |
static string StartProcessAndReturnOutput(string program, string arguments, string workDir = "") |
{ |
var gitProcess = new Process { StartInfo = new() { |
FileName = "git", Arguments = "describe --tags --always", WorkingDirectory = workDir, |
RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, |
} }; |
gitProcess.Start(); |
var result = gitProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim(); |
gitProcess.WaitForExit(); |
return result; |
} |
var bindgenVersion = StartProcessAndReturnOutput("git", "describe --tags --always"); |
var flecsVersion = StartProcessAndReturnOutput("git", "describe --tags --always", FlecsRepositoryLocation); |
var autoGeneratedHeader = $$"""
// <auto-generated> |
// Generated by gaemstone.ECS.BindGen {{ bindgenVersion }} |
// Time: {{ DateTime.UtcNow :u}} |
// Flecs version: {{ flecsVersion }} |
// </auto-generated> |
{{ autoGeneratedHeader }} |
#pragma warning disable CS8981 |
public static partial class flecs |
{ |
{{ autoGeneratedHeader }} |
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; |
#pragma warning disable CS8981 |
public static unsafe partial class flecs |
{ |
{{ autoGeneratedHeader }} |
using System; |
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; |
#pragma warning disable CS8981 |
public static unsafe partial class flecs |
{ |
private const string LibraryName = "flecs"; |
/// <summary> Indicates types are marked as "const" on C's end. </summary> |
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, AttributeTargets.ReturnValue)] |
public class ConstAttribute : Attribute { } |
using var unit = CXTranslationUnit.CreateFromSourceFile( |
CXIndex.Create(), Path.Combine(FlecsRepositoryLocation, "flecs.h"), |
default, default); |
unit.Cursor.VisitChildren((cursor, _, _) => { |
switch (cursor) { |
case { Location.IsFromMainFile: false }: // Not from the file we're trying to parse. |
case { Kind: CXCursorKind.CXCursor_MacroInstantiation |
or CXCursorKind.CXCursor_InclusionDirective }: // Ignore these altogether. |
break; |
case { Kind: CXCursorKind.CXCursor_MacroDefinition }: |
WriteMacro(fileConstants, 1, cursor); |
break; |
// case { Kind: CXCursorKind.CXCursor_TypedefDecl }: |
// WriteTypedef(cursor, output); |
// break; |
case { Kind: CXCursorKind.CXCursor_EnumDecl }: |
fileStructs.WriteLine(); |
WriteEnum(fileStructs, 1, cursor); |
break; |
case { Kind: CXCursorKind.CXCursor_StructDecl }: |
// Skip forward declarations, unless they're not defined at all. |
if (!cursor.IsDefinition && !cursor.Definition.IsNull) break; |
fileStructs.WriteLine(); |
WriteStruct(fileStructs, 1, cursor); |
break; |
case { Kind: CXCursorKind.CXCursor_FunctionDecl }: |
fileFunctions.WriteLine(); |
WriteFunction(fileFunctions, 1, cursor); |
break; |
default: |
Console.WriteLine($"{cursor.Kind} {cursor}"); |
Console.WriteLine(GetSource(unit, cursor.Extent)); |
break; |
} |
return CXChildVisitResult.CXChildVisit_Continue; |
}, default); |
fileConstants.WriteLine("}"); |
fileStructs .WriteLine("}"); |
fileFunctions.WriteLine("}"); |
} |
private static void WriteMacro(StreamWriter writer, int indent, CXCursor cursor) |
{ |
if (cursor.IsMacroFunctionLike) return; |
var unit = cursor.TranslationUnit; |
var tokens = unit.Tokenize(cursor.Extent).ToArray(); |
if (tokens.Length < 2) return; // No value. |
var type = "uint"; |
var name = cursor.Spelling.ToString(); |
if (name is "NULL" or "ECS_VECTOR_T_SIZE" |
or "EcsLastInternalComponentId" |
or "ECS_FUNC_NAME_BACK") return; |
var value = GetSource(unit, Range(unit, tokens[1], tokens[^1])); |
if (value is not [ '(', .., ')']) return; |
if (value.Contains('\\')) value = value.Replace("\\\n", "").Replace(" ", ""); |
if (value.Contains("ull")) { value = value.Replace("ull", "ul"); type = "ulong"; } |
if (name == "ECS_MAX_COMPONENT_ID") value = value.Replace("(uint32_t)", "(uint)"); |
WriteComment(writer, indent, cursor); |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine($"public const {type} {name} = {value};"); |
} |
private static void WriteEnum(StreamWriter writer, int indent, CXCursor cursor) |
{ |
WriteComment(writer, indent, cursor); |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine($"public {cursor.Type}"); |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine("{"); |
cursor.VisitChildren((value, _, _) => { |
WriteComment(writer, indent + 1, value); |
WriteIndent(writer, indent + 1).WriteLine($"{value},"); |
return CXChildVisitResult.CXChildVisit_Continue; |
}, default); |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine("}"); |
} |
private static void WriteStruct(StreamWriter writer, int indent, CXCursor cursor, |
string? name = null, bool noComment = false) |
{ |
if (!noComment) WriteComment(writer, indent, cursor); |
if (cursor.Kind == CXCursorKind.CXCursor_UnionDecl) |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine("[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)]"); |
name ??= cursor.Type.ToString(); |
if (name.StartsWith("struct ")) name = name[("struct ".Length)..]; |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).Write($"public struct {name}"); |
var hasFields = false; // For creating a shorthand struct definition that doesn't take up 3 lines. |
cursor.VisitChildren((field, _, _) => { |
// Nested struct and union declarations will be handled when field is written. |
if (field.Kind is CXCursorKind.CXCursor_StructDecl |
or CXCursorKind.CXCursor_UnionDecl) |
return CXChildVisitResult.CXChildVisit_Continue; |
if (field.Kind is not CXCursorKind.CXCursor_FieldDecl) |
throw new NotSupportedException(); |
if (!hasFields) { |
writer.WriteLine(); |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine("{"); |
hasFields = true; |
} |
if (cursor.Kind == CXCursorKind.CXCursor_UnionDecl) |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine("[FieldOffset(0)]"); |
WriteComment(writer, indent + 1, field); |
WriteIndent(writer, indent + 1); |
var name = field.DisplayName.ToString(); |
if (IsReservedKeyword(name)) name = $"@{name}"; |
if (field.Type.Declaration.IsAnonymous) { |
writer.WriteLine($"public _{field.DisplayName} {name};"); |
WriteStruct(writer, indent + 1, field.Type.Declaration, |
name: $"_{field.DisplayName}", noComment: true); |
} else if (field.Type.kind == CXTypeKind.CXType_ConstantArray) { |
writer.WriteLine($"public fixed {field.Type.ArrayElementType} {name}[{field.Type.ArraySize}];"); |
} else { |
var type = GetTypeString(field.Type, out var isConst); |
if (isConst) writer.Write($"[Const] "); |
writer.WriteLine($"public {type} {name};"); |
} |
return CXChildVisitResult.CXChildVisit_Continue; |
}, default); |
if (!hasFields) writer.WriteLine(" { }"); |
else WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine("}"); |
} |
private static void WriteFunction(StreamWriter writer, int indent, CXCursor cursor) |
{ |
WriteComment(writer, indent, cursor); |
var returnType = GetTypeString(cursor.ReturnType, out var returnIsConst); |
if (returnIsConst) WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine("[return: Const]"); |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine("[DllImport(LibraryName, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]"); |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).Write($"public static extern {returnType} {cursor.Spelling}("); |
for (var i = 0; i < cursor.NumArguments; i++) { |
var arg = cursor.GetArgument((uint)i); |
if (i > 0) writer.Write(", "); |
var argType = GetTypeString(arg.Type, out var argIsConst); |
if (argIsConst) writer.Write("[Const] "); |
var name = arg.DisplayName.ToString(); |
if (IsReservedKeyword(name)) name = $"@{name}"; |
writer.Write($"{argType} {name}"); |
} |
writer.WriteLine(");"); |
} |
private static void WriteComment(StreamWriter writer, int indent, CXCursor cursor) |
{ |
var comment = cursor.ParsedComment; |
if (comment.Kind == CXCommentKind.CXComment_Null) return; |
if (comment.Kind != CXCommentKind.CXComment_FullComment) throw new NotSupportedException(); |
var children = Children(comment).ToArray(); |
var paragraphs = children |
.TakeWhile(c => c.Kind == CXCommentKind.CXComment_Paragraph) |
.Select(GetCommentText).Where(p => p != null).ToArray(); |
var @params = children |
.Where (c => c.Kind == CXCommentKind.CXComment_ParamCommand) |
.Select(c => (c.ParamCommandComment_ParamName, GetCommentText(Children(c).Single()))).ToArray(); |
var @return = children |
.Where (c => c.Kind == CXCommentKind.CXComment_BlockCommand) |
.Where (c => c.BlockCommandComment_CommandName.ToString() == "return") |
.Select(c => GetCommentText(Children(c).Single())).FirstOrDefault(); |
if (paragraphs.Length > 1) { |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine($"/// <summary>"); |
foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs) |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine($"/// <p> {paragraph} </p>"); |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine($"/// </summary>"); |
} else if (paragraphs.Length == 1) |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine($"/// <summary> {paragraphs[0]} </summary>"); |
foreach (var (name, text) in @params) |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine($$"""/// <param name="{{ name }}"> {{ text }} </param>"""); |
if (@return != null) |
WriteIndent(writer, indent).WriteLine($$"""/// <returns> {{ @return }} </returns>"""); |
foreach (var child in Children(comment)) |
switch (child.Kind) { |
case CXCommentKind.CXComment_Paragraph: |
case CXCommentKind.CXComment_ParamCommand: |
case CXCommentKind.CXComment_BlockCommand when child.BlockCommandComment_CommandName.ToString() == "return": |
break; |
default: |
WriteIndent(writer, indent); |
writer.WriteLine($"//// {child.Kind}"); |
break; |
} |
static IEnumerable<CXComment> Children(CXComment parent) |
=> Enumerable.Range(0, (int)parent.NumChildren).Select(i => parent.GetChild((uint)i)); |
static string? GetCommentText(CXComment paragraph) |
{ |
if (paragraph.Kind != CXCommentKind.CXComment_Paragraph) throw new NotSupportedException(); |
var sb = new StringBuilder(); |
foreach (var part in Children(paragraph)) { |
if (part.Kind != CXCommentKind.CXComment_Text) throw new NotSupportedException(); |
var str = part.TextComment_Text.ToString().Trim(); |
if (str == "") continue; |
if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append(' '); |
sb.Append(str); |
} |
if (sb.Length == 0) return null; |
sb.Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">"); |
if (sb[^1] != '.') sb.Append('.'); |
return sb.ToString(); |
} |
} |
private static StreamWriter WriteIndent(StreamWriter writer, int indent) |
{ |
for (var i = 0; i < indent; i++) |
writer.Write('\t'); |
return writer; |
} |
private static CXSourceRange Range(CXTranslationUnit unit, CXToken start, CXToken end) |
=> CXSourceRange.Create(start.GetExtent(unit).Start, end.GetExtent(unit).End); |
private static string GetTypeString(CXType type, out bool isConst) |
{ |
isConst = false; |
switch (type) { |
case { kind: CXTypeKind.CXType_Pointer, |
PointeeType: { kind: CXTypeKind.CXType_FunctionProto } funcType }: |
var resultType = GetTypeString(funcType.ResultType, out _); |
var argTypes = Enumerable.Range(0, funcType.NumArgTypes) |
.Select(i => funcType.GetArgType((uint)i)) |
.Select(a => GetTypeString(a, out _)) |
.ToArray(); |
return $"delegate* unmanaged<{string.Join(", ", argTypes)}, {resultType}>"; |
case { kind: CXTypeKind.CXType_Pointer, |
PointeeType: { kind: CXTypeKind.CXType_Elaborated, |
Declaration.IsDefined: false} }: |
return "void*"; |
case { kind: CXTypeKind.CXType_Pointer }: |
return GetTypeString(type.PointeeType, out isConst) + "*"; |
case { kind: CXTypeKind.CXType_VariableArray |
or CXTypeKind.CXType_IncompleteArray }: |
return GetTypeString(type.ArrayElementType, out isConst) + "[]"; |
case { kind: CXTypeKind.CXType_Record }: |
throw new NotSupportedException(); |
case { kind: CXTypeKind.CXType_Elaborated }: |
var name = type.Declaration.ToString(); |
if (name == "") throw new Exception(); |
return name; |
case { kind: CXTypeKind.CXType_FunctionProto }: |
throw new NotSupportedException(); |
default: |
name = type.ToString(); |
if (name == "") throw new Exception(); |
if (type.IsConstQualified) { |
if (!name.StartsWith("const ")) throw new Exception(); |
name = name[("const ".Length)..]; |
isConst = true; |
} |
if (name.Contains(' ')) throw new Exception(); |
if (TypeAliases.TryGetValue(name, out var alias)) name = alias; |
return name; |
} |
} |
private static string GetSource(CXTranslationUnit unit, CXSourceRange range) |
{ |
range.Start.GetFileLocation(out var startFile, out _, out _, out var start); |
range.End .GetFileLocation(out var endFile , out _, out _, out var end); |
if (startFile != endFile) return string.Empty; |
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString( |
unit.GetFileContents(startFile, out _) |
.Slice((int)start, (int)(end - start))); |
} |
// See |
// Reserved keywords are unlikely to change in future C# versions, as they'd break |
// existing programs. New ones are instead added as contextual keywords. |
private static bool IsReservedKeyword(string str) |
=> str is "abstract" or "as" or "base" or "bool" or "break" or "byte" |
or "case" or "catch" or "char" or "checked" or "class" |
or "const" or "continue" or "decimal" or "default" |
or "delegate" or "do" or "double" or "else" or "enum" |
or "event" or "explicit" or "extern" or "false" or "finally" |
or "fixed" or "float" or "for" or "foreach" or "goto" or "if" |
or "implicit" or "in" or "int" or "interface" or "internal" |
or "is" or "lock" or "long" or "namespace" or "new" or "null" |
or "object" or "operator" or "out" or "override" or "params" |
or "private" or "protected" or "public" or "readonly" or "ref" |
or "return" or "sbyte" or "sealed" or "short" or"sizeof" |
or "stackalloc" or "static" or "string" or "struct" or "switch" |
or "this" or "throw" or "true" or "try" or "typeof" or "uint" |
or "ulong" or "unchecked" or "unsafe" or "ushort" or "using" |
or "virtual" or "void" or "volatile" or "while"; |
} |
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
namespace gaemstone.Utility; |
namespace gaemstone.ECS.Utility; |
public static class CallbackContextHelper |
{ |
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ |
using System; |
namespace gaemstone.Utility; |
namespace gaemstone.ECS.Utility; |
public static class SpanExtensions |
{ |
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ |
// <auto-generated> |
// Generated by gaemstone.ECS.BindGen c661367 |
// Time: 2023-01-09 18:48:29Z |
// Flecs version: v3.1.3 |
// </auto-generated> |
#pragma warning disable CS8981 |
public static partial class flecs |
{ |
public const uint ECS_ID_CACHE_SIZE = (32); |
public const uint ECS_TERM_DESC_CACHE_SIZE = (16); |
public const uint ECS_OBSERVER_DESC_EVENT_COUNT_MAX = (8); |
public const uint ECS_VARIABLE_COUNT_MAX = (64); |
public const uint EcsWorldQuitWorkers = (1u << 0); |
public const uint EcsWorldReadonly = (1u << 1); |
public const uint EcsWorldQuit = (1u << 2); |
public const uint EcsWorldFini = (1u << 3); |
public const uint EcsWorldMeasureFrameTime = (1u << 4); |
public const uint EcsWorldMeasureSystemTime = (1u << 5); |
public const uint EcsWorldMultiThreaded = (1u << 6); |
public const uint EcsOsApiHighResolutionTimer = (1u << 0); |
public const uint EcsOsApiLogWithColors = (1u << 1); |
public const uint EcsOsApiLogWithTimeStamp = (1u << 2); |
public const uint EcsOsApiLogWithTimeDelta = (1u << 3); |
public const uint EcsEntityObserved = (1u << 31); |
public const uint EcsEntityObservedId = (1u << 30); |
public const uint EcsEntityObservedTarget = (1u << 29); |
public const uint EcsEntityObservedAcyclic = (1u << 28); |
public const uint EcsIdOnDeleteRemove = (1u << 0); |
public const uint EcsIdOnDeleteDelete = (1u << 1); |
public const uint EcsIdOnDeletePanic = (1u << 2); |
public const uint EcsIdOnDeleteMask = (EcsIdOnDeletePanic|EcsIdOnDeleteRemove|EcsIdOnDeleteDelete); |
public const uint EcsIdOnDeleteObjectRemove = (1u << 3); |
public const uint EcsIdOnDeleteObjectDelete = (1u << 4); |
public const uint EcsIdOnDeleteObjectPanic = (1u << 5); |
public const uint EcsIdOnDeleteObjectMask = (EcsIdOnDeleteObjectPanic|EcsIdOnDeleteObjectRemove|EcsIdOnDeleteObjectDelete); |
public const uint EcsIdExclusive = (1u << 6); |
public const uint EcsIdDontInherit = (1u << 7); |
public const uint EcsIdAcyclic = (1u << 8); |
public const uint EcsIdTag = (1u << 9); |
public const uint EcsIdWith = (1u << 10); |
public const uint EcsIdUnion = (1u << 11); |
public const uint EcsIdHasOnAdd = (1u << 15); |
public const uint EcsIdHasOnRemove = (1u << 16); |
public const uint EcsIdHasOnSet = (1u << 17); |
public const uint EcsIdHasUnSet = (1u << 18); |
public const uint EcsIdEventMask = (EcsIdHasOnAdd|EcsIdHasOnRemove|EcsIdHasOnSet|EcsIdHasUnSet); |
public const uint EcsIdMarkedForDelete = (1u << 30); |
public const uint EcsIterIsValid = (1u << 0u); |
public const uint EcsIterIsFilter = (1u << 1u); |
public const uint EcsIterIsInstanced = (1u << 2u); |
public const uint EcsIterHasShared = (1u << 3u); |
public const uint EcsIterTableOnly = (1u << 4u); |
public const uint EcsIterEntityOptional = (1u << 5u); |
public const uint EcsIterNoResults = (1u << 6u); |
public const uint EcsIterIgnoreThis = (1u << 7u); |
public const uint EcsIterMatchVar = (1u << 8u); |
public const uint EcsEventTableOnly = (1u << 8u); |
public const uint EcsEventNoOnSet = (1u << 16u); |
public const uint EcsFilterMatchThis = (1u << 1u); |
public const uint EcsFilterMatchOnlyThis = (1u << 2u); |
public const uint EcsFilterMatchPrefab = (1u << 3u); |
public const uint EcsFilterMatchDisabled = (1u << 4u); |
public const uint EcsFilterMatchEmptyTables = (1u << 5u); |
public const uint EcsFilterMatchAnything = (1u << 6u); |
public const uint EcsFilterIsFilter = (1u << 7u); |
public const uint EcsFilterIsInstanced = (1u << 8u); |
public const uint EcsFilterPopulate = (1u << 9u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasBuiltins = (1u << 1u); |
public const uint EcsTableIsPrefab = (1u << 2u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasIsA = (1u << 3u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasChildOf = (1u << 4u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasPairs = (1u << 5u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasModule = (1u << 6u); |
public const uint EcsTableIsDisabled = (1u << 7u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasCtors = (1u << 8u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasDtors = (1u << 9u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasCopy = (1u << 10u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasMove = (1u << 11u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasUnion = (1u << 12u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasToggle = (1u << 13u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasOverrides = (1u << 14u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasOnAdd = (1u << 15u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasOnRemove = (1u << 16u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasOnSet = (1u << 17u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasUnSet = (1u << 18u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasObserved = (1u << 20u); |
public const uint EcsTableMarkedForDelete = (1u << 30u); |
public const uint EcsTableHasLifecycle = (EcsTableHasCtors | EcsTableHasDtors); |
public const uint EcsTableIsComplex = (EcsTableHasLifecycle | EcsTableHasUnion | EcsTableHasToggle); |
public const uint EcsTableHasAddActions = (EcsTableHasIsA | EcsTableHasUnion | EcsTableHasCtors | EcsTableHasOnAdd | EcsTableHasOnSet); |
public const uint EcsTableHasRemoveActions = (EcsTableHasIsA | EcsTableHasDtors | EcsTableHasOnRemove | EcsTableHasUnSet); |
public const uint EcsQueryHasRefs = (1u << 1u); |
public const uint EcsQueryIsSubquery = (1u << 2u); |
public const uint EcsQueryIsOrphaned = (1u << 3u); |
public const uint EcsQueryHasOutColumns = (1u << 4u); |
public const uint EcsQueryHasMonitor = (1u << 5u); |
public const uint EcsAperiodicEmptyTables = (1u << 1u); |
public const uint EcsAperiodicComponentMonitors = (1u << 2u); |
public const uint EcsAperiodicEmptyQueries = (1u << 4u); |
public const uint ecs_world_t_magic = (0x65637377); |
public const uint ecs_stage_t_magic = (0x65637373); |
public const uint ecs_query_t_magic = (0x65637371); |
public const uint ecs_rule_t_magic = (0x65637375); |
public const uint ecs_table_t_magic = (0x65637374); |
public const uint ecs_filter_t_magic = (0x65637366); |
public const uint ecs_trigger_t_magic = (0x65637372); |
public const uint ecs_observer_t_magic = (0x65637362); |
public const uint ECS_ROW_MASK = (0x0FFFFFFFu); |
public const uint ECS_ROW_FLAGS_MASK = (~ECS_ROW_MASK); |
public const ulong ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK = (0xFFul << 60); |
public const ulong ECS_ENTITY_MASK = (0xFFFFFFFFul); |
public const ulong ECS_GENERATION_MASK = (0xFFFFul << 32); |
public const uint ECS_COMPONENT_MASK = (~ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK); |
public const uint FLECS_SPARSE_CHUNK_SIZE = (4096); |
public const uint ECS_STRBUF_ELEMENT_SIZE = (511); |
public const uint ECS_STRBUF_MAX_LIST_DEPTH = (32); |
public const uint EcsSelf = (1u << 1); |
public const uint EcsUp = (1u << 2); |
public const uint EcsDown = (1u << 3); |
public const uint EcsTraverseAll = (1u << 4); |
public const uint EcsCascade = (1u << 5); |
public const uint EcsParent = (1u << 6); |
public const uint EcsIsVariable = (1u << 7); |
public const uint EcsIsEntity = (1u << 8); |
public const uint EcsFilter = (1u << 9); |
public const uint EcsTraverseFlags = (EcsUp|EcsDown|EcsTraverseAll|EcsSelf|EcsCascade|EcsParent); |
public const uint flecs_iter_cache_ids = (1u << 0u); |
public const uint flecs_iter_cache_columns = (1u << 1u); |
public const uint flecs_iter_cache_sources = (1u << 2u); |
public const uint flecs_iter_cache_sizes = (1u << 3u); |
public const uint flecs_iter_cache_ptrs = (1u << 4u); |
public const uint flecs_iter_cache_match_indices = (1u << 5u); |
public const uint flecs_iter_cache_variables = (1u << 6u); |
public const uint flecs_iter_cache_all = (255); |
public const uint ECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID = (256); |
public const uint ECS_MAX_COMPONENT_ID = (~((uint)(ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK >> 32))); |
public const uint ECS_MAX_RECURSION = (512); |
public const uint ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE = (256); |
public const ulong ECS_ID_FLAG_BIT = (1ul << 63); |
public const uint EcsFirstUserComponentId = (32); |
public const uint EcsFirstUserEntityId = (ECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 128); |
public const uint ECS_INVALID_OPERATION = (1); |
public const uint ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER = (2); |
public const uint ECS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED = (3); |
public const uint ECS_OUT_OF_MEMORY = (4); |
public const uint ECS_OUT_OF_RANGE = (5); |
public const uint ECS_UNSUPPORTED = (6); |
public const uint ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR = (7); |
public const uint ECS_ALREADY_DEFINED = (8); |
public const uint ECS_MISSING_OS_API = (9); |
public const uint ECS_OPERATION_FAILED = (10); |
public const uint ECS_INVALID_CONVERSION = (11); |
public const uint ECS_ID_IN_USE = (12); |
public const uint ECS_CYCLE_DETECTED = (13); |
public const uint ECS_LEAK_DETECTED = (14); |
public const uint ECS_INCONSISTENT_NAME = (20); |
public const uint ECS_NAME_IN_USE = (21); |
public const uint ECS_NOT_A_COMPONENT = (22); |
public const uint ECS_INVALID_COMPONENT_SIZE = (23); |
public const uint ECS_INVALID_COMPONENT_ALIGNMENT = (24); |
public const uint ECS_COMPONENT_NOT_REGISTERED = (25); |
public const uint ECS_INCONSISTENT_COMPONENT_ID = (26); |
public const uint ECS_INCONSISTENT_COMPONENT_ACTION = (27); |
public const uint ECS_MODULE_UNDEFINED = (28); |
public const uint ECS_MISSING_SYMBOL = (29); |
public const uint ECS_ALREADY_IN_USE = (30); |
public const uint ECS_ACCESS_VIOLATION = (40); |
public const uint ECS_COLUMN_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE = (41); |
public const uint ECS_COLUMN_IS_NOT_SHARED = (42); |
public const uint ECS_COLUMN_IS_SHARED = (43); |
public const uint ECS_COLUMN_TYPE_MISMATCH = (45); |
public const uint ECS_INVALID_WHILE_READONLY = (70); |
public const uint ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE = (71); |
public const uint ECS_INVALID_FROM_WORKER = (72); |
public const uint ECS_REST_DEFAULT_PORT = (27750); |
public const uint ECS_STAT_WINDOW = (60); |
public const uint ECS_MEMBER_DESC_CACHE_SIZE = (32); |
public const uint ECS_META_MAX_SCOPE_DEPTH = (32); |
public const uint ECS_HTTP_HEADER_COUNT_MAX = (32); |
public const uint ECS_HTTP_QUERY_PARAM_COUNT_MAX = (32); |
} |
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