High-level wrapper around Flecs, a powerful ECS (Entity Component System) library, written in Zig language
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* @file bootstrap.c
* @brief Bootstrap entities in the flecs.core namespace.
* Before the ECS storage can be used, core entities such first need to be
* initialized. For example, components in Flecs are stored as entities in the
* ECS storage itself with an EcsComponent component, but before this component
* can be stored, the component itself needs to be initialized.
* The bootstrap code uses lower-level APIs to initialize the data structures.
* After bootstrap is completed, regular ECS operations can be used to create
* entities and components.
* The bootstrap file also includes several lifecycle hooks and observers for
* builtin features, such as relationship properties and hooks for keeping the
* entity name administration in sync with the (Identifier, Name) component.
#include "flecs.h"
* @file private_api.h
* @brief Private functions.
* @file private_types.h
* @brief Private types.
#ifndef __MACH__
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
* @file datastructures/entity_index.h
* @brief Entity index data structure.
* The entity index stores the table, row for an entity id.
typedef struct ecs_entity_index_page_t {
ecs_record_t records[FLECS_ENTITY_PAGE_SIZE];
} ecs_entity_index_page_t;
typedef struct ecs_entity_index_t {
ecs_vec_t dense;
ecs_vec_t pages;
int32_t alive_count;
uint64_t max_id;
ecs_block_allocator_t page_allocator;
ecs_allocator_t *allocator;
} ecs_entity_index_t;
/** Initialize entity index. */
void flecs_entity_index_init(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_entity_index_t *index);
/** Deinitialize entity index. */
void flecs_entity_index_fini(
ecs_entity_index_t *index);
/* Get entity (must exist/must be alive) */
ecs_record_t* flecs_entity_index_get(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/* Get entity (must exist/may not be alive) */
ecs_record_t* flecs_entity_index_get_any(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/* Get entity (may not exist/must be alive) */
ecs_record_t* flecs_entity_index_try_get(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/* Get entity (may not exist/may not be alive) */
ecs_record_t* flecs_entity_index_try_get_any(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/** Ensure entity exists. */
ecs_record_t* flecs_entity_index_ensure(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/* Remove entity */
void flecs_entity_index_remove(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/* Set generation of entity */
void flecs_entity_index_set_generation(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/* Get current generation of entity */
uint64_t flecs_entity_index_get_generation(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/* Return whether entity is alive */
bool flecs_entity_index_is_alive(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/* Return whether entity is valid */
bool flecs_entity_index_is_valid(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/* Return whether entity exists */
bool flecs_entity_index_exists(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity);
/* Create or recycle entity id */
uint64_t flecs_entity_index_new_id(
ecs_entity_index_t *index);
/* Bulk create or recycle new entity ids */
uint64_t* flecs_entity_index_new_ids(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
int32_t count);
/* Set size of index */
void flecs_entity_index_set_size(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
int32_t size);
/* Return number of entities in index */
int32_t flecs_entity_index_count(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index);
/* Return number of allocated entities in index */
int32_t flecs_entity_index_size(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index);
/* Return number of not alive entities in index */
int32_t flecs_entity_index_not_alive_count(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index);
/* Clear entity index */
void flecs_entity_index_clear(
ecs_entity_index_t *index);
/* Return number of alive entities in index */
const uint64_t* flecs_entity_index_ids(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index);
void flecs_entity_index_copy(
ecs_entity_index_t *dst,
const ecs_entity_index_t *src);
void flecs_entity_index_restore(
ecs_entity_index_t *dst,
const ecs_entity_index_t *src);
#define ecs_eis(world) (&((world)->store.entity_index))
#define flecs_entities_init(world) flecs_entity_index_init(&world->allocator, ecs_eis(world))
#define flecs_entities_fini(world) flecs_entity_index_fini(ecs_eis(world))
#define flecs_entities_get(world, entity) flecs_entity_index_get(ecs_eis(world), entity)
#define flecs_entities_try(world, entity) flecs_entity_index_try_get(ecs_eis(world), entity)
#define flecs_entities_get_any(world, entity) flecs_entity_index_get_any(ecs_eis(world), entity)
#define flecs_entities_ensure(world, entity) flecs_entity_index_ensure(ecs_eis(world), entity)
#define flecs_entities_remove(world, entity) flecs_entity_index_remove(ecs_eis(world), entity)
#define flecs_entities_set_generation(world, entity) flecs_entity_index_set_generation(ecs_eis(world), entity)
#define flecs_entities_get_generation(world, entity) flecs_entity_index_get_generation(ecs_eis(world), entity)
#define flecs_entities_is_alive(world, entity) flecs_entity_index_is_alive(ecs_eis(world), entity)
#define flecs_entities_is_valid(world, entity) flecs_entity_index_is_valid(ecs_eis(world), entity)
#define flecs_entities_exists(world, entity) flecs_entity_index_exists(ecs_eis(world), entity)
#define flecs_entities_new_id(world) flecs_entity_index_new_id(ecs_eis(world))
#define flecs_entities_new_ids(world, count) flecs_entity_index_new_ids(ecs_eis(world), count)
#define flecs_entities_max_id(world) (ecs_eis(world)->max_id)
#define flecs_entities_set_size(world, size) flecs_entity_index_set_size(ecs_eis(world), size)
#define flecs_entities_count(world) flecs_entity_index_count(ecs_eis(world))
#define flecs_entities_size(world) flecs_entity_index_size(ecs_eis(world))
#define flecs_entities_not_alive_count(world) flecs_entity_index_not_alive_count(ecs_eis(world))
#define flecs_entities_clear(world) flecs_entity_index_clear(ecs_eis(world))
#define flecs_entities_ids(world) flecs_entity_index_ids(ecs_eis(world))
#define flecs_entities_copy(dst, src) flecs_entity_index_copy(dst, src)
#define flecs_entities_restore(dst, src) flecs_entity_index_restore(dst, src)
* @file datastructures/stack_allocator.h
* @brief Stack allocator.
/** Stack allocator for quick allocation of small temporary values */
#define ECS_STACK_PAGE_SIZE (4096)
typedef struct ecs_stack_page_t {
void *data;
struct ecs_stack_page_t *next;
int16_t sp;
uint32_t id;
} ecs_stack_page_t;
typedef struct ecs_stack_t {
ecs_stack_page_t first;
ecs_stack_page_t *tail_page;
ecs_stack_cursor_t *tail_cursor;
int32_t cursor_count;
} ecs_stack_t;
void flecs_stack_init(
ecs_stack_t *stack);
void flecs_stack_fini(
ecs_stack_t *stack);
void* flecs_stack_alloc(
ecs_stack_t *stack,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t align);
#define flecs_stack_alloc_t(stack, T)\
flecs_stack_alloc(stack, ECS_SIZEOF(T), ECS_ALIGNOF(T))
#define flecs_stack_alloc_n(stack, T, count)\
flecs_stack_alloc(stack, ECS_SIZEOF(T) * count, ECS_ALIGNOF(T))
void* flecs_stack_calloc(
ecs_stack_t *stack,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t align);
#define flecs_stack_calloc_t(stack, T)\
flecs_stack_calloc(stack, ECS_SIZEOF(T), ECS_ALIGNOF(T))
#define flecs_stack_calloc_n(stack, T, count)\
flecs_stack_calloc(stack, ECS_SIZEOF(T) * count, ECS_ALIGNOF(T))
void flecs_stack_free(
void *ptr,
ecs_size_t size);
#define flecs_stack_free_t(ptr, T)\
flecs_stack_free(ptr, ECS_SIZEOF(T))
#define flecs_stack_free_n(ptr, T, count)\
flecs_stack_free(ptr, ECS_SIZEOF(T) * count)
void flecs_stack_reset(
ecs_stack_t *stack);
ecs_stack_cursor_t* flecs_stack_get_cursor(
ecs_stack_t *stack);
void flecs_stack_restore_cursor(
ecs_stack_t *stack,
ecs_stack_cursor_t *cursor);
* @file bitset.h
* @brief Bitset data structure.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct ecs_bitset_t {
uint64_t *data;
int32_t count;
ecs_size_t size;
} ecs_bitset_t;
/** Initialize bitset. */
void flecs_bitset_init(
ecs_bitset_t *bs);
/** Deinitialize bitset. */
void flecs_bitset_fini(
ecs_bitset_t *bs);
/** Add n elements to bitset. */
void flecs_bitset_addn(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t count);
/** Ensure element exists. */
void flecs_bitset_ensure(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t count);
/** Set element. */
void flecs_bitset_set(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t elem,
bool value);
/** Get element. */
bool flecs_bitset_get(
const ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t elem);
/** Return number of elements. */
int32_t flecs_bitset_count(
const ecs_bitset_t *bs);
/** Remove from bitset. */
void flecs_bitset_remove(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t elem);
/** Swap values in bitset. */
void flecs_bitset_swap(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t elem_a,
int32_t elem_b);
#ifdef __cplusplus
* @file switch_list.h
* @brief Interleaved linked list for storing mutually exclusive values.
typedef struct ecs_switch_header_t {
int32_t element; /* First element for value */
int32_t count; /* Number of elements for value */
} ecs_switch_header_t;
typedef struct ecs_switch_node_t {
int32_t next; /* Next node in list */
int32_t prev; /* Prev node in list */
} ecs_switch_node_t;
struct ecs_switch_t {
ecs_map_t hdrs; /* map<uint64_t, ecs_switch_header_t> */
ecs_vec_t nodes; /* vec<ecs_switch_node_t> */
ecs_vec_t values; /* vec<uint64_t> */
/** Init new switch. */
void flecs_switch_init(
ecs_switch_t* sw,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
int32_t elements);
/** Fini switch. */
void flecs_switch_fini(
ecs_switch_t *sw);
/** Remove all values. */
void flecs_switch_clear(
ecs_switch_t *sw);
/** Add element to switch, initialize value to 0 */
void flecs_switch_add(
ecs_switch_t *sw);
/** Set number of elements in switch list */
void flecs_switch_set_count(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t count);
/** Get number of elements */
int32_t flecs_switch_count(
ecs_switch_t *sw);
/** Ensure that element exists. */
void flecs_switch_ensure(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t count);
/** Add n elements. */
void flecs_switch_addn(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t count);
/** Set value of element. */
void flecs_switch_set(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t element,
uint64_t value);
/** Remove element. */
void flecs_switch_remove(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t element);
/** Get value for element. */
uint64_t flecs_switch_get(
const ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t element);
/** Swap element. */
void flecs_switch_swap(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t elem_1,
int32_t elem_2);
/** Get vector with all values. Use together with count(). */
ecs_vec_t* flecs_switch_values(
const ecs_switch_t *sw);
/** Return number of different values. */
int32_t flecs_switch_case_count(
const ecs_switch_t *sw,
uint64_t value);
/** Return first element for value. */
int32_t flecs_switch_first(
const ecs_switch_t *sw,
uint64_t value);
/** Return next element for value. Use with first(). */
int32_t flecs_switch_next(
const ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t elem);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef __cplusplus
* @file table.h
* @brief Table storage implementation.
* @file table_graph.h
* @brief Table graph types and functions.
/** Cache of added/removed components for non-trivial edges between tables */
#define ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT { .added = {0}}
/** Builder for table diff. The table diff type itself doesn't use ecs_vec_t to
* conserve memory on table edges (a type doesn't have the size field), whereas
* a vec for the builder is more convenient to use & has allocator support. */
typedef struct ecs_table_diff_builder_t {
ecs_vec_t added;
ecs_vec_t removed;
} ecs_table_diff_builder_t;
typedef struct ecs_table_diff_t {
ecs_type_t added; /* Components added between tables */
ecs_type_t removed; /* Components removed between tables */
} ecs_table_diff_t;
/** Edge linked list (used to keep track of incoming edges) */
typedef struct ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t {
struct ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t *prev;
struct ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t *next;
} ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t;
/** Single edge. */
typedef struct ecs_graph_edge_t {
ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t hdr;
ecs_table_t *from; /* Edge source table */
ecs_table_t *to; /* Edge destination table */
ecs_table_diff_t *diff; /* Index into diff vector, if non trivial edge */
ecs_id_t id; /* Id associated with edge */
} ecs_graph_edge_t;
/* Edges to other tables. */
typedef struct ecs_graph_edges_t {
ecs_graph_edge_t *lo; /* Small array optimized for low edges */
ecs_map_t *hi; /* Map for hi edges (map<id, edge_t>) */
} ecs_graph_edges_t;
/* Table graph node */
typedef struct ecs_graph_node_t {
/* Outgoing edges */
ecs_graph_edges_t add;
ecs_graph_edges_t remove;
/* Incoming edges (next = add edges, prev = remove edges) */
ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t refs;
} ecs_graph_node_t;
/* Find table by adding id to current table */
ecs_table_t *flecs_table_traverse_add(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t *id_ptr,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff);
/* Find table by removing id from current table */
ecs_table_t *flecs_table_traverse_remove(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t *id_ptr,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff);
/* Cleanup incoming and outgoing edges for table */
void flecs_table_clear_edges(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Table diff builder, used to build id lists that indicate the difference in
* ids between two tables. */
void flecs_table_diff_builder_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder);
void flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder);
void flecs_table_diff_builder_clear(
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder);
void flecs_table_diff_build_append_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *dst,
ecs_table_diff_t *src);
void flecs_table_diff_build(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff,
int32_t added_offset,
int32_t removed_offset);
void flecs_table_diff_build_noalloc(
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff);
/* Table event type for notifying tables of world events */
typedef enum ecs_table_eventkind_t {
} ecs_table_eventkind_t;
typedef struct ecs_table_event_t {
ecs_table_eventkind_t kind;
/* Query event */
ecs_query_t *query;
/* Component info event */
ecs_entity_t component;
/* Event match */
ecs_entity_t event;
/* If the number of fields gets out of hand, this can be turned into a union
* but since events are very temporary objects, this works for now and makes
* initializing an event a bit simpler. */
} ecs_table_event_t;
/** Infrequently accessed data not stored inline in ecs_table_t */
typedef struct ecs_table__t {
uint64_t hash; /* Type hash */
int32_t lock; /* Prevents modifications */
int32_t traversable_count; /* Traversable relationship targets in table */
uint16_t generation; /* Used for table cleanup */
int16_t record_count; /* Table record count including wildcards */
struct ecs_table_record_t *records; /* Array with table records */
ecs_hashmap_t *name_index; /* Cached pointer to name index */
ecs_switch_t *sw_columns; /* Switch columns */
ecs_bitset_t *bs_columns; /* Bitset columns */
int16_t sw_count;
int16_t sw_offset;
int16_t bs_count;
int16_t bs_offset;
int16_t ft_offset;
} ecs_table__t;
/** Table column */
typedef struct ecs_column_t {
ecs_vec_t data; /* Vector with component data */
ecs_id_t id; /* Component id */
ecs_type_info_t *ti; /* Component type info */
ecs_size_t size; /* Component size */
} ecs_column_t;
/** Table data */
struct ecs_data_t {
ecs_vec_t entities; /* Entity ids */
ecs_column_t *columns; /* Component data */
/** A table is the Flecs equivalent of an archetype. Tables store all entities
* with a specific set of components. Tables are automatically created when an
* entity has a set of components not previously observed before. When a new
* table is created, it is automatically matched with existing queries */
struct ecs_table_t {
uint64_t id; /* Table id in sparse set */
ecs_flags32_t flags; /* Flags for testing table properties */
int16_t column_count; /* Number of components (excluding tags) */
ecs_type_t type; /* Vector with component ids */
ecs_data_t data; /* Component storage */
ecs_graph_node_t node; /* Graph node */
int32_t *dirty_state; /* Keep track of changes in columns */
int32_t *column_map; /* Map type index <-> column
* - 0..count(T): type index -> column
* - count(T)..count(C): column -> type index
ecs_table__t *_; /* Infrequently accessed table metadata */
/* Init table */
void flecs_table_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_t *from);
/** Copy type. */
ecs_type_t flecs_type_copy(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_type_t *src);
/** Free type. */
void flecs_type_free(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *type);
/** Find or create table for a set of components */
ecs_table_t* flecs_table_find_or_create(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *type);
/* Initialize columns for data */
void flecs_table_init_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Clear all entities from a table. */
void flecs_table_clear_entities(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Reset a table to its initial state */
void flecs_table_reset(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Clear all entities from the table. Do not invoke OnRemove systems */
void flecs_table_clear_entities_silent(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Clear table data. Don't call OnRemove handlers. */
void flecs_table_clear_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data);
/* Return number of entities in data */
int32_t flecs_table_data_count(
const ecs_data_t *data);
/* Add a new entry to the table for the specified entity */
int32_t flecs_table_append(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t entity,
bool construct,
bool on_add);
/* Delete an entity from the table. */
void flecs_table_delete(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t index,
bool destruct);
/* Make sure table records are in correct table cache list */
bool flecs_table_records_update_empty(
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Move a row from one table to another */
void flecs_table_move(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t dst_entity,
ecs_entity_t src_entity,
ecs_table_t *new_table,
int32_t new_index,
ecs_table_t *old_table,
int32_t old_index,
bool construct);
/* Grow table with specified number of records. Populate table with entities,
* starting from specified entity id. */
int32_t flecs_table_appendn(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data,
int32_t count,
const ecs_entity_t *ids);
/* Set table to a fixed size. Useful for preallocating memory in advance. */
void flecs_table_set_size(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data,
int32_t count);
/* Shrink table to contents */
bool flecs_table_shrink(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Get dirty state for table columns */
int32_t* flecs_table_get_dirty_state(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Initialize root table */
void flecs_init_root_table(
ecs_world_t *world);
/* Unset components in table */
void flecs_table_remove_actions(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Free table */
void flecs_table_free(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Free table */
void flecs_table_free_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Replace data */
void flecs_table_replace_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data);
/* Merge data of one table into another table */
void flecs_table_merge(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *new_table,
ecs_table_t *old_table,
ecs_data_t *new_data,
ecs_data_t *old_data);
void flecs_table_swap(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row_1,
int32_t row_2);
void flecs_table_mark_dirty(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t component);
void flecs_table_notify(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_event_t *event);
void flecs_table_delete_entities(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
int32_t flecs_table_column_to_union_index(
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t column);
/* Increase observer count of table */
void flecs_table_traversable_add(
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t value);
ecs_vec_t* flecs_table_entities(
ecs_table_t *table);
ecs_entity_t* flecs_table_entities_array(
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Used in id records to keep track of entities used with id flags */
extern const ecs_entity_t EcsFlag;
/* Magic number for a flecs object */
#define ECS_OBJECT_MAGIC (0x6563736f)
/* Tags associated with poly for (Poly, tag) components */
#define ecs_world_t_tag invalid
#define ecs_stage_t_tag invalid
#define ecs_query_t_tag EcsQuery
#define ecs_rule_t_tag EcsQuery
#define ecs_table_t_tag invalid
#define ecs_filter_t_tag EcsQuery
#define ecs_observer_t_tag EcsObserver
/* Mixin kinds */
typedef enum ecs_mixin_kind_t {
} ecs_mixin_kind_t;
/* The mixin array contains pointers to mixin members for different kinds of
* flecs objects. This allows the API to retrieve data from an object regardless
* of its type. Each mixin array is only stored once per type */
struct ecs_mixins_t {
const char *type_name; /* Include name of mixin type so debug code doesn't
* need to know about every object */
ecs_size_t elems[EcsMixinMax];
/* Mixin tables */
extern ecs_mixins_t ecs_world_t_mixins;
extern ecs_mixins_t ecs_stage_t_mixins;
extern ecs_mixins_t ecs_filter_t_mixins;
extern ecs_mixins_t ecs_query_t_mixins;
extern ecs_mixins_t ecs_trigger_t_mixins;
extern ecs_mixins_t ecs_observer_t_mixins;
/* Types that have no mixins */
#define ecs_table_t_mixins (&(ecs_mixins_t){ NULL })
/* Scope for flecs internals, like observers used for builtin features */
extern const ecs_entity_t EcsFlecsInternals;
/** Type used for internal string hashmap */
typedef struct ecs_hashed_string_t {
char *value;
ecs_size_t length;
uint64_t hash;
} ecs_hashed_string_t;
/** Must appear as first member in payload of table cache */
typedef struct ecs_table_cache_hdr_t {
struct ecs_table_cache_t *cache;
ecs_table_t *table;
struct ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *prev, *next;
bool empty;
} ecs_table_cache_hdr_t;
/** Linked list of tables in table cache */
typedef struct ecs_table_cache_list_t {
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *first;
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *last;
int32_t count;
} ecs_table_cache_list_t;
/** Table cache */
typedef struct ecs_table_cache_t {
ecs_map_t index; /* <table_id, T*> */
ecs_table_cache_list_t tables;
ecs_table_cache_list_t empty_tables;
} ecs_table_cache_t;
/* Sparse query term */
typedef struct flecs_switch_term_t {
ecs_switch_t *sw_column;
ecs_entity_t sw_case;
int32_t signature_column_index;
} flecs_switch_term_t;
/* Bitset query term */
typedef struct flecs_bitset_term_t {
ecs_bitset_t *bs_column;
int32_t column_index;
} flecs_bitset_term_t;
typedef struct flecs_flat_monitor_t {
int32_t table_state;
int32_t monitor;
} flecs_flat_monitor_t;
/* Flat table term */
typedef struct flecs_flat_table_term_t {
int32_t field_index; /* Iterator field index */
ecs_term_t *term;
ecs_vec_t monitor;
} flecs_flat_table_term_t;
/* Entity filter. This filters the entities of a matched table, for example when
* it has disabled components or union relationships (switch). */
typedef struct ecs_entity_filter_t {
ecs_vec_t sw_terms; /* Terms with switch (union) entity filter */
ecs_vec_t bs_terms; /* Terms with bitset (toggle) entity filter */
ecs_vec_t ft_terms; /* Terms with components from flattened tree */
int32_t flat_tree_column;
} ecs_entity_filter_t;
typedef struct ecs_entity_filter_iter_t {
ecs_entity_filter_t *entity_filter;
ecs_iter_t *it;
int32_t *columns;
ecs_table_t *prev;
ecs_table_range_t range;
int32_t bs_offset;
int32_t sw_offset;
int32_t sw_smallest;
int32_t flat_tree_offset;
int32_t target_count;
} ecs_entity_filter_iter_t;
/** Table match data.
* Each table matched by the query is represented by a ecs_query_table_match_t
* instance, which are linked together in a list. A table may match a query
* multiple times (due to wildcard queries) with different columns being matched
* by the query. */
struct ecs_query_table_match_t {
ecs_query_table_match_t *next, *prev;
ecs_table_t *table; /* The current table. */
int32_t offset; /* Starting point in table */
int32_t count; /* Number of entities to iterate in table */
int32_t *columns; /* Mapping from query fields to table columns */
int32_t *storage_columns; /* Mapping from query fields to storage columns */
ecs_id_t *ids; /* Resolved (component) ids for current table */
ecs_entity_t *sources; /* Subjects (sources) of ids */
ecs_vec_t refs; /* Cached components for non-this terms */
uint64_t group_id; /* Value used to organize tables in groups */
int32_t *monitor; /* Used to monitor table for changes */
ecs_entity_filter_t *entity_filter; /* Entity specific filters */
/* Next match in cache for same table (includes empty tables) */
ecs_query_table_match_t *next_match;
/** Table record type for query table cache. A query only has one per table. */
typedef struct ecs_query_table_t {
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t hdr; /* Header for ecs_table_cache_t */
ecs_query_table_match_t *first; /* List with matches for table */
ecs_query_table_match_t *last; /* Last discovered match for table */
uint64_t table_id;
int32_t rematch_count; /* Track whether table was rematched */
} ecs_query_table_t;
/** Points to the beginning & ending of a query group */
typedef struct ecs_query_table_list_t {
ecs_query_table_match_t *first;
ecs_query_table_match_t *last;
ecs_query_group_info_t info;
} ecs_query_table_list_t;
/* Query event type for notifying queries of world events */
typedef enum ecs_query_eventkind_t {
} ecs_query_eventkind_t;
typedef struct ecs_query_event_t {
ecs_query_eventkind_t kind;
ecs_table_t *table;
ecs_query_t *parent_query;
} ecs_query_event_t;
/* Query level block allocators have sizes that depend on query field count */
typedef struct ecs_query_allocators_t {
ecs_block_allocator_t columns;
ecs_block_allocator_t ids;
ecs_block_allocator_t sources;
ecs_block_allocator_t monitors;
} ecs_query_allocators_t;
/** Query that is automatically matched against tables */
struct ecs_query_t {
ecs_header_t hdr;
/* Query filter */
ecs_filter_t filter;
/* Tables matched with query */
ecs_table_cache_t cache;
/* Linked list with all matched non-empty tables, in iteration order */
ecs_query_table_list_t list;
/* Contains head/tail to nodes of query groups (if group_by is used) */
ecs_map_t groups;
/* Table sorting */
ecs_entity_t order_by_component;
ecs_order_by_action_t order_by;
ecs_sort_table_action_t sort_table;
ecs_vec_t table_slices;
int32_t order_by_term;
/* Table grouping */
ecs_entity_t group_by_id;
ecs_group_by_action_t group_by;
ecs_group_create_action_t on_group_create;
ecs_group_delete_action_t on_group_delete;
void *group_by_ctx;
ecs_ctx_free_t group_by_ctx_free;
/* Subqueries */
ecs_query_t *parent;
ecs_vec_t subqueries;
/* Flags for query properties */
ecs_flags32_t flags;
/* Monitor generation */
int32_t monitor_generation;
int32_t cascade_by; /* Identify cascade term */
int32_t match_count; /* How often have tables been (un)matched */
int32_t prev_match_count; /* Track if sorting is needed */
int32_t rematch_count; /* Track which tables were added during rematch */
/* User context */
void *ctx; /* User context to pass to callback */
void *binding_ctx; /* Context to be used for language bindings */
ecs_ctx_free_t ctx_free; /** Callback to free ctx */
ecs_ctx_free_t binding_ctx_free; /** Callback to free binding_ctx */
/* Mixins */
ecs_iterable_t iterable;
ecs_poly_dtor_t dtor;
/* Query-level allocators */
ecs_query_allocators_t allocators;
/** All observers for a specific (component) id */
typedef struct ecs_event_id_record_t {
/* Triggers for Self */
ecs_map_t self; /* map<trigger_id, trigger_t> */
ecs_map_t self_up; /* map<trigger_id, trigger_t> */
ecs_map_t up; /* map<trigger_id, trigger_t> */
ecs_map_t observers; /* map<trigger_id, trigger_t> */
/* Triggers for SuperSet, SubSet */
ecs_map_t set_observers; /* map<trigger_id, trigger_t> */
/* Triggers for Self with non-This subject */
ecs_map_t entity_observers; /* map<trigger_id, trigger_t> */
/* Number of active observers for (component) id */
int32_t observer_count;
} ecs_event_id_record_t;
/* World level allocators are for operations that are not multithreaded */
typedef struct ecs_world_allocators_t {
ecs_map_params_t ptr;
ecs_map_params_t query_table_list;
ecs_block_allocator_t query_table;
ecs_block_allocator_t query_table_match;
ecs_block_allocator_t graph_edge_lo;
ecs_block_allocator_t graph_edge;
ecs_block_allocator_t id_record;
ecs_block_allocator_t id_record_chunk;
ecs_block_allocator_t table_diff;
ecs_block_allocator_t sparse_chunk;
ecs_block_allocator_t hashmap;
/* Temporary vectors used for creating table diff id sequences */
ecs_table_diff_builder_t diff_builder;
} ecs_world_allocators_t;
/* Stage level allocators are for operations that can be multithreaded */
typedef struct ecs_stage_allocators_t {
ecs_stack_t iter_stack;
ecs_stack_t deser_stack;
ecs_block_allocator_t cmd_entry_chunk;
} ecs_stage_allocators_t;
/** Types for deferred operations */
typedef enum ecs_cmd_kind_t {
} ecs_cmd_kind_t;
/* Entity specific metadata for command in queue */
typedef struct ecs_cmd_entry_t {
int32_t first;
int32_t last; /* If -1, a delete command was inserted */
} ecs_cmd_entry_t;
typedef struct ecs_cmd_1_t {
void *value; /* Component value (used by set / get_mut) */
ecs_size_t size; /* Size of value */
bool clone_value; /* Clone entity with value (used for clone) */
} ecs_cmd_1_t;
typedef struct ecs_cmd_n_t {
ecs_entity_t *entities;
int32_t count;
} ecs_cmd_n_t;
typedef struct ecs_cmd_t {
ecs_cmd_kind_t kind; /* Command kind */
int32_t next_for_entity; /* Next operation for entity */
ecs_id_t id; /* (Component) id */
ecs_id_record_t *idr; /* Id record (only for set/mut/emplace) */
ecs_cmd_entry_t *entry;
ecs_entity_t entity; /* Entity id */
union {
ecs_cmd_1_t _1; /* Data for single entity operation */
ecs_cmd_n_t _n; /* Data for multi entity operation */
} is;
} ecs_cmd_t;
/* Data structures that store the command queue */
typedef struct ecs_commands_t {
ecs_vec_t queue;
ecs_stack_t stack; /* Temp memory used by deferred commands */
ecs_sparse_t entries; /* <entity, op_entry_t> - command batching */
} ecs_commands_t;
/** A stage is a context that allows for safely using the API from multiple
* threads. Stage pointers can be passed to the world argument of API
* operations, which causes the operation to be ran on the stage instead of the
* world. */
struct ecs_stage_t {
ecs_header_t hdr;
/* Unique id that identifies the stage */
int32_t id;
/* Zero if not deferred, positive if deferred, negative if suspended */
int32_t defer;
/* Command queue stack, for nested execution */
ecs_commands_t *cmd;
ecs_commands_t cmd_stack[ECS_MAX_DEFER_STACK];
int32_t cmd_sp;
/* Thread context */
ecs_world_t *thread_ctx; /* Points to stage when a thread stage */
ecs_world_t *world; /* Reference to world */
ecs_os_thread_t thread; /* Thread handle (0 if no threading is used) */
/* One-shot actions to be executed after the merge */
ecs_vec_t post_frame_actions;
/* Namespacing */
ecs_entity_t scope; /* Entity of current scope */
ecs_entity_t with; /* Id to add by default to new entities */
ecs_entity_t base; /* Currently instantiated top-level base */
const ecs_entity_t *lookup_path; /* Search path used by lookup operations */
/* Properties */
bool auto_merge; /* Should this stage automatically merge? */
bool async; /* Is stage asynchronous? (write only) */
/* Thread specific allocators */
ecs_stage_allocators_t allocators;
ecs_allocator_t allocator;
/* Caches for rule creation */
ecs_vec_t variables;
ecs_vec_t operations;
/* Component monitor */
typedef struct ecs_monitor_t {
ecs_vec_t queries; /* vector<ecs_query_t*> */
bool is_dirty; /* Should queries be rematched? */
} ecs_monitor_t;
/* Component monitors */
typedef struct ecs_monitor_set_t {
ecs_map_t monitors; /* map<id, ecs_monitor_t> */
bool is_dirty; /* Should monitors be evaluated? */
} ecs_monitor_set_t;
/* Data stored for id marked for deletion */
typedef struct ecs_marked_id_t {
ecs_id_record_t *idr;
ecs_id_t id;
ecs_entity_t action; /* Set explicitly for delete_with, remove_all */
bool delete_id;
} ecs_marked_id_t;
typedef struct ecs_store_t {
/* Entity lookup */
ecs_entity_index_t entity_index;
/* Table lookup by id */
ecs_sparse_t tables; /* sparse<table_id, ecs_table_t> */
/* Table lookup by hash */
ecs_hashmap_t table_map; /* hashmap<ecs_type_t, ecs_table_t*> */
/* Root table */
ecs_table_t root;
/* Records cache */
ecs_vec_t records;
/* Stack of ids being deleted. */
ecs_vec_t marked_ids; /* vector<ecs_marked_ids_t> */
/* Entity ids associated with depth (for flat hierarchies) */
ecs_vec_t depth_ids;
ecs_map_t entity_to_depth; /* What it says */
} ecs_store_t;
/* fini actions */
typedef struct ecs_action_elem_t {
ecs_fini_action_t action;
void *ctx;
} ecs_action_elem_t;
typedef struct ecs_pipeline_state_t ecs_pipeline_state_t;
/** The world stores and manages all ECS data. An application can have more than
* one world, but data is not shared between worlds. */
struct ecs_world_t {
ecs_header_t hdr;
/* -- Type metadata -- */
ecs_id_record_t *id_index_lo;
ecs_map_t id_index_hi; /* map<id, ecs_id_record_t*> */
ecs_sparse_t type_info; /* sparse<type_id, type_info_t> */
/* -- Cached handle to id records -- */
ecs_id_record_t *idr_wildcard;
ecs_id_record_t *idr_wildcard_wildcard;
ecs_id_record_t *idr_any;
ecs_id_record_t *idr_isa_wildcard;
ecs_id_record_t *idr_childof_0;
ecs_id_record_t *idr_childof_wildcard;
ecs_id_record_t *idr_identifier_name;
/* -- Mixins -- */
ecs_world_t *self;
ecs_observable_t observable;
ecs_iterable_t iterable;
/* Unique id per generated event used to prevent duplicate notifications */
int32_t event_id;
/* Is entity range checking enabled? */
bool range_check_enabled;
/* -- Data storage -- */
ecs_store_t store;
/* -- Pending table event buffers -- */
ecs_sparse_t *pending_buffer; /* sparse<table_id, ecs_table_t*> */
ecs_sparse_t *pending_tables; /* sparse<table_id, ecs_table_t*> */
/* Used to track when cache needs to be updated */
ecs_monitor_set_t monitors; /* map<id, ecs_monitor_t> */
/* -- Systems -- */
ecs_entity_t pipeline; /* Current pipeline */
/* -- Identifiers -- */
ecs_hashmap_t aliases;
ecs_hashmap_t symbols;
/* -- Staging -- */
ecs_stage_t *stages; /* Stages */
int32_t stage_count; /* Number of stages */
/* -- Multithreading -- */
ecs_os_cond_t worker_cond; /* Signal that worker threads can start */
ecs_os_cond_t sync_cond; /* Signal that worker thread job is done */
ecs_os_mutex_t sync_mutex; /* Mutex for job_cond */
int32_t workers_running; /* Number of threads running */
int32_t workers_waiting; /* Number of workers waiting on sync */
ecs_pipeline_state_t* pq; /* Pointer to the pipeline for the workers to execute */
bool workers_use_task_api; /* Workers are short-lived tasks, not long-running threads */
/* -- Time management -- */
ecs_time_t world_start_time; /* Timestamp of simulation start */
ecs_time_t frame_start_time; /* Timestamp of frame start */
ecs_ftime_t fps_sleep; /* Sleep time to prevent fps overshoot */
/* -- Metrics -- */
ecs_world_info_t info;
/* -- World flags -- */
ecs_flags32_t flags;
/* Count that increases when component monitors change */
int32_t monitor_generation;
/* -- Allocators -- */
ecs_world_allocators_t allocators; /* Static allocation sizes */
ecs_allocator_t allocator; /* Dynamic allocation sizes */
void *ctx; /* Application context */
void *binding_ctx; /* Binding-specific context */
ecs_ctx_free_t ctx_free; /**< Callback to free ctx */
ecs_ctx_free_t binding_ctx_free; /**< Callback to free binding_ctx */
ecs_vec_t fini_actions; /* Callbacks to execute when world exits */
* @file table_cache.h
* @brief Data structure for fast table iteration/lookups.
void ecs_table_cache_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_cache_t *cache);
void ecs_table_cache_fini(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache);
void ecs_table_cache_insert(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *result);
void ecs_table_cache_replace(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *elem);
void* ecs_table_cache_remove(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
uint64_t table_id,
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *elem);
void* ecs_table_cache_get(
const ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
const ecs_table_t *table);
bool ecs_table_cache_set_empty(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
const ecs_table_t *table,
bool empty);
bool ecs_table_cache_is_empty(
const ecs_table_cache_t *cache);
#define flecs_table_cache_count(cache) (cache)->tables.count
#define flecs_table_cache_empty_count(cache) (cache)->empty_tables.count
bool flecs_table_cache_iter(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
ecs_table_cache_iter_t *out);
bool flecs_table_cache_empty_iter(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
ecs_table_cache_iter_t *out);
bool flecs_table_cache_all_iter(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
ecs_table_cache_iter_t *out);
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t* flecs_table_cache_next_(
ecs_table_cache_iter_t *it);
#define flecs_table_cache_next(it, T)\
(ECS_CAST(T*, flecs_table_cache_next_(it)))
* @file id_index.h
* @brief Index for looking up tables by (component) id.
/* Payload for id cache */
struct ecs_table_record_t {
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t hdr; /* Table cache header */
int16_t index; /* First type index where id occurs in table */
int16_t count; /* Number of times id occurs in table */
int16_t column; /* First column index where id occurs */
/* Linked list of id records */
typedef struct ecs_id_record_elem_t {
struct ecs_id_record_t *prev, *next;
} ecs_id_record_elem_t;
typedef struct ecs_reachable_elem_t {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
ecs_record_t *record;
ecs_entity_t src;
ecs_id_t id;
#ifndef NDEBUG
ecs_table_t *table;
} ecs_reachable_elem_t;
typedef struct ecs_reachable_cache_t {
int32_t generation;
int32_t current;
ecs_vec_t ids; /* vec<reachable_elem_t> */
} ecs_reachable_cache_t;
/* Payload for id index which contains all data structures for an id. */
struct ecs_id_record_t {
/* Cache with all tables that contain the id. Must be first member. */
ecs_table_cache_t cache; /* table_cache<ecs_table_record_t> */
/* Id of record */
ecs_id_t id;
/* Flags for id */
ecs_flags32_t flags;
/* Cached pointer to type info for id, if id contains data. */
const ecs_type_info_t *type_info;
/* Name lookup index (currently only used for ChildOf pairs) */
ecs_hashmap_t *name_index;
/* Lists for all id records that match a pair wildcard. The wildcard id
* record is at the head of the list. */
ecs_id_record_elem_t first; /* (R, *) */
ecs_id_record_elem_t second; /* (*, O) */
ecs_id_record_elem_t trav; /* (*, O) with only traversable relationships */
/* Parent id record. For pair records the parent is the (R, *) record. */
ecs_id_record_t *parent;
/* Refcount */
int32_t refcount;
/* Keep alive count. This count must be 0 when the id record is deleted. If
* it is not 0, an application attempted to delete an id that was still
* queried for. */
int32_t keep_alive;
/* Cache invalidation counter */
ecs_reachable_cache_t reachable;
/* Get id record for id */
ecs_id_record_t* flecs_id_record_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id);
/* Get id record for id for searching.
* Same as flecs_id_record_get, but replaces (R, *) with (Union, R) if R is a
* union relationship. */
ecs_id_record_t* flecs_query_id_record_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id);
/* Ensure id record for id */
ecs_id_record_t* flecs_id_record_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id);
/* Increase refcount of id record */
void flecs_id_record_claim(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr);
/* Decrease refcount of id record, delete if 0 */
int32_t flecs_id_record_release(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr);
/* Release all empty tables in id record */
void flecs_id_record_release_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr);
/* Set (component) type info for id record */
bool flecs_id_record_set_type_info(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti);
/* Ensure id record has name index */
ecs_hashmap_t* flecs_id_name_index_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id);
ecs_hashmap_t* flecs_id_record_name_index_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr);
/* Get name index for id record */
ecs_hashmap_t* flecs_id_name_index_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id);
/* Find table record for id */
ecs_table_record_t* flecs_table_record_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id);
/* Find table record for id record */
ecs_table_record_t* flecs_id_record_get_table(
const ecs_id_record_t *idr,
const ecs_table_t *table);
/* Bootstrap cached id records */
void flecs_init_id_records(
ecs_world_t *world);
/* Cleanup all id records in world */
void flecs_fini_id_records(
ecs_world_t *world);
* @file observable.h
* @brief Functions for sending events.
ecs_event_record_t* flecs_event_record_get(
const ecs_observable_t *o,
ecs_entity_t event);
ecs_event_record_t* flecs_event_record_ensure(
ecs_observable_t *o,
ecs_entity_t event);
ecs_event_id_record_t* flecs_event_id_record_get(
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
ecs_id_t id);
ecs_event_id_record_t* flecs_event_id_record_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_event_record_t *er,
ecs_id_t id);
void flecs_event_id_record_remove(
ecs_event_record_t *er,
ecs_id_t id);
void flecs_observable_init(
ecs_observable_t *observable);
void flecs_observable_fini(
ecs_observable_t *observable);
bool flecs_observers_exist(
ecs_observable_t *observable,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t event);
void flecs_observer_fini(
ecs_observer_t *observer);
void flecs_emit(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_world_t *stage,
ecs_event_desc_t *desc);
bool flecs_default_observer_next_callback(
ecs_iter_t *it);
void flecs_observers_invoke(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_map_t *observers,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t trav);
void flecs_emit_propagate_invalidate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t offset,
int32_t count);
* @file iter.h
* @brief Iterator utilities.
#ifndef FLECS_ITER_H
#define FLECS_ITER_H
void flecs_iter_init(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_flags8_t fields);
void flecs_iter_validate(
ecs_iter_t *it);
void flecs_iter_populate_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t offset,
int32_t count,
void **ptrs);
bool flecs_iter_next_row(
ecs_iter_t *it);
bool flecs_iter_next_instanced(
ecs_iter_t *it,
bool result);
void* flecs_iter_calloc(
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t align);
#define flecs_iter_calloc_t(it, T)\
flecs_iter_calloc(it, ECS_SIZEOF(T), ECS_ALIGNOF(T))
#define flecs_iter_calloc_n(it, T, count)\
flecs_iter_calloc(it, ECS_SIZEOF(T) * count, ECS_ALIGNOF(T))
void flecs_iter_free(
void *ptr,
ecs_size_t size);
#define flecs_iter_free_t(ptr, T)\
flecs_iter_free(ptr, ECS_SIZEOF(T))
#define flecs_iter_free_n(ptr, T, count)\
flecs_iter_free(ptr, ECS_SIZEOF(T) * count)
* @file poly.h
* @brief Functions for managing poly objects.
#ifndef FLECS_POLY_H
#define FLECS_POLY_H
#include <stddef.h>
/* Initialize poly */
void* ecs_poly_init_(
ecs_poly_t *object,
int32_t kind,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_mixins_t *mixins);
#define ecs_poly_init(object, type)\
ecs_poly_init_(object, type##_magic, sizeof(type), &type##_mixins)
/* Deinitialize object for specified type */
void ecs_poly_fini_(
ecs_poly_t *object,
int32_t kind);
#define ecs_poly_fini(object, type)\
ecs_poly_fini_(object, type##_magic)
/* Utility functions for creating an object on the heap */
#define ecs_poly_new(type)\
(type*)ecs_poly_init(ecs_os_calloc_t(type), type)
#define ecs_poly_free(obj, type)\
ecs_poly_fini(obj, type);\
/* Get or create poly component for an entity */
EcsPoly* ecs_poly_bind_(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t tag);
#define ecs_poly_bind(world, entity, T) \
ecs_poly_bind_(world, entity, T##_tag)
void ecs_poly_modified_(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t tag);
#define ecs_poly_modified(world, entity, T) \
ecs_poly_modified_(world, entity, T##_tag)
/* Get poly component for an entity */
const EcsPoly* ecs_poly_bind_get_(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t tag);
#define ecs_poly_bind_get(world, entity, T) \
ecs_poly_bind_get_(world, entity, T##_tag)
ecs_poly_t* ecs_poly_get_(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t tag);
#define ecs_poly_get(world, entity, T) \
((T*)ecs_poly_get_(world, entity, T##_tag))
/* Utilities for testing/asserting an object type */
#define ecs_poly_assert(object, ty)\
do {\
ecs_assert(object != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);\
const ecs_header_t *hdr = (const ecs_header_t *)object;\
const char *type_name = hdr->mixins->type_name;\
ecs_assert(hdr->magic == ECS_OBJECT_MAGIC, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, type_name);\
ecs_assert(hdr->type == ty##_magic, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, type_name);\
} while (0)
#define ecs_poly_assert(object, ty)
/* Utility functions for getting a mixin from an object */
ecs_iterable_t* ecs_get_iterable(
const ecs_poly_t *poly);
ecs_observable_t* ecs_get_observable(
const ecs_poly_t *object);
ecs_poly_dtor_t* ecs_get_dtor(
const ecs_poly_t *poly);
* @file stage.h
* @brief Stage functions.
/* Initialize stage data structures */
void flecs_stage_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage);
/* Deinitialize stage */
void flecs_stage_fini(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage);
/* Post-frame merge actions */
void flecs_stage_merge_post_frame(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage);
bool flecs_defer_cmd(
ecs_stage_t *stage);
bool flecs_defer_begin(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage);
bool flecs_defer_modified(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t component);
bool flecs_defer_clone(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t src,
bool clone_value);
bool flecs_defer_bulk_new(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
int32_t count,
ecs_id_t id,
const ecs_entity_t **ids_out);
bool flecs_defer_path(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t parent,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *name);
bool flecs_defer_delete(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity);
bool flecs_defer_clear(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity);
bool flecs_defer_on_delete_action(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t action);
bool flecs_defer_enable(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t component,
bool enable);
bool flecs_defer_add(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id);
bool flecs_defer_remove(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id);
void* flecs_defer_set(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_cmd_kind_t op_kind,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t component,
ecs_size_t size,
void *value);
bool flecs_defer_end(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage);
bool flecs_defer_purge(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage);
void flecs_enqueue(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_event_desc_t *desc);
void flecs_commands_push(
ecs_stage_t *stage);
void flecs_commands_pop(
ecs_stage_t *stage);
* @file world.h
* @brief World-level API.
/* Get current stage */
ecs_stage_t* flecs_stage_from_world(
ecs_world_t **world_ptr);
/* Get current thread-specific stage from readonly world */
const ecs_stage_t* flecs_stage_from_readonly_world(
const ecs_world_t *world);
/* Get component callbacks */
const ecs_type_info_t *flecs_type_info_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t component);
/* Get or create component callbacks */
ecs_type_info_t* flecs_type_info_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t component);
bool flecs_type_info_init_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t component,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t alignment,
const ecs_type_hooks_t *li);
#define flecs_type_info_init(world, T, ...)\
flecs_type_info_init_id(world, ecs_id(T), ECS_SIZEOF(T), ECS_ALIGNOF(T),\
void flecs_type_info_fini(
ecs_type_info_t *ti);
void flecs_type_info_free(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t component);
void flecs_eval_component_monitors(
ecs_world_t *world);
void flecs_monitor_mark_dirty(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id);
void flecs_monitor_register(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id,
ecs_query_t *query);
void flecs_monitor_unregister(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id,
ecs_query_t *query);
void flecs_notify_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_table_event_t *event);
void flecs_register_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
void flecs_unregister_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
void flecs_table_set_empty(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
void flecs_delete_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table);
void flecs_process_pending_tables(
const ecs_world_t *world);
/* Suspend/resume readonly state. To fully support implicit registration of
* components, it should be possible to register components while the world is
* in readonly mode. It is not uncommon that a component is used first from
* within a system, which are often ran while in readonly mode.
* Suspending readonly mode is only allowed when the world is not multithreaded.
* When a world is multithreaded, it is not safe to (even temporarily) leave
* readonly mode, so a multithreaded application should always explicitly
* register components in advance.
* These operations also suspend deferred mode.
typedef struct ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t {
bool is_readonly;
bool is_deferred;
int32_t defer_count;
ecs_entity_t scope;
ecs_entity_t with;
ecs_vec_t commands;
ecs_stack_t defer_stack;
ecs_stage_t *stage;
} ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t;
ecs_world_t* flecs_suspend_readonly(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t *state);
void flecs_resume_readonly(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t *state);
/* Convenience macro's for world allocator */
#define flecs_walloc(world, size)\
flecs_alloc(&world->allocator, size)
#define flecs_walloc_n(world, T, count)\
flecs_alloc_n(&world->allocator, T, count)
#define flecs_wcalloc(world, size)\
flecs_calloc(&world->allocator, size)
#define flecs_wcalloc_n(world, T, count)\
flecs_calloc_n(&world->allocator, T, count)
#define flecs_wfree(world, size, ptr)\
flecs_free(&world->allocator, size, ptr)
#define flecs_wfree_n(world, T, count, ptr)\
flecs_free_n(&world->allocator, T, count, ptr)
#define flecs_wrealloc(world, size_dst, size_src, ptr)\
flecs_realloc(&world->allocator, size_dst, size_src, ptr)
#define flecs_wrealloc_n(world, T, count_dst, count_src, ptr)\
flecs_realloc_n(&world->allocator, T, count_dst, count_src, ptr)
#define flecs_wdup(world, size, ptr)\
flecs_dup(&world->allocator, size, ptr)
#define flecs_wdup_n(world, T, count, ptr)\
flecs_dup_n(&world->allocator, T, count, ptr)
* @file datastructures/name_index.h
* @brief Data structure for resolving 64bit keys by string (name).
void flecs_name_index_init(
ecs_hashmap_t *hm,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator);
void flecs_name_index_init_if(
ecs_hashmap_t *hm,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator);
bool flecs_name_index_is_init(
const ecs_hashmap_t *hm);
ecs_hashmap_t* flecs_name_index_new(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator);
void flecs_name_index_fini(
ecs_hashmap_t *map);
void flecs_name_index_free(
ecs_hashmap_t *map);
ecs_hashmap_t* flecs_name_index_copy(
ecs_hashmap_t *dst);
ecs_hashed_string_t flecs_get_hashed_string(
const char *name,
ecs_size_t length,
uint64_t hash);
const uint64_t* flecs_name_index_find_ptr(
const ecs_hashmap_t *map,
const char *name,
ecs_size_t length,
uint64_t hash);
uint64_t flecs_name_index_find(
const ecs_hashmap_t *map,
const char *name,
ecs_size_t length,
uint64_t hash);
void flecs_name_index_ensure(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
uint64_t id,
const char *name,
ecs_size_t length,
uint64_t hash);
void flecs_name_index_remove(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
uint64_t id,
uint64_t hash);
void flecs_name_index_update_name(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
uint64_t e,
uint64_t hash,
const char *name);
//// Bootstrap API
/* Bootstrap world */
void flecs_bootstrap(
ecs_world_t *world);
#define flecs_bootstrap_component(world, id_)\
ecs_component_init(world, &(ecs_component_desc_t){\
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .id = ecs_id(id_), .name = #id_, .symbol = #id_ }),\
.type.size = sizeof(id_),\
.type.alignment = ECS_ALIGNOF(id_)\
#define flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, name)\
ecs_ensure(world, name);\
ecs_add_id(world, name, EcsFinal);\
ecs_add_pair(world, name, EcsChildOf, ecs_get_scope(world));\
ecs_set(world, name, EcsComponent, {.size = 0});\
ecs_set_name(world, name, (const char*)&#name[ecs_os_strlen(world->info.name_prefix)]);\
ecs_set_symbol(world, name, #name)
/* Bootstrap functions for other parts in the code */
void flecs_bootstrap_hierarchy(ecs_world_t *world);
//// Entity API
/* Mark an entity as being watched. This is used to trigger automatic rematching
* when entities used in system expressions change their components. */
void flecs_add_flag(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
uint32_t flag);
void flecs_record_add_flag(
ecs_record_t *record,
uint32_t flag);
ecs_entity_t flecs_get_oneof(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e);
void flecs_notify_on_remove(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_t *other_table,
int32_t row,
int32_t count,
const ecs_type_t *diff);
void flecs_notify_on_set(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row,
int32_t count,
ecs_type_t *type,
bool owned);
int32_t flecs_relation_depth(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t r,
const ecs_table_t *table);
void flecs_instantiate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t base,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row,
int32_t count);
void* flecs_get_base_component(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_id_record_t *table_index,
int32_t recur_depth);
void flecs_invoke_hook(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t count,
int32_t row,
ecs_entity_t *entities,
void *ptr,
ecs_id_t id,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti,
ecs_entity_t event,
ecs_iter_action_t hook);
//// Query API
/* Match table with term */
bool flecs_term_match_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_term_t *term,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t *id_out,
int32_t *column_out,
ecs_entity_t *subject_out,
int32_t *match_indices,
bool first,
ecs_flags32_t iter_flags);
/* Match table with filter */
bool flecs_filter_match_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_filter_t *filter,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t *ids,
int32_t *columns,
ecs_entity_t *sources,
int32_t *match_indices,
int32_t *matches_left,
bool first,
int32_t skip_term,
ecs_flags32_t iter_flags);
ecs_iter_t flecs_filter_iter_w_flags(
const ecs_world_t *stage,
const ecs_filter_t *filter,
ecs_flags32_t flags);
void flecs_query_notify(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_event_t *event);
ecs_id_t flecs_to_public_id(
ecs_id_t id);
ecs_id_t flecs_from_public_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id);
void flecs_filter_apply_iter_flags(
ecs_iter_t *it,
const ecs_filter_t *filter);
//// Safe(r) integer casting
#define FLECS_CONVERSION_ERR(T, value)\
"illegal conversion from value " #value " to type " #T
#define flecs_signed_char__ (CHAR_MIN < 0)
#define flecs_signed_short__ true
#define flecs_signed_int__ true
#define flecs_signed_long__ true
#define flecs_signed_size_t__ false
#define flecs_signed_int8_t__ true
#define flecs_signed_int16_t__ true
#define flecs_signed_int32_t__ true
#define flecs_signed_int64_t__ true
#define flecs_signed_intptr_t__ true
#define flecs_signed_uint8_t__ false
#define flecs_signed_uint16_t__ false
#define flecs_signed_uint32_t__ false
#define flecs_signed_uint64_t__ false
#define flecs_signed_uintptr_t__ false
#define flecs_signed_ecs_size_t__ true
#define flecs_signed_ecs_entity_t__ false
uint64_t flecs_ito_(
size_t dst_size,
bool dst_signed,
bool lt_zero,
uint64_t value,
const char *err);
#define flecs_ito(T, value)\
(value) < 0,\
#define flecs_uto(T, value)\
#define flecs_ito(T, value) (T)(value)
#define flecs_uto(T, value) (T)(value)
#define flecs_itosize(value) flecs_ito(size_t, (value))
#define flecs_utosize(value) flecs_uto(ecs_size_t, (value))
#define flecs_itoi16(value) flecs_ito(int16_t, (value))
#define flecs_itoi32(value) flecs_ito(int32_t, (value))
//// Entity filter
void flecs_entity_filter_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_filter_t **entity_filter,
const ecs_filter_t *filter,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t *ids,
int32_t *columns);
void flecs_entity_filter_fini(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_filter_t *entity_filter);
int flecs_entity_filter_next(
ecs_entity_filter_iter_t *it);
//// Utilities
uint64_t flecs_hash(
const void *data,
ecs_size_t length);
uint64_t flecs_wyhash(
const void *data,
ecs_size_t length);
/* Get next power of 2 */
int32_t flecs_next_pow_of_2(
int32_t n);
/* Convert 64bit value to ecs_record_t type. ecs_record_t is stored as 64bit int in the
* entity index */
ecs_record_t flecs_to_row(
uint64_t value);
/* Get 64bit integer from ecs_record_t */
uint64_t flecs_from_row(
ecs_record_t record);
/* Convert a symbol name to an entity name by removing the prefix */
const char* flecs_name_from_symbol(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *type_name);
/* Compare function for entity ids */
int flecs_entity_compare(
ecs_entity_t e1,
const void *ptr1,
ecs_entity_t e2,
const void *ptr2);
bool flecs_name_is_id(
const char *name);
ecs_entity_t flecs_name_to_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name);
/* Convert floating point to string */
char * ecs_ftoa(
double f,
char * buf,
int precision);
uint64_t flecs_string_hash(
const void *ptr);
void flecs_table_hashmap_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_hashmap_t *hm);
void flecs_colorize_buf(
char *msg,
bool enable_colors,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
bool flecs_isident(
char ch);
int32_t flecs_search_w_idr(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_id_t *id_out,
ecs_id_record_t *idr);
int32_t flecs_search_relation_w_idr(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t offset,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t rel,
ecs_flags32_t flags,
ecs_entity_t *subject_out,
ecs_id_t *id_out,
struct ecs_table_record_t **tr_out,
ecs_id_record_t *idr);
bool flecs_type_can_inherit_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
const ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_t id);
/* -- Identifier Component -- */
static ECS_DTOR(EcsIdentifier, ptr, {
ecs_os_strset(&ptr->value, NULL);
static ECS_COPY(EcsIdentifier, dst, src, {
ecs_os_strset(&dst->value, src->value);
dst->hash = src->hash;
dst->length = src->length;
dst->index_hash = src->index_hash;
dst->index = src->index;
static ECS_MOVE(EcsIdentifier, dst, src, {
ecs_os_strset(&dst->value, NULL);
dst->value = src->value;
dst->hash = src->hash;
dst->length = src->length;
dst->index_hash = src->index_hash;
dst->index = src->index;
src->value = NULL;
src->hash = 0;
src->index_hash = 0;
src->index = 0;
src->length = 0;
void ecs_on_set(EcsIdentifier)(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsIdentifier *ptr = ecs_field(it, EcsIdentifier, 1);
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
ecs_entity_t evt = it->event;
ecs_id_t evt_id = it->event_id;
ecs_entity_t kind = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(evt_id); /* Name, Symbol, Alias */
ecs_id_t pair = ecs_childof(0);
ecs_hashmap_t *index = NULL;
if (kind == EcsSymbol) {
index = &world->symbols;
} else if (kind == EcsAlias) {
index = &world->aliases;
} else if (kind == EcsName) {
ecs_assert(it->table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_search(world, it->table, ecs_childof(EcsWildcard), &pair);
ecs_assert(pair != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (evt == EcsOnSet) {
index = flecs_id_name_index_ensure(world, pair);
} else {
index = flecs_id_name_index_get(world, pair);
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
EcsIdentifier *cur = &ptr[i];
uint64_t hash;
ecs_size_t len;
const char *name = cur->value;
if (cur->index && cur->index != index) {
/* If index doesn't match up, the value must have been copied from
* another entity, so reset index & cached index hash */
cur->index = NULL;
cur->index_hash = 0;
if (cur->value && (evt == EcsOnSet)) {
len = cur->length = ecs_os_strlen(name);
hash = cur->hash = flecs_hash(name, len);
} else {
len = cur->length = 0;
hash = cur->hash = 0;
cur->index = NULL;
if (index) {
uint64_t index_hash = cur->index_hash;
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
if (hash != index_hash) {
if (index_hash) {
flecs_name_index_remove(index, e, index_hash);
if (hash) {
flecs_name_index_ensure(index, e, name, len, hash);
cur->index_hash = hash;
cur->index = index;
} else {
/* Name didn't change, but the string could have been
* reallocated. Make sure name index points to correct string */
flecs_name_index_update_name(index, e, hash, name);
/* -- Poly component -- */
static ECS_COPY(EcsPoly, dst, src, {
ecs_abort(ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, "poly component cannot be copied");
static ECS_MOVE(EcsPoly, dst, src, {
if (dst->poly && (dst->poly != src->poly)) {
ecs_poly_dtor_t *dtor = ecs_get_dtor(dst->poly);
ecs_assert(dtor != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
dst->poly = src->poly;
src->poly = NULL;
static ECS_DTOR(EcsPoly, ptr, {
if (ptr->poly) {
ecs_poly_dtor_t *dtor = ecs_get_dtor(ptr->poly);
ecs_assert(dtor != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* -- Builtin triggers -- */
void flecs_assert_relation_unused(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t rel,
ecs_entity_t property)
if (world->flags & (EcsWorldInit|EcsWorldFini)) {
ecs_vec_t *marked_ids = &world->store.marked_ids;
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(marked_ids);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_marked_id_t *mid = ecs_vec_get_t(marked_ids, ecs_marked_id_t, i);
if (mid->id == ecs_pair(rel, EcsWildcard)) {
/* If id is being cleaned up, no need to throw error as tables will
* be cleaned up */
bool in_use = ecs_id_in_use(world, ecs_pair(rel, EcsWildcard));
if (property != EcsUnion) {
in_use |= ecs_id_in_use(world, rel);
if (in_use) {
char *r_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, rel);
char *p_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, property);
"cannot change property '%s' for relationship '%s': already in use",
p_str, r_str);
bool flecs_set_id_flag(
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_flags32_t flag)
if (!(idr->flags & flag)) {
idr->flags |= flag;
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_unset_id_flag(
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_flags32_t flag)
if ((idr->flags & flag)) {
idr->flags &= ~flag;
return true;
return false;
void flecs_register_id_flag_for_relation(
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_entity_t prop,
ecs_flags32_t flag,
ecs_flags32_t not_flag,
ecs_flags32_t entity_flag)
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
ecs_entity_t event = it->event;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
bool changed = false;
if (event == EcsOnAdd) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, e);
changed |= flecs_set_id_flag(idr, flag);
idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, ecs_pair(e, EcsWildcard));
do {
changed |= flecs_set_id_flag(idr, flag);
} while ((idr = idr->first.next));
if (entity_flag) flecs_add_flag(world, e, entity_flag);
} else if (event == EcsOnRemove) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, e);
if (idr) changed |= flecs_unset_id_flag(idr, not_flag);
idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(e, EcsWildcard));
if (idr) {
do {
changed |= flecs_unset_id_flag(idr, not_flag);
} while ((idr = idr->first.next));
if (changed) {
flecs_assert_relation_unused(world, e, prop);
void flecs_register_final(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
if (flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(EcsIsA, e)) != NULL) {
char *e_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, e);
"cannot change property 'Final' for '%s': already inherited from",
void flecs_register_on_delete(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_id_t id = ecs_field_id(it, 1);
flecs_register_id_flag_for_relation(it, EcsOnDelete,
void flecs_register_on_delete_object(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_id_t id = ecs_field_id(it, 1);
flecs_register_id_flag_for_relation(it, EcsOnDeleteTarget,
void flecs_register_traversable(ecs_iter_t *it) {
flecs_register_id_flag_for_relation(it, EcsAcyclic, EcsIdTraversable,
EcsIdTraversable, 0);
void flecs_register_tag(ecs_iter_t *it) {
flecs_register_id_flag_for_relation(it, EcsTag, EcsIdTag, ~EcsIdTag, 0);
/* Ensure that all id records for tag have type info set to NULL */
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
if (it->event == EcsOnAdd) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(e, EcsWildcard));
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
do {
if (idr->type_info != NULL) {
flecs_assert_relation_unused(world, e, EcsTag);
idr->type_info = NULL;
} while ((idr = idr->first.next));
void flecs_register_exclusive(ecs_iter_t *it) {
flecs_register_id_flag_for_relation(it, EcsExclusive, EcsIdExclusive,
EcsIdExclusive, 0);
void flecs_register_dont_inherit(ecs_iter_t *it) {
flecs_register_id_flag_for_relation(it, EcsDontInherit,
EcsIdDontInherit, EcsIdDontInherit, 0);
void flecs_register_always_override(ecs_iter_t *it) {
flecs_register_id_flag_for_relation(it, EcsAlwaysOverride,
EcsIdAlwaysOverride, EcsIdAlwaysOverride, 0);
void flecs_register_with(ecs_iter_t *it) {
flecs_register_id_flag_for_relation(it, EcsWith, EcsIdWith, 0, 0);
void flecs_register_union(ecs_iter_t *it) {
flecs_register_id_flag_for_relation(it, EcsUnion, EcsIdUnion, 0, 0);
void flecs_register_slot_of(ecs_iter_t *it) {
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_add_id(it->world, it->entities[i], EcsUnion);
void flecs_on_symmetric_add_remove(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_entity_t pair = ecs_field_id(it, 1);
if (!ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(pair, PAIR)) {
/* If relationship was not added as a pair, there's nothing to do */
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
ecs_entity_t rel = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(pair);
ecs_entity_t obj = ecs_pair_second(world, pair);
ecs_entity_t event = it->event;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t subj = it->entities[i];
if (event == EcsOnAdd) {
if (!ecs_has_id(it->real_world, obj, ecs_pair(rel, subj))) {
ecs_add_pair(it->world, obj, rel, subj);
} else {
if (ecs_has_id(it->real_world, obj, ecs_pair(rel, subj))) {
ecs_remove_pair(it->world, obj, rel, subj);
void flecs_register_symmetric(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t r = it->entities[i];
flecs_assert_relation_unused(world, r, EcsSymmetric);
/* Create observer that adds the reverse relationship when R(X, Y) is
* added, or remove the reverse relationship when R(X, Y) is removed. */
ecs_observer(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, {.add = {ecs_childof(r)}}),
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_pair(r, EcsWildcard) },
.callback = flecs_on_symmetric_add_remove,
.events = {EcsOnAdd, EcsOnRemove}
void flecs_on_component(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
EcsComponent *c = ecs_field(it, EcsComponent, 1);
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
uint32_t component_id = (uint32_t)e; /* Strip generation */
ecs_assert(component_id < ECS_MAX_COMPONENT_ID, ECS_OUT_OF_RANGE,
"component id must be smaller than %u", ECS_MAX_COMPONENT_ID);
if (it->event == EcsOnSet) {
if (flecs_type_info_init_id(
world, e, c[i].size, c[i].alignment, NULL))
flecs_assert_relation_unused(world, e, ecs_id(EcsComponent));
} else if (it->event == EcsOnRemove) {
flecs_type_info_free(world, e);
void flecs_ensure_module_tag(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t parent = ecs_get_target(world, e, EcsChildOf, 0);
if (parent) {
ecs_add_id(world, parent, EcsModule);
/* -- Iterable mixins -- */
void flecs_on_event_iterable_init(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_poly_t *poly, /* Observable */
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_term_t *filter)
ecs_iter_poly(world, poly, it, filter);
it->event_id = filter->id;
/* -- Bootstrapping -- */
#define flecs_bootstrap_builtin_t(world, table, name)\
flecs_bootstrap_builtin(world, table, ecs_id(name), #name, sizeof(name),\
void flecs_bootstrap_builtin(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *symbol,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t alignment)
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_column_t *columns = table->data.columns;
ecs_assert(columns != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_ensure(world, entity);
record->table = table;
int32_t index = flecs_table_append(world, table, entity, false, false);
record->row = ECS_ROW_TO_RECORD(index, 0);
EcsComponent *component = ecs_vec_first(&columns[0].data);
component[index].size = size;
component[index].alignment = alignment;
const char *name = &symbol[3]; /* Strip 'Ecs' */
ecs_size_t symbol_length = ecs_os_strlen(symbol);
ecs_size_t name_length = symbol_length - 3;
EcsIdentifier *name_col = ecs_vec_first(&columns[1].data);
uint64_t name_hash = flecs_hash(name, name_length);
name_col[index].value = ecs_os_strdup(name);
name_col[index].length = name_length;
name_col[index].hash = name_hash;
name_col[index].index_hash = 0;
name_col[index].index = table->_->name_index;
table->_->name_index, entity, name, name_length, name_hash);
EcsIdentifier *symbol_col = ecs_vec_first(&columns[2].data);
symbol_col[index].value = ecs_os_strdup(symbol);
symbol_col[index].length = symbol_length;
symbol_col[index].hash = flecs_hash(symbol, symbol_length);
symbol_col[index].index_hash = 0;
symbol_col[index].index = NULL;
/** Initialize component table. This table is manually constructed to bootstrap
* flecs. After this function has been called, the builtin components can be
* created.
* The reason this table is constructed manually is because it requires the size
* and alignment of the EcsComponent and EcsIdentifier components, which haven't
* been created yet */
ecs_table_t* flecs_bootstrap_component_table(
ecs_world_t *world)
/* Before creating table, manually set flags for ChildOf/Identifier, as this
* can no longer be done after they are in use. */
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, EcsChildOf);
idr->flags |= EcsIdOnDeleteObjectDelete | EcsIdDontInherit |
EcsIdTraversable | EcsIdTag;
/* Initialize id records cached on world */
world->idr_childof_wildcard = flecs_id_record_ensure(world,
ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, EcsWildcard));
world->idr_childof_wildcard->flags |= EcsIdOnDeleteObjectDelete |
EcsIdDontInherit | EcsIdTraversable | EcsIdTag | EcsIdExclusive;
idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, ecs_pair_t(EcsIdentifier, EcsWildcard));
idr->flags |= EcsIdDontInherit;
world->idr_identifier_name =
flecs_id_record_ensure(world, ecs_pair_t(EcsIdentifier, EcsName));
world->idr_childof_0 = flecs_id_record_ensure(world,
ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, 0));
ecs_id_t ids[] = {
ecs_pair_t(EcsIdentifier, EcsName),
ecs_pair_t(EcsIdentifier, EcsSymbol),
ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, EcsFlecsCore),
ecs_pair(EcsOnDelete, EcsPanic)
ecs_type_t array = {
.array = ids,
.count = 6
ecs_table_t *result = flecs_table_find_or_create(world, &array);
ecs_data_t *data = &result->data;
/* Preallocate enough memory for initial components */
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &data->entities, ecs_entity_t, EcsFirstUserComponentId);
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &data->columns[0].data, EcsComponent, EcsFirstUserComponentId);
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &data->columns[1].data, EcsIdentifier, EcsFirstUserComponentId);
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &data->columns[2].data, EcsIdentifier, EcsFirstUserComponentId);
return result;
void flecs_bootstrap_entity(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id,
const char *name,
ecs_entity_t parent)
char symbol[256];
ecs_os_strcpy(symbol, "flecs.core.");
ecs_os_strcat(symbol, name);
ecs_ensure(world, id);
ecs_add_pair(world, id, EcsChildOf, parent);
ecs_set_name(world, id, name);
ecs_set_symbol(world, id, symbol);
ecs_assert(ecs_get_name(world, id) != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!parent || parent == EcsFlecsCore) {
ecs_assert(ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, name) == id,
void flecs_bootstrap(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
/* Ensure builtin ids are alive */
ecs_ensure(world, ecs_id(EcsComponent));
ecs_ensure(world, EcsFinal);
ecs_ensure(world, ecs_id(EcsIdentifier));
ecs_ensure(world, EcsName);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsSymbol);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsAlias);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsChildOf);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsFlecs);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsFlecsCore);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsOnAdd);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsOnRemove);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsOnSet);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsUnSet);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsOnDelete);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsPanic);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsFlag);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsIsA);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsWildcard);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsAny);
ecs_ensure(world, EcsTag);
/* Register type information for builtin components */
flecs_type_info_init(world, EcsComponent, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.on_set = flecs_on_component,
.on_remove = flecs_on_component
flecs_type_info_init(world, EcsIdentifier, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsIdentifier),
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsIdentifier),
.move = ecs_move(EcsIdentifier),
.on_set = ecs_on_set(EcsIdentifier),
.on_remove = ecs_on_set(EcsIdentifier)
flecs_type_info_init(world, EcsPoly, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsPoly),
.move = ecs_move(EcsPoly),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsPoly)
flecs_type_info_init(world, EcsIterable, { 0 });
flecs_type_info_init(world, EcsTarget, { 0 });
/* Create and cache often used id records on world */
/* Create table for builtin components. This table temporarily stores the
* entities associated with builtin components, until they get moved to
* other tables once properties are added (see below) */
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_bootstrap_component_table(world);
assert(table != NULL);
/* Bootstrap builtin components */
flecs_bootstrap_builtin_t(world, table, EcsIdentifier);
flecs_bootstrap_builtin_t(world, table, EcsComponent);
flecs_bootstrap_builtin_t(world, table, EcsIterable);
flecs_bootstrap_builtin_t(world, table, EcsPoly);
flecs_bootstrap_builtin_t(world, table, EcsTarget);
/* Initialize default entity id range */
world->info.last_component_id = EcsFirstUserComponentId;
flecs_entities_max_id(world) = EcsFirstUserEntityId;
world->info.min_id = 0;
world->info.max_id = 0;
/* Make EcsOnAdd, EcsOnSet events iterable to enable .yield_existing */
ecs_set(world, EcsOnAdd, EcsIterable, { .init = flecs_on_event_iterable_init });
ecs_set(world, EcsOnSet, EcsIterable, { .init = flecs_on_event_iterable_init });
/* Register observer for tag property before adding EcsTag */
ecs_observer(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, {.add = { ecs_childof(EcsFlecsInternals)}}),
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = EcsTag, .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnAdd, EcsOnRemove},
.callback = flecs_register_tag,
.yield_existing = true
/* Populate core module */
ecs_set_scope(world, EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsName);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsSymbol);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsAlias);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsQuery);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsObserver);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsModule);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsPrivate);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsPrefab);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsSlotOf);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsDisabled);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsEmpty);
/* Initialize builtin modules */
ecs_set_name(world, EcsFlecs, "flecs");
ecs_add_id(world, EcsFlecs, EcsModule);
ecs_add_pair(world, EcsFlecs, EcsOnDelete, EcsPanic);
ecs_add_pair(world, EcsFlecsCore, EcsChildOf, EcsFlecs);
ecs_set_name(world, EcsFlecsCore, "core");
ecs_add_id(world, EcsFlecsCore, EcsModule);
ecs_add_pair(world, EcsFlecsInternals, EcsChildOf, EcsFlecsCore);
ecs_set_name(world, EcsFlecsInternals, "internals");
ecs_add_id(world, EcsFlecsInternals, EcsModule);
/* Self check */
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, EcsFlecs);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(r->table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(r->row & EcsEntityIsTraversable, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Initialize builtin entities */
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsWorld, "World", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsWildcard, "*", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsAny, "_", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsThis, "this", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsVariable, "$", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsFlag, "Flag", EcsFlecsCore);
/* Component/relationship properties */
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsTransitive);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsReflexive);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsSymmetric);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsFinal);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsDontInherit);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsAlwaysOverride);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsTag);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsUnion);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsExclusive);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsAcyclic);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsTraversable);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsWith);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsOneOf);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsOnDelete);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsOnDeleteTarget);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsRemove);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsDelete);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsPanic);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsFlatten);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsDefaultChildComponent);
/* Builtin predicates */
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsPredEq);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsPredMatch);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsPredLookup);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsScopeOpen);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsScopeClose);
/* Builtin relationships */
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsIsA);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsChildOf);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsDependsOn);
/* Builtin events */
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsOnAdd, "OnAdd", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsOnRemove, "OnRemove", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsOnSet, "OnSet", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsUnSet, "UnSet", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsMonitor, "EcsMonitor", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsOnTableCreate, "OnTableCreate", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsOnTableDelete, "OnTableDelete", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsOnTableEmpty, "OnTableEmpty", EcsFlecsCore);
flecs_bootstrap_entity(world, EcsOnTableFill, "OnTableFilled", EcsFlecsCore);
/* Tag relationships (relationships that should never have data) */
ecs_add_id(world, EcsIsA, EcsTag);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsChildOf, EcsTag);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsSlotOf, EcsTag);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsDependsOn, EcsTag);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsFlatten, EcsTag);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsDefaultChildComponent, EcsTag);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsUnion, EcsTag);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsFlag, EcsTag);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsWith, EcsTag);
/* Exclusive properties */
ecs_add_id(world, EcsChildOf, EcsExclusive);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsOnDelete, EcsExclusive);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsOnDeleteTarget, EcsExclusive);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsDefaultChildComponent, EcsExclusive);
/* Sync properties of ChildOf and Identifier with bootstrapped flags */
ecs_add_pair(world, EcsChildOf, EcsOnDeleteTarget, EcsDelete);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsChildOf, EcsAcyclic);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsChildOf, EcsTraversable);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsChildOf, EcsDontInherit);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsDontInherit);
/* Create triggers in internals scope */
ecs_set_scope(world, EcsFlecsInternals);
/* Term used to also match prefabs */
ecs_term_t match_prefab = {
.id = EcsPrefab,
.oper = EcsOptional,
.src.flags = EcsSelf
/* Register observers for components/relationship properties. Most observers
* set flags on an id record when a property is added to a component, which
* allows for quick property testing in various operations. */
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {{ .id = EcsFinal, .src.flags = EcsSelf }, match_prefab },
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_register_final
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {
{ .id = ecs_pair(EcsOnDelete, EcsWildcard), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnAdd, EcsOnRemove},
.callback = flecs_register_on_delete
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {
{ .id = ecs_pair(EcsOnDeleteTarget, EcsWildcard), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnAdd, EcsOnRemove},
.callback = flecs_register_on_delete_object
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {
{ .id = EcsTraversable, .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnAdd, EcsOnRemove},
.callback = flecs_register_traversable
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {{ .id = EcsExclusive, .src.flags = EcsSelf }, match_prefab },
.events = {EcsOnAdd, EcsOnRemove},
.callback = flecs_register_exclusive
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {{ .id = EcsSymmetric, .src.flags = EcsSelf }, match_prefab },
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_register_symmetric
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {{ .id = EcsDontInherit, .src.flags = EcsSelf }, match_prefab },
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_register_dont_inherit
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {{ .id = EcsAlwaysOverride, .src.flags = EcsSelf } },
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_register_always_override
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {
{ .id = ecs_pair(EcsWith, EcsWildcard), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_register_with
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {{ .id = EcsUnion, .src.flags = EcsSelf }, match_prefab },
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_register_union
/* Entities used as slot are marked as exclusive to ensure a slot can always
* only point to a single entity. */
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {
{ .id = ecs_pair(EcsSlotOf, EcsWildcard), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_register_slot_of
/* Define observer to make sure that adding a module to a child entity also
* adds it to the parent. */
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {{ .id = EcsModule, .src.flags = EcsSelf }, match_prefab},
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_ensure_module_tag
/* Set scope back to flecs core */
ecs_set_scope(world, EcsFlecsCore);
/* Traversable relationships are always acyclic */
ecs_add_pair(world, EcsTraversable, EcsWith, EcsAcyclic);
/* Transitive relationships are always Traversable */
ecs_add_pair(world, EcsTransitive, EcsWith, EcsTraversable);
/* DontInherit components */
ecs_add_id(world, EcsPrefab, EcsDontInherit);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsComponent), EcsDontInherit);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsOnDelete, EcsDontInherit);
/* Acyclic/Traversable components */
ecs_add_id(world, EcsIsA, EcsTraversable);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsDependsOn, EcsTraversable);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsWith, EcsAcyclic);
/* Transitive relationships */
ecs_add_id(world, EcsIsA, EcsTransitive);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsIsA, EcsReflexive);
/* Exclusive properties */
ecs_add_id(world, EcsSlotOf, EcsExclusive);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsOneOf, EcsExclusive);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsFlatten, EcsExclusive);
/* Private properties */
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsPoly), EcsPrivate);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsPrivate);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsChildOf, EcsPrivate);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsIsA, EcsPrivate);
/* Run bootstrap functions for other parts of the code */
ecs_set_scope(world, 0);
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, NULL);
ecs_assert(world->idr_childof_wildcard != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(world->idr_isa_wildcard != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
* @file entity.c
* @brief Entity API.
* This file contains the implementation for the entity API, which includes
* creating/deleting entities, adding/removing/setting components, instantiating
* prefabs, and several other APIs for retrieving entity data.
* The file also contains the implementation of the command buffer, which is
* located here so it can call functions private to the compilation unit.
#include <ctype.h>
const ecs_entity_t* flecs_bulk_new(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
const ecs_entity_t *entities,
ecs_type_t *component_ids,
int32_t count,
void **c_info,
bool move,
int32_t *row_out,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff);
typedef struct {
const ecs_type_info_t *ti;
void *ptr;
} flecs_component_ptr_t;
flecs_component_ptr_t flecs_get_component_w_index(
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t column_index,
int32_t row)
ecs_check(column_index < table->column_count, ECS_NOT_A_COMPONENT, NULL);
ecs_column_t *column = &table->data.columns[column_index];
return (flecs_component_ptr_t){
.ti = column->ti,
.ptr = ecs_vec_get(&column->data, column->size, row)
return (flecs_component_ptr_t){0};
flecs_component_ptr_t flecs_get_component_ptr(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_table_record_get(world, table, id);
if (!tr || (tr->column == -1)) {
ecs_check(tr == NULL, ECS_NOT_A_COMPONENT, NULL);
return (flecs_component_ptr_t){0};
return flecs_get_component_w_index(table, tr->column, row);
return (flecs_component_ptr_t){0};
void* flecs_get_component(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row,
ecs_id_t id)
return flecs_get_component_ptr(world, table, row, id).ptr;
void* flecs_get_base_component(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_id_record_t *table_index,
int32_t recur_depth)
/* Cycle detected in IsA relationship */
/* Table (and thus entity) does not have component, look for base */
if (!(table->flags & EcsTableHasIsA)) {
return NULL;
/* Exclude Name */
if (id == ecs_pair(ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsName)) {
return NULL;
/* Table should always be in the table index for (IsA, *), otherwise the
* HasBase flag should not have been set */
ecs_table_record_t *tr_isa = flecs_id_record_get_table(
world->idr_isa_wildcard, table);
ecs_check(tr_isa != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_type_t type = table->type;
ecs_id_t *ids = type.array;
int32_t i = tr_isa->index, end = tr_isa->count + tr_isa->index;
void *ptr = NULL;
do {
ecs_id_t pair = ids[i ++];
ecs_entity_t base = ecs_pair_second(world, pair);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, base);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
table = r->table;
if (!table) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr =
flecs_id_record_get_table(table_index, table);
if (!tr || tr->column == -1) {
ptr = flecs_get_base_component(world, table, id, table_index,
recur_depth + 1);
} else {
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
ptr = flecs_get_component_w_index(table, tr->column, row).ptr;
} while (!ptr && (i < end));
return ptr;
return NULL;
void flecs_instantiate_slot(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t base,
ecs_entity_t instance,
ecs_entity_t slot_of,
ecs_entity_t slot,
ecs_entity_t child)
if (base == slot_of) {
/* Instance inherits from slot_of, add slot to instance */
ecs_add_pair(world, instance, slot, child);
} else {
/* Slot is registered for other prefab, travel hierarchy
* upwards to find instance that inherits from slot_of */
ecs_entity_t parent = instance;
int32_t depth = 0;
do {
if (ecs_has_pair(world, parent, EcsIsA, slot_of)) {
const char *name = ecs_get_name(world, slot);
if (name == NULL) {
char *slot_of_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, slot_of);
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, "prefab '%s' has unnamed "
"slot (slots must be named)", slot_of_str);
/* The 'slot' variable is currently pointing to a child (or
* grandchild) of the current base. Find the original slot by
* looking it up under the prefab it was registered. */
if (depth == 0) {
/* If the current instance is an instance of slot_of, just
* lookup the slot by name, which is faster than having to
* create a relative path. */
slot = ecs_lookup_child(world, slot_of, name);
} else {
/* If the slot is more than one level away from the slot_of
* parent, use a relative path to find the slot */
char *path = ecs_get_path_w_sep(world, parent, child, ".",
slot = ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(world, slot_of, path, ".",
NULL, false);
if (slot == 0) {
char *slot_of_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, slot_of);
char *slot_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, slot);
"'%s' is not in hierarchy for slot '%s'",
slot_of_str, slot_str);
ecs_add_pair(world, parent, slot, child);
depth ++;
} while ((parent = ecs_get_target(world, parent, EcsChildOf, 0)));
if (parent == 0) {
char *slot_of_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, slot_of);
char *slot_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, slot);
"'%s' is not in hierarchy for slot '%s'",
slot_of_str, slot_str);
ecs_table_t* flecs_find_table_add(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *diff)
ecs_table_diff_t temp_diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
table = flecs_table_traverse_add(world, table, &id, &temp_diff);
ecs_check(table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
flecs_table_diff_build_append_table(world, diff, &temp_diff);
return table;
return NULL;
ecs_table_t* flecs_find_table_remove(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *diff)
ecs_table_diff_t temp_diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
table = flecs_table_traverse_remove(world, table, &id, &temp_diff);
ecs_check(table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
flecs_table_diff_build_append_table(world, diff, &temp_diff);
return table;
return NULL;
void flecs_instantiate_children(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t base,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row,
int32_t count,
ecs_table_t *child_table)
if (!ecs_table_count(child_table)) {
ecs_type_t type = child_table->type;
ecs_data_t *child_data = &child_table->data;
ecs_entity_t slot_of = 0;
ecs_entity_t *ids = type.array;
int32_t type_count = type.count;
/* Instantiate child table for each instance */
/* Create component array for creating the table */
ecs_type_t components = {
.array = ecs_os_alloca_n(ecs_entity_t, type_count + 1)
void **component_data = ecs_os_alloca_n(void*, type_count + 1);
/* Copy in component identifiers. Find the base index in the component
* array, since we'll need this to replace the base with the instance id */
int j, i, childof_base_index = -1, pos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < type_count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
/* If id has DontInherit flag don't inherit it, except for the name
* and ChildOf pairs. The name is preserved so applications can lookup
* the instantiated children by name. The ChildOf pair is replaced later
* with the instance parent. */
if ((id != ecs_pair(ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsName)) &&
ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) != EcsChildOf)
if (id == EcsUnion) {
/* This should eventually be handled by the DontInherit property
* but right now there is no way to selectively apply it to
* EcsUnion itself: it would also apply to (Union, *) pairs,
* which would make all union relationships uninheritable.
* The reason this is explicitly skipped is so that slot
* instances don't all end up with the Union property. */
ecs_table_record_t *tr = &child_table->_->records[i];
ecs_id_record_t *idr = (ecs_id_record_t*)tr->hdr.cache;
if (idr->flags & EcsIdDontInherit) {
/* If child is a slot, keep track of which parent to add it to, but
* don't add slot relationship to child of instance. If this is a child
* of a prefab, keep the SlotOf relationship intact. */
if (!(table->flags & EcsTableIsPrefab)) {
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id) && ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsSlotOf) {
ecs_assert(slot_of == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
slot_of = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
/* Keep track of the element that creates the ChildOf relationship with
* the prefab parent. We need to replace this element to make sure the
* created children point to the instance and not the prefab */
if (ECS_HAS_RELATION(id, EcsChildOf) &&
(ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id) == (uint32_t)base)) {
childof_base_index = pos;
int32_t storage_index = ecs_table_type_to_column_index(child_table, i);
if (storage_index != -1) {
ecs_vec_t *column = &child_data->columns[storage_index].data;
component_data[pos] = ecs_vec_first(column);
} else {
component_data[pos] = NULL;
components.array[pos] = id;
pos ++;
/* Table must contain children of base */
ecs_assert(childof_base_index != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* If children are added to a prefab, make sure they are prefabs too */
if (table->flags & EcsTableIsPrefab) {
components.array[pos] = EcsPrefab;
component_data[pos] = NULL;
pos ++;
components.count = pos;
/* Instantiate the prefab child table for each new instance */
ecs_entity_t *instances = ecs_vec_first(&table->data.entities);
int32_t child_count = ecs_vec_count(&child_data->entities);
bool has_union = child_table->flags & EcsTableHasUnion;
for (i = row; i < count + row; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t instance = instances[i];
ecs_table_diff_builder_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
flecs_table_diff_builder_init(world, &diff);
ecs_table_t *i_table = NULL;
/* Replace ChildOf element in the component array with instance id */
components.array[childof_base_index] = ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, instance);
/* Find or create table */
for (j = 0; j < components.count; j ++) {
i_table = flecs_find_table_add(
world, i_table, components.array[j], &diff);
ecs_assert(i_table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(i_table->type.count == components.count,
/* The instance is trying to instantiate from a base that is also
* its parent. This would cause the hierarchy to instantiate itself
* which would cause infinite recursion. */
ecs_entity_t *children = ecs_vec_first(&child_data->entities);
for (j = 0; j < child_count; j ++) {
ecs_entity_t child = children[j];
ecs_check(child != instance, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Bit of boilerplate to ensure that we don't get warnings about the
* error label not being used. */
/* Create children */
int32_t child_row;
ecs_table_diff_t table_diff;
flecs_table_diff_build_noalloc(&diff, &table_diff);
const ecs_entity_t *i_children = flecs_bulk_new(world, i_table, NULL,
&components, child_count, component_data, false, &child_row,
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &diff);
/* If children have union relationships, initialize */
if (has_union) {
ecs_table__t *meta = child_table->_;
ecs_assert(meta != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(i_table->_ != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t u, u_count = meta->sw_count;
for (u = 0; u < u_count; u ++) {
ecs_switch_t *src_sw = &meta->sw_columns[i];
ecs_switch_t *dst_sw = &i_table->_->sw_columns[i];
ecs_vec_t *v_src_values = flecs_switch_values(src_sw);
ecs_vec_t *v_dst_values = flecs_switch_values(dst_sw);
uint64_t *src_values = ecs_vec_first(v_src_values);
uint64_t *dst_values = ecs_vec_first(v_dst_values);
for (j = 0; j < child_count; j ++) {
dst_values[j] = src_values[j];
/* If children are slots, add slot relationships to parent */
if (slot_of) {
for (j = 0; j < child_count; j ++) {
ecs_entity_t child = children[j];
ecs_entity_t i_child = i_children[j];
flecs_instantiate_slot(world, base, instance, slot_of,
child, i_child);
/* If prefab child table has children itself, recursively instantiate */
for (j = 0; j < child_count; j ++) {
ecs_entity_t child = children[j];
flecs_instantiate(world, child, i_table, child_row + j, 1);
void flecs_instantiate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t base,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row,
int32_t count)
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get_any(world, base);
ecs_table_t *base_table = record->table;
if (!base_table || !(base_table->flags & EcsTableIsPrefab)) {
/* Don't instantiate children from base entities that aren't prefabs */
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_childof(base));
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (idr && flecs_table_cache_all_iter((ecs_table_cache_t*)idr, &it)) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
world, base, table, row, count, tr->hdr.table);
void flecs_set_union(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row,
int32_t count,
const ecs_type_t *ids)
ecs_id_t *array = ids->array;
int32_t i, id_count = ids->count;
for (i = 0; i < id_count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = array[i];
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(EcsUnion, ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id)));
if (!idr) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
ecs_assert(tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(table->_ != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t column = tr->index - table->_->sw_offset;
ecs_switch_t *sw = &table->_->sw_columns[column];
ecs_entity_t union_case = 0;
union_case = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
int32_t r;
for (r = 0; r < count; r ++) {
flecs_switch_set(sw, row + r, union_case);
void flecs_notify_on_add(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_t *other_table,
int32_t row,
int32_t count,
const ecs_type_t *added,
ecs_flags32_t flags)
ecs_assert(added != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (added->count) {
ecs_flags32_t table_flags = table->flags;
if (table_flags & EcsTableHasUnion) {
flecs_set_union(world, table, row, count, added);
if (table_flags & (EcsTableHasOnAdd|EcsTableHasIsA|EcsTableHasTraversable)) {
flecs_emit(world, world, &(ecs_event_desc_t){
.event = EcsOnAdd,
.ids = added,
.table = table,
.other_table = other_table,
.offset = row,
.count = count,
.observable = world,
.flags = flags
void flecs_notify_on_remove(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_t *other_table,
int32_t row,
int32_t count,
const ecs_type_t *removed)
ecs_assert(removed != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(count != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (removed->count && (table->flags &
flecs_emit(world, world, &(ecs_event_desc_t) {
.event = EcsOnRemove,
.ids = removed,
.table = table,
.other_table = other_table,
.offset = row,
.count = count,
.observable = world
void flecs_update_name_index(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *src,
ecs_table_t *dst,
int32_t offset,
int32_t count)
ecs_assert(src != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(dst != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!(dst->flags & EcsTableHasName)) {
/* If destination table doesn't have a name, we don't need to update the
* name index. Even if the src table had a name, the on_remove hook for
* EcsIdentifier will remove the entity from the index. */
ecs_hashmap_t *src_index = src->_->name_index;
ecs_hashmap_t *dst_index = dst->_->name_index;
if ((src_index == dst_index) || (!src_index && !dst_index)) {
/* If the name index didn't change, the entity still has the same parent
* so nothing needs to be done. */
EcsIdentifier *names = ecs_table_get_pair(world,
dst, EcsIdentifier, EcsName, offset);
ecs_assert(names != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t i;
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_get_t(
&dst->data.entities, ecs_entity_t, offset);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = entities[i];
EcsIdentifier *name = &names[i];
uint64_t index_hash = name->index_hash;
if (index_hash) {
flecs_name_index_remove(src_index, e, index_hash);
const char *name_str = name->value;
if (name_str) {
ecs_assert(name->hash != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
dst_index, e, name_str, name->length, name->hash);
name->index = dst_index;
ecs_record_t* flecs_new_entity(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_record_t *record,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff,
bool ctor,
ecs_flags32_t evt_flags)
ecs_assert(record != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t row = flecs_table_append(world, table, entity, ctor, true);
record->table = table;
record->row = ECS_ROW_TO_RECORD(row, record->row & ECS_ROW_FLAGS_MASK);
ecs_assert(ecs_vec_count(&table->data.entities) > row,
flecs_notify_on_add(world, table, NULL, row, 1, &diff->added, evt_flags);
return record;
void flecs_move_entity(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_record_t *record,
ecs_table_t *dst_table,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff,
bool ctor,
ecs_flags32_t evt_flags)
ecs_table_t *src_table = record->table;
int32_t src_row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(record->row);
ecs_assert(src_table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(src_table != dst_table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(src_table->type.count > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(src_row >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(ecs_vec_count(&src_table->data.entities) > src_row,
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(record != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(record == flecs_entities_get(world, entity),
/* Append new row to destination table */
int32_t dst_row = flecs_table_append(world, dst_table, entity,
false, false);
/* Invoke remove actions for removed components */
world, src_table, dst_table, src_row, 1, &diff->removed);
/* Copy entity & components from src_table to dst_table */
flecs_table_move(world, entity, entity, dst_table, dst_row,
src_table, src_row, ctor);
/* Update entity index & delete old data after running remove actions */
record->table = dst_table;
record->row = ECS_ROW_TO_RECORD(dst_row, record->row & ECS_ROW_FLAGS_MASK);
flecs_table_delete(world, src_table, src_row, false);
world, dst_table, src_table, dst_row, 1, &diff->added, evt_flags);
flecs_update_name_index(world, src_table, dst_table, dst_row, 1);
void flecs_delete_entity(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_record_t *record,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff)
ecs_table_t *table = record->table;
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(record->row);
/* Invoke remove actions before deleting */
flecs_notify_on_remove(world, table, NULL, row, 1, &diff->removed);
flecs_table_delete(world, table, row, true);
/* Updating component monitors is a relatively expensive operation that only
* happens for entities that are monitored. The approach balances the amount of
* processing between the operation on the entity vs the amount of work that
* needs to be done to rematch queries, as a simple brute force approach does
* not scale when there are many tables / queries. Therefore we need to do a bit
* of bookkeeping that is more intelligent than simply flipping a flag */
void flecs_update_component_monitor_w_array(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *ids)
if (!ids) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ids->count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t id = ids->array[i];
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
ecs_pair(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id), EcsWildcard));
flecs_monitor_mark_dirty(world, id);
void flecs_update_component_monitors(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *added,
ecs_type_t *removed)
flecs_update_component_monitor_w_array(world, added);
flecs_update_component_monitor_w_array(world, removed);
void flecs_commit(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_record_t *record,
ecs_table_t *dst_table,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff,
bool construct,
ecs_flags32_t evt_flags)
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_journal_begin(world, EcsJournalMove, entity,
&diff->added, &diff->removed);
ecs_table_t *src_table = NULL;
int is_trav = 0;
if (record) {
src_table = record->table;
is_trav = (record->row & EcsEntityIsTraversable) != 0;
if (src_table == dst_table) {
/* If source and destination table are the same no action is needed *
* However, if a component was added in the process of traversing a
* table, this suggests that a union relationship could have changed. */
if (src_table) {
flecs_notify_on_add(world, src_table, src_table,
ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(record->row), 1, &diff->added, evt_flags);
if (src_table) {
ecs_assert(dst_table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_table_traversable_add(dst_table, is_trav);
if (dst_table->type.count) {
flecs_move_entity(world, entity, record, dst_table, diff,
construct, evt_flags);
} else {
flecs_delete_entity(world, record, diff);
record->table = NULL;
flecs_table_traversable_add(src_table, -is_trav);
} else {
flecs_table_traversable_add(dst_table, is_trav);
if (dst_table->type.count) {
flecs_new_entity(world, entity, record, dst_table, diff,
construct, evt_flags);
/* If the entity is being watched, it is being monitored for changes and
* requires rematching systems when components are added or removed. This
* ensures that systems that rely on components from containers or prefabs
* update the matched tables when the application adds or removes a
* component from, for example, a container. */
if (is_trav) {
flecs_update_component_monitors(world, &diff->added, &diff->removed);
if ((!src_table || !src_table->type.count) && world->range_check_enabled) {
ecs_check(!world->info.max_id || entity <= world->info.max_id,
ecs_check(entity >= world->info.min_id,
const ecs_entity_t* flecs_bulk_new(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
const ecs_entity_t *entities,
ecs_type_t *component_ids,
int32_t count,
void **component_data,
bool is_move,
int32_t *row_out,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff)
int32_t sparse_count = 0;
if (!entities) {
sparse_count = flecs_entities_count(world);
entities = flecs_entities_new_ids(world, count);
if (!table) {
return entities;
ecs_type_t type = table->type;
if (!type.count) {
return entities;
ecs_type_t component_array = { 0 };
if (!component_ids) {
component_ids = &component_array;
component_array.array = type.array;
component_array.count = type.count;
ecs_data_t *data = &table->data;
int32_t row = flecs_table_appendn(world, table, data, count, entities);
/* Update entity index. */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[i]);
r->table = table;
r->row = ECS_ROW_TO_RECORD(row + i, 0);
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
flecs_notify_on_add(world, table, NULL, row, count, &diff->added,
(component_data == NULL) ? 0 : EcsEventNoOnSet);
if (component_data) {
int32_t c_i;
for (c_i = 0; c_i < component_ids->count; c_i ++) {
void *src_ptr = component_data[c_i];
if (!src_ptr) {
/* Find component in storage type */
ecs_entity_t id = component_ids->array[c_i];
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_table_record_get(
world, table, id);
"id is not a component");
ecs_assert(tr->column != -1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"id is not a component");
ecs_assert(tr->count == 1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"ids cannot be wildcards");
int32_t index = tr->column;
ecs_column_t *column = &table->data.columns[index];
ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
int32_t size = column->size;
ecs_assert(size != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void *ptr = ecs_vec_get(&column->data, size, row);
ecs_copy_t copy;
ecs_move_t move;
if (is_move && (move = ti->hooks.move)) {
move(ptr, src_ptr, count, ti);
} else if (!is_move && (copy = ti->hooks.copy)) {
copy(ptr, src_ptr, count, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(ptr, src_ptr, size * count);
int32_t j, storage_count = table->column_count;
for (j = 0; j < storage_count; j ++) {
ecs_type_t set_type = {
.array = &table->data.columns[j].id,
.count = 1
flecs_notify_on_set(world, table, row, count, &set_type, true);
flecs_defer_end(world, &world->stages[0]);
if (row_out) {
*row_out = row;
if (sparse_count) {
entities = flecs_entities_ids(world);
return &entities[sparse_count];
} else {
return entities;
void flecs_add_id_w_record(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_record_t *record,
ecs_id_t id,
bool construct)
ecs_assert(record != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *src_table = record->table;
ecs_table_diff_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
ecs_table_t *dst_table = flecs_table_traverse_add(
world, src_table, &id, &diff);
flecs_commit(world, entity, record, dst_table, &diff, construct,
EcsEventNoOnSet); /* No OnSet, this function is only called from
* functions that are about to set the component. */
void flecs_add_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_add(stage, entity, id)) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_diff_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
ecs_table_t *src_table = r->table;
ecs_table_t *dst_table = flecs_table_traverse_add(
world, src_table, &id, &diff);
flecs_commit(world, entity, r, dst_table, &diff, true, 0);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
void flecs_remove_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_remove(stage, entity, id)) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *src_table = r->table;
ecs_table_diff_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
ecs_table_t *dst_table = flecs_table_traverse_remove(
world, src_table, &id, &diff);
flecs_commit(world, entity, r, dst_table, &diff, true, 0);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
flecs_component_ptr_t flecs_get_mut(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t id,
ecs_record_t *r)
flecs_component_ptr_t dst = {0};
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check((id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK) == id ||
if (r->table) {
dst = flecs_get_component_ptr(
world, r->table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), id);
if (dst.ptr) {
return dst;
/* If entity didn't have component yet, add it */
flecs_add_id_w_record(world, entity, r, id, true);
/* Flush commands so the pointer we're fetching is stable */
flecs_defer_end(world, &world->stages[0]);
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
ecs_assert(r->table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(r->table->column_count != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
dst = flecs_get_component_ptr(
world, r->table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), id);
return dst;
void flecs_invoke_hook(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t count,
int32_t row,
ecs_entity_t *entities,
void *ptr,
ecs_id_t id,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti,
ecs_entity_t event,
ecs_iter_action_t hook)
int32_t defer = world->stages[0].defer;
if (defer < 0) {
world->stages[0].defer *= -1;
ecs_iter_t it = { .field_count = 1};
it.entities = entities;
flecs_iter_init(world, &it, flecs_iter_cache_all);
it.world = world;
it.real_world = world;
it.table = table;
it.ptrs[0] = ptr;
it.sizes = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_size_t*, &ti->size);
it.ids[0] = id;
it.event = event;
it.event_id = id;
it.ctx = ti->hooks.ctx;
it.binding_ctx = ti->hooks.binding_ctx;
it.count = count;
it.offset = row;
world->stages[0].defer = defer;
void flecs_notify_on_set(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row,
int32_t count,
ecs_type_t *ids,
bool owned)
ecs_assert(ids != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_data_t *data = &table->data;
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_get_t(
&data->entities, ecs_entity_t, row);
ecs_assert(entities != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert((row + count) <= ecs_vec_count(&data->entities),
if (owned) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ids->count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids->array[i];
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_table_record_get(world,
table, id);
ecs_assert(tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(tr->column != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(tr->count == 1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t index = tr->column;
ecs_column_t *column = &table->data.columns[index];
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
ecs_iter_action_t on_set = ti->hooks.on_set;
if (on_set) {
ecs_vec_t *c = &column->data;
void *ptr = ecs_vec_get(c, column->size, row);
flecs_invoke_hook(world, table, count, row, entities, ptr, id,
ti, EcsOnSet, on_set);
/* Run OnSet notifications */
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasOnSet && ids->count) {
flecs_emit(world, world, &(ecs_event_desc_t) {
.event = EcsOnSet,
.ids = ids,
.table = table,
.offset = row,
.count = count,
.observable = world
void flecs_record_add_flag(
ecs_record_t *record,
uint32_t flag)
if (flag == EcsEntityIsTraversable) {
if (!(record->row & flag)) {
ecs_table_t *table = record->table;
if (table) {
flecs_table_traversable_add(table, 1);
record->row |= flag;
void flecs_add_flag(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
uint32_t flag)
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get_any(world, entity);
ecs_assert(record != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_record_add_flag(record, flag);
/* -- Public functions -- */
bool ecs_commit(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_record_t *record,
ecs_table_t *table,
const ecs_type_t *added,
const ecs_type_t *removed)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!ecs_is_deferred(world), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_table_t *src_table = NULL;
if (!record) {
record = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
src_table = record->table;
ecs_table_diff_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
if (added) {
diff.added = *added;
if (removed) {
diff.removed = *removed;
flecs_commit(world, entity, record, table, &diff, true, 0);
return src_table != table;
return false;
ecs_entity_t ecs_set_with(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_id_t prev = stage->with;
stage->with = id;
return prev;
return 0;
ecs_id_t ecs_get_with(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_readonly_world(world);
return stage->with;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_new_id(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_readonly_world(world);
/* It is possible that the world passed to this function is a stage, so
* make sure we have the actual world. Cast away const since this is one of
* the few functions that may modify the world while it is in readonly mode,
* since it is thread safe (uses atomic inc when in threading mode) */
ecs_world_t *unsafe_world =
ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, ecs_get_world(world));
ecs_entity_t entity;
if (stage->async || (unsafe_world->flags & EcsWorldMultiThreaded)) {
/* When using an async stage or world is in multithreading mode, make
* sure OS API has threading functions initialized */
ecs_assert(ecs_os_has_threading(), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
/* Can't atomically increase number above max int */
ecs_assert(flecs_entities_max_id(unsafe_world) < UINT_MAX,
entity = (ecs_entity_t)ecs_os_ainc(
} else {
entity = flecs_entities_new_id(unsafe_world);
ecs_assert(!unsafe_world->info.max_id ||
ecs_entity_t_lo(entity) <= unsafe_world->info.max_id,
flecs_journal(world, EcsJournalNew, entity, 0, 0);
return entity;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_new_low_id(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* It is possible that the world passed to this function is a stage, so
* make sure we have the actual world. Cast away const since this is one of
* the few functions that may modify the world while it is in readonly mode,
* but only if single threaded. */
ecs_world_t *unsafe_world =
ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, ecs_get_world(world));
if (unsafe_world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly) {
/* Can't issue new comp id while iterating when in multithreaded mode */
ecs_check(ecs_get_stage_count(world) <= 1,
ecs_entity_t id = 0;
if (unsafe_world->info.last_component_id < FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID) {
do {
id = unsafe_world->info.last_component_id ++;
} while (ecs_exists(unsafe_world, id) && id <= FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID);
if (!id || id >= FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID) {
/* If the low component ids are depleted, return a regular entity id */
id = ecs_new_id(unsafe_world);
} else {
flecs_entities_ensure(world, id);
ecs_assert(ecs_get_type(world, id) == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return id;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_new_w_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!id || ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_entity_t entity = ecs_new_id(world);
ecs_id_t ids[3];
ecs_type_t to_add = { .array = ids, .count = 0 };
if (id) {
ids[to_add.count ++] = id;
ecs_id_t with = stage->with;
if (with) {
ids[to_add.count ++] = with;
ecs_entity_t scope = stage->scope;
if (scope) {
if (!id || !ECS_HAS_RELATION(id, EcsChildOf)) {
ids[to_add.count ++] = ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, scope);
if (to_add.count) {
if (flecs_defer_add(stage, entity, to_add.array[0])) {
int i;
for (i = 1; i < to_add.count; i ++) {
flecs_defer_add(stage, entity, to_add.array[i]);
return entity;
int32_t i, count = to_add.count;
ecs_table_t *table = &world->store.root;
ecs_table_diff_builder_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
flecs_table_diff_builder_init(world, &diff);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
table = flecs_find_table_add(
world, table, to_add.array[i], &diff);
ecs_table_diff_t table_diff;
flecs_table_diff_build_noalloc(&diff, &table_diff);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
flecs_new_entity(world, entity, r, table, &table_diff, true, true);
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &diff);
} else {
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
return entity;
flecs_entities_ensure(world, entity);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
return entity;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_new_w_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_entity_t entity = ecs_new_id(world);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_table_diff_t table_diff = { .added = table->type };
flecs_new_entity(world, entity, r, table, &table_diff, true, true);
return entity;
return 0;
/* Traverse table graph by either adding or removing identifiers parsed from the
* passed in expression. */
ecs_table_t *flecs_traverse_from_expr(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *diff,
bool replace_and,
bool *error)
const char *ptr = expr;
if (ptr) {
ecs_term_t term = {0};
while (ptr[0] && (ptr = ecs_parse_term(
world, name, expr, ptr, &term, NULL, NULL, false)))
if (!ecs_term_is_initialized(&term)) {
if (!(term.first.flags & (EcsSelf|EcsUp))) {
term.first.flags = EcsSelf;
if (!(term.second.flags & (EcsSelf|EcsUp))) {
term.second.flags = EcsSelf;
if (!(term.src.flags & (EcsSelf|EcsUp))) {
term.src.flags = EcsSelf;
if (ecs_term_finalize(world, &term)) {
if (error) {
*error = true;
return NULL;
if (!ecs_id_is_valid(world, term.id)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid term for add expression");
return NULL;
if (term.oper == EcsAnd || !replace_and) {
/* Regular AND expression */
table = flecs_find_table_add(world, table, term.id, diff);
if (!ptr) {
if (error) {
*error = true;
return NULL;
return table;
/* Add/remove components based on the parsed expression. This operation is
* slower than flecs_traverse_from_expr, but safe to use from a deferred context. */
void flecs_defer_from_expr(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
bool is_add,
bool replace_and)
const char *ptr = expr;
if (ptr) {
ecs_term_t term = {0};
while (ptr[0] && (ptr = ecs_parse_term(world, name, expr, ptr, &term,
NULL, NULL, false)))
if (!ecs_term_is_initialized(&term)) {
if (ecs_term_finalize(world, &term)) {
if (!ecs_id_is_valid(world, term.id)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid term for add expression");
if (term.oper == EcsAnd || !replace_and) {
/* Regular AND expression */
if (is_add) {
ecs_add_id(world, entity, term.id);
} else {
ecs_remove_id(world, entity, term.id);
/* If operation is not deferred, add components by finding the target
* table and moving the entity towards it. */
int flecs_traverse_add(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t result,
const char *name,
const ecs_entity_desc_t *desc,
ecs_entity_t scope,
ecs_id_t with,
bool flecs_new_entity,
bool name_assigned)
const char *sep = desc->sep;
const char *root_sep = desc->root_sep;
ecs_table_diff_builder_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
flecs_table_diff_builder_init(world, &diff);
/* Find existing table */
ecs_table_t *src_table = NULL, *table = NULL;
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, result);
table = r->table;
/* If a name is provided but not yet assigned, add the Name component */
if (name && !name_assigned) {
table = flecs_find_table_add(world, table,
ecs_pair(ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsName), &diff);
/* Add components from the 'add' id array */
int32_t i = 0;
ecs_id_t id;
const ecs_id_t *ids = desc->add;
while ((i < FLECS_ID_DESC_MAX) && (id = ids[i ++])) {
bool should_add = true;
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR) && ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsChildOf) {
scope = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
if ((!desc->id && desc->name) || (name && !name_assigned)) {
/* If name is added to entity, pass scope to add_path instead
* of adding it to the table. The provided name may have nested
* elements, in which case the parent provided here is not the
* parent the entity will end up with. */
should_add = false;
if (should_add) {
table = flecs_find_table_add(world, table, id, &diff);
/* Find destination table */
/* If this is a new entity without a name, add the scope. If a name is
* provided, the scope will be added by the add_path_w_sep function */
if (flecs_new_entity) {
if (flecs_new_entity && scope && !name && !name_assigned) {
table = flecs_find_table_add(
world, table, ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, scope), &diff);
if (with) {
table = flecs_find_table_add(world, table, with, &diff);
/* Add components from the 'add_expr' expression */
if (desc->add_expr && ecs_os_strcmp(desc->add_expr, "0")) {
bool error = false;
table = flecs_traverse_from_expr(
world, table, name, desc->add_expr, &diff, true, &error);
if (error) {
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &diff);
return -1;
ecs_abort(ECS_UNSUPPORTED, "parser addon is not available");
/* Commit entity to destination table */
if (src_table != table) {
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
ecs_table_diff_t table_diff;
flecs_table_diff_build_noalloc(&diff, &table_diff);
flecs_commit(world, result, r, table, &table_diff, true, 0);
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &diff);
flecs_defer_end(world, &world->stages[0]);
/* Set name */
if (name && !name_assigned) {
ecs_add_path_w_sep(world, result, scope, name, sep, root_sep);
ecs_assert(ecs_get_name(world, result) != NULL,
if (desc->symbol && desc->symbol[0]) {
const char *sym = ecs_get_symbol(world, result);
if (sym) {
ecs_assert(!ecs_os_strcmp(desc->symbol, sym),
} else {
ecs_set_symbol(world, result, desc->symbol);
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &diff);
return 0;
/* When in deferred mode, we need to add/remove components one by one using
* the regular operations. */
void flecs_deferred_add_remove(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *name,
const ecs_entity_desc_t *desc,
ecs_entity_t scope,
ecs_id_t with,
bool flecs_new_entity,
bool name_assigned)
const char *sep = desc->sep;
const char *root_sep = desc->root_sep;
/* If this is a new entity without a name, add the scope. If a name is
* provided, the scope will be added by the add_path_w_sep function */
if (flecs_new_entity) {
if (flecs_new_entity && scope && !name && !name_assigned) {
ecs_add_id(world, entity, ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, scope));
if (with) {
ecs_add_id(world, entity, with);
/* Add components from the 'add' id array */
int32_t i = 0;
ecs_id_t id;
const ecs_id_t *ids = desc->add;
while ((i < FLECS_ID_DESC_MAX) && (id = ids[i ++])) {
bool defer = true;
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR) && ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsChildOf) {
scope = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
if (name && (!desc->id || !name_assigned)) {
/* New named entities are created by temporarily going out of
* readonly mode to ensure no duplicates are created. */
defer = false;
if (defer) {
ecs_add_id(world, entity, id);
/* Add components from the 'add_expr' expression */
if (desc->add_expr) {
flecs_defer_from_expr(world, entity, name, desc->add_expr, true, true);
ecs_abort(ECS_UNSUPPORTED, "parser addon is not available");
int32_t thread_count = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
/* Set name */
if (name && !name_assigned) {
ecs_add_path_w_sep(world, entity, scope, name, sep, root_sep);
/* Set symbol */
if (desc->symbol) {
const char *sym = ecs_get_symbol(world, entity);
if (!sym || ecs_os_strcmp(sym, desc->symbol)) {
if (thread_count <= 1) { /* See above */
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t state;
ecs_world_t *real_world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &state);
ecs_set_symbol(world, entity, desc->symbol);
flecs_resume_readonly(real_world, &state);
} else {
ecs_set_symbol(world, entity, desc->symbol);
ecs_entity_t ecs_entity_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_entity_desc_t *desc)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->_canary == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_entity_t scope = stage->scope;
ecs_id_t with = ecs_get_with(world);
ecs_entity_t result = desc->id;
const char *name = desc->name;
const char *sep = desc->sep;
if (!sep) {
sep = ".";
if (name) {
if (!name[0]) {
name = NULL;
} else if (flecs_name_is_id(name)){
ecs_entity_t id = flecs_name_to_id(world, name);
if (!id) {
return 0;
if (result && (id != result)) {
ecs_err("name id conflicts with provided id");
return 0;
name = NULL;
result = id;
const char *root_sep = desc->root_sep;
bool flecs_new_entity = false;
bool name_assigned = false;
/* Remove optional prefix from name. Entity names can be derived from
* language identifiers, such as components (typenames) and systems
* function names). Because C does not have namespaces, such identifiers
* often encode the namespace as a prefix.
* To ensure interoperability between C and C++ (and potentially other
* languages with namespacing) the entity must be stored without this prefix
* and with the proper namespace, which is what the name_prefix is for */
const char *prefix = world->info.name_prefix;
if (name && prefix) {
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(prefix);
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(name, prefix, len) &&
(isupper(name[len]) || name[len] == '_'))
if (name[len] == '_') {
name = name + len + 1;
} else {
name = name + len;
/* Find or create entity */
if (!result) {
if (name) {
/* If add array contains a ChildOf pair, use it as scope instead */
const ecs_id_t *ids = desc->add;
ecs_id_t id;
int32_t i = 0;
while ((i < FLECS_ID_DESC_MAX) && (id = ids[i ++])) {
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR) &&
(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsChildOf))
scope = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
result = ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(
world, scope, name, sep, root_sep, false);
if (result) {
name_assigned = true;
if (!result) {
if (desc->use_low_id) {
result = ecs_new_low_id(world);
} else {
result = ecs_new_id(world);
flecs_new_entity = true;
ecs_assert(ecs_get_type(world, result) == NULL,
} else {
/* Make sure provided id is either alive or revivable */
ecs_ensure(world, result);
name_assigned = ecs_has_pair(
world, result, ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsName);
if (name && name_assigned) {
/* If entity has name, verify that name matches. The name provided
* to the function could either have been relative to the current
* scope, or fully qualified. */
char *path;
ecs_size_t root_sep_len = root_sep ? ecs_os_strlen(root_sep) : 0;
if (root_sep && !ecs_os_strncmp(name, root_sep, root_sep_len)) {
/* Fully qualified name was provided, so make sure to
* compare with fully qualified name */
path = ecs_get_path_w_sep(world, 0, result, sep, root_sep);
} else {
/* Relative name was provided, so make sure to compare with
* relative name */
if (!sep || sep[0]) {
path = ecs_get_path_w_sep(world, scope, result, sep, "");
} else {
/* Safe, only freed when sep is valid */
path = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, ecs_get_name(world, result));
if (path) {
if (ecs_os_strcmp(path, name)) {
/* Mismatching name */
ecs_err("existing entity '%s' is initialized with "
"conflicting name '%s'", path, name);
if (!sep || sep[0]) {
return 0;
if (!sep || sep[0]) {
ecs_assert(name_assigned == ecs_has_pair(
world, result, ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsName),
if (stage->defer) {
flecs_deferred_add_remove((ecs_world_t*)stage, result, name, desc,
scope, with, flecs_new_entity, name_assigned);
} else {
if (flecs_traverse_add(world, result, name, desc,
scope, with, flecs_new_entity, name_assigned))
return 0;
return result;
return 0;
const ecs_entity_t* ecs_bulk_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_bulk_desc_t *desc)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->_canary == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_entity_t *entities = desc->entities;
int32_t count = desc->count;
int32_t sparse_count = 0;
if (!entities) {
sparse_count = flecs_entities_count(world);
entities = flecs_entities_new_ids(world, count);
ecs_assert(entities != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} else {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_ensure(world, entities[i]);
ecs_type_t ids;
ecs_table_t *table = desc->table;
if (!table) {
ecs_table_diff_builder_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
flecs_table_diff_builder_init(world, &diff);
int32_t i = 0;
ecs_id_t id;
while ((id = desc->ids[i])) {
table = flecs_find_table_add(world, table, id, &diff);
i ++;
ids.array = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_id_t*, desc->ids);
ids.count = i;
ecs_table_diff_t table_diff;
flecs_table_diff_build_noalloc(&diff, &table_diff);
flecs_bulk_new(world, table, entities, &ids, count, desc->data, true, NULL,
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &diff);
} else {
ecs_table_diff_t diff = {
.added.array = table->type.array,
.added.count = table->type.count
ids = (ecs_type_t){.array = diff.added.array, .count = diff.added.count};
flecs_bulk_new(world, table, entities, &ids, count, desc->data, true, NULL,
if (!sparse_count) {
return entities;
} else {
/* Refetch entity ids, in case the underlying array was reallocated */
entities = flecs_entities_ids(world);
return &entities[sparse_count];
return NULL;
void flecs_check_component(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t result,
const EcsComponent *ptr,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t alignment)
if (ptr->size != size) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, result);
if (ptr->alignment != alignment) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, result);
ecs_entity_t ecs_component_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_component_desc_t *desc)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->_canary == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* If existing entity is provided, check if it is already registered as a
* component and matches the size/alignment. This can prevent having to
* suspend readonly mode, and increases the number of scenarios in which
* this function can be called in multithreaded mode. */
ecs_entity_t result = desc->entity;
if (result && ecs_is_alive(world, result)) {
const EcsComponent *const_ptr = ecs_get(world, result, EcsComponent);
if (const_ptr) {
flecs_check_component(world, result, const_ptr,
desc->type.size, desc->type.alignment);
return result;
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t readonly_state;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &readonly_state);
bool new_component = true;
if (!result) {
result = ecs_new_low_id(world);
} else {
ecs_ensure(world, result);
new_component = ecs_has(world, result, EcsComponent);
EcsComponent *ptr = ecs_get_mut(world, result, EcsComponent);
if (!ptr->size) {
ecs_assert(ptr->alignment == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ptr->size = desc->type.size;
ptr->alignment = desc->type.alignment;
if (!new_component || ptr->size != desc->type.size) {
if (!ptr->size) {
ecs_trace("#[green]tag#[reset] %s created",
ecs_get_name(world, result));
} else {
ecs_trace("#[green]component#[reset] %s created",
ecs_get_name(world, result));
} else {
flecs_check_component(world, result, ptr,
desc->type.size, desc->type.alignment);
ecs_modified(world, result, EcsComponent);
if (desc->type.size &&
!ecs_id_in_use(world, result) &&
!ecs_id_in_use(world, ecs_pair(result, EcsWildcard)))
ecs_set_hooks_id(world, result, &desc->type.hooks);
if (result >= world->info.last_component_id && result < FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID) {
world->info.last_component_id = result + 1;
/* Ensure components cannot be deleted */
ecs_add_pair(world, result, EcsOnDelete, EcsPanic);
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &readonly_state);
ecs_assert(result != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(ecs_has(world, result, EcsComponent), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return result;
return 0;
const ecs_entity_t* ecs_bulk_new_w_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
int32_t count)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
const ecs_entity_t *ids;
if (flecs_defer_bulk_new(world, stage, count, id, &ids)) {
return ids;
ecs_table_t *table = &world->store.root;
ecs_table_diff_builder_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
flecs_table_diff_builder_init(world, &diff);
if (id) {
table = flecs_find_table_add(world, table, id, &diff);
ecs_table_diff_t td;
flecs_table_diff_build_noalloc(&diff, &td);
ids = flecs_bulk_new(world, table, NULL, NULL, count, NULL, false, NULL, &td);
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &diff);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
return ids;
return NULL;
void ecs_clear(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_valid(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_clear(stage, entity)) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (table) {
ecs_table_diff_t diff = {
.removed = table->type
flecs_delete_entity(world, r, &diff);
r->table = NULL;
if (r->row & EcsEntityIsTraversable) {
flecs_table_traversable_add(table, -1);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
void flecs_throw_invalid_delete(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
char *id_str = NULL;
if (!(world->flags & EcsWorldQuit)) {
id_str = ecs_id_str(world, id);
ecs_throw(ECS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED, id_str);
void flecs_marked_id_push(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t* idr,
ecs_entity_t action,
bool delete_id)
ecs_marked_id_t *m = ecs_vec_append_t(&world->allocator,
&world->store.marked_ids, ecs_marked_id_t);
m->idr = idr;
m->id = idr->id;
m->action = action;
m->delete_id = delete_id;
flecs_id_record_claim(world, idr);
void flecs_id_mark_for_delete(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_entity_t action,
bool delete_id);
void flecs_targets_mark_for_delete(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_id_record_t *idr;
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_first(&table->data.entities);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&table->data.entities);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[i]);
if (!r) {
/* If entity is not used as id or as relationship target, there won't
* be any tables with a reference to it. */
ecs_flags32_t flags = r->row & ECS_ROW_FLAGS_MASK;
if (!(flags & (EcsEntityIsId|EcsEntityIsTarget))) {
ecs_entity_t e = entities[i];
if (flags & EcsEntityIsId) {
if ((idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, e))) {
flecs_id_mark_for_delete(world, idr,
ECS_ID_ON_DELETE(idr->flags), true);
if ((idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(e, EcsWildcard)))) {
flecs_id_mark_for_delete(world, idr,
ECS_ID_ON_DELETE(idr->flags), true);
if (flags & EcsEntityIsTarget) {
if ((idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, e)))) {
flecs_id_mark_for_delete(world, idr,
ECS_ID_ON_DELETE_TARGET(idr->flags), true);
if ((idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(EcsFlag, e)))) {
flecs_id_mark_for_delete(world, idr,
ECS_ID_ON_DELETE_TARGET(idr->flags), true);
bool flecs_id_is_delete_target(
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t action)
if (!action && ecs_id_is_pair(id) && ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsWildcard) {
/* If no explicit delete action is provided, and the id we're deleting
* has the form (*, Target), use OnDeleteTarget action */
return true;
return false;
ecs_entity_t flecs_get_delete_action(
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_record_t *tr,
ecs_entity_t action,
bool delete_target)
ecs_entity_t result = action;
if (!result && delete_target) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = (ecs_id_record_t*)tr->hdr.cache;
ecs_id_t id = idr->id;
/* If action is not specified and we're deleting a relationship target,
* derive the action from the current record */
int32_t i = tr->index, count = tr->count;
do {
ecs_type_t *type = &table->type;
ecs_table_record_t *trr = &table->_->records[i];
ecs_id_record_t *idrr = (ecs_id_record_t*)trr->hdr.cache;
result = ECS_ID_ON_DELETE_TARGET(idrr->flags);
if (result == EcsDelete) {
/* Delete takes precedence over Remove */
if (count > 1) {
/* If table contains multiple pairs for target they are not
* guaranteed to occupy consecutive elements in the table's type
* vector, so a linear search is needed to find matches. */
for (++ i; i < type->count; i ++) {
if (ecs_id_match(type->array[i], id)) {
/* We should always have as many matching ids as tr->count */
ecs_assert(i < type->count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} while (--count);
return result;
void flecs_update_monitors_for_delete(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
flecs_update_component_monitors(world, NULL, &(ecs_type_t){
.array = (ecs_id_t[]){id},
.count = 1
void flecs_id_mark_for_delete(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_entity_t action,
bool delete_id)
if (idr->flags & EcsIdMarkedForDelete) {
idr->flags |= EcsIdMarkedForDelete;
flecs_marked_id_push(world, idr, action, delete_id);
ecs_id_t id = idr->id;
bool delete_target = flecs_id_is_delete_target(id, action);
/* Mark all tables with the id for delete */
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (flecs_table_cache_iter(&idr->cache, &it)) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if (table->flags & EcsTableMarkedForDelete) {
ecs_entity_t cur_action = flecs_get_delete_action(table, tr, action,
/* If this is a Delete action, recursively mark ids & tables */
if (cur_action == EcsDelete) {
table->flags |= EcsTableMarkedForDelete;
flecs_targets_mark_for_delete(world, table);
} else if (cur_action == EcsPanic) {
flecs_throw_invalid_delete(world, id);
/* Same for empty tables */
if (flecs_table_cache_empty_iter(&idr->cache, &it)) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
tr->hdr.table->flags |= EcsTableMarkedForDelete;
/* Signal query cache monitors */
flecs_update_monitors_for_delete(world, id);
/* If id is a wildcard pair, update cache monitors for non-wildcard ids */
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(id)) {
ecs_id_record_t *cur = idr;
if (ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id) == EcsWildcard) {
while ((cur = cur->first.next)) {
flecs_update_monitors_for_delete(world, cur->id);
} else {
ecs_assert(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsWildcard,
while ((cur = cur->second.next)) {
flecs_update_monitors_for_delete(world, cur->id);
bool flecs_on_delete_mark(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t action,
bool delete_id)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
/* If there's no id record, there's nothing to delete */
return false;
if (!action) {
/* If no explicit action is provided, derive it */
if (!ecs_id_is_pair(id) || ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id) == EcsWildcard) {
/* Delete actions are determined by the component, or in the case
* of a pair by the relationship. */
action = ECS_ID_ON_DELETE(idr->flags);
if (action == EcsPanic) {
/* This id is protected from deletion */
flecs_throw_invalid_delete(world, id);
return false;
flecs_id_mark_for_delete(world, idr, action, delete_id);
return true;
void flecs_remove_from_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_table_diff_t temp_diff;
ecs_table_diff_builder_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
flecs_table_diff_builder_init(world, &diff);
ecs_table_t *dst_table = table;
/* To find the dst table, remove all ids that are marked for deletion */
int32_t i, t, count = ecs_vec_count(&world->store.marked_ids);
ecs_marked_id_t *ids = ecs_vec_first(&world->store.marked_ids);
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
const ecs_id_record_t *idr = ids[i].idr;
if (!(tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, dst_table))) {
t = tr->index;
do {
ecs_id_t id = dst_table->type.array[t];
dst_table = flecs_table_traverse_remove(
world, dst_table, &id, &temp_diff);
flecs_table_diff_build_append_table(world, &diff, &temp_diff);
} while (dst_table->type.count && (t = ecs_search_offset(
world, dst_table, t, idr->id, NULL)) != -1);
ecs_assert(dst_table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!dst_table->type.count) {
/* If this removes all components, clear table */
flecs_table_clear_entities(world, table);
} else {
/* Otherwise, merge table into dst_table */
if (dst_table != table) {
int32_t table_count = ecs_table_count(table);
if (diff.removed.count && table_count) {
ecs_table_diff_t td;
flecs_table_diff_build_noalloc(&diff, &td);
flecs_notify_on_remove(world, table, NULL, 0, table_count,
flecs_table_merge(world, dst_table, table,
&dst_table->data, &table->data);
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &diff);
bool flecs_on_delete_clear_tables(
ecs_world_t *world)
/* Iterate in reverse order so that DAGs get deleted bottom to top */
int32_t i, last = ecs_vec_count(&world->store.marked_ids), first = 0;
ecs_marked_id_t *ids = ecs_vec_first(&world->store.marked_ids);
do {
for (i = last - 1; i >= first; i --) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = ids[i].idr;
ecs_entity_t action = ids[i].action;
/* Empty all tables for id */
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (flecs_table_cache_iter(&idr->cache, &it)) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if ((action == EcsRemove) ||
!(table->flags & EcsTableMarkedForDelete))
flecs_remove_from_table(world, table);
} else {
"#[red]delete#[reset] entities from table %u",
flecs_table_delete_entities(world, table);
/* Run commands so children get notified before parent is deleted */
if (world->stages[0].defer) {
flecs_defer_end(world, &world->stages[0]);
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
/* User code (from triggers) could have enqueued more ids to delete,
* reobtain the array in case it got reallocated */
ids = ecs_vec_first(&world->store.marked_ids);
/* Check if new ids were marked since we started */
int32_t new_last = ecs_vec_count(&world->store.marked_ids);
if (new_last != last) {
/* Iterate remaining ids */
ecs_assert(new_last > last, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
first = last;
last = new_last;
} else {
} while (true);
return true;
bool flecs_on_delete_clear_ids(
ecs_world_t *world)
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&world->store.marked_ids);
ecs_marked_id_t *ids = ecs_vec_first(&world->store.marked_ids);
int twice = 2;
do {
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
/* Release normal ids before wildcard ids */
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(ids[i].id)) {
if (twice == 2) {
} else {
if (twice == 1) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = ids[i].idr;
bool delete_id = ids[i].delete_id;
flecs_id_record_release_tables(world, idr);
/* Release the claim taken by flecs_marked_id_push. This may delete the
* id record as all other claims may have been released. */
int32_t rc = flecs_id_record_release(world, idr);
ecs_assert(rc >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* If rc is 0, the id was likely deleted by a nested delete_with call
* made by an on_remove handler/OnRemove observer */
if (rc) {
if (delete_id) {
/* If id should be deleted, release initial claim. This happens when
* a component, tag, or part of a pair is deleted. */
flecs_id_record_release(world, idr);
} else {
/* If id should not be deleted, unmark id record for deletion. This
* happens when all instances *of* an id are deleted, for example
* when calling ecs_remove_all or ecs_delete_with. */
idr->flags &= ~EcsIdMarkedForDelete;
} while (-- twice);
return true;
void flecs_on_delete(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t action,
bool delete_id)
/* Cleanup can happen recursively. If a cleanup action is already in
* progress, only append ids to the marked_ids. The topmost cleanup
* frame will handle the actual cleanup. */
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(&world->store.marked_ids);
/* Make sure we're evaluating a consistent list of non-empty tables */
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
/* Collect all ids that need to be deleted */
flecs_on_delete_mark(world, id, action, delete_id);
/* Only perform cleanup if we're the first stack frame doing it */
if (!count && ecs_vec_count(&world->store.marked_ids)) {
/* Empty tables with all the to be deleted ids */
/* All marked tables are empty, ensure they're in the right list */
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
/* Release remaining references to the ids */
/* Verify deleted ids are no longer in use */
ecs_marked_id_t *ids = ecs_vec_first(&world->store.marked_ids);
int32_t i; count = ecs_vec_count(&world->store.marked_ids);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_assert(!ecs_id_in_use(world, ids[i].id),
ecs_assert(!ecs_id_in_use(world, id), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Ids are deleted, clear stack */
void ecs_delete_with(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
flecs_journal_begin(world, EcsJournalDeleteWith, id, NULL, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_on_delete_action(stage, id, EcsDelete)) {
flecs_on_delete(world, id, EcsDelete, false);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
void ecs_remove_all(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
flecs_journal_begin(world, EcsJournalRemoveAll, id, NULL, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_on_delete_action(stage, id, EcsRemove)) {
flecs_on_delete(world, id, EcsRemove, false);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
void ecs_delete(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_delete(stage, entity)) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_try(world, entity);
if (r) {
flecs_journal_begin(world, EcsJournalDelete, entity, NULL, NULL);
ecs_flags32_t row_flags = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW_FLAGS(r->row);
ecs_table_t *table;
if (row_flags) {
if (row_flags & EcsEntityIsTarget) {
flecs_on_delete(world, ecs_pair(EcsFlag, entity), 0, true);
flecs_on_delete(world, ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, entity), 0, true);
r->idr = NULL;
if (row_flags & EcsEntityIsId) {
flecs_on_delete(world, entity, 0, true);
flecs_on_delete(world, ecs_pair(entity, EcsWildcard), 0, true);
if (row_flags & EcsEntityIsTraversable) {
table = r->table;
if (table) {
flecs_table_traversable_add(table, -1);
/* Merge operations before deleting entity */
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
flecs_defer_begin(world, stage);
table = r->table;
if (table) {
ecs_table_diff_t diff = {
.removed = table->type
flecs_delete_entity(world, r, &diff);
r->row = 0;
r->table = NULL;
flecs_entities_remove(world, entity);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
void ecs_add_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
flecs_add_id(world, entity, id);
void ecs_remove_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id) || ecs_id_is_wildcard(id),
flecs_remove_id(world, entity, id);
void ecs_override_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_add_id(world, entity, ECS_OVERRIDE | id);
ecs_entity_t ecs_clone(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t dst,
ecs_entity_t src,
bool copy_value)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(src != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, src), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!dst || !ecs_get_table(world, dst), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (!dst) {
dst = ecs_new_id(world);
if (flecs_defer_clone(stage, dst, src, copy_value)) {
return dst;
ecs_record_t *src_r = flecs_entities_get(world, src);
ecs_assert(src_r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *src_table = src_r->table;
if (!src_table) {
goto done;
ecs_table_t *dst_table = src_table;
if (src_table->flags & EcsTableHasName) {
dst_table = ecs_table_remove_id(world, src_table,
ecs_pair_t(EcsIdentifier, EcsName));
ecs_type_t dst_type = dst_table->type;
ecs_table_diff_t diff = { .added = dst_type };
ecs_record_t *dst_r = flecs_entities_get(world, dst);
flecs_new_entity(world, dst, dst_r, dst_table, &diff, true, true);
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(dst_r->row);
if (copy_value) {
flecs_table_move(world, dst, src, dst_table,
row, src_table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(src_r->row), true);
int32_t i, count = dst_table->column_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_type_t type = {
.array = &dst_table->data.columns[i].id,
.count = 1
flecs_notify_on_set(world, dst_table, row, 1, &type, true);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
return dst;
return 0;
const void* ecs_get_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(flecs_stage_from_readonly_world(world)->async == false,
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (!table) {
return NULL;
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
return NULL;
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (!tr) {
return flecs_get_base_component(world, table, id, idr, 0);
} else {
ecs_check(tr->column != -1, ECS_NOT_A_COMPONENT, NULL);
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
return flecs_get_component_w_index(table, tr->column, row).ptr;
return NULL;
void* ecs_get_mut_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
return flecs_defer_set(world, stage, EcsCmdMut, entity, id, 0, NULL);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void *result = flecs_get_mut(world, entity, id, r).ptr;
ecs_check(result != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
return result;
return NULL;
void* ecs_get_mut_modified_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_check(flecs_defer_cmd(stage), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return flecs_defer_set(world, stage, EcsCmdSet, entity, id, 0, NULL);
return NULL;
ecs_record_t* flecs_access_begin(
ecs_world_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
bool write)
ecs_check(ecs_os_has_threading(), ECS_MISSING_OS_API, NULL);
const ecs_world_t *world = ecs_get_world(stage);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table;
if (!(table = r->table)) {
return NULL;
int32_t count = ecs_os_ainc(&table->_->lock);
if (write) {
ecs_check(count == 1, ECS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, NULL);
return r;
return NULL;
void flecs_access_end(
const ecs_record_t *r,
bool write)
ecs_check(ecs_os_has_threading(), ECS_MISSING_OS_API, NULL);
ecs_check(r->table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t count = ecs_os_adec(&r->table->_->lock);
if (write) {
ecs_check(count == 0, ECS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, NULL);
ecs_check(count >= 0, ECS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, NULL);
ecs_record_t* ecs_write_begin(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
return flecs_access_begin(world, entity, true);
void ecs_write_end(
ecs_record_t *r)
flecs_access_end(r, true);
const ecs_record_t* ecs_read_begin(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
return flecs_access_begin(world, entity, false);
void ecs_read_end(
const ecs_record_t *r)
flecs_access_end(r, false);
ecs_entity_t ecs_record_get_entity(
const ecs_record_t *record)
ecs_check(record != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = record->table;
if (!table) {
return 0;
return ecs_vec_get_t(&table->data.entities, ecs_entity_t,
return 0;
const void* ecs_record_get_id(
const ecs_world_t *stage,
const ecs_record_t *r,
ecs_id_t id)
const ecs_world_t *world = ecs_get_world(stage);
return flecs_get_component(world, r->table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), id);
bool ecs_record_has_id(
ecs_world_t *stage,
const ecs_record_t *r,
ecs_id_t id)
const ecs_world_t *world = ecs_get_world(stage);
if (r->table) {
return ecs_table_has_id(world, r->table, id);
return false;
void* ecs_record_get_mut_id(
ecs_world_t *stage,
ecs_record_t *r,
ecs_id_t id)
const ecs_world_t *world = ecs_get_world(stage);
return flecs_get_component(world, r->table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), id);
ecs_ref_t ecs_ref_init_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_check(record != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"cannot create ref for empty entity");
ecs_ref_t result = {
.entity = entity,
.id = id,
.record = record
ecs_table_t *table = record->table;
if (table) {
result.tr = flecs_table_record_get(world, table, id);
result.table_id = table->id;
return result;
return (ecs_ref_t){0};
bool flecs_ref_needs_sync(
ecs_ref_t *ref,
ecs_table_record_t *tr,
const ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_assert(ref != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return !tr || tr->hdr.table != table || ref->table_id != table->id;
void ecs_ref_update(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_ref_t *ref)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ref->entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ref->id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ref->record != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_record_t *r = ref->record;
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (!table) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = ref->tr;
if (flecs_ref_needs_sync(ref, tr, table)) {
tr = ref->tr = flecs_table_record_get(world, table, ref->id);
if (!tr) {
ecs_assert(tr->hdr.table == r->table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ref->table_id = table->id;
void* ecs_ref_get_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_ref_t *ref,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ref->entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ref->id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ref->record != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(id == ref->id, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_record_t *r = ref->record;
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (!table) {
return NULL;
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
ecs_check(row < ecs_table_count(table), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_record_t *tr = ref->tr;
if (flecs_ref_needs_sync(ref, tr, table)) {
tr = ref->tr = flecs_table_record_get(world, table, id);
if (!tr) {
return NULL;
ref->table_id = table->id;
ecs_assert(tr->hdr.table == r->table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t column = tr->column;
ecs_assert(column != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return flecs_get_component_w_index(table, column, row).ptr;
return NULL;
void* ecs_emplace_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!ecs_has_id(world, entity, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"cannot emplace a component the entity already has");
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
return flecs_defer_set(world, stage, EcsCmdEmplace, entity, id, 0, NULL);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
flecs_add_id_w_record(world, entity, r, id, false /* Add without ctor */);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
void *ptr = flecs_get_component(world, r->table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), id);
return ptr;
return NULL;
void flecs_modified_id_if(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id,
bool owned)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_modified(stage, entity, id)) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (!flecs_table_record_get(world, table, id)) {
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
ecs_type_t ids = { .array = &id, .count = 1 };
flecs_notify_on_set(world, table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), 1, &ids, owned);
flecs_table_mark_dirty(world, table, id);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
void ecs_modified_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_modified(stage, entity, id)) {
/* If the entity does not have the component, calling ecs_modified is
* invalid. The assert needs to happen after the defer statement, as the
* entity may not have the component when this function is called while
* operations are being deferred. */
ecs_check(ecs_has_id(world, entity, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
ecs_type_t ids = { .array = &id, .count = 1 };
flecs_notify_on_set(world, table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), 1, &ids, true);
flecs_table_mark_dirty(world, table, id);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
void flecs_copy_ptr_w_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id,
size_t size,
void *ptr)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
flecs_defer_set(world, stage, EcsCmdSet, entity, id,
flecs_utosize(size), ptr);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
flecs_component_ptr_t dst = flecs_get_mut(world, entity, id, r);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = dst.ti;
ecs_check(dst.ptr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (ptr) {
ecs_copy_t copy = ti->hooks.copy;
if (copy) {
copy(dst.ptr, ptr, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(dst.ptr, ptr, flecs_utosize(size));
} else {
ecs_os_memset(dst.ptr, 0, size);
flecs_table_mark_dirty(world, r->table, id);
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasOnSet || ti->hooks.on_set) {
ecs_type_t ids = { .array = &id, .count = 1 };
world, table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), 1, &ids, true);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
void flecs_move_ptr_w_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id,
size_t size,
void *ptr,
ecs_cmd_kind_t cmd_kind)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
flecs_defer_set(world, stage, cmd_kind, entity, id,
flecs_utosize(size), ptr);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
flecs_component_ptr_t dst = flecs_get_mut(world, entity, id, r);
ecs_check(dst.ptr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = dst.ti;
ecs_assert(ti != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_move_t move;
if (cmd_kind != EcsCmdEmplace) {
/* ctor will have happened by get_mut */
move = ti->hooks.move_dtor;
} else {
move = ti->hooks.ctor_move_dtor;
if (move) {
move(dst.ptr, ptr, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(dst.ptr, ptr, flecs_utosize(size));
flecs_table_mark_dirty(world, r->table, id);
if (cmd_kind == EcsCmdSet) {
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasOnSet || ti->hooks.on_set) {
ecs_type_t ids = { .array = &id, .count = 1 };
world, table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), 1, &ids, true);
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
ecs_entity_t ecs_set_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id,
size_t size,
const void *ptr)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!entity || ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (!entity) {
entity = ecs_new_id(world);
ecs_entity_t scope = stage->scope;
if (scope) {
ecs_add_pair(world, entity, EcsChildOf, scope);
/* Safe to cast away const: function won't modify if move arg is false */
flecs_copy_ptr_w_id(world, stage, entity, id, size,
ECS_CONST_CAST(void*, ptr));
return entity;
return 0;
void ecs_enable_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id,
bool enable)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_valid(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
if (flecs_defer_enable(stage, entity, id, enable)) {
} else {
/* Operations invoked by enable/disable should not be deferred */
stage->defer --;
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_entity_t bs_id = id | ECS_TOGGLE;
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
int32_t index = -1;
if (table) {
index = ecs_table_get_type_index(world, table, bs_id);
if (index == -1) {
ecs_add_id(world, entity, bs_id);
ecs_enable_id(world, entity, id, enable);
ecs_assert(table->_ != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
index -= table->_->bs_offset;
ecs_assert(index >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Data cannot be NULl, since entity is stored in the table */
ecs_bitset_t *bs = &table->_->bs_columns[index];
ecs_assert(bs != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_bitset_set(bs, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), enable);
bool ecs_is_enabled_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Make sure we're not working with a stage */
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (!table) {
return false;
ecs_entity_t bs_id = id | ECS_TOGGLE;
int32_t index = ecs_table_get_type_index(world, table, bs_id);
if (index == -1) {
/* If table does not have TOGGLE column for component, component is
* always enabled, if the entity has it */
return ecs_has_id(world, entity, id);
ecs_assert(table->_ != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
index -= table->_->bs_offset;
ecs_assert(index >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_bitset_t *bs = &table->_->bs_columns[index];
return flecs_bitset_get(bs, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row));
return false;
bool ecs_has_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Make sure we're not working with a stage */
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get_any(world, entity);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (!table) {
return false;
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
int32_t column;
if (idr) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (tr) {
return true;
if (!(table->flags & (EcsTableHasUnion|EcsTableHasIsA))) {
return false;
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
column = ecs_search_relation(world, table, 0, id,
EcsIsA, 0, 0, 0, &tr);
if (column == -1) {
return false;
table = tr->hdr.table;
if ((table->flags & EcsTableHasUnion) && ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR) &&
ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id) != EcsWildcard)
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(table->type.array[column]) == EcsUnion) {
ecs_assert(table->_ != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_switch_t *sw = &table->_->sw_columns[
column - table->_->sw_offset];
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
uint64_t value = flecs_switch_get(sw, row);
return value == ecs_pair_second(world, id);
return true;
return false;
bool ecs_owns_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
return (ecs_search(world, ecs_get_table(world, entity), id, 0) != -1);
ecs_entity_t ecs_get_target(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t rel,
int32_t index)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(rel != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (!table) {
goto not_found;
ecs_id_t wc = ecs_pair(rel, EcsWildcard);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, wc);
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = NULL;
if (idr) {
tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (!tr) {
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasUnion) {
wc = ecs_pair(EcsUnion, rel);
tr = flecs_table_record_get(world, table, wc);
if (tr) {
ecs_assert(table->_ != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_switch_t *sw = &table->_->sw_columns[
tr->index - table->_->sw_offset];
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
return flecs_switch_get(sw, row);
if (!idr || !(idr->flags & EcsIdDontInherit)) {
goto look_in_base;
} else {
return 0;
} else if (table->flags & EcsTableHasTarget) {
EcsTarget *tf = ecs_table_get_id(world, table,
ecs_pair_t(EcsTarget, rel), ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row));
if (tf) {
return ecs_record_get_entity(tf->target);
if (index >= tr->count) {
index -= tr->count;
goto look_in_base;
return ecs_pair_second(world, table->type.array[tr->index + index]);
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasIsA) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr_isa = flecs_id_record_get_table(
world->idr_isa_wildcard, table);
ecs_assert(tr_isa != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_t *ids = table->type.array;
int32_t i = tr_isa->index, end = (i + tr_isa->count);
for (; i < end; i ++) {
ecs_id_t isa_pair = ids[i];
ecs_entity_t base = ecs_pair_second(world, isa_pair);
ecs_assert(base != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_entity_t t = ecs_get_target(world, base, rel, index);
if (t) {
return t;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_get_parent(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
return ecs_get_target(world, entity, EcsChildOf, 0);
ecs_entity_t ecs_get_target_for_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t rel,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (!id) {
return ecs_get_target(world, entity, rel, 0);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_table_t *table = ecs_get_table(world, entity);
ecs_entity_t subject = 0;
if (rel) {
int32_t column = ecs_search_relation(
world, table, 0, id, rel, 0, &subject, 0, 0);
if (column == -1) {
return 0;
} else {
entity = 0; /* Don't return entity if id was not found */
if (table) {
ecs_id_t *ids = table->type.array;
int32_t i, count = table->type.count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t ent = ids[i];
if (ent & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK) {
/* Skip ids with pairs, roles since 0 was provided for rel */
if (ecs_has_id(world, ent, id)) {
subject = ent;
if (subject == 0) {
return entity;
} else {
return subject;
return 0;
int32_t ecs_get_depth(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t rel)
ecs_check(ecs_is_valid(world, rel), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_has_id(world, rel, EcsAcyclic), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = ecs_get_table(world, entity);
if (table) {
return ecs_table_get_depth(world, table, rel);
return 0;
return -1;
ecs_entity_t flecs_id_for_depth(
ecs_world_t *world,
int32_t depth)
ecs_vec_t *depth_ids = &world->store.depth_ids;
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(depth_ids);
for (i = count; i <= depth; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t *el = ecs_vec_append_t(
&world->allocator, depth_ids, ecs_entity_t);
el[0] = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsChildOf, EcsFlecsInternals);
ecs_map_val_t *v = ecs_map_ensure(&world->store.entity_to_depth, el[0]);
v[0] = flecs_ito(uint64_t, i);
return ecs_vec_get_t(&world->store.depth_ids, ecs_entity_t, depth)[0];
int32_t flecs_depth_for_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id)
ecs_map_val_t *v = ecs_map_get(&world->store.entity_to_depth, id);
ecs_assert(v != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return flecs_uto(int32_t, v[0]);
int32_t flecs_depth_for_flat_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_assert(table->flags & EcsTableHasTarget, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_t id;
int32_t col = ecs_search(world, table,
ecs_pair(EcsFlatten, EcsWildcard), &id);
ecs_assert(col != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return flecs_depth_for_id(world, ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id));
void flecs_flatten(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t root,
ecs_id_t pair,
int32_t depth,
const ecs_flatten_desc_t *desc)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, pair);
if (!idr) {
ecs_entity_t depth_id = flecs_id_for_depth(world, depth);
ecs_id_t root_pair = ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, root);
ecs_id_t tgt_pair = ecs_pair_t(EcsTarget, EcsChildOf);
ecs_id_t depth_pair = ecs_pair(EcsFlatten, depth_id);
ecs_id_t name_pair = ecs_pair_t(EcsIdentifier, EcsName);
ecs_entity_t rel = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(pair);
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (idr && flecs_table_cache_iter((ecs_table_cache_t*)idr, &it)) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
int32_t i, count = ecs_table_count(table);
bool has_tgt = table->flags & EcsTableHasTarget;
flecs_emit_propagate_invalidate(world, table, 0, count);
ecs_entity_t *entities = table->data.entities.array;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[i]);
ecs_flags32_t flags = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW_FLAGS(record->row);
if (flags & EcsEntityIsTarget) {
flecs_flatten(world, root, ecs_pair(rel, entities[i]),
depth + 1, desc);
ecs_table_diff_t tmpdiff;
ecs_table_diff_builder_t diff = ECS_TABLE_DIFF_INIT;
flecs_table_diff_builder_init(world, &diff);
ecs_table_t *dst;
dst = flecs_table_traverse_add(world, table, &root_pair, &tmpdiff);
flecs_table_diff_build_append_table(world, &diff, &tmpdiff);
dst = flecs_table_traverse_add(world, dst, &tgt_pair, &tmpdiff);
flecs_table_diff_build_append_table(world, &diff, &tmpdiff);
if (!desc->lose_depth) {
if (!has_tgt) {
dst = flecs_table_traverse_add(world, dst, &depth_pair, &tmpdiff);
flecs_table_diff_build_append_table(world, &diff, &tmpdiff);
} else {
int32_t cur_depth = flecs_depth_for_flat_table(world, table);
cur_depth += depth;
ecs_entity_t e_depth = flecs_id_for_depth(world, cur_depth);
ecs_id_t p_depth = ecs_pair(EcsFlatten, e_depth);
dst = flecs_table_traverse_add(world, dst, &p_depth, &tmpdiff);
flecs_table_diff_build_append_table(world, &diff, &tmpdiff);
if (!desc->keep_names) {
dst = flecs_table_traverse_remove(world, dst, &name_pair, &tmpdiff);
flecs_table_diff_build_append_table(world, &diff, &tmpdiff);
int32_t dst_count = ecs_table_count(dst);
ecs_table_diff_t td;
flecs_table_diff_build_noalloc(&diff, &td);
flecs_notify_on_remove(world, table, NULL, 0, count, &td.removed);
flecs_table_merge(world, dst, table, &dst->data, &table->data);
flecs_notify_on_add(world, dst, NULL, dst_count, count,
&td.added, 0);
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &diff);
EcsTarget *fh = ecs_table_get_id(world, dst, tgt_pair, 0);
ecs_assert(fh != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(count != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t remain = count;
for (i = dst_count; i < (dst_count + count); i ++) {
if (!has_tgt) {
fh[i].target = flecs_entities_get_any(world,
fh[i].count = remain;
remain --;
ecs_assert(fh[i].target != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_delete_with(world, pair);
flecs_id_record_release(world, idr);
void ecs_flatten(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t pair,
const ecs_flatten_desc_t *desc)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_entity_t rel = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(pair);
ecs_entity_t root = ecs_pair_second(world, pair);
ecs_flatten_desc_t private_desc = {0};
if (desc) {
private_desc = *desc;
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, 0);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, pair);
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (idr && flecs_table_cache_iter((ecs_table_cache_t*)idr, &it)) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if (!table->_->traversable_count) {
if (table->flags & EcsTableIsPrefab) {
int32_t i, count = ecs_table_count(table);
ecs_entity_t *entities = table->data.entities.array;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[i]);
ecs_flags32_t flags = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW_FLAGS(record->row);
if (flags & EcsEntityIsTarget) {
flecs_flatten(world, root, ecs_pair(rel, entities[i]), 1,
const char* flecs_get_identifier(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t tag)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const EcsIdentifier *ptr = ecs_get_pair(
world, entity, EcsIdentifier, tag);
if (ptr) {
return ptr->value;
} else {
return NULL;
return NULL;
const char* ecs_get_name(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
return flecs_get_identifier(world, entity, EcsName);
const char* ecs_get_symbol(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
world = ecs_get_world(world);
if (ecs_owns_pair(world, entity, ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsSymbol)) {
return flecs_get_identifier(world, entity, EcsSymbol);
} else {
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t flecs_set_identifier(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t tag,
const char *name)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(entity != 0 || name != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (!entity) {
entity = ecs_new_id(world);
if (!name) {
ecs_remove_pair(world, entity, ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), tag);
return entity;
EcsIdentifier *ptr = ecs_get_mut_pair(world, entity, EcsIdentifier, tag);
ecs_assert(ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (tag == EcsName) {
/* Insert command after get_mut, but before the name is potentially
* freed. Even though the name is a const char*, it is possible that the
* application passed in the existing name of the entity which could
* still cause it to be freed. */
flecs_defer_path(stage, 0, entity, name);
ecs_os_strset(&ptr->value, name);
ecs_modified_pair(world, entity, ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), tag);
return entity;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_set_name(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *name)
if (!entity) {
return ecs_entity(world, {
.name = name
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
flecs_set_identifier(world, stage, entity, EcsName, name);
return entity;
ecs_entity_t ecs_set_symbol(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *name)
return flecs_set_identifier(world, NULL, entity, EcsSymbol, name);
void ecs_set_alias(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *name)
flecs_set_identifier(world, NULL, entity, EcsAlias, name);
ecs_id_t ecs_make_pair(
ecs_entity_t relationship,
ecs_entity_t target)
ecs_assert(!ECS_IS_PAIR(relationship) && !ECS_IS_PAIR(target),
ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "cannot create nested pairs");
return ecs_pair(relationship, target);
bool ecs_is_valid(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* 0 is not a valid entity id */
if (!entity) {
return false;
/* Entity identifiers should not contain flag bits */
if (entity & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK) {
return false;
/* Entities should not contain data in dead zone bits */
if (entity & ~0xFF00FFFFFFFFFFFF) {
return false;
/* If entity doesn't exist in the world, the id is valid as long as the
* generation is 0. Using a non-existing id with a non-zero generation
* requires calling ecs_ensure first. */
if (!ecs_exists(world, entity)) {
return ECS_GENERATION(entity) == 0;
/* If id exists, it must be alive (the generation count must match) */
return ecs_is_alive(world, entity);
return false;
ecs_id_t ecs_strip_generation(
ecs_entity_t e)
/* If this is not a pair, erase the generation bits */
if (!(e & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK)) {
return e;
bool ecs_is_alive(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return flecs_entities_is_alive(world, entity);
return false;
ecs_entity_t ecs_get_alive(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (!entity) {
return 0;
/* Make sure we're not working with a stage */
world = ecs_get_world(world);
if (flecs_entities_is_alive(world, entity)) {
return entity;
/* Make sure id does not have generation. This guards against accidentally
* "upcasting" a not alive identifier to a alive one. */
if ((uint32_t)entity != entity) {
return 0;
ecs_entity_t current = flecs_entities_get_generation(world, entity);
if (!current || !flecs_entities_is_alive(world, current)) {
return 0;
return current;
return 0;
void ecs_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_check(entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Const cast is safe, function checks for threading */
world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, ecs_get_world(world));
/* The entity index can be mutated while in staged/readonly mode, as long as
* the world is not multithreaded. */
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldMultiThreaded),
/* Check if a version of the provided id is alive */
ecs_entity_t any = ecs_get_alive(world, (uint32_t)entity);
if (any == entity) {
/* If alive and equal to the argument, there's nothing left to do */
/* If the id is currently alive but did not match the argument, fail */
/* Set generation if not alive. The sparse set checks if the provided
* id matches its own generation which is necessary for alive ids. This
* check would cause ecs_ensure to fail if the generation of the 'entity'
* argument doesn't match with its generation.
* While this could've been addressed in the sparse set, this is a rare
* scenario that can only be triggered by ecs_ensure. Implementing it here
* allows the sparse set to not do this check, which is more efficient. */
flecs_entities_set_generation(world, entity);
/* Ensure id exists. The underlying data structure will verify that the
* generation count matches the provided one. */
flecs_entities_ensure(world, entity);
void ecs_ensure_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
ecs_entity_t r = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
ecs_entity_t o = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
ecs_check(r != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(o != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (flecs_entities_get_generation(world, r) == 0) {
ecs_assert(!ecs_exists(world, r), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"first element of pair is not alive");
flecs_entities_ensure(world, r);
if (flecs_entities_get_generation(world, o) == 0) {
ecs_assert(!ecs_exists(world, o), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"second element of pair is not alive");
flecs_entities_ensure(world, o);
} else {
flecs_entities_ensure(world, id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK);
bool ecs_exists(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return flecs_entities_exists(world, entity);
return false;
ecs_table_t* ecs_get_table(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_valid(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_assert(record != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return record->table;
return NULL;
const ecs_type_t* ecs_get_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_table_t *table = ecs_get_table(world, entity);
if (table) {
return &table->type;
return NULL;
const ecs_type_info_t* ecs_get_type_info(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr && ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id), EcsWildcard));
if (!idr || !idr->type_info) {
idr = NULL;
if (!idr) {
ecs_entity_t first = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
if (!first || !ecs_has_id(world, first, EcsTag)) {
idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id)));
if (!idr || !idr->type_info) {
idr = NULL;
if (idr) {
return idr->type_info;
} else if (!(id & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK)) {
return flecs_type_info_get(world, id);
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t ecs_get_typeid(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, id);
if (ti) {
ecs_assert(ti->component != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return ti->component;
return 0;
bool ecs_id_is_tag(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(id)) {
/* If id is a wildcard, we can't tell if it's a tag or not, except
* when the relationship part of a pair has the Tag property */
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) != EcsWildcard) {
ecs_entity_t rel = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
if (ecs_is_valid(world, rel)) {
if (ecs_has_id(world, rel, EcsTag)) {
return true;
} else {
/* During bootstrap it's possible that not all ids are valid
* yet. Using ecs_get_typeid will ensure correct values are
* returned for only those components initialized during
* bootstrap, while still asserting if another invalid id
* is provided. */
if (ecs_get_typeid(world, id) == 0) {
return true;
} else {
/* If relationship is wildcard id is not guaranteed to be a tag */
} else {
if (ecs_get_typeid(world, id) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
bool ecs_id_is_union(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
if (!ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
return false;
} else if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsUnion) {
return true;
} else {
ecs_entity_t first = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
if (ecs_has_id(world, first, EcsUnion)) {
return true;
return false;
int32_t ecs_count_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (!id) {
return 0;
int32_t count = 0;
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_term_iter(world, &(ecs_term_t) {
.id = id,
.src.flags = EcsSelf,
.flags = EcsTermMatchDisabled|EcsTermMatchPrefab
it.flags |= EcsIterNoData;
it.flags |= EcsIterEvalTables;
while (ecs_term_next(&it)) {
count += it.count;
return count;
return 0;
void ecs_enable(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
bool enabled)
if (ecs_has_id(world, entity, EcsPrefab)) {
/* If entity is a type, enable/disable all entities in the type */
const ecs_type_t *type = ecs_get_type(world, entity);
ecs_assert(type != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_t *ids = type->array;
int32_t i, count = type->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
if (ecs_id_get_flags(world, id) & EcsIdDontInherit) {
ecs_enable(world, id, enabled);
} else {
if (enabled) {
ecs_remove_id(world, entity, EcsDisabled);
} else {
ecs_add_id(world, entity, EcsDisabled);
bool ecs_defer_begin(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
return flecs_defer_begin(world, stage);
return false;
bool ecs_defer_end(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
return flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
return false;
void ecs_defer_suspend(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_is_deferred(world), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_check(stage->defer > 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
stage->defer = -stage->defer;
void ecs_defer_resume(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_check(stage->defer < 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
stage->defer = -stage->defer;
const char* ecs_id_flag_str(
ecs_entity_t entity)
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(entity, PAIR)) {
return "PAIR";
} else
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(entity, TOGGLE)) {
return "TOGGLE";
} else
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(entity, AND)) {
return "AND";
} else
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(entity, OVERRIDE)) {
return "OVERRIDE";
} else {
return "UNKNOWN";
void ecs_id_str_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, ecs_id_flag_str(ECS_TOGGLE));
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '|');
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, ecs_id_flag_str(ECS_OVERRIDE));
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '|');
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, AND)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, ecs_id_flag_str(ECS_AND));
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '|');
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
ecs_entity_t rel = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
ecs_entity_t obj = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
ecs_entity_t e;
if ((e = ecs_get_alive(world, rel))) {
rel = e;
if ((e = ecs_get_alive(world, obj))) {
obj = e;
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '(');
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, rel, NULL, NULL, buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ',');
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, obj, NULL, NULL, buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ')');
} else {
ecs_entity_t e = id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK;
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, e, NULL, NULL, buf);
char* ecs_id_str(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
ecs_id_str_buf(world, id, &buf);
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
void ecs_type_str_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_type_t *type,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_entity_t *ids = type->array;
int32_t i, count = type->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t id = ids[i];
if (i) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ',');
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ' ');
if (id == 1) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "Component");
} else {
ecs_id_str_buf(world, id, buf);
char* ecs_type_str(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_type_t *type)
if (!type) {
return ecs_os_strdup("");
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
ecs_type_str_buf(world, type, &buf);
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
char* ecs_table_str(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table)
if (table) {
return ecs_type_str(world, &table->type);
} else {
return NULL;
char* ecs_entity_str(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
ecs_check(ecs_is_alive(world, entity), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, entity, 0, "", &buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&buf, " [");
const ecs_type_t *type = ecs_get_type(world, entity);
if (type) {
ecs_type_str_buf(world, type, &buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&buf, ']');
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
return NULL;
void flecs_flush_bulk_new(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_cmd_t *cmd)
ecs_entity_t *entities = cmd->is._n.entities;
if (cmd->id) {
int i, count = cmd->is._n.count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
flecs_entities_ensure(world, entities[i]);
flecs_add_id(world, entities[i], cmd->id);
void flecs_dtor_value(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
void *value,
int32_t count)
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, id);
ecs_assert(ti != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_xtor_t dtor = ti->hooks.dtor;
if (dtor) {
ecs_size_t size = ti->size;
void *ptr;
int i;
for (i = 0, ptr = value; i < count; i ++, ptr = ECS_OFFSET(ptr, size)) {
dtor(ptr, 1, ti);
void flecs_free_cmd_event(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_event_desc_t *desc)
if (desc->ids) {
flecs_stack_free_n(desc->ids->array, ecs_id_t, desc->ids->count);
/* Safe const cast, command makes a copy of type object */
flecs_stack_free_t(ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_type_t*, desc->ids),
if (desc->param) {
flecs_dtor_value(world, desc->event,
/* Safe const cast, command makes copy of value */
ECS_CONST_CAST(void*, desc->param), 1);
void flecs_discard_cmd(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_cmd_t *cmd)
if (cmd->kind == EcsCmdBulkNew) {
} else if (cmd->kind == EcsCmdEvent) {
flecs_free_cmd_event(world, cmd->is._1.value);
} else {
ecs_assert(cmd->kind != EcsCmdEvent, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void *value = cmd->is._1.value;
if (value) {
flecs_dtor_value(world, cmd->id, value, 1);
flecs_stack_free(value, cmd->is._1.size);
bool flecs_remove_invalid(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_id_t *id_out)
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
ecs_entity_t rel = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
if (!flecs_entities_is_valid(world, rel)) {
/* After relationship is deleted we can no longer see what its
* delete action was, so pretend this never happened */
*id_out = 0;
return true;
} else {
ecs_entity_t obj = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
if (!flecs_entities_is_valid(world, obj)) {
/* Check the relationship's policy for deleted objects */
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(rel, EcsWildcard));
if (idr) {
ecs_entity_t action = ECS_ID_ON_DELETE_TARGET(idr->flags);
if (action == EcsDelete) {
/* Entity should be deleted, don't bother checking
* other ids */
return false;
} else if (action == EcsPanic) {
/* If policy is throw this object should not have
* been deleted */
flecs_throw_invalid_delete(world, id);
} else {
*id_out = 0;
return true;
} else {
*id_out = 0;
return true;
} else {
if (!flecs_entities_is_valid(world, id)) {
/* After relationship is deleted we can no longer see what its
* delete action was, so pretend this never happened */
*id_out = 0;
return true;
return true;
ecs_table_t* flecs_cmd_batch_add_diff(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *dst,
ecs_table_t *cur,
ecs_table_t *prev)
int32_t p = 0, p_count = prev->type.count;
int32_t c = 0, c_count = cur->type.count;
ecs_id_t *p_ids = prev->type.array;
ecs_id_t *c_ids = cur->type.array;
for (; c < c_count;) {
ecs_id_t c_id = c_ids[c];
ecs_id_t p_id = p_ids[p];
if (p_id < c_id) {
/* Previous id no longer exists in new table, so it was removed */
dst = ecs_table_remove_id(world, dst, p_id);
if (c_id < p_id) {
/* Current id didn't exist in previous table, so it was added */
dst = ecs_table_add_id(world, dst, c_id);
c += c_id <= p_id;
p += p_id <= c_id;
if (p == p_count) {
/* Remainder */
for (; p < p_count; p ++) {
ecs_id_t p_id = p_ids[p];
dst = ecs_table_remove_id(world, dst, p_id);
for (; c < c_count; c ++) {
ecs_id_t c_id = c_ids[c];
dst = ecs_table_add_id(world, dst, c_id);
return dst;
void flecs_cmd_batch_for_entity(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *diff,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_cmd_t *cmds,
int32_t start)
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
ecs_table_t *table = NULL;
if (r) {
table = r->table;
world->info.cmd.batched_entity_count ++;
ecs_table_t *start_table = table;
ecs_cmd_t *cmd;
int32_t next_for_entity;
ecs_table_diff_t table_diff; /* Keep track of diff for observers/hooks */
int32_t cur = start;
ecs_id_t id;
bool has_set = false;
do {
cmd = &cmds[cur];
id = cmd->id;
next_for_entity = cmd->next_for_entity;
if (next_for_entity < 0) {
/* First command for an entity has a negative index, flip sign */
next_for_entity *= -1;
/* Check if added id is still valid (like is the parent of a ChildOf
* pair still alive), if not run cleanup actions for entity */
if (id) {
if (flecs_remove_invalid(world, id, &id)) {
if (!id) {
/* Entity should remain alive but id should not be added */
cmd->kind = EcsCmdSkip;
/* Entity should remain alive and id is still valid */
} else {
/* Id was no longer valid and had a Delete policy */
cmd->kind = EcsCmdSkip;
ecs_delete(world, entity);
ecs_cmd_kind_t kind = cmd->kind;
switch(kind) {
case EcsCmdAddModified:
/* Add is batched, but keep Modified */
cmd->kind = EcsCmdModified;
/* fall through */
case EcsCmdAdd:
table = flecs_find_table_add(world, table, id, diff);
world->info.cmd.batched_command_count ++;
case EcsCmdModified:
if (start_table) {
/* If a modified was inserted for an existing component, the value
* of the component could have been changed. If this is the case,
* call on_set hooks before the OnAdd/OnRemove observers are invoked
* when moving the entity to a different table.
* This ensures that if OnAdd/OnRemove observers access the modified
* component value, the on_set hook has had the opportunity to
* run first to set any computed values of the component. */
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
flecs_component_ptr_t ptr = flecs_get_component_ptr(
world, start_table, row, cmd->id);
if (ptr.ptr) {
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ptr.ti;
ecs_iter_action_t on_set;
if ((on_set = ti->hooks.on_set)) {
ecs_table_t *prev_table = r->table;
flecs_invoke_hook(world, start_table, 1, row, &entity,
ptr.ptr, cmd->id, ptr.ti, EcsOnSet, on_set);
/* Don't run on_set hook twice, but make sure to still
* invoke observers. */
cmd->kind = EcsCmdModifiedNoHook;
/* If entity changed tables in hook, add difference to
* destination table, so we don't lose the side effects
* of the hook. */
if (r->table != prev_table) {
table = flecs_cmd_batch_add_diff(
world, table, r->table, prev_table);
case EcsCmdSet:
case EcsCmdMut:
table = flecs_find_table_add(world, table, id, diff);
world->info.cmd.batched_command_count ++;
has_set = true;
case EcsCmdEmplace:
/* Don't add for emplace, as this requires a special call to ensure
* the constructor is not invoked for the component */
case EcsCmdRemove:
table = flecs_find_table_remove(world, table, id, diff);
world->info.cmd.batched_command_count ++;
case EcsCmdClear:
if (table) {
ecs_id_t *ids = ecs_vec_grow_t(&world->allocator,
&diff->removed, ecs_id_t, table->type.count);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(ids, table->type.array, ecs_id_t,
table = &world->store.root;
world->info.cmd.batched_command_count ++;
case EcsCmdClone:
case EcsCmdBulkNew:
case EcsCmdPath:
case EcsCmdDelete:
case EcsCmdOnDeleteAction:
case EcsCmdEnable:
case EcsCmdDisable:
case EcsCmdEvent:
case EcsCmdSkip:
case EcsCmdModifiedNoHook:
/* Add, remove and clear operations can be skipped since they have no
* side effects besides adding/removing components */
if (kind == EcsCmdAdd || kind == EcsCmdRemove || kind == EcsCmdClear) {
cmd->kind = EcsCmdSkip;
} while ((cur = next_for_entity));
/* Move entity to destination table in single operation */
flecs_table_diff_build_noalloc(diff, &table_diff);
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
flecs_commit(world, entity, r, table, &table_diff, true, 0);
flecs_defer_end(world, &world->stages[0]);
/* If the batch contains set commands, copy the component value from the
* temporary command storage to the actual component storage before OnSet
* observers are invoked. This ensures that for multi-component OnSet
* observers all components are assigned a valid value before the observer
* is invoked.
* This only happens for entities that didn't have the assigned component
* yet, as for entities that did have the component already the value will
* have been assigned directly to the component storage. */
if (has_set) {
cur = start;
do {
cmd = &cmds[cur];
next_for_entity = cmd->next_for_entity;
if (next_for_entity < 0) {
next_for_entity *= -1;
switch(cmd->kind) {
case EcsCmdSet:
case EcsCmdMut: {
flecs_component_ptr_t ptr = {0};
if (r->table) {
ptr = flecs_get_component_ptr(world,
r->table, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), cmd->id);
/* It's possible that even though the component was set, the
* command queue also contained a remove command, so before we
* do anything ensure the entity actually has the component. */
if (ptr.ptr) {
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ptr.ti;
ecs_move_t move = ti->hooks.move;
if (move) {
move(ptr.ptr, cmd->is._1.value, 1, ti);
ecs_xtor_t dtor = ti->hooks.dtor;
if (dtor) {
dtor(cmd->is._1.value, 1, ti);
cmd->is._1.value = NULL;
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(ptr.ptr, cmd->is._1.value, ti->size);
if (cmd->kind == EcsCmdSet) {
/* A set operation is add + copy + modified. We just did
* the add the copy, so the only thing that's left is a
* modified command, which will call the OnSet
* observers. */
cmd->kind = EcsCmdModified;
} else {
/* If this was a get_mut, nothing's left to be done */
cmd->kind = EcsCmdSkip;
} else {
/* The entity no longer has the component which means that
* there was a remove command for the component in the
* command queue. In that case skip the command. */
cmd->kind = EcsCmdSkip;
case EcsCmdClone:
case EcsCmdBulkNew:
case EcsCmdAdd:
case EcsCmdRemove:
case EcsCmdEmplace:
case EcsCmdModified:
case EcsCmdModifiedNoHook:
case EcsCmdAddModified:
case EcsCmdPath:
case EcsCmdDelete:
case EcsCmdClear:
case EcsCmdOnDeleteAction:
case EcsCmdEnable:
case EcsCmdDisable:
case EcsCmdEvent:
case EcsCmdSkip:
} while ((cur = next_for_entity));
/* Leave safe section. Run all deferred commands. */
bool flecs_defer_end(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_poly_assert(stage, ecs_stage_t);
if (stage->defer < 0) {
/* Defer suspending makes it possible to do operations on the storage
* without flushing the commands in the queue */
return false;
ecs_assert(stage->defer > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!--stage->defer) {
/* Test whether we're flushing to another queue or whether we're
* flushing to the storage */
bool merge_to_world = false;
if (ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t)) {
merge_to_world = world->stages[0].defer == 0;
ecs_stage_t *dst_stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_commands_t *commands = stage->cmd;
ecs_vec_t *queue = &commands->queue;
if (ecs_vec_count(queue)) {
ecs_cmd_t *cmds = ecs_vec_first(queue);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(queue);
ecs_table_diff_builder_t diff;
flecs_table_diff_builder_init(world, &diff);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = &cmds[i];
ecs_entity_t e = cmd->entity;
bool is_alive = flecs_entities_is_alive(world, e);
/* A negative index indicates the first command for an entity */
if (merge_to_world && (cmd->next_for_entity < 0)) {
/* Batch commands for entity to limit archetype moves */
if (is_alive) {
flecs_cmd_batch_for_entity(world, &diff, e, cmds, i);
} else {
world->info.cmd.discard_count ++;
/* Invalidate entry */
if (cmd->entry) {
cmd->entry->first = -1;
/* If entity is no longer alive, this could be because the queue
* contained both a delete and a subsequent add/remove/set which
* should be ignored. */
ecs_cmd_kind_t kind = cmd->kind;
if ((kind != EcsCmdPath) && ((kind == EcsCmdSkip) || (e && !is_alive))) {
world->info.cmd.discard_count ++;
flecs_discard_cmd(world, cmd);
ecs_id_t id = cmd->id;
switch(kind) {
case EcsCmdAdd:
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (flecs_remove_invalid(world, id, &id)) {
if (id) {
world->info.cmd.add_count ++;
flecs_add_id(world, e, id);
} else {
world->info.cmd.discard_count ++;
} else {
world->info.cmd.discard_count ++;
ecs_delete(world, e);
case EcsCmdRemove:
flecs_remove_id(world, e, id);
world->info.cmd.remove_count ++;
case EcsCmdClone:
ecs_clone(world, e, id, cmd->is._1.clone_value);
case EcsCmdSet:
flecs_move_ptr_w_id(world, dst_stage, e,
cmd->id, flecs_itosize(cmd->is._1.size),
cmd->is._1.value, kind);
world->info.cmd.set_count ++;
case EcsCmdEmplace:
if (merge_to_world) {
ecs_emplace_id(world, e, id);
flecs_move_ptr_w_id(world, dst_stage, e,
cmd->id, flecs_itosize(cmd->is._1.size),
cmd->is._1.value, kind);
world->info.cmd.get_mut_count ++;
case EcsCmdMut:
flecs_move_ptr_w_id(world, dst_stage, e,
cmd->id, flecs_itosize(cmd->is._1.size),
cmd->is._1.value, kind);
world->info.cmd.get_mut_count ++;
case EcsCmdModified:
flecs_modified_id_if(world, e, id, true);
world->info.cmd.modified_count ++;
case EcsCmdModifiedNoHook:
flecs_modified_id_if(world, e, id, false);
world->info.cmd.modified_count ++;
case EcsCmdAddModified:
flecs_add_id(world, e, id);
flecs_modified_id_if(world, e, id, true);
world->info.cmd.add_count ++;
world->info.cmd.modified_count ++;
case EcsCmdDelete: {
ecs_delete(world, e);
world->info.cmd.delete_count ++;
case EcsCmdClear:
ecs_clear(world, e);
world->info.cmd.clear_count ++;
case EcsCmdOnDeleteAction:
flecs_on_delete(world, id, e, false);
world->info.cmd.other_count ++;
case EcsCmdEnable:
ecs_enable_id(world, e, id, true);
world->info.cmd.other_count ++;
case EcsCmdDisable:
ecs_enable_id(world, e, id, false);
world->info.cmd.other_count ++;
case EcsCmdBulkNew:
flecs_flush_bulk_new(world, cmd);
world->info.cmd.other_count ++;
case EcsCmdPath:
ecs_ensure(world, e);
if (cmd->id) {
ecs_add_pair(world, e, EcsChildOf, cmd->id);
ecs_set_name(world, e, cmd->is._1.value);
cmd->is._1.value = NULL;
case EcsCmdEvent: {
ecs_event_desc_t *desc = cmd->is._1.value;
ecs_assert(desc != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_emit((ecs_world_t*)stage, desc);
flecs_free_cmd_event(world, desc);
case EcsCmdSkip:
if (cmd->is._1.value) {
flecs_stack_free(cmd->is._1.value, cmd->is._1.size);
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &diff);
return true;
return false;
/* Delete operations from queue without executing them. */
bool flecs_defer_purge(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(stage != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (!--stage->defer) {
ecs_vec_t commands = stage->cmd->queue;
if (ecs_vec_count(&commands)) {
ecs_cmd_t *cmds = ecs_vec_first(&commands);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&commands);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
flecs_discard_cmd(world, &cmds[i]);
ecs_vec_fini_t(&stage->allocator, &stage->cmd->queue, ecs_cmd_t);
return true;
return false;
* @file entity_filter.c
* @brief Filters that are applied to entities in a table.
* After a table has been matched by a query, additional filters may have to
* be applied before returning entities to the application. The two scenarios
* under which this happens are queries for union relationship pairs (entities
* for multiple targets are stored in the same table) and toggles (components
* that are enabled/disabled with a bitset).
int flecs_entity_filter_find_smallest_term(
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_filter_iter_t *iter)
ecs_assert(table->_ != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_switch_term_t *sw_terms = ecs_vec_first(&iter->entity_filter->sw_terms);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&iter->entity_filter->sw_terms);
int32_t min = INT_MAX, index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
/* The array with sparse queries for the matched table */
flecs_switch_term_t *sparse_column = &sw_terms[i];
/* Pointer to the switch column struct of the table */
ecs_switch_t *sw = sparse_column->sw_column;
/* If the sparse column pointer hadn't been retrieved yet, do it now */
if (!sw) {
/* Get the table column index from the signature column index */
int32_t table_column_index = iter->columns[
/* Translate the table column index to switch column index */
table_column_index -= table->_->sw_offset;
ecs_assert(table_column_index >= 1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Get the sparse column */
sw = sparse_column->sw_column =
&table->_->sw_columns[table_column_index - 1];
/* Find the smallest column */
int32_t case_count = flecs_switch_case_count(sw, sparse_column->sw_case);
if (case_count < min) {
min = case_count;
index = i + 1;
return index;
int flecs_entity_filter_switch_next(
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_filter_iter_t *iter,
bool filter)
bool first_iteration = false;
int32_t switch_smallest;
if (!(switch_smallest = iter->sw_smallest)) {
switch_smallest = iter->sw_smallest =
flecs_entity_filter_find_smallest_term(table, iter);
first_iteration = true;
switch_smallest -= 1;
flecs_switch_term_t *columns = ecs_vec_first(&iter->entity_filter->sw_terms);
flecs_switch_term_t *column = &columns[switch_smallest];
ecs_switch_t *sw, *sw_smallest = column->sw_column;
ecs_entity_t case_smallest = column->sw_case;
/* Find next entity to iterate in sparse column */
int32_t first, sparse_first = iter->sw_offset;
if (!filter) {
if (first_iteration) {
first = flecs_switch_first(sw_smallest, case_smallest);
} else {
first = flecs_switch_next(sw_smallest, sparse_first);
} else {
int32_t cur_first = iter->range.offset, cur_count = iter->range.count;
first = cur_first;
while (flecs_switch_get(sw_smallest, first) != case_smallest) {
first ++;
if (first >= (cur_first + cur_count)) {
first = -1;
if (first == -1) {
goto done;
/* Check if entity matches with other sparse columns, if any */
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&iter->entity_filter->sw_terms);
do {
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
if (i == switch_smallest) {
/* Already validated this one */
column = &columns[i];
sw = column->sw_column;
if (flecs_switch_get(sw, first) != column->sw_case) {
first = flecs_switch_next(sw_smallest, first);
if (first == -1) {
goto done;
} while (i != count);
iter->range.offset = iter->sw_offset = first;
iter->range.count = 1;
return 0;
/* Iterated all elements in the sparse list, we should move to the
* next matched table. */
iter->sw_smallest = 0;
iter->sw_offset = 0;
return -1;
#define BS_MAX ((uint64_t)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
int flecs_entity_filter_bitset_next(
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_filter_iter_t *iter)
/* Precomputed single-bit test */
static const uint64_t bitmask[64] = {
(uint64_t)1 << 0, (uint64_t)1 << 1, (uint64_t)1 << 2, (uint64_t)1 << 3,
(uint64_t)1 << 4, (uint64_t)1 << 5, (uint64_t)1 << 6, (uint64_t)1 << 7,
(uint64_t)1 << 8, (uint64_t)1 << 9, (uint64_t)1 << 10, (uint64_t)1 << 11,
(uint64_t)1 << 12, (uint64_t)1 << 13, (uint64_t)1 << 14, (uint64_t)1 << 15,
(uint64_t)1 << 16, (uint64_t)1 << 17, (uint64_t)1 << 18, (uint64_t)1 << 19,
(uint64_t)1 << 20, (uint64_t)1 << 21, (uint64_t)1 << 22, (uint64_t)1 << 23,
(uint64_t)1 << 24, (uint64_t)1 << 25, (uint64_t)1 << 26, (uint64_t)1 << 27,
(uint64_t)1 << 28, (uint64_t)1 << 29, (uint64_t)1 << 30, (uint64_t)1 << 31,
(uint64_t)1 << 32, (uint64_t)1 << 33, (uint64_t)1 << 34, (uint64_t)1 << 35,
(uint64_t)1 << 36, (uint64_t)1 << 37, (uint64_t)1 << 38, (uint64_t)1 << 39,
(uint64_t)1 << 40, (uint64_t)1 << 41, (uint64_t)1 << 42, (uint64_t)1 << 43,
(uint64_t)1 << 44, (uint64_t)1 << 45, (uint64_t)1 << 46, (uint64_t)1 << 47,
(uint64_t)1 << 48, (uint64_t)1 << 49, (uint64_t)1 << 50, (uint64_t)1 << 51,
(uint64_t)1 << 52, (uint64_t)1 << 53, (uint64_t)1 << 54, (uint64_t)1 << 55,
(uint64_t)1 << 56, (uint64_t)1 << 57, (uint64_t)1 << 58, (uint64_t)1 << 59,
(uint64_t)1 << 60, (uint64_t)1 << 61, (uint64_t)1 << 62, (uint64_t)1 << 63
/* Precomputed test to verify if remainder of block is set (or not) */
static const uint64_t bitmask_remain[64] = {
BS_MAX, BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 63), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 62),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 61), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 60), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 59),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 58), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 57), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 56),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 55), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 54), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 53),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 52), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 51), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 50),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 49), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 48), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 47),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 46), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 45), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 44),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 43), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 42), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 41),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 40), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 39), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 38),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 37), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 36), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 35),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 34), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 33), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 32),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 31), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 30), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 29),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 28), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 27), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 26),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 25), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 24), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 23),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 22), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 21), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 20),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 19), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 18), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 17),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 16), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 15), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 14),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 13), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 12), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 11),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 10), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 9), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 8),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 7), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 6), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 5),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 4), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 3), BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 2),
BS_MAX - (BS_MAX >> 1)
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&iter->entity_filter->bs_terms);
flecs_bitset_term_t *terms = ecs_vec_first(&iter->entity_filter->bs_terms);
int32_t bs_offset = table->_->bs_offset;
int32_t first = iter->bs_offset;
int32_t last = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
flecs_bitset_term_t *column = &terms[i];
ecs_bitset_t *bs = terms[i].bs_column;
if (!bs) {
int32_t index = column->column_index;
ecs_assert((index - bs_offset >= 0), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
bs = &table->_->bs_columns[index - bs_offset];
terms[i].bs_column = bs;
int32_t bs_elem_count = bs->count;
int32_t bs_block = first >> 6;
int32_t bs_block_count = ((bs_elem_count - 1) >> 6) + 1;
if (bs_block >= bs_block_count) {
goto done;
uint64_t *data = bs->data;
int32_t bs_start = first & 0x3F;
/* Step 1: find the first non-empty block */
uint64_t v = data[bs_block];
uint64_t remain = bitmask_remain[bs_start];
while (!(v & remain)) {
/* If no elements are remaining, move to next block */
if ((++bs_block) >= bs_block_count) {
/* No non-empty blocks left */
goto done;
bs_start = 0;
remain = BS_MAX; /* Test the full block */
v = data[bs_block];
/* Step 2: find the first non-empty element in the block */
while (!(v & bitmask[bs_start])) {
bs_start ++;
/* Block was not empty, so bs_start must be smaller than 64 */
ecs_assert(bs_start < 64, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Step 3: Find number of contiguous enabled elements after start */
int32_t bs_end = bs_start, bs_block_end = bs_block;
remain = bitmask_remain[bs_end];
while ((v & remain) == remain) {
bs_end = 0;
bs_block_end ++;
if (bs_block_end == bs_block_count) {
v = data[bs_block_end];
remain = BS_MAX; /* Test the full block */
/* Step 4: find remainder of enabled elements in current block */
if (bs_block_end != bs_block_count) {
while ((v & bitmask[bs_end])) {
bs_end ++;
/* Block was not 100% occupied, so bs_start must be smaller than 64 */
ecs_assert(bs_end < 64, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Step 5: translate to element start/end and make sure that each column
* range is a subset of the previous one. */
first = bs_block * 64 + bs_start;
int32_t cur_last = bs_block_end * 64 + bs_end;
/* No enabled elements found in table */
if (first == cur_last) {
goto done;
/* If multiple bitsets are evaluated, make sure each subsequent range
* is equal or a subset of the previous range */
if (i) {
/* If the first element of a subsequent bitset is larger than the
* previous last value, start over. */
if (first >= last) {
i = -1;
/* Make sure the last element of the range doesn't exceed the last
* element of the previous range. */
if (cur_last > last) {
cur_last = last;
last = cur_last;
int32_t elem_count = last - first;
/* Make sure last element doesn't exceed total number of elements in
* the table */
if (elem_count > (bs_elem_count - first)) {
elem_count = (bs_elem_count - first);
if (!elem_count) {
iter->bs_offset = 0;
goto done;
iter->range.offset = first;
iter->range.count = elem_count;
iter->bs_offset = first;
/* Keep track of last processed element for iteration */
iter->bs_offset = last;
return 0;
iter->sw_smallest = 0;
iter->sw_offset = 0;
return -1;
#undef BS_MAX
int32_t flecs_get_flattened_target(
ecs_world_t *world,
EcsTarget *cur,
ecs_entity_t rel,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t *src_out,
ecs_table_record_t **tr_out)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
return -1;
ecs_record_t *r = cur->target;
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
if (!table) {
return -1;
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (tr) {
*src_out = ecs_record_get_entity(r);
*tr_out = tr;
return tr->index;
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasTarget) {
int32_t col = table->column_map[table->_->ft_offset];
ecs_assert(col != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
EcsTarget *next = table->data.columns[col].data.array;
next = ECS_ELEM_T(next, EcsTarget, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row));
return flecs_get_flattened_target(
world, next, rel, id, src_out, tr_out);
return ecs_search_relation(
world, table, 0, id, rel, EcsSelf|EcsUp, src_out, NULL, tr_out);
void flecs_entity_filter_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_filter_t **entity_filter,
const ecs_filter_t *filter,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t *ids,
int32_t *columns)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(entity_filter != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(filter != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(ids != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(columns != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_entity_filter_t ef;
ecs_vec_t *sw_terms = &ef.sw_terms;
ecs_vec_t *bs_terms = &ef.bs_terms;
ecs_vec_t *ft_terms = &ef.ft_terms;
if (*entity_filter) {
ef.sw_terms = (*entity_filter)->sw_terms;
ef.bs_terms = (*entity_filter)->bs_terms;
ef.ft_terms = (*entity_filter)->ft_terms;
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, sw_terms, flecs_switch_term_t);
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, bs_terms, flecs_bitset_term_t);
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, ft_terms, flecs_flat_table_term_t);
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
int32_t i, term_count = filter->term_count;
bool has_filter = false;
ef.flat_tree_column = -1;
/* Look for union fields */
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasUnion) {
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
if (ecs_term_match_0(&terms[i])) {
ecs_id_t id = terms[i].id;
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR) && ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id) == EcsWildcard) {
int32_t field = terms[i].field_index;
int32_t column = columns[field];
if (column <= 0) {
ecs_id_t table_id = table->type.array[column - 1];
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(table_id) != EcsUnion) {
flecs_switch_term_t *el = ecs_vec_append_t(a, sw_terms,
el->signature_column_index = field;
el->sw_case = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
el->sw_column = NULL;
ids[field] = id;
has_filter = true;
/* Look for disabled fields */
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasToggle) {
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
if (ecs_term_match_0(&terms[i])) {
int32_t field = terms[i].field_index;
ecs_id_t id = ids[field];
ecs_id_t bs_id = ECS_TOGGLE | id;
int32_t bs_index = ecs_table_get_type_index(world, table, bs_id);
if (bs_index != -1) {
flecs_bitset_term_t *bc = ecs_vec_append_t(a, bs_terms,
bc->column_index = bs_index;
bc->bs_column = NULL;
has_filter = true;
/* Look for flattened fields */
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasTarget) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_table_record_get(world, table,
ecs_pair_t(EcsTarget, EcsWildcard));
ecs_assert(tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t column = tr->index;
ecs_assert(column != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_entity_t rel = ecs_pair_second(world, table->type.array[column]);
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
if (ecs_term_match_0(&terms[i])) {
if (terms[i].src.trav == rel) {
ef.flat_tree_column = table->column_map[column];
ecs_assert(ef.flat_tree_column != -1,
has_filter = true;
flecs_flat_table_term_t *term = ecs_vec_append_t(
a, ft_terms, flecs_flat_table_term_t);
term->field_index = terms[i].field_index;
term->term = &terms[i];
if (has_filter) {
if (!*entity_filter) {
*entity_filter = ecs_os_malloc_t(ecs_entity_filter_t);
ecs_assert(*entity_filter != NULL, ECS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
**entity_filter = ef;
void flecs_entity_filter_fini(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_filter_t *ef)
if (!ef) {
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
flecs_flat_table_term_t *fields = ecs_vec_first(&ef->ft_terms);
int32_t i, term_count = ecs_vec_count(&ef->ft_terms);
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &fields[i].monitor, flecs_flat_monitor_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &ef->sw_terms, flecs_switch_term_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &ef->bs_terms, flecs_bitset_term_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &ef->ft_terms, flecs_flat_table_term_t);
int flecs_entity_filter_next(
ecs_entity_filter_iter_t *it)
ecs_table_t *table = it->range.table;
flecs_switch_term_t *sw_terms = ecs_vec_first(&it->entity_filter->sw_terms);
flecs_bitset_term_t *bs_terms = ecs_vec_first(&it->entity_filter->bs_terms);
ecs_entity_filter_t *ef = it->entity_filter;
int32_t flat_tree_column = ef->flat_tree_column;
ecs_table_range_t *range = &it->range;
int32_t range_end = range->offset + range->count;
int result = EcsIterNext;
bool found = false;
do {
found = false;
if (bs_terms) {
if (flecs_entity_filter_bitset_next(table, it) == -1) {
/* No more enabled components for table */
it->bs_offset = 0;
} else {
result = EcsIterYield;
found = true;
if (sw_terms) {
if (flecs_entity_filter_switch_next(table, it, found) == -1) {
/* No more elements in sparse column */
if (found) {
/* Try again */
result = EcsIterNext;
found = false;
} else {
/* Nothing found */
it->bs_offset = 0;
} else {
result = EcsIterYield;
found = true;
it->bs_offset = range->offset + range->count;
if (flat_tree_column != -1) {
bool first_for_table = it->prev != table;
ecs_iter_t *iter = it->it;
ecs_world_t *world = iter->real_world;
EcsTarget *ft = table->data.columns[flat_tree_column].data.array;
int32_t ft_offset;
int32_t ft_count;
if (first_for_table) {
ft_offset = it->flat_tree_offset = range->offset;
it->target_count = 1;
} else {
it->flat_tree_offset += ft[it->flat_tree_offset].count;
ft_offset = it->flat_tree_offset;
it->target_count ++;
ecs_assert(ft_offset < ecs_table_count(table),
EcsTarget *cur = &ft[ft_offset];
ft_count = cur->count;
bool is_last = (ft_offset + ft_count) >= range_end;
int32_t i, field_count = ecs_vec_count(&ef->ft_terms);
flecs_flat_table_term_t *fields = ecs_vec_first(&ef->ft_terms);
for (i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
flecs_flat_table_term_t *field = &fields[i];
ecs_vec_init_if_t(&field->monitor, flecs_flat_monitor_t);
int32_t field_index = field->field_index;
ecs_id_t id = it->it->ids[field_index];
ecs_id_t flat_pair = table->type.array[flat_tree_column];
ecs_entity_t rel = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(flat_pair);
ecs_entity_t tgt;
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
int32_t tgt_col = flecs_get_flattened_target(
world, cur, rel, id, &tgt, &tr);
if (tgt_col != -1) {
iter->sources[field_index] = tgt;
iter->columns[field_index] = /* encode flattened field */
-(iter->field_count + tgt_col + 1);
ecs_assert(tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Keep track of maximum value encountered in target table
* dirty state so this doesn't have to be recomputed when
* synchronizing the query monitor. */
ecs_vec_set_min_count_zeromem_t(NULL, &field->monitor,
flecs_flat_monitor_t, it->target_count);
ecs_table_t *tgt_table = tr->hdr.table;
int32_t *ds = flecs_table_get_dirty_state(world, tgt_table);
ecs_assert(ds != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_vec_get_t(&field->monitor, flecs_flat_monitor_t,
it->target_count - 1)->table_state = ds[tgt_col + 1];
} else {
if (field->term->oper == EcsOptional) {
iter->columns[field_index] = 0;
iter->ptrs[field_index] = NULL;
} else {
it->prev = NULL;
if (i != field_count) {
if (is_last) {
} else {
found = true;
if ((ft_offset + ft_count) == range_end) {
result = EcsIterNextYield;
} else {
result = EcsIterYield;
range->offset = ft_offset;
range->count = ft_count;
it->prev = table;
} while (!found);
it->prev = table;
if (!found) {
return EcsIterNext;
} else {
return result;
* @file entity_name.c
* @brief Functions for working with named entities.
#include <ctype.h>
bool flecs_path_append(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t parent,
ecs_entity_t child,
const char *sep,
const char *prefix,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(sep[0] != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_entity_t cur = 0;
const char *name = NULL;
ecs_size_t name_len = 0;
if (child && ecs_is_alive(world, child)) {
cur = ecs_get_target(world, child, EcsChildOf, 0);
if (cur) {
ecs_assert(cur != child, ECS_CYCLE_DETECTED, NULL);
if (cur != parent && (cur != EcsFlecsCore || prefix != NULL)) {
flecs_path_append(world, parent, cur, sep, prefix, buf);
if (!sep[1]) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, sep[0]);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, sep);
} else if (prefix && prefix[0]) {
if (!prefix[1]) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, prefix[0]);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, prefix);
const EcsIdentifier *id = ecs_get_pair(
world, child, EcsIdentifier, EcsName);
if (id) {
name = id->value;
name_len = id->length;
if (name) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(buf, name, name_len);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendint(buf, flecs_uto(int64_t, (uint32_t)child));
return cur != 0;
bool flecs_name_is_id(
const char *name)
ecs_assert(name != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!isdigit(name[0])) {
return false;
ecs_size_t i, length = ecs_os_strlen(name);
for (i = 1; i < length; i ++) {
char ch = name[i];
if (!isdigit(ch)) {
return i >= length;
ecs_entity_t flecs_name_to_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name)
int64_t result = atoll(name);
ecs_assert(result >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_entity_t alive = ecs_get_alive(world, (ecs_entity_t)result);
if (alive) {
return alive;
} else {
if ((uint32_t)result == (uint64_t)result) {
return (ecs_entity_t)result;
} else {
return 0;
ecs_entity_t flecs_get_builtin(
const char *name)
if (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '\0') {
return EcsThis;
} else if (name[0] == '*' && name[1] == '\0') {
return EcsWildcard;
} else if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == '\0') {
return EcsAny;
} else if (name[0] == '$' && name[1] == '\0') {
return EcsVariable;
return 0;
bool flecs_is_sep(
const char **ptr,
const char *sep)
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(sep);
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(*ptr, sep, len)) {
*ptr += len;
return true;
} else {
return false;
const char* flecs_path_elem(
const char *path,
const char *sep,
int32_t *len)
const char *ptr;
char ch;
int32_t template_nesting = 0;
int32_t count = 0;
for (ptr = path; (ch = *ptr); ptr ++) {
if (ch == '<') {
template_nesting ++;
} else if (ch == '>') {
template_nesting --;
ecs_check(template_nesting >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, path);
if (!template_nesting && flecs_is_sep(&ptr, sep)) {
count ++;
if (len) {
*len = count;
if (count) {
return ptr;
} else {
return NULL;
return NULL;
bool flecs_is_root_path(
const char *path,
const char *prefix)
if (prefix) {
return !ecs_os_strncmp(path, prefix, ecs_os_strlen(prefix));
} else {
return false;
ecs_entity_t flecs_get_parent_from_path(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t parent,
const char **path_ptr,
const char *prefix,
bool new_entity)
bool start_from_root = false;
const char *path = *path_ptr;
if (flecs_is_root_path(path, prefix)) {
path += ecs_os_strlen(prefix);
parent = 0;
start_from_root = true;
if (!start_from_root && !parent && new_entity) {
parent = ecs_get_scope(world);
*path_ptr = path;
return parent;
void flecs_on_set_symbol(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsIdentifier *n = ecs_field(it, EcsIdentifier, 1);
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
&world->symbols, e, n[i].value, n[i].length, n[i].hash);
void flecs_bootstrap_hierarchy(ecs_world_t *world) {
ecs_observer(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, {.add = {ecs_childof(EcsFlecsInternals)}}),
.filter.terms[0] = {
.id = ecs_pair(ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsSymbol),
.src.flags = EcsSelf
.callback = flecs_on_set_symbol,
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.yield_existing = true
/* Public functions */
void ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t parent,
ecs_entity_t child,
const char *sep,
const char *prefix,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
if (child == EcsWildcard) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '*');
if (child == EcsAny) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '_');
if (!sep) {
sep = ".";
if (!child || parent != child) {
flecs_path_append(world, parent, child, sep, prefix, buf);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(buf, "", 0);
char* ecs_get_path_w_sep(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t parent,
ecs_entity_t child,
const char *sep,
const char *prefix)
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, parent, child, sep, prefix, &buf);
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
ecs_entity_t ecs_lookup_child(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t parent,
const char *name)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
if (flecs_name_is_id(name)) {
ecs_entity_t result = flecs_name_to_id(world, name);
if (result && ecs_is_alive(world, result)) {
if (parent && !ecs_has_pair(world, result, EcsChildOf, parent)) {
return 0;
return result;
ecs_id_t pair = ecs_childof(parent);
ecs_hashmap_t *index = flecs_id_name_index_get(world, pair);
if (index) {
return flecs_name_index_find(index, name, 0, 0);
} else {
return 0;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_lookup(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name)
if (!name) {
return 0;
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_entity_t e = flecs_get_builtin(name);
if (e) {
return e;
if (flecs_name_is_id(name)) {
return flecs_name_to_id(world, name);
e = flecs_name_index_find(&world->aliases, name, 0, 0);
if (e) {
return e;
return ecs_lookup_child(world, 0, name);
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_lookup_symbol(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
bool lookup_as_path,
bool recursive)
if (!name) {
return 0;
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_entity_t e = flecs_name_index_find(&world->symbols, name, 0, 0);
if (e) {
return e;
if (lookup_as_path) {
return ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(world, 0, name, ".", NULL, recursive);
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t parent,
const char *path,
const char *sep,
const char *prefix,
bool recursive)
if (!path) {
return 0;
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
const ecs_world_t *stage = world;
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_entity_t e = flecs_get_builtin(path);
if (e) {
return e;
e = flecs_name_index_find(&world->aliases, path, 0, 0);
if (e) {
return e;
const char *ptr, *ptr_start;
char *elem = buff;
int32_t len, size = ECS_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH;
ecs_entity_t cur;
bool lookup_path_search = false;
const ecs_entity_t *lookup_path = ecs_get_lookup_path(stage);
const ecs_entity_t *lookup_path_cur = lookup_path;
while (lookup_path_cur && *lookup_path_cur) {
lookup_path_cur ++;
if (!sep) {
sep = ".";
parent = flecs_get_parent_from_path(stage, parent, &path, prefix, true);
if (!sep[0]) {
return ecs_lookup_child(world, parent, path);
cur = parent;
ptr_start = ptr = path;
while ((ptr = flecs_path_elem(ptr, sep, &len))) {
if (len < size) {
ecs_os_memcpy(elem, ptr_start, len);
} else {
elem = NULL;
elem = ecs_os_realloc(elem, len + 1);
ecs_os_memcpy(elem, ptr_start, len);
size = len + 1;
elem[len] = '\0';
ptr_start = ptr;
cur = ecs_lookup_child(world, cur, elem);
if (!cur) {
goto tail;
if (!cur && recursive) {
if (!lookup_path_search) {
if (parent) {
parent = ecs_get_target(world, parent, EcsChildOf, 0);
goto retry;
} else {
lookup_path_search = true;
if (lookup_path_search) {
if (lookup_path_cur != lookup_path) {
lookup_path_cur --;
parent = lookup_path_cur[0];
goto retry;
if (elem != buff) {
return cur;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_set_scope(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t scope)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_entity_t cur = stage->scope;
stage->scope = scope;
return cur;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_get_scope(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_readonly_world(world);
return stage->scope;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t* ecs_set_lookup_path(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_entity_t *lookup_path)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
/* Safe: application owns lookup path */
ecs_entity_t *cur = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_entity_t*, stage->lookup_path);
stage->lookup_path = lookup_path;
return cur;
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t* ecs_get_lookup_path(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_readonly_world(world);
/* Safe: application owns lookup path */
return ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_entity_t*, stage->lookup_path);
return NULL;
const char* ecs_set_name_prefix(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *prefix)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
const char *old_prefix = world->info.name_prefix;
world->info.name_prefix = prefix;
return old_prefix;
void flecs_add_path(
ecs_world_t *world,
bool defer_suspend,
ecs_entity_t parent,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *name)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t srs;
ecs_world_t *real_world = NULL;
if (defer_suspend) {
real_world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &srs);
ecs_assert(real_world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (parent) {
ecs_add_pair(world, entity, EcsChildOf, parent);
ecs_set_name(world, entity, name);
if (defer_suspend) {
flecs_resume_readonly(real_world, &srs);
flecs_defer_path((ecs_stage_t*)world, parent, entity, name);
ecs_entity_t ecs_add_path_w_sep(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t parent,
const char *path,
const char *sep,
const char *prefix)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (!sep) {
sep = ".";
if (!path) {
if (!entity) {
entity = ecs_new_id(world);
if (parent) {
ecs_add_pair(world, entity, EcsChildOf, entity);
return entity;
bool root_path = flecs_is_root_path(path, prefix);
parent = flecs_get_parent_from_path(world, parent, &path, prefix, !entity);
const char *ptr = path;
const char *ptr_start = path;
char *elem = buff;
int32_t len, size = ECS_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH;
/* If we're in deferred/readonly mode suspend it, so that the name index is
* immediately updated. Without this, we could create multiple entities for
* the same name in a single command queue. */
bool suspend_defer = ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_stage_t) &&
(ecs_get_stage_count(world) <= 1);
ecs_entity_t cur = parent;
char *name = NULL;
if (sep[0]) {
while ((ptr = flecs_path_elem(ptr, sep, &len))) {
if (len < size) {
ecs_os_memcpy(elem, ptr_start, len);
} else {
elem = NULL;
elem = ecs_os_realloc(elem, len + 1);
ecs_os_memcpy(elem, ptr_start, len);
size = len + 1;
elem[len] = '\0';
ptr_start = ptr;
ecs_entity_t e = ecs_lookup_child(world, cur, elem);
if (!e) {
if (name) {
name = ecs_os_strdup(elem);
/* If this is the last entity in the path, use the provided id */
bool last_elem = false;
if (!flecs_path_elem(ptr, sep, NULL)) {
e = entity;
last_elem = true;
if (!e) {
if (last_elem) {
ecs_entity_t prev = ecs_set_scope(world, 0);
e = ecs_new(world, 0);
ecs_set_scope(world, prev);
} else {
e = ecs_new_id(world);
if (!cur && last_elem && root_path) {
ecs_remove_pair(world, e, EcsChildOf, EcsWildcard);
flecs_add_path(world, suspend_defer, cur, e, name);
cur = e;
if (entity && (cur != entity)) {
ecs_throw(ECS_ALREADY_DEFINED, name);
if (name) {
if (elem != buff) {
} else {
flecs_add_path(world, suspend_defer, parent, entity, path);
return cur;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_new_from_path_w_sep(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t parent,
const char *path,
const char *sep,
const char *prefix)
return ecs_add_path_w_sep(world, 0, parent, path, sep, prefix);
* @file filter.c
* @brief Uncached query implementation.
* Uncached queries (filters) are stateless objects that do not cache their
* results. This file contains the creation and validation of uncached queries
* and code for query iteration.
* There file contains the implementation for term queries and filters. Term
* queries are uncached queries that only apply to a single term. Filters are
* uncached queries that support multiple terms. Filters are built on top of
* term queries: before iteration a filter will first find a "pivot" term (the
* term with the smallest number of elements), and create a term iterator for
* it. The output of that term iterator is then evaluated against the rest of
* the terms of the filter.
* Cached queries and observers are built using filters.
#include <ctype.h>
ecs_filter_t ECS_FILTER_INIT = { .hdr = { .magic = ecs_filter_t_magic }};
/* Helper type for passing around context required for error messages */
typedef struct {
const ecs_world_t *world;
ecs_filter_t *filter;
ecs_term_t *term;
int32_t term_index;
} ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t;
char* flecs_filter_str(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_filter_t *filter,
const ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t *ctx,
int32_t *term_start_out);
void flecs_filter_error(
const ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t *ctx,
const char *fmt,
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
int32_t term_start = 0;
char *expr = NULL;
if (ctx->filter) {
expr = flecs_filter_str(ctx->world, ctx->filter, ctx, &term_start);
} else {
expr = ecs_term_str(ctx->world, ctx->term);
const char *name = NULL;
if (ctx->filter && ctx->filter->entity) {
name = ecs_get_name(ctx->filter->world, ctx->filter->entity);
ecs_parser_errorv(name, expr, term_start, fmt, args);
int flecs_term_id_finalize_flags(
ecs_term_id_t *term_id,
ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t *ctx)
if ((term_id->flags & EcsIsEntity) && (term_id->flags & EcsIsVariable)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "cannot set both IsEntity and IsVariable");
return -1;
if (!(term_id->flags & (EcsIsEntity|EcsIsVariable|EcsIsName))) {
if (term_id->id || term_id->name) {
if (term_id->id == EcsThis ||
term_id->id == EcsWildcard ||
term_id->id == EcsAny ||
term_id->id == EcsVariable)
/* Builtin variable ids default to variable */
term_id->flags |= EcsIsVariable;
} else {
term_id->flags |= EcsIsEntity;
if (term_id->flags & EcsParent) {
term_id->flags |= EcsUp;
term_id->trav = EcsChildOf;
if ((term_id->flags & EcsCascade) && !(term_id->flags & (EcsUp|EcsDown))) {
term_id->flags |= EcsUp;
if ((term_id->flags & (EcsUp|EcsDown)) && !term_id->trav) {
term_id->trav = EcsIsA;
if (term_id->trav && !(term_id->flags & EcsTraverseFlags)) {
term_id->flags |= EcsUp;
return 0;
int flecs_term_id_lookup(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t scope,
ecs_term_id_t *term_id,
bool free_name,
ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t *ctx)
const char *name = term_id->name;
if (!name) {
return 0;
if (term_id->flags & EcsIsVariable) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(name, "This") || !ecs_os_strcmp(name, "this")) {
term_id->id = EcsThis;
if (free_name) {
/* Safe, if free_name is true the filter owns the name */
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, term_id->name));
term_id->name = NULL;
return 0;
} else if (term_id->flags & EcsIsName) {
return 0;
ecs_assert(term_id->flags & EcsIsEntity, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ecs_identifier_is_0(name)) {
if (term_id->id) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "name '0' does not match entity id");
return -1;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t e = ecs_lookup_symbol(world, name, true, true);
if (scope && !e) {
e = ecs_lookup_child(world, scope, name);
if (!e) {
if (ctx->filter && (ctx->filter->flags & EcsFilterUnresolvedByName)) {
term_id->flags |= EcsIsName;
term_id->flags &= ~EcsIsEntity;
} else {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "unresolved identifier '%s'", name);
return -1;
if (term_id->id && term_id->id != e) {
char *e_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, term_id->id);
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "name '%s' does not match term.id '%s'",
name, e_str);
return -1;
term_id->id = e;
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(name, "*") || !ecs_os_strcmp(name, "_") ||
!ecs_os_strcmp(name, "$"))
term_id->flags &= ~EcsIsEntity;
term_id->flags |= EcsIsVariable;
/* Check if looked up id is alive (relevant for numerical ids) */
if (!(term_id->flags & EcsIsName)) {
if (!ecs_is_alive(world, term_id->id)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "identifier '%s' is not alive", term_id->name);
return -1;
if (free_name) {
/* Safe, if free_name is true, the filter owns the name */
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, name));
term_id->name = NULL;
return 0;
int flecs_term_ids_finalize(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
ecs_term_id_t *first = &term->first;
ecs_term_id_t *second = &term->second;
/* Include inherited components (like from prefabs) by default for src */
if (!(src->flags & EcsTraverseFlags)) {
src->flags |= EcsSelf | EcsUp;
/* Include subsets for component by default, to support inheritance */
if (!(first->flags & EcsTraverseFlags)) {
first->flags |= EcsSelf;
if (first->id && first->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
if (flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(EcsIsA, first->id))) {
first->flags |= EcsDown;
/* Traverse Self by default for pair target */
if (!(second->flags & EcsTraverseFlags)) {
second->flags |= EcsSelf;
/* Source defaults to This */
if ((src->id == 0) && (src->name == NULL) && !(src->flags & EcsIsEntity)) {
src->id = EcsThis;
src->flags |= EcsIsVariable;
/* Initialize term identifier flags */
if (flecs_term_id_finalize_flags(src, ctx)) {
return -1;
if (flecs_term_id_finalize_flags(first, ctx)) {
return -1;
if (flecs_term_id_finalize_flags(second, ctx)) {
return -1;
/* Lookup term identifiers by name */
if (flecs_term_id_lookup(world, 0, src, term->move, ctx)) {
return -1;
if (flecs_term_id_lookup(world, 0, first, term->move, ctx)) {
return -1;
ecs_entity_t first_id = 0;
ecs_entity_t oneof = 0;
if (first->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
first_id = first->id;
/* If first element of pair has OneOf property, lookup second element of
* pair in the value of the OneOf property */
oneof = flecs_get_oneof(world, first_id);
if (flecs_term_id_lookup(world, oneof, &term->second, term->move, ctx)) {
return -1;
/* If source is 0, reset traversal flags */
if (src->id == 0 && src->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
src->flags &= ~EcsTraverseFlags;
src->trav = 0;
/* If second is 0, reset traversal flags */
if (second->id == 0 && second->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
second->flags &= ~EcsTraverseFlags;
second->trav = 0;
/* If source is wildcard, term won't return any data */
if ((src->flags & EcsIsVariable) && ecs_id_is_wildcard(src->id)) {
term->inout |= EcsInOutNone;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t flecs_term_id_get_entity(
const ecs_term_id_t *term_id)
if (term_id->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
return term_id->id; /* Id is known */
} else if (term_id->flags & EcsIsVariable) {
/* Return wildcard for variables, as they aren't known yet */
if (term_id->id != EcsAny) {
/* Any variable should not use wildcard, as this would return all
* ids matching a wildcard, whereas Any returns the first match */
return EcsWildcard;
} else {
return EcsAny;
} else {
return 0; /* Term id is uninitialized */
int flecs_term_populate_id(
ecs_term_t *term)
ecs_entity_t first = flecs_term_id_get_entity(&term->first);
ecs_entity_t second = flecs_term_id_get_entity(&term->second);
ecs_id_t role = term->id_flags;
if (first & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK) {
return -1;
if (second & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK) {
return -1;
if ((second || term->second.flags == EcsIsEntity)) {
role = term->id_flags |= ECS_PAIR;
if (!second && !ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(role, PAIR)) {
term->id = first | role;
} else {
term->id = ecs_pair(first, second) | role;
return 0;
int flecs_term_populate_from_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_entity_t first = 0;
ecs_entity_t second = 0;
ecs_id_t role = term->id & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK;
if (!role && term->id_flags) {
role = term->id_flags;
term->id |= role;
if (term->id_flags && term->id_flags != role) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "mismatch between term.id & term.id_flags");
return -1;
term->id_flags = role;
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(term->id, PAIR)) {
first = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(term->id);
second = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(term->id);
if (!first) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "missing first element in term.id");
return -1;
if (!second) {
if (first != EcsChildOf) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "missing second element in term.id");
return -1;
} else {
/* (ChildOf, 0) is allowed so filter can be used to efficiently
* query for root entities */
} else {
first = term->id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK;
if (!first) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "missing first element in term.id");
return -1;
ecs_entity_t term_first = flecs_term_id_get_entity(&term->first);
if (term_first) {
if ((uint32_t)term_first != (uint32_t)first) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "mismatch between term.id and term.first");
return -1;
} else {
if (!(term->first.id = ecs_get_alive(world, first))) {
term->first.id = first;
ecs_entity_t term_second = flecs_term_id_get_entity(&term->second);
if (term_second) {
if ((uint32_t)term_second != second) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "mismatch between term.id and term.second");
return -1;
} else if (second) {
if (!(term->second.id = ecs_get_alive(world, second))) {
term->second.id = second;
return 0;
int flecs_term_verify_eq_pred(
const ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_entity_t first_id = term->first.id;
const ecs_term_id_t *second = &term->second;
const ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
if (term->oper != EcsAnd && term->oper != EcsNot && term->oper != EcsOr) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "invalid operator combination");
goto error;
if ((src->flags & EcsIsName) && (second->flags & EcsIsName)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "both sides of operator cannot be a name");
goto error;
if ((src->flags & EcsIsEntity) && (second->flags & EcsIsEntity)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "both sides of operator cannot be an entity");
goto error;
if (!(src->flags & EcsIsVariable)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "left-hand of operator must be a variable");
goto error;
if (first_id == EcsPredMatch && !(second->flags & EcsIsName)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "right-hand of match operator must be a string");
goto error;
if ((src->flags & EcsIsVariable) && (second->flags & EcsIsVariable)) {
if (src->id && src->id == second->id) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "both sides of operator are equal");
goto error;
if (src->name && second->name && !ecs_os_strcmp(src->name, second->name)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "both sides of operator are equal");
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
int flecs_term_verify(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t *ctx)
const ecs_term_id_t *first = &term->first;
const ecs_term_id_t *second = &term->second;
const ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
ecs_entity_t first_id = 0, second_id = 0;
ecs_id_t role = term->id_flags;
ecs_id_t id = term->id;
if ((src->flags & EcsIsName) && (second->flags & EcsIsName)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "mismatch between term.id_flags & term.id");
return -1;
if (first->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
first_id = first->id;
if (second->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
second_id = second->id;
if (first_id == EcsPredEq || first_id == EcsPredMatch || first_id == EcsPredLookup) {
return flecs_term_verify_eq_pred(term, ctx);
if (role != (id & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "mismatch between term.id_flags & term.id");
return -1;
if (ecs_term_id_is_set(second) && !ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(role, PAIR)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "expected PAIR flag for term with pair");
return -1;
} else if (!ecs_term_id_is_set(second) && ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(role, PAIR)) {
if (first_id != EcsChildOf) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "unexpected PAIR flag for term without pair");
return -1;
} else {
/* Exception is made for ChildOf so we can use (ChildOf, 0) to match
* all entities in the root */
if (!ecs_term_id_is_set(src)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "term.src is not initialized");
return -1;
if (!ecs_term_id_is_set(first)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "term.first is not initialized");
return -1;
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(role, PAIR)) {
if (!ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "invalid 0 for first element in pair id");
return -1;
if ((ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) != EcsChildOf) && !ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "invalid 0 for second element in pair id");
return -1;
if ((first->flags & EcsIsEntity) &&
(ecs_entity_t_lo(first_id) != ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id)))
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "mismatch between term.id and term.first");
return -1;
if ((first->flags & EcsIsVariable) &&
char *id_str = ecs_id_str(world, id);
"expected wildcard for variable term.first (got %s)", id_str);
return -1;
if ((second->flags & EcsIsEntity) &&
(ecs_entity_t_lo(second_id) != ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id)))
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "mismatch between term.id and term.second");
return -1;
if ((second->flags & EcsIsVariable) &&
char *id_str = ecs_id_str(world, id);
"expected wildcard for variable term.second (got %s)", id_str);
return -1;
} else {
ecs_entity_t component = id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK;
if (!component) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "missing component id");
return -1;
if ((first->flags & EcsIsEntity) &&
(ecs_entity_t_lo(first_id) != ecs_entity_t_lo(component)))
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "mismatch between term.id and term.first");
return -1;
if ((first->flags & EcsIsVariable) && !ecs_id_is_wildcard(component)) {
char *id_str = ecs_id_str(world, id);
"expected wildcard for variable term.first (got %s)", id_str);
return -1;
if (first_id) {
if (ecs_term_id_is_set(second)) {
ecs_flags32_t mask = EcsIsEntity | EcsIsVariable;
if ((src->flags & mask) == (second->flags & mask)) {
bool is_same = false;
if (src->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
is_same = src->id == second->id;
} else if (src->name && second->name) {
is_same = !ecs_os_strcmp(src->name, second->name);
if (is_same && ecs_has_id(world, first_id, EcsAcyclic)
&& !(term->flags & EcsTermReflexive))
char *pred_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, term->first.id);
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "term with acyclic relationship"
" '%s' cannot have same subject and object",
return -1;
if (second_id && !ecs_id_is_wildcard(second_id)) {
ecs_entity_t oneof = flecs_get_oneof(world, first_id);
if (oneof) {
if (!ecs_has_pair(world, second_id, EcsChildOf, oneof)) {
char *second_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, second_id);
char *oneof_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, oneof);
char *id_str = ecs_id_str(world, term->id);
"invalid target '%s' for %s: must be child of '%s'",
second_str, id_str, oneof_str);
return -1;
if (term->src.trav) {
if (!ecs_has_id(world, term->src.trav, EcsTraversable)) {
char *r_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, term->src.trav);
"cannot traverse non-traversable relationship '%s'", r_str);
return -1;
return 0;
int flecs_term_finalize(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t *ctx)
ctx->term = term;
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
ecs_term_id_t *first = &term->first;
ecs_term_id_t *second = &term->second;
ecs_flags32_t first_flags = first->flags;
ecs_flags32_t src_flags = src->flags;
ecs_flags32_t second_flags = second->flags;
if (term->id) {
if (flecs_term_populate_from_id(world, term, ctx)) {
return -1;
if (flecs_term_ids_finalize(world, term, ctx)) {
return -1;
if ((first->flags & EcsIsVariable) && (term->first.id == EcsAny)) {
term->flags |= EcsTermMatchAny;
if ((second->flags & EcsIsVariable) && (term->second.id == EcsAny)) {
term->flags |= EcsTermMatchAny;
if ((src->flags & EcsIsVariable) && (term->src.id == EcsAny)) {
term->flags |= EcsTermMatchAnySrc;
/* If EcsVariable is used by itself, assign to predicate (singleton) */
if ((src->id == EcsVariable) && (src->flags & EcsIsVariable)) {
src->id = first->id;
src->flags &= ~(EcsIsVariable | EcsIsEntity);
src->flags |= first->flags & (EcsIsVariable | EcsIsEntity);
if ((second->id == EcsVariable) && (second->flags & EcsIsVariable)) {
second->id = first->id;
second->flags &= ~(EcsIsVariable | EcsIsEntity);
second->flags |= first->flags & (EcsIsVariable | EcsIsEntity);
ecs_flags32_t mask = EcsIsEntity | EcsIsVariable;
if ((src->flags & mask) == (second->flags & mask)) {
bool is_same = false;
if (src->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
is_same = src->id == second->id;
} else if (src->name && second->name) {
is_same = !ecs_os_strcmp(src->name, second->name);
if (is_same) {
term->flags |= EcsTermSrcSecondEq;
if ((src->flags & mask) == (first->flags & mask)) {
bool is_same = false;
if (src->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
is_same = src->id == first->id;
} else if (src->name && first->name) {
is_same = !ecs_os_strcmp(src->name, first->name);
if (is_same) {
term->flags |= EcsTermSrcFirstEq;
if (!term->id) {
if (flecs_term_populate_id(term)) {
return -1;
/* If term queries for !(ChildOf, _), translate it to the builtin
* (ChildOf, 0) index which is a cheaper way to find root entities */
if (term->oper == EcsNot && term->id == ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, EcsAny)) {
/* Only if the source is not EcsAny */
if (!(term->src.id == EcsAny && (term->src.flags & EcsIsVariable))) {
term->oper = EcsAnd;
term->id = ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, 0);
second->id = 0;
second->flags |= EcsIsEntity;
second->flags &= ~EcsIsVariable;
ecs_entity_t first_id = 0;
if (first->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
first_id = first->id;
term->idr = flecs_query_id_record_get(world, term->id);
ecs_flags32_t id_flags = term->idr ? term->idr->flags : 0;
if (first_id) {
ecs_entity_t first_trav = first->trav;
/* If component is inherited from, set correct traversal flags */
ecs_flags32_t first_trav_flags = first_flags & EcsTraverseFlags;
if (!first_trav && first_trav_flags != EcsSelf) {
/* Inheritance uses IsA by default, but can use any relationship */
first_trav = EcsIsA;
ecs_record_t *trav_record = NULL;
ecs_table_t *trav_table = NULL;
if (first_trav) {
trav_record = flecs_entities_get(world, first_trav);
trav_table = trav_record ? trav_record->table : NULL;
if (first_trav != EcsIsA) {
if (!trav_table || !ecs_table_has_id(world, trav_table, EcsTraversable)) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "first.trav is not traversable");
return -1;
/* Only enable inheritance for ids which are inherited from at the time
* of filter creation. To force component inheritance to be evaluated,
* an application can explicitly set traversal flags. */
if ((first_trav_flags & EcsDown) ||
flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(first_trav, first->id)))
if (first_trav_flags == EcsSelf) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "first.trav specified with self");
return -1;
if (!first_trav_flags || (first_trav_flags & EcsDown)) {
term->flags |= EcsTermIdInherited;
first->trav = first_trav;
if (!first_trav_flags) {
first->flags &= ~EcsTraverseFlags;
first->flags |= EcsDown;
ecs_assert(trav_table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if ((first_trav == EcsIsA) || ecs_table_has_id(
world, trav_table, EcsReflexive))
first->flags |= EcsSelf;
/* Don't traverse ids that cannot be inherited */
if ((id_flags & EcsIdDontInherit) && (src->trav == EcsIsA)) {
if (src_flags & (EcsUp | EcsDown)) {
"traversing not allowed for id that can't be inherited");
return -1;
src->flags &= ~(EcsUp | EcsDown);
src->trav = 0;
/* If component id is final, don't attempt component inheritance */
ecs_record_t *first_record = flecs_entities_get(world, first_id);
ecs_table_t *first_table = first_record ? first_record->table : NULL;
if (first_table) {
if (ecs_table_has_id(world, first_table, EcsFinal)) {
if (first_flags & EcsDown) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "final id cannot be traversed down");
return -1;
/* Add traversal flags for transitive relationships */
if (!(second_flags & EcsTraverseFlags) && ecs_term_id_is_set(second)) {
if (!((src->flags & EcsIsVariable) && (src->id == EcsAny))) {
if (!((second->flags & EcsIsVariable) && (second->id == EcsAny))) {
if (ecs_table_has_id(world, first_table, EcsTransitive)) {
second->flags |= EcsSelf|EcsUp|EcsTraverseAll;
second->trav = first_id;
term->flags |= EcsTermTransitive;
if (ecs_table_has_id(world, first_table, EcsReflexive)) {
term->flags |= EcsTermReflexive;
if (first->id == EcsVariable) {
flecs_filter_error(ctx, "invalid $ for term.first");
return -1;
if (term->id_flags & ECS_AND) {
term->oper = EcsAndFrom;
term->id_flags = 0;
if (term->oper == EcsAndFrom || term->oper == EcsOrFrom || term->oper == EcsNotFrom) {
if (term->inout != EcsInOutDefault && term->inout != EcsInOutNone) {
"invalid inout value for AndFrom/OrFrom/NotFrom term");
return -1;
/* Is term trivial */
bool trivial_term = true;
if (term->oper != EcsAnd) {
trivial_term = false;
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(term->id)) {
if (!(term->idr && term->idr->flags & EcsIdExclusive)) {
trivial_term = false;
if (first->flags & EcsIsVariable) {
if (!ecs_id_is_wildcard(first->id) || first->id == EcsAny) {
trivial_term = false;
if (second->flags & EcsIsVariable) {
if (!ecs_id_is_wildcard(second->id) || second->id == EcsAny) {
trivial_term = false;
if (!ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
trivial_term = false;
if (term->flags & EcsTermIdInherited) {
trivial_term = false;
if (src->trav && src->trav != EcsIsA) {
trivial_term = false;
if (first->trav && first->trav != EcsIsA) {
trivial_term = false;
if (second->trav && second->trav != EcsIsA) {
trivial_term = false;
if (!(src->flags & EcsSelf)) {
trivial_term = false;
if (((term->first.id == EcsPredEq) || (term->first.id == EcsPredMatch)) &&
(term->first.flags & EcsIsEntity))
trivial_term = false;
if (trivial_term) {
ECS_BIT_SET(term->flags, EcsTermIsTrivial);
if (flecs_term_verify(world, term, ctx)) {
return -1;
return 0;
ecs_id_t flecs_to_public_id(
ecs_id_t id)
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsUnion) {
return ecs_pair(ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id), EcsWildcard);
} else {
return id;
ecs_id_t flecs_from_public_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
ecs_entity_t first = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world,
ecs_pair(first, EcsWildcard));
if (idr->flags & EcsIdUnion) {
return ecs_pair(EcsUnion, first);
return id;
bool ecs_identifier_is_0(
const char *id)
return id[0] == '0' && !id[1];
bool ecs_id_match(
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_id_t pattern)
if (id == pattern) {
return true;
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(pattern, PAIR)) {
if (!ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
return false;
ecs_entity_t id_rel = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
ecs_entity_t id_obj = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
ecs_entity_t pattern_rel = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(pattern);
ecs_entity_t pattern_obj = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(pattern);
ecs_check(id_rel != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(id_obj != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(pattern_rel != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(pattern_obj != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (pattern_rel == EcsWildcard) {
if (pattern_obj == EcsWildcard || pattern_obj == id_obj) {
return true;
} else if (pattern_rel == EcsFlag) {
/* Used for internals, helps to keep track of which ids are used in
* pairs that have additional flags (like OVERRIDE and TOGGLE) */
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR) && !ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == pattern_obj) {
return true;
if (ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id) == pattern_obj) {
return true;
} else if (pattern_obj == EcsWildcard) {
if (pattern_rel == id_rel) {
return true;
} else {
if ((id & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK) != (pattern & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK)) {
return false;
if ((ECS_COMPONENT_MASK & pattern) == EcsWildcard) {
return true;
return false;
bool ecs_id_is_pair(
ecs_id_t id)
return ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR);
bool ecs_id_is_wildcard(
ecs_id_t id)
if ((id == EcsWildcard) || (id == EcsAny)) {
return true;
bool is_pair = ECS_IS_PAIR(id);
if (!is_pair) {
return false;
ecs_entity_t first = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
ecs_entity_t second = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
return (first == EcsWildcard) || (second == EcsWildcard) ||
(first == EcsAny) || (second == EcsAny);
bool ecs_id_is_valid(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
if (!id) {
return false;
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(id)) {
return false;
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
if (!ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id)) {
return false;
if (!ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id)) {
return false;
} else if (id & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK) {
if (!ecs_is_valid(world, id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK)) {
return false;
return true;
ecs_flags32_t ecs_id_get_flags(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (idr) {
return idr->flags;
} else {
return 0;
bool ecs_term_id_is_set(
const ecs_term_id_t *id)
return id->id != 0 || id->name != NULL || id->flags & EcsIsEntity;
bool ecs_term_is_initialized(
const ecs_term_t *term)
return term->id != 0 || ecs_term_id_is_set(&term->first);
bool ecs_term_match_this(
const ecs_term_t *term)
return (term->src.flags & EcsIsVariable) && (term->src.id == EcsThis);
bool ecs_term_match_0(
const ecs_term_t *term)
return (term->src.id == 0) && (term->src.flags & EcsIsEntity);
int ecs_term_finalize(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_term_t *term)
ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t ctx = {0};
ctx.world = world;
ctx.term = term;
return flecs_term_finalize(world, term, &ctx);
ecs_term_t ecs_term_copy(
const ecs_term_t *src)
ecs_term_t dst = *src;
dst.name = ecs_os_strdup(src->name);
dst.first.name = ecs_os_strdup(src->first.name);
dst.src.name = ecs_os_strdup(src->src.name);
dst.second.name = ecs_os_strdup(src->second.name);
return dst;
ecs_term_t ecs_term_move(
ecs_term_t *src)
if (src->move) {
ecs_term_t dst = *src;
src->name = NULL;
src->first.name = NULL;
src->src.name = NULL;
src->second.name = NULL;
dst.move = false;
return dst;
} else {
ecs_term_t dst = ecs_term_copy(src);
dst.move = false;
return dst;
void ecs_term_fini(
ecs_term_t *term)
/* Safe, values are owned by term */
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, term->first.name));
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, term->src.name));
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, term->second.name));
term->first.name = NULL;
term->src.name = NULL;
term->second.name = NULL;
term->name = NULL;
ecs_term_t* flecs_filter_or_other_type(
ecs_filter_t *f,
int32_t t)
ecs_term_t *term = &f->terms[t];
ecs_term_t *first = NULL;
while (t--) {
if (f->terms[t].oper != EcsOr) {
first = &f->terms[t];
if (first) {
ecs_world_t *world = f->world;
const ecs_type_info_t *first_type;
if (first->idr) {
first_type = first->idr->type_info;
} else {
first_type = ecs_get_type_info(world, first->id);
const ecs_type_info_t *term_type;
if (term->idr) {
term_type = term->idr->type_info;
} else {
term_type = ecs_get_type_info(world, term->id);
if (first_type == term_type) {
return NULL;
return first;
} else {
return NULL;
int ecs_filter_finalize(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_filter_t *f)
int32_t i, term_count = f->term_count, field_count = 0;
ecs_term_t *terms = f->terms;
int32_t filter_terms = 0, scope_nesting = 0;
bool cond_set = false;
ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t ctx = {0};
ctx.world = world;
ctx.filter = f;
f->flags |= EcsFilterMatchOnlyThis;
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
bool filter_term = false;
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
ctx.term_index = i;
if (flecs_term_finalize(world, term, &ctx)) {
return -1;
if (i && term[-1].oper == EcsOr) {
if (term[-1].src.id != term->src.id) {
flecs_filter_error(&ctx, "mismatching src.id for OR terms");
return -1;
if (term->oper != EcsOr && term->oper != EcsAnd) {
"term after OR operator must use AND operator");
return -1;
} else {
field_count ++;
term->field_index = field_count - 1;
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(term->id)) {
f->flags |= EcsFilterHasWildcards;
if (ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
ECS_BIT_SET(f->flags, EcsFilterMatchThis);
} else {
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(f->flags, EcsFilterMatchOnlyThis);
if (term->id == EcsPrefab) {
ECS_BIT_SET(f->flags, EcsFilterMatchPrefab);
if (term->id == EcsDisabled && (term->src.flags & EcsSelf)) {
ECS_BIT_SET(f->flags, EcsFilterMatchDisabled);
if (ECS_BIT_IS_SET(f->flags, EcsFilterNoData)) {
term->inout = EcsInOutNone;
if (term->oper == EcsNot && term->inout == EcsInOutDefault) {
term->inout = EcsInOutNone;
if ((term->id == EcsWildcard) || (term->id ==
ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, EcsWildcard)))
/* If term type is unknown beforehand, default the inout type to
* none. This prevents accidentally requesting lots of components,
* which can put stress on serializer code. */
if (term->inout == EcsInOutDefault) {
term->inout = EcsInOutNone;
if (term->inout == EcsInOutNone) {
filter_term = true;
} else if (term->idr) {
if (!term->idr->type_info && !(term->idr->flags & EcsIdUnion)) {
filter_term = true;
} else if (!ecs_id_is_union(world, term->id)) {
/* Union ids aren't filters because they return their target
* as component value with type ecs_entity_t */
if (ecs_id_is_tag(world, term->id)) {
filter_term = true;
} else if (ECS_PAIR_SECOND(term->id) == EcsWildcard) {
/* If the second element of a pair is a wildcard and the first
* element is not a type, we can't know in advance what the
* type of the term is, so it can't provide data. */
if (!ecs_get_type_info(world, ecs_pair_first(world, term->id))) {
filter_term = true;
if (!filter_term) {
if (term->oper == EcsOr || (i && term[-1].oper == EcsOr)) {
ecs_term_t *first = flecs_filter_or_other_type(f, i);
if (first) {
if (first == &term[-1]) {
filter_terms ++;
filter_term = true;
if (filter_term) {
filter_terms ++;
term->flags |= EcsTermNoData;
} else {
f->data_fields |= (1llu << term->field_index);
if (term->oper != EcsNot || !ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(f->flags, EcsFilterMatchAnything);
if (term->idr) {
if (ecs_os_has_threading()) {
} else {
term->idr->keep_alive ++;
if (term->oper == EcsOptional || term->oper == EcsNot) {
cond_set = true;
if (term->first.id == EcsPredEq || term->first.id == EcsPredMatch ||
term->first.id == EcsPredLookup)
f->flags |= EcsFilterHasPred;
if (term->first.id == EcsScopeOpen) {
f->flags |= EcsFilterHasScopes;
scope_nesting ++;
if (term->first.id == EcsScopeClose) {
if (i && terms[i - 1].first.id == EcsScopeOpen) {
flecs_filter_error(&ctx, "invalid empty scope");
return -1;
f->flags |= EcsFilterHasScopes;
scope_nesting --;
if (scope_nesting < 0) {
flecs_filter_error(&ctx, "'}' without matching '{'");
if (scope_nesting != 0) {
flecs_filter_error(&ctx, "missing '}'");
return -1;
if (term_count && (terms[term_count - 1].oper == EcsOr)) {
flecs_filter_error(&ctx, "last term of filter can't have OR operator");
return -1;
f->field_count = flecs_ito(int8_t, field_count);
if (field_count) {
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
ecs_id_record_t *idr = term->idr;
int32_t field = term->field_index;
f->ids[field] = term->id;
if (term->oper == EcsOr || (i && (term[-1].oper == EcsOr))) {
if (flecs_filter_or_other_type(f, i)) {
f->sizes[field] = 0;
f->ids[field] = 0;
if (idr) {
if (!ECS_IS_PAIR(idr->id) || ECS_PAIR_FIRST(idr->id) != EcsWildcard) {
if (idr->flags & EcsIdUnion) {
f->sizes[field] = ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_entity_t);
f->ids[field] = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t);
} else if (idr->type_info) {
f->sizes[field] = idr->type_info->size;
f->ids[field] = idr->id;
} else {
bool is_union = false;
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(term->id)) {
ecs_entity_t first = ecs_pair_first(world, term->id);
if (ecs_has_id(world, first, EcsUnion)) {
is_union = true;
if (is_union) {
f->sizes[field] = ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_entity_t);
f->ids[field] = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t);
} else {
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(
world, term->id);
if (ti) {
f->sizes[field] = ti->size;
f->ids[field] = term->id;
} else {
f->sizes = NULL;
f->ids = NULL;
ecs_assert(filter_terms <= term_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (filter_terms == term_count) {
ECS_BIT_SET(f->flags, EcsFilterNoData);
ECS_BIT_COND(f->flags, EcsFilterHasCondSet, cond_set);
/* Check if this is a trivial filter */
if ((f->flags & EcsFilterMatchOnlyThis)) {
if (!(f->flags &
ECS_BIT_SET(f->flags, EcsFilterMatchOnlySelf);
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
if (src->flags & EcsUp) {
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(f->flags, EcsFilterMatchOnlySelf);
if (!(term->flags & EcsTermIsTrivial)) {
if (!(f->flags & EcsFilterNoData)) {
if (term->inout == EcsInOutNone) {
if (term_count && (i == term_count)) {
ECS_BIT_SET(f->flags, EcsFilterIsTrivial);
return 0;
/* Implementation for iterable mixin */
void flecs_filter_iter_init(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_poly_t *poly,
ecs_iter_t *iter,
ecs_term_t *filter)
ecs_poly_assert(poly, ecs_filter_t);
if (filter) {
iter[1] = ecs_filter_iter(world, ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_filter_t*, poly));
iter[0] = ecs_term_chain_iter(&iter[1], filter);
} else {
iter[0] = ecs_filter_iter(world, ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_filter_t*, poly));
/* Implementation for dtor mixin */
void flecs_filter_fini(
ecs_filter_t *filter)
if (filter->terms) {
int i, count = filter->term_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[i];
if (term->idr) {
if (!(filter->world->flags & EcsWorldQuit)) {
if (ecs_os_has_threading()) {
} else {
term->idr->keep_alive --;
if (filter->flags & EcsFilterOwnsTermsStorage) {
/* Memory allocated for both terms & sizes */
} else {
filter->terms = NULL;
if (filter->flags & EcsFilterOwnsStorage) {
void ecs_filter_fini(
ecs_filter_t *filter)
if ((filter->flags & EcsFilterOwnsStorage) && filter->entity) {
/* If filter is associated with entity, use poly dtor path */
ecs_delete(filter->world, filter->entity);
} else {
ecs_filter_t* ecs_filter_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_filter_desc_t *desc)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->_canary == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_filter_t *f = desc->storage;
int32_t i, term_count = desc->terms_buffer_count, storage_count = 0, expr_count = 0;
const ecs_term_t *terms = desc->terms_buffer;
ecs_term_t *storage_terms = NULL, *expr_terms = NULL;
if (f) {
ecs_check(f->hdr.magic == ecs_filter_t_magic,
storage_count = f->term_count;
storage_terms = f->terms;
ecs_poly_init(f, ecs_filter_t);
} else {
f = ecs_poly_new(ecs_filter_t);
f->flags |= EcsFilterOwnsStorage;
if (!storage_terms) {
f->flags |= EcsFilterOwnsTermsStorage;
ECS_BIT_COND(f->flags, EcsFilterIsInstanced, desc->instanced);
ECS_BIT_SET(f->flags, EcsFilterMatchAnything);
f->flags |= desc->flags;
f->world = world;
/* If terms_buffer was not set, count number of initialized terms in
* static desc::terms array */
if (!terms) {
ecs_check(term_count == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
terms = desc->terms;
for (i = 0; i < FLECS_TERM_DESC_MAX; i ++) {
if (!ecs_term_is_initialized(&terms[i])) {
term_count ++;
} else {
ecs_check(term_count != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* If expr is set, parse query expression */
const char *expr = desc->expr;
ecs_entity_t entity = desc->entity;
if (expr) {
const char *name = NULL;
const char *ptr = desc->expr;
ecs_term_t term = {0};
ecs_term_id_t extra_args[ECS_PARSER_MAX_ARGS];
ecs_oper_kind_t extra_oper = 0;
int32_t expr_size = 0;
if (entity) {
name = ecs_get_name(world, entity);
while (ptr[0] && (ptr = ecs_parse_term(
world, name, expr, ptr, &term, &extra_oper, extra_args, true)))
if (!ecs_term_is_initialized(&term)) {
int32_t arg = 0;
do {
if (expr_count == expr_size) {
expr_size = expr_size ? expr_size * 2 : 8;
expr_terms = ecs_os_realloc_n(expr_terms, ecs_term_t, expr_size);
ecs_term_t *expr_term = &expr_terms[expr_count ++];
*expr_term = term;
if (arg) {
if (extra_oper == EcsAnd) {
expr_term->src = expr_term[-1].second;
expr_term->second = extra_args[arg - 1];
} else if (extra_oper == EcsOr) {
expr_term->src = expr_term[-1].src;
expr_term->second = extra_args[arg - 1];
expr_term[-1].oper = EcsOr;
if (expr_term->first.name != NULL) {
expr_term->first.name = ecs_os_strdup(
if (expr_term->src.name != NULL) {
expr_term->src.name = ecs_os_strdup(
} while (ecs_term_id_is_set(&extra_args[arg ++]));
if (ptr[0] == '\n') {
if (!ptr) {
/* Set terms in filter object to make sur they get cleaned up */
f->terms = expr_terms;
f->term_count = flecs_ito(int8_t, expr_count);
f->flags |= EcsFilterOwnsTermsStorage;
goto error;
ecs_abort(ECS_UNSUPPORTED, "parser addon is not available");
/* If storage is provided, make sure it's large enough */
ecs_check(!storage_terms || storage_count >= (term_count + expr_count),
if (term_count || expr_count) {
/* Allocate storage for terms and sizes array */
if (!storage_terms) {
ecs_assert(f->flags & EcsFilterOwnsTermsStorage,
f->term_count = flecs_ito(int8_t, term_count + expr_count);
ecs_size_t terms_size = ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_term_t) * f->term_count;
ecs_size_t ids_size = ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_id_t) * f->term_count;
ecs_size_t sizes_size = ECS_SIZEOF(int32_t) * f->term_count;
f->terms = ecs_os_calloc(terms_size + sizes_size + ids_size);
f->ids = ECS_OFFSET(f->terms, terms_size);
f->sizes = ECS_OFFSET(f->terms, terms_size + ids_size);
} else {
f->terms = storage_terms;
f->term_count = flecs_ito(int8_t, storage_count);
f->sizes = ecs_os_calloc_n(ecs_size_t, term_count);
f->ids = ecs_os_calloc_n(ecs_id_t, term_count);
/* Copy terms to filter storage */
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
f->terms[i] = ecs_term_copy(&terms[i]);
/* Allow freeing resources from expr parser during finalization */
f->terms[i].move = true;
/* Move expr terms to filter storage */
for (i = 0; i < expr_count; i ++) {
f->terms[i + term_count] = ecs_term_move(&expr_terms[i]);
/* Allow freeing resources from expr parser during finalization */
f->terms[i + term_count].move = true;
/* Ensure all fields are consistent and properly filled out */
if (ecs_filter_finalize(world, f)) {
goto error;
/* Any allocated resources remaining in terms are now owned by filter */
for (i = 0; i < f->term_count; i ++) {
f->terms[i].move = false;
f->variable_names[0] = NULL;
f->iterable.init = flecs_filter_iter_init;
f->dtor = (ecs_poly_dtor_t)flecs_filter_fini;
f->entity = entity;
if (entity && (f->flags & EcsFilterOwnsStorage)) {
EcsPoly *poly = ecs_poly_bind(world, entity, ecs_filter_t);
poly->poly = f;
ecs_poly_modified(world, entity, ecs_filter_t);
return f;
return NULL;
void ecs_filter_copy(
ecs_filter_t *dst,
const ecs_filter_t *src)
if (src == dst) {
if (src) {
*dst = *src;
int32_t i, term_count = src->term_count;
ecs_size_t terms_size = ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_term_t) * term_count;
ecs_size_t sizes_size = ECS_SIZEOF(int32_t) * term_count;
ecs_size_t ids_size = ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_id_t) * term_count;
dst->terms = ecs_os_malloc(terms_size + sizes_size + ids_size);
dst->ids = ECS_OFFSET(dst->terms, terms_size);
dst->sizes = ECS_OFFSET(dst->terms, terms_size + ids_size);
dst->flags |= EcsFilterOwnsTermsStorage;
ecs_os_memcpy_n(dst->sizes, src->sizes, int32_t, term_count);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(dst->ids, src->ids, int32_t, term_count);
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
dst->terms[i] = ecs_term_copy(&src->terms[i]);
} else {
ecs_os_memset_t(dst, 0, ecs_filter_t);
void ecs_filter_move(
ecs_filter_t *dst,
ecs_filter_t *src)
if (src == dst) {
if (src) {
*dst = *src;
if (src->flags & EcsFilterOwnsTermsStorage) {
dst->terms = src->terms;
dst->sizes = src->sizes;
dst->ids = src->ids;
dst->flags |= EcsFilterOwnsTermsStorage;
} else {
ecs_filter_copy(dst, src);
src->terms = NULL;
src->sizes = NULL;
src->ids = NULL;
src->term_count = 0;
} else {
ecs_os_memset_t(dst, 0, ecs_filter_t);
void flecs_filter_str_add_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_term_id_t *id,
bool is_subject,
ecs_flags32_t default_traverse_flags)
bool is_added = false;
if (!is_subject || id->id != EcsThis) {
if (id->flags & EcsIsVariable && !ecs_id_is_wildcard(id->id)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "$");
if (id->id) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, id->id);
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, path);
} else if (id->name) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, id->name);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "0");
is_added = true;
ecs_flags32_t flags = id->flags;
if (!(flags & EcsTraverseFlags)) {
/* If flags haven't been set yet, initialize with defaults. This can
* happen if an error is thrown while the term is being finalized */
flags |= default_traverse_flags;
if ((flags & EcsTraverseFlags) != default_traverse_flags) {
if (is_added) {
ecs_strbuf_list_push(buf, ":", "|");
} else {
ecs_strbuf_list_push(buf, "", "|");
if (id->flags & EcsSelf) {
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(buf, "self");
if (id->flags & EcsUp) {
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(buf, "up");
if (id->flags & EcsDown) {
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(buf, "down");
if (id->trav && (id->trav != EcsIsA)) {
ecs_strbuf_list_push(buf, "(", "");
char *rel_path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, id->trav);
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, rel_path);
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(buf, ")");
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(buf, "");
void flecs_term_str_w_strbuf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
int32_t t)
const ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
const ecs_term_id_t *second = &term->second;
uint8_t def_src_mask = EcsSelf|EcsUp;
uint8_t def_first_mask = EcsSelf;
uint8_t def_second_mask = EcsSelf;
bool pred_set = ecs_term_id_is_set(&term->first);
bool subj_set = !ecs_term_match_0(term);
bool obj_set = ecs_term_id_is_set(second);
if (term->first.id == EcsScopeOpen) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "{");
} else if (term->first.id == EcsScopeClose) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "}");
if (((term->first.id == EcsPredEq) || (term->first.id == EcsPredMatch)) &&
(term->first.flags & EcsIsEntity))
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "$");
if (term->src.id == EcsThis && term->src.flags & EcsIsVariable) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "this");
} else if (term->src.flags & EcsIsVariable) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, term->src.name);
} else {
/* Shouldn't happen */
if (term->first.id == EcsPredEq) {
if (term->oper == EcsNot) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, " != ");
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, " == ");
} else if (term->first.id == EcsPredMatch) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, " ~= ");
if (term->second.flags & EcsIsEntity) {
if (term->second.id != 0) {
world, 0, term->second.id, ".", NULL, buf);
} else {
if (term->second.flags & EcsIsVariable) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "$");
if (term->second.name) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, term->second.name);
} else if (term->second.id == EcsThis) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "this");
} else if (term->second.flags & EcsIsName) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "\"");
if (term->first.id == EcsPredMatch && term->oper == EcsNot) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "!");
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, term->second.name);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "\"");
if (!t || !(term[-1].oper == EcsOr)) {
if (term->inout == EcsIn) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "[in] ");
} else if (term->inout == EcsInOut) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "[inout] ");
} else if (term->inout == EcsOut) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "[out] ");
} else if (term->inout == EcsInOutNone && term->oper != EcsNot) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "[none] ");
if (term->first.flags & EcsIsEntity && term->first.id != 0) {
if (ecs_has_id(world, term->first.id, EcsDontInherit)) {
def_src_mask = EcsSelf;
if (term->oper == EcsNot) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "!");
} else if (term->oper == EcsOptional) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "?");
if (!subj_set) {
flecs_filter_str_add_id(world, buf, &term->first, false,
if (!obj_set) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "()");
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "(0,");
flecs_filter_str_add_id(world, buf, &term->second, false,
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ")");
} else if (ecs_term_match_this(term) &&
(src->flags & EcsTraverseFlags) == def_src_mask)
if (pred_set) {
if (obj_set) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "(");
flecs_filter_str_add_id(world, buf, &term->first, false, def_first_mask);
if (obj_set) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ",");
world, buf, &term->second, false, def_second_mask);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ")");
} else if (term->id) {
char *str = ecs_id_str(world, term->id);
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, str);
} else {
if (term->id_flags && !ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(term->id_flags, PAIR)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, ecs_id_flag_str(term->id_flags));
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '|');
flecs_filter_str_add_id(world, buf, &term->first, false, def_first_mask);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "(");
if (term->src.flags & EcsIsEntity && term->src.id == term->first.id) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "$");
} else {
flecs_filter_str_add_id(world, buf, &term->src, true, def_src_mask);
if (obj_set) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ",");
flecs_filter_str_add_id(world, buf, &term->second, false, def_second_mask);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ")");
char* ecs_term_str(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_term_t *term)
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
flecs_term_str_w_strbuf(world, term, &buf, 0);
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
char* flecs_filter_str(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_filter_t *filter,
const ecs_filter_finalize_ctx_t *ctx,
int32_t *term_start_out)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(filter != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
int32_t i, count = filter->term_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
if (term_start_out && ctx) {
if (ctx->term_index == i) {
term_start_out[0] = ecs_strbuf_written(&buf);
if (i) {
term_start_out[0] += 2; /* whitespace + , */
flecs_term_str_w_strbuf(world, term, &buf, i);
if (i != (count - 1)) {
if (term->oper == EcsOr) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&buf, " || ");
} else {
if (term->first.id != EcsScopeOpen) {
if (term[1].first.id != EcsScopeClose) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&buf, ", ");
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
return NULL;
char* ecs_filter_str(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_filter_t *filter)
return flecs_filter_str(world, filter, NULL, NULL);
int32_t ecs_filter_find_this_var(
const ecs_filter_t *filter)
ecs_check(filter != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (ECS_BIT_IS_SET(filter->flags, EcsFilterMatchThis)) {
/* Filters currently only support the This variable at index 0. Only
* return 0 if filter actually has terms for the This variable. */
return 0;
return -1;
/* Check if the id is a pair that has Any as first or second element. Any
* pairs behave just like Wildcard pairs and reuses the same data structures,
* with as only difference that the number of results returned for an Any pair
* is never more than one. This function is used to tell the difference. */
bool is_any_pair(
ecs_id_t id)
if (!ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
return false;
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsAny) {
return true;
if (ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id) == EcsAny) {
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_n_term_match_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_term_t *term,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t type_id,
ecs_oper_kind_t oper,
ecs_id_t *id_out,
int32_t *column_out,
ecs_entity_t *subject_out,
int32_t *match_index_out,
bool first,
ecs_flags32_t iter_flags)
const ecs_type_t *type = ecs_get_type(world, type_id);
ecs_assert(type != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_t *ids = type->array;
int32_t i, count = type->count;
ecs_term_t temp = *term;
temp.oper = EcsAnd;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
if (ecs_id_get_flags(world, id) & EcsIdDontInherit) {
bool result;
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, AND)) {
ecs_oper_kind_t id_oper = EcsAndFrom;
result = flecs_n_term_match_table(world, term, table,
id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK, id_oper, id_out, column_out,
subject_out, match_index_out, first, iter_flags);
} else {
temp.id = id;
result = flecs_term_match_table(world, &temp, table, id_out,
0, subject_out, match_index_out, first, iter_flags);
if (!result && oper == EcsAndFrom) {
return false;
} else
if (result && oper == EcsOrFrom) {
return true;
if (oper == EcsAndFrom) {
if (id_out) {
id_out[0] = type_id;
return true;
} else
if (oper == EcsOrFrom) {
return false;
return false;
bool flecs_term_match_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_term_t *term,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t *id_out,
int32_t *column_out,
ecs_entity_t *subject_out,
int32_t *match_index_out,
bool first,
ecs_flags32_t iter_flags)
const ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
ecs_oper_kind_t oper = term->oper;
const ecs_table_t *match_table = table;
ecs_id_t id = term->id;
ecs_entity_t src_id = src->id;
if (ecs_term_match_0(term)) {
if (id_out) {
id_out[0] = id; /* If no entity is matched, just set id */
return true;
if (oper == EcsAndFrom || oper == EcsOrFrom) {
return flecs_n_term_match_table(world, term, table, term->id,
term->oper, id_out, column_out, subject_out, match_index_out, first,
/* If source is not This, search in table of source */
if (!ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
if (iter_flags & EcsIterEntityOptional) {
/* Treat entity terms as optional */
oper = EcsOptional;
if (ecs_is_alive(world, src_id)) {
match_table = ecs_get_table(world, src_id);
} else {
match_table = NULL;
if (match_table) {
} else if (oper != EcsOptional) {
return false;
} else {
/* If filter contains This terms, a table must be provided */
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!match_table) {
return false;
ecs_entity_t source = 0;
/* If first = false, we're searching from an offset. This supports returning
* multiple results when using wildcard filters. */
int32_t column = 0;
if (!first && column_out && column_out[0] != 0) {
column = column_out[0];
if (column < 0) {
/* In case column is not from This, flip sign */
column = -column;
/* Remove base 1 offset */
column --;
/* Find location, source and id of match in table type */
ecs_table_record_t *tr = 0;
bool is_any = is_any_pair(id);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = term->idr;
if (world->flags & EcsWorldQuit) {
/* During world cleanup the keep_alive assert for id records is no
* longer enforced */
idr = NULL;
column = flecs_search_relation_w_idr(world, match_table,
column, id, src->trav, src->flags, &source, id_out, &tr, idr);
if (tr && match_index_out) {
if (!is_any) {
match_index_out[0] = tr->count;
} else {
match_index_out[0] = 1;
bool result = column != -1;
if (oper == EcsNot) {
if (match_index_out) {
match_index_out[0] = 1;
result = !result;
if (oper == EcsOptional) {
result = true;
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if ((column == -1) && (src->flags & EcsUp) && (table->flags & EcsTableHasTarget)) {
ecs_assert(table->_ != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_t rel = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(table->type.array[table->_->ft_offset]);
if (rel == (uint32_t)src->trav) {
result = true;
if (!result) {
if (iter_flags & EcsFilterPopulate) {
column = 0;
} else {
return false;
if (!ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
if (!source) {
source = src_id;
if (id_out && column < 0) {
id_out[0] = id;
if (column_out) {
if (column >= 0) {
column ++;
if (source != 0) {
column *= -1;
column_out[0] = column;
} else {
column_out[0] = 0;
if (subject_out) {
subject_out[0] = source;
return result;
bool flecs_filter_match_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_filter_t *filter,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t *ids,
int32_t *columns,
ecs_entity_t *sources,
int32_t *match_indices,
int32_t *matches_left,
bool first,
int32_t skip_term,
ecs_flags32_t iter_flags)
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
int32_t i, count = filter->term_count;
int32_t match_count = 1;
bool result = true;
if (matches_left) {
match_count = *matches_left;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
ecs_oper_kind_t oper = term->oper;
if (i == skip_term) {
if (oper != EcsAndFrom && oper != EcsOrFrom && oper != EcsNotFrom) {
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
const ecs_table_t *match_table = table;
int32_t t_i = term->field_index;
ecs_entity_t src_id = src->id;
if (!src_id) {
if (ids) {
ids[t_i] = term->id;
if (!ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
if (ecs_is_alive(world, src_id)) {
match_table = ecs_get_table(world, src_id);
} else {
match_table = NULL;
} else {
if (ECS_BIT_IS_SET(iter_flags, EcsIterIgnoreThis)) {
/* If filter contains This terms, table must be provided */
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t match_index = 0;
if (!i || term[-1].oper != EcsOr) {
result = false;
} else {
if (result) {
continue; /* Already found matching OR term */
bool term_result = flecs_term_match_table(world, term, match_table,
ids ? &ids[t_i] : NULL,
columns ? &columns[t_i] : NULL,
sources ? &sources[t_i] : NULL,
if (i && term[-1].oper == EcsOr) {
result |= term_result;
} else {
result = term_result;
if (oper != EcsOr && !result) {
return false;
if (first && match_index) {
match_count *= match_index;
if (match_indices) {
match_indices[t_i] = match_index;
if (matches_left) {
*matches_left = match_count;
return true;
void term_iter_init_no_data(
ecs_term_iter_t *iter)
iter->term = (ecs_term_t){ .field_index = -1 };
iter->self_index = NULL;
iter->index = 0;
void term_iter_init_w_idr(
const ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_term_iter_t *iter,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
bool empty_tables)
if (idr) {
if (empty_tables) {
flecs_table_cache_all_iter(&idr->cache, &iter->it);
} else {
flecs_table_cache_iter(&idr->cache, &iter->it);
} else {
iter->index = 0;
iter->empty_tables = empty_tables;
iter->size = 0;
if (term && term->idr && term->idr->type_info) {
iter->size = term->idr->type_info->size;
void term_iter_init_wildcard(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_term_iter_t *iter,
bool empty_tables)
iter->term = (ecs_term_t){ .field_index = -1 };
iter->self_index = flecs_id_record_get(world, EcsAny);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = iter->cur = iter->self_index;
term_iter_init_w_idr(NULL, iter, idr, empty_tables);
void term_iter_init(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_term_iter_t *iter,
bool empty_tables)
const ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
iter->term = *term;
if (src->flags & EcsSelf) {
iter->self_index = term->idr;
if (!iter->self_index) {
iter->self_index = flecs_query_id_record_get(world, term->id);
if (src->flags & EcsUp) {
iter->set_index = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(src->trav, EcsWildcard));
ecs_id_record_t *idr;
if (iter->self_index) {
idr = iter->cur = iter->self_index;
} else {
idr = iter->cur = iter->set_index;
term_iter_init_w_idr(term, iter, idr, empty_tables);
ecs_iter_t ecs_term_iter(
const ecs_world_t *stage,
ecs_term_t *term)
ecs_check(stage != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_world_t *world = ecs_get_world(stage);
if (ecs_term_finalize(world, term)) {
ecs_iter_t it = {
.real_world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, world),
.world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, stage),
.field_count = 1,
.next = ecs_term_next
/* Term iter populates the iterator with arrays from its own cache, ensure
* they don't get overwritten by flecs_iter_validate.
* Note: the reason the term iterator doesn't use the iterator cache itself
* (which could easily accommodate a single term) is that the filter iterator
* is built on top of the term iterator. The private cache of the term
* iterator keeps the filter iterator code simple, as it doesn't need to
* worry about the term iter overwriting the iterator fields. */
flecs_iter_init(stage, &it, 0);
term_iter_init(world, term, &it.priv.iter.term, false);
ECS_BIT_COND(it.flags, EcsIterNoData, it.priv.iter.term.size == 0);
return it;
return (ecs_iter_t){ 0 };
ecs_iter_t ecs_term_chain_iter(
const ecs_iter_t *chain_it,
ecs_term_t *term)
ecs_check(chain_it != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_world_t *world = chain_it->real_world;
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (ecs_term_finalize(world, term)) {
ecs_iter_t it = {
.real_world = world,
.world = chain_it->world,
.terms = term,
.field_count = 1,
.chain_it = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_iter_t*, chain_it),
.next = ecs_term_next
flecs_iter_init(chain_it->world, &it, flecs_iter_cache_all);
term_iter_init(world, term, &it.priv.iter.term, false);
return it;
return (ecs_iter_t){ 0 };
ecs_iter_t ecs_children(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t parent)
return ecs_term_iter(world, &(ecs_term_t){ .id = ecs_childof(parent) });
bool ecs_children_next(
ecs_iter_t *it)
return ecs_term_next(it);
const ecs_table_record_t *flecs_term_iter_next_table(
ecs_term_iter_t *iter)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = iter->cur;
if (!idr) {
return NULL;
return flecs_table_cache_next(&iter->it, ecs_table_record_t);
bool flecs_term_iter_find_superset(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_entity_t *source,
ecs_id_t *id,
int32_t *column)
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
/* Test if following the relationship finds the id */
ecs_id_record_t *idr = term->idr;
if (world->flags & EcsWorldQuit) {
/* During world cleanup the keep_alive assert for id records is no
* longer enforced */
idr = NULL;
int32_t index = flecs_search_relation_w_idr(world, table, 0,
term->id, src->trav, src->flags, source, id, 0, idr);
if (index == -1) {
*source = 0;
return false;
ecs_assert(*source != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
*column = (index + 1) * -1;
return true;
bool flecs_term_iter_next(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_term_iter_t *iter,
bool match_prefab,
bool match_disabled)
ecs_table_t *table = iter->table;
ecs_entity_t source = 0;
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
ecs_term_t *term = &iter->term;
do {
if (table) {
iter->cur_match ++;
if (iter->cur_match >= iter->match_count) {
table = NULL;
} else {
iter->last_column = ecs_search_offset(
world, table, iter->last_column + 1, term->id, 0);
iter->column = iter->last_column + 1;
if (iter->last_column >= 0) {
iter->id = table->type.array[iter->last_column];
if (!table) {
if (!(tr = flecs_term_iter_next_table(iter))) {
if (iter->cur != iter->set_index && iter->set_index != NULL) {
if (iter->observed_table_count != 0) {
iter->cur = iter->set_index;
if (iter->empty_tables) {
&iter->set_index->cache, &iter->it);
} else {
&iter->set_index->cache, &iter->it);
iter->index = 0;
tr = flecs_term_iter_next_table(iter);
if (!tr) {
return false;
table = tr->hdr.table;
if (table->_->traversable_count) {
iter->observed_table_count ++;
if (!match_prefab && (table->flags & EcsTableIsPrefab)) {
if (!match_disabled && (table->flags & EcsTableIsDisabled)) {
iter->table = table;
iter->match_count = tr->count;
if (is_any_pair(term->id)) {
iter->match_count = 1;
iter->cur_match = 0;
iter->last_column = tr->index;
iter->column = tr->index + 1;
iter->id = flecs_to_public_id(table->type.array[tr->index]);
if (iter->cur == iter->set_index) {
if (iter->self_index) {
if (flecs_id_record_get_table(iter->self_index, table) != NULL) {
/* If the table has the id itself and this term matched Self
* we already matched it */
if (!flecs_term_iter_find_superset(
world, table, term, &source, &iter->id, &iter->column))
/* The tr->count field refers to the number of relationship instances,
* not to the number of matches. Superset terms can only yield a
* single match. */
iter->match_count = 1;
} while (true);
iter->subject = source;
return true;
bool flecs_term_iter_set_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_term_iter_t *iter,
ecs_table_t *table)
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = NULL;
const ecs_id_record_t *idr = iter->self_index;
if (idr) {
tr = ecs_table_cache_get(&idr->cache, table);
if (tr) {
iter->match_count = tr->count;
iter->last_column = tr->index;
iter->column = tr->index + 1;
iter->id = flecs_to_public_id(table->type.array[tr->index]);
if (!tr) {
idr = iter->set_index;
if (idr) {
tr = ecs_table_cache_get(&idr->cache, table);
if (!flecs_term_iter_find_superset(world, table, &iter->term,
&iter->subject, &iter->id, &iter->column))
return false;
iter->match_count = 1;
if (!tr) {
return false;
/* Populate fields as usual */
iter->table = table;
iter->cur_match = 0;
return true;
bool ecs_term_next(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_term_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_term_iter_t *iter = &it->priv.iter.term;
ecs_term_t *term = &iter->term;
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
ecs_table_t *table;
it->ids = &iter->id;
it->sources = &iter->subject;
it->columns = &iter->column;
it->terms = &iter->term;
it->sizes = &iter->size;
it->ptrs = &iter->ptr;
ecs_iter_t *chain_it = it->chain_it;
if (chain_it) {
ecs_iter_next_action_t next = chain_it->next;
bool match;
do {
if (!next(chain_it)) {
goto done;
table = chain_it->table;
match = flecs_term_match_table(world, term, table,
it->ids, it->columns, it->sources, it->match_indices, true,
} while (!match);
goto yield;
} else {
if (!flecs_term_iter_next(world, iter,
(term->flags & EcsTermMatchPrefab) != 0,
(term->flags & EcsTermMatchDisabled) != 0))
goto done;
table = iter->table;
/* Source must either be 0 (EcsThis) or nonzero in case of substitution */
ecs_assert(iter->subject || iter->cur != iter->set_index,
ecs_assert(iter->table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_iter_populate_data(world, it, table, 0, ecs_table_count(table),
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid);
return true;
return false;
void flecs_init_filter_iter(
ecs_iter_t *it,
const ecs_filter_t *filter)
ecs_assert(filter != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
it->priv.iter.filter.filter = filter;
it->field_count = filter->field_count;
int32_t ecs_filter_pivot_term(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_filter_t *filter)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(filter != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
int32_t i, term_count = filter->term_count;
int32_t pivot_term = -1, min_count = -1, self_pivot_term = -1;
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
ecs_id_t id = term->id;
if ((term->oper != EcsAnd) || (i && (term[-1].oper == EcsOr))) {
if (!ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_query_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
/* If one of the terms does not match with any data, iterator
* should not return anything */
return -2; /* -2 indicates filter doesn't match anything */
int32_t table_count = flecs_table_cache_count(&idr->cache);
if (min_count == -1 || table_count < min_count) {
min_count = table_count;
pivot_term = i;
if ((term->src.flags & EcsTraverseFlags) == EcsSelf) {
self_pivot_term = i;
if (self_pivot_term != -1) {
pivot_term = self_pivot_term;
return pivot_term;
return -2;
void flecs_filter_apply_iter_flags(
ecs_iter_t *it,
const ecs_filter_t *filter)
ECS_BIT_COND(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced,
ECS_BIT_IS_SET(filter->flags, EcsFilterIsInstanced));
ECS_BIT_COND(it->flags, EcsIterNoData,
ECS_BIT_IS_SET(filter->flags, EcsFilterNoData));
ECS_BIT_COND(it->flags, EcsIterHasCondSet,
ECS_BIT_IS_SET(filter->flags, EcsFilterHasCondSet));
ecs_iter_t flecs_filter_iter_w_flags(
const ecs_world_t *stage,
const ecs_filter_t *filter,
ecs_flags32_t flags)
ecs_check(stage != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(filter != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!(filter->flags & (EcsFilterHasPred|EcsFilterHasScopes)),
const ecs_world_t *world = ecs_get_world(stage);
if (!(flags & EcsIterMatchVar)) {
ecs_iter_t it = {
.real_world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, world),
.world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, stage),
.query = filter,
.terms = filter ? filter->terms : NULL,
.next = ecs_filter_next,
.flags = flags,
.sizes = filter->sizes,
.system = filter->entity
ecs_filter_iter_t *iter = &it.priv.iter.filter;
iter->pivot_term = -1;
flecs_init_filter_iter(&it, filter);
flecs_filter_apply_iter_flags(&it, filter);
/* Find term that represents smallest superset */
if (ECS_BIT_IS_SET(flags, EcsIterIgnoreThis)) {
} else if (ECS_BIT_IS_SET(filter->flags, EcsFilterMatchThis)) {
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
int32_t pivot_term = -1;
ecs_check(terms != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
pivot_term = ecs_filter_pivot_term(world, filter);
iter->kind = EcsIterEvalTables;
iter->pivot_term = pivot_term;
if (pivot_term == -2) {
/* One or more terms have no matching results */
} else if (pivot_term == -1) {
/* No terms meet the criteria to be a pivot term, evaluate filter
* against all tables */
term_iter_init_wildcard(world, &iter->term_iter,
ECS_BIT_IS_SET(filter->flags, EcsFilterMatchEmptyTables));
} else {
ecs_assert(pivot_term >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
term_iter_init(world, &terms[pivot_term], &iter->term_iter,
ECS_BIT_IS_SET(filter->flags, EcsFilterMatchEmptyTables));
} else {
if (!ECS_BIT_IS_SET(filter->flags, EcsFilterMatchAnything)) {
} else {
iter->kind = EcsIterEvalNone;
ECS_BIT_COND(it.flags, EcsIterNoData,
ECS_BIT_IS_SET(filter->flags, EcsFilterNoData));
if (ECS_BIT_IS_SET(filter->flags, EcsFilterMatchThis)) {
/* Make space for one variable if the filter has terms for This var */
it.variable_count = 1;
/* Set variable name array */
it.variable_names = ECS_CONST_CAST(char**, filter->variable_names);
flecs_iter_init(stage, &it, flecs_iter_cache_all);
return it;
return (ecs_iter_t){ 0 };
ecs_iter_t ecs_filter_iter(
const ecs_world_t *stage,
const ecs_filter_t *filter)
return flecs_filter_iter_w_flags(stage, filter, 0);
ecs_iter_t ecs_filter_chain_iter(
const ecs_iter_t *chain_it,
const ecs_filter_t *filter)
ecs_iter_t it = {
.query = filter,
.terms = filter->terms,
.field_count = filter->field_count,
.world = chain_it->world,
.real_world = chain_it->real_world,
.chain_it = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_iter_t*, chain_it),
.next = ecs_filter_next,
.sizes = filter->sizes,
.system = filter->entity
flecs_iter_init(chain_it->world, &it, flecs_iter_cache_all);
ecs_filter_iter_t *iter = &it.priv.iter.filter;
flecs_init_filter_iter(&it, filter);
iter->kind = EcsIterEvalChain;
return it;
bool ecs_filter_next(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_filter_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (flecs_iter_next_row(it)) {
return true;
return flecs_iter_next_instanced(it, ecs_filter_next_instanced(it));
return false;
bool ecs_filter_next_instanced(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_filter_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(it->chain_it != it, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_filter_iter_t *iter = &it->priv.iter.filter;
const ecs_filter_t *filter = iter->filter;
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
ecs_table_t *table = NULL;
bool match;
ecs_iter_t *chain_it = it->chain_it;
ecs_iter_kind_t kind = iter->kind;
if (chain_it) {
ecs_assert(kind == EcsIterEvalChain, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_iter_next_action_t next = chain_it->next;
do {
if (!next(chain_it)) {
goto done;
table = chain_it->table;
match = flecs_filter_match_table(world, filter, table,
it->ids, it->columns, it->sources, it->match_indices, NULL,
true, -1, it->flags);
} while (!match);
goto yield;
} else if (kind == EcsIterEvalTables || kind == EcsIterEvalCondition) {
ecs_term_iter_t *term_iter = &iter->term_iter;
ecs_term_t *term = &term_iter->term;
int32_t pivot_term = iter->pivot_term;
bool first;
/* Check if the This variable has been set on the iterator. If set,
* the filter should only be applied to the variable value */
ecs_var_t *this_var = NULL;
ecs_table_t *this_table = NULL;
if (it->variable_count) {
if (ecs_iter_var_is_constrained(it, 0)) {
this_var = it->variables;
this_table = this_var->range.table;
/* If variable is constrained, make sure it's a value that's
* pointing to a table, as a filter can't iterate single
* entities (yet) */
ecs_assert(this_table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
/* Can't set variable for filter that does not iterate tables */
ecs_assert(kind == EcsIterEvalTables,
do {
/* If there are no matches left for the previous table, this is the
* first match of the next table. */
first = iter->matches_left == 0;
if (first) {
if (kind != EcsIterEvalCondition) {
/* Check if this variable was constrained */
if (this_table != NULL) {
/* If this is the first match of a new result and the
* previous result was equal to the value of a
* constrained var, there's nothing left to iterate */
if (it->table == this_table) {
goto done;
/* If table doesn't match term iterator, it doesn't
* match filter. */
if (!flecs_term_iter_set_table(
world, term_iter, this_table))
goto done;
it->offset = this_var->range.offset;
it->count = this_var->range.count;
/* But if it does, forward it to filter matching */
ecs_assert(term_iter->table == this_table,
/* If This variable is not constrained, iterate as usual */
} else {
it->offset = 0;
it->count = 0;
/* Find new match, starting with the leading term */
if (!flecs_term_iter_next(world, term_iter,
goto done;
ecs_assert(term_iter->match_count != 0,
if (pivot_term == -1) {
/* Without a pivot term, we're iterating all tables with
* a wildcard, so the match count is meaningless. */
term_iter->match_count = 1;
} else {
it->match_indices[pivot_term] = term_iter->match_count;
iter->matches_left = term_iter->match_count;
/* Filter iterator takes control over iterating all the
* permutations that match the wildcard. */
term_iter->match_count = 1;
table = term_iter->table;
if (pivot_term != -1) {
int32_t index = term->field_index;
it->ids[index] = term_iter->id;
it->sources[index] = term_iter->subject;
it->columns[index] = term_iter->column;
} else {
/* Progress iterator to next match for table, if any */
table = it->table;
if (term_iter->index == 0) {
iter->matches_left = 1;
term_iter->index = 1; /* prevents looping again */
} else {
goto done;
/* Match the remainder of the terms */
match = flecs_filter_match_table(world, filter, table,
it->ids, it->columns, it->sources,
it->match_indices, &iter->matches_left, first,
pivot_term, it->flags);
if (!match) {
it->table = table;
iter->matches_left = 0;
/* Table got matched, set This variable */
if (table) {
ecs_assert(it->variable_count == 1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(it->variables != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
it->variables[0].range.table = table;
ecs_assert(iter->matches_left != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* If this is not the first result for the table, and the table
* is matched more than once, iterate remaining matches */
if (!first && (iter->matches_left > 0)) {
table = it->table;
/* Find first term that still has matches left */
int32_t i, j, count = it->field_count;
for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
int32_t mi = -- it->match_indices[i];
if (mi) {
if (mi < 0) {
/* If matches_left > 0 we should've found at least one match */
ecs_assert(i >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Progress first term to next match (must be at least one) */
int32_t column = it->columns[i];
if (column < 0) {
/* If this term was matched on a non-This entity, reconvert
* the column back to a positive value */
column = -column;
it->columns[i] = column + 1;
flecs_term_match_table(world, &filter->terms[i], table,
&it->ids[i], &it->columns[i], &it->sources[i],
&it->match_indices[i], false, it->flags);
/* Reset remaining terms (if any) to first match */
for (j = i + 1; j < count; j ++) {
flecs_term_match_table(world, &filter->terms[j], table,
&it->ids[j], &it->columns[j], &it->sources[j],
&it->match_indices[j], true, it->flags);
match = iter->matches_left != 0;
iter->matches_left --;
ecs_assert(iter->matches_left >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} while (!match);
goto yield;
return false;
if (!it->count && table) {
it->count = ecs_table_count(table);
flecs_iter_populate_data(world, it, table, it->offset, it->count, it->ptrs);
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid);
return true;
* @file iter.c
* @brief Iterator API.
* The iterator API contains functions that apply to all iterators, such as
* resource management, or fetching resources for a matched table. The API also
* contains functions for generic iterators, which make it possible to iterate
* an iterator without needing to know what created the iterator.
#include <stddef.h>
/* Utility macros to enforce consistency when initializing iterator fields */
/* If term count is smaller than cache size, initialize with inline array,
* otherwise allocate. */
#define INIT_CACHE(it, stack, fields, f, T, count)\
if (!it->f && (fields & flecs_iter_cache_##f) && count) {\
it->f = flecs_stack_calloc_n(stack, T, count);\
it->priv.cache.used |= flecs_iter_cache_##f;\
/* If array is allocated, free it when finalizing the iterator */
#define FINI_CACHE(it, f, T, count)\
if (it->priv.cache.used & flecs_iter_cache_##f) {\
flecs_stack_free_n((void*)it->f, T, count);\
void* flecs_iter_calloc(
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t align)
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world((ecs_world_t**)&world);
ecs_stack_t *stack = &stage->allocators.iter_stack;
return flecs_stack_calloc(stack, size, align);
void flecs_iter_free(
void *ptr,
ecs_size_t size)
flecs_stack_free(ptr, size);
void flecs_iter_init(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_flags8_t fields)
ecs_assert(!ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid),
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(
ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t**, &world));
ecs_stack_t *stack = &stage->allocators.iter_stack;
it->priv.cache.used = 0;
it->priv.cache.allocated = 0;
it->priv.cache.stack_cursor = flecs_stack_get_cursor(stack);
it->priv.entity_iter = flecs_stack_calloc_t(
stack, ecs_entity_filter_iter_t);
INIT_CACHE(it, stack, fields, ids, ecs_id_t, it->field_count);
INIT_CACHE(it, stack, fields, sources, ecs_entity_t, it->field_count);
INIT_CACHE(it, stack, fields, match_indices, int32_t, it->field_count);
INIT_CACHE(it, stack, fields, columns, int32_t, it->field_count);
INIT_CACHE(it, stack, fields, variables, ecs_var_t, it->variable_count);
INIT_CACHE(it, stack, fields, ptrs, void*, it->field_count);
void flecs_iter_validate(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid);
/* Make sure multithreaded iterator isn't created for real world */
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(!(world->flags & EcsWorldMultiThreaded) || it->world != it->real_world,
"create iterator for stage when world is in multithreaded mode");
void ecs_iter_fini(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid);
if (it->fini) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
if (!world) {
FINI_CACHE(it, ids, ecs_id_t, it->field_count);
FINI_CACHE(it, sources, ecs_entity_t, it->field_count);
FINI_CACHE(it, match_indices, int32_t, it->field_count);
FINI_CACHE(it, columns, int32_t, it->field_count);
FINI_CACHE(it, variables, ecs_var_t, it->variable_count);
FINI_CACHE(it, ptrs, void*, it->field_count);
flecs_stack_free_t(it->priv.entity_iter, ecs_entity_filter_iter_t);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
bool flecs_iter_populate_term_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t t,
int32_t column,
void **ptr_out)
bool is_shared = false;
ecs_table_t *table;
void *data;
int32_t row, u_index;
if (!column) {
/* Term has no data. This includes terms that have Not operators. */
goto no_data;
/* Filter terms may match with data but don't return it */
if (it->terms[t].inout == EcsInOutNone) {
goto no_data;
ecs_assert(it->sizes != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t size = it->sizes[t];
if (!size) {
goto no_data;
if (column < 0) {
table = it->table;
is_shared = true;
/* Data is not from This */
if (it->references && (!table || !(table->flags & EcsTableHasTarget))) {
/* The reference array is used only for components matched on a
* table (vs. individual entities). Remaining components should be
* assigned outside of this function */
if (ecs_term_match_this(&it->terms[t])) {
/* Iterator provides cached references for non-This terms */
ecs_ref_t *ref = &it->references[-column - 1];
if (ptr_out) {
if (ref->id) {
ptr_out[0] = (void*)ecs_ref_get_id(world, ref, ref->id);
} else {
ptr_out[0] = NULL;
if (!ref->id) {
is_shared = false;
return is_shared;
return true;
} else {
ecs_entity_t subj = it->sources[t];
ecs_assert(subj != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Don't use ecs_get_id directly. Instead, go directly to the
* storage so that we can get both the pointer and size */
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, subj);
ecs_assert(r != NULL && r->table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
table = r->table;
ecs_id_t id = it->ids[t];
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
if (!(tr = flecs_table_record_get(world, table, id)) || (tr->column == -1)) {
u_index = flecs_table_column_to_union_index(table, -column - 1);
if (u_index != -1) {
goto has_union;
goto no_data;
/* We now have row and column, so we can get the storage for the id
* which gives us the pointer and size */
column = tr->column;
ecs_vec_t *s = &table->data.columns[column].data;
data = ecs_vec_first(s);
/* Fallthrough to has_data */
} else {
/* Data is from This, use table from iterator */
table = it->table;
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
row = it->offset;
int32_t storage_column = ecs_table_type_to_column_index(
table, column - 1);
if (storage_column == -1) {
u_index = flecs_table_column_to_union_index(table, column - 1);
if (u_index != -1) {
goto has_union;
goto no_data;
if (!it->count) {
goto no_data;
ecs_vec_t *s = &table->data.columns[storage_column].data;
data = ecs_vec_first(s);
/* Fallthrough to has_data */
if (ptr_out) ptr_out[0] = ECS_ELEM(data, size, row);
return is_shared;
has_union: {
/* Edge case: if column is a switch we should return the vector with case
* identifiers. Will be replaced in the future with pluggable storage */
ecs_assert(table->_ != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_switch_t *sw = &table->_->sw_columns[u_index];
data = ecs_vec_first(flecs_switch_values(sw));
goto has_data;
if (ptr_out) ptr_out[0] = NULL;
return false;
void flecs_iter_populate_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t offset,
int32_t count,
void **ptrs)
ecs_table_t *prev_table = it->table;
if (prev_table) {
it->frame_offset += ecs_table_count(prev_table);
it->table = table;
it->offset = offset;
it->count = count;
if (table) {
ecs_assert(count != 0 || !ecs_table_count(table) || (it->flags & EcsIterTableOnly),
if (count) {
it->entities = ecs_vec_get_t(
&table->data.entities, ecs_entity_t, offset);
} else {
it->entities = NULL;
int t, field_count = it->field_count;
if (ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterNoData)) {
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(it->flags, EcsIterHasShared);
bool has_shared = false;
if (ptrs) {
for (t = 0; t < field_count; t ++) {
int32_t column = it->columns[t];
has_shared |= flecs_iter_populate_term_data(world, it, t, column,
ECS_BIT_COND(it->flags, EcsIterHasShared, has_shared);
bool flecs_iter_next_row(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_assert(it != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
bool is_instanced = ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
if (!is_instanced) {
int32_t instance_count = it->instance_count;
int32_t count = it->count;
int32_t offset = it->offset;
if (instance_count > count && offset < (instance_count - 1)) {
ecs_assert(count == 1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int t, field_count = it->field_count;
for (t = 0; t < field_count; t ++) {
ecs_entity_t src = it->sources[t];
if (!src) {
void *ptr = it->ptrs[t];
if (ptr) {
it->ptrs[t] = ECS_OFFSET(ptr, it->sizes[t]);
if (it->entities) {
it->entities ++;
it->offset ++;
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_iter_next_instanced(
ecs_iter_t *it,
bool result)
it->instance_count = it->count;
bool is_instanced = ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
bool has_shared = ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterHasShared);
if (result && !is_instanced && it->count && has_shared) {
it->count = 1;
return result;
/* --- Public API --- */
void* ecs_field_w_size(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
size_t size,
int32_t index)
ecs_check(it->flags & EcsIterIsValid, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(index >= 1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!size || ecs_field_size(it, index) == size ||
(!ecs_field_size(it, index) && (!it->ptrs[index - 1])),
return it->ptrs[index - 1];
return NULL;
bool ecs_field_is_readonly(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t index)
ecs_check(it->flags & EcsIterIsValid, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(index >= 1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_term_t *term = &it->terms[index - 1];
if (term->inout == EcsIn) {
return true;
} else if (term->inout == EcsInOutDefault) {
if (!ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
return true;
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
if (!(src->flags & EcsSelf)) {
return true;
return false;
bool ecs_field_is_writeonly(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t index)
ecs_check(it->flags & EcsIterIsValid, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(index >= 1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_term_t *term = &it->terms[index - 1];
return term->inout == EcsOut;
return false;
bool ecs_field_is_set(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t index)
ecs_check(it->flags & EcsIterIsValid, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(index >= 1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t column = it->columns[index - 1];
if (!column) {
return false;
} else if (column < 0) {
if (it->references) {
column = -column - 1;
ecs_ref_t *ref = &it->references[column];
return ref->entity != 0;
} else {
return true;
return true;
return false;
bool ecs_field_is_self(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t index)
ecs_assert(index >= 1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return it->sources == NULL || it->sources[index - 1] == 0;
ecs_id_t ecs_field_id(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t index)
ecs_assert(index >= 1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return it->ids[index - 1];
int32_t ecs_field_column_index(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t index)
ecs_assert(index >= 1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t result = it->columns[index - 1];
if (result <= 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return result - 1;
ecs_entity_t ecs_field_src(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t index)
ecs_assert(index >= 1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (it->sources) {
return it->sources[index - 1];
} else {
return 0;
size_t ecs_field_size(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t index)
ecs_assert(index >= 1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return (size_t)it->sizes[index - 1];
char* ecs_iter_str(
const ecs_iter_t *it)
if (!(it->flags & EcsIterIsValid)) {
return NULL;
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
int i;
if (it->field_count) {
ecs_strbuf_list_push(&buf, "id: ", ",");
for (i = 0; i < it->field_count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ecs_field_id(it, i + 1);
char *str = ecs_id_str(world, id);
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(&buf, str);
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(&buf, "\n");
ecs_strbuf_list_push(&buf, "src: ", ",");
for (i = 0; i < it->field_count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t subj = ecs_field_src(it, i + 1);
char *str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, subj);
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(&buf, str);
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(&buf, "\n");
ecs_strbuf_list_push(&buf, "set: ", ",");
for (i = 0; i < it->field_count; i ++) {
if (ecs_field_is_set(it, i + 1)) {
ecs_strbuf_list_appendlit(&buf, "true");
} else {
ecs_strbuf_list_appendlit(&buf, "false");
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(&buf, "\n");
if (it->variable_count && it->variable_names) {
int32_t actual_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < it->variable_count; i ++) {
const char *var_name = it->variable_names[i];
if (!var_name || var_name[0] == '_' || !strcmp(var_name, "This")) {
/* Skip anonymous variables */
ecs_var_t var = it->variables[i];
if (!var.entity) {
/* Skip table variables */
if (!actual_count) {
ecs_strbuf_list_push(&buf, "var: ", ",");
char *str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, var.entity);
ecs_strbuf_list_append(&buf, "%s=%s", var_name, str);
actual_count ++;
if (actual_count) {
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(&buf, "\n");
if (it->count) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&buf, "this:\n");
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
char *str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, e);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&buf, " - ");
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, str);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&buf, '\n');
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
void ecs_iter_poly(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_poly_t *poly,
ecs_iter_t *iter_out,
ecs_term_t *filter)
ecs_iterable_t *iterable = ecs_get_iterable(poly);
iterable->init(world, poly, iter_out, filter);
bool ecs_iter_next(
ecs_iter_t *iter)
ecs_check(iter->next != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return iter->next(iter);
return false;
int32_t ecs_iter_count(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterNoData);
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
int32_t count = 0;
while (ecs_iter_next(it)) {
count += it->count;
return count;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_iter_first(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterNoData);
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
ecs_entity_t result = 0;
if (ecs_iter_next(it)) {
result = it->entities[0];
return result;
return 0;
bool ecs_iter_is_true(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterNoData);
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
bool result = ecs_iter_next(it);
if (result) {
return result;
return false;
ecs_entity_t ecs_iter_get_var(
ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t var_id)
ecs_check(var_id >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(var_id < it->variable_count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(it->variables != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_var_t *var = &it->variables[var_id];
ecs_entity_t e = var->entity;
if (!e) {
ecs_table_t *table = var->range.table;
if (!table && !var_id) {
table = it->table;
if (table) {
if ((var->range.count == 1) || (ecs_table_count(table) == 1)) {
ecs_assert(ecs_table_count(table) > var->range.offset,
e = ecs_vec_get_t(&table->data.entities, ecs_entity_t,
} else {
ecs_assert(ecs_is_valid(it->real_world, e), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return e;
return 0;
ecs_table_t* ecs_iter_get_var_as_table(
ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t var_id)
ecs_check(var_id >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(var_id < it->variable_count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(it->variables != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_var_t *var = &it->variables[var_id];
ecs_table_t *table = var->range.table;
if (!table && !var_id) {
table = it->table;
if (!table) {
/* If table is not set, try to get table from entity */
ecs_entity_t e = var->entity;
if (e) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(it->real_world, e);
if (r) {
table = r->table;
if (ecs_table_count(table) != 1) {
/* If table contains more than the entity, make sure not to
* return a partial table. */
return NULL;
if (table) {
if (var->range.offset) {
/* Don't return whole table if only partial table is matched */
return NULL;
if (!var->range.count || ecs_table_count(table) == var->range.count) {
/* Return table if count matches */
return table;
return NULL;
ecs_table_range_t ecs_iter_get_var_as_range(
ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t var_id)
ecs_check(var_id >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(var_id < it->variable_count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(it->variables != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_table_range_t result = { 0 };
ecs_var_t *var = &it->variables[var_id];
ecs_table_t *table = var->range.table;
if (!table && !var_id) {
table = it->table;
if (!table) {
ecs_entity_t e = var->entity;
if (e) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(it->real_world, e);
if (r) {
result.table = r->table;
result.offset = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
result.count = 1;
} else {
result.table = table;
result.offset = var->range.offset;
result.count = var->range.count;
if (!result.count) {
result.count = ecs_table_count(table);
return result;
return (ecs_table_range_t){0};
void ecs_iter_set_var(
ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t var_id,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_check(var_id >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(var_id < it->variable_count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Can't set variable while iterating */
ecs_check(!(it->flags & EcsIterIsValid), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(it->variables != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_var_t *var = &it->variables[var_id];
var->entity = entity;
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(it->real_world, entity);
if (r) {
var->range.table = r->table;
var->range.offset = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
var->range.count = 1;
} else {
var->range.table = NULL;
var->range.offset = 0;
var->range.count = 0;
it->constrained_vars |= flecs_ito(uint64_t, 1 << var_id);
if (it->set_var) {
void ecs_iter_set_var_as_table(
ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t var_id,
const ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_table_range_t range = { .table = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_table_t*, table) };
ecs_iter_set_var_as_range(it, var_id, &range);
void ecs_iter_set_var_as_range(
ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t var_id,
const ecs_table_range_t *range)
ecs_check(var_id >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(var_id < it->variable_count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(range != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(range->table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!range->offset || range->offset < ecs_table_count(range->table),
ecs_check((range->offset + range->count) <= ecs_table_count(range->table),
/* Can't set variable while iterating */
ecs_check(!(it->flags & EcsIterIsValid), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_var_t *var = &it->variables[var_id];
var->range = *range;
if (range->count == 1) {
ecs_table_t *table = range->table;
var->entity = ecs_vec_get_t(
&table->data.entities, ecs_entity_t, range->offset)[0];
} else {
var->entity = 0;
it->constrained_vars |= flecs_uto(uint64_t, 1 << var_id);
bool ecs_iter_var_is_constrained(
ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t var_id)
return (it->constrained_vars & (flecs_uto(uint64_t, 1 << var_id))) != 0;
void ecs_chained_iter_fini(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_assert(it->chain_it != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
it->chain_it = NULL;
ecs_iter_t ecs_page_iter(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t offset,
int32_t limit)
ecs_check(it->next != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_iter_t result = *it;
result.priv.cache.stack_cursor = NULL; /* Don't copy allocator cursor */
result.priv.iter.page = (ecs_page_iter_t){
.offset = offset,
.limit = limit,
.remaining = limit
result.next = ecs_page_next;
result.fini = ecs_chained_iter_fini;
result.chain_it = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_iter_t*, it);
return result;
return (ecs_iter_t){ 0 };
void flecs_offset_iter(
ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t offset)
it->entities = &it->entities[offset];
int32_t t, field_count = it->field_count;
void **it_ptrs = it->ptrs;
if (it_ptrs) {
for (t = 0; t < field_count; t ++) {
void *ptrs = it_ptrs[t];
if (!ptrs) {
if (it->sources[t]) {
it->ptrs[t] = ECS_OFFSET(ptrs, offset * it->sizes[t]);
bool ecs_page_next_instanced(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->chain_it != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_page_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_iter_t *chain_it = it->chain_it;
bool instanced = ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
do {
if (!ecs_iter_next(chain_it)) {
goto depleted;
ecs_page_iter_t *iter = &it->priv.iter.page;
/* Copy everything up to the private iterator data */
ecs_os_memcpy(it, chain_it, offsetof(ecs_iter_t, priv));
/* Keep instancing setting from original iterator */
ECS_BIT_COND(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced, instanced);
if (!chain_it->table) {
goto yield; /* Task query */
int32_t offset = iter->offset;
int32_t limit = iter->limit;
if (!(offset || limit)) {
if (it->count) {
goto yield;
} else {
goto depleted;
int32_t count = it->count;
int32_t remaining = iter->remaining;
if (offset) {
if (offset > count) {
/* No entities to iterate in current table */
iter->offset -= count;
it->count = 0;
} else {
it->offset += offset;
count = it->count -= offset;
iter->offset = 0;
flecs_offset_iter(it, offset);
if (remaining) {
if (remaining > count) {
iter->remaining -= count;
} else {
it->count = remaining;
iter->remaining = 0;
} else if (limit) {
/* Limit hit: no more entities left to iterate */
goto done;
} while (it->count == 0);
if (!ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced)) {
it->offset = 0;
return true;
/* Cleanup iterator resources if it wasn't yet depleted */
return false;
bool ecs_page_next(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_page_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(it->chain_it != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ECS_BIT_SET(it->chain_it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
if (flecs_iter_next_row(it)) {
return true;
return flecs_iter_next_instanced(it, ecs_page_next_instanced(it));
return false;
ecs_iter_t ecs_worker_iter(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t index,
int32_t count)
ecs_check(it->next != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(count > 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(index >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(index < count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_iter_t result = *it;
result.priv.cache.stack_cursor = NULL; /* Don't copy allocator cursor */
result.priv.iter.worker = (ecs_worker_iter_t){
.index = index,
.count = count
result.next = ecs_worker_next;
result.fini = ecs_chained_iter_fini;
result.chain_it = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_iter_t*, it);
return result;
return (ecs_iter_t){ 0 };
bool ecs_worker_next_instanced(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->chain_it != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_worker_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
bool instanced = ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
ecs_iter_t *chain_it = it->chain_it;
ecs_worker_iter_t *iter = &it->priv.iter.worker;
int32_t res_count = iter->count, res_index = iter->index;
int32_t per_worker, instances_per_worker, first;
do {
if (!ecs_iter_next(chain_it)) {
return false;
/* Copy everything up to the private iterator data */
ecs_os_memcpy(it, chain_it, offsetof(ecs_iter_t, priv));
/* Keep instancing setting from original iterator */
ECS_BIT_COND(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced, instanced);
int32_t count = it->count;
int32_t instance_count = it->instance_count;
per_worker = count / res_count;
instances_per_worker = instance_count / res_count;
first = per_worker * res_index;
count -= per_worker * res_count;
if (count) {
if (res_index < count) {
per_worker ++;
first += res_index;
} else {
first += count;
if (!per_worker && it->table == NULL) {
if (res_index == 0) {
return true;
} else {
// chained iterator was not yet cleaned up
// since it returned true from ecs_iter_next, so clean it up here.
return false;
} while (!per_worker);
it->instance_count = instances_per_worker;
it->frame_offset += first;
flecs_offset_iter(it, it->offset + first);
it->count = per_worker;
if (ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced)) {
it->offset += first;
} else {
it->offset = 0;
return true;
return false;
bool ecs_worker_next(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_worker_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(it->chain_it != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ECS_BIT_SET(it->chain_it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
if (flecs_iter_next_row(it)) {
return true;
return flecs_iter_next_instanced(it, ecs_worker_next_instanced(it));
return false;
* @file misc.c
* @brief Miscellaneous functions.
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
static int64_t flecs_s_min[] = {
[1] = INT8_MIN, [2] = INT16_MIN, [4] = INT32_MIN, [8] = INT64_MIN };
static int64_t flecs_s_max[] = {
[1] = INT8_MAX, [2] = INT16_MAX, [4] = INT32_MAX, [8] = INT64_MAX };
static uint64_t flecs_u_max[] = {
[1] = UINT8_MAX, [2] = UINT16_MAX, [4] = UINT32_MAX, [8] = UINT64_MAX };
uint64_t flecs_ito_(
size_t size,
bool is_signed,
bool lt_zero,
uint64_t u,
const char *err)
union {
uint64_t u;
int64_t s;
} v;
v.u = u;
if (is_signed) {
ecs_assert(v.s >= flecs_s_min[size], ECS_INVALID_CONVERSION, err);
ecs_assert(v.s <= flecs_s_max[size], ECS_INVALID_CONVERSION, err);
} else {
ecs_assert(lt_zero == false, ECS_INVALID_CONVERSION, err);
ecs_assert(u <= flecs_u_max[size], ECS_INVALID_CONVERSION, err);
return u;
int32_t flecs_next_pow_of_2(
int32_t n)
n --;
n |= n >> 1;
n |= n >> 2;
n |= n >> 4;
n |= n >> 8;
n |= n >> 16;
n ++;
return n;
/** Convert time to double */
double ecs_time_to_double(
ecs_time_t t)
double result;
result = t.sec;
return result + (double)t.nanosec / (double)1000000000;
ecs_time_t ecs_time_sub(
ecs_time_t t1,
ecs_time_t t2)
ecs_time_t result;
if (t1.nanosec >= t2.nanosec) {
result.nanosec = t1.nanosec - t2.nanosec;
result.sec = t1.sec - t2.sec;
} else {
result.nanosec = t1.nanosec - t2.nanosec + 1000000000;
result.sec = t1.sec - t2.sec - 1;
return result;
void ecs_sleepf(
double t)
if (t > 0) {
int sec = (int)t;
int nsec = (int)((t - sec) * 1000000000);
ecs_os_sleep(sec, nsec);
double ecs_time_measure(
ecs_time_t *start)
ecs_time_t stop, temp;
temp = stop;
stop = ecs_time_sub(stop, *start);
*start = temp;
return ecs_time_to_double(stop);
void* ecs_os_memdup(
const void *src,
ecs_size_t size)
if (!src) {
return NULL;
void *dst = ecs_os_malloc(size);
ecs_assert(dst != NULL, ECS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
ecs_os_memcpy(dst, src, size);
return dst;
int flecs_entity_compare(
ecs_entity_t e1,
const void *ptr1,
ecs_entity_t e2,
const void *ptr2)
return (e1 > e2) - (e1 < e2);
uint64_t flecs_string_hash(
const void *ptr)
const ecs_hashed_string_t *str = ptr;
ecs_assert(str->hash != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return str->hash;
char* ecs_vasprintf(
const char *fmt,
va_list args)
ecs_size_t size = 0;
char *result = NULL;
va_list tmpa;
va_copy(tmpa, args);
size = vsnprintf(result, 0, fmt, tmpa);
if ((int32_t)size < 0) {
return NULL;
result = (char *) ecs_os_malloc(size + 1);
if (!result) {
return NULL;
ecs_os_vsprintf(result, fmt, args);
return result;
char* ecs_asprintf(
const char *fmt,
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
char *result = ecs_vasprintf(fmt, args);
return result;
char* flecs_to_snake_case(const char *str) {
int32_t upper_count = 0, len = 1;
const char *ptr = str;
char ch, *out, *out_ptr;
for (ptr = &str[1]; (ch = *ptr); ptr ++) {
if (isupper(ch)) {
upper_count ++;
len ++;
out = out_ptr = ecs_os_malloc_n(char, len + upper_count + 1);
for (ptr = str; (ch = *ptr); ptr ++) {
if (isupper(ch)) {
if ((ptr != str) && (out_ptr[-1] != '_')) {
out_ptr[0] = '_';
out_ptr ++;
out_ptr[0] = (char)tolower(ch);
out_ptr ++;
} else {
out_ptr[0] = ch;
out_ptr ++;
out_ptr[0] = '\0';
return out;
* @file observable.c
* @brief Observable implementation.
* The observable implementation contains functions that find the set of
* observers to invoke for an event. The code also contains the implementation
* of a reachable id cache, which is used to speedup event propagation when
* relationships are added/removed to/from entities.
void flecs_observable_init(
ecs_observable_t *observable)
flecs_sparse_init_t(&observable->events, NULL, NULL, ecs_event_record_t);
observable->on_add.event = EcsOnAdd;
observable->on_remove.event = EcsOnRemove;
observable->on_set.event = EcsOnSet;
observable->un_set.event = EcsUnSet;
void flecs_observable_fini(
ecs_observable_t *observable)
ecs_sparse_t *events = &observable->events;
int32_t i, count = flecs_sparse_count(events);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_event_record_t *er =
flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(events, ecs_event_record_t, i);
ecs_assert(er != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* All triggers should've unregistered by now */
ecs_event_record_t* flecs_event_record_get(
const ecs_observable_t *o,
ecs_entity_t event)
ecs_assert(o != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Builtin events*/
if (event == EcsOnAdd) return ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_event_record_t*, &o->on_add);
else if (event == EcsOnRemove) return ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_event_record_t*, &o->on_remove);
else if (event == EcsOnSet) return ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_event_record_t*, &o->on_set);
else if (event == EcsUnSet) return ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_event_record_t*, &o->un_set);
else if (event == EcsWildcard) return ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_event_record_t*, &o->on_wildcard);
/* User events */
return flecs_sparse_try_t(&o->events, ecs_event_record_t, event);
ecs_event_record_t* flecs_event_record_ensure(
ecs_observable_t *o,
ecs_entity_t event)
ecs_assert(o != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_event_record_t *er = flecs_event_record_get(o, event);
if (er) {
return er;
er = flecs_sparse_ensure_t(&o->events, ecs_event_record_t, event);
er->event = event;
return er;
const ecs_event_record_t* flecs_event_record_get_if(
const ecs_observable_t *o,
ecs_entity_t event)
ecs_assert(o != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
const ecs_event_record_t *er = flecs_event_record_get(o, event);
if (er) {
if (ecs_map_is_init(&er->event_ids)) {
return er;
if (er->any) {
return er;
if (er->wildcard) {
return er;
if (er->wildcard_pair) {
return er;
return NULL;
ecs_event_id_record_t* flecs_event_id_record_get(
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
ecs_id_t id)
if (!er) {
return NULL;
if (id == EcsAny) return er->any;
else if (id == EcsWildcard) return er->wildcard;
else if (id == ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, EcsWildcard)) return er->wildcard_pair;
else {
if (ecs_map_is_init(&er->event_ids)) {
return ecs_map_get_deref(&er->event_ids, ecs_event_id_record_t, id);
return NULL;
ecs_event_id_record_t* flecs_event_id_record_get_if(
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_event_id_record_t *ider = flecs_event_id_record_get(er, id);
if (!ider) {
return NULL;
if (ider->observer_count) {
return ider;
return NULL;
ecs_event_id_record_t* flecs_event_id_record_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_event_record_t *er,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_event_id_record_t *ider = flecs_event_id_record_get(er, id);
if (ider) {
return ider;
ider = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_event_id_record_t);
if (id == EcsAny) {
return er->any = ider;
} else if (id == EcsWildcard) {
return er->wildcard = ider;
} else if (id == ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, EcsWildcard)) {
return er->wildcard_pair = ider;
ecs_map_init_w_params_if(&er->event_ids, &world->allocators.ptr);
ecs_map_insert_ptr(&er->event_ids, id, ider);
return ider;
void flecs_event_id_record_remove(
ecs_event_record_t *er,
ecs_id_t id)
if (id == EcsAny) {
er->any = NULL;
} else if (id == EcsWildcard) {
er->wildcard = NULL;
} else if (id == ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, EcsWildcard)) {
er->wildcard_pair = NULL;
} else {
ecs_map_remove(&er->event_ids, id);
if (!ecs_map_count(&er->event_ids)) {
int32_t flecs_event_observers_get(
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_event_id_record_t **iders)
if (!er) {
return 0;
/* Populate array with observer sets matching the id */
int32_t count = 0;
if (id != EcsAny) {
iders[0] = flecs_event_id_record_get_if(er, EcsAny);
count += iders[count] != 0;
iders[count] = flecs_event_id_record_get_if(er, id);
count += iders[count] != 0;
if (id != EcsAny) {
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
ecs_id_t id_fwc = ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id));
ecs_id_t id_swc = ecs_pair(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id), EcsWildcard);
ecs_id_t id_pwc = ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, EcsWildcard);
iders[count] = flecs_event_id_record_get_if(er, id_fwc);
count += iders[count] != 0;
iders[count] = flecs_event_id_record_get_if(er, id_swc);
count += iders[count] != 0;
iders[count] = flecs_event_id_record_get_if(er, id_pwc);
count += iders[count] != 0;
} else {
iders[count] = flecs_event_id_record_get_if(er, EcsWildcard);
count += iders[count] != 0;
return count;
bool flecs_observers_exist(
ecs_observable_t *observable,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t event)
const ecs_event_record_t *er = flecs_event_record_get_if(observable, event);
if (!er) {
return false;
return flecs_event_id_record_get_if(er, id) != NULL;
void flecs_emit_propagate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_record_t *tgt_idr,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_event_id_record_t **iders,
int32_t ider_count);
void flecs_emit_propagate_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_record_t *cur,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_event_id_record_t **iders,
int32_t ider_count)
ecs_table_cache_iter_t idt;
if (!flecs_table_cache_all_iter(&cur->cache, &idt)) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
int32_t event_cur = it->event_cur;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&idt, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if (!ecs_table_count(table)) {
bool owned = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table) != NULL;
int32_t e, entity_count = ecs_table_count(table);
it->table = table;
it->other_table = NULL;
it->offset = 0;
it->count = entity_count;
if (entity_count) {
it->entities = ecs_vec_first(&table->data.entities);
/* Treat as new event as this could invoke observers again for
* different tables. */
it->event_cur = ++ world->event_id;
int32_t ider_i;
for (ider_i = 0; ider_i < ider_count; ider_i ++) {
ecs_event_id_record_t *ider = iders[ider_i];
flecs_observers_invoke(world, &ider->up, it, table, trav);
if (!owned) {
/* Owned takes precedence */
flecs_observers_invoke(world, &ider->self_up, it, table, trav);
if (!table->_->traversable_count) {
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_first(&table->data.entities);
for (e = 0; e < entity_count; e ++) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[e]);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_record_t *idr_t = r->idr;
if (idr_t) {
/* Only notify for entities that are used in pairs with
* traversable relationships */
flecs_emit_propagate(world, it, idr, idr_t, trav,
iders, ider_count);
it->event_cur = event_cur;
void flecs_emit_propagate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_record_t *tgt_idr,
ecs_entity_t propagate_trav,
ecs_event_id_record_t **iders,
int32_t ider_count)
ecs_assert(tgt_idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, tgt_idr->id);
ecs_dbg_3("propagate events/invalidate cache for %s", idstr);
/* Propagate to records of traversable relationships */
ecs_id_record_t *cur = tgt_idr;
while ((cur = cur->trav.next)) {
cur->reachable.generation ++; /* Invalidate cache */
/* Get traversed relationship */
ecs_entity_t trav = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(cur->id);
if (propagate_trav && propagate_trav != trav) {
world, it, idr, cur, trav, iders, ider_count);
void flecs_emit_propagate_invalidate_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *tgt_idr)
ecs_assert(tgt_idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, tgt_idr->id);
ecs_dbg_3("invalidate reachable cache for %s", idstr);
/* Invalidate records of traversable relationships */
ecs_id_record_t *cur = tgt_idr;
while ((cur = cur->trav.next)) {
ecs_reachable_cache_t *rc = &cur->reachable;
if (rc->current != rc->generation) {
/* Subtree is already marked invalid */
rc->generation ++;
ecs_table_cache_iter_t idt;
if (!flecs_table_cache_all_iter(&cur->cache, &idt)) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&idt, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if (!table->_->traversable_count) {
int32_t e, entity_count = ecs_table_count(table);
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_first(&table->data.entities);
for (e = 0; e < entity_count; e ++) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[e]);
ecs_id_record_t *idr_t = r->idr;
if (idr_t) {
/* Only notify for entities that are used in pairs with
* traversable relationships */
flecs_emit_propagate_invalidate_tables(world, idr_t);
void flecs_emit_propagate_invalidate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t offset,
int32_t count)
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_get_t(&table->data.entities,
ecs_entity_t, offset);
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[i]);
if (!record) {
/* If the event is emitted after a bulk operation, it's possible
* that it hasn't been populated with entities yet. */
ecs_id_record_t *idr_t = record->idr;
if (idr_t) {
/* Event is used as target in traversable relationship, propagate */
flecs_emit_propagate_invalidate_tables(world, idr_t);
void flecs_override_copy(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti,
void *dst,
const void *src,
int32_t offset,
int32_t count)
void *ptr = dst;
ecs_copy_t copy = ti->hooks.copy;
ecs_size_t size = ti->size;
int32_t i;
if (copy) {
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
copy(ptr, src, count, ti);
ptr = ECS_OFFSET(ptr, size);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_os_memcpy(ptr, src, size);
ptr = ECS_OFFSET(ptr, size);
ecs_iter_action_t on_set = ti->hooks.on_set;
if (on_set) {
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_get_t(
&table->data.entities, ecs_entity_t, offset);
flecs_invoke_hook(world, table, count, offset, entities,
dst, ti->component, ti, EcsOnSet, on_set);
void* flecs_override(
ecs_iter_t *it,
const ecs_type_t *emit_ids,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
if (it->event != EcsOnAdd || (it->flags & EcsEventNoOnSet)) {
return NULL;
int32_t i = 0, count = emit_ids->count;
ecs_id_t *ids = emit_ids->array;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
if (ids[i] == id) {
/* If an id was both inherited and overridden in the same event
* (like what happens during an auto override), we need to copy the
* value of the inherited component to the new component.
* Also flag to the callee that this component was overridden, so
* that an OnSet event can be emmitted for it.
* Note that this is different from a component that was overridden
* after it was inherited, as this does not change the actual value
* of the component for the entity (it is copied from the existing
* overridden component), and does not require an OnSet event. */
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (!tr) {
int32_t index = tr->column;
ecs_assert(index != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_column_t *column = &table->data.columns[index];
ecs_size_t size = column->ti->size;
return ecs_vec_get(&column->data, size, it->offset);
return NULL;
void flecs_emit_forward_up(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
const ecs_event_record_t *er_onset,
const ecs_type_t *emit_ids,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_vec_t *stack,
ecs_vec_t *reachable_ids);
void flecs_emit_forward_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
const ecs_event_record_t *er_onset,
const ecs_type_t *emit_ids,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_entity_t tgt,
ecs_table_t *tgt_table,
int32_t column,
int32_t offset,
ecs_entity_t trav)
ecs_id_t id = idr->id;
ecs_entity_t event = er ? er->event : 0;
bool inherit = trav == EcsIsA;
bool may_override = inherit && (event == EcsOnAdd) && (emit_ids->count > 1);
ecs_event_id_record_t *iders[5];
ecs_event_id_record_t *iders_onset[5];
/* Skip id if there are no observers for it */
int32_t ider_i, ider_count = flecs_event_observers_get(er, id, iders);
int32_t ider_onset_i, ider_onset_count = 0;
if (er_onset) {
ider_onset_count = flecs_event_observers_get(
er_onset, id, iders_onset);
if (!may_override && (!ider_count && !ider_onset_count)) {
it->ids[0] = id;
it->sources[0] = tgt;
it->event_id = id;
it->ptrs[0] = NULL;
it->sizes[0] = 0;
int32_t storage_i = ecs_table_type_to_column_index(tgt_table, column);
if (storage_i != -1) {
ecs_assert(idr->type_info != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_column_t *c = &tgt_table->data.columns[storage_i];
it->ptrs[0] = ecs_vec_get(&c->data, c->ti->size, offset);
it->sizes[0] = c->ti->size;
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
bool owned = tr != NULL;
for (ider_i = 0; ider_i < ider_count; ider_i ++) {
ecs_event_id_record_t *ider = iders[ider_i];
flecs_observers_invoke(world, &ider->up, it, table, trav);
/* Owned takes precedence */
if (!owned) {
flecs_observers_invoke(world, &ider->self_up, it, table, trav);
/* Emit OnSet events for newly inherited components */
if (storage_i != -1) {
bool override = false;
/* If component was added together with IsA relationship, still emit
* OnSet event, as it's a new value for the entity. */
void *base_ptr = it->ptrs[0];
void *ptr = flecs_override(it, emit_ids, id, table, idr);
if (ptr) {
override = true;
it->ptrs[0] = ptr;
if (ider_onset_count) {
it->event = er_onset->event;
for (ider_onset_i = 0; ider_onset_i < ider_onset_count; ider_onset_i ++) {
ecs_event_id_record_t *ider = iders_onset[ider_onset_i];
flecs_observers_invoke(world, &ider->up, it, table, trav);
/* Owned takes precedence */
if (!owned) {
world, &ider->self_up, it, table, trav);
} else if (override) {
ecs_entity_t src = it->sources[0];
it->sources[0] = 0;
flecs_observers_invoke(world, &ider->self, it, table, 0);
flecs_observers_invoke(world, &ider->self_up, it, table, 0);
it->sources[0] = src;
it->event = event;
it->ptrs[0] = base_ptr;
void flecs_emit_forward_and_cache_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
const ecs_event_record_t *er_onset,
const ecs_type_t *emit_ids,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_entity_t tgt,
ecs_record_t *tgt_record,
ecs_table_t *tgt_table,
const ecs_table_record_t *tgt_tr,
int32_t column,
int32_t offset,
ecs_vec_t *reachable_ids,
ecs_entity_t trav)
/* Cache forwarded id for (rel, tgt) pair */
ecs_reachable_elem_t *elem = ecs_vec_append_t(&world->allocator,
reachable_ids, ecs_reachable_elem_t);
elem->tr = tgt_tr;
elem->record = tgt_record;
elem->src = tgt;
elem->id = idr->id;
#ifndef NDEBUG
elem->table = tgt_table;
ecs_assert(tgt_table == tgt_record->table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_emit_forward_id(world, er, er_onset, emit_ids, it, table, idr,
tgt, tgt_table, column, offset, trav);
int32_t flecs_emit_stack_at(
ecs_vec_t *stack,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
int32_t sp = 0, stack_count = ecs_vec_count(stack);
ecs_table_t **stack_elems = ecs_vec_first(stack);
for (sp = 0; sp < stack_count; sp ++) {
ecs_table_t *elem = stack_elems[sp];
if (flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, elem)) {
return sp;
bool flecs_emit_stack_has(
ecs_vec_t *stack,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
return flecs_emit_stack_at(stack, idr) != ecs_vec_count(stack);
void flecs_emit_forward_cached_ids(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
const ecs_event_record_t *er_onset,
const ecs_type_t *emit_ids,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_reachable_cache_t *rc,
ecs_vec_t *reachable_ids,
ecs_vec_t *stack,
ecs_entity_t trav)
ecs_reachable_elem_t *elems = ecs_vec_first_t(&rc->ids,
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&rc->ids);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_reachable_elem_t *rc_elem = &elems[i];
const ecs_table_record_t *rc_tr = rc_elem->tr;
ecs_assert(rc_tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_record_t *rc_idr = (ecs_id_record_t*)rc_tr->hdr.cache;
ecs_record_t *rc_record = rc_elem->record;
ecs_assert(rc_idr->id == rc_elem->id, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(rc_record != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(flecs_entities_get(world, rc_elem->src) ==
ecs_dbg_assert(rc_record->table == rc_elem->table,
if (flecs_emit_stack_has(stack, rc_idr)) {
int32_t rc_offset = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(rc_record->row);
flecs_emit_forward_and_cache_id(world, er, er_onset, emit_ids,
it, table, rc_idr, rc_elem->src,
rc_record, rc_record->table, rc_tr, rc_tr->index,
rc_offset, reachable_ids, trav);
void flecs_emit_dump_cache(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_vec_t *vec)
ecs_reachable_elem_t *elems = ecs_vec_first_t(vec, ecs_reachable_elem_t);
for (int i = 0; i < ecs_vec_count(vec); i ++) {
ecs_reachable_elem_t *elem = &elems[i];
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, elem->id);
char *estr = ecs_id_str(world, elem->src);
ecs_dbg_3("- id: %s (%u), src: %s (%u), table: %p",
idstr, (uint32_t)elem->id,
estr, (uint32_t)elem->src,
if (!ecs_vec_count(vec)) {
ecs_dbg_3("- no entries");
void flecs_emit_forward_table_up(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
const ecs_event_record_t *er_onset,
const ecs_type_t *emit_ids,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t tgt,
ecs_table_t *tgt_table,
ecs_record_t *tgt_record,
ecs_id_record_t *tgt_idr,
ecs_vec_t *stack,
ecs_vec_t *reachable_ids)
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
int32_t i, id_count = tgt_table->type.count;
ecs_id_t *ids = tgt_table->type.array;
int32_t offset = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(tgt_record->row);
int32_t rc_child_offset = ecs_vec_count(reachable_ids);
int32_t stack_count = ecs_vec_count(stack);
/* If tgt_idr is out of sync but is not the current id record being updated,
* keep track so that we can update two records for the cost of one. */
ecs_reachable_cache_t *rc = &tgt_idr->reachable;
bool parent_revalidate = (reachable_ids != &rc->ids) &&
(rc->current != rc->generation);
if (parent_revalidate) {
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, &rc->ids, ecs_reachable_elem_t);
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, tgt_idr->id);
ecs_dbg_3("forward events from %s", idstr);
/* Function may have to copy values from overridden components if an IsA
* relationship was added together with other components. */
ecs_entity_t trav = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(tgt_idr->id);
bool inherit = trav == EcsIsA;
for (i = 0; i < id_count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
ecs_table_record_t *tgt_tr = &tgt_table->_->records[i];
ecs_id_record_t *idr = (ecs_id_record_t*)tgt_tr->hdr.cache;
if (inherit && (idr->flags & EcsIdDontInherit)) {
/* Id has the same relationship, traverse to find ids for forwarding */
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == trav) {
ecs_table_t **t = ecs_vec_append_t(&world->allocator, stack,
t[0] = tgt_table;
ecs_reachable_cache_t *idr_rc = &idr->reachable;
if (idr_rc->current == idr_rc->generation) {
/* Cache hit, use cached ids to prevent traversing the same
* hierarchy multiple times. This especially speeds up code
* where (deep) hierarchies are created. */
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, id);
ecs_dbg_3("forward cached for %s", idstr);
flecs_emit_forward_cached_ids(world, er, er_onset, emit_ids, it,
table, idr_rc, reachable_ids, stack, trav);
} else {
/* Cache is dirty, traverse upwards */
do {
flecs_emit_forward_up(world, er, er_onset, emit_ids, it,
table, idr, stack, reachable_ids);
if (++i >= id_count) {
id = ids[i];
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) != trav) {
} while (true);
int32_t stack_at = flecs_emit_stack_at(stack, idr);
if (parent_revalidate && (stack_at == (stack_count - 1))) {
/* If parent id record needs to be revalidated, add id */
ecs_reachable_elem_t *elem = ecs_vec_append_t(a, &rc->ids,
elem->tr = tgt_tr;
elem->record = tgt_record;
elem->src = tgt;
elem->id = idr->id;
#ifndef NDEBUG
elem->table = tgt_table;
/* Skip id if it's masked by a lower table in the tree */
if (stack_at != stack_count) {
flecs_emit_forward_and_cache_id(world, er, er_onset, emit_ids, it,
table, idr, tgt, tgt_record, tgt_table, tgt_tr, i,
offset, reachable_ids, trav);
if (parent_revalidate) {
/* If this is not the current cache being updated, but it's marked
* as out of date, use intermediate results to populate cache. */
int32_t rc_parent_offset = ecs_vec_count(&rc->ids);
/* Only add ids that were added for this table */
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(reachable_ids);
count -= rc_child_offset;
/* Append ids to any ids that already were added /*/
if (count) {
ecs_vec_grow_t(a, &rc->ids, ecs_reachable_elem_t, count);
ecs_reachable_elem_t *dst = ecs_vec_get_t(&rc->ids,
ecs_reachable_elem_t, rc_parent_offset);
ecs_reachable_elem_t *src = ecs_vec_get_t(reachable_ids,
ecs_reachable_elem_t, rc_child_offset);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(dst, src, ecs_reachable_elem_t, count);
rc->current = rc->generation;
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, tgt_idr->id);
ecs_dbg_3("cache revalidated for %s:", idstr);
flecs_emit_dump_cache(world, &rc->ids);
void flecs_emit_forward_up(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
const ecs_event_record_t *er_onset,
const ecs_type_t *emit_ids,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_vec_t *stack,
ecs_vec_t *reachable_ids)
ecs_id_t id = idr->id;
ecs_entity_t tgt = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
tgt = flecs_entities_get_generation(world, tgt);
ecs_assert(tgt != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_record_t *tgt_record = flecs_entities_try(world, tgt);
ecs_table_t *tgt_table;
if (!tgt_record || !(tgt_table = tgt_record->table)) {
flecs_emit_forward_table_up(world, er, er_onset, emit_ids, it, table,
tgt, tgt_table, tgt_record, idr, stack, reachable_ids);
void flecs_emit_forward(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_event_record_t *er,
const ecs_event_record_t *er_onset,
const ecs_type_t *emit_ids,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
ecs_reachable_cache_t *rc = &idr->reachable;
if (rc->current != rc->generation) {
/* Cache miss, iterate the tree to find ids to forward */
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, idr->id);
ecs_dbg_3("reachable cache miss for %s", idstr);
ecs_vec_t stack;
ecs_vec_init_t(&world->allocator, &stack, ecs_table_t*, 0);
ecs_vec_reset_t(&world->allocator, &rc->ids, ecs_reachable_elem_t);
flecs_emit_forward_up(world, er, er_onset, emit_ids, it, table,
idr, &stack, &rc->ids);
it->sources[0] = 0;
ecs_vec_fini_t(&world->allocator, &stack, ecs_table_t*);
if (it->event == EcsOnAdd || it->event == EcsOnRemove) {
/* Only OnAdd/OnRemove events can validate top-level cache, which
* is for the id for which the event is emitted.
* The reason for this is that we don't want to validate the cache
* while the administration for the mutated entity isn't up to
* date yet. */
rc->current = rc->generation;
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
ecs_dbg_3("cache after rebuild:");
flecs_emit_dump_cache(world, &rc->ids);
} else {
/* Cache hit, use cached values instead of walking the tree */
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, idr->id);
ecs_dbg_3("reachable cache hit for %s", idstr);
flecs_emit_dump_cache(world, &rc->ids);
ecs_entity_t trav = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(idr->id);
ecs_reachable_elem_t *elems = ecs_vec_first_t(&rc->ids,
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&rc->ids);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_reachable_elem_t *elem = &elems[i];
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = elem->tr;
ecs_assert(tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_record_t *rc_idr = (ecs_id_record_t*)tr->hdr.cache;
ecs_record_t *r = elem->record;
ecs_assert(rc_idr->id == elem->id, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(flecs_entities_get(world, elem->src) == r,
ecs_dbg_assert(r->table == elem->table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t offset = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
flecs_emit_forward_id(world, er, er_onset, emit_ids, it, table,
rc_idr, elem->src, r->table, tr->index, offset, trav);
/* The emit function is responsible for finding and invoking the observers
* matching the emitted event. The function is also capable of forwarding events
* for newly reachable ids (after adding a relationship) and propagating events
* downwards. Both capabilities are not just useful in application logic, but
* are also an important building block for keeping query caches in sync. */
void flecs_emit(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_world_t *stage,
ecs_event_desc_t *desc)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(desc->event != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->event != EcsWildcard, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->ids != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->ids->count != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->observable != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_time_t t = {0};
bool measure_time = world->flags & EcsWorldMeasureSystemTime;
if (measure_time) {
const ecs_type_t *ids = desc->ids;
ecs_entity_t event = desc->event;
ecs_table_t *table = desc->table, *other_table = desc->other_table;
int32_t offset = desc->offset;
int32_t i, r, count = desc->count;
ecs_flags32_t table_flags = table->flags;
/* Deferring cannot be suspended for observers */
int32_t defer = world->stages[0].defer;
if (defer < 0) {
world->stages[0].defer *= -1;
/* Table events are emitted for internal table operations only, and do not
* provide component data and/or entity ids. */
bool table_event = desc->flags & EcsEventTableOnly;
if (!count && !table_event) {
/* If no count is provided, forward event for all entities in table */
count = ecs_table_count(table) - offset;
/* When the NoOnSet flag is provided, no OnSet/UnSet events should be
* generated when new components are inherited. */
bool no_on_set = desc->flags & EcsEventNoOnSet;
/* The world event id is used to determine if an observer has already been
* triggered for an event. Observers for multiple components are split up
* into multiple observers for a single component, and this counter is used
* to make sure a multi observer only triggers once, even if multiple of its
* single-component observers trigger. */
int32_t evtx = ++world->event_id;
ecs_id_t ids_cache = 0;
void *ptrs_cache = NULL;
ecs_size_t sizes_cache = 0;
int32_t columns_cache = 0;
ecs_entity_t sources_cache = 0;
ecs_iter_t it = {
.world = stage,
.real_world = world,
.event = event,
.event_cur = evtx,
.table = table,
.field_count = 1,
.ids = &ids_cache,
.ptrs = &ptrs_cache,
.sizes = &sizes_cache,
.columns = &columns_cache,
.sources = &sources_cache,
.other_table = other_table,
.offset = offset,
.count = count,
.param = ECS_CONST_CAST(void*, desc->param),
.flags = desc->flags | EcsIterIsValid
ecs_observable_t *observable = ecs_get_observable(desc->observable);
ecs_check(observable != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Event records contain all observers for a specific event. In addition to
* the emitted event, also request data for the Wildcard event (for
* observers subscribing to the wildcard event), OnSet and UnSet events. The
* latter to are used for automatically emitting OnSet/UnSet events for
* inherited components, for example when an IsA relationship is added to an
* entity. This doesn't add much overhead, as fetching records is cheap for
* builtin event types. */
const ecs_event_record_t *er = flecs_event_record_get_if(observable, event);
const ecs_event_record_t *wcer = flecs_event_record_get_if(observable, EcsWildcard);
const ecs_event_record_t *er_onset = flecs_event_record_get_if(observable, EcsOnSet);
const ecs_event_record_t *er_unset = flecs_event_record_get_if(observable, EcsUnSet);
ecs_data_t *storage = NULL;
ecs_column_t *columns = NULL;
if (count) {
storage = &table->data;
columns = storage->columns;
it.entities = ecs_vec_get_t(&storage->entities, ecs_entity_t, offset);
int32_t id_count = ids->count;
ecs_id_t *id_array = ids->array;
/* If a table has IsA relationships, OnAdd/OnRemove events can trigger
* (un)overriding a component. When a component is overridden its value is
* initialized with the value of the overridden component. */
bool can_override = count && (table_flags & EcsTableHasIsA) && (
(event == EcsOnAdd) || (event == EcsOnRemove));
/* When a new (traversable) relationship is added (emitting an OnAdd/OnRemove
* event) this will cause the components of the target entity to be
* propagated to the source entity. This makes it possible for observers to
* get notified of any new reachable components though the relationship. */
bool can_forward = event != EcsOnSet;
/* Does table has observed entities */
bool has_observed = table_flags & EcsTableHasTraversable;
/* When a relationship is removed, the events reachable through that
* relationship should emit UnSet events. This is part of the behavior that
* allows observers to be agnostic of whether a component is inherited. */
bool can_unset = count && (event == EcsOnRemove) && !no_on_set;
ecs_event_id_record_t *iders[5] = {0};
int32_t unset_count = 0;
if (count && can_forward && has_observed) {
flecs_emit_propagate_invalidate(world, table, offset, count);
/* This is the core event logic, which is executed for each event. By
* default this is just the event kind from the ecs_event_desc_t struct, but
* can also include the Wildcard and UnSet events. The latter is emitted as
* counterpart to OnSet, for any removed ids associated with data. */
for (i = 0; i < id_count; i ++) {
/* Emit event for each id passed to the function. In most cases this
* will just be one id, like a component that was added, removed or set.
* In some cases events are emitted for multiple ids.
* One example is when an id was added with a "With" property, or
* inheriting from a prefab with overrides. In these cases an entity is
* moved directly to the archetype with the additional components. */
ecs_id_record_t *idr = NULL;
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = NULL;
ecs_id_t id = id_array[i];
int32_t ider_i, ider_count = 0;
bool is_pair = ECS_IS_PAIR(id);
void *override_ptr = NULL;
ecs_entity_t base = 0;
/* Check if this id is a pair of an traversable relationship. If so, we
* may have to forward ids from the pair's target. */
if ((can_forward && is_pair) || can_override) {
idr = flecs_query_id_record_get(world, id);
ecs_flags32_t idr_flags = idr->flags;
if (is_pair && (idr_flags & EcsIdTraversable)) {
const ecs_event_record_t *er_fwd = NULL;
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsIsA) {
if (event == EcsOnAdd) {
if (!world->stages[0].base) {
/* Adding an IsA relationship can trigger prefab
* instantiation, which can instantiate prefab
* hierarchies for the entity to which the
* relationship was added. */
ecs_entity_t tgt = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
/* Setting this value prevents flecs_instantiate
* from being called recursively, in case prefab
* children also have IsA relationships. */
world->stages[0].base = tgt;
flecs_instantiate(world, tgt, table, offset, count);
world->stages[0].base = 0;
/* Adding an IsA relationship will emit OnSet events for
* any new reachable components. */
er_fwd = er_onset;
} else if (event == EcsOnRemove) {
/* Vice versa for removing an IsA relationship. */
er_fwd = er_unset;
/* Forward events for components from pair target */
flecs_emit_forward(world, er, er_fwd, ids, &it, table, idr);
ecs_assert(it.event_cur == evtx, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (can_override && (!(idr_flags & EcsIdDontInherit))) {
/* Initialize overridden components with value from base */
ti = idr->type_info;
if (ti) {
ecs_table_record_t *base_tr = NULL;
int32_t base_column = ecs_search_relation(world, table,
0, id, EcsIsA, EcsUp, &base, NULL, &base_tr);
if (base_column != -1) {
/* Base found with component */
ecs_table_t *base_table = base_tr->hdr.table;
base_column = base_tr->column;
ecs_assert(base_column != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_record_t *base_r = flecs_entities_get(world, base);
ecs_assert(base_r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t base_row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(base_r->row);
ecs_vec_t *base_v = &base_table->data.columns[base_column].data;
override_ptr = ecs_vec_get(base_v, ti->size, base_row);
if (er) {
/* Get observer sets for id. There can be multiple sets of matching
* observers, in case an observer matches for wildcard ids. For
* example, both observers for (ChildOf, p) and (ChildOf, *) would
* match an event for (ChildOf, p). */
ider_count = flecs_event_observers_get(er, id, iders);
idr = idr ? idr : flecs_query_id_record_get(world, id);
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (can_unset) {
/* Increase UnSet count in case this is a component (has data). This
* will cause the event loop to be ran again as UnSet event. */
idr = idr ? idr : flecs_query_id_record_get(world, id);
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
unset_count += (idr->type_info != NULL);
if (!ider_count && !override_ptr) {
/* If nothing more to do for this id, early out */
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (tr == NULL) {
/* When a single batch contains multiple add's for an exclusive
* relationship, it's possible that an id was in the added list
* that is no longer available for the entity. */
int32_t column = tr->index, storage_i;
it.columns[0] = column + 1;
it.ptrs[0] = NULL;
it.sizes[0] = 0;
it.event_id = id;
it.ids[0] = id;
if (count) {
storage_i = tr->column;
if (storage_i != -1) {
/* If this is a component, fetch pointer & size */
ecs_assert(idr->type_info != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_column_t *c = &columns[storage_i];
ecs_size_t size = c->ti->size;
void *ptr = ecs_vec_get(&c->data, size, offset);
it.sizes[0] = size;
if (override_ptr) {
if (event == EcsOnAdd) {
/* If this is a new override, initialize the component
* with the value of the overridden component. */
world, table, ti, ptr, override_ptr, offset, count);
} else if (er_onset) {
/* If an override was removed, this re-exposes the
* overridden component. Because this causes the actual
* (now inherited) value of the component to change, an
* OnSet event must be emitted for the base component.*/
ecs_assert(event == EcsOnRemove, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_event_id_record_t *iders_set[5] = {0};
int32_t ider_set_i, ider_set_count =
flecs_event_observers_get(er_onset, id, iders_set);
if (ider_set_count) {
/* Set the source temporarily to the base and base
* component pointer. */
it.sources[0] = base;
it.ptrs[0] = ptr;
for (ider_set_i = 0; ider_set_i < ider_set_count; ider_set_i ++) {
ecs_event_id_record_t *ider = iders_set[ider_set_i];
world, &ider->self_up, &it, table, EcsIsA);
ecs_assert(it.event_cur == evtx,
world, &ider->up, &it, table, EcsIsA);
ecs_assert(it.event_cur == evtx,
it.sources[0] = 0;
it.ptrs[0] = ptr;
} else {
if (it.event == EcsUnSet) {
/* Only valid for components, not tags */
/* Actually invoke observers for this event/id */
for (ider_i = 0; ider_i < ider_count; ider_i ++) {
ecs_event_id_record_t *ider = iders[ider_i];
flecs_observers_invoke(world, &ider->self, &it, table, 0);
ecs_assert(it.event_cur == evtx, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_observers_invoke(world, &ider->self_up, &it, table, 0);
ecs_assert(it.event_cur == evtx, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!ider_count || !count || !has_observed) {
/* The table->traversable_count value indicates if the table contains any
* entities that are used as targets of traversable relationships. If the
* entity/entities for which the event was generated is used as such a
* target, events must be propagated downwards. */
ecs_entity_t *entities = it.entities;
it.entities = NULL;
for (r = 0; r < count; r ++) {
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[r]);
if (!record) {
/* If the event is emitted after a bulk operation, it's possible
* that it hasn't been populated with entities yet. */
ecs_id_record_t *idr_t = record->idr;
if (idr_t) {
/* Entity is used as target in traversable pairs, propagate */
ecs_entity_t e = entities[r];
it.sources[0] = e;
world, &it, idr, idr_t, 0, iders, ider_count);
it.table = table;
it.other_table = other_table;
it.entities = entities;
it.count = count;
it.offset = offset;
it.sources[0] = 0;
can_override = false; /* Don't override twice */
can_unset = false; /* Don't unset twice */
can_forward = false; /* Don't forward twice */
if (unset_count && er_unset && (er != er_unset)) {
/* Repeat event loop for UnSet event */
unset_count = 0;
er = er_unset;
it.event = EcsUnSet;
goto repeat_event;
if (wcer && er != wcer) {
/* Repeat event loop for Wildcard event */
er = wcer;
it.event = event;
goto repeat_event;
world->stages[0].defer = defer;
if (measure_time) {
world->info.emit_time_total += (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(&t);
void ecs_emit(
ecs_world_t *stage,
ecs_event_desc_t *desc)
ecs_world_t *world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, ecs_get_world(stage));
ecs_check(!(desc->param && desc->const_param), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"cannot set param and const_param at the same time");
if (desc->entity) {
ecs_assert(desc->table == NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(desc->offset == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(desc->count == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, desc->entity);
ecs_table_t *table;
if (!r || !(table = r->table)) {
/* Empty entities can't trigger observers */
desc->table = table;
desc->offset = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
desc->count = 1;
if (!desc->observable) {
desc->observable = world;
ecs_type_t default_ids = (ecs_type_t){
.count = 1,
.array = (ecs_id_t[]){ EcsAny }
if (!desc->ids || !desc->ids->count) {
desc->ids = &default_ids;
if (desc->const_param) {
desc->param = ECS_CONST_CAST(void*, desc->const_param);
desc->const_param = NULL;
flecs_emit(world, stage, desc);
if (desc->ids == &default_ids) {
desc->ids = NULL;
void ecs_enqueue(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_event_desc_t *desc)
ecs_check(ecs_is_deferred(world), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"can't enqueue if not in deferred mode");
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
flecs_enqueue(world, stage, desc);
* @file observer.c
* @brief Observer implementation.
* The observer implementation contains functions for creating, deleting and
* invoking observers. The code is split up into single-term observers and
* multi-term observers. Multi-term observers are created from multiple single-
* term observers.
#include <stddef.h>
ecs_entity_t flecs_get_observer_event(
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_entity_t event)
/* If operator is Not, reverse the event */
if (term->oper == EcsNot) {
if (event == EcsOnAdd) {
event = EcsOnRemove;
} else if (event == EcsOnRemove) {
event = EcsOnAdd;
return event;
ecs_flags32_t flecs_id_flag_for_event(
ecs_entity_t e)
if (e == EcsOnAdd) {
return EcsIdHasOnAdd;
if (e == EcsOnRemove) {
return EcsIdHasOnRemove;
if (e == EcsOnSet) {
return EcsIdHasOnSet;
if (e == EcsUnSet) {
return EcsIdHasUnSet;
if (e == EcsOnTableFill) {
return EcsIdHasOnTableFill;
if (e == EcsOnTableEmpty) {
return EcsIdHasOnTableEmpty;
if (e == EcsOnTableCreate) {
return EcsIdHasOnTableCreate;
if (e == EcsOnTableDelete) {
return EcsIdHasOnTableDelete;
return 0;
void flecs_inc_observer_count(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t event,
ecs_event_record_t *evt,
ecs_id_t id,
int32_t value)
ecs_event_id_record_t *idt = flecs_event_id_record_ensure(world, evt, id);
ecs_assert(idt != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t result = idt->observer_count += value;
if (result == 1) {
/* Notify framework that there are observers for the event/id. This
* allows parts of the code to skip event evaluation early */
flecs_notify_tables(world, id, &(ecs_table_event_t){
.kind = EcsTableTriggersForId,
.event = event
ecs_flags32_t flags = flecs_id_flag_for_event(event);
if (flags) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (idr) {
idr->flags |= flags;
} else if (result == 0) {
/* Ditto, but the reverse */
flecs_notify_tables(world, id, &(ecs_table_event_t){
.kind = EcsTableNoTriggersForId,
.event = event
ecs_flags32_t flags = flecs_id_flag_for_event(event);
if (flags) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (idr) {
idr->flags &= ~flags;
flecs_event_id_record_remove(evt, id);
void flecs_register_observer_for_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_observable_t *observable,
ecs_observer_t *observer,
size_t offset)
ecs_id_t term_id = observer->register_id;
ecs_term_t *term = &observer->filter.terms[0];
ecs_entity_t trav = term->src.trav;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < observer->event_count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t event = flecs_get_observer_event(
term, observer->events[i]);
/* Get observers for event */
ecs_event_record_t *er = flecs_event_record_ensure(observable, event);
ecs_assert(er != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Get observers for (component) id for event */
ecs_event_id_record_t *idt = flecs_event_id_record_ensure(
world, er, term_id);
ecs_assert(idt != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_map_t *observers = ECS_OFFSET(idt, offset);
ecs_map_init_w_params_if(observers, &world->allocators.ptr);
ecs_map_insert_ptr(observers, observer->filter.entity, observer);
flecs_inc_observer_count(world, event, er, term_id, 1);
if (trav) {
flecs_inc_observer_count(world, event, er,
ecs_pair(trav, EcsWildcard), 1);
void flecs_uni_observer_register(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_observable_t *observable,
ecs_observer_t *observer)
ecs_term_t *term = &observer->filter.terms[0];
ecs_flags32_t flags = term->src.flags;
if ((flags & (EcsSelf|EcsUp)) == (EcsSelf|EcsUp)) {
flecs_register_observer_for_id(world, observable, observer,
offsetof(ecs_event_id_record_t, self_up));
} else if (flags & EcsSelf) {
flecs_register_observer_for_id(world, observable, observer,
offsetof(ecs_event_id_record_t, self));
} else if (flags & EcsUp) {
ecs_assert(term->src.trav != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_register_observer_for_id(world, observable, observer,
offsetof(ecs_event_id_record_t, up));
void flecs_unregister_observer_for_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_observable_t *observable,
ecs_observer_t *observer,
size_t offset)
ecs_id_t term_id = observer->register_id;
ecs_term_t *term = &observer->filter.terms[0];
ecs_entity_t trav = term->src.trav;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < observer->event_count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t event = flecs_get_observer_event(
term, observer->events[i]);
/* Get observers for event */
ecs_event_record_t *er = flecs_event_record_get(observable, event);
ecs_assert(er != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Get observers for (component) id */
ecs_event_id_record_t *idt = flecs_event_id_record_get(er, term_id);
ecs_assert(idt != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_map_t *id_observers = ECS_OFFSET(idt, offset);
ecs_map_remove(id_observers, observer->filter.entity);
if (!ecs_map_count(id_observers)) {
flecs_inc_observer_count(world, event, er, term_id, -1);
if (trav) {
flecs_inc_observer_count(world, event, er,
ecs_pair(trav, EcsWildcard), -1);
void flecs_unregister_observer(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_observable_t *observable,
ecs_observer_t *observer)
ecs_assert(observer != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!observer->filter.terms) {
ecs_assert(observer->filter.term_count == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_term_t *term = &observer->filter.terms[0];
ecs_flags32_t flags = term->src.flags;
if ((flags & (EcsSelf|EcsUp)) == (EcsSelf|EcsUp)) {
flecs_unregister_observer_for_id(world, observable, observer,
offsetof(ecs_event_id_record_t, self_up));
} else if (flags & EcsSelf) {
flecs_unregister_observer_for_id(world, observable, observer,
offsetof(ecs_event_id_record_t, self));
} else if (flags & EcsUp) {
flecs_unregister_observer_for_id(world, observable, observer,
offsetof(ecs_event_id_record_t, up));
bool flecs_ignore_observer(
ecs_observer_t *observer,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_assert(observer != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t *last_event_id = observer->last_event_id;
if (last_event_id && last_event_id[0] == it->event_cur) {
return true;
ecs_flags32_t table_flags = table->flags, filter_flags = observer->filter.flags;
bool result = (table_flags & EcsTableIsPrefab) &&
!(filter_flags & EcsFilterMatchPrefab);
result = result || ((table_flags & EcsTableIsDisabled) &&
!(filter_flags & EcsFilterMatchDisabled));
return result;
bool flecs_is_simple_result(
ecs_iter_t *it)
return (it->count == 1) || (it->sizes[0] == 0) || (it->sources[0] == 0);
void flecs_observer_invoke(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_observer_t *observer,
ecs_iter_action_t callback,
int32_t term_index,
bool simple_result)
ecs_assert(it->callback != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, it->system);
ecs_dbg_3("observer: invoke %s", path);
world->info.observers_ran_frame ++;
ecs_filter_t *filter = &observer->filter;
ecs_assert(term_index < filter->term_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[term_index];
if (term->oper != EcsNot) {
ecs_assert((it->offset + it->count) <= ecs_table_count(it->table),
bool instanced = filter->flags & EcsFilterIsInstanced;
bool match_this = filter->flags & EcsFilterMatchThis;
bool table_only = it->flags & EcsIterTableOnly;
if (match_this && (simple_result || instanced || table_only)) {
} else {
ecs_entity_t observer_src = term->src.id;
if (observer_src && !(term->src.flags & EcsIsEntity)) {
observer_src = 0;
ecs_entity_t *entities = it->entities;
int32_t i, count = it->count;
ecs_entity_t src = it->sources[0];
it->count = 1;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = entities[i];
it->entities = &e;
if (!observer_src) {
} else if (observer_src == e) {
ecs_entity_t dummy = 0;
it->entities = &dummy;
if (!src) {
it->sources[0] = e;
it->sources[0] = src;
it->entities = entities;
it->count = count;
void flecs_default_uni_observer_run_callback(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_observer_t *o = it->ctx;
it->ctx = o->ctx;
it->callback = o->callback;
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(it->world, it->system);
ecs_dbg_3("observer %s", path);
flecs_observer_invoke(it->real_world, it, o, o->callback, 0,
void flecs_uni_observer_invoke(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_observer_t *observer,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t trav,
bool simple_result)
ecs_filter_t *filter = &observer->filter;
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[0];
if (flecs_ignore_observer(observer, table, it)) {
ecs_assert(trav == 0 || it->sources[0] != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (trav && term->src.trav != trav) {
bool is_filter = term->inout == EcsInOutNone;
ECS_BIT_COND(it->flags, EcsIterNoData, is_filter);
it->system = observer->filter.entity;
it->ctx = observer->ctx;
it->binding_ctx = observer->binding_ctx;
it->term_index = observer->term_index;
it->query = &observer->filter;
it->terms = observer->filter.terms;
ecs_entity_t event = it->event;
int32_t event_cur = it->event_cur;
it->event = flecs_get_observer_event(term, event);
if (observer->run) {
it->next = flecs_default_observer_next_callback;
it->callback = flecs_default_uni_observer_run_callback;
it->ctx = observer;
} else {
ecs_iter_action_t callback = observer->callback;
it->callback = callback;
flecs_observer_invoke(world, it, observer, callback, 0, simple_result);
it->event = event;
it->event_cur = event_cur;
void flecs_observers_invoke(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_map_t *observers,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t trav)
if (ecs_map_is_init(observers)) {
ecs_table_lock(it->world, table);
bool simple_result = flecs_is_simple_result(it);
ecs_map_iter_t oit = ecs_map_iter(observers);
while (ecs_map_next(&oit)) {
ecs_observer_t *o = ecs_map_ptr(&oit);
ecs_assert(it->table == table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
world, o, it, table, trav, simple_result);
ecs_table_unlock(it->world, table);
bool flecs_multi_observer_invoke(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_observer_t *o = it->ctx;
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
if (o->last_event_id[0] == it->event_cur) {
/* Already handled this event */
return false;
o->last_event_id[0] = world->event_id;
ecs_iter_t user_it = *it;
user_it.field_count = o->filter.field_count;
user_it.query = &o->filter;
user_it.terms = o->filter.terms;
user_it.flags = 0;
ECS_BIT_COND(user_it.flags, EcsIterNoData,
ECS_BIT_IS_SET(o->filter.flags, EcsFilterNoData));
user_it.ids = NULL;
user_it.columns = NULL;
user_it.sources = NULL;
user_it.sizes = NULL;
user_it.ptrs = NULL;
flecs_iter_init(it->world, &user_it, flecs_iter_cache_all);
user_it.flags |= (it->flags & EcsIterTableOnly);
ecs_table_t *table = it->table;
ecs_table_t *prev_table = it->other_table;
int32_t pivot_term = it->term_index;
ecs_term_t *term = &o->filter.terms[pivot_term];
int32_t column = it->columns[0];
if (term->oper == EcsNot) {
table = it->other_table;
prev_table = it->table;
if (!table) {
table = &world->store.root;
if (!prev_table) {
prev_table = &world->store.root;
if (column < 0) {
column = -column;
user_it.columns[0] = 0;
user_it.columns[pivot_term] = column;
user_it.sources[pivot_term] = it->sources[0];
user_it.sizes = o->filter.sizes;
if (flecs_filter_match_table(world, &o->filter, table, user_it.ids,
user_it.columns, user_it.sources, NULL, NULL, false, pivot_term,
/* Monitor observers only invoke when the filter matches for the first
* time with an entity */
if (o->is_monitor) {
if (flecs_filter_match_table(world, &o->filter, prev_table,
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, -1, user_it.flags))
goto done;
/* While filter matching needs to be reversed for a Not term, the
* component data must be fetched from the table we got notified for.
* Repeat the matching process for the non-matching table so we get the
* correct column ids and sources, which we need for populate_data */
if (term->oper == EcsNot) {
flecs_filter_match_table(world, &o->filter, prev_table, user_it.ids,
user_it.columns, user_it.sources, NULL, NULL, false, -1,
user_it.flags | EcsFilterPopulate);
flecs_iter_populate_data(world, &user_it, it->table, it->offset,
it->count, user_it.ptrs);
user_it.ptrs[pivot_term] = it->ptrs[0];
user_it.ids[pivot_term] = it->event_id;
user_it.system = o->filter.entity;
user_it.term_index = pivot_term;
user_it.ctx = o->ctx;
user_it.binding_ctx = o->binding_ctx;
user_it.field_count = o->filter.field_count;
user_it.callback = o->callback;
ecs_table_lock(it->world, table);
flecs_observer_invoke(world, &user_it, o, o->callback,
pivot_term, flecs_is_simple_result(&user_it));
ecs_table_unlock(it->world, table);
return true;
return false;
bool ecs_observer_default_run_action(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_observer_t *o = it->ctx;
if (o->is_multi) {
return flecs_multi_observer_invoke(it);
} else {
it->ctx = o->ctx;
ecs_table_lock(it->world, it->table);
flecs_observer_invoke(it->real_world, it, o, o->callback, 0,
ecs_table_unlock(it->world, it->table);
return true;
void flecs_default_multi_observer_run_callback(
ecs_iter_t *it)
/* For convenience, so applications can (in theory) use a single run callback
* that uses ecs_iter_next to iterate results */
bool flecs_default_observer_next_callback(ecs_iter_t *it) {
if (it->interrupted_by) {
return false;
} else {
/* Use interrupted_by to signal the next iteration must return false */
it->interrupted_by = it->system;
return true;
/* Run action for children of multi observer */
void flecs_multi_observer_builtin_run(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_observer_t *observer = it->ctx;
ecs_run_action_t run = observer->run;
if (run) {
it->next = flecs_default_observer_next_callback;
it->callback = flecs_default_multi_observer_run_callback;
it->interrupted_by = 0;
} else {
void flecs_uni_observer_yield_existing(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_observer_t *observer)
ecs_iter_action_t callback = observer->callback;
/* If yield existing is enabled, observer for each thing that matches
* the event, if the event is iterable. */
int i, count = observer->event_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t evt = observer->events[i];
const EcsIterable *iterable = ecs_get(world, evt, EcsIterable);
if (!iterable) {
ecs_iter_t it;
iterable->init(world, world, &it, &observer->filter.terms[0]);
it.system = observer->filter.entity;
it.ctx = observer->ctx;
it.binding_ctx = observer->binding_ctx;
it.event = evt;
ecs_iter_next_action_t next = it.next;
ecs_assert(next != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
while (next(&it)) {
it.event_id = it.ids[0];
it.event_cur = ++ world->event_id;
void flecs_multi_observer_yield_existing(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_observer_t *observer)
ecs_run_action_t run = observer->run;
if (!run) {
run = flecs_default_multi_observer_run_callback;
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
int32_t pivot_term = ecs_filter_pivot_term(world, &observer->filter);
if (pivot_term < 0) {
/* If yield existing is enabled, invoke for each thing that matches
* the event, if the event is iterable. */
int i, count = observer->event_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t evt = observer->events[i];
const EcsIterable *iterable = ecs_get(world, evt, EcsIterable);
if (!iterable) {
ecs_iter_t it;
iterable->init(world, world, &it, &observer->filter.terms[pivot_term]);
it.query = &observer->filter;
it.terms = observer->filter.terms;
it.field_count = 1;
it.term_index = pivot_term;
it.system = observer->filter.entity;
it.ctx = observer;
it.binding_ctx = observer->binding_ctx;
it.event = evt;
ecs_iter_next_action_t next = it.next;
ecs_assert(next != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
while (next(&it)) {
it.event_id = it.ids[0];
it.event_cur = ++ world->event_id;
int flecs_uni_observer_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_observer_t *observer,
const ecs_observer_desc_t *desc)
ecs_term_t *term = &observer->filter.terms[0];
observer->last_event_id = desc->last_event_id;
if (!observer->last_event_id) {
observer->last_event_id = &observer->last_event_id_storage;
observer->register_id = flecs_from_public_id(world, term->id);
term->field_index = desc->term_index;
if (ecs_id_is_tag(world, term->id)) {
/* If id is a tag, downgrade OnSet/UnSet to OnAdd/OnRemove. */
int32_t e, count = observer->event_count;
for (e = 0; e < count; e ++) {
if (observer->events[e] == EcsOnSet) {
observer->events[e] = EcsOnAdd;
} else
if (observer->events[e] == EcsUnSet) {
observer->events[e] = EcsOnRemove;
flecs_uni_observer_register(world, observer->observable, observer);
if (desc->yield_existing) {
flecs_uni_observer_yield_existing(world, observer);
return 0;
int flecs_multi_observer_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_observer_t *observer,
const ecs_observer_desc_t *desc)
/* Create last event id for filtering out the same event that arrives from
* more than one term */
observer->last_event_id = ecs_os_calloc_t(int32_t);
/* Mark observer as multi observer */
observer->is_multi = true;
/* Create a child observer for each term in the filter */
ecs_filter_t *filter = &observer->filter;
ecs_observer_desc_t child_desc = *desc;
child_desc.last_event_id = observer->last_event_id;
child_desc.run = NULL;
child_desc.callback = flecs_multi_observer_builtin_run;
child_desc.ctx = observer;
child_desc.ctx_free = NULL;
child_desc.filter.expr = NULL;
child_desc.filter.terms_buffer = NULL;
child_desc.filter.terms_buffer_count = 0;
child_desc.binding_ctx = NULL;
child_desc.binding_ctx_free = NULL;
child_desc.yield_existing = false;
ecs_os_memcpy_n(child_desc.events, observer->events,
ecs_entity_t, observer->event_count);
int i, term_count = filter->term_count;
bool optional_only = filter->flags & EcsFilterMatchThis;
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
if (filter->terms[i].oper != EcsOptional) {
if (ecs_term_match_this(&filter->terms[i])) {
optional_only = false;
if (filter->flags & EcsFilterMatchPrefab) {
child_desc.filter.flags |= EcsFilterMatchPrefab;
if (filter->flags & EcsFilterMatchDisabled) {
child_desc.filter.flags |= EcsFilterMatchDisabled;
/* Create observers as children of observer */
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, observer->filter.entity);
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
if (filter->terms[i].src.flags & EcsFilter) {
ecs_term_t *term = &child_desc.filter.terms[0];
child_desc.term_index = filter->terms[i].field_index;
*term = filter->terms[i];
ecs_oper_kind_t oper = term->oper;
ecs_id_t id = term->id;
/* AndFrom & OrFrom terms insert multiple observers */
if (oper == EcsAndFrom || oper == EcsOrFrom) {
const ecs_type_t *type = ecs_get_type(world, id);
int32_t ti, ti_count = type->count;
ecs_id_t *ti_ids = type->array;
/* Correct operator will be applied when an event occurs, and
* the observer is evaluated on the observer source */
term->oper = EcsAnd;
for (ti = 0; ti < ti_count; ti ++) {
ecs_id_t ti_id = ti_ids[ti];
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ti_id);
if (idr->flags & EcsIdDontInherit) {
term->first.name = NULL;
term->first.id = ti_ids[ti];
term->id = ti_ids[ti];
if (ecs_observer_init(world, &child_desc) == 0) {
goto error;
/* Single component observers never use OR */
if (oper == EcsOr) {
term->oper = EcsAnd;
/* If observer only contains optional terms, match everything */
if (optional_only) {
term->id = EcsAny;
term->first.id = EcsAny;
term->src.id = EcsThis;
term->src.flags = EcsIsVariable;
term->second.id = 0;
} else if (term->oper == EcsOptional) {
if (ecs_observer_init(world, &child_desc) == 0) {
goto error;
if (optional_only) {
ecs_set_scope(world, old_scope);
if (desc->yield_existing) {
flecs_multi_observer_yield_existing(world, observer);
return 0;
return -1;
ecs_entity_t ecs_observer_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_observer_desc_t *desc)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->_canary == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!(world->flags & EcsWorldFini), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_entity_t entity = desc->entity;
if (!entity) {
entity = ecs_new(world, 0);
EcsPoly *poly = ecs_poly_bind(world, entity, ecs_observer_t);
if (!poly->poly) {
ecs_check(desc->callback != NULL || desc->run != NULL,
ecs_observer_t *observer = ecs_poly_new(ecs_observer_t);
ecs_assert(observer != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
observer->dtor = (ecs_poly_dtor_t)flecs_observer_fini;
/* Make writeable copy of filter desc so that we can set name. This will
* make debugging easier, as any error messages related to creating the
* filter will have the name of the observer. */
ecs_filter_desc_t filter_desc = desc->filter;
filter_desc.entity = entity;
ecs_filter_t *filter = filter_desc.storage = &observer->filter;
*filter = ECS_FILTER_INIT;
/* Parse filter */
if (ecs_filter_init(world, &filter_desc) == NULL) {
return 0;
/* Observer must have at least one term */
ecs_check(observer->filter.term_count > 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
poly->poly = observer;
ecs_observable_t *observable = desc->observable;
if (!observable) {
observable = ecs_get_observable(world);
observer->run = desc->run;
observer->callback = desc->callback;
observer->ctx = desc->ctx;
observer->binding_ctx = desc->binding_ctx;
observer->ctx_free = desc->ctx_free;
observer->binding_ctx_free = desc->binding_ctx_free;
observer->term_index = desc->term_index;
observer->observable = observable;
/* Check if observer is monitor. Monitors are created as multi observers
* since they require pre/post checking of the filter to test if the
* entity is entering/leaving the monitor. */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < FLECS_EVENT_DESC_MAX; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t event = desc->events[i];
if (!event) {
if (event == EcsMonitor) {
/* Monitor event must be first and last event */
ecs_check(i == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
observer->events[0] = EcsOnAdd;
observer->events[1] = EcsOnRemove;
observer->event_count ++;
observer->is_monitor = true;
} else {
observer->events[i] = event;
observer->event_count ++;
/* Observer must have at least one event */
ecs_check(observer->event_count != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
bool multi = false;
if (filter->term_count == 1 && !desc->last_event_id) {
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[0];
/* If the filter has a single term but it is a *From operator, we
* need to create a multi observer */
multi |= (term->oper == EcsAndFrom) || (term->oper == EcsOrFrom);
/* An observer with only optional terms is a special case that is
* only handled by multi observers */
multi |= term->oper == EcsOptional;
if (filter->term_count == 1 && !observer->is_monitor && !multi) {
if (flecs_uni_observer_init(world, observer, desc)) {
goto error;
} else {
if (flecs_multi_observer_init(world, observer, desc)) {
goto error;
if (ecs_get_name(world, entity)) {
ecs_trace("#[green]observer#[reset] %s created",
ecs_get_name(world, entity));
} else {
ecs_poly_assert(poly->poly, ecs_observer_t);
ecs_observer_t *observer = (ecs_observer_t*)poly->poly;
if (desc->run) {
observer->run = desc->run;
if (desc->callback) {
observer->callback = desc->callback;
if (observer->ctx_free) {
if (observer->ctx && observer->ctx != desc->ctx) {
if (observer->binding_ctx_free) {
if (observer->binding_ctx && observer->binding_ctx != desc->binding_ctx) {
if (desc->ctx) {
observer->ctx = desc->ctx;
if (desc->binding_ctx) {
observer->binding_ctx = desc->binding_ctx;
if (desc->ctx_free) {
observer->ctx_free = desc->ctx_free;
if (desc->binding_ctx_free) {
observer->binding_ctx_free = desc->binding_ctx_free;
ecs_poly_modified(world, entity, ecs_observer_t);
return entity;
ecs_delete(world, entity);
return 0;
void* ecs_observer_get_ctx(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t observer)
const EcsPoly *o = ecs_poly_bind_get(world, observer, ecs_observer_t);
if (o) {
ecs_poly_assert(o->poly, ecs_observer_t);
return ((ecs_observer_t*)o->poly)->ctx;
} else {
return NULL;
void* ecs_observer_get_binding_ctx(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t observer)
const EcsPoly *o = ecs_poly_bind_get(world, observer, ecs_observer_t);
if (o) {
ecs_poly_assert(o->poly, ecs_observer_t);
return ((ecs_observer_t*)o->poly)->binding_ctx;
} else {
return NULL;
void flecs_observer_fini(
ecs_observer_t *observer)
if (observer->is_multi) {
} else {
if (observer->filter.term_count) {
observer->filter.world, observer->observable, observer);
} else {
/* Observer creation failed while creating filter */
/* Cleanup filters */
/* Cleanup context */
if (observer->ctx_free) {
if (observer->binding_ctx_free) {
ecs_poly_free(observer, ecs_observer_t);
* @file os_api.c
* @brief Operating system abstraction API.
* The OS API implements an overridable interface for implementing functions
* that are operating system specific, in addition to a number of hooks which
* allow for customization by the user, like logging.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
void ecs_os_api_impl(ecs_os_api_t *api);
static bool ecs_os_api_initialized = false;
static bool ecs_os_api_initializing = false;
static int ecs_os_api_init_count = 0;
ecs_os_api_t ecs_os_api = {
.flags_ = EcsOsApiHighResolutionTimer | EcsOsApiLogWithColors,
.log_level_ = -1 /* Disable tracing by default, but log warnings/errors */
int64_t ecs_os_api_malloc_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_os_api_realloc_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_os_api_calloc_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_os_api_free_count = 0;
void ecs_os_set_api(
ecs_os_api_t *os_api)
if (!ecs_os_api_initialized) {
ecs_os_api = *os_api;
ecs_os_api_initialized = true;
ecs_os_api_t ecs_os_get_api(void) {
return ecs_os_api;
void ecs_os_init(void)
if (!ecs_os_api_initialized) {
if (!(ecs_os_api_init_count ++)) {
if (ecs_os_api.init_) {
void ecs_os_fini(void) {
if (!--ecs_os_api_init_count) {
if (ecs_os_api.fini_) {
/* Assume every non-glibc Linux target has no execinfo.
This mainly fixes musl support, as musl doesn't define any preprocessor macro specifying its presence. */
#if defined(ECS_TARGET_LINUX) && !defined(__GLIBC__)
#elif !defined(ECS_TARGET_WINDOWS) && !defined(ECS_TARGET_EM) && !defined(ECS_TARGET_ANDROID)
#include <execinfo.h>
#define ECS_BT_BUF_SIZE 100
void flecs_dump_backtrace(
void *stream)
int nptrs;
void *buffer[ECS_BT_BUF_SIZE];
char **strings;
nptrs = backtrace(buffer, ECS_BT_BUF_SIZE);
strings = backtrace_symbols(buffer, nptrs);
if (strings == NULL) {
for (int j = 1; j < nptrs; j++) {
fprintf(stream, "%s\n", strings[j]);
void flecs_dump_backtrace(
void *stream)
void flecs_log_msg(
int32_t level,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *msg)
FILE *stream = ecs_os_api.log_out_;
if (!stream) {
stream = stdout;
bool use_colors = ecs_os_api.flags_ & EcsOsApiLogWithColors;
bool timestamp = ecs_os_api.flags_ & EcsOsApiLogWithTimeStamp;
bool deltatime = ecs_os_api.flags_ & EcsOsApiLogWithTimeDelta;
time_t now = 0;
if (deltatime) {
now = time(NULL);
int64_t delta = 0;
if (ecs_os_api.log_last_timestamp_) {
delta = now - ecs_os_api.log_last_timestamp_;
ecs_os_api.log_last_timestamp_ = (int64_t)now;
if (delta) {
if (delta < 10) {
fputs(" ", stream);
if (delta < 100) {
fputs(" ", stream);
char time_buf[20];
ecs_os_sprintf(time_buf, "%u", (uint32_t)delta);
fputs("+", stream);
fputs(time_buf, stream);
fputs(" ", stream);
} else {
fputs(" ", stream);
if (timestamp) {
if (!now) {
now = time(NULL);
char time_buf[20];
ecs_os_sprintf(time_buf, "%u", (uint32_t)now);
fputs(time_buf, stream);
fputs(" ", stream);
if (level >= 4) {
if (use_colors) fputs(ECS_NORMAL, stream);
fputs("jrnl", stream);
} else if (level >= 0) {
if (level == 0) {
if (use_colors) fputs(ECS_MAGENTA, stream);
} else {
if (use_colors) fputs(ECS_GREY, stream);
fputs("info", stream);
} else if (level == -2) {
if (use_colors) fputs(ECS_YELLOW, stream);
fputs("warning", stream);
} else if (level == -3) {
if (use_colors) fputs(ECS_RED, stream);
fputs("error", stream);
} else if (level == -4) {
if (use_colors) fputs(ECS_RED, stream);
fputs("fatal", stream);
if (use_colors) fputs(ECS_NORMAL, stream);
fputs(": ", stream);
if (level >= 0) {
if (ecs_os_api.log_indent_) {
char indent[32];
int i, indent_count = ecs_os_api.log_indent_;
if (indent_count > 15) indent_count = 15;
for (i = 0; i < indent_count; i ++) {
indent[i * 2] = '|';
indent[i * 2 + 1] = ' ';
if (ecs_os_api.log_indent_ != indent_count) {
indent[i * 2 - 2] = '+';
indent[i * 2] = '\0';
fputs(indent, stream);
if (level < 0) {
if (file) {
const char *file_ptr = strrchr(file, '/');
if (!file_ptr) {
file_ptr = strrchr(file, '\\');
if (file_ptr) {
file = file_ptr + 1;
fputs(file, stream);
fputs(": ", stream);
if (line) {
fprintf(stream, "%d: ", line);
fputs(msg, stream);
fputs("\n", stream);
if (level == -4) {
void ecs_os_dbg(
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *msg)
if (ecs_os_api.log_) {
ecs_os_api.log_(1, file, line, msg);
void ecs_os_trace(
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *msg)
if (ecs_os_api.log_) {
ecs_os_api.log_(0, file, line, msg);
void ecs_os_warn(
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *msg)
if (ecs_os_api.log_) {
ecs_os_api.log_(-2, file, line, msg);
void ecs_os_err(
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *msg)
if (ecs_os_api.log_) {
ecs_os_api.log_(-3, file, line, msg);
void ecs_os_fatal(
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *msg)
if (ecs_os_api.log_) {
ecs_os_api.log_(-4, file, line, msg);
void ecs_os_gettime(ecs_time_t *time) {
ecs_assert(ecs_os_has_time() == true, ECS_MISSING_OS_API, NULL);
uint64_t now = ecs_os_now();
uint64_t sec = now / 1000000000;
assert(sec < UINT32_MAX);
assert((now - sec * 1000000000) < UINT32_MAX);
time->sec = (uint32_t)sec;
time->nanosec = (uint32_t)(now - sec * 1000000000);
void* ecs_os_api_malloc(ecs_size_t size) {
ecs_assert(size > 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return malloc((size_t)size);
void* ecs_os_api_calloc(ecs_size_t size) {
ecs_assert(size > 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return calloc(1, (size_t)size);
void* ecs_os_api_realloc(void *ptr, ecs_size_t size) {
ecs_assert(size > 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (ptr) {
} else {
/* If not actually reallocing, treat as malloc */
return realloc(ptr, (size_t)size);
void ecs_os_api_free(void *ptr) {
if (ptr) {
char* ecs_os_api_strdup(const char *str) {
if (str) {
int len = ecs_os_strlen(str);
char *result = ecs_os_malloc(len + 1);
ecs_assert(result != NULL, ECS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
ecs_os_strcpy(result, str);
return result;
} else {
return NULL;
void ecs_os_strset(char **str, const char *value) {
char *old = str[0];
str[0] = ecs_os_strdup(value);
/* Replace dots with underscores */
char *module_file_base(const char *module, char sep) {
char *base = ecs_os_strdup(module);
ecs_size_t i, len = ecs_os_strlen(base);
for (i = 0; i < len; i ++) {
if (base[i] == '.') {
base[i] = sep;
return base;
char* ecs_os_api_module_to_dl(const char *module) {
ecs_strbuf_t lib = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
/* Best guess, use module name with underscores + OS library extension */
char *file_base = module_file_base(module, '_');
# if defined(ECS_TARGET_LINUX) || defined(ECS_TARGET_FREEBSD)
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&lib, "lib");
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&lib, file_base);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&lib, ".so");
# elif defined(ECS_TARGET_DARWIN)
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&lib, "lib");
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&lib, file_base);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&lib, ".dylib");
# elif defined(ECS_TARGET_WINDOWS)
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&lib, file_base);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&lib, ".dll");
# endif
return ecs_strbuf_get(&lib);
char* ecs_os_api_module_to_etc(const char *module) {
ecs_strbuf_t lib = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
/* Best guess, use module name with dashes + /etc */
char *file_base = module_file_base(module, '-');
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&lib, file_base);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&lib, "/etc");
return ecs_strbuf_get(&lib);
void ecs_os_set_api_defaults(void)
/* Don't overwrite if already initialized */
if (ecs_os_api_initialized != 0) {
if (ecs_os_api_initializing != 0) {
ecs_os_api_initializing = true;
/* Memory management */
ecs_os_api.malloc_ = ecs_os_api_malloc;
ecs_os_api.free_ = ecs_os_api_free;
ecs_os_api.realloc_ = ecs_os_api_realloc;
ecs_os_api.calloc_ = ecs_os_api_calloc;
/* Strings */
ecs_os_api.strdup_ = ecs_os_api_strdup;
/* Time */
ecs_os_api.get_time_ = ecs_os_gettime;
/* Logging */
ecs_os_api.log_ = flecs_log_msg;
/* Modules */
if (!ecs_os_api.module_to_dl_) {
ecs_os_api.module_to_dl_ = ecs_os_api_module_to_dl;
if (!ecs_os_api.module_to_etc_) {
ecs_os_api.module_to_etc_ = ecs_os_api_module_to_etc;
ecs_os_api.abort_ = abort;
/* Initialize defaults to OS API IMPL addon, but still allow for overriding
* by the application */
ecs_os_api_initialized = false;
# endif
ecs_os_api_initializing = false;
bool ecs_os_has_heap(void) {
(ecs_os_api.malloc_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.calloc_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.realloc_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.free_ != NULL);
bool ecs_os_has_threading(void) {
(ecs_os_api.mutex_new_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.mutex_free_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.mutex_lock_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.mutex_unlock_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.cond_new_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.cond_free_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.cond_wait_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.cond_signal_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.cond_broadcast_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.thread_new_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.thread_join_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.thread_self_ != NULL);
bool ecs_os_has_task_support(void) {
(ecs_os_api.mutex_new_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.mutex_free_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.mutex_lock_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.mutex_unlock_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.cond_new_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.cond_free_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.cond_wait_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.cond_signal_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.cond_broadcast_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.task_new_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.task_join_ != NULL);
bool ecs_os_has_time(void) {
(ecs_os_api.get_time_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.sleep_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.now_ != NULL);
bool ecs_os_has_logging(void) {
return (ecs_os_api.log_ != NULL);
bool ecs_os_has_dl(void) {
(ecs_os_api.dlopen_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.dlproc_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.dlclose_ != NULL);
bool ecs_os_has_modules(void) {
(ecs_os_api.module_to_dl_ != NULL) &&
(ecs_os_api.module_to_etc_ != NULL);
static char error_str[255];
const char* ecs_os_strerror(int err) {
# if defined(ECS_TARGET_WINDOWS)
strerror_s(error_str, 255, err);
return error_str;
# else
return strerror(err);
# endif
* @file poly.c
* @brief Functions for managing poly objects.
* The poly framework makes it possible to generalize common functionality for
* different kinds of API objects, as well as improved type safety checks. Poly
* objects have a header that identifiers what kind of object it is. This can
* then be used to discover a set of "mixins" implemented by the type.
* Mixins are like a vtable, but for members. Each type populates the table with
* offsets to the members that correspond with the mixin. If an entry in the
* mixin table is not set, the type does not support the mixin.
* An example is the Iterable mixin, which makes it possible to create an
* iterator for any poly object (like filters, queries, the world) that
* implements the Iterable mixin.
static const char* mixin_kind_str[] = {
[EcsMixinWorld] = "world",
[EcsMixinEntity] = "entity",
[EcsMixinObservable] = "observable",
[EcsMixinIterable] = "iterable",
[EcsMixinDtor] = "dtor",
[EcsMixinMax] = "max (should never be requested by application)"
ecs_mixins_t ecs_world_t_mixins = {
.type_name = "ecs_world_t",
.elems = {
[EcsMixinWorld] = offsetof(ecs_world_t, self),
[EcsMixinObservable] = offsetof(ecs_world_t, observable),
[EcsMixinIterable] = offsetof(ecs_world_t, iterable)
ecs_mixins_t ecs_stage_t_mixins = {
.type_name = "ecs_stage_t",
.elems = {
[EcsMixinWorld] = offsetof(ecs_stage_t, world)
ecs_mixins_t ecs_query_t_mixins = {
.type_name = "ecs_query_t",
.elems = {
[EcsMixinWorld] = offsetof(ecs_query_t, filter.world),
[EcsMixinEntity] = offsetof(ecs_query_t, filter.entity),
[EcsMixinIterable] = offsetof(ecs_query_t, iterable),
[EcsMixinDtor] = offsetof(ecs_query_t, dtor)
ecs_mixins_t ecs_observer_t_mixins = {
.type_name = "ecs_observer_t",
.elems = {
[EcsMixinWorld] = offsetof(ecs_observer_t, filter.world),
[EcsMixinEntity] = offsetof(ecs_observer_t, filter.entity),
[EcsMixinDtor] = offsetof(ecs_observer_t, dtor)
ecs_mixins_t ecs_filter_t_mixins = {
.type_name = "ecs_filter_t",
.elems = {
[EcsMixinWorld] = offsetof(ecs_filter_t, world),
[EcsMixinEntity] = offsetof(ecs_filter_t, entity),
[EcsMixinIterable] = offsetof(ecs_filter_t, iterable),
[EcsMixinDtor] = offsetof(ecs_filter_t, dtor)
void* assert_mixin(
const ecs_poly_t *poly,
ecs_mixin_kind_t kind)
ecs_assert(poly != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(kind < EcsMixinMax, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_header_t *hdr = poly;
const ecs_mixins_t *mixins = hdr->mixins;
ecs_assert(mixins != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_size_t offset = mixins->elems[kind];
ecs_assert(offset != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"mixin %s not available for type %s",
mixin_kind_str[kind], mixins ? mixins->type_name : "unknown");
/* Object has mixin, return its address */
return ECS_OFFSET(hdr, offset);
void* ecs_poly_init_(
ecs_poly_t *poly,
int32_t type,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_mixins_t *mixins)
ecs_assert(poly != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_header_t *hdr = poly;
ecs_os_memset(poly, 0, size);
hdr->magic = ECS_OBJECT_MAGIC;
hdr->type = type;
hdr->mixins = mixins;
return poly;
void ecs_poly_fini_(
ecs_poly_t *poly,
int32_t type)
ecs_assert(poly != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_header_t *hdr = poly;
/* Don't deinit poly that wasn't initialized */
ecs_assert(hdr->type == type, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
hdr->magic = 0;
EcsPoly* ecs_poly_bind_(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t tag)
/* Add tag to the entity for easy querying. This will make it possible to
* query for `Query` instead of `(Poly, Query) */
if (!ecs_has_id(world, entity, tag)) {
ecs_add_id(world, entity, tag);
/* Never defer creation of a poly object */
bool deferred = false;
if (ecs_is_deferred(world)) {
deferred = true;
/* If this is a new poly, leave the actual creation up to the caller so they
* call tell the difference between a create or an update */
EcsPoly *result = ecs_get_mut_pair(world, entity, EcsPoly, tag);
if (deferred) {
return result;
void ecs_poly_modified_(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t tag)
ecs_modified_pair(world, entity, ecs_id(EcsPoly), tag);
const EcsPoly* ecs_poly_bind_get_(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t tag)
return ecs_get_pair(world, entity, EcsPoly, tag);
ecs_poly_t* ecs_poly_get_(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t tag)
const EcsPoly *p = ecs_poly_bind_get_(world, entity, tag);
if (p) {
return p->poly;
return NULL;
bool ecs_poly_is_(
const ecs_poly_t *poly,
int32_t type)
ecs_assert(poly != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_header_t *hdr = poly;
return hdr->type == type;
ecs_iterable_t* ecs_get_iterable(
const ecs_poly_t *poly)
return (ecs_iterable_t*)assert_mixin(poly, EcsMixinIterable);
ecs_observable_t* ecs_get_observable(
const ecs_poly_t *poly)
return (ecs_observable_t*)assert_mixin(poly, EcsMixinObservable);
const ecs_world_t* ecs_get_world(
const ecs_poly_t *poly)
if (((const ecs_header_t*)poly)->type == ecs_world_t_magic) {
return poly;
return *(ecs_world_t**)assert_mixin(poly, EcsMixinWorld);
ecs_entity_t ecs_get_entity(
const ecs_poly_t *poly)
return *(ecs_entity_t*)assert_mixin(poly, EcsMixinEntity);
ecs_poly_dtor_t* ecs_get_dtor(
const ecs_poly_t *poly)
return (ecs_poly_dtor_t*)assert_mixin(poly, EcsMixinDtor);
* @file query.c
* @brief Cached query implementation.
* Cached queries store a list of matched tables. The inputs for a cached query
* are a filter and an observer. The filter is used to initially populate the
* cache, and an observer is used to keep the cacne up to date.
* Cached queries additionally support features like sorting and grouping.
* With sorting, an application can iterate over entities that can be sorted by
* a component. Grouping allows an application to group matched tables, which is
* used internally to implement the cascade feature, and can additionally be
* used to implement things like world cells.
uint64_t flecs_query_get_group_id(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_table_t *table)
if (query->group_by) {
return query->group_by(query->filter.world, table,
query->group_by_id, query->group_by_ctx);
} else {
return 0;
void flecs_query_compute_group_id(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match)
ecs_assert(match != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (query->group_by) {
ecs_table_t *table = match->table;
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
match->group_id = flecs_query_get_group_id(query, table);
} else {
match->group_id = 0;
ecs_query_table_list_t* flecs_query_get_group(
const ecs_query_t *query,
uint64_t group_id)
return ecs_map_get_deref(&query->groups, ecs_query_table_list_t, group_id);
ecs_query_table_list_t* flecs_query_ensure_group(
ecs_query_t *query,
uint64_t id)
ecs_query_table_list_t *group = ecs_map_get_deref(&query->groups,
ecs_query_table_list_t, id);
if (!group) {
group = ecs_map_insert_alloc_t(&query->groups,
ecs_query_table_list_t, id);
if (query->on_group_create) {
group->info.ctx = query->on_group_create(
query->filter.world, id, query->group_by_ctx);
return group;
void flecs_query_remove_group(
ecs_query_t *query,
uint64_t id)
if (query->on_group_delete) {
ecs_query_table_list_t *group = ecs_map_get_deref(&query->groups,
ecs_query_table_list_t, id);
if (group) {
query->on_group_delete(query->filter.world, id,
group->info.ctx, query->group_by_ctx);
ecs_map_remove_free(&query->groups, id);
uint64_t flecs_query_default_group_by(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
void *ctx)
ecs_id_t match;
if (ecs_search(world, table, ecs_pair(id, EcsWildcard), &match) != -1) {
return ecs_pair_second(world, match);
return 0;
/* Find the last node of the group after which this group should be inserted */
ecs_query_table_match_t* flecs_query_find_group_insertion_node(
ecs_query_t *query,
uint64_t group_id)
/* Grouping must be enabled */
ecs_assert(query->group_by != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&query->groups);
ecs_query_table_list_t *list, *closest_list = NULL;
uint64_t id, closest_id = 0;
bool desc = false;
if (query->cascade_by) {
desc = (query->filter.terms[
query->cascade_by - 1].src.flags & EcsDesc) != 0;
/* Find closest smaller group id */
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
id = ecs_map_key(&it);
if (!desc) {
if (id >= group_id) {
} else {
if (id <= group_id) {
list = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
if (!list->last) {
ecs_assert(list->first == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
bool comp;
if (!desc) {
comp = ((group_id - id) < (group_id - closest_id));
} else {
comp = ((group_id - id) > (group_id - closest_id));
if (!closest_list || comp) {
closest_id = id;
closest_list = list;
if (closest_list) {
return closest_list->last;
} else {
return NULL; /* Group should be first in query */
/* Initialize group with first node */
void flecs_query_create_group(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match)
uint64_t group_id = match->group_id;
/* If query has grouping enabled & this is a new/empty group, find
* the insertion point for the group */
ecs_query_table_match_t *insert_after = flecs_query_find_group_insertion_node(
query, group_id);
if (!insert_after) {
/* This group should appear first in the query list */
ecs_query_table_match_t *query_first = query->list.first;
if (query_first) {
/* If this is not the first match for the query, insert before it */
match->next = query_first;
query_first->prev = match;
query->list.first = match;
} else {
/* If this is the first match of the query, initialize its list */
ecs_assert(query->list.last == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
query->list.first = match;
query->list.last = match;
} else {
ecs_assert(query->list.first != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(query->list.last != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* This group should appear after another group */
ecs_query_table_match_t *insert_before = insert_after->next;
match->prev = insert_after;
insert_after->next = match;
match->next = insert_before;
if (insert_before) {
insert_before->prev = match;
} else {
ecs_assert(query->list.last == insert_after,
/* This group should appear last in the query list */
query->list.last = match;
/* Find the list the node should be part of */
ecs_query_table_list_t* flecs_query_get_node_list(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match)
if (query->group_by) {
return flecs_query_get_group(query, match->group_id);
} else {
return &query->list;
/* Find or create the list the node should be part of */
ecs_query_table_list_t* flecs_query_ensure_node_list(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match)
if (query->group_by) {
return flecs_query_ensure_group(query, match->group_id);
} else {
return &query->list;
/* Remove node from list */
void flecs_query_remove_table_node(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match)
ecs_query_table_match_t *prev = match->prev;
ecs_query_table_match_t *next = match->next;
ecs_assert(prev != match, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(next != match, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(!prev || prev != next, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_query_table_list_t *list = flecs_query_get_node_list(query, match);
if (!list || !list->first) {
/* If list contains no matches, the match must be empty */
ecs_assert(!list || list->last == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(prev == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(next == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(prev != NULL || query->list.first == match,
ecs_assert(next != NULL || query->list.last == match,
if (prev) {
prev->next = next;
if (next) {
next->prev = prev;
ecs_assert(list->info.table_count > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
list->info.table_count --;
if (query->group_by) {
uint64_t group_id = match->group_id;
/* Make sure query.list is updated if this is the first or last group */
if (query->list.first == match) {
ecs_assert(prev == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
query->list.first = next;
prev = next;
if (query->list.last == match) {
ecs_assert(next == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
query->list.last = prev;
next = prev;
ecs_assert(query->list.info.table_count > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
query->list.info.table_count --;
list->info.match_count ++;
/* Make sure group list only contains nodes that belong to the group */
if (prev && prev->group_id != group_id) {
/* The previous node belonged to another group */
prev = next;
if (next && next->group_id != group_id) {
/* The next node belonged to another group */
next = prev;
/* Do check again, in case both prev & next belonged to another group */
if ((!prev && !next) || (prev && prev->group_id != group_id)) {
/* There are no more matches left in this group */
flecs_query_remove_group(query, group_id);
list = NULL;
if (list) {
if (list->first == match) {
list->first = next;
if (list->last == match) {
list->last = prev;
match->prev = NULL;
match->next = NULL;
query->match_count ++;
/* Add node to list */
void flecs_query_insert_table_node(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match)
/* Node should not be part of an existing list */
ecs_assert(match->prev == NULL && match->next == NULL,
/* If this is the first match, activate system */
if (!query->list.first && query->filter.entity) {
ecs_remove_id(query->filter.world, query->filter.entity, EcsEmpty);
flecs_query_compute_group_id(query, match);
ecs_query_table_list_t *list = flecs_query_ensure_node_list(query, match);
if (list->last) {
ecs_assert(query->list.first != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(query->list.last != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(list->first != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_query_table_match_t *last = list->last;
ecs_query_table_match_t *last_next = last->next;
match->prev = last;
match->next = last_next;
last->next = match;
if (last_next) {
last_next->prev = match;
list->last = match;
if (query->group_by) {
/* Make sure to update query list if this is the last group */
if (query->list.last == last) {
query->list.last = match;
} else {
ecs_assert(list->first == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
list->first = match;
list->last = match;
if (query->group_by) {
/* Initialize group with its first node */
flecs_query_create_group(query, match);
if (query->group_by) {
list->info.table_count ++;
list->info.match_count ++;
query->list.info.table_count ++;
query->match_count ++;
ecs_assert(match->prev != match, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(match->next != match, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(list->first != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(list->last != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(list->last == match, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(query->list.first != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(query->list.last != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(query->list.first->prev == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(query->list.last->next == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_query_table_match_t* flecs_query_cache_add(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_table_t *elem)
ecs_query_table_match_t *result =
if (!elem->first) {
elem->first = result;
elem->last = result;
} else {
ecs_assert(elem->last != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
elem->last->next_match = result;
elem->last = result;
return result;
typedef struct {
ecs_table_t *table;
int32_t column;
} flecs_table_column_t;
void flecs_query_get_column_for_term(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match,
int32_t t,
flecs_table_column_t *out)
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &query->filter;
ecs_world_t *world = filter->world;
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[t];
int32_t field = term->field_index;
ecs_entity_t src = match->sources[field];
ecs_table_t *table = NULL;
int32_t column = -1;
if (term->oper != EcsNot) {
if (!src) {
if (term->src.flags != EcsIsEntity) {
table = match->table;
column = match->storage_columns[field];
if (column == -2) {
/* Shared field */
column = -1;
} else {
table = ecs_get_table(world, src);
if (ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
int32_t ref_index = -match->columns[field] - 1;
ecs_ref_t *ref = ecs_vec_get_t(&match->refs, ecs_ref_t, ref_index);
if (ref->id != 0) {
ecs_ref_update(world, ref);
column = ref->tr->column;
} else {
column = -(match->columns[field] + 1);
out->table = table;
out->column = column;
/* Get match monitor. Monitors are used to keep track of whether components
* matched by the query in a table have changed. */
bool flecs_query_get_match_monitor(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match)
if (match->monitor) {
return false;
int32_t *monitor = flecs_balloc(&query->allocators.monitors);
monitor[0] = 0;
/* Mark terms that don't need to be monitored. This saves time when reading
* and/or updating the monitor. */
const ecs_filter_t *f = &query->filter;
int32_t i, field = -1, term_count = f->term_count;
flecs_table_column_t tc;
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
if (field == f->terms[i].field_index) {
if (monitor[field + 1] != -1) {
field = f->terms[i].field_index;
monitor[field + 1] = -1;
if (f->terms[i].inout != EcsIn &&
f->terms[i].inout != EcsInOut &&
f->terms[i].inout != EcsInOutDefault) {
continue; /* If term isn't read, don't monitor */
int32_t column = match->columns[field];
if (column == 0) {
continue; /* Don't track terms that aren't matched */
flecs_query_get_column_for_term(query, match, i, &tc);
if (tc.column == -1) {
continue; /* Don't track terms that aren't stored */
monitor[field + 1] = 0;
/* If matched table needs entity filter, make sure to test fields that could
* be matched by flattened parents. */
ecs_entity_filter_t *ef = match->entity_filter;
if (ef && ef->flat_tree_column != -1) {
int32_t *fields = ecs_vec_first(&ef->ft_terms);
int32_t field_count = ecs_vec_count(&ef->ft_terms);
for (i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
monitor[fields[i] + 1] = 0;
match->monitor = monitor;
query->flags |= EcsQueryHasMonitor;
return true;
/* Synchronize match monitor with table dirty state */
void flecs_query_sync_match_monitor(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match)
ecs_assert(match != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!match->monitor) {
if (query->flags & EcsQueryHasMonitor) {
flecs_query_get_match_monitor(query, match);
} else {
int32_t *monitor = match->monitor;
ecs_table_t *table = match->table;
if (table) {
int32_t *dirty_state = flecs_table_get_dirty_state(
query->filter.world, table);
ecs_assert(dirty_state != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
monitor[0] = dirty_state[0]; /* Did table gain/lose entities */
ecs_filter_t *filter = &query->filter;
flecs_table_column_t tc;
int32_t t, term_count = filter->term_count;
for (t = 0; t < term_count; t ++) {
int32_t field = filter->terms[t].field_index;
if (monitor[field + 1] == -1) {
flecs_query_get_column_for_term(query, match, t, &tc);
monitor[field + 1] = flecs_table_get_dirty_state(
filter->world, tc.table)[tc.column + 1];
ecs_entity_filter_t *ef = match->entity_filter;
if (ef && ef->flat_tree_column != -1) {
flecs_flat_table_term_t *fields = ecs_vec_first(&ef->ft_terms);
int32_t f, field_count = ecs_vec_count(&ef->ft_terms);
for (f = 0; f < field_count; f ++) {
flecs_flat_table_term_t *field = &fields[f];
flecs_flat_monitor_t *tgt_mon = ecs_vec_first(&field->monitor);
int32_t tgt, tgt_count = ecs_vec_count(&field->monitor);
for (tgt = 0; tgt < tgt_count; tgt ++) {
tgt_mon[tgt].monitor = tgt_mon[tgt].table_state;
query->prev_match_count = query->match_count;
/* Check if single match term has changed */
bool flecs_query_check_match_monitor_term(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match,
int32_t term)
ecs_assert(match != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (flecs_query_get_match_monitor(query, match)) {
return true;
int32_t *monitor = match->monitor;
int32_t state = monitor[term];
if (state == -1) {
return false;
ecs_table_t *table = match->table;
if (table) {
int32_t *dirty_state = flecs_table_get_dirty_state(
query->filter.world, table);
ecs_assert(dirty_state != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!term) {
return monitor[0] != dirty_state[0];
} else if (!term) {
return false;
flecs_table_column_t cur;
flecs_query_get_column_for_term(query, match, term - 1, &cur);
ecs_assert(cur.column != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return monitor[term] != flecs_table_get_dirty_state(
query->filter.world, cur.table)[cur.column + 1];
/* Check if any term for match has changed */
bool flecs_query_check_match_monitor(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match,
const ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_assert(match != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (flecs_query_get_match_monitor(query, match)) {
return true;
int32_t *monitor = match->monitor;
ecs_table_t *table = match->table;
int32_t *dirty_state = NULL;
if (table) {
dirty_state = flecs_table_get_dirty_state(
query->filter.world, table);
ecs_assert(dirty_state != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (monitor[0] != dirty_state[0]) {
return true;
bool has_flat = false, is_this = false;
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &query->filter;
ecs_world_t *world = filter->world;
int32_t i, j, field_count = filter->field_count;
int32_t *storage_columns = match->storage_columns;
int32_t *columns = it ? it->columns : NULL;
if (!columns) {
columns = match->columns;
ecs_vec_t *refs = &match->refs;
for (i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
int32_t mon = monitor[i + 1];
if (mon == -1) {
int32_t column = storage_columns[i];
if (columns[i] >= 0) {
/* owned component */
ecs_assert(dirty_state != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (mon != dirty_state[column + 1]) {
return true;
} else if (column == -1) {
continue; /* owned but not a component */
column = columns[i];
if (!column) {
/* Not matched */
ecs_assert(column < 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
column = -column;
/* Find term index from field index, which differ when using || */
int32_t term_index = i;
if (filter->terms[i].field_index != i) {
for (j = i; j < filter->term_count; j ++) {
if (filter->terms[j].field_index == i) {
term_index = j;
is_this = ecs_term_match_this(&filter->terms[term_index]);
/* Flattened fields are encoded by adding field_count to the column
* index of the parent component. */
if (is_this && it && (column > field_count)) {
has_flat = true;
} else {
if (is_this) {
/* Component reached through traversal from this */
int32_t ref_index = column - 1;
ecs_ref_t *ref = ecs_vec_get_t(refs, ecs_ref_t, ref_index);
if (ref->id != 0) {
ecs_ref_update(world, ref);
ecs_table_record_t *tr = ref->tr;
ecs_table_t *src_table = tr->hdr.table;
column = tr->index;
column = ecs_table_type_to_column_index(src_table, column);
int32_t *src_dirty_state = flecs_table_get_dirty_state(
world, src_table);
if (mon != src_dirty_state[column + 1]) {
return true;
} else {
/* Component from static source */
ecs_entity_t src = match->sources[i];
ecs_table_t *src_table = ecs_get_table(world, src);
ecs_assert(src_table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
column = ecs_table_type_to_column_index(src_table, column - 1);
int32_t *src_dirty_state = flecs_table_get_dirty_state(
world, src_table);
if (mon != src_dirty_state[column + 1]) {
return true;
if (has_flat) {
ecs_entity_filter_t *ef = match->entity_filter;
flecs_flat_table_term_t *fields = ecs_vec_first(&ef->ft_terms);
ecs_entity_filter_iter_t *ent_it = it->priv.entity_iter;
int32_t cur_tgt = ent_it->target_count - 1;
field_count = ecs_vec_count(&ef->ft_terms);
for (i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
flecs_flat_table_term_t *field = &fields[i];
flecs_flat_monitor_t *fmon = ecs_vec_get_t(&field->monitor,
flecs_flat_monitor_t, cur_tgt);
if (fmon->monitor != fmon->table_state) {
return true;
return false;
/* Check if any term for matched table has changed */
bool flecs_query_check_table_monitor(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_t *table,
int32_t term)
ecs_query_table_match_t *cur, *end = table->last->next;
for (cur = table->first; cur != end; cur = cur->next) {
ecs_query_table_match_t *match = (ecs_query_table_match_t*)cur;
if (term == -1) {
if (flecs_query_check_match_monitor(query, match, NULL)) {
return true;
} else {
if (flecs_query_check_match_monitor_term(query, match, term)) {
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_query_check_query_monitor(
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (flecs_table_cache_iter(&query->cache, &it)) {
ecs_query_table_t *qt;
while ((qt = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_query_table_t))) {
if (flecs_query_check_table_monitor(query, qt, -1)) {
return true;
return false;
void flecs_query_init_query_monitors(
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_query_table_match_t *cur = query->list.first;
/* Ensure each match has a monitor */
for (; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
ecs_query_table_match_t *match = (ecs_query_table_match_t*)cur;
flecs_query_get_match_monitor(query, match);
/* The group by function for cascade computes the tree depth for the table type.
* This causes tables in the query cache to be ordered by depth, which ensures
* breadth-first iteration order. */
uint64_t flecs_query_group_by_cascade(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
void *ctx)
ecs_term_t *term = ctx;
ecs_entity_t rel = term->src.trav;
int32_t depth = flecs_relation_depth(world, rel, table);
return flecs_ito(uint64_t, depth);
void flecs_query_add_ref(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *qm,
ecs_entity_t component,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_assert(entity != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_ref_t *ref = ecs_vec_append_t(&world->allocator, &qm->refs, ecs_ref_t);
ecs_assert(entity != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (size) {
*ref = ecs_ref_init_id(world, entity, component);
} else {
*ref = (ecs_ref_t){
.entity = entity,
.id = 0
query->flags |= EcsQueryHasRefs;
ecs_query_table_match_t* flecs_query_add_table_match(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_t *qt,
ecs_table_t *table)
/* Add match for table. One table can have more than one match, if
* the query contains wildcards. */
ecs_query_table_match_t *qm = flecs_query_cache_add(query->filter.world, qt);
qm->table = table;
qm->columns = flecs_balloc(&query->allocators.columns);
qm->storage_columns = flecs_balloc(&query->allocators.columns);
qm->ids = flecs_balloc(&query->allocators.ids);
qm->sources = flecs_balloc(&query->allocators.sources);
/* Insert match to iteration list if table is not empty */
if (!table || ecs_table_count(table) != 0) {
flecs_query_insert_table_node(query, qm);
return qm;
void flecs_query_set_table_match(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *qm,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_filter_t *filter = &query->filter;
int32_t i, term_count = filter->term_count;
int32_t field_count = filter->field_count;
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
/* Reset resources in case this is an existing record */
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, &qm->refs, ecs_ref_t);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(qm->columns, it->columns, int32_t, field_count);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(qm->ids, it->ids, ecs_id_t, field_count);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(qm->sources, it->sources, ecs_entity_t, field_count);
if (table) {
/* Initialize storage columns for faster access to component storage */
for (i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
if (terms[i].inout == EcsInOutNone) {
qm->storage_columns[i] = -1;
int32_t column = qm->columns[i];
if (column > 0) {
qm->storage_columns[i] = ecs_table_type_to_column_index(table,
qm->columns[i] - 1);
} else {
/* Shared field (not from table) */
qm->storage_columns[i] = -2;
flecs_entity_filter_init(world, &qm->entity_filter, filter,
table, qm->ids, qm->columns);
if (qm->entity_filter) {
query->flags &= ~EcsQueryTrivialIter;
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasUnion) {
query->flags &= ~EcsQueryTrivialIter;
/* Add references for substituted terms */
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
if (!ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
/* non-This terms are set during iteration */
int32_t field = terms[i].field_index;
ecs_entity_t src = it->sources[field];
ecs_size_t size = 0;
if (it->sizes) {
size = it->sizes[field];
if (src) {
ecs_id_t id = it->ids[field];
ecs_assert(ecs_is_valid(world, src), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (id) {
flecs_query_add_ref(world, query, qm, id, src, size);
/* Use column index to bind term and ref */
if (qm->columns[field] != 0) {
qm->columns[field] = -ecs_vec_count(&qm->refs);
ecs_query_table_t* flecs_query_table_insert(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_query_table_t *qt = flecs_bcalloc(&world->allocators.query_table);
if (table) {
qt->table_id = table->id;
} else {
qt->table_id = 0;
ecs_table_cache_insert(&query->cache, table, &qt->hdr);
return qt;
/** Populate query cache with tables */
void flecs_query_match_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_table_t *table = NULL;
ecs_query_table_t *qt = NULL;
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_filter_iter(world, &query->filter);
ECS_BIT_SET(it.flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
ECS_BIT_SET(it.flags, EcsIterNoData);
ECS_BIT_SET(it.flags, EcsIterTableOnly);
ECS_BIT_SET(it.flags, EcsIterEntityOptional);
while (ecs_filter_next(&it)) {
if ((table != it.table) || (!it.table && !qt)) {
/* New table matched, add record to cache */
table = it.table;
qt = flecs_query_table_insert(world, query, table);
ecs_query_table_match_t *qm = flecs_query_add_table_match(query, qt, table);
flecs_query_set_table_match(world, query, qm, table, &it);
bool flecs_query_match_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_table_t *table)
if (!ecs_map_is_init(&query->cache.index)) {
return false;
ecs_query_table_t *qt = NULL;
ecs_filter_t *filter = &query->filter;
int var_id = ecs_filter_find_this_var(filter);
if (var_id == -1) {
/* If query doesn't match with This term, it can't match with tables */
return false;
ecs_iter_t it = flecs_filter_iter_w_flags(world, filter, EcsIterMatchVar|
ecs_iter_set_var_as_table(&it, var_id, table);
while (ecs_filter_next(&it)) {
ecs_assert(it.table == table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (qt == NULL) {
table = it.table;
qt = flecs_query_table_insert(world, query, table);
ecs_query_table_match_t *qm = flecs_query_add_table_match(query, qt, table);
flecs_query_set_table_match(world, query, qm, table, &it);
return qt != NULL;
ECS_SORT_TABLE_WITH_COMPARE(_, flecs_query_sort_table_generic, order_by, static)
void flecs_query_sort_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t column_index,
ecs_order_by_action_t compare,
ecs_sort_table_action_t sort)
ecs_data_t *data = &table->data;
if (!ecs_vec_count(&data->entities)) {
/* Nothing to sort */
int32_t count = flecs_table_data_count(data);
if (count < 2) {
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_first(&data->entities);
void *ptr = NULL;
int32_t size = 0;
if (column_index != -1) {
ecs_column_t *column = &data->columns[column_index];
ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
size = ti->size;
ptr = ecs_vec_first(&column->data);
if (sort) {
sort(world, table, entities, ptr, size, 0, count - 1, compare);
} else {
flecs_query_sort_table_generic(world, table, entities, ptr, size, 0, count - 1, compare);
/* Helper struct for building sorted table ranges */
typedef struct sort_helper_t {
ecs_query_table_match_t *match;
ecs_entity_t *entities;
const void *ptr;
int32_t row;
int32_t elem_size;
int32_t count;
bool shared;
} sort_helper_t;
const void* ptr_from_helper(
sort_helper_t *helper)
ecs_assert(helper->row < helper->count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(helper->elem_size >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(helper->row >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (helper->shared) {
return helper->ptr;
} else {
return ECS_ELEM(helper->ptr, helper->elem_size, helper->row);
ecs_entity_t e_from_helper(
sort_helper_t *helper)
if (helper->row < helper->count) {
return helper->entities[helper->row];
} else {
return 0;
void flecs_query_build_sorted_table_range(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_list_t *list)
ecs_world_t *world = query->filter.world;
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldMultiThreaded), ECS_UNSUPPORTED,
"cannot sort query in multithreaded mode");
ecs_entity_t id = query->order_by_component;
ecs_order_by_action_t compare = query->order_by;
int32_t table_count = list->info.table_count;
if (!table_count) {
ecs_vec_init_if_t(&query->table_slices, ecs_query_table_match_t);
int32_t to_sort = 0;
int32_t order_by_term = query->order_by_term;
sort_helper_t *helper = flecs_alloc_n(
&world->allocator, sort_helper_t, table_count);
ecs_query_table_match_t *cur, *end = list->last->next;
for (cur = list->first; cur != end; cur = cur->next) {
ecs_table_t *table = cur->table;
ecs_data_t *data = &table->data;
ecs_assert(ecs_table_count(table) != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (id) {
const ecs_term_t *term = &query->filter.terms[order_by_term];
int32_t field = term->field_index;
int32_t column = cur->columns[field];
ecs_size_t size = query->filter.sizes[field];
ecs_assert(column != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (column >= 0) {
column = table->column_map[column - 1];
ecs_vec_t *vec = &data->columns[column].data;
helper[to_sort].ptr = ecs_vec_first(vec);
helper[to_sort].elem_size = size;
helper[to_sort].shared = false;
} else {
ecs_entity_t src = cur->sources[field];
ecs_assert(src != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, src);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(r->table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (term->src.flags & EcsUp) {
ecs_entity_t base = 0;
ecs_search_relation(world, r->table, 0, id,
EcsIsA, term->src.flags & EcsTraverseFlags, &base, 0, 0);
if (base && base != src) { /* Component could be inherited */
r = flecs_entities_get(world, base);
helper[to_sort].ptr = ecs_table_get_id(
world, r->table, id, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row));
helper[to_sort].elem_size = size;
helper[to_sort].shared = true;
ecs_assert(helper[to_sort].ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(helper[to_sort].elem_size != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} else {
helper[to_sort].ptr = NULL;
helper[to_sort].elem_size = 0;
helper[to_sort].shared = false;
helper[to_sort].match = cur;
helper[to_sort].entities = ecs_vec_first(&data->entities);
helper[to_sort].row = 0;
helper[to_sort].count = ecs_table_count(table);
to_sort ++;
ecs_assert(to_sort != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
bool proceed;
do {
int32_t j, min = 0;
proceed = true;
ecs_entity_t e1;
while (!(e1 = e_from_helper(&helper[min]))) {
min ++;
if (min == to_sort) {
proceed = false;
if (!proceed) {
for (j = min + 1; j < to_sort; j++) {
ecs_entity_t e2 = e_from_helper(&helper[j]);
if (!e2) {
const void *ptr1 = ptr_from_helper(&helper[min]);
const void *ptr2 = ptr_from_helper(&helper[j]);
if (compare(e1, ptr1, e2, ptr2) > 0) {
min = j;
e1 = e_from_helper(&helper[min]);
sort_helper_t *cur_helper = &helper[min];
if (!cur || cur->columns != cur_helper->match->columns) {
cur = ecs_vec_append_t(NULL, &query->table_slices,
*cur = *(cur_helper->match);
cur->offset = cur_helper->row;
cur->count = 1;
} else {
cur->count ++;
cur_helper->row ++;
} while (proceed);
/* Iterate through the vector of slices to set the prev/next ptrs. This
* can't be done while building the vector, as reallocs may occur */
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&query->table_slices);
ecs_query_table_match_t *nodes = ecs_vec_first(&query->table_slices);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
nodes[i].prev = &nodes[i - 1];
nodes[i].next = &nodes[i + 1];
nodes[0].prev = NULL;
nodes[i - 1].next = NULL;
flecs_free_n(&world->allocator, sort_helper_t, table_count, helper);
void flecs_query_build_sorted_tables(
ecs_query_t *query)
if (query->group_by) {
/* Populate sorted node list in grouping order */
ecs_query_table_match_t *cur = query->list.first;
if (cur) {
do {
/* Find list for current group */
uint64_t group_id = cur->group_id;
ecs_query_table_list_t *list = ecs_map_get_deref(
&query->groups, ecs_query_table_list_t, group_id);
ecs_assert(list != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Sort tables in current group */
flecs_query_build_sorted_table_range(query, list);
/* Find next group to sort */
cur = list->last->next;
} while (cur);
} else {
flecs_query_build_sorted_table_range(query, &query->list);
void flecs_query_sort_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_order_by_action_t compare = query->order_by;
if (!compare) {
ecs_sort_table_action_t sort = query->sort_table;
ecs_entity_t order_by_component = query->order_by_component;
int32_t order_by_term = query->order_by_term;
/* Iterate over non-empty tables. Don't bother with empty tables as they
* have nothing to sort */
bool tables_sorted = false;
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, order_by_component);
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
ecs_query_table_t *qt;
flecs_table_cache_iter(&query->cache, &it);
while ((qt = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_query_table_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = qt->hdr.table;
bool dirty = false;
if (flecs_query_check_table_monitor(query, qt, 0)) {
dirty = true;
int32_t column = -1;
if (order_by_component) {
if (flecs_query_check_table_monitor(query, qt, order_by_term + 1)) {
dirty = true;
if (dirty) {
column = -1;
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(
idr, table);
if (tr) {
column = tr->column;
if (column == -1) {
/* Component is shared, no sorting is needed */
dirty = false;
if (!dirty) {
/* Something has changed, sort the table. Prefers using
* flecs_query_sort_table when available */
flecs_query_sort_table(world, table, column, compare, sort);
tables_sorted = true;
if (tables_sorted || query->match_count != query->prev_match_count) {
query->match_count ++; /* Increase version if tables changed */
bool flecs_query_has_refs(
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_term_t *terms = query->filter.terms;
int32_t i, count = query->filter.term_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
if (terms[i].src.flags & (EcsUp | EcsIsEntity)) {
return true;
return false;
void flecs_query_for_each_component_monitor(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_world_t* world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_query_t *query))
ecs_term_t *terms = query->filter.terms;
int32_t i, count = query->filter.term_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
if (src->flags & EcsUp) {
callback(world, ecs_pair(src->trav, EcsWildcard), query);
if (src->trav != EcsIsA) {
callback(world, ecs_pair(EcsIsA, EcsWildcard), query);
callback(world, term->id, query);
} else if (src->flags & EcsSelf && !ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
callback(world, term->id, query);
bool flecs_query_is_term_id_supported(
ecs_term_id_t *term_id)
if (!(term_id->flags & EcsIsVariable)) {
return true;
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(term_id->id)) {
return true;
return false;
int flecs_query_process_signature(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_term_t *terms = query->filter.terms;
int32_t i, count = query->filter.term_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
ecs_term_id_t *first = &term->first;
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
ecs_term_id_t *second = &term->second;
ecs_inout_kind_t inout = term->inout;
bool is_src_ok = flecs_query_is_term_id_supported(src);
bool is_first_ok = flecs_query_is_term_id_supported(first);
bool is_second_ok = flecs_query_is_term_id_supported(second);
/* Queries do not support named variables */
ecs_check(is_src_ok || ecs_term_match_this(term),
ecs_check(is_first_ok, ECS_UNSUPPORTED, NULL);
ecs_check(is_second_ok, ECS_UNSUPPORTED, NULL);
ecs_check(!(src->flags & EcsFilter), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"invalid usage of Filter for query");
if (inout != EcsIn && inout != EcsInOutNone) {
/* Non-this terms default to EcsIn */
if (ecs_term_match_this(term) || inout != EcsInOutDefault) {
query->flags |= EcsQueryHasOutTerms;
bool match_non_this = !ecs_term_match_this(term) ||
(term->src.flags & EcsUp);
if (match_non_this && inout != EcsInOutDefault) {
query->flags |= EcsQueryHasNonThisOutTerms;
if (src->flags & EcsCascade) {
/* Query can only have one cascade column */
ecs_assert(query->cascade_by == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
query->cascade_by = i + 1;
query->flags |= (ecs_flags32_t)(flecs_query_has_refs(query) * EcsQueryHasRefs);
if (!(query->flags & EcsQueryIsSubquery)) {
flecs_query_for_each_component_monitor(world, query, flecs_monitor_register);
return 0;
return -1;
/** When a table becomes empty remove it from the query list, or vice versa. */
void flecs_query_update_table(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_table_t *table,
bool empty)
int32_t prev_count = ecs_query_table_count(query);
ecs_table_cache_set_empty(&query->cache, table, empty);
int32_t cur_count = ecs_query_table_count(query);
if (prev_count != cur_count) {
ecs_query_table_t *qt = ecs_table_cache_get(&query->cache, table);
ecs_assert(qt != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_query_table_match_t *cur, *next;
for (cur = qt->first; cur != NULL; cur = next) {
next = cur->next_match;
if (empty) {
ecs_assert(ecs_table_count(table) == 0,
flecs_query_remove_table_node(query, cur);
} else {
ecs_assert(ecs_table_count(table) != 0,
flecs_query_insert_table_node(query, cur);
ecs_assert(cur_count || query->list.first == NULL,
void flecs_query_add_subquery(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *parent,
ecs_query_t *subquery)
ecs_vec_init_if_t(&parent->subqueries, ecs_query_t*);
ecs_query_t **elem = ecs_vec_append_t(
NULL, &parent->subqueries, ecs_query_t*);
*elem = subquery;
ecs_table_cache_t *cache = &parent->cache;
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
ecs_query_table_t *qt;
flecs_table_cache_all_iter(cache, &it);
while ((qt = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_query_table_t))) {
flecs_query_match_table(world, subquery, qt->hdr.table);
void flecs_query_notify_subqueries(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_event_t *event)
if (query->subqueries.array) {
ecs_query_t **queries = ecs_vec_first(&query->subqueries);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&query->subqueries);
ecs_query_event_t sub_event = *event;
sub_event.parent_query = query;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_query_t *sub = queries[i];
flecs_query_notify(world, sub, &sub_event);
/* Remove table */
void flecs_query_table_match_free(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_t *elem,
ecs_query_table_match_t *first)
ecs_query_table_match_t *cur, *next;
ecs_world_t *world = query->filter.world;
for (cur = first; cur != NULL; cur = next) {
flecs_bfree(&query->allocators.columns, cur->columns);
flecs_bfree(&query->allocators.columns, cur->storage_columns);
flecs_bfree(&query->allocators.ids, cur->ids);
flecs_bfree(&query->allocators.sources, cur->sources);
if (cur->monitor) {
flecs_bfree(&query->allocators.monitors, cur->monitor);
if (!elem->hdr.empty) {
flecs_query_remove_table_node(query, cur);
ecs_vec_fini_t(&world->allocator, &cur->refs, ecs_ref_t);
flecs_entity_filter_fini(world, cur->entity_filter);
next = cur->next_match;
flecs_bfree(&world->allocators.query_table_match, cur);
void flecs_query_table_free(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_t *elem)
flecs_query_table_match_free(query, elem, elem->first);
flecs_bfree(&query->filter.world->allocators.query_table, elem);
void flecs_query_unmatch_table(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_query_table_t *elem)
if (!elem) {
elem = ecs_table_cache_get(&query->cache, table);
if (elem) {
ecs_table_cache_remove(&query->cache, elem->table_id, &elem->hdr);
flecs_query_table_free(query, elem);
/* Rematch system with tables after a change happened to a watched entity */
void flecs_query_rematch_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_t *parent_query)
ecs_iter_t it, parent_it;
ecs_table_t *table = NULL;
ecs_query_table_t *qt = NULL;
ecs_query_table_match_t *qm = NULL;
if (query->monitor_generation == world->monitor_generation) {
query->monitor_generation = world->monitor_generation;
if (parent_query) {
parent_it = ecs_query_iter(world, parent_query);
it = ecs_filter_chain_iter(&parent_it, &query->filter);
} else {
it = ecs_filter_iter(world, &query->filter);
ECS_BIT_SET(it.flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
ECS_BIT_SET(it.flags, EcsIterNoData);
ECS_BIT_SET(it.flags, EcsIterEntityOptional);
world->info.rematch_count_total ++;
int32_t rematch_count = ++ query->rematch_count;
ecs_time_t t = {0};
if (world->flags & EcsWorldMeasureFrameTime) {
while (ecs_filter_next(&it)) {
if ((table != it.table) || (!it.table && !qt)) {
if (qm && qm->next_match) {
flecs_query_table_match_free(query, qt, qm->next_match);
qm->next_match = NULL;
table = it.table;
qt = ecs_table_cache_get(&query->cache, table);
if (!qt) {
qt = flecs_query_table_insert(world, query, table);
ecs_assert(qt->hdr.table == table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
qt->rematch_count = rematch_count;
qm = NULL;
if (!qm) {
qm = qt->first;
} else {
qm = qm->next_match;
if (!qm) {
qm = flecs_query_add_table_match(query, qt, table);
flecs_query_set_table_match(world, query, qm, table, &it);
if (table && ecs_table_count(table) && query->group_by) {
if (flecs_query_get_group_id(query, table) != qm->group_id) {
/* Update table group */
flecs_query_remove_table_node(query, qm);
flecs_query_insert_table_node(query, qm);
if (qm && qm->next_match) {
flecs_query_table_match_free(query, qt, qm->next_match);
qm->next_match = NULL;
/* Iterate all tables in cache, remove ones that weren't just matched */
ecs_table_cache_iter_t cache_it;
if (flecs_table_cache_all_iter(&query->cache, &cache_it)) {
while ((qt = flecs_table_cache_next(&cache_it, ecs_query_table_t))) {
if (qt->rematch_count != rematch_count) {
flecs_query_unmatch_table(query, qt->hdr.table, qt);
if (world->flags & EcsWorldMeasureFrameTime) {
world->info.rematch_time_total += (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(&t);
void flecs_query_remove_subquery(
ecs_query_t *parent,
ecs_query_t *sub)
ecs_assert(parent != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(sub != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(parent->subqueries.array, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&parent->subqueries);
ecs_query_t **sq = ecs_vec_first(&parent->subqueries);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
if (sq[i] == sub) {
ecs_vec_remove_t(&parent->subqueries, ecs_query_t*, i);
/* -- Private API -- */
void flecs_query_notify(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_event_t *event)
bool notify = true;
switch(event->kind) {
case EcsQueryTableMatch:
/* Creation of new table */
if (flecs_query_match_table(world, query, event->table)) {
if (query->subqueries.array) {
flecs_query_notify_subqueries(world, query, event);
notify = false;
case EcsQueryTableUnmatch:
/* Deletion of table */
flecs_query_unmatch_table(query, event->table, NULL);
case EcsQueryTableRematch:
/* Rematch tables of query */
flecs_query_rematch_tables(world, query, event->parent_query);
case EcsQueryOrphan:
ecs_assert(query->flags & EcsQueryIsSubquery, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
query->flags |= EcsQueryIsOrphaned;
query->parent = NULL;
if (notify) {
flecs_query_notify_subqueries(world, query, event);
void flecs_query_order_by(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_entity_t order_by_component,
ecs_order_by_action_t order_by,
ecs_sort_table_action_t action)
ecs_check(query != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!(query->flags & EcsQueryIsOrphaned), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Find order_by_component term & make sure it is queried for */
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &query->filter;
int32_t i, count = filter->term_count;
int32_t order_by_term = -1;
if (order_by_component) {
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[i];
/* Only And terms are supported */
if (term->id == order_by_component && term->oper == EcsAnd) {
order_by_term = i;
ecs_check(order_by_term != -1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"sorted component not is queried for");
query->order_by_component = order_by_component;
query->order_by = order_by;
query->order_by_term = order_by_term;
query->sort_table = action;
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &query->table_slices, ecs_query_table_match_t);
flecs_query_sort_tables(world, query);
if (!query->table_slices.array) {
query->flags &= ~EcsQueryTrivialIter;
void flecs_query_group_by(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_entity_t sort_component,
ecs_group_by_action_t group_by)
/* Cannot change grouping once a query has been created */
ecs_check(query->group_by_id == 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_check(query->group_by == 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
if (!group_by) {
/* Builtin function that groups by relationship */
group_by = flecs_query_default_group_by;
query->group_by_id = sort_component;
query->group_by = group_by;
/* Implementation for iterable mixin */
void flecs_query_iter_init(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_poly_t *poly,
ecs_iter_t *iter,
ecs_term_t *filter)
ecs_poly_assert(poly, ecs_query_t);
if (filter) {
iter[1] = ecs_query_iter(world, ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_query_t*, poly));
iter[0] = ecs_term_chain_iter(&iter[1], filter);
} else {
iter[0] = ecs_query_iter(world, ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_query_t*, poly));
void flecs_query_on_event(
ecs_iter_t *it)
/* Because this is the observer::run callback, checking if this is event is
* already handled is not done for us. */
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
ecs_observer_t *o = it->ctx;
if (o->last_event_id) {
if (o->last_event_id[0] == world->event_id) {
o->last_event_id[0] = world->event_id;
ecs_query_t *query = o->ctx;
ecs_table_t *table = it->table;
ecs_entity_t event = it->event;
if (event == EcsOnTableCreate) {
/* Creation of new table */
if (flecs_query_match_table(world, query, table)) {
if (query->subqueries.array) {
ecs_query_event_t evt = {
.kind = EcsQueryTableMatch,
.table = table,
.parent_query = query
flecs_query_notify_subqueries(world, query, &evt);
ecs_assert(query != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* The observer isn't doing the matching because the query can do it more
* efficiently by checking the table with the query cache. */
if (ecs_table_cache_get(&query->cache, table) == NULL) {
if (event == EcsOnTableEmpty) {
flecs_query_update_table(query, table, true);
} else
if (event == EcsOnTableFill) {
flecs_query_update_table(query, table, false);
} else if (event == EcsOnTableDelete) {
/* Deletion of table */
flecs_query_unmatch_table(query, table, NULL);
if (query->subqueries.array) {
ecs_query_event_t evt = {
.kind = EcsQueryTableUnmatch,
.table = table,
.parent_query = query
flecs_query_notify_subqueries(world, query, &evt);
void flecs_query_table_cache_free(
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
ecs_query_table_t *qt;
if (flecs_table_cache_all_iter(&query->cache, &it)) {
while ((qt = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_query_table_t))) {
flecs_query_table_free(query, qt);
void flecs_query_allocators_init(
ecs_query_t *query)
int32_t field_count = query->filter.field_count;
if (field_count) {
field_count * ECS_SIZEOF(int32_t));
field_count * ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_id_t));
field_count * ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_entity_t));
(1 + field_count) * ECS_SIZEOF(int32_t));
void flecs_query_allocators_fini(
ecs_query_t *query)
int32_t field_count = query->filter.field_count;
if (field_count) {
void flecs_query_fini(
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_world_t *world = query->filter.world;
ecs_group_delete_action_t on_delete = query->on_group_delete;
if (on_delete) {
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&query->groups);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_query_table_list_t *group = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
uint64_t group_id = ecs_map_key(&it);
on_delete(world, group_id, group->info.ctx, query->group_by_ctx);
query->on_group_delete = NULL;
if (query->group_by_ctx_free) {
if (query->group_by_ctx) {
if ((query->flags & EcsQueryIsSubquery) &&
!(query->flags & EcsQueryIsOrphaned))
flecs_query_remove_subquery(query->parent, query);
flecs_query_notify_subqueries(world, query, &(ecs_query_event_t){
.kind = EcsQueryOrphan
flecs_query_for_each_component_monitor(world, query,
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &query->subqueries, ecs_query_t*);
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &query->table_slices, ecs_query_table_match_t);
if (query->ctx_free) {
if (query->binding_ctx_free) {
ecs_poly_free(query, ecs_query_t);
/* -- Public API -- */
ecs_query_t* ecs_query_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_query_desc_t *desc)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_check(desc->_canary == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!(world->flags & EcsWorldFini), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_query_t *result = ecs_poly_new(ecs_query_t);
ecs_observer_desc_t observer_desc = { .filter = desc->filter };
ecs_entity_t entity = desc->filter.entity;
observer_desc.filter.flags = EcsFilterMatchEmptyTables;
observer_desc.filter.storage = &result->filter;
result->filter = ECS_FILTER_INIT;
if (ecs_filter_init(world, &observer_desc.filter) == NULL) {
goto error;
ECS_BIT_COND(result->flags, EcsQueryTrivialIter,
!!(result->filter.flags & EcsFilterMatchOnlyThis));
if (result->filter.term_count) {
observer_desc.entity = entity;
observer_desc.run = flecs_query_on_event;
observer_desc.ctx = result;
observer_desc.events[0] = EcsOnTableEmpty;
observer_desc.events[1] = EcsOnTableFill;
if (!desc->parent) {
observer_desc.events[2] = EcsOnTableCreate;
observer_desc.events[3] = EcsOnTableDelete;
observer_desc.filter.flags |= EcsFilterNoData;
observer_desc.filter.instanced = true;
/* ecs_filter_init could have moved away resources from the terms array
* in the descriptor, so use the terms array from the filter. */
observer_desc.filter.terms_buffer = result->filter.terms;
observer_desc.filter.terms_buffer_count = result->filter.term_count;
observer_desc.filter.expr = NULL; /* Already parsed */
entity = ecs_observer_init(world, &observer_desc);
if (!entity) {
goto error;
result->iterable.init = flecs_query_iter_init;
result->dtor = (ecs_poly_dtor_t)flecs_query_fini;
result->prev_match_count = -1;
result->ctx = desc->ctx;
result->binding_ctx = desc->binding_ctx;
result->ctx_free = desc->ctx_free;
result->binding_ctx_free = desc->binding_ctx_free;
if (ecs_should_log_1()) {
char *filter_expr = ecs_filter_str(world, &result->filter);
ecs_dbg_1("#[green]query#[normal] [%s] created",
filter_expr ? filter_expr : "");
if (flecs_query_process_signature(world, result)) {
goto error;
/* Group before matching so we won't have to move tables around later */
int32_t cascade_by = result->cascade_by;
if (cascade_by) {
flecs_query_group_by(result, result->filter.terms[cascade_by - 1].id,
result->group_by_ctx = &result->filter.terms[cascade_by - 1];
if (desc->group_by || desc->group_by_id) {
/* Can't have a cascade term and group by at the same time, as cascade
* uses the group_by mechanism */
ecs_check(!result->cascade_by, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
flecs_query_group_by(result, desc->group_by_id, desc->group_by);
result->group_by_ctx = desc->group_by_ctx;
result->on_group_create = desc->on_group_create;
result->on_group_delete = desc->on_group_delete;
result->group_by_ctx_free = desc->group_by_ctx_free;
if (desc->parent != NULL) {
result->flags |= EcsQueryIsSubquery;
/* If the query refers to itself, add the components that were queried for
* to the query itself. */
if (entity) {
int32_t t, term_count = result->filter.term_count;
ecs_term_t *terms = result->filter.terms;
for (t = 0; t < term_count; t ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[t];
if (term->src.id == entity) {
ecs_add_id(world, entity, term->id);
if (!entity) {
entity = ecs_new_id(world);
EcsPoly *poly = ecs_poly_bind(world, entity, ecs_query_t);
if (poly->poly) {
/* If entity already had poly query, delete previous */
poly->poly = result;
result->filter.entity = entity;
/* Ensure that while initially populating the query with tables, they are
* in the right empty/non-empty list. This ensures the query won't miss
* empty/non-empty events for tables that are currently out of sync, but
* change back to being in sync before processing pending events. */
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
ecs_table_cache_init(world, &result->cache);
if (!desc->parent) {
flecs_query_match_tables(world, result);
} else {
flecs_query_add_subquery(world, desc->parent, result);
result->parent = desc->parent;
if (desc->order_by) {
world, result, desc->order_by_component, desc->order_by,
if (!ecs_query_table_count(result) && result->filter.term_count) {
ecs_add_id(world, entity, EcsEmpty);
ecs_poly_modified(world, entity, ecs_query_t);
return result;
if (result) {
return NULL;
void ecs_query_fini(
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_poly_assert(query, ecs_query_t);
ecs_delete(query->filter.world, query->filter.entity);
const ecs_filter_t* ecs_query_get_filter(
const ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_poly_assert(query, ecs_query_t);
return &query->filter;
void flecs_query_set_var(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->constrained_vars == 1, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION,
"can only set $this variable for queries");
ecs_var_t *var = &it->variables[0];
ecs_table_t *table = var->range.table;
if (!table) {
goto nodata;
ecs_query_iter_t *qit = &it->priv.iter.query;
ecs_query_t *query = qit->query;
ecs_query_table_t *qt = ecs_table_cache_get(&query->cache, table);
if (!qt) {
goto nodata;
qit->node = qt->first;
qit->last = qt->last->next_match;
it->offset = var->range.offset;
it->count = var->range.count;
it->priv.iter.query.node = NULL;
it->priv.iter.query.last = NULL;
ecs_iter_t ecs_query_iter(
const ecs_world_t *stage,
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_poly_assert(query, ecs_query_t);
ecs_check(!(query->flags & EcsQueryIsOrphaned),
ecs_world_t *world = query->filter.world;
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
/* Process table events to ensure that the list of iterated tables doesn't
* contain empty tables. */
/* If query has order_by, apply sort */
flecs_query_sort_tables(world, query);
/* If monitors changed, do query rematching */
if (!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly) && query->flags & EcsQueryHasRefs) {
/* Prepare iterator */
int32_t table_count;
if (ecs_vec_count(&query->table_slices)) {
table_count = ecs_vec_count(&query->table_slices);
} else {
table_count = ecs_query_table_count(query);
ecs_query_iter_t it = {
.query = query,
.node = query->list.first,
.last = NULL
if (query->order_by && query->list.info.table_count) {
it.node = ecs_vec_first(&query->table_slices);
ecs_iter_t result = {
.real_world = world,
.world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, stage),
.query = &query->filter,
.terms = query->filter.terms,
.field_count = query->filter.field_count,
.table_count = table_count,
.variable_count = 1,
.priv.iter.query = it,
.next = ecs_query_next,
.set_var = flecs_query_set_var,
.system = query->filter.entity
flecs_filter_apply_iter_flags(&result, &query->filter);
ecs_filter_t *filter = &query->filter;
ecs_iter_t fit;
if (!(query->flags & EcsQueryTrivialIter)) {
/* Check if non-This terms (like singleton terms) still match */
if (!(filter->flags & EcsFilterMatchOnlyThis)) {
fit = flecs_filter_iter_w_flags(ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, stage),
&query->filter, EcsIterIgnoreThis);
if (!ecs_filter_next(&fit)) {
/* No match, so return nothing */
goto noresults;
flecs_iter_init(stage, &result, flecs_iter_cache_all);
/* Copy the data */
if (!(filter->flags & EcsFilterMatchOnlyThis)) {
int32_t field_count = filter->field_count;
if (field_count) {
if (result.ptrs) {
ecs_os_memcpy_n(result.ptrs, fit.ptrs, void*, field_count);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(result.ids, fit.ids, ecs_id_t, field_count);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(result.columns, fit.columns, int32_t, field_count);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(result.sources, fit.sources, int32_t, field_count);
} else {
/* Trivial iteration, use arrays from query cache */
flecs_iter_init(stage, &result,
result.sizes = query->filter.sizes;
return result;
result.priv.iter.query.node = NULL;
return result;
void ecs_query_set_group(
ecs_iter_t *it,
uint64_t group_id)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_query_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!(it->flags & EcsIterIsValid), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_query_iter_t *qit = &it->priv.iter.query;
ecs_query_t *q = qit->query;
ecs_query_table_list_t *node = flecs_query_get_group(q, group_id);
if (!node) {
qit->node = NULL;
ecs_query_table_match_t *first = node->first;
if (first) {
qit->node = node->first;
qit->last = node->last->next;
} else {
qit->node = NULL;
qit->last = NULL;
const ecs_query_group_info_t* ecs_query_get_group_info(
const ecs_query_t *query,
uint64_t group_id)
ecs_query_table_list_t *node = flecs_query_get_group(query, group_id);
if (!node) {
return NULL;
return &node->info;
void* ecs_query_get_group_ctx(
const ecs_query_t *query,
uint64_t group_id)
const ecs_query_group_info_t *info =
ecs_query_get_group_info(query, group_id);
if (!info) {
return NULL;
} else {
return info->ctx;
void flecs_query_mark_columns_dirty(
ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_table_match_t *qm)
ecs_table_t *table = qm->table;
ecs_filter_t *filter = &query->filter;
if ((table && table->dirty_state) || (query->flags & EcsQueryHasNonThisOutTerms)) {
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
int32_t i, count = filter->term_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
ecs_inout_kind_t inout = term->inout;
if (inout == EcsIn || inout == EcsInOutNone) {
/* Don't mark readonly terms dirty */
flecs_table_column_t tc;
flecs_query_get_column_for_term(query, qm, i, &tc);
if (tc.column == -1) {
ecs_assert(tc.table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t *dirty_state = tc.table->dirty_state;
if (!dirty_state) {
if (table != tc.table) {
if (inout == EcsInOutDefault) {
ecs_assert(tc.column >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
dirty_state[tc.column + 1] ++;
bool ecs_query_next_table(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_query_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_query_iter_t *iter = &it->priv.iter.query;
ecs_query_table_match_t *node = iter->node;
ecs_query_t *query = iter->query;
ecs_query_table_match_t *prev = iter->prev;
if (prev) {
if (query->flags & EcsQueryHasMonitor) {
flecs_query_sync_match_monitor(query, prev);
if (query->flags & EcsQueryHasOutTerms) {
if (it->count) {
flecs_query_mark_columns_dirty(query, prev);
if (node != iter->last) {
it->table = node->table;
it->group_id = node->group_id;
it->count = 0;
iter->node = node->next;
iter->prev = node;
return true;
query->match_count = query->prev_match_count;
return false;
void flecs_query_populate_trivial(
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_query_table_match_t *match)
ecs_table_t *table = match->table;
int32_t offset, count;
if (!it->constrained_vars) {
it->offset = offset = 0;
it->count = count = ecs_table_count(table);
} else {
offset = it->offset;
count = it->count;
it->ids = match->ids;
it->sources = match->sources;
it->columns = match->columns;
it->group_id = match->group_id;
it->instance_count = 0;
it->references = ecs_vec_first(&match->refs);
if (!it->references) {
ecs_data_t *data = &table->data;
if (!(it->flags & EcsIterNoData)) {
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < it->field_count; i ++) {
int32_t column = match->storage_columns[i];
if (column < 0) {
it->ptrs[i] = NULL;
ecs_size_t size = it->sizes[i];
if (!size) {
it->ptrs[i] = NULL;
it->ptrs[i] = ecs_vec_get(&data->columns[column].data,
it->sizes[i], offset);
it->frame_offset += it->table ? ecs_table_count(it->table) : 0;
it->table = table;
it->entities = ecs_vec_get_t(&data->entities, ecs_entity_t, offset);
} else {
it->real_world, it, table, offset, count, it->ptrs);
int ecs_query_populate(
ecs_iter_t *it,
bool when_changed)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_query_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid),
ecs_query_iter_t *iter = &it->priv.iter.query;
ecs_query_t *query = iter->query;
ecs_query_table_match_t *match = iter->prev;
ecs_assert(match != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
if (query->flags & EcsQueryTrivialIter) {
flecs_query_populate_trivial(it, match);
return EcsIterNextYield;
ecs_table_t *table = match->table;
ecs_world_t *world = query->filter.world;
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &query->filter;
ecs_entity_filter_iter_t *ent_it = it->priv.entity_iter;
ecs_assert(ent_it != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_range_t *range = &ent_it->range;
int32_t t, term_count = filter->term_count;
int result;
result = EcsIterNextYield;
ecs_os_memcpy_n(it->sources, match->sources, ecs_entity_t,
for (t = 0; t < term_count; t ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[t];
int32_t field = term->field_index;
if (!ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
it->ids[field] = match->ids[field];
it->columns[field] = match->columns[field];
if (table) {
range->offset = match->offset;
range->count = match->count;
if (!range->count) {
range->count = ecs_table_count(table);
ecs_assert(range->count != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (match->entity_filter) {
ent_it->entity_filter = match->entity_filter;
ent_it->columns = match->columns;
ent_it->range.table = table;
ent_it->it = it;
result = flecs_entity_filter_next(ent_it);
if (result == EcsIterNext) {
goto done;
it->group_id = match->group_id;
} else {
range->offset = 0;
range->count = 0;
if (when_changed) {
if (!ecs_query_changed(NULL, it)) {
if (result == EcsIterYield) {
goto repeat;
} else {
result = EcsIterNext;
goto done;
it->references = ecs_vec_first(&match->refs);
it->instance_count = 0;
flecs_iter_populate_data(world, it, table, range->offset, range->count,
return result;
bool ecs_query_next(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_query_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (flecs_iter_next_row(it)) {
return true;
return flecs_iter_next_instanced(it, ecs_query_next_instanced(it));
return false;
bool ecs_query_next_instanced(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_query_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_query_iter_t *iter = &it->priv.iter.query;
ecs_query_t *query = iter->query;
ecs_flags32_t flags = query->flags;
ecs_query_table_match_t *prev, *next, *cur = iter->node, *last = iter->last;
if ((prev = iter->prev)) {
/* Match has been iterated, update monitor for change tracking */
if (flags & EcsQueryHasMonitor) {
flecs_query_sync_match_monitor(query, prev);
if (flags & EcsQueryHasOutTerms) {
flecs_query_mark_columns_dirty(query, prev);
iter->skip_count = 0;
/* Trivial iteration: each entry in the cache is a full match and ids are
* only matched on $this or through traversal starting from $this. */
if (flags & EcsQueryTrivialIter) {
if (cur == last) {
goto done;
iter->node = cur->next;
iter->prev = cur;
flecs_query_populate_trivial(it, cur);
return true;
/* Non-trivial iteration: query matches with static sources, or matches with
* tables that require per-entity filtering. */
for (; cur != last; cur = next) {
next = cur->next;
iter->prev = cur;
switch(ecs_query_populate(it, false)) {
case EcsIterNext: iter->node = next; continue;
case EcsIterYield: next = cur; /* fall through */
case EcsIterNextYield: goto yield;
default: ecs_abort(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
done: error:
query->match_count = query->prev_match_count;
return false;
iter->node = next;
iter->prev = cur;
return true;
bool ecs_query_changed(
ecs_query_t *query,
const ecs_iter_t *it)
if (it) {
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_query_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid),
ecs_query_table_match_t *qm =
if (!query) {
query = it->priv.iter.query.query;
} else {
ecs_check(query == it->priv.iter.query.query,
ecs_check(query != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_poly_assert(query, ecs_query_t);
return flecs_query_check_match_monitor(query, qm, it);
ecs_poly_assert(query, ecs_query_t);
ecs_check(!(query->flags & EcsQueryIsOrphaned),
if (!(query->flags & EcsQueryHasMonitor)) {
query->flags |= EcsQueryHasMonitor;
return true; /* Monitors didn't exist yet */
if (query->match_count != query->prev_match_count) {
return true;
return flecs_query_check_query_monitor(query);
return false;
void ecs_query_skip(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_assert(it->next == ecs_query_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid),
if (it->instance_count > it->count) {
it->priv.iter.query.skip_count ++;
if (it->priv.iter.query.skip_count == it->instance_count) {
/* For non-instanced queries, make sure all entities are skipped */
it->priv.iter.query.prev = NULL;
} else {
it->priv.iter.query.prev = NULL;
bool ecs_query_orphaned(
const ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_poly_assert(query, ecs_query_t);
return query->flags & EcsQueryIsOrphaned;
char* ecs_query_str(
const ecs_query_t *query)
return ecs_filter_str(query->filter.world, &query->filter);
int32_t ecs_query_table_count(
const ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_run_aperiodic(query->filter.world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
return query->cache.tables.count;
int32_t ecs_query_empty_table_count(
const ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_run_aperiodic(query->filter.world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
return query->cache.empty_tables.count;
int32_t ecs_query_entity_count(
const ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_run_aperiodic(query->filter.world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
int32_t result = 0;
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *cur, *last = query->cache.tables.last;
if (!last) {
return 0;
for (cur = query->cache.tables.first; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
result += ecs_table_count(cur->table);
return result;
void* ecs_query_get_ctx(
const ecs_query_t *query)
return query->ctx;
void* ecs_query_get_binding_ctx(
const ecs_query_t *query)
return query->binding_ctx;
* @file search.c
* @brief Search functions to find (component) ids in table types.
* Search functions are used to find the column index of a (component) id in a
* table. Additionally, search functions implement the logic for finding a
* component id by following a relationship upwards.
int32_t flecs_type_search(
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t search_id,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_t *ids,
ecs_id_t *id_out,
ecs_table_record_t **tr_out)
ecs_table_record_t *tr = ecs_table_cache_get(&idr->cache, table);
if (tr) {
int32_t r = tr->index;
if (tr_out) tr_out[0] = tr;
if (id_out) {
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(search_id) == EcsUnion) {
id_out[0] = ids[r];
} else {
id_out[0] = flecs_to_public_id(ids[r]);
return r;
return -1;
int32_t flecs_type_offset_search(
int32_t offset,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_id_t *ids,
int32_t count,
ecs_id_t *id_out)
ecs_assert(ids != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(count > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(offset > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
while (offset < count) {
ecs_id_t type_id = ids[offset ++];
if (ecs_id_match(type_id, id)) {
if (id_out) {
id_out[0] = flecs_to_public_id(type_id);
return offset - 1;
return -1;
bool flecs_type_can_inherit_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
const ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (idr->flags & EcsIdDontInherit) {
return false;
if (idr->flags & EcsIdExclusive) {
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
ecs_entity_t er = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
if (flecs_table_record_get(
world, table, ecs_pair(er, EcsWildcard)))
return false;
return true;
int32_t flecs_type_search_relation(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t offset,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_t rel,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_r,
bool self,
ecs_entity_t *subject_out,
ecs_id_t *id_out,
ecs_table_record_t **tr_out)
ecs_type_t type = table->type;
ecs_id_t *ids = type.array;
int32_t count = type.count;
if (self) {
if (offset) {
int32_t r = flecs_type_offset_search(offset, id, ids, count, id_out);
if (r != -1) {
return r;
} else {
int32_t r = flecs_type_search(table, id, idr, ids, id_out, tr_out);
if (r != -1) {
return r;
ecs_flags32_t flags = table->flags;
if ((flags & EcsTableHasPairs) && rel) {
bool is_a = rel == ecs_pair(EcsIsA, EcsWildcard);
if (is_a) {
if (!(flags & EcsTableHasIsA)) {
return -1;
idr_r = world->idr_isa_wildcard;
if (!flecs_type_can_inherit_id(world, table, idr, id)) {
return -1;
if (!idr_r) {
idr_r = flecs_id_record_get(world, rel);
if (!idr_r) {
return -1;
ecs_id_t id_r;
int32_t r, r_column;
if (offset) {
r_column = flecs_type_offset_search(offset, rel, ids, count, &id_r);
} else {
r_column = flecs_type_search(table, id, idr_r, ids, &id_r, 0);
while (r_column != -1) {
ecs_entity_t obj = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id_r);
ecs_assert(obj != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_record_t *rec = flecs_entities_get_any(world, obj);
ecs_assert(rec != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *obj_table = rec->table;
if (obj_table) {
ecs_assert(obj_table != table, ECS_CYCLE_DETECTED, NULL);
r = flecs_type_search_relation(world, obj_table, 0, id, idr,
rel, idr_r, true, subject_out, id_out, tr_out);
if (r != -1) {
if (subject_out && !subject_out[0]) {
subject_out[0] = ecs_get_alive(world, obj);
return r_column;
if (!is_a) {
r = flecs_type_search_relation(world, obj_table, 0, id, idr,
ecs_pair(EcsIsA, EcsWildcard), world->idr_isa_wildcard,
true, subject_out, id_out, tr_out);
if (r != -1) {
if (subject_out && !subject_out[0]) {
subject_out[0] = ecs_get_alive(world, obj);
return r_column;
r_column = flecs_type_offset_search(
r_column + 1, rel, ids, count, &id_r);
return -1;
int32_t flecs_search_relation_w_idr(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t offset,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t rel,
ecs_flags32_t flags,
ecs_entity_t *subject_out,
ecs_id_t *id_out,
struct ecs_table_record_t **tr_out,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
if (!table) return -1;
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
flags = flags ? flags : (EcsSelf|EcsUp);
if (!idr) {
idr = flecs_query_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
return -1;
if (subject_out) subject_out[0] = 0;
if (!(flags & EcsUp)) {
if (offset) {
return ecs_search_offset(world, table, offset, id, id_out);
} else {
return flecs_type_search(
table, id, idr, table->type.array, id_out, tr_out);
int32_t result = flecs_type_search_relation(world, table, offset, id, idr,
ecs_pair(rel, EcsWildcard), NULL, flags & EcsSelf, subject_out,
id_out, tr_out);
return result;
int32_t ecs_search_relation(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t offset,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t rel,
ecs_flags32_t flags,
ecs_entity_t *subject_out,
ecs_id_t *id_out,
struct ecs_table_record_t **tr_out)
if (!table) return -1;
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
flags = flags ? flags : (EcsSelf|EcsUp);
if (subject_out) subject_out[0] = 0;
if (!(flags & EcsUp)) {
return ecs_search_offset(world, table, offset, id, id_out);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_query_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
return -1;
int32_t result = flecs_type_search_relation(world, table, offset, id, idr,
ecs_pair(rel, EcsWildcard), NULL, flags & EcsSelf, subject_out,
id_out, tr_out);
return result;
int32_t flecs_search_w_idr(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_id_t *id_out,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
if (!table) return -1;
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_type_t type = table->type;
ecs_id_t *ids = type.array;
return flecs_type_search(table, id, idr, ids, id_out, 0);
int32_t ecs_search(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_id_t *id_out)
if (!table) return -1;
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_query_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
return -1;
ecs_type_t type = table->type;
ecs_id_t *ids = type.array;
return flecs_type_search(table, id, idr, ids, id_out, 0);
int32_t ecs_search_offset(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t offset,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_id_t *id_out)
if (!offset) {
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
return ecs_search(world, table, id, id_out);
if (!table) return -1;
ecs_type_t type = table->type;
ecs_id_t *ids = type.array;
int32_t count = type.count;
return flecs_type_offset_search(offset, id, ids, count, id_out);
int32_t flecs_relation_depth_walk(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_id_record_t *idr,
const ecs_table_t *first,
const ecs_table_t *table)
int32_t result = 0;
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (!tr) {
return 0;
int32_t i = tr->index, end = i + tr->count;
for (; i != end; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t o = ecs_pair_second(world, table->type.array[i]);
ecs_assert(o != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *ot = ecs_get_table(world, o);
if (!ot) {
ecs_assert(ot != first, ECS_CYCLE_DETECTED, NULL);
int32_t cur = flecs_relation_depth_walk(world, idr, first, ot);
if (cur > result) {
result = cur;
return result + 1;
int32_t flecs_relation_depth(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t r,
const ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(r, EcsWildcard));
if (!idr) {
return 0;
int32_t depth_offset = 0;
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasTarget) {
if (ecs_table_get_type_index(world, table,
ecs_pair_t(EcsTarget, r)) != -1)
ecs_id_t id;
int32_t col = ecs_search(world, table,
ecs_pair(EcsFlatten, EcsWildcard), &id);
if (col == -1) {
return 0;
ecs_entity_t did = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
ecs_assert(did != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
uint64_t *val = ecs_map_get(&world->store.entity_to_depth, did);
ecs_assert(val != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
depth_offset = flecs_uto(int32_t, val[0]);
return flecs_relation_depth_walk(world, idr, table, table) + depth_offset;
* @file stage.c
* @brief Staging implementation.
* A stage is an object that can be used to temporarily store mutations to a
* world while a world is in readonly mode. ECS operations that are invoked on
* a stage are stored in a command buffer, which is flushed during sync points,
* or manually by the user.
* Stages contain additional state to enable other API functionality without
* having to mutate the world, such as setting the current scope, and allocators
* that are local to a stage.
* In a multi threaded application, each thread has its own stage which allows
* threads to insert mutations without having to lock administration.
ecs_cmd_t* flecs_cmd_new(
ecs_stage_t *stage)
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = ecs_vec_append_t(&stage->allocator, &stage->cmd->queue,
cmd->is._1.value = NULL;
cmd->next_for_entity = 0;
cmd->entry = NULL;
return cmd;
ecs_cmd_t* flecs_cmd_new_batched(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t e)
ecs_vec_t *cmds = &stage->cmd->queue;
ecs_cmd_entry_t *entry = flecs_sparse_get_any_t(
&stage->cmd->entries, ecs_cmd_entry_t, e);
int32_t cur = ecs_vec_count(cmds);
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new(stage);
if (entry) {
if (entry->first == -1) {
/* Existing but invalidated entry */
entry->first = cur;
cmd->entry = entry;
} else {
int32_t last = entry->last;
ecs_cmd_t *arr = ecs_vec_first_t(cmds, ecs_cmd_t);
ecs_assert(arr[last].entity == e, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_cmd_t *last_op = &arr[last];
last_op->next_for_entity = cur;
if (last == entry->first) {
/* Flip sign bit so flush logic can tell which command
* is the first for an entity */
last_op->next_for_entity *= -1;
} else {
cmd->entry = entry = flecs_sparse_ensure_fast_t(
&stage->cmd->entries, ecs_cmd_entry_t, e);
entry->first = cur;
entry->last = cur;
return cmd;
void flecs_stages_merge(
ecs_world_t *world,
bool force_merge)
bool is_stage = ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_stage_t);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
bool measure_frame_time = ECS_BIT_IS_SET(world->flags,
ecs_time_t t_start = {0};
if (measure_frame_time) {
if (is_stage) {
/* Check for consistency if force_merge is enabled. In practice this
* function will never get called with force_merge disabled for just
* a single stage. */
if (force_merge || stage->auto_merge) {
ecs_assert(stage->defer == 1, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION,
"mismatching defer_begin/defer_end detected");
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
} else {
/* Merge stages. Only merge if the stage has auto_merging turned on, or
* if this is a forced merge (like when ecs_merge is called) */
int32_t i, count = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_stage_t *s = (ecs_stage_t*)ecs_get_stage(world, i);
ecs_poly_assert(s, ecs_stage_t);
if (force_merge || s->auto_merge) {
flecs_defer_end(world, s);
if (measure_frame_time) {
world->info.merge_time_total += (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(&t_start);
world->info.merge_count_total ++;
/* If stage is asynchronous, deferring is always enabled */
if (stage->async) {
flecs_defer_begin(world, stage);
void flecs_stage_auto_merge(
ecs_world_t *world)
flecs_stages_merge(world, false);
void flecs_stage_manual_merge(
ecs_world_t *world)
flecs_stages_merge(world, true);
bool flecs_defer_begin(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_poly_assert(stage, ecs_stage_t);
if (stage->defer < 0) return false;
return (++ stage->defer) == 1;
bool flecs_defer_cmd(
ecs_stage_t *stage)
if (stage->defer) {
return (stage->defer > 0);
stage->defer ++;
return false;
bool flecs_defer_modified(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new_batched(stage, entity);
if (cmd) {
cmd->kind = EcsCmdModified;
cmd->id = id;
cmd->entity = entity;
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_defer_clone(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t src,
bool clone_value)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new(stage);
cmd->kind = EcsCmdClone;
cmd->id = src;
cmd->entity = entity;
cmd->is._1.clone_value = clone_value;
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_defer_path(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t parent,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *name)
if (stage->defer > 0) {
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new(stage);
cmd->kind = EcsCmdPath;
cmd->entity = entity;
cmd->id = parent;
cmd->is._1.value = ecs_os_strdup(name);
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_defer_delete(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new(stage);
cmd->kind = EcsCmdDelete;
cmd->entity = entity;
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_defer_clear(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new_batched(stage, entity);
cmd->kind = EcsCmdClear;
cmd->entity = entity;
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_defer_on_delete_action(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_entity_t action)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new(stage);
cmd->kind = EcsCmdOnDeleteAction;
cmd->id = id;
cmd->entity = action;
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_defer_enable(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id,
bool enable)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new(stage);
cmd->kind = enable ? EcsCmdEnable : EcsCmdDisable;
cmd->entity = entity;
cmd->id = id;
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_defer_bulk_new(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
int32_t count,
ecs_id_t id,
const ecs_entity_t **ids_out)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
ecs_entity_t *ids = ecs_os_malloc(count * ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_entity_t));
/* Use ecs_new_id as this is thread safe */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ids[i] = ecs_new_id(world);
*ids_out = ids;
/* Store data in op */
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new(stage);
cmd->kind = EcsCmdBulkNew;
cmd->id = id;
cmd->is._n.entities = ids;
cmd->is._n.count = count;
cmd->entity = 0;
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_defer_add(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new_batched(stage, entity);
cmd->kind = EcsCmdAdd;
cmd->id = id;
cmd->entity = entity;
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_defer_remove(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id)
if (flecs_defer_cmd(stage)) {
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new_batched(stage, entity);
cmd->kind = EcsCmdRemove;
cmd->id = id;
cmd->entity = entity;
return true;
return false;
void* flecs_defer_set(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_cmd_kind_t cmd_kind,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_size_t size,
void *value)
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new_batched(stage, entity);
/* Find type info for id */
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = NULL;
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
/* If idr doesn't exist yet, create it but only if the
* application is not multithreaded. */
if (stage->async || (world->flags & EcsWorldMultiThreaded)) {
ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, id);
} else {
/* When not in multi threaded mode, it's safe to find or
* create the id record. */
idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, id);
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Get type_info from id record. We could have called
* ecs_get_type_info directly, but since this function can be
* expensive for pairs, creating the id record ensures we can
* find the type_info quickly for subsequent operations. */
ti = idr->type_info;
} else {
ti = idr->type_info;
/* If the id isn't associated with a type, we can't set anything */
/* Make sure the size of the value equals the type size */
ecs_assert(!size || size == ti->size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
size = ti->size;
/* Find existing component. Make sure it's owned, so that we won't use the
* component of a prefab. */
void *existing = NULL;
ecs_table_t *table = NULL;
if (idr) {
/* Entity can only have existing component if id record exists */
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
table = r->table;
if (r && table) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(
idr, table);
if (tr) {
ecs_assert(tr->column != -1, ECS_NOT_A_COMPONENT, NULL);
/* Entity has the component */
ecs_vec_t *column = &table->data.columns[tr->column].data;
existing = ecs_vec_get(column, size, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row));
/* Get existing value from storage */
void *cmd_value = existing;
bool emplace = cmd_kind == EcsCmdEmplace;
/* If the component does not yet exist, create a temporary value. This is
* necessary so we can store a component value in the deferred command,
* without adding the component to the entity which is not allowed in
* deferred mode. */
if (!existing) {
ecs_stack_t *stack = &stage->cmd->stack;
cmd_value = flecs_stack_alloc(stack, size, ti->alignment);
/* If the component doesn't yet exist, construct it and move the
* provided value into the component, if provided. Don't construct if
* this is an emplace operation, in which case the application is
* responsible for constructing. */
if (value) {
if (emplace) {
ecs_move_t move = ti->hooks.move_ctor;
if (move) {
move(cmd_value, value, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(cmd_value, value, size);
} else {
ecs_copy_t copy = ti->hooks.copy_ctor;
if (copy) {
copy(cmd_value, value, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(cmd_value, value, size);
} else if (!emplace) {
/* If the command is not an emplace, construct the temp storage */
/* Check if entity inherits component */
void *base = NULL;
if (table && (table->flags & EcsTableHasIsA)) {
base = flecs_get_base_component(world, table, id, idr, 0);
if (!base) {
/* Normal ctor */
ecs_xtor_t ctor = ti->hooks.ctor;
if (ctor) {
ctor(cmd_value, 1, ti);
} else {
/* Override */
ecs_copy_t copy = ti->hooks.copy_ctor;
if (copy) {
copy(cmd_value, base, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(cmd_value, base, size);
} else if (value) {
/* If component exists and value is provided, copy */
ecs_copy_t copy = ti->hooks.copy;
if (copy) {
copy(existing, value, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(existing, value, size);
if (!cmd) {
/* If cmd is NULL, entity was already deleted. Check if we need to
* insert a command into the queue. */
if (!ti->hooks.dtor) {
/* If temporary memory does not need to be destructed, it'll get
* freed when the stack allocator is reset. This prevents us
* from having to insert a command when the entity was
* already deleted. */
return cmd_value;
cmd = flecs_cmd_new(stage);
if (!existing) {
/* If component didn't exist yet, insert command that will create it */
cmd->kind = cmd_kind;
cmd->id = id;
cmd->idr = idr;
cmd->entity = entity;
cmd->is._1.size = size;
cmd->is._1.value = cmd_value;
} else {
/* If component already exists, still insert an Add command to ensure
* that any preceding remove commands won't remove the component. If the
* operation is a set, also insert a Modified command. */
if (cmd_kind == EcsCmdSet) {
cmd->kind = EcsCmdAddModified;
} else {
cmd->kind = EcsCmdAdd;
cmd->id = id;
cmd->entity = entity;
return cmd_value;
return NULL;
void flecs_enqueue(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_event_desc_t *desc)
ecs_cmd_t *cmd = flecs_cmd_new(stage);
cmd->kind = EcsCmdEvent;
cmd->entity = desc->entity;
ecs_stack_t *stack = &stage->cmd->stack;
ecs_event_desc_t *desc_cmd = flecs_stack_alloc_t(stack, ecs_event_desc_t);
ecs_os_memcpy_t(desc_cmd, desc, ecs_event_desc_t);
if (desc->ids && desc->ids->count != 0) {
ecs_type_t *type_cmd = flecs_stack_alloc_t(stack, ecs_type_t);
int32_t id_count = desc->ids->count;
type_cmd->count = id_count;
type_cmd->array = flecs_stack_alloc_n(stack, ecs_id_t, id_count);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(type_cmd->array, desc->ids->array, ecs_id_t, id_count);
desc_cmd->ids = type_cmd;
} else {
desc_cmd->ids = NULL;
cmd->is._1.value = desc_cmd;
cmd->is._1.size = ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_event_desc_t);
if (desc->param || desc->const_param) {
ecs_assert(!(desc->const_param && desc->param), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"cannot set param and const_param at the same time");
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, desc->event);
"can only enqueue events with data for events that are components");
void *param_cmd = flecs_stack_alloc(stack, ti->size, ti->alignment);
ecs_assert(param_cmd != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (desc->param) {
if (ti->hooks.move_ctor) {
ti->hooks.move_ctor(param_cmd, desc->param, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(param_cmd, desc->param, ti->size);
} else {
if (ti->hooks.copy_ctor) {
ti->hooks.copy_ctor(param_cmd, desc->const_param, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(param_cmd, desc->const_param, ti->size);
desc_cmd->param = param_cmd;
desc_cmd->const_param = NULL;
void flecs_stage_merge_post_frame(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage)
/* Execute post frame actions */
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&stage->post_frame_actions);
ecs_action_elem_t *elems = ecs_vec_first(&stage->post_frame_actions);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
elems[i].action(world, elems[i].ctx);
void flecs_commands_init(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_commands_t *cmd)
ecs_vec_init_t(&stage->allocator, &cmd->queue, ecs_cmd_t, 0);
flecs_sparse_init_t(&cmd->entries, &stage->allocator,
&stage->allocators.cmd_entry_chunk, ecs_cmd_entry_t);
void flecs_commands_fini(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_commands_t *cmd)
/* Make sure stage has no unmerged data */
ecs_assert(ecs_vec_count(&stage->cmd->queue) == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_vec_fini_t(&stage->allocator, &cmd->queue, ecs_cmd_t);
void flecs_commands_push(
ecs_stage_t *stage)
int32_t sp = ++ stage->cmd_sp;
stage->cmd = &stage->cmd_stack[sp];
void flecs_commands_pop(
ecs_stage_t *stage)
int32_t sp = -- stage->cmd_sp;
ecs_assert(sp >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
stage->cmd = &stage->cmd_stack[sp];
void flecs_stage_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_poly_init(stage, ecs_stage_t);
stage->world = world;
stage->thread_ctx = world;
stage->auto_merge = true;
stage->async = false;
flecs_ballocator_init_n(&stage->allocators.cmd_entry_chunk, ecs_cmd_entry_t,
ecs_allocator_t *a = &stage->allocator;
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &stage->post_frame_actions, ecs_action_elem_t, 0);
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < ECS_MAX_DEFER_STACK; i ++) {
flecs_commands_init(stage, &stage->cmd_stack[i]);
stage->cmd = &stage->cmd_stack[0];
void flecs_stage_fini(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_poly_assert(stage, ecs_stage_t);
ecs_poly_fini(stage, ecs_stage_t);
ecs_allocator_t *a = &stage->allocator;
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &stage->post_frame_actions, ecs_action_elem_t);
ecs_vec_fini(NULL, &stage->variables, 0);
ecs_vec_fini(NULL, &stage->operations, 0);
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < ECS_MAX_DEFER_STACK; i ++) {
flecs_commands_fini(stage, &stage->cmd_stack[i]);
void ecs_set_stage_count(
ecs_world_t *world,
int32_t stage_count)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
/* World must have at least one default stage */
ecs_assert(stage_count >= 1 || (world->flags & EcsWorldFini),
bool auto_merge = true;
const ecs_entity_t *lookup_path = NULL;
ecs_entity_t scope = 0;
ecs_entity_t with = 0;
if (world->stage_count >= 1) {
auto_merge = world->stages[0].auto_merge;
lookup_path = world->stages[0].lookup_path;
scope = world->stages[0].scope;
with = world->stages[0].with;
int32_t i, count = world->stage_count;
if (count && count != stage_count) {
ecs_stage_t *stages = world->stages;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
/* If stage contains a thread handle, ecs_set_threads was used to
* create the stages. ecs_set_threads and ecs_set_stage_count should not
* be mixed. */
ecs_poly_assert(&stages[i], ecs_stage_t);
ecs_check(stages[i].thread == 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
flecs_stage_fini(world, &stages[i]);
if (stage_count) {
world->stages = ecs_os_malloc_n(ecs_stage_t, stage_count);
for (i = 0; i < stage_count; i ++) {
ecs_stage_t *stage = &world->stages[i];
flecs_stage_init(world, stage);
stage->id = i;
/* Set thread_ctx to stage, as this stage might be used in a
* multithreaded context */
stage->thread_ctx = (ecs_world_t*)stage;
stage->thread = 0;
} else {
/* Set to NULL to prevent double frees */
world->stages = NULL;
/* Regardless of whether the stage was just initialized or not, when the
* ecs_set_stage_count function is called, all stages inherit the auto_merge
* property from the world */
for (i = 0; i < stage_count; i ++) {
world->stages[i].auto_merge = auto_merge;
world->stages[i].lookup_path = lookup_path;
world->stages[0].scope = scope;
world->stages[0].with = with;
world->stage_count = stage_count;
int32_t ecs_get_stage_count(
const ecs_world_t *world)
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return world->stage_count;
int32_t ecs_get_stage_id(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_stage_t)) {
ecs_stage_t *stage = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_stage_t*, world);
/* Index 0 is reserved for main stage */
return stage->id;
} else if (ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t)) {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
ecs_world_t* ecs_get_stage(
const ecs_world_t *world,
int32_t stage_id)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(world->stage_count > stage_id, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return (ecs_world_t*)&world->stages[stage_id];
return NULL;
bool ecs_readonly_begin(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
int32_t i, count = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_stage_t *stage = &world->stages[i];
stage->lookup_path = world->stages[0].lookup_path;
ecs_assert(stage->defer == 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION,
"deferred mode cannot be enabled when entering readonly mode");
flecs_defer_begin(world, stage);
bool is_readonly = ECS_BIT_IS_SET(world->flags, EcsWorldReadonly);
/* From this point on, the world is "locked" for mutations, and it is only
* allowed to enqueue commands from stages */
ECS_BIT_SET(world->flags, EcsWorldReadonly);
/* If world has more than one stage, signal we might be running on multiple
* threads. This is a stricter version of readonly mode: while some
* mutations like implicit component registration are still allowed in plain
* readonly mode, no mutations are allowed when multithreaded. */
if (world->worker_cond) {
ECS_BIT_SET(world->flags, EcsWorldMultiThreaded);
return is_readonly;
void ecs_readonly_end(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
/* After this it is safe again to mutate the world directly */
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(world->flags, EcsWorldReadonly);
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(world->flags, EcsWorldMultiThreaded);
void ecs_merge(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t) ||
ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_stage_t), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
void ecs_set_automerge(
ecs_world_t *world,
bool auto_merge)
/* If a world is provided, set auto_merge globally for the world. This
* doesn't actually do anything (the main stage never merges) but it serves
* as the default for when stages are created. */
if (ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t)) {
world->stages[0].auto_merge = auto_merge;
/* Propagate change to all stages */
int i, stage_count = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
for (i = 0; i < stage_count; i ++) {
ecs_stage_t *stage = (ecs_stage_t*)ecs_get_stage(world, i);
stage->auto_merge = auto_merge;
/* If a stage is provided, override the auto_merge value for the individual
* stage. This allows an application to control per-stage which stage should
* be automatically merged and which one shouldn't */
} else {
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_stage_t);
ecs_stage_t *stage = (ecs_stage_t*)world;
stage->auto_merge = auto_merge;
bool ecs_stage_is_readonly(
const ecs_world_t *stage)
const ecs_world_t *world = ecs_get_world(stage);
if (ecs_poly_is(stage, ecs_stage_t)) {
if (((const ecs_stage_t*)stage)->async) {
return false;
if (world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly) {
if (ecs_poly_is(stage, ecs_world_t)) {
return true;
} else {
if (ecs_poly_is(stage, ecs_stage_t)) {
return true;
return false;
ecs_world_t* ecs_async_stage_new(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_stage_t *stage = ecs_os_calloc(sizeof(ecs_stage_t));
flecs_stage_init(world, stage);
stage->id = -1;
stage->auto_merge = false;
stage->async = true;
flecs_defer_begin(world, stage);
return (ecs_world_t*)stage;
void ecs_async_stage_free(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_stage_t);
ecs_stage_t *stage = (ecs_stage_t*)world;
ecs_check(stage->async == true, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
flecs_stage_fini(stage->world, stage);
bool ecs_stage_is_async(
ecs_world_t *stage)
if (!stage) {
return false;
if (!ecs_poly_is(stage, ecs_stage_t)) {
return false;
return ((ecs_stage_t*)stage)->async;
bool ecs_is_deferred(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_readonly_world(world);
return stage->defer > 0;
return false;
* @file value.c
* @brief Utility functions to work with non-trivial pointers of user types.
int ecs_value_init_w_type_info(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti,
void *ptr)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_xtor_t ctor;
if ((ctor = ti->hooks.ctor)) {
ctor(ptr, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memset(ptr, 0, ti->size);
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_value_init(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
void *ptr)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, type);
ecs_check(ti != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "entity is not a type");
return ecs_value_init_w_type_info(world, ti, ptr);
return -1;
void* ecs_value_new_w_type_info(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
void *result = flecs_alloc(&world->allocator, ti->size);
if (ecs_value_init_w_type_info(world, ti, result) != 0) {
flecs_free(&world->allocator, ti->size, result);
goto error;
return result;
return NULL;
void* ecs_value_new(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, type);
ecs_check(ti != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "entity is not a type");
return ecs_value_new_w_type_info(world, ti);
return NULL;
int ecs_value_fini_w_type_info(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti,
void *ptr)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_xtor_t dtor;
if ((dtor = ti->hooks.dtor)) {
dtor(ptr, 1, ti);
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_value_fini(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
void* ptr)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, type);
ecs_check(ti != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "entity is not a type");
return ecs_value_fini_w_type_info(world, ti, ptr);
return -1;
int ecs_value_free(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
void* ptr)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, type);
ecs_check(ti != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "entity is not a type");
if (ecs_value_fini_w_type_info(world, ti, ptr) != 0) {
goto error;
flecs_free(&world->allocator, ti->size, ptr);
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_value_copy_w_type_info(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti,
void* dst,
const void *src)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_copy_t copy;
if ((copy = ti->hooks.copy)) {
copy(dst, src, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(dst, src, ti->size);
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_value_copy(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
void* dst,
const void *src)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, type);
ecs_check(ti != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "entity is not a type");
return ecs_value_copy_w_type_info(world, ti, dst, src);
return -1;
int ecs_value_move_w_type_info(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti,
void* dst,
void *src)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_move_t move;
if ((move = ti->hooks.move)) {
move(dst, src, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(dst, src, ti->size);
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_value_move(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
void* dst,
void *src)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, type);
ecs_check(ti != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "entity is not a type");
return ecs_value_move_w_type_info(world, ti, dst, src);
return -1;
int ecs_value_move_ctor_w_type_info(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti,
void* dst,
void *src)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_move_t move;
if ((move = ti->hooks.move_ctor)) {
move(dst, src, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(dst, src, ti->size);
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_value_move_ctor(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
void* dst,
void *src)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, type);
ecs_check(ti != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "entity is not a type");
return ecs_value_move_w_type_info(world, ti, dst, src);
return -1;
* @file world.c
* @brief World-level API.
/* Id flags */
const ecs_id_t ECS_PAIR = (1ull << 63);
const ecs_id_t ECS_OVERRIDE = (1ull << 62);
const ecs_id_t ECS_TOGGLE = (1ull << 61);
const ecs_id_t ECS_AND = (1ull << 60);
/** Builtin component ids */
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsComponent) = 1;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsIdentifier) = 2;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsIterable) = 3;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsPoly) = 4;
/* Poly target components */
const ecs_entity_t EcsQuery = 5;
const ecs_entity_t EcsObserver = 6;
const ecs_entity_t EcsSystem = 7;
/* Core scopes & entities */
const ecs_entity_t EcsWorld = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 0;
const ecs_entity_t EcsFlecs = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 1;
const ecs_entity_t EcsFlecsCore = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 2;
const ecs_entity_t EcsFlecsInternals = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 3;
const ecs_entity_t EcsModule = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 4;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPrivate = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 5;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPrefab = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 6;
const ecs_entity_t EcsDisabled = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 7;
const ecs_entity_t EcsSlotOf = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 8;
const ecs_entity_t EcsFlag = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 9;
/* Relationship properties */
const ecs_entity_t EcsWildcard = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 10;
const ecs_entity_t EcsAny = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 11;
const ecs_entity_t EcsThis = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 12;
const ecs_entity_t EcsVariable = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 13;
const ecs_entity_t EcsTransitive = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 14;
const ecs_entity_t EcsReflexive = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 15;
const ecs_entity_t EcsSymmetric = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 16;
const ecs_entity_t EcsFinal = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 17;
const ecs_entity_t EcsDontInherit = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 18;
const ecs_entity_t EcsAlwaysOverride = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 19;
const ecs_entity_t EcsTag = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 20;
const ecs_entity_t EcsUnion = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 21;
const ecs_entity_t EcsExclusive = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 22;
const ecs_entity_t EcsAcyclic = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 23;
const ecs_entity_t EcsTraversable = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 24;
const ecs_entity_t EcsWith = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 25;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOneOf = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 26;
/* Builtin relationships */
const ecs_entity_t EcsChildOf = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 27;
const ecs_entity_t EcsIsA = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 28;
const ecs_entity_t EcsDependsOn = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 29;
/* Identifier tags */
const ecs_entity_t EcsName = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 30;
const ecs_entity_t EcsSymbol = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 31;
const ecs_entity_t EcsAlias = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 32;
/* Events */
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnAdd = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 33;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnRemove = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 34;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnSet = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 35;
const ecs_entity_t EcsUnSet = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 36;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnDelete = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 37;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnTableCreate = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 38;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnTableDelete = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 39;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnTableEmpty = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 40;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnTableFill = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 41;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnDeleteTarget = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 46;
/* Timers */
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsTickSource) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 47;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsTimer) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 48;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsRateFilter) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 49;
/* Actions */
const ecs_entity_t EcsRemove = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 50;
const ecs_entity_t EcsDelete = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 51;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPanic = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 52;
/* Misc */
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsTarget) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 53;
const ecs_entity_t EcsFlatten = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 54;
const ecs_entity_t EcsDefaultChildComponent = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 55;
/* Builtin predicate ids (used by rule engine) */
const ecs_entity_t EcsPredEq = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 56;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPredMatch = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 57;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPredLookup = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 58;
const ecs_entity_t EcsScopeOpen = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 59;
const ecs_entity_t EcsScopeClose = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 60;
/* Systems */
const ecs_entity_t EcsMonitor = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 61;
const ecs_entity_t EcsEmpty = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 62;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsPipeline) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 63;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnStart = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 64;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPreFrame = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 65;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnLoad = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 66;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPostLoad = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 67;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPreUpdate = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 68;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnUpdate = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 69;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnValidate = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 70;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPostUpdate = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 71;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPreStore = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 72;
const ecs_entity_t EcsOnStore = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 73;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPostFrame = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 74;
const ecs_entity_t EcsPhase = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 75;
/* Meta primitive components (don't use low ids to save id space) */
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_bool_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 80;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_char_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 81;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_byte_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 82;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_u8_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 83;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_u16_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 84;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_u32_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 85;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_u64_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 86;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_uptr_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 87;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_i8_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 88;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_i16_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 89;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_i32_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 90;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_i64_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 91;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_iptr_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 92;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_f32_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 93;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_f64_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 94;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_string_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 95;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 96;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(ecs_id_t) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 97;
/** Meta module component ids */
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsMetaType) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 98;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsMetaTypeSerialized) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 99;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsPrimitive) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 100;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsEnum) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 101;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsBitmask) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 102;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsMember) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 103;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsMemberRanges) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 104;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsStruct) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 105;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsArray) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 106;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsVector) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 107;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsOpaque) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 108;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsUnit) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 109;
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsUnitPrefix) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 110;
const ecs_entity_t EcsConstant = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 111;
const ecs_entity_t EcsQuantity = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 112;
/* Doc module components */
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsDocDescription) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 113;
const ecs_entity_t EcsDocBrief = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 114;
const ecs_entity_t EcsDocDetail = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 115;
const ecs_entity_t EcsDocLink = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 116;
const ecs_entity_t EcsDocColor = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 117;
/* REST module components */
const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsRest) = FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID + 118;
/* Default lookup path */
static ecs_entity_t ecs_default_lookup_path[2] = { 0, 0 };
/* Declarations for addons. Located in world.c to avoid issues during linking of
* static library */
/* -- Private functions -- */
const ecs_stage_t* flecs_stage_from_readonly_world(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_assert(ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t) ||
ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_stage_t),
if (ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t)) {
return &world->stages[0];
} else if (ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_stage_t)) {
return ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_stage_t*, world);
return NULL;
ecs_stage_t* flecs_stage_from_world(
ecs_world_t **world_ptr)
ecs_world_t *world = *world_ptr;
ecs_assert(ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t) ||
ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_stage_t),
if (ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t)) {
return &world->stages[0];
*world_ptr = ((ecs_stage_t*)world)->world;
return ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_stage_t*, world);
ecs_world_t* flecs_suspend_readonly(
const ecs_world_t *stage_world,
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t *state)
ecs_assert(stage_world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(state != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_world_t *world =
ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, ecs_get_world(stage_world));
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
bool is_readonly = ECS_BIT_IS_SET(world->flags, EcsWorldReadonly);
ecs_world_t *temp_world = world;
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&temp_world);
if (!is_readonly && !stage->defer) {
state->is_readonly = false;
state->is_deferred = false;
return world;
ecs_dbg_3("suspending readonly mode");
/* Cannot suspend when running with multiple threads */
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly) ||
(ecs_get_stage_count(world) <= 1), ECS_INVALID_WHILE_READONLY, NULL);
state->is_readonly = is_readonly;
state->is_deferred = stage->defer != 0;
/* Silence readonly checks */
world->flags &= ~EcsWorldReadonly;
/* Hack around safety checks (this ought to look ugly) */
state->defer_count = stage->defer;
state->commands = stage->cmd->queue;
state->defer_stack = stage->cmd->stack;
state->scope = stage->scope;
state->with = stage->with;
stage->defer = 0;
ecs_vec_init_t(NULL, &stage->cmd->queue, ecs_cmd_t, 0);
return world;
void flecs_resume_readonly(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t *state)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(state != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_world_t *temp_world = world;
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&temp_world);
if (state->is_readonly || state->is_deferred) {
ecs_dbg_3("resuming readonly mode");
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, 0);
/* Restore readonly state / defer count */
ECS_BIT_COND(world->flags, EcsWorldReadonly, state->is_readonly);
stage->defer = state->defer_count;
ecs_vec_fini_t(&stage->allocator, &stage->cmd->queue, ecs_cmd_t);
stage->cmd->queue = state->commands;
stage->cmd->stack = state->defer_stack;
stage->scope = state->scope;
stage->with = state->with;
/* Evaluate component monitor. If a monitored entity changed it will have set a
* flag in one of the world's component monitors. Queries can register
* themselves with component monitors to determine whether they need to rematch
* with tables. */
void flecs_eval_component_monitor(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
if (!world->monitors.is_dirty) {
world->monitors.is_dirty = false;
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&world->monitors.monitors);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_monitor_t *m = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
if (!m->is_dirty) {
m->is_dirty = false;
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&m->queries);
ecs_query_t **elems = ecs_vec_first(&m->queries);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_query_t *q = elems[i];
flecs_query_notify(world, q, &(ecs_query_event_t) {
.kind = EcsQueryTableRematch
void flecs_monitor_mark_dirty(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id)
ecs_map_t *monitors = &world->monitors.monitors;
/* Only flag if there are actually monitors registered, so that we
* don't waste cycles evaluating monitors if there's no interest */
if (ecs_map_is_init(monitors)) {
ecs_monitor_t *m = ecs_map_get_deref(monitors, ecs_monitor_t, id);
if (m) {
if (!world->monitors.is_dirty) {
world->monitor_generation ++;
m->is_dirty = true;
world->monitors.is_dirty = true;
void flecs_monitor_register(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id,
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(query != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_map_t *monitors = &world->monitors.monitors;
ecs_map_init_if(monitors, &world->allocator);
ecs_monitor_t *m = ecs_map_ensure_alloc_t(monitors, ecs_monitor_t, id);
ecs_vec_init_if_t(&m->queries, ecs_query_t*);
ecs_query_t **q = ecs_vec_append_t(
&world->allocator, &m->queries, ecs_query_t*);
*q = query;
void flecs_monitor_unregister(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id,
ecs_query_t *query)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(query != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_map_t *monitors = &world->monitors.monitors;
if (!ecs_map_is_init(monitors)) {
ecs_monitor_t *m = ecs_map_get_deref(monitors, ecs_monitor_t, id);
if (!m) {
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&m->queries);
ecs_query_t **queries = ecs_vec_first(&m->queries);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
if (queries[i] == query) {
ecs_vec_remove_t(&m->queries, ecs_query_t*, i);
count --;
if (!count) {
ecs_vec_fini_t(&world->allocator, &m->queries, ecs_query_t*);
ecs_map_remove_free(monitors, id);
if (!ecs_map_count(monitors)) {
void flecs_init_store(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_os_memset(&world->store, 0, ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_store_t));
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &world->store.records, ecs_table_record_t, 0);
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &world->store.marked_ids, ecs_marked_id_t, 0);
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &world->store.depth_ids, ecs_entity_t, 0);
ecs_map_init(&world->store.entity_to_depth, &world->allocator);
/* Initialize entity index */
/* Initialize root table */
a, &world->allocators.sparse_chunk, ecs_table_t);
/* Initialize table map */
flecs_table_hashmap_init(world, &world->store.table_map);
/* Initialize one root table per stage */
void flecs_clean_tables(
ecs_world_t *world)
int32_t i, count = flecs_sparse_count(&world->store.tables);
/* Ensure that first table in sparse set has id 0. This is a dummy table
* that only exists so that there is no table with id 0 */
ecs_table_t *first = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(&world->store.tables,
ecs_table_t, 0);
for (i = 1; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_t *t = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(&world->store.tables,
ecs_table_t, i);
flecs_table_free(world, t);
/* Free table types separately so that if application destructors rely on
* a type it's still valid. */
for (i = 1; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_t *t = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(&world->store.tables,
ecs_table_t, i);
flecs_table_free_type(world, t);
/* Clear the root table */
if (count) {
flecs_table_reset(world, &world->store.root);
void flecs_fini_root_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
bool fini_targets)
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
bool has_roots = flecs_table_cache_iter(&idr->cache, &it);
ecs_assert(has_roots == true, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasBuiltins) {
continue; /* Filter out modules */
int32_t i, count = table->data.entities.count;
ecs_entity_t *entities = table->data.entities.array;
if (fini_targets) {
/* Only delete entities that are used as pair target. Iterate
* backwards to minimize moving entities around in table. */
for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[i]);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW_FLAGS(r->row) & EcsEntityIsTarget) {
ecs_delete(world, entities[i]);
} else {
/* Delete remaining entities that are not in use (added to another
* entity). This limits table moves during cleanup and delays
* cleanup of tags. */
for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[i]);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW_FLAGS(r->row)) {
ecs_delete(world, entities[i]);
void flecs_fini_roots(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, 0));
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
/* Delete root entities that are not modules. This prioritizes deleting
* regular entities first, which reduces the chance of components getting
* destructed in random order because it got deleted before entities,
* thereby bypassing the OnDeleteTarget policy. */
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
flecs_fini_root_tables(world, idr, true);
flecs_defer_end(world, &world->stages[0]);
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
flecs_fini_root_tables(world, idr, false);
flecs_defer_end(world, &world->stages[0]);
void flecs_fini_store(ecs_world_t *world) {
flecs_table_free(world, &world->store.root);
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &world->store.records, ecs_table_record_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &world->store.marked_ids, ecs_marked_id_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &world->store.depth_ids, ecs_entity_t);
/* Implementation for iterable mixin */
bool flecs_world_iter_next(
ecs_iter_t *it)
if (ECS_BIT_IS_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid)) {
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid);
return false;
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
it->entities = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_entity_t*, flecs_entities_ids(world));
it->count = flecs_entities_count(world);
return true;
void flecs_world_iter_init(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_poly_t *poly,
ecs_iter_t *iter,
ecs_term_t *filter)
ecs_poly_assert(poly, ecs_world_t);
if (filter) {
iter[0] = ecs_term_iter(world, filter);
} else {
iter[0] = (ecs_iter_t){
.world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, world),
.real_world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, ecs_get_world(world)),
.next = flecs_world_iter_next
void flecs_world_allocators_init(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_world_allocators_t *a = &world->allocators;
ecs_map_params_init(&a->ptr, &world->allocator);
ecs_map_params_init(&a->query_table_list, &world->allocator);
flecs_ballocator_init_t(&a->query_table, ecs_query_table_t);
flecs_ballocator_init_t(&a->query_table_match, ecs_query_table_match_t);
flecs_ballocator_init_n(&a->graph_edge_lo, ecs_graph_edge_t, FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID);
flecs_ballocator_init_t(&a->graph_edge, ecs_graph_edge_t);
flecs_ballocator_init_t(&a->id_record, ecs_id_record_t);
flecs_ballocator_init_n(&a->id_record_chunk, ecs_id_record_t, FLECS_SPARSE_PAGE_SIZE);
flecs_ballocator_init_t(&a->table_diff, ecs_table_diff_t);
flecs_ballocator_init_n(&a->sparse_chunk, int32_t, FLECS_SPARSE_PAGE_SIZE);
flecs_ballocator_init_t(&a->hashmap, ecs_hashmap_t);
flecs_table_diff_builder_init(world, &world->allocators.diff_builder);
void flecs_world_allocators_fini(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_world_allocators_t *a = &world->allocators;
flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(world, &world->allocators.diff_builder);
void flecs_log_addons(void) {
ecs_trace("addons included in build:");
#ifdef FLECS_CPP
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
#ifdef FLECS_LOG
#ifdef FLECS_APP
/* -- Public functions -- */
ecs_world_t *ecs_mini(void) {
ecs_trace("#[bold]bootstrapping world");
ecs_trace("tracing enabled, call ecs_log_set_level(-1) to disable");
if (!ecs_os_has_heap()) {
if (!ecs_os_has_threading()) {
ecs_trace("threading unavailable, to use threads set OS API first (see examples)");
if (!ecs_os_has_time()) {
ecs_trace("time management not available");
ecs_trace("sanitize build, rebuild without FLECS_SANITIZE for (much) "
"improved performance");
#elif defined(FLECS_DEBUG)
ecs_trace("debug build, rebuild with NDEBUG or FLECS_NDEBUG for improved "
ecs_trace("#[green]release#[reset] build");
#ifdef __clang__
ecs_trace("compiled with clang %s", __clang_version__);
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
ecs_trace("compiled with gcc %d.%d", __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__);
#elif defined (_MSC_VER)
ecs_trace("compiled with msvc %d", _MSC_VER);
#elif defined (__TINYC__)
ecs_trace("compiled with tcc %d", __TINYC__);
ecs_world_t *world = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
ecs_poly_init(world, ecs_world_t);
world->flags |= EcsWorldInit;
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
world->self = world;
flecs_sparse_init_t(&world->type_info, a,
&world->allocators.sparse_chunk, ecs_type_info_t);
ecs_map_init_w_params(&world->id_index_hi, &world->allocators.ptr);
world->id_index_lo = ecs_os_calloc_n(ecs_id_record_t, FLECS_HI_ID_RECORD_ID);
world->iterable.init = flecs_world_iter_init;
world->pending_tables = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_sparse_t);
flecs_sparse_init_t(world->pending_tables, a,
&world->allocators.sparse_chunk, ecs_table_t*);
world->pending_buffer = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_sparse_t);
flecs_sparse_init_t(world->pending_buffer, a,
&world->allocators.sparse_chunk, ecs_table_t*);
flecs_name_index_init(&world->aliases, a);
flecs_name_index_init(&world->symbols, a);
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &world->fini_actions, ecs_action_elem_t, 0);
world->info.time_scale = 1.0;
if (ecs_os_has_time()) {
ecs_set_stage_count(world, 1);
ecs_default_lookup_path[0] = EcsFlecsCore;
ecs_set_lookup_path(world, ecs_default_lookup_path);
world->flags &= ~EcsWorldInit;
ecs_trace("world ready!");
return world;
ecs_world_t *ecs_init(void) {
ecs_world_t *world = ecs_mini();
ecs_trace("#[bold]import addons");
ecs_trace("use ecs_mini to create world without importing addons");
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsSystem);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsPipeline);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsTimer);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsMeta);
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsCoreDoc);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsScript);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsRest);
ecs_trace("#[green]module#[reset] flecs.units is not automatically imported");
ecs_trace("addons imported!");
return world;
ecs_world_t* ecs_init_w_args(
int argc,
char *argv[])
ecs_world_t *world = ecs_init();
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
if (argc) {
char *app = argv[0];
char *last_elem = strrchr(app, '/');
if (!last_elem) {
last_elem = strrchr(app, '\\');
if (last_elem) {
app = last_elem + 1;
ecs_set_pair(world, EcsWorld, EcsDocDescription, EcsName, {app});
return world;
void ecs_quit(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world->flags |= EcsWorldQuit;
bool ecs_should_quit(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return ECS_BIT_IS_SET(world->flags, EcsWorldQuit);
return true;
void flecs_notify_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_table_event_t *event)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
/* If no id is specified, broadcast to all tables */
if (!id) {
ecs_sparse_t *tables = &world->store.tables;
int32_t i, count = flecs_sparse_count(tables);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(tables, ecs_table_t, i);
flecs_table_notify(world, table, event);
/* If id is specified, only broadcast to tables with id */
} else {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
flecs_table_cache_all_iter(&idr->cache, &it);
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
flecs_table_notify(world, tr->hdr.table, event);
void ecs_default_ctor(
void *ptr,
int32_t count,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
ecs_os_memset(ptr, 0, ti->size * count);
void flecs_default_copy_ctor(void *dst_ptr, const void *src_ptr,
int32_t count, const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
const ecs_type_hooks_t *cl = &ti->hooks;
cl->ctor(dst_ptr, count, ti);
cl->copy(dst_ptr, src_ptr, count, ti);
void flecs_default_move_ctor(void *dst_ptr, void *src_ptr,
int32_t count, const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
const ecs_type_hooks_t *cl = &ti->hooks;
cl->ctor(dst_ptr, count, ti);
cl->move(dst_ptr, src_ptr, count, ti);
void flecs_default_ctor_w_move_w_dtor(void *dst_ptr, void *src_ptr,
int32_t count, const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
const ecs_type_hooks_t *cl = &ti->hooks;
cl->ctor(dst_ptr, count, ti);
cl->move(dst_ptr, src_ptr, count, ti);
cl->dtor(src_ptr, count, ti);
void flecs_default_move_ctor_w_dtor(void *dst_ptr, void *src_ptr,
int32_t count, const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
const ecs_type_hooks_t *cl = &ti->hooks;
cl->move_ctor(dst_ptr, src_ptr, count, ti);
cl->dtor(src_ptr, count, ti);
void flecs_default_move(void *dst_ptr, void *src_ptr,
int32_t count, const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
const ecs_type_hooks_t *cl = &ti->hooks;
cl->move(dst_ptr, src_ptr, count, ti);
void flecs_default_dtor(void *dst_ptr, void *src_ptr,
int32_t count, const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
/* When there is no move, destruct the destination component & memcpy the
* component to dst. The src component does not have to be destructed when
* a component has a trivial move. */
const ecs_type_hooks_t *cl = &ti->hooks;
cl->dtor(dst_ptr, count, ti);
ecs_os_memcpy(dst_ptr, src_ptr, flecs_uto(ecs_size_t, ti->size) * count);
void flecs_default_move_w_dtor(void *dst_ptr, void *src_ptr,
int32_t count, const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
/* If a component has a move, the move will take care of memcpying the data
* and destroying any data in dst. Because this is not a trivial move, the
* src component must also be destructed. */
const ecs_type_hooks_t *cl = &ti->hooks;
cl->move(dst_ptr, src_ptr, count, ti);
cl->dtor(src_ptr, count, ti);
void ecs_set_hooks_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t component,
const ecs_type_hooks_t *h)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Ensure that no tables have yet been created for the component */
ecs_assert( ecs_id_in_use(world, component) == false,
ECS_ALREADY_IN_USE, ecs_get_name(world, component));
ecs_assert( ecs_id_in_use(world, ecs_pair(component, EcsWildcard)) == false,
ECS_ALREADY_IN_USE, ecs_get_name(world, component));
ecs_type_info_t *ti = flecs_type_info_ensure(world, component);
ecs_assert(ti != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_check(!ti->component || ti->component == component,
if (!ti->size) {
const EcsComponent *component_ptr = ecs_get(
world, component, EcsComponent);
/* Cannot register lifecycle actions for things that aren't a component */
ecs_check(component_ptr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Cannot register lifecycle actions for components with size 0 */
ecs_check(component_ptr->size != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ti->size = component_ptr->size;
ti->alignment = component_ptr->alignment;
if (h->ctor) ti->hooks.ctor = h->ctor;
if (h->dtor) ti->hooks.dtor = h->dtor;
if (h->copy) ti->hooks.copy = h->copy;
if (h->move) ti->hooks.move = h->move;
if (h->copy_ctor) ti->hooks.copy_ctor = h->copy_ctor;
if (h->move_ctor) ti->hooks.move_ctor = h->move_ctor;
if (h->ctor_move_dtor) ti->hooks.ctor_move_dtor = h->ctor_move_dtor;
if (h->move_dtor) ti->hooks.move_dtor = h->move_dtor;
if (h->on_add) ti->hooks.on_add = h->on_add;
if (h->on_remove) ti->hooks.on_remove = h->on_remove;
if (h->on_set) ti->hooks.on_set = h->on_set;
if (h->ctx) ti->hooks.ctx = h->ctx;
if (h->binding_ctx) ti->hooks.binding_ctx = h->binding_ctx;
if (h->ctx_free) ti->hooks.ctx_free = h->ctx_free;
if (h->binding_ctx_free) ti->hooks.binding_ctx_free = h->binding_ctx_free;
/* If no constructor is set, invoking any of the other lifecycle actions
* is not safe as they will potentially access uninitialized memory. For
* ease of use, if no constructor is specified, set a default one that
* initializes the component to 0. */
if (!h->ctor && (h->dtor || h->copy || h->move)) {
ti->hooks.ctor = ecs_default_ctor;
/* Set default copy ctor, move ctor and merge */
if (h->copy && !h->copy_ctor) {
ti->hooks.copy_ctor = flecs_default_copy_ctor;
if (h->move && !h->move_ctor) {
ti->hooks.move_ctor = flecs_default_move_ctor;
if (!h->ctor_move_dtor) {
if (h->move) {
if (h->dtor) {
if (h->move_ctor) {
/* If an explicit move ctor has been set, use callback
* that uses the move ctor vs. using a ctor+move */
ti->hooks.ctor_move_dtor = flecs_default_move_ctor_w_dtor;
} else {
/* If no explicit move_ctor has been set, use
* combination of ctor + move + dtor */
ti->hooks.ctor_move_dtor = flecs_default_ctor_w_move_w_dtor;
} else {
/* If no dtor has been set, this is just a move ctor */
ti->hooks.ctor_move_dtor = ti->hooks.move_ctor;
} else {
/* If move is not set but move_ctor and dtor is, we can still set
* ctor_move_dtor. */
if (h->move_ctor) {
if (h->dtor) {
ti->hooks.ctor_move_dtor = flecs_default_move_ctor_w_dtor;
} else {
ti->hooks.ctor_move_dtor = ti->hooks.move_ctor;
if (!h->move_dtor) {
if (h->move) {
if (h->dtor) {
ti->hooks.move_dtor = flecs_default_move_w_dtor;
} else {
ti->hooks.move_dtor = flecs_default_move;
} else {
if (h->dtor) {
ti->hooks.move_dtor = flecs_default_dtor;
const ecs_type_hooks_t* ecs_get_hooks_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id)
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, id);
if (ti) {
return &ti->hooks;
return NULL;
void ecs_atfini(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_fini_action_t action,
void *ctx)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(action != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_action_elem_t *elem = ecs_vec_append_t(NULL, &world->fini_actions,
ecs_assert(elem != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
elem->action = action;
elem->ctx = ctx;
void ecs_run_post_frame(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_fini_action_t action,
void *ctx)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(action != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_action_elem_t *elem = ecs_vec_append_t(&stage->allocator,
&stage->post_frame_actions, ecs_action_elem_t);
ecs_assert(elem != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
elem->action = action;
elem->ctx = ctx;
/* Unset data in tables */
void flecs_fini_unset_tables(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_sparse_t *tables = &world->store.tables;
int32_t i, count = flecs_sparse_count(tables);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(tables, ecs_table_t, i);
flecs_table_remove_actions(world, table);
/* Invoke fini actions */
void flecs_fini_actions(
ecs_world_t *world)
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&world->fini_actions);
ecs_action_elem_t *elems = ecs_vec_first(&world->fini_actions);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
elems[i].action(world, elems[i].ctx);
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &world->fini_actions, ecs_action_elem_t);
/* Cleanup remaining type info elements */
void flecs_fini_type_info(
ecs_world_t *world)
int32_t i, count = flecs_sparse_count(&world->type_info);
ecs_sparse_t *type_info = &world->type_info;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_type_info_t *ti = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(type_info,
ecs_type_info_t, i);
ecs_entity_t flecs_get_oneof(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e)
if (ecs_is_alive(world, e)) {
if (ecs_has_id(world, e, EcsOneOf)) {
return e;
} else {
return ecs_get_target(world, e, EcsOneOf, 0);
} else {
return 0;
/* The destroyer of worlds */
int ecs_fini(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldFini), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_assert(world->stages[0].defer == 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION,
"call defer_end before destroying world");
ecs_trace("#[bold]shutting down world");
world->flags |= EcsWorldQuit;
/* Delete root entities first using regular APIs. This ensures that cleanup
* policies get a chance to execute. */
ecs_dbg_1("#[bold]cleanup root entities");
world->flags |= EcsWorldFini;
/* Run fini actions (simple callbacks ran when world is deleted) before
* destroying the storage */
ecs_dbg_1("#[bold]run fini actions");
ecs_dbg_1("#[bold]cleanup remaining entities");
/* Operations invoked during UnSet/OnRemove/destructors are deferred and
* will be discarded after world cleanup */
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
/* Run UnSet/OnRemove actions for components while the store is still
* unmodified by cleanup. */
/* This will destroy all entities and components. */
/* Purge deferred operations from the queue. This discards operations but
* makes sure that any resources in the queue are freed */
flecs_defer_purge(world, &world->stages[0]);
/* All queries are cleaned up, so monitors should've been cleaned up too */
/* Cleanup world ctx and binding_ctx */
if (world->ctx_free) {
if (world->binding_ctx_free) {
/* After this point no more user code is invoked */
ecs_dbg_1("#[bold]cleanup world data structures");
ecs_set_stage_count(world, 0);
/* End of the world */
ecs_poly_free(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_trace("world destroyed, bye!");
return 0;
bool ecs_is_fini(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return ECS_BIT_IS_SET(world->flags, EcsWorldFini);
void ecs_dim(
ecs_world_t *world,
int32_t entity_count)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
flecs_entities_set_size(world, entity_count + FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID);
void flecs_eval_component_monitors(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
void ecs_measure_frame_time(
ecs_world_t *world,
bool enable)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(ecs_os_has_time(), ECS_MISSING_OS_API, NULL);
if (ECS_EQZERO(world->info.target_fps) || enable) {
ECS_BIT_COND(world->flags, EcsWorldMeasureFrameTime, enable);
void ecs_measure_system_time(
ecs_world_t *world,
bool enable)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(ecs_os_has_time(), ECS_MISSING_OS_API, NULL);
ECS_BIT_COND(world->flags, EcsWorldMeasureSystemTime, enable);
void ecs_set_target_fps(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_ftime_t fps)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(ecs_os_has_time(), ECS_MISSING_OS_API, NULL);
ecs_measure_frame_time(world, true);
world->info.target_fps = fps;
void* ecs_get_ctx(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return world->ctx;
return NULL;
void* ecs_get_binding_ctx(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return world->binding_ctx;
return NULL;
void ecs_set_ctx(
ecs_world_t *world,
void *ctx,
ecs_ctx_free_t ctx_free)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
world->ctx = ctx;
world->ctx_free = ctx_free;
void ecs_set_binding_ctx(
ecs_world_t *world,
void *ctx,
ecs_ctx_free_t ctx_free)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
world->binding_ctx = ctx;
world->binding_ctx_free = ctx_free;
void ecs_set_entity_range(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id_start,
ecs_entity_t id_end)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(!id_end || id_end > id_start, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!id_end || id_end > flecs_entities_max_id(world),
uint32_t start = (uint32_t)id_start;
uint32_t end = (uint32_t)id_end;
if (flecs_entities_max_id(world) < start) {
flecs_entities_max_id(world) = start - 1;
world->info.min_id = start;
world->info.max_id = end;
bool ecs_enable_range_check(
ecs_world_t *world,
bool enable)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
bool old_value = world->range_check_enabled;
world->range_check_enabled = enable;
return old_value;
ecs_entity_t ecs_get_max_id(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return flecs_entities_max_id(world);
return 0;
void ecs_set_entity_generation(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity_with_generation)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_assert(!(ecs_is_deferred(world)), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
flecs_entities_set_generation(world, entity_with_generation);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity_with_generation);
if (r && r->table) {
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
ecs_entity_t *entities = r->table->data.entities.array;
entities[row] = entity_with_generation;
const ecs_type_info_t* flecs_type_info_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t component)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(component != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(!(component & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return flecs_sparse_try_t(&world->type_info, ecs_type_info_t, component);
ecs_type_info_t* flecs_type_info_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t component)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(component != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = flecs_type_info_get(world, component);
ecs_type_info_t *ti_mut = NULL;
if (!ti) {
ti_mut = flecs_sparse_ensure_t(
&world->type_info, ecs_type_info_t, component);
ecs_assert(ti_mut != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ti_mut->component = component;
} else {
ti_mut = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_type_info_t*, ti);
if (!ti_mut->name) {
const char *sym = ecs_get_symbol(world, component);
if (sym) {
ti_mut->name = ecs_os_strdup(sym);
} else {
const char *name = ecs_get_name(world, component);
if (name) {
ti_mut->name = ecs_os_strdup(name);
return ti_mut;
bool flecs_type_info_init_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t component,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t alignment,
const ecs_type_hooks_t *li)
bool changed = false;
flecs_entities_ensure(world, component);
ecs_type_info_t *ti = NULL;
if (!size || !alignment) {
ecs_assert(size == 0 && alignment == 0,
flecs_sparse_remove_t(&world->type_info, ecs_type_info_t, component);
} else {
ti = flecs_type_info_ensure(world, component);
ecs_assert(ti != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
changed |= ti->size != size;
changed |= ti->alignment != alignment;
ti->size = size;
ti->alignment = alignment;
if (li) {
ecs_set_hooks_id(world, component, li);
/* Set type info for id record of component */
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, component);
changed |= flecs_id_record_set_type_info(world, idr, ti);
bool is_tag = idr->flags & EcsIdTag;
/* All id records with component as relationship inherit type info */
idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, ecs_pair(component, EcsWildcard));
do {
if (is_tag) {
changed |= flecs_id_record_set_type_info(world, idr, NULL);
} else if (ti) {
changed |= flecs_id_record_set_type_info(world, idr, ti);
} else if ((idr->type_info != NULL) &&
(idr->type_info->component == component))
changed |= flecs_id_record_set_type_info(world, idr, NULL);
} while ((idr = idr->first.next));
/* All non-tag id records with component as object inherit type info,
* if relationship doesn't have type info */
idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, component));
do {
if (!(idr->flags & EcsIdTag) && !idr->type_info) {
changed |= flecs_id_record_set_type_info(world, idr, ti);
} while ((idr = idr->first.next));
/* Type info of (*, component) should always point to component */
ecs_assert(flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, component))->
type_info == ti, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return changed;
void flecs_type_info_fini(
ecs_type_info_t *ti)
if (ti->hooks.ctx_free) {
if (ti->hooks.binding_ctx_free) {
if (ti->name) {
/* Safe to cast away const, world has ownership over string */
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, ti->name));
ti->name = NULL;
void flecs_type_info_free(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t component)
if (world->flags & EcsWorldQuit) {
/* If world is in the final teardown stages, cleanup policies are no
* longer applied and it can't be guaranteed that a component is not
* deleted before entities that use it. The remaining type info elements
* will be deleted after the store is finalized. */
ecs_type_info_t *ti = flecs_sparse_try_t(&world->type_info,
ecs_type_info_t, component);
if (ti) {
flecs_sparse_remove_t(&world->type_info, ecs_type_info_t, component);
ecs_ftime_t flecs_insert_sleep(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_time_t *stop)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_time_t start = *stop, now = start;
ecs_ftime_t delta_time = (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(stop);
if (ECS_EQZERO(world->info.target_fps)) {
return delta_time;
ecs_ftime_t target_delta_time =
((ecs_ftime_t)1.0 / (ecs_ftime_t)world->info.target_fps);
/* Calculate the time we need to sleep by taking the measured delta from the
* previous frame, and subtracting it from target_delta_time. */
ecs_ftime_t sleep = target_delta_time - delta_time;
/* Pick a sleep interval that is 4 times smaller than the time one frame
* should take. */
ecs_ftime_t sleep_time = sleep / (ecs_ftime_t)4.0;
do {
/* Only call sleep when sleep_time is not 0. On some platforms, even
* a sleep with a timeout of 0 can cause stutter. */
if (ECS_NEQZERO(sleep_time)) {
now = start;
delta_time = (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(&now);
} while ((target_delta_time - delta_time) >
(sleep_time / (ecs_ftime_t)2.0));
*stop = now;
return delta_time;
ecs_ftime_t flecs_start_measure_frame(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_ftime_t user_delta_time)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_ftime_t delta_time = 0;
if ((world->flags & EcsWorldMeasureFrameTime) ||
ecs_time_t t = world->frame_start_time;
do {
if (world->frame_start_time.nanosec || world->frame_start_time.sec){
delta_time = flecs_insert_sleep(world, &t);
} else {
if (ECS_NEQZERO(world->info.target_fps)) {
delta_time = (ecs_ftime_t)1.0 / world->info.target_fps;
} else {
/* Best guess */
delta_time = (ecs_ftime_t)1.0 / (ecs_ftime_t)60.0;
/* Keep trying while delta_time is zero */
} while (ECS_EQZERO(delta_time));
world->frame_start_time = t;
/* Keep track of total time passed in world */
world->info.world_time_total_raw += (ecs_ftime_t)delta_time;
return (ecs_ftime_t)delta_time;
void flecs_stop_measure_frame(
ecs_world_t* world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
if (world->flags & EcsWorldMeasureFrameTime) {
ecs_time_t t = world->frame_start_time;
world->info.frame_time_total += (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(&t);
ecs_ftime_t ecs_frame_begin(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_ftime_t user_delta_time)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_check(ECS_NEQZERO(user_delta_time) || ecs_os_has_time(),
ECS_MISSING_OS_API, "get_time");
/* Start measuring total frame time */
ecs_ftime_t delta_time = flecs_start_measure_frame(world, user_delta_time);
if (ECS_EQZERO(user_delta_time)) {
user_delta_time = delta_time;
world->info.delta_time_raw = user_delta_time;
world->info.delta_time = user_delta_time * world->info.time_scale;
/* Keep track of total scaled time passed in world */
world->info.world_time_total += world->info.delta_time;
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, 0);
return world->info.delta_time;
return (ecs_ftime_t)0;
void ecs_frame_end(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
world->info.frame_count_total ++;
ecs_stage_t *stages = world->stages;
int32_t i, count = world->stage_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
flecs_stage_merge_post_frame(world, &stages[i]);
const ecs_world_info_t* ecs_get_world_info(
const ecs_world_t *world)
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return &world->info;
void flecs_delete_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
flecs_table_free(world, table);
void flecs_process_empty_queries(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(ecs_id(EcsPoly), EcsQuery));
if (!idr) {
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
/* Make sure that we defer adding the inactive tags until after iterating
* the query */
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
if (flecs_table_cache_iter(&idr->cache, &it)) {
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
EcsPoly *queries = ecs_table_get_column(table, tr->column, 0);
int32_t i, count = ecs_table_count(table);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_query_t *query = queries[i].poly;
ecs_entity_t *entities = table->data.entities.array;
if (!ecs_query_table_count(query)) {
ecs_add_id(world, entities[i], EcsEmpty);
flecs_defer_end(world, &world->stages[0]);
/** Walk over tables that had a state change which requires bookkeeping */
void flecs_process_pending_tables(
const ecs_world_t *world_r)
ecs_poly_assert(world_r, ecs_world_t);
/* We can't update the administration while in readonly mode, but we can
* ensure that when this function is called there are no pending events. */
if (world_r->flags & EcsWorldReadonly) {
ecs_assert(flecs_sparse_count(world_r->pending_tables) == 0,
/* Safe to cast, world is not readonly */
ecs_world_t *world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, world_r);
/* If pending buffer is NULL there already is a stackframe that's iterating
* the table list. This can happen when an observer for a table event results
* in a mutation that causes another table to change state. A typical
* example of this is a system that becomes active/inactive as the result of
* a query (and as a result, its matched tables) becoming empty/non empty */
if (!world->pending_buffer) {
/* Swap buffer. The logic could in theory have been implemented with a
* single sparse set, but that would've complicated (and slowed down) the
* iteration. Additionally, by using a double buffer approach we can still
* keep most of the original ordering of events intact, which is desirable
* as it means that the ordering of tables in the internal data structures is
* more predictable. */
int32_t i, count = flecs_sparse_count(world->pending_tables);
if (!count) {
flecs_journal_begin(world, EcsJournalTableEvents, 0, 0, 0);
do {
ecs_sparse_t *pending_tables = world->pending_tables;
world->pending_tables = world->pending_buffer;
world->pending_buffer = NULL;
/* Make sure that any ECS operations that occur while delivering the
* events does not cause inconsistencies, like sending an Empty
* notification for a table that just became non-empty. */
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(
pending_tables, ecs_table_t*, i)[0];
if (!table->id) {
/* Table is being deleted, ignore empty events */
/* For each id in the table, add it to the empty/non empty list
* based on its current state */
if (flecs_table_records_update_empty(table)) {
int32_t table_count = ecs_table_count(table);
if (table->flags & (EcsTableHasOnTableFill|EcsTableHasOnTableEmpty)) {
/* Only emit an event when there was a change in the
* administration. It is possible that a table ended up in the
* pending_tables list by going from empty->non-empty, but then
* became empty again. By the time we run this code, no changes
* in the administration would actually be made. */
ecs_entity_t evt = table_count ? EcsOnTableFill : EcsOnTableEmpty;
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
ecs_dbg_3("table %u state change (%s)",
table_count ? "non-empty" : "empty");
flecs_emit(world, world, &(ecs_event_desc_t){
.event = evt,
.table = table,
.ids = &table->type,
.observable = world,
.flags = EcsEventTableOnly
world->info.empty_table_count += (table_count == 0) * 2 - 1;
world->pending_buffer = pending_tables;
} while ((count = flecs_sparse_count(world->pending_tables)));
void flecs_table_set_empty(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ecs_table_count(table)) {
table->_->generation = 0;
flecs_sparse_ensure_fast_t(world->pending_tables, ecs_table_t*,
(uint32_t)table->id)[0] = table;
bool ecs_id_in_use(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
return false;
return (flecs_table_cache_count(&idr->cache) != 0) ||
(flecs_table_cache_empty_count(&idr->cache) != 0);
void ecs_run_aperiodic(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_flags32_t flags)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
if (!flags || (flags & EcsAperiodicEmptyTables)) {
if ((flags & EcsAperiodicEmptyQueries)) {
if (!flags || (flags & EcsAperiodicComponentMonitors)) {
int32_t ecs_delete_empty_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
uint16_t clear_generation,
uint16_t delete_generation,
int32_t min_id_count,
double time_budget_seconds)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
/* Make sure empty tables are in the empty table lists */
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
ecs_time_t start = {0}, cur = {0};
int32_t delete_count = 0, clear_count = 0;
bool time_budget = false;
if (ECS_NEQZERO(time_budget_seconds) || (ecs_should_log_1() && ecs_os_has_time())) {
if (ECS_NEQZERO(time_budget_seconds)) {
time_budget = true;
if (!id) {
id = EcsAny; /* Iterate all empty tables */
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (idr && flecs_table_cache_empty_iter((ecs_table_cache_t*)idr, &it)) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
if (time_budget) {
cur = start;
if (ecs_time_measure(&cur) > time_budget_seconds) {
goto done;
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
ecs_assert(ecs_table_count(table) == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (table->type.count < min_id_count) {
uint16_t gen = ++ table->_->generation;
if (delete_generation && (gen > delete_generation)) {
flecs_table_free(world, table);
delete_count ++;
} else if (clear_generation && (gen > clear_generation)) {
if (flecs_table_shrink(world, table)) {
clear_count ++;
if (ecs_should_log_1() && ecs_os_has_time()) {
if (delete_count) {
ecs_dbg_1("#[red]deleted#[normal] %d empty tables in %.2fs",
delete_count, ecs_time_measure(&start));
if (clear_count) {
ecs_dbg_1("#[red]cleared#[normal] %d empty tables in %.2fs",
clear_count, ecs_time_measure(&start));
return delete_count;
* @file addons/alerts.c
* @brief Alerts addon.
typedef struct EcsAlert {
char *message;
ecs_map_t instances; /* Active instances for metric */
ecs_ftime_t retain_period; /* How long to retain the alert */
ecs_vec_t severity_filters; /* Severity filters */
/* Member range monitoring */
ecs_id_t id; /* (Component) id that contains to monitor member */
ecs_entity_t member; /* Member to monitor */
int32_t offset; /* Offset of member in component */
int32_t size; /* Size of component */
ecs_primitive_kind_t kind; /* Primitive type kind */
ecs_ref_t ranges; /* Reference to ranges component */
int32_t var_id; /* Variable from which to obtain data (0 = $this) */
} EcsAlert;
typedef struct EcsAlertTimeout {
ecs_ftime_t inactive_time; /* Time the alert has been inactive */
ecs_ftime_t expire_time; /* Expiration duration */
} EcsAlertTimeout;
ECS_CTOR(EcsAlert, ptr, {
ecs_map_init(&ptr->instances, NULL);
ecs_vec_init_t(NULL, &ptr->severity_filters, ecs_alert_severity_filter_t, 0);
ECS_DTOR(EcsAlert, ptr, {
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &ptr->severity_filters, ecs_alert_severity_filter_t);
ECS_MOVE(EcsAlert, dst, src, {
dst->message = src->message;
src->message = NULL;
dst->instances = src->instances;
src->instances = (ecs_map_t){0};
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &dst->severity_filters, ecs_alert_severity_filter_t);
dst->severity_filters = src->severity_filters;
src->severity_filters = (ecs_vec_t){0};
dst->retain_period = src->retain_period;
dst->id = src->id;
dst->member = src->member;
dst->offset = src->offset;
dst->size = src->size;
dst->kind = src->kind;
dst->ranges = src->ranges;
dst->var_id = src->var_id;
ECS_CTOR(EcsAlertsActive, ptr, {
ecs_map_init(&ptr->alerts, NULL);
ptr->info_count = 0;
ptr->warning_count = 0;
ptr->error_count = 0;
ECS_DTOR(EcsAlertsActive, ptr, {
ECS_MOVE(EcsAlertsActive, dst, src, {
dst->alerts = src->alerts;
dst->info_count = src->info_count;
dst->warning_count = src->warning_count;
dst->error_count = src->error_count;
src->alerts = (ecs_map_t){0};
ECS_DTOR(EcsAlertInstance, ptr, {
ECS_MOVE(EcsAlertInstance, dst, src, {
dst->message = src->message;
src->message = NULL;
ECS_COPY(EcsAlertInstance, dst, src, {
dst->message = ecs_os_strdup(src->message);
void flecs_alerts_add_alert_to_src(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t source,
ecs_entity_t alert,
ecs_entity_t alert_instance)
EcsAlertsActive *active = ecs_get_mut(
world, source, EcsAlertsActive);
ecs_assert(active != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_entity_t severity = ecs_get_target(world, alert, ecs_id(EcsAlert), 0);
if (severity == EcsAlertInfo) {
active->info_count ++;
} else if (severity == EcsAlertWarning) {
active->warning_count ++;
} else if (severity == EcsAlertError) {
active->error_count ++;
ecs_entity_t *ptr = ecs_map_ensure(&active->alerts, alert);
ecs_assert(ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ptr[0] = alert_instance;
ecs_modified(world, source, EcsAlertsActive);
void flecs_alerts_remove_alert_from_src(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t source,
ecs_entity_t alert)
EcsAlertsActive *active = ecs_get_mut(
world, source, EcsAlertsActive);
ecs_assert(active != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_map_remove(&active->alerts, alert);
ecs_entity_t severity = ecs_get_target(world, alert, ecs_id(EcsAlert), 0);
if (severity == EcsAlertInfo) {
active->info_count --;
} else if (severity == EcsAlertWarning) {
active->warning_count --;
} else if (severity == EcsAlertError) {
active->error_count --;
if (!ecs_map_count(&active->alerts)) {
ecs_remove(world, source, EcsAlertsActive);
} else {
ecs_modified(world, source, EcsAlertsActive);
ecs_entity_t flecs_alert_get_severity(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
EcsAlert *alert)
int32_t i, filter_count = ecs_vec_count(&alert->severity_filters);
ecs_alert_severity_filter_t *filters =
for (i = 0; i < filter_count; i ++) {
ecs_alert_severity_filter_t *filter = &filters[i];
if (!filter->var) {
if (ecs_table_has_id(world, it->table, filters[i].with)) {
return filters[i].severity;
} else {
ecs_entity_t src = ecs_iter_get_var(it, filter->_var_index);
if (src && src != EcsWildcard) {
if (ecs_has_id(world, src, filters[i].with)) {
return filters[i].severity;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t flecs_alert_out_of_range_kind(
EcsAlert *alert,
const EcsMemberRanges *ranges,
const void *value_ptr)
double value = 0;
switch(alert->kind) {
case EcsU8: value = *(const uint8_t*)value_ptr; break;
case EcsU16: value = *(const uint16_t*)value_ptr; break;
case EcsU32: value = *(const uint32_t*)value_ptr; break;
case EcsU64: value = (double)*(const uint64_t*)value_ptr; break;
case EcsI8: value = *(const int8_t*)value_ptr; break;
case EcsI16: value = *(const int16_t*)value_ptr; break;
case EcsI32: value = *(const int32_t*)value_ptr; break;
case EcsI64: value = (double)*(const int64_t*)value_ptr; break;
case EcsF32: value = (double)*(const float*)value_ptr; break;
case EcsF64: value = *(const double*)value_ptr; break;
case EcsBool:
case EcsChar:
case EcsByte:
case EcsUPtr:
case EcsIPtr:
case EcsString:
case EcsEntity:
case EcsId:
return 0;
bool has_error = ECS_NEQ(ranges->error.min, ranges->error.max);
bool has_warning = ECS_NEQ(ranges->warning.min, ranges->warning.max);
if (has_error && (value < ranges->error.min || value > ranges->error.max)) {
return EcsAlertError;
} else if (has_warning &&
(value < ranges->warning.min || value > ranges->warning.max))
return EcsAlertWarning;
} else {
return 0;
void MonitorAlerts(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
EcsAlert *alert = ecs_field(it, EcsAlert, 1);
EcsPoly *poly = ecs_field(it, EcsPoly, 2);
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t a = it->entities[i]; /* Alert entity */
ecs_entity_t default_severity = ecs_get_target(
world, a, ecs_id(EcsAlert), 0);
ecs_rule_t *rule = poly[i].poly;
ecs_poly_assert(rule, ecs_rule_t);
ecs_id_t member_id = alert[i].id;
const EcsMemberRanges *ranges = NULL;
if (member_id) {
ranges = ecs_ref_get(world, &alert[i].ranges, EcsMemberRanges);
ecs_iter_t rit = ecs_rule_iter(world, rule);
rit.flags |= EcsIterNoData;
rit.flags |= EcsIterIsInstanced;
while (ecs_rule_next(&rit)) {
ecs_entity_t severity = flecs_alert_get_severity(
world, &rit, &alert[i]);
if (!severity) {
severity = default_severity;
const void *member_data = NULL;
ecs_entity_t member_src = 0;
if (ranges) {
if (alert[i].var_id) {
member_src = ecs_iter_get_var(&rit, alert[i].var_id);
if (!member_src || member_src == EcsWildcard) {
if (!member_src) {
member_data = ecs_table_get_id(
world, rit.table, member_id, rit.offset);
} else {
member_data = ecs_get_id(world, member_src, member_id);
if (!member_data) {
member_data = ECS_OFFSET(member_data, alert[i].offset);
int32_t j, alert_src_count = rit.count;
for (j = 0; j < alert_src_count; j ++) {
ecs_entity_t src_severity = severity;
ecs_entity_t e = rit.entities[j];
if (member_data) {
ecs_entity_t range_severity = flecs_alert_out_of_range_kind(
&alert[i], ranges, member_data);
if (!member_src) {
member_data = ECS_OFFSET(member_data, alert[i].size);
if (!range_severity) {
if (range_severity < src_severity) {
/* Range severity should not exceed alert severity */
src_severity = range_severity;
ecs_entity_t *aptr = ecs_map_ensure(&alert[i].instances, e);
ecs_assert(aptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!aptr[0]) {
/* Alert does not yet exist for entity */
ecs_entity_t ai = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsChildOf, a);
ecs_set(world, ai, EcsAlertInstance, { .message = NULL });
ecs_set(world, ai, EcsMetricSource, { .entity = e });
ecs_set(world, ai, EcsMetricValue, { .value = 0 });
ecs_add_pair(world, ai, ecs_id(EcsAlert), src_severity);
if (ECS_NEQZERO(alert[i].retain_period)) {
ecs_set(world, ai, EcsAlertTimeout, {
.inactive_time = 0,
.expire_time = alert[i].retain_period
flecs_alerts_add_alert_to_src(world, e, a, ai);
aptr[0] = ai;
} else {
/* Make sure alert severity is up to date */
if (ecs_vec_count(&alert[i].severity_filters) || member_data) {
ecs_entity_t cur_severity = ecs_get_target(
world, aptr[0], ecs_id(EcsAlert), 0);
if (cur_severity != src_severity) {
ecs_add_pair(world, aptr[0], ecs_id(EcsAlert),
void MonitorAlertInstances(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
EcsAlertInstance *alert_instance = ecs_field(it, EcsAlertInstance, 1);
EcsMetricSource *source = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricSource, 2);
EcsMetricValue *value = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricValue, 3);
EcsAlertTimeout *timeout = ecs_field(it, EcsAlertTimeout, 4);
/* Get alert component from alert instance parent (the alert) */
ecs_id_t childof_pair;
if (ecs_search(world, it->table, ecs_childof(EcsWildcard), &childof_pair) == -1) {
ecs_err("alert instances must be a child of an alert");
ecs_entity_t parent = ecs_pair_second(world, childof_pair);
ecs_assert(parent != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(ecs_has(world, parent, EcsAlert), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION,
"alert entity does not have Alert component");
EcsAlert *alert = ecs_get_mut(world, parent, EcsAlert);
const EcsPoly *poly = ecs_get_pair(world, parent, EcsPoly, EcsQuery);
ecs_assert(poly != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION,
"alert entity does not have (Poly, Query) component");
ecs_rule_t *rule = poly->poly;
ecs_poly_assert(rule, ecs_rule_t);
ecs_id_t member_id = alert->id;
const EcsMemberRanges *ranges = NULL;
if (member_id) {
ranges = ecs_ref_get(world, &alert->ranges, EcsMemberRanges);
ecs_vars_t vars = {0};
ecs_vars_init(world, &vars);
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t ai = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t e = source[i].entity;
/* If source of alert is no longer alive, delete alert instance even if
* the alert has a retain period. */
if (!ecs_is_alive(world, e)) {
ecs_delete(world, ai);
/* Check if alert instance still matches rule */
ecs_iter_t rit = ecs_rule_iter(world, rule);
rit.flags |= EcsIterNoData;
rit.flags |= EcsIterIsInstanced;
ecs_iter_set_var(&rit, 0, e);
if (ecs_rule_next(&rit)) {
bool match = true;
/* If alert is monitoring member range, test value against range */
if (ranges) {
ecs_entity_t member_src = e;
if (alert->var_id) {
member_src = ecs_iter_get_var(&rit, alert->var_id);
const void *member_data = ecs_get_id(
world, member_src, member_id);
if (!member_data) {
match = false;
} else {
member_data = ECS_OFFSET(member_data, alert->offset);
if (flecs_alert_out_of_range_kind(
alert, ranges, member_data) == 0)
match = false;
if (match) {
/* Only increase alert duration if the alert was active */
value[i].value += (double)it->delta_system_time;
bool generate_message = alert->message;
if (generate_message) {
if (alert_instance[i].message) {
/* If a message was already generated, only regenerate if
* rule has multiple variables. Variable values could have
* changed, this ensures the message remains up to date. */
generate_message = rit.variable_count > 1;
if (generate_message) {
if (alert_instance[i].message) {
ecs_iter_to_vars(&rit, &vars, 0);
alert_instance[i].message = ecs_interpolate_string(
world, alert->message, &vars);
if (timeout) {
if (ECS_NEQZERO(timeout[i].inactive_time)) {
/* The alert just became active. Remove Disabled tag */
flecs_alerts_add_alert_to_src(world, e, parent, ai);
ecs_remove_id(world, ai, EcsDisabled);
timeout[i].inactive_time = 0;
/* Alert instance still matches rule, keep it alive */
/* Alert instance is no longer active */
if (timeout) {
if (ECS_EQZERO(timeout[i].inactive_time)) {
/* The alert just became inactive. Add Disabled tag */
flecs_alerts_remove_alert_from_src(world, e, parent);
ecs_add_id(world, ai, EcsDisabled);
ecs_ftime_t t = timeout[i].inactive_time;
timeout[i].inactive_time += it->delta_system_time;
if (t < timeout[i].expire_time) {
/* Alert instance no longer matches rule, but is still
* within the timeout period. Keep it alive. */
/* Alert instance no longer matches rule, remove it */
flecs_alerts_remove_alert_from_src(world, e, parent);
ecs_map_remove(&alert->instances, e);
ecs_delete(world, ai);
ecs_entity_t ecs_alert_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_alert_desc_t *desc)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(desc->_canary == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!desc->filter.entity || desc->entity == desc->filter.entity,
ecs_entity_t result = desc->entity;
if (!result) {
result = ecs_new(world, 0);
ecs_filter_desc_t private_desc = desc->filter;
private_desc.entity = result;
ecs_rule_t *rule = ecs_rule_init(world, &private_desc);
if (!rule) {
ecs_err("failed to create alert filter");
return 0;
const ecs_filter_t *filter = ecs_rule_get_filter(rule);
if (!(filter->flags & EcsFilterMatchThis)) {
ecs_err("alert filter must have at least one '$this' term");
return 0;
/* Initialize Alert component which identifiers entity as alert */
EcsAlert *alert = ecs_get_mut(world, result, EcsAlert);
ecs_assert(alert != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
alert->message = ecs_os_strdup(desc->message);
alert->retain_period = desc->retain_period;
/* Initialize severity filters */
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
if (desc->severity_filters[i].with) {
if (!desc->severity_filters[i].severity) {
ecs_err("severity filter must have severity");
goto error;
ecs_alert_severity_filter_t *sf = ecs_vec_append_t(NULL,
&alert->severity_filters, ecs_alert_severity_filter_t);
*sf = desc->severity_filters[i];
if (sf->var) {
sf->_var_index = ecs_rule_find_var(rule, sf->var);
if (sf->_var_index == -1) {
ecs_err("unresolved variable '%s' in alert severity filter",
goto error;
/* Fetch data for member monitoring */
if (desc->member) {
alert->member = desc->member;
if (!desc->id) {
alert->id = ecs_get_parent(world, desc->member);
if (!alert->id) {
ecs_err("ecs_alert_desc_t::member is not a member");
goto error;
ecs_check(alert->id != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
} else {
alert->id = desc->id;
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, alert->id);
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!idr->type_info) {
ecs_err("ecs_alert_desc_t::id must be a component");
goto error;
ecs_entity_t type = idr->type_info->component;
if (type != ecs_get_parent(world, desc->member)) {
char *type_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_err("member '%s' is not a member of '%s'",
ecs_get_name(world, desc->member), type_name);
goto error;
const EcsMember *member = ecs_get(world, alert->member, EcsMember);
if (!member) {
ecs_err("ecs_alert_desc_t::member is not a member");
goto error;
if (!member->type) {
ecs_err("ecs_alert_desc_t::member must have a type");
goto error;
const EcsPrimitive *pr = ecs_get(world, member->type, EcsPrimitive);
if (!pr) {
ecs_err("ecs_alert_desc_t::member must be of a primitive type");
goto error;
if (!ecs_has(world, desc->member, EcsMemberRanges)) {
ecs_err("ecs_alert_desc_t::member must have warning/error ranges");
goto error;
int32_t var_id = 0;
if (desc->var) {
var_id = ecs_rule_find_var(rule, desc->var);
if (var_id == -1) {
ecs_err("unresolved variable '%s' in alert member", desc->var);
goto error;
alert->offset = member->offset;
alert->size = idr->type_info->size;
alert->kind = pr->kind;
alert->ranges = ecs_ref_init(world, desc->member, EcsMemberRanges);
alert->var_id = var_id;
ecs_modified(world, result, EcsAlert);
/* Register alert as metric */
ecs_add(world, result, EcsMetric);
ecs_add_pair(world, result, EcsMetric, EcsCounter);
/* Add severity to alert */
ecs_entity_t severity = desc->severity;
if (!severity) {
severity = EcsAlertError;
ecs_add_pair(world, result, ecs_id(EcsAlert), severity);
if (desc->doc_name) {
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
ecs_doc_set_name(world, result, desc->doc_name);
ecs_err("cannot set doc_name for alert, requires FLECS_DOC addon");
goto error;
if (desc->brief) {
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, result, desc->brief);
ecs_err("cannot set brief for alert, requires FLECS_DOC addon");
goto error;
return result;
if (result) {
ecs_delete(world, result);
return 0;
int32_t ecs_get_alert_count(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t alert)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!alert || ecs_has(world, alert, EcsAlert),
const EcsAlertsActive *active = ecs_get(world, entity, EcsAlertsActive);
if (!active) {
return 0;
if (alert) {
return ecs_map_get(&active->alerts, alert) != NULL;
return ecs_map_count(&active->alerts);
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_get_alert(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t alert)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(alert != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const EcsAlertsActive *active = ecs_get(world, entity, EcsAlertsActive);
if (!active) {
return 0;
ecs_entity_t *ptr = ecs_map_get(&active->alerts, alert);
if (ptr) {
return ptr[0];
return 0;
void FlecsAlertsImport(ecs_world_t *world) {
ECS_MODULE_DEFINE(world, FlecsAlerts);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsPipeline);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsTimer);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsMetrics);
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
ecs_remove_pair(world, ecs_id(EcsAlert), ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsSymbol);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsAlertsActive);
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "EcsAlert");
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsAlertInstance);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsAlertTimeout);
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsAlertInfo);
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsAlertWarning);
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsAlertError);
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsAlertCritical);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsAlert), EcsTag);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsAlert), EcsExclusive);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsAlertsActive), EcsPrivate);
ecs_struct(world, {
.entity = ecs_id(EcsAlertInstance),
.members = {
{ .name = "message", .type = ecs_id(ecs_string_t) }
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsAlert, {
.ctor = ecs_ctor(EcsAlert),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsAlert),
.move = ecs_move(EcsAlert)
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsAlertsActive, {
.ctor = ecs_ctor(EcsAlertsActive),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsAlertsActive),
.move = ecs_move(EcsAlertsActive)
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsAlertInstance, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsAlertInstance),
.move = ecs_move(EcsAlertInstance),
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsAlertInstance)
ecs_struct(world, {
.entity = ecs_id(EcsAlertsActive),
.members = {
{ .name = "info_count", .type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t) },
{ .name = "warning_count", .type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t) },
{ .name = "error_count", .type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t) }
ECS_SYSTEM(world, MonitorAlerts, EcsPreStore, Alert, (Poly, Query));
ECS_SYSTEM(world, MonitorAlertInstances, EcsOnStore, Instance,
flecs.metrics.Source, flecs.metrics.Value, ?EcsAlertTimeout, ?Disabled);
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_id(MonitorAlerts),
.no_readonly = true,
.interval = 0.5
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_id(MonitorAlertInstances),
.interval = 0.5
* @file addons/app.c
* @brief App addon.
#ifdef FLECS_APP
int flecs_default_run_action(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_app_desc_t *desc)
if (desc->init) {
int result = 0;
if (desc->frames) {
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < desc->frames; i ++) {
if ((result = ecs_app_run_frame(world, desc)) != 0) {
} else {
while ((result = ecs_app_run_frame(world, desc)) == 0) { }
/* Ensure quit flag is set on world, which can be used to determine if
* world needs to be cleaned up. */
#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
if (result == 1) {
return 0; /* Normal exit */
} else {
return result; /* Error code */
int flecs_default_frame_action(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_app_desc_t *desc)
return !ecs_progress(world, desc->delta_time);
static ecs_app_run_action_t run_action = flecs_default_run_action;
static ecs_app_frame_action_t frame_action = flecs_default_frame_action;
static ecs_app_desc_t ecs_app_desc;
/* Serve REST API from wasm image when running in emscripten */
#include <emscripten.h>
ecs_http_server_t *flecs_wasm_rest_server;
char* flecs_explorer_request(const char *method, char *request) {
ecs_http_reply_t reply = ECS_HTTP_REPLY_INIT;
ecs_http_server_request(flecs_wasm_rest_server, method, request, &reply);
if (reply.code == 200) {
return ecs_strbuf_get(&reply.body);
} else {
char *body = ecs_strbuf_get(&reply.body);
if (body) {
return body;
} else {
return ecs_asprintf(
"{\"error\": \"bad request (code %d)\"}", reply.code);
int ecs_app_run(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_app_desc_t *desc)
ecs_app_desc = *desc;
/* Don't set FPS & threads if custom run action is set, as the platform on
* which the app is running may not support it. */
if (run_action == flecs_default_run_action) {
if (ECS_NEQZERO(ecs_app_desc.target_fps)) {
ecs_set_target_fps(world, ecs_app_desc.target_fps);
if (ecs_app_desc.threads) {
ecs_set_threads(world, ecs_app_desc.threads);
/* REST server enables connecting to app with explorer */
if (desc->enable_rest) {
flecs_wasm_rest_server = ecs_rest_server_init(world, NULL);
ecs_set(world, EcsWorld, EcsRest, {.port = desc->port });
ecs_warn("cannot enable remote API, REST addon not available");
/* Monitoring periodically collects statistics */
if (desc->enable_monitor) {
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsMonitor);
ecs_warn("cannot enable monitoring, MONITOR addon not available");
return run_action(world, &ecs_app_desc);
int ecs_app_run_frame(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_app_desc_t *desc)
return frame_action(world, desc);
int ecs_app_set_run_action(
ecs_app_run_action_t callback)
if (run_action != flecs_default_run_action && run_action != callback) {
ecs_err("run action already set");
return -1;
run_action = callback;
return 0;
int ecs_app_set_frame_action(
ecs_app_frame_action_t callback)
if (frame_action != flecs_default_frame_action && frame_action != callback) {
ecs_err("frame action already set");
return -1;
frame_action = callback;
return 0;
* @file addons/coredoc.c
* @brief Core doc addon.
#define URL_ROOT "https://www.flecs.dev/flecs/md_docs_2Relationships.html"
void FlecsCoreDocImport(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_MODULE(world, FlecsCoreDoc);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsMeta);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
/* Initialize reflection data for core components */
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsComponent),
.members = {
{.name = "size", .type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t)},
{.name = "alignment", .type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t)}
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsDocDescription),
.members = {
{.name = "value", .type = ecs_id(ecs_string_t)}
/* Initialize documentation data for core components */
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsFlecs, "Flecs root module");
ecs_doc_set_link(world, EcsFlecs, "https://github.com/SanderMertens/flecs");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsFlecsCore, "Module with builtin components");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsFlecsInternals, "Module with internal entities");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsWorld, "Entity associated with world");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsComponent), "Component that is added to components");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsModule, "Tag that is added to modules");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsPrefab, "Tag that is added to prefabs");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDisabled, "Tag that is added to disabled entities");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsPrivate, "Tag that is added to private components");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsFlag, "Internal tag for tracking ids with special id flags");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsIterable), "Internal component to make (query) entities iterable");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsPoly), "Internal component that stores pointer to poly objects");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsTarget), "Internal component that stores information for flattened trees");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsFlatten, "Tag that when added to assembly automatically flattens tree");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), "Component used for entity names");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsName, "Tag used with EcsIdentifier to store entity name");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsSymbol, "Tag used with EcsIdentifier to store entity symbol");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsAlias, "Tag used with EcsIdentifier to store entity alias");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsQuery, "Tag added to query entities");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsObserver, "Tag added to observer entities");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsTransitive, "Trait that enables transitive evaluation of relationships");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsReflexive, "Trait that enables reflexive evaluation of relationships");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsFinal, "Trait that indicates an entity cannot be inherited from");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDontInherit, "Trait that indicates it should not be inherited");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsTag, "Trait that ensures a pair cannot contain a value");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsAcyclic, "Trait that indicates a relationship is acyclic");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsTraversable, "Trait that indicates a relationship is traversable");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsExclusive, "Trait that ensures a relationship can only have one target");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsSymmetric, "Trait that causes a relationship to be two-way");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsWith, "Trait for adding additional components when a component is added");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsAlwaysOverride, "Trait that indicates a component should always be overridden");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsUnion, "Trait for creating a non-fragmenting relationship");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsOneOf, "Trait that enforces target of relationship is a child of <specified>");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsOnDelete, "Cleanup trait for specifying what happens when component is deleted");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsOnDeleteTarget, "Cleanup trait for specifying what happens when pair target is deleted");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsRemove, "Cleanup action used with OnDelete/OnDeleteTarget");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDelete, "Cleanup action used with OnDelete/OnDeleteTarget");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsPanic, "Cleanup action used with OnDelete/OnDeleteTarget");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDefaultChildComponent, "Sets default component hint for children of entity");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsIsA, "Relationship used for expressing inheritance");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsChildOf, "Relationship used for expressing hierarchies");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDependsOn, "Relationship used for expressing dependencies");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsSlotOf, "Relationship used for expressing prefab slots");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsOnAdd, "Event emitted when component is added");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsOnRemove, "Event emitted when component is removed");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsOnSet, "Event emitted when component is set");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsUnSet, "Event emitted when component is unset");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsMonitor, "Marker used to create monitor observers");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsOnTableFill, "Event emitted when table becomes non-empty");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsOnTableEmpty, "Event emitted when table becomes empty");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsOnTableCreate, "Event emitted when table is created");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsOnTableDelete, "Event emitted when table is deleted");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsThis, "Query marker to express $this variable");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsWildcard, "Query marker to express match all wildcard");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsAny, "Query marker to express match at least one wildcard");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsPredEq, "Query marker to express == operator");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsPredMatch, "Query marker to express ~= operator");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsPredLookup, "Query marker to express by-name lookup");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsScopeOpen, "Query marker to express scope open");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsScopeClose, "Query marker to express scope close");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsEmpty, "Tag used to indicate a query has no results");
/* Initialize documentation for meta components */
ecs_entity_t meta = ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, "flecs.meta");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, meta, "Flecs module with reflection components");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsMetaType), "Component added to types");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsMetaTypeSerialized), "Component that stores reflection data in an optimized format");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsPrimitive), "Component added to primitive types");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsEnum), "Component added to enumeration types");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsBitmask), "Component added to bitmask types");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsMember), "Component added to struct members");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsStruct), "Component added to struct types");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsArray), "Component added to array types");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsVector), "Component added to vector types");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_bool_t), "bool component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_char_t), "char component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_byte_t), "byte component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_u8_t), "8 bit unsigned int component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_u16_t), "16 bit unsigned int component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_u32_t), "32 bit unsigned int component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_u64_t), "64 bit unsigned int component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_uptr_t), "word sized unsigned int component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_i8_t), "8 bit signed int component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_i16_t), "16 bit signed int component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_i32_t), "32 bit signed int component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_i64_t), "64 bit signed int component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_iptr_t), "word sized signed int component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_f32_t), "32 bit floating point component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_f64_t), "64 bit floating point component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_string_t), "string component");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(ecs_entity_t), "entity component");
/* Initialize documentation for doc components */
ecs_entity_t doc = ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, "flecs.doc");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, doc, "Flecs module with documentation components");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(EcsDocDescription), "Component used to add documentation");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDocBrief, "Used as (Description, Brief) to add a brief description");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDocDetail, "Used as (Description, Detail) to add a detailed description");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDocLink, "Used as (Description, Link) to add a link");
* @file addons/doc.c
* @brief Doc addon.
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
static ECS_COPY(EcsDocDescription, dst, src, {
ecs_os_strset((char**)&dst->value, src->value);
static ECS_MOVE(EcsDocDescription, dst, src, {
dst->value = src->value;
src->value = NULL;
static ECS_DTOR(EcsDocDescription, ptr, {
void flecs_doc_set(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t kind,
const char *value)
if (value) {
ecs_set_pair(world, entity, EcsDocDescription, kind, {
/* Safe, value gets copied by copy hook */
.value = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, value)
} else {
ecs_remove_pair(world, entity, ecs_id(EcsDocDescription), kind);
void ecs_doc_set_name(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *name)
flecs_doc_set(world, entity, EcsName, name);
void ecs_doc_set_brief(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *brief)
flecs_doc_set(world, entity, EcsDocBrief, brief);
void ecs_doc_set_detail(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *detail)
flecs_doc_set(world, entity, EcsDocDetail, detail);
void ecs_doc_set_link(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *link)
flecs_doc_set(world, entity, EcsDocLink, link);
void ecs_doc_set_color(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *color)
flecs_doc_set(world, entity, EcsDocColor, color);
const char* ecs_doc_get_name(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
const EcsDocDescription *ptr = ecs_get_pair(
world, entity, EcsDocDescription, EcsName);
if (ptr) {
return ptr->value;
} else {
return ecs_get_name(world, entity);
const char* ecs_doc_get_brief(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
const EcsDocDescription *ptr = ecs_get_pair(
world, entity, EcsDocDescription, EcsDocBrief);
if (ptr) {
return ptr->value;
} else {
return NULL;
const char* ecs_doc_get_detail(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
const EcsDocDescription *ptr = ecs_get_pair(
world, entity, EcsDocDescription, EcsDocDetail);
if (ptr) {
return ptr->value;
} else {
return NULL;
const char* ecs_doc_get_link(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
const EcsDocDescription *ptr = ecs_get_pair(
world, entity, EcsDocDescription, EcsDocLink);
if (ptr) {
return ptr->value;
} else {
return NULL;
const char* ecs_doc_get_color(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
const EcsDocDescription *ptr = ecs_get_pair(
world, entity, EcsDocDescription, EcsDocColor);
if (ptr) {
return ptr->value;
} else {
return NULL;
void FlecsDocImport(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_MODULE(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "EcsDoc");
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsDocDescription);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsDocBrief);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsDocDetail);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsDocLink);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsDocColor);
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsDocDescription, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.move = ecs_move(EcsDocDescription),
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsDocDescription),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsDocDescription)
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsDocDescription), EcsDontInherit);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsDocDescription), EcsPrivate);
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDocBrief, "Brief description");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDocDetail, "Detailed description");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDocLink, "Link to additional documentation");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDocColor, "Color hint for entity");
* @file addons/flecs_cpp.c
* @brief Utilities for C++ addon.
#include <ctype.h>
/* Utilities for C++ API */
#ifdef FLECS_CPP
/* Convert compiler-specific typenames extracted from __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ to
* a uniform identifier */
#define ECS_CONST_PREFIX "const "
#define ECS_STRUCT_PREFIX "struct "
#define ECS_CLASS_PREFIX "class "
#define ECS_ENUM_PREFIX "enum "
#define ECS_CONST_LEN (-1 + (ecs_size_t)sizeof(ECS_CONST_PREFIX))
#define ECS_STRUCT_LEN (-1 + (ecs_size_t)sizeof(ECS_STRUCT_PREFIX))
#define ECS_CLASS_LEN (-1 + (ecs_size_t)sizeof(ECS_CLASS_PREFIX))
#define ECS_ENUM_LEN (-1 + (ecs_size_t)sizeof(ECS_ENUM_PREFIX))
ecs_size_t ecs_cpp_strip_prefix(
char *typeName,
ecs_size_t len,
const char *prefix,
ecs_size_t prefix_len)
if ((len > prefix_len) && !ecs_os_strncmp(typeName, prefix, prefix_len)) {
ecs_os_memmove(typeName, typeName + prefix_len, len - prefix_len);
typeName[len - prefix_len] = '\0';
len -= prefix_len;
return len;
void ecs_cpp_trim_type_name(
char *typeName)
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(typeName);
len = ecs_cpp_strip_prefix(typeName, len, ECS_CONST_PREFIX, ECS_CONST_LEN);
len = ecs_cpp_strip_prefix(typeName, len, ECS_STRUCT_PREFIX, ECS_STRUCT_LEN);
len = ecs_cpp_strip_prefix(typeName, len, ECS_CLASS_PREFIX, ECS_CLASS_LEN);
len = ecs_cpp_strip_prefix(typeName, len, ECS_ENUM_PREFIX, ECS_ENUM_LEN);
while (typeName[len - 1] == ' ' ||
typeName[len - 1] == '&' ||
typeName[len - 1] == '*')
len --;
typeName[len] = '\0';
/* Remove const at end of string */
if (len > ECS_CONST_LEN) {
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&typeName[len - ECS_CONST_LEN], " const", ECS_CONST_LEN)) {
typeName[len - ECS_CONST_LEN] = '\0';
/* Check if there are any remaining "struct " strings, which can happen
* if this is a template type on msvc. */
if (len > ECS_STRUCT_LEN) {
char *ptr = typeName;
while ((ptr = strstr(ptr + 1, ECS_STRUCT_PREFIX)) != 0) {
/* Make sure we're not matched with part of a longer identifier
* that contains 'struct' */
if (ptr[-1] == '<' || ptr[-1] == ',' || isspace(ptr[-1])) {
ecs_os_memmove(ptr, ptr + ECS_STRUCT_LEN,
ecs_os_strlen(ptr + ECS_STRUCT_LEN) + 1);
char* ecs_cpp_get_type_name(
char *type_name,
const char *func_name,
size_t len,
size_t front_len)
memcpy(type_name, func_name + front_len, len);
type_name[len] = '\0';
return type_name;
char* ecs_cpp_get_symbol_name(
char *symbol_name,
const char *type_name,
size_t len)
// Symbol is same as name, but with '::' replaced with '.'
ecs_os_strcpy(symbol_name, type_name);
char *ptr;
size_t i;
for (i = 0, ptr = symbol_name; i < len && *ptr; i ++, ptr ++) {
if (*ptr == ':') {
symbol_name[i] = '.';
ptr ++;
} else {
symbol_name[i] = *ptr;
symbol_name[i] = '\0';
return symbol_name;
const char* flecs_cpp_func_rchr(
const char *func_name,
ecs_size_t func_name_len,
ecs_size_t func_back_len,
char ch)
const char *r = strrchr(func_name, ch);
if ((r - func_name) >= (func_name_len - flecs_uto(ecs_size_t, func_back_len))) {
return NULL;
return r;
const char* flecs_cpp_func_max(
const char *a,
const char *b)
if (a > b) return a;
return b;
char* ecs_cpp_get_constant_name(
char *constant_name,
const char *func_name,
size_t func_name_len,
size_t func_back_len)
ecs_size_t f_len = flecs_uto(ecs_size_t, func_name_len);
ecs_size_t fb_len = flecs_uto(ecs_size_t, func_back_len);
const char *start = flecs_cpp_func_rchr(func_name, f_len, fb_len, ' ');
start = flecs_cpp_func_max(start, flecs_cpp_func_rchr(
func_name, f_len, fb_len, ')'));
start = flecs_cpp_func_max(start, flecs_cpp_func_rchr(
func_name, f_len, fb_len, ':'));
start = flecs_cpp_func_max(start, flecs_cpp_func_rchr(
func_name, f_len, fb_len, ','));
ecs_assert(start != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, func_name);
start ++;
ecs_size_t len = flecs_uto(ecs_size_t,
(f_len - (start - func_name) - fb_len));
ecs_os_memcpy_n(constant_name, start, char, len);
constant_name[len] = '\0';
return constant_name;
// Names returned from the name_helper class do not start with ::
// but are relative to the root. If the namespace of the type
// overlaps with the namespace of the current module, strip it from
// the implicit identifier.
// This allows for registration of component types that are not in the
// module namespace to still be registered under the module scope.
const char* ecs_cpp_trim_module(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *type_name)
ecs_entity_t scope = ecs_get_scope(world);
if (!scope) {
return type_name;
char *path = ecs_get_path_w_sep(world, 0, scope, "::", NULL);
if (path) {
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(path);
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(path, type_name, len)) {
// Type is a child of current parent, trim name of parent
type_name += len;
ecs_assert(type_name[0], ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(type_name[0] == ':', ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(type_name[1] == ':', ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
type_name += 2;
} else {
// Type is not a child of current parent, trim entire path
char *ptr = strrchr(type_name, ':');
if (ptr) {
type_name = ptr + 1;
return type_name;
// Validate registered component
void ecs_cpp_component_validate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id,
const char *name,
const char *symbol,
size_t size,
size_t alignment,
bool implicit_name)
/* If entity has a name check if it matches */
if (ecs_is_valid(world, id) && ecs_get_name(world, id) != NULL) {
if (!implicit_name && id >= EcsFirstUserComponentId) {
char *path = ecs_get_path_w_sep(
world, 0, id, "::", NULL);
if (ecs_os_strcmp(path, name)) {
"component '%s' already registered with name '%s'",
name, path);
if (symbol) {
const char *existing_symbol = ecs_get_symbol(world, id);
if (existing_symbol) {
if (ecs_os_strcmp(symbol, existing_symbol)) {
"component '%s' with symbol '%s' already registered with symbol '%s'",
name, symbol, existing_symbol);
} else {
/* Ensure that the entity id valid */
if (!ecs_is_alive(world, id)) {
ecs_ensure(world, id);
/* Register name with entity, so that when the entity is created the
* correct id will be resolved from the name. Only do this when the
* entity is empty. */
ecs_add_path_w_sep(world, id, 0, name, "::", "::");
/* If a component was already registered with this id but with a
* different size, the ecs_component_init function will fail. */
/* We need to explicitly call ecs_component_init here again. Even though
* the component was already registered, it may have been registered
* with a different world. This ensures that the component is registered
* with the same id for the current world.
* If the component was registered already, nothing will change. */
ecs_entity_t ent = ecs_component_init(world, &(ecs_component_desc_t){
.entity = id,
.type.size = flecs_uto(int32_t, size),
.type.alignment = flecs_uto(int32_t, alignment)
ecs_assert(ent == id, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_entity_t ecs_cpp_component_register(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id,
const char *name,
const char *symbol,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t alignment,
bool implicit_name,
bool *existing_out)
/* If the component is not yet registered, ensure no other component
* or entity has been registered with this name. Ensure component is
* looked up from root. */
bool existing = false;
ecs_entity_t prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, 0);
ecs_entity_t ent;
if (id) {
ent = id;
} else {
ent = ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(world, 0, name, "::", "::", false);
existing = ent != 0 && ecs_has(world, ent, EcsComponent);
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* If entity exists, compare symbol name to ensure that the component
* we are trying to register under this name is the same */
if (ent) {
const EcsComponent *component = ecs_get(world, ent, EcsComponent);
if (component != NULL) {
const char *sym = ecs_get_symbol(world, ent);
if (sym && ecs_os_strcmp(sym, symbol)) {
/* Application is trying to register a type with an entity that
* was already associated with another type. In most cases this
* is an error, with the exception of a scenario where the
* application is wrapping a C type with a C++ type.
* In this case the C++ type typically inherits from the C type,
* and adds convenience methods to the derived class without
* changing anything that would change the size or layout.
* To meet this condition, the new type must have the same size
* and alignment as the existing type, and the name of the type
* type must be equal to the registered name (not symbol).
* The latter ensures that it was the intent of the application
* to alias the type, vs. accidentally registering an unrelated
* type with the same size/alignment. */
char *type_path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, ent);
if (ecs_os_strcmp(type_path, symbol) ||
component->size != size ||
component->alignment != alignment)
"component with name '%s' is already registered for"\
" type '%s' (trying to register for type '%s')",
name, sym, symbol);
ecs_abort(ECS_NAME_IN_USE, NULL);
} else if (!sym) {
ecs_set_symbol(world, ent, symbol);
/* If no entity is found, lookup symbol to check if the component was
* registered under a different name. */
} else if (!implicit_name) {
ent = ecs_lookup_symbol(world, symbol, false, false);
ecs_assert(ent == 0 || (ent == id), ECS_INCONSISTENT_COMPONENT_ID, symbol);
if (existing_out) {
*existing_out = existing;
return ent;
ecs_entity_t ecs_cpp_component_register_explicit(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t s_id,
ecs_entity_t id,
const char *name,
const char *type_name,
const char *symbol,
size_t size,
size_t alignment,
bool is_component,
bool *existing_out)
char *existing_name = NULL;
if (existing_out) *existing_out = false;
// If an explicit id is provided, it is possible that the symbol and
// name differ from the actual type, as the application may alias
// one type to another.
if (!id) {
if (!name) {
// If no name was provided first check if a type with the provided
// symbol was already registered.
id = ecs_lookup_symbol(world, symbol, false, false);
if (id) {
existing_name = ecs_get_path_w_sep(world, 0, id, "::", "::");
name = existing_name;
if (existing_out) *existing_out = true;
} else {
// If type is not yet known, derive from type name
name = ecs_cpp_trim_module(world, type_name);
} else {
// If an explicit id is provided but it has no name, inherit
// the name from the type.
if (!ecs_is_valid(world, id) || !ecs_get_name(world, id)) {
name = ecs_cpp_trim_module(world, type_name);
ecs_entity_t entity;
if (is_component || size != 0) {
entity = ecs_entity(world, {
.id = s_id,
.name = name,
.sep = "::",
.root_sep = "::",
.symbol = symbol,
.use_low_id = true
ecs_assert(entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
entity = ecs_component_init(world, &(ecs_component_desc_t){
.entity = entity,
.type.size = flecs_uto(int32_t, size),
.type.alignment = flecs_uto(int32_t, alignment)
ecs_assert(entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
} else {
entity = ecs_entity(world, {
.id = s_id,
.name = name,
.sep = "::",
.root_sep = "::",
.symbol = symbol,
.use_low_id = true
ecs_assert(entity != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(!s_id || s_id == entity, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return entity;
void ecs_cpp_enum_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t id)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t readonly_state;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &readonly_state);
ecs_set(world, id, EcsEnum, {0});
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &readonly_state);
ecs_entity_t ecs_cpp_enum_constant_register(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t parent,
ecs_entity_t id,
const char *name,
int value)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t readonly_state;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &readonly_state);
const char *parent_name = ecs_get_name(world, parent);
ecs_size_t parent_name_len = ecs_os_strlen(parent_name);
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(name, parent_name, parent_name_len)) {
name += parent_name_len;
if (name[0] == '_') {
name ++;
ecs_entity_t prev = ecs_set_scope(world, parent);
id = ecs_entity(world, {
.id = id,
.name = name
ecs_assert(id != 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, name);
ecs_set_scope(world, prev);
const EcsComponent *cptr = ecs_get(world, parent, EcsComponent);
ecs_assert(cptr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "enum is not a component");
ecs_assert(cptr->size == ECS_SIZEOF(int32_t), ECS_UNSUPPORTED,
"enum component must have 32bit size");
ecs_set_id(world, id, ecs_pair(EcsConstant, ecs_id(ecs_i32_t)),
sizeof(ecs_i32_t), &value);
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &readonly_state);
ecs_trace("#[green]constant#[reset] %s.%s created with value %d",
ecs_get_name(world, parent), name, value);
return id;
static int32_t flecs_reset_count = 0;
int32_t ecs_cpp_reset_count_get(void) {
return flecs_reset_count;
int32_t ecs_cpp_reset_count_inc(void) {
return ++flecs_reset_count;
const ecs_member_t* ecs_cpp_last_member(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type)
const EcsStruct *st = ecs_get(world, type, EcsStruct);
if (!st) {
char *type_str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_err("entity '%s' is not a struct", type_str);
return 0;
ecs_member_t *m = ecs_vec_get_t(&st->members, ecs_member_t,
ecs_vec_count(&st->members) - 1);
ecs_assert(m != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return m;
* @file addons/http.c
* @brief HTTP addon.
* This is a heavily modified version of the EmbeddableWebServer (see copyright
* below). This version has been stripped from everything not strictly necessary
* for receiving/replying to simple HTTP requests, and has been modified to use
* the Flecs OS API.
* EmbeddableWebServer Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, 2020 Forrest Heller, and
* CONTRIBUTORS (see below) - All rights reserved.
* Martin Pulec - bug fixes, warning fixes, IPv6 support
* Daniel Barry - bug fix (ifa_addr != NULL)
* Released under the BSD 2-clause license:
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS
#pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib")
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <windows.h>
typedef SOCKET ecs_http_socket_t;
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
#include <netinet/in.h>
typedef int ecs_http_socket_t;
#if !defined(MSG_NOSIGNAL)
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL (0)
/* Max length of request method */
/* Timeout (s) before connection purge */
/* Number of dequeues before purging */
/* Number of retries receiving request */
/* Minimum interval between dequeueing requests (ms) */
/* Minimum interval between printing statistics (ms) */
#define ECS_HTTP_MIN_STATS_INTERVAL (10 * 1000)
/* Receive buffer size */
#define ECS_HTTP_SEND_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE (16 * 1024)
/* Max length of request (path + query + headers + body) */
#define ECS_HTTP_REQUEST_LEN_MAX (10 * 1024 * 1024)
/* Total number of outstanding send requests */
/* Global statistics */
int64_t ecs_http_request_received_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_http_request_invalid_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_http_request_handled_ok_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_http_request_handled_error_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_http_request_not_handled_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_http_request_preflight_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_http_send_ok_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_http_send_error_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_http_busy_count = 0;
/* Send request queue */
typedef struct ecs_http_send_request_t {
ecs_http_socket_t sock;
char *headers;
int32_t header_length;
char *content;
int32_t content_length;
} ecs_http_send_request_t;
typedef struct ecs_http_send_queue_t {
ecs_http_send_request_t requests[ECS_HTTP_SEND_QUEUE_MAX];
int32_t head;
int32_t tail;
ecs_os_thread_t thread;
int32_t wait_ms;
} ecs_http_send_queue_t;
typedef struct ecs_http_request_key_t {
const char *array;
ecs_size_t count;
} ecs_http_request_key_t;
typedef struct ecs_http_request_entry_t {
char *content;
int32_t content_length;
int code;
ecs_ftime_t time;
} ecs_http_request_entry_t;
/* HTTP server struct */
struct ecs_http_server_t {
bool should_run;
bool running;
ecs_http_socket_t sock;
ecs_os_mutex_t lock;
ecs_os_thread_t thread;
ecs_http_reply_action_t callback;
void *ctx;
ecs_ftime_t cache_timeout;
ecs_ftime_t cache_purge_timeout;
ecs_sparse_t connections; /* sparse<http_connection_t> */
ecs_sparse_t requests; /* sparse<http_request_t> */
bool initialized;
uint16_t port;
const char *ipaddr;
double dequeue_timeout; /* used to not lock request queue too often */
double stats_timeout; /* used for periodic reporting of statistics */
double request_time; /* time spent on requests in last stats interval */
double request_time_total; /* total time spent on requests */
int32_t requests_processed; /* requests processed in last stats interval */
int32_t requests_processed_total; /* total requests processed */
int32_t dequeue_count; /* number of dequeues in last stats interval */
ecs_http_send_queue_t send_queue;
ecs_hashmap_t request_cache;
/** Fragment state, used by HTTP request parser */
typedef enum {
} HttpFragState;
/** A fragment is a partially received HTTP request */
typedef struct {
HttpFragState state;
ecs_strbuf_t buf;
ecs_http_method_t method;
int32_t body_offset;
int32_t query_offset;
int32_t header_offsets[ECS_HTTP_HEADER_COUNT_MAX];
int32_t header_value_offsets[ECS_HTTP_HEADER_COUNT_MAX];
int32_t header_count;
int32_t param_offsets[ECS_HTTP_QUERY_PARAM_COUNT_MAX];
int32_t param_value_offsets[ECS_HTTP_QUERY_PARAM_COUNT_MAX];
int32_t param_count;
int32_t content_length;
char *header_buf_ptr;
char header_buf[32];
bool parse_content_length;
bool invalid;
} ecs_http_fragment_t;
/** Extend public connection type with fragment data */
typedef struct {
ecs_http_connection_t pub;
ecs_http_socket_t sock;
/* Connection is purged after both timeout expires and connection has
* exceeded retry count. This ensures that a connection does not immediately
* timeout when a frame takes longer than usual */
double dequeue_timeout;
int32_t dequeue_retries;
} ecs_http_connection_impl_t;
typedef struct {
ecs_http_request_t pub;
uint64_t conn_id; /* for sanity check */
char *res;
int32_t req_len;
} ecs_http_request_impl_t;
ecs_size_t http_send(
ecs_http_socket_t sock,
const void *buf,
ecs_size_t size,
int flags)
ecs_assert(size >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ssize_t send_bytes = send(sock, buf, flecs_itosize(size),
flags | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
return flecs_itoi32(send_bytes);
int send_bytes = send(sock, buf, size, flags);
return flecs_itoi32(send_bytes);
ecs_size_t http_recv(
ecs_http_socket_t sock,
void *buf,
ecs_size_t size,
int flags)
ecs_size_t ret;
ssize_t recv_bytes = recv(sock, buf, flecs_itosize(size), flags);
ret = flecs_itoi32(recv_bytes);
int recv_bytes = recv(sock, buf, size, flags);
ret = flecs_itoi32(recv_bytes);
if (ret == -1) {
ecs_dbg("recv failed: %s (sock = %d)", ecs_os_strerror(errno), sock);
} else if (ret == 0) {
ecs_dbg("recv: received 0 bytes (sock = %d)", sock);
return ret;
void http_sock_set_timeout(
ecs_http_socket_t sock,
int32_t timeout_ms)
int r;
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = timeout_ms * 1000;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
r = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof tv);
DWORD t = (DWORD)timeout_ms;
r = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&t, sizeof t);
if (r) {
ecs_warn("http: failed to set socket timeout: %s",
void http_sock_keep_alive(
ecs_http_socket_t sock)
int v = 1;
if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (const char*)&v, sizeof v)) {
ecs_warn("http: failed to set socket KEEPALIVE: %s",
void http_sock_nonblock(ecs_http_socket_t sock, bool enable) {
int flags;
flags = fcntl(sock,F_GETFL,0);
if (flags == -1) {
ecs_warn("http: failed to set socket NONBLOCK: %s",
if (enable) {
flags = fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
} else {
flags = fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
if (flags == -1) {
ecs_warn("http: failed to set socket NONBLOCK: %s",
int http_getnameinfo(
const struct sockaddr* addr,
ecs_size_t addr_len,
char *host,
ecs_size_t host_len,
char *port,
ecs_size_t port_len,
int flags)
ecs_assert(addr_len > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(host_len > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(port_len > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return getnameinfo(addr, addr_len, host,
flecs_ito(uint32_t, host_len), port, flecs_ito(uint32_t, port_len),
return getnameinfo(addr, flecs_ito(uint32_t, addr_len), host,
flecs_ito(uint32_t, host_len), port, flecs_ito(uint32_t, port_len),
int http_bind(
ecs_http_socket_t sock,
const struct sockaddr* addr,
ecs_size_t addr_len)
ecs_assert(addr_len > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return bind(sock, addr, addr_len);
return bind(sock, addr, flecs_ito(uint32_t, addr_len));
bool http_socket_is_valid(
ecs_http_socket_t sock)
return sock != INVALID_SOCKET;
return sock >= 0;
void http_close(
ecs_http_socket_t *sock)
ecs_assert(sock != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_dbg_2("http: closing socket %u", *sock);
shutdown(*sock, SHUT_RDWR);
ecs_http_socket_t http_accept(
ecs_http_socket_t sock,
struct sockaddr* addr,
ecs_size_t *addr_len)
socklen_t len = (socklen_t)addr_len[0];
ecs_http_socket_t result = accept(sock, addr, &len);
addr_len[0] = (ecs_size_t)len;
return result;
void http_reply_fini(ecs_http_reply_t* reply) {
ecs_assert(reply != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void http_request_fini(ecs_http_request_impl_t *req) {
ecs_assert(req != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(req->pub.conn != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(req->pub.conn->server != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(req->pub.conn->id == req->conn_id, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_http_request_impl_t, req->pub.id);
void http_connection_free(ecs_http_connection_impl_t *conn) {
ecs_assert(conn != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(conn->pub.id != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
uint64_t conn_id = conn->pub.id;
if (http_socket_is_valid(conn->sock)) {
ecs_http_connection_impl_t, conn_id);
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10156409/convert-hex-string-char-to-int
char http_hex_2_int(char a, char b){
a = (a <= '9') ? (char)(a - '0') : (char)((a & 0x7) + 9);
b = (b <= '9') ? (char)(b - '0') : (char)((b & 0x7) + 9);
return (char)((a << 4) + b);
void http_decode_url_str(
char *str)
char ch, *ptr, *dst = str;
for (ptr = str; (ch = *ptr); ptr++) {
if (ch == '%') {
dst[0] = http_hex_2_int(ptr[1], ptr[2]);
dst ++;
ptr += 2;
} else {
dst[0] = ptr[0];
dst ++;
dst[0] = '\0';
void http_parse_method(
ecs_http_fragment_t *frag)
char *method = ecs_strbuf_get_small(&frag->buf);
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(method, "GET")) frag->method = EcsHttpGet;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(method, "POST")) frag->method = EcsHttpPost;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(method, "PUT")) frag->method = EcsHttpPut;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(method, "DELETE")) frag->method = EcsHttpDelete;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(method, "OPTIONS")) frag->method = EcsHttpOptions;
else {
frag->method = EcsHttpMethodUnsupported;
frag->invalid = true;
bool http_header_writable(
ecs_http_fragment_t *frag)
return frag->header_count < ECS_HTTP_HEADER_COUNT_MAX;
void http_header_buf_reset(
ecs_http_fragment_t *frag)
frag->header_buf[0] = '\0';
frag->header_buf_ptr = frag->header_buf;
void http_header_buf_append(
ecs_http_fragment_t *frag,
char ch)
if ((frag->header_buf_ptr - frag->header_buf) <
frag->header_buf_ptr[0] = ch;
frag->header_buf_ptr ++;
} else {
frag->header_buf_ptr[0] = '\0';
uint64_t http_request_key_hash(const void *ptr) {
const ecs_http_request_key_t *key = ptr;
const char *array = key->array;
int32_t count = key->count;
return flecs_hash(array, count * ECS_SIZEOF(char));
int http_request_key_compare(const void *ptr_1, const void *ptr_2) {
const ecs_http_request_key_t *type_1 = ptr_1;
const ecs_http_request_key_t *type_2 = ptr_2;
int32_t count_1 = type_1->count;
int32_t count_2 = type_2->count;
if (count_1 != count_2) {
return (count_1 > count_2) - (count_1 < count_2);
return ecs_os_memcmp(type_1->array, type_2->array, count_1);
ecs_http_request_entry_t* http_find_request_entry(
ecs_http_server_t *srv,
const char *array,
int32_t count)
ecs_http_request_key_t key;
key.array = array;
key.count = count;
ecs_time_t t = {0, 0};
ecs_http_request_entry_t *entry = flecs_hashmap_get(
&srv->request_cache, &key, ecs_http_request_entry_t);
if (entry) {
ecs_ftime_t tf = (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(&t);
if ((tf - entry->time) < srv->cache_timeout) {
return entry;
return NULL;
void http_insert_request_entry(
ecs_http_server_t *srv,
ecs_http_request_impl_t *req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply)
int32_t content_length = ecs_strbuf_written(&reply->body);
if (!content_length) {
ecs_http_request_key_t key;
key.array = req->res;
key.count = req->req_len;
ecs_http_request_entry_t *entry = flecs_hashmap_get(
&srv->request_cache, &key, ecs_http_request_entry_t);
if (!entry) {
flecs_hashmap_result_t elem = flecs_hashmap_ensure(
&srv->request_cache, &key, ecs_http_request_entry_t);
ecs_http_request_key_t *elem_key = elem.key;
elem_key->array = ecs_os_memdup_n(key.array, char, key.count);
entry = elem.value;
} else {
ecs_time_t t = {0, 0};
entry->time = (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(&t);
entry->content_length = ecs_strbuf_written(&reply->body);
entry->content = ecs_strbuf_get(&reply->body);
entry->code = reply->code;
entry->content, entry->content_length);
char* http_decode_request(
ecs_http_request_impl_t *req,
ecs_http_fragment_t *frag)
ecs_size_t req_len = frag->buf.length;
char *res = ecs_strbuf_get(&frag->buf);
if (!res) {
return NULL;
req->pub.method = frag->method;
req->pub.path = res + 1;
if (frag->body_offset) {
req->pub.body = &res[frag->body_offset];
int32_t i, count = frag->header_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
req->pub.headers[i].key = &res[frag->header_offsets[i]];
req->pub.headers[i].value = &res[frag->header_value_offsets[i]];
count = frag->param_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
req->pub.params[i].key = &res[frag->param_offsets[i]];
req->pub.params[i].value = &res[frag->param_value_offsets[i]];
/* Safe, member is only const so that end-user can't change it */
http_decode_url_str(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, req->pub.params[i].value));
req->pub.header_count = frag->header_count;
req->pub.param_count = frag->param_count;
req->res = res;
req->req_len = frag->header_offsets[0];
if (!req->req_len) {
req->req_len = req_len;
return res;
ecs_http_request_entry_t* http_enqueue_request(
ecs_http_connection_impl_t *conn,
uint64_t conn_id,
ecs_http_fragment_t *frag)
ecs_http_server_t *srv = conn->pub.server;
bool is_alive = conn->pub.id == conn_id;
if (!is_alive || frag->invalid) {
/* Don't enqueue invalid requests or requests for purged connections */
} else {
ecs_http_request_impl_t req;
char *res = http_decode_request(&req, frag);
if (res) {
req.pub.conn = (ecs_http_connection_t*)conn;
/* Check cache for GET requests */
if (frag->method == EcsHttpGet) {
ecs_http_request_entry_t *entry =
http_find_request_entry(srv, res, frag->header_offsets[0]);
if (entry) {
/* If an entry is found, don't enqueue a request. Instead
* return the cached response immediately. */
return entry;
ecs_http_request_impl_t *req_ptr = flecs_sparse_add_t(
&srv->requests, ecs_http_request_impl_t);
*req_ptr = req;
req_ptr->pub.id = flecs_sparse_last_id(&srv->requests);
req_ptr->conn_id = conn->pub.id;
return NULL;
bool http_parse_request(
ecs_http_fragment_t *frag,
const char* req_frag,
ecs_size_t req_frag_len)
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < req_frag_len; i++) {
char c = req_frag[i];
switch (frag->state) {
case HttpFragStateBegin:
ecs_os_memset_t(frag, 0, ecs_http_fragment_t);
frag->state = HttpFragStateMethod;
frag->header_buf_ptr = frag->header_buf;
/* fall through */
case HttpFragStateMethod:
if (c == ' ') {
frag->state = HttpFragStatePath;
frag->buf.content = NULL;
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&frag->buf, c);
case HttpFragStatePath:
if (c == ' ') {
frag->state = HttpFragStateVersion;
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&frag->buf, '\0');
} else {
if (c == '?' || c == '=' || c == '&') {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&frag->buf, '\0');
int32_t offset = ecs_strbuf_written(&frag->buf);
if (c == '?' || c == '&') {
frag->param_offsets[frag->param_count] = offset;
} else {
frag->param_value_offsets[frag->param_count] = offset;
frag->param_count ++;
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&frag->buf, c);
case HttpFragStateVersion:
if (c == '\r') {
frag->state = HttpFragStateCR;
} /* version is not stored */
case HttpFragStateHeaderStart:
if (http_header_writable(frag)) {
frag->header_offsets[frag->header_count] =
frag->state = HttpFragStateHeaderName;
/* fall through */
case HttpFragStateHeaderName:
if (c == ':') {
frag->state = HttpFragStateHeaderValueStart;
http_header_buf_append(frag, '\0');
frag->parse_content_length = !ecs_os_strcmp(
frag->header_buf, "Content-Length");
if (http_header_writable(frag)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&frag->buf, '\0');
frag->header_value_offsets[frag->header_count] =
} else if (c == '\r') {
frag->state = HttpFragStateCR;
} else {
http_header_buf_append(frag, c);
if (http_header_writable(frag)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&frag->buf, c);
case HttpFragStateHeaderValueStart:
frag->state = HttpFragStateHeaderValue;
if (c == ' ') { /* skip first space */
/* fall through */
case HttpFragStateHeaderValue:
if (c == '\r') {
if (frag->parse_content_length) {
http_header_buf_append(frag, '\0');
int32_t len = atoi(frag->header_buf);
if (len < 0) {
frag->invalid = true;
} else {
frag->content_length = len;
frag->parse_content_length = false;
if (http_header_writable(frag)) {
int32_t cur = ecs_strbuf_written(&frag->buf);
if (frag->header_offsets[frag->header_count] < cur &&
frag->header_value_offsets[frag->header_count] < cur)
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&frag->buf, '\0');
frag->header_count ++;
frag->state = HttpFragStateCR;
} else {
if (frag->parse_content_length) {
http_header_buf_append(frag, c);
if (http_header_writable(frag)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&frag->buf, c);
case HttpFragStateCR:
if (c == '\n') {
frag->state = HttpFragStateCRLF;
} else {
frag->state = HttpFragStateHeaderStart;
case HttpFragStateCRLF:
if (c == '\r') {
frag->state = HttpFragStateCRLFCR;
} else {
frag->state = HttpFragStateHeaderStart;
case HttpFragStateCRLFCR:
if (c == '\n') {
if (frag->content_length != 0) {
frag->body_offset = ecs_strbuf_written(&frag->buf);
frag->state = HttpFragStateBody;
} else {
frag->state = HttpFragStateDone;
} else {
frag->state = HttpFragStateHeaderStart;
case HttpFragStateBody: {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&frag->buf, c);
if ((ecs_strbuf_written(&frag->buf) - frag->body_offset) ==
frag->state = HttpFragStateDone;
case HttpFragStateDone:
if (frag->state == HttpFragStateDone) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
ecs_http_send_request_t* http_send_queue_post(
ecs_http_server_t *srv)
/* This function should only be called while the server is locked. Before
* the lock is released, the returned element should be populated. */
ecs_http_send_queue_t *sq = &srv->send_queue;
int32_t next = (sq->head + 1) % ECS_HTTP_SEND_QUEUE_MAX;
if (next == sq->tail) {
return NULL;
/* Don't enqueue new requests if server is shutting down */
if (!srv->should_run) {
return NULL;
/* Return element at end of the queue */
ecs_http_send_request_t *result = &sq->requests[sq->head];
sq->head = next;
return result;
ecs_http_send_request_t* http_send_queue_get(
ecs_http_server_t *srv)
ecs_http_send_queue_t *sq = &srv->send_queue;
if (sq->tail == sq->head) {
return NULL;
int32_t next = (sq->tail + 1) % ECS_HTTP_SEND_QUEUE_MAX;
ecs_http_send_request_t *result = &sq->requests[sq->tail];
sq->tail = next;
return result;
void* http_server_send_queue(void* arg) {
ecs_http_server_t *srv = arg;
int32_t wait_ms = srv->send_queue.wait_ms;
/* Run for as long as the server is running or there are messages. When the
* server is stopping, no new messages will be enqueued */
while (srv->should_run || (srv->send_queue.head != srv->send_queue.tail)) {
ecs_http_send_request_t* r = http_send_queue_get(srv);
if (!r) {
/* If the queue is empty, wait so we don't run too fast */
if (srv->should_run) {
ecs_os_sleep(0, wait_ms * 1000 * 1000);
} else {
ecs_http_socket_t sock = r->sock;
char *headers = r->headers;
int32_t headers_length = r->header_length;
char *content = r->content;
int32_t content_length = r->content_length;
if (http_socket_is_valid(sock)) {
bool error = false;
http_sock_nonblock(sock, false);
/* Write headers */
ecs_size_t written = http_send(sock, headers, headers_length, 0);
if (written != headers_length) {
ecs_err("http: failed to write HTTP response headers: %s",
error = true;
} else if (content_length >= 0) {
/* Write content */
written = http_send(sock, content, content_length, 0);
if (written != content_length) {
ecs_err("http: failed to write HTTP response body: %s",
error = true;
if (!error) {
} else {
ecs_err("http: invalid socket\n");
return NULL;
void http_append_send_headers(
ecs_strbuf_t *hdrs,
int code,
const char* status,
const char* content_type,
ecs_strbuf_t *extra_headers,
ecs_size_t content_len,
bool preflight)
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "HTTP/1.1 ");
ecs_strbuf_appendint(hdrs, code);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(hdrs, ' ');
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(hdrs, status);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "\r\n");
if (content_type) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "Content-Type: ");
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(hdrs, content_type);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "\r\n");
if (content_len >= 0) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "Content-Length: ");
ecs_strbuf_append(hdrs, "%d", content_len);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "\r\n");
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n");
if (preflight) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network: true\r\n");
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, OPTIONS\r\n");
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "Access-Control-Max-Age: 600\r\n");
ecs_strbuf_mergebuff(hdrs, extra_headers);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(hdrs, "\r\n");
void http_send_reply(
ecs_http_connection_impl_t* conn,
ecs_http_reply_t* reply,
bool preflight)
ecs_strbuf_t hdrs = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
int32_t content_length = reply->body.length;
char *content = ecs_strbuf_get(&reply->body);
/* Use asynchronous send queue for outgoing data so send operations won't
* hold up main thread */
ecs_http_send_request_t *req = NULL;
if (!preflight) {
req = http_send_queue_post(conn->pub.server);
if (!req) {
reply->code = 503; /* queue full, server is busy */
http_append_send_headers(&hdrs, reply->code, reply->status,
reply->content_type, &reply->headers, content_length, preflight);
ecs_size_t headers_length = ecs_strbuf_written(&hdrs);
char *headers = ecs_strbuf_get(&hdrs);
if (!req) {
ecs_size_t written = http_send(conn->sock, headers, headers_length, 0);
if (written != headers_length) {
ecs_err("http: failed to send reply to '%s:%s': %s",
conn->pub.host, conn->pub.port, ecs_os_strerror(errno));
/* Second, enqueue send request for response body */
req->sock = conn->sock;
req->headers = headers;
req->header_length = headers_length;
req->content = content;
req->content_length = content_length;
/* Take ownership of values */
reply->body.content = NULL;
void http_recv_connection(
ecs_http_server_t *srv,
ecs_http_connection_impl_t *conn,
uint64_t conn_id,
ecs_http_socket_t sock)
ecs_size_t bytes_read;
ecs_http_fragment_t frag = {0};
int32_t retries = 0;
do {
if ((bytes_read = http_recv(
sock, recv_buf, ECS_SIZEOF(recv_buf), 0)) > 0)
bool is_alive = conn->pub.id == conn_id;
if (!is_alive) {
/* Connection has been purged by main thread */
goto done;
if (http_parse_request(&frag, recv_buf, bytes_read)) {
if (frag.method == EcsHttpOptions) {
ecs_http_reply_t reply;
reply.body = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
reply.code = 200;
reply.content_type = NULL;
reply.headers = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
reply.status = "OK";
http_send_reply(conn, &reply, true);
} else {
ecs_http_request_entry_t *entry =
http_enqueue_request(conn, conn_id, &frag);
if (entry) {
ecs_http_reply_t reply;
reply.body = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
reply.code = entry->code;
reply.content_type = "application/json";
reply.headers = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
reply.status = "OK";
entry->content, entry->content_length);
http_send_reply(conn, &reply, false);
/* Lock was transferred from enqueue_request */
} else {
ecs_os_sleep(0, 10 * 1000 * 1000);
} while ((bytes_read == -1) && (++retries < ECS_HTTP_REQUEST_RECV_RETRY));
typedef struct {
ecs_http_connection_impl_t *conn;
uint64_t id;
} http_conn_res_t;
http_conn_res_t http_init_connection(
ecs_http_server_t *srv,
ecs_http_socket_t sock_conn,
struct sockaddr_storage *remote_addr,
ecs_size_t remote_addr_len)
http_sock_set_timeout(sock_conn, 100);
http_sock_nonblock(sock_conn, true);
/* Create new connection */
ecs_http_connection_impl_t *conn = flecs_sparse_add_t(
&srv->connections, ecs_http_connection_impl_t);
uint64_t conn_id = conn->pub.id = flecs_sparse_last_id(&srv->connections);
conn->pub.server = srv;
conn->sock = sock_conn;
char *remote_host = conn->pub.host;
char *remote_port = conn->pub.port;
/* Fetch name & port info */
if (http_getnameinfo((struct sockaddr*) remote_addr, remote_addr_len,
remote_host, ECS_SIZEOF(conn->pub.host),
remote_port, ECS_SIZEOF(conn->pub.port),
ecs_os_strcpy(remote_host, "unknown");
ecs_os_strcpy(remote_port, "unknown");
ecs_dbg_2("http: connection established from '%s:%s' (socket %u)",
remote_host, remote_port, sock_conn);
return (http_conn_res_t){ .conn = conn, .id = conn_id };
void http_accept_connections(
ecs_http_server_t* srv,
const struct sockaddr* addr,
ecs_size_t addr_len)
/* If on Windows, test if winsock needs to be initialized */
if (INVALID_SOCKET == testsocket && WSANOTINITIALISED == WSAGetLastError()){
WSADATA data = { 0 };
int result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &data);
if (result) {
ecs_warn("http: WSAStartup failed with GetLastError = %d\n",
} else {
/* Resolve name + port (used for logging) */
char addr_host[256];
char addr_port[20];
ecs_http_socket_t sock = HTTP_SOCKET_INVALID;
if (http_getnameinfo(
addr, addr_len, addr_host, ECS_SIZEOF(addr_host), addr_port,
ecs_os_strcpy(addr_host, "unknown");
ecs_os_strcpy(addr_port, "unknown");
if (srv->should_run) {
ecs_dbg_2("http: initializing connection socket");
sock = socket(addr->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (!http_socket_is_valid(sock)) {
ecs_err("http: unable to create new connection socket: %s",
goto done;
int reuse = 1, result;
result = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
(char*)&reuse, ECS_SIZEOF(reuse));
if (result) {
ecs_warn("http: failed to setsockopt: %s", ecs_os_strerror(errno));
if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
int ipv6only = 0;
if (setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY,
(char*)&ipv6only, ECS_SIZEOF(ipv6only)))
ecs_warn("http: failed to setsockopt: %s",
result = http_bind(sock, addr, addr_len);
if (result) {
ecs_err("http: failed to bind to '%s:%s': %s",
addr_host, addr_port, ecs_os_strerror(errno));
goto done;
http_sock_set_timeout(sock, 1000);
srv->sock = sock;
result = listen(srv->sock, SOMAXCONN);
if (result) {
ecs_warn("http: could not listen for SOMAXCONN (%d) connections: %s",
SOMAXCONN, ecs_os_strerror(errno));
ecs_trace("http: listening for incoming connections on '%s:%s'",
addr_host, addr_port);
} else {
ecs_dbg_2("http: server shut down while initializing");
struct sockaddr_storage remote_addr;
ecs_size_t remote_addr_len = 0;
while (srv->should_run) {
remote_addr_len = ECS_SIZEOF(remote_addr);
ecs_http_socket_t sock_conn = http_accept(srv->sock, (struct sockaddr*) &remote_addr,
if (!http_socket_is_valid(sock_conn)) {
if (srv->should_run) {
ecs_dbg("http: connection attempt failed: %s",
http_conn_res_t conn = http_init_connection(srv, sock_conn, &remote_addr, remote_addr_len);
http_recv_connection(srv, conn.conn, conn.id, sock_conn);
if (http_socket_is_valid(sock) && errno != EBADF) {
srv->sock = sock;
ecs_trace("http: no longer accepting connections on '%s:%s'",
addr_host, addr_port);
void* http_server_thread(void* arg) {
ecs_http_server_t *srv = arg;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(srv->port);
if (!srv->ipaddr) {
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
} else {
inet_pton(AF_INET, srv->ipaddr, &(addr.sin_addr));
http_accept_connections(srv, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, ECS_SIZEOF(addr));
return NULL;
void http_do_request(
ecs_http_server_t *srv,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply,
const ecs_http_request_impl_t *req)
ecs_check(srv->callback != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION,
"missing request handler for server");
if (srv->callback(ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_http_request_t*, req), reply,
srv->ctx) == false)
reply->code = 404;
reply->status = "Resource not found";
} else {
if (reply->code >= 400) {
} else {
void http_handle_request(
ecs_http_server_t *srv,
ecs_http_request_impl_t *req)
ecs_http_reply_t reply = ECS_HTTP_REPLY_INIT;
ecs_http_connection_impl_t *conn =
if (req->pub.method != EcsHttpOptions) {
if (srv->callback((ecs_http_request_t*)req, &reply, srv->ctx) == false) {
reply.code = 404;
reply.status = "Resource not found";
} else {
if (reply.code >= 400) {
} else {
if (req->pub.method == EcsHttpGet) {
http_insert_request_entry(srv, req, &reply);
http_send_reply(conn, &reply, false);
ecs_dbg_2("http: reply sent to '%s:%s'", conn->pub.host, conn->pub.port);
} else {
/* Already taken care of */
void http_purge_request_cache(
ecs_http_server_t *srv,
bool fini)
ecs_time_t t = {0, 0};
ecs_ftime_t time = (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(&t);
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&srv->request_cache.impl);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_hm_bucket_t *bucket = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&bucket->values);
ecs_http_request_key_t *keys = ecs_vec_first(&bucket->keys);
ecs_http_request_entry_t *entries = ecs_vec_first(&bucket->values);
for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
ecs_http_request_entry_t *entry = &entries[i];
if (fini || ((time - entry->time) > srv->cache_purge_timeout)) {
ecs_http_request_key_t *key = &keys[i];
/* Safe, code owns the value */
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, key->array));
flecs_hm_bucket_remove(&srv->request_cache, bucket,
ecs_map_key(&it), i);
if (fini) {
int32_t http_dequeue_requests(
ecs_http_server_t *srv,
double delta_time)
int32_t i, request_count = flecs_sparse_count(&srv->requests);
for (i = request_count - 1; i >= 1; i --) {
ecs_http_request_impl_t *req = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(
&srv->requests, ecs_http_request_impl_t, i);
http_handle_request(srv, req);
int32_t connections_count = flecs_sparse_count(&srv->connections);
for (i = connections_count - 1; i >= 1; i --) {
ecs_http_connection_impl_t *conn = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(
&srv->connections, ecs_http_connection_impl_t, i);
conn->dequeue_timeout += delta_time;
conn->dequeue_retries ++;
if ((conn->dequeue_timeout >
(conn->dequeue_retries > ECS_HTTP_CONNECTION_PURGE_RETRY_COUNT))
ecs_dbg("http: purging connection '%s:%s' (sock = %d)",
conn->pub.host, conn->pub.port, conn->sock);
http_purge_request_cache(srv, false);
return request_count - 1;
const char* ecs_http_get_header(
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
const char* name)
for (ecs_size_t i = 0; i < req->header_count; i++) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(req->headers[i].key, name)) {
return req->headers[i].value;
return NULL;
const char* ecs_http_get_param(
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
const char* name)
for (ecs_size_t i = 0; i < req->param_count; i++) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(req->params[i].key, name)) {
return req->params[i].value;
return NULL;
ecs_http_server_t* ecs_http_server_init(
const ecs_http_server_desc_t *desc)
ecs_check(ecs_os_has_threading(), ECS_UNSUPPORTED,
"missing OS API implementation");
ecs_http_server_t* srv = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_http_server_t);
srv->lock = ecs_os_mutex_new();
srv->should_run = false;
srv->initialized = true;
srv->cache_timeout = desc->cache_timeout;
srv->cache_purge_timeout = desc->cache_purge_timeout;
if (!ECS_EQZERO(srv->cache_timeout) &&
srv->cache_purge_timeout = srv->cache_timeout * 10;
srv->callback = desc->callback;
srv->ctx = desc->ctx;
srv->port = desc->port;
srv->ipaddr = desc->ipaddr;
srv->send_queue.wait_ms = desc->send_queue_wait_ms;
if (!srv->send_queue.wait_ms) {
srv->send_queue.wait_ms = 1;
flecs_sparse_init_t(&srv->connections, NULL, NULL, ecs_http_connection_impl_t);
flecs_sparse_init_t(&srv->requests, NULL, NULL, ecs_http_request_impl_t);
/* Start at id 1 */
/* Initialize request cache */
ecs_http_request_key_t, ecs_http_request_entry_t,
http_request_key_hash, http_request_key_compare, NULL);
/* Ignore pipe signal. SIGPIPE can occur when a message is sent to a client
* but te client already disconnected. */
return srv;
return NULL;
void ecs_http_server_fini(
ecs_http_server_t* srv)
if (srv->should_run) {
http_purge_request_cache(srv, true);
int ecs_http_server_start(
ecs_http_server_t *srv)
ecs_check(srv->initialized, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!srv->should_run, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(!srv->thread, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
srv->should_run = true;
ecs_dbg("http: starting server thread");
srv->thread = ecs_os_thread_new(http_server_thread, srv);
if (!srv->thread) {
goto error;
srv->send_queue.thread = ecs_os_thread_new(http_server_send_queue, srv);
if (!srv->send_queue.thread) {
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
void ecs_http_server_stop(
ecs_http_server_t* srv)
ecs_check(srv->initialized, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_check(srv->should_run, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Stop server thread */
ecs_dbg("http: shutting down server thread");
srv->should_run = false;
if (http_socket_is_valid(srv->sock)) {
ecs_trace("http: server threads shut down");
/* Cleanup all outstanding requests */
int i, count = flecs_sparse_count(&srv->requests);
for (i = count - 1; i >= 1; i --) {
&srv->requests, ecs_http_request_impl_t, i));
/* Close all connections */
count = flecs_sparse_count(&srv->connections);
for (i = count - 1; i >= 1; i --) {
&srv->connections, ecs_http_connection_impl_t, i));
ecs_assert(flecs_sparse_count(&srv->connections) == 1,
ecs_assert(flecs_sparse_count(&srv->requests) == 1,
srv->thread = 0;
void ecs_http_server_dequeue(
ecs_http_server_t* srv,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time)
ecs_check(srv->initialized, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(srv->should_run, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
srv->dequeue_timeout += (double)delta_time;
srv->stats_timeout += (double)delta_time;
if ((1000 * srv->dequeue_timeout) > (double)ECS_HTTP_MIN_DEQUEUE_INTERVAL) {
srv->dequeue_timeout = 0;
ecs_time_t t = {0};
int32_t request_count = http_dequeue_requests(srv, srv->dequeue_timeout);
srv->requests_processed += request_count;
srv->requests_processed_total += request_count;
double time_spent = ecs_time_measure(&t);
srv->request_time += time_spent;
srv->request_time_total += time_spent;
srv->dequeue_count ++;
if ((1000 * srv->stats_timeout) > (double)ECS_HTTP_MIN_STATS_INTERVAL) {
srv->stats_timeout = 0;
ecs_dbg("http: processed %d requests in %.3fs (avg %.3fs / dequeue)",
srv->requests_processed, srv->request_time,
(srv->request_time / (double)srv->dequeue_count));
srv->requests_processed = 0;
srv->request_time = 0;
srv->dequeue_count = 0;
int ecs_http_server_http_request(
ecs_http_server_t* srv,
const char *req,
ecs_size_t len,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply_out)
if (!len) {
len = ecs_os_strlen(req);
ecs_http_fragment_t frag = {0};
if (!http_parse_request(&frag, req, len)) {
reply_out->code = 400;
return -1;
ecs_http_request_impl_t request;
char *res = http_decode_request(&request, &frag);
if (!res) {
reply_out->code = 400;
return -1;
ecs_http_request_entry_t *entry =
http_find_request_entry(srv, request.res, request.req_len);
if (entry) {
reply_out->body = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
reply_out->code = entry->code;
reply_out->content_type = "application/json";
reply_out->headers = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
reply_out->status = "OK";
entry->content, entry->content_length);
} else {
http_do_request(srv, reply_out, &request);
if (request.pub.method == EcsHttpGet) {
http_insert_request_entry(srv, &request, reply_out);
http_purge_request_cache(srv, false);
return (reply_out->code >= 400) ? -1 : 0;
int ecs_http_server_request(
ecs_http_server_t* srv,
const char *method,
const char *req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply_out)
const char *http_ver = " HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";
int32_t method_len = ecs_os_strlen(method);
int32_t req_len = ecs_os_strlen(req);
int32_t http_ver_len = ecs_os_strlen(http_ver);
int32_t len = method_len + req_len + http_ver_len + 1;
if (method_len + req_len + http_ver_len >= 1024) {
ecs_err("HTTP request too long");
return -1;
char reqstr[1024];
char *ptr = reqstr;
ecs_os_memcpy(ptr, method, method_len); ptr += method_len;
ptr[0] = ' '; ptr ++;
ecs_os_memcpy(ptr, req, req_len); ptr += req_len;
ecs_os_memcpy(ptr, http_ver, http_ver_len); ptr += http_ver_len;
ptr[0] = '\n';
return ecs_http_server_http_request(srv, reqstr, len, reply_out);
void* ecs_http_server_ctx(
ecs_http_server_t* srv)
return srv->ctx;
* @file addons/journal.c
* @brief Journal addon.
char* flecs_journal_entitystr(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
char *path;
const char *_path = ecs_get_symbol(world, entity);
if (_path && !strchr(_path, '.')) {
path = ecs_asprintf("#[blue]%s", _path);
} else {
uint32_t gen = entity >> 32;
if (gen) {
path = ecs_asprintf("#[normal]_%u_%u", (uint32_t)entity, gen);
} else {
path = ecs_asprintf("#[normal]_%u", (uint32_t)entity);
return path;
char* flecs_journal_idstr(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
char *first_path = flecs_journal_entitystr(world,
ecs_pair_first(world, id));
char *second_path = flecs_journal_entitystr(world,
ecs_pair_second(world, id));
char *result = ecs_asprintf("#[cyan]ecs_pair#[normal](%s, %s)",
first_path, second_path);
return result;
} else if (!(id & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK)) {
return flecs_journal_entitystr(world, id);
} else {
return ecs_id_str(world, id);
static int flecs_journal_sp = 0;
void flecs_journal_begin(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_journal_kind_t kind,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_type_t *add,
ecs_type_t *remove)
flecs_journal_sp ++;
if (ecs_os_api.log_level_ < FLECS_JOURNAL_LOG_LEVEL) {
char *path = NULL;
char *var_id = NULL;
if (entity) {
if (kind != EcsJournalDeleteWith && kind != EcsJournalRemoveAll) {
path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, entity);
var_id = flecs_journal_entitystr(world, entity);
} else {
path = ecs_id_str(world, entity);
var_id = flecs_journal_idstr(world, entity);
if (kind == EcsJournalNew) {
ecs_print(4, "#[magenta]#ifndef #[normal]_var_%s", var_id);
ecs_print(4, "#[magenta]#define #[normal]_var_%s", var_id);
ecs_print(4, "#[green]ecs_entity_t %s;", var_id);
ecs_print(4, "#[magenta]#endif");
ecs_print(4, "%s = #[cyan]ecs_new_id#[reset](world); "
"#[grey] // %s = new()", var_id, path);
if (add) {
for (int i = 0; i < add->count; i ++) {
char *jidstr = flecs_journal_idstr(world, add->array[i]);
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, add->array[i]);
ecs_print(4, "#[cyan]ecs_add_id#[reset](world, %s, %s); "
"#[grey] // add(%s, %s)", var_id, jidstr,
path, idstr);
if (remove) {
for (int i = 0; i < remove->count; i ++) {
char *jidstr = flecs_journal_idstr(world, remove->array[i]);
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, remove->array[i]);
ecs_print(4, "#[cyan]ecs_remove_id#[reset](world, %s, %s); "
"#[grey] // remove(%s, %s)", var_id, jidstr,
path, idstr);
if (kind == EcsJournalClear) {
ecs_print(4, "#[cyan]ecs_clear#[reset](world, %s); "
"#[grey] // clear(%s)", var_id, path);
} else if (kind == EcsJournalDelete) {
ecs_print(4, "#[cyan]ecs_delete#[reset](world, %s); "
"#[grey] // delete(%s)", var_id, path);
} else if (kind == EcsJournalDeleteWith) {
ecs_print(4, "#[cyan]ecs_delete_with#[reset](world, %s); "
"#[grey] // delete_with(%s)", var_id, path);
} else if (kind == EcsJournalRemoveAll) {
ecs_print(4, "#[cyan]ecs_remove_all#[reset](world, %s); "
"#[grey] // remove_all(%s)", var_id, path);
} else if (kind == EcsJournalTableEvents) {
ecs_print(4, "#[cyan]ecs_run_aperiodic#[reset](world, "
void flecs_journal_end(void) {
flecs_journal_sp --;
ecs_assert(flecs_journal_sp >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
* @file addons/log.c
* @brief Log addon.
#ifdef FLECS_LOG
#include <ctype.h>
void flecs_colorize_buf(
char *msg,
bool enable_colors,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_assert(msg != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(buf != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
char *ptr, ch, prev = '\0';
bool isNum = false;
char isStr = '\0';
bool isVar = false;
bool overrideColor = false;
bool autoColor = true;
bool dontAppend = false;
for (ptr = msg; (ch = *ptr); ptr++) {
dontAppend = false;
if (!overrideColor) {
if (isNum && !isdigit(ch) && !isalpha(ch) && (ch != '.') && (ch != '%')) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_NORMAL);
isNum = false;
if (isStr && (isStr == ch) && prev != '\\') {
isStr = '\0';
} else if (((ch == '\'') || (ch == '"')) && !isStr &&
!isalpha(prev) && (prev != '\\'))
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_CYAN);
isStr = ch;
if ((isdigit(ch) || (ch == '%' && isdigit(prev)) ||
(ch == '-' && isdigit(ptr[1]))) && !isNum && !isStr && !isVar &&
!isalpha(prev) && !isdigit(prev) && (prev != '_') &&
(prev != '.'))
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_GREEN);
isNum = true;
if (isVar && !isalpha(ch) && !isdigit(ch) && ch != '_') {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_NORMAL);
isVar = false;
if (!isStr && !isVar && ch == '$' && isalpha(ptr[1])) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_CYAN);
isVar = true;
if (!isVar && !isStr && !isNum && ch == '#' && ptr[1] == '[') {
bool isColor = true;
overrideColor = true;
/* Custom colors */
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "]", ecs_os_strlen("]"))) {
autoColor = false;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "green]", ecs_os_strlen("green]"))) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_GREEN);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "red]", ecs_os_strlen("red]"))) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_RED);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "blue]", ecs_os_strlen("red]"))) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_BLUE);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "magenta]", ecs_os_strlen("magenta]"))) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_MAGENTA);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "cyan]", ecs_os_strlen("cyan]"))) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_CYAN);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "yellow]", ecs_os_strlen("yellow]"))) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_YELLOW);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "grey]", ecs_os_strlen("grey]"))) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_GREY);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "white]", ecs_os_strlen("white]"))) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_NORMAL);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "bold]", ecs_os_strlen("bold]"))) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_BOLD);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "normal]", ecs_os_strlen("normal]"))) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_NORMAL);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(&ptr[2], "reset]", ecs_os_strlen("reset]"))) {
overrideColor = false;
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_NORMAL);
} else {
isColor = false;
overrideColor = false;
if (isColor) {
ptr += 2;
while ((ch = *ptr) != ']') ptr ++;
dontAppend = true;
if (!autoColor) {
overrideColor = true;
if (ch == '\n') {
if (isNum || isStr || isVar || overrideColor) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_NORMAL);
overrideColor = false;
isNum = false;
isStr = false;
isVar = false;
if (!dontAppend) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(buf, ptr, 1);
if (!overrideColor) {
if (((ch == '\'') || (ch == '"')) && !isStr) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_NORMAL);
prev = ch;
if (isNum || isStr || isVar || overrideColor) {
if (enable_colors) ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ECS_NORMAL);
void ecs_printv_(
int level,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *fmt,
va_list args)
ecs_strbuf_t msg_buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
/* Apply color. Even if we don't want color, we still need to call the
* colorize function to get rid of the color tags (e.g. #[green]) */
char *msg_nocolor = ecs_vasprintf(fmt, args);
ecs_os_api.flags_ & EcsOsApiLogWithColors, &msg_buf);
char *msg = ecs_strbuf_get(&msg_buf);
if (msg) {
ecs_os_api.log_(level, file, line, msg);
} else {
ecs_os_api.log_(level, file, line, "");
void ecs_print_(
int level,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *fmt,
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
ecs_printv_(level, file, line, fmt, args);
void ecs_logv_(
int level,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *fmt,
va_list args)
if (level > ecs_os_api.log_level_) {
ecs_printv_(level, file, line, fmt, args);
void ecs_log_(
int level,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *fmt,
if (level > ecs_os_api.log_level_) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
ecs_printv_(level, file, line, fmt, args);
void ecs_log_push_(
int32_t level)
if (level <= ecs_os_api.log_level_) {
ecs_os_api.log_indent_ ++;
void ecs_log_pop_(
int32_t level)
if (level <= ecs_os_api.log_level_) {
ecs_os_api.log_indent_ --;
ecs_assert(ecs_os_api.log_indent_ >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void ecs_parser_errorv_(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
int64_t column_arg,
const char *fmt,
va_list args)
if (column_arg > 65536) {
/* Limit column size, which prevents the code from throwing up when the
* function is called with (expr - ptr), and expr is NULL. */
column_arg = 0;
int32_t column = flecs_itoi32(column_arg);
if (ecs_os_api.log_level_ >= -2) {
ecs_strbuf_t msg_buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
ecs_strbuf_vappend(&msg_buf, fmt, args);
if (expr) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&msg_buf, '\n');
/* Find start of line by taking column and looking for the
* last occurring newline */
if (column != -1) {
const char *ptr = &expr[column];
while (ptr[0] != '\n' && ptr > expr) {
ptr --;
if (ptr == expr) {
/* ptr is already at start of line */
} else {
column -= (int32_t)(ptr - expr + 1);
expr = ptr + 1;
/* Strip newlines from current statement, if any */
char *newline_ptr = strchr(expr, '\n');
if (newline_ptr) {
/* Strip newline from expr */
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(&msg_buf, expr,
(int32_t)(newline_ptr - expr));
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&msg_buf, expr);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&msg_buf, '\n');
if (column != -1) {
int32_t c;
for (c = 0; c < column; c ++) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&msg_buf, ' ');
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&msg_buf, '^');
char *msg = ecs_strbuf_get(&msg_buf);
ecs_os_err(name, 0, msg);
void ecs_parser_error_(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
int64_t column,
const char *fmt,
if (ecs_os_api.log_level_ >= -2) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
ecs_parser_errorv_(name, expr, column, fmt, args);
void ecs_abort_(
int32_t err,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *fmt,
if (fmt) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
char *msg = ecs_vasprintf(fmt, args);
ecs_fatal_(file, line, "%s (%s)", msg, ecs_strerror(err));
} else {
ecs_fatal_(file, line, "%s", ecs_strerror(err));
ecs_os_api.log_last_error_ = err;
void ecs_assert_log_(
int32_t err,
const char *cond_str,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *fmt,
if (fmt) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
char *msg = ecs_vasprintf(fmt, args);
ecs_fatal_(file, line, "assert: %s %s (%s)",
cond_str, msg, ecs_strerror(err));
} else {
ecs_fatal_(file, line, "assert: %s %s",
cond_str, ecs_strerror(err));
ecs_os_api.log_last_error_ = err;
void ecs_deprecated_(
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *msg)
ecs_err_(file, line, "%s", msg);
bool ecs_should_log(int32_t level) {
# if !defined(FLECS_LOG_3)
if (level == 3) {
return false;
# endif
# if !defined(FLECS_LOG_2)
if (level == 2) {
return false;
# endif
# if !defined(FLECS_LOG_1)
if (level == 1) {
return false;
# endif
return level <= ecs_os_api.log_level_;
#define ECS_ERR_STR(code) case code: return &(#code[4])
const char* ecs_strerror(
int32_t error_code)
switch (error_code) {
return "unknown error code";
/* Empty bodies for when logging is disabled */
void ecs_log_(
int32_t level,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *fmt,
void ecs_parser_error_(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
int64_t column,
const char *fmt,
void ecs_parser_errorv_(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
int64_t column,
const char *fmt,
va_list args)
void ecs_abort_(
int32_t error_code,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *fmt,
void ecs_assert_log_(
int32_t error_code,
const char *condition_str,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *fmt,
int ecs_log_get_level(void) {
return ecs_os_api.log_level_;
int ecs_log_set_level(
int level)
int prev = level;
ecs_os_api.log_level_ = level;
return prev;
bool ecs_log_enable_colors(
bool enabled)
bool prev = ecs_os_api.flags_ & EcsOsApiLogWithColors;
ECS_BIT_COND(ecs_os_api.flags_, EcsOsApiLogWithColors, enabled);
return prev;
bool ecs_log_enable_timestamp(
bool enabled)
bool prev = ecs_os_api.flags_ & EcsOsApiLogWithTimeStamp;
ECS_BIT_COND(ecs_os_api.flags_, EcsOsApiLogWithTimeStamp, enabled);
return prev;
bool ecs_log_enable_timedelta(
bool enabled)
bool prev = ecs_os_api.flags_ & EcsOsApiLogWithTimeDelta;
ECS_BIT_COND(ecs_os_api.flags_, EcsOsApiLogWithTimeDelta, enabled);
return prev;
int ecs_log_last_error(void)
int result = ecs_os_api.log_last_error_;
ecs_os_api.log_last_error_ = 0;
return result;
* @file addons/meta_c.c
* @brief C utilities for meta addon.
#include <ctype.h>
#define ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, ...)\
ecs_parser_error((ctx)->name, (ctx)->desc, ptr - (ctx)->desc, __VA_ARGS__);
typedef char ecs_meta_token_t[ECS_META_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH];
typedef struct meta_parse_ctx_t {
const char *name;
const char *desc;
} meta_parse_ctx_t;
typedef struct meta_type_t {
ecs_meta_token_t type;
ecs_meta_token_t params;
bool is_const;
bool is_ptr;
} meta_type_t;
typedef struct meta_member_t {
meta_type_t type;
ecs_meta_token_t name;
int64_t count;
bool is_partial;
} meta_member_t;
typedef struct meta_constant_t {
ecs_meta_token_t name;
int64_t value;
bool is_value_set;
} meta_constant_t;
typedef struct meta_params_t {
meta_type_t key_type;
meta_type_t type;
int64_t count;
bool is_key_value;
bool is_fixed_size;
} meta_params_t;
const char* skip_scope(const char *ptr, meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx) {
/* Keep track of which characters were used to open the scope */
char stack[256];
int32_t sp = 0;
char ch;
while ((ch = *ptr)) {
if (ch == '(' || ch == '<') {
stack[sp] = ch;
sp ++;
if (sp >= 256) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "maximum level of nesting reached");
goto error;
} else if (ch == ')' || ch == '>') {
sp --;
if ((sp < 0) || (ch == '>' && stack[sp] != '<') ||
(ch == ')' && stack[sp] != '('))
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "mismatching %c in identifier", ch);
goto error;
ptr ++;
if (!sp) {
return ptr;
return NULL;
const char* parse_c_digit(
const char *ptr,
int64_t *value_out)
char token[24];
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
ptr = ecs_parse_digit(ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
*value_out = strtol(token, NULL, 0);
return ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
return NULL;
const char* parse_c_identifier(
const char *ptr,
char *buff,
char *params,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_assert(ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(buff != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(ctx != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
char *bptr = buff, ch;
if (params) {
params[0] = '\0';
/* Ignore whitespaces */
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
ch = *ptr;
if (!isalpha(ch) && (ch != '_')) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "invalid identifier (starts with '%c')", ch);
goto error;
while ((ch = *ptr) && !isspace(ch) && ch != ';' && ch != ',' && ch != ')' &&
ch != '>' && ch != '}' && ch != '*')
/* Type definitions can contain macros or templates */
if (ch == '(' || ch == '<') {
if (!params) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "unexpected %c", *ptr);
goto error;
const char *end = skip_scope(ptr, ctx);
ecs_os_strncpy(params, ptr, (ecs_size_t)(end - ptr));
params[end - ptr] = '\0';
ptr = end;
} else {
*bptr = ch;
bptr ++;
ptr ++;
*bptr = '\0';
if (!ch) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "unexpected end of token");
goto error;
return ptr;
return NULL;
const char * meta_open_scope(
const char *ptr,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx)
/* Skip initial whitespaces */
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
/* Is this the start of the type definition? */
if (ctx->desc == ptr) {
if (*ptr != '{') {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "missing '{' in struct definition");
goto error;
ptr ++;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
/* Is this the end of the type definition? */
if (!*ptr) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "missing '}' at end of struct definition");
goto error;
/* Is this the end of the type definition? */
if (*ptr == '}') {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 1);
if (*ptr) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr,
"stray characters after struct definition");
goto error;
return NULL;
return ptr;
return NULL;
const char* meta_parse_constant(
const char *ptr,
meta_constant_t *token,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx)
ptr = meta_open_scope(ptr, ctx);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
token->is_value_set = false;
/* Parse token, constant identifier */
ptr = parse_c_identifier(ptr, token->name, NULL, ctx);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
/* Explicit value assignment */
if (*ptr == '=') {
int64_t value = 0;
ptr = parse_c_digit(ptr + 1, &value);
token->value = value;
token->is_value_set = true;
/* Expect a ',' or '}' */
if (*ptr != ',' && *ptr != '}') {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "missing , after enum constant");
goto error;
if (*ptr == ',') {
return ptr + 1;
} else {
return ptr;
return NULL;
const char* meta_parse_type(
const char *ptr,
meta_type_t *token,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx)
token->is_ptr = false;
token->is_const = false;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
/* Parse token, expect type identifier or ECS_PROPERTY */
ptr = parse_c_identifier(ptr, token->type, token->params, ctx);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
if (!strcmp(token->type, "ECS_PRIVATE")) {
/* Members from this point are not stored in metadata */
ptr += ecs_os_strlen(ptr);
goto done;
/* If token is const, set const flag and continue parsing type */
if (!strcmp(token->type, "const")) {
token->is_const = true;
/* Parse type after const */
ptr = parse_c_identifier(ptr + 1, token->type, token->params, ctx);
/* Check if type is a pointer */
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
if (*ptr == '*') {
token->is_ptr = true;
ptr ++;
return ptr;
return NULL;
const char* meta_parse_member(
const char *ptr,
meta_member_t *token,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx)
ptr = meta_open_scope(ptr, ctx);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
token->count = 1;
token->is_partial = false;
/* Parse member type */
ptr = meta_parse_type(ptr, &token->type, ctx);
if (!ptr) {
token->is_partial = true;
goto error;
if (!ptr[0]) {
return ptr;
/* Next token is the identifier */
ptr = parse_c_identifier(ptr, token->name, NULL, ctx);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
/* Skip whitespace between member and [ or ; */
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
/* Check if this is an array */
char *array_start = strchr(token->name, '[');
if (!array_start) {
/* If the [ was separated by a space, it will not be parsed as part of
* the name */
if (*ptr == '[') {
/* safe, will not be modified */
array_start = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, ptr);
if (array_start) {
/* Check if the [ matches with a ] */
char *array_end = strchr(array_start, ']');
if (!array_end) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "missing ']'");
goto error;
} else if (array_end - array_start == 0) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "dynamic size arrays are not supported");
goto error;
token->count = atoi(array_start + 1);
if (array_start == ptr) {
/* If [ was found after name, continue parsing after ] */
ptr = array_end + 1;
} else {
/* If [ was fonud in name, replace it with 0 terminator */
array_start[0] = '\0';
/* Expect a ; */
if (*ptr != ';') {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "missing ; after member declaration");
goto error;
return ptr + 1;
return NULL;
int meta_parse_desc(
const char *ptr,
meta_params_t *token,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx)
token->is_key_value = false;
token->is_fixed_size = false;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
if (*ptr != '(' && *ptr != '<') {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr,
"expected '(' at start of collection definition");
goto error;
ptr ++;
/* Parse type identifier */
ptr = meta_parse_type(ptr, &token->type, ctx);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
/* If next token is a ',' the first type was a key type */
if (*ptr == ',') {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 1);
if (isdigit(*ptr)) {
int64_t value;
ptr = parse_c_digit(ptr, &value);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
token->count = value;
token->is_fixed_size = true;
} else {
token->key_type = token->type;
/* Parse element type */
ptr = meta_parse_type(ptr, &token->type, ctx);
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
token->is_key_value = true;
if (*ptr != ')' && *ptr != '>') {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr,
"expected ')' at end of collection definition");
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
ecs_entity_t meta_lookup(
ecs_world_t *world,
meta_type_t *token,
const char *ptr,
int64_t count,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx);
ecs_entity_t meta_lookup_array(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e,
const char *params_decl,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx)
meta_parse_ctx_t param_ctx = {
.name = ctx->name,
.desc = params_decl
meta_params_t params;
if (meta_parse_desc(params_decl, &params, &param_ctx)) {
goto error;
if (!params.is_fixed_size) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, params_decl, "missing size for array");
goto error;
if (!params.count) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, params_decl, "invalid array size");
goto error;
ecs_entity_t element_type = ecs_lookup_symbol(
world, params.type.type, true, true);
if (!element_type) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, params_decl, "unknown element type '%s'",
if (!e) {
e = ecs_new_id(world);
ecs_check(params.count <= INT32_MAX, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return ecs_set(world, e, EcsArray, { element_type, (int32_t)params.count });
return 0;
ecs_entity_t meta_lookup_vector(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e,
const char *params_decl,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx)
meta_parse_ctx_t param_ctx = {
.name = ctx->name,
.desc = params_decl
meta_params_t params;
if (meta_parse_desc(params_decl, &params, &param_ctx)) {
goto error;
if (params.is_key_value) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, params_decl,
"unexpected key value parameters for vector");
goto error;
ecs_entity_t element_type = meta_lookup(
world, &params.type, params_decl, 1, &param_ctx);
if (!e) {
e = ecs_new_id(world);
return ecs_set(world, e, EcsVector, { element_type });
return 0;
ecs_entity_t meta_lookup_bitmask(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e,
const char *params_decl,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx)
meta_parse_ctx_t param_ctx = {
.name = ctx->name,
.desc = params_decl
meta_params_t params;
if (meta_parse_desc(params_decl, &params, &param_ctx)) {
goto error;
if (params.is_key_value) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, params_decl,
"unexpected key value parameters for bitmask");
goto error;
if (params.is_fixed_size) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, params_decl,
"unexpected size for bitmask");
goto error;
ecs_entity_t bitmask_type = meta_lookup(
world, &params.type, params_decl, 1, &param_ctx);
ecs_check(bitmask_type != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Make sure this is a bitmask type */
const EcsMetaType *type_ptr = ecs_get(world, bitmask_type, EcsMetaType);
ecs_check(type_ptr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(type_ptr->kind == EcsBitmaskType, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return bitmask_type;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t meta_lookup(
ecs_world_t *world,
meta_type_t *token,
const char *ptr,
int64_t count,
meta_parse_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(token != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(ctx != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
const char *typename = token->type;
ecs_entity_t type = 0;
/* Parse vector type */
if (!token->is_ptr) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "ecs_array")) {
type = meta_lookup_array(world, 0, token->params, ctx);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "ecs_vector") ||
!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "flecs::vector"))
type = meta_lookup_vector(world, 0, token->params, ctx);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "flecs::bitmask")) {
type = meta_lookup_bitmask(world, 0, token->params, ctx);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "flecs::byte")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_byte_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "char")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_char_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "bool") ||
!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "_Bool"))
type = ecs_id(ecs_bool_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "int8_t")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_i8_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "int16_t")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_i16_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "int32_t")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "int64_t")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_i64_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "uint8_t")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_u8_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "uint16_t")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_u16_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "uint32_t")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_u32_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "uint64_t")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_u64_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "float")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_f32_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "double")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "ecs_entity_t")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "ecs_id_t")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_id_t);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "char*")) {
type = ecs_id(ecs_string_t);
} else {
type = ecs_lookup_symbol(world, typename, true, true);
} else {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "char")) {
typename = "flecs.meta.string";
} else
if (token->is_ptr) {
typename = "flecs.meta.uptr";
} else
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "char*") ||
!ecs_os_strcmp(typename, "flecs::string"))
typename = "flecs.meta.string";
type = ecs_lookup_symbol(world, typename, true, true);
if (count != 1) {
ecs_check(count <= INT32_MAX, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
type = ecs_set(world, 0, EcsArray, {type, (int32_t)count});
if (!type) {
ecs_meta_error(ctx, ptr, "unknown type '%s'", typename);
goto error;
return type;
return 0;
int meta_parse_struct(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t t,
const char *desc)
const char *ptr = desc;
const char *name = ecs_get_name(world, t);
meta_member_t token;
meta_parse_ctx_t ctx = {
.name = name,
.desc = ptr
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, t);
while ((ptr = meta_parse_member(ptr, &token, &ctx)) && ptr[0]) {
ecs_entity_t m = ecs_entity(world, {
.name = token.name
ecs_entity_t type = meta_lookup(
world, &token.type, ptr, 1, &ctx);
if (!type) {
goto error;
ecs_set(world, m, EcsMember, {
.type = type,
.count = (ecs_size_t)token.count
ecs_set_scope(world, old_scope);
return 0;
return -1;
int meta_parse_constants(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t t,
const char *desc,
bool is_bitmask)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(t != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(desc != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
const char *ptr = desc;
const char *name = ecs_get_name(world, t);
int32_t name_len = ecs_os_strlen(name);
const ecs_world_info_t *info = ecs_get_world_info(world);
const char *name_prefix = info->name_prefix;
int32_t name_prefix_len = name_prefix ? ecs_os_strlen(name_prefix) : 0;
meta_parse_ctx_t ctx = {
.name = name,
.desc = ptr
meta_constant_t token;
int64_t last_value = 0;
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, t);
while ((ptr = meta_parse_constant(ptr, &token, &ctx))) {
if (token.is_value_set) {
last_value = token.value;
} else if (is_bitmask) {
ecs_meta_error(&ctx, ptr,
"bitmask requires explicit value assignment");
goto error;
if (name_prefix) {
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(token.name, name_prefix, name_prefix_len)) {
ecs_os_memmove(token.name, token.name + name_prefix_len,
ecs_os_strlen(token.name) - name_prefix_len + 1);
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(token.name, name, name_len)) {
ecs_os_memmove(token.name, token.name + name_len,
ecs_os_strlen(token.name) - name_len + 1);
ecs_entity_t c = ecs_entity(world, {
.name = token.name
if (!is_bitmask) {
ecs_set_pair_object(world, c, EcsConstant, ecs_i32_t,
} else {
ecs_set_pair_object(world, c, EcsConstant, ecs_u32_t,
last_value ++;
ecs_set_scope(world, old_scope);
return 0;
return -1;
int meta_parse_enum(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t t,
const char *desc)
ecs_add(world, t, EcsEnum);
return meta_parse_constants(world, t, desc, false);
int meta_parse_bitmask(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t t,
const char *desc)
ecs_add(world, t, EcsBitmask);
return meta_parse_constants(world, t, desc, true);
int ecs_meta_from_desc(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t component,
ecs_type_kind_t kind,
const char *desc)
switch(kind) {
case EcsStructType:
if (meta_parse_struct(world, component, desc)) {
goto error;
case EcsEnumType:
if (meta_parse_enum(world, component, desc)) {
goto error;
case EcsBitmaskType:
if (meta_parse_bitmask(world, component, desc)) {
goto error;
case EcsPrimitiveType:
case EcsArrayType:
case EcsVectorType:
case EcsOpaqueType:
ecs_throw(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "invalid type kind");
return 0;
return -1;
* @file addons/metrics.c
* @brief Metrics addon.
/* Public components */
/* Internal components */
static ECS_COMPONENT_DECLARE(EcsMetricMember);
static ECS_COMPONENT_DECLARE(EcsMetricCountIds);
static ECS_COMPONENT_DECLARE(EcsMetricCountTargets);
static ECS_COMPONENT_DECLARE(EcsMetricMemberInstance);
static ECS_COMPONENT_DECLARE(EcsMetricIdInstance);
static ECS_COMPONENT_DECLARE(EcsMetricOneOfInstance);
/** Context for metric */
typedef struct {
ecs_entity_t metric; /**< Metric entity */
ecs_entity_t kind; /**< Metric kind (gauge, counter) */
} ecs_metric_ctx_t;
/** Context for metric that monitors member */
typedef struct {
ecs_metric_ctx_t metric;
ecs_primitive_kind_t type_kind; /**< Primitive type kind of member */
uint16_t offset; /**< Offset of member in component */
} ecs_member_metric_ctx_t;
/** Context for metric that monitors whether entity has id */
typedef struct {
ecs_metric_ctx_t metric;
ecs_id_record_t *idr; /**< Id record for monitored component */
} ecs_id_metric_ctx_t;
/** Context for metric that monitors whether entity has pair target */
typedef struct {
ecs_metric_ctx_t metric;
ecs_id_record_t *idr; /**< Id record for monitored component */
ecs_size_t size; /**< Size of metric type */
ecs_map_t target_offset; /**< Pair target to metric type offset */
} ecs_oneof_metric_ctx_t;
/** Context for metric that monitors how many entities have a pair target */
typedef struct {
ecs_metric_ctx_t metric;
ecs_id_record_t *idr; /**< Id record for monitored component */
ecs_map_t targets; /**< Map of counters for each target */
} ecs_count_targets_metric_ctx_t;
/** Stores context shared for all instances of member metric */
typedef struct {
ecs_member_metric_ctx_t *ctx;
} EcsMetricMember;
/** Stores context shared for all instances of id metric */
typedef struct {
ecs_id_metric_ctx_t *ctx;
} EcsMetricId;
/** Stores context shared for all instances of oneof metric */
typedef struct {
ecs_oneof_metric_ctx_t *ctx;
} EcsMetricOneOf;
/** Stores context shared for all instances of id counter metric */
typedef struct {
ecs_id_t id;
} EcsMetricCountIds;
/** Stores context shared for all instances of target counter metric */
typedef struct {
ecs_count_targets_metric_ctx_t *ctx;
} EcsMetricCountTargets;
/** Instance of member metric */
typedef struct {
ecs_ref_t ref;
ecs_member_metric_ctx_t *ctx;
} EcsMetricMemberInstance;
/** Instance of id metric */
typedef struct {
ecs_record_t *r;
ecs_id_metric_ctx_t *ctx;
} EcsMetricIdInstance;
/** Instance of oneof metric */
typedef struct {
ecs_record_t *r;
ecs_oneof_metric_ctx_t *ctx;
} EcsMetricOneOfInstance;
/** Component lifecycle */
static ECS_DTOR(EcsMetricMember, ptr, {
static ECS_MOVE(EcsMetricMember, dst, src, {
*dst = *src;
src->ctx = NULL;
static ECS_DTOR(EcsMetricId, ptr, {
static ECS_MOVE(EcsMetricId, dst, src, {
*dst = *src;
src->ctx = NULL;
static ECS_DTOR(EcsMetricOneOf, ptr, {
if (ptr->ctx) {
static ECS_MOVE(EcsMetricOneOf, dst, src, {
*dst = *src;
src->ctx = NULL;
static ECS_DTOR(EcsMetricCountTargets, ptr, {
if (ptr->ctx) {
static ECS_MOVE(EcsMetricCountTargets, dst, src, {
*dst = *src;
src->ctx = NULL;
/** Observer used for creating new instances of member metric */
static void flecs_metrics_on_member_metric(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
ecs_member_metric_ctx_t *ctx = it->ctx;
ecs_id_t id = ecs_field_id(it, 1);
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t m = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsChildOf, ctx->metric.metric);
EcsMetricMemberInstance *src = ecs_emplace(
world, m, EcsMetricMemberInstance);
src->ref = ecs_ref_init_id(world, e, id);
src->ctx = ctx;
ecs_modified(world, m, EcsMetricMemberInstance);
ecs_set(world, m, EcsMetricValue, { 0 });
ecs_set(world, m, EcsMetricSource, { e });
ecs_add(world, m, EcsMetricInstance);
ecs_add_pair(world, m, EcsMetric, ctx->metric.kind);
/** Observer used for creating new instances of id metric */
static void flecs_metrics_on_id_metric(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
ecs_id_metric_ctx_t *ctx = it->ctx;
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t m = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsChildOf, ctx->metric.metric);
EcsMetricIdInstance *src = ecs_emplace(world, m, EcsMetricIdInstance);
src->r = ecs_record_find(world, e);
src->ctx = ctx;
ecs_modified(world, m, EcsMetricIdInstance);
ecs_set(world, m, EcsMetricValue, { 0 });
ecs_set(world, m, EcsMetricSource, { e });
ecs_add(world, m, EcsMetricInstance);
ecs_add_pair(world, m, EcsMetric, ctx->metric.kind);
/** Observer used for creating new instances of oneof metric */
static void flecs_metrics_on_oneof_metric(ecs_iter_t *it) {
if (it->event == EcsOnRemove) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
ecs_oneof_metric_ctx_t *ctx = it->ctx;
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t m = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsChildOf, ctx->metric.metric);
EcsMetricOneOfInstance *src = ecs_emplace(world, m, EcsMetricOneOfInstance);
src->r = ecs_record_find(world, e);
src->ctx = ctx;
ecs_modified(world, m, EcsMetricOneOfInstance);
ecs_add_pair(world, m, ctx->metric.metric, ecs_id(EcsMetricValue));
ecs_set(world, m, EcsMetricSource, { e });
ecs_add(world, m, EcsMetricInstance);
ecs_add_pair(world, m, EcsMetric, ctx->metric.kind);
/** Set doc name of metric instance to name of source entity */
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
static void SetMetricDocName(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
EcsMetricSource *src = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricSource, 1);
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t src_e = src[i].entity;
const char *name = ecs_get_name(world, src_e);
if (name) {
ecs_doc_set_name(world, it->entities[i], name);
/** Delete metric instances for entities that are no longer alive */
static void ClearMetricInstance(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
EcsMetricSource *src = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricSource, 1);
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t src_e = src[i].entity;
if (!ecs_is_alive(world, src_e)) {
ecs_delete(world, it->entities[i]);
/** Update member metric */
static void UpdateMemberInstance(ecs_iter_t *it, bool counter) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
EcsMetricValue *m = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricValue, 1);
EcsMetricMemberInstance *mi = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricMemberInstance, 2);
ecs_ftime_t dt = it->delta_time;
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_member_metric_ctx_t *ctx = mi[i].ctx;
ecs_ref_t *ref = &mi[i].ref;
const void *ptr = ecs_ref_get_id(world, ref, ref->id);
if (ptr) {
ptr = ECS_OFFSET(ptr, ctx->offset);
if (!counter) {
m[i].value = ecs_meta_ptr_to_float(ctx->type_kind, ptr);
} else {
m[i].value +=
ecs_meta_ptr_to_float(ctx->type_kind, ptr) * (double)dt;
} else {
ecs_delete(it->world, it->entities[i]);
static void UpdateGaugeMemberInstance(ecs_iter_t *it) {
UpdateMemberInstance(it, false);
static void UpdateCounterMemberInstance(ecs_iter_t *it) {
UpdateMemberInstance(it, false);
static void UpdateCounterIncrementMemberInstance(ecs_iter_t *it) {
UpdateMemberInstance(it, true);
/** Update id metric */
static void UpdateIdInstance(ecs_iter_t *it, bool counter) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
EcsMetricValue *m = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricValue, 1);
EcsMetricIdInstance *mi = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricIdInstance, 2);
ecs_ftime_t dt = it->delta_time;
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_t *table = mi[i].r->table;
if (!table) {
ecs_delete(it->world, it->entities[i]);
ecs_id_metric_ctx_t *ctx = mi[i].ctx;
ecs_id_record_t *idr = ctx->idr;
if (flecs_search_w_idr(world, table, idr->id, NULL, idr) != -1) {
if (!counter) {
m[i].value = 1.0;
} else {
m[i].value += 1.0 * (double)dt;
} else {
ecs_delete(it->world, it->entities[i]);
static void UpdateGaugeIdInstance(ecs_iter_t *it) {
UpdateIdInstance(it, false);
static void UpdateCounterIdInstance(ecs_iter_t *it) {
UpdateIdInstance(it, true);
/** Update oneof metric */
static void UpdateOneOfInstance(ecs_iter_t *it, bool counter) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
ecs_table_t *table = it->table;
void *m = ecs_table_get_column(table,
ecs_table_type_to_column_index(table, it->columns[0] - 1), it->offset);
EcsMetricOneOfInstance *mi = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricOneOfInstance, 2);
ecs_ftime_t dt = it->delta_time;
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_oneof_metric_ctx_t *ctx = mi[i].ctx;
ecs_table_t *mtable = mi[i].r->table;
double *value = ECS_ELEM(m, ctx->size, i);
if (!counter) {
ecs_os_memset(value, 0, ctx->size);
if (!mtable) {
ecs_delete(it->world, it->entities[i]);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = ctx->idr;
ecs_id_t id;
if (flecs_search_w_idr(world, mtable, idr->id, &id, idr) == -1) {
ecs_delete(it->world, it->entities[i]);
ecs_entity_t tgt = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
uint64_t *offset = ecs_map_get(&ctx->target_offset, tgt);
if (!offset) {
ecs_err("unexpected relationship target for metric");
value = ECS_OFFSET(value, *offset);
if (!counter) {
*value = 1.0;
} else {
*value += 1.0 * (double)dt;
static void UpdateGaugeOneOfInstance(ecs_iter_t *it) {
UpdateOneOfInstance(it, false);
static void UpdateCounterOneOfInstance(ecs_iter_t *it) {
UpdateOneOfInstance(it, true);
static void UpdateCountTargets(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
EcsMetricCountTargets *m = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricCountTargets, 1);
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_count_targets_metric_ctx_t *ctx = m[i].ctx;
ecs_id_record_t *cur = ctx->idr;
while ((cur = cur->first.next)) {
ecs_id_t id = cur->id;
ecs_entity_t *mi = ecs_map_ensure(&ctx->targets, id);
if (!mi[0]) {
mi[0] = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsChildOf, ctx->metric.metric);
ecs_entity_t tgt = ecs_pair_second(world, cur->id);
const char *name = ecs_get_name(world, tgt);
if (name) {
ecs_set_name(world, mi[0], name);
EcsMetricSource *source = ecs_get_mut(
world, mi[0], EcsMetricSource);
source->entity = tgt;
EcsMetricValue *value = ecs_get_mut(world, mi[0], EcsMetricValue);
value->value += (double)ecs_count_id(world, cur->id) *
static void UpdateCountIds(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
EcsMetricCountIds *m = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricCountIds, 1);
EcsMetricValue *v = ecs_field(it, EcsMetricValue, 2);
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
v[i].value += (double)ecs_count_id(world, m[i].id) *
/** Initialize member metric */
int flecs_member_metric_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t metric,
const ecs_metric_desc_t *desc)
ecs_entity_t type = 0, member_type = 0, member = 0, id = 0;
uintptr_t offset = 0;
if (desc->dotmember) {
if (!desc->id) {
char *metric_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, metric);
ecs_err("missing id for metric '%s' with member '%s",
metric_name, desc->dotmember);
goto error;
if (desc->member) {
char *metric_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, metric);
ecs_err("cannot set both member and dotmember for metric '%s'",
goto error;
type = ecs_get_typeid(world, desc->id);
ecs_meta_cursor_t cur = ecs_meta_cursor(world, type, NULL);
if (ecs_meta_push(&cur)) {
char *metric_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, metric);
ecs_err("invalid type for metric '%s'", metric_name);
goto error;
if (ecs_meta_dotmember(&cur, desc->dotmember)) {
char *metric_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, metric);
ecs_err("invalid dotmember '%s' for metric '%s'",
desc->dotmember, metric_name);
goto error;
id = desc->id;
member_type = ecs_meta_get_type(&cur);
offset = (uintptr_t)ecs_meta_get_ptr(&cur);
member = ecs_meta_get_member_id(&cur);
} else {
const EcsMember *m = ecs_get(world, desc->member, EcsMember);
if (!m) {
char *metric_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, metric);
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, desc->member);
ecs_err("entity '%s' provided for metric '%s' is not a member",
member_name, metric_name);
goto error;
type = ecs_get_parent(world, desc->member);
if (!type) {
char *metric_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, metric);
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, desc->member);
ecs_err("member '%s' provided for metric '%s' is not part of a type",
member_name, metric_name);
goto error;
id = type;
if (desc->id) {
if (type != ecs_get_typeid(world, desc->id)) {
char *metric_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, metric);
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, desc->member);
char *id_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, desc->id);
ecs_err("member '%s' for metric '%s' is not of type '%s'",
member_name, metric_name, id_name);
goto error;
id = desc->id;
member = desc->member;
member_type = m->type;
offset = flecs_ito(uintptr_t, m->offset);
const EcsPrimitive *p = ecs_get(world, member_type, EcsPrimitive);
if (!p) {
char *metric_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, metric);
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, desc->member);
ecs_err("member '%s' provided for metric '%s' must have primitive type",
member_name, metric_name);
goto error;
const EcsMetaType *mt = ecs_get(world, type, EcsMetaType);
if (!mt) {
char *metric_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, metric);
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, desc->member);
ecs_err("parent of member '%s' for metric '%s' is not a type",
member_name, metric_name);
goto error;
if (mt->kind != EcsStructType) {
char *metric_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, metric);
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, desc->member);
ecs_err("parent of member '%s' for metric '%s' is not a struct",
member_name, metric_name);
goto error;
ecs_member_metric_ctx_t *ctx = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_member_metric_ctx_t);
ctx->metric.metric = metric;
ctx->metric.kind = desc->kind;
ctx->type_kind = p->kind;
ctx->offset = flecs_uto(uint16_t, offset);
ecs_observer(world, {
.entity = metric,
.events = { EcsOnAdd },
.filter.terms[0] = {
.id = id,
.src.flags = EcsSelf,
.inout = EcsInOutNone
.callback = flecs_metrics_on_member_metric,
.yield_existing = true,
.ctx = ctx
ecs_set_pair(world, metric, EcsMetricMember, member, { .ctx = ctx });
ecs_add_pair(world, metric, EcsMetric, desc->kind);
ecs_add_id(world, metric, EcsMetric);
return 0;
return -1;
/** Update id metric */
int flecs_id_metric_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t metric,
const ecs_metric_desc_t *desc)
ecs_id_metric_ctx_t *ctx = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_id_metric_ctx_t);
ctx->metric.metric = metric;
ctx->metric.kind = desc->kind;
ctx->idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, desc->id);
ecs_check(ctx->idr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_observer(world, {
.entity = metric,
.events = { EcsOnAdd },
.filter.terms[0] = {
.id = desc->id,
.src.flags = EcsSelf,
.inout = EcsInOutNone
.callback = flecs_metrics_on_id_metric,
.yield_existing = true,
.ctx = ctx
ecs_set(world, metric, EcsMetricId, { .ctx = ctx });
ecs_add_pair(world, metric, EcsMetric, desc->kind);
ecs_add_id(world, metric, EcsMetric);
return 0;
return -1;
/** Update oneof metric */
int flecs_oneof_metric_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t metric,
ecs_entity_t scope,
const ecs_metric_desc_t *desc)
ecs_oneof_metric_ctx_t *ctx = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_oneof_metric_ctx_t);
ctx->metric.metric = metric;
ctx->metric.kind = desc->kind;
ctx->idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, desc->id);
ecs_check(ctx->idr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_map_init(&ctx->target_offset, NULL);
/* Add member for each child of oneof to metric, so it can be used as metric
* instance type that holds values for all targets */
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_children(world, scope);
uint64_t offset = 0;
while (ecs_children_next(&it)) {
int32_t i, count = it.count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t tgt = it.entities[i];
const char *name = ecs_get_name(world, tgt);
if (!name) {
/* Member must have name */
char *to_snake_case = flecs_to_snake_case(name);
ecs_entity_t mbr = ecs_entity(world, {
.name = to_snake_case,
.add = { ecs_childof(metric) }
ecs_set(world, mbr, EcsMember, {
.type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t),
.unit = EcsSeconds
/* Truncate upper 32 bits of target so we can lookup the offset
* with the id we get from the pair */
ecs_map_ensure(&ctx->target_offset, (uint32_t)tgt)[0] = offset;
offset += sizeof(double);
ctx->size = flecs_uto(ecs_size_t, offset);
ecs_observer(world, {
.entity = metric,
.events = { EcsMonitor },
.filter.terms[0] = {
.id = desc->id,
.src.flags = EcsSelf,
.inout = EcsInOutNone
.callback = flecs_metrics_on_oneof_metric,
.yield_existing = true,
.ctx = ctx
ecs_set(world, metric, EcsMetricOneOf, { .ctx = ctx });
ecs_add_pair(world, metric, EcsMetric, desc->kind);
ecs_add_id(world, metric, EcsMetric);
return 0;
return -1;
int flecs_count_id_targets_metric_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t metric,
const ecs_metric_desc_t *desc)
ecs_count_targets_metric_ctx_t *ctx = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_count_targets_metric_ctx_t);
ctx->metric.metric = metric;
ctx->metric.kind = desc->kind;
ctx->idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, desc->id);
ecs_check(ctx->idr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_map_init(&ctx->targets, NULL);
ecs_set(world, metric, EcsMetricCountTargets, { .ctx = ctx });
ecs_add_pair(world, metric, EcsMetric, desc->kind);
ecs_add_id(world, metric, EcsMetric);
return 0;
return -1;
int flecs_count_ids_metric_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t metric,
const ecs_metric_desc_t *desc)
ecs_set(world, metric, EcsMetricCountIds, { .id = desc->id });
ecs_set(world, metric, EcsMetricValue, { .value = 0 });
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_metric_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_metric_desc_t *desc)
ecs_check(desc->_canary == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_entity_t result = desc->entity;
if (!result) {
result = ecs_new_id(world);
ecs_entity_t kind = desc->kind;
if (!kind) {
ecs_err("missing metric kind");
goto error;
if (kind != EcsGauge &&
kind != EcsCounter &&
kind != EcsCounterId &&
kind != EcsCounterIncrement)
ecs_err("invalid metric kind %s", ecs_get_fullpath(world, kind));
goto error;
if (kind == EcsCounterIncrement && !desc->member && !desc->dotmember) {
ecs_err("CounterIncrement can only be used in combination with member");
goto error;
if (kind == EcsCounterId && (desc->member || desc->dotmember)) {
ecs_err("CounterId cannot be used in combination with member");
goto error;
if (desc->brief) {
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, result, desc->brief);
ecs_warn("FLECS_DOC is not enabled, ignoring metrics brief");
if (desc->member || desc->dotmember) {
if (flecs_member_metric_init(world, result, desc)) {
goto error;
} else if (desc->id) {
if (desc->targets) {
if (!ecs_id_is_pair(desc->id)) {
ecs_err("cannot specify targets for id that is not a pair");
goto error;
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(desc->id) == EcsWildcard) {
ecs_err("first element of pair cannot be wildcard with "
" targets enabled");
goto error;
if (ECS_PAIR_SECOND(desc->id) != EcsWildcard) {
ecs_err("second element of pair must be wildcard with "
" targets enabled");
goto error;
if (kind == EcsCounterId) {
if (flecs_count_id_targets_metric_init(world, result, desc)) {
goto error;
} else {
ecs_entity_t first = ecs_pair_first(world, desc->id);
ecs_entity_t scope = flecs_get_oneof(world, first);
if (!scope) {
ecs_err("first element of pair must have OneOf with "
" targets enabled");
goto error;
if (flecs_oneof_metric_init(world, result, scope, desc)) {
goto error;
} else {
if (kind == EcsCounterId) {
if (flecs_count_ids_metric_init(world, result, desc)) {
goto error;
} else {
if (flecs_id_metric_init(world, result, desc)) {
goto error;
} else {
ecs_err("missing source specified for metric");
goto error;
return result;
if (result && result != desc->entity) {
ecs_delete(world, result);
return 0;
void FlecsMetricsImport(ecs_world_t *world) {
ECS_MODULE_DEFINE(world, FlecsMetrics);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsPipeline);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsMeta);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsUnits);
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsMetric);
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsMetric);
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsCounter);
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsCounterIncrement);
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsCounterId);
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsGauge);
ecs_set_scope(world, old_scope);
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "EcsMetric");
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsMetricInstance);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsMetricValue);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsMetricSource);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsMetricMemberInstance);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsMetricIdInstance);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsMetricOneOfInstance);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsMetricMember);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsMetricOneOf);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsMetricCountIds);
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsMetricCountTargets);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsMetricMemberInstance), EcsPrivate);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsMetricIdInstance), EcsPrivate);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsMetricOneOfInstance), EcsPrivate);
ecs_struct(world, {
.entity = ecs_id(EcsMetricValue),
.members = {
{ .name = "value", .type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t) }
ecs_struct(world, {
.entity = ecs_id(EcsMetricSource),
.members = {
{ .name = "entity", .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) }
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsMetricMember, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsMetricMember),
.move = ecs_move(EcsMetricMember)
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsMetricId, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsMetricId),
.move = ecs_move(EcsMetricId)
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsMetricOneOf, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsMetricOneOf),
.move = ecs_move(EcsMetricOneOf)
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsMetricCountTargets, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsMetricCountTargets),
.move = ecs_move(EcsMetricCountTargets)
ecs_add_id(world, EcsMetric, EcsOneOf);
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
ECS_OBSERVER(world, SetMetricDocName, EcsOnSet, EcsMetricSource);
ECS_SYSTEM(world, ClearMetricInstance, EcsPreStore,
[in] Source);
ECS_SYSTEM(world, UpdateGaugeMemberInstance, EcsPreStore,
[out] Value,
[in] MemberInstance,
[none] (Metric, Gauge));
ECS_SYSTEM(world, UpdateCounterMemberInstance, EcsPreStore,
[out] Value,
[in] MemberInstance,
[none] (Metric, Counter));
ECS_SYSTEM(world, UpdateCounterIncrementMemberInstance, EcsPreStore,
[out] Value,
[in] MemberInstance,
[none] (Metric, CounterIncrement));
ECS_SYSTEM(world, UpdateGaugeIdInstance, EcsPreStore,
[out] Value,
[in] IdInstance,
[none] (Metric, Gauge));
ECS_SYSTEM(world, UpdateCounterIdInstance, EcsPreStore,
[inout] Value,
[in] IdInstance,
[none] (Metric, Counter));
ECS_SYSTEM(world, UpdateGaugeOneOfInstance, EcsPreStore,
[none] (_, Value),
[in] OneOfInstance,
[none] (Metric, Gauge));
ECS_SYSTEM(world, UpdateCounterOneOfInstance, EcsPreStore,
[none] (_, Value),
[in] OneOfInstance,
[none] (Metric, Counter));
ECS_SYSTEM(world, UpdateCountIds, EcsPreStore,
[inout] CountIds, Value);
ECS_SYSTEM(world, UpdateCountTargets, EcsPreStore,
[inout] CountTargets);
* @file addons/module.c
* @brief Module addon.
#include <ctype.h>
char* ecs_module_path_from_c(
const char *c_name)
ecs_strbuf_t str = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
const char *ptr;
char ch;
for (ptr = c_name; (ch = *ptr); ptr++) {
if (isupper(ch)) {
ch = flecs_ito(char, tolower(ch));
if (ptr != c_name) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(&str, ".", 1);
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(&str, &ch, 1);
return ecs_strbuf_get(&str);
ecs_entity_t ecs_import(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_module_action_t module,
const char *module_name)
ecs_check(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly),
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, 0);
const char *old_name_prefix = world->info.name_prefix;
char *path = ecs_module_path_from_c(module_name);
ecs_entity_t e = ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, path);
if (!e) {
ecs_trace("#[magenta]import#[reset] %s", module_name);
/* Load module */
/* Lookup module entity (must be registered by module) */
e = ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, module_name);
ecs_check(e != 0, ECS_MODULE_UNDEFINED, module_name);
/* Restore to previous state */
ecs_set_scope(world, old_scope);
world->info.name_prefix = old_name_prefix;
return e;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_import_c(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_module_action_t module,
const char *c_name)
char *name = ecs_module_path_from_c(c_name);
ecs_entity_t e = ecs_import(world, module, name);
return e;
ecs_entity_t ecs_import_from_library(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *library_name,
const char *module_name)
ecs_check(library_name != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
char *import_func = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, module_name);
char *module = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, module_name);
if (!ecs_os_has_modules() || !ecs_os_has_dl()) {
"library loading not supported, set module_to_dl, dlopen, dlclose "
"and dlproc os API callbacks first");
return 0;
/* If no module name is specified, try default naming convention for loading
* the main module from the library */
if (!import_func) {
import_func = ecs_os_malloc(ecs_os_strlen(library_name) + ECS_SIZEOF("Import"));
ecs_assert(import_func != NULL, ECS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
const char *ptr;
char ch, *bptr = import_func;
bool capitalize = true;
for (ptr = library_name; (ch = *ptr); ptr ++) {
if (ch == '.') {
capitalize = true;
} else {
if (capitalize) {
*bptr = flecs_ito(char, toupper(ch));
bptr ++;
capitalize = false;
} else {
*bptr = flecs_ito(char, tolower(ch));
bptr ++;
*bptr = '\0';
module = ecs_os_strdup(import_func);
ecs_assert(module != NULL, ECS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
ecs_os_strcat(bptr, "Import");
char *library_filename = ecs_os_module_to_dl(library_name);
if (!library_filename) {
ecs_err("failed to find library file for '%s'", library_name);
if (module != module_name) {
return 0;
} else {
ecs_trace("found file '%s' for library '%s'",
library_filename, library_name);
ecs_os_dl_t dl = ecs_os_dlopen(library_filename);
if (!dl) {
ecs_err("failed to load library '%s' ('%s')",
library_name, library_filename);
if (module != module_name) {
return 0;
} else {
ecs_trace("library '%s' ('%s') loaded",
library_name, library_filename);
ecs_module_action_t action = (ecs_module_action_t)
ecs_os_dlproc(dl, import_func);
if (!action) {
ecs_err("failed to load import function %s from library %s",
import_func, library_name);
return 0;
} else {
ecs_trace("found import function '%s' in library '%s' for module '%s'",
import_func, library_name, module);
/* Do not free id, as it will be stored as the component identifier */
ecs_entity_t result = ecs_import(world, action, module);
if (import_func != module_name) {
if (module != module_name) {
return result;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_module_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *c_name,
const ecs_component_desc_t *desc)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, 0);
ecs_entity_t e = desc->entity;
if (!e) {
char *module_path = ecs_module_path_from_c(c_name);
e = ecs_new_from_fullpath(world, module_path);
ecs_set_symbol(world, e, module_path);
} else if (!ecs_exists(world, e)) {
char *module_path = ecs_module_path_from_c(c_name);
ecs_ensure(world, e);
ecs_add_fullpath(world, e, module_path);
ecs_set_symbol(world, e, module_path);
ecs_add_id(world, e, EcsModule);
ecs_component_desc_t private_desc = *desc;
private_desc.entity = e;
if (desc->type.size) {
ecs_entity_t result = ecs_component_init(world, &private_desc);
ecs_assert(result != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(result == e, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_set_scope(world, old_scope);
return e;
return 0;
* @file addons/monitor.c
* @brief Monitor addon.
ecs_entity_t EcsPeriod1s = 0;
ecs_entity_t EcsPeriod1m = 0;
ecs_entity_t EcsPeriod1h = 0;
ecs_entity_t EcsPeriod1d = 0;
ecs_entity_t EcsPeriod1w = 0;
static int32_t flecs_day_interval_count = 24;
static int32_t flecs_week_interval_count = 168;
ECS_COPY(EcsPipelineStats, dst, src, {
ecs_abort(ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, "cannot copy pipeline stats component");
ECS_MOVE(EcsPipelineStats, dst, src, {
ecs_os_memcpy_t(dst, src, EcsPipelineStats);
ECS_DTOR(EcsPipelineStats, ptr, {
void UpdateWorldSummary(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsWorldSummary *summary = ecs_field(it, EcsWorldSummary, 1);
const ecs_world_info_t *info = ecs_get_world_info(it->world);
int32_t i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
summary[i].target_fps = (double)info->target_fps;
summary[i].frame_time_last = (double)info->frame_time_total - summary[i].frame_time_total;
summary[i].system_time_last = (double)info->system_time_total - summary[i].system_time_total;
summary[i].merge_time_last = (double)info->merge_time_total - summary[i].merge_time_total;
summary[i].frame_time_total = (double)info->frame_time_total;
summary[i].system_time_total = (double)info->system_time_total;
summary[i].merge_time_total = (double)info->merge_time_total;
void MonitorStats(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->real_world;
EcsStatsHeader *hdr = ecs_field_w_size(it, 0, 1);
ecs_id_t kind = ecs_pair_first(it->world, ecs_field_id(it, 1));
void *stats = ECS_OFFSET_T(hdr, EcsStatsHeader);
ecs_ftime_t elapsed = hdr->elapsed;
hdr->elapsed += it->delta_time;
int32_t t_last = (int32_t)(elapsed * 60);
int32_t t_next = (int32_t)(hdr->elapsed * 60);
int32_t i, dif = t_last - t_next;
ecs_world_stats_t last_world = {0};
ecs_pipeline_stats_t last_pipeline = {0};
void *last = NULL;
if (!dif) {
/* Copy last value so we can pass it to reduce_last */
if (kind == ecs_id(EcsWorldStats)) {
last = &last_world;
ecs_world_stats_copy_last(&last_world, stats);
} else if (kind == ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats)) {
last = &last_pipeline;
ecs_pipeline_stats_copy_last(&last_pipeline, stats);
if (kind == ecs_id(EcsWorldStats)) {
ecs_world_stats_get(world, stats);
} else if (kind == ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats)) {
ecs_pipeline_stats_get(world, ecs_get_pipeline(world), stats);
if (!dif) {
/* Still in same interval, combine with last measurement */
hdr->reduce_count ++;
if (kind == ecs_id(EcsWorldStats)) {
ecs_world_stats_reduce_last(stats, last, hdr->reduce_count);
} else if (kind == ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats)) {
ecs_pipeline_stats_reduce_last(stats, last, hdr->reduce_count);
} else if (dif > 1) {
/* More than 16ms has passed, backfill */
for (i = 1; i < dif; i ++) {
if (kind == ecs_id(EcsWorldStats)) {
} else if (kind == ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats)) {
hdr->reduce_count = 0;
if (last && kind == ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats)) {
void ReduceStats(ecs_iter_t *it) {
void *dst = ecs_field_w_size(it, 0, 1);
void *src = ecs_field_w_size(it, 0, 2);
ecs_id_t kind = ecs_pair_first(it->world, ecs_field_id(it, 1));
dst = ECS_OFFSET_T(dst, EcsStatsHeader);
src = ECS_OFFSET_T(src, EcsStatsHeader);
if (kind == ecs_id(EcsWorldStats)) {
ecs_world_stats_reduce(dst, src);
} else if (kind == ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats)) {
ecs_pipeline_stats_reduce(dst, src);
void AggregateStats(ecs_iter_t *it) {
int32_t interval = *(int32_t*)it->ctx;
EcsStatsHeader *dst_hdr = ecs_field_w_size(it, 0, 1);
EcsStatsHeader *src_hdr = ecs_field_w_size(it, 0, 2);
void *dst = ECS_OFFSET_T(dst_hdr, EcsStatsHeader);
void *src = ECS_OFFSET_T(src_hdr, EcsStatsHeader);
ecs_id_t kind = ecs_pair_first(it->world, ecs_field_id(it, 1));
ecs_world_stats_t last_world = {0};
ecs_pipeline_stats_t last_pipeline = {0};
void *last = NULL;
if (dst_hdr->reduce_count != 0) {
/* Copy last value so we can pass it to reduce_last */
if (kind == ecs_id(EcsWorldStats)) {
last_world.t = 0;
ecs_world_stats_copy_last(&last_world, dst);
last = &last_world;
} else if (kind == ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats)) {
last_pipeline.t = 0;
ecs_pipeline_stats_copy_last(&last_pipeline, dst);
last = &last_pipeline;
/* Reduce from minutes to the current day */
if (kind == ecs_id(EcsWorldStats)) {
ecs_world_stats_reduce(dst, src);
} else if (kind == ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats)) {
ecs_pipeline_stats_reduce(dst, src);
if (dst_hdr->reduce_count != 0) {
if (kind == ecs_id(EcsWorldStats)) {
ecs_world_stats_reduce_last(dst, last, dst_hdr->reduce_count);
} else if (kind == ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats)) {
ecs_pipeline_stats_reduce_last(dst, last, dst_hdr->reduce_count);
/* A day has 60 24 minute intervals */
dst_hdr->reduce_count ++;
if (dst_hdr->reduce_count >= interval) {
dst_hdr->reduce_count = 0;
if (last && kind == ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats)) {
void flecs_stats_monitor_import(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t kind,
size_t size)
ecs_entity_t prev = ecs_set_scope(world, kind);
// Called each frame, collects 60 measurements per second
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Monitor1s", .add = {ecs_dependson(EcsPreFrame)} }),
.query.filter.terms = {{
.id = ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1s),
.src.id = EcsWorld
.callback = MonitorStats
// Called each second, reduces into 60 measurements per minute
ecs_entity_t mw1m = ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Monitor1m", .add = {ecs_dependson(EcsPreFrame)} }),
.query.filter.terms = {{
.id = ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1m),
.src.id = EcsWorld
}, {
.id = ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1s),
.src.id = EcsWorld
.callback = ReduceStats,
.interval = 1.0
// Called each minute, reduces into 60 measurements per hour
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Monitor1h", .add = {ecs_dependson(EcsPreFrame)} }),
.query.filter.terms = {{
.id = ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1h),
.src.id = EcsWorld
}, {
.id = ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1m),
.src.id = EcsWorld
.callback = ReduceStats,
.rate = 60,
.tick_source = mw1m
// Called each minute, reduces into 60 measurements per day
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Monitor1d", .add = {ecs_dependson(EcsPreFrame)} }),
.query.filter.terms = {{
.id = ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1d),
.src.id = EcsWorld
}, {
.id = ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1m),
.src.id = EcsWorld
.callback = AggregateStats,
.rate = 60,
.tick_source = mw1m,
.ctx = &flecs_day_interval_count
// Called each hour, reduces into 60 measurements per week
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Monitor1w", .add = {ecs_dependson(EcsPreFrame)} }),
.query.filter.terms = {{
.id = ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1w),
.src.id = EcsWorld
}, {
.id = ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1h),
.src.id = EcsWorld
.callback = AggregateStats,
.rate = 60,
.tick_source = mw1m,
.ctx = &flecs_week_interval_count
ecs_set_scope(world, prev);
ecs_set_id(world, EcsWorld, ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1s), size, NULL);
ecs_set_id(world, EcsWorld, ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1m), size, NULL);
ecs_set_id(world, EcsWorld, ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1h), size, NULL);
ecs_set_id(world, EcsWorld, ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1d), size, NULL);
ecs_set_id(world, EcsWorld, ecs_pair(kind, EcsPeriod1w), size, NULL);
void flecs_world_monitor_import(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsWorldStats);
flecs_stats_monitor_import(world, ecs_id(EcsWorldStats),
void flecs_pipeline_monitor_import(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsPipelineStats);
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsPipelineStats, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsPipelineStats),
.move = ecs_move(EcsPipelineStats),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsPipelineStats)
flecs_stats_monitor_import(world, ecs_id(EcsPipelineStats),
void FlecsMonitorImport(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_MODULE_DEFINE(world, FlecsMonitor);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsPipeline);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsTimer);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsMeta);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsUnits);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(FlecsMonitor),
"Module that automatically monitors statistics for the world & systems");
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
EcsPeriod1s = ecs_new_entity(world, "EcsPeriod1s");
EcsPeriod1m = ecs_new_entity(world, "EcsPeriod1m");
EcsPeriod1h = ecs_new_entity(world, "EcsPeriod1h");
EcsPeriod1d = ecs_new_entity(world, "EcsPeriod1d");
EcsPeriod1w = ecs_new_entity(world, "EcsPeriod1w");
ECS_COMPONENT_DEFINE(world, EcsWorldSummary);
#if defined(FLECS_META) && defined(FLECS_UNITS)
ecs_struct(world, {
.entity = ecs_id(EcsWorldSummary),
.members = {
{ .name = "target_fps", .type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t), .unit = EcsHertz },
{ .name = "frame_time_total", .type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t), .unit = EcsSeconds },
{ .name = "system_time_total", .type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t), .unit = EcsSeconds },
{ .name = "merge_time_total", .type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t), .unit = EcsSeconds },
{ .name = "frame_time_last", .type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t), .unit = EcsSeconds },
{ .name = "system_time_last", .type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t), .unit = EcsSeconds },
{ .name = "merge_time_last", .type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t), .unit = EcsSeconds }
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, {
.name = "UpdateWorldSummary",
.add = {ecs_dependson(EcsPreFrame)}
.query.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsWorldSummary) },
.callback = UpdateWorldSummary
ECS_SYSTEM(world, UpdateWorldSummary, EcsPreFrame, WorldSummary);
ecs_set(world, EcsWorld, EcsWorldSummary, {0});
if (ecs_os_has_time()) {
ecs_measure_frame_time(world, true);
ecs_measure_system_time(world, true);
* @file addons/parser.c
* @brief Parser addon.
#include <ctype.h>
#define TOK_COLON ':'
#define TOK_AND ','
#define TOK_OR "||"
#define TOK_NOT '!'
#define TOK_OPTIONAL '?'
#define TOK_BITWISE_OR '|'
#define TOK_BRACKET_OPEN '['
#define TOK_SCOPE_OPEN '{'
#define TOK_SCOPE_CLOSE '}'
#define TOK_VARIABLE '$'
#define TOK_PAREN_OPEN '('
#define TOK_PAREN_CLOSE ')'
#define TOK_EQ "=="
#define TOK_NEQ "!="
#define TOK_MATCH "~="
#define TOK_EXPR_STRING '"'
#define TOK_SELF "self"
#define TOK_UP "up"
#define TOK_DOWN "down"
#define TOK_CASCADE "cascade"
#define TOK_PARENT "parent"
#define TOK_DESC "desc"
#define TOK_ROLE_AND "AND"
#define TOK_ROLE_OR "OR"
#define TOK_ROLE_NOT "NOT"
#define TOK_IN "in"
#define TOK_OUT "out"
#define TOK_INOUT "inout"
#define TOK_INOUT_NONE "none"
const ecs_id_t ECS_OR = (1ull << 59);
const ecs_id_t ECS_NOT = (1ull << 58);
#define ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE (256)
typedef char ecs_token_t[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
const char* ecs_parse_ws_eol(
const char *ptr)
while (isspace(*ptr)) {
ptr ++;
return ptr;
const char* ecs_parse_ws(
const char *ptr)
while ((*ptr != '\n') && isspace(*ptr)) {
ptr ++;
return ptr;
const char* ecs_parse_digit(
const char *ptr,
char *token)
char *tptr = token;
char ch = ptr[0];
if (!isdigit(ch) && ch != '-') {
ecs_parser_error(NULL, NULL, 0, "invalid start of number '%s'", ptr);
return NULL;
tptr[0] = ch;
tptr ++;
ptr ++;
for (; (ch = *ptr); ptr ++) {
if (!isdigit(ch) && (ch != '.') && (ch != 'e')) {
tptr[0] = ch;
tptr ++;
tptr[0] = '\0';
return ptr;
/* -- Private functions -- */
bool flecs_isident(
char ch)
return isalpha(ch) || (ch == '_');
bool flecs_valid_identifier_start_char(
char ch)
if (ch && (flecs_isident(ch) || (ch == '*') ||
(ch == '0') || (ch == TOK_VARIABLE) || isdigit(ch)))
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_valid_token_start_char(
char ch)
if ((ch == '"') || (ch == '{') || (ch == '}') || (ch == ',') || (ch == '-')
|| (ch == '[') || (ch == ']') || (ch == '`') ||
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_valid_token_char(
char ch)
if (ch && (flecs_isident(ch) || isdigit(ch) || ch == '.' || ch == '"')) {
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_valid_operator_char(
char ch)
if (ch == TOK_OPTIONAL || ch == TOK_NOT) {
return true;
return false;
const char* ecs_parse_token(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
char *token_out,
char delim)
int64_t column = ptr - expr;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
char *tptr = token_out, ch = ptr[0];
if (!flecs_valid_token_start_char(ch)) {
if (ch == '\0' || ch == '\n') {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"unexpected end of expression");
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"invalid start of token '%s'", ptr);
return NULL;
tptr[0] = ch;
tptr ++;
ptr ++;
if (ch == '{' || ch == '}' || ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == ',' || ch == '`') {
tptr[0] = 0;
return ptr;
int tmpl_nesting = 0;
bool in_str = ch == '"';
for (; (ch = *ptr); ptr ++) {
if (ch == '<') {
tmpl_nesting ++;
} else if (ch == '>') {
if (!tmpl_nesting) {
tmpl_nesting --;
} else if (ch == '"') {
in_str = !in_str;
} else
if (!flecs_valid_token_char(ch) && !in_str) {
if (delim && (ch == delim)) {
tptr[0] = ch;
tptr ++;
tptr[0] = '\0';
if (tmpl_nesting != 0) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"identifier '%s' has mismatching < > pairs", ptr);
return NULL;
const char *next_ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
if (next_ptr[0] == ':' && next_ptr != ptr) {
/* Whitespace between token and : is significant */
ptr = next_ptr - 1;
} else {
ptr = next_ptr;
return ptr;
const char* ecs_parse_identifier(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
char *token_out)
if (!flecs_valid_identifier_start_char(ptr[0]) && (ptr[0] != '"')) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"expected start of identifier");
return NULL;
ptr = ecs_parse_token(name, expr, ptr, token_out, 0);
return ptr;
int flecs_parse_identifier(
const char *token,
ecs_term_id_t *out)
const char *tptr = token;
if (tptr[0] == TOK_VARIABLE && tptr[1]) {
out->flags |= EcsIsVariable;
tptr ++;
if (tptr[0] == TOK_EXPR_STRING && tptr[1]) {
out->flags |= EcsIsName;
tptr ++;
if (tptr[0] == TOK_NOT) {
/* Already parsed */
tptr ++;
char *name = ecs_os_strdup(tptr);
out->name = name;
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(name);
if (out->flags & EcsIsName) {
if (name[len - 1] != TOK_EXPR_STRING) {
ecs_parser_error(NULL, token, 0, "missing '\"' at end of string");
return -1;
} else {
name[len - 1] = '\0';
return 0;
ecs_entity_t flecs_parse_role(
const char *name,
const char *sig,
int64_t column,
const char *token)
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_ROLE_AND)) {
return ECS_AND;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_ROLE_OR)) {
return ECS_OR;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_ROLE_NOT)) {
return ECS_NOT;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_OVERRIDE)) {
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_ROLE_TOGGLE)) {
return ECS_TOGGLE;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, sig, column, "invalid role '%s'", token);
return 0;
ecs_oper_kind_t flecs_parse_operator(
char ch)
if (ch == TOK_OPTIONAL) {
return EcsOptional;
} else if (ch == TOK_NOT) {
return EcsNot;
} else {
return 0;
const char* flecs_parse_annotation(
const char *name,
const char *sig,
int64_t column,
const char *ptr,
ecs_inout_kind_t *inout_kind_out)
char token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, sig, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_IN)) {
*inout_kind_out = EcsIn;
} else
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_OUT)) {
*inout_kind_out = EcsOut;
} else
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_INOUT)) {
*inout_kind_out = EcsInOut;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_INOUT_NONE)) {
*inout_kind_out = EcsInOutNone;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
if (ptr[0] != TOK_BRACKET_CLOSE) {
ecs_parser_error(name, sig, column, "expected ]");
return NULL;
return ptr + 1;
uint8_t flecs_parse_set_token(
const char *token)
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_SELF)) {
return EcsSelf;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_UP)) {
return EcsUp;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_DOWN)) {
return EcsDown;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_CASCADE)) {
return EcsCascade;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_DESC)) {
return EcsDesc;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_PARENT)) {
return EcsParent;
} else {
return 0;
const char* flecs_parse_term_flags(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
int64_t column,
const char *ptr,
char *token,
ecs_term_id_t *id,
char tok_end)
char token_buf[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE] = {0};
if (!token) {
token = token_buf;
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
do {
uint8_t tok = flecs_parse_set_token(token);
if (!tok) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"invalid set token '%s'", token);
return NULL;
if (id->flags & tok) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"duplicate set token '%s'", token);
return NULL;
id->flags |= tok;
if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_OPEN) {
ptr ++;
/* Relationship (overrides IsA default) */
if (!isdigit(ptr[0]) && flecs_valid_token_start_char(ptr[0])) {
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
id->trav = ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, token);
if (!id->trav) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"unresolved identifier '%s'", token);
return NULL;
if (ptr[0] == TOK_AND) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
} else if (ptr[0] != TOK_PAREN_CLOSE) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"expected ',' or ')'");
return NULL;
if (ptr[0] != TOK_PAREN_CLOSE) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column, "expected ')', got '%c'",
return NULL;
} else {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
if (ptr[0] != tok_end && ptr[0] != TOK_AND && ptr[0] != 0) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"expected end of set expr");
return NULL;
/* Next token in set expression */
if (ptr[0] == TOK_BITWISE_OR) {
ptr ++;
if (flecs_valid_token_start_char(ptr[0])) {
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
/* End of set expression */
} else if (ptr[0] == tok_end || ptr[0] == TOK_AND || !ptr[0]) {
} while (true);
return ptr;
const char* flecs_parse_arguments(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
int64_t column,
const char *ptr,
char *token,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_oper_kind_t *extra_oper,
ecs_term_id_t *extra_args)
int32_t i, arg = 0;
if (extra_args) {
ecs_os_memset_n(extra_args, 0, ecs_term_id_t, ECS_PARSER_MAX_ARGS);
if (!term) {
arg = 2;
do {
if (flecs_valid_token_start_char(ptr[0])) {
if ((arg == ECS_PARSER_MAX_ARGS) || (!extra_args && arg == 2)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"too many arguments in term");
goto error;
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
ecs_term_id_t *term_id = NULL;
if (arg == 0) {
term_id = &term->src;
} else if (arg == 1) {
term_id = &term->second;
} else {
term_id = &extra_args[arg - 2];
/* If token is a colon, the token is an identifier followed by a
* set expression. */
if (ptr[0] == TOK_COLON) {
if (flecs_parse_identifier(token, term_id)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid identifier '%s'", token);
goto error;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 1);
ptr = flecs_parse_term_flags(world, name, expr, (ptr - expr), ptr,
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
/* Check for term flags */
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_CASCADE) ||
!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_DESC) ||
!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_SELF) ||
!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_UP) ||
!ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_DOWN) ||
!(ecs_os_strcmp(token, TOK_PARENT)))
ptr = flecs_parse_term_flags(world, name, expr, (ptr - expr), ptr,
token, term_id, TOK_PAREN_CLOSE);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
/* Regular identifier */
} else if (flecs_parse_identifier(token, term_id)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid identifier '%s'", token);
goto error;
if (ptr[0] == TOK_AND) {
if (extra_oper && *extra_oper != EcsAnd) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"cannot mix ',' and '||' in term arguments");
goto error;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 1);
if (term) {
term->id_flags = ECS_PAIR;
} else if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_CLOSE) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
} else if (extra_oper && ptr[0] == TOK_OR[0] && ptr[1] == TOK_OR[1]){
if (arg >= 2 && *extra_oper != EcsOr) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"cannot mix ',' and '||' in term arguments");
goto error;
*extra_oper = EcsOr;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 2);
if (term) {
term->id_flags = ECS_PAIR;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"expected ',' or ')'");
goto error;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"expected identifier or set expression");
goto error;
arg ++;
} while (true);
return ptr;
if (term && term->src.name) {
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, term->src.name));
term->src.name = NULL;
if (term && term->second.name) {
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, term->second.name));
term->second.name = NULL;
if (extra_args) {
for (i = 2; i < arg + 1; i ++) {
if (extra_args[i - 2].name) {
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, extra_args[i - 2].name));
extra_args[i - 2].name = NULL;
return NULL;
void flecs_parser_unexpected_char(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
char ch)
if (ch && (ch != '\n')) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"unexpected character '%c'", ch);
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"unexpected end of term");
const char* flecs_parse_term(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
ecs_term_t *term_out,
ecs_oper_kind_t *extra_oper,
ecs_term_id_t *extra_args)
const char *ptr = expr;
char token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE] = {0};
ecs_term_t term = { .move = true /* parser never owns resources */ };
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
/* Inout specifiers always come first */
if (ptr[0] == TOK_BRACKET_OPEN) {
ptr = flecs_parse_annotation(name, expr, (ptr - expr), ptr + 1, &term.inout);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
if (flecs_valid_operator_char(ptr[0])) {
term.oper = flecs_parse_operator(ptr[0]);
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
/* If next token is the start of an identifier, it could be either a type
* role, source or component identifier */
if (flecs_valid_identifier_start_char(ptr[0])) {
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
/* Is token a type role? */
if (ptr[0] == TOK_BITWISE_OR && ptr[1] != TOK_BITWISE_OR) {
ptr ++;
goto flecs_parse_role;
/* Is token a predicate? */
if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_OPEN) {
goto parse_predicate;
/* Next token must be a predicate */
goto parse_predicate;
/* Pair with implicit subject */
} else if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_OPEN) {
goto parse_pair;
/* Open query scope */
} else if (ptr[0] == TOK_SCOPE_OPEN) {
term.first.id = EcsScopeOpen;
term.src.id = 0;
term.src.flags = EcsIsEntity;
term.inout = EcsInOutNone;
goto parse_done;
/* Close query scope */
} else if (ptr[0] == TOK_SCOPE_CLOSE) {
term.first.id = EcsScopeClose;
term.src.id = 0;
term.src.flags = EcsIsEntity;
term.inout = EcsInOutNone;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
goto parse_done;
/* Nothing else expected here */
} else {
flecs_parser_unexpected_char(name, expr, ptr, ptr[0]);
goto error;
term.id_flags = flecs_parse_role(name, expr, (ptr - expr), token);
if (!term.id_flags) {
goto error;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
/* If next token is the source token, this is an empty source */
if (flecs_valid_token_start_char(ptr[0])) {
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
/* If not, it's a predicate */
goto parse_predicate;
} else if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_OPEN) {
goto parse_pair;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"expected identifier after role");
goto error;
if (flecs_parse_identifier(token, &term.first)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid identifier '%s'", token);
goto error;
/* Set expression */
if (ptr[0] == TOK_COLON) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
ptr = flecs_parse_term_flags(world, name, expr, (ptr - expr), ptr, NULL,
&term.first, TOK_COLON);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
if (ptr[0] == TOK_AND || !ptr[0]) {
goto parse_done;
if (ptr[0] != TOK_COLON) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"unexpected token '%c' after predicate set expression", ptr[0]);
goto error;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, TOK_EQ, 2)) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 2);
goto parse_eq;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, TOK_NEQ, 2)) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 2);
goto parse_neq;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, TOK_MATCH, 2)) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 2);
goto parse_match;
} else {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_OPEN) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 1);
if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_CLOSE) {
term.src.flags = EcsIsEntity;
term.src.id = 0;
ptr ++;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
} else {
ptr = flecs_parse_arguments(world, name, expr, (ptr - expr), ptr,
token, &term, extra_oper, extra_args);
goto parse_done;
goto parse_done;
term.src = term.first;
term.first = (ecs_term_id_t){0};
term.first.id = EcsPredEq;
goto parse_right_operand;
term.src = term.first;
term.first = (ecs_term_id_t){0};
term.first.id = EcsPredEq;
if (term.oper != EcsAnd) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid operator combination");
goto error;
term.oper = EcsNot;
goto parse_right_operand;
term.src = term.first;
term.first = (ecs_term_id_t){0};
term.first.id = EcsPredMatch;
goto parse_right_operand;
if (flecs_valid_token_start_char(ptr[0])) {
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
if (term.first.id == EcsPredMatch) {
if (token[0] == '"' && token[1] == '!') {
term.oper = EcsNot;
if (flecs_parse_identifier(token, &term.second)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid identifier '%s'", token);
goto error;
term.src.flags &= ~EcsTraverseFlags;
term.src.flags |= EcsSelf;
term.inout = EcsInOutNone;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"expected identifier");
goto error;
goto parse_done;
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr + 1, token);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
if (ptr[0] == TOK_COLON) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
ptr = flecs_parse_term_flags(world, name, expr, (ptr - expr), ptr,
NULL, &term.first, TOK_PAREN_CLOSE);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
if (ptr[0] == TOK_AND) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_CLOSE) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"expected identifier for second element of pair");
goto error;
term.src.id = EcsThis;
term.src.flags |= EcsIsVariable;
goto parse_pair_predicate;
} else if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_CLOSE) {
term.src.id = EcsThis;
term.src.flags |= EcsIsVariable;
goto parse_pair_predicate;
} else {
flecs_parser_unexpected_char(name, expr, ptr, ptr[0]);
goto error;
if (flecs_parse_identifier(token, &term.first)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid identifier '%s'", token);
goto error;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
if (flecs_valid_token_start_char(ptr[0])) {
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
if (ptr[0] == TOK_COLON) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
ptr = flecs_parse_term_flags(world, name, expr, (ptr - expr), ptr,
NULL, &term.second, TOK_PAREN_CLOSE);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_CLOSE || ptr[0] == TOK_AND || ptr[0] == TOK_OR[0]) {
goto parse_pair_object;
} else {
flecs_parser_unexpected_char(name, expr, ptr, ptr[0]);
goto error;
} else if (ptr[0] == TOK_PAREN_CLOSE) {
/* No object */
ptr ++;
goto parse_done;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"expected pair object or ')'");
goto error;
if (flecs_parse_identifier(token, &term.second)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid identifier '%s'", token);
goto error;
if (term.id_flags == 0) {
term.id_flags = ECS_PAIR;
if (ptr[0] == TOK_AND) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
ptr = flecs_parse_arguments(world, name, expr, (ptr - expr), ptr, token,
NULL, extra_oper, extra_args);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
} else if (extra_oper && ptr[0] == TOK_OR[0] && ptr[1] == TOK_OR[1]) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 2);
*extra_oper = EcsOr;
ptr = flecs_parse_arguments(world, name, expr, (ptr - expr), ptr, token,
NULL, extra_oper, extra_args);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
} else {
ptr ++;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
goto parse_done;
*term_out = term;
return ptr;
*term_out = (ecs_term_t){0};
return NULL;
bool flecs_is_valid_end_of_term(
const char *ptr)
if ((ptr[0] == TOK_AND) || /* another term with And operator */
(ptr[0] == TOK_OR[0]) || /* another term with Or operator */
(ptr[0] == '\n') || /* newlines are valid */
(ptr[0] == '\0') || /* end of string */
(ptr[0] == '/') || /* comment (in plecs) */
(ptr[0] == '{') || /* scope (in plecs) */
(ptr[0] == '}') ||
(ptr[0] == '[') || /* collection scope (in plecs) */
(ptr[0] == ']') ||
(ptr[0] == ':') || /* inheritance (in plecs) */
(ptr[0] == '=')) /* assignment (in plecs) */
return true;
return false;
char* ecs_parse_term(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_oper_kind_t *extra_oper,
ecs_term_id_t *extra_args,
bool allow_newline)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (extra_oper) {
*extra_oper = EcsAnd;
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
if (ptr != expr) {
if (ptr[0]) {
if (ptr[0] == ',') {
ptr ++;
} else if (ptr[0] == '|') {
ptr += 2;
} else if (ptr[0] == '{') {
ptr ++;
} else if (ptr[0] == '}') {
/* nothing to be done */
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid preceding token");
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
if (!ptr[0]) {
*term = (ecs_term_t){0};
return ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, ptr);
if (ptr == expr && !strcmp(expr, "0")) {
return ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, &ptr[1]);
/* Parse next element */
ptr = flecs_parse_term(world, name, ptr, term, extra_oper, extra_args);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
/* Check for $() notation */
if (term->first.name && !ecs_os_strcmp(term->first.name, "$")) {
if (term->src.name) {
/* Safe, parser owns name */
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, term->first.name));
term->first = term->src;
if (term->second.name) {
term->src = term->second;
} else {
term->src.id = EcsThis;
term->src.name = NULL;
term->src.flags |= EcsIsVariable;
const char *var_name = strrchr(term->first.name, '.');
if (var_name) {
var_name ++;
} else {
var_name = term->first.name;
term->second.name = ecs_os_strdup(var_name);
term->second.flags |= EcsIsVariable;
/* Post-parse consistency checks */
/* If next token is OR, term is part of an OR expression */
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, TOK_OR, 2)) {
/* An OR operator must always follow an AND or another OR */
if (term->oper != EcsAnd) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"cannot combine || with other operators");
goto error;
term->oper = EcsOr;
/* Term must either end in end of expression, AND or OR token */
if (!flecs_is_valid_end_of_term(ptr)) {
if (!flecs_isident(ptr[0]) || ((ptr != expr) && (ptr[-1] != ' '))) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"expected end of expression or next term");
goto error;
/* If the term just contained a 0, the expression has nothing. Ensure
* that after the 0 nothing else follows */
if (term->first.name && !ecs_os_strcmp(term->first.name, "0")) {
if (ptr[0]) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"unexpected term after 0");
goto error;
if (src->flags != 0) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid combination of 0 with non-default subject");
goto error;
src->flags = EcsIsEntity;
src->id = 0;
/* Safe, parser owns string */
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, term->first.name));
term->first.name = NULL;
/* Cannot combine EcsIsEntity/0 with operators other than AND */
if (term->oper != EcsAnd && ecs_term_match_0(term)) {
if (term->first.id != EcsScopeOpen && term->first.id != EcsScopeClose) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"invalid operator for empty source");
goto error;
/* Automatically assign This if entity is not assigned and the set is
* nothing */
if (!(src->flags & EcsIsEntity)) {
if (!src->name) {
if (!src->id) {
src->id = EcsThis;
src->flags |= EcsIsVariable;
if (src->name && !ecs_os_strcmp(src->name, "0")) {
src->id = 0;
src->flags = EcsIsEntity;
/* Process role */
if (term->id_flags == ECS_AND) {
term->oper = EcsAndFrom;
term->id_flags = 0;
} else if (term->id_flags == ECS_OR) {
term->oper = EcsOrFrom;
term->id_flags = 0;
} else if (term->id_flags == ECS_NOT) {
term->oper = EcsNotFrom;
term->id_flags = 0;
if (allow_newline) {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
} else {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
return ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, ptr);
if (term) {
return NULL;
* @file addons/plecs.c
* @brief Plecs addon.
#include <ctype.h>
#define TOK_NEWLINE '\n'
#define TOK_USING "using"
#define TOK_MODULE "module"
#define TOK_WITH "with"
#define TOK_CONST "const"
#define TOK_PROP "prop"
#define TOK_ASSEMBLY "assembly"
#define STACK_MAX_SIZE (64)
typedef struct {
ecs_value_t value;
bool owned;
} plecs_with_value_t;
typedef struct {
const char *name;
const char *code;
ecs_entity_t last_predicate;
ecs_entity_t last_subject;
ecs_entity_t last_object;
ecs_id_t last_assign_id;
ecs_entity_t assign_to;
ecs_entity_t scope[STACK_MAX_SIZE];
ecs_entity_t default_scope_type[STACK_MAX_SIZE];
ecs_entity_t with[STACK_MAX_SIZE];
ecs_entity_t using[STACK_MAX_SIZE];
int32_t with_frames[STACK_MAX_SIZE];
plecs_with_value_t with_value_frames[STACK_MAX_SIZE];
int32_t using_frames[STACK_MAX_SIZE];
int32_t sp;
int32_t with_frame;
int32_t using_frame;
ecs_entity_t global_with;
ecs_entity_t assembly;
const char *assembly_start, *assembly_stop;
char *annot[STACK_MAX_SIZE];
int32_t annot_count;
ecs_vars_t vars;
char var_name[256];
ecs_entity_t var_type;
bool with_stmt;
bool scope_assign_stmt;
bool assign_stmt;
bool assembly_stmt;
bool assembly_instance;
bool isa_stmt;
bool decl_stmt;
bool decl_type;
bool var_stmt;
bool var_is_prop;
bool is_module;
int32_t errors;
} plecs_state_t;
int flecs_plecs_parse(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
ecs_vars_t *vars,
ecs_entity_t script,
ecs_entity_t instance);
static void flecs_dtor_script(EcsScript *ptr) {
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &ptr->using_, ecs_entity_t);
int i, count = ptr->prop_defaults.count;
ecs_value_t *values = ptr->prop_defaults.array;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_value_free(ptr->world, values[i].type, values[i].ptr);
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &ptr->prop_defaults, ecs_value_t);
ECS_MOVE(EcsScript, dst, src, {
dst->using_ = src->using_;
dst->prop_defaults = src->prop_defaults;
dst->script = src->script;
dst->world = src->world;
src->script = NULL;
src->world = NULL;
ECS_DTOR(EcsScript, ptr, {
/* Assembly ctor to initialize with default property values */
void flecs_assembly_ctor(
void *ptr,
int32_t count,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
ecs_world_t *world = ti->hooks.ctx;
ecs_entity_t assembly = ti->component;
const EcsStruct *st = ecs_get(world, assembly, EcsStruct);
if (!st) {
ecs_err("assembly '%s' is not a struct, cannot construct", ti->name);
const EcsScript *script = ecs_get(world, assembly, EcsScript);
if (!script) {
ecs_err("assembly '%s' is not a script, cannot construct", ti->name);
if (st->members.count != script->prop_defaults.count) {
ecs_err("number of props (%d) of assembly '%s' does not match members"
" (%d), cannot construct", script->prop_defaults.count,
ti->name, st->members.count);
const ecs_member_t *members = st->members.array;
int32_t i, m, member_count = st->members.count;
ecs_value_t *values = script->prop_defaults.array;
for (m = 0; m < member_count; m ++) {
const ecs_member_t *member = &members[m];
ecs_value_t *value = &values[m];
const ecs_type_info_t *mti = ecs_get_type_info(world, member->type);
if (!mti) {
ecs_err("failed to get type info for prop '%s' of assembly '%s'",
member->name, ti->name);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
void *el = ECS_ELEM(ptr, ti->size, i);
ecs_value_copy_w_type_info(world, mti,
ECS_OFFSET(el, member->offset), value->ptr);
/* Assembly on_set handler to update contents for new property values */
void flecs_assembly_on_set(
ecs_iter_t *it)
if (it->table->flags & EcsTableIsPrefab) {
/* Don't instantiate assemblies for prefabs */
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
ecs_entity_t assembly = ecs_field_id(it, 1);
const char *name = ecs_get_name(world, assembly);
ecs_record_t *r = ecs_record_find(world, assembly);
const EcsComponent *ct = ecs_record_get(world, r, EcsComponent);
ecs_get(world, assembly, EcsComponent);
if (!ct) {
ecs_err("assembly '%s' is not a component", name);
const EcsStruct *st = ecs_record_get(world, r, EcsStruct);
if (!st) {
ecs_err("assembly '%s' is not a struct", name);
const EcsScript *script = ecs_record_get(world, r, EcsScript);
if (!script) {
ecs_err("assembly '%s' is missing a script", name);
void *data = ecs_field_w_size(it, flecs_ito(size_t, ct->size), 1);
int32_t i, m;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
/* Create variables to hold assembly properties */
ecs_vars_t vars = {0};
ecs_vars_init(world, &vars);
/* Populate properties from assembly members */
const ecs_member_t *members = st->members.array;
for (m = 0; m < st->members.count; m ++) {
const ecs_member_t *member = &members[m];
ecs_value_t v = {0}; /* Prevent allocating value */
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_declare_w_value(
&vars, member->name, &v);
if (var == NULL) {
ecs_err("could not create prop '%s' for assembly '%s'",
member->name, name);
/* Assign assembly property from assembly instance */
var->value.type = member->type;
var->value.ptr = ECS_OFFSET(data, member->offset);
var->owned = false;
/* Populate $this variable with instance entity */
ecs_entity_t instance = it->entities[i];
ecs_value_t v = {0};
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_declare_w_value(
&vars, "this", &v);
var->value.type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t);
var->value.ptr = &instance;
var->owned = false;
/* Update script with new code/properties */
ecs_script_update(world, assembly, instance, script->script, &vars);
if (ecs_record_has_id(world, r, EcsFlatten)) {
ecs_flatten(it->real_world, ecs_childof(instance), NULL);
data = ECS_OFFSET(data, ct->size);
/* Delete contents of assembly instance */
void flecs_assembly_on_remove(
ecs_iter_t *it)
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t instance = it->entities[i];
ecs_script_clear(it->world, 0, instance);
/* Set default property values on assembly Script component */
int flecs_assembly_init_defaults(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
ecs_entity_t assembly,
EcsScript *script,
plecs_state_t *state)
const EcsStruct *st = ecs_get(world, assembly, EcsStruct);
int32_t i, count = st->members.count;
const ecs_member_t *members = st->members.array;
ecs_vec_init_t(NULL, &script->prop_defaults, ecs_value_t, count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
const ecs_member_t *member = &members[i];
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(&state->vars, member->name);
if (!var) {
char *assembly_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, assembly);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing property '%s' for assembly '%s'",
member->name, assembly_name);
return -1;
if (member->type != var->value.type) {
char *assembly_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, assembly);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"property '%s' for assembly '%s' has mismatching type",
member->name, assembly_name);
return -1;
ecs_value_t *pv = ecs_vec_append_t(NULL,
&script->prop_defaults, ecs_value_t);
pv->type = member->type;
pv->ptr = var->value.ptr;
var->owned = false; /* Transfer ownership */
return 0;
/* Create new assembly */
int flecs_assembly_create(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
ecs_entity_t assembly,
char *script_code,
plecs_state_t *state)
const EcsStruct *st = ecs_get(world, assembly, EcsStruct);
if (!st || !st->members.count) {
char *assembly_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, assembly);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"assembly '%s' has no properties", assembly_name);
return -1;
ecs_add_id(world, assembly, EcsAlwaysOverride);
EcsScript *script = ecs_get_mut(world, assembly, EcsScript);
script->world = world;
script->script = script_code;
ecs_vec_reset_t(NULL, &script->using_, ecs_entity_t);
ecs_entity_t scope = ecs_get_scope(world);
if (scope && (scope = ecs_get_target(world, scope, EcsChildOf, 0))) {
ecs_vec_append_t(NULL, &script->using_, ecs_entity_t)[0] = scope;
int i, count = state->using_frame;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_vec_append_t(NULL, &script->using_, ecs_entity_t)[0] =
if (flecs_assembly_init_defaults(
world, name, expr, ptr, assembly, script, state))
return -1;
ecs_modified(world, assembly, EcsScript);
ecs_set_hooks_id(world, assembly, &(ecs_type_hooks_t) {
.ctor = flecs_assembly_ctor,
.on_set = flecs_assembly_on_set,
.on_remove = flecs_assembly_on_remove,
.ctx = world
return 0;
/* Parser */
bool plecs_is_newline_comment(
const char *ptr)
if (ptr[0] == '/' && ptr[1] == '/') {
return true;
return false;
const char* plecs_parse_fluff(
const char *ptr)
do {
/* Skip whitespaces before checking for a comment */
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
/* Newline comment, skip until newline character */
if (plecs_is_newline_comment(ptr)) {
ptr += 2;
while (ptr[0] && ptr[0] != TOK_NEWLINE) {
ptr ++;
/* If a newline character is found, skip it */
if (ptr[0] == TOK_NEWLINE) {
ptr ++;
} while (isspace(ptr[0]) || plecs_is_newline_comment(ptr));
return ptr;
ecs_entity_t plecs_lookup(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *path,
plecs_state_t *state,
ecs_entity_t rel,
bool is_subject)
ecs_entity_t e = 0;
if (!is_subject) {
ecs_entity_t oneof = 0;
if (rel) {
if (ecs_has_id(world, rel, EcsOneOf)) {
oneof = rel;
} else {
oneof = ecs_get_target(world, rel, EcsOneOf, 0);
if (oneof) {
return ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(
world, oneof, path, NULL, NULL, false);
int using_scope = state->using_frame - 1;
for (; using_scope >= 0; using_scope--) {
e = ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(
world, state->using[using_scope], path, NULL, NULL, false);
if (e) {
if (!e) {
e = ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(world, 0, path, NULL, NULL, !is_subject);
return e;
/* Lookup action used for deserializing entity refs in component values */
ecs_entity_t plecs_lookup_action(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *path,
void *ctx)
return plecs_lookup(world, path, ctx, 0, false);
void plecs_apply_with_frame(
ecs_world_t *world,
plecs_state_t *state,
ecs_entity_t e)
int32_t i, frame_count = state->with_frames[state->sp];
for (i = 0; i < frame_count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = state->with[i];
plecs_with_value_t *v = &state->with_value_frames[i];
if (v->value.type) {
void *ptr = ecs_get_mut_id(world, e, id);
ecs_value_copy(world, v->value.type, ptr, v->value.ptr);
ecs_modified_id(world, e, id);
} else {
ecs_add_id(world, e, id);
ecs_entity_t plecs_ensure_entity(
ecs_world_t *world,
plecs_state_t *state,
const char *path,
ecs_entity_t rel,
bool is_subject)
if (!path) {
return 0;
ecs_entity_t e = 0;
bool is_anonymous = !ecs_os_strcmp(path, "_");
bool is_new = false;
if (is_anonymous) {
path = NULL;
e = ecs_new_id(world);
is_new = true;
if (!e) {
e = plecs_lookup(world, path, state, rel, is_subject);
if (!e) {
is_new = true;
if (rel && flecs_get_oneof(world, rel)) {
/* If relationship has oneof and entity was not found, don't proceed
* with creating an entity as this can cause asserts later on */
char *relstr = ecs_get_fullpath(world, rel);
ecs_parser_error(state->name, 0, 0,
"invalid identifier '%s' for relationship '%s'", path, relstr);
return 0;
ecs_entity_t prev_scope = 0;
ecs_entity_t prev_with = 0;
if (!is_subject) {
/* Don't apply scope/with for non-subject entities */
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, 0);
prev_with = ecs_set_with(world, 0);
e = ecs_add_path(world, e, 0, path);
ecs_assert(e != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (prev_scope) {
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
if (prev_with) {
ecs_set_with(world, prev_with);
} else {
/* If entity exists, make sure it gets the right scope and with */
if (is_subject) {
ecs_entity_t scope = ecs_get_scope(world);
if (scope) {
ecs_add_pair(world, e, EcsChildOf, scope);
ecs_entity_t with = ecs_get_with(world);
if (with) {
ecs_add_id(world, e, with);
if (is_new) {
if (state->assembly && !state->assembly_instance) {
ecs_add_id(world, e, EcsPrefab);
if (state->global_with) {
ecs_add_id(world, e, state->global_with);
return e;
ecs_entity_t plecs_ensure_term_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
plecs_state_t *state,
ecs_term_id_t *term_id,
const char *expr,
int64_t column,
ecs_entity_t pred,
bool is_subject)
ecs_entity_t result = 0;
const char *name = term_id->name;
if (term_id->flags & EcsIsVariable) {
if (name != NULL) {
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(&state->vars, name);
if (!var) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"unresolved variable '%s'", name);
return 0;
if (var->value.type != ecs_id(ecs_entity_t)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"variable '%s' is not an entity", name);
return 0;
result = *(ecs_entity_t*)var->value.ptr;
if (!result) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"variable '%s' is not initialized with valid entity", name);
return 0;
} else if (term_id->id) {
result = term_id->id;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column, "invalid variable in term");
return 0;
} else {
result = plecs_ensure_entity(world, state, name, pred, is_subject);
return result;
bool plecs_pred_is_subj(
ecs_term_t *term,
plecs_state_t *state)
if (term->src.name != NULL) {
return false;
if (term->second.name != NULL) {
return false;
if (ecs_term_match_0(term)) {
return false;
if (state->with_stmt) {
return false;
if (state->assign_stmt) {
return false;
if (state->isa_stmt) {
return false;
if (state->decl_type) {
return false;
return true;
/* Set masks aren't useful in plecs, so translate them back to entity names */
const char* plecs_set_mask_to_name(
ecs_flags32_t flags)
flags &= EcsTraverseFlags;
if (flags == EcsSelf) {
return "self";
} else if (flags == EcsUp) {
return "up";
} else if (flags == EcsDown) {
return "down";
} else if (flags == EcsCascade || flags == (EcsUp|EcsCascade)) {
return "cascade";
} else if (flags == EcsParent) {
return "parent";
return NULL;
char* plecs_trim_annot(
char *annot)
annot = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, ecs_parse_ws(annot));
int32_t len = ecs_os_strlen(annot) - 1;
while (isspace(annot[len]) && (len > 0)) {
annot[len] = '\0';
len --;
return annot;
void plecs_apply_annotations(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t subj,
plecs_state_t *state)
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
int32_t i = 0, count = state->annot_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
char *annot = state->annot[i];
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(annot, "@brief ", 7)) {
annot = plecs_trim_annot(annot + 7);
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, subj, annot);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(annot, "@link ", 6)) {
annot = plecs_trim_annot(annot + 6);
ecs_doc_set_link(world, subj, annot);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(annot, "@name ", 6)) {
annot = plecs_trim_annot(annot + 6);
ecs_doc_set_name(world, subj, annot);
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(annot, "@color ", 7)) {
annot = plecs_trim_annot(annot + 7);
ecs_doc_set_color(world, subj, annot);
ecs_warn("cannot apply annotations, doc addon is missing");
int plecs_create_term(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_term_t *term,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
int64_t column,
plecs_state_t *state)
state->last_subject = 0;
state->last_predicate = 0;
state->last_object = 0;
state->last_assign_id = 0;
const char *subj_name = term->src.name;
if (!subj_name) {
subj_name = plecs_set_mask_to_name(term->src.flags);
if (!ecs_term_id_is_set(&term->first)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column, "missing term in expression");
return -1;
if (state->assign_stmt && !ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"invalid statement in assign statement");
return -1;
bool pred_as_subj = plecs_pred_is_subj(term, state);
ecs_entity_t subj = 0, obj = 0, pred = plecs_ensure_term_id(
world, state, &term->first, expr, column, 0, pred_as_subj);
if (!pred) {
return -1;
subj = plecs_ensure_entity(world, state, subj_name, pred, true);
if (ecs_term_id_is_set(&term->second)) {
obj = plecs_ensure_term_id(world, state, &term->second, expr, column,
pred, !state->assign_stmt && !state->with_stmt);
if (!obj) {
return -1;
if (state->assign_stmt || state->isa_stmt) {
subj = state->assign_to;
if (state->isa_stmt && obj) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"invalid object in inheritance statement");
return -1;
if (state->isa_stmt) {
pred = ecs_pair(EcsIsA, pred);
if (subj == EcsVariable) {
subj = pred;
if (subj) {
ecs_id_t id;
if (!obj) {
id = term->id_flags | pred;
} else {
id = term->id_flags | ecs_pair(pred, obj);
state->last_object = obj;
state->last_assign_id = id;
state->last_predicate = pred;
state->last_subject = subj;
ecs_add_id(world, subj, id);
pred_as_subj = false;
} else {
if (!obj) {
/* If no subject or object were provided, use predicate as subj
* unless the expression explicitly excluded the subject */
if (pred_as_subj) {
state->last_subject = pred;
subj = pred;
} else {
state->last_predicate = pred;
pred_as_subj = false;
} else {
state->last_predicate = pred;
state->last_object = obj;
pred_as_subj = false;
/* If this is a with clause (the list of entities between 'with' and scope
* open), add subject to the array of with frames */
if (state->with_stmt) {
ecs_assert(pred != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_t id;
if (obj) {
id = ecs_pair(pred, obj);
} else {
id = pred;
state->with[state->with_frame ++] = id;
} else {
if (subj && !state->scope_assign_stmt) {
plecs_apply_with_frame(world, state, subj);
/* If an id was provided by itself, add default scope type to it */
ecs_entity_t default_scope_type = state->default_scope_type[state->sp];
if (pred_as_subj && default_scope_type) {
ecs_add_id(world, subj, default_scope_type);
/* If annotations preceded the statement, append */
if (!state->decl_type && state->annot_count) {
if (!subj) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, column,
"missing subject for annotations");
return -1;
plecs_apply_annotations(world, subj, state);
return 0;
const char* plecs_parse_inherit_stmt(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
if (state->isa_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"cannot nest inheritance");
return NULL;
if (!state->last_subject) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing entity to assign inheritance to");
return NULL;
state->isa_stmt = true;
state->assign_to = state->last_subject;
return ptr;
const char* plecs_parse_assign_var_expr(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state,
ecs_expr_var_t *var)
ecs_value_t value = {0};
if (state->last_assign_id) {
value.type = state->last_assign_id;
value.ptr = ecs_value_new(world, state->last_assign_id);
if (!var && state->assembly_instance) {
var = ecs_vars_lookup(&state->vars, state->var_name);
ptr = ecs_parse_expr(world, ptr, &value,
.name = name,
.expr = expr,
.lookup_action = plecs_lookup_action,
.lookup_ctx = state,
.vars = &state->vars
if (!ptr) {
if (state->last_assign_id) {
ecs_value_free(world, value.type, value.ptr);
goto error;
if (var) {
bool ignore = state->var_is_prop && state->assembly_instance;
if (!ignore) {
if (var->value.ptr) {
ecs_value_free(world, var->value.type, var->value.ptr);
var->value.ptr = value.ptr;
var->value.type = value.type;
} else {
ecs_value_free(world, value.type, value.ptr);
} else {
var = ecs_vars_declare_w_value(
&state->vars, state->var_name, &value);
if (!var) {
goto error;
state->var_is_prop = false;
return ptr;
return NULL;
const char* plecs_parse_assign_expr(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state,
ecs_expr_var_t *var)
if (state->var_stmt) {
return plecs_parse_assign_var_expr(world, name, expr, ptr, state, var);
if (!state->assign_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unexpected value outside of assignment statement");
return NULL;
ecs_id_t assign_id = state->last_assign_id;
if (!assign_id) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing type for assignment statement");
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t assign_to = state->assign_to;
if (!assign_to) {
assign_to = state->last_subject;
if (!assign_to) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing entity to assign to");
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t type = ecs_get_typeid(world, assign_id);
if (!type) {
char *id_str = ecs_id_str(world, assign_id);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid assignment, '%s' is not a type", id_str);
return NULL;
if (assign_to == EcsVariable) {
assign_to = type;
void *value_ptr = ecs_get_mut_id(world, assign_to, assign_id);
ptr = ecs_parse_expr(world, ptr, &(ecs_value_t){type, value_ptr},
.name = name,
.expr = expr,
.lookup_action = plecs_lookup_action,
.lookup_ctx = state,
.vars = &state->vars
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
ecs_modified_id(world, assign_to, assign_id);
return ptr;
const char* plecs_parse_assign_stmt(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
state->isa_stmt = false;
/* Component scope (add components to entity) */
if (!state->assign_to) {
if (!state->last_subject) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing entity to assign to");
return NULL;
state->assign_to = state->last_subject;
if (state->assign_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid assign statement in assign statement");
return NULL;
state->assign_stmt = true;
/* Assignment without a preceding component */
if (ptr[0] == '{') {
ecs_entity_t type = 0;
/* If we're in a scope & last_subject is a type, assign to scope */
if (ecs_get_scope(world) != 0) {
type = ecs_get_typeid(world, state->last_subject);
if (type != 0) {
type = state->last_subject;
/* If type hasn't been set yet, check if scope has default type */
if (!type && !state->scope_assign_stmt) {
type = state->default_scope_type[state->sp];
/* If no type has been found still, check if last with id is a type */
if (!type && !state->scope_assign_stmt) {
int32_t with_frame_count = state->with_frames[state->sp];
if (with_frame_count) {
type = state->with[with_frame_count - 1];
if (!type) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing type for assignment");
return NULL;
state->last_assign_id = type;
return ptr;
const char* plecs_parse_assign_with_stmt(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
int32_t with_frame = state->with_frame - 1;
if (with_frame < 0) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing type in with value");
return NULL;
ecs_id_t id = state->with[with_frame];
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = idr ? idr->type_info : NULL;
if (!ti) {
char *typename = ecs_id_str(world, id);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"id '%s' in with value is not a type", typename);
return NULL;
plecs_with_value_t *v = &state->with_value_frames[with_frame];
v->value.type = ti->component;
v->value.ptr = ecs_value_new(world, ti->component);
v->owned = true;
if (!v->value.ptr) {
char *typename = ecs_id_str(world, id);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"failed to create value for '%s'", typename);
return NULL;
ptr = ecs_parse_expr(world, ptr, &v->value,
.name = name,
.expr = expr,
.lookup_action = plecs_lookup_action,
.lookup_ctx = state,
.vars = &state->vars
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
return ptr;
const char* plecs_parse_assign_with_var(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
ecs_assert(ptr[0] == '$', ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(state->with_stmt, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
char var_name[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
const char *tmp = ptr;
ptr = ecs_parse_token(name, expr, ptr + 1, var_name, 0);
if (!ptr) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, tmp - expr,
"unresolved variable '%s'", var_name);
return NULL;
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(&state->vars, var_name);
if (!var) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unresolved variable '%s'", var_name);
return NULL;
int32_t with_frame = state->with_frame;
state->with[with_frame] = var->value.type;
state->with_value_frames[with_frame].value = var->value;
state->with_value_frames[with_frame].owned = false;
state->with_frame ++;
return ptr;
const char* plecs_parse_var_as_component(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
ecs_assert(ptr[0] == '$', ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(!state->var_stmt, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
char var_name[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
const char *tmp = ptr;
ptr = ecs_parse_token(name, expr, ptr + 1, var_name, 0);
if (!ptr) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, tmp - expr,
"unresolved variable '%s'", var_name);
return NULL;
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(&state->vars, var_name);
if (!var) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unresolved variable '%s'", var_name);
return NULL;
if (!state->assign_to) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing lvalue for variable assignment '%s'", var_name);
return NULL;
/* Use type of variable as component */
ecs_entity_t type = var->value.type;
ecs_entity_t assign_to = state->assign_to;
if (!assign_to) {
assign_to = state->last_subject;
void *dst = ecs_get_mut_id(world, assign_to, type);
if (!dst) {
char *type_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"failed to obtain component for type '%s' of variable '%s'",
type_name, var_name);
return NULL;
if (ecs_value_copy(world, type, dst, var->value.ptr)) {
char *type_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"failed to copy value for variable '%s' of type '%s'",
var_name, type_name);
return NULL;
ecs_modified_id(world, assign_to, type);
return ptr;
void plecs_push_using(
ecs_entity_t scope,
plecs_state_t *state)
for (int i = 0; i < state->using_frame; i ++) {
if (state->using[i] == scope) {
state->using[state->using_frame ++] = scope;
const char* plecs_parse_using_stmt(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
if (state->isa_stmt || state->assign_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid usage of using keyword");
return NULL;
char using_path[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
const char *tmp = ptr + 1;
ptr = ecs_parse_token(name, expr, ptr + 5, using_path, 0);
if (!ptr) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, tmp - expr,
"expected identifier for using statement");
return NULL;
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(using_path);
if (!len) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, tmp - expr,
"missing identifier for using statement");
return NULL;
/* Lookahead as * is not matched by parse_token */
if (ptr[0] == '*') {
using_path[len] = '*';
using_path[len + 1] = '\0';
len ++;
ptr ++;
ecs_entity_t scope;
if (len > 2 && !ecs_os_strcmp(&using_path[len - 2], ".*")) {
using_path[len - 2] = '\0';
scope = ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, using_path);
if (!scope) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unresolved identifier '%s' in using statement", using_path);
return NULL;
/* Add each child of the scope to using stack */
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_term_iter(world, &(ecs_term_t){
.id = ecs_childof(scope) });
while (ecs_term_next(&it)) {
int32_t i, count = it.count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
plecs_push_using(it.entities[i], state);
} else {
scope = plecs_ensure_entity(world, state, using_path, 0, false);
if (!scope) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unresolved identifier '%s' in using statement", using_path);
return NULL;
plecs_push_using(scope, state);
state->using_frames[state->sp] = state->using_frame;
return ptr;
const char* plecs_parse_module_stmt(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
const char *expr_start = ecs_parse_ws_eol(expr);
if (expr_start != ptr) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"module must be first statement of script");
return NULL;
char module_path[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
const char *tmp = ptr + 1;
ptr = ecs_parse_token(name, expr, ptr + 6, module_path, 0);
if (!ptr) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, tmp - expr,
"expected identifier for module statement");
return NULL;
ecs_component_desc_t desc = {0};
desc.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = module_path });
ecs_entity_t module = ecs_module_init(world, NULL, &desc);
if (!module) {
return NULL;
state->is_module = true;
state->sp ++;
state->scope[state->sp] = module;
ecs_set_scope(world, module);
return ptr;
const char* plecs_parse_with_stmt(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
if (state->isa_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid with after inheritance");
return NULL;
if (state->assign_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid with in assign_stmt");
return NULL;
/* Add following expressions to with list */
state->with_stmt = true;
return ptr + 5;
const char* plecs_parse_assembly_stmt(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
if (state->isa_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid with after inheritance");
return NULL;
if (state->assign_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid with in assign_stmt");
return NULL;
state->assembly_stmt = true;
return ptr + 9;
const char* plecs_parse_var_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state,
ecs_entity_t *type_out)
char prop_type_name[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
const char *tmp = ptr + 1;
ptr = ecs_parse_token(name, expr, ptr + 1, prop_type_name, 0);
if (!ptr) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, tmp - expr,
"expected type for prop declaration");
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t prop_type = plecs_lookup(world, prop_type_name, state, 0, false);
if (!prop_type) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unresolved property type '%s'", prop_type_name);
return NULL;
*type_out = prop_type;
return ptr;
const char* plecs_parse_const_stmt(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
ptr = ecs_parse_token(name, expr, ptr + 5, state->var_name, 0);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
if (ptr[0] == ':') {
ptr = plecs_parse_var_type(
world, name, expr, ptr, state, &state->last_assign_id);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
if (ptr[0] != '=') {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"expected '=' after const declaration");
return NULL;
state->var_stmt = true;
return ptr + 1;
const char* plecs_parse_prop_stmt(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
char prop_name[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
ptr = ecs_parse_token(name, expr, ptr + 5, prop_name, 0);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
if (ptr[0] != ':') {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"expected ':' after prop declaration");
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t prop_type;
ptr = plecs_parse_var_type(world, name, expr, ptr, state, &prop_type);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t assembly = state->assembly;
if (!assembly) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unexpected prop '%s' outside of assembly", prop_name);
return NULL;
if (!state->assembly_instance) {
ecs_entity_t prop_member = ecs_entity(world, {
.name = prop_name,
.add = { ecs_childof(assembly) }
if (!prop_member) {
return NULL;
ecs_set(world, prop_member, EcsMember, {
.type = prop_type
if (ptr[0] != '=') {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"expected '=' after prop type");
return NULL;
ecs_os_strcpy(state->var_name, prop_name);
state->last_assign_id = prop_type;
state->var_stmt = true;
state->var_is_prop = true;
return plecs_parse_fluff(ptr + 1);
const char* plecs_parse_scope_open(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
state->isa_stmt = false;
if (state->assign_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid scope in assign_stmt");
return NULL;
state->sp ++;
ecs_entity_t scope = 0;
ecs_entity_t default_scope_type = 0;
bool assembly_stmt = false;
if (!state->with_stmt) {
if (state->last_subject) {
scope = state->last_subject;
ecs_set_scope(world, state->last_subject);
/* Check if scope has a default child component */
ecs_entity_t def_type_src = ecs_get_target_for_id(world, scope,
0, ecs_pair(EcsDefaultChildComponent, EcsWildcard));
if (def_type_src) {
default_scope_type = ecs_get_target(
world, def_type_src, EcsDefaultChildComponent, 0);
} else {
if (state->last_object) {
scope = ecs_pair(
state->last_predicate, state->last_object);
ecs_set_with(world, scope);
} else {
if (state->last_predicate) {
scope = ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, state->last_predicate);
ecs_set_scope(world, state->last_predicate);
state->scope[state->sp] = scope;
state->default_scope_type[state->sp] = default_scope_type;
if (state->assembly_stmt) {
assembly_stmt = true;
if (state->assembly) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid nested assembly");
return NULL;
state->assembly = scope;
state->assembly_stmt = false;
state->assembly_start = ptr;
} else {
state->scope[state->sp] = state->scope[state->sp - 1];
state->default_scope_type[state->sp] =
state->default_scope_type[state->sp - 1];
state->assign_to = 0;
state->using_frames[state->sp] = state->using_frame;
state->with_frames[state->sp] = state->with_frame;
state->with_stmt = false;
/* Declare variable to hold assembly instance during instantiation */
if (assembly_stmt) {
ecs_value_t val = {0};
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_declare_w_value(
&state->vars, "this", &val);
var->value.ptr = ECS_CONST_CAST(void*, &EcsThis); /* Dummy value */
var->value.type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t);
var->owned = false;
return ptr;
void plecs_free_with_frame(
ecs_world_t *world,
plecs_state_t *state)
int32_t i, prev_with = state->with_frames[state->sp];
for (i = prev_with; i < state->with_frame; i ++) {
plecs_with_value_t *v = &state->with_value_frames[i];
if (!v->owned) {
if (v->value.type) {
ecs_value_free(world, v->value.type, v->value.ptr);
v->value.type = 0;
v->value.ptr = NULL;
v->owned = false;
void plecs_free_all_with_frames(
ecs_world_t *world,
plecs_state_t *state)
int32_t i;
for (i = state->sp - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
state->sp = i;
plecs_free_with_frame(world, state);
const char* plecs_parse_scope_close(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
if (state->isa_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid '}' after inheritance statement");
return NULL;
if (state->assign_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unfinished assignment before }");
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t cur = state->scope[state->sp], assembly = state->assembly;
if (state->sp && (cur == state->scope[state->sp - 1])) {
/* Previous scope is also from the assembly, not found the end yet */
cur = 0;
if (cur && cur == assembly) {
ecs_size_t assembly_len = flecs_ito(ecs_size_t, ptr - state->assembly_start);
if (assembly_len) {
assembly_len --;
char *script = ecs_os_malloc_n(char, assembly_len + 1);
ecs_os_memcpy(script, state->assembly_start, assembly_len);
script[assembly_len] = '\0';
state->assembly = 0;
state->assembly_start = NULL;
if (flecs_assembly_create(world, name, expr, ptr, assembly, script, state)) {
return NULL;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "empty assembly");
return NULL;
state->scope[state->sp] = 0;
state->default_scope_type[state->sp] = 0;
state->sp --;
if (state->sp < 0) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "invalid } without a {");
return NULL;
ecs_id_t id = state->scope[state->sp];
if (!id || ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
ecs_set_with(world, id);
if (!id || !ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
ecs_set_scope(world, id);
plecs_free_with_frame(world, state);
state->with_frame = state->with_frames[state->sp];
state->using_frame = state->using_frames[state->sp];
state->last_subject = 0;
state->assign_stmt = false;
return plecs_parse_fluff(ptr + 1);
const char *plecs_parse_plecs_term(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
ecs_term_t term = {0};
ecs_entity_t decl_id = 0;
if (state->decl_stmt) {
decl_id = state->last_predicate;
ptr = ecs_parse_term(world, name, expr, ptr, &term, NULL, NULL, false);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
if (flecs_isident(ptr[0])) {
state->decl_type = true;
if (!ecs_term_is_initialized(&term)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "expected identifier");
return NULL; /* No term found */
if (plecs_create_term(world, &term, name, expr, (ptr - expr), state)) {
return NULL; /* Failed to create term */
if (decl_id && state->last_subject) {
ecs_add_id(world, state->last_subject, decl_id);
state->decl_type = false;
return ptr;
const char* plecs_parse_annotation(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
do {
if(state->annot_count >= STACK_MAX_SIZE) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"max number of annotations reached");
return NULL;
char ch;
const char *start = ptr;
for (; (ch = *ptr) && ch != '\n'; ptr ++) { }
int32_t len = (int32_t)(ptr - start);
char *annot = ecs_os_malloc_n(char, len + 1);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(annot, start, char, len);
annot[len] = '\0';
state->annot[state->annot_count] = annot;
state->annot_count ++;
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr);
} while (ptr[0] == '@');
return ptr;
void plecs_clear_annotations(
plecs_state_t *state)
int32_t i, count = state->annot_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
state->annot_count = 0;
const char* plecs_parse_stmt(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
plecs_state_t *state)
state->assign_stmt = false;
state->scope_assign_stmt = false;
state->isa_stmt = false;
state->with_stmt = false;
state->decl_stmt = false;
state->var_stmt = false;
state->last_subject = 0;
state->last_predicate = 0;
state->last_object = 0;
state->assign_to = 0;
state->last_assign_id = 0;
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr);
char ch = ptr[0];
if (!ch) {
goto done;
} else if (ch == '{') {
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr + 1);
goto scope_open;
} else if (ch == '}') {
goto scope_close;
} else if (ch == '-') {
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr + 1);
state->assign_to = ecs_get_scope(world);
state->scope_assign_stmt = true;
goto assign_stmt;
} else if (ch == '@') {
ptr = plecs_parse_annotation(name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
goto term_expr;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, TOK_USING " ", 5)) {
ptr = plecs_parse_using_stmt(world, name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
goto done;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, TOK_MODULE " ", 6)) {
ptr = plecs_parse_module_stmt(world, name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
goto done;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, TOK_WITH " ", 5)) {
ptr = plecs_parse_with_stmt(name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
goto term_expr;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, TOK_CONST " ", 6)) {
ptr = plecs_parse_const_stmt(world, name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
goto assign_expr;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, TOK_ASSEMBLY " ", 9)) {
ptr = plecs_parse_assembly_stmt(name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
goto decl_stmt;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, TOK_PROP " ", 5)) {
ptr = plecs_parse_prop_stmt(world, name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
goto assign_expr;
} else {
goto term_expr;
if (!ptr[0]) {
goto done;
if (ptr[0] == '$' && !isspace(ptr[1])) {
if (state->with_stmt) {
ptr = plecs_parse_assign_with_var(name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
} else if (!state->var_stmt) {
goto assign_var_as_component;
} else if (!(ptr = plecs_parse_plecs_term(world, name, ptr, ptr, state))) {
goto error;
const char *tptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
if (flecs_isident(tptr[0])) {
if (state->decl_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"unexpected ' ' in declaration statement");
goto error;
ptr = tptr;
goto decl_stmt;
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr);
if (ptr[0] == ':' && ptr[1] == '-') {
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr + 2);
goto assign_stmt;
} else if (ptr[0] == ':') {
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr + 1);
goto inherit_stmt;
} else if (ptr[0] == ',') {
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr + 1);
goto term_expr;
} else if (ptr[0] == '{' || ptr[0] == '[') {
if (state->assign_stmt) {
goto assign_expr;
} else if (state->with_stmt && !isspace(ptr[-1])) {
/* If this is a { in a with statement which directly follows a
* non-whitespace character, the with id has a value */
ptr = plecs_parse_assign_with_stmt(world, name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
goto next_term;
} else {
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr + 1);
goto scope_open;
state->assign_stmt = false;
goto done;
state->decl_stmt = true;
goto term_expr;
ptr = plecs_parse_inherit_stmt(name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
/* Expect base identifier */
goto term_expr;
ptr = plecs_parse_assign_stmt(world, name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr);
/* Assignment without a preceding component */
if (ptr[0] == '{' || ptr[0] == '[') {
goto assign_expr;
/* Expect component identifiers */
goto term_expr;
ptr = plecs_parse_assign_expr(world, name, expr, ptr, state, NULL);
if (!ptr) goto error;
ptr = plecs_parse_fluff(ptr);
if (ptr[0] == ',') {
ptr ++;
goto term_expr;
} else if (ptr[0] == '{') {
if (state->var_stmt) {
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(&state->vars, state->var_name);
if (var && var->value.type == ecs_id(ecs_entity_t)) {
ecs_assert(var->value.ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* The code contained an entity{...} variable assignment, use
* the assigned entity id as type for parsing the expression */
state->last_assign_id = *(ecs_entity_t*)var->value.ptr;
ptr = plecs_parse_assign_expr(world, name, expr, ptr, state, var);
goto done;
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"unexpected '{' after assignment");
goto error;
state->assign_stmt = false;
state->assign_to = 0;
goto done;
assign_var_as_component: {
ptr = plecs_parse_var_as_component(world, name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
state->assign_stmt = false;
state->assign_to = 0;
goto done;
ptr = plecs_parse_scope_open(world, name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
goto done;
ptr = plecs_parse_scope_close(world, name, expr, ptr, state);
if (!ptr) goto error;
goto done;
return ptr;
return NULL;
int flecs_plecs_parse(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
ecs_vars_t *vars,
ecs_entity_t script,
ecs_entity_t instance)
const char *ptr = expr;
ecs_term_t term = {0};
plecs_state_t state = {0};
if (!expr) {
return 0;
state.scope[0] = 0;
ecs_entity_t prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, 0);
ecs_entity_t prev_with = ecs_set_with(world, 0);
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(prev_with) && ECS_PAIR_FIRST(prev_with) == EcsChildOf) {
ecs_set_scope(world, ECS_PAIR_SECOND(prev_with));
state.scope[0] = ecs_pair_second(world, prev_with);
} else {
state.global_with = prev_with;
ecs_vars_init(world, &state.vars);
if (script) {
const EcsScript *s = ecs_get(world, script, EcsScript);
if (!s) {
ecs_err("%s: provided script entity is not a script", name);
goto error;
if (s && ecs_has(world, script, EcsStruct)) {
state.assembly = script;
state.assembly_instance = true;
if (s->using_.count) {
ecs_os_memcpy_n(state.using, s->using_.array,
ecs_entity_t, s->using_.count);
state.using_frame = s->using_.count;
state.using_frames[0] = s->using_.count;
if (instance) {
ecs_set_scope(world, instance);
if (vars) {
state.vars.root.parent = vars->cur;
do {
expr = ptr = plecs_parse_stmt(world, name, expr, ptr, &state);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
if (!ptr[0]) {
break; /* End of expression */
} while (true);
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
ecs_set_with(world, prev_with);
if (state.is_module) {
state.sp --;
if (state.sp != 0) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, 0, "missing end of scope");
goto error;
if (state.assign_stmt) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, 0, "unfinished assignment");
goto error;
if (state.errors) {
goto error;
return 0;
plecs_free_all_with_frames(world, &state);
ecs_set_scope(world, state.scope[0]);
ecs_set_with(world, prev_with);
return -1;
int ecs_plecs_from_str(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr)
return flecs_plecs_parse(world, name, expr, NULL, 0, 0);
char* flecs_load_from_file(
const char *filename)
FILE* file;
char* content = NULL;
int32_t bytes;
size_t size;
/* Open file for reading */
ecs_os_fopen(&file, filename, "r");
if (!file) {
ecs_err("%s (%s)", ecs_os_strerror(errno), filename);
goto error;
/* Determine file size */
fseek(file, 0 , SEEK_END);
bytes = (int32_t)ftell(file);
if (bytes == -1) {
goto error;
/* Load contents in memory */
content = ecs_os_malloc(bytes + 1);
size = (size_t)bytes;
if (!(size = fread(content, 1, size, file)) && bytes) {
ecs_err("%s: read zero bytes instead of %d", filename, size);
content = NULL;
goto error;
} else {
content[size] = '\0';
return content;
return NULL;
int ecs_plecs_from_file(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *filename)
char *script = flecs_load_from_file(filename);
if (!script) {
return -1;
int result = ecs_plecs_from_str(world, filename, script);
return result;
ecs_id_t flecs_script_tag(
ecs_entity_t script,
ecs_entity_t instance)
if (!instance) {
return ecs_pair_t(EcsScript, script);
} else {
return ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, instance);
void ecs_script_clear(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t script,
ecs_entity_t instance)
ecs_delete_with(world, flecs_script_tag(script, instance));
int ecs_script_update(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e,
ecs_entity_t instance,
const char *script,
ecs_vars_t *vars)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(script != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int result = 0;
bool is_defer = ecs_is_deferred(world);
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t srs;
ecs_world_t *real_world = NULL;
if (is_defer) {
ecs_assert(ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
real_world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &srs);
ecs_assert(real_world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_script_clear(world, e, instance);
EcsScript *s = ecs_get_mut(world, e, EcsScript);
if (!s->script || ecs_os_strcmp(s->script, script)) {
s->script = ecs_os_strdup(script);
ecs_modified(world, e, EcsScript);
ecs_entity_t prev = ecs_set_with(world, flecs_script_tag(e, instance));
if (flecs_plecs_parse(world, ecs_get_name(world, e), script, vars, e, instance)) {
ecs_delete_with(world, ecs_pair_t(EcsScript, e));
result = -1;
ecs_set_with(world, prev);
if (is_defer) {
flecs_resume_readonly(real_world, &srs);
return result;
ecs_entity_t ecs_script_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_script_desc_t *desc)
const char *script = NULL;
ecs_entity_t e = desc->entity;
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_check(desc != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!e) {
if (desc->filename) {
e = ecs_new_from_path_w_sep(world, 0, desc->filename, "/", NULL);
} else {
e = ecs_new_id(world);
script = desc->str;
if (!script && desc->filename) {
script = flecs_load_from_file(desc->filename);
if (!script) {
goto error;
if (ecs_script_update(world, e, 0, script, NULL)) {
goto error;
if (script != desc->str) {
/* Safe cast, only happens when script is loaded from file */
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, script));
return e;
if (script != desc->str) {
/* Safe cast, only happens when script is loaded from file */
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, script));
if (!desc->entity) {
ecs_delete(world, e);
return 0;
void FlecsScriptImport(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_MODULE(world, FlecsScript);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsMeta);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(FlecsScript),
"Module with components for managing Flecs scripts");
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsScript, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.move = ecs_move(EcsScript),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsScript)
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsScript), EcsTag);
ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(EcsScript), EcsPrivate);
ecs_struct(world, {
.entity = ecs_id(EcsScript),
.members = {
{ .name = "using", .type = ecs_vector(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "UsingVector" }),
.type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t)
.count = 0
{ .name = "script", .type = ecs_id(ecs_string_t), .count = 0 }
* @file addons/rest.c
* @brief Rest addon.
* @file json/json.h
* @brief Internal functions for JSON addon.
/* Deserialize from JSON */
typedef enum ecs_json_token_t {
} ecs_json_token_t;
typedef struct ecs_json_value_ser_ctx_t {
ecs_entity_t type;
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser;
char *id_label;
bool initialized;
} ecs_json_value_ser_ctx_t;
/* Cached data for serializer */
typedef struct ecs_json_ser_ctx_t {
ecs_id_record_t *idr_doc_name;
ecs_id_record_t *idr_doc_color;
ecs_json_value_ser_ctx_t value_ctx[64];
} ecs_json_ser_ctx_t;
const char* flecs_json_parse(
const char *json,
ecs_json_token_t *token_kind,
char *token);
const char* flecs_json_parse_large_string(
const char *json,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
const char* flecs_json_expect(
const char *json,
ecs_json_token_t token_kind,
char *token,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc);
const char* flecs_json_expect_member(
const char *json,
char *token,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc);
const char* flecs_json_expect_member_name(
const char *json,
char *token,
const char *member_name,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc);
const char* flecs_json_skip_object(
const char *json,
char *token,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc);
const char* flecs_json_skip_array(
const char *json,
char *token,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc);
/* Serialize to JSON */
void flecs_json_next(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
void flecs_json_number(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
double value);
void flecs_json_true(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
void flecs_json_false(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
void flecs_json_bool(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
bool value);
void flecs_json_array_push(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
void flecs_json_array_pop(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
void flecs_json_object_push(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
void flecs_json_object_pop(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
void flecs_json_string(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const char *value);
void flecs_json_string_escape(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const char *value);
void flecs_json_member(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const char *name);
void flecs_json_membern(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const char *name,
int32_t name_len);
#define flecs_json_memberl(buf, name)\
flecs_json_membern(buf, name, sizeof(name) - 1)
void flecs_json_path(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e);
void flecs_json_label(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e);
void flecs_json_color(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e);
void flecs_json_id(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id);
void flecs_json_id_member(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id);
ecs_primitive_kind_t flecs_json_op_to_primitive_kind(
ecs_meta_type_op_kind_t kind);
bool flecs_json_serialize_get_field_ctx(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t f,
ecs_json_ser_ctx_t *ser_ctx);
int flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_rows(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc,
ecs_json_ser_ctx_t *ser_ctx);
bool flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_is_set(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
bool flecs_json_skip_variable(
const char *name);
int json_ser_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_vec_t *ser,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str);
static ECS_TAG_DECLARE(EcsRestPlecs);
typedef struct {
ecs_world_t *world;
ecs_http_server_t *srv;
int32_t rc;
} ecs_rest_ctx_t;
static ECS_COPY(EcsRest, dst, src, {
ecs_rest_ctx_t *impl = src->impl;
if (impl) {
impl->rc ++;
ecs_os_strset(&dst->ipaddr, src->ipaddr);
dst->port = src->port;
dst->impl = impl;
static ECS_MOVE(EcsRest, dst, src, {
*dst = *src;
src->ipaddr = NULL;
src->impl = NULL;
static ECS_DTOR(EcsRest, ptr, {
ecs_rest_ctx_t *impl = ptr->impl;
if (impl) {
impl->rc --;
if (!impl->rc) {
static char *rest_last_err;
static ecs_os_api_log_t rest_prev_log;
void flecs_rest_capture_log(
int32_t level,
const char *file,
int32_t line,
const char *msg)
(void)file; (void)line;
if (level < 0) {
/* Also log to previous log function in debug mode */
if (rest_prev_log) {
rest_prev_log(level, file, line, msg);
if (!rest_last_err && level < 0) {
rest_last_err = ecs_os_strdup(msg);
char* flecs_rest_get_captured_log(void) {
char *result = rest_last_err;
rest_last_err = NULL;
return result;
void flecs_reply_verror(
ecs_http_reply_t *reply,
const char *fmt,
va_list args)
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&reply->body, "{\"error\":\"");
ecs_strbuf_vappend(&reply->body, fmt, args);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&reply->body, "\"}");
void flecs_reply_error(
ecs_http_reply_t *reply,
const char *fmt,
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
flecs_reply_verror(reply, fmt, args);
void flecs_rest_bool_param(
const ecs_http_request_t *req,
const char *name,
bool *value_out)
const char *value = ecs_http_get_param(req, name);
if (value) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(value, "true")) {
value_out[0] = true;
} else {
value_out[0] = false;
void flecs_rest_int_param(
const ecs_http_request_t *req,
const char *name,
int32_t *value_out)
const char *value = ecs_http_get_param(req, name);
if (value) {
*value_out = atoi(value);
void flecs_rest_string_param(
const ecs_http_request_t *req,
const char *name,
char **value_out)
const char *value = ecs_http_get_param(req, name);
if (value) {
*value_out = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, value);
void flecs_rest_parse_json_ser_entity_params(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t *desc,
const ecs_http_request_t *req)
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "path", &desc->serialize_path);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "label", &desc->serialize_label);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "brief", &desc->serialize_brief);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "link", &desc->serialize_link);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "color", &desc->serialize_color);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "ids", &desc->serialize_ids);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "id_labels", &desc->serialize_id_labels);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "base", &desc->serialize_base);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "values", &desc->serialize_values);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "private", &desc->serialize_private);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "type_info", &desc->serialize_type_info);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "matches", &desc->serialize_matches);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "alerts", &desc->serialize_alerts);
char *rel = NULL;
flecs_rest_string_param(req, "refs", &rel);
if (rel) {
desc->serialize_refs = ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, rel);
void flecs_rest_parse_json_ser_iter_params(
ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc,
const ecs_http_request_t *req)
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "term_ids", &desc->serialize_term_ids);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "term_labels", &desc->serialize_term_labels);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "ids", &desc->serialize_ids);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "id_labels", &desc->serialize_id_labels);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "sources", &desc->serialize_sources);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "variables", &desc->serialize_variables);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "is_set", &desc->serialize_is_set);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "values", &desc->serialize_values);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "private", &desc->serialize_private);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "entities", &desc->serialize_entities);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "entity_labels", &desc->serialize_entity_labels);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "variable_labels", &desc->serialize_variable_labels);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "variable_ids", &desc->serialize_variable_ids);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "colors", &desc->serialize_colors);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "duration", &desc->measure_eval_duration);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "type_info", &desc->serialize_type_info);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "field_info", &desc->serialize_field_info);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "table", &desc->serialize_table);
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "rows", &desc->serialize_rows);
bool results = true;
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "results", &results);
desc->dont_serialize_results = !results;
bool flecs_rest_reply_entity(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply)
char *path = &req->path[7];
ecs_dbg_2("rest: request entity '%s'", path);
ecs_entity_t e = ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(
world, 0, path, "/", NULL, false);
if (!e) {
ecs_dbg_2("rest: entity '%s' not found", path);
flecs_reply_error(reply, "entity '%s' not found", path);
reply->code = 404;
return true;
ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t desc = ECS_ENTITY_TO_JSON_INIT;
flecs_rest_parse_json_ser_entity_params(world, &desc, req);
if (ecs_entity_to_json_buf(world, e, &reply->body, &desc) != 0) {
reply->code = 500;
reply->status = "Internal server error";
return true;
return true;
bool flecs_rest_reply_world(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply)
if (ecs_world_to_json_buf(world, &reply->body, NULL) != 0) {
reply->code = 500;
reply->status = "Internal server error";
return true;
return true;
ecs_entity_t flecs_rest_entity_from_path(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply,
const char *path)
ecs_entity_t e = ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(
world, 0, path, "/", NULL, false);
if (!e) {
flecs_reply_error(reply, "entity '%s' not found", path);
reply->code = 404;
return e;
bool flecs_rest_set(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply,
const char *path)
ecs_entity_t e;
if (!(e = flecs_rest_entity_from_path(world, reply, path))) {
return true;
const char *data = ecs_http_get_param(req, "data");
ecs_from_json_desc_t desc = {0};
desc.expr = data;
desc.name = path;
if (ecs_entity_from_json(world, e, data, &desc) == NULL) {
flecs_reply_error(reply, "invalid request");
reply->code = 400;
return true;
return true;
bool flecs_rest_delete(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply,
const char *path)
ecs_entity_t e;
if (!(e = flecs_rest_entity_from_path(world, reply, path))) {
return true;
ecs_delete(world, e);
return true;
bool flecs_rest_enable(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply,
const char *path,
bool enable)
ecs_entity_t e;
if (!(e = flecs_rest_entity_from_path(world, reply, path))) {
return true;
ecs_enable(world, e, enable);
return true;
bool flecs_rest_script(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply)
const char *data = ecs_http_get_param(req, "data");
if (!data) {
flecs_reply_error(reply, "missing data parameter");
return true;
bool prev_color = ecs_log_enable_colors(false);
rest_prev_log = ecs_os_api.log_;
ecs_os_api.log_ = flecs_rest_capture_log;
ecs_entity_t script = ecs_script(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "scripts.main" }),
.str = data
if (!script) {
char *err = flecs_rest_get_captured_log();
char *escaped_err = ecs_astresc('"', err);
flecs_reply_error(reply, escaped_err);
reply->code = 400; /* bad request */
ecs_os_api.log_ = rest_prev_log;
return true;
return false;
void flecs_rest_reply_set_captured_log(
ecs_http_reply_t *reply)
char *err = flecs_rest_get_captured_log();
if (err) {
char *escaped_err = ecs_astresc('"', err);
flecs_reply_error(reply, escaped_err);
reply->code = 400;
void flecs_rest_iter_to_reply(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply,
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t desc = {0};
desc.serialize_entities = true;
desc.serialize_variables = true;
flecs_rest_parse_json_ser_iter_params(&desc, req);
int32_t offset = 0;
int32_t limit = 1000;
flecs_rest_int_param(req, "offset", &offset);
flecs_rest_int_param(req, "limit", &limit);
if (offset < 0 || limit < 0) {
flecs_reply_error(reply, "invalid offset/limit parameter");
ecs_iter_t pit = ecs_page_iter(it, offset, limit);
if (ecs_iter_to_json_buf(world, &pit, &reply->body, &desc)) {
bool flecs_rest_reply_existing_query(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply,
const char *name)
ecs_entity_t q = ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, name);
if (!q) {
flecs_reply_error(reply, "unresolved identifier '%s'", name);
reply->code = 404;
return true;
const EcsPoly *poly = ecs_get_pair(world, q, EcsPoly, EcsQuery);
if (!poly) {
"resolved identifier '%s' is not a query", name);
reply->code = 400;
return true;
ecs_iter_t it;
ecs_iter_poly(world, poly->poly, &it, NULL);
ecs_dbg_2("rest: request query '%s'", q);
bool prev_color = ecs_log_enable_colors(false);
rest_prev_log = ecs_os_api.log_;
ecs_os_api.log_ = flecs_rest_capture_log;
const char *vars = ecs_http_get_param(req, "vars");
if (vars) {
if (!ecs_poly_is(poly->poly, ecs_rule_t)) {
"variables are only supported for rule queries");
reply->code = 400;
return true;
if (ecs_rule_parse_vars(poly->poly, &it, vars) == NULL) {
return true;
flecs_rest_iter_to_reply(world, req, reply, &it);
ecs_os_api.log_ = rest_prev_log;
return true;
bool flecs_rest_reply_query(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply)
const char *q_name = ecs_http_get_param(req, "name");
if (q_name) {
return flecs_rest_reply_existing_query(world, req, reply, q_name);
const char *q = ecs_http_get_param(req, "q");
if (!q) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&reply->body, "Missing parameter 'q'");
reply->code = 400; /* bad request */
return true;
bool try = false;
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "try", &try);
ecs_dbg_2("rest: request query '%s'", q);
bool prev_color = ecs_log_enable_colors(false);
rest_prev_log = ecs_os_api.log_;
ecs_os_api.log_ = flecs_rest_capture_log;
ecs_rule_t *r = ecs_rule_init(world, &(ecs_filter_desc_t){
.expr = q
if (!r) {
if (try) {
/* If client is trying queries, don't spam console with errors */
reply->code = 200;
} else {
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_rule_iter(world, r);
flecs_rest_iter_to_reply(world, req, reply, &it);
ecs_os_api.log_ = rest_prev_log;
return true;
bool flecs_rest_reply_query_plan(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply)
const char *q_name = ecs_http_get_param(req, "name");
if (q_name) {
reply->code = 400;
"query plan endpoint unsupported for named queries");
return true;
const char *q = ecs_http_get_param(req, "q");
if (!q) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&reply->body, "Missing parameter 'q'");
reply->code = 400; /* bad request */
return true;
bool try = false;
flecs_rest_bool_param(req, "try", &try);
ecs_dbg_2("rest: request query plan for '%s'", q);
bool prev_color = ecs_log_enable_colors(false);
rest_prev_log = ecs_os_api.log_;
ecs_os_api.log_ = flecs_rest_capture_log;
ecs_rule_t *r = ecs_rule_init(world, &(ecs_filter_desc_t){
.expr = q
if (!r) {
if (try) {
/* If client is trying queries, don't spam console with errors */
reply->code = 200;
} else {
char *plan = ecs_rule_str(r);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&reply->body, "{\"content\":");
flecs_json_string_escape(&reply->body, plan);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(&reply->body, "}");
ecs_os_api.log_ = rest_prev_log;
return true;
void flecs_rest_array_append_(
ecs_strbuf_t *reply,
const char *field,
int32_t field_len,
const ecs_float_t *values,
int32_t t)
ecs_strbuf_list_appendch(reply, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(reply, field, field_len);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(reply, "\":");
ecs_strbuf_list_push(reply, "[", ",");
int32_t i;
for (i = t + 1; i <= (t + ECS_STAT_WINDOW); i ++) {
int32_t index = i % ECS_STAT_WINDOW;
ecs_strbuf_appendflt(reply, (double)values[index], '"');
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(reply, "]");
#define flecs_rest_array_append(reply, field, values, t)\
flecs_rest_array_append_(reply, field, sizeof(field) - 1, values, t)
void flecs_rest_gauge_append(
ecs_strbuf_t *reply,
const ecs_metric_t *m,
const char *field,
int32_t field_len,
int32_t t,
const char *brief,
int32_t brief_len)
ecs_strbuf_list_appendch(reply, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(reply, field, field_len);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(reply, "\":");
ecs_strbuf_list_push(reply, "{", ",");
flecs_rest_array_append(reply, "avg", m->gauge.avg, t);
flecs_rest_array_append(reply, "min", m->gauge.min, t);
flecs_rest_array_append(reply, "max", m->gauge.max, t);
if (brief) {
ecs_strbuf_list_appendlit(reply, "\"brief\":\"");
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(reply, brief, brief_len);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(reply, '"');
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(reply, "}");
void flecs_rest_counter_append(
ecs_strbuf_t *reply,
const ecs_metric_t *m,
const char *field,
int32_t field_len,
int32_t t,
const char *brief,
int32_t brief_len)
flecs_rest_gauge_append(reply, m, field, field_len, t, brief, brief_len);
#define ECS_GAUGE_APPEND_T(reply, s, field, t, brief)\
flecs_rest_gauge_append(reply, &(s)->field, #field, sizeof(#field) - 1, t, brief, sizeof(brief) - 1)
#define ECS_COUNTER_APPEND_T(reply, s, field, t, brief)\
flecs_rest_counter_append(reply, &(s)->field, #field, sizeof(#field) - 1, t, brief, sizeof(brief) - 1)
#define ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, s, field, brief)\
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND_T(reply, s, field, (s)->t, brief)
#define ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, s, field, brief)\
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND_T(reply, s, field, (s)->t, brief)
void flecs_world_stats_to_json(
ecs_strbuf_t *reply,
const EcsWorldStats *monitor_stats)
const ecs_world_stats_t *stats = &monitor_stats->stats;
ecs_strbuf_list_push(reply, "{", ",");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, entities.count, "Alive entity ids in the world");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, entities.not_alive_count, "Not alive entity ids in the world");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, performance.fps, "Frames per second");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, performance.frame_time, "Time spent in frame");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, performance.system_time, "Time spent on running systems in frame");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, performance.emit_time, "Time spent on notifying observers in frame");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, performance.merge_time, "Time spent on merging commands in frame");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, performance.rematch_time, "Time spent on revalidating query caches in frame");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.add_count, "Add commands executed");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.remove_count, "Remove commands executed");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.delete_count, "Delete commands executed");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.clear_count, "Clear commands executed");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.set_count, "Set commands executed");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.get_mut_count, "Get_mut commands executed");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.modified_count, "Modified commands executed");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.other_count, "Misc commands executed");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.discard_count, "Commands for already deleted entities");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.batched_entity_count, "Entities with batched commands");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, commands.batched_count, "Number of commands batched");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, frame.merge_count, "Number of merges (sync points)");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, frame.pipeline_build_count, "Pipeline rebuilds (happen when systems become active/enabled)");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, frame.systems_ran, "Systems ran in frame");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, frame.observers_ran, "Number of times an observer was invoked in frame");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, frame.event_emit_count, "Events emitted in frame");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, frame.rematch_count, "Number of query cache revalidations");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, tables.count, "Tables in the world (including empty)");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, tables.empty_count, "Empty tables in the world");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, tables.create_count, "Number of new tables created");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, tables.delete_count, "Number of tables deleted");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, components.tag_count, "Tag ids in use");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, components.component_count, "Component ids in use");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, components.pair_count, "Pair ids in use");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, components.type_count, "Registered component types");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, components.create_count, "Number of new component, tag and pair ids created");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, components.delete_count, "Number of component, pair and tag ids deleted");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, queries.query_count, "Queries in the world");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, queries.observer_count, "Observers in the world");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, queries.system_count, "Systems in the world");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, memory.alloc_count, "Allocations by OS API");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, memory.realloc_count, "Reallocs by OS API");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, memory.free_count, "Frees by OS API");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, memory.outstanding_alloc_count, "Outstanding allocations by OS API");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, memory.block_alloc_count, "Blocks allocated by block allocators");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, memory.block_free_count, "Blocks freed by block allocators");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, memory.block_outstanding_alloc_count, "Outstanding block allocations");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, memory.stack_alloc_count, "Pages allocated by stack allocators");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, memory.stack_free_count, "Pages freed by stack allocators");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, stats, memory.stack_outstanding_alloc_count, "Outstanding page allocations");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, http.request_received_count, "Received requests");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, http.request_invalid_count, "Received invalid requests");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, http.request_handled_ok_count, "Requests handled successfully");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, http.request_handled_error_count, "Requests handled with error code");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, http.request_not_handled_count, "Requests not handled (unknown endpoint)");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, http.request_preflight_count, "Preflight requests received");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, http.send_ok_count, "Successful replies");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, http.send_error_count, "Unsuccessful replies");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND(reply, stats, http.busy_count, "Dropped requests due to full send queue (503)");
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(reply, "}");
void flecs_system_stats_to_json(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *reply,
ecs_entity_t system,
const ecs_system_stats_t *stats)
ecs_strbuf_list_push(reply, "{", ",");
ecs_strbuf_list_appendlit(reply, "\"name\":\"");
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, system, ".", NULL, reply);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(reply, '"');
if (!stats->task) {
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, &stats->query, matched_table_count, "");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND(reply, &stats->query, matched_entity_count, "");
ECS_COUNTER_APPEND_T(reply, stats, time_spent, stats->query.t, "");
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(reply, "}");
void flecs_pipeline_stats_to_json(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *reply,
const EcsPipelineStats *stats)
ecs_strbuf_list_push(reply, "[", ",");
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&stats->stats.systems), sync_cur = 0;
ecs_entity_t *ids = ecs_vec_first_t(&stats->stats.systems, ecs_entity_t);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t id = ids[i];
if (id) {
ecs_system_stats_t *sys_stats = ecs_map_get_deref(
&stats->stats.system_stats, ecs_system_stats_t, id);
flecs_system_stats_to_json(world, reply, id, sys_stats);
} else {
/* Sync point */
ecs_strbuf_list_push(reply, "{", ",");
ecs_sync_stats_t *sync_stats = ecs_vec_get_t(
&stats->stats.sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t, sync_cur);
ecs_strbuf_list_appendlit(reply, "\"system_count\":");
ecs_strbuf_appendint(reply, sync_stats->system_count);
ecs_strbuf_list_appendlit(reply, "\"multi_threaded\":");
ecs_strbuf_appendbool(reply, sync_stats->multi_threaded);
ecs_strbuf_list_appendlit(reply, "\"no_readonly\":");
ecs_strbuf_appendbool(reply, sync_stats->no_readonly);
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND_T(reply, sync_stats,
time_spent, stats->stats.t, "");
ECS_GAUGE_APPEND_T(reply, sync_stats,
commands_enqueued, stats->stats.t, "");
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(reply, "}");
sync_cur ++;
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(reply, "]");
bool flecs_rest_reply_stats(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply)
char *period_str = NULL;
flecs_rest_string_param(req, "period", &period_str);
char *category = &req->path[6];
ecs_entity_t period = EcsPeriod1s;
if (period_str) {
char *period_name = ecs_asprintf("Period%s", period_str);
period = ecs_lookup_child(world, ecs_id(FlecsMonitor), period_name);
if (!period) {
flecs_reply_error(reply, "bad request (invalid period string)");
reply->code = 400;
return false;
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(category, "world")) {
const EcsWorldStats *stats = ecs_get_pair(world, EcsWorld,
EcsWorldStats, period);
flecs_world_stats_to_json(&reply->body, stats);
return true;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(category, "pipeline")) {
const EcsPipelineStats *stats = ecs_get_pair(world, EcsWorld,
EcsPipelineStats, period);
flecs_pipeline_stats_to_json(world, &reply->body, stats);
return true;
} else {
flecs_reply_error(reply, "bad request (unsupported category)");
reply->code = 400;
return false;
bool flecs_rest_reply_stats(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply)
return false;
void flecs_rest_reply_table_append_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *reply,
const ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_strbuf_list_push(reply, "[", ",");
int32_t i, count = table->type.count;
ecs_id_t *ids = table->type.array;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(reply, '"');
ecs_id_str_buf(world, ids[i], reply);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(reply, '"');
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(reply, "]");
void flecs_rest_reply_table_append_memory(
ecs_strbuf_t *reply,
const ecs_table_t *table)
int32_t used = 0, allocated = 0;
used += table->data.entities.count * ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_entity_t);
allocated += table->data.entities.size * ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_entity_t);
int32_t i, storage_count = table->column_count;
ecs_column_t *columns = table->data.columns;
for (i = 0; i < storage_count; i ++) {
used += columns[i].data.count * columns[i].ti->size;
allocated += columns[i].data.size * columns[i].ti->size;
ecs_strbuf_list_push(reply, "{", ",");
ecs_strbuf_list_append(reply, "\"used\":%d", used);
ecs_strbuf_list_append(reply, "\"allocated\":%d", allocated);
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(reply, "}");
void flecs_rest_reply_table_append(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *reply,
const ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_strbuf_list_push(reply, "{", ",");
ecs_strbuf_list_append(reply, "\"id\":%u", (uint32_t)table->id);
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(reply, "\"type\":");
flecs_rest_reply_table_append_type(world, reply, table);
ecs_strbuf_list_append(reply, "\"count\":%d", ecs_table_count(table));
ecs_strbuf_list_append(reply, "\"memory\":");
flecs_rest_reply_table_append_memory(reply, table);
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(reply, "}");
bool flecs_rest_reply_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply)
ecs_strbuf_list_push(&reply->body, "[", ",");
ecs_sparse_t *tables = &world->store.tables;
int32_t i, count = flecs_sparse_count(tables);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(tables, ecs_table_t, i);
flecs_rest_reply_table_append(world, &reply->body, table);
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(&reply->body, "]");
return true;
bool flecs_rest_reply(
const ecs_http_request_t* req,
ecs_http_reply_t *reply,
void *ctx)
ecs_rest_ctx_t *impl = ctx;
ecs_world_t *world = impl->world;
if (req->path == NULL) {
ecs_dbg("rest: bad request (missing path)");
flecs_reply_error(reply, "bad request (missing path)");
reply->code = 400;
return false;
if (req->method == EcsHttpGet) {
/* Entity endpoint */
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(req->path, "entity/", 7)) {
return flecs_rest_reply_entity(world, req, reply);
/* Query endpoint */
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(req->path, "query")) {
return flecs_rest_reply_query(world, req, reply);
/* Query plan endpoint */
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(req->path, "query_plan")) {
return flecs_rest_reply_query_plan(world, req, reply);
/* World endpoint */
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(req->path, "world")) {
return flecs_rest_reply_world(world, req, reply);
/* Stats endpoint */
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(req->path, "stats/", 6)) {
return flecs_rest_reply_stats(world, req, reply);
/* Tables endpoint */
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(req->path, "tables", 6)) {
return flecs_rest_reply_tables(world, req, reply);
} else if (req->method == EcsHttpPut) {
/* Set endpoint */
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(req->path, "set/", 4)) {
return flecs_rest_set(world, req, reply, &req->path[4]);
/* Delete endpoint */
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(req->path, "delete/", 7)) {
return flecs_rest_delete(world, reply, &req->path[7]);
/* Enable endpoint */
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(req->path, "enable/", 7)) {
return flecs_rest_enable(world, reply, &req->path[7], true);
/* Disable endpoint */
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(req->path, "disable/", 8)) {
return flecs_rest_enable(world, reply, &req->path[8], false);
/* Script endpoint */
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(req->path, "script", 6)) {
return flecs_rest_script(world, req, reply);
return false;
ecs_http_server_t* ecs_rest_server_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_http_server_desc_t *desc)
ecs_rest_ctx_t *srv_ctx = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_rest_ctx_t);
ecs_http_server_desc_t private_desc = {0};
if (desc) {
private_desc = *desc;
private_desc.callback = flecs_rest_reply;
private_desc.ctx = srv_ctx;
ecs_http_server_t *srv = ecs_http_server_init(&private_desc);
if (!srv) {
return NULL;
srv_ctx->world = world;
srv_ctx->srv = srv;
srv_ctx->rc = 1;
srv_ctx->srv = srv;
return srv;
void ecs_rest_server_fini(
ecs_http_server_t *srv)
ecs_rest_ctx_t *srv_ctx = ecs_http_server_ctx(srv);
void flecs_on_set_rest(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsRest *rest = it->ptrs[0];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
if (!rest[i].port) {
rest[i].port = ECS_REST_DEFAULT_PORT;
ecs_http_server_t *srv = ecs_rest_server_init(it->real_world,
.ipaddr = rest[i].ipaddr,
.port = rest[i].port,
.cache_timeout = 1.0
if (!srv) {
const char *ipaddr = rest[i].ipaddr ? rest[i].ipaddr : "";
ecs_err("failed to create REST server on %s:%u",
ipaddr, rest[i].port);
rest[i].impl = ecs_http_server_ctx(srv);
void DequeueRest(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsRest *rest = ecs_field(it, EcsRest, 1);
if (it->delta_system_time > (ecs_ftime_t)1.0) {
"detected large progress interval (%.2fs), REST request may timeout",
int32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
ecs_rest_ctx_t *ctx = rest[i].impl;
if (ctx) {
ecs_http_server_dequeue(ctx->srv, it->delta_time);
void DisableRest(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
ecs_iter_t rit = ecs_term_iter(world, &(ecs_term_t){
.id = ecs_id(EcsRest),
.src.flags = EcsSelf
if (it->event == EcsOnAdd) {
/* REST module was disabled */
while (ecs_term_next(&rit)) {
EcsRest *rest = ecs_field(&rit, EcsRest, 1);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < rit.count; i ++) {
ecs_rest_ctx_t *ctx = rest[i].impl;
} else if (it->event == EcsOnRemove) {
/* REST module was enabled */
while (ecs_term_next(&rit)) {
EcsRest *rest = ecs_field(&rit, EcsRest, 1);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < rit.count; i ++) {
ecs_rest_ctx_t *ctx = rest[i].impl;
void FlecsRestImport(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_MODULE(world, FlecsRest);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsPipeline);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsScript);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(FlecsRest),
"Module that implements Flecs REST API");
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsRest);
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsRest, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.move = ecs_move(EcsRest),
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsRest),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsRest),
.on_set = flecs_on_set_rest
ECS_SYSTEM(world, DequeueRest, EcsPostFrame, EcsRest);
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_id(DequeueRest),
.no_readonly = true
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter = {
.terms = {{ .id = EcsDisabled, .src.id = ecs_id(FlecsRest) }}
.events = {EcsOnAdd, EcsOnRemove},
.callback = DisableRest
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "EcsRest");
ECS_TAG_DEFINE(world, EcsRestPlecs);
* @file addons/snapshot.c
* @brief Snapshot addon.
/* World snapshot */
struct ecs_snapshot_t {
ecs_world_t *world;
ecs_entity_index_t entity_index;
ecs_vec_t tables;
uint64_t last_id;
/** Small footprint data structure for storing data associated with a table. */
typedef struct ecs_table_leaf_t {
ecs_table_t *table;
ecs_type_t type;
ecs_data_t *data;
} ecs_table_leaf_t;
ecs_data_t* flecs_duplicate_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *main_data)
int32_t count = ecs_table_count(table);
if (!count) {
return NULL;
ecs_data_t *result = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_data_t);
int32_t i, column_count = table->column_count;
result->columns = flecs_wdup_n(world, ecs_column_t, column_count,
/* Copy entities */
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
result->entities = ecs_vec_copy_shrink_t(a, &main_data->entities, ecs_entity_t);
/* Copy each column */
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
ecs_column_t *column = &result->columns[i];
ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
ecs_assert(ti != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t size = ti->size;
ecs_copy_t copy = ti->hooks.copy_ctor;
if (copy) {
void *src_ptr = ecs_vec_first(&column->data);
ecs_vec_t dst;
ecs_vec_init(a, &dst, size, count);
ecs_vec_set_count(a, &dst, size, count);
void *dst_ptr = ecs_vec_first(&dst);
copy(dst_ptr, src_ptr, count, ti);
column->data = dst;
} else {
column->data = ecs_vec_copy_shrink(a, &column->data, size);
return result;
void snapshot_table(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_snapshot_t *snapshot,
ecs_table_t *table)
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasBuiltins) {
ecs_table_leaf_t *l = ecs_vec_get_t(
&snapshot->tables, ecs_table_leaf_t, (int32_t)table->id);
ecs_assert(l != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
l->table = table;
l->type = flecs_type_copy(
ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, world), &table->type);
l->data = flecs_duplicate_data(
ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, world), table, &table->data);
ecs_snapshot_t* snapshot_create(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_entity_index_t *entity_index,
ecs_iter_t *iter,
ecs_iter_next_action_t next)
ecs_snapshot_t *result = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_snapshot_t);
ecs_assert(result != NULL, ECS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
ecs_run_aperiodic(ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, world), 0);
result->world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, world);
/* If no iterator is provided, the snapshot will be taken of the entire
* world, and we can simply copy the entity index as it will be restored
* entirely upon snapshote restore. */
if (!iter && entity_index) {
flecs_entities_copy(&result->entity_index, entity_index);
/* Create vector with as many elements as tables, so we can store the
* snapshot tables at their element ids. When restoring a snapshot, the code
* will run a diff between the tables in the world and the snapshot, to see
* which of the world tables still exist, no longer exist, or need to be
* deleted. */
uint64_t t, table_count = flecs_sparse_last_id(&world->store.tables) + 1;
ecs_vec_init_t(NULL, &result->tables, ecs_table_leaf_t, (int32_t)table_count);
ecs_vec_set_count_t(NULL, &result->tables, ecs_table_leaf_t, (int32_t)table_count);
ecs_table_leaf_t *arr = ecs_vec_first_t(&result->tables, ecs_table_leaf_t);
/* Array may have holes, so initialize with 0 */
ecs_os_memset_n(arr, 0, ecs_table_leaf_t, table_count);
/* Iterate tables in iterator */
if (iter) {
while (next(iter)) {
ecs_table_t *table = iter->table;
snapshot_table(world, result, table);
} else {
for (t = 1; t < table_count; t ++) {
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_sparse_get_t(
&world->store.tables, ecs_table_t, t);
snapshot_table(world, result, table);
return result;
/** Create a snapshot */
ecs_snapshot_t* ecs_snapshot_take(
ecs_world_t *stage)
const ecs_world_t *world = ecs_get_world(stage);
ecs_snapshot_t *result = snapshot_create(
world, ecs_eis(world), NULL, NULL);
result->last_id = flecs_entities_max_id(world);
return result;
/** Create a filtered snapshot */
ecs_snapshot_t* ecs_snapshot_take_w_iter(
ecs_iter_t *iter)
ecs_world_t *world = iter->world;
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_snapshot_t *result = snapshot_create(
world, ecs_eis(world), iter, iter ? iter->next : NULL);
result->last_id = flecs_entities_max_id(world);
return result;
/* Restoring an unfiltered snapshot restores the world to the exact state it was
* when the snapshot was taken. */
void restore_unfiltered(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_snapshot_t *snapshot)
flecs_entity_index_restore(ecs_eis(world), &snapshot->entity_index);
flecs_entities_max_id(world) = snapshot->last_id;
ecs_table_leaf_t *leafs = ecs_vec_first_t(&snapshot->tables, ecs_table_leaf_t);
int32_t i, count = (int32_t)flecs_sparse_last_id(&world->store.tables);
int32_t snapshot_count = ecs_vec_count(&snapshot->tables);
for (i = 1; i <= count; i ++) {
ecs_table_t *world_table = flecs_sparse_get_t(
&world->store.tables, ecs_table_t, (uint32_t)i);
if (world_table && (world_table->flags & EcsTableHasBuiltins)) {
ecs_table_leaf_t *snapshot_table = NULL;
if (i < snapshot_count) {
snapshot_table = &leafs[i];
if (!snapshot_table->table) {
snapshot_table = NULL;
/* If the world table no longer exists but the snapshot table does,
* reinsert it */
if (!world_table && snapshot_table) {
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_table_find_or_create(world,
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (snapshot_table->data) {
flecs_table_replace_data(world, table, snapshot_table->data);
/* If the world table still exists, replace its data */
} else if (world_table && snapshot_table) {
ecs_assert(snapshot_table->table == world_table,
if (snapshot_table->data) {
world, world_table, snapshot_table->data);
} else {
world, world_table, &world_table->data);
flecs_table_init_data(world, world_table);
/* If the snapshot table doesn't exist, this table was created after the
* snapshot was taken and needs to be deleted */
} else if (world_table && !snapshot_table) {
/* Deleting a table invokes OnRemove triggers & updates the entity
* index. That is not what we want, since entities may no longer be
* valid (if they don't exist in the snapshot) or may have been
* restored in a different table. Therefore first clear the data
* from the table (which doesn't invoke triggers), and then delete
* the table. */
flecs_table_clear_data(world, world_table, &world_table->data);
flecs_delete_table(world, world_table);
/* If there is no world & snapshot table, nothing needs to be done */
} else { }
if (snapshot_table) {
flecs_type_free(world, &snapshot_table->type);
/* Now that all tables have been restored and world is in a consistent
* state, run OnSet systems */
int32_t world_count = flecs_sparse_count(&world->store.tables);
for (i = 0; i < world_count; i ++) {
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(
&world->store.tables, ecs_table_t, i);
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasBuiltins) {
int32_t tcount = ecs_table_count(table);
if (tcount) {
int32_t j, storage_count = table->column_count;
for (j = 0; j < storage_count; j ++) {
ecs_type_t type = {
.array = &table->data.columns[j].id,
.count = 1
flecs_notify_on_set(world, table, 0, tcount, &type, true);
/* Restoring a filtered snapshots only restores the entities in the snapshot
* to their previous state. */
void restore_filtered(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_snapshot_t *snapshot)
ecs_table_leaf_t *leafs = ecs_vec_first_t(&snapshot->tables, ecs_table_leaf_t);
int32_t l = 0, snapshot_count = ecs_vec_count(&snapshot->tables);
for (l = 0; l < snapshot_count; l ++) {
ecs_table_leaf_t *snapshot_table = &leafs[l];
ecs_table_t *table = snapshot_table->table;
if (!table) {
ecs_data_t *data = snapshot_table->data;
if (!data) {
flecs_type_free(world, &snapshot_table->type);
/* Delete entity from storage first, so that when we restore it to the
* current table we can be sure that there won't be any duplicates */
int32_t i, entity_count = ecs_vec_count(&data->entities);
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_first(
for (i = 0; i < entity_count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = entities[i];
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_try(world, e);
if (r && r->table) {
flecs_table_delete(world, r->table,
ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row), true);
} else {
/* Make sure that the entity has the same generation count */
flecs_entities_set_generation(world, e);
/* Merge data from snapshot table with world table */
int32_t old_count = ecs_table_count(snapshot_table->table);
int32_t new_count = flecs_table_data_count(snapshot_table->data);
flecs_table_merge(world, table, table, &table->data, snapshot_table->data);
/* Run OnSet systems for merged entities */
if (new_count) {
int32_t j, storage_count = table->column_count;
for (j = 0; j < storage_count; j ++) {
ecs_type_t type = {
.array = &table->data.columns[j].id,
.count = 1
world, table, old_count, new_count, &type, true);
flecs_wfree_n(world, ecs_column_t, table->column_count,
flecs_type_free(world, &snapshot_table->type);
/** Restore a snapshot */
void ecs_snapshot_restore(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_snapshot_t *snapshot)
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, 0);
if (flecs_entity_index_count(&snapshot->entity_index) > 0) {
/* Unfiltered snapshots have a copy of the entity index which is
* copied back entirely when the snapshot is restored */
restore_unfiltered(world, snapshot);
} else {
restore_filtered(world, snapshot);
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &snapshot->tables, ecs_table_leaf_t);
ecs_iter_t ecs_snapshot_iter(
ecs_snapshot_t *snapshot)
ecs_snapshot_iter_t iter = {
.tables = snapshot->tables,
.index = 0
return (ecs_iter_t){
.world = snapshot->world,
.table_count = ecs_vec_count(&snapshot->tables),
.priv.iter.snapshot = iter,
.next = ecs_snapshot_next
bool ecs_snapshot_next(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_snapshot_iter_t *iter = &it->priv.iter.snapshot;
ecs_table_leaf_t *tables = ecs_vec_first_t(&iter->tables, ecs_table_leaf_t);
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(&iter->tables);
int32_t i;
for (i = iter->index; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_t *table = tables[i].table;
if (!table) {
ecs_data_t *data = tables[i].data;
it->table = table;
it->count = ecs_table_count(table);
if (data) {
it->entities = ecs_vec_first(&data->entities);
} else {
it->entities = NULL;
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid);
iter->index = i + 1;
goto yield;
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid);
return false;
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(it->flags, EcsIterIsValid);
return true;
/** Cleanup snapshot */
void ecs_snapshot_free(
ecs_snapshot_t *snapshot)
ecs_table_leaf_t *tables = ecs_vec_first_t(&snapshot->tables, ecs_table_leaf_t);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&snapshot->tables);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_leaf_t *snapshot_table = &tables[i];
ecs_table_t *table = snapshot_table->table;
if (table) {
ecs_data_t *data = snapshot_table->data;
if (data) {
flecs_table_clear_data(snapshot->world, table, data);
flecs_type_free(snapshot->world, &snapshot_table->type);
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &snapshot->tables, ecs_table_leaf_t);
* @file addons/stats.c
* @brief Stats addon.
* @file addons/system/system.h
* @brief Internal types and functions for system addon.
#define ecs_system_t_magic (0x65637383)
#define ecs_system_t_tag EcsSystem
extern ecs_mixins_t ecs_system_t_mixins;
typedef struct ecs_system_t {
ecs_header_t hdr;
ecs_run_action_t run; /* See ecs_system_desc_t */
ecs_iter_action_t action; /* See ecs_system_desc_t */
ecs_query_t *query; /* System query */
ecs_entity_t query_entity; /* Entity associated with query */
ecs_entity_t tick_source; /* Tick source associated with system */
/* Schedule parameters */
bool multi_threaded;
bool no_readonly;
int64_t invoke_count; /* Number of times system is invoked */
ecs_ftime_t time_spent; /* Time spent on running system */
ecs_ftime_t time_passed; /* Time passed since last invocation */
int64_t last_frame; /* Last frame for which the system was considered */
void *ctx; /* Userdata for system */
void *binding_ctx; /* Optional language binding context */
ecs_ctx_free_t ctx_free;
ecs_ctx_free_t binding_ctx_free;
/* Mixins */
ecs_world_t *world;
ecs_entity_t entity;
ecs_poly_dtor_t dtor;
} ecs_system_t;
/* Invoked when system becomes active / inactive */
void ecs_system_activate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t system,
bool activate,
const ecs_system_t *system_data);
/* Internal function to run a system */
ecs_entity_t ecs_run_intern(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t system,
ecs_system_t *system_data,
int32_t stage_current,
int32_t stage_count,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time,
int32_t offset,
int32_t limit,
void *param);
* @file addons/pipeline/pipeline.h
* @brief Internal functions/types for pipeline addon.
/** Instruction data for pipeline.
* This type is the element type in the "ops" vector of a pipeline. */
typedef struct ecs_pipeline_op_t {
int32_t offset; /* Offset in systems vector */
int32_t count; /* Number of systems to run before next op */
double time_spent; /* Time spent merging commands for sync point */
int64_t commands_enqueued; /* Number of commands enqueued for sync point */
bool multi_threaded; /* Whether systems can be ran multi threaded */
bool no_readonly; /* Whether systems are staged or not */
} ecs_pipeline_op_t;
struct ecs_pipeline_state_t {
ecs_query_t *query; /* Pipeline query */
ecs_vec_t ops; /* Pipeline schedule */
ecs_vec_t systems; /* Vector with system ids */
ecs_entity_t last_system; /* Last system ran by pipeline */
ecs_id_record_t *idr_inactive; /* Cached record for quick inactive test */
int32_t match_count; /* Used to track of rebuild is necessary */
int32_t rebuild_count; /* Number of pipeline rebuilds */
ecs_iter_t *iters; /* Iterator for worker(s) */
int32_t iter_count;
/* Members for continuing pipeline iteration after pipeline rebuild */
ecs_pipeline_op_t *cur_op; /* Current pipeline op */
int32_t cur_i; /* Index in current result */
int32_t ran_since_merge; /* Index in current op */
bool no_readonly; /* Is pipeline in readonly mode */
typedef struct EcsPipeline {
/* Stable ptr so threads can safely access while entity/components move */
ecs_pipeline_state_t *state;
} EcsPipeline;
//// Pipeline API
bool flecs_pipeline_update(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_pipeline_state_t *pq,
bool start_of_frame);
void flecs_run_pipeline(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_pipeline_state_t *pq,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time);
int32_t flecs_run_pipeline_ops(
ecs_world_t* world,
ecs_stage_t* stage,
int32_t stage_index,
int32_t stage_count,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time);
//// Worker API
void flecs_workers_progress(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_pipeline_state_t *pq,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time);
void flecs_create_worker_threads(
ecs_world_t *world);
void flecs_join_worker_threads(
ecs_world_t *world);
void flecs_signal_workers(
ecs_world_t *world);
void flecs_wait_for_sync(
ecs_world_t *world);
#define ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(m, t, value)\
flecs_gauge_record(m, t, (ecs_float_t)(value))
#define ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(m, t, value)\
flecs_counter_record(m, t, (double)(value))
#define ECS_METRIC_FIRST(stats)\
ECS_CAST(ecs_metric_t*, ECS_OFFSET(&stats->first_, ECS_SIZEOF(int64_t)))
#define ECS_METRIC_LAST(stats)\
ECS_CAST(ecs_metric_t*, ECS_OFFSET(&stats->last_, -ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_metric_t)))
int32_t t_next(
int32_t t)
return (t + 1) % ECS_STAT_WINDOW;
int32_t t_prev(
int32_t t)
void flecs_gauge_record(
ecs_metric_t *m,
int32_t t,
ecs_float_t value)
m->gauge.avg[t] = value;
m->gauge.min[t] = value;
m->gauge.max[t] = value;
double flecs_counter_record(
ecs_metric_t *m,
int32_t t,
double value)
int32_t tp = t_prev(t);
double prev = m->counter.value[tp];
m->counter.value[t] = value;
double gauge_value = value - prev;
if (gauge_value < 0) {
gauge_value = 0; /* Counters are monotonically increasing */
flecs_gauge_record(m, t, (ecs_float_t)gauge_value);
return gauge_value;
void flecs_metric_print(
const char *name,
ecs_float_t value)
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(name);
ecs_trace("%s: %*s %.2f", name, 32 - len, "", (double)value);
void flecs_gauge_print(
const char *name,
int32_t t,
const ecs_metric_t *m)
flecs_metric_print(name, m->gauge.avg[t]);
void flecs_counter_print(
const char *name,
int32_t t,
const ecs_metric_t *m)
flecs_metric_print(name, m->counter.rate.avg[t]);
void ecs_metric_reduce(
ecs_metric_t *dst,
const ecs_metric_t *src,
int32_t t_dst,
int32_t t_src)
bool min_set = false;
dst->gauge.avg[t_dst] = 0;
dst->gauge.min[t_dst] = 0;
dst->gauge.max[t_dst] = 0;
ecs_float_t fwindow = (ecs_float_t)ECS_STAT_WINDOW;
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < ECS_STAT_WINDOW; i ++) {
int32_t t = (t_src + i) % ECS_STAT_WINDOW;
dst->gauge.avg[t_dst] += src->gauge.avg[t] / fwindow;
if (!min_set || (src->gauge.min[t] < dst->gauge.min[t_dst])) {
dst->gauge.min[t_dst] = src->gauge.min[t];
min_set = true;
if ((src->gauge.max[t] > dst->gauge.max[t_dst])) {
dst->gauge.max[t_dst] = src->gauge.max[t];
dst->counter.value[t_dst] = src->counter.value[t_src];
void ecs_metric_reduce_last(
ecs_metric_t *m,
int32_t prev,
int32_t count)
int32_t t = t_next(prev);
if (m->gauge.min[t] < m->gauge.min[prev]) {
m->gauge.min[prev] = m->gauge.min[t];
if (m->gauge.max[t] > m->gauge.max[prev]) {
m->gauge.max[prev] = m->gauge.max[t];
ecs_float_t fcount = (ecs_float_t)(count + 1);
ecs_float_t cur = m->gauge.avg[prev];
ecs_float_t next = m->gauge.avg[t];
cur *= ((fcount - 1) / fcount);
next *= 1 / fcount;
m->gauge.avg[prev] = cur + next;
m->counter.value[prev] = m->counter.value[t];
void ecs_metric_copy(
ecs_metric_t *m,
int32_t dst,
int32_t src)
ecs_check(dst != src, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
m->gauge.avg[dst] = m->gauge.avg[src];
m->gauge.min[dst] = m->gauge.min[src];
m->gauge.max[dst] = m->gauge.max[src];
m->counter.value[dst] = m->counter.value[src];
void flecs_stats_reduce(
ecs_metric_t *dst_cur,
ecs_metric_t *dst_last,
ecs_metric_t *src_cur,
int32_t t_dst,
int32_t t_src)
for (; dst_cur <= dst_last; dst_cur ++, src_cur ++) {
ecs_metric_reduce(dst_cur, src_cur, t_dst, t_src);
void flecs_stats_reduce_last(
ecs_metric_t *dst_cur,
ecs_metric_t *dst_last,
ecs_metric_t *src_cur,
int32_t t_dst,
int32_t t_src,
int32_t count)
int32_t t_dst_next = t_next(t_dst);
for (; dst_cur <= dst_last; dst_cur ++, src_cur ++) {
/* Reduce into previous value */
ecs_metric_reduce_last(dst_cur, t_dst, count);
/* Restore old value */
dst_cur->gauge.avg[t_dst_next] = src_cur->gauge.avg[t_src];
dst_cur->gauge.min[t_dst_next] = src_cur->gauge.min[t_src];
dst_cur->gauge.max[t_dst_next] = src_cur->gauge.max[t_src];
dst_cur->counter.value[t_dst_next] = src_cur->counter.value[t_src];
void flecs_stats_repeat_last(
ecs_metric_t *cur,
ecs_metric_t *last,
int32_t t)
int32_t prev = t_prev(t);
for (; cur <= last; cur ++) {
ecs_metric_copy(cur, t, prev);
void flecs_stats_copy_last(
ecs_metric_t *dst_cur,
ecs_metric_t *dst_last,
ecs_metric_t *src_cur,
int32_t t_dst,
int32_t t_src)
for (; dst_cur <= dst_last; dst_cur ++, src_cur ++) {
dst_cur->gauge.avg[t_dst] = src_cur->gauge.avg[t_src];
dst_cur->gauge.min[t_dst] = src_cur->gauge.min[t_src];
dst_cur->gauge.max[t_dst] = src_cur->gauge.max[t_src];
dst_cur->counter.value[t_dst] = src_cur->counter.value[t_src];
void ecs_world_stats_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_world_stats_t *s)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
int32_t t = s->t = t_next(s->t);
double delta_frame_count =
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->frame.frame_count, t, world->info.frame_count_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->frame.merge_count, t, world->info.merge_count_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->frame.rematch_count, t, world->info.rematch_count_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->frame.pipeline_build_count, t, world->info.pipeline_build_count_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->frame.systems_ran, t, world->info.systems_ran_frame);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->frame.observers_ran, t, world->info.observers_ran_frame);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->frame.event_emit_count, t, world->event_id);
double delta_world_time =
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->performance.world_time_raw, t, world->info.world_time_total_raw);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->performance.world_time, t, world->info.world_time_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->performance.frame_time, t, world->info.frame_time_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->performance.system_time, t, world->info.system_time_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->performance.emit_time, t, world->info.emit_time_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->performance.merge_time, t, world->info.merge_time_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->performance.rematch_time, t, world->info.rematch_time_total);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->performance.delta_time, t, delta_world_time);
if (ECS_NEQZERO(delta_world_time) && ECS_NEQZERO(delta_frame_count)) {
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->performance.fps, t, (double)1 / (delta_world_time / (double)delta_frame_count));
} else {
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->performance.fps, t, 0);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->entities.count, t, flecs_entities_count(world));
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->entities.not_alive_count, t, flecs_entities_not_alive_count(world));
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->components.tag_count, t, world->info.tag_id_count);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->components.component_count, t, world->info.component_id_count);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->components.pair_count, t, world->info.pair_id_count);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->components.type_count, t, ecs_sparse_count(&world->type_info));
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->components.create_count, t, world->info.id_create_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->components.delete_count, t, world->info.id_delete_total);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->queries.query_count, t, ecs_count_id(world, EcsQuery));
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->queries.observer_count, t, ecs_count_id(world, EcsObserver));
if (ecs_is_alive(world, EcsSystem)) {
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->queries.system_count, t, ecs_count_id(world, EcsSystem));
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->tables.create_count, t, world->info.table_create_total);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->tables.delete_count, t, world->info.table_delete_total);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->tables.count, t, world->info.table_count);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->tables.empty_count, t, world->info.empty_table_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.add_count, t, world->info.cmd.add_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.remove_count, t, world->info.cmd.remove_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.delete_count, t, world->info.cmd.delete_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.clear_count, t, world->info.cmd.clear_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.set_count, t, world->info.cmd.set_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.get_mut_count, t, world->info.cmd.get_mut_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.modified_count, t, world->info.cmd.modified_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.other_count, t, world->info.cmd.other_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.discard_count, t, world->info.cmd.discard_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.batched_entity_count, t, world->info.cmd.batched_entity_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->commands.batched_count, t, world->info.cmd.batched_command_count);
int64_t outstanding_allocs = ecs_os_api_malloc_count +
ecs_os_api_calloc_count - ecs_os_api_free_count;
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->memory.alloc_count, t, ecs_os_api_malloc_count + ecs_os_api_calloc_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->memory.realloc_count, t, ecs_os_api_realloc_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->memory.free_count, t, ecs_os_api_free_count);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->memory.outstanding_alloc_count, t, outstanding_allocs);
outstanding_allocs = ecs_block_allocator_alloc_count - ecs_block_allocator_free_count;
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->memory.block_alloc_count, t, ecs_block_allocator_alloc_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->memory.block_free_count, t, ecs_block_allocator_free_count);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->memory.block_outstanding_alloc_count, t, outstanding_allocs);
outstanding_allocs = ecs_stack_allocator_alloc_count - ecs_stack_allocator_free_count;
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->memory.stack_alloc_count, t, ecs_stack_allocator_alloc_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->memory.stack_free_count, t, ecs_stack_allocator_free_count);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->memory.stack_outstanding_alloc_count, t, outstanding_allocs);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->http.request_received_count, t, ecs_http_request_received_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->http.request_invalid_count, t, ecs_http_request_invalid_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->http.request_handled_ok_count, t, ecs_http_request_handled_ok_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->http.request_handled_error_count, t, ecs_http_request_handled_error_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->http.request_not_handled_count, t, ecs_http_request_not_handled_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->http.request_preflight_count, t, ecs_http_request_preflight_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->http.send_ok_count, t, ecs_http_send_ok_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->http.send_error_count, t, ecs_http_send_error_count);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->http.busy_count, t, ecs_http_busy_count);
void ecs_world_stats_reduce(
ecs_world_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_world_stats_t *src)
flecs_stats_reduce(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src), (dst->t = t_next(dst->t)), src->t);
void ecs_world_stats_reduce_last(
ecs_world_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_world_stats_t *src,
int32_t count)
flecs_stats_reduce_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src), (dst->t = t_prev(dst->t)), src->t, count);
void ecs_world_stats_repeat_last(
ecs_world_stats_t *stats)
flecs_stats_repeat_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(stats), ECS_METRIC_LAST(stats),
(stats->t = t_next(stats->t)));
void ecs_world_stats_copy_last(
ecs_world_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_world_stats_t *src)
flecs_stats_copy_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src), dst->t, t_next(src->t));
void ecs_query_stats_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_query_t *query,
ecs_query_stats_t *s)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(query != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t t = s->t = t_next(s->t);
if (query->filter.flags & EcsFilterMatchThis) {
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->matched_entity_count, t,
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->matched_table_count, t,
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->matched_empty_table_count, t,
} else {
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->matched_entity_count, t, 0);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->matched_table_count, t, 0);
ECS_GAUGE_RECORD(&s->matched_empty_table_count, t, 0);
void ecs_query_stats_reduce(
ecs_query_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_query_stats_t *src)
flecs_stats_reduce(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src), (dst->t = t_next(dst->t)), src->t);
void ecs_query_stats_reduce_last(
ecs_query_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_query_stats_t *src,
int32_t count)
flecs_stats_reduce_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src), (dst->t = t_prev(dst->t)), src->t, count);
void ecs_query_stats_repeat_last(
ecs_query_stats_t *stats)
flecs_stats_repeat_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(stats), ECS_METRIC_LAST(stats),
(stats->t = t_next(stats->t)));
void ecs_query_stats_copy_last(
ecs_query_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_query_stats_t *src)
flecs_stats_copy_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src), dst->t, t_next(src->t));
bool ecs_system_stats_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t system,
ecs_system_stats_t *s)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(system != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
const ecs_system_t *ptr = ecs_poly_get(world, system, ecs_system_t);
if (!ptr) {
return false;
ecs_query_stats_get(world, ptr->query, &s->query);
int32_t t = s->query.t;
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->time_spent, t, ptr->time_spent);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&s->invoke_count, t, ptr->invoke_count);
s->task = !(ptr->query->filter.flags & EcsFilterMatchThis);
return true;
return false;
void ecs_system_stats_reduce(
ecs_system_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_system_stats_t *src)
ecs_query_stats_reduce(&dst->query, &src->query);
dst->task = src->task;
flecs_stats_reduce(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src), dst->query.t, src->query.t);
void ecs_system_stats_reduce_last(
ecs_system_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_system_stats_t *src,
int32_t count)
ecs_query_stats_reduce_last(&dst->query, &src->query, count);
dst->task = src->task;
flecs_stats_reduce_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src), dst->query.t, src->query.t, count);
void ecs_system_stats_repeat_last(
ecs_system_stats_t *stats)
flecs_stats_repeat_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(stats), ECS_METRIC_LAST(stats),
void ecs_system_stats_copy_last(
ecs_system_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_system_stats_t *src)
ecs_query_stats_copy_last(&dst->query, &src->query);
dst->task = src->task;
flecs_stats_copy_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src), dst->query.t, t_next(src->query.t));
bool ecs_pipeline_stats_get(
ecs_world_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t pipeline,
ecs_pipeline_stats_t *s)
ecs_check(stage != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(pipeline != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const ecs_world_t *world = ecs_get_world(stage);
const EcsPipeline *pqc = ecs_get(world, pipeline, EcsPipeline);
if (!pqc) {
return false;
ecs_pipeline_state_t *pq = pqc->state;
ecs_assert(pq != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t sys_count = 0, active_sys_count = 0;
/* Count number of active systems */
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_query_iter(stage, pq->query);
while (ecs_query_next(&it)) {
if (flecs_id_record_get_table(pq->idr_inactive, it.table) != NULL) {
active_sys_count += it.count;
/* Count total number of systems in pipeline */
it = ecs_query_iter(stage, pq->query);
while (ecs_query_next(&it)) {
sys_count += it.count;
/* Also count synchronization points */
ecs_vec_t *ops = &pq->ops;
ecs_pipeline_op_t *op = ecs_vec_first_t(ops, ecs_pipeline_op_t);
ecs_pipeline_op_t *op_last = ecs_vec_last_t(ops, ecs_pipeline_op_t);
int32_t pip_count = active_sys_count + ecs_vec_count(ops);
if (!sys_count) {
return false;
if (ecs_map_is_init(&s->system_stats) && !sys_count) {
ecs_map_init_if(&s->system_stats, NULL);
if (op) {
ecs_entity_t *systems = NULL;
if (pip_count) {
ecs_vec_init_if_t(&s->systems, ecs_entity_t);
ecs_vec_set_count_t(NULL, &s->systems, ecs_entity_t, pip_count);
systems = ecs_vec_first_t(&s->systems, ecs_entity_t);
/* Populate systems vector, keep track of sync points */
it = ecs_query_iter(stage, pq->query);
int32_t i, i_system = 0, ran_since_merge = 0;
while (ecs_query_next(&it)) {
if (flecs_id_record_get_table(pq->idr_inactive, it.table) != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < it.count; i ++) {
systems[i_system ++] = it.entities[i];
ran_since_merge ++;
if (op != op_last && ran_since_merge == op->count) {
ran_since_merge = 0;
systems[i_system ++] = 0; /* 0 indicates a merge point */
systems[i_system ++] = 0; /* Last merge */
ecs_assert(pip_count == i_system, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} else {
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &s->systems, ecs_entity_t);
/* Get sync point statistics */
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(ops);
if (count) {
ecs_vec_init_if_t(&s->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
ecs_vec_set_min_count_zeromem_t(NULL, &s->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t, count);
op = ecs_vec_first_t(ops, ecs_pipeline_op_t);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_pipeline_op_t *cur = &op[i];
ecs_sync_stats_t *el = ecs_vec_get_t(&s->sync_points,
ecs_sync_stats_t, i);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&el->time_spent, s->t, cur->time_spent);
ECS_COUNTER_RECORD(&el->commands_enqueued, s->t,
el->system_count = cur->count;
el->multi_threaded = cur->multi_threaded;
el->no_readonly = cur->no_readonly;
/* Separately populate system stats map from build query, which includes
* systems that aren't currently active */
it = ecs_query_iter(stage, pq->query);
while (ecs_query_next(&it)) {
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < it.count; i ++) {
ecs_system_stats_t *stats = ecs_map_ensure_alloc_t(&s->system_stats,
ecs_system_stats_t, it.entities[i]);
stats->query.t = s->t;
ecs_system_stats_get(world, it.entities[i], stats);
s->t = t_next(s->t);
return true;
return false;
void ecs_pipeline_stats_fini(
ecs_pipeline_stats_t *stats)
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&stats->system_stats);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_system_stats_t *elem = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &stats->systems, ecs_entity_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &stats->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
void ecs_pipeline_stats_reduce(
ecs_pipeline_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_pipeline_stats_t *src)
int32_t system_count = ecs_vec_count(&src->systems);
ecs_vec_init_if_t(&dst->systems, ecs_entity_t);
ecs_vec_set_count_t(NULL, &dst->systems, ecs_entity_t, system_count);
ecs_entity_t *dst_systems = ecs_vec_first_t(&dst->systems, ecs_entity_t);
ecs_entity_t *src_systems = ecs_vec_first_t(&src->systems, ecs_entity_t);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(dst_systems, src_systems, ecs_entity_t, system_count);
int32_t i, sync_count = ecs_vec_count(&src->sync_points);
ecs_vec_init_if_t(&dst->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
ecs_vec_set_min_count_zeromem_t(NULL, &dst->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t, sync_count);
ecs_sync_stats_t *dst_syncs = ecs_vec_first_t(&dst->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
ecs_sync_stats_t *src_syncs = ecs_vec_first_t(&src->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
for (i = 0; i < sync_count; i ++) {
ecs_sync_stats_t *dst_el = &dst_syncs[i];
ecs_sync_stats_t *src_el = &src_syncs[i];
flecs_stats_reduce(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst_el), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst_el),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src_el), dst->t, src->t);
dst_el->system_count = src_el->system_count;
dst_el->multi_threaded = src_el->multi_threaded;
dst_el->no_readonly = src_el->no_readonly;
ecs_map_init_if(&dst->system_stats, NULL);
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&src->system_stats);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_system_stats_t *sys_src = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
ecs_system_stats_t *sys_dst = ecs_map_ensure_alloc_t(&dst->system_stats,
ecs_system_stats_t, ecs_map_key(&it));
sys_dst->query.t = dst->t;
ecs_system_stats_reduce(sys_dst, sys_src);
dst->t = t_next(dst->t);
void ecs_pipeline_stats_reduce_last(
ecs_pipeline_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_pipeline_stats_t *src,
int32_t count)
int32_t i, sync_count = ecs_vec_count(&src->sync_points);
ecs_sync_stats_t *dst_syncs = ecs_vec_first_t(&dst->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
ecs_sync_stats_t *src_syncs = ecs_vec_first_t(&src->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
for (i = 0; i < sync_count; i ++) {
ecs_sync_stats_t *dst_el = &dst_syncs[i];
ecs_sync_stats_t *src_el = &src_syncs[i];
flecs_stats_reduce_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst_el), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst_el),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src_el), dst->t, src->t, count);
dst_el->system_count = src_el->system_count;
dst_el->multi_threaded = src_el->multi_threaded;
dst_el->no_readonly = src_el->no_readonly;
ecs_map_init_if(&dst->system_stats, NULL);
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&src->system_stats);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_system_stats_t *sys_src = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
ecs_system_stats_t *sys_dst = ecs_map_ensure_alloc_t(&dst->system_stats,
ecs_system_stats_t, ecs_map_key(&it));
sys_dst->query.t = dst->t;
ecs_system_stats_reduce_last(sys_dst, sys_src, count);
dst->t = t_prev(dst->t);
void ecs_pipeline_stats_repeat_last(
ecs_pipeline_stats_t *stats)
int32_t i, sync_count = ecs_vec_count(&stats->sync_points);
ecs_sync_stats_t *syncs = ecs_vec_first_t(&stats->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
for (i = 0; i < sync_count; i ++) {
ecs_sync_stats_t *el = &syncs[i];
flecs_stats_repeat_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(el), ECS_METRIC_LAST(el),
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&stats->system_stats);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_system_stats_t *sys = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
sys->query.t = stats->t;
stats->t = t_next(stats->t);
void ecs_pipeline_stats_copy_last(
ecs_pipeline_stats_t *dst,
const ecs_pipeline_stats_t *src)
int32_t i, sync_count = ecs_vec_count(&src->sync_points);
ecs_vec_init_if_t(&dst->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
ecs_vec_set_min_count_zeromem_t(NULL, &dst->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t, sync_count);
ecs_sync_stats_t *dst_syncs = ecs_vec_first_t(&dst->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
ecs_sync_stats_t *src_syncs = ecs_vec_first_t(&src->sync_points, ecs_sync_stats_t);
for (i = 0; i < sync_count; i ++) {
ecs_sync_stats_t *dst_el = &dst_syncs[i];
ecs_sync_stats_t *src_el = &src_syncs[i];
flecs_stats_copy_last(ECS_METRIC_FIRST(dst_el), ECS_METRIC_LAST(dst_el),
ECS_METRIC_FIRST(src_el), dst->t, t_next(src->t));
dst_el->system_count = src_el->system_count;
dst_el->multi_threaded = src_el->multi_threaded;
dst_el->no_readonly = src_el->no_readonly;
ecs_map_init_if(&dst->system_stats, NULL);
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&src->system_stats);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_system_stats_t *sys_src = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
ecs_system_stats_t *sys_dst = ecs_map_ensure_alloc_t(&dst->system_stats,
ecs_system_stats_t, ecs_map_key(&it));
sys_dst->query.t = dst->t;
ecs_system_stats_copy_last(sys_dst, sys_src);
void ecs_world_stats_log(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_world_stats_t *s)
int32_t t = s->t;
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
flecs_counter_print("Frame", t, &s->frame.frame_count);
flecs_counter_print("pipeline rebuilds", t, &s->frame.pipeline_build_count);
flecs_counter_print("systems ran", t, &s->frame.systems_ran);
flecs_metric_print("target FPS", world->info.target_fps);
flecs_metric_print("time scale", world->info.time_scale);
flecs_gauge_print("actual FPS", t, &s->performance.fps);
flecs_counter_print("frame time", t, &s->performance.frame_time);
flecs_counter_print("system time", t, &s->performance.system_time);
flecs_counter_print("merge time", t, &s->performance.merge_time);
flecs_counter_print("simulation time elapsed", t, &s->performance.world_time);
flecs_gauge_print("tag id count", t, &s->components.tag_count);
flecs_gauge_print("component id count", t, &s->components.component_count);
flecs_gauge_print("pair id count", t, &s->components.pair_count);
flecs_gauge_print("type count", t, &s->components.type_count);
flecs_counter_print("id create count", t, &s->components.create_count);
flecs_counter_print("id delete count", t, &s->components.delete_count);
flecs_gauge_print("alive entity count", t, &s->entities.count);
flecs_gauge_print("not alive entity count", t, &s->entities.not_alive_count);
flecs_gauge_print("query count", t, &s->queries.query_count);
flecs_gauge_print("observer count", t, &s->queries.observer_count);
flecs_gauge_print("system count", t, &s->queries.system_count);
flecs_gauge_print("table count", t, &s->tables.count);
flecs_gauge_print("empty table count", t, &s->tables.empty_count);
flecs_counter_print("table create count", t, &s->tables.create_count);
flecs_counter_print("table delete count", t, &s->tables.delete_count);
flecs_counter_print("add commands", t, &s->commands.add_count);
flecs_counter_print("remove commands", t, &s->commands.remove_count);
flecs_counter_print("delete commands", t, &s->commands.delete_count);
flecs_counter_print("clear commands", t, &s->commands.clear_count);
flecs_counter_print("set commands", t, &s->commands.set_count);
flecs_counter_print("get_mut commands", t, &s->commands.get_mut_count);
flecs_counter_print("modified commands", t, &s->commands.modified_count);
flecs_counter_print("other commands", t, &s->commands.other_count);
flecs_counter_print("discarded commands", t, &s->commands.discard_count);
flecs_counter_print("batched entities", t, &s->commands.batched_entity_count);
flecs_counter_print("batched commands", t, &s->commands.batched_count);
* @file addons/timer.c
* @brief Timer addon.
void AddTickSource(ecs_iter_t *it) {
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
ecs_set(it->world, it->entities[i], EcsTickSource, {0});
void ProgressTimers(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsTimer *timer = ecs_field(it, EcsTimer, 1);
EcsTickSource *tick_source = ecs_field(it, EcsTickSource, 2);
ecs_assert(timer != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
tick_source[i].tick = false;
if (!timer[i].active) {
const ecs_world_info_t *info = ecs_get_world_info(it->world);
ecs_ftime_t time_elapsed = timer[i].time + info->delta_time_raw;
ecs_ftime_t timeout = timer[i].timeout;
if (time_elapsed >= timeout) {
ecs_ftime_t t = time_elapsed - timeout;
if (t > timeout) {
t = 0;
timer[i].time = t; /* Initialize with remainder */
tick_source[i].tick = true;
tick_source[i].time_elapsed = time_elapsed - timer[i].overshoot;
timer[i].overshoot = t;
if (timer[i].single_shot) {
timer[i].active = false;
} else {
timer[i].time = time_elapsed;
void ProgressRateFilters(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsRateFilter *filter = ecs_field(it, EcsRateFilter, 1);
EcsTickSource *tick_dst = ecs_field(it, EcsTickSource, 2);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t src = filter[i].src;
bool inc = false;
filter[i].time_elapsed += it->delta_time;
if (src) {
const EcsTickSource *tick_src = ecs_get(
it->world, src, EcsTickSource);
if (tick_src) {
inc = tick_src->tick;
} else {
inc = true;
} else {
inc = true;
if (inc) {
filter[i].tick_count ++;
bool triggered = !(filter[i].tick_count % filter[i].rate);
tick_dst[i].tick = triggered;
tick_dst[i].time_elapsed = filter[i].time_elapsed;
if (triggered) {
filter[i].time_elapsed = 0;
} else {
tick_dst[i].tick = false;
void ProgressTickSource(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsTickSource *tick_src = ecs_field(it, EcsTickSource, 1);
/* If tick source has no filters, tick unconditionally */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
tick_src[i].tick = true;
tick_src[i].time_elapsed = it->delta_time;
ecs_entity_t ecs_set_timeout(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t timer,
ecs_ftime_t timeout)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
timer = ecs_set(world, timer, EcsTimer, {
.timeout = timeout,
.single_shot = true,
.active = true
ecs_system_t *system_data = ecs_poly_get(world, timer, ecs_system_t);
if (system_data) {
system_data->tick_source = timer;
return timer;
ecs_ftime_t ecs_get_timeout(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t timer)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(timer != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const EcsTimer *value = ecs_get(world, timer, EcsTimer);
if (value) {
return value->timeout;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_set_interval(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t timer,
ecs_ftime_t interval)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (!timer) {
timer = ecs_new(world, EcsTimer);
EcsTimer *t = ecs_get_mut(world, timer, EcsTimer);
t->timeout = interval;
t->active = true;
ecs_modified(world, timer, EcsTimer);
ecs_system_t *system_data = ecs_poly_get(world, timer, ecs_system_t);
if (system_data) {
system_data->tick_source = timer;
return timer;
ecs_ftime_t ecs_get_interval(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t timer)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (!timer) {
return 0;
const EcsTimer *value = ecs_get(world, timer, EcsTimer);
if (value) {
return value->timeout;
return 0;
void ecs_start_timer(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t timer)
EcsTimer *ptr = ecs_get_mut(world, timer, EcsTimer);
ptr->active = true;
ptr->time = 0;
void ecs_stop_timer(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t timer)
EcsTimer *ptr = ecs_get_mut(world, timer, EcsTimer);
ptr->active = false;
void ecs_reset_timer(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t timer)
EcsTimer *ptr = ecs_get_mut(world, timer, EcsTimer);
ptr->time = 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_set_rate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t filter,
int32_t rate,
ecs_entity_t source)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
filter = ecs_set(world, filter, EcsRateFilter, {
.rate = rate,
.src = source
ecs_system_t *system_data = ecs_poly_get(world, filter, ecs_system_t);
if (system_data) {
system_data->tick_source = filter;
return filter;
void ecs_set_tick_source(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t system,
ecs_entity_t tick_source)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(system != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(tick_source != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_system_t *system_data = ecs_poly_get(world, system, ecs_system_t);
ecs_check(system_data != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
system_data->tick_source = tick_source;
void RandomizeTimers(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsTimer *timer = ecs_field(it, EcsTimer, 1);
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
timer[i].time =
((ecs_ftime_t)rand() / (ecs_ftime_t)RAND_MAX) * timer[i].timeout;
void ecs_randomize_timers(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_observer(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "flecs.timer.RandomizeTimers" }),
.filter.terms = {{
.id = ecs_id(EcsTimer)
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.yield_existing = true,
.callback = RandomizeTimers
void FlecsTimerImport(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_MODULE(world, FlecsTimer);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsPipeline);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(FlecsTimer),
"Module that implements system timers (used by .interval)");
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsTimer);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsRateFilter);
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsTimer, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor
/* Add EcsTickSource to timers and rate filters */
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, {.name = "AddTickSource", .add = { ecs_dependson(EcsPreFrame) }}),
.query.filter.terms = {
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsTimer), .oper = EcsOr, .inout = EcsIn },
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsRateFilter), .oper = EcsAnd, .inout = EcsIn },
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsTickSource), .oper = EcsNot, .inout = EcsOut}
.callback = AddTickSource
/* Timer handling */
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, {.name = "ProgressTimers", .add = { ecs_dependson(EcsPreFrame)}}),
.query.filter.terms = {
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsTimer) },
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsTickSource) }
.callback = ProgressTimers
/* Rate filter handling */
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, {.name = "ProgressRateFilters", .add = { ecs_dependson(EcsPreFrame)}}),
.query.filter.terms = {
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsRateFilter), .inout = EcsIn },
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsTickSource), .inout = EcsOut }
.callback = ProgressRateFilters
/* TickSource without a timer or rate filter just increases each frame */
ecs_system(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "ProgressTickSource", .add = { ecs_dependson(EcsPreFrame)}}),
.query.filter.terms = {
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsTickSource), .inout = EcsOut },
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsRateFilter), .oper = EcsNot },
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsTimer), .oper = EcsNot }
.callback = ProgressTickSource
* @file addons/units.c
* @brief Units addon.
void FlecsUnitsImport(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_MODULE(world, FlecsUnits);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(FlecsUnits),
"Module with (amongst others) SI units for annotating component members");
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
EcsUnitPrefixes = ecs_entity(world, {
.name = "prefixes",
.add = { EcsModule }
/* Initialize unit prefixes */
ecs_entity_t prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsUnitPrefixes);
EcsYocto = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Yocto" }),
.symbol = "y",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = -24 }
EcsZepto = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Zepto" }),
.symbol = "z",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = -21 }
EcsAtto = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Atto" }),
.symbol = "a",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = -18 }
EcsFemto = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Femto" }),
.symbol = "a",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = -15 }
EcsPico = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Pico" }),
.symbol = "p",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = -12 }
EcsNano = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Nano" }),
.symbol = "n",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = -9 }
EcsMicro = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Micro" }),
.symbol = "μ",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = -6 }
EcsMilli = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Milli" }),
.symbol = "m",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = -3 }
EcsCenti = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Centi" }),
.symbol = "c",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = -2 }
EcsDeci = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Deci" }),
.symbol = "d",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = -1 }
EcsDeca = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Deca" }),
.symbol = "da",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = 1 }
EcsHecto = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Hecto" }),
.symbol = "h",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = 2 }
EcsKilo = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Kilo" }),
.symbol = "k",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = 3 }
EcsMega = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Mega" }),
.symbol = "M",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = 6 }
EcsGiga = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Giga" }),
.symbol = "G",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = 9 }
EcsTera = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Tera" }),
.symbol = "T",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = 12 }
EcsPeta = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Peta" }),
.symbol = "P",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = 15 }
EcsExa = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Exa" }),
.symbol = "E",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = 18 }
EcsZetta = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Zetta" }),
.symbol = "Z",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = 21 }
EcsYotta = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Yotta" }),
.symbol = "Y",
.translation = { .factor = 10, .power = 24 }
EcsKibi = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Kibi" }),
.symbol = "Ki",
.translation = { .factor = 1024, .power = 1 }
EcsMebi = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Mebi" }),
.symbol = "Mi",
.translation = { .factor = 1024, .power = 2 }
EcsGibi = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Gibi" }),
.symbol = "Gi",
.translation = { .factor = 1024, .power = 3 }
EcsTebi = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Tebi" }),
.symbol = "Ti",
.translation = { .factor = 1024, .power = 4 }
EcsPebi = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Pebi" }),
.symbol = "Pi",
.translation = { .factor = 1024, .power = 5 }
EcsExbi = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Exbi" }),
.symbol = "Ei",
.translation = { .factor = 1024, .power = 6 }
EcsZebi = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Zebi" }),
.symbol = "Zi",
.translation = { .factor = 1024, .power = 7 }
EcsYobi = ecs_unit_prefix_init(world, &(ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Yobi" }),
.symbol = "Yi",
.translation = { .factor = 1024, .power = 8 }
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Duration units */
EcsDuration = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Duration" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsDuration);
EcsSeconds = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Seconds" }),
.quantity = EcsDuration,
.symbol = "s" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsSeconds,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsPicoSeconds = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "PicoSeconds" }),
.quantity = EcsDuration,
.base = EcsSeconds,
.prefix = EcsPico });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsPicoSeconds,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsNanoSeconds = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "NanoSeconds" }),
.quantity = EcsDuration,
.base = EcsSeconds,
.prefix = EcsNano });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsNanoSeconds,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsMicroSeconds = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MicroSeconds" }),
.quantity = EcsDuration,
.base = EcsSeconds,
.prefix = EcsMicro });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMicroSeconds,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsMilliSeconds = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MilliSeconds" }),
.quantity = EcsDuration,
.base = EcsSeconds,
.prefix = EcsMilli });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMilliSeconds,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsMinutes = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Minutes" }),
.quantity = EcsDuration,
.base = EcsSeconds,
.symbol = "min",
.translation = { .factor = 60, .power = 1 } });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMinutes,
.kind = EcsU32
EcsHours = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Hours" }),
.quantity = EcsDuration,
.base = EcsMinutes,
.symbol = "h",
.translation = { .factor = 60, .power = 1 } });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsHours,
.kind = EcsU32
EcsDays = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Days" }),
.quantity = EcsDuration,
.base = EcsHours,
.symbol = "d",
.translation = { .factor = 24, .power = 1 } });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsDays,
.kind = EcsU32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Time units */
EcsTime = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Time" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsTime);
EcsDate = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Date" }),
.quantity = EcsTime });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsDate,
.kind = EcsU32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Mass units */
EcsMass = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Mass" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsMass);
EcsGrams = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Grams" }),
.quantity = EcsMass,
.symbol = "g" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsGrams,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsKiloGrams = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "KiloGrams" }),
.quantity = EcsMass,
.prefix = EcsKilo,
.base = EcsGrams });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKiloGrams,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Electric current units */
EcsElectricCurrent = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "ElectricCurrent" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsElectricCurrent);
EcsAmpere = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Ampere" }),
.quantity = EcsElectricCurrent,
.symbol = "A" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsAmpere,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Amount of substance units */
EcsAmount = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Amount" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsAmount);
EcsMole = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Mole" }),
.quantity = EcsAmount,
.symbol = "mol" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMole,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Luminous intensity units */
EcsLuminousIntensity = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "LuminousIntensity" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsLuminousIntensity);
EcsCandela = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Candela" }),
.quantity = EcsLuminousIntensity,
.symbol = "cd" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsCandela,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Force units */
EcsForce = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Force" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsForce);
EcsNewton = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Newton" }),
.quantity = EcsForce,
.symbol = "N" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsNewton,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Length units */
EcsLength = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Length" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsLength);
EcsMeters = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Meters" }),
.quantity = EcsLength,
.symbol = "m" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMeters,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsPicoMeters = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "PicoMeters" }),
.quantity = EcsLength,
.base = EcsMeters,
.prefix = EcsPico });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsPicoMeters,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsNanoMeters = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "NanoMeters" }),
.quantity = EcsLength,
.base = EcsMeters,
.prefix = EcsNano });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsNanoMeters,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsMicroMeters = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MicroMeters" }),
.quantity = EcsLength,
.base = EcsMeters,
.prefix = EcsMicro });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMicroMeters,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsMilliMeters = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MilliMeters" }),
.quantity = EcsLength,
.base = EcsMeters,
.prefix = EcsMilli });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMilliMeters,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsCentiMeters = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "CentiMeters" }),
.quantity = EcsLength,
.base = EcsMeters,
.prefix = EcsCenti });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsCentiMeters,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsKiloMeters = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "KiloMeters" }),
.quantity = EcsLength,
.base = EcsMeters,
.prefix = EcsKilo });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKiloMeters,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsMiles = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Miles" }),
.quantity = EcsLength,
.symbol = "mi"
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMiles,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsPixels = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Pixels" }),
.quantity = EcsLength,
.symbol = "px"
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsPixels,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Pressure units */
EcsPressure = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Pressure" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsPressure);
EcsPascal = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Pascal" }),
.quantity = EcsPressure,
.symbol = "Pa" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsPascal,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsBar = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Bar" }),
.quantity = EcsPressure,
.symbol = "bar" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsBar,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Speed units */
EcsSpeed = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Speed" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsSpeed);
EcsMetersPerSecond = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MetersPerSecond" }),
.quantity = EcsSpeed,
.base = EcsMeters,
.over = EcsSeconds });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMetersPerSecond,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsKiloMetersPerSecond = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "KiloMetersPerSecond" }),
.quantity = EcsSpeed,
.base = EcsKiloMeters,
.over = EcsSeconds });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKiloMetersPerSecond,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsKiloMetersPerHour = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "KiloMetersPerHour" }),
.quantity = EcsSpeed,
.base = EcsKiloMeters,
.over = EcsHours });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKiloMetersPerHour,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsMilesPerHour = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MilesPerHour" }),
.quantity = EcsSpeed,
.base = EcsMiles,
.over = EcsHours });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMilesPerHour,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Acceleration */
EcsAcceleration = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Acceleration" }),
.base = EcsMetersPerSecond,
.over = EcsSeconds });
ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.id = EcsAcceleration
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsAcceleration,
.kind = EcsF32
/* Temperature units */
EcsTemperature = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Temperature" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsTemperature);
EcsKelvin = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Kelvin" }),
.quantity = EcsTemperature,
.symbol = "K" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKelvin,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsCelsius = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Celsius" }),
.quantity = EcsTemperature,
.symbol = "°C" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsCelsius,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsFahrenheit = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Fahrenheit" }),
.quantity = EcsTemperature,
.symbol = "F" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsFahrenheit,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Data units */
EcsData = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Data" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsData);
EcsBits = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Bits" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.symbol = "bit" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsBits,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsKiloBits = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "KiloBits" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.base = EcsBits,
.prefix = EcsKilo });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKiloBits,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsMegaBits = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MegaBits" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.base = EcsBits,
.prefix = EcsMega });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMegaBits,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsGigaBits = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "GigaBits" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.base = EcsBits,
.prefix = EcsGiga });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsGigaBits,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsBytes = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Bytes" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.symbol = "B",
.base = EcsBits,
.translation = { .factor = 8, .power = 1 } });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsBytes,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsKiloBytes = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "KiloBytes" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.base = EcsBytes,
.prefix = EcsKilo });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKiloBytes,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsMegaBytes = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MegaBytes" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.base = EcsBytes,
.prefix = EcsMega });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMegaBytes,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsGigaBytes = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "GigaBytes" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.base = EcsBytes,
.prefix = EcsGiga });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsGigaBytes,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsKibiBytes = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "KibiBytes" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.base = EcsBytes,
.prefix = EcsKibi });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKibiBytes,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsMebiBytes = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MebiBytes" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.base = EcsBytes,
.prefix = EcsMebi });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMebiBytes,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsGibiBytes = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "GibiBytes" }),
.quantity = EcsData,
.base = EcsBytes,
.prefix = EcsGibi });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsGibiBytes,
.kind = EcsU64
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* DataRate units */
EcsDataRate = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "DataRate" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsDataRate);
EcsBitsPerSecond = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "BitsPerSecond" }),
.quantity = EcsDataRate,
.base = EcsBits,
.over = EcsSeconds });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsBitsPerSecond,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsKiloBitsPerSecond = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "KiloBitsPerSecond" }),
.quantity = EcsDataRate,
.base = EcsKiloBits,
.over = EcsSeconds
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKiloBitsPerSecond,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsMegaBitsPerSecond = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MegaBitsPerSecond" }),
.quantity = EcsDataRate,
.base = EcsMegaBits,
.over = EcsSeconds
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMegaBitsPerSecond,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsGigaBitsPerSecond = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "GigaBitsPerSecond" }),
.quantity = EcsDataRate,
.base = EcsGigaBits,
.over = EcsSeconds
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsGigaBitsPerSecond,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsBytesPerSecond = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "BytesPerSecond" }),
.quantity = EcsDataRate,
.base = EcsBytes,
.over = EcsSeconds });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsBytesPerSecond,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsKiloBytesPerSecond = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "KiloBytesPerSecond" }),
.quantity = EcsDataRate,
.base = EcsKiloBytes,
.over = EcsSeconds
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKiloBytesPerSecond,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsMegaBytesPerSecond = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MegaBytesPerSecond" }),
.quantity = EcsDataRate,
.base = EcsMegaBytes,
.over = EcsSeconds
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMegaBytesPerSecond,
.kind = EcsU64
EcsGigaBytesPerSecond = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "GigaBytesPerSecond" }),
.quantity = EcsDataRate,
.base = EcsGigaBytes,
.over = EcsSeconds
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsGigaBytesPerSecond,
.kind = EcsU64
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Percentage */
EcsPercentage = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Percentage" });
ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = EcsPercentage,
.symbol = "%"
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsPercentage,
.kind = EcsF32
/* Angles */
EcsAngle = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Angle" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsAngle);
EcsRadians = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Radians" }),
.quantity = EcsAngle,
.symbol = "rad" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsRadians,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsDegrees = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Degrees" }),
.quantity = EcsAngle,
.symbol = "°" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsDegrees,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* DeciBel */
EcsBel = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Bel" }),
.symbol = "B" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsBel,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsDeciBel = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "DeciBel" }),
.prefix = EcsDeci,
.base = EcsBel });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsDeciBel,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsFrequency = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Frequency" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsFrequency);
EcsHertz = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Hertz" }),
.quantity = EcsFrequency,
.symbol = "Hz" });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsHertz,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsKiloHertz = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "KiloHertz" }),
.prefix = EcsKilo,
.base = EcsHertz });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsKiloHertz,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsMegaHertz = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MegaHertz" }),
.prefix = EcsMega,
.base = EcsHertz });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsMegaHertz,
.kind = EcsF32
EcsGigaHertz = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "GigaHertz" }),
.prefix = EcsGiga,
.base = EcsHertz });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsGigaHertz,
.kind = EcsF32
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
EcsUri = ecs_quantity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){
.name = "Uri" });
prev_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, EcsUri);
EcsUriHyperlink = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Hyperlink" }),
.quantity = EcsUri });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsUriHyperlink,
.kind = EcsString
EcsUriImage = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Image" }),
.quantity = EcsUri });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsUriImage,
.kind = EcsString
EcsUriFile = ecs_unit_init(world, &(ecs_unit_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "File" }),
.quantity = EcsUri });
ecs_primitive_init(world, &(ecs_primitive_desc_t){
.entity = EcsUriFile,
.kind = EcsString
ecs_set_scope(world, prev_scope);
/* Documentation */
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDuration,
"Time amount (e.g. \"20 seconds\", \"2 hours\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsSeconds, "Time amount in seconds");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsMinutes, "60 seconds");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsHours, "60 minutes");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDays, "24 hours");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsTime,
"Time passed since an epoch (e.g. \"5pm\", \"March 3rd 2022\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDate,
"Seconds passed since January 1st 1970");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsMass, "Units of mass (e.g. \"5 kilograms\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsElectricCurrent,
"Units of electrical current (e.g. \"2 ampere\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsAmount,
"Units of amount of substance (e.g. \"2 mole\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsLuminousIntensity,
"Units of luminous intensity (e.g. \"1 candela\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsForce, "Units of force (e.g. \"10 newton\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsLength,
"Units of length (e.g. \"5 meters\", \"20 miles\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsPressure,
"Units of pressure (e.g. \"1 bar\", \"1000 pascal\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsSpeed,
"Units of movement (e.g. \"5 meters/second\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsAcceleration,
"Unit of speed increase (e.g. \"5 meters/second/second\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsTemperature,
"Units of temperature (e.g. \"5 degrees Celsius\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsData,
"Units of information (e.g. \"8 bits\", \"100 megabytes\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsDataRate,
"Units of data transmission (e.g. \"100 megabits/second\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsAngle,
"Units of rotation (e.g. \"1.2 radians\", \"180 degrees\")");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsFrequency,
"The number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.");
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, EcsUri, "Universal resource identifier.");
* @file datastructures/allocator.c
* @brief Allocator for any size.
* Allocators create a block allocator for each requested size.
ecs_size_t flecs_allocator_size(
ecs_size_t size)
return ECS_ALIGN(size, 16);
ecs_size_t flecs_allocator_size_hash(
ecs_size_t size)
return size >> 4;
void flecs_allocator_init(
ecs_allocator_t *a)
flecs_ballocator_init_n(&a->chunks, ecs_block_allocator_t,
flecs_sparse_init_t(&a->sizes, NULL, &a->chunks, ecs_block_allocator_t);
void flecs_allocator_fini(
ecs_allocator_t *a)
int32_t i = 0, count = flecs_sparse_count(&a->sizes);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_block_allocator_t *ba = flecs_sparse_get_dense_t(
&a->sizes, ecs_block_allocator_t, i);
ecs_block_allocator_t* flecs_allocator_get(
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_assert(size >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!size) {
return NULL;
ecs_assert(a != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(size <= flecs_allocator_size(size), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
size = flecs_allocator_size(size);
ecs_size_t hash = flecs_allocator_size_hash(size);
ecs_block_allocator_t *result = flecs_sparse_get_any_t(&a->sizes,
ecs_block_allocator_t, (uint32_t)hash);
if (!result) {
result = flecs_sparse_ensure_fast_t(&a->sizes,
ecs_block_allocator_t, (uint32_t)hash);
flecs_ballocator_init(result, size);
ecs_assert(result->data_size == size, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return result;
char* flecs_strdup(
ecs_allocator_t *a,
const char* str)
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(str);
char *result = flecs_alloc_n(a, char, len + 1);
ecs_os_memcpy(result, str, len + 1);
return result;
void flecs_strfree(
ecs_allocator_t *a,
char* str)
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(str);
flecs_free_n(a, char, len + 1, str);
void* flecs_dup(
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_size_t size,
const void *src)
ecs_block_allocator_t *ba = flecs_allocator_get(a, size);
if (ba) {
void *dst = flecs_balloc(ba);
ecs_os_memcpy(dst, src, size);
return dst;
} else {
return NULL;
* @file datastructures/bitset.c
* @brief Bitset data structure.
* Simple bitset implementation. The bitset allows for storage of arbitrary
* numbers of bits.
void ensure(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
ecs_size_t size)
if (!bs->size) {
int32_t new_size = ((size - 1) / 64 + 1) * ECS_SIZEOF(uint64_t);
bs->size = ((size - 1) / 64 + 1) * 64;
bs->data = ecs_os_calloc(new_size);
} else if (size > bs->size) {
int32_t prev_size = ((bs->size - 1) / 64 + 1) * ECS_SIZEOF(uint64_t);
bs->size = ((size - 1) / 64 + 1) * 64;
int32_t new_size = ((size - 1) / 64 + 1) * ECS_SIZEOF(uint64_t);
bs->data = ecs_os_realloc(bs->data, new_size);
ecs_os_memset(ECS_OFFSET(bs->data, prev_size), 0, new_size - prev_size);
void flecs_bitset_init(
ecs_bitset_t* bs)
bs->size = 0;
bs->count = 0;
bs->data = NULL;
void flecs_bitset_ensure(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t count)
if (count > bs->count) {
bs->count = count;
ensure(bs, count);
void flecs_bitset_fini(
ecs_bitset_t *bs)
bs->data = NULL;
bs->count = 0;
void flecs_bitset_addn(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t count)
int32_t elem = bs->count += count;
ensure(bs, elem);
void flecs_bitset_set(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t elem,
bool value)
ecs_check(elem < bs->count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
uint32_t hi = ((uint32_t)elem) >> 6;
uint32_t lo = ((uint32_t)elem) & 0x3F;
uint64_t v = bs->data[hi];
bs->data[hi] = (v & ~((uint64_t)1 << lo)) | ((uint64_t)value << lo);
bool flecs_bitset_get(
const ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t elem)
ecs_check(elem < bs->count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return !!(bs->data[elem >> 6] & ((uint64_t)1 << ((uint64_t)elem & 0x3F)));
return false;
int32_t flecs_bitset_count(
const ecs_bitset_t *bs)
return bs->count;
void flecs_bitset_remove(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t elem)
ecs_check(elem < bs->count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t last = bs->count - 1;
bool last_value = flecs_bitset_get(bs, last);
flecs_bitset_set(bs, elem, last_value);
flecs_bitset_set(bs, last, 0);
bs->count --;
void flecs_bitset_swap(
ecs_bitset_t *bs,
int32_t elem_a,
int32_t elem_b)
ecs_check(elem_a < bs->count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(elem_b < bs->count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
bool a = flecs_bitset_get(bs, elem_a);
bool b = flecs_bitset_get(bs, elem_b);
flecs_bitset_set(bs, elem_a, b);
flecs_bitset_set(bs, elem_b, a);
* @file datastructures/block_allocator.c
* @brief Block allocator.
* A block allocator is an allocator for a fixed size that allocates blocks of
* memory with N elements of the requested size.
// #endif
int64_t ecs_block_allocator_alloc_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_block_allocator_free_count = 0;
ecs_block_allocator_chunk_header_t* flecs_balloc_block(
ecs_block_allocator_t *allocator)
if (!allocator->chunk_size) {
return NULL;
ecs_block_allocator_block_t *block =
ecs_os_malloc(ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_block_allocator_block_t) +
ecs_block_allocator_chunk_header_t *first_chunk = ECS_OFFSET(block,
block->memory = first_chunk;
if (!allocator->block_tail) {
ecs_assert(!allocator->block_head, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, 0);
block->next = NULL;
allocator->block_head = block;
allocator->block_tail = block;
} else {
block->next = NULL;
allocator->block_tail->next = block;
allocator->block_tail = block;
ecs_block_allocator_chunk_header_t *chunk = first_chunk;
int32_t i, end;
for (i = 0, end = allocator->chunks_per_block - 1; i < end; ++i) {
chunk->next = ECS_OFFSET(chunk, allocator->chunk_size);
chunk = chunk->next;
chunk->next = NULL;
return first_chunk;
void flecs_ballocator_init(
ecs_block_allocator_t *ba,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_assert(ba != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(size != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ba->data_size = size;
size += ECS_SIZEOF(int64_t);
ba->chunk_size = ECS_ALIGN(size, 16);
ba->chunks_per_block = ECS_MAX(4096 / ba->chunk_size, 1);
ba->block_size = ba->chunks_per_block * ba->chunk_size;
ba->head = NULL;
ba->block_head = NULL;
ba->block_tail = NULL;
ecs_block_allocator_t* flecs_ballocator_new(
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_block_allocator_t *result = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_block_allocator_t);
flecs_ballocator_init(result, size);
return result;
void flecs_ballocator_fini(
ecs_block_allocator_t *ba)
ecs_assert(ba != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(ba->alloc_count == 0, ECS_LEAK_DETECTED,
"(size = %u)", (uint32_t)ba->data_size);
ecs_block_allocator_block_t *block;
for (block = ba->block_head; block;) {
ecs_block_allocator_block_t *next = block->next;
block = next;
ba->block_head = NULL;
void flecs_ballocator_free(
ecs_block_allocator_t *ba)
void* flecs_balloc(
ecs_block_allocator_t *ba)
void *result;
result = ecs_os_malloc(ba->data_size);
if (!ba) return NULL;
if (!ba->head) {
ba->head = flecs_balloc_block(ba);
result = ba->head;
ba->head = ba->head->next;
ecs_assert(ba->alloc_count >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "corrupted allocator");
ba->alloc_count ++;
*(int64_t*)result = ba->chunk_size;
result = ECS_OFFSET(result, ECS_SIZEOF(int64_t));
ecs_os_memset(result, 0xAA, ba->data_size);
return result;
void* flecs_bcalloc(
ecs_block_allocator_t *ba)
return ecs_os_calloc(ba->data_size);
if (!ba) return NULL;
void *result = flecs_balloc(ba);
ecs_os_memset(result, 0, ba->data_size);
return result;
void flecs_bfree(
ecs_block_allocator_t *ba,
void *memory)
if (!ba) {
ecs_assert(memory == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (memory == NULL) {
memory = ECS_OFFSET(memory, -ECS_SIZEOF(int64_t));
if (*(int64_t*)memory != ba->chunk_size) {
ecs_err("chunk %p returned to wrong allocator "
"(chunk = %ub, allocator = %ub)",
memory, *(int64_t*)memory, ba->chunk_size);
ba->alloc_count --;
ecs_block_allocator_chunk_header_t *chunk = memory;
chunk->next = ba->head;
ba->head = chunk;
ecs_assert(ba->alloc_count >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "corrupted allocator");
void* flecs_brealloc(
ecs_block_allocator_t *dst,
ecs_block_allocator_t *src,
void *memory)
void *result;
result = ecs_os_realloc(memory, dst->data_size);
if (dst == src) {
return memory;
result = flecs_balloc(dst);
if (result && src) {
ecs_size_t size = src->data_size;
if (dst->data_size < size) {
size = dst->data_size;
ecs_os_memcpy(result, memory, size);
flecs_bfree(src, memory);
if (dst && src && (dst->data_size > src->data_size)) {
ecs_os_memset(ECS_OFFSET(result, src->data_size), 0xAA,
dst->data_size - src->data_size);
} else if (dst && !src) {
ecs_os_memset(result, 0xAA, dst->data_size);
return result;
void* flecs_bdup(
ecs_block_allocator_t *ba,
void *memory)
if (memory && ba->chunk_size) {
return ecs_os_memdup(memory, ba->data_size);
} else {
return NULL;
void *result = flecs_balloc(ba);
if (result) {
ecs_os_memcpy(result, memory, ba->data_size);
return result;
// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain under The Unlicense (http://unlicense.org/)
// main repo: https://github.com/wangyi-fudan/wyhash
// author: 王一 Wang Yi
// contributors: Reini Urban, Dietrich Epp, Joshua Haberman, Tommy Ettinger,
// Daniel Lemire, Otmar Ertl, cocowalla, leo-yuriev,
// Diego Barrios Romero, paulie-g, dumblob, Yann Collet, ivte-ms,
// hyb, James Z.M. Gao, easyaspi314 (Devin), TheOneric
/* quick example:
string s="fjsakfdsjkf";
uint64_t hash=wyhash(s.c_str(), s.size(), 0, wyp_);
//protections that produce different results:
//1: normal valid behavior
//2: extra protection against entropy loss (probability=2^-63), aka. "blind multiplication"
#ifndef WYHASH_32BIT_MUM
//0: normal version, slow on 32 bit systems
//1: faster on 32 bit systems but produces different results, incompatible with wy2u0k function
#define WYHASH_32BIT_MUM 0
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic(_umul128)
//likely and unlikely macros
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__)
#define likely_(x) __builtin_expect(x,1)
#define unlikely_(x) __builtin_expect(x,0)
#define likely_(x) (x)
#define unlikely_(x) (x)
//128bit multiply function
static inline void wymum_(uint64_t *A, uint64_t *B){
uint64_t hh=(*A>>32)*(*B>>32), hl=(*A>>32)*(uint32_t)*B, lh=(uint32_t)*A*(*B>>32), ll=(uint64_t)(uint32_t)*A*(uint32_t)*B;
*A^=_wyrot(hl)^hh; *B^=_wyrot(lh)^ll;
*A=_wyrot(hl)^hh; *B=_wyrot(lh)^ll;
#elif defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__)
__uint128_t r=*A; r*=*B;
*A^=(uint64_t)r; *B^=(uint64_t)(r>>64);
*A=(uint64_t)r; *B=(uint64_t)(r>>64);
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
uint64_t a, b;
*A^=a; *B^=b;
uint64_t ha=*A>>32, hb=*B>>32, la=(uint32_t)*A, lb=(uint32_t)*B, hi, lo;
uint64_t rh=ha*hb, rm0=ha*lb, rm1=hb*la, rl=la*lb, t=rl+(rm0<<32), c=t<rl;
lo=t+(rm1<<32); c+=lo<t; hi=rh+(rm0>>32)+(rm1>>32)+c;
*A^=lo; *B^=hi;
*A=lo; *B=hi;
//multiply and xor mix function, aka MUM
static inline uint64_t wymix_(uint64_t A, uint64_t B){ wymum_(&A,&B); return A^B; }
//endian macros
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
#warning could not determine endianness! Falling back to little endian.
//read functions
static inline uint64_t wyr8_(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return v;}
static inline uint64_t wyr4_(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return v;}
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__)
static inline uint64_t wyr8_(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return __builtin_bswap64(v);}
static inline uint64_t wyr4_(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return __builtin_bswap32(v);}
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline uint64_t wyr8_(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return _byteswap_uint64(v);}
static inline uint64_t wyr4_(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return _byteswap_ulong(v);}
static inline uint64_t wyr8_(const uint8_t *p) {
uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8);
return (((v >> 56) & 0xff)| ((v >> 40) & 0xff00)| ((v >> 24) & 0xff0000)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff000000)| ((v << 8) & 0xff00000000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff0000000000)| ((v << 40) & 0xff000000000000)| ((v << 56) & 0xff00000000000000));
static inline uint64_t wyr4_(const uint8_t *p) {
uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4);
return (((v >> 24) & 0xff)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff00)| ((v << 8) & 0xff0000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff000000));
static inline uint64_t wyr3_(const uint8_t *p, size_t k) { return (((uint64_t)p[0])<<16)|(((uint64_t)p[k>>1])<<8)|p[k-1];}
//wyhash main function
static inline uint64_t wyhash(const void *key, size_t len, uint64_t seed, const uint64_t *secret){
const uint8_t *p=(const uint8_t *)key; seed^=wymix_(seed^secret[0],secret[1]); uint64_t a, b;
if(likely_(len>=4)){ a=(wyr4_(p)<<32)|wyr4_(p+((len>>3)<<2)); b=(wyr4_(p+len-4)<<32)|wyr4_(p+len-4-((len>>3)<<2)); }
else if(likely_(len>0)){ a=wyr3_(p,len); b=0;}
else a=b=0;
size_t i=len;
uint64_t see1=seed, see2=seed;
p+=48; i-=48;
while(unlikely_(i>16)){ seed=wymix_(wyr8_(p)^secret[1],wyr8_(p+8)^seed); i-=16; p+=16; }
a=wyr8_(p+i-16); b=wyr8_(p+i-8);
a^=secret[1]; b^=seed; wymum_(&a,&b);
return wymix_(a^secret[0]^len,b^secret[1]);
//the default secret parameters
static const uint64_t wyp_[4] = {0xa0761d6478bd642full, 0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull, 0x8ebc6af09c88c6e3ull, 0x589965cc75374cc3ull};
uint64_t flecs_hash(
const void *data,
ecs_size_t length)
return wyhash(data, flecs_ito(size_t, length), 0, wyp_);
* @file datastructures/hashmap.c
* @brief Hashmap data structure.
* The hashmap data structure is built on top of the map data structure. Where
* the map data structure can only work with 64bit key values, the hashmap can
* hash keys of any size, and handles collisions between hashes.
int32_t flecs_hashmap_find_key(
const ecs_hashmap_t *map,
ecs_vec_t *keys,
ecs_size_t key_size,
const void *key)
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(keys);
void *key_array = ecs_vec_first(keys);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
void *key_ptr = ECS_OFFSET(key_array, key_size * i);
if (map->compare(key_ptr, key) == 0) {
return i;
return -1;
void flecs_hashmap_init_(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
ecs_size_t key_size,
ecs_size_t value_size,
ecs_hash_value_action_t hash,
ecs_compare_action_t compare,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator)
map->key_size = key_size;
map->value_size = value_size;
map->hash = hash;
map->compare = compare;
flecs_ballocator_init_t(&map->bucket_allocator, ecs_hm_bucket_t);
ecs_map_init(&map->impl, allocator);
void flecs_hashmap_fini(
ecs_hashmap_t *map)
ecs_allocator_t *a = map->impl.allocator;
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&map->impl);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_hm_bucket_t *bucket = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
ecs_vec_fini(a, &bucket->keys, map->key_size);
ecs_vec_fini(a, &bucket->values, map->value_size);
flecs_bfree(&map->bucket_allocator, bucket);
void flecs_hashmap_copy(
ecs_hashmap_t *dst,
const ecs_hashmap_t *src)
ecs_assert(dst != src, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
flecs_hashmap_init_(dst, src->key_size, src->value_size, src->hash,
src->compare, src->impl.allocator);
ecs_map_copy(&dst->impl, &src->impl);
ecs_allocator_t *a = dst->impl.allocator;
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&dst->impl);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_hm_bucket_t **bucket_ptr = ecs_map_ref(&it, ecs_hm_bucket_t);
ecs_hm_bucket_t *src_bucket = bucket_ptr[0];
ecs_hm_bucket_t *dst_bucket = flecs_balloc(&dst->bucket_allocator);
bucket_ptr[0] = dst_bucket;
dst_bucket->keys = ecs_vec_copy(a, &src_bucket->keys, dst->key_size);
dst_bucket->values = ecs_vec_copy(a, &src_bucket->values, dst->value_size);
void* flecs_hashmap_get_(
const ecs_hashmap_t *map,
ecs_size_t key_size,
const void *key,
ecs_size_t value_size)
ecs_assert(map->key_size == key_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(map->value_size == value_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
uint64_t hash = map->hash(key);
ecs_hm_bucket_t *bucket = ecs_map_get_deref(&map->impl,
ecs_hm_bucket_t, hash);
if (!bucket) {
return NULL;
int32_t index = flecs_hashmap_find_key(map, &bucket->keys, key_size, key);
if (index == -1) {
return NULL;
return ecs_vec_get(&bucket->values, value_size, index);
flecs_hashmap_result_t flecs_hashmap_ensure_(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
ecs_size_t key_size,
const void *key,
ecs_size_t value_size)
ecs_assert(map->key_size == key_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(map->value_size == value_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
uint64_t hash = map->hash(key);
ecs_hm_bucket_t **r = ecs_map_ensure_ref(&map->impl, ecs_hm_bucket_t, hash);
ecs_hm_bucket_t *bucket = r[0];
if (!bucket) {
bucket = r[0] = flecs_bcalloc(&map->bucket_allocator);
ecs_allocator_t *a = map->impl.allocator;
void *value_ptr, *key_ptr;
ecs_vec_t *keys = &bucket->keys;
ecs_vec_t *values = &bucket->values;
if (!keys->array) {
keys = ecs_vec_init(a, &bucket->keys, key_size, 1);
values = ecs_vec_init(a, &bucket->values, value_size, 1);
key_ptr = ecs_vec_append(a, keys, key_size);
value_ptr = ecs_vec_append(a, values, value_size);
ecs_os_memcpy(key_ptr, key, key_size);
ecs_os_memset(value_ptr, 0, value_size);
} else {
int32_t index = flecs_hashmap_find_key(map, keys, key_size, key);
if (index == -1) {
key_ptr = ecs_vec_append(a, keys, key_size);
value_ptr = ecs_vec_append(a, values, value_size);
ecs_os_memcpy(key_ptr, key, key_size);
ecs_os_memset(value_ptr, 0, value_size);
} else {
key_ptr = ecs_vec_get(keys, key_size, index);
value_ptr = ecs_vec_get(values, value_size, index);
return (flecs_hashmap_result_t){
.key = key_ptr, .value = value_ptr, .hash = hash
void flecs_hashmap_set_(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
ecs_size_t key_size,
void *key,
ecs_size_t value_size,
const void *value)
void *value_ptr = flecs_hashmap_ensure_(map, key_size, key, value_size).value;
ecs_assert(value_ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_os_memcpy(value_ptr, value, value_size);
ecs_hm_bucket_t* flecs_hashmap_get_bucket(
const ecs_hashmap_t *map,
uint64_t hash)
ecs_assert(map != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return ecs_map_get_deref(&map->impl, ecs_hm_bucket_t, hash);
void flecs_hm_bucket_remove(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
ecs_hm_bucket_t *bucket,
uint64_t hash,
int32_t index)
ecs_vec_remove(&bucket->keys, map->key_size, index);
ecs_vec_remove(&bucket->values, map->value_size, index);
if (!ecs_vec_count(&bucket->keys)) {
ecs_allocator_t *a = map->impl.allocator;
ecs_vec_fini(a, &bucket->keys, map->key_size);
ecs_vec_fini(a, &bucket->values, map->value_size);
ecs_hm_bucket_t *b = ecs_map_remove_ptr(&map->impl, hash);
ecs_assert(bucket == b, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL); (void)b;
flecs_bfree(&map->bucket_allocator, bucket);
void flecs_hashmap_remove_w_hash_(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
ecs_size_t key_size,
const void *key,
ecs_size_t value_size,
uint64_t hash)
ecs_assert(map->key_size == key_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(map->value_size == value_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_hm_bucket_t *bucket = ecs_map_get_deref(&map->impl,
ecs_hm_bucket_t, hash);
if (!bucket) {
int32_t index = flecs_hashmap_find_key(map, &bucket->keys, key_size, key);
if (index == -1) {
flecs_hm_bucket_remove(map, bucket, hash, index);
void flecs_hashmap_remove_(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
ecs_size_t key_size,
const void *key,
ecs_size_t value_size)
ecs_assert(map->key_size == key_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(map->value_size == value_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
uint64_t hash = map->hash(key);
flecs_hashmap_remove_w_hash_(map, key_size, key, value_size, hash);
flecs_hashmap_iter_t flecs_hashmap_iter(
ecs_hashmap_t *map)
return (flecs_hashmap_iter_t){
.it = ecs_map_iter(&map->impl)
void* flecs_hashmap_next_(
flecs_hashmap_iter_t *it,
ecs_size_t key_size,
void *key_out,
ecs_size_t value_size)
int32_t index = ++ it->index;
ecs_hm_bucket_t *bucket = it->bucket;
while (!bucket || it->index >= ecs_vec_count(&bucket->keys)) {
bucket = it->bucket = ecs_map_ptr(&it->it);
if (!bucket) {
return NULL;
index = it->index = 0;
if (key_out) {
*(void**)key_out = ecs_vec_get(&bucket->keys, key_size, index);
return ecs_vec_get(&bucket->values, value_size, index);
* @file datastructures/map.c
* @brief Map data structure.
* Map data structure for 64bit keys and dynamic payload size.
/* The ratio used to determine whether the map should flecs_map_rehash. If
* (element_count * ECS_LOAD_FACTOR) > bucket_count, bucket count is increased. */
#define ECS_LOAD_FACTOR (12)
#define ECS_BUCKET_END(b, c) ECS_ELEM_T(b, ecs_bucket_t, c)
uint8_t flecs_log2(uint32_t v) {
static const uint8_t log2table[32] =
{0, 9, 1, 10, 13, 21, 2, 29, 11, 14, 16, 18, 22, 25, 3, 30,
8, 12, 20, 28, 15, 17, 24, 7, 19, 27, 23, 6, 26, 5, 4, 31};
v |= v >> 1;
v |= v >> 2;
v |= v >> 4;
v |= v >> 8;
v |= v >> 16;
return log2table[(uint32_t)(v * 0x07C4ACDDU) >> 27];
/* Get bucket count for number of elements */
int32_t flecs_map_get_bucket_count(
int32_t count)
return flecs_next_pow_of_2((int32_t)(count * ECS_LOAD_FACTOR * 0.1));
/* Get bucket shift amount for a given bucket count */
uint8_t flecs_map_get_bucket_shift (
int32_t bucket_count)
return (uint8_t)(64u - flecs_log2((uint32_t)bucket_count));
/* Get bucket index for provided map key */
int32_t flecs_map_get_bucket_index(
uint16_t bucket_shift,
ecs_map_key_t key)
ecs_assert(bucket_shift != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return (int32_t)((11400714819323198485ull * key) >> bucket_shift);
/* Get bucket for key */
ecs_bucket_t* flecs_map_get_bucket(
const ecs_map_t *map,
ecs_map_key_t key)
int32_t bucket_id = flecs_map_get_bucket_index(map->bucket_shift, key);
ecs_assert(bucket_id < map->bucket_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return &map->buckets[bucket_id];
/* Add element to bucket */
ecs_map_val_t* flecs_map_bucket_add(
ecs_block_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_bucket_t *bucket,
ecs_map_key_t key)
ecs_bucket_entry_t *new_entry = flecs_balloc(allocator);
new_entry->key = key;
new_entry->next = bucket->first;
bucket->first = new_entry;
return &new_entry->value;
/* Remove element from bucket */
ecs_map_val_t flecs_map_bucket_remove(
ecs_map_t *map,
ecs_bucket_t *bucket,
ecs_map_key_t key)
ecs_bucket_entry_t *entry;
for (entry = bucket->first; entry; entry = entry->next) {
if (entry->key == key) {
ecs_map_val_t value = entry->value;
ecs_bucket_entry_t **next_holder = &bucket->first;
while(*next_holder != entry) {
next_holder = &(*next_holder)->next;
*next_holder = entry->next;
flecs_bfree(map->entry_allocator, entry);
map->count --;
return value;
return 0;
/* Free contents of bucket */
void flecs_map_bucket_clear(
ecs_block_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_bucket_t *bucket)
ecs_bucket_entry_t *entry = bucket->first;
while(entry) {
ecs_bucket_entry_t *next = entry->next;
flecs_bfree(allocator, entry);
entry = next;
/* Get payload pointer for key from bucket */
ecs_map_val_t* flecs_map_bucket_get(
ecs_bucket_t *bucket,
ecs_map_key_t key)
ecs_bucket_entry_t *entry;
for (entry = bucket->first; entry; entry = entry->next) {
if (entry->key == key) {
return &entry->value;
return NULL;
/* Grow number of buckets */
void flecs_map_rehash(
ecs_map_t *map,
int32_t count)
count = flecs_next_pow_of_2(count);
if (count < 2) {
count = 2;
ecs_assert(count > map->bucket_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t old_count = map->bucket_count;
ecs_bucket_t *buckets = map->buckets, *b, *end = ECS_BUCKET_END(buckets, old_count);
if (map->allocator) {
map->buckets = flecs_calloc_n(map->allocator, ecs_bucket_t, count);
} else {
map->buckets = ecs_os_calloc_n(ecs_bucket_t, count);
map->bucket_count = count;
map->bucket_shift = flecs_map_get_bucket_shift(count);
/* Remap old bucket entries to new buckets */
for (b = buckets; b < end; b++) {
ecs_bucket_entry_t* entry;
for (entry = b->first; entry;) {
ecs_bucket_entry_t* next = entry->next;
int32_t bucket_index = flecs_map_get_bucket_index(
map->bucket_shift, entry->key);
ecs_bucket_t *bucket = &map->buckets[bucket_index];
entry->next = bucket->first;
bucket->first = entry;
entry = next;
if (map->allocator) {
flecs_free_n(map->allocator, ecs_bucket_t, old_count, buckets);
} else {
void ecs_map_params_init(
ecs_map_params_t *params,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator)
params->allocator = allocator;
flecs_ballocator_init_t(&params->entry_allocator, ecs_bucket_entry_t);
void ecs_map_params_fini(
ecs_map_params_t *params)
void ecs_map_init_w_params(
ecs_map_t *result,
ecs_map_params_t *params)
result->allocator = params->allocator;
if (params->entry_allocator.chunk_size) {
result->entry_allocator = &params->entry_allocator;
result->shared_allocator = true;
} else {
result->entry_allocator = flecs_ballocator_new_t(ecs_bucket_entry_t);
flecs_map_rehash(result, 0);
void ecs_map_init_w_params_if(
ecs_map_t *result,
ecs_map_params_t *params)
if (!ecs_map_is_init(result)) {
ecs_map_init_w_params(result, params);
void ecs_map_init(
ecs_map_t *result,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator)
ecs_map_init_w_params(result, &(ecs_map_params_t) {
.allocator = allocator
void ecs_map_init_if(
ecs_map_t *result,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator)
if (!ecs_map_is_init(result)) {
ecs_map_init(result, allocator);
void ecs_map_fini(
ecs_map_t *map)
if (!ecs_map_is_init(map)) {
bool sanitize = false;
sanitize = true;
/* Free buckets in sanitized mode, so we can replace the allocator with
* regular malloc/free and use asan/valgrind to find memory errors. */
ecs_allocator_t *a = map->allocator;
ecs_block_allocator_t *ea = map->entry_allocator;
if (map->shared_allocator || sanitize) {
ecs_bucket_t *bucket = map->buckets, *end = &bucket[map->bucket_count];
while (bucket != end) {
flecs_map_bucket_clear(ea, bucket);
bucket ++;
if (ea && !map->shared_allocator) {
map->entry_allocator = NULL;
if (a) {
flecs_free_n(a, ecs_bucket_t, map->bucket_count, map->buckets);
} else {
map->bucket_shift = 0;
ecs_map_val_t* ecs_map_get(
const ecs_map_t *map,
ecs_map_key_t key)
return flecs_map_bucket_get(flecs_map_get_bucket(map, key), key);
void* ecs_map_get_deref_(
const ecs_map_t *map,
ecs_map_key_t key)
ecs_map_val_t* ptr = flecs_map_bucket_get(
flecs_map_get_bucket(map, key), key);
if (ptr) {
return (void*)(uintptr_t)ptr[0];
return NULL;
void ecs_map_insert(
ecs_map_t *map,
ecs_map_key_t key,
ecs_map_val_t value)
ecs_assert(ecs_map_get(map, key) == NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t map_count = ++map->count;
int32_t tgt_bucket_count = flecs_map_get_bucket_count(map_count);
int32_t bucket_count = map->bucket_count;
if (tgt_bucket_count > bucket_count) {
flecs_map_rehash(map, tgt_bucket_count);
ecs_bucket_t *bucket = flecs_map_get_bucket(map, key);
flecs_map_bucket_add(map->entry_allocator, bucket, key)[0] = value;
void* ecs_map_insert_alloc(
ecs_map_t *map,
ecs_size_t elem_size,
ecs_map_key_t key)
void *elem = ecs_os_calloc(elem_size);
ecs_map_insert_ptr(map, key, (uintptr_t)elem);
return elem;
ecs_map_val_t* ecs_map_ensure(
ecs_map_t *map,
ecs_map_key_t key)
ecs_bucket_t *bucket = flecs_map_get_bucket(map, key);
ecs_map_val_t *result = flecs_map_bucket_get(bucket, key);
if (result) {
return result;
int32_t map_count = ++map->count;
int32_t tgt_bucket_count = flecs_map_get_bucket_count(map_count);
int32_t bucket_count = map->bucket_count;
if (tgt_bucket_count > bucket_count) {
flecs_map_rehash(map, tgt_bucket_count);
bucket = flecs_map_get_bucket(map, key);
ecs_map_val_t* v = flecs_map_bucket_add(map->entry_allocator, bucket, key);
*v = 0;
return v;
void* ecs_map_ensure_alloc(
ecs_map_t *map,
ecs_size_t elem_size,
ecs_map_key_t key)
ecs_map_val_t *val = ecs_map_ensure(map, key);
if (!*val) {
void *elem = ecs_os_calloc(elem_size);
*val = (ecs_map_val_t)(uintptr_t)elem;
return elem;
} else {
return (void*)(uintptr_t)*val;
ecs_map_val_t ecs_map_remove(
ecs_map_t *map,
ecs_map_key_t key)
return flecs_map_bucket_remove(map, flecs_map_get_bucket(map, key), key);
void ecs_map_remove_free(
ecs_map_t *map,
ecs_map_key_t key)
ecs_map_val_t val = ecs_map_remove(map, key);
if (val) {
void ecs_map_clear(
ecs_map_t *map)
int32_t i, count = map->bucket_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
flecs_map_bucket_clear(map->entry_allocator, &map->buckets[i]);
if (map->allocator) {
flecs_free_n(map->allocator, ecs_bucket_t, count, map->buckets);
} else {
map->buckets = NULL;
map->bucket_count = 0;
map->count = 0;
flecs_map_rehash(map, 2);
ecs_map_iter_t ecs_map_iter(
const ecs_map_t *map)
if (ecs_map_is_init(map)) {
return (ecs_map_iter_t){
.map = map,
.bucket = NULL,
.entry = NULL
} else {
return (ecs_map_iter_t){ 0 };
bool ecs_map_next(
ecs_map_iter_t *iter)
const ecs_map_t *map = iter->map;
ecs_bucket_t *end;
if (!map || (iter->bucket == (end = &map->buckets[map->bucket_count]))) {
return false;
ecs_bucket_entry_t *entry = NULL;
if (!iter->bucket) {
for (iter->bucket = map->buckets;
iter->bucket != end;
if (iter->bucket->first) {
entry = iter->bucket->first;
if (iter->bucket == end) {
return false;
} else if ((entry = iter->entry) == NULL) {
do {
if (iter->bucket == end) {
return false;
} while(!iter->bucket->first);
entry = iter->bucket->first;
ecs_assert(entry != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
iter->entry = entry->next;
iter->res = &entry->key;
return true;
void ecs_map_copy(
ecs_map_t *dst,
const ecs_map_t *src)
if (ecs_map_is_init(dst)) {
ecs_assert(ecs_map_count(dst) == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (!ecs_map_is_init(src)) {
ecs_map_init(dst, src->allocator);
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(src);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_map_insert(dst, ecs_map_key(&it), ecs_map_value(&it));
* @file datastructures/name_index.c
* @brief Data structure for resolving 64bit keys by string (name).
uint64_t flecs_name_index_hash(
const void *ptr)
const ecs_hashed_string_t *str = ptr;
ecs_assert(str->hash != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return str->hash;
int flecs_name_index_compare(
const void *ptr1,
const void *ptr2)
const ecs_hashed_string_t *str1 = ptr1;
const ecs_hashed_string_t *str2 = ptr2;
ecs_size_t len1 = str1->length;
ecs_size_t len2 = str2->length;
if (len1 != len2) {
return (len1 > len2) - (len1 < len2);
return ecs_os_memcmp(str1->value, str2->value, len1);
void flecs_name_index_init(
ecs_hashmap_t *hm,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator)
ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_hashed_string_t), ECS_SIZEOF(uint64_t),
void flecs_name_index_init_if(
ecs_hashmap_t *hm,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator)
if (!hm->compare) {
flecs_name_index_init(hm, allocator);
bool flecs_name_index_is_init(
const ecs_hashmap_t *hm)
return hm->compare != NULL;
ecs_hashmap_t* flecs_name_index_new(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator)
ecs_hashmap_t *result = flecs_bcalloc(&world->allocators.hashmap);
flecs_name_index_init(result, allocator);
result->hashmap_allocator = &world->allocators.hashmap;
return result;
void flecs_name_index_fini(
ecs_hashmap_t *map)
void flecs_name_index_free(
ecs_hashmap_t *map)
if (map) {
flecs_bfree(map->hashmap_allocator, map);
ecs_hashmap_t* flecs_name_index_copy(
ecs_hashmap_t *map)
ecs_hashmap_t *result = flecs_bcalloc(map->hashmap_allocator);
result->hashmap_allocator = map->hashmap_allocator;
flecs_hashmap_copy(result, map);
return result;
ecs_hashed_string_t flecs_get_hashed_string(
const char *name,
ecs_size_t length,
uint64_t hash)
if (!length) {
length = ecs_os_strlen(name);
} else {
ecs_assert(length == ecs_os_strlen(name), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!hash) {
hash = flecs_hash(name, length);
} else {
ecs_assert(hash == flecs_hash(name, length), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return (ecs_hashed_string_t) {
.value = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, name),
.length = length,
.hash = hash
const uint64_t* flecs_name_index_find_ptr(
const ecs_hashmap_t *map,
const char *name,
ecs_size_t length,
uint64_t hash)
ecs_hashed_string_t hs = flecs_get_hashed_string(name, length, hash);
ecs_hm_bucket_t *b = flecs_hashmap_get_bucket(map, hs.hash);
if (!b) {
return NULL;
ecs_hashed_string_t *keys = ecs_vec_first(&b->keys);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&b->keys);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_hashed_string_t *key = &keys[i];
ecs_assert(key->hash == hs.hash, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (hs.length != key->length) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(name, key->value)) {
uint64_t *e = ecs_vec_get_t(&b->values, uint64_t, i);
ecs_assert(e != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return e;
return NULL;
uint64_t flecs_name_index_find(
const ecs_hashmap_t *map,
const char *name,
ecs_size_t length,
uint64_t hash)
const uint64_t *id = flecs_name_index_find_ptr(map, name, length, hash);
if (id) {
return id[0];
return 0;
void flecs_name_index_remove(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
uint64_t e,
uint64_t hash)
ecs_hm_bucket_t *b = flecs_hashmap_get_bucket(map, hash);
if (!b) {
uint64_t *ids = ecs_vec_first(&b->values);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&b->values);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
if (ids[i] == e) {
flecs_hm_bucket_remove(map, b, hash, i);
void flecs_name_index_update_name(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
uint64_t e,
uint64_t hash,
const char *name)
ecs_hm_bucket_t *b = flecs_hashmap_get_bucket(map, hash);
if (!b) {
uint64_t *ids = ecs_vec_first(&b->values);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&b->values);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
if (ids[i] == e) {
ecs_hashed_string_t *key = ecs_vec_get_t(
&b->keys, ecs_hashed_string_t, i);
key->value = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, name);
ecs_assert(ecs_os_strlen(name) == key->length,
ecs_assert(flecs_hash(name, key->length) == key->hash,
/* Record must already have been in the index */
void flecs_name_index_ensure(
ecs_hashmap_t *map,
uint64_t id,
const char *name,
ecs_size_t length,
uint64_t hash)
ecs_hashed_string_t key = flecs_get_hashed_string(name, length, hash);
uint64_t existing = flecs_name_index_find(
map, name, key.length, key.hash);
if (existing) {
if (existing != id) {
"conflicting id registered with name '%s'", name);
flecs_hashmap_result_t hmr = flecs_hashmap_ensure(
map, &key, uint64_t);
*((uint64_t*)hmr.value) = id;
* @file datastructures/sparse.c
* @brief Sparse set data structure.
/** Compute the page index from an id by stripping the first 12 bits */
#define PAGE(index) ((int32_t)((uint32_t)index >> FLECS_SPARSE_PAGE_BITS))
/** This computes the offset of an index inside a page */
#define OFFSET(index) ((int32_t)index & (FLECS_SPARSE_PAGE_SIZE - 1))
/* Utility to get a pointer to the payload */
#define DATA(array, size, offset) (ECS_OFFSET(array, size * offset))
typedef struct ecs_page_t {
int32_t *sparse; /* Sparse array with indices to dense array */
void *data; /* Store data in sparse array to reduce
* indirection and provide stable pointers. */
} ecs_page_t;
ecs_page_t* flecs_sparse_page_new(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
int32_t page_index)
ecs_allocator_t *a = sparse->allocator;
ecs_block_allocator_t *ca = sparse->page_allocator;
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(&sparse->pages);
ecs_page_t *pages;
if (count <= page_index) {
ecs_vec_set_count_t(a, &sparse->pages, ecs_page_t, page_index + 1);
pages = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->pages, ecs_page_t);
ecs_os_memset_n(&pages[count], 0, ecs_page_t, (1 + page_index - count));
} else {
pages = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->pages, ecs_page_t);
ecs_assert(pages != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_page_t *result = &pages[page_index];
ecs_assert(result->sparse == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(result->data == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Initialize sparse array with zero's, as zero is used to indicate that the
* sparse element has not been paired with a dense element. Use zero
* as this means we can take advantage of calloc having a possibly better
* performance than malloc + memset. */
result->sparse = ca ? flecs_bcalloc(ca)
: ecs_os_calloc_n(int32_t, FLECS_SPARSE_PAGE_SIZE);
/* Initialize the data array with zero's to guarantee that data is
* always initialized. When an entry is removed, data is reset back to
* zero. Initialize now, as this can take advantage of calloc. */
result->data = a ? flecs_calloc(a, sparse->size * FLECS_SPARSE_PAGE_SIZE)
: ecs_os_calloc(sparse->size * FLECS_SPARSE_PAGE_SIZE);
ecs_assert(result->sparse != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(result->data != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return result;
void flecs_sparse_page_free(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_page_t *page)
ecs_allocator_t *a = sparse->allocator;
ecs_block_allocator_t *ca = sparse->page_allocator;
if (ca) {
flecs_bfree(ca, page->sparse);
} else {
if (a) {
flecs_free(a, sparse->size * FLECS_SPARSE_PAGE_SIZE, page->data);
} else {
ecs_page_t* flecs_sparse_get_page(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
int32_t page_index)
ecs_assert(page_index >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (page_index >= ecs_vec_count(&sparse->pages)) {
return NULL;
return ecs_vec_get_t(&sparse->pages, ecs_page_t, page_index);
ecs_page_t* flecs_sparse_get_or_create_page(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
int32_t page_index)
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_page(sparse, page_index);
if (page && page->sparse) {
return page;
return flecs_sparse_page_new(sparse, page_index);
void flecs_sparse_grow_dense(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
ecs_vec_append_t(sparse->allocator, &sparse->dense, uint64_t);
uint64_t flecs_sparse_strip_generation(
uint64_t *index_out)
uint64_t index = *index_out;
uint64_t gen = index & ECS_GENERATION_MASK;
/* Make sure there's no junk in the id */
ecs_assert(gen == (index & (0xFFFFFFFFull << 32)),
*index_out -= gen;
return gen;
void flecs_sparse_assign_index(
ecs_page_t * page,
uint64_t * dense_array,
uint64_t index,
int32_t dense)
/* Initialize sparse-dense pair. This assigns the dense index to the sparse
* array, and the sparse index to the dense array .*/
page->sparse[OFFSET(index)] = dense;
dense_array[dense] = index;
uint64_t flecs_sparse_inc_gen(
uint64_t index)
/* When an index is deleted, its generation is increased so that we can do
* liveliness checking while recycling ids */
return ECS_GENERATION_INC(index);
uint64_t flecs_sparse_inc_id(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
/* Generate a new id. The last issued id could be stored in an external
* variable, such as is the case with the last issued entity id, which is
* stored on the world. */
return ++ sparse->max_id;
uint64_t flecs_sparse_get_id(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return sparse->max_id;
void flecs_sparse_set_id(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
uint64_t value)
/* Sometimes the max id needs to be assigned directly, which typically
* happens when the API calls get_or_create for an id that hasn't been
* issued before. */
sparse->max_id = value;
/* Pair dense id with new sparse id */
uint64_t flecs_sparse_create_id(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
int32_t dense)
uint64_t index = flecs_sparse_inc_id(sparse);
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_or_create_page(sparse, PAGE(index));
ecs_assert(page->sparse[OFFSET(index)] == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
flecs_sparse_assign_index(page, dense_array, index, dense);
return index;
/* Create new id */
uint64_t flecs_sparse_new_index(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
int32_t dense_count = ecs_vec_count(&sparse->dense);
int32_t count = sparse->count ++;
ecs_assert(count <= dense_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (count < dense_count) {
/* If there are unused elements in the dense array, return first */
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
return dense_array[count];
} else {
return flecs_sparse_create_id(sparse, count);
/* Get value from sparse set when it is guaranteed that the value exists. This
* function is used when values are obtained using a dense index */
void* flecs_sparse_get_sparse(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
int32_t dense,
uint64_t index)
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_page(sparse, PAGE(index));
if (!page || !page->sparse) {
return NULL;
int32_t offset = OFFSET(index);
ecs_assert(page != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(dense == page->sparse[offset], ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return DATA(page->data, sparse->size, offset);
/* Swap dense elements. A swap occurs when an element is removed, or when a
* removed element is recycled. */
void flecs_sparse_swap_dense(
ecs_sparse_t * sparse,
ecs_page_t * page_a,
int32_t a,
int32_t b)
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
uint64_t index_a = dense_array[a];
uint64_t index_b = dense_array[b];
ecs_page_t *page_b = flecs_sparse_get_or_create_page(sparse, PAGE(index_b));
flecs_sparse_assign_index(page_a, dense_array, index_a, b);
flecs_sparse_assign_index(page_b, dense_array, index_b, a);
void flecs_sparse_init(
ecs_sparse_t *result,
struct ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_block_allocator_t *page_allocator,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_assert(result != NULL, ECS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
result->size = size;
result->max_id = UINT64_MAX;
result->allocator = allocator;
result->page_allocator = page_allocator;
ecs_vec_init_t(allocator, &result->pages, ecs_page_t, 0);
ecs_vec_init_t(allocator, &result->dense, uint64_t, 1);
result->dense.count = 1;
/* Consume first value in dense array as 0 is used in the sparse array to
* indicate that a sparse element hasn't been paired yet. */
ecs_vec_first_t(&result->dense, uint64_t)[0] = 0;
result->count = 1;
void flecs_sparse_clear(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&sparse->pages);
ecs_page_t *pages = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->pages, ecs_page_t);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
int32_t *indices = pages[i].sparse;
if (indices) {
ecs_os_memset_n(indices, 0, int32_t, FLECS_SPARSE_PAGE_SIZE);
ecs_vec_set_count_t(sparse->allocator, &sparse->dense, uint64_t, 1);
sparse->count = 1;
sparse->max_id = 0;
void flecs_sparse_fini(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&sparse->pages);
ecs_page_t *pages = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->pages, ecs_page_t);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
flecs_sparse_page_free(sparse, &pages[i]);
ecs_vec_fini_t(sparse->allocator, &sparse->pages, ecs_page_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(sparse->allocator, &sparse->dense, uint64_t);
uint64_t flecs_sparse_new_id(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return flecs_sparse_new_index(sparse);
void* flecs_sparse_add(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(!size || size == sparse->size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
uint64_t index = flecs_sparse_new_index(sparse);
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_page(sparse, PAGE(index));
ecs_assert(page != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return DATA(page->data, size, OFFSET(index));
uint64_t flecs_sparse_last_id(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
return dense_array[sparse->count - 1];
void* flecs_sparse_ensure(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t size,
uint64_t index)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(!size || size == sparse->size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(ecs_vec_count(&sparse->dense) > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
uint64_t gen = flecs_sparse_strip_generation(&index);
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_or_create_page(sparse, PAGE(index));
int32_t offset = OFFSET(index);
int32_t dense = page->sparse[offset];
if (dense) {
/* Check if element is alive. If element is not alive, update indices so
* that the first unused dense element points to the sparse element. */
int32_t count = sparse->count;
if (dense >= count) {
/* If dense is not alive, swap it with the first unused element. */
flecs_sparse_swap_dense(sparse, page, dense, count);
dense = count;
/* First unused element is now last used element */
sparse->count ++;
} else {
/* Dense is already alive, nothing to be done */
/* Ensure provided generation matches current. Only allow mismatching
* generations if the provided generation count is 0. This allows for
* using the ensure function in combination with ids that have their
* generation stripped. */
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
ecs_assert(!gen || dense_array[dense] == (index | gen), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} else {
/* Element is not paired yet. Must add a new element to dense array */
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
int32_t dense_count = ecs_vec_count(&sparse->dense) - 1;
int32_t count = sparse->count ++;
/* If index is larger than max id, update max id */
if (index >= flecs_sparse_get_id(sparse)) {
flecs_sparse_set_id(sparse, index);
if (count < dense_count) {
/* If there are unused elements in the list, move the first unused
* element to the end of the list */
uint64_t unused = dense_array[count];
ecs_page_t *unused_page = flecs_sparse_get_or_create_page(sparse, PAGE(unused));
flecs_sparse_assign_index(unused_page, dense_array, unused, dense_count);
flecs_sparse_assign_index(page, dense_array, index, count);
dense_array[count] |= gen;
return DATA(page->data, sparse->size, offset);
void* flecs_sparse_ensure_fast(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t size,
uint64_t index_long)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(!size || size == sparse->size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(ecs_vec_count(&sparse->dense) > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
uint32_t index = (uint32_t)index_long;
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_or_create_page(sparse, PAGE(index));
int32_t offset = OFFSET(index);
int32_t dense = page->sparse[offset];
int32_t count = sparse->count;
if (!dense) {
/* Element is not paired yet. Must add a new element to dense array */
sparse->count = count + 1;
if (count == ecs_vec_count(&sparse->dense)) {
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
flecs_sparse_assign_index(page, dense_array, index, count);
return DATA(page->data, sparse->size, offset);
void flecs_sparse_remove(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t size,
uint64_t index)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(!size || size == sparse->size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_page(sparse, PAGE(index));
if (!page || !page->sparse) {
uint64_t gen = flecs_sparse_strip_generation(&index);
int32_t offset = OFFSET(index);
int32_t dense = page->sparse[offset];
if (dense) {
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
uint64_t cur_gen = dense_array[dense] & ECS_GENERATION_MASK;
if (gen != cur_gen) {
/* Generation doesn't match which means that the provided entity is
* already not alive. */
/* Increase generation */
dense_array[dense] = index | flecs_sparse_inc_gen(cur_gen);
int32_t count = sparse->count;
if (dense == (count - 1)) {
/* If dense is the last used element, simply decrease count */
sparse->count --;
} else if (dense < count) {
/* If element is alive, move it to unused elements */
flecs_sparse_swap_dense(sparse, page, dense, count - 1);
sparse->count --;
} else {
/* Element is not alive, nothing to be done */
/* Reset memory to zero on remove */
void *ptr = DATA(page->data, sparse->size, offset);
ecs_os_memset(ptr, 0, size);
} else {
/* Element is not paired and thus not alive, nothing to be done */
void flecs_sparse_set_generation(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
uint64_t index)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_or_create_page(sparse, PAGE(index));
uint64_t index_w_gen = index;
int32_t offset = OFFSET(index);
int32_t dense = page->sparse[offset];
if (dense) {
/* Increase generation */
ecs_vec_get_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t, dense)[0] = index_w_gen;
} else {
/* Element is not paired and thus not alive, nothing to be done */
void* flecs_sparse_get_dense(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t size,
int32_t dense_index)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(!size || size == sparse->size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(dense_index < sparse->count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
dense_index ++;
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
return flecs_sparse_get_sparse(sparse, dense_index, dense_array[dense_index]);
bool flecs_sparse_is_alive(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
uint64_t index)
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_page(sparse, PAGE(index));
if (!page || !page->sparse) {
return false;
int32_t offset = OFFSET(index);
int32_t dense = page->sparse[offset];
if (!dense || (dense >= sparse->count)) {
return false;
uint64_t gen = flecs_sparse_strip_generation(&index);
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
uint64_t cur_gen = dense_array[dense] & ECS_GENERATION_MASK;
if (cur_gen != gen) {
return false;
ecs_assert(dense == page->sparse[offset], ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return true;
void* flecs_sparse_try(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t size,
uint64_t index)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(!size || size == sparse->size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_page(sparse, PAGE(index));
if (!page || !page->sparse) {
return NULL;
int32_t offset = OFFSET(index);
int32_t dense = page->sparse[offset];
if (!dense || (dense >= sparse->count)) {
return NULL;
uint64_t gen = flecs_sparse_strip_generation(&index);
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
uint64_t cur_gen = dense_array[dense] & ECS_GENERATION_MASK;
if (cur_gen != gen) {
return NULL;
ecs_assert(dense == page->sparse[offset], ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return DATA(page->data, sparse->size, offset);
void* flecs_sparse_get(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t size,
uint64_t index)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(!size || size == sparse->size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_page_t *page = ecs_vec_get_t(&sparse->pages, ecs_page_t, PAGE(index));
int32_t offset = OFFSET(index);
int32_t dense = page->sparse[offset];
ecs_assert(dense != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
uint64_t gen = flecs_sparse_strip_generation(&index);
uint64_t *dense_array = ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t);
uint64_t cur_gen = dense_array[dense] & ECS_GENERATION_MASK;
(void)cur_gen; (void)gen;
ecs_assert(cur_gen == gen, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(dense == page->sparse[offset], ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(dense < sparse->count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return DATA(page->data, sparse->size, offset);
void* flecs_sparse_get_any(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t size,
uint64_t index)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(!size || size == sparse->size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_page_t *page = flecs_sparse_get_page(sparse, PAGE(index));
if (!page || !page->sparse) {
return NULL;
int32_t offset = OFFSET(index);
int32_t dense = page->sparse[offset];
bool in_use = dense && (dense < sparse->count);
if (!in_use) {
return NULL;
ecs_assert(dense == page->sparse[offset], ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return DATA(page->data, sparse->size, offset);
int32_t flecs_sparse_count(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
if (!sparse || !sparse->count) {
return 0;
return sparse->count - 1;
const uint64_t* flecs_sparse_ids(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
ecs_assert(sparse != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (sparse->dense.array) {
return &(ecs_vec_first_t(&sparse->dense, uint64_t)[1]);
} else {
return NULL;
void ecs_sparse_init(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t elem_size)
flecs_sparse_init(sparse, NULL, NULL, elem_size);
void* ecs_sparse_add(
ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t elem_size)
return flecs_sparse_add(sparse, elem_size);
uint64_t ecs_sparse_last_id(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
return flecs_sparse_last_id(sparse);
int32_t ecs_sparse_count(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse)
return flecs_sparse_count(sparse);
void* ecs_sparse_get_dense(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t elem_size,
int32_t index)
return flecs_sparse_get_dense(sparse, elem_size, index);
void* ecs_sparse_get(
const ecs_sparse_t *sparse,
ecs_size_t elem_size,
uint64_t id)
return flecs_sparse_get(sparse, elem_size, id);
* @file datastructures/stack_allocator.c
* @brief Stack allocator.
* The stack allocator enables pushing and popping values to a stack, and has
* a lower overhead when compared to block allocators. A stack allocator is a
* good fit for small temporary allocations.
* The stack allocator allocates memory in pages. If the requested size of an
* allocation exceeds the page size, a regular allocator is used instead.
#define FLECS_STACK_PAGE_OFFSET ECS_ALIGN(ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_stack_page_t), 16)
int64_t ecs_stack_allocator_alloc_count = 0;
int64_t ecs_stack_allocator_free_count = 0;
ecs_stack_page_t* flecs_stack_page_new(uint32_t page_id) {
ecs_stack_page_t *result = ecs_os_malloc(
result->data = ECS_OFFSET(result, FLECS_STACK_PAGE_OFFSET);
result->next = NULL;
result->id = page_id + 1;
return result;
void* flecs_stack_alloc(
ecs_stack_t *stack,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t align)
ecs_stack_page_t *page = stack->tail_page;
if (page == &stack->first && !page->data) {
page->data = ecs_os_malloc(ECS_STACK_PAGE_SIZE);
int16_t sp = flecs_ito(int16_t, ECS_ALIGN(page->sp, align));
int16_t next_sp = flecs_ito(int16_t, sp + size);
void *result = NULL;
if (next_sp > ECS_STACK_PAGE_SIZE) {
if (size > ECS_STACK_PAGE_SIZE) {
result = ecs_os_malloc(size); /* Too large for page */
goto done;
if (page->next) {
page = page->next;
} else {
page = page->next = flecs_stack_page_new(page->id);
sp = 0;
next_sp = flecs_ito(int16_t, size);
stack->tail_page = page;
page->sp = next_sp;
result = ECS_OFFSET(page->data, sp);
ecs_os_memset(result, 0xAA, size);
return result;
void* flecs_stack_calloc(
ecs_stack_t *stack,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t align)
void *ptr = flecs_stack_alloc(stack, size, align);
ecs_os_memset(ptr, 0, size);
return ptr;
void flecs_stack_free(
void *ptr,
ecs_size_t size)
if (size > ECS_STACK_PAGE_SIZE) {
ecs_stack_cursor_t* flecs_stack_get_cursor(
ecs_stack_t *stack)
ecs_stack_page_t *page = stack->tail_page;
int16_t sp = stack->tail_page->sp;
ecs_stack_cursor_t *result = flecs_stack_alloc_t(stack, ecs_stack_cursor_t);
result->page = page;
result->sp = sp;
result->is_free = false;
++ stack->cursor_count;
result->owner = stack;
result->prev = stack->tail_cursor;
stack->tail_cursor = result;
return result;
void flecs_stack_restore_cursor(
ecs_stack_t *stack,
ecs_stack_cursor_t *cursor)
if (!cursor) {
ecs_dbg_assert(stack == cursor->owner, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_dbg_assert(stack->cursor_count > 0, ECS_DOUBLE_FREE, NULL);
ecs_assert(cursor->is_free == false, ECS_DOUBLE_FREE, NULL);
cursor->is_free = true;
-- stack->cursor_count;
/* If cursor is not the last on the stack no memory should be freed */
if (cursor != stack->tail_cursor) {
/* Iterate freed cursors to know how much memory we can free */
do {
ecs_stack_cursor_t* prev = cursor->prev;
if (!prev || !prev->is_free) {
break; /* Found active cursor, free up until this point */
cursor = prev;
} while (cursor);
stack->tail_cursor = cursor->prev;
stack->tail_page = cursor->page;
stack->tail_page->sp = cursor->sp;
/* If the cursor count is zero, stack should be empty
* if the cursor count is non-zero, stack should not be empty */
ecs_dbg_assert((stack->cursor_count == 0) ==
(stack->tail_page == &stack->first && stack->tail_page->sp == 0),
void flecs_stack_reset(
ecs_stack_t *stack)
ecs_dbg_assert(stack->cursor_count == 0, ECS_LEAK_DETECTED, NULL);
stack->tail_page = &stack->first;
stack->first.sp = 0;
stack->tail_cursor = NULL;
void flecs_stack_init(
ecs_stack_t *stack)
stack->tail_page = &stack->first;
stack->first.data = NULL;
void flecs_stack_fini(
ecs_stack_t *stack)
ecs_stack_page_t *next, *cur = &stack->first;
ecs_dbg_assert(stack->cursor_count == 0, ECS_LEAK_DETECTED, NULL);
ecs_assert(stack->tail_page == &stack->first, ECS_LEAK_DETECTED, NULL);
ecs_assert(stack->tail_page->sp == 0, ECS_LEAK_DETECTED, NULL);
do {
next = cur->next;
if (cur == &stack->first) {
if (cur->data) {
} else {
} while ((cur = next));
* @file datastructures/strbuf.c
* @brief Utility for constructing strings.
* A buffer builds up a list of elements which individually can be up to N bytes
* large. While appending, data is added to these elements. More elements are
* added on the fly when needed. When an application calls ecs_strbuf_get, all
* elements are combined in one string and the element administration is freed.
* This approach prevents reallocs of large blocks of memory, and therefore
* copying large blocks of memory when appending to a large buffer. A buffer
* preallocates some memory for the element overhead so that for small strings
* there is hardly any overhead, while for large strings the overhead is offset
* by the reduced time spent on copying memory.
* The functionality provided by strbuf is similar to std::stringstream.
#include <math.h>
* stm32tpl -- STM32 C++ Template Peripheral Library
* Visit https://github.com/antongus/stm32tpl for new versions
* Copyright (c) 2011-2020 Anton B. Gusev aka AHTOXA
#define MAX_PRECISION (10)
#define EXP_THRESHOLD (3)
#define INT64_MAX_F ((double)INT64_MAX)
static const double rounders[MAX_PRECISION + 1] =
0.5, // 0
0.05, // 1
0.005, // 2
0.0005, // 3
0.00005, // 4
0.000005, // 5
0.0000005, // 6
0.00000005, // 7
0.000000005, // 8
0.0000000005, // 9
0.00000000005 // 10
char* flecs_strbuf_itoa(
char *buf,
int64_t v)
char *ptr = buf;
char * p1;
char c;
if (!v) {
*ptr++ = '0';
} else {
if (v < 0) {
ptr[0] = '-';
ptr ++;
v *= -1;
char *p = ptr;
while (v) {
int64_t vdiv = v / 10;
int64_t vmod = v - (vdiv * 10);
p[0] = (char)('0' + vmod);
p ++;
v = vdiv;
p1 = p;
while (p > ptr) {
c = *--p;
*p = *ptr;
*ptr++ = c;
ptr = p1;
return ptr;
void flecs_strbuf_ftoa(
ecs_strbuf_t *out,
double f,
int precision,
char nan_delim)
char buf[64];
char * ptr = buf;
char c;
int64_t intPart;
int64_t exp = 0;
if (ecs_os_isnan(f)) {
if (nan_delim) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(out, nan_delim);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(out, "NaN");
ecs_strbuf_appendch(out, nan_delim);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(out, "NaN");
if (ecs_os_isinf(f)) {
if (nan_delim) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(out, nan_delim);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(out, "Inf");
ecs_strbuf_appendch(out, nan_delim);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(out, "Inf");
if (precision > MAX_PRECISION) {
precision = MAX_PRECISION;
if (f < 0) {
f = -f;
*ptr++ = '-';
if (precision < 0) {
if (f < 1.0) precision = 6;
else if (f < 10.0) precision = 5;
else if (f < 100.0) precision = 4;
else if (f < 1000.0) precision = 3;
else if (f < 10000.0) precision = 2;
else if (f < 100000.0) precision = 1;
else precision = 0;
if (precision) {
f += rounders[precision];
/* Make sure that number can be represented as 64bit int, increase exp */
while (f > INT64_MAX_F) {
f /= 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
exp += 9;
intPart = (int64_t)f;
f -= (double)intPart;
ptr = flecs_strbuf_itoa(ptr, intPart);
if (precision) {
*ptr++ = '.';
while (precision--) {
f *= 10.0;
c = (char)f;
*ptr++ = (char)('0' + c);
f -= c;
*ptr = 0;
/* Remove trailing 0s */
while ((&ptr[-1] != buf) && (ptr[-1] == '0')) {
ptr[-1] = '\0';
ptr --;
if (ptr != buf && ptr[-1] == '.') {
ptr[-1] = '\0';
ptr --;
/* If 0s before . exceed threshold, convert to exponent to save space
* without losing precision. */
char *cur = ptr;
while ((&cur[-1] != buf) && (cur[-1] == '0')) {
cur --;
if (exp || ((ptr - cur) > EXP_THRESHOLD)) {
cur[0] = '\0';
exp += (ptr - cur);
ptr = cur;
if (exp) {
char *p1 = &buf[1];
if (nan_delim) {
ecs_os_memmove(buf + 1, buf, 1 + (ptr - buf));
buf[0] = nan_delim;
p1 ++;
/* Make sure that exp starts after first character */
c = p1[0];
if (c) {
p1[0] = '.';
do {
char t = (++p1)[0];
if (t == '.') {
exp ++;
p1 --;
p1[0] = c;
c = t;
exp ++;
} while (c);
ptr = p1 + 1;
} else {
ptr = p1;
ptr[0] = 'e';
ptr = flecs_strbuf_itoa(ptr + 1, exp);
if (nan_delim) {
ptr[0] = nan_delim;
ptr ++;
ptr[0] = '\0';
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(out, buf, (int32_t)(ptr - buf));
/* Add an extra element to the buffer */
void flecs_strbuf_grow(
ecs_strbuf_t *b)
if (!b->content) {
b->content = b->small_string;
} else if (b->content == b->small_string) {
b->size *= 2;
b->content = ecs_os_malloc_n(char, b->size);
ecs_os_memcpy(b->content, b->small_string, b->length);
} else {
b->size *= 2;
if (b->size < 16) b->size = 16;
b->content = ecs_os_realloc_n(b->content, char, b->size);
char* flecs_strbuf_ptr(
ecs_strbuf_t *b)
ecs_assert(b->content != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return &b->content[b->length];
/* Append a format string to a buffer */
void flecs_strbuf_vappend(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char* str,
va_list args)
va_list arg_cpy;
if (!str) {
/* Compute the memory required to add the string to the buffer. If user
* provided buffer, use space left in buffer, otherwise use space left in
* current element. */
int32_t mem_left = b->size - b->length;
int32_t mem_required;
va_copy(arg_cpy, args);
if (b->content) {
mem_required = vsnprintf(
flecs_itosize(mem_left), str, args);
} else {
mem_required = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, str, args);
mem_left = 0;
ecs_assert(mem_required != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if ((mem_required + 1) >= mem_left) {
while ((mem_required + 1) >= mem_left) {
mem_left = b->size - b->length;
flecs_itosize(mem_required + 1), str, arg_cpy);
b->length += mem_required;
void flecs_strbuf_appendstr(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char* str,
int n)
int32_t mem_left = b->size - b->length;
while (n >= mem_left) {
mem_left = b->size - b->length;
ecs_os_memcpy(flecs_strbuf_ptr(b), str, n);
b->length += n;
void flecs_strbuf_appendch(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
char ch)
if (b->size == b->length) {
flecs_strbuf_ptr(b)[0] = ch;
b->length ++;
void ecs_strbuf_vappend(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char* fmt,
va_list args)
flecs_strbuf_vappend(b, fmt, args);
void ecs_strbuf_append(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char* fmt,
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
flecs_strbuf_vappend(b, fmt, args);
void ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char* str,
int32_t len)
flecs_strbuf_appendstr(b, str, len);
void ecs_strbuf_appendch(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
char ch)
flecs_strbuf_appendch(b, ch);
void ecs_strbuf_appendint(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
int64_t v)
char numbuf[32];
char *ptr = flecs_strbuf_itoa(numbuf, v);
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(b, numbuf, flecs_ito(int32_t, ptr - numbuf));
void ecs_strbuf_appendflt(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
double flt,
char nan_delim)
flecs_strbuf_ftoa(b, flt, 10, nan_delim);
void ecs_strbuf_appendbool(
ecs_strbuf_t *buffer,
bool v)
ecs_assert(buffer != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (v) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buffer, "true");
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buffer, "false");
void ecs_strbuf_appendstr(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char* str)
flecs_strbuf_appendstr(b, str, ecs_os_strlen(str));
void ecs_strbuf_mergebuff(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
ecs_strbuf_t *src)
if (src->content) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(b, src->content);
char* ecs_strbuf_get(
ecs_strbuf_t *b)
char *result = b->content;
if (!result) {
return NULL;
ecs_strbuf_appendch(b, '\0');
result = b->content;
if (result == b->small_string) {
result = ecs_os_memdup_n(result, char, b->length + 1);
b->length = 0;
b->content = NULL;
b->size = 0;
b->list_sp = 0;
return result;
char* ecs_strbuf_get_small(
ecs_strbuf_t *b)
char *result = b->content;
result[b->length] = '\0';
b->length = 0;
b->content = NULL;
b->size = 0;
return result;
void ecs_strbuf_reset(
ecs_strbuf_t *b)
if (b->content && b->content != b->small_string) {
void ecs_strbuf_list_push(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char *list_open,
const char *separator)
ecs_assert(list_open != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(separator != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(b->list_sp >= 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
b->list_sp ++;
ecs_assert(b->list_sp < ECS_STRBUF_MAX_LIST_DEPTH,
b->list_stack[b->list_sp].count = 0;
b->list_stack[b->list_sp].separator = separator;
if (list_open) {
char ch = list_open[0];
if (ch && !list_open[1]) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(b, ch);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(b, list_open);
void ecs_strbuf_list_pop(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char *list_close)
ecs_assert(list_close != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(b->list_sp > 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
b->list_sp --;
if (list_close) {
char ch = list_close[0];
if (ch && !list_close[1]) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(b, list_close[0]);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(b, list_close);
void ecs_strbuf_list_next(
ecs_strbuf_t *b)
int32_t list_sp = b->list_sp;
if (b->list_stack[list_sp].count != 0) {
const char *sep = b->list_stack[list_sp].separator;
if (sep && !sep[1]) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(b, sep[0]);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(b, sep);
b->list_stack[list_sp].count ++;
void ecs_strbuf_list_appendch(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
char ch)
flecs_strbuf_appendch(b, ch);
void ecs_strbuf_list_append(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char *fmt,
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
flecs_strbuf_vappend(b, fmt, args);
void ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char *str)
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(b, str);
void ecs_strbuf_list_appendstrn(
ecs_strbuf_t *b,
const char *str,
int32_t n)
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(b, str, n);
int32_t ecs_strbuf_written(
const ecs_strbuf_t *b)
return b->length;
* @file datastructures/switch_list.c
* @brief Interleaved linked list for storing mutually exclusive values.
* Data structure that stores N interleaved linked lists in an array.
* This allows for efficient storage of elements with mutually exclusive values.
* Each linked list has a header element which points to the index in the array
* that stores the first node of the list. Each list node points to the next
* array element.
* The data structure allows for efficient storage and retrieval for values with
* mutually exclusive values, such as enumeration values. The linked list allows
* an application to obtain all elements for a given (enumeration) value without
* having to search.
* While the list accepts 64 bit values, it only uses the lower 32bits of the
* value for selecting the correct linked list.
* The switch list is used to store union relationships.
void flecs_switch_verify_nodes(
ecs_switch_header_t *hdr,
ecs_switch_node_t *nodes)
if (!hdr) {
int32_t prev = -1, elem = hdr->element, count = 0;
while (elem != -1) {
ecs_assert(prev == nodes[elem].prev, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
prev = elem;
elem = nodes[elem].next;
count ++;
ecs_assert(count == hdr->count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
#define flecs_switch_verify_nodes(hdr, nodes)
ecs_switch_header_t* flecs_switch_get_header(
const ecs_switch_t *sw,
uint64_t value)
if (value == 0) {
return NULL;
return (ecs_switch_header_t*)ecs_map_get(&sw->hdrs, value);
ecs_switch_header_t *flecs_switch_ensure_header(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
uint64_t value)
ecs_switch_header_t *node = flecs_switch_get_header(sw, value);
if (!node && (value != 0)) {
node = (ecs_switch_header_t*)ecs_map_ensure(&sw->hdrs, value);
node->count = 0;
node->element = -1;
return node;
void flecs_switch_remove_node(
ecs_switch_header_t *hdr,
ecs_switch_node_t *nodes,
ecs_switch_node_t *node,
int32_t element)
ecs_assert(&nodes[element] == node, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Update previous node/header */
if (hdr->element == element) {
ecs_assert(node->prev == -1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* If this is the first node, update the header */
hdr->element = node->next;
} else {
/* If this is not the first node, update the previous node to the
* removed node's next ptr */
ecs_assert(node->prev != -1, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_switch_node_t *prev_node = &nodes[node->prev];
prev_node->next = node->next;
/* Update next node */
int32_t next = node->next;
if (next != -1) {
ecs_assert(next >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* If this is not the last node, update the next node to point to the
* removed node's prev ptr */
ecs_switch_node_t *next_node = &nodes[next];
next_node->prev = node->prev;
/* Decrease count of current header */
hdr->count --;
ecs_assert(hdr->count >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void flecs_switch_init(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
int32_t elements)
ecs_map_init(&sw->hdrs, allocator);
ecs_vec_init_t(allocator, &sw->nodes, ecs_switch_node_t, elements);
ecs_vec_init_t(allocator, &sw->values, uint64_t, elements);
ecs_switch_node_t *nodes = ecs_vec_first(&sw->nodes);
uint64_t *values = ecs_vec_first(&sw->values);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < elements; i ++) {
nodes[i].prev = -1;
nodes[i].next = -1;
values[i] = 0;
void flecs_switch_clear(
ecs_switch_t *sw)
ecs_vec_fini_t(sw->hdrs.allocator, &sw->nodes, ecs_switch_node_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(sw->hdrs.allocator, &sw->values, uint64_t);
void flecs_switch_fini(
ecs_switch_t *sw)
ecs_vec_fini_t(sw->hdrs.allocator, &sw->nodes, ecs_switch_node_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(sw->hdrs.allocator, &sw->values, uint64_t);
void flecs_switch_add(
ecs_switch_t *sw)
ecs_switch_node_t *node = ecs_vec_append_t(sw->hdrs.allocator,
&sw->nodes, ecs_switch_node_t);
uint64_t *value = ecs_vec_append_t(sw->hdrs.allocator,
&sw->values, uint64_t);
node->prev = -1;
node->next = -1;
*value = 0;
void flecs_switch_set_count(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t count)
int32_t old_count = ecs_vec_count(&sw->nodes);
if (old_count == count) {
ecs_vec_set_count_t(sw->hdrs.allocator, &sw->nodes, ecs_switch_node_t, count);
ecs_vec_set_count_t(sw->hdrs.allocator, &sw->values, uint64_t, count);
ecs_switch_node_t *nodes = ecs_vec_first(&sw->nodes);
uint64_t *values = ecs_vec_first(&sw->values);
int32_t i;
for (i = old_count; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_switch_node_t *node = &nodes[i];
node->prev = -1;
node->next = -1;
values[i] = 0;
int32_t flecs_switch_count(
ecs_switch_t *sw)
ecs_assert(ecs_vec_count(&sw->values) == ecs_vec_count(&sw->nodes),
return ecs_vec_count(&sw->values);
void flecs_switch_ensure(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t count)
int32_t old_count = ecs_vec_count(&sw->nodes);
if (old_count >= count) {
flecs_switch_set_count(sw, count);
void flecs_switch_addn(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t count)
int32_t old_count = ecs_vec_count(&sw->nodes);
flecs_switch_set_count(sw, old_count + count);
void flecs_switch_set(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t element,
uint64_t value)
ecs_assert(element < ecs_vec_count(&sw->nodes), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(element < ecs_vec_count(&sw->values), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(element >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
uint64_t *values = ecs_vec_first(&sw->values);
uint64_t cur_value = values[element];
/* If the node is already assigned to the value, nothing to be done */
if (cur_value == value) {
ecs_switch_node_t *nodes = ecs_vec_first(&sw->nodes);
ecs_switch_node_t *node = &nodes[element];
ecs_switch_header_t *dst_hdr = flecs_switch_ensure_header(sw, value);
ecs_switch_header_t *cur_hdr = flecs_switch_get_header(sw, cur_value);
flecs_switch_verify_nodes(cur_hdr, nodes);
flecs_switch_verify_nodes(dst_hdr, nodes);
/* If value is not 0, and dst_hdr is NULL, then this is not a valid value
* for this switch */
ecs_assert(dst_hdr != NULL || !value, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (cur_hdr) {
flecs_switch_remove_node(cur_hdr, nodes, node, element);
/* Now update the node itself by adding it as the first node of dst */
node->prev = -1;
values[element] = value;
if (dst_hdr) {
node->next = dst_hdr->element;
/* Also update the dst header */
int32_t first = dst_hdr->element;
if (first != -1) {
ecs_assert(first >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_switch_node_t *first_node = &nodes[first];
first_node->prev = element;
dst_hdr->element = element;
dst_hdr->count ++;
void flecs_switch_remove(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t elem)
ecs_assert(elem < ecs_vec_count(&sw->nodes), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(elem >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
uint64_t *values = ecs_vec_first(&sw->values);
uint64_t value = values[elem];
ecs_switch_node_t *nodes = ecs_vec_first(&sw->nodes);
ecs_switch_node_t *node = &nodes[elem];
/* If node is currently assigned to a case, remove it from the list */
if (value != 0) {
ecs_switch_header_t *hdr = flecs_switch_get_header(sw, value);
ecs_assert(hdr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_switch_verify_nodes(hdr, nodes);
flecs_switch_remove_node(hdr, nodes, node, elem);
int32_t last_elem = ecs_vec_count(&sw->nodes) - 1;
if (last_elem != elem) {
ecs_switch_node_t *last = ecs_vec_last_t(&sw->nodes, ecs_switch_node_t);
int32_t next = last->next, prev = last->prev;
if (next != -1) {
ecs_switch_node_t *n = &nodes[next];
n->prev = elem;
if (prev != -1) {
ecs_switch_node_t *n = &nodes[prev];
n->next = elem;
} else {
ecs_switch_header_t *hdr = flecs_switch_get_header(sw, values[last_elem]);
if (hdr && hdr->element != -1) {
ecs_assert(hdr->element == last_elem,
hdr->element = elem;
/* Remove element from arrays */
ecs_vec_remove_t(&sw->nodes, ecs_switch_node_t, elem);
ecs_vec_remove_t(&sw->values, uint64_t, elem);
uint64_t flecs_switch_get(
const ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t element)
ecs_assert(element < ecs_vec_count(&sw->nodes), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(element < ecs_vec_count(&sw->values), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(element >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
uint64_t *values = ecs_vec_first(&sw->values);
return values[element];
ecs_vec_t* flecs_switch_values(
const ecs_switch_t *sw)
return ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_vec_t*, &sw->values);
int32_t flecs_switch_case_count(
const ecs_switch_t *sw,
uint64_t value)
ecs_switch_header_t *hdr = flecs_switch_get_header(sw, value);
if (!hdr) {
return 0;
return hdr->count;
void flecs_switch_swap(
ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t elem_1,
int32_t elem_2)
uint64_t v1 = flecs_switch_get(sw, elem_1);
uint64_t v2 = flecs_switch_get(sw, elem_2);
flecs_switch_set(sw, elem_2, v1);
flecs_switch_set(sw, elem_1, v2);
int32_t flecs_switch_first(
const ecs_switch_t *sw,
uint64_t value)
ecs_switch_header_t *hdr = flecs_switch_get_header(sw, value);
if (!hdr) {
return -1;
return hdr->element;
int32_t flecs_switch_next(
const ecs_switch_t *sw,
int32_t element)
ecs_assert(element < ecs_vec_count(&sw->nodes), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(element >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_switch_node_t *nodes = ecs_vec_first(&sw->nodes);
return nodes[element].next;
* @file datastructures/vec.c
* @brief Vector with allocator support.
ecs_vec_t* ecs_vec_init(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size,
int32_t elem_count)
ecs_assert(size != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
v->array = NULL;
v->count = 0;
if (elem_count) {
if (allocator) {
v->array = flecs_alloc(allocator, size * elem_count);
} else {
v->array = ecs_os_malloc(size * elem_count);
v->size = elem_count;
v->elem_size = size;
return v;
void ecs_vec_init_if(
ecs_vec_t *vec,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_san_assert(!vec->elem_size || vec->elem_size == size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (!vec->elem_size) {
ecs_assert(vec->count == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(vec->size == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(vec->array == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
vec->elem_size = size;
void ecs_vec_fini(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size)
if (v->array) {
ecs_san_assert(!size || size == v->elem_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (allocator) {
flecs_free(allocator, size * v->size, v->array);
} else {
v->array = NULL;
v->count = 0;
v->size = 0;
ecs_vec_t* ecs_vec_reset(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size)
if (!v->size) {
ecs_vec_init(allocator, v, size, 0);
} else {
ecs_san_assert(size == v->elem_size, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return v;
void ecs_vec_clear(
ecs_vec_t *vec)
vec->count = 0;
ecs_vec_t ecs_vec_copy(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
const ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_san_assert(size == v->elem_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
void *array;
if (allocator) {
array = flecs_dup(allocator, size * v->size, v->array);
} else {
array = ecs_os_memdup(v->array, size * v->size);
return (ecs_vec_t) {
.count = v->count,
.size = v->size,
.array = array
, .elem_size = size
ecs_vec_t ecs_vec_copy_shrink(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
const ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_san_assert(size == v->elem_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t count = v->count;
void *array = NULL;
if (count) {
if (allocator) {
array = flecs_dup(allocator, size * count, v->array);
} else {
array = ecs_os_memdup(v->array, size * count);
return (ecs_vec_t) {
.count = count,
.size = count,
.array = array
, .elem_size = size
void ecs_vec_reclaim(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_san_assert(size == v->elem_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t count = v->count;
if (count < v->size) {
if (count) {
if (allocator) {
v->array = flecs_realloc(
allocator, size * count, size * v->size, v->array);
} else {
v->array = ecs_os_realloc(v->array, size * count);
v->size = count;
} else {
ecs_vec_fini(allocator, v, size);
void ecs_vec_set_size(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size,
int32_t elem_count)
ecs_san_assert(size == v->elem_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (v->size != elem_count) {
if (elem_count < v->count) {
elem_count = v->count;
elem_count = flecs_next_pow_of_2(elem_count);
if (elem_count < 2) {
elem_count = 2;
if (elem_count != v->size) {
if (allocator) {
v->array = flecs_realloc(
allocator, size * elem_count, size * v->size, v->array);
} else {
v->array = ecs_os_realloc(v->array, size * elem_count);
v->size = elem_count;
void ecs_vec_set_min_size(
struct ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *vec,
ecs_size_t size,
int32_t elem_count)
if (elem_count > vec->size) {
ecs_vec_set_size(allocator, vec, size, elem_count);
void ecs_vec_set_min_count(
struct ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *vec,
ecs_size_t size,
int32_t elem_count)
ecs_vec_set_min_size(allocator, vec, size, elem_count);
if (vec->count < elem_count) {
vec->count = elem_count;
void ecs_vec_set_min_count_zeromem(
struct ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *vec,
ecs_size_t size,
int32_t elem_count)
int32_t count = vec->count;
if (count < elem_count) {
ecs_vec_set_min_count(allocator, vec, size, elem_count);
ecs_os_memset(ECS_ELEM(vec->array, size, count), 0,
size * (elem_count - count));
void ecs_vec_set_count(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size,
int32_t elem_count)
ecs_san_assert(size == v->elem_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (v->count != elem_count) {
if (v->size < elem_count) {
ecs_vec_set_size(allocator, v, size, elem_count);
v->count = elem_count;
void* ecs_vec_grow(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size,
int32_t elem_count)
ecs_san_assert(size == v->elem_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(elem_count > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t count = v->count;
ecs_vec_set_count(allocator, v, size, count + elem_count);
return ECS_ELEM(v->array, size, count);
void* ecs_vec_append(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_san_assert(size == v->elem_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t count = v->count;
if (v->size == count) {
ecs_vec_set_size(allocator, v, size, count + 1);
v->count = count + 1;
return ECS_ELEM(v->array, size, count);
void ecs_vec_remove(
ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size,
int32_t index)
ecs_san_assert(size == v->elem_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(index < v->count, ECS_OUT_OF_RANGE, NULL);
if (index == --v->count) {
ECS_ELEM(v->array, size, index),
ECS_ELEM(v->array, size, v->count),
void ecs_vec_remove_last(
ecs_vec_t *v)
v->count --;
int32_t ecs_vec_count(
const ecs_vec_t *v)
return v->count;
int32_t ecs_vec_size(
const ecs_vec_t *v)
return v->size;
void* ecs_vec_get(
const ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size,
int32_t index)
ecs_san_assert(size == v->elem_size, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(index < v->count, ECS_OUT_OF_RANGE, NULL);
return ECS_ELEM(v->array, size, index);
void* ecs_vec_last(
const ecs_vec_t *v,
ecs_size_t size)
ecs_san_assert(!v->elem_size || size == v->elem_size,
return ECS_ELEM(v->array, size, v->count - 1);
void* ecs_vec_first(
const ecs_vec_t *v)
return v->array;
ecs_entity_index_page_t* flecs_entity_index_ensure_page(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint32_t id)
int32_t page_index = (int32_t)(id >> FLECS_ENTITY_PAGE_BITS);
if (page_index >= ecs_vec_count(&index->pages)) {
ecs_vec_set_min_count_zeromem_t(index->allocator, &index->pages,
ecs_entity_index_page_t*, page_index + 1);
ecs_entity_index_page_t **page_ptr = ecs_vec_get_t(&index->pages,
ecs_entity_index_page_t*, page_index);
ecs_entity_index_page_t *page = *page_ptr;
if (!page) {
page = *page_ptr = flecs_bcalloc(&index->page_allocator);
ecs_assert(page != NULL, ECS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
return page;
void flecs_entity_index_init(
ecs_allocator_t *allocator,
ecs_entity_index_t *index)
index->allocator = allocator;
index->alive_count = 1;
ecs_vec_init_t(allocator, &index->dense, uint64_t, 1);
ecs_vec_set_count_t(allocator, &index->dense, uint64_t, 1);
ecs_vec_init_t(allocator, &index->pages, ecs_entity_index_page_t*, 0);
void flecs_entity_index_fini(
ecs_entity_index_t *index)
ecs_vec_fini_t(index->allocator, &index->dense, uint64_t);
#if defined(FLECS_SANITIZE) || defined(FLECS_USE_OS_ALLOC)
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&index->pages);
ecs_entity_index_page_t **pages = ecs_vec_first(&index->pages);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
flecs_bfree(&index->page_allocator, pages[i]);
ecs_vec_fini_t(index->allocator, &index->pages, ecs_entity_index_page_t*);
ecs_record_t* flecs_entity_index_get_any(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
uint32_t id = (uint32_t)entity;
int32_t page_index = (int32_t)(id >> FLECS_ENTITY_PAGE_BITS);
ecs_entity_index_page_t *page = ecs_vec_get_t(&index->pages,
ecs_entity_index_page_t*, page_index)[0];
ecs_record_t *r = &page->records[id & FLECS_ENTITY_PAGE_MASK];
ecs_assert(r->dense != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return r;
ecs_record_t* flecs_entity_index_get(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entity_index_get_any(index, entity);
ecs_assert(r->dense < index->alive_count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, r->dense)[0] == entity,
return r;
ecs_record_t* flecs_entity_index_try_get_any(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
uint32_t id = (uint32_t)entity;
int32_t page_index = (int32_t)(id >> FLECS_ENTITY_PAGE_BITS);
if (page_index >= ecs_vec_count(&index->pages)) {
return NULL;
ecs_entity_index_page_t *page = ecs_vec_get_t(&index->pages,
ecs_entity_index_page_t*, page_index)[0];
if (!page) {
return NULL;
ecs_record_t *r = &page->records[id & FLECS_ENTITY_PAGE_MASK];
if (!r->dense) {
return NULL;
return r;
ecs_record_t* flecs_entity_index_try_get(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entity_index_try_get_any(index, entity);
if (r) {
if (r->dense >= index->alive_count) {
return NULL;
if (ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, r->dense)[0] != entity) {
return NULL;
return r;
ecs_record_t* flecs_entity_index_ensure(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
uint32_t id = (uint32_t)entity;
ecs_entity_index_page_t *page = flecs_entity_index_ensure_page(index, id);
ecs_assert(page != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_record_t *r = &page->records[id & FLECS_ENTITY_PAGE_MASK];
int32_t dense = r->dense;
if (dense) {
/* Entity is already alive, nothing to be done */
if (dense < index->alive_count) {
ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, dense)[0] == entity,
return r;
} else {
/* Entity doesn't have a dense index yet */
ecs_vec_append_t(index->allocator, &index->dense, uint64_t)[0] = entity;
r->dense = dense = ecs_vec_count(&index->dense) - 1;
index->max_id = id > index->max_id ? id : index->max_id;
ecs_assert(dense != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Entity is not alive, swap with first not alive element */
uint64_t *ids = ecs_vec_first(&index->dense);
uint64_t e_swap = ids[index->alive_count];
ecs_record_t *r_swap = flecs_entity_index_get_any(index, e_swap);
ecs_assert(r_swap->dense == index->alive_count,
r_swap->dense = dense;
r->dense = index->alive_count;
ids[dense] = e_swap;
ids[index->alive_count ++] = entity;
ecs_assert(flecs_entity_index_is_alive(index, entity),
return r;
void flecs_entity_index_remove(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entity_index_try_get(index, entity);
if (!r) {
/* Entity is not alive or doesn't exist, nothing to be done */
int32_t dense = r->dense;
int32_t i_swap = -- index->alive_count;
uint64_t *e_swap_ptr = ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, i_swap);
uint64_t e_swap = e_swap_ptr[0];
ecs_record_t *r_swap = flecs_entity_index_get_any(index, e_swap);
ecs_assert(r_swap->dense == i_swap, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
r_swap->dense = dense;
r->table = NULL;
r->idr = NULL;
r->row = 0;
r->dense = i_swap;
ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, dense)[0] = e_swap;
e_swap_ptr[0] = ECS_GENERATION_INC(entity);
ecs_assert(!flecs_entity_index_is_alive(index, entity),
void flecs_entity_index_set_generation(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entity_index_try_get_any(index, entity);
if (r) {
ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, r->dense)[0] = entity;
uint64_t flecs_entity_index_get_generation(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entity_index_try_get_any(index, entity);
if (r) {
return ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, r->dense)[0];
} else {
return 0;
bool flecs_entity_index_is_alive(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
return flecs_entity_index_try_get(index, entity) != NULL;
bool flecs_entity_index_is_valid(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
uint32_t id = (uint32_t)entity;
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entity_index_try_get_any(index, id);
if (!r || !r->dense) {
/* Doesn't exist yet, so is valid */
return true;
/* If the id exists, it must be alive */
return r->dense < index->alive_count;
bool flecs_entity_index_exists(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index,
uint64_t entity)
return flecs_entity_index_try_get_any(index, entity) != NULL;
uint64_t flecs_entity_index_new_id(
ecs_entity_index_t *index)
if (index->alive_count != ecs_vec_count(&index->dense)) {
/* Recycle id */
return ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, index->alive_count ++)[0];
/* Create new id */
uint32_t id = (uint32_t)++ index->max_id;
ecs_vec_append_t(index->allocator, &index->dense, uint64_t)[0] = id;
ecs_entity_index_page_t *page = flecs_entity_index_ensure_page(index, id);
ecs_assert(page != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_record_t *r = &page->records[id & FLECS_ENTITY_PAGE_MASK];
r->dense = index->alive_count ++;
ecs_assert(index->alive_count == ecs_vec_count(&index->dense),
return id;
uint64_t* flecs_entity_index_new_ids(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
int32_t count)
int32_t alive_count = index->alive_count;
int32_t new_count = alive_count + count;
int32_t dense_count = ecs_vec_count(&index->dense);
if (new_count < dense_count) {
/* Recycle ids */
index->alive_count = new_count;
return ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, alive_count);
/* Allocate new ids */
ecs_vec_set_count_t(index->allocator, &index->dense, uint64_t, new_count);
int32_t i, to_add = new_count - dense_count;
for (i = 0; i < to_add; i ++) {
uint32_t id = (uint32_t)++ index->max_id;
int32_t dense = dense_count + i;
ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, dense)[0] = id;
ecs_entity_index_page_t *page = flecs_entity_index_ensure_page(index, id);
ecs_assert(page != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_record_t *r = &page->records[id & FLECS_ENTITY_PAGE_MASK];
r->dense = dense;
index->alive_count = new_count;
return ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, alive_count);
void flecs_entity_index_set_size(
ecs_entity_index_t *index,
int32_t size)
ecs_vec_set_size_t(index->allocator, &index->dense, uint64_t, size);
int32_t flecs_entity_index_count(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index)
return index->alive_count - 1;
int32_t flecs_entity_index_size(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index)
return ecs_vec_count(&index->dense) - 1;
int32_t flecs_entity_index_not_alive_count(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index)
return ecs_vec_count(&index->dense) - index->alive_count;
void flecs_entity_index_clear(
ecs_entity_index_t *index)
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&index->pages);
ecs_entity_index_page_t **pages = ecs_vec_first_t(&index->pages,
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_index_page_t *page = pages[i];
if (page) {
ecs_vec_set_count_t(index->allocator, &index->dense, uint64_t, 1);
index->alive_count = 1;
index->max_id = 0;
const uint64_t* flecs_entity_index_ids(
const ecs_entity_index_t *index)
return ecs_vec_get_t(&index->dense, uint64_t, 1);
void flecs_entity_index_copy_intern(
ecs_entity_index_t * dst,
const ecs_entity_index_t * src)
flecs_entity_index_set_size(dst, flecs_entity_index_size(src));
const uint64_t *ids = flecs_entity_index_ids(src);
int32_t i, count = src->alive_count;
for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i ++) {
uint64_t id = ids[i];
ecs_record_t *src_ptr = flecs_entity_index_get(src, id);
ecs_record_t *dst_ptr = flecs_entity_index_ensure(dst, id);
flecs_entity_index_set_generation(dst, id);
ecs_os_memcpy_t(dst_ptr, src_ptr, ecs_record_t);
dst->max_id = src->max_id;
ecs_assert(src->alive_count == dst->alive_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void flecs_entity_index_copy(
ecs_entity_index_t *dst,
const ecs_entity_index_t *src)
if (!src) {
flecs_entity_index_init(src->allocator, dst);
flecs_entity_index_copy_intern(dst, src);
void flecs_entity_index_restore(
ecs_entity_index_t *dst,
const ecs_entity_index_t *src)
if (!src) {
flecs_entity_index_copy_intern(dst, src);
* @file id_index.c
* @brief Index for looking up tables by (component) id.
* An id record stores the administration for an in use (component) id, that is
* an id that has been used in tables.
* An id record contains a table cache, which stores the list of tables that
* have the id. Each entry in the cache (a table record) stores the first
* occurrence of the id in the table and the number of occurrences of the id in
* the table (in the case of wildcard ids).
* Id records are used in lots of scenarios, like uncached queries, or for
* getting a component array/component for an entity.
ecs_id_record_elem_t* flecs_id_record_elem(
ecs_id_record_t *head,
ecs_id_record_elem_t *list,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
return ECS_OFFSET(idr, (uintptr_t)list - (uintptr_t)head);
void flecs_id_record_elem_insert(
ecs_id_record_t *head,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_record_elem_t *elem)
ecs_id_record_elem_t *head_elem = flecs_id_record_elem(idr, elem, head);
ecs_id_record_t *cur = head_elem->next;
elem->next = cur;
elem->prev = head;
if (cur) {
ecs_id_record_elem_t *cur_elem = flecs_id_record_elem(idr, elem, cur);
cur_elem->prev = idr;
head_elem->next = idr;
void flecs_id_record_elem_remove(
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_record_elem_t *elem)
ecs_id_record_t *prev = elem->prev;
ecs_id_record_t *next = elem->next;
ecs_assert(prev != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_record_elem_t *prev_elem = flecs_id_record_elem(idr, elem, prev);
prev_elem->next = next;
if (next) {
ecs_id_record_elem_t *next_elem = flecs_id_record_elem(idr, elem, next);
next_elem->prev = prev;
void flecs_insert_id_elem(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_t wildcard,
ecs_id_record_t *widr)
ecs_assert(ecs_id_is_wildcard(wildcard), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!widr) {
widr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, wildcard);
ecs_assert(widr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ECS_PAIR_SECOND(wildcard) == EcsWildcard) {
ecs_assert(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(wildcard) != EcsWildcard,
flecs_id_record_elem_insert(widr, idr, &idr->first);
} else {
ecs_assert(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(wildcard) == EcsWildcard,
flecs_id_record_elem_insert(widr, idr, &idr->second);
if (idr->flags & EcsIdTraversable) {
flecs_id_record_elem_insert(widr, idr, &idr->trav);
void flecs_remove_id_elem(
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
ecs_id_t wildcard)
ecs_assert(ecs_id_is_wildcard(wildcard), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ECS_PAIR_SECOND(wildcard) == EcsWildcard) {
ecs_assert(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(wildcard) != EcsWildcard,
flecs_id_record_elem_remove(idr, &idr->first);
} else {
ecs_assert(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(wildcard) == EcsWildcard,
flecs_id_record_elem_remove(idr, &idr->second);
if (idr->flags & EcsIdTraversable) {
flecs_id_record_elem_remove(idr, &idr->trav);
ecs_id_t flecs_id_record_hash(
ecs_id_t id)
id = ecs_strip_generation(id);
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
ecs_entity_t r = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
ecs_entity_t o = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
if (r == EcsAny) {
r = EcsWildcard;
if (o == EcsAny) {
o = EcsWildcard;
id = ecs_pair(r, o);
return id;
ecs_id_record_t* flecs_id_record_new(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_id_record_t *idr, *idr_t = NULL;
ecs_id_t hash = flecs_id_record_hash(id);
if (hash >= FLECS_HI_ID_RECORD_ID) {
idr = flecs_bcalloc(&world->allocators.id_record);
ecs_map_insert_ptr(&world->id_index_hi, hash, idr);
} else {
idr = &world->id_index_lo[hash];
ecs_table_cache_init(world, &idr->cache);
idr->id = id;
idr->refcount = 1;
idr->reachable.current = -1;
bool is_wildcard = ecs_id_is_wildcard(id);
bool is_pair = ECS_IS_PAIR(id);
ecs_entity_t rel = 0, tgt = 0, role = id & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK;
if (is_pair) {
// rel = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
rel = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
rel = flecs_entities_get_generation(world, rel);
ecs_assert(rel != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Relationship object can be 0, as tables without a ChildOf
* relationship are added to the (ChildOf, 0) id record */
tgt = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
/* Check constraints */
if (tgt) {
tgt = flecs_entities_get_generation(world, tgt);
ecs_assert(tgt != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (tgt && !ecs_id_is_wildcard(tgt)) {
/* Check if target of relationship satisfies OneOf property */
ecs_entity_t oneof = flecs_get_oneof(world, rel);
ecs_check( !oneof || ecs_has_pair(world, tgt, EcsChildOf, oneof),
/* Check if we're not trying to inherit from a final target */
if (rel == EcsIsA) {
bool is_final = ecs_has_id(world, tgt, EcsFinal);
ecs_check(!is_final, ECS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED,
"cannot inherit from final entity");
if (!is_wildcard && (rel != EcsFlag)) {
/* Inherit flags from (relationship, *) record */
ecs_id_record_t *idr_r = flecs_id_record_ensure(
world, ecs_pair(rel, EcsWildcard));
idr->parent = idr_r;
idr->flags = idr_r->flags;
/* If pair is not a wildcard, append it to wildcard lists. These
* allow for quickly enumerating all relationships for an object,
* or all objects for a relationship. */
flecs_insert_id_elem(world, idr, ecs_pair(rel, EcsWildcard), idr_r);
idr_t = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, tgt));
flecs_insert_id_elem(world, idr, ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, tgt), idr_t);
if (rel == EcsUnion) {
idr->flags |= EcsIdUnion;
} else {
ecs_assert(rel != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Initialize type info if id is not a tag */
if (!is_wildcard && (!role || is_pair)) {
if (!(idr->flags & EcsIdTag)) {
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = flecs_type_info_get(world, rel);
if (!ti && tgt) {
ti = flecs_type_info_get(world, tgt);
idr->type_info = ti;
/* Mark entities that are used as component/pair ids. When a tracked
* entity is deleted, cleanup policies are applied so that the store
* won't contain any tables with deleted ids. */
/* Flag for OnDelete policies */
flecs_add_flag(world, rel, EcsEntityIsId);
if (tgt) {
/* Flag for OnDeleteTarget policies */
ecs_record_t *tgt_r = flecs_entities_get_any(world, tgt);
ecs_assert(tgt_r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_record_add_flag(tgt_r, EcsEntityIsTarget);
if (idr->flags & EcsIdTraversable) {
/* Flag used to determine if object should be traversed when
* propagating events or with super/subset queries */
flecs_record_add_flag(tgt_r, EcsEntityIsTraversable);
/* Add reference to (*, tgt) id record to entity record */
tgt_r->idr = idr_t;
ecs_observable_t *o = &world->observable;
idr->flags |= flecs_observers_exist(o, id, EcsOnAdd) * EcsIdHasOnAdd;
idr->flags |= flecs_observers_exist(o, id, EcsOnRemove) * EcsIdHasOnRemove;
idr->flags |= flecs_observers_exist(o, id, EcsOnSet) * EcsIdHasOnSet;
idr->flags |= flecs_observers_exist(o, id, EcsUnSet) * EcsIdHasUnSet;
idr->flags |= flecs_observers_exist(o, id, EcsOnTableFill) * EcsIdHasOnTableFill;
idr->flags |= flecs_observers_exist(o, id, EcsOnTableEmpty) * EcsIdHasOnTableEmpty;
idr->flags |= flecs_observers_exist(o, id, EcsOnTableCreate) * EcsIdHasOnTableCreate;
idr->flags |= flecs_observers_exist(o, id, EcsOnTableDelete) * EcsIdHasOnTableDelete;
if (ecs_should_log_1()) {
char *id_str = ecs_id_str(world, id);
ecs_dbg_1("#[green]id#[normal] %s #[green]created", id_str);
/* Update counters */
world->info.id_create_total ++;
world->info.component_id_count += idr->type_info != NULL;
world->info.tag_id_count += idr->type_info == NULL;
world->info.pair_id_count += is_pair;
return idr;
return NULL;
void flecs_id_record_assert_empty(
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
ecs_assert(flecs_table_cache_count(&idr->cache) == 0,
ecs_assert(flecs_table_cache_empty_count(&idr->cache) == 0,
void flecs_id_record_free(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_t id = idr->id;
/* Id is still in use by a filter, query, rule or observer */
ecs_assert((world->flags & EcsWorldQuit) || (idr->keep_alive == 0),
ECS_ID_IN_USE, "cannot delete id that is queried for");
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
ecs_entity_t rel = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
ecs_entity_t tgt = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
if (!ecs_id_is_wildcard(id)) {
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) != EcsFlag) {
/* If id is not a wildcard, remove it from the wildcard lists */
flecs_remove_id_elem(idr, ecs_pair(rel, EcsWildcard));
flecs_remove_id_elem(idr, ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, tgt));
} else {
/* If id is a wildcard, it means that all id records that match the
* wildcard are also empty, so release them */
if (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsWildcard) {
/* Iterate (*, Target) list */
ecs_id_record_t *cur, *next = idr->second.next;
while ((cur = next)) {
next = cur->second.next;
flecs_id_record_release(world, cur);
} else {
/* Iterate (Relationship, *) list */
ecs_assert(ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id) == EcsWildcard,
ecs_id_record_t *cur, *next = idr->first.next;
while ((cur = next)) {
next = cur->first.next;
flecs_id_record_release(world, cur);
/* Update counters */
world->info.id_delete_total ++;
world->info.pair_id_count -= ECS_IS_PAIR(id);
world->info.component_id_count -= idr->type_info != NULL;
world->info.tag_id_count -= idr->type_info == NULL;
/* Unregister the id record from the world & free resources */
ecs_vec_fini_t(&world->allocator, &idr->reachable.ids, ecs_reachable_elem_t);
ecs_id_t hash = flecs_id_record_hash(id);
if (hash >= FLECS_HI_ID_RECORD_ID) {
ecs_map_remove(&world->id_index_hi, hash);
flecs_bfree(&world->allocators.id_record, idr);
} else {
idr->id = 0; /* Tombstone */
if (ecs_should_log_1()) {
char *id_str = ecs_id_str(world, id);
ecs_dbg_1("#[green]id#[normal] %s #[red]deleted", id_str);
ecs_id_record_t* flecs_id_record_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
idr = flecs_id_record_new(world, id);
return idr;
ecs_id_record_t* flecs_id_record_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
if (id == ecs_pair(EcsIsA, EcsWildcard)) {
return world->idr_isa_wildcard;
} else if (id == ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, EcsWildcard)) {
return world->idr_childof_wildcard;
} else if (id == ecs_pair_t(EcsIdentifier, EcsName)) {
return world->idr_identifier_name;
ecs_id_t hash = flecs_id_record_hash(id);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = NULL;
if (hash >= FLECS_HI_ID_RECORD_ID) {
idr = ecs_map_get_deref(&world->id_index_hi, ecs_id_record_t, hash);
} else {
idr = &world->id_index_lo[hash];
if (!idr->id) {
idr = NULL;
return idr;
ecs_id_record_t* flecs_query_id_record_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
ecs_entity_t first = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id) && (first != EcsWildcard)) {
idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(EcsUnion, first));
return idr;
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id) &&
ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id) == EcsWildcard &&
(idr->flags & EcsIdUnion))
idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(EcsUnion, ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id)));
return idr;
void flecs_id_record_claim(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
idr->refcount ++;
int32_t flecs_id_record_release(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
int32_t rc = -- idr->refcount;
ecs_assert(rc >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!rc) {
flecs_id_record_free(world, idr);
return rc;
void flecs_id_record_release_tables(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
/* Cache should not contain tables that aren't empty */
ecs_assert(flecs_table_cache_count(&idr->cache) == 0,
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (flecs_table_cache_empty_iter(&idr->cache, &it)) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
/* Release current table */
flecs_table_free(world, tr->hdr.table);
bool flecs_id_record_set_type_info(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr,
const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
bool is_wildcard = ecs_id_is_wildcard(idr->id);
if (!is_wildcard) {
if (ti) {
if (!idr->type_info) {
world->info.tag_id_count --;
world->info.component_id_count ++;
} else {
if (idr->type_info) {
world->info.tag_id_count ++;
world->info.component_id_count --;
bool changed = idr->type_info != ti;
idr->type_info = ti;
return changed;
ecs_hashmap_t* flecs_id_record_name_index_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
ecs_hashmap_t *map = idr->name_index;
if (!map) {
map = idr->name_index = flecs_name_index_new(world, &world->allocator);
return map;
ecs_hashmap_t* flecs_id_name_index_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return flecs_id_record_name_index_ensure(world, idr);
ecs_hashmap_t* flecs_id_name_index_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
return NULL;
return idr->name_index;
ecs_table_record_t* flecs_table_record_get(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_id_record_t* idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
return NULL;
return (ecs_table_record_t*)ecs_table_cache_get(&idr->cache, table);
ecs_table_record_t* flecs_id_record_get_table(
const ecs_id_record_t *idr,
const ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return (ecs_table_record_t*)ecs_table_cache_get(&idr->cache, table);
void flecs_init_id_records(
ecs_world_t *world)
/* Cache often used id records on world */
world->idr_wildcard = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, EcsWildcard);
world->idr_wildcard_wildcard = flecs_id_record_ensure(world,
ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, EcsWildcard));
world->idr_any = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, EcsAny);
world->idr_isa_wildcard = flecs_id_record_ensure(world,
ecs_pair(EcsIsA, EcsWildcard));
void flecs_fini_id_records(
ecs_world_t *world)
/* Loop & delete first element until there are no elements left. Id records
* can recursively delete each other, this ensures we always have a
* valid iterator. */
while (ecs_map_count(&world->id_index_hi) > 0) {
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&world->id_index_hi);
flecs_id_record_release(world, ecs_map_ptr(&it));
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < FLECS_HI_ID_RECORD_ID; i ++) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = &world->id_index_lo[i];
if (idr->id) {
flecs_id_record_release(world, idr);
ecs_assert(ecs_map_count(&world->id_index_hi) == 0,
* @file table.c
* @brief Table storage implementation.
* Tables are the data structure that store the component data. Tables have
* columns for each component in the table, and rows for each entity stored in
* the table. Once created, the component list for a table doesn't change, but
* entities can move from one table to another.
* Each table has a type, which is a vector with the (component) ids in the
* table. The vector is sorted by id, which ensures that there can be only one
* table for each unique combination of components.
* Not all ids in a table have to be components. Tags are ids that have no
* data type associated with them, and as a result don't need to be explicitly
* stored beyond an element in the table type. To save space and speed up table
* creation, each table has a reference to a "storage table", which is a table
* that only includes component ids (so excluding tags).
* Note that the actual data is not stored on the storage table. The storage
* table is only used for sharing administration. A column_map member maps
* between column indices of the table and its storage table. Tables are
* refcounted, which ensures that storage tables won't be deleted if other
* tables have references to it.
/* Table sanity check to detect storage issues. Only enabled in SANITIZE mode as
* this can severely slow down many ECS operations. */
void flecs_table_check_sanity(ecs_table_t *table) {
int32_t size = ecs_vec_size(&table->data.entities);
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(&table->data.entities);
int32_t i;
int32_t sw_offset = table->_ ? table->_->sw_offset : 0;
int32_t sw_count = table->_ ? table->_->sw_count : 0;
int32_t bs_offset = table->_ ? table->_->bs_offset : 0;
int32_t bs_count = table->_ ? table->_->bs_count : 0;
int32_t type_count = table->type.count;
ecs_id_t *ids = table->type.array;
ecs_assert((sw_count + sw_offset) <= type_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert((bs_count + bs_offset) <= type_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (table->column_count) {
int32_t column_count = table->column_count;
ecs_assert(type_count >= column_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t *column_map = table->column_map;
ecs_assert(column_map != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(table->data.columns != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
ecs_vec_t *column = &table->data.columns[i].data;
ecs_assert(size == column->size, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(count == column->count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t column_map_id = column_map[i + type_count];
ecs_assert(column_map_id >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} else {
ecs_assert(table->column_map == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (sw_count) {
ecs_assert(table->_->sw_columns != NULL,
for (i = 0; i < sw_count; i ++) {
ecs_switch_t *sw = &table->_->sw_columns[i];
ecs_assert(ecs_vec_count(&sw->values) == count,
ecs_assert(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(ids[i + sw_offset]) == EcsUnion,
if (bs_count) {
ecs_assert(table->_->bs_columns != NULL,
for (i = 0; i < bs_count; i ++) {
ecs_bitset_t *bs = &table->_->bs_columns[i];
ecs_assert(flecs_bitset_count(bs) == count,
ecs_assert(ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(ids[i + bs_offset], TOGGLE),
ecs_assert((table->_->traversable_count == 0) ||
(table->flags & EcsTableHasTraversable), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
#define flecs_table_check_sanity(table)
/* Set flags for type hooks so table operations can quickly check whether a
* fast or complex operation that invokes hooks is required. */
ecs_flags32_t flecs_type_info_flags(
const ecs_type_info_t *ti)
ecs_flags32_t flags = 0;
if (ti->hooks.ctor) {
flags |= EcsTableHasCtors;
if (ti->hooks.on_add) {
flags |= EcsTableHasCtors;
if (ti->hooks.dtor) {
flags |= EcsTableHasDtors;
if (ti->hooks.on_remove) {
flags |= EcsTableHasDtors;
if (ti->hooks.copy) {
flags |= EcsTableHasCopy;
if (ti->hooks.move) {
flags |= EcsTableHasMove;
return flags;
void flecs_table_init_columns(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t column_count)
if (!column_count) {
int32_t i, cur = 0, ids_count = table->type.count;
ecs_column_t *columns = flecs_wcalloc_n(world, ecs_column_t, column_count);
table->data.columns = columns;
ecs_id_t *ids = table->type.array;
ecs_table_record_t *records = table->_->records;
int32_t *t2s = table->column_map;
int32_t *s2t = &table->column_map[ids_count];
for (i = 0; i < ids_count; i ++) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = &records[i];
ecs_id_record_t *idr = (ecs_id_record_t*)tr->hdr.cache;
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = idr->type_info;
if (!ti) {
t2s[i] = -1;
t2s[i] = cur;
s2t[cur] = i;
tr->column = flecs_ito(int16_t, cur);
columns[cur].ti = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_type_info_t*, ti);
columns[cur].id = ids[i];
columns[cur].size = ti->size;
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(ids[i])) {
ecs_table_record_t *wc_tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(
idr->parent, table);
if (wc_tr->index == tr->index) {
wc_tr->column = tr->column;
ecs_vec_init(NULL, &columns[cur].data, ti->size, 0);
table->flags |= flecs_type_info_flags(ti);
cur ++;
/* Initialize table storage */
void flecs_table_init_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_data_t *storage = &table->data;
ecs_vec_init_t(NULL, &storage->entities, ecs_entity_t, 0);
flecs_table_init_columns(world, table, table->column_count);
ecs_table__t *meta = table->_;
int32_t i, sw_count = meta->sw_count;
int32_t bs_count = meta->bs_count;
if (sw_count) {
meta->sw_columns = flecs_wcalloc_n(world, ecs_switch_t, sw_count);
for (i = 0; i < sw_count; i ++) {
&world->allocator, 0);
if (bs_count) {
meta->bs_columns = flecs_wcalloc_n(world, ecs_bitset_t, bs_count);
for (i = 0; i < bs_count; i ++) {
/* Initialize table flags. Table flags are used in lots of scenarios to quickly
* check the features of a table without having to inspect the table type. Table
* flags are typically used to early-out of potentially expensive operations. */
void flecs_table_init_flags(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_id_t *ids = table->type.array;
int32_t count = table->type.count;
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
if (id <= EcsLastInternalComponentId) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasBuiltins;
if (id == EcsModule) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasBuiltins;
table->flags |= EcsTableHasModule;
} else if (id == EcsPrefab) {
table->flags |= EcsTableIsPrefab;
} else if (id == EcsDisabled) {
table->flags |= EcsTableIsDisabled;
} else {
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
ecs_entity_t r = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
table->flags |= EcsTableHasPairs;
if (r == EcsIsA) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasIsA;
} else if (r == EcsChildOf) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasChildOf;
ecs_entity_t obj = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
ecs_assert(obj != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (obj == EcsFlecs || obj == EcsFlecsCore ||
ecs_has_id(world, obj, EcsModule))
/* If table contains entities that are inside one of the
* builtin modules, it contains builtin entities */
table->flags |= EcsTableHasBuiltins;
table->flags |= EcsTableHasModule;
} else if (id == ecs_pair_t(EcsIdentifier, EcsName)) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasName;
} else if (r == EcsUnion) {
ecs_table__t *meta = table->_;
table->flags |= EcsTableHasUnion;
if (!meta->sw_count) {
meta->sw_offset = flecs_ito(int16_t, i);
meta->sw_count ++;
} else if (r == ecs_id(EcsTarget)) {
ecs_table__t *meta = table->_;
table->flags |= EcsTableHasTarget;
meta->ft_offset = flecs_ito(int16_t, i);
} else if (r == ecs_id(EcsPoly)) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasBuiltins;
} else {
ecs_table__t *meta = table->_;
table->flags |= EcsTableHasToggle;
if (!meta->bs_count) {
meta->bs_offset = flecs_ito(int16_t, i);
meta->bs_count ++;
table->flags |= EcsTableHasOverrides;
/* Utility function that appends an element to the table record array */
void flecs_table_append_to_records(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_vec_t *records,
ecs_id_t id,
int32_t column)
/* To avoid a quadratic search, use the O(1) lookup that the index
* already provides. */
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, id);
ecs_table_record_t *tr = (ecs_table_record_t*)flecs_id_record_get_table(
idr, table);
if (!tr) {
tr = ecs_vec_append_t(&world->allocator, records, ecs_table_record_t);
tr->index = flecs_ito(int16_t, column);
tr->count = 1;
ecs_table_cache_insert(&idr->cache, table, &tr->hdr);
} else {
tr->count ++;
ecs_assert(tr->hdr.cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Main table initialization function */
void flecs_table_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_t *from)
/* Make sure table->flags is initialized */
flecs_table_init_flags(world, table);
/* The following code walks the table type to discover which id records the
* table needs to register table records with.
* In addition to registering itself with id records for each id in the
* table type, a table also registers itself with wildcard id records. For
* example, if a table contains (Eats, Apples), it will register itself with
* wildcard id records (Eats, *), (*, Apples) and (*, *). This makes it
* easier for wildcard queries to find the relevant tables. */
int32_t dst_i = 0, dst_count = table->type.count;
int32_t src_i = 0, src_count = 0;
ecs_id_t *dst_ids = table->type.array;
ecs_id_t *src_ids = NULL;
ecs_table_record_t *tr = NULL, *src_tr = NULL;
if (from) {
src_count = from->type.count;
src_ids = from->type.array;
src_tr = from->_->records;
/* We don't know in advance how large the records array will be, so use
* cached vector. This eliminates unnecessary allocations, and/or expensive
* iterations to determine how many records we need. */
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_vec_t *records = &world->store.records;
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, records, ecs_table_record_t);
ecs_id_record_t *idr, *childof_idr = NULL;
int32_t last_id = -1; /* Track last regular (non-pair) id */
int32_t first_pair = -1; /* Track the first pair in the table */
int32_t first_role = -1; /* Track first id with role */
/* Scan to find boundaries of regular ids, pairs and roles */
for (dst_i = 0; dst_i < dst_count; dst_i ++) {
ecs_id_t dst_id = dst_ids[dst_i];
if (first_pair == -1 && ECS_IS_PAIR(dst_id)) {
first_pair = dst_i;
if ((dst_id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK) == dst_id) {
last_id = dst_i;
} else if (first_role == -1 && !ECS_IS_PAIR(dst_id)) {
first_role = dst_i;
/* The easy part: initialize a record for every id in the type */
for (dst_i = 0; (dst_i < dst_count) && (src_i < src_count); ) {
ecs_id_t dst_id = dst_ids[dst_i];
ecs_id_t src_id = src_ids[src_i];
idr = NULL;
if (dst_id == src_id) {
ecs_assert(src_tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
idr = (ecs_id_record_t*)src_tr[src_i].hdr.cache;
} else if (dst_id < src_id) {
idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, dst_id);
if (idr) {
tr = ecs_vec_append_t(a, records, ecs_table_record_t);
tr->hdr.cache = (ecs_table_cache_t*)idr;
tr->index = flecs_ito(int16_t, dst_i);
tr->count = 1;
dst_i += dst_id <= src_id;
src_i += dst_id >= src_id;
/* Add remaining ids that the "from" table didn't have */
for (; (dst_i < dst_count); dst_i ++) {
ecs_id_t dst_id = dst_ids[dst_i];
tr = ecs_vec_append_t(a, records, ecs_table_record_t);
idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, dst_id);
tr->hdr.cache = (ecs_table_cache_t*)idr;
ecs_assert(tr->hdr.cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
tr->index = flecs_ito(int16_t, dst_i);
tr->count = 1;
/* We're going to insert records from the vector into the index that
* will get patched up later. To ensure the record pointers don't get
* invalidated we need to grow the vector so that it won't realloc as
* we're adding the next set of records */
if (first_role != -1 || first_pair != -1) {
int32_t start = first_role;
if (first_pair != -1 && (start != -1 || first_pair < start)) {
start = first_pair;
/* Total number of records can never be higher than
* - number of regular (non-pair) ids +
* - three records for pairs: (R,T), (R,*), (*,T)
* - one wildcard (*), one any (_) and one pair wildcard (*,*) record
* - one record for (ChildOf, 0)
int32_t flag_id_count = dst_count - start;
int32_t record_count = start + 3 * flag_id_count + 3 + 1;
ecs_vec_set_min_size_t(a, records, ecs_table_record_t, record_count);
/* Add records for ids with roles (used by cleanup logic) */
if (first_role != -1) {
for (dst_i = first_role; dst_i < dst_count; dst_i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = dst_ids[dst_i];
if (!ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
ecs_entity_t first = 0;
ecs_entity_t second = 0;
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
first = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id);
second = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
} else {
first = id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK;
if (first) {
flecs_table_append_to_records(world, table, records,
ecs_pair(EcsFlag, first), dst_i);
if (second) {
flecs_table_append_to_records(world, table, records,
ecs_pair(EcsFlag, second), dst_i);
int32_t last_pair = -1;
bool has_childof = table->flags & EcsTableHasChildOf;
if (first_pair != -1) {
/* Add a (Relationship, *) record for each relationship. */
ecs_entity_t r = 0;
for (dst_i = first_pair; dst_i < dst_count; dst_i ++) {
ecs_id_t dst_id = dst_ids[dst_i];
if (!ECS_IS_PAIR(dst_id)) {
break; /* no more pairs */
if (r != ECS_PAIR_FIRST(dst_id)) { /* New relationship, new record */
tr = ecs_vec_get_t(records, ecs_table_record_t, dst_i);
ecs_id_record_t *p_idr = (ecs_id_record_t*)tr->hdr.cache;
r = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(dst_id);
if (r == EcsChildOf) {
childof_idr = p_idr;
idr = p_idr->parent; /* (R, *) */
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
tr = ecs_vec_append_t(a, records, ecs_table_record_t);
tr->hdr.cache = (ecs_table_cache_t*)idr;
tr->index = flecs_ito(int16_t, dst_i);
tr->count = 0;
ecs_assert(tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
tr->count ++;
last_pair = dst_i;
/* Add a (*, Target) record for each relationship target. Type
* ids are sorted relationship-first, so we can't simply do a single linear
* scan to find all occurrences for a target. */
for (dst_i = first_pair; dst_i < last_pair; dst_i ++) {
ecs_id_t dst_id = dst_ids[dst_i];
ecs_id_t tgt_id = ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, ECS_PAIR_SECOND(dst_id));
world, table, records, tgt_id, dst_i);
/* Lastly, add records for all-wildcard ids */
if (last_id >= 0) {
tr = ecs_vec_append_t(a, records, ecs_table_record_t);
tr->hdr.cache = (ecs_table_cache_t*)world->idr_wildcard;
tr->index = 0;
tr->count = flecs_ito(int16_t, last_id + 1);
if (last_pair - first_pair) {
tr = ecs_vec_append_t(a, records, ecs_table_record_t);
tr->hdr.cache = (ecs_table_cache_t*)world->idr_wildcard_wildcard;
tr->index = flecs_ito(int16_t, first_pair);
tr->count = flecs_ito(int16_t, last_pair - first_pair);
if (dst_count) {
tr = ecs_vec_append_t(a, records, ecs_table_record_t);
tr->hdr.cache = (ecs_table_cache_t*)world->idr_any;
tr->index = 0;
tr->count = 1;
if (dst_count && !has_childof) {
tr = ecs_vec_append_t(a, records, ecs_table_record_t);
childof_idr = world->idr_childof_0;
tr->hdr.cache = (ecs_table_cache_t*)childof_idr;
tr->index = 0;
tr->count = 1;
/* Now that all records have been added, copy them to array */
int32_t i, dst_record_count = ecs_vec_count(records);
ecs_table_record_t *dst_tr = flecs_wdup_n(world, ecs_table_record_t,
dst_record_count, ecs_vec_first_t(records, ecs_table_record_t));
table->_->record_count = flecs_ito(int16_t, dst_record_count);
table->_->records = dst_tr;
int32_t column_count = 0;
/* Register & patch up records */
for (i = 0; i < dst_record_count; i ++) {
tr = &dst_tr[i];
idr = (ecs_id_record_t*)dst_tr[i].hdr.cache;
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ecs_table_cache_get(&idr->cache, table)) {
/* If this is a target wildcard record it has already been
* registered, but the record is now at a different location in
* memory. Patch up the linked list with the new address */
ecs_table_cache_replace(&idr->cache, table, &tr->hdr);
} else {
/* Other records are not registered yet */
ecs_assert(idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_cache_insert(&idr->cache, table, &tr->hdr);
/* Claim id record so it stays alive as long as the table exists */
flecs_id_record_claim(world, idr);
/* Initialize event flags */
table->flags |= idr->flags & EcsIdEventMask;
/* Initialize column index (will be overwritten by init_columns) */
tr->column = -1;
if (idr->flags & EcsIdAlwaysOverride) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasOverrides;
if ((i < table->type.count) && (idr->type_info != NULL)) {
column_count ++;
if (column_count) {
table->column_map = flecs_walloc_n(world, int32_t,
dst_count + column_count);
table->column_count = flecs_ito(int16_t, column_count);
flecs_table_init_data(world, table);
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasName) {
ecs_assert(childof_idr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
table->_->name_index =
flecs_id_record_name_index_ensure(world, childof_idr);
ecs_assert(table->_->name_index != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasOnTableCreate) {
flecs_emit(world, world, &(ecs_event_desc_t) {
.ids = &table->type,
.event = EcsOnTableCreate,
.table = table,
.flags = EcsEventTableOnly,
.observable = world
/* Unregister table from id records */
void flecs_table_records_unregister(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
uint64_t table_id = table->id;
int32_t i, count = table->_->record_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = &table->_->records[i];
ecs_table_cache_t *cache = tr->hdr.cache;
ecs_id_t id = ((ecs_id_record_t*)cache)->id;
ecs_assert(tr->hdr.cache == cache, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(tr->hdr.table == table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(flecs_id_record_get(world, id) == (ecs_id_record_t*)cache,
ecs_table_cache_remove(cache, table_id, &tr->hdr);
flecs_id_record_release(world, (ecs_id_record_t*)cache);
flecs_wfree_n(world, ecs_table_record_t, count, table->_->records);
/* Keep track for what kind of builtin events observers are registered that can
* potentially match the table. This allows code to early out of calling the
* emit function that notifies observers. */
void flecs_table_add_trigger_flags(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t event)
if (event == EcsOnAdd) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasOnAdd;
} else if (event == EcsOnRemove) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasOnRemove;
} else if (event == EcsOnSet) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasOnSet;
} else if (event == EcsUnSet) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasUnSet;
} else if (event == EcsOnTableFill) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasOnTableFill;
} else if (event == EcsOnTableEmpty) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasOnTableEmpty;
/* Invoke OnRemove observers for all entities in table. Useful during table
* deletion or when clearing entities from a table. */
void flecs_table_notify_on_remove(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data)
int32_t count = data->entities.count;
if (count) {
flecs_notify_on_remove(world, table, NULL, 0, count, &table->type);
/* Invoke type hook for entities in table */
void flecs_table_invoke_hook(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_iter_action_t callback,
ecs_entity_t event,
ecs_column_t *column,
ecs_entity_t *entities,
int32_t row,
int32_t count)
void *ptr = ecs_vec_get(&column->data, column->size, row);
flecs_invoke_hook(world, table, count, row, entities, ptr, column->id,
column->ti, event, callback);
/* Construct components */
void flecs_table_invoke_ctor(
ecs_column_t *column,
int32_t row,
int32_t count)
ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
ecs_assert(ti != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_xtor_t ctor = ti->hooks.ctor;
if (ctor) {
void *ptr = ecs_vec_get(&column->data, column->size, row);
ctor(ptr, count, ti);
/* Destruct components */
void flecs_table_invoke_dtor(
ecs_column_t *column,
int32_t row,
int32_t count)
ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
ecs_assert(ti != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_xtor_t dtor = ti->hooks.dtor;
if (dtor) {
void *ptr = ecs_vec_get(&column->data, column->size, row);
dtor(ptr, count, ti);
/* Run hooks that get invoked when component is added to entity */
void flecs_table_invoke_add_hooks(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_column_t *column,
ecs_entity_t *entities,
int32_t row,
int32_t count,
bool construct)
ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
ecs_assert(ti != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (construct) {
flecs_table_invoke_ctor(column, row, count);
ecs_iter_action_t on_add = ti->hooks.on_add;
if (on_add) {
flecs_table_invoke_hook(world, table, on_add, EcsOnAdd, column,
entities, row, count);
/* Run hooks that get invoked when component is removed from entity */
void flecs_table_invoke_remove_hooks(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_column_t *column,
ecs_entity_t *entities,
int32_t row,
int32_t count,
bool dtor)
ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
ecs_assert(ti != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_iter_action_t on_remove = ti->hooks.on_remove;
if (on_remove) {
flecs_table_invoke_hook(world, table, on_remove, EcsOnRemove, column,
entities, row, count);
if (dtor) {
flecs_table_invoke_dtor(column, row, count);
/* Destruct all components and/or delete all entities in table in range */
void flecs_table_dtor_all(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data,
int32_t row,
int32_t count,
bool update_entity_index,
bool is_delete)
/* Can't delete and not update the entity index */
ecs_assert(!is_delete || update_entity_index, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t ids_count = table->column_count;
ecs_entity_t *entities = data->entities.array;
int32_t i, c, end = row + count;
if (is_delete && table->_->traversable_count) {
/* If table contains monitored entities with traversable relationships,
* make sure to invalidate observer cache */
flecs_emit_propagate_invalidate(world, table, row, count);
/* If table has components with destructors, iterate component columns */
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasDtors) {
/* Throw up a lock just to be sure */
table->_->lock = true;
/* Run on_remove callbacks first before destructing components */
for (c = 0; c < ids_count; c++) {
ecs_column_t *column = &data->columns[c];
ecs_iter_action_t on_remove = column->ti->hooks.on_remove;
if (on_remove) {
flecs_table_invoke_hook(world, table, on_remove, EcsOnRemove,
column, &entities[row], row, count);
/* Destruct components */
for (c = 0; c < ids_count; c++) {
flecs_table_invoke_dtor(&data->columns[c], row, count);
/* Iterate entities first, then components. This ensures that only one
* entity is invalidated at a time, which ensures that destructors can
* safely access other entities. */
for (i = row; i < end; i ++) {
/* Update entity index after invoking destructors so that entity can
* be safely used in destructor callbacks. */
if (update_entity_index) {
ecs_entity_t e = entities[i];
ecs_assert(!e || ecs_is_valid(world, e),
if (is_delete) {
flecs_entities_remove(world, e);
ecs_assert(ecs_is_valid(world, e) == false,
} else {
// If this is not a delete, clear the entity index record
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, e);
record->table = NULL;
record->row = 0;
} else {
/* This should only happen in rare cases, such as when the data
* cleaned up is not part of the world (like with snapshots) */
table->_->lock = false;
/* If table does not have destructors, just update entity index */
} else if (update_entity_index) {
if (is_delete) {
for (i = row; i < end; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = entities[i];
ecs_assert(!e || ecs_is_valid(world, e), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_entities_remove(world, e);
ecs_assert(!ecs_is_valid(world, e), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} else {
for (i = row; i < end; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = entities[i];
ecs_assert(!e || ecs_is_valid(world, e), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, e);
record->table = NULL;
record->row = record->row & ECS_ROW_FLAGS_MASK;
/* Cleanup table storage */
void flecs_table_fini_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data,
bool do_on_remove,
bool update_entity_index,
bool is_delete,
bool deactivate)
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
if (!data) {
if (do_on_remove) {
flecs_table_notify_on_remove(world, table, data);
int32_t count = flecs_table_data_count(data);
if (count) {
flecs_table_dtor_all(world, table, data, 0, count,
update_entity_index, is_delete);
ecs_column_t *columns = data->columns;
if (columns) {
int32_t c, column_count = table->column_count;
for (c = 0; c < column_count; c ++) {
/* Sanity check */
ecs_assert(columns[c].data.count == data->entities.count,
&columns[c].data, columns[c].size);
flecs_wfree_n(world, ecs_column_t, column_count, columns);
data->columns = NULL;
ecs_table__t *meta = table->_;
ecs_switch_t *sw_columns = meta->sw_columns;
if (sw_columns) {
int32_t c, column_count = meta->sw_count;
for (c = 0; c < column_count; c ++) {
flecs_wfree_n(world, ecs_switch_t, column_count, sw_columns);
meta->sw_columns = NULL;
ecs_bitset_t *bs_columns = meta->bs_columns;
if (bs_columns) {
int32_t c, column_count = meta->bs_count;
for (c = 0; c < column_count; c ++) {
flecs_wfree_n(world, ecs_bitset_t, column_count, bs_columns);
meta->bs_columns = NULL;
ecs_vec_fini_t(&world->allocator, &data->entities, ecs_entity_t);
if (deactivate && count) {
flecs_table_set_empty(world, table);
table->_->traversable_count = 0;
table->flags &= ~EcsTableHasTraversable;
ecs_vec_t* flecs_table_entities(
ecs_table_t *table)
return &table->data.entities;
ecs_entity_t* flecs_table_entities_array(
ecs_table_t *table)
return ecs_vec_first(flecs_table_entities(table));
/* Cleanup, no OnRemove, don't update entity index, don't deactivate table */
void flecs_table_clear_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data)
flecs_table_fini_data(world, table, data, false, false, false, false);
/* Cleanup, no OnRemove, clear entity index, deactivate table */
void flecs_table_clear_entities_silent(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
flecs_table_fini_data(world, table, &table->data, false, true, false, true);
/* Cleanup, run OnRemove, clear entity index, deactivate table */
void flecs_table_clear_entities(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
flecs_table_fini_data(world, table, &table->data, true, true, false, true);
/* Cleanup, run OnRemove, delete from entity index, deactivate table */
void flecs_table_delete_entities(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
flecs_table_fini_data(world, table, &table->data, true, true, true, true);
/* Unset all components in table. This function is called before a table is
* deleted, and invokes all UnSet handlers, if any */
void flecs_table_remove_actions(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
flecs_table_notify_on_remove(world, table, &table->data);
/* Free table resources. */
void flecs_table_free(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
bool is_root = table == &world->store.root;
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
ecs_assert(is_root || table->id != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(is_root || flecs_sparse_is_alive(&world->store.tables, table->id),
if (!is_root && !(world->flags & EcsWorldQuit)) {
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasOnTableDelete) {
flecs_emit(world, world, &(ecs_event_desc_t) {
.ids = &table->type,
.event = EcsOnTableDelete,
.table = table,
.flags = EcsEventTableOnly,
.observable = world
if (ecs_should_log_2()) {
char *expr = ecs_type_str(world, &table->type);
"#[green]table#[normal] [%s] #[red]deleted#[reset] with id %d",
expr, table->id);
world->info.empty_table_count -= (ecs_table_count(table) == 0);
/* Cleanup data, no OnRemove, delete from entity index, don't deactivate */
flecs_table_fini_data(world, table, &table->data, false, true, true, false);
flecs_table_clear_edges(world, table);
if (!is_root) {
ecs_type_t ids = {
.array = table->type.array,
.count = table->type.count
&world->store.table_map, &ids, ecs_table_t*, table->_->hash);
flecs_wfree_n(world, int32_t, table->column_count + 1, table->dirty_state);
flecs_wfree_n(world, int32_t, table->column_count + table->type.count,
flecs_table_records_unregister(world, table);
/* Update counters */
world->info.table_count --;
world->info.table_delete_total ++;
flecs_free_t(&world->allocator, ecs_table__t, table->_);
if (!(world->flags & EcsWorldFini)) {
ecs_assert(!is_root, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_table_free_type(world, table);
flecs_sparse_remove_t(&world->store.tables, ecs_table_t, table->id);
/* Free table type. Do this separately from freeing the table as types can be
* in use by application destructors. */
void flecs_table_free_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
flecs_wfree_n(world, ecs_id_t, table->type.count, table->type.array);
/* Reset a table to its initial state. */
void flecs_table_reset(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
flecs_table_clear_edges(world, table);
/* Keep track of number of traversable entities in table. A traversable entity
* is an entity used as target in a pair with a traversable relationship. The
* traversable count and flag are used by code to early out of mechanisms like
* event propagation and recursive cleanup. */
void flecs_table_traversable_add(
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t value)
int32_t result = table->_->traversable_count += value;
ecs_assert(result >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (result == 0) {
table->flags &= ~EcsTableHasTraversable;
} else if (result == value) {
table->flags |= EcsTableHasTraversable;
/* Mark table column dirty. This usually happens as the result of a set
* operation, or iteration of a query with [out] fields. */
void flecs_table_mark_table_dirty(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t index)
if (table->dirty_state) {
table->dirty_state[index] ++;
/* Mark table component dirty */
void flecs_table_mark_dirty(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t component)
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (table->dirty_state) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, component);
if (!idr) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (!tr || tr->column == -1) {
table->dirty_state[tr->column + 1] ++;
/* Get (or create) dirty state of table. Used by queries for change tracking */
int32_t* flecs_table_get_dirty_state(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!table->dirty_state) {
int32_t column_count = table->column_count;
table->dirty_state = flecs_alloc_n(&world->allocator,
int32_t, column_count + 1);
ecs_assert(table->dirty_state != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < column_count + 1; i ++) {
table->dirty_state[i] = 1;
return table->dirty_state;
/* Table move logic for switch (union relationship) column */
void flecs_table_move_switch_columns(
ecs_table_t *dst_table,
int32_t dst_index,
ecs_table_t *src_table,
int32_t src_index,
int32_t count,
bool clear)
ecs_table__t *dst_meta = dst_table->_;
ecs_table__t *src_meta = src_table->_;
if (!dst_meta && !src_meta) {
int32_t i_old = 0, src_column_count = src_meta ? src_meta->sw_count : 0;
int32_t i_new = 0, dst_column_count = dst_meta ? dst_meta->sw_count : 0;
if (!src_column_count && !dst_column_count) {
ecs_switch_t *src_columns = src_meta ? src_meta->sw_columns : NULL;
ecs_switch_t *dst_columns = dst_meta ? dst_meta->sw_columns : NULL;
ecs_type_t dst_type = dst_table->type;
ecs_type_t src_type = src_table->type;
int32_t offset_new = dst_meta ? dst_meta->sw_offset : 0;
int32_t offset_old = src_meta ? src_meta->sw_offset : 0;
ecs_id_t *dst_ids = dst_type.array;
ecs_id_t *src_ids = src_type.array;
for (; (i_new < dst_column_count) && (i_old < src_column_count);) {
ecs_entity_t dst_id = dst_ids[i_new + offset_new];
ecs_entity_t src_id = src_ids[i_old + offset_old];
if (dst_id == src_id) {
ecs_switch_t *src_switch = &src_columns[i_old];
ecs_switch_t *dst_switch = &dst_columns[i_new];
flecs_switch_ensure(dst_switch, dst_index + count);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
uint64_t value = flecs_switch_get(src_switch, src_index + i);
flecs_switch_set(dst_switch, dst_index + i, value);
if (clear) {
ecs_assert(count == flecs_switch_count(src_switch),
} else if (dst_id > src_id) {
ecs_switch_t *src_switch = &src_columns[i_old];
i_new += dst_id <= src_id;
i_old += dst_id >= src_id;
/* Clear remaining columns */
if (clear) {
for (; (i_old < src_column_count); i_old ++) {
ecs_switch_t *src_switch = &src_columns[i_old];
ecs_assert(count == flecs_switch_count(src_switch),
/* Table move logic for bitset (toggle component) column */
void flecs_table_move_bitset_columns(
ecs_table_t *dst_table,
int32_t dst_index,
ecs_table_t *src_table,
int32_t src_index,
int32_t count,
bool clear)
ecs_table__t *dst_meta = dst_table->_;
ecs_table__t *src_meta = src_table->_;
if (!dst_meta && !src_meta) {
int32_t i_old = 0, src_column_count = src_meta ? src_meta->bs_count : 0;
int32_t i_new = 0, dst_column_count = dst_meta ? dst_meta->bs_count : 0;
if (!src_column_count && !dst_column_count) {
ecs_bitset_t *src_columns = src_meta ? src_meta->bs_columns : NULL;
ecs_bitset_t *dst_columns = dst_meta ? dst_meta->bs_columns : NULL;
ecs_type_t dst_type = dst_table->type;
ecs_type_t src_type = src_table->type;
int32_t offset_new = dst_meta ? dst_meta->bs_offset : 0;
int32_t offset_old = src_meta ? src_meta->bs_offset : 0;
ecs_id_t *dst_ids = dst_type.array;
ecs_id_t *src_ids = src_type.array;
for (; (i_new < dst_column_count) && (i_old < src_column_count);) {
ecs_id_t dst_id = dst_ids[i_new + offset_new];
ecs_id_t src_id = src_ids[i_old + offset_old];
if (dst_id == src_id) {
ecs_bitset_t *src_bs = &src_columns[i_old];
ecs_bitset_t *dst_bs = &dst_columns[i_new];
flecs_bitset_ensure(dst_bs, dst_index + count);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
uint64_t value = flecs_bitset_get(src_bs, src_index + i);
flecs_bitset_set(dst_bs, dst_index + i, value);
if (clear) {
ecs_assert(count == flecs_bitset_count(src_bs),
} else if (dst_id > src_id) {
ecs_bitset_t *src_bs = &src_columns[i_old];
i_new += dst_id <= src_id;
i_old += dst_id >= src_id;
/* Clear remaining columns */
if (clear) {
for (; (i_old < src_column_count); i_old ++) {
ecs_bitset_t *src_bs = &src_columns[i_old];
ecs_assert(count == flecs_bitset_count(src_bs),
/* Grow table column. When a column needs to be reallocated this function takes
* care of correctly invoking ctor/move/dtor hooks. */
void flecs_table_grow_column(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_column_t *column,
int32_t to_add,
int32_t dst_size,
bool construct)
ecs_assert(column != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
int32_t size = column->size;
int32_t count = column->data.count;
int32_t src_size = column->data.size;
int32_t dst_count = count + to_add;
bool can_realloc = dst_size != src_size;
void *result = NULL;
ecs_assert(dst_size >= dst_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* If the array could possibly realloc and the component has a move action
* defined, move old elements manually */
ecs_move_t move_ctor;
if (count && can_realloc && (move_ctor = ti->hooks.ctor_move_dtor)) {
ecs_xtor_t ctor = ti->hooks.ctor;
ecs_assert(ctor != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(move_ctor != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Create vector */
ecs_vec_t dst;
ecs_vec_init(&world->allocator, &dst, size, dst_size);
dst.count = dst_count;
void *src_buffer = column->data.array;
void *dst_buffer = dst.array;
/* Move (and construct) existing elements to new vector */
move_ctor(dst_buffer, src_buffer, count, ti);
if (construct) {
/* Construct new element(s) */
result = ECS_ELEM(dst_buffer, size, count);
ctor(result, to_add, ti);
/* Free old vector */
ecs_vec_fini(&world->allocator, &column->data, size);
column->data = dst;
} else {
/* If array won't realloc or has no move, simply add new elements */
if (can_realloc) {
ecs_vec_set_size(&world->allocator, &column->data, size, dst_size);
result = ecs_vec_grow(&world->allocator, &column->data, size, to_add);
ecs_xtor_t ctor;
if (construct && (ctor = ti->hooks.ctor)) {
/* If new elements need to be constructed and component has a
* constructor, construct */
ctor(result, to_add, ti);
ecs_assert(column->data.size == dst_size, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Grow all data structures in a table */
int32_t flecs_table_grow_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data,
int32_t to_add,
int32_t size,
const ecs_entity_t *ids)
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(data != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t cur_count = flecs_table_data_count(data);
int32_t column_count = table->column_count;
/* Add entity to column with entity ids */
ecs_vec_set_size_t(&world->allocator, &data->entities, ecs_entity_t, size);
ecs_entity_t *e = ecs_vec_last_t(&data->entities, ecs_entity_t) + 1;
data->entities.count += to_add;
if (data->entities.size > size) {
size = data->entities.size;
/* Initialize entity ids and record ptrs */
int32_t i;
if (ids) {
ecs_os_memcpy_n(e, ids, ecs_entity_t, to_add);
} else {
ecs_os_memset(e, 0, ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_entity_t) * to_add);
/* Add elements to each column array */
ecs_column_t *columns = data->columns;
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
flecs_table_grow_column(world, &columns[i], to_add, size, true);
ecs_assert(columns[i].data.size == size, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_table_invoke_add_hooks(world, table, &columns[i], e,
cur_count, to_add, false);
ecs_table__t *meta = table->_;
int32_t sw_count = meta->sw_count;
int32_t bs_count = meta->bs_count;
ecs_switch_t *sw_columns = meta->sw_columns;
ecs_bitset_t *bs_columns = meta->bs_columns;
/* Add elements to each switch column */
for (i = 0; i < sw_count; i ++) {
ecs_switch_t *sw = &sw_columns[i];
flecs_switch_addn(sw, to_add);
/* Add elements to each bitset column */
for (i = 0; i < bs_count; i ++) {
ecs_bitset_t *bs = &bs_columns[i];
flecs_bitset_addn(bs, to_add);
/* If the table is monitored indicate that there has been a change */
flecs_table_mark_table_dirty(world, table, 0);
if (!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly) && !cur_count) {
flecs_table_set_empty(world, table);
/* Return index of first added entity */
return cur_count;
/* Append operation for tables that don't have any complex logic */
void flecs_table_fast_append(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_column_t *columns,
int32_t count)
/* Add elements to each column array */
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_column_t *column = &columns[i];
ecs_vec_append(&world->allocator, &column->data, column->size);
/* Append entity to table */
int32_t flecs_table_append(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t entity,
bool construct,
bool on_add)
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
ecs_assert(!(table->flags & EcsTableHasTarget),
/* Get count & size before growing entities array. This tells us whether the
* arrays will realloc */
ecs_data_t *data = &table->data;
int32_t count = data->entities.count;
int32_t column_count = table->column_count;
ecs_column_t *columns = table->data.columns;
/* Grow buffer with entity ids, set new element to new entity */
ecs_entity_t *e = ecs_vec_append_t(&world->allocator,
&data->entities, ecs_entity_t);
ecs_assert(e != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
*e = entity;
/* If the table is monitored indicate that there has been a change */
flecs_table_mark_table_dirty(world, table, 0);
ecs_assert(count >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Fast path: no switch columns, no lifecycle actions */
if (!(table->flags & EcsTableIsComplex)) {
flecs_table_fast_append(world, columns, column_count);
if (!count) {
flecs_table_set_empty(world, table); /* See below */
return count;
ecs_entity_t *entities = data->entities.array;
/* Reobtain size to ensure that the columns have the same size as the
* entities and record vectors. This keeps reasoning about when allocations
* occur easier. */
int32_t size = data->entities.size;
/* Grow component arrays with 1 element */
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
ecs_column_t *column = &columns[i];
flecs_table_grow_column(world, column, 1, size, construct);
ecs_iter_action_t on_add_hook;
if (on_add && (on_add_hook = column->ti->hooks.on_add)) {
flecs_table_invoke_hook(world, table, on_add_hook, EcsOnAdd, column,
&entities[count], count, 1);
ecs_assert(columns[i].data.size ==
data->entities.size, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(columns[i].data.count ==
data->entities.count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table__t *meta = table->_;
int32_t sw_count = meta->sw_count;
int32_t bs_count = meta->bs_count;
ecs_switch_t *sw_columns = meta->sw_columns;
ecs_bitset_t *bs_columns = meta->bs_columns;
/* Add element to each switch column */
for (i = 0; i < sw_count; i ++) {
ecs_assert(sw_columns != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_switch_t *sw = &sw_columns[i];
/* Add element to each bitset column */
for (i = 0; i < bs_count; i ++) {
ecs_assert(bs_columns != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_bitset_t *bs = &bs_columns[i];
flecs_bitset_addn(bs, 1);
/* If this is the first entity in this table, signal queries so that the
* table moves from an inactive table to an active table. */
if (!count) {
flecs_table_set_empty(world, table);
return count;
/* Delete last operation for tables that don't have any complex logic */
void flecs_table_fast_delete_last(
ecs_column_t *columns,
int32_t column_count)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
/* Delete operation for tables that don't have any complex logic */
void flecs_table_fast_delete(
ecs_column_t *columns,
int32_t column_count,
int32_t index)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
ecs_column_t *column = &columns[i];
ecs_vec_remove(&column->data, column->size, index);
/* Delete entity from table */
void flecs_table_delete(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t index,
bool destruct)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
ecs_assert(!(table->flags & EcsTableHasTarget),
ecs_data_t *data = &table->data;
int32_t count = data->entities.count;
ecs_assert(count > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
count --;
ecs_assert(index <= count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Move last entity id to index */
ecs_entity_t *entities = data->entities.array;
ecs_entity_t entity_to_move = entities[count];
ecs_entity_t entity_to_delete = entities[index];
entities[index] = entity_to_move;
/* Update record of moved entity in entity index */
if (index != count) {
ecs_record_t *record_to_move = flecs_entities_get(world, entity_to_move);
if (record_to_move) {
uint32_t row_flags = record_to_move->row & ECS_ROW_FLAGS_MASK;
record_to_move->row = ECS_ROW_TO_RECORD(index, row_flags);
ecs_assert(record_to_move->table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(record_to_move->table == table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* If the table is monitored indicate that there has been a change */
flecs_table_mark_table_dirty(world, table, 0);
/* If table is empty, deactivate it */
if (!count) {
flecs_table_set_empty(world, table);
/* Destruct component data */
ecs_column_t *columns = data->columns;
int32_t column_count = table->column_count;
int32_t i;
/* If this is a table without lifecycle callbacks or special columns, take
* fast path that just remove an element from the array(s) */
if (!(table->flags & EcsTableIsComplex)) {
if (index == count) {
flecs_table_fast_delete_last(columns, column_count);
} else {
flecs_table_fast_delete(columns, column_count, index);
/* Last element, destruct & remove */
if (index == count) {
/* If table has component destructors, invoke */
if (destruct && (table->flags & EcsTableHasDtors)) {
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
flecs_table_invoke_remove_hooks(world, table, &columns[i],
&entity_to_delete, index, 1, true);
flecs_table_fast_delete_last(columns, column_count);
/* Not last element, move last element to deleted element & destruct */
} else {
/* If table has component destructors, invoke */
if ((table->flags & (EcsTableHasDtors | EcsTableHasMove))) {
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
ecs_column_t *column = &columns[i];
ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
ecs_size_t size = column->size;
void *dst = ecs_vec_get(&column->data, size, index);
void *src = ecs_vec_last(&column->data, size);
ecs_iter_action_t on_remove = ti->hooks.on_remove;
if (destruct && on_remove) {
flecs_table_invoke_hook(world, table, on_remove, EcsOnRemove,
column, &entity_to_delete, index, 1);
ecs_move_t move_dtor = ti->hooks.move_dtor;
if (move_dtor) {
move_dtor(dst, src, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(dst, src, size);
} else {
flecs_table_fast_delete(columns, column_count, index);
/* Remove elements from switch columns */
ecs_table__t *meta = table->_;
ecs_switch_t *sw_columns = meta->sw_columns;
int32_t sw_count = meta->sw_count;
for (i = 0; i < sw_count; i ++) {
flecs_switch_remove(&sw_columns[i], index);
/* Remove elements from bitset columns */
ecs_bitset_t *bs_columns = meta->bs_columns;
int32_t bs_count = meta->bs_count;
for (i = 0; i < bs_count; i ++) {
flecs_bitset_remove(&bs_columns[i], index);
/* Move operation for tables that don't have any complex logic */
void flecs_table_fast_move(
ecs_table_t *dst_table,
int32_t dst_index,
ecs_table_t *src_table,
int32_t src_index)
int32_t i_new = 0, dst_column_count = dst_table->column_count;
int32_t i_old = 0, src_column_count = src_table->column_count;
ecs_column_t *src_columns = src_table->data.columns;
ecs_column_t *dst_columns = dst_table->data.columns;
for (; (i_new < dst_column_count) && (i_old < src_column_count);) {
ecs_column_t *dst_column = &dst_columns[i_new];
ecs_column_t *src_column = &src_columns[i_old];
ecs_id_t dst_id = dst_column->id;
ecs_id_t src_id = src_column->id;
if (dst_id == src_id) {
int32_t size = dst_column->size;
void *dst = ecs_vec_get(&dst_column->data, size, dst_index);
void *src = ecs_vec_get(&src_column->data, size, src_index);
ecs_os_memcpy(dst, src, size);
i_new += dst_id <= src_id;
i_old += dst_id >= src_id;
/* Move entity from src to dst table */
void flecs_table_move(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t dst_entity,
ecs_entity_t src_entity,
ecs_table_t *dst_table,
int32_t dst_index,
ecs_table_t *src_table,
int32_t src_index,
bool construct)
ecs_assert(dst_table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(src_table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(!dst_table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
ecs_assert(!src_table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
ecs_assert(src_index >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(dst_index >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!((dst_table->flags | src_table->flags) & EcsTableIsComplex)) {
flecs_table_fast_move(dst_table, dst_index, src_table, src_index);
flecs_table_move_switch_columns(dst_table, dst_index, src_table, src_index, 1, false);
flecs_table_move_bitset_columns(dst_table, dst_index, src_table, src_index, 1, false);
/* If the source and destination entities are the same, move component
* between tables. If the entities are not the same (like when cloning) use
* a copy. */
bool same_entity = dst_entity == src_entity;
/* Call move_dtor for moved away from storage only if the entity is at the
* last index in the source table. If it isn't the last entity, the last
* entity in the table will be moved to the src storage, which will take
* care of cleaning up resources. */
bool use_move_dtor = ecs_table_count(src_table) == (src_index + 1);
int32_t i_new = 0, dst_column_count = dst_table->column_count;
int32_t i_old = 0, src_column_count = src_table->column_count;
ecs_column_t *src_columns = src_table->data.columns;
ecs_column_t *dst_columns = dst_table->data.columns;
for (; (i_new < dst_column_count) && (i_old < src_column_count); ) {
ecs_column_t *dst_column = &dst_columns[i_new];
ecs_column_t *src_column = &src_columns[i_old];
ecs_id_t dst_id = dst_column->id;
ecs_id_t src_id = src_column->id;
if (dst_id == src_id) {
int32_t size = dst_column->size;
ecs_assert(size != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void *dst = ecs_vec_get(&dst_column->data, size, dst_index);
void *src = ecs_vec_get(&src_column->data, size, src_index);
ecs_type_info_t *ti = dst_column->ti;
if (same_entity) {
ecs_move_t move = ti->hooks.move_ctor;
if (use_move_dtor || !move) {
/* Also use move_dtor if component doesn't have a move_ctor
* registered, to ensure that the dtor gets called to
* cleanup resources. */
move = ti->hooks.ctor_move_dtor;
if (move) {
move(dst, src, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(dst, src, size);
} else {
ecs_copy_t copy = ti->hooks.copy_ctor;
if (copy) {
copy(dst, src, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(dst, src, size);
} else {
if (dst_id < src_id) {
flecs_table_invoke_add_hooks(world, dst_table,
dst_column, &dst_entity, dst_index, 1, construct);
} else {
flecs_table_invoke_remove_hooks(world, src_table,
src_column, &src_entity, src_index, 1, use_move_dtor);
i_new += dst_id <= src_id;
i_old += dst_id >= src_id;
for (; (i_new < dst_column_count); i_new ++) {
flecs_table_invoke_add_hooks(world, dst_table, &dst_columns[i_new],
&dst_entity, dst_index, 1, construct);
for (; (i_old < src_column_count); i_old ++) {
flecs_table_invoke_remove_hooks(world, src_table, &src_columns[i_old],
&src_entity, src_index, 1, use_move_dtor);
/* Append n entities to table */
int32_t flecs_table_appendn(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data,
int32_t to_add,
const ecs_entity_t *ids)
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
int32_t cur_count = flecs_table_data_count(data);
int32_t result = flecs_table_grow_data(
world, table, data, to_add, cur_count + to_add, ids);
return result;
/* Set allocated table size */
void flecs_table_set_size(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data,
int32_t size)
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
int32_t cur_count = flecs_table_data_count(data);
if (cur_count < size) {
flecs_table_grow_data(world, table, data, 0, size, NULL);
/* Shrink table storage to fit number of entities */
bool flecs_table_shrink(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
ecs_data_t *data = &table->data;
bool has_payload = data->entities.array != NULL;
ecs_vec_reclaim_t(&world->allocator, &data->entities, ecs_entity_t);
int32_t i, count = table->column_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_column_t *column = &data->columns[i];
ecs_vec_reclaim(&world->allocator, &column->data, column->size);
return has_payload;
/* Return number of entities in table */
int32_t flecs_table_data_count(
const ecs_data_t *data)
return data ? data->entities.count : 0;
/* Swap operation for switch (union relationship) columns */
void flecs_table_swap_switch_columns(
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row_1,
int32_t row_2)
int32_t i = 0, column_count = table->_->sw_count;
if (!column_count) {
ecs_switch_t *columns = table->_->sw_columns;
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
ecs_switch_t *sw = &columns[i];
flecs_switch_swap(sw, row_1, row_2);
/* Swap operation for bitset (toggle component) columns */
void flecs_table_swap_bitset_columns(
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row_1,
int32_t row_2)
int32_t i = 0, column_count = table->_->bs_count;
if (!column_count) {
ecs_bitset_t *columns = table->_->bs_columns;
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
ecs_bitset_t *bs = &columns[i];
flecs_bitset_swap(bs, row_1, row_2);
/* Swap two rows in a table. Used for table sorting. */
void flecs_table_swap(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t row_1,
int32_t row_2)
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
ecs_assert(row_1 >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(row_2 >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (row_1 == row_2) {
/* If the table is monitored indicate that there has been a change */
flecs_table_mark_table_dirty(world, table, 0);
ecs_entity_t *entities = table->data.entities.array;
ecs_entity_t e1 = entities[row_1];
ecs_entity_t e2 = entities[row_2];
ecs_record_t *record_ptr_1 = flecs_entities_get(world, e1);
ecs_record_t *record_ptr_2 = flecs_entities_get(world, e2);
ecs_assert(record_ptr_1 != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(record_ptr_2 != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Keep track of whether entity is watched */
uint32_t flags_1 = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW_FLAGS(record_ptr_1->row);
uint32_t flags_2 = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW_FLAGS(record_ptr_2->row);
/* Swap entities & records */
entities[row_1] = e2;
entities[row_2] = e1;
record_ptr_1->row = ECS_ROW_TO_RECORD(row_2, flags_1);
record_ptr_2->row = ECS_ROW_TO_RECORD(row_1, flags_2);
flecs_table_swap_switch_columns(table, row_1, row_2);
flecs_table_swap_bitset_columns(table, row_1, row_2);
ecs_column_t *columns = table->data.columns;
if (!columns) {
/* Find the maximum size of column elements
* and allocate a temporary buffer for swapping */
int32_t i, temp_buffer_size = ECS_SIZEOF(uint64_t), column_count = table->column_count;
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i++) {
temp_buffer_size = ECS_MAX(temp_buffer_size, columns[i].size);
void* tmp = ecs_os_alloca(temp_buffer_size);
/* Swap columns */
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
int32_t size = columns[i].size;
void *ptr = columns[i].data.array;
void *el_1 = ECS_ELEM(ptr, size, row_1);
void *el_2 = ECS_ELEM(ptr, size, row_2);
ecs_os_memcpy(tmp, el_1, size);
ecs_os_memcpy(el_1, el_2, size);
ecs_os_memcpy(el_2, tmp, size);
void flecs_table_merge_vec(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_vec_t *dst,
ecs_vec_t *src,
int32_t size,
int32_t elem_size)
int32_t dst_count = dst->count;
if (!dst_count) {
ecs_vec_fini(&world->allocator, dst, size);
*dst = *src;
src->array = NULL;
src->count = 0;
src->size = 0;
} else {
int32_t src_count = src->count;
if (elem_size) {
dst, size, elem_size);
dst, size, dst_count + src_count);
void *dst_ptr = ECS_ELEM(dst->array, size, dst_count);
void *src_ptr = src->array;
ecs_os_memcpy(dst_ptr, src_ptr, size * src_count);
ecs_vec_fini(&world->allocator, src, size);
/* Merge data from one table column into other table column */
void flecs_table_merge_column(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_column_t *dst,
ecs_column_t *src,
int32_t column_size)
ecs_size_t size = dst->size;
int32_t dst_count = dst->data.count;
if (!dst_count) {
ecs_vec_fini(&world->allocator, &dst->data, size);
*dst = *src;
src->data.array = NULL;
src->data.count = 0;
src->data.size = 0;
/* If the new table is not empty, copy the contents from the
* src into the dst. */
} else {
int32_t src_count = src->data.count;
flecs_table_grow_column(world, dst, src_count, column_size, true);
void *dst_ptr = ECS_ELEM(dst->data.array, size, dst_count);
void *src_ptr = src->data.array;
/* Move values into column */
ecs_type_info_t *ti = dst->ti;
ecs_assert(ti != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_move_t move = ti->hooks.move_dtor;
if (move) {
move(dst_ptr, src_ptr, src_count, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memcpy(dst_ptr, src_ptr, size * src_count);
ecs_vec_fini(&world->allocator, &src->data, size);
/* Merge storage of two tables. */
void flecs_table_merge_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *dst_table,
ecs_table_t *src_table,
int32_t src_count,
int32_t dst_count,
ecs_data_t *src_data,
ecs_data_t *dst_data)
int32_t i_new = 0, dst_column_count = dst_table->column_count;
int32_t i_old = 0, src_column_count = src_table->column_count;
ecs_column_t *src_columns = src_data->columns;
ecs_column_t *dst_columns = dst_data->columns;
ecs_assert(!dst_column_count || dst_columns, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!src_count) {
/* Merge entities */
flecs_table_merge_vec(world, &dst_data->entities, &src_data->entities,
ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_entity_t), 0);
ecs_assert(dst_data->entities.count == src_count + dst_count,
int32_t column_size = dst_data->entities.size;
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
for (; (i_new < dst_column_count) && (i_old < src_column_count); ) {
ecs_column_t *dst_column = &dst_columns[i_new];
ecs_column_t *src_column = &src_columns[i_old];
ecs_id_t dst_id = dst_column->id;
ecs_id_t src_id = src_column->id;
if (dst_id == src_id) {
flecs_table_merge_column(world, dst_column, src_column, column_size);
flecs_table_mark_table_dirty(world, dst_table, i_new + 1);
i_new ++;
i_old ++;
} else if (dst_id < src_id) {
/* New column, make sure vector is large enough. */
ecs_size_t size = dst_column->size;
ecs_vec_set_size(a, &dst_column->data, size, column_size);
ecs_vec_set_count(a, &dst_column->data, size, src_count + dst_count);
flecs_table_invoke_ctor(dst_column, dst_count, src_count);
i_new ++;
} else if (dst_id > src_id) {
/* Old column does not occur in new table, destruct */
flecs_table_invoke_dtor(src_column, 0, src_count);
ecs_vec_fini(a, &src_column->data, src_column->size);
i_old ++;
flecs_table_move_switch_columns(dst_table, dst_count, src_table, 0, src_count, true);
flecs_table_move_bitset_columns(dst_table, dst_count, src_table, 0, src_count, true);
/* Initialize remaining columns */
for (; i_new < dst_column_count; i_new ++) {
ecs_column_t *column = &dst_columns[i_new];
int32_t size = column->size;
ecs_assert(size != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_vec_set_size(a, &column->data, size, column_size);
ecs_vec_set_count(a, &column->data, size, src_count + dst_count);
flecs_table_invoke_ctor(column, dst_count, src_count);
/* Destruct remaining columns */
for (; i_old < src_column_count; i_old ++) {
ecs_column_t *column = &src_columns[i_old];
flecs_table_invoke_dtor(column, 0, src_count);
ecs_vec_fini(a, &column->data, column->size);
/* Mark entity column as dirty */
flecs_table_mark_table_dirty(world, dst_table, 0);
/* Merge source table into destination table. This typically happens as result
* of a bulk operation, like when a component is removed from all entities in
* the source table (like for the Remove OnDelete policy). */
void flecs_table_merge(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *dst_table,
ecs_table_t *src_table,
ecs_data_t *dst_data,
ecs_data_t *src_data)
ecs_assert(src_table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(!src_table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
bool move_data = false;
/* If there is nothing to merge to, just clear the old table */
if (!dst_table) {
flecs_table_clear_data(world, src_table, src_data);
} else {
ecs_assert(!dst_table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
/* If there is no data to merge, drop out */
if (!src_data) {
if (!dst_data) {
dst_data = &dst_table->data;
if (dst_table == src_table) {
move_data = true;
ecs_entity_t *src_entities = src_data->entities.array;
int32_t src_count = src_data->entities.count;
int32_t dst_count = dst_data->entities.count;
/* First, update entity index so old entities point to new type */
int32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < src_count; i ++) {
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_ensure(world, src_entities[i]);
uint32_t flags = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW_FLAGS(record->row);
record->row = ECS_ROW_TO_RECORD(dst_count + i, flags);
record->table = dst_table;
/* Merge table columns */
if (move_data) {
*dst_data = *src_data;
} else {
flecs_table_merge_data(world, dst_table, src_table, src_count, dst_count,
src_data, dst_data);
if (src_count) {
if (!dst_count) {
flecs_table_set_empty(world, dst_table);
flecs_table_set_empty(world, src_table);
flecs_table_traversable_add(dst_table, src_table->_->traversable_count);
flecs_table_traversable_add(src_table, -src_table->_->traversable_count);
ecs_assert(src_table->_->traversable_count == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Replace data with other data. Used by snapshots to restore previous state. */
void flecs_table_replace_data(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_data_t *data)
int32_t prev_count = 0;
ecs_data_t *table_data = &table->data;
ecs_assert(!data || data != table_data, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(!table->_->lock, ECS_LOCKED_STORAGE, NULL);
prev_count = table_data->entities.count;
flecs_table_notify_on_remove(world, table, table_data);
flecs_table_clear_data(world, table, table_data);
if (data) {
table->data = *data;
} else {
flecs_table_init_data(world, table);
int32_t count = ecs_table_count(table);
if (!prev_count && count) {
flecs_table_set_empty(world, table);
} else if (prev_count && !count) {
flecs_table_set_empty(world, table);
/* Internal mechanism for propagating information to tables */
void flecs_table_notify(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_event_t *event)
if (world->flags & EcsWorldFini) {
switch(event->kind) {
case EcsTableTriggersForId:
flecs_table_add_trigger_flags(world, table, event->event);
case EcsTableNoTriggersForId:
/* -- Public API -- */
void ecs_table_lock(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
if (table) {
if (ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t) && !(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly)) {
table->_->lock ++;
void ecs_table_unlock(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
if (table) {
if (ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t) && !(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly)) {
table->_->lock --;
ecs_assert(table->_->lock >= 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
const ecs_type_t* ecs_table_get_type(
const ecs_table_t *table)
if (table) {
return &table->type;
} else {
return NULL;
int32_t ecs_table_get_type_index(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
return -1;
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (!tr) {
return -1;
return tr->index;
return -1;
int32_t ecs_table_get_column_index(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, id);
if (!idr) {
return -1;
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (!tr) {
return -1;
return tr->column;
return -1;
int32_t ecs_table_column_count(
const ecs_table_t *table)
return table->column_count;
int32_t ecs_table_type_to_column_index(
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t index)
ecs_assert(index >= 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(index < table->type.count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t *column_map = table->column_map;
if (column_map) {
return column_map[index];
return -1;
int32_t ecs_table_column_to_type_index(
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t index)
ecs_check(index < table->column_count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(table->column_map != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t offset = table->type.count;
return table->column_map[offset + index];
return -1;
void* ecs_table_get_column(
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t index,
int32_t offset)
ecs_check(table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(index < table->column_count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_column_t *column = &table->data.columns[index];
void *result = column->data.array;
if (offset) {
result = ECS_ELEM(result, column->size, offset);
return result;
return NULL;
void* ecs_table_get_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
int32_t offset)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, id), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
int32_t index = ecs_table_get_column_index(world, table, id);
if (index == -1) {
return NULL;
return ecs_table_get_column(table, index, offset);
return NULL;
size_t ecs_table_get_column_size(
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t column)
ecs_check(table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(column < table->column_count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(table->column_map != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return flecs_ito(size_t, table->data.columns[column].size);
return 0;
int32_t ecs_table_count(
const ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return flecs_table_data_count(&table->data);
bool ecs_table_has_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id)
return ecs_table_get_type_index(world, table, id) != -1;
int32_t ecs_table_get_depth(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t rel)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_id_is_valid(world, rel), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(ecs_has_id(world, rel, EcsAcyclic), ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return flecs_relation_depth(world, rel, table);
return -1;
bool ecs_table_has_flags(
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_flags32_t flags)
return (table->flags & flags) == flags;
int32_t flecs_table_column_to_union_index(
const ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t column)
int32_t sw_count = table->_->sw_count;
if (sw_count) {
int32_t sw_offset = table->_->sw_offset;
if (column >= sw_offset && column < (sw_offset + sw_count)){
return column - sw_offset;
return -1;
void ecs_table_swap_rows(
ecs_world_t* world,
ecs_table_t* table,
int32_t row_1,
int32_t row_2)
flecs_table_swap(world, table, row_1, row_2);
int32_t flecs_table_observed_count(
const ecs_table_t *table)
return table->_->traversable_count;
void* ecs_record_get_column(
const ecs_record_t *r,
int32_t index,
size_t c_size)
ecs_table_t *table = r->table;
ecs_check(index < table->column_count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_column_t *column = &table->data.columns[index];
ecs_size_t size = column->size;
ecs_check(!flecs_utosize(c_size) || flecs_utosize(c_size) == size,
return ecs_vec_get(&column->data, size, ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row));
return NULL;
ecs_record_t* ecs_record_find(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(entity != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
if (r) {
return r;
return NULL;
* @file table_cache.c
* @brief Data structure for fast table iteration/lookups.
* A table cache is a data structure that provides constant time operations for
* insertion and removal of tables, and to testing whether a table is registered
* with the cache. A table cache also provides functions to iterate the tables
* in a cache.
* The world stores a table cache per (component) id inside the id record
* administration. Cached queries store a table cache with matched tables.
* A table cache has separate lists for non-empty tables and empty tables. This
* improves performance as applications don't waste time iterating empty tables.
void flecs_table_cache_list_remove(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *elem)
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *next = elem->next;
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *prev = elem->prev;
if (next) {
next->prev = prev;
if (prev) {
prev->next = next;
cache->empty_tables.count -= !!elem->empty;
cache->tables.count -= !elem->empty;
if (cache->empty_tables.first == elem) {
cache->empty_tables.first = next;
} else if (cache->tables.first == elem) {
cache->tables.first = next;
if (cache->empty_tables.last == elem) {
cache->empty_tables.last = prev;
if (cache->tables.last == elem) {
cache->tables.last = prev;
void flecs_table_cache_list_insert(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *elem)
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *last;
if (elem->empty) {
last = cache->empty_tables.last;
cache->empty_tables.last = elem;
if ((++ cache->empty_tables.count) == 1) {
cache->empty_tables.first = elem;
} else {
last = cache->tables.last;
cache->tables.last = elem;
if ((++ cache->tables.count) == 1) {
cache->tables.first = elem;
elem->next = NULL;
elem->prev = last;
if (last) {
last->next = elem;
void ecs_table_cache_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_cache_t *cache)
ecs_assert(cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_map_init_w_params(&cache->index, &world->allocators.ptr);
void ecs_table_cache_fini(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache)
ecs_assert(cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
bool ecs_table_cache_is_empty(
const ecs_table_cache_t *cache)
return ecs_map_count(&cache->index) == 0;
void ecs_table_cache_insert(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *result)
ecs_assert(cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(ecs_table_cache_get(cache, table) == NULL,
ecs_assert(result != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
bool empty;
if (!table) {
empty = false;
} else {
empty = ecs_table_count(table) == 0;
result->cache = cache;
result->table = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_table_t*, table);
result->empty = empty;
flecs_table_cache_list_insert(cache, result);
if (table) {
ecs_map_insert_ptr(&cache->index, table->id, result);
ecs_assert(empty || cache->tables.first != NULL,
ecs_assert(!empty || cache->empty_tables.first != NULL,
void ecs_table_cache_replace(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *elem)
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t **r = ecs_map_get_ref(
&cache->index, ecs_table_cache_hdr_t, table->id);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *old = *r;
ecs_assert(old != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *prev = old->prev, *next = old->next;
if (prev) {
ecs_assert(prev->next == old, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
prev->next = elem;
if (next) {
ecs_assert(next->prev == old, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
next->prev = elem;
if (cache->empty_tables.first == old) {
cache->empty_tables.first = elem;
if (cache->empty_tables.last == old) {
cache->empty_tables.last = elem;
if (cache->tables.first == old) {
cache->tables.first = elem;
if (cache->tables.last == old) {
cache->tables.last = elem;
*r = elem;
elem->prev = prev;
elem->next = next;
void* ecs_table_cache_get(
const ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
const ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_assert(cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (table) {
if (ecs_map_is_init(&cache->index)) {
return ecs_map_get_deref(&cache->index, void**, table->id);
return NULL;
} else {
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *elem = cache->tables.first;
ecs_assert(!elem || elem->table == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return elem;
void* ecs_table_cache_remove(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
uint64_t table_id,
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *elem)
ecs_assert(cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(table_id != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(elem != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(elem->cache == cache, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_table_cache_list_remove(cache, elem);
ecs_map_remove(&cache->index, table_id);
return elem;
bool ecs_table_cache_set_empty(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
const ecs_table_t *table,
bool empty)
ecs_assert(cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *elem = ecs_map_get_deref(&cache->index,
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t, table->id);
if (!elem) {
return false;
if (elem->empty == empty) {
return false;
flecs_table_cache_list_remove(cache, elem);
elem->empty = empty;
flecs_table_cache_list_insert(cache, elem);
return true;
bool flecs_table_cache_iter(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
ecs_table_cache_iter_t *out)
ecs_assert(cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(out != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
out->next = cache->tables.first;
out->next_list = NULL;
out->cur = NULL;
return out->next != NULL;
bool flecs_table_cache_empty_iter(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
ecs_table_cache_iter_t *out)
ecs_assert(cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(out != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
out->next = cache->empty_tables.first;
out->next_list = NULL;
out->cur = NULL;
return out->next != NULL;
bool flecs_table_cache_all_iter(
ecs_table_cache_t *cache,
ecs_table_cache_iter_t *out)
ecs_assert(cache != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(out != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
out->next = cache->empty_tables.first;
out->next_list = cache->tables.first;
out->cur = NULL;
return out->next != NULL || out->next_list != NULL;
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t* flecs_table_cache_next_(
ecs_table_cache_iter_t *it)
ecs_table_cache_hdr_t *next = it->next;
if (!next) {
next = it->next_list;
it->next_list = NULL;
if (!next) {
return NULL;
it->cur = next;
it->next = next->next;
return next;
* @file table_graph.c
* @brief Data structure to speed up table transitions.
* The table graph is used to speed up finding tables in add/remove operations.
* For example, if component C is added to an entity in table [A, B], the entity
* must be moved to table [A, B, C]. The graph speeds this process up with an
* edge for component C that connects [A, B] to [A, B, C].
/* Id sequence (type) utilities */
uint64_t flecs_type_hash(const void *ptr) {
const ecs_type_t *type = ptr;
ecs_id_t *ids = type->array;
int32_t count = type->count;
return flecs_hash(ids, count * ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_id_t));
int flecs_type_compare(const void *ptr_1, const void *ptr_2) {
const ecs_type_t *type_1 = ptr_1;
const ecs_type_t *type_2 = ptr_2;
int32_t count_1 = type_1->count;
int32_t count_2 = type_2->count;
if (count_1 != count_2) {
return (count_1 > count_2) - (count_1 < count_2);
const ecs_id_t *ids_1 = type_1->array;
const ecs_id_t *ids_2 = type_2->array;
int result = 0;
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; !result && (i < count_1); i ++) {
ecs_id_t id_1 = ids_1[i];
ecs_id_t id_2 = ids_2[i];
result = (id_1 > id_2) - (id_1 < id_2);
return result;
void flecs_table_hashmap_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_hashmap_t *hm)
flecs_hashmap_init(hm, ecs_type_t, ecs_table_t*,
flecs_type_hash, flecs_type_compare, &world->allocator);
/* Find location where to insert id into type */
int flecs_type_find_insert(
const ecs_type_t *type,
int32_t offset,
ecs_id_t to_add)
ecs_id_t *array = type->array;
int32_t i, count = type->count;
for (i = offset; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = array[i];
if (id == to_add) {
return -1;
if (id > to_add) {
return i;
return i;
/* Find location of id in type */
int flecs_type_find(
const ecs_type_t *type,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_id_t *array = type->array;
int32_t i, count = type->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t cur = array[i];
if (ecs_id_match(cur, id)) {
return i;
if (cur > id) {
return -1;
return -1;
/* Count number of matching ids */
int flecs_type_count_matches(
const ecs_type_t *type,
ecs_id_t wildcard,
int32_t offset)
ecs_id_t *array = type->array;
int32_t i = offset, count = type->count;
for (; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t cur = array[i];
if (!ecs_id_match(cur, wildcard)) {
return i - offset;
/* Create type from source type with id */
int flecs_type_new_with(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *dst,
const ecs_type_t *src,
ecs_id_t with)
ecs_id_t *src_array = src->array;
int32_t at = flecs_type_find_insert(src, 0, with);
if (at == -1) {
return -1;
int32_t dst_count = src->count + 1;
ecs_id_t *dst_array = flecs_walloc_n(world, ecs_id_t, dst_count);
dst->count = dst_count;
dst->array = dst_array;
if (at) {
ecs_os_memcpy_n(dst_array, src_array, ecs_id_t, at);
int32_t remain = src->count - at;
if (remain) {
ecs_os_memcpy_n(&dst_array[at + 1], &src_array[at], ecs_id_t, remain);
dst_array[at] = with;
return 0;
/* Create type from source type without ids matching wildcard */
int flecs_type_new_filtered(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *dst,
const ecs_type_t *src,
ecs_id_t wildcard,
int32_t at)
*dst = flecs_type_copy(world, src);
ecs_id_t *dst_array = dst->array;
ecs_id_t *src_array = src->array;
if (at) {
ecs_assert(dst_array != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(dst_array, src_array, ecs_id_t, at);
int32_t i = at + 1, w = at, count = src->count;
for (; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = src_array[i];
if (!ecs_id_match(id, wildcard)) {
dst_array[w] = id;
w ++;
dst->count = w;
if (w != count) {
dst->array = flecs_wrealloc_n(world, ecs_id_t, w, count, dst->array);
return 0;
/* Create type from source type without id */
int flecs_type_new_without(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *dst,
const ecs_type_t *src,
ecs_id_t without)
ecs_id_t *src_array = src->array;
int32_t count = 1, at = flecs_type_find(src, without);
if (at == -1) {
return -1;
int32_t src_count = src->count;
if (src_count == 1) {
dst->array = NULL;
dst->count = 0;
return 0;
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(without)) {
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(without)) {
ecs_entity_t r = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(without);
ecs_entity_t o = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(without);
if (r == EcsWildcard && o != EcsWildcard) {
return flecs_type_new_filtered(world, dst, src, without, at);
count += flecs_type_count_matches(src, without, at + 1);
int32_t dst_count = src_count - count;
dst->count = dst_count;
if (!dst_count) {
dst->array = NULL;
return 0;
ecs_id_t *dst_array = flecs_walloc_n(world, ecs_id_t, dst_count);
dst->array = dst_array;
if (at) {
ecs_os_memcpy_n(dst_array, src_array, ecs_id_t, at);
int32_t remain = dst_count - at;
if (remain) {
&dst_array[at], &src_array[at + count], ecs_id_t, remain);
return 0;
/* Copy type */
ecs_type_t flecs_type_copy(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_type_t *src)
int32_t src_count = src->count;
if (!src_count) {
return (ecs_type_t){ 0 };
ecs_id_t *ids = flecs_walloc_n(world, ecs_id_t, src_count);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(ids, src->array, ecs_id_t, src_count);
return (ecs_type_t) {
.array = ids,
.count = src_count
/* Free type */
void flecs_type_free(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *type)
int32_t count = type->count;
if (count) {
flecs_wfree_n(world, ecs_id_t, type->count, type->array);
/* Add to type */
void flecs_type_add(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *type,
ecs_id_t add)
ecs_type_t new_type;
int res = flecs_type_new_with(world, &new_type, type, add);
if (res != -1) {
flecs_type_free(world, type);
type->array = new_type.array;
type->count = new_type.count;
/* Graph edge utilities */
void flecs_table_diff_builder_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder)
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &builder->added, ecs_id_t, 256);
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &builder->removed, ecs_id_t, 256);
void flecs_table_diff_builder_fini(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder)
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &builder->added, ecs_id_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &builder->removed, ecs_id_t);
void flecs_table_diff_builder_clear(
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder)
void flecs_table_diff_build_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_vec_t *vec,
ecs_type_t *type,
int32_t offset)
int32_t count = vec->count - offset;
ecs_assert(count >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (count) {
type->array = flecs_wdup_n(world, ecs_id_t, count,
ECS_ELEM_T(vec->array, ecs_id_t, offset));
type->count = count;
ecs_vec_set_count_t(&world->allocator, vec, ecs_id_t, offset);
void flecs_table_diff_build(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff,
int32_t added_offset,
int32_t removed_offset)
flecs_table_diff_build_type(world, &builder->added, &diff->added,
flecs_table_diff_build_type(world, &builder->removed, &diff->removed,
void flecs_table_diff_build_noalloc(
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff)
diff->added = (ecs_type_t){
.array = builder->added.array, .count = builder->added.count };
diff->removed = (ecs_type_t){
.array = builder->removed.array, .count = builder->removed.count };
void flecs_table_diff_build_add_type_to_vec(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_vec_t *vec,
ecs_type_t *add)
if (!add || !add->count) {
int32_t offset = vec->count;
ecs_vec_grow_t(&world->allocator, vec, ecs_id_t, add->count);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(ecs_vec_get_t(vec, ecs_id_t, offset),
add->array, ecs_id_t, add->count);
void flecs_table_diff_build_append_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *dst,
ecs_table_diff_t *src)
flecs_table_diff_build_add_type_to_vec(world, &dst->added, &src->added);
flecs_table_diff_build_add_type_to_vec(world, &dst->removed, &src->removed);
void flecs_table_diff_free(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff)
flecs_wfree_n(world, ecs_id_t, diff->added.count, diff->added.array);
flecs_wfree_n(world, ecs_id_t, diff->removed.count, diff->removed.array);
flecs_bfree(&world->allocators.table_diff, diff);
ecs_graph_edge_t* flecs_table_ensure_hi_edge(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_graph_edges_t *edges,
ecs_id_t id)
if (!edges->hi) {
edges->hi = flecs_alloc_t(&world->allocator, ecs_map_t);
ecs_map_init_w_params(edges->hi, &world->allocators.ptr);
ecs_graph_edge_t **r = ecs_map_ensure_ref(edges->hi, ecs_graph_edge_t, id);
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge = r[0];
if (edge) {
return edge;
edge = &edges->lo[id];
} else {
edge = flecs_bcalloc(&world->allocators.graph_edge);
r[0] = edge;
return edge;
ecs_graph_edge_t* flecs_table_ensure_edge(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_graph_edges_t *edges,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge;
if (!edges->lo) {
edges->lo = flecs_bcalloc(&world->allocators.graph_edge_lo);
edge = &edges->lo[id];
} else {
edge = flecs_table_ensure_hi_edge(world, edges, id);
return edge;
void flecs_table_disconnect_edge(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge)
ecs_assert(edge != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(edge->id == id, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Remove backref from destination table */
ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t *next = edge->hdr.next;
ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t *prev = edge->hdr.prev;
if (next) {
next->prev = prev;
if (prev) {
prev->next = next;
/* Remove data associated with edge */
ecs_table_diff_t *diff = edge->diff;
if (diff) {
flecs_table_diff_free(world, diff);
/* If edge id is low, clear it from fast lookup array */
ecs_os_memset_t(edge, 0, ecs_graph_edge_t);
} else {
flecs_bfree(&world->allocators.graph_edge, edge);
void flecs_table_remove_edge(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_graph_edges_t *edges,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge)
ecs_assert(edges != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(edges->hi != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_table_disconnect_edge(world, id, edge);
ecs_map_remove(edges->hi, id);
void flecs_table_init_edges(
ecs_graph_edges_t *edges)
edges->lo = NULL;
edges->hi = NULL;
void flecs_table_init_node(
ecs_graph_node_t *node)
bool flecs_table_records_update_empty(
ecs_table_t *table)
bool result = false;
bool is_empty = ecs_table_count(table) == 0;
int32_t i, count = table->_->record_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = &table->_->records[i];
ecs_table_cache_t *cache = tr->hdr.cache;
result |= ecs_table_cache_set_empty(cache, table, is_empty);
return result;
void flecs_init_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_table_t *prev)
table->flags = 0;
table->dirty_state = NULL;
table->_->lock = 0;
table->_->generation = 0;
flecs_table_init(world, table, prev);
ecs_table_t *flecs_create_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *type,
flecs_hashmap_result_t table_elem,
ecs_table_t *prev)
ecs_table_t *result = flecs_sparse_add_t(&world->store.tables, ecs_table_t);
ecs_assert(result != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
result->_ = flecs_calloc_t(&world->allocator, ecs_table__t);
ecs_assert(result->_ != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
result->id = flecs_sparse_last_id(&world->store.tables);
result->type = *type;
if (ecs_should_log_2()) {
char *expr = ecs_type_str(world, &result->type);
"#[green]table#[normal] [%s] #[green]created#[reset] with id %d",
expr, result->id);
/* Store table in table hashmap */
*(ecs_table_t**)table_elem.value = result;
/* Set keyvalue to one that has the same lifecycle as the table */
*(ecs_type_t*)table_elem.key = result->type;
result->_->hash = table_elem.hash;
flecs_init_table(world, result, prev);
/* Update counters */
world->info.table_count ++;
world->info.empty_table_count ++;
world->info.table_create_total ++;
return result;
ecs_table_t* flecs_table_ensure(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *type,
bool own_type,
ecs_table_t *prev)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
int32_t id_count = type->count;
if (!id_count) {
return &world->store.root;
ecs_table_t *table;
flecs_hashmap_result_t elem = flecs_hashmap_ensure(
&world->store.table_map, type, ecs_table_t*);
if ((table = *(ecs_table_t**)elem.value)) {
if (own_type) {
flecs_type_free(world, type);
return table;
/* If we get here, table needs to be created which is only allowed when the
* application is not currently in progress */
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* If we get here, the table has not been found, so create it. */
if (own_type) {
return flecs_create_table(world, type, elem, prev);
ecs_type_t copy = flecs_type_copy(world, type);
return flecs_create_table(world, &copy, elem, prev);
void flecs_diff_insert_added(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *diff,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_vec_append_t(&world->allocator, &diff->added, ecs_id_t)[0] = id;
void flecs_diff_insert_removed(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *diff,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_vec_append_t(a, &diff->removed, ecs_id_t)[0] = id;
void flecs_compute_table_diff(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *node,
ecs_table_t *next,
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge,
ecs_id_t id)
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(
ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id), EcsWildcard));
if (idr->flags & EcsIdUnion) {
if (node != next) {
id = ecs_pair(EcsUnion, ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id));
} else {
ecs_table_diff_t *diff = flecs_bcalloc(
diff->added.count = 1;
diff->added.array = flecs_wdup_n(world, ecs_id_t, 1, &id);
edge->diff = diff;
ecs_type_t node_type = node->type;
ecs_type_t next_type = next->type;
ecs_id_t *ids_node = node_type.array;
ecs_id_t *ids_next = next_type.array;
int32_t i_node = 0, node_count = node_type.count;
int32_t i_next = 0, next_count = next_type.count;
int32_t added_count = 0;
int32_t removed_count = 0;
bool trivial_edge = !ECS_HAS_RELATION(id, EcsIsA);
/* First do a scan to see how big the diff is, so we don't have to realloc
* or alloc more memory than required. */
for (; i_node < node_count && i_next < next_count; ) {
ecs_id_t id_node = ids_node[i_node];
ecs_id_t id_next = ids_next[i_next];
bool added = id_next < id_node;
bool removed = id_node < id_next;
trivial_edge &= !added || id_next == id;
trivial_edge &= !removed || id_node == id;
added_count += added;
removed_count += removed;
i_node += id_node <= id_next;
i_next += id_next <= id_node;
added_count += next_count - i_next;
removed_count += node_count - i_node;
trivial_edge &= (added_count + removed_count) <= 1 &&
if (trivial_edge) {
/* If edge is trivial there's no need to create a diff element for it */
ecs_table_diff_builder_t *builder = &world->allocators.diff_builder;
int32_t added_offset = builder->added.count;
int32_t removed_offset = builder->removed.count;
for (i_node = 0, i_next = 0; i_node < node_count && i_next < next_count; ) {
ecs_id_t id_node = ids_node[i_node];
ecs_id_t id_next = ids_next[i_next];
if (id_next < id_node) {
flecs_diff_insert_added(world, builder, id_next);
} else if (id_node < id_next) {
flecs_diff_insert_removed(world, builder, id_node);
i_node += id_node <= id_next;
i_next += id_next <= id_node;
for (; i_next < next_count; i_next ++) {
flecs_diff_insert_added(world, builder, ids_next[i_next]);
for (; i_node < node_count; i_node ++) {
flecs_diff_insert_removed(world, builder, ids_node[i_node]);
ecs_table_diff_t *diff = flecs_bcalloc(&world->allocators.table_diff);
edge->diff = diff;
flecs_table_diff_build(world, builder, diff, added_offset, removed_offset);
ecs_assert(diff->added.count == added_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(diff->removed.count == removed_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void flecs_add_overrides_for_base(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *dst_type,
ecs_id_t pair)
ecs_entity_t base = ecs_pair_second(world, pair);
ecs_assert(base != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *base_table = ecs_get_table(world, base);
if (!base_table) {
ecs_id_t *ids = base_table->type.array;
ecs_flags32_t flags = base_table->flags;
if (flags & EcsTableHasOverrides) {
int32_t i, count = base_table->type.count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
ecs_id_t to_add = 0;
to_add = id & ~ECS_OVERRIDE;
} else {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = &base_table->_->records[i];
ecs_id_record_t *idr = (ecs_id_record_t*)tr->hdr.cache;
if (idr->flags & EcsIdAlwaysOverride) {
to_add = id;
if (to_add) {
ecs_id_t wc = ecs_pair(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(to_add), EcsWildcard);
bool exclusive = false;
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(to_add)) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, wc);
if (idr) {
exclusive = (idr->flags & EcsIdExclusive) != 0;
if (!exclusive) {
flecs_type_add(world, dst_type, to_add);
} else {
int32_t column = flecs_type_find(dst_type, wc);
if (column == -1) {
flecs_type_add(world, dst_type, to_add);
} else {
dst_type->array[column] = to_add;
if (flags & EcsTableHasIsA) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(
world->idr_isa_wildcard, base_table);
ecs_assert(tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t i = tr->index, end = i + tr->count;
for (; i != end; i ++) {
flecs_add_overrides_for_base(world, dst_type, ids[i]);
void flecs_add_with_property(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with_wildcard,
ecs_type_t *dst_type,
ecs_entity_t r,
ecs_entity_t o)
r = ecs_get_alive(world, r);
/* Check if component/relationship has With pairs, which contain ids
* that need to be added to the table. */
ecs_table_t *table = ecs_get_table(world, r);
if (!table) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(
idr_with_wildcard, table);
if (tr) {
int32_t i = tr->index, end = i + tr->count;
ecs_id_t *ids = table->type.array;
for (; i < end; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
ecs_assert(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == EcsWith, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_id_t ra = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
ecs_id_t a = ra;
if (o) {
a = ecs_pair(ra, o);
flecs_type_add(world, dst_type, a);
flecs_add_with_property(world, idr_with_wildcard, dst_type, ra, o);
ecs_table_t* flecs_find_table_with(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *node,
ecs_id_t with)
ecs_ensure_id(world, with);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = NULL;
ecs_entity_t r = 0, o = 0;
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(with)) {
r = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(with);
o = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(with);
idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, ecs_pair(r, EcsWildcard));
if (idr->flags & EcsIdUnion) {
ecs_type_t dst_type;
ecs_id_t union_id = ecs_pair(EcsUnion, r);
int res = flecs_type_new_with(
world, &dst_type, &node->type, union_id);
if (res == -1) {
return node;
return flecs_table_ensure(world, &dst_type, true, node);
} else if (idr->flags & EcsIdExclusive) {
/* Relationship is exclusive, check if table already has it */
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, node);
if (tr) {
/* Table already has an instance of the relationship, create
* a new id sequence with the existing id replaced */
ecs_type_t dst_type = flecs_type_copy(world, &node->type);
ecs_assert(dst_type.array != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
dst_type.array[tr->index] = with;
return flecs_table_ensure(world, &dst_type, true, node);
} else {
idr = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, with);
r = with;
/* Create sequence with new id */
ecs_type_t dst_type;
int res = flecs_type_new_with(world, &dst_type, &node->type, with);
if (res == -1) {
return node; /* Current table already has id */
if (r == EcsIsA) {
/* If adding a prefab, check if prefab has overrides */
flecs_add_overrides_for_base(world, &dst_type, with);
} else if (r == EcsChildOf) {
o = ecs_get_alive(world, o);
if (ecs_has_id(world, o, EcsPrefab)) {
flecs_type_add(world, &dst_type, EcsPrefab);
if (idr->flags & EcsIdWith) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with_wildcard = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(EcsWith, EcsWildcard));
/* If id has With property, add targets to type */
flecs_add_with_property(world, idr_with_wildcard, &dst_type, r, o);
return flecs_table_ensure(world, &dst_type, true, node);
ecs_table_t* flecs_find_table_without(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *node,
ecs_id_t without)
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(without)) {
ecs_entity_t r = 0;
ecs_id_record_t *idr = NULL;
r = ECS_PAIR_FIRST(without);
idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(r, EcsWildcard));
if (idr && idr->flags & EcsIdUnion) {
without = ecs_pair(EcsUnion, r);
/* Create sequence with new id */
ecs_type_t dst_type;
int res = flecs_type_new_without(world, &dst_type, &node->type, without);
if (res == -1) {
return node; /* Current table does not have id */
return flecs_table_ensure(world, &dst_type, true, node);
void flecs_table_init_edge(
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_table_t *to)
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(edge != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(edge->id == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(edge->hdr.next == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(edge->hdr.prev == NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
edge->from = table;
edge->to = to;
edge->id = id;
void flecs_init_edge_for_add(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_table_t *to)
flecs_table_init_edge(table, edge, id, to);
flecs_table_ensure_hi_edge(world, &table->node.add, id);
if (table != to || table->flags & EcsTableHasUnion) {
/* Add edges are appended to refs.next */
ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t *to_refs = &to->node.refs;
ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t *next = to_refs->next;
to_refs->next = &edge->hdr;
edge->hdr.prev = to_refs;
edge->hdr.next = next;
if (next) {
next->prev = &edge->hdr;
flecs_compute_table_diff(world, table, to, edge, id);
void flecs_init_edge_for_remove(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_table_t *to)
flecs_table_init_edge(table, edge, id, to);
flecs_table_ensure_hi_edge(world, &table->node.remove, id);
if (table != to) {
/* Remove edges are appended to refs.prev */
ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t *to_refs = &to->node.refs;
ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t *prev = to_refs->prev;
to_refs->prev = &edge->hdr;
edge->hdr.next = to_refs;
edge->hdr.prev = prev;
if (prev) {
prev->next = &edge->hdr;
flecs_compute_table_diff(world, table, to, edge, id);
ecs_table_t* flecs_create_edge_for_remove(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *node,
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_table_t *to = flecs_find_table_without(world, node, id);
flecs_init_edge_for_remove(world, node, edge, id, to);
return to;
ecs_table_t* flecs_create_edge_for_add(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *node,
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_table_t *to = flecs_find_table_with(world, node, id);
flecs_init_edge_for_add(world, node, edge, id, to);
return to;
ecs_table_t* flecs_table_traverse_remove(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *node,
ecs_id_t *id_ptr,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
node = node ? node : &world->store.root;
/* Removing 0 from an entity is not valid */
ecs_check(id_ptr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(id_ptr[0] != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_id_t id = id_ptr[0];
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge = flecs_table_ensure_edge(world, &node->node.remove, id);
ecs_table_t *to = edge->to;
if (!to) {
to = flecs_create_edge_for_remove(world, node, edge, id);
ecs_assert(to != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(edge->to != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (node != to) {
if (edge->diff) {
*diff = *edge->diff;
} else {
diff->added.count = 0;
diff->removed.array = id_ptr;
diff->removed.count = 1;
return to;
return NULL;
ecs_table_t* flecs_table_traverse_add(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *node,
ecs_id_t *id_ptr,
ecs_table_diff_t *diff)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(diff != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
node = node ? node : &world->store.root;
/* Adding 0 to an entity is not valid */
ecs_check(id_ptr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(id_ptr[0] != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_id_t id = id_ptr[0];
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge = flecs_table_ensure_edge(world, &node->node.add, id);
ecs_table_t *to = edge->to;
if (!to) {
to = flecs_create_edge_for_add(world, node, edge, id);
ecs_assert(to != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(edge->to != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (node != to || edge->diff) {
if (edge->diff) {
*diff = *edge->diff;
} else {
diff->added.array = id_ptr;
diff->added.count = 1;
diff->removed.count = 0;
return to;
return NULL;
ecs_table_t* flecs_table_find_or_create(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_type_t *type)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
return flecs_table_ensure(world, type, false, NULL);
void flecs_init_root_table(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
world->store.root.type = (ecs_type_t){0};
world->store.root._ = flecs_calloc_t(&world->allocator, ecs_table__t);
flecs_init_table(world, &world->store.root, NULL);
/* Ensure table indices start at 1, as 0 is reserved for the root */
uint64_t new_id = flecs_sparse_new_id(&world->store.tables);
ecs_assert(new_id == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void flecs_table_clear_edges(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_map_iter_t it;
ecs_graph_node_t *table_node = &table->node;
ecs_graph_edges_t *node_add = &table_node->add;
ecs_graph_edges_t *node_remove = &table_node->remove;
ecs_map_t *add_hi = node_add->hi;
ecs_map_t *remove_hi = node_remove->hi;
ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t *node_refs = &table_node->refs;
/* Cleanup outgoing edges */
it = ecs_map_iter(add_hi);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
flecs_table_disconnect_edge(world, ecs_map_key(&it), ecs_map_ptr(&it));
it = ecs_map_iter(remove_hi);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
flecs_table_disconnect_edge(world, ecs_map_key(&it), ecs_map_ptr(&it));
/* Cleanup incoming add edges */
ecs_graph_edge_hdr_t *next, *cur = node_refs->next;
if (cur) {
do {
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge = (ecs_graph_edge_t*)cur;
ecs_assert(edge->to == table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(edge->from != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
next = cur->next;
flecs_table_remove_edge(world, &edge->from->node.add, edge->id, edge);
} while ((cur = next));
/* Cleanup incoming remove edges */
cur = node_refs->prev;
if (cur) {
do {
ecs_graph_edge_t *edge = (ecs_graph_edge_t*)cur;
ecs_assert(edge->to == table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(edge->from != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
next = cur->prev;
flecs_table_remove_edge(world, &edge->from->node.remove, edge->id, edge);
} while ((cur = next));
if (node_add->lo) {
flecs_bfree(&world->allocators.graph_edge_lo, node_add->lo);
if (node_remove->lo) {
flecs_bfree(&world->allocators.graph_edge_lo, node_remove->lo);
flecs_free_t(&world->allocator, ecs_map_t, add_hi);
flecs_free_t(&world->allocator, ecs_map_t, remove_hi);
table_node->add.lo = NULL;
table_node->remove.lo = NULL;
table_node->add.hi = NULL;
table_node->remove.hi = NULL;
/* Public convenience functions for traversing table graph */
ecs_table_t* ecs_table_add_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_table_diff_t diff;
return flecs_table_traverse_add(world, table, &id, &diff);
ecs_table_t* ecs_table_remove_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_table_diff_t diff;
return flecs_table_traverse_remove(world, table, &id, &diff);
ecs_table_t* ecs_table_find(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_id_t *ids,
int32_t id_count)
ecs_type_t type = {
.array = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_id_t*, ids),
.count = id_count
return flecs_table_ensure(world, &type, false, NULL);
* @file expr/deserialize.c
* @brief Deserialize flecs string format into (component) values.
#include <ctype.h>
/* String deserializer for values & simple expressions */
/* Order in enumeration is important, as it is used for precedence */
typedef enum ecs_expr_oper_t {
} ecs_expr_oper_t;
/* Used to track temporary values */
#define EXPR_MAX_STACK_SIZE (256)
typedef struct ecs_expr_value_t {
const ecs_type_info_t *ti;
void *ptr;
} ecs_expr_value_t;
typedef struct ecs_value_stack_t {
ecs_expr_value_t values[EXPR_MAX_STACK_SIZE];
ecs_stack_cursor_t *cursor;
ecs_stack_t *stack;
ecs_stage_t *stage;
int32_t count;
} ecs_value_stack_t;
const char* flecs_parse_expr(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_value_stack_t *stack,
const char *ptr,
ecs_value_t *value,
ecs_expr_oper_t op,
const ecs_parse_expr_desc_t *desc);
void* flecs_expr_value_new(
ecs_value_stack_t *stack,
ecs_entity_t type)
ecs_stage_t *stage = stack->stage;
ecs_world_t *world = stage->world;
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, type);
if (!idr) {
return NULL;
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = idr->type_info;
if (!ti) {
return NULL;
ecs_assert(ti->size != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void *result = flecs_stack_alloc(stack->stack, ti->size, ti->alignment);
if (ti->hooks.ctor) {
ti->hooks.ctor(result, 1, ti);
} else {
ecs_os_memset(result, 0, ti->size);
if (ti->hooks.dtor) {
/* Track values that have destructors */
stack->values[stack->count].ti = ti;
stack->values[stack->count].ptr = result;
stack->count ++;
return result;
const char* flecs_str_to_expr_oper(
const char *str,
ecs_expr_oper_t *op)
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "+", 1)) {
*op = EcsAdd;
return str + 1;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "-", 1)) {
*op = EcsSub;
return str + 1;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "*", 1)) {
*op = EcsMul;
return str + 1;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "/", 1)) {
*op = EcsDiv;
return str + 1;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "&&", 2)) {
*op = EcsCondAnd;
return str + 2;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "||", 2)) {
*op = EcsCondOr;
return str + 2;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "==", 2)) {
*op = EcsCondEq;
return str + 2;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "!=", 2)) {
*op = EcsCondNeq;
return str + 2;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, ">=", 2)) {
*op = EcsCondGtEq;
return str + 2;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "<=", 2)) {
*op = EcsCondLtEq;
return str + 2;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, ">>", 2)) {
*op = EcsShiftRight;
return str + 2;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "<<", 2)) {
*op = EcsShiftLeft;
return str + 2;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, ">", 1)) {
*op = EcsCondGt;
return str + 1;
} else if (!ecs_os_strncmp(str, "<", 1)) {
*op = EcsCondLt;
return str + 1;
*op = EcsExprOperUnknown;
return NULL;
const char *ecs_parse_expr_token(
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
char *token)
char *token_ptr = token;
if (ptr[0] == '/') {
char ch;
if (ptr[1] == '/') {
// Single line comment
for (ptr = &ptr[2]; (ch = ptr[0]) && (ch != '\n'); ptr ++) {}
token[0] = 0;
return ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
} else if (ptr[1] == '*') {
// Multi line comment
for (ptr = &ptr[2]; (ch = ptr[0]); ptr ++) {
if (ch == '*' && ptr[1] == '/') {
token[0] = 0;
return ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 2);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing */ for multiline comment");
return NULL;
ecs_expr_oper_t op;
if (ptr[0] == '(') {
token[0] = '(';
token[1] = 0;
return ptr + 1;
} else if (ptr[0] != '-') {
const char *tptr = flecs_str_to_expr_oper(ptr, &op);
if (tptr) {
ecs_os_strncpy(token, ptr, tptr - ptr);
return tptr;
while ((ptr = ecs_parse_token(name, expr, ptr, token_ptr, 0))) {
if (ptr[0] == '|' && ptr[1] != '|') {
token_ptr = &token_ptr[ecs_os_strlen(token_ptr)];
token_ptr[0] = '|';
token_ptr[1] = '\0';
token_ptr ++;
ptr ++;
} else {
return ptr;
const char* flecs_parse_multiline_string(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cur,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr)
/* Multiline string */
ecs_strbuf_t str = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
char ch;
while ((ch = ptr[0]) && (ch != '`')) {
if (ch == '\\' && ptr[1] == '`') {
ch = '`';
ptr ++;
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&str, ch);
ptr ++;
if (ch != '`') {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing '`' to close multiline string");
goto error;
char *strval = ecs_strbuf_get(&str);
if (ecs_meta_set_string(cur, strval) != 0) {
goto error;
return ptr + 1;
return NULL;
bool flecs_parse_is_float(
const char *ptr)
ecs_assert(isdigit(ptr[0]), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
char ch;
while ((ch = (++ptr)[0])) {
if (ch == '.' || ch == 'e') {
return true;
if (!isdigit(ch)) {
return false;
return false;
/* Attempt to resolve variable dotexpression to value (foo.bar) */
ecs_value_t flecs_dotresolve_var(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_vars_t *vars,
char *token)
char *dot = strchr(token, '.');
if (!dot) {
return (ecs_value_t){ .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) };
dot[0] = '\0';
const ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(vars, token);
if (!var) {
return (ecs_value_t){0};
ecs_meta_cursor_t cur = ecs_meta_cursor(
world, var->value.type, var->value.ptr);
if (ecs_meta_dotmember(&cur, dot + 1) != 0) {
return (ecs_value_t){0};
return (ecs_value_t){
.ptr = ecs_meta_get_ptr(&cur),
.type = ecs_meta_get_type(&cur)
int flecs_meta_call(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_value_stack_t *stack,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cur,
const char *function)
ecs_entity_t type = ecs_meta_get_type(cur);
void *value_ptr = ecs_meta_get_ptr(cur);
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(function, "parent")) {
if (type != ecs_id(ecs_entity_t)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"parent() can only be called on entity");
return -1;
*(ecs_entity_t*)value_ptr = ecs_get_parent(
world, *(ecs_entity_t*)value_ptr);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(function, "name")) {
if (type != ecs_id(ecs_entity_t)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"name() can only be called on entity");
return -1;
char **result = flecs_expr_value_new(stack, ecs_id(ecs_string_t));
*result = ecs_os_strdup(ecs_get_name(world, *(ecs_entity_t*)value_ptr));
*cur = ecs_meta_cursor(world, ecs_id(ecs_string_t), result);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(function, "doc_name")) {
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
if (type != ecs_id(ecs_entity_t)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"name() can only be called on entity");
return -1;
char **result = flecs_expr_value_new(stack, ecs_id(ecs_string_t));
*result = ecs_os_strdup(ecs_doc_get_name(world, *(ecs_entity_t*)value_ptr));
*cur = ecs_meta_cursor(world, ecs_id(ecs_string_t), result);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"doc_name() is not available without FLECS_DOC addon");
return -1;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unknown function '%s'", function);
return -1;
return 0;
/* Determine the type of an expression from the first character(s). This allows
* us to initialize a storage for a type if none was provided. */
ecs_entity_t flecs_parse_discover_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
ecs_entity_t input_type,
const ecs_parse_expr_desc_t *desc)
/* String literal */
if (ptr[0] == '"' || ptr[0] == '`') {
if (input_type == ecs_id(ecs_char_t)) {
return input_type;
return ecs_id(ecs_string_t);
/* Negative number literal */
if (ptr[0] == '-') {
if (!isdigit(ptr[1])) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "invalid literal");
return 0;
if (flecs_parse_is_float(ptr + 1)) {
return ecs_id(ecs_f64_t);
} else {
return ecs_id(ecs_i64_t);
/* Positive number literal */
if (isdigit(ptr[0])) {
if (flecs_parse_is_float(ptr)) {
return ecs_id(ecs_f64_t);
} else {
return ecs_id(ecs_u64_t);
/* Variable */
if (ptr[0] == '$') {
if (!desc || !desc->vars) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unresolved variable (no variable scope)");
return 0;
char token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
if (ecs_parse_expr_token(name, expr, &ptr[1], token) == NULL) {
return 0;
const ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(desc->vars, token);
if (!var) {
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(token);
if (ptr[len + 1] == '(') {
while ((len > 0) && (token[len] != '.')) {
len --;
if (token[len] == '.') {
token[len] = '\0';
ecs_value_t v = flecs_dotresolve_var(world, desc->vars, token);
if (v.type) {
return v.type;
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unresolved variable '%s'", token);
return 0;
return var->value.type;
/* Boolean */
if (ptr[0] == 't' && !ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, "true", 4)) {
if (!isalpha(ptr[4]) && ptr[4] != '_') {
return ecs_id(ecs_bool_t);
if (ptr[0] == 'f' && !ecs_os_strncmp(ptr, "false", 5)) {
if (!isalpha(ptr[5]) && ptr[5] != '_') {
return ecs_id(ecs_bool_t);
/* Entity identifier */
if (isalpha(ptr[0])) {
if (!input_type) { /* Identifier could also be enum/bitmask constant */
return ecs_id(ecs_entity_t);
/* If no default type was provided we can't automatically deduce the type of
* composite/collection expressions. */
if (!input_type) {
if (ptr[0] == '{') {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unknown type for composite literal");
return 0;
if (ptr[0] == '[') {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unknown type for collection literal");
return 0;
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "invalid expression");
return input_type;
/* Normalize types to their largest representation.
* Rather than taking the original type of a value, use the largest
* representation of the type so we don't have to worry about overflowing the
* original type in the operation. */
ecs_entity_t flecs_largest_type(
const EcsPrimitive *type)
switch(type->kind) {
case EcsBool: return ecs_id(ecs_bool_t);
case EcsChar: return ecs_id(ecs_char_t);
case EcsByte: return ecs_id(ecs_u8_t);
case EcsU8: return ecs_id(ecs_u64_t);
case EcsU16: return ecs_id(ecs_u64_t);
case EcsU32: return ecs_id(ecs_u64_t);
case EcsU64: return ecs_id(ecs_u64_t);
case EcsI8: return ecs_id(ecs_i64_t);
case EcsI16: return ecs_id(ecs_i64_t);
case EcsI32: return ecs_id(ecs_i64_t);
case EcsI64: return ecs_id(ecs_i64_t);
case EcsF32: return ecs_id(ecs_f64_t);
case EcsF64: return ecs_id(ecs_f64_t);
case EcsUPtr: return ecs_id(ecs_u64_t);
case EcsIPtr: return ecs_id(ecs_i64_t);
case EcsString: return ecs_id(ecs_string_t);
case EcsEntity: return ecs_id(ecs_entity_t);
case EcsId: return ecs_id(ecs_id_t);
default: ecs_throw(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return 0;
/** Test if a normalized type can promote to another type in an expression */
bool flecs_is_type_number(
ecs_entity_t type)
if (type == ecs_id(ecs_bool_t)) return false;
else if (type == ecs_id(ecs_char_t)) return false;
else if (type == ecs_id(ecs_u8_t)) return false;
else if (type == ecs_id(ecs_u64_t)) return true;
else if (type == ecs_id(ecs_i64_t)) return true;
else if (type == ecs_id(ecs_f64_t)) return true;
else if (type == ecs_id(ecs_string_t)) return false;
else if (type == ecs_id(ecs_entity_t)) return false;
else return false;
bool flecs_oper_valid_for_type(
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_expr_oper_t op)
switch(op) {
case EcsAdd:
case EcsSub:
case EcsMul:
case EcsDiv:
return flecs_is_type_number(type);
case EcsCondEq:
case EcsCondNeq:
case EcsCondAnd:
case EcsCondOr:
case EcsCondGt:
case EcsCondGtEq:
case EcsCondLt:
case EcsCondLtEq:
return flecs_is_type_number(type) ||
(type == ecs_id(ecs_bool_t)) ||
(type == ecs_id(ecs_char_t)) ||
(type == ecs_id(ecs_entity_t));
case EcsShiftLeft:
case EcsShiftRight:
return (type == ecs_id(ecs_u64_t));
case EcsExprOperUnknown:
case EcsLeftParen:
case EcsMin:
return false;
/** Promote type to most expressive (f64 > i64 > u64) */
ecs_entity_t flecs_promote_type(
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_entity_t promote_to)
if (type == ecs_id(ecs_u64_t)) {
return promote_to;
if (promote_to == ecs_id(ecs_u64_t)) {
return type;
if (type == ecs_id(ecs_f64_t)) {
return type;
if (promote_to == ecs_id(ecs_f64_t)) {
return promote_to;
return ecs_id(ecs_i64_t);
int flecs_oper_precedence(
ecs_expr_oper_t left,
ecs_expr_oper_t right)
return (left > right) - (left < right);
void flecs_value_cast(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_value_stack_t *stack,
ecs_value_t *value,
ecs_entity_t type)
if (value->type == type) {
ecs_value_t result;
result.type = type;
result.ptr = flecs_expr_value_new(stack, type);
if (value->ptr) {
ecs_meta_cursor_t cur = ecs_meta_cursor(world, type, result.ptr);
ecs_meta_set_value(&cur, value);
*value = result;
bool flecs_expr_op_is_equality(
ecs_expr_oper_t op)
switch(op) {
case EcsCondEq:
case EcsCondNeq:
case EcsCondGt:
case EcsCondGtEq:
case EcsCondLt:
case EcsCondLtEq:
return true;
case EcsCondAnd:
case EcsCondOr:
case EcsShiftLeft:
case EcsShiftRight:
case EcsAdd:
case EcsSub:
case EcsMul:
case EcsDiv:
case EcsExprOperUnknown:
case EcsLeftParen:
case EcsMin:
return false;
ecs_throw(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "invalid operator");
return false;
ecs_entity_t flecs_binary_expr_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
ecs_value_t *lvalue,
ecs_value_t *rvalue,
ecs_expr_oper_t op,
ecs_entity_t *operand_type_out)
ecs_entity_t result_type = 0, operand_type = 0;
switch(op) {
case EcsDiv:
/* Result type of a division is always a float */
*operand_type_out = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t);
return ecs_id(ecs_f64_t);
case EcsCondAnd:
case EcsCondOr:
/* Result type of a condition operator is always a bool */
*operand_type_out = ecs_id(ecs_bool_t);
return ecs_id(ecs_bool_t);
case EcsCondEq:
case EcsCondNeq:
case EcsCondGt:
case EcsCondGtEq:
case EcsCondLt:
case EcsCondLtEq:
/* Result type of equality operator is always bool, but operand types
* should not be casted to bool */
result_type = ecs_id(ecs_bool_t);
case EcsShiftLeft:
case EcsShiftRight:
case EcsAdd:
case EcsSub:
case EcsMul:
case EcsExprOperUnknown:
case EcsLeftParen:
case EcsMin:
ecs_throw(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "invalid operator");
/* Result type for arithmetic operators is determined by operands */
const EcsPrimitive *ltype_ptr = ecs_get(world, lvalue->type, EcsPrimitive);
const EcsPrimitive *rtype_ptr = ecs_get(world, rvalue->type, EcsPrimitive);
if (!ltype_ptr || !rtype_ptr) {
char *lname = ecs_get_fullpath(world, lvalue->type);
char *rname = ecs_get_fullpath(world, rvalue->type);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid non-primitive type in binary expression (%s, %s)",
lname, rname);
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ltype = flecs_largest_type(ltype_ptr);
ecs_entity_t rtype = flecs_largest_type(rtype_ptr);
if (ltype == rtype) {
operand_type = ltype;
goto done;
if (flecs_expr_op_is_equality(op)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"mismatching types in equality expression");
return 0;
if (!flecs_is_type_number(ltype) || !flecs_is_type_number(rtype)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"incompatible types in binary expression");
return 0;
operand_type = flecs_promote_type(ltype, rtype);
if (op == EcsSub && operand_type == ecs_id(ecs_u64_t)) {
/* Result of subtracting two unsigned ints can be negative */
operand_type = ecs_id(ecs_i64_t);
if (!result_type) {
result_type = operand_type;
*operand_type_out = operand_type;
return result_type;
return 0;
/* Macro's to let the compiler do the operations & conversion work for us */
#define ECS_VALUE_GET(value, T) (*(T*)value->ptr)
#define ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, R, T)\
ECS_VALUE_GET(result, R) = ECS_VALUE_GET(left, T) op ECS_VALUE_GET(right, T)
#define ECS_BINARY_OP(left, right, result, op)\
if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_u64_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_u64_t, ecs_u64_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_i64_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_i64_t, ecs_i64_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_f64_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_f64_t, ecs_f64_t);\
} else {\
ecs_abort(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "unexpected type in binary expression");\
#define ECS_BINARY_COND_EQ_OP(left, right, result, op)\
if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_u64_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_u64_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_i64_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_i64_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_f64_t)) { \
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "unsupported operator for floating point");\
return -1;\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_u8_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_u8_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_char_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_char_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_bool_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_bool_t);\
} else {\
ecs_abort(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "unexpected type in binary expression");\
#define ECS_BINARY_COND_OP(left, right, result, op)\
if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_u64_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_u64_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_i64_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_i64_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_f64_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_f64_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_u8_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_u8_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_char_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_char_t);\
} else if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_bool_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_bool_t);\
} else {\
ecs_abort(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "unexpected type in binary expression");\
#define ECS_BINARY_BOOL_OP(left, right, result, op)\
if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_bool_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_bool_t, ecs_bool_t);\
} else {\
ecs_abort(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "unexpected type in binary expression");\
#define ECS_BINARY_UINT_OP(left, right, result, op)\
if (left->type == ecs_id(ecs_u64_t)) { \
ECS_BINARY_OP_T(left, right, result, op, ecs_u64_t, ecs_u64_t);\
} else {\
ecs_abort(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "unexpected type in binary expression");\
int flecs_binary_expr_do(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_value_stack_t *stack,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
ecs_value_t *lvalue,
ecs_value_t *rvalue,
ecs_value_t *result,
ecs_expr_oper_t op)
/* Find expression type */
ecs_entity_t operand_type, type = flecs_binary_expr_type(
world, name, expr, ptr, lvalue, rvalue, op, &operand_type);
if (!type) {
goto error;
if (!flecs_oper_valid_for_type(type, op)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "invalid operator for type");
goto error;
flecs_value_cast(world, stack, lvalue, operand_type);
flecs_value_cast(world, stack, rvalue, operand_type);
ecs_value_t *storage = result;
ecs_value_t tmp_storage = {0};
if (result->type != type) {
storage = &tmp_storage;
storage->type = type;
storage->ptr = flecs_expr_value_new(stack, type);
switch(op) {
case EcsAdd:
ECS_BINARY_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, +);
case EcsSub:
ECS_BINARY_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, -);
case EcsMul:
ECS_BINARY_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, *);
case EcsDiv:
ECS_BINARY_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, /);
case EcsCondEq:
ECS_BINARY_COND_EQ_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, ==);
case EcsCondNeq:
ECS_BINARY_COND_EQ_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, !=);
case EcsCondGt:
ECS_BINARY_COND_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, >);
case EcsCondGtEq:
ECS_BINARY_COND_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, >=);
case EcsCondLt:
ECS_BINARY_COND_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, <);
case EcsCondLtEq:
ECS_BINARY_COND_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, <=);
case EcsCondAnd:
ECS_BINARY_BOOL_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, &&);
case EcsCondOr:
ECS_BINARY_BOOL_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, ||);
case EcsShiftLeft:
ECS_BINARY_UINT_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, <<);
case EcsShiftRight:
ECS_BINARY_UINT_OP(lvalue, rvalue, storage, >>);
case EcsExprOperUnknown:
case EcsLeftParen:
case EcsMin:
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "unsupported operator");
goto error;
if (storage->ptr != result->ptr) {
if (!result->ptr) {
*result = *storage;
} else {
ecs_meta_cursor_t cur = ecs_meta_cursor(world,
result->type, result->ptr);
ecs_meta_set_value(&cur, storage);
return 0;
return -1;
const char* flecs_binary_expr_parse(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_value_stack_t *stack,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
ecs_value_t *lvalue,
ecs_value_t *result,
ecs_expr_oper_t left_op,
const ecs_parse_expr_desc_t *desc)
ecs_entity_t result_type = result->type;
do {
ecs_expr_oper_t op;
ptr = flecs_str_to_expr_oper(ptr, &op);
if (!ptr) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "invalid operator");
return NULL;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
ecs_value_t rvalue = {0};
const char *rptr = flecs_parse_expr(world, stack, ptr, &rvalue, op, desc);
if (!rptr) {
return NULL;
if (flecs_binary_expr_do(world, stack, name, expr, ptr,
lvalue, &rvalue, result, op))
return NULL;
ptr = rptr;
ecs_expr_oper_t right_op;
flecs_str_to_expr_oper(rptr, &right_op);
if (right_op > left_op) {
if (result_type) {
/* If result was initialized, preserve its value */
lvalue->type = result->type;
lvalue->ptr = flecs_expr_value_new(stack, lvalue->type);
ecs_value_copy(world, lvalue->type, lvalue->ptr, result->ptr);
} else {
/* Otherwise move result to lvalue */
*lvalue = *result;
} while (true);
return ptr;
const char* flecs_funccall_parse(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_value_stack_t *stack,
const char *name,
const char *expr,
const char *ptr,
char *token,
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cur,
ecs_value_t *value,
bool isvar,
const ecs_parse_expr_desc_t *desc)
char *sep = strrchr(token, '.');
if (!sep) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing object for function call '%s'", token);
return NULL;
sep[0] = '\0';
const char *function = sep + 1;
if (!isvar) {
if (ecs_meta_set_string(cur, token) != 0) {
goto error;
} else {
const ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(desc->vars, token);
ecs_meta_set_value(cur, &var->value);
do {
if (!function[0]) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing function name for function call '%s'", token);
return NULL;
if (flecs_meta_call(world, stack, name, expr, ptr, cur,
function) != 0)
goto error;
ecs_entity_t type = ecs_meta_get_type(cur);
value->ptr = ecs_meta_get_ptr(cur);
value->type = type;
ptr += 2;
if (ptr[0] != '.') {
ptr ++;
char *paren = strchr(ptr, '(');
if (!paren) {
ecs_size_t len = flecs_ito(int32_t, paren - ptr);
if (len >= ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"token exceeds maximum token size");
goto error;
ecs_os_strncpy(token, ptr, len);
token[len] = '\0';
function = token;
ptr = paren;
} while (true);
return ptr;
return NULL;
const char* flecs_parse_expr(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_value_stack_t *stack,
const char *ptr,
ecs_value_t *value,
ecs_expr_oper_t left_op,
const ecs_parse_expr_desc_t *desc)
ecs_assert(value != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
char token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
int depth = 0;
ecs_value_t result = {0};
ecs_meta_cursor_t cur = {0};
const char *name = desc ? desc->name : NULL;
const char *expr = desc ? desc->expr : NULL;
token[0] = '\0';
expr = expr ? expr : ptr;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
/* Check for postfix operators */
ecs_expr_oper_t unary_op = EcsExprOperUnknown;
if (ptr[0] == '-' && !isdigit(ptr[1])) {
unary_op = EcsMin;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 1);
/* Initialize storage and cursor. If expression starts with a '(' storage
* will be initialized by a nested expression */
if (ptr[0] != '(') {
ecs_entity_t type = flecs_parse_discover_type(
world, name, expr, ptr, value->type, desc);
if (!type) {
return NULL;
result.type = type;
if (type != value->type) {
result.ptr = flecs_expr_value_new(stack, type);
} else {
result.ptr = value->ptr;
cur = ecs_meta_cursor(world, result.type, result.ptr);
if (!cur.valid) {
return NULL;
cur.lookup_action = desc ? desc->lookup_action : NULL;
cur.lookup_ctx = desc ? desc->lookup_ctx : NULL;
/* Loop that parses all values in a value scope */
while ((ptr = ecs_parse_expr_token(name, expr, ptr, token))) {
/* Used to track of the result of the parsed token can be used as the
* lvalue for a binary expression */
bool is_lvalue = false;
bool newline = false;
if (!token[0]) {
/* Comment */
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "(")) {
ecs_value_t temp_result, *out;
if (!depth) {
out = &result;
} else {
temp_result.type = ecs_meta_get_type(&cur);
temp_result.ptr = ecs_meta_get_ptr(&cur);
out = &temp_result;
/* Parenthesis, parse nested expression */
ptr = flecs_parse_expr(world, stack, ptr, out, EcsLeftParen, desc);
if (ptr[0] != ')') {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"missing closing parenthesis");
return NULL;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr + 1);
is_lvalue = true;
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "{")) {
/* Parse nested value scope */
ecs_entity_t scope_type = ecs_meta_get_type(&cur);
depth ++; /* Keep track of depth so we know when parsing is done */
if (ecs_meta_push(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
if (ecs_meta_is_collection(&cur)) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, scope_type);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"expected '[' for collection type '%s'", path);
return NULL;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "}")) {
depth --;
if (ecs_meta_is_collection(&cur)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "expected ']'");
return NULL;
if (ecs_meta_pop(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "[")) {
/* Open collection value scope */
depth ++;
if (ecs_meta_push(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
if (!ecs_meta_is_collection(&cur)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "unexpected '['");
return NULL;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "]")) {
depth --;
if (!ecs_meta_is_collection(&cur)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr, "expected '}'");
return NULL;
if (ecs_meta_pop(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "-")) {
if (unary_op != EcsExprOperUnknown) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unexpected unary operator");
return NULL;
unary_op = EcsMin;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, ",")) {
/* Move to next field */
if (ecs_meta_next(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "null")) {
if (ecs_meta_set_null(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
is_lvalue = true;
else if (token[0] == '\"') {
/* Regular string */
if (ecs_meta_set_string_literal(&cur, token) != 0) {
goto error;
is_lvalue = true;
else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "`")) {
/* Multiline string */
if (!(ptr = flecs_parse_multiline_string(&cur, name, expr, ptr))) {
goto error;
is_lvalue = true;
} else if (token[0] == '$') {
/* Variable */
if (!desc || !desc->vars) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unresolved variable '%s' (no variable scope)", token);
return NULL;
if (!token[1]) {
/* Empty name means default to assigned member */
const char *member = ecs_meta_get_member(&cur);
if (!member) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"invalid default variable outside member assignment");
return NULL;
ecs_os_strcpy(&token[1], member);
const ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(desc->vars, &token[1]);
if (!var) {
if (ptr[0] == '(') {
/* Function */
ptr = flecs_funccall_parse(world, stack, name, expr, ptr,
&token[1], &cur, &result, true, desc);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
} else {
ecs_value_t v = flecs_dotresolve_var(world, desc->vars, &token[1]);
if (!v.ptr) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ptr - expr,
"unresolved variable '%s'", token);
return NULL;
} else {
ecs_meta_set_value(&cur, &v);
} else {
ecs_meta_set_value(&cur, &var->value);
is_lvalue = true;
} else {
const char *tptr = ecs_parse_ws(ptr);
for (; ptr != tptr; ptr ++) {
if (ptr[0] == '\n') {
newline = true;
if (ptr[0] == ':') {
/* Member assignment */
ptr ++;
if (ecs_meta_dotmember(&cur, token) != 0) {
goto error;
} else if (ptr[0] == '(') {
/* Function */
ptr = flecs_funccall_parse(world, stack, name, expr, ptr,
token, &cur, &result, false, desc);
if (!ptr) {
goto error;
} else {
if (ecs_meta_set_string(&cur, token) != 0) {
goto error;
is_lvalue = true;
/* If lvalue was parsed, apply operators. Expressions cannot start
* directly after a newline character. */
if (is_lvalue && !newline) {
if (unary_op != EcsExprOperUnknown) {
if (unary_op == EcsMin) {
int64_t v = -1;
ecs_value_t lvalue = {.type = ecs_id(ecs_i64_t), .ptr = &v};
ecs_value_t *out, rvalue, temp_out = {0};
if (!depth) {
rvalue = result;
out = &result;
} else {
ecs_entity_t cur_type = ecs_meta_get_type(&cur);
void *cur_ptr = ecs_meta_get_ptr(&cur);
rvalue.type = cur_type;
rvalue.ptr = cur_ptr;
temp_out.type = cur_type;
temp_out.ptr = cur_ptr;
out = &temp_out;
flecs_binary_expr_do(world, stack, name, expr, ptr, &lvalue,
&rvalue, out, EcsMul);
unary_op = 0;
ecs_expr_oper_t right_op;
flecs_str_to_expr_oper(ptr, &right_op);
if (right_op) {
/* This is a binary expression, test precedence to determine if
* it should be evaluated here */
if (flecs_oper_precedence(left_op, right_op) < 0) {
ecs_value_t lvalue;
ecs_value_t *op_result = &result;
ecs_value_t temp_storage;
if (!depth) {
/* Root level value, move result to lvalue storage */
lvalue = result;
} else {
/* Not a root level value. Move the parsed lvalue to a
* temporary storage, and initialize the result value
* for the binary operation with the current cursor */
ecs_entity_t cur_type = ecs_meta_get_type(&cur);
void *cur_ptr = ecs_meta_get_ptr(&cur);
lvalue.type = cur_type;
lvalue.ptr = flecs_expr_value_new(stack, cur_type);
ecs_value_copy(world, cur_type, lvalue.ptr, cur_ptr);
temp_storage.type = cur_type;
temp_storage.ptr = cur_ptr;
op_result = &temp_storage;
/* Do the binary expression */
ptr = flecs_binary_expr_parse(world, stack, name, expr, ptr,
&lvalue, op_result, left_op, desc);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
if (!depth) {
/* Reached the end of the root scope */
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
if (!value->ptr) {
value->type = result.type;
value->ptr = flecs_expr_value_new(stack, result.type);
if (value->ptr != result.ptr) {
cur = ecs_meta_cursor(world, value->type, value->ptr);
ecs_meta_set_value(&cur, &result);
ecs_assert(value->type != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(value->ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return ptr;
return NULL;
const char* ecs_parse_expr(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *ptr,
ecs_value_t *value,
const ecs_parse_expr_desc_t *desc)
/* Prepare storage for temporary values */
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_value_stack_t stack;
stack.count = 0;
stack.stage = stage;
stack.stack = &stage->allocators.deser_stack;
stack.cursor = flecs_stack_get_cursor(stack.stack);
/* Parse expression */
bool storage_provided = value->ptr != NULL;
ptr = flecs_parse_expr(world, &stack, ptr, value, EcsExprOperUnknown, desc);
/* If no result value was provided, allocate one as we can't return a
* pointer to a temporary storage */
if (!storage_provided && value->ptr) {
ecs_assert(value->type != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
void *temp_storage = value->ptr;
value->ptr = ecs_value_new(world, value->type);
ecs_value_move_ctor(world, value->type, value->ptr, temp_storage);
/* Cleanup temporary values */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < stack.count; i ++) {
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = stack.values[i].ti;
ecs_assert(ti->hooks.dtor != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ti->hooks.dtor(stack.values[i].ptr, 1, ti);
flecs_stack_restore_cursor(stack.stack, stack.cursor);
return ptr;
* @file expr/serialize.c
* @brief Serialize (component) values to flecs string format.
int flecs_expr_ser_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_vec_t *ser,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
bool is_expr);
int flecs_expr_ser_type_ops(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops,
int32_t op_count,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
int32_t in_array,
bool is_expr);
int flecs_expr_ser_type_op(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
bool is_expr);
ecs_primitive_kind_t flecs_expr_op_to_primitive_kind(ecs_meta_type_op_kind_t kind) {
return kind - EcsOpPrimitive;
/* Serialize a primitive value */
int flecs_expr_ser_primitive(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_primitive_kind_t kind,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
bool is_expr)
switch(kind) {
case EcsBool:
if (*(const bool*)base) {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(str, "true");
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(str, "false");
case EcsChar: {
char chbuf[3];
char ch = *(const char*)base;
if (ch) {
ecs_chresc(chbuf, *(const char*)base, '"');
if (is_expr) ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(str, chbuf);
if (is_expr) ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '"');
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '0');
case EcsByte:
ecs_strbuf_appendint(str, flecs_uto(int64_t, *(const uint8_t*)base));
case EcsU8:
ecs_strbuf_appendint(str, flecs_uto(int64_t, *(const uint8_t*)base));
case EcsU16:
ecs_strbuf_appendint(str, flecs_uto(int64_t, *(const uint16_t*)base));
case EcsU32:
ecs_strbuf_appendint(str, flecs_uto(int64_t, *(const uint32_t*)base));
case EcsU64:
ecs_strbuf_append(str, "%llu", *(const uint64_t*)base);
case EcsI8:
ecs_strbuf_appendint(str, flecs_ito(int64_t, *(const int8_t*)base));
case EcsI16:
ecs_strbuf_appendint(str, flecs_ito(int64_t, *(const int16_t*)base));
case EcsI32:
ecs_strbuf_appendint(str, flecs_ito(int64_t, *(const int32_t*)base));
case EcsI64:
ecs_strbuf_appendint(str, *(const int64_t*)base);
case EcsF32:
ecs_strbuf_appendflt(str, (double)*(const float*)base, 0);
case EcsF64:
ecs_strbuf_appendflt(str, *(const double*)base, 0);
case EcsIPtr:
ecs_strbuf_appendint(str, flecs_ito(int64_t, *(const intptr_t*)base));
case EcsUPtr:
ecs_strbuf_append(str, "%u", *(const uintptr_t*)base);
case EcsString: {
const char *value = *ECS_CONST_CAST(const char**, base);
if (value) {
if (!is_expr) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(str, value);
} else {
ecs_size_t length = ecs_stresc(NULL, 0, '"', value);
if (length == ecs_os_strlen(value)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(str, value, length);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '"');
} else {
char *out = ecs_os_malloc(length + 3);
ecs_stresc(out + 1, length, '"', value);
out[0] = '"';
out[length + 1] = '"';
out[length + 2] = '\0';
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(str, out);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(str, "null");
case EcsEntity: {
ecs_entity_t e = *(const ecs_entity_t*)base;
if (!e) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '0');
} else {
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, e, ".", NULL, str);
case EcsId: {
ecs_id_t id = *(const ecs_id_t*)base;
if (!id) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '0');
} else {
ecs_id_str_buf(world, id, str);
ecs_err("invalid primitive kind");
return -1;
return 0;
/* Serialize enumeration */
int flecs_expr_ser_enum(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const EcsEnum *enum_type = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsEnum);
ecs_check(enum_type != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t val = *(const int32_t*)base;
/* Enumeration constants are stored in a map that is keyed on the
* enumeration value. */
ecs_enum_constant_t *c = ecs_map_get_deref(&enum_type->constants,
ecs_enum_constant_t, (ecs_map_key_t)val);
if (!c) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, op->type);
ecs_err("value %d is not valid for enum type '%s'", val, path);
goto error;
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(str, ecs_get_name(world, c->constant));
return 0;
return -1;
/* Serialize bitmask */
int flecs_expr_ser_bitmask(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *ptr,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const EcsBitmask *bitmask_type = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsBitmask);
ecs_check(bitmask_type != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
uint32_t value = *(const uint32_t*)ptr;
ecs_strbuf_list_push(str, "", "|");
/* Multiple flags can be set at a given time. Iterate through all the flags
* and append the ones that are set. */
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&bitmask_type->constants);
int count = 0;
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_bitmask_constant_t *c = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
ecs_map_key_t key = ecs_map_key(&it);
if ((value & key) == key) {
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(str, ecs_get_name(world, c->constant));
count ++;
value -= (uint32_t)key;
if (value != 0) {
/* All bits must have been matched by a constant */
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, op->type);
"value for bitmask %s contains bits (%u) that cannot be mapped to constant",
path, value);
goto error;
if (!count) {
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(str, "0");
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(str, "");
return 0;
return -1;
/* Serialize elements of a contiguous array */
int expr_ser_elements(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops,
int32_t op_count,
const void *base,
int32_t elem_count,
int32_t elem_size,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
bool is_array)
ecs_strbuf_list_push(str, "[", ", ");
const void *ptr = base;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < elem_count; i ++) {
if (flecs_expr_ser_type_ops(
world, ops, op_count, ptr, str, is_array, true))
return -1;
ptr = ECS_OFFSET(ptr, elem_size);
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(str, "]");
return 0;
int expr_ser_type_elements(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void *base,
int32_t elem_count,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
bool is_array)
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser = ecs_get(
world, type, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
ecs_assert(ser != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
const EcsComponent *comp = ecs_get(world, type, EcsComponent);
ecs_assert(comp != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops = ecs_vec_first_t(&ser->ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t);
int32_t op_count = ecs_vec_count(&ser->ops);
return expr_ser_elements(
world, ops, op_count, base, elem_count, comp->size, str, is_array);
/* Serialize array */
int expr_ser_array(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *ptr,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const EcsArray *a = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsArray);
ecs_assert(a != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return expr_ser_type_elements(
world, a->type, ptr, a->count, str, true);
/* Serialize vector */
int expr_ser_vector(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const ecs_vec_t *value = base;
const EcsVector *v = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsVector);
ecs_assert(v != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(value);
void *array = ecs_vec_first(value);
/* Serialize contiguous buffer of vector */
return expr_ser_type_elements(world, v->type, array, count, str, false);
/* Forward serialization to the different type kinds */
int flecs_expr_ser_type_op(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *ptr,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
bool is_expr)
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
/* Should not be parsed as single op */
case EcsOpEnum:
if (flecs_expr_ser_enum(world, op, ECS_OFFSET(ptr, op->offset), str)) {
goto error;
case EcsOpBitmask:
if (flecs_expr_ser_bitmask(world, op, ECS_OFFSET(ptr, op->offset), str)) {
goto error;
case EcsOpArray:
if (expr_ser_array(world, op, ECS_OFFSET(ptr, op->offset), str)) {
goto error;
case EcsOpVector:
if (expr_ser_vector(world, op, ECS_OFFSET(ptr, op->offset), str)) {
goto error;
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId:
case EcsOpString:
case EcsOpOpaque:
if (flecs_expr_ser_primitive(world, flecs_expr_op_to_primitive_kind(op->kind),
ECS_OFFSET(ptr, op->offset), str, is_expr))
/* Unknown operation */
ecs_err("unknown serializer operation kind (%d)", op->kind);
goto error;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
/* Iterate over a slice of the type ops array */
int flecs_expr_ser_type_ops(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops,
int32_t op_count,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
int32_t in_array,
bool is_expr)
for (int i = 0; i < op_count; i ++) {
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = &ops[i];
if (in_array <= 0) {
if (op->name) {
ecs_strbuf_append(str, "%s: ", op->name);
int32_t elem_count = op->count;
if (elem_count > 1) {
/* Serialize inline array */
if (expr_ser_elements(world, op, op->op_count, base,
elem_count, op->size, str, true))
return -1;
i += op->op_count - 1;
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpPush:
ecs_strbuf_list_push(str, "{", ", ");
in_array --;
case EcsOpPop:
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(str, "}");
in_array ++;
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId:
case EcsOpString:
case EcsOpOpaque:
if (flecs_expr_ser_type_op(world, op, base, str, is_expr)) {
goto error;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
/* Iterate over the type ops of a type */
int flecs_expr_ser_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_vec_t *v_ops,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
bool is_expr)
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops = ecs_vec_first_t(v_ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t);
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(v_ops);
return flecs_expr_ser_type_ops(world, ops, count, base, str, 0, is_expr);
int ecs_ptr_to_expr_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void *ptr,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf_out)
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser = ecs_get(
world, type, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
if (ser == NULL) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_err("cannot serialize value for type '%s'", path);
goto error;
if (flecs_expr_ser_type(world, &ser->ops, ptr, buf_out, true)) {
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
char* ecs_ptr_to_expr(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void* ptr)
ecs_strbuf_t str = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
if (ecs_ptr_to_expr_buf(world, type, ptr, &str) != 0) {
return NULL;
return ecs_strbuf_get(&str);
int ecs_ptr_to_str_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void *ptr,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf_out)
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser = ecs_get(
world, type, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
if (ser == NULL) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_err("cannot serialize value for type '%s'", path);
goto error;
if (flecs_expr_ser_type(world, &ser->ops, ptr, buf_out, false)) {
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
char* ecs_ptr_to_str(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void* ptr)
ecs_strbuf_t str = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
if (ecs_ptr_to_str_buf(world, type, ptr, &str) != 0) {
return NULL;
return ecs_strbuf_get(&str);
int ecs_primitive_to_expr_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_primitive_kind_t kind,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
return flecs_expr_ser_primitive(world, kind, base, str, true);
* @file expr/utils.c
* @brief String parsing utilities.
#include <ctype.h>
char* ecs_chresc(
char *out,
char in,
char delimiter)
char *bptr = out;
switch(in) {
case '\a':
*bptr++ = '\\';
*bptr = 'a';
case '\b':
*bptr++ = '\\';
*bptr = 'b';
case '\f':
*bptr++ = '\\';
*bptr = 'f';
case '\n':
*bptr++ = '\\';
*bptr = 'n';
case '\r':
*bptr++ = '\\';
*bptr = 'r';
case '\t':
*bptr++ = '\\';
*bptr = 't';
case '\v':
*bptr++ = '\\';
*bptr = 'v';
case '\\':
*bptr++ = '\\';
*bptr = '\\';
case '\033':
*bptr = '['; /* Used for terminal colors */
if (in == delimiter) {
*bptr++ = '\\';
*bptr = delimiter;
} else {
*bptr = in;
*(++bptr) = '\0';
return bptr;
const char* ecs_chrparse(
const char *in,
char *out)
const char *result = in + 1;
char ch;
if (in[0] == '\\') {
result ++;
switch(in[1]) {
case 'a':
ch = '\a';
case 'b':
ch = '\b';
case 'f':
ch = '\f';
case 'n':
ch = '\n';
case 'r':
ch = '\r';
case 't':
ch = '\t';
case 'v':
ch = '\v';
case '\\':
ch = '\\';
case '"':
ch = '"';
case '0':
ch = '\0';
case ' ':
ch = ' ';
case '$':
ch = '$';
goto error;
} else {
ch = in[0];
if (out) {
*out = ch;
return result;
return NULL;
ecs_size_t ecs_stresc(
char *out,
ecs_size_t n,
char delimiter,
const char *in)
const char *ptr = in;
char ch, *bptr = out, buff[3];
ecs_size_t written = 0;
while ((ch = *ptr++)) {
if ((written += (ecs_size_t)(ecs_chresc(
buff, ch, delimiter) - buff)) <= n)
/* If size != 0, an out buffer must be provided. */
*bptr++ = buff[0];
if ((ch = buff[1])) {
*bptr = ch;
if (bptr) {
while (written < n) {
*bptr = '\0';
return written;
return 0;
char* ecs_astresc(
char delimiter,
const char *in)
if (!in) {
return NULL;
ecs_size_t len = ecs_stresc(NULL, 0, delimiter, in);
char *out = ecs_os_malloc_n(char, len + 1);
ecs_stresc(out, len, delimiter, in);
out[len] = '\0';
return out;
const char* flecs_parse_var_name(
const char *ptr,
char *token_out)
char ch, *bptr = token_out;
while ((ch = *ptr)) {
if (bptr - token_out > ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) {
goto error;
if (isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch) || ch == '_') {
*bptr = ch;
bptr ++;
ptr ++;
} else {
if (bptr == token_out) {
goto error;
*bptr = '\0';
return ptr;
return NULL;
const char* flecs_parse_interpolated_str(
const char *ptr,
char *token_out)
char ch, *bptr = token_out;
while ((ch = *ptr)) {
if (bptr - token_out > ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) {
goto error;
if (ch == '\\') {
if (ptr[1] == '}') {
*bptr = '}';
bptr ++;
ptr += 2;
if (ch != '}') {
*bptr = ch;
bptr ++;
ptr ++;
} else {
ptr ++;
if (bptr == token_out) {
goto error;
*bptr = '\0';
return ptr;
return NULL;
char* ecs_interpolate_string(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *str,
const ecs_vars_t *vars)
char token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
ecs_strbuf_t result = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
const char *ptr;
char ch;
for(ptr = str; (ch = *ptr); ptr++) {
if (ch == '\\') {
ptr ++;
if (ptr[0] == '$') {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&result, '$');
if (ptr[0] == '\\') {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&result, '\\');
if (ptr[0] == '{') {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&result, '{');
if (ptr[0] == '}') {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&result, '}');
ptr --;
if (ch == '$') {
ptr = flecs_parse_var_name(ptr + 1, token);
if (!ptr) {
ecs_parser_error(NULL, str, ptr - str,
"invalid variable name '%s'", ptr);
goto error;
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(vars, token);
if (!var) {
ecs_parser_error(NULL, str, ptr - str,
"unresolved variable '%s'", token);
goto error;
if (ecs_ptr_to_str_buf(
world, var->value.type, var->value.ptr, &result))
goto error;
ptr --;
} else if (ch == '{') {
ptr = flecs_parse_interpolated_str(ptr + 1, token);
if (!ptr) {
ecs_parser_error(NULL, str, ptr - str,
"invalid interpolated expression");
goto error;
ecs_parse_expr_desc_t expr_desc = {
.vars = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_vars_t*, vars)
ecs_value_t expr_result = {0};
if (!ecs_parse_expr(world, token, &expr_result, &expr_desc)) {
goto error;
if (ecs_ptr_to_str_buf(
world, expr_result.type, expr_result.ptr, &result))
goto error;
ecs_value_free(world, expr_result.type, expr_result.ptr);
ptr --;
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&result, ch);
return ecs_strbuf_get(&result);
return NULL;
void ecs_iter_to_vars(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_vars_t *vars,
int offset)
ecs_check(!offset || offset < it->count, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
/* Set variable for $this */
if (it->count) {
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(vars, "this");
if (!var) {
ecs_value_t v = {
.ptr = &it->entities[offset],
.type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t)
var = ecs_vars_declare_w_value(vars, "this", &v);
var->owned = false;
} else {
var->value.ptr = &it->entities[offset];
/* Set variables for fields */
int32_t i, field_count = it->field_count;
for (i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
ecs_size_t size = it->sizes[i];
if (!size) {
void *ptr = it->ptrs[i];
if (!ptr) {
ptr = ECS_OFFSET(ptr, offset * size);
char name[16];
ecs_os_sprintf(name, "%d", i + 1);
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(vars, name);
if (!var) {
ecs_value_t v = { .ptr = ptr, .type = it->ids[i] };
var = ecs_vars_declare_w_value(vars, name, &v);
var->owned = false;
} else {
ecs_check(var->value.type == it->ids[i],
var->value.ptr = ptr;
/* Set variables for query variables */
int32_t i, var_count = it->variable_count;
for (i = 1 /* skip this variable */ ; i < var_count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t *e_ptr = NULL;
ecs_var_t *query_var = &it->variables[i];
if (query_var->entity) {
e_ptr = &query_var->entity;
} else {
ecs_table_range_t *range = &query_var->range;
if (range->count == 1) {
ecs_entity_t *entities = range->table->data.entities.array;
e_ptr = &entities[range->offset];
if (!e_ptr) {
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vars_lookup(vars, it->variable_names[i]);
if (!var) {
ecs_value_t v = { .ptr = e_ptr, .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) };
var = ecs_vars_declare_w_value(vars, it->variable_names[i], &v);
var->owned = false;
} else {
ecs_check(var->value.type == ecs_id(ecs_entity_t),
var->value.ptr = e_ptr;
* @file expr/vars.c
* @brief Utilities for variable substitution in flecs string expressions.
void flecs_expr_var_scope_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_expr_var_scope_t *scope,
ecs_expr_var_scope_t *parent)
flecs_name_index_init(&scope->var_index, &world->allocator);
ecs_vec_init_t(&world->allocator, &scope->vars, ecs_expr_var_t, 0);
scope->parent = parent;
void flecs_expr_var_scope_fini(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_expr_var_scope_t *scope)
ecs_vec_t *vars = &scope->vars;
int32_t i, count = vars->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vec_get_t(vars, ecs_expr_var_t, i);
if (var->owned) {
ecs_value_free(world, var->value.type, var->value.ptr);
flecs_strfree(&world->allocator, var->name);
ecs_vec_fini_t(&world->allocator, &scope->vars, ecs_expr_var_t);
void ecs_vars_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_vars_t *vars)
flecs_expr_var_scope_init(world, &vars->root, NULL);
vars->world = world;
vars->cur = &vars->root;
void ecs_vars_fini(
ecs_vars_t *vars)
ecs_expr_var_scope_t *cur = vars->cur, *next;
do {
next = cur->parent;
flecs_expr_var_scope_fini(vars->world, cur);
if (cur != &vars->root) {
flecs_free_t(&vars->world->allocator, ecs_expr_var_scope_t, cur);
} else {
} while ((cur = next));
void ecs_vars_push(
ecs_vars_t *vars)
ecs_expr_var_scope_t *scope = flecs_calloc_t(&vars->world->allocator,
flecs_expr_var_scope_init(vars->world, scope, vars->cur);
vars->cur = scope;
int ecs_vars_pop(
ecs_vars_t *vars)
ecs_expr_var_scope_t *scope = vars->cur;
ecs_check(scope != &vars->root, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
vars->cur = scope->parent;
flecs_expr_var_scope_fini(vars->world, scope);
flecs_free_t(&vars->world->allocator, ecs_expr_var_scope_t, scope);
return 0;
return 1;
ecs_expr_var_t* ecs_vars_declare(
ecs_vars_t *vars,
const char *name,
ecs_entity_t type)
ecs_assert(vars != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(name != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(type != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_expr_var_scope_t *scope = vars->cur;
ecs_hashmap_t *var_index = &scope->var_index;
if (flecs_name_index_find(var_index, name, 0, 0) != 0) {
ecs_err("variable %s redeclared", name);
goto error;
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vec_append_t(&vars->world->allocator,
&scope->vars, ecs_expr_var_t);
var->value.ptr = ecs_value_new(vars->world, type);
if (!var->value.ptr) {
goto error;
var->value.type = type;
var->name = flecs_strdup(&vars->world->allocator, name);
var->owned = true;
flecs_ito(uint64_t, ecs_vec_count(&scope->vars)), var->name, 0, 0);
return var;
return NULL;
ecs_expr_var_t* ecs_vars_declare_w_value(
ecs_vars_t *vars,
const char *name,
ecs_value_t *value)
ecs_assert(vars != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(name != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(value != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_expr_var_scope_t *scope = vars->cur;
ecs_hashmap_t *var_index = &scope->var_index;
if (flecs_name_index_find(var_index, name, 0, 0) != 0) {
ecs_err("variable %s redeclared", name);
ecs_value_free(vars->world, value->type, value->ptr);
goto error;
ecs_expr_var_t *var = ecs_vec_append_t(&vars->world->allocator,
&scope->vars, ecs_expr_var_t);
var->value = *value;
var->name = flecs_strdup(&vars->world->allocator, name);
var->owned = true;
value->ptr = NULL; /* Take ownership, prevent double free */
flecs_ito(uint64_t, ecs_vec_count(&scope->vars)), var->name, 0, 0);
return var;
return NULL;
ecs_expr_var_t* flecs_vars_scope_lookup(
ecs_expr_var_scope_t *scope,
const char *name)
uint64_t var_id = flecs_name_index_find(&scope->var_index, name, 0, 0);
if (var_id == 0) {
if (scope->parent) {
return flecs_vars_scope_lookup(scope->parent, name);
return NULL;
return ecs_vec_get_t(&scope->vars, ecs_expr_var_t,
flecs_uto(int32_t, var_id - 1));
ecs_expr_var_t* ecs_vars_lookup(
const ecs_vars_t *vars,
const char *name)
return flecs_vars_scope_lookup(vars->cur, name);
* @file json/deserialize.c
* @brief Deserialize JSON strings into (component) values.
#include <ctype.h>
const char* flecs_json_parse_path(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const char *json,
char *token,
ecs_entity_t *out,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonString, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
ecs_entity_t result = ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, token);
if (!result) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"unresolved identifier '%s'", token);
goto error;
*out = result;
return json;
return NULL;
const char* ecs_ptr_from_json(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
void *ptr,
const char *json,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_json_token_t token_kind = 0;
char token_buffer[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE], t_lah[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
char *token = token_buffer;
int depth = 0;
const char *name = NULL;
const char *expr = NULL;
ecs_meta_cursor_t cur = ecs_meta_cursor(world, type, ptr);
if (cur.valid == false) {
return NULL;
if (desc) {
name = desc->name;
expr = desc->expr;
cur.lookup_action = desc->lookup_action;
cur.lookup_ctx = desc->lookup_ctx;
while ((json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token))) {
if (token_kind == JsonLargeString) {
ecs_strbuf_t large_token = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
json = flecs_json_parse_large_string(json, &large_token);
if (!json) {
token = ecs_strbuf_get(&large_token);
token_kind = JsonString;
if (token_kind == JsonObjectOpen) {
depth ++;
if (ecs_meta_push(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
if (ecs_meta_is_collection(&cur)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, json - expr, "expected '['");
return NULL;
} else if (token_kind == JsonObjectClose) {
depth --;
if (ecs_meta_is_collection(&cur)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, json - expr, "expected ']'");
return NULL;
if (ecs_meta_pop(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind == JsonArrayOpen) {
depth ++;
if (ecs_meta_push(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
if (!ecs_meta_is_collection(&cur)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, json - expr, "expected '{'");
return NULL;
} else if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
depth --;
if (!ecs_meta_is_collection(&cur)) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, json - expr, "expected '}'");
return NULL;
if (ecs_meta_pop(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind == JsonComma) {
if (ecs_meta_next(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind == JsonNull) {
if (ecs_meta_set_null(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind == JsonString) {
const char *lah = flecs_json_parse(
json, &token_kind, t_lah);
if (token_kind == JsonColon) {
/* Member assignment */
json = lah;
if (ecs_meta_dotmember(&cur, token) != 0) {
goto error;
} else {
if (ecs_meta_set_string(&cur, token) != 0) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind == JsonNumber) {
double number = atof(token);
if (ecs_meta_set_float(&cur, number) != 0) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind == JsonLargeInt) {
int64_t number = flecs_ito(int64_t, atoll(token));
if (ecs_meta_set_int(&cur, number) != 0) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind == JsonNull) {
if (ecs_meta_set_null(&cur) != 0) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind == JsonTrue) {
if (ecs_meta_set_bool(&cur, true) != 0) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind == JsonFalse) {
if (ecs_meta_set_bool(&cur, false) != 0) {
goto error;
} else {
goto error;
if (token != token_buffer) {
token = token_buffer;
if (!depth) {
return json;
return NULL;
const char* ecs_entity_from_json(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e,
const char *json,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc_param)
ecs_json_token_t token_kind = 0;
char token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
ecs_from_json_desc_t desc = {0};
const char *name = NULL, *expr = json, *ids = NULL, *values = NULL, *lah;
if (desc_param) {
desc = *desc_param;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonObjectOpen, token, &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
lah = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (!lah) {
goto error;
if (token_kind == JsonObjectClose) {
return lah;
json = flecs_json_expect_member(json, token, &desc);
if (!json) {
return NULL;
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "path")) {
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonString, token, &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
ecs_add_fullpath(world, e, token);
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (!json) {
goto error;
if (token_kind == JsonObjectClose) {
return json;
} else if (token_kind != JsonComma) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, json - expr, "unexpected character");
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect_member_name(json, token, "ids", &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
} else if (ecs_os_strcmp(token, "ids")) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, json - expr, "expected member 'ids'");
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonArrayOpen, token, &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
ids = json;
json = flecs_json_skip_array(json, token, &desc);
if (!json) {
return NULL;
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (token_kind != JsonObjectClose) {
if (token_kind != JsonComma) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, json - expr, "expected ','");
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect_member_name(json, token, "values", &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonArrayOpen, token, &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
values = json;
do {
ecs_entity_t first = 0, second = 0, type_id = 0;
ecs_id_t id;
ids = flecs_json_parse(ids, &token_kind, token);
if (!ids) {
goto error;
if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
if (values) {
if (values[0] != ']') {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, values - expr, "expected ']'");
goto error;
json = ecs_parse_ws_eol(values + 1);
} else {
json = ids;
} else if (token_kind == JsonArrayOpen) {
ids = flecs_json_parse_path(world, ids, token, &first, &desc);
if (!ids) {
goto error;
ids = flecs_json_parse(ids, &token_kind, token);
if (!ids) {
goto error;
if (token_kind == JsonComma) {
/* Id is a pair*/
ids = flecs_json_parse_path(world, ids, token, &second, &desc);
if (!ids) {
goto error;
ids = flecs_json_expect(ids, JsonArrayClose, token, &desc);
if (!ids) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind != JsonArrayClose) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ids - expr, "expected ',' or ']'");
goto error;
lah = flecs_json_parse(ids, &token_kind, token);
if (!lah) {
goto error;
if (token_kind == JsonComma) {
ids = lah;
} else if (token_kind != JsonArrayClose) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, lah - expr, "expected ',' or ']'");
goto error;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, lah - expr, "expected '[' or ']'");
goto error;
if (second) {
id = ecs_pair(first, second);
type_id = ecs_get_typeid(world, id);
if (!type_id) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, ids - expr, "id is not a type");
goto error;
} else {
id = first;
type_id = first;
/* Get mutable pointer */
void *comp_ptr = ecs_get_mut_id(world, e, id);
if (!comp_ptr) {
char *idstr = ecs_id_str(world, id);
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, json - expr,
"id '%s' is not a valid component", idstr);
goto error;
if (values) {
ecs_from_json_desc_t parse_desc = {
.name = name,
.expr = expr,
values = ecs_ptr_from_json(
world, type_id, comp_ptr, values, &parse_desc);
if (!values) {
goto error;
lah = flecs_json_parse(values, &token_kind, token);
if (!lah) {
goto error;
if (token_kind == JsonComma) {
values = lah;
} else if (token_kind != JsonArrayClose) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, json - expr,
"expected ',' or ']'");
goto error;
} else {
values = ecs_parse_ws_eol(values);
ecs_modified_id(world, e, id);
} while(ids[0]);
return flecs_json_expect(json, JsonObjectClose, token, &desc);
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t flecs_json_new_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t ser_id)
/* Try to honor low id requirements */
if (ser_id < FLECS_HI_COMPONENT_ID) {
return ecs_new_low_id(world);
} else {
return ecs_new_id(world);
ecs_entity_t flecs_json_lookup(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t parent,
const char *name,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_entity_t scope = 0;
if (parent) {
scope = ecs_set_scope(world, parent);
ecs_entity_t result = desc->lookup_action(world, name, desc->lookup_ctx);
if (parent) {
ecs_set_scope(world, scope);
return result;
void flecs_json_mark_reserved(
ecs_map_t *anonymous_ids,
ecs_entity_t e)
ecs_entity_t *reserved = ecs_map_ensure(anonymous_ids, e);
ecs_assert(reserved[0] == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
reserved[0] = 0;
bool flecs_json_name_is_anonymous(
const char *name)
if (isdigit(name[0])) {
const char *ptr;
for (ptr = name + 1; *ptr; ptr ++) {
if (!isdigit(*ptr)) {
if (!(*ptr)) {
return true;
return false;
ecs_entity_t flecs_json_ensure_entity(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *name,
ecs_map_t *anonymous_ids)
ecs_entity_t e = 0;
if (flecs_json_name_is_anonymous(name)) {
/* Anonymous entity, find or create mapping to new id */
ecs_entity_t ser_id = flecs_ito(ecs_entity_t, atoll(name));
ecs_entity_t *deser_id = ecs_map_get(anonymous_ids, ser_id);
if (deser_id) {
if (!deser_id[0]) {
/* Id is already issued by deserializer, create new id */
deser_id[0] = flecs_json_new_id(world, ser_id);
/* Mark new id as reserved */
flecs_json_mark_reserved(anonymous_ids, deser_id[0]);
} else {
/* Id mapping exists */
} else {
/* Id has not yet been issued by deserializer, which means it's safe
* to use. This allows the deserializer to bind to existing
* anonymous ids, as they will never be reissued. */
deser_id = ecs_map_ensure(anonymous_ids, ser_id);
if (!ecs_exists(world, ser_id) || ecs_is_alive(world, ser_id)) {
/* Only use existing id if it's alive or doesn't exist yet. The
* id could have been recycled for another entity */
deser_id[0] = ser_id;
ecs_ensure(world, ser_id);
} else {
/* If id exists and is not alive, create a new id */
deser_id[0] = flecs_json_new_id(world, ser_id);
/* Mark new id as reserved */
flecs_json_mark_reserved(anonymous_ids, deser_id[0]);
e = deser_id[0];
} else {
e = ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(world, 0, name, ".", NULL, false);
if (!e) {
e = ecs_entity(world, { .name = name });
flecs_json_mark_reserved(anonymous_ids, e);
return e;
ecs_table_t* flecs_json_parse_table(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *json,
char *token,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_json_token_t token_kind = 0;
ecs_table_t *table = NULL;
do {
ecs_id_t id = 0;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonArrayOpen, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonString, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
ecs_entity_t first = flecs_json_lookup(world, 0, token, desc);
if (!first) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (token_kind == JsonComma) {
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonString, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
ecs_entity_t second = flecs_json_lookup(world, 0, token, desc);
if (!second) {
goto error;
id = ecs_pair(first, second);
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonArrayClose, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
} else if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
id = first;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected ',' or ']");
goto error;
table = ecs_table_add_id(world, table, id);
if (!table) {
goto error;
const char *lah = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (token_kind == JsonComma) {
json = lah;
} else if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
} else {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected ',' or ']'");
goto error;
} while (json[0]);
return table;
return NULL;
int flecs_json_parse_entities(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_entity_t parent,
const char *json,
char *token,
ecs_vec_t *records,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
char name_token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
ecs_json_token_t token_kind = 0;
do {
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, name_token);
if (!json) {
goto error;
if ((token_kind != JsonNumber) && (token_kind != JsonString)) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected number or string");
goto error;
ecs_entity_t e = flecs_json_lookup(world, parent, name_token, desc);
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_try(world, e);
ecs_assert(r != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (r->table != table) {
bool cleared = false;
if (r->table) {
ecs_commit(world, e, r, r->table, NULL, &r->table->type);
cleared = true;
ecs_commit(world, e, r, table, &table->type, NULL);
if (cleared) {
char *entity_name = strrchr(name_token, '.');
if (entity_name) {
entity_name ++;
} else {
entity_name = name_token;
if (!flecs_json_name_is_anonymous(entity_name)) {
ecs_set_name(world, e, entity_name);
ecs_assert(table == r->table, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_record_t** elem = ecs_vec_append_t(a, records, ecs_record_t*);
*elem = r;
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
} else if (token_kind != JsonComma) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected ',' or ']'");
goto error;
} while(json[0]);
return 0;
return -1;
const char* flecs_json_parse_column(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t index,
const char *json,
char *token,
ecs_vec_t *records,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
if (!table->column_count) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"table has no components");
goto error;
if (index >= table->type.count) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"more value arrays than component columns in table");
goto error;
int32_t data_column = table->column_map[index];
if (data_column == -1) {
char *table_str = ecs_table_str(world, table);
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"values provided for tag at column %d of table [%s]",
index, table_str);
goto error;
ecs_json_token_t token_kind = 0;
ecs_column_t *column = &table->data.columns[data_column];
ecs_type_info_t *ti = column->ti;
ecs_size_t size = ti->size;
ecs_entity_t type = ti->component;
ecs_record_t **record_array = ecs_vec_first_t(records, ecs_record_t*);
int32_t entity = 0;
do {
ecs_record_t *r = record_array[entity];
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
void *ptr = ecs_vec_get(&column->data, size, row);
ecs_assert(ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
json = ecs_ptr_from_json(world, type, ptr, json, desc);
if (!json) {
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
} else if (token_kind != JsonComma) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected ',' or ']'");
entity ++;
} while (json[0]);
return json;
return NULL;
const char* flecs_json_parse_values(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
const char *json,
char *token,
ecs_vec_t *records,
ecs_vec_t *columns_set,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_json_token_t token_kind = 0;
int32_t column = 0;
do {
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (!json) {
goto error;
if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
} else if (token_kind == JsonArrayOpen) {
json = flecs_json_parse_column(world, table, column,
json, token, records, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
ecs_id_t *id_set = ecs_vec_append_t(a, columns_set, ecs_id_t);
*id_set = table->type.array[column];
column ++;
} else if (token_kind == JsonNumber) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "0")) {
column ++; /* no data */
} else {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"unexpected number");
goto error;
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
} else if (token_kind != JsonComma) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected ',' or ']'");
goto error;
} while (json[0]);
/* Send OnSet notifications */
ecs_type_t type = {
.array = columns_set->array,
.count = columns_set->count };
int32_t table_count = ecs_table_count(table);
int32_t i, record_count = ecs_vec_count(records);
/* If the entire table was inserted, send bulk notification */
if (table_count == ecs_vec_count(records)) {
flecs_notify_on_set(world, table, 0, ecs_table_count(table), &type, true);
} else {
ecs_record_t **rvec = ecs_vec_first_t(records, ecs_record_t*);
for (i = 0; i < record_count; i ++) {
ecs_record_t *r = rvec[i];
int32_t row = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row);
flecs_notify_on_set(world, table, row, 1, &type, true);
return json;
return NULL;
const char* flecs_json_parse_result(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *a,
const char *json,
char *token,
ecs_vec_t *records,
ecs_vec_t *columns_set,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_json_token_t token_kind = 0;
const char *ids = NULL, *values = NULL, *entities = NULL;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonObjectOpen, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect_member_name(json, token, "ids", desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonArrayOpen, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
ids = json; /* store start of ids array */
json = flecs_json_skip_array(json, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonComma, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect_member(json, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
ecs_entity_t parent = 0;
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(token, "parent")) {
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonString, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
parent = ecs_lookup_fullpath(world, token);
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonComma, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect_member(json, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
if (ecs_os_strcmp(token, "entities")) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected 'entities'");
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonArrayOpen, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
entities = json; /* store start of entity id array */
json = flecs_json_skip_array(json, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (token_kind == JsonComma) {
json = flecs_json_expect_member_name(json, token, "values", desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonArrayOpen, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
values = json; /* store start of entities array */
} else if (token_kind != JsonObjectClose) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected ',' or '}'");
goto error;
/* Find table from ids */
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_json_parse_table(world, ids, token, desc);
if (!table) {
goto error;
/* Add entities to table */
if (flecs_json_parse_entities(world, a, table, parent,
entities, token, records, desc))
goto error;
/* Parse values */
if (values) {
json = flecs_json_parse_values(world, table, values, token,
records, columns_set, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonObjectClose, token, desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
return json;
return NULL;
const char* ecs_world_from_json(
ecs_world_t *world,
const char *json,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc_arg)
ecs_json_token_t token_kind;
char token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
ecs_from_json_desc_t desc = {0};
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_vec_t records;
ecs_vec_t columns_set;
ecs_map_t anonymous_ids;
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &records, ecs_record_t*, 0);
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &columns_set, ecs_id_t, 0);
ecs_map_init(&anonymous_ids, a);
const char *name = NULL, *expr = json, *lah;
if (desc_arg) {
desc = *desc_arg;
if (!desc.lookup_action) {
desc.lookup_action = (ecs_entity_t(*)(
const ecs_world_t*, const char*, void*))flecs_json_ensure_entity;
desc.lookup_ctx = &anonymous_ids;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonObjectOpen, token, &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect_member_name(json, token, "results", &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonArrayOpen, token, &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
lah = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
json = lah;
goto end;
do {
json = flecs_json_parse_result(world, a, json, token,
&records, &columns_set, &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token);
if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
} else if (token_kind != JsonComma) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, json - expr,
"expected ',' or ']'");
goto error;
} while(json && json[0]);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &records, ecs_record_t*);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &columns_set, ecs_id_t);
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonObjectClose, token, &desc);
if (!json) {
goto error;
return json;
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &records, ecs_record_t*);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &columns_set, ecs_id_t);
return NULL;
* @file json/json.c
* @brief JSON serializer utilities.
#include <ctype.h>
const char* flecs_json_token_str(
ecs_json_token_t token_kind)
switch(token_kind) {
case JsonObjectOpen: return "{";
case JsonObjectClose: return "}";
case JsonArrayOpen: return "[";
case JsonArrayClose: return "]";
case JsonColon: return ":";
case JsonComma: return ",";
case JsonNumber: return "number";
case JsonLargeInt: return "large integer";
case JsonLargeString:
case JsonString: return "string";
case JsonTrue: return "true";
case JsonFalse: return "false";
case JsonNull: return "null";
case JsonInvalid: return "invalid";
return "<<invalid token kind>>";
const char* flecs_json_parse(
const char *json,
ecs_json_token_t *token_kind,
char *token)
json = ecs_parse_ws_eol(json);
char ch = json[0];
if (ch == '{') {
token_kind[0] = JsonObjectOpen;
return json + 1;
} else if (ch == '}') {
token_kind[0] = JsonObjectClose;
return json + 1;
} else if (ch == '[') {
token_kind[0] = JsonArrayOpen;
return json + 1;
} else if (ch == ']') {
token_kind[0] = JsonArrayClose;
return json + 1;
} else if (ch == ':') {
token_kind[0] = JsonColon;
return json + 1;
} else if (ch == ',') {
token_kind[0] = JsonComma;
return json + 1;
} else if (ch == '"') {
const char *start = json;
char *token_ptr = token;
json ++;
for (; (ch = json[0]); ) {
if (ch == '"') {
json ++;
token_ptr[0] = '\0';
if (token_ptr - token >= ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) {
/* Token doesn't fit in buffer, signal to app to try again with
* dynamic buffer. */
token_kind[0] = JsonLargeString;
return start;
json = ecs_chrparse(json, token_ptr ++);
if (!ch) {
token_kind[0] = JsonInvalid;
return NULL;
} else {
token_kind[0] = JsonString;
return json;
} else if (isdigit(ch) || (ch == '-')) {
token_kind[0] = JsonNumber;
const char *result = ecs_parse_digit(json, token);
/* Cheap initial check if parsed token could represent large int */
if (result - json > 15) {
/* Less cheap secondary check to see if number is integer */
if (!strchr(token, '.')) {
token_kind[0] = JsonLargeInt;
return result;
} else if (isalpha(ch)) {
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(json, "null", 4)) {
token_kind[0] = JsonNull;
json += 4;
} else
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(json, "true", 4)) {
token_kind[0] = JsonTrue;
json += 4;
} else
if (!ecs_os_strncmp(json, "false", 5)) {
token_kind[0] = JsonFalse;
json += 5;
if (isalpha(json[0]) || isdigit(json[0])) {
token_kind[0] = JsonInvalid;
return NULL;
return json;
} else {
token_kind[0] = JsonInvalid;
return NULL;
const char* flecs_json_parse_large_string(
const char *json,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
if (json[0] != '"') {
return NULL; /* can only parse strings */
char ch, ch_out;
json ++;
for (; (ch = json[0]); ) {
if (ch == '"') {
json ++;
json = ecs_chrparse(json, &ch_out);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ch_out);
if (!ch) {
return NULL;
} else {
return json;
const char* flecs_json_expect(
const char *json,
ecs_json_token_t token_kind,
char *token,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_json_token_t kind = 0;
json = flecs_json_parse(json, &kind, token);
if (kind == JsonInvalid) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr, "invalid json");
return NULL;
} else if (kind != token_kind) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr, "expected %s",
return NULL;
return json;
const char* flecs_json_expect_member(
const char *json,
char *token,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonString, token, desc);
if (!json) {
return NULL;
json = flecs_json_expect(json, JsonColon, token, desc);
if (!json) {
return NULL;
return json;
const char* flecs_json_expect_member_name(
const char *json,
char *token,
const char *member_name,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
json = flecs_json_expect_member(json, token, desc);
if (!json) {
return NULL;
if (ecs_os_strcmp(token, member_name)) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected member '%s'", member_name);
return NULL;
return json;
const char* flecs_json_skip_object(
const char *json,
char *token,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_json_token_t token_kind = 0;
while ((json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token))) {
if (token_kind == JsonObjectOpen) {
json = flecs_json_skip_object(json, token, desc);
} else if (token_kind == JsonArrayOpen) {
json = flecs_json_skip_array(json, token, desc);
} else if (token_kind == JsonObjectClose) {
return json;
} else if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected }");
return NULL;
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr, "expected }");
return NULL;
const char* flecs_json_skip_array(
const char *json,
char *token,
const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_json_token_t token_kind = 0;
while ((json = flecs_json_parse(json, &token_kind, token))) {
if (token_kind == JsonObjectOpen) {
json = flecs_json_skip_object(json, token, desc);
} else if (token_kind == JsonArrayOpen) {
json = flecs_json_skip_array(json, token, desc);
} else if (token_kind == JsonObjectClose) {
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr,
"expected ]");
return NULL;
} else if (token_kind == JsonArrayClose) {
return json;
ecs_parser_error(desc->name, desc->expr, json - desc->expr, "expected ]");
return NULL;
void flecs_json_next(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
void flecs_json_number(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
double value)
ecs_strbuf_appendflt(buf, value, '"');
void flecs_json_true(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "true");
void flecs_json_false(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "false");
void flecs_json_bool(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
bool value)
if (value) {
} else {
void flecs_json_array_push(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_strbuf_list_push(buf, "[", ", ");
void flecs_json_array_pop(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(buf, "]");
void flecs_json_object_push(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_strbuf_list_push(buf, "{", ", ");
void flecs_json_object_pop(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(buf, "}");
void flecs_json_string(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const char *value)
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, value);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
void flecs_json_string_escape(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const char *value)
ecs_size_t length = ecs_stresc(NULL, 0, '"', value);
if (length == ecs_os_strlen(value)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(buf, value, length);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
} else {
char *out = ecs_os_malloc(length + 3);
ecs_stresc(out + 1, length, '"', value);
out[0] = '"';
out[length + 1] = '"';
out[length + 2] = '\0';
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, out);
void flecs_json_member(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const char *name)
flecs_json_membern(buf, name, ecs_os_strlen(name));
void flecs_json_membern(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const char *name,
int32_t name_len)
ecs_strbuf_list_appendch(buf, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendstrn(buf, name, name_len);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "\":");
void flecs_json_path(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e)
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, e, ".", "", buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
const char* flecs_json_entity_label(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e)
const char *lbl = NULL;
if (!e) {
return "0";
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
lbl = ecs_doc_get_name(world, e);
lbl = ecs_get_name(world, e);
return lbl;
void flecs_json_label(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e)
const char *lbl = flecs_json_entity_label(world, e);
if (lbl) {
flecs_json_string_escape(buf, lbl);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
void flecs_json_color(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t e)
const char *color = NULL;
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
color = ecs_doc_get_color(world, e);
if (color) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, color);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
void flecs_json_id(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '[');
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
ecs_entity_t first = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
ecs_entity_t second = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, first, ".", "", buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ',');
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, second, ".", "", buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK, ".", "", buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ']');
void flecs_json_id_member(
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id)
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '(');
ecs_entity_t first = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
ecs_entity_t second = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
const char *lbl = flecs_json_entity_label(world, first);
if (lbl) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, lbl);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ',');
const char *lbl = flecs_json_entity_label(world, second);
if (lbl) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, lbl);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ')');
} else {
const char *lbl = flecs_json_entity_label(world, id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK);
if (lbl) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, lbl);
ecs_primitive_kind_t flecs_json_op_to_primitive_kind(
ecs_meta_type_op_kind_t kind)
return kind - EcsOpPrimitive;
* @file json/serialize.c
* @brief Serialize (component) values to JSON strings.
int json_ser_type_ops(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops,
int32_t op_count,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
int32_t in_array);
int json_ser_type_op(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str);
/* Serialize enumeration */
int json_ser_enum(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const EcsEnum *enum_type = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsEnum);
ecs_check(enum_type != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
int32_t value = *(const int32_t*)base;
/* Enumeration constants are stored in a map that is keyed on the
* enumeration value. */
ecs_enum_constant_t *constant = ecs_map_get_deref(&enum_type->constants,
ecs_enum_constant_t, (ecs_map_key_t)value);
if (!constant) {
/* If the value is not found, it is not a valid enumeration constant */
char *name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, op->type);
ecs_err("enumeration value '%d' of type '%s' is not a valid constant",
value, name);
goto error;
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '"');
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(str, ecs_get_name(world, constant->constant));
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '"');
return 0;
return -1;
/* Serialize bitmask */
int json_ser_bitmask(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *ptr,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const EcsBitmask *bitmask_type = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsBitmask);
ecs_check(bitmask_type != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
uint32_t value = *(const uint32_t*)ptr;
if (!value) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '0');
return 0;
ecs_strbuf_list_push(str, "\"", "|");
/* Multiple flags can be set at a given time. Iterate through all the flags
* and append the ones that are set. */
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&bitmask_type->constants);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_bitmask_constant_t *constant = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
ecs_map_key_t key = ecs_map_key(&it);
if ((value & key) == key) {
ecs_get_name(world, constant->constant));
value -= (uint32_t)key;
if (value != 0) {
/* All bits must have been matched by a constant */
char *name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, op->type);
ecs_err("bitmask value '%u' of type '%s' contains invalid/unknown bits",
value, name);
goto error;
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(str, "\"");
return 0;
return -1;
/* Serialize elements of a contiguous array */
int json_ser_elements(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops,
int32_t op_count,
const void *base,
int32_t elem_count,
int32_t elem_size,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
bool is_array)
const void *ptr = base;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < elem_count; i ++) {
if (json_ser_type_ops(world, ops, op_count, ptr, str, is_array)) {
return -1;
ptr = ECS_OFFSET(ptr, elem_size);
return 0;
int json_ser_type_elements(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void *base,
int32_t elem_count,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
bool is_array)
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser = ecs_get(
world, type, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
ecs_assert(ser != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
const EcsComponent *comp = ecs_get(world, type, EcsComponent);
ecs_assert(comp != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops = ecs_vec_first_t(&ser->ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t);
int32_t op_count = ecs_vec_count(&ser->ops);
return json_ser_elements(
world, ops, op_count, base, elem_count, comp->size, str, is_array);
/* Serialize array */
int json_ser_array(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *ptr,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const EcsArray *a = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsArray);
ecs_assert(a != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return json_ser_type_elements(
world, a->type, ptr, a->count, str, true);
/* Serialize vector */
int json_ser_vector(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const ecs_vec_t *value = base;
const EcsVector *v = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsVector);
ecs_assert(v != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(value);
void *array = ecs_vec_first(value);
/* Serialize contiguous buffer of vector */
return json_ser_type_elements(world, v->type, array, count, str, false);
typedef struct json_serializer_ctx_t {
ecs_strbuf_t *str;
bool is_collection;
bool is_struct;
} json_serializer_ctx_t;
int json_ser_custom_value(
const ecs_serializer_t *ser,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void *value)
json_serializer_ctx_t *json_ser = ser->ctx;
if (json_ser->is_collection) {
return ecs_ptr_to_json_buf(ser->world, type, value, json_ser->str);
int json_ser_custom_member(
const ecs_serializer_t *ser,
const char *name)
json_serializer_ctx_t *json_ser = ser->ctx;
if (!json_ser->is_struct) {
ecs_err("serializer::member can only be called for structs");
return -1;
flecs_json_member(json_ser->str, name);
return 0;
int json_ser_custom_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const EcsOpaque *ct = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
ecs_assert(ct->as_type != 0, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_assert(ct->serialize != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION,
ecs_get_name(world, op->type));
const EcsMetaType *pt = ecs_get(world, ct->as_type, EcsMetaType);
ecs_type_kind_t kind = pt->kind;
bool is_collection = false;
bool is_struct = false;
if (kind == EcsStructType) {
is_struct = true;
} else if (kind == EcsArrayType || kind == EcsVectorType) {
is_collection = true;
json_serializer_ctx_t json_ser = {
.str = str,
.is_struct = is_struct,
.is_collection = is_collection
ecs_serializer_t ser = {
.world = world,
.value = json_ser_custom_value,
.member = json_ser_custom_member,
.ctx = &json_ser
if (ct->serialize(&ser, base)) {
return -1;
if (kind == EcsStructType) {
} else if (kind == EcsArrayType || kind == EcsVectorType) {
return 0;
/* Forward serialization to the different type kinds */
int json_ser_type_op(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const void *ptr,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
void *vptr = ECS_OFFSET(ptr, op->offset);
bool large_int = false;
if (op->kind == EcsOpI64) {
if (*(int64_t*)vptr >= 2147483648) {
large_int = true;
} else if (op->kind == EcsOpU64) {
if (*(uint64_t*)vptr >= 2147483648) {
large_int = true;
if (large_int) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '"');
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
/* Should not be parsed as single op */
case EcsOpF32:
(ecs_f64_t)*(const ecs_f32_t*)vptr, '"');
case EcsOpF64:
*(ecs_f64_t*)vptr, '"');
case EcsOpEnum:
if (json_ser_enum(world, op, vptr, str)) {
goto error;
case EcsOpBitmask:
if (json_ser_bitmask(world, op, vptr, str)) {
goto error;
case EcsOpArray:
if (json_ser_array(world, op, vptr, str)) {
goto error;
case EcsOpVector:
if (json_ser_vector(world, op, vptr, str)) {
goto error;
case EcsOpOpaque:
if (json_ser_custom_type(world, op, vptr, str)) {
goto error;
case EcsOpEntity: {
ecs_entity_t e = *(const ecs_entity_t*)vptr;
if (!e) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '0');
} else {
flecs_json_path(str, world, e);
case EcsOpId: {
ecs_id_t id = *(const ecs_id_t*)vptr;
if (!id) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '0');
} else {
flecs_json_id(str, world, id);
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpString:
if (ecs_primitive_to_expr_buf(world,
ECS_OFFSET(ptr, op->offset), str))
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpScope:
if (large_int) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(str, '"');
return 0;
return -1;
/* Iterate over a slice of the type ops array */
int json_ser_type_ops(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops,
int32_t op_count,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
int32_t in_array)
for (int i = 0; i < op_count; i ++) {
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = &ops[i];
if (in_array <= 0) {
if (op->name) {
flecs_json_member(str, op->name);
int32_t elem_count = op->count;
if (elem_count > 1) {
/* Serialize inline array */
if (json_ser_elements(world, op, op->op_count, base,
elem_count, op->size, str, true))
return -1;
i += op->op_count - 1;
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpPush:
in_array --;
case EcsOpPop:
in_array ++;
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId:
case EcsOpString:
case EcsOpOpaque:
if (json_ser_type_op(world, op, base, str)) {
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
/* Iterate over the type ops of a type */
int json_ser_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_vec_t *v_ops,
const void *base,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops = ecs_vec_first_t(v_ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t);
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(v_ops);
return json_ser_type_ops(world, ops, count, base, str, 0);
int array_to_json_buf_w_type_data(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const void *ptr,
int32_t count,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const EcsComponent *comp,
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser)
if (count) {
ecs_size_t size = comp->size;
do {
if (json_ser_type(world, &ser->ops, ptr, buf)) {
return -1;
ptr = ECS_OFFSET(ptr, size);
} while (-- count);
} else {
if (json_ser_type(world, &ser->ops, ptr, buf)) {
return -1;
return 0;
int ecs_array_to_json_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void *ptr,
int32_t count,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
const EcsComponent *comp = ecs_get(world, type, EcsComponent);
if (!comp) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_err("cannot serialize to JSON, '%s' is not a component", path);
return -1;
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser = ecs_get(
world, type, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
if (!ser) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_err("cannot serialize to JSON, '%s' has no reflection data", path);
return -1;
return array_to_json_buf_w_type_data(world, ptr, count, buf, comp, ser);
char* ecs_array_to_json(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void* ptr,
int32_t count)
ecs_strbuf_t str = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
if (ecs_array_to_json_buf(world, type, ptr, count, &str) != 0) {
return NULL;
return ecs_strbuf_get(&str);
int ecs_ptr_to_json_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void *ptr,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
return ecs_array_to_json_buf(world, type, ptr, 0, buf);
char* ecs_ptr_to_json(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
const void* ptr)
return ecs_array_to_json(world, type, ptr, 0);
bool flecs_json_skip_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
const ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t *desc,
ecs_entity_t ent,
ecs_entity_t inst,
ecs_entity_t *pred_out,
ecs_entity_t *obj_out,
ecs_entity_t *role_out,
bool *hidden_out)
bool is_base = ent != inst;
ecs_entity_t pred = 0, obj = 0, role = 0;
bool hidden = false;
if (ECS_HAS_ID_FLAG(id, PAIR)) {
pred = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
obj = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
} else {
if (id & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK) {
role = id & ECS_ID_FLAGS_MASK;
if (is_base) {
if (ecs_has_id(world, pred, EcsDontInherit)) {
return true;
if (!desc || !desc->serialize_private) {
if (ecs_has_id(world, pred, EcsPrivate)) {
return true;
if (is_base) {
if (ecs_get_target_for_id(world, inst, EcsIsA, id) != ent) {
hidden = true;
if (hidden && (!desc || !desc->serialize_hidden)) {
return true;
*pred_out = pred;
*obj_out = obj;
*role_out = role;
if (hidden_out) *hidden_out = hidden;
return false;
int flecs_json_append_type_labels(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_id_t *ids,
int32_t count,
ecs_entity_t ent,
ecs_entity_t inst,
const ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t *desc)
(void)world; (void)buf; (void)ids; (void)count; (void)ent; (void)inst;
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
if (!desc || !desc->serialize_id_labels) {
return 0;
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "id_labels");
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t pred = 0, obj = 0, role = 0;
if (flecs_json_skip_id(world, ids[i], desc, ent, inst, &pred, &obj, &role, 0)) {
if (obj && (pred == EcsUnion)) {
pred = obj;
obj = ecs_get_target(world, ent, pred, 0);
if (!ecs_is_alive(world, obj)) {
/* Union relationships aren't automatically cleaned up, so they
* can contain invalid entity ids. Don't serialize value until
* relationship is valid again. */
if (desc && desc->serialize_id_labels) {
flecs_json_label(buf, world, pred);
if (obj) {
flecs_json_label(buf, world, obj);
return 0;
int flecs_json_append_type_values(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_id_t *ids,
int32_t count,
ecs_entity_t ent,
ecs_entity_t inst,
const ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t *desc)
if (!desc || !desc->serialize_values) {
return 0;
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "values");
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
bool hidden;
ecs_entity_t pred = 0, obj = 0, role = 0;
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
if (flecs_json_skip_id(world, id, desc, ent, inst, &pred, &obj, &role,
if (!hidden) {
bool serialized = false;
ecs_entity_t typeid = ecs_get_typeid(world, id);
if (typeid) {
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser = ecs_get(
world, typeid, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
if (ser) {
const void *ptr = ecs_get_id(world, ent, id);
ecs_assert(ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (json_ser_type(world, &ser->ops, ptr, buf) != 0) {
/* Entity contains invalid value */
return -1;
serialized = true;
if (!serialized) {
flecs_json_number(buf, 0);
} else {
if (!desc || desc->serialize_hidden) {
flecs_json_number(buf, 0);
return 0;
int flecs_json_append_type_info(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_id_t *ids,
int32_t count,
ecs_entity_t ent,
ecs_entity_t inst,
const ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t *desc)
if (!desc || !desc->serialize_type_info) {
return 0;
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "type_info");
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
bool hidden;
ecs_entity_t pred = 0, obj = 0, role = 0;
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
if (flecs_json_skip_id(world, id, desc, ent, inst, &pred, &obj, &role,
if (!hidden) {
ecs_entity_t typeid = ecs_get_typeid(world, id);
if (typeid) {
if (ecs_type_info_to_json_buf(world, typeid, buf) != 0) {
return -1;
} else {
flecs_json_number(buf, 0);
} else {
if (!desc || desc->serialize_hidden) {
flecs_json_number(buf, 0);
return 0;
int flecs_json_append_type_hidden(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_id_t *ids,
int32_t count,
ecs_entity_t ent,
ecs_entity_t inst,
const ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t *desc)
if (!desc || !desc->serialize_hidden) {
return 0;
if (ent == inst) {
return 0; /* if this is not a base, components are never hidden */
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "hidden");
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
bool hidden;
ecs_entity_t pred = 0, obj = 0, role = 0;
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
if (flecs_json_skip_id(world, id, desc, ent, inst, &pred, &obj, &role,
flecs_json_bool(buf, hidden);
return 0;
int flecs_json_append_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_entity_t ent,
ecs_entity_t inst,
const ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t *desc)
const ecs_id_t *ids = NULL;
int32_t i, count = 0;
const ecs_type_t *type = ecs_get_type(world, ent);
if (type) {
ids = type->array;
count = type->count;
if (!desc || desc->serialize_ids) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "ids");
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t pred = 0, obj = 0, role = 0;
if (flecs_json_skip_id(world, ids[i], desc, ent, inst, &pred, &obj, &role, 0)) {
if (obj && (pred == EcsUnion)) {
pred = obj;
obj = ecs_get_target(world, ent, pred, 0);
if (!ecs_is_alive(world, obj)) {
/* Union relationships aren't automatically cleaned up, so they
* can contain invalid entity ids. Don't serialize value until
* relationship is valid again. */
flecs_json_path(buf, world, pred);
if (obj || role) {
if (obj) {
flecs_json_path(buf, world, obj);
} else {
flecs_json_number(buf, 0);
if (role) {
flecs_json_string(buf, ecs_id_flag_str(role));
if (flecs_json_append_type_labels(world, buf, ids, count, ent, inst, desc)) {
return -1;
if (flecs_json_append_type_values(world, buf, ids, count, ent, inst, desc)) {
return -1;
if (flecs_json_append_type_info(world, buf, ids, count, ent, inst, desc)) {
return -1;
if (flecs_json_append_type_hidden(world, buf, ids, count, ent, inst, desc)) {
return -1;
return 0;
int flecs_json_append_base(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_entity_t ent,
ecs_entity_t inst,
const ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t *desc)
const ecs_type_t *type = ecs_get_type(world, ent);
ecs_id_t *ids = NULL;
int32_t i, count = 0;
if (type) {
ids = type->array;
count = type->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
if (ECS_HAS_RELATION(id, EcsIsA)) {
if (flecs_json_append_base(world, buf, ecs_pair_second(world, id), inst, desc))
return -1;
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "path");
flecs_json_path(buf, world, ent);
if (flecs_json_append_type(world, buf, ent, inst, desc)) {
return -1;
return 0;
int flecs_json_serialize_entity_alerts(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const EcsAlertsActive *alerts,
bool self)
ecs_assert(alerts != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&alerts->alerts);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_entity_t ai = ecs_map_value(&it);
char *alert_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, ai);
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "alert");
flecs_json_string(buf, alert_name);
ecs_entity_t severity_id = ecs_get_target(
world, ai, ecs_id(EcsAlert), 0);
const char *severity = ecs_get_name(world, severity_id);
const EcsAlertInstance *alert = ecs_get(
world, ai, EcsAlertInstance);
if (alert) {
if (alert->message) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "message");
flecs_json_string(buf, alert->message);
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "severity");
flecs_json_string(buf, severity);
if (!self) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, entity);
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "path");
flecs_json_string(buf, path);
return 0;
int flecs_json_serialize_children_alerts(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_filter_t f = ECS_FILTER_INIT;
ecs_filter(ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, world), {
.storage = &f,
.terms = {{ .id = ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, entity) }}
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_filter_iter(world, &f);
while (ecs_filter_next(&it)) {
EcsAlertsActive *alerts = ecs_table_get_id(
world, it.table, ecs_id(EcsAlertsActive), it.offset);
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < it.count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t child = it.entities[i];
if (alerts) {
if (flecs_json_serialize_entity_alerts(
world, buf, child, &alerts[i], false))
goto error;
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, it.entities[i]);
if (r->row & EcsEntityIsTraversable) {
if (flecs_json_serialize_children_alerts(
world, buf, child))
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
int flecs_json_serialize_alerts(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_entity_t entity)
if (!ecs_id(EcsAlertsActive)) {
return 0; /* Alert module not imported */
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "alerts");
const EcsAlertsActive *alerts = ecs_get(world, entity, EcsAlertsActive);
if (alerts) {
flecs_json_serialize_entity_alerts(world, buf, entity, alerts, true);
flecs_json_serialize_children_alerts(world, buf, entity);
return 0;
int flecs_json_serialize_refs_idr(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_id_record_t *idr)
char *id_str = ecs_id_str(world, ecs_pair_first(world, idr->id));
flecs_json_member(buf, id_str);
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (idr && flecs_table_cache_all_iter((ecs_table_cache_t*)idr, &it)) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
int32_t i, count = ecs_table_count(table);
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_first(&table->data.entities);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = entities[i];
flecs_json_path(buf, world, e);
return 0;
int flecs_json_serialize_refs(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_entity_t relationship)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(relationship, entity));
if (idr) {
if (relationship == EcsWildcard) {
ecs_id_record_t *cur = idr;
while ((cur = cur->second.next)) {
flecs_json_serialize_refs_idr(world, buf, cur);
} else {
flecs_json_serialize_refs_idr(world, buf, idr);
return 0;
int flecs_json_serialize_matches(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair_t(EcsPoly, EcsQuery));
if (idr) {
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (idr && flecs_table_cache_iter((ecs_table_cache_t*)idr, &it)) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
EcsPoly *queries = ecs_table_get_column(table, tr->column, 0);
int32_t i, count = ecs_table_count(table);
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_first(&table->data.entities);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_poly_t *q = queries[i].poly;
ecs_iter_t qit;
ecs_iter_poly(world, q, &qit, NULL);
if (!qit.variables) {
ecs_iter_set_var(&qit, 0, entity);
if (ecs_iter_is_true(&qit)) {
flecs_json_path(buf, world, entities[i]);
return 0;
int ecs_entity_to_json_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t *desc)
if (!entity || !ecs_is_valid(world, entity)) {
return -1;
if (!desc || desc->serialize_path) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "path");
flecs_json_path(buf, world, entity);
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
if (desc && desc->serialize_label) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "label");
const char *doc_name = ecs_doc_get_name(world, entity);
if (doc_name) {
flecs_json_string_escape(buf, doc_name);
} else {
char num_buf[20];
ecs_os_sprintf(num_buf, "%u", (uint32_t)entity);
flecs_json_string(buf, num_buf);
if (desc && desc->serialize_brief) {
const char *doc_brief = ecs_doc_get_brief(world, entity);
if (doc_brief) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "brief");
flecs_json_string_escape(buf, doc_brief);
if (desc && desc->serialize_link) {
const char *doc_link = ecs_doc_get_link(world, entity);
if (doc_link) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "link");
flecs_json_string_escape(buf, doc_link);
if (desc && desc->serialize_color) {
const char *doc_color = ecs_doc_get_color(world, entity);
if (doc_color) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "color");
flecs_json_string_escape(buf, doc_color);
const ecs_type_t *type = ecs_get_type(world, entity);
ecs_id_t *ids = NULL;
int32_t i, count = 0;
if (type) {
ids = type->array;
count = type->count;
if (!desc || desc->serialize_base) {
if (ecs_has_pair(world, entity, EcsIsA, EcsWildcard)) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "is_a");
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[i];
if (ECS_HAS_RELATION(id, EcsIsA)) {
if (flecs_json_append_base(
world, buf, ecs_pair_second(world, id), entity, desc))
return -1;
if (flecs_json_append_type(world, buf, entity, entity, desc)) {
goto error;
if (desc && desc->serialize_alerts) {
if (flecs_json_serialize_alerts(world, buf, entity)) {
goto error;
if (desc && desc->serialize_refs) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "refs");
if (flecs_json_serialize_refs(world, buf, entity, desc->serialize_refs)) {
goto error;
if (desc && desc->serialize_matches) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "matches");
if (flecs_json_serialize_matches(world, buf, entity)) {
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
char* ecs_entity_to_json(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const ecs_entity_to_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
if (ecs_entity_to_json_buf(world, entity, &buf, desc) != 0) {
return NULL;
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
bool flecs_json_skip_variable(
const char *name)
if (!name || name[0] == '_' || !ecs_os_strcmp(name, "this")) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void flecs_json_serialize_id(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
flecs_json_id(buf, world, id);
void flecs_json_serialize_id_label(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_entity_t pred = id, obj = 0;
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
pred = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
obj = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
flecs_json_label(buf, world, pred);
if (obj) {
flecs_json_label(buf, world, obj);
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_ids(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
int32_t field_count = it->field_count;
if (!field_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "ids");
for (int i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
flecs_json_serialize_id(world, it->terms[i].id, buf);
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_id_labels(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
int32_t field_count = it->field_count;
if (!field_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "id_labels");
for (int i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
flecs_json_serialize_id_label(world, it->terms[i].id, buf);
void flecs_json_serialize_id_str(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
ecs_entity_t first = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
ecs_entity_t second = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '(');
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, first, ".", "", buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ',');
ecs_get_path_w_sep_buf(world, 0, second, ".", "", buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ')');
} else {
world, 0, id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK, ".", "", buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '"');
void flecs_json_serialize_type_info(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
int32_t field_count = it->field_count;
if (!field_count) {
if (it->flags & EcsIterNoData) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "type_info");
for (int i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t typeid = 0;
if (it->terms[i].inout != EcsInOutNone) {
typeid = ecs_get_typeid(world, it->terms[i].id);
if (typeid) {
flecs_json_serialize_id_str(world, typeid, buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ':');
ecs_type_info_to_json_buf(world, typeid, buf);
} else {
flecs_json_serialize_id_str(world, it->terms[i].id, buf);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ":0");
void flecs_json_serialize_field_info(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_json_ser_ctx_t *ctx)
int32_t field_count = it->field_count;
if (!field_count || !it->query) {
const ecs_filter_t *q = it->query;
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "field_info");
int f, t;
for (f = 0; f < field_count; f ++) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "id");
flecs_json_serialize_get_field_ctx(world, it, f, ctx);
ecs_json_value_ser_ctx_t *value_ctx = &ctx->value_ctx[f];
if (value_ctx->id_label) {
flecs_json_string(buf, value_ctx->id_label);
const ecs_term_t *term = NULL;
for (t = 0; t < q->term_count; t ++) {
if (q->terms[t].field_index == f) {
term = &q->terms[t];
ecs_assert(term != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (term->oper != EcsNot) {
if (term->oper == EcsOptional) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "optional");
flecs_json_bool(buf, true);
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(term->id)) {
if (term->first.flags & EcsIsEntity && term->first.id) {
if (ecs_has_id(world, term->first.id, EcsExclusive)) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "exclusive");
flecs_json_bool(buf, true);
if (value_ctx->type) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "type");
flecs_json_label(buf, world, value_ctx->type);
if (value_ctx->ser) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "schema");
ecs_type_info_to_json_buf(world, value_ctx->type, buf);
} else {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "not");
flecs_json_bool(buf, true);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "0");
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_variables(ecs_iter_t *it, ecs_strbuf_t *buf) {
char **variable_names = it->variable_names;
int32_t var_count = it->variable_count;
int32_t actual_count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < var_count; i ++) {
const char *var_name = variable_names[i];
if (flecs_json_skip_variable(var_name)) continue;
if (!actual_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "vars");
actual_count ++;
flecs_json_string(buf, var_name);
if (actual_count) {
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_ids(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "ids");
for (int i = 0; i < it->field_count; i ++) {
flecs_json_serialize_id(world, ecs_field_id(it, i + 1), buf);
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_id_labels(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "id_labels");
for (int i = 0; i < it->field_count; i ++) {
flecs_json_serialize_id_label(world, ecs_field_id(it, i + 1), buf);
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_table_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc)
if (!it->table) {
if (desc->serialize_ids) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "ids");
ecs_type_t *type = &it->table->type;
for (int i = 0; i < type->count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = type->array[i];
if (!desc->serialize_private) {
ecs_entity_t e = id;
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
e = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
if (ecs_owns_id(world, e, EcsPrivate)) {
flecs_json_serialize_id(world, id, buf);
if (desc->serialize_id_labels) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "id_labels");
ecs_type_t *type = &it->table->type;
for (int i = 0; i < type->count; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = type->array[i];
if (!desc->serialize_private) {
ecs_entity_t e = id;
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
e = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
if (ecs_owns_id(world, e, EcsPrivate)) {
flecs_json_serialize_id_label(world, id, buf);
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_sources(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "sources");
for (int i = 0; i < it->field_count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t subj = it->sources[i];
if (subj) {
flecs_json_path(buf, world, subj);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
bool flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_is_set(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
if (!(it->flags & EcsIterHasCondSet)) {
return false;
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "is_set");
for (int i = 0; i < it->field_count; i ++) {
if (ecs_field_is_set(it, i + 1)) {
} else {
return true;
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_variables(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
char **variable_names = it->variable_names;
ecs_var_t *variables = it->variables;
int32_t var_count = it->variable_count;
int32_t actual_count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < var_count; i ++) {
const char *var_name = variable_names[i];
if (flecs_json_skip_variable(var_name)) continue;
if (!actual_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "vars");
actual_count ++;
flecs_json_path(buf, world, variables[i].entity);
if (actual_count) {
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_variable_labels(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
char **variable_names = it->variable_names;
ecs_var_t *variables = it->variables;
int32_t var_count = it->variable_count;
int32_t actual_count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < var_count; i ++) {
const char *var_name = variable_names[i];
if (flecs_json_skip_variable(var_name)) continue;
if (!actual_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "var_labels");
actual_count ++;
flecs_json_label(buf, world, variables[i].entity);
if (actual_count) {
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_variable_ids(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
char **variable_names = it->variable_names;
ecs_var_t *variables = it->variables;
int32_t var_count = it->variable_count;
int32_t actual_count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < var_count; i ++) {
const char *var_name = variable_names[i];
if (flecs_json_skip_variable(var_name)) continue;
if (!actual_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "var_ids");
actual_count ++;
flecs_json_number(buf, (double)variables[i].entity);
if (actual_count) {
bool flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_entity_names(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_assert(it->count != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
EcsIdentifier *names = ecs_table_get_id(it->world, it->table,
ecs_pair(ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsName), it->offset);
if (!names) {
return false;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
flecs_json_string(buf, names[i].value);
return true;
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_entity_ids(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
if (!it->count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "entity_ids");
ecs_entity_t *entities = it->entities;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
flecs_json_number(buf, (double)(uint32_t)entities[i]);
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_parent(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
ecs_table_t *table = it->table;
if (!(table->flags & EcsTableHasChildOf)) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(
world->idr_childof_wildcard, it->table);
if (tr == NULL) {
ecs_id_t id = table->type.array[tr->index];
ecs_entity_t parent = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, parent);
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "parent");
flecs_json_string(buf, path);
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_entities(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
if (!it->count) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_parent(world, it, buf);
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "entities");
if (!flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_entity_names(it, buf)) {
ecs_entity_t *entities = it->entities;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
flecs_json_number(buf, (double)(uint32_t)entities[i]);
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_entity_labels(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_json_ser_ctx_t *ser_ctx)
if (!it->count) {
if (!ser_ctx->idr_doc_name) {
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
ecs_table_t *table = it->table;
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(
ser_ctx->idr_doc_name, table);
if (tr == NULL) {
EcsDocDescription *labels = ecs_table_get_column(
table, tr->column, it->offset);
ecs_assert(labels != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "entity_labels");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
flecs_json_string_escape(buf, labels[i].value);
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_colors(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_json_ser_ctx_t *ser_ctx)
if (!it->count) {
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
if (!ser_ctx->idr_doc_color) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(
ser_ctx->idr_doc_color, it->table);
if (tr == NULL) {
EcsDocDescription *colors = ecs_table_get_column(
it->table, tr->column, it->offset);
ecs_assert(colors != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "colors");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
flecs_json_string(buf, colors[i].value);
int flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_values(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
if (!it->ptrs || (it->flags & EcsIterNoData)) {
return 0;
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "values");
int32_t i, term_count = it->field_count;
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
const void *ptr = NULL;
if (it->ptrs) {
ptr = it->ptrs[i];
if (!ptr) {
/* No data in column. Append 0 if this is not an optional term */
if (ecs_field_is_set(it, i + 1)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
if (ecs_field_is_writeonly(it, i + 1)) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
/* Get component id (can be different in case of pairs) */
ecs_entity_t type = ecs_get_typeid(world, it->ids[i]);
if (!type) {
/* Odd, we have a ptr but no Component? Not the place of the
* serializer to complain about that. */
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
const EcsComponent *comp = ecs_get(world, type, EcsComponent);
if (!comp) {
/* Also odd, typeid but not a component? */
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser = ecs_get(
world, type, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
if (!ser) {
/* Not odd, component just has no reflection data */
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
/* If term is not set, append empty array. This indicates that the term
* could have had data but doesn't */
if (!ecs_field_is_set(it, i + 1)) {
if (ecs_field_is_self(it, i + 1)) {
int32_t count = it->count;
if (array_to_json_buf_w_type_data(world, ptr, count, buf, comp, ser)) {
return -1;
} else {
if (array_to_json_buf_w_type_data(world, ptr, 0, buf, comp, ser)) {
return -1;
return 0;
int flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_columns(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_table_t *table = it->table;
if (!table || !table->column_count) {
return 0;
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "values");
ecs_type_t *type = &table->type;
int32_t *column_map = table->column_map;
ecs_assert(column_map != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < type->count; i ++) {
int32_t storage_column = -1;
if (column_map) {
storage_column = column_map[i];
if (!desc->serialize_private) {
ecs_id_t id = type->array[i];
ecs_entity_t e = id;
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
e = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
if (ecs_owns_id(world, e, EcsPrivate)) {
if (storage_column == -1) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
ecs_entity_t typeid = table->data.columns[storage_column].ti->component;
if (!typeid) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
const EcsComponent *comp = ecs_get(world, typeid, EcsComponent);
if (!comp) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser = ecs_get(
world, typeid, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
if (!ser) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
void *ptr = ecs_vec_first(&table->data.columns[storage_column].data);
if (array_to_json_buf_w_type_data(world, ptr, it->count, buf, comp, ser)) {
return -1;
return 0;
int flecs_json_serialize_iter_result(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc,
ecs_json_ser_ctx_t *ser_ctx)
if (desc && desc->serialize_rows) {
if (flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_rows(world, it, buf, desc, ser_ctx)) {
return -1;
} else {
/* Each result can be matched with different component ids. Add them to
* the result so clients know with which component an entity was matched */
if (desc && desc->serialize_table) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_table_type(world, it, buf, desc);
} else {
if (!desc || desc->serialize_ids) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_ids(world, it, buf);
if (desc && desc->serialize_id_labels) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_id_labels(world, it, buf);
/* Include information on which entity the term is matched with */
if (!desc || (desc->serialize_sources && !desc->serialize_table)) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_sources(world, it, buf);
/* Write variable values for current result */
if (!desc || desc->serialize_variables) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_variables(world, it, buf);
/* Write labels for variables */
if (desc && desc->serialize_variable_labels) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_variable_labels(world, it, buf);
/* Write ids for variables */
if (desc && desc->serialize_variable_ids) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_variable_ids(it, buf);
/* Include information on which terms are set, to support optional terms */
if (!desc || (desc->serialize_is_set && !desc->serialize_table)) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_is_set(it, buf);
/* Write entity ids for current result (for queries with This terms) */
if (!desc || desc->serialize_entities) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_entities(world, it, buf);
/* Write ids for entities */
if (desc && desc->serialize_entity_ids) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_entity_ids(it, buf);
/* Write labels for entities */
if (desc && desc->serialize_entity_labels) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_entity_labels(it, buf, ser_ctx);
/* Write colors for entities */
if (desc && desc->serialize_colors) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_colors(it, buf, ser_ctx);
/* Serialize component values */
if (desc && desc->serialize_table) {
if (flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_columns(world, it, buf, desc)) {
return -1;
} else {
if (!desc || desc->serialize_values) {
if (flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_values(world, it, buf)) {
return -1;
/* Add "alerts": true member if table has entities with active alerts */
if (it->table && (ecs_id(EcsAlertsActive) != 0)) {
/* Only add field if alerts addon is imported */
if (ecs_table_has_id(world, it->table, ecs_id(EcsAlertsActive))) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "alerts");
return 0;
int ecs_iter_to_json_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_time_t duration = {0};
if (desc && desc->measure_eval_duration) {
/* Cache id record for flecs.doc ids */
ecs_json_ser_ctx_t ser_ctx;
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
ser_ctx.idr_doc_name = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair_t(EcsDocDescription, EcsName));
ser_ctx.idr_doc_color = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair_t(EcsDocDescription, EcsDocColor));
/* Serialize component ids of the terms (usually provided by query) */
if (!desc || !desc->serialize_rows) {
if (!desc || desc->serialize_term_ids) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_ids(world, it, buf);
if (desc && desc->serialize_term_labels) {
flecs_json_serialize_iter_id_labels(world, it, buf);
/* Serialize variable names, if iterator has any */
flecs_json_serialize_iter_variables(it, buf);
/* Serialize type info if enabled */
if (desc && desc->serialize_type_info) {
flecs_json_serialize_type_info(world, it, buf);
/* Serialize field info if enabled */
if (desc && desc->serialize_field_info) {
flecs_json_serialize_field_info(world, it, buf, &ser_ctx);
/* Serialize results */
if (!desc || !desc->dont_serialize_results) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "results");
/* Use instancing for improved performance */
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterIsInstanced);
/* If serializing entire table, don't bother letting the iterator populate
* data fields as we'll be iterating all columns. */
if (desc && desc->serialize_table) {
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterNoData);
ecs_iter_next_action_t next = it->next;
while (next(it)) {
if (flecs_json_serialize_iter_result(world, it, buf, desc, &ser_ctx)) {
return -1;
} else {
int32_t f, field_count = it->field_count;
if (desc && (desc->serialize_rows || desc->serialize_values)) {
for (f = 0; f < field_count; f ++) {
if (desc && desc->measure_eval_duration) {
double dt = ecs_time_measure(&duration);
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "eval_duration");
flecs_json_number(buf, dt);
return 0;
char* ecs_iter_to_json(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_iter_t *it,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
if (ecs_iter_to_json_buf(world, it, &buf, desc)) {
return NULL;
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
int ecs_world_to_json_buf(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf_out,
const ecs_world_to_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_filter_t f = ECS_FILTER_INIT;
ecs_filter_desc_t filter_desc = {0};
filter_desc.storage = &f;
if (desc && desc->serialize_builtin && desc->serialize_modules) {
filter_desc.terms[0].id = EcsAny;
} else {
bool serialize_builtin = desc && desc->serialize_builtin;
bool serialize_modules = desc && desc->serialize_modules;
int32_t term_id = 0;
if (!serialize_builtin) {
filter_desc.terms[term_id].id = ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, EcsFlecs);
filter_desc.terms[term_id].oper = EcsNot;
filter_desc.terms[term_id].src.flags = EcsSelf | EcsParent;
term_id ++;
if (!serialize_modules) {
filter_desc.terms[term_id].id = EcsModule;
filter_desc.terms[term_id].oper = EcsNot;
filter_desc.terms[term_id].src.flags = EcsSelf | EcsParent;
if (ecs_filter_init(world, &filter_desc) == NULL) {
return -1;
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_filter_iter(world, &f);
ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t json_desc = {
.serialize_table = true,
.serialize_ids = true,
.serialize_entities = true,
.serialize_private = true
int ret = ecs_iter_to_json_buf(world, &it, buf_out, &json_desc);
return ret;
char* ecs_world_to_json(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_world_to_json_desc_t *desc)
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
if (ecs_world_to_json_buf(world, &buf, desc)) {
return NULL;
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
* @file json/serialize_iter_rows.c
* @brief Serialize (component) values to JSON strings.
bool flecs_json_serialize_row_tags(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
int32_t f, field_count = it->field_count;
ecs_id_t *ids = it->ids;
void **ptrs = it->ptrs;
int32_t tag_count = 0;
for (f = 0; f < field_count; f ++) {
if (!ecs_field_is_set(it, f + 1)) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[f];
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
if (ptrs[f]) {
continue; /* Ignore components */
if (!tag_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "tags");
flecs_json_label(buf, world, id);
tag_count ++;
if (tag_count) {
return tag_count != 0;
bool flecs_json_serialize_row_pairs(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
int32_t f, field_count = it->field_count;
ecs_id_t *ids = it->ids;
int32_t pair_count = 0;
for (f = 0; f < field_count; f ++) {
if (!ecs_field_is_set(it, f + 1)) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[f];
if (!ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
if (!pair_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "pairs");
ecs_entity_t first = ecs_pair_first(world, id);
ecs_entity_t second = ecs_pair_second(world, id);
flecs_json_label(buf, world, first);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ":");
flecs_json_label(buf, world, second);
pair_count ++;
if (pair_count) {
return pair_count != 0;
bool flecs_json_serialize_row_vars(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
char **variable_names = it->variable_names;
int32_t var_count = it->variable_count;
int32_t actual_count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < var_count; i ++) {
const char *var_name = variable_names[i];
if (flecs_json_skip_variable(var_name)) continue;
ecs_entity_t var = it->variables[i].entity;
if (!var) {
/* Can't happen, but not the place of the serializer to complain */
if (!actual_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "vars");
actual_count ++;
flecs_json_member(buf, var_name);
flecs_json_label(buf, world, var);
if (actual_count) {
return actual_count != 0;
bool flecs_json_serialize_tags_pairs_vars(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
bool result = false;
ecs_strbuf_list_push(buf, "", ",");
result |= flecs_json_serialize_row_tags(world, it, buf);
result |= flecs_json_serialize_row_pairs(world, it, buf);
result |= flecs_json_serialize_row_vars(world, it, buf);
result |= flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_is_set(it, buf);
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(buf, "");
if (!result) {
return result;
bool flecs_json_serialize_table_row_tags(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc)
int32_t f, type_count = table->type.count;
ecs_id_t *ids = table->type.array;
int32_t *column_map = table->column_map;
int32_t tag_count = 0;
for (f = 0; f < type_count; f ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[f];
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
if (column_map[f] != -1) {
continue; /* Ignore components */
if (!desc || !desc->serialize_private) {
if (ecs_has_id(world, id & ECS_COMPONENT_MASK, EcsPrivate)) {
if (!tag_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "tags");
flecs_json_label(buf, world, id);
tag_count ++;
if (tag_count) {
return tag_count != 0;
bool flecs_json_serialize_table_row_pairs(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc)
int32_t f, type_count = table->type.count;
ecs_id_t *ids = table->type.array;
int32_t pair_count = 0;
bool same_first = false;
for (f = 0; f < type_count; f ++) {
ecs_id_t id = ids[f];
if (!ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
ecs_entity_t first = flecs_entities_get_generation(
world, ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id));
if (!desc || !desc->serialize_private) {
if (ecs_has_id(world, first, EcsPrivate)) {
if (!pair_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "pairs");
ecs_entity_t second = flecs_entities_get_generation(
world, ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id));
bool is_last = f == (type_count - 1);
bool is_same = !is_last &&
(ECS_PAIR_FIRST(ids[f + 1]) == ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id));
if (same_first && f && ECS_PAIR_FIRST(ids[f - 1]) != ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id)) {
/* New pair has different first elem, so close array */
same_first = false;
if (!same_first) {
/* Only append pair label if we're not appending to array */
flecs_json_label(buf, world, first);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, ":");
/* Open array scope if this is a pair with multiple targets */
if (is_same) {
same_first = true;
if (same_first) {
flecs_json_label(buf, world, second);
pair_count ++;
if (same_first) {
if (pair_count) {
return pair_count != 0;
bool flecs_json_serialize_table_tags_pairs_vars(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc)
bool result = false;
ecs_strbuf_list_push(buf, "", ",");
result |= flecs_json_serialize_table_row_tags(world, table, buf, desc);
result |= flecs_json_serialize_table_row_pairs(world, table, buf, desc);
ecs_strbuf_list_pop(buf, "");
if (!result) {
return result;
bool flecs_json_serialize_get_value_ctx(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_json_value_ser_ctx_t *ctx)
if (!ctx->initialized) {
ctx->initialized = true;
ecs_strbuf_t idlbl = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
flecs_json_id_member(&idlbl, world, id);
ctx->id_label = ecs_strbuf_get(&idlbl);
ecs_entity_t type = ecs_get_typeid(world, id);
if (!type) {
return false;
ctx->type = type;
ctx->ser = ecs_get(world, type, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
if (!ctx->ser) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return ctx->ser != NULL;
bool flecs_json_serialize_get_field_ctx(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t f,
ecs_json_ser_ctx_t *ser_ctx)
ecs_json_value_ser_ctx_t *value_ctx = &ser_ctx->value_ctx[f];
if (it->query) {
return flecs_json_serialize_get_value_ctx(
world, it->query->ids[f], value_ctx);
} else if (it->ids[f]) {
return flecs_json_serialize_get_value_ctx(world, it->ids[f], value_ctx);
} else {
return false;
int flecs_json_serialize_row_components(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_json_ser_ctx_t *ser_ctx,
int32_t row)
void **ptrs = it->ptrs;
if (!ptrs) {
return 0;
int32_t f, field_count = it->field_count, component_count = 0;
for (f = 0; f < field_count; f ++) {
if (!ecs_field_is_set(it, f + 1)) {
void *ptr = ptrs[f];
if (!ptr) {
if (ecs_field_is_self(it, f + 1)) {
ptr = ECS_ELEM(ptr, it->sizes[f], row);
ecs_json_value_ser_ctx_t *value_ctx = &ser_ctx->value_ctx[f];
if (!flecs_json_serialize_get_value_ctx(world, it->ids[f], value_ctx)) {
if (!component_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "components");
flecs_json_member(buf, value_ctx->id_label);
if (json_ser_type(world, &value_ctx->ser->ops, ptr, buf) != 0) {
return -1;
component_count ++;
if (component_count) {
return 0;
int flecs_json_serialize_row_table_components(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_json_value_ser_ctx_t *values_ctx,
int32_t row,
int32_t column_count)
int32_t f, component_count = 0;
for (f = 0; f < column_count; f ++) {
ecs_column_t *column = &table->data.columns[f];
ecs_json_value_ser_ctx_t *value_ctx = &values_ctx[f];
if (!flecs_json_serialize_get_value_ctx(world, column->id, value_ctx)) {
if (!component_count) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "components");
void *ptr = ecs_vec_get(&column->data, column->size, row);
ecs_assert(ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(value_ctx->id_label != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_json_member(buf, value_ctx->id_label);
if (json_ser_type(world, &value_ctx->ser->ops, ptr, buf) != 0) {
return -1;
component_count ++;
if (component_count) {
return 0;
void flecs_json_serialize_iter_this_row(
const ecs_iter_t *it,
const char *parent_path,
const EcsIdentifier *names,
int32_t row,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
if (parent_path) {
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "parent");
flecs_json_string(buf, parent_path);
flecs_json_memberl(buf, "name");
if (names) {
flecs_json_string(buf, names[row].value);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "\"");
ecs_strbuf_appendint(buf, flecs_uto(int32_t, it->entities[row]));
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "\"");
int flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_query_rows(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
ecs_json_ser_ctx_t *ser_ctx,
int32_t count,
bool has_this,
const char *parent_path,
const EcsIdentifier *names)
/* Serialize tags, pairs, vars once, since they're the same for each row */
ecs_strbuf_t tags_pairs_vars_buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
int32_t tags_pairs_vars_len = 0;
char *tags_pairs_vars = NULL;
if (flecs_json_serialize_tags_pairs_vars(world, it, &tags_pairs_vars_buf)) {
tags_pairs_vars_len = ecs_strbuf_written(&tags_pairs_vars_buf);
tags_pairs_vars = ecs_strbuf_get(&tags_pairs_vars_buf);
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
if (has_this) {
it, parent_path, names, i, buf);
if (tags_pairs_vars) {
tags_pairs_vars, tags_pairs_vars_len);
if (flecs_json_serialize_row_components(world, it, buf, ser_ctx, i)) {
return -1;
return 0;
int flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_table_rows(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc,
int32_t count,
bool has_this,
const char *parent_path,
const EcsIdentifier *names)
ecs_table_t *table = it->table;
if (!table || !count) {
return 0;
/* Serialize tags, pairs, vars once, since they're the same for each row */
ecs_strbuf_t tags_pairs_vars_buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
int32_t tags_pairs_vars_len = 0;
char *tags_pairs_vars = NULL;
if (flecs_json_serialize_table_tags_pairs_vars(
world, table, &tags_pairs_vars_buf, desc))
tags_pairs_vars_len = ecs_strbuf_written(&tags_pairs_vars_buf);
tags_pairs_vars = ecs_strbuf_get(&tags_pairs_vars_buf);
/* If one entity has more than 256 components (oof), bad luck */
ecs_json_value_ser_ctx_t values_ctx[256] = {{0}};
int32_t column_count = table->column_count;
if (column_count > 256) {
column_count = 256;
int32_t i, end = it->offset + count;
int result = 0;
for (i = it->offset; i < end; i ++) {
if (has_this) {
it, parent_path, &names[-it->offset], i, buf);
if (tags_pairs_vars) {
tags_pairs_vars, tags_pairs_vars_len);
if (flecs_json_serialize_row_table_components(
world, table, buf, values_ctx, i, column_count))
result = -1;
for (i = 0; i < column_count; i ++) {
return result;
int flecs_json_serialize_iter_result_rows(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf,
const ecs_iter_to_json_desc_t *desc,
ecs_json_ser_ctx_t *ser_ctx)
char *parent_path = NULL;
EcsIdentifier *names = NULL;
int32_t count = it->count;
bool has_this = true;
if (!count) {
count = 1; /* Query without this variable */
has_this = false;
} else {
ecs_table_t *table = it->table;
if (table) {
/* Get path to parent once for entire table */
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasChildOf) {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_table_record_get(
world, table, ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, EcsWildcard));
ecs_assert(tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_entity_t parent = ecs_pair_second(
world, table->type.array[tr->index]);
parent_path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, parent);
/* Fetch name column once vs. calling ecs_get_name for each row */
if (table->flags & EcsTableHasName) {
names = ecs_table_get_id(it->world, it->table,
ecs_pair(ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsName), it->offset);
} else {
/* Very rare case, but could happen if someone's using an iterator
* to return empty entities. */
if (!desc->serialize_table) {
world, it, buf, ser_ctx, count, has_this, parent_path, names);
} else {
world, it, buf, desc, count, has_this, parent_path, names);
return 0;
* @file json/serialize_type_info.c
* @brief Serialize type (reflection) information to JSON.
int json_typeinfo_ser_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf);
int json_typeinfo_ser_primitive(
ecs_primitive_kind_t kind,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
switch(kind) {
case EcsBool:
flecs_json_string(str, "bool");
case EcsChar:
case EcsString:
flecs_json_string(str, "text");
case EcsByte:
flecs_json_string(str, "byte");
case EcsU8:
case EcsU16:
case EcsU32:
case EcsU64:
case EcsI8:
case EcsI16:
case EcsI32:
case EcsI64:
case EcsIPtr:
case EcsUPtr:
flecs_json_string(str, "int");
case EcsF32:
case EcsF64:
flecs_json_string(str, "float");
case EcsEntity:
flecs_json_string(str, "entity");
case EcsId:
flecs_json_string(str, "id");
return -1;
return 0;
void json_typeinfo_ser_constants(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_term_iter(world, &(ecs_term_t) {
.id = ecs_pair(EcsChildOf, type)
while (ecs_term_next(&it)) {
int32_t i, count = it.count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
flecs_json_string(str, ecs_get_name(world, it.entities[i]));
void json_typeinfo_ser_enum(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(str, "\"enum\"");
json_typeinfo_ser_constants(world, type, str);
void json_typeinfo_ser_bitmask(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(str, "\"bitmask\"");
json_typeinfo_ser_constants(world, type, str);
int json_typeinfo_ser_array(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t elem_type,
int32_t count,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(str, "\"array\"");
if (json_typeinfo_ser_type(world, elem_type, str)) {
goto error;
ecs_strbuf_list_append(str, "%u", count);
return 0;
return -1;
int json_typeinfo_ser_array_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const EcsArray *arr = ecs_get(world, type, EcsArray);
ecs_assert(arr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (json_typeinfo_ser_array(world, arr->type, arr->count, str)) {
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
int json_typeinfo_ser_vector(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_strbuf_t *str)
const EcsVector *arr = ecs_get(world, type, EcsVector);
ecs_assert(arr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_strbuf_list_appendstr(str, "\"vector\"");
if (json_typeinfo_ser_type(world, arr->type, str)) {
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
/* Serialize unit information */
int json_typeinfo_ser_unit(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
ecs_entity_t unit)
flecs_json_memberl(str, "unit");
flecs_json_path(str, world, unit);
const EcsUnit *uptr = ecs_get(world, unit, EcsUnit);
if (uptr) {
if (uptr->symbol) {
flecs_json_memberl(str, "symbol");
flecs_json_string(str, uptr->symbol);
ecs_entity_t quantity = ecs_get_target(world, unit, EcsQuantity, 0);
if (quantity) {
flecs_json_memberl(str, "quantity");
flecs_json_path(str, world, quantity);
return 0;
void json_typeinfo_ser_range(
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
const char *kind,
ecs_member_value_range_t *range)
flecs_json_member(str, kind);
flecs_json_number(str, range->min);
flecs_json_number(str, range->max);
/* Forward serialization to the different type kinds */
int json_typeinfo_ser_type_op(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
const EcsStruct *st)
if (op->kind == EcsOpOpaque) {
const EcsOpaque *ct = ecs_get(world, op->type,
ecs_assert(ct != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return json_typeinfo_ser_type(world, ct->as_type, str);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
/* Should not be parsed as single op */
case EcsOpEnum:
json_typeinfo_ser_enum(world, op->type, str);
case EcsOpBitmask:
json_typeinfo_ser_bitmask(world, op->type, str);
case EcsOpArray:
json_typeinfo_ser_array_type(world, op->type, str);
case EcsOpVector:
json_typeinfo_ser_vector(world, op->type, str);
case EcsOpOpaque:
/* Can't happen, already handled above */
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId:
case EcsOpString:
if (json_typeinfo_ser_primitive(
flecs_json_op_to_primitive_kind(op->kind), str))
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
if (st) {
ecs_member_t *m = ecs_vec_get_t(
&st->members, ecs_member_t, op->member_index);
ecs_assert(m != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
bool value_range = ECS_NEQ(m->range.min, m->range.max);
bool error_range = ECS_NEQ(m->error_range.min, m->error_range.max);
bool warning_range = ECS_NEQ(m->warning_range.min, m->warning_range.max);
ecs_entity_t unit = m->unit;
if (unit || error_range || warning_range || value_range) {
if (unit) {
json_typeinfo_ser_unit(world, str, unit);
if (value_range) {
json_typeinfo_ser_range(str, "range", &m->range);
if (error_range) {
json_typeinfo_ser_range(str, "error_range", &m->error_range);
if (warning_range) {
json_typeinfo_ser_range(str, "warning_range", &m->warning_range);
return 0;
return -1;
/* Iterate over a slice of the type ops array */
int json_typeinfo_ser_type_ops(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops,
int32_t op_count,
ecs_strbuf_t *str,
const EcsStruct *st)
const EcsStruct *stack[64] = {st};
int32_t sp = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < op_count; i ++) {
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = &ops[i];
if (op != ops) {
if (op->name) {
flecs_json_member(str, op->name);
int32_t elem_count = op->count;
if (elem_count > 1) {
json_typeinfo_ser_array(world, op->type, op->count, str);
i += op->op_count - 1;
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpPush:
ecs_assert(sp < 63, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, "type nesting too deep");
stack[sp ++] = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsStruct);
case EcsOpPop:
sp --;
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId:
case EcsOpString:
case EcsOpOpaque:
if (json_typeinfo_ser_type_op(world, op, str, stack[sp - 1])) {
goto error;
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpScope:
return 0;
return -1;
int json_typeinfo_ser_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
const EcsComponent *comp = ecs_get(world, type, EcsComponent);
if (!comp) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
return 0;
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser = ecs_get(
world, type, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
if (!ser) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '0');
return 0;
const EcsStruct *st = ecs_get(world, type, EcsStruct);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops = ecs_vec_first_t(&ser->ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t);
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(&ser->ops);
return json_typeinfo_ser_type_ops(world, ops, count, buf, st);
int ecs_type_info_to_json_buf(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
return json_typeinfo_ser_type(world, type, buf);
char* ecs_type_info_to_json(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type)
ecs_strbuf_t str = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
if (ecs_type_info_to_json_buf(world, type, &str) != 0) {
return NULL;
return ecs_strbuf_get(&str);
* @file meta/api.c
* @brief API for creating entities with reflection data.
* @file meta/meta.h
* @brief Private functions for meta addon.
void ecs_meta_type_serialized_init(
ecs_iter_t *it);
void ecs_meta_dtor_serialized(
EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ptr);
ecs_meta_type_op_kind_t flecs_meta_primitive_to_op_kind(
ecs_primitive_kind_t kind);
bool flecs_unit_validate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t t,
EcsUnit *data);
bool flecs_type_is_number(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type)
const EcsPrimitive *p = ecs_get(world, type, EcsPrimitive);
if (!p) {
return false;
switch(p->kind) {
case EcsChar:
case EcsU8:
case EcsU16:
case EcsU32:
case EcsU64:
case EcsI8:
case EcsI16:
case EcsI32:
case EcsI64:
case EcsF32:
case EcsF64:
return true;
case EcsBool:
case EcsByte:
case EcsUPtr:
case EcsIPtr:
case EcsString:
case EcsEntity:
case EcsId:
return false;
ecs_entity_t ecs_primitive_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_primitive_desc_t *desc)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t rs;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &rs);
ecs_entity_t t = desc->entity;
if (!t) {
t = ecs_new_low_id(world);
ecs_set(world, t, EcsPrimitive, { desc->kind });
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
return t;
ecs_entity_t ecs_enum_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_enum_desc_t *desc)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t rs;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &rs);
ecs_entity_t t = desc->entity;
if (!t) {
t = ecs_new_low_id(world);
ecs_add(world, t, EcsEnum);
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, t);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ECS_MEMBER_DESC_CACHE_SIZE; i ++) {
const ecs_enum_constant_t *m_desc = &desc->constants[i];
if (!m_desc->name) {
ecs_entity_t c = ecs_entity(world, {
.name = m_desc->name
if (!m_desc->value) {
ecs_add_id(world, c, EcsConstant);
} else {
ecs_set_pair_object(world, c, EcsConstant, ecs_i32_t,
ecs_set_scope(world, old_scope);
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
if (i == 0) {
ecs_err("enum '%s' has no constants", ecs_get_name(world, t));
ecs_delete(world, t);
return 0;
return t;
ecs_entity_t ecs_bitmask_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_bitmask_desc_t *desc)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t rs;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &rs);
ecs_entity_t t = desc->entity;
if (!t) {
t = ecs_new_low_id(world);
ecs_add(world, t, EcsBitmask);
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, t);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ECS_MEMBER_DESC_CACHE_SIZE; i ++) {
const ecs_bitmask_constant_t *m_desc = &desc->constants[i];
if (!m_desc->name) {
ecs_entity_t c = ecs_entity(world, {
.name = m_desc->name
if (!m_desc->value) {
ecs_add_id(world, c, EcsConstant);
} else {
ecs_set_pair_object(world, c, EcsConstant, ecs_u32_t,
ecs_set_scope(world, old_scope);
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
if (i == 0) {
ecs_err("bitmask '%s' has no constants", ecs_get_name(world, t));
ecs_delete(world, t);
return 0;
return t;
ecs_entity_t ecs_array_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_array_desc_t *desc)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t rs;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &rs);
ecs_entity_t t = desc->entity;
if (!t) {
t = ecs_new_low_id(world);
ecs_set(world, t, EcsArray, {
.type = desc->type,
.count = desc->count
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
return t;
ecs_entity_t ecs_vector_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_vector_desc_t *desc)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t rs;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &rs);
ecs_entity_t t = desc->entity;
if (!t) {
t = ecs_new_low_id(world);
ecs_set(world, t, EcsVector, {
.type = desc->type
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
return t;
bool flecs_member_range_overlaps(
const ecs_member_value_range_t *range,
const ecs_member_value_range_t *with)
if (ECS_EQ(with->min, with->max)) {
return false;
if (ECS_EQ(range->min, range->max)) {
return false;
if (range->min < with->min ||
range->max > with->max)
return true;
return false;
ecs_entity_t ecs_struct_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_struct_desc_t *desc)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t rs;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &rs);
ecs_entity_t t = desc->entity;
if (!t) {
t = ecs_new_low_id(world);
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope(world, t);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ECS_MEMBER_DESC_CACHE_SIZE; i ++) {
const ecs_member_t *m_desc = &desc->members[i];
if (!m_desc->type) {
if (!m_desc->name) {
ecs_err("member %d of struct '%s' does not have a name", i,
ecs_get_name(world, t));
goto error;
ecs_entity_t m = ecs_entity(world, {
.name = m_desc->name
ecs_set(world, m, EcsMember, {
.type = m_desc->type,
.count = m_desc->count,
.offset = m_desc->offset,
.unit = m_desc->unit
EcsMemberRanges *ranges = NULL;
const ecs_member_value_range_t *range = &m_desc->range;
const ecs_member_value_range_t *error = &m_desc->error_range;
const ecs_member_value_range_t *warning = &m_desc->warning_range;
if (ECS_NEQ(range->min, range->max)) {
ranges = ecs_get_mut(world, m, EcsMemberRanges);
if (range->min > range->max) {
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, m);
ecs_err("member '%s' has an invalid value range [%f..%f]",
member_name, range->min, range->max);
goto error;
ranges->value.min = range->min;
ranges->value.max = range->max;
if (ECS_NEQ(error->min, error->max)) {
if (error->min > error->max) {
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, m);
ecs_err("member '%s' has an invalid error range [%f..%f]",
member_name, error->min, error->max);
goto error;
if (flecs_member_range_overlaps(error, range)) {
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, m);
ecs_err("error range of member '%s' overlaps with value range",
goto error;
if (!ranges) {
ranges = ecs_get_mut(world, m, EcsMemberRanges);
ranges->error.min = error->min;
ranges->error.max = error->max;
if (ECS_NEQ(warning->min, warning->max)) {
if (warning->min > warning->max) {
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, m);
ecs_err("member '%s' has an invalid warning range [%f..%f]",
member_name, warning->min, warning->max);
goto error;
if (flecs_member_range_overlaps(warning, range)) {
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, m);
ecs_err("warning range of member '%s' overlaps with value "
"range", member_name);
goto error;
if (flecs_member_range_overlaps(warning, error)) {
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, m);
ecs_err("warning range of member '%s' overlaps with error "
"range", member_name);
goto error;
if (!ranges) {
ranges = ecs_get_mut(world, m, EcsMemberRanges);
ranges->warning.min = warning->min;
ranges->warning.max = warning->max;
if (ranges && !flecs_type_is_number(world, m_desc->type)) {
char *member_name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, m);
ecs_err("member '%s' has an value/error/warning range, but is not a "
"number", member_name);
goto error;
if (ranges) {
ecs_modified(world, m, EcsMemberRanges);
ecs_set_scope(world, old_scope);
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
if (i == 0) {
ecs_err("struct '%s' has no members", ecs_get_name(world, t));
goto error;
if (!ecs_has(world, t, EcsStruct)) {
goto error;
return t;
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
if (t) {
ecs_delete(world, t);
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_opaque_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_opaque_desc_t *desc)
ecs_assert(desc != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(desc->type.as_type != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t rs;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &rs);
ecs_entity_t t = desc->entity;
if (!t) {
t = ecs_new_low_id(world);
ecs_set_ptr(world, t, EcsOpaque, &desc->type);
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
return t;
ecs_entity_t ecs_unit_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_unit_desc_t *desc)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t rs;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &rs);
ecs_entity_t t = desc->entity;
if (!t) {
t = ecs_new_low_id(world);
ecs_entity_t quantity = desc->quantity;
if (quantity) {
if (!ecs_has_id(world, quantity, EcsQuantity)) {
ecs_err("entity '%s' for unit '%s' is not a quantity",
ecs_get_name(world, quantity), ecs_get_name(world, t));
goto error;
ecs_add_pair(world, t, EcsQuantity, desc->quantity);
} else {
ecs_remove_pair(world, t, EcsQuantity, EcsWildcard);
EcsUnit *value = ecs_get_mut(world, t, EcsUnit);
value->base = desc->base;
value->over = desc->over;
value->translation = desc->translation;
value->prefix = desc->prefix;
ecs_os_strset(&value->symbol, desc->symbol);
if (!flecs_unit_validate(world, t, value)) {
goto error;
ecs_modified(world, t, EcsUnit);
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
return t;
if (t) {
ecs_delete(world, t);
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_unit_prefix_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_unit_prefix_desc_t *desc)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t rs;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &rs);
ecs_entity_t t = desc->entity;
if (!t) {
t = ecs_new_low_id(world);
ecs_set(world, t, EcsUnitPrefix, {
.symbol = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, desc->symbol),
.translation = desc->translation
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
return t;
ecs_entity_t ecs_quantity_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_entity_desc_t *desc)
ecs_suspend_readonly_state_t rs;
world = flecs_suspend_readonly(world, &rs);
ecs_entity_t t = ecs_entity_init(world, desc);
if (!t) {
return 0;
ecs_add_id(world, t, EcsQuantity);
flecs_resume_readonly(world, &rs);
return t;
* @file meta/cursor.c
* @brief API for assigning values of runtime types with reflection.
#include <ctype.h>
const char* flecs_meta_op_kind_str(
ecs_meta_type_op_kind_t kind)
switch(kind) {
case EcsOpEnum: return "Enum";
case EcsOpBitmask: return "Bitmask";
case EcsOpArray: return "Array";
case EcsOpVector: return "Vector";
case EcsOpOpaque: return "Opaque";
case EcsOpPush: return "Push";
case EcsOpPop: return "Pop";
case EcsOpPrimitive: return "Primitive";
case EcsOpBool: return "Bool";
case EcsOpChar: return "Char";
case EcsOpByte: return "Byte";
case EcsOpU8: return "U8";
case EcsOpU16: return "U16";
case EcsOpU32: return "U32";
case EcsOpU64: return "U64";
case EcsOpI8: return "I8";
case EcsOpI16: return "I16";
case EcsOpI32: return "I32";
case EcsOpI64: return "I64";
case EcsOpF32: return "F32";
case EcsOpF64: return "F64";
case EcsOpUPtr: return "UPtr";
case EcsOpIPtr: return "IPtr";
case EcsOpString: return "String";
case EcsOpEntity: return "Entity";
case EcsOpId: return "Id";
case EcsOpScope: return "Scope";
default: return "<< invalid kind >>";
/* Get current scope */
ecs_meta_scope_t* flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_check(cursor != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_meta_scope_t*, &cursor->scope[cursor->depth]);
return NULL;
/* Restore scope, if dotmember was used */
ecs_meta_scope_t* flecs_meta_cursor_restore_scope(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
const ecs_meta_scope_t* scope)
ecs_check(cursor != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(scope != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (scope->prev_depth) {
cursor->depth = scope->prev_depth;
return (ecs_meta_scope_t*)&cursor->scope[cursor->depth];
/* Get current operation for scope */
ecs_meta_type_op_t* flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope)
ecs_assert(scope->ops != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
return &scope->ops[scope->op_cur];
/* Get component for type in current scope */
const EcsComponent* get_ecs_component(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope)
const EcsComponent *comp = scope->comp;
if (!comp) {
comp = scope->comp = ecs_get(world, scope->type, EcsComponent);
ecs_assert(comp != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return comp;
/* Get size for type in current scope */
ecs_size_t get_size(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope)
return get_ecs_component(world, scope)->size;
int32_t get_elem_count(
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope)
const EcsOpaque *opaque = scope->opaque;
if (scope->vector) {
return ecs_vec_count(scope->vector);
} else if (opaque && opaque->count) {
return flecs_uto(int32_t, opaque->count(scope[-1].ptr));
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
return op->count;
/* Get pointer to current field/element */
ecs_meta_type_op_t* flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope)
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
ecs_size_t size = get_size(world, scope);
const EcsOpaque *opaque = scope->opaque;
if (scope->vector) {
ecs_vec_set_min_count(NULL, scope->vector, size, scope->elem_cur + 1);
scope->ptr = ecs_vec_first(scope->vector);
} else if (opaque) {
if (scope->is_collection) {
if (!opaque->ensure_element) {
char *str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, scope->type);
ecs_err("missing ensure_element for opaque type %s", str);
return NULL;
scope->is_empty_scope = false;
void *opaque_ptr = opaque->ensure_element(
scope->ptr, flecs_ito(size_t, scope->elem_cur));
ecs_assert(opaque_ptr != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION,
"ensure_element returned NULL");
return opaque_ptr;
} else if (op->name) {
if (!opaque->ensure_member) {
char *str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, scope->type);
ecs_err("missing ensure_member for opaque type %s", str);
return NULL;
ecs_assert(scope->ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return opaque->ensure_member(scope->ptr, op->name);
} else {
ecs_err("invalid operation for opaque type");
return NULL;
return ECS_OFFSET(scope->ptr, size * scope->elem_cur + op->offset);
int flecs_meta_cursor_push_type(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope,
ecs_entity_t type,
void *ptr)
const EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ser = ecs_get(
world, type, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
if (ser == NULL) {
char *str = ecs_id_str(world, type);
ecs_err("cannot open scope for entity '%s' which is not a type", str);
return -1;
scope[0] = (ecs_meta_scope_t) {
.type = type,
.ops = ecs_vec_first_t(&ser->ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t),
.op_count = ecs_vec_count(&ser->ops),
.ptr = ptr
return 0;
ecs_meta_cursor_t ecs_meta_cursor(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
void *ptr)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_check(type != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_meta_cursor_t result = {
.world = world,
.valid = true
if (flecs_meta_cursor_push_type(world, result.scope, type, ptr) != 0) {
result.valid = false;
return result;
return (ecs_meta_cursor_t){ 0 };
void* ecs_meta_get_ptr(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
return flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world,
int ecs_meta_next(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
scope = flecs_meta_cursor_restore_scope(cursor, scope);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
if (scope->is_collection) {
scope->elem_cur ++;
scope->op_cur = 0;
if (scope->opaque) {
return 0;
if (scope->elem_cur >= get_elem_count(scope)) {
ecs_err("out of collection bounds (%d)", scope->elem_cur);
return -1;
return 0;
scope->op_cur += op->op_count;
if (scope->op_cur >= scope->op_count) {
ecs_err("out of bounds");
return -1;
return 0;
int ecs_meta_elem(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
int32_t elem)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
if (!scope->is_collection) {
ecs_err("ecs_meta_elem can be used for collections only");
return -1;
scope->elem_cur = elem;
scope->op_cur = 0;
if (scope->elem_cur >= get_elem_count(scope) || (scope->elem_cur < 0)) {
ecs_err("out of collection bounds (%d)", scope->elem_cur);
return -1;
return 0;
int ecs_meta_member(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
const char *name)
if (cursor->depth == 0) {
ecs_err("cannot move to member in root scope");
return -1;
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
scope = flecs_meta_cursor_restore_scope(cursor, scope);
ecs_hashmap_t *members = scope->members;
const ecs_world_t *world = cursor->world;
if (!members) {
ecs_err("cannot move to member '%s' for non-struct type", name);
return -1;
const uint64_t *cur_ptr = flecs_name_index_find_ptr(members, name, 0, 0);
if (!cur_ptr) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, scope->type);
ecs_err("unknown member '%s' for type '%s'", name, path);
return -1;
scope->op_cur = flecs_uto(int32_t, cur_ptr[0]);
const EcsOpaque *opaque = scope->opaque;
if (opaque) {
if (!opaque->ensure_member) {
char *str = ecs_get_fullpath(world, scope->type);
ecs_err("missing ensure_member for opaque type %s", str);
return 0;
int ecs_meta_dotmember(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
const char *name)
ecs_meta_scope_t *cur_scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
flecs_meta_cursor_restore_scope(cursor, cur_scope);
int32_t prev_depth = cursor->depth;
int dotcount = 0;
char token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
const char *ptr = name;
while ((ptr = ecs_parse_token(NULL, NULL, ptr, token, '.'))) {
if (ptr[0] != '.' && ptr[0]) {
ecs_parser_error(NULL, name, ptr - name,
"expected '.' or end of string");
goto error;
if (dotcount) {
if (ecs_meta_member(cursor, token)) {
goto error;
if (!ptr[0]) {
ptr ++; /* Skip . */
dotcount ++;
cur_scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
if (dotcount) {
cur_scope->prev_depth = prev_depth;
return 0;
return -1;
ecs_err("the FLECS_PARSER addon is required for ecs_meta_dotmember");
return -1;
int ecs_meta_push(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
const ecs_world_t *world = cursor->world;
if (cursor->depth == 0) {
if (!cursor->is_primitive_scope) {
if ((op->kind > EcsOpScope) && (op->count <= 1)) {
cursor->is_primitive_scope = true;
return 0;
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(world, scope);
cursor->depth ++;
ecs_check(cursor->depth < ECS_META_MAX_SCOPE_DEPTH,
ecs_meta_scope_t *next_scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
/* If we're not already in an inline array and this operation is an inline
* array, push a frame for the array.
* Doing this first ensures that inline arrays take precedence over other
* kinds of push operations, such as for a struct element type. */
if (!scope->is_inline_array && op->count > 1 && !scope->is_collection) {
/* Push a frame just for the element type, with inline_array = true */
next_scope[0] = (ecs_meta_scope_t){
.ops = op,
.op_count = op->op_count,
.ptr = scope->ptr,
.type = op->type,
.is_collection = true,
.is_inline_array = true
/* With 'is_inline_array' set to true we ensure that we can never push
* the same inline array twice */
return 0;
/* Operation-specific switch behavior */
switch(op->kind) {
/* Struct push: this happens when pushing a struct member. */
case EcsOpPush: {
const EcsOpaque *opaque = scope->opaque;
if (opaque) {
/* If this is a nested push for an opaque type, push the type of the
* element instead of the next operation. This ensures that we won't
* use flattened offsets for nested members. */
if (flecs_meta_cursor_push_type(
world, next_scope, op->type, ptr) != 0)
goto error;
/* Strip the Push operation since we already pushed */
next_scope->members = next_scope->ops[0].members;
next_scope->ops = &next_scope->ops[1];
next_scope->op_count --;
/* The ops array contains a flattened list for all members and nested
* members of a struct, so we can use (ops + 1) to initialize the ops
* array of the next scope. */
next_scope[0] = (ecs_meta_scope_t) {
.ops = &op[1], /* op after push */
.op_count = op->op_count - 1, /* don't include pop */
.ptr = scope->ptr,
.type = op->type,
.members = op->members
/* Array push for an array type. Arrays can be encoded in 2 ways: either by
* setting the EcsMember::count member to a value >1, or by specifying an
* array type as member type. This is the latter case. */
case EcsOpArray: {
if (flecs_meta_cursor_push_type(world, next_scope, op->type, ptr) != 0) {
goto error;
const EcsArray *type_ptr = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsArray);
next_scope->type = type_ptr->type;
next_scope->is_collection = true;
/* Vector push */
case EcsOpVector: {
next_scope->vector = ptr;
if (flecs_meta_cursor_push_type(world, next_scope, op->type, NULL) != 0) {
goto error;
const EcsVector *type_ptr = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsVector);
next_scope->type = type_ptr->type;
next_scope->is_collection = true;
/* Opaque type push. Depending on the type the opaque type represents the
* scope will be pushed as a struct or collection type. The type information
* of the as_type is retained, as this is important for type checking and
* for nested opaque type support. */
case EcsOpOpaque: {
const EcsOpaque *type_ptr = ecs_get(world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
ecs_entity_t as_type = type_ptr->as_type;
const EcsMetaType *mtype_ptr = ecs_get(world, as_type, EcsMetaType);
/* Check what kind of type the opaque type represents */
switch(mtype_ptr->kind) {
/* Opaque vector support */
case EcsVectorType: {
const EcsVector *vt = ecs_get(world, type_ptr->as_type, EcsVector);
next_scope->type = vt->type;
/* Push the element type of the vector type */
if (flecs_meta_cursor_push_type(
world, next_scope, vt->type, NULL) != 0)
goto error;
/* This tracks whether any data was assigned inside the scope. When
* the scope is popped, and is_empty_scope is still true, the vector
* will be resized to 0. */
next_scope->is_empty_scope = true;
next_scope->is_collection = true;
/* Opaque array support */
case EcsArrayType: {
const EcsArray *at = ecs_get(world, type_ptr->as_type, EcsArray);
next_scope->type = at->type;
/* Push the element type of the array type */
if (flecs_meta_cursor_push_type(
world, next_scope, at->type, NULL) != 0)
goto error;
/* Arrays are always a fixed size */
next_scope->is_empty_scope = false;
next_scope->is_collection = true;
/* Opaque struct support */
case EcsStructType:
/* Push struct type that represents the opaque type. This ensures
* that the deserializer retains information about members and
* member types, which is necessary for nested opaque types, and
* allows for error checking. */
if (flecs_meta_cursor_push_type(
world, next_scope, as_type, NULL) != 0)
goto error;
/* Strip push op, since we already pushed */
next_scope->members = next_scope->ops[0].members;
next_scope->ops = &next_scope->ops[1];
next_scope->op_count --;
case EcsPrimitiveType:
case EcsEnumType:
case EcsBitmaskType:
case EcsOpaqueType:
next_scope->ptr = ptr;
next_scope->opaque = type_ptr;
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpString:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId: {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, scope->type);
ecs_err("invalid push for type '%s'", path);
goto error;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
if (scope->is_collection && !scope->opaque) {
next_scope->ptr = ECS_OFFSET(next_scope->ptr,
scope->elem_cur * get_size(world, scope));
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_meta_pop(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
if (cursor->is_primitive_scope) {
cursor->is_primitive_scope = false;
return 0;
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
scope = flecs_meta_cursor_restore_scope(cursor, scope);
cursor->depth --;
if (cursor->depth < 0) {
ecs_err("unexpected end of scope");
return -1;
ecs_meta_scope_t *next_scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(next_scope);
if (!scope->is_inline_array) {
if (op->kind == EcsOpPush) {
next_scope->op_cur += op->op_count - 1;
/* push + op_count should point to the operation after pop */
op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(next_scope);
ecs_assert(op->kind == EcsOpPop, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} else if (op->kind == EcsOpArray || op->kind == EcsOpVector) {
/* Collection type, nothing else to do */
} else if (op->kind == EcsOpOpaque) {
const EcsOpaque *opaque = scope->opaque;
if (scope->is_collection) {
const EcsMetaType *mtype = ecs_get(cursor->world,
opaque->as_type, EcsMetaType);
ecs_assert(mtype != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* When popping a opaque collection type, call resize to make
* sure the vector isn't larger than the number of elements we
* deserialized.
* If the opaque type represents an array, don't call resize. */
if (mtype->kind != EcsArrayType) {
ecs_assert(opaque != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!opaque->resize) {
char *str = ecs_get_fullpath(cursor->world, scope->type);
ecs_err("missing resize for opaque type %s", str);
return -1;
if (scope->is_empty_scope) {
/* If no values were serialized for scope, resize
* collection to 0 elements. */
ecs_assert(!scope->elem_cur, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
opaque->resize(scope->ptr, 0);
} else {
/* Otherwise resize collection to the index of the last
* deserialized element + 1 */
flecs_ito(size_t, scope->elem_cur + 1));
} else {
/* Opaque struct type, nothing to be done */
} else {
/* should not have been able to push if the previous scope was not
* a complex or collection type */
ecs_assert(false, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return 0;
bool ecs_meta_is_collection(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
return scope->is_collection;
ecs_entity_t ecs_meta_get_type(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
return op->type;
ecs_entity_t ecs_meta_get_unit(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_entity_t type = scope->type;
const EcsStruct *st = ecs_get(cursor->world, type, EcsStruct);
if (!st) {
return 0;
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
ecs_member_t *m = ecs_vec_get_t(
&st->members, ecs_member_t, op->member_index);
return m->unit;
const char* ecs_meta_get_member(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
return op->name;
ecs_entity_t ecs_meta_get_member_id(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_entity_t type = scope->type;
const EcsStruct *st = ecs_get(cursor->world, type, EcsStruct);
if (!st) {
return 0;
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
ecs_member_t *m = ecs_vec_get_t(
&st->members, ecs_member_t, op->member_index);
return m->member;
/* Utilities for type conversions and bounds checking */
static struct {
int64_t min, max;
} ecs_meta_bounds_signed[EcsMetaTypeOpKindLast + 1] = {
[EcsOpBool] = {false, true},
[EcsOpChar] = {INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX},
[EcsOpByte] = {0, UINT8_MAX},
[EcsOpU8] = {0, UINT8_MAX},
[EcsOpU16] = {0, UINT16_MAX},
[EcsOpU32] = {0, UINT32_MAX},
[EcsOpU64] = {0, INT64_MAX},
[EcsOpI8] = {INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX},
[EcsOpI16] = {INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX},
[EcsOpI32] = {INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX},
[EcsOpI64] = {INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX},
[EcsOpUPtr] = {0, ((sizeof(void*) == 4) ? UINT32_MAX : INT64_MAX)},
[EcsOpIPtr] = {
((sizeof(void*) == 4) ? INT32_MIN : INT64_MIN),
((sizeof(void*) == 4) ? INT32_MAX : INT64_MAX)
[EcsOpEntity] = {0, INT64_MAX},
[EcsOpId] = {0, INT64_MAX},
[EcsOpEnum] = {INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX},
[EcsOpBitmask] = {0, INT32_MAX}
static struct {
uint64_t min, max;
} ecs_meta_bounds_unsigned[EcsMetaTypeOpKindLast + 1] = {
[EcsOpBool] = {false, true},
[EcsOpChar] = {0, INT8_MAX},
[EcsOpByte] = {0, UINT8_MAX},
[EcsOpU8] = {0, UINT8_MAX},
[EcsOpU16] = {0, UINT16_MAX},
[EcsOpU32] = {0, UINT32_MAX},
[EcsOpU64] = {0, UINT64_MAX},
[EcsOpI8] = {0, INT8_MAX},
[EcsOpI16] = {0, INT16_MAX},
[EcsOpI32] = {0, INT32_MAX},
[EcsOpI64] = {0, INT64_MAX},
[EcsOpUPtr] = {0, ((sizeof(void*) == 4) ? UINT32_MAX : UINT64_MAX)},
[EcsOpIPtr] = {0, ((sizeof(void*) == 4) ? INT32_MAX : INT64_MAX)},
[EcsOpEntity] = {0, UINT64_MAX},
[EcsOpId] = {0, UINT64_MAX},
[EcsOpEnum] = {0, INT32_MAX},
[EcsOpBitmask] = {0, UINT32_MAX}
static struct {
double min, max;
} ecs_meta_bounds_float[EcsMetaTypeOpKindLast + 1] = {
[EcsOpBool] = {false, true},
[EcsOpChar] = {INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX},
[EcsOpByte] = {0, UINT8_MAX},
[EcsOpU8] = {0, UINT8_MAX},
[EcsOpU16] = {0, UINT16_MAX},
[EcsOpU32] = {0, UINT32_MAX},
[EcsOpU64] = {0, (double)UINT64_MAX},
[EcsOpI8] = {INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX},
[EcsOpI16] = {INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX},
[EcsOpI32] = {INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX},
[EcsOpI64] = {INT64_MIN, (double)INT64_MAX},
[EcsOpUPtr] = {0, ((sizeof(void*) == 4) ? UINT32_MAX : (double)UINT64_MAX)},
[EcsOpIPtr] = {
((sizeof(void*) == 4) ? INT32_MIN : (double)INT64_MIN),
((sizeof(void*) == 4) ? INT32_MAX : (double)INT64_MAX)
[EcsOpEntity] = {0, (double)UINT64_MAX},
[EcsOpId] = {0, (double)UINT64_MAX},
[EcsOpEnum] = {INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX},
[EcsOpBitmask] = {0, UINT32_MAX}
#define set_T(T, ptr, value)\
((T*)ptr)[0] = ((T)value)
#define case_T(kind, T, dst, src)\
case kind:\
set_T(T, dst, src);\
#define case_T_checked(kind, T, dst, src, bounds)\
case kind:\
if ((src < bounds[kind].min) || (src > bounds[kind].max)){\
ecs_err("value %.0f is out of bounds for type %s", (double)src,\
return -1;\
set_T(T, dst, src);\
#define cases_T_float(dst, src)\
case_T(EcsOpF32, ecs_f32_t, dst, src);\
case_T(EcsOpF64, ecs_f64_t, dst, src)
#define cases_T_signed(dst, src, bounds)\
case_T_checked(EcsOpChar, ecs_char_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpI8, ecs_i8_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpI16, ecs_i16_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpI32, ecs_i32_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpI64, ecs_i64_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpIPtr, ecs_iptr_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpEnum, ecs_i32_t, dst, src, bounds)
#define cases_T_unsigned(dst, src, bounds)\
case_T_checked(EcsOpByte, ecs_byte_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpU8, ecs_u8_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpU16, ecs_u16_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpU32, ecs_u32_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpU64, ecs_u64_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpUPtr, ecs_uptr_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpEntity, ecs_u64_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpId, ecs_u64_t, dst, src, bounds);\
case_T_checked(EcsOpBitmask, ecs_u32_t, dst, src, bounds)
#define cases_T_bool(dst, src)\
case EcsOpBool:\
set_T(ecs_bool_t, dst, value != 0);\
void flecs_meta_conversion_error(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
const char *from)
if (op->kind == EcsOpPop) {
ecs_err("cursor: out of bounds");
} else {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(cursor->world, op->type);
ecs_err("unsupported conversion from %s to '%s'", from, path);
int ecs_meta_set_bool(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
bool value)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
cases_T_bool(ptr, value);
cases_T_signed(ptr, value, ecs_meta_bounds_signed);
cases_T_unsigned(ptr, value, ecs_meta_bounds_unsigned);
case EcsOpOpaque: {
const EcsOpaque *ot = ecs_get(cursor->world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
if (ot && ot->assign_bool) {
ot->assign_bool(ptr, value);
/* fall through */
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpString:
flecs_meta_conversion_error(cursor, op, "bool");
return -1;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_meta_set_char(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
char value)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
cases_T_bool(ptr, value);
cases_T_signed(ptr, value, ecs_meta_bounds_signed);
case EcsOpOpaque: {
const EcsOpaque *opaque = ecs_get(cursor->world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
ecs_assert(opaque != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
if (opaque->assign_char) { /* preferred operation */
opaque->assign_char(ptr, value);
} else if (opaque->assign_uint) {
opaque->assign_uint(ptr, (uint64_t)value);
} else if (opaque->assign_int) {
opaque->assign_int(ptr, value);
/* fall through */
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpString:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId:
flecs_meta_conversion_error(cursor, op, "char");
return -1;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_meta_set_int(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
int64_t value)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
cases_T_bool(ptr, value);
cases_T_signed(ptr, value, ecs_meta_bounds_signed);
cases_T_unsigned(ptr, value, ecs_meta_bounds_signed);
cases_T_float(ptr, value);
case EcsOpOpaque: {
const EcsOpaque *opaque = ecs_get(cursor->world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
ecs_assert(opaque != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
if (opaque->assign_int) { /* preferred operation */
opaque->assign_int(ptr, value);
} else if (opaque->assign_float) { /* most expressive */
opaque->assign_float(ptr, (double)value);
} else if (opaque->assign_uint && (value > 0)) {
opaque->assign_uint(ptr, flecs_ito(uint64_t, value));
} else if (opaque->assign_char && (value > 0) && (value < 256)) {
opaque->assign_char(ptr, flecs_ito(char, value));
/* fall through */
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpString: {
if(!value) return ecs_meta_set_null(cursor);
flecs_meta_conversion_error(cursor, op, "int");
return -1;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_meta_set_uint(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
uint64_t value)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
cases_T_bool(ptr, value);
cases_T_signed(ptr, value, ecs_meta_bounds_unsigned);
cases_T_unsigned(ptr, value, ecs_meta_bounds_unsigned);
cases_T_float(ptr, value);
case EcsOpOpaque: {
const EcsOpaque *opaque = ecs_get(cursor->world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
ecs_assert(opaque != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
if (opaque->assign_uint) { /* preferred operation */
opaque->assign_uint(ptr, value);
} else if (opaque->assign_float) { /* most expressive */
opaque->assign_float(ptr, (double)value);
} else if (opaque->assign_int && (value < INT64_MAX)) {
opaque->assign_int(ptr, flecs_uto(int64_t, value));
} else if (opaque->assign_char && (value < 256)) {
opaque->assign_char(ptr, flecs_uto(char, value));
/* fall through */
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpString:
if(!value) return ecs_meta_set_null(cursor);
flecs_meta_conversion_error(cursor, op, "uint");
return -1;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_meta_set_float(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
double value)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpBool:
if (ECS_EQZERO(value)) {
set_T(bool, ptr, false);
} else {
set_T(bool, ptr, true);
cases_T_signed(ptr, value, ecs_meta_bounds_float);
cases_T_unsigned(ptr, value, ecs_meta_bounds_float);
cases_T_float(ptr, value);
case EcsOpOpaque: {
const EcsOpaque *opaque = ecs_get(cursor->world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
ecs_assert(opaque != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
if (opaque->assign_float) { /* preferred operation */
opaque->assign_float(ptr, value);
} else if (opaque->assign_int && /* most expressive */
(value <= (double)INT64_MAX) && (value >= (double)INT64_MIN))
opaque->assign_int(ptr, (int64_t)value);
} else if (opaque->assign_uint && (value >= 0)) {
opaque->assign_uint(ptr, (uint64_t)value);
} else if (opaque->assign_entity && (value >= 0)) {
ptr, ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, cursor->world),
/* fall through */
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpString:
flecs_meta_conversion_error(cursor, op, "float");
return -1;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_meta_set_value(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
const ecs_value_t *value)
ecs_check(value != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_entity_t type = value->type;
ecs_check(type != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
const EcsMetaType *mt = ecs_get(cursor->world, type, EcsMetaType);
if (!mt) {
ecs_err("type of value does not have reflection data");
return -1;
if (mt->kind == EcsPrimitiveType) {
const EcsPrimitive *prim = ecs_get(cursor->world, type, EcsPrimitive);
ecs_check(prim != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
switch(prim->kind) {
case EcsBool: return ecs_meta_set_bool(cursor, *(bool*)value->ptr);
case EcsChar: return ecs_meta_set_char(cursor, *(char*)value->ptr);
case EcsByte: return ecs_meta_set_uint(cursor, *(uint8_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsU8: return ecs_meta_set_uint(cursor, *(uint8_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsU16: return ecs_meta_set_uint(cursor, *(uint16_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsU32: return ecs_meta_set_uint(cursor, *(uint32_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsU64: return ecs_meta_set_uint(cursor, *(uint64_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsI8: return ecs_meta_set_int(cursor, *(int8_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsI16: return ecs_meta_set_int(cursor, *(int16_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsI32: return ecs_meta_set_int(cursor, *(int32_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsI64: return ecs_meta_set_int(cursor, *(int64_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsF32: return ecs_meta_set_float(cursor, (double)*(float*)value->ptr);
case EcsF64: return ecs_meta_set_float(cursor, *(double*)value->ptr);
case EcsUPtr: return ecs_meta_set_uint(cursor, *(uintptr_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsIPtr: return ecs_meta_set_int(cursor, *(intptr_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsString: return ecs_meta_set_string(cursor, *(char**)value->ptr);
case EcsEntity: return ecs_meta_set_entity(cursor, *(ecs_entity_t*)value->ptr);
case EcsId: return ecs_meta_set_id(cursor, *(ecs_id_t*)value->ptr);
ecs_throw(ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "invalid type kind");
goto error;
} else if (mt->kind == EcsEnumType) {
return ecs_meta_set_int(cursor, *(int32_t*)value->ptr);
} else if (mt->kind == EcsBitmaskType) {
return ecs_meta_set_int(cursor, *(uint32_t*)value->ptr);
} else {
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
if (op->type != value->type) {
char *type_str = ecs_get_fullpath(cursor->world, value->type);
flecs_meta_conversion_error(cursor, op, type_str);
goto error;
return ecs_value_copy(cursor->world, value->type, ptr, value->ptr);
return -1;
int flecs_meta_add_bitmask_constant(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
void *out,
const char *value)
ecs_assert(op->type != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(value, "0")) {
return 0;
ecs_entity_t c = ecs_lookup_child(cursor->world, op->type, value);
if (!c) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(cursor->world, op->type);
ecs_err("unresolved bitmask constant '%s' for type '%s'", value, path);
return -1;
const ecs_u32_t *v = ecs_get_pair_object(
cursor->world, c, EcsConstant, ecs_u32_t);
if (v == NULL) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(cursor->world, op->type);
ecs_err("'%s' is not an bitmask constant for type '%s'", value, path);
return -1;
*(ecs_u32_t*)out |= v[0];
return 0;
int flecs_meta_parse_bitmask(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op,
void *out,
const char *value)
char token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
const char *prev = value, *ptr = value;
*(ecs_u32_t*)out = 0;
while ((ptr = strchr(ptr, '|'))) {
ecs_os_memcpy(token, prev, ptr - prev);
token[ptr - prev] = '\0';
if (flecs_meta_add_bitmask_constant(cursor, op, out, token) != 0) {
return -1;
ptr ++;
prev = ptr;
if (flecs_meta_add_bitmask_constant(cursor, op, out, prev) != 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
int flecs_meta_cursor_lookup(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
const char *value,
ecs_entity_t *out)
if (ecs_os_strcmp(value, "0")) {
if (cursor->lookup_action) {
*out = cursor->lookup_action(
cursor->world, value,
} else {
*out = ecs_lookup_path(cursor->world, 0, value);
if (!*out) {
ecs_err("unresolved entity identifier '%s'", value);
return -1;
return 0;
int ecs_meta_set_string(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
const char *value)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpBool:
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(value, "true")) {
set_T(ecs_bool_t, ptr, true);
} else if (!ecs_os_strcmp(value, "false")) {
set_T(ecs_bool_t, ptr, false);
} else if (isdigit(value[0])) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(value, "0")) {
set_T(ecs_bool_t, ptr, false);
} else {
set_T(ecs_bool_t, ptr, true);
} else {
ecs_err("invalid value for boolean '%s'", value);
goto error;
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpByte:
set_T(ecs_i8_t, ptr, atol(value));
case EcsOpChar:
set_T(char, ptr, value[0]);
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpU16:
set_T(ecs_i16_t, ptr, atol(value));
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpU32:
set_T(ecs_i32_t, ptr, atol(value));
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpU64:
set_T(ecs_i64_t, ptr, atoll(value));
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpUPtr:
set_T(ecs_iptr_t, ptr, atoll(value));
case EcsOpF32:
set_T(ecs_f32_t, ptr, atof(value));
case EcsOpF64:
set_T(ecs_f64_t, ptr, atof(value));
case EcsOpString: {
ecs_assert(*(ecs_string_t*)ptr != value, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
char *result = ecs_os_strdup(value);
set_T(ecs_string_t, ptr, result);
case EcsOpEnum: {
ecs_assert(op->type != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_entity_t c = ecs_lookup_child(cursor->world, op->type, value);
if (!c) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(cursor->world, op->type);
ecs_err("unresolved enum constant '%s' for type '%s'", value, path);
goto error;
const ecs_i32_t *v = ecs_get_pair_object(
cursor->world, c, EcsConstant, ecs_i32_t);
if (v == NULL) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(cursor->world, op->type);
ecs_err("'%s' is not an enum constant for type '%s'", value, path);
goto error;
set_T(ecs_i32_t, ptr, v[0]);
case EcsOpBitmask:
if (flecs_meta_parse_bitmask(cursor, op, ptr, value) != 0) {
goto error;
case EcsOpEntity: {
ecs_entity_t e = 0;
if (flecs_meta_cursor_lookup(cursor, value, &e)) {
goto error;
set_T(ecs_entity_t, ptr, e);
case EcsOpId: {
ecs_id_t id = 0;
ecs_term_t term = {0};
if (ecs_parse_term(
cursor->world, NULL, value, value, &term, NULL, NULL, false))
if (ecs_term_finalize(cursor->world, &term)) {
goto error;
id = term.id;
} else {
goto error;
set_T(ecs_id_t, ptr, id);
case EcsOpPop:
ecs_err("excess element '%s' in scope", value);
goto error;
case EcsOpOpaque: {
const EcsOpaque *opaque = ecs_get(cursor->world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
ecs_assert(opaque != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
if (opaque->assign_string) { /* preferred */
opaque->assign_string(ptr, value);
} else if (opaque->assign_char && value[0] && !value[1]) {
opaque->assign_char(ptr, value[0]);
} else if (opaque->assign_entity) {
ecs_entity_t e = 0;
if (flecs_meta_cursor_lookup(cursor, value, &e)) {
goto error;
ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, cursor->world), e);
/* fall through */
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
ecs_err("unsupported conversion from string '%s' to '%s'",
value, flecs_meta_op_kind_str(op->kind));
goto error;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_meta_set_string_literal(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
const char *value)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
ecs_size_t len = ecs_os_strlen(value);
if (value[0] != '\"' || value[len - 1] != '\"') {
ecs_err("invalid string literal '%s'", value);
goto error;
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpChar:
set_T(ecs_char_t, ptr, value[1]);
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpOpaque:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpString:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId:
len -= 2;
char *result = ecs_os_malloc(len + 1);
ecs_os_memcpy(result, value + 1, len);
result[len] = '\0';
if (ecs_meta_set_string(cursor, result)) {
return -1;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_meta_set_entity(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
ecs_entity_t value)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpEntity:
set_T(ecs_entity_t, ptr, value);
case EcsOpId:
set_T(ecs_id_t, ptr, value); /* entities are valid ids */
case EcsOpOpaque: {
const EcsOpaque *opaque = ecs_get(cursor->world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
if (opaque && opaque->assign_entity) {
ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, cursor->world), value);
/* fall through */
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpString:
flecs_meta_conversion_error(cursor, op, "entity");
goto error;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_meta_set_id(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor,
ecs_entity_t value)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpId:
set_T(ecs_id_t, ptr, value);
case EcsOpOpaque: {
const EcsOpaque *opaque = ecs_get(cursor->world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
if (opaque && opaque->assign_id) {
ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, cursor->world), value);
/* fall through */
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpString:
case EcsOpEntity:
flecs_meta_conversion_error(cursor, op, "id");
goto error;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
int ecs_meta_set_null(
ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch (op->kind) {
case EcsOpString:
set_T(ecs_string_t, ptr, NULL);
case EcsOpOpaque: {
const EcsOpaque *ot = ecs_get(cursor->world, op->type, EcsOpaque);
if (ot && ot->assign_null) {
/* fall through */
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId:
flecs_meta_conversion_error(cursor, op, "null");
goto error;
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
return -1;
bool ecs_meta_get_bool(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpBool: return *(ecs_bool_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI8: return *(ecs_i8_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpU8: return *(ecs_u8_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpChar: return *(ecs_char_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpByte: return *(ecs_u8_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpI16: return *(ecs_i16_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpU16: return *(ecs_u16_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpI32: return *(ecs_i32_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpU32: return *(ecs_u32_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpI64: return *(ecs_i64_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpU64: return *(ecs_u64_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpIPtr: return *(ecs_iptr_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpUPtr: return *(ecs_uptr_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpF32: return ECS_NEQZERO(*(ecs_f32_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpF64: return ECS_NEQZERO(*(ecs_f64_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpString: return *(const char**)ptr != NULL;
case EcsOpEnum: return *(ecs_i32_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpBitmask: return *(ecs_u32_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpEntity: return *(ecs_entity_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpId: return *(ecs_id_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpOpaque:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid element for bool");
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
char ecs_meta_get_char(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpChar:
return *(ecs_char_t*)ptr != 0;
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpOpaque:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpString:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId:
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid element for char");
return 0;
int64_t ecs_meta_get_int(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpBool: return *(const ecs_bool_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI8: return *(const ecs_i8_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpU8: return *(const ecs_u8_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpChar: return *(const ecs_char_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpByte: return *(const ecs_u8_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI16: return *(const ecs_i16_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpU16: return *(const ecs_u16_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI32: return *(const ecs_i32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpU32: return *(const ecs_u32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI64: return *(const ecs_i64_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpU64: return flecs_uto(int64_t, *(const ecs_u64_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpIPtr: return *(const ecs_iptr_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpUPtr: return flecs_uto(int64_t, *(const ecs_uptr_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpF32: return (int64_t)*(const ecs_f32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpF64: return (int64_t)*(const ecs_f64_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpString: return atoi(*(const char**)ptr);
case EcsOpEnum: return *(const ecs_i32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpBitmask: return *(const ecs_u32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpEntity:
"invalid conversion from entity to int");
case EcsOpId:
"invalid conversion from id to int");
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpOpaque:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid element for int");
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
uint64_t ecs_meta_get_uint(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpBool: return *(ecs_bool_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI8: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, *(const ecs_i8_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpU8: return *(ecs_u8_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpChar: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, *(const ecs_char_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpByte: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, *(const ecs_u8_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpI16: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, *(const ecs_i16_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpU16: return *(ecs_u16_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI32: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, *(const ecs_i32_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpU32: return *(ecs_u32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI64: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, *(const ecs_i64_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpU64: return *(ecs_u64_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpIPtr: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, *(const ecs_i64_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpUPtr: return *(ecs_uptr_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpF32: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, *(const ecs_f32_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpF64: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, *(const ecs_f64_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpString: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, atoi(*(const char**)ptr));
case EcsOpEnum: return flecs_ito(uint64_t, *(const ecs_i32_t*)ptr);
case EcsOpBitmask: return *(const ecs_u32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpEntity: return *(const ecs_entity_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpId: return *(const ecs_id_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpOpaque:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid element for uint");
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
double flecs_meta_to_float(
ecs_meta_type_op_kind_t kind,
const void *ptr)
switch(kind) {
case EcsOpBool: return *(const ecs_bool_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI8: return *(const ecs_i8_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpU8: return *(const ecs_u8_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpChar: return *(const ecs_char_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpByte: return *(const ecs_u8_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI16: return *(const ecs_i16_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpU16: return *(const ecs_u16_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI32: return *(const ecs_i32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpU32: return *(const ecs_u32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpI64: return (double)*(const ecs_i64_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpU64: return (double)*(const ecs_u64_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpIPtr: return (double)*(const ecs_iptr_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpUPtr: return (double)*(const ecs_uptr_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpF32: return (double)*(const ecs_f32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpF64: return *(const ecs_f64_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpString: return atof(*ECS_CONST_CAST(const char**, ptr));
case EcsOpEnum: return *(const ecs_i32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpBitmask: return *(const ecs_u32_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpEntity:
"invalid conversion from entity to float");
case EcsOpId:
"invalid conversion from id to float");
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpOpaque:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid element for float");
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid operation");
return 0;
double ecs_meta_get_float(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
return flecs_meta_to_float(op->kind, ptr);
const char* ecs_meta_get_string(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpString: return *(const char**)ptr;
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpOpaque:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpEntity:
case EcsOpId:
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid element for string");
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_meta_get_entity(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpEntity: return *(ecs_entity_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpOpaque:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpString:
case EcsOpId:
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid element for entity");
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_meta_get_id(
const ecs_meta_cursor_t *cursor)
ecs_meta_scope_t *scope = flecs_meta_cursor_get_scope(cursor);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_cursor_get_op(scope);
void *ptr = flecs_meta_cursor_get_ptr(cursor->world, scope);
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsOpEntity: return *(ecs_id_t*)ptr; /* Entities are valid ids */
case EcsOpId: return *(ecs_id_t*)ptr;
case EcsOpArray:
case EcsOpVector:
case EcsOpOpaque:
case EcsOpPush:
case EcsOpPop:
case EcsOpScope:
case EcsOpEnum:
case EcsOpBitmask:
case EcsOpPrimitive:
case EcsOpChar:
case EcsOpBool:
case EcsOpByte:
case EcsOpU8:
case EcsOpU16:
case EcsOpU32:
case EcsOpU64:
case EcsOpI8:
case EcsOpI16:
case EcsOpI32:
case EcsOpI64:
case EcsOpF32:
case EcsOpF64:
case EcsOpUPtr:
case EcsOpIPtr:
case EcsOpString:
ecs_throw(ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid element for entity");
return 0;
double ecs_meta_ptr_to_float(
ecs_primitive_kind_t type_kind,
const void *ptr)
ecs_meta_type_op_kind_t kind = flecs_meta_primitive_to_op_kind(type_kind);
return flecs_meta_to_float(kind, ptr);
* @file meta/meta.c
* @brief Meta addon.
/* ecs_string_t lifecycle */
static ECS_COPY(ecs_string_t, dst, src, {
*(ecs_string_t*)dst = ecs_os_strdup(*(const ecs_string_t*)src);
static ECS_MOVE(ecs_string_t, dst, src, {
*(ecs_string_t*)dst = *(ecs_string_t*)src;
*(ecs_string_t*)src = NULL;
static ECS_DTOR(ecs_string_t, ptr, {
*(ecs_string_t*)ptr = NULL;
/* EcsMetaTypeSerialized lifecycle */
void ecs_meta_dtor_serialized(
EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ptr)
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&ptr->ops);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops = ecs_vec_first(&ptr->ops);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = &ops[i];
if (op->members) {
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &ptr->ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t);
static ECS_COPY(EcsMetaTypeSerialized, dst, src, {
dst->ops = ecs_vec_copy_t(NULL, &src->ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t);
int32_t o, count = ecs_vec_count(&dst->ops);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *ops = ecs_vec_first_t(&dst->ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t);
for (o = 0; o < count; o ++) {
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = &ops[o];
if (op->members) {
op->members = flecs_name_index_copy(op->members);
static ECS_MOVE(EcsMetaTypeSerialized, dst, src, {
dst->ops = src->ops;
src->ops = (ecs_vec_t){0};
static ECS_DTOR(EcsMetaTypeSerialized, ptr, {
/* EcsStruct lifecycle */
static void flecs_struct_dtor(
EcsStruct *ptr)
ecs_member_t *members = ecs_vec_first_t(&ptr->members, ecs_member_t);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&ptr->members);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, members[i].name));
ecs_vec_fini_t(NULL, &ptr->members, ecs_member_t);
static ECS_COPY(EcsStruct, dst, src, {
dst->members = ecs_vec_copy_t(NULL, &src->members, ecs_member_t);
ecs_member_t *members = ecs_vec_first_t(&dst->members, ecs_member_t);
int32_t m, count = ecs_vec_count(&dst->members);
for (m = 0; m < count; m ++) {
members[m].name = ecs_os_strdup(members[m].name);
static ECS_MOVE(EcsStruct, dst, src, {
dst->members = src->members;
src->members = (ecs_vec_t){0};
static ECS_DTOR(EcsStruct, ptr, { flecs_struct_dtor(ptr); })
/* EcsEnum lifecycle */
static void flecs_constants_dtor(
ecs_map_t *constants)
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(constants);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_enum_constant_t *c = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, c->name));
static void flecs_constants_copy(
ecs_map_t *dst,
const ecs_map_t *src)
ecs_map_copy(dst, src);
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(dst);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_enum_constant_t **r = ecs_map_ref(&it, ecs_enum_constant_t);
ecs_enum_constant_t *src_c = r[0];
ecs_enum_constant_t *dst_c = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_enum_constant_t);
*dst_c = *src_c;
dst_c->name = ecs_os_strdup(dst_c->name);
r[0] = dst_c;
static ECS_COPY(EcsEnum, dst, src, {
flecs_constants_copy(&dst->constants, &src->constants);
static ECS_MOVE(EcsEnum, dst, src, {
dst->constants = src->constants;
static ECS_DTOR(EcsEnum, ptr, { flecs_constants_dtor(&ptr->constants); })
/* EcsBitmask lifecycle */
static ECS_COPY(EcsBitmask, dst, src, {
/* bitmask constant & enum constant have the same layout */
flecs_constants_copy(&dst->constants, &src->constants);
static ECS_MOVE(EcsBitmask, dst, src, {
dst->constants = src->constants;
static ECS_DTOR(EcsBitmask, ptr, { flecs_constants_dtor(&ptr->constants); })
/* EcsUnit lifecycle */
static void dtor_unit(
EcsUnit *ptr)
static ECS_COPY(EcsUnit, dst, src, {
dst->symbol = ecs_os_strdup(src->symbol);
dst->base = src->base;
dst->over = src->over;
dst->prefix = src->prefix;
dst->translation = src->translation;
static ECS_MOVE(EcsUnit, dst, src, {
dst->symbol = src->symbol;
dst->base = src->base;
dst->over = src->over;
dst->prefix = src->prefix;
dst->translation = src->translation;
src->symbol = NULL;
src->base = 0;
src->over = 0;
src->prefix = 0;
src->translation = (ecs_unit_translation_t){0};
static ECS_DTOR(EcsUnit, ptr, { dtor_unit(ptr); })
/* EcsUnitPrefix lifecycle */
static void dtor_unit_prefix(
EcsUnitPrefix *ptr)
static ECS_COPY(EcsUnitPrefix, dst, src, {
dst->symbol = ecs_os_strdup(src->symbol);
dst->translation = src->translation;
static ECS_MOVE(EcsUnitPrefix, dst, src, {
dst->symbol = src->symbol;
dst->translation = src->translation;
src->symbol = NULL;
src->translation = (ecs_unit_translation_t){0};
static ECS_DTOR(EcsUnitPrefix, ptr, { dtor_unit_prefix(ptr); })
/* Type initialization */
const char* flecs_type_kind_str(
ecs_type_kind_t kind)
switch(kind) {
case EcsPrimitiveType: return "Primitive";
case EcsBitmaskType: return "Bitmask";
case EcsEnumType: return "Enum";
case EcsStructType: return "Struct";
case EcsArrayType: return "Array";
case EcsVectorType: return "Vector";
case EcsOpaqueType: return "Opaque";
default: return "unknown";
int flecs_init_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_type_kind_t kind,
ecs_size_t size,
ecs_size_t alignment)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(type != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
EcsMetaType *meta_type = ecs_get_mut(world, type, EcsMetaType);
if (meta_type->kind == 0) {
meta_type->existing = ecs_has(world, type, EcsComponent);
/* Ensure that component has a default constructor, to prevent crashing
* serializers on uninitialized values. */
ecs_type_info_t *ti = flecs_type_info_ensure(world, type);
if (!ti->hooks.ctor) {
ti->hooks.ctor = ecs_default_ctor;
} else {
if (meta_type->kind != kind) {
ecs_err("type '%s' reregistered as '%s' (was '%s')",
ecs_get_name(world, type),
return -1;
if (!meta_type->existing) {
EcsComponent *comp = ecs_get_mut(world, type, EcsComponent);
comp->size = size;
comp->alignment = alignment;
ecs_modified(world, type, EcsComponent);
} else {
const EcsComponent *comp = ecs_get(world, type, EcsComponent);
if (comp->size < size) {
ecs_err("computed size (%d) for '%s' is larger than actual type (%d)",
size, ecs_get_name(world, type), comp->size);
return -1;
if (comp->alignment < alignment) {
ecs_err("computed alignment (%d) for '%s' is larger than actual type (%d)",
alignment, ecs_get_name(world, type), comp->alignment);
return -1;
if (comp->size == size && comp->alignment != alignment) {
if (comp->alignment < alignment) {
ecs_err("computed size for '%s' matches with actual type but "
"alignment is different (%d vs. %d)", ecs_get_name(world, type),
alignment, comp->alignment);
meta_type->partial = comp->size != size;
meta_type->kind = kind;
ecs_modified(world, type, EcsMetaType);
return 0;
#define init_type_t(world, type, kind, T) \
flecs_init_type(world, type, kind, ECS_SIZEOF(T), ECS_ALIGNOF(T))
void flecs_set_struct_member(
ecs_member_t *member,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const char *name,
ecs_entity_t type,
int32_t count,
int32_t offset,
ecs_entity_t unit,
EcsMemberRanges *ranges)
member->member = entity;
member->type = type;
member->count = count;
member->unit = unit;
member->offset = offset;
if (!count) {
member->count = 1;
ecs_os_strset(ECS_CONST_CAST(char**, &member->name), name);
if (ranges) {
member->range = ranges->value;
member->error_range = ranges->error;
member->warning_range = ranges->warning;
} else {
int flecs_add_member_to_struct(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_entity_t member,
EcsMember *m,
EcsMemberRanges *ranges)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(type != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(member != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(m != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
const char *name = ecs_get_name(world, member);
if (!name) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_err("member for struct '%s' does not have a name", path);
return -1;
if (!m->type) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, member);
ecs_err("member '%s' does not have a type", path);
return -1;
if (ecs_get_typeid(world, m->type) == 0) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, member);
char *ent_path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, m->type);
ecs_err("member '%s.type' is '%s' which is not a type", path, ent_path);
return -1;
ecs_entity_t unit = m->unit;
if (unit) {
if (!ecs_has(world, unit, EcsUnit)) {
ecs_err("entity '%s' for member '%s' is not a unit",
ecs_get_name(world, unit), name);
return -1;
if (ecs_has(world, m->type, EcsUnit) && m->type != unit) {
ecs_err("unit mismatch for type '%s' and unit '%s' for member '%s'",
ecs_get_name(world, m->type), ecs_get_name(world, unit), name);
return -1;
} else {
if (ecs_has(world, m->type, EcsUnit)) {
unit = m->type;
m->unit = unit;
EcsStruct *s = ecs_get_mut(world, type, EcsStruct);
ecs_assert(s != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* First check if member is already added to struct */
ecs_member_t *members = ecs_vec_first_t(&s->members, ecs_member_t);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&s->members);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
if (members[i].member == member) {
flecs_set_struct_member(&members[i], member, name, m->type,
m->count, m->offset, unit, ranges);
/* If member wasn't added yet, add a new element to vector */
if (i == count) {
ecs_vec_init_if_t(&s->members, ecs_member_t);
ecs_member_t *elem = ecs_vec_append_t(NULL, &s->members, ecs_member_t);
elem->name = NULL;
flecs_set_struct_member(elem, member, name, m->type,
m->count, m->offset, unit, ranges);
/* Reobtain members array in case it was reallocated */
members = ecs_vec_first_t(&s->members, ecs_member_t);
count ++;
bool explicit_offset = false;
if (m->offset) {
explicit_offset = true;
/* Compute member offsets and size & alignment of struct */
ecs_size_t size = 0;
ecs_size_t alignment = 0;
if (!explicit_offset) {
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_member_t *elem = &members[i];
ecs_assert(elem->name != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(elem->type != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Get component of member type to get its size & alignment */
const EcsComponent *mbr_comp = ecs_get(world, elem->type, EcsComponent);
if (!mbr_comp) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, elem->type);
ecs_err("member '%s' is not a type", path);
return -1;
ecs_size_t member_size = mbr_comp->size;
ecs_size_t member_alignment = mbr_comp->alignment;
if (!member_size || !member_alignment) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, elem->type);
ecs_err("member '%s' has 0 size/alignment", path);
return -1;
member_size *= elem->count;
size = ECS_ALIGN(size, member_alignment);
elem->size = member_size;
elem->offset = size;
/* Synchronize offset with Member component */
if (elem->member == member) {
m->offset = elem->offset;
} else {
EcsMember *other = ecs_get_mut(world, elem->member, EcsMember);
other->offset = elem->offset;
size += member_size;
if (member_alignment > alignment) {
alignment = member_alignment;
} else {
/* If members have explicit offsets, we can't rely on computed
* size/alignment values. Calculate size as if this is the last member
* instead, since this will validate if the member fits in the struct.
* It doesn't matter if the size is smaller than the actual struct size
* because flecs_init_type function compares computed size with actual
* (component) size to determine if the type is partial. */
ecs_member_t *elem = &members[i];
ecs_assert(elem->name != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(elem->type != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Get component of member type to get its size & alignment */
const EcsComponent *mbr_comp = ecs_get(world, elem->type, EcsComponent);
if (!mbr_comp) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, elem->type);
ecs_err("member '%s' is not a type", path);
return -1;
ecs_size_t member_size = mbr_comp->size;
ecs_size_t member_alignment = mbr_comp->alignment;
if (!member_size || !member_alignment) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, elem->type);
ecs_err("member '%s' has 0 size/alignment", path);
return -1;
member_size *= elem->count;
elem->size = member_size;
size = elem->offset + member_size;
const EcsComponent* comp = ecs_get(world, type, EcsComponent);
alignment = comp->alignment;
if (size == 0) {
ecs_err("struct '%s' has 0 size", ecs_get_name(world, type));
return -1;
if (alignment == 0) {
ecs_err("struct '%s' has 0 alignment", ecs_get_name(world, type));
return -1;
/* Align struct size to struct alignment */
size = ECS_ALIGN(size, alignment);
ecs_modified(world, type, EcsStruct);
/* Do this last as it triggers the update of EcsMetaTypeSerialized */
if (flecs_init_type(world, type, EcsStructType, size, alignment)) {
return -1;
/* If current struct is also a member, assign to itself */
if (ecs_has(world, type, EcsMember)) {
EcsMember *type_mbr = ecs_get_mut(world, type, EcsMember);
ecs_assert(type_mbr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
type_mbr->type = type;
type_mbr->count = 1;
ecs_modified(world, type, EcsMember);
return 0;
int flecs_add_constant_to_enum(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_entity_t e,
ecs_id_t constant_id)
EcsEnum *ptr = ecs_get_mut(world, type, EcsEnum);
/* Remove constant from map if it was already added */
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&ptr->constants);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_enum_constant_t *c = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
if (c->constant == e) {
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, c->name));
ecs_map_remove_free(&ptr->constants, ecs_map_key(&it));
/* Check if constant sets explicit value */
int32_t value = 0;
bool value_set = false;
if (ecs_id_is_pair(constant_id)) {
if (ecs_pair_second(world, constant_id) != ecs_id(ecs_i32_t)) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, e);
ecs_err("expected i32 type for enum constant '%s'", path);
return -1;
const int32_t *value_ptr = ecs_get_pair_object(
world, e, EcsConstant, ecs_i32_t);
ecs_assert(value_ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
value = *value_ptr;
value_set = true;
/* Make sure constant value doesn't conflict if set / find the next value */
it = ecs_map_iter(&ptr->constants);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_enum_constant_t *c = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
if (value_set) {
if (c->value == value) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, e);
ecs_err("conflicting constant value %d for '%s' (other is '%s')",
value, path, c->name);
return -1;
} else {
if (c->value >= value) {
value = c->value + 1;
ecs_map_init_if(&ptr->constants, &world->allocator);
ecs_enum_constant_t *c = ecs_map_insert_alloc_t(&ptr->constants,
ecs_enum_constant_t, (ecs_map_key_t)value);
c->name = ecs_os_strdup(ecs_get_name(world, e));
c->value = value;
c->constant = e;
ecs_i32_t *cptr = ecs_get_mut_pair_object(
world, e, EcsConstant, ecs_i32_t);
ecs_assert(cptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
cptr[0] = value;
cptr = ecs_get_mut_id(world, e, type);
cptr[0] = value;
return 0;
int flecs_add_constant_to_bitmask(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_entity_t e,
ecs_id_t constant_id)
EcsBitmask *ptr = ecs_get_mut(world, type, EcsBitmask);
/* Remove constant from map if it was already added */
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&ptr->constants);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_bitmask_constant_t *c = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
if (c->constant == e) {
ecs_os_free(ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, c->name));
ecs_map_remove_free(&ptr->constants, ecs_map_key(&it));
/* Check if constant sets explicit value */
uint32_t value = 1;
if (ecs_id_is_pair(constant_id)) {
if (ecs_pair_second(world, constant_id) != ecs_id(ecs_u32_t)) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, e);
ecs_err("expected u32 type for bitmask constant '%s'", path);
return -1;
const uint32_t *value_ptr = ecs_get_pair_object(
world, e, EcsConstant, ecs_u32_t);
ecs_assert(value_ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
value = *value_ptr;
} else {
value = 1u << (ecs_u32_t)ecs_map_count(&ptr->constants);
/* Make sure constant value doesn't conflict */
it = ecs_map_iter(&ptr->constants);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_bitmask_constant_t *c = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
if (c->value == value) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, e);
ecs_err("conflicting constant value for '%s' (other is '%s')",
path, c->name);
return -1;
ecs_map_init_if(&ptr->constants, &world->allocator);
ecs_bitmask_constant_t *c = ecs_map_insert_alloc_t(&ptr->constants,
ecs_bitmask_constant_t, value);
c->name = ecs_os_strdup(ecs_get_name(world, e));
c->value = value;
c->constant = e;
ecs_u32_t *cptr = ecs_get_mut_pair_object(
world, e, EcsConstant, ecs_u32_t);
ecs_assert(cptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
cptr[0] = value;
cptr = ecs_get_mut_id(world, e, type);
cptr[0] = value;
return 0;
void flecs_set_primitive(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
EcsPrimitive *type = ecs_field(it, EcsPrimitive, 1);
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
switch(type->kind) {
case EcsBool:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, bool);
case EcsChar:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, char);
case EcsByte:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, bool);
case EcsU8:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, uint8_t);
case EcsU16:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, uint16_t);
case EcsU32:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, uint32_t);
case EcsU64:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, uint64_t);
case EcsI8:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, int8_t);
case EcsI16:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, int16_t);
case EcsI32:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, int32_t);
case EcsI64:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, int64_t);
case EcsF32:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, float);
case EcsF64:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, double);
case EcsUPtr:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, uintptr_t);
case EcsIPtr:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, intptr_t);
case EcsString:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, char*);
case EcsEntity:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, ecs_entity_t);
case EcsId:
init_type_t(world, e, EcsPrimitiveType, ecs_id_t);
void flecs_set_member(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
EcsMember *member = ecs_field(it, EcsMember, 1);
EcsMemberRanges *ranges = ecs_table_get_id(world, it->table,
ecs_id(EcsMemberRanges), it->offset);
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t parent = ecs_get_target(world, e, EcsChildOf, 0);
if (!parent) {
ecs_err("missing parent for member '%s'", ecs_get_name(world, e));
flecs_add_member_to_struct(world, parent, e, &member[i],
ranges ? &ranges[i] : NULL);
void flecs_set_member_ranges(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
EcsMemberRanges *ranges = ecs_field(it, EcsMemberRanges, 1);
EcsMember *member = ecs_table_get_id(world, it->table,
ecs_id(EcsMember), it->offset);
if (!member) {
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t parent = ecs_get_target(world, e, EcsChildOf, 0);
if (!parent) {
ecs_err("missing parent for member '%s'", ecs_get_name(world, e));
flecs_add_member_to_struct(world, parent, e, &member[i],
void flecs_add_enum(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
if (init_type_t(world, e, EcsEnumType, ecs_i32_t)) {
ecs_add_id(world, e, EcsExclusive);
ecs_add_id(world, e, EcsOneOf);
ecs_add_id(world, e, EcsTag);
void flecs_add_bitmask(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
if (init_type_t(world, e, EcsBitmaskType, ecs_u32_t)) {
void flecs_add_constant(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t parent = ecs_get_target(world, e, EcsChildOf, 0);
if (!parent) {
ecs_err("missing parent for constant '%s'", ecs_get_name(world, e));
if (ecs_has(world, parent, EcsEnum)) {
flecs_add_constant_to_enum(world, parent, e, it->event_id);
} else if (ecs_has(world, parent, EcsBitmask)) {
flecs_add_constant_to_bitmask(world, parent, e, it->event_id);
void flecs_set_array(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
EcsArray *array = ecs_field(it, EcsArray, 1);
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t elem_type = array[i].type;
int32_t elem_count = array[i].count;
if (!elem_type) {
ecs_err("array '%s' has no element type", ecs_get_name(world, e));
if (!elem_count) {
ecs_err("array '%s' has size 0", ecs_get_name(world, e));
const EcsComponent *elem_ptr = ecs_get(world, elem_type, EcsComponent);
if (flecs_init_type(world, e, EcsArrayType,
elem_ptr->size * elem_count, elem_ptr->alignment))
void flecs_set_vector(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
EcsVector *array = ecs_field(it, EcsVector, 1);
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t elem_type = array[i].type;
if (!elem_type) {
ecs_err("vector '%s' has no element type", ecs_get_name(world, e));
if (init_type_t(world, e, EcsVectorType, ecs_vec_t)) {
void flecs_set_custom_type(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
EcsOpaque *serialize = ecs_field(it, EcsOpaque, 1);
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_entity_t elem_type = serialize[i].as_type;
if (!elem_type) {
ecs_err("custom type '%s' has no mapping type", ecs_get_name(world, e));
const EcsComponent *comp = ecs_get(world, e, EcsComponent);
if (!comp || !comp->size || !comp->alignment) {
ecs_err("custom type '%s' has no size/alignment, register as component first",
ecs_get_name(world, e));
if (flecs_init_type(world, e, EcsOpaqueType, comp->size, comp->alignment)) {
bool flecs_unit_validate(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t t,
EcsUnit *data)
char *derived_symbol = NULL;
const char *symbol = data->symbol;
ecs_entity_t base = data->base;
ecs_entity_t over = data->over;
ecs_entity_t prefix = data->prefix;
ecs_unit_translation_t translation = data->translation;
if (base) {
if (!ecs_has(world, base, EcsUnit)) {
ecs_err("entity '%s' for unit '%s' used as base is not a unit",
ecs_get_name(world, base), ecs_get_name(world, t));
goto error;
if (over) {
if (!base) {
ecs_err("invalid unit '%s': cannot specify over without base",
ecs_get_name(world, t));
goto error;
if (!ecs_has(world, over, EcsUnit)) {
ecs_err("entity '%s' for unit '%s' used as over is not a unit",
ecs_get_name(world, over), ecs_get_name(world, t));
goto error;
if (prefix) {
if (!base) {
ecs_err("invalid unit '%s': cannot specify prefix without base",
ecs_get_name(world, t));
goto error;
const EcsUnitPrefix *prefix_ptr = ecs_get(world, prefix, EcsUnitPrefix);
if (!prefix_ptr) {
ecs_err("entity '%s' for unit '%s' used as prefix is not a prefix",
ecs_get_name(world, over), ecs_get_name(world, t));
goto error;
if (translation.factor || translation.power) {
if (prefix_ptr->translation.factor != translation.factor ||
prefix_ptr->translation.power != translation.power)
"factor for unit '%s' is inconsistent with prefix '%s'",
ecs_get_name(world, t), ecs_get_name(world, prefix));
goto error;
} else {
translation = prefix_ptr->translation;
if (base) {
bool must_match = false; /* Must base symbol match symbol? */
ecs_strbuf_t sbuf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
if (prefix) {
const EcsUnitPrefix *ptr = ecs_get(world, prefix, EcsUnitPrefix);
ecs_assert(ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ptr->symbol) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&sbuf, ptr->symbol);
must_match = true;
const EcsUnit *uptr = ecs_get(world, base, EcsUnit);
ecs_assert(uptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (uptr->symbol) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&sbuf, uptr->symbol);
if (over) {
uptr = ecs_get(world, over, EcsUnit);
ecs_assert(uptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (uptr->symbol) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&sbuf, '/');
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&sbuf, uptr->symbol);
must_match = true;
derived_symbol = ecs_strbuf_get(&sbuf);
if (derived_symbol && !ecs_os_strlen(derived_symbol)) {
derived_symbol = NULL;
if (derived_symbol && symbol && ecs_os_strcmp(symbol, derived_symbol)) {
if (must_match) {
ecs_err("symbol '%s' for unit '%s' does not match base"
" symbol '%s'", symbol,
ecs_get_name(world, t), derived_symbol);
goto error;
if (!symbol && derived_symbol && (prefix || over)) {
data->symbol = derived_symbol;
} else {
data->base = base;
data->over = over;
data->prefix = prefix;
data->translation = translation;
return true;
return false;
void flecs_set_unit(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsUnit *u = ecs_field(it, EcsUnit, 1);
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
flecs_unit_validate(world, e, &u[i]);
void flecs_unit_quantity_monitor(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
int i, count = it->count;
if (it->event == EcsOnAdd) {
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_add_pair(world, e, EcsQuantity, e);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_remove_pair(world, e, EcsQuantity, e);
void ecs_meta_type_init_default_ctor(ecs_iter_t *it) {
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
EcsMetaType *type = ecs_field(it, EcsMetaType, 1);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < it->count; i ++) {
/* If a component is defined from reflection data, configure it with the
* default constructor. This ensures that a new component value does not
* contain uninitialized memory, which could cause serializers to crash
* when for example inspecting string fields. */
if (!type->existing) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
const ecs_type_info_t *ti = ecs_get_type_info(world, e);
if (!ti || !ti->hooks.ctor) {
ecs_set_hooks_id(world, e,
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor
void flecs_member_on_set(ecs_iter_t *it) {
EcsMember *mbr = it->ptrs[0];
if (!mbr->count) {
mbr->count = 1;
void FlecsMetaImport(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_MODULE(world, FlecsMeta);
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsMetaType);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsPrimitive);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsEnum);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsBitmask);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsMember);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsMemberRanges);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsStruct);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsArray);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsVector);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsOpaque);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsUnit);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsUnitPrefix);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsConstant);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsQuantity);
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsMetaType, { .ctor = ecs_default_ctor });
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsMetaTypeSerialized, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.move = ecs_move(EcsMetaTypeSerialized),
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsMetaTypeSerialized),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsMetaTypeSerialized)
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsStruct, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.move = ecs_move(EcsStruct),
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsStruct),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsStruct)
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsMember, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.on_set = flecs_member_on_set
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsMemberRanges, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsEnum, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.move = ecs_move(EcsEnum),
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsEnum),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsEnum)
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsBitmask, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.move = ecs_move(EcsBitmask),
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsBitmask),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsBitmask)
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsUnit, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.move = ecs_move(EcsUnit),
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsUnit),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsUnit)
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsUnitPrefix, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.move = ecs_move(EcsUnitPrefix),
.copy = ecs_copy(EcsUnitPrefix),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsUnitPrefix)
/* Register triggers to finalize type information from component data */
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope( /* Keep meta scope clean */
world, EcsFlecsInternals);
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsPrimitive), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.callback = flecs_set_primitive
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsMember), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.callback = flecs_set_member
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsMemberRanges), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.callback = flecs_set_member_ranges
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsEnum), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_add_enum
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsBitmask), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_add_bitmask
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = EcsConstant, .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnAdd},
.callback = flecs_add_constant
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_pair(EcsConstant, EcsWildcard), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.callback = flecs_add_constant
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsArray), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.callback = flecs_set_array
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsVector), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.callback = flecs_set_vector
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsOpaque), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.callback = flecs_set_custom_type
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsUnit), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.callback = flecs_set_unit
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsMetaType), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.callback = ecs_meta_type_serialized_init
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms[0] = { .id = ecs_id(EcsMetaType), .src.flags = EcsSelf },
.events = {EcsOnSet},
.callback = ecs_meta_type_init_default_ctor
ecs_observer(world, {
.filter.terms = {
{ .id = ecs_id(EcsUnit) },
{ .id = EcsQuantity }
.events = { EcsMonitor },
.callback = flecs_unit_quantity_monitor
ecs_set_scope(world, old_scope);
/* Initialize primitive types */
#define ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, type, primitive_kind)\
ecs_entity_init(world, &(ecs_entity_desc_t){\
.id = ecs_id(ecs_##type##_t),\
.name = #type,\
.symbol = #type });\
ecs_set(world, ecs_id(ecs_##type##_t), EcsPrimitive, {\
.kind = primitive_kind\
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, bool, EcsBool);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, char, EcsChar);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, byte, EcsByte);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, u8, EcsU8);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, u16, EcsU16);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, u32, EcsU32);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, u64, EcsU64);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, uptr, EcsUPtr);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, i8, EcsI8);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, i16, EcsI16);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, i32, EcsI32);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, i64, EcsI64);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, iptr, EcsIPtr);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, f32, EcsF32);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, f64, EcsF64);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, string, EcsString);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, entity, EcsEntity);
ECS_PRIMITIVE(world, id, EcsId);
ecs_set_hooks(world, ecs_string_t, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.copy = ecs_copy(ecs_string_t),
.move = ecs_move(ecs_string_t),
.dtor = ecs_dtor(ecs_string_t)
/* Set default child components */
ecs_add_pair(world, ecs_id(EcsStruct),
EcsDefaultChildComponent, ecs_id(EcsMember));
ecs_add_pair(world, ecs_id(EcsMember),
EcsDefaultChildComponent, ecs_id(EcsMember));
ecs_add_pair(world, ecs_id(EcsEnum),
EcsDefaultChildComponent, EcsConstant);
ecs_add_pair(world, ecs_id(EcsBitmask),
EcsDefaultChildComponent, EcsConstant);
/* Relationship properties */
ecs_add_id(world, EcsQuantity, EcsExclusive);
ecs_add_id(world, EcsQuantity, EcsTag);
/* Initialize reflection data for meta components */
ecs_entity_t type_kind = ecs_enum_init(world, &(ecs_enum_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "TypeKind" }),
.constants = {
{ .name = "PrimitiveType" },
{ .name = "BitmaskType" },
{ .name = "EnumType" },
{ .name = "StructType" },
{ .name = "ArrayType" },
{ .name = "VectorType" },
{ .name = "OpaqueType" }
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsMetaType),
.members = {
{ .name = "kind", .type = type_kind }
ecs_entity_t primitive_kind = ecs_enum_init(world, &(ecs_enum_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "PrimitiveKind" }),
.constants = {
{ .name = "Bool", 1 },
{ .name = "Char" },
{ .name = "Byte" },
{ .name = "U8" },
{ .name = "U16" },
{ .name = "U32" },
{ .name = "U64 "},
{ .name = "I8" },
{ .name = "I16" },
{ .name = "I32" },
{ .name = "I64" },
{ .name = "F32" },
{ .name = "F64" },
{ .name = "UPtr "},
{ .name = "IPtr" },
{ .name = "String" },
{ .name = "Entity" },
{ .name = "Id" }
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsPrimitive),
.members = {
{ .name = "kind", .type = primitive_kind }
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsMember),
.members = {
{ .name = "type", .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) },
{ .name = "count", .type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t) },
{ .name = "unit", .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) },
{ .name = "offset", .type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t) }
ecs_entity_t vr = ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "value_range" }),
.members = {
{ .name = "min", .type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t) },
{ .name = "max", .type = ecs_id(ecs_f64_t) }
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsMemberRanges),
.members = {
{ .name = "value", .type = vr },
{ .name = "warning", .type = vr },
{ .name = "error", .type = vr }
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsArray),
.members = {
{ .name = "type", .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) },
{ .name = "count", .type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t) },
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsVector),
.members = {
{ .name = "type", .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) }
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsOpaque),
.members = {
{ .name = "as_type", .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) }
ecs_entity_t ut = ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "unit_translation" }),
.members = {
{ .name = "factor", .type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t) },
{ .name = "power", .type = ecs_id(ecs_i32_t) }
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsUnit),
.members = {
{ .name = "symbol", .type = ecs_id(ecs_string_t) },
{ .name = "prefix", .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) },
{ .name = "base", .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) },
{ .name = "over", .type = ecs_id(ecs_entity_t) },
{ .name = "translation", .type = ut }
ecs_struct_init(world, &(ecs_struct_desc_t){
.entity = ecs_id(EcsUnitPrefix),
.members = {
{ .name = "symbol", .type = ecs_id(ecs_string_t) },
{ .name = "translation", .type = ut }
* @file meta/serialized.c
* @brief Serialize type into flat operations array to speed up deserialization.
int flecs_meta_serialize_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_size_t offset,
ecs_vec_t *ops);
ecs_meta_type_op_kind_t flecs_meta_primitive_to_op_kind(ecs_primitive_kind_t kind) {
return EcsOpPrimitive + kind;
ecs_size_t flecs_meta_type_size(ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t type) {
const EcsComponent *comp = ecs_get(world, type, EcsComponent);
ecs_assert(comp != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return comp->size;
ecs_meta_type_op_t* flecs_meta_ops_add(ecs_vec_t *ops, ecs_meta_type_op_kind_t kind) {
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = ecs_vec_append_t(NULL, ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t);
op->kind = kind;
op->offset = 0;
op->count = 1;
op->op_count = 1;
op->size = 0;
op->name = NULL;
op->members = NULL;
op->type = 0;
op->member_index = 0;
return op;
ecs_meta_type_op_t* flecs_meta_ops_get(ecs_vec_t *ops, int32_t index) {
ecs_meta_type_op_t* op = ecs_vec_get_t(ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t, index);
ecs_assert(op != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return op;
int flecs_meta_serialize_primitive(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_size_t offset,
ecs_vec_t *ops)
const EcsPrimitive *ptr = ecs_get(world, type, EcsPrimitive);
if (!ptr) {
char *name = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_err("entity '%s' is not a primitive type", name);
return -1;
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_ops_add(ops, flecs_meta_primitive_to_op_kind(ptr->kind));
op->offset = offset;
op->type = type;
op->size = flecs_meta_type_size(world, type);
return 0;
int flecs_meta_serialize_enum(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_size_t offset,
ecs_vec_t *ops)
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_ops_add(ops, EcsOpEnum);
op->offset = offset;
op->type = type;
op->size = ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_i32_t);
return 0;
int flecs_meta_serialize_bitmask(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_size_t offset,
ecs_vec_t *ops)
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_ops_add(ops, EcsOpBitmask);
op->offset = offset;
op->type = type;
op->size = ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_u32_t);
return 0;
int flecs_meta_serialize_array(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_size_t offset,
ecs_vec_t *ops)
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_ops_add(ops, EcsOpArray);
op->offset = offset;
op->type = type;
op->size = flecs_meta_type_size(world, type);
return 0;
int flecs_meta_serialize_array_component(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_vec_t *ops)
const EcsArray *ptr = ecs_get(world, type, EcsArray);
if (!ptr) {
return -1; /* Should never happen, will trigger internal error */
if (flecs_meta_serialize_type(world, ptr->type, 0, ops) != 0) {
return -1;
ecs_meta_type_op_t *first = ecs_vec_first(ops);
first->count = ptr->count;
return 0;
int flecs_meta_serialize_vector(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_size_t offset,
ecs_vec_t *ops)
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_ops_add(ops, EcsOpVector);
op->offset = offset;
op->type = type;
op->size = flecs_meta_type_size(world, type);
return 0;
int flecs_meta_serialize_custom_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_size_t offset,
ecs_vec_t *ops)
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_ops_add(ops, EcsOpOpaque);
op->offset = offset;
op->type = type;
op->size = flecs_meta_type_size(world, type);
return 0;
int flecs_meta_serialize_struct(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_size_t offset,
ecs_vec_t *ops)
const EcsStruct *ptr = ecs_get(world, type, EcsStruct);
ecs_assert(ptr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t cur, first = ecs_vec_count(ops);
ecs_meta_type_op_t *op = flecs_meta_ops_add(ops, EcsOpPush);
op->offset = offset;
op->type = type;
op->size = flecs_meta_type_size(world, type);
ecs_member_t *members = ecs_vec_first(&ptr->members);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&ptr->members);
ecs_hashmap_t *member_index = NULL;
if (count) {
op->members = member_index = flecs_name_index_new(
world, &world->allocator);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_member_t *member = &members[i];
cur = ecs_vec_count(ops);
if (flecs_meta_serialize_type(world, member->type, offset + member->offset, ops) != 0) {
op = flecs_meta_ops_get(ops, cur);
if (!op->type) {
op->type = member->type;
if (op->count <= 1) {
op->count = member->count;
const char *member_name = member->name;
op->name = member_name;
op->op_count = ecs_vec_count(ops) - cur;
op->member_index = i;
member_index, flecs_ito(uint64_t, cur - first - 1),
member_name, 0, 0);
flecs_meta_ops_add(ops, EcsOpPop);
flecs_meta_ops_get(ops, first)->op_count = ecs_vec_count(ops) - first;
return 0;
int flecs_meta_serialize_type(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_size_t offset,
ecs_vec_t *ops)
const EcsMetaType *ptr = ecs_get(world, type, EcsMetaType);
if (!ptr) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_err("missing EcsMetaType for type %s'", path);
return -1;
switch(ptr->kind) {
case EcsPrimitiveType: return flecs_meta_serialize_primitive(world, type, offset, ops);
case EcsEnumType: return flecs_meta_serialize_enum(world, type, offset, ops);
case EcsBitmaskType: return flecs_meta_serialize_bitmask(world, type, offset, ops);
case EcsStructType: return flecs_meta_serialize_struct(world, type, offset, ops);
case EcsArrayType: return flecs_meta_serialize_array(world, type, offset, ops);
case EcsVectorType: return flecs_meta_serialize_vector(world, type, offset, ops);
case EcsOpaqueType: return flecs_meta_serialize_custom_type(world, type, offset, ops);
return 0;
int flecs_meta_serialize_component(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t type,
ecs_vec_t *ops)
const EcsMetaType *ptr = ecs_get(world, type, EcsMetaType);
if (!ptr) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, type);
ecs_err("missing EcsMetaType for type %s'", path);
return -1;
if (ptr->kind == EcsArrayType) {
return flecs_meta_serialize_array_component(world, type, ops);
} else {
return flecs_meta_serialize_type(world, type, 0, ops);
void ecs_meta_type_serialized_init(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
int i, count = it->count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = it->entities[i];
ecs_vec_t ops;
ecs_vec_init_t(NULL, &ops, ecs_meta_type_op_t, 0);
flecs_meta_serialize_component(world, e, &ops);
EcsMetaTypeSerialized *ptr = ecs_get_mut(
world, e, EcsMetaTypeSerialized);
if (ptr->ops.array) {
ptr->ops = ops;
* @file addons/os_api_impl/os_api_impl.c
* @brief Builtin implementation for OS API.
* @file addons/os_api_impl/posix_impl.inl
* @brief Builtin Windows implementation for OS API.
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
typedef struct ecs_win_thread_t {
HANDLE thread;
ecs_os_thread_callback_t callback;
void *arg;
} ecs_win_thread_t;
DWORD flecs_win_thread(void *ptr) {
ecs_win_thread_t *thread = ptr;
return 0;
ecs_os_thread_t win_thread_new(
ecs_os_thread_callback_t callback,
void *arg)
ecs_win_thread_t *thread = ecs_os_malloc_t(ecs_win_thread_t);
thread->arg= arg;
thread->callback = callback;
thread->thread = CreateThread(
NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)flecs_win_thread, thread, 0, NULL);
return (ecs_os_thread_t)(uintptr_t)thread;
void* win_thread_join(
ecs_os_thread_t thr)
ecs_win_thread_t *thread = (ecs_win_thread_t*)(uintptr_t)thr;
DWORD r = WaitForSingleObject(thread->thread, INFINITE);
if (r == WAIT_FAILED) {
ecs_err("win_thread_join: WaitForSingleObject failed");
return NULL;
ecs_os_thread_id_t win_thread_self(void)
return (ecs_os_thread_id_t)GetCurrentThreadId();
int32_t win_ainc(
int32_t *count)
return InterlockedIncrement((volatile long*)count);
int32_t win_adec(
int32_t *count)
return InterlockedDecrement((volatile long*)count);
int64_t win_lainc(
int64_t *count)
return InterlockedIncrement64(count);
int64_t win_ladec(
int64_t *count)
return InterlockedDecrement64(count);
ecs_os_mutex_t win_mutex_new(void) {
CRITICAL_SECTION *mutex = ecs_os_malloc_t(CRITICAL_SECTION);
return (ecs_os_mutex_t)(uintptr_t)mutex;
void win_mutex_free(
ecs_os_mutex_t m)
void win_mutex_lock(
ecs_os_mutex_t m)
void win_mutex_unlock(
ecs_os_mutex_t m)
ecs_os_cond_t win_cond_new(void) {
return (ecs_os_cond_t)(uintptr_t)cond;
void win_cond_free(
ecs_os_cond_t c)
void win_cond_signal(
ecs_os_cond_t c)
void win_cond_broadcast(
ecs_os_cond_t c)
void win_cond_wait(
ecs_os_cond_t c,
ecs_os_mutex_t m)
SleepConditionVariableCS(cond, mutex, INFINITE);
static bool win_time_initialized;
static double win_time_freq;
static LARGE_INTEGER win_time_start;
static ULONG win_current_resolution;
void win_time_setup(void) {
if ( win_time_initialized) {
win_time_initialized = true;
win_time_freq = (double)freq.QuadPart / 1000000000.0;
void win_sleep(
int32_t sec,
int32_t nanosec)
HANDLE timer;
ft.QuadPart = -((int64_t)sec * 10000000 + (int64_t)nanosec / 100);
timer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, TRUE, NULL);
SetWaitableTimer(timer, &ft, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
WaitForSingleObject(timer, INFINITE);
void win_enable_high_timer_resolution(bool enable)
HMODULE hntdll = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("ntdll.dll"));
if (!hntdll) {
union {
LONG (__stdcall *f)(
ULONG desired, BOOLEAN set, ULONG * current);
} func;
func.p = GetProcAddress(hntdll, "NtSetTimerResolution");
if(!func.p) {
ULONG current, resolution = 10000; /* 1 ms */
if (!enable && win_current_resolution) {
func.f(win_current_resolution, 0, &current);
win_current_resolution = 0;
} else if (!enable) {
if (resolution == win_current_resolution) {
if (win_current_resolution) {
func.f(win_current_resolution, 0, &current);
if (func.f(resolution, 1, &current)) {
/* Try setting a lower resolution */
resolution *= 2;
if(func.f(resolution, 1, &current)) return;
win_current_resolution = resolution;
uint64_t win_time_now(void) {
uint64_t now;
now = (uint64_t)((double)qpc_t.QuadPart / win_time_freq);
return now;
void win_fini(void) {
if (ecs_os_api.flags_ & EcsOsApiHighResolutionTimer) {
void ecs_set_os_api_impl(void) {
ecs_os_api_t api = ecs_os_api;
api.thread_new_ = win_thread_new;
api.thread_join_ = win_thread_join;
api.thread_self_ = win_thread_self;
api.task_new_ = win_thread_new;
api.task_join_ = win_thread_join;
api.ainc_ = win_ainc;
api.adec_ = win_adec;
api.lainc_ = win_lainc;
api.ladec_ = win_ladec;
api.mutex_new_ = win_mutex_new;
api.mutex_free_ = win_mutex_free;
api.mutex_lock_ = win_mutex_lock;
api.mutex_unlock_ = win_mutex_unlock;
api.cond_new_ = win_cond_new;
api.cond_free_ = win_cond_free;
api.cond_signal_ = win_cond_signal;
api.cond_broadcast_ = win_cond_broadcast;
api.cond_wait_ = win_cond_wait;
api.sleep_ = win_sleep;
api.now_ = win_time_now;
api.fini_ = win_fini;
if (ecs_os_api.flags_ & EcsOsApiHighResolutionTimer) {
* @file addons/os_api_impl/posix_impl.inl
* @brief Builtin POSIX implementation for OS API.
#include "pthread.h"
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
#include <emscripten.h>
#include <time.h>
/* This mutex is used to emulate atomic operations when the gnu builtins are
* not supported. This is probably not very fast but if the compiler doesn't
* support the gnu built-ins, then speed is probably not a priority. */
#ifndef __GNUC__
static pthread_mutex_t atomic_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
ecs_os_thread_t posix_thread_new(
ecs_os_thread_callback_t callback,
void *arg)
pthread_t *thread = ecs_os_malloc(sizeof(pthread_t));
if (pthread_create (thread, NULL, callback, arg) != 0) {
return (ecs_os_thread_t)(uintptr_t)thread;
void* posix_thread_join(
ecs_os_thread_t thread)
void *arg;
pthread_t *thr = (pthread_t*)(uintptr_t)thread;
pthread_join(*thr, &arg);
return arg;
ecs_os_thread_id_t posix_thread_self(void)
return (ecs_os_thread_id_t)pthread_self();
int32_t posix_ainc(
int32_t *count)
int value;
#ifdef __GNUC__
value = __sync_add_and_fetch (count, 1);
return value;
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&atomic_mutex)) {
value = (*count) += 1;
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&atomic_mutex)) {
return value;
int32_t posix_adec(
int32_t *count)
int32_t value;
#ifdef __GNUC__
value = __sync_sub_and_fetch (count, 1);
return value;
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&atomic_mutex)) {
value = (*count) -= 1;
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&atomic_mutex)) {
return value;
int64_t posix_lainc(
int64_t *count)
int64_t value;
#ifdef __GNUC__
value = __sync_add_and_fetch (count, 1);
return value;
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&atomic_mutex)) {
value = (*count) += 1;
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&atomic_mutex)) {
return value;
int64_t posix_ladec(
int64_t *count)
int64_t value;
#ifdef __GNUC__
value = __sync_sub_and_fetch (count, 1);
return value;
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&atomic_mutex)) {
value = (*count) -= 1;
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&atomic_mutex)) {
return value;
ecs_os_mutex_t posix_mutex_new(void) {
pthread_mutex_t *mutex = ecs_os_malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
if (pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL)) {
return (ecs_os_mutex_t)(uintptr_t)mutex;
void posix_mutex_free(
ecs_os_mutex_t m)
pthread_mutex_t *mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*)(intptr_t)m;
void posix_mutex_lock(
ecs_os_mutex_t m)
pthread_mutex_t *mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*)(intptr_t)m;
if (pthread_mutex_lock(mutex)) {
void posix_mutex_unlock(
ecs_os_mutex_t m)
pthread_mutex_t *mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*)(intptr_t)m;
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex)) {
ecs_os_cond_t posix_cond_new(void) {
pthread_cond_t *cond = ecs_os_malloc(sizeof(pthread_cond_t));
if (pthread_cond_init(cond, NULL)) {
return (ecs_os_cond_t)(uintptr_t)cond;
void posix_cond_free(
ecs_os_cond_t c)
pthread_cond_t *cond = (pthread_cond_t*)(intptr_t)c;
if (pthread_cond_destroy(cond)) {
void posix_cond_signal(
ecs_os_cond_t c)
pthread_cond_t *cond = (pthread_cond_t*)(intptr_t)c;
if (pthread_cond_signal(cond)) {
void posix_cond_broadcast(
ecs_os_cond_t c)
pthread_cond_t *cond = (pthread_cond_t*)(intptr_t)c;
if (pthread_cond_broadcast(cond)) {
void posix_cond_wait(
ecs_os_cond_t c,
ecs_os_mutex_t m)
pthread_cond_t *cond = (pthread_cond_t*)(intptr_t)c;
pthread_mutex_t *mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*)(intptr_t)m;
if (pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex)) {
static bool posix_time_initialized;
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
static mach_timebase_info_data_t posix_osx_timebase;
static uint64_t posix_time_start;
static uint64_t posix_time_start;
void posix_time_setup(void) {
if (posix_time_initialized) {
posix_time_initialized = true;
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
posix_time_start = mach_absolute_time();
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
posix_time_start = (uint64_t)ts.tv_sec*1000000000 + (uint64_t)ts.tv_nsec;
void posix_sleep(
int32_t sec,
int32_t nanosec)
struct timespec sleepTime;
ecs_assert(sec >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(nanosec >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
sleepTime.tv_sec = sec;
sleepTime.tv_nsec = nanosec;
if (nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL)) {
ecs_err("nanosleep failed");
/* prevent 64-bit overflow when computing relative timestamp
see https://gist.github.com/jspohr/3dc4f00033d79ec5bdaf67bc46c813e3
#if defined(ECS_TARGET_DARWIN)
int64_t posix_int64_muldiv(int64_t value, int64_t numer, int64_t denom) {
int64_t q = value / denom;
int64_t r = value % denom;
return q * numer + r * numer / denom;
uint64_t posix_time_now(void) {
ecs_assert(posix_time_initialized != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
uint64_t now;
#if defined(ECS_TARGET_DARWIN)
now = (uint64_t) posix_int64_muldiv(
#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
now = (long long)(emscripten_get_now() * 1000.0 * 1000);
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
now = ((uint64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + (uint64_t)ts.tv_nsec);
return now;
void ecs_set_os_api_impl(void) {
ecs_os_api_t api = ecs_os_api;
api.thread_new_ = posix_thread_new;
api.thread_join_ = posix_thread_join;
api.thread_self_ = posix_thread_self;
api.task_new_ = posix_thread_new;
api.task_join_ = posix_thread_join;
api.ainc_ = posix_ainc;
api.adec_ = posix_adec;
api.lainc_ = posix_lainc;
api.ladec_ = posix_ladec;
api.mutex_new_ = posix_mutex_new;
api.mutex_free_ = posix_mutex_free;
api.mutex_lock_ = posix_mutex_lock;
api.mutex_unlock_ = posix_mutex_unlock;
api.cond_new_ = posix_cond_new;
api.cond_free_ = posix_cond_free;
api.cond_signal_ = posix_cond_signal;
api.cond_broadcast_ = posix_cond_broadcast;
api.cond_wait_ = posix_cond_wait;
api.sleep_ = posix_sleep;
api.now_ = posix_time_now;
* @file addons/ipeline/pipeline.c
* @brief Functions for building and running pipelines.
static void flecs_pipeline_free(
ecs_pipeline_state_t *p)
if (p) {
ecs_world_t *world = p->query->filter.world;
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &p->ops, ecs_pipeline_op_t);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &p->systems, ecs_entity_t);
static ECS_MOVE(EcsPipeline, dst, src, {
dst->state = src->state;
src->state = NULL;
static ECS_DTOR(EcsPipeline, ptr, {
typedef enum ecs_write_kind_t {
WriteStateNone = 0,
} ecs_write_kind_t;
typedef struct ecs_write_state_t {
bool write_barrier;
ecs_map_t ids;
ecs_map_t wildcard_ids;
} ecs_write_state_t;
ecs_write_kind_t flecs_pipeline_get_write_state(
ecs_write_state_t *write_state,
ecs_id_t id)
ecs_write_kind_t result = WriteStateNone;
if (write_state->write_barrier) {
/* Any component could have been written */
return WriteStateToStage;
if (id == EcsWildcard) {
/* Using a wildcard for id indicates read barrier. Return true if any
* components could have been staged */
if (ecs_map_count(&write_state->ids) ||
return WriteStateToStage;
if (!ecs_id_is_wildcard(id)) {
if (ecs_map_get(&write_state->ids, id)) {
result = WriteStateToStage;
} else {
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&write_state->ids);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
if (ecs_id_match(ecs_map_key(&it), id)) {
return WriteStateToStage;
if (ecs_map_count(&write_state->wildcard_ids)) {
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&write_state->wildcard_ids);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
if (ecs_id_match(id, ecs_map_key(&it))) {
return WriteStateToStage;
return result;
void flecs_pipeline_set_write_state(
ecs_write_state_t *write_state,
ecs_id_t id)
if (id == EcsWildcard) {
/* If writing to wildcard, flag all components as written */
write_state->write_barrier = true;
ecs_map_t *ids;
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(id)) {
ids = &write_state->wildcard_ids;
} else {
ids = &write_state->ids;
ecs_map_ensure(ids, id)[0] = true;
void flecs_pipeline_reset_write_state(
ecs_write_state_t *write_state)
write_state->write_barrier = false;
bool flecs_pipeline_check_term(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_term_t *term,
bool is_active,
ecs_write_state_t *write_state)
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
if (src->flags & EcsInOutNone) {
return false;
ecs_id_t id = term->id;
ecs_oper_kind_t oper = term->oper;
ecs_inout_kind_t inout = term->inout;
bool from_any = ecs_term_match_0(term);
bool from_this = ecs_term_match_this(term);
bool is_shared = !from_any && (!from_this || !(src->flags & EcsSelf));
ecs_write_kind_t ws = flecs_pipeline_get_write_state(write_state, id);
if (from_this && ws >= WriteStateToStage) {
/* A staged write could have happened for an id that's matched on the
* main storage. Even if the id isn't read, still insert a merge so that
* a write to the main storage after the staged write doesn't get
* overwritten. */
return true;
if (inout == EcsInOutDefault) {
if (from_any) {
/* If no inout kind is specified for terms without a source, this is
* not interpreted as a read/write annotation but just a (component)
* id that's passed to a system. */
return false;
} else if (is_shared) {
inout = EcsIn;
} else {
/* Default for owned terms is InOut */
inout = EcsInOut;
if (oper == EcsNot && inout == EcsOut) {
/* If a Not term is combined with Out, it signals that the system
* intends to add a component that the entity doesn't yet have */
from_any = true;
if (from_any) {
switch(inout) {
case EcsOut:
case EcsInOut:
if (is_active) {
/* Only flag component as written if system is active */
flecs_pipeline_set_write_state(write_state, id);
case EcsInOutDefault:
case EcsInOutNone:
case EcsIn:
switch(inout) {
case EcsIn:
case EcsInOut:
if (ws == WriteStateToStage) {
/* If a system does a get/get_mut, the component is fetched from
* the main store so it must be merged first */
return true;
/* fall through */
case EcsInOutDefault:
case EcsInOutNone:
case EcsOut:
return false;
bool flecs_pipeline_check_terms(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_filter_t *filter,
bool is_active,
ecs_write_state_t *ws)
bool needs_merge = false;
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
int32_t t, term_count = filter->term_count;
/* Check This terms first. This way if a term indicating writing to a stage
* was added before the term, it won't cause merging. */
for (t = 0; t < term_count; t ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[t];
if (ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
needs_merge |= flecs_pipeline_check_term(world, term, is_active, ws);
/* Now check staged terms */
for (t = 0; t < term_count; t ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[t];
if (!ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
needs_merge |= flecs_pipeline_check_term(world, term, is_active, ws);
return needs_merge;
EcsPoly* flecs_pipeline_term_system(
ecs_iter_t *it)
int32_t index = ecs_table_get_column_index(
it->real_world, it->table, ecs_poly_id(EcsSystem));
ecs_assert(index != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
EcsPoly *poly = ecs_table_get_column(it->table, index, it->offset);
ecs_assert(poly != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return poly;
bool flecs_pipeline_build(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_pipeline_state_t *pq)
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_query_iter(world, pq->query);
if (pq->match_count == pq->query->match_count) {
/* No need to rebuild the pipeline */
return false;
world->info.pipeline_build_count_total ++;
pq->rebuild_count ++;
ecs_allocator_t *a = &world->allocator;
ecs_pipeline_op_t *op = NULL;
ecs_write_state_t ws = {0};
ecs_map_init(&ws.ids, a);
ecs_map_init(&ws.wildcard_ids, a);
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, &pq->ops, ecs_pipeline_op_t);
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, &pq->systems, ecs_entity_t);
bool multi_threaded = false;
bool no_readonly = false;
bool first = true;
/* Iterate systems in pipeline, add ops for running / merging */
while (ecs_query_next(&it)) {
EcsPoly *poly = flecs_pipeline_term_system(&it);
bool is_active = ecs_table_get_type_index(world, it.table, EcsEmpty) == -1;
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < it.count; i ++) {
ecs_poly_assert(poly[i].poly, ecs_system_t);
ecs_system_t *sys = (ecs_system_t*)poly[i].poly;
ecs_query_t *q = sys->query;
bool needs_merge = false;
needs_merge = flecs_pipeline_check_terms(
world, &q->filter, is_active, &ws);
if (is_active) {
if (first) {
multi_threaded = sys->multi_threaded;
no_readonly = sys->no_readonly;
first = false;
if (sys->multi_threaded != multi_threaded) {
needs_merge = true;
multi_threaded = sys->multi_threaded;
if (sys->no_readonly != no_readonly) {
needs_merge = true;
no_readonly = sys->no_readonly;
if (no_readonly) {
needs_merge = true;
if (needs_merge) {
/* After merge all components will be merged, so reset state */
/* An inactive system can insert a merge if one of its
* components got written, which could make the system
* active. If this is the only system in the pipeline operation,
* it results in an empty operation when we get here. If that's
* the case, reuse the empty operation for the next op. */
if (op && op->count) {
op = NULL;
/* Re-evaluate columns to set write flags if system is active.
* If system is inactive, it can't write anything and so it
* should not insert unnecessary merges. */
needs_merge = false;
if (is_active) {
needs_merge = flecs_pipeline_check_terms(
world, &q->filter, true, &ws);
/* The component states were just reset, so if we conclude that
* another merge is needed something is wrong. */
ecs_assert(needs_merge == false, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!op) {
op = ecs_vec_append_t(a, &pq->ops, ecs_pipeline_op_t);
op->offset = ecs_vec_count(&pq->systems);
op->count = 0;
op->multi_threaded = false;
op->no_readonly = false;
op->time_spent = 0;
op->commands_enqueued = 0;
/* Don't increase count for inactive systems, as they are ignored by
* the query used to run the pipeline. */
if (is_active) {
ecs_vec_append_t(a, &pq->systems, ecs_entity_t)[0] =
if (!op->count) {
op->multi_threaded = multi_threaded;
op->no_readonly = no_readonly;
op->count ++;
if (op && !op->count && ecs_vec_count(&pq->ops) > 1) {
op = ecs_vec_first_t(&pq->ops, ecs_pipeline_op_t);
if (!op) {
ecs_dbg("#[green]pipeline#[reset] is empty");
return true;
} else {
/* Add schedule to debug tracing */
ecs_dbg("#[bold]pipeline rebuild");
ecs_dbg("#[green]schedule#[reset]: threading: %d, staging: %d:",
op->multi_threaded, !op->no_readonly);
int32_t i, count = ecs_vec_count(&pq->systems);
int32_t op_index = 0, ran_since_merge = 0;
ecs_entity_t *systems = ecs_vec_first_t(&pq->systems, ecs_entity_t);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t system = systems[i];
const EcsPoly *poly = ecs_get_pair(world, system, EcsPoly, EcsSystem);
ecs_poly_assert(poly->poly, ecs_system_t);
ecs_system_t *sys = (ecs_system_t*)poly->poly;
#ifdef FLECS_LOG_1
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, system);
const char *doc_name = NULL;
#ifdef FLECS_DOC
const EcsDocDescription *doc_name_id = ecs_get_pair(world, system,
EcsDocDescription, EcsName);
if (doc_name_id) {
doc_name = doc_name_id->value;
if (doc_name) {
ecs_dbg("#[green]system#[reset] %s (%s)", path, doc_name);
} else {
ecs_dbg("#[green]system#[reset] %s", path);
ecs_assert(op[op_index].offset + ran_since_merge == i,
ran_since_merge ++;
if (ran_since_merge == op[op_index].count) {
ran_since_merge = 0;
op_index ++;
if (op_index < ecs_vec_count(&pq->ops)) {
"#[green]schedule#[reset]: "
"threading: %d, staging: %d:",
if (sys->last_frame == (world->info.frame_count_total + 1)) {
if (op_index < ecs_vec_count(&pq->ops)) {
pq->cur_op = &op[op_index];
pq->cur_i = i;
} else {
pq->cur_op = NULL;
pq->cur_i = 0;
pq->match_count = pq->query->match_count;
ecs_assert(pq->cur_op <= ecs_vec_last_t(&pq->ops, ecs_pipeline_op_t),
return true;
void flecs_pipeline_next_system(
ecs_pipeline_state_t *pq)
if (!pq->cur_op) {
pq->cur_i ++;
if (pq->cur_i >= (pq->cur_op->offset + pq->cur_op->count)) {
pq->cur_op ++;
if (pq->cur_op > ecs_vec_last_t(&pq->ops, ecs_pipeline_op_t)) {
pq->cur_op = NULL;
bool flecs_pipeline_update(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_pipeline_state_t *pq,
bool start_of_frame)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
/* If any entity mutations happened that could have affected query matching
* notify appropriate queries so caches are up to date. This includes the
* pipeline query. */
if (start_of_frame) {
ecs_run_aperiodic(world, 0);
ecs_assert(pq != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(pq->query != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
bool rebuilt = flecs_pipeline_build(world, pq);
if (start_of_frame) {
/* Initialize iterators */
int32_t i, count = pq->iter_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_world_t *stage = ecs_get_stage(world, i);
pq->iters[i] = ecs_query_iter(stage, pq->query);
pq->cur_op = ecs_vec_first_t(&pq->ops, ecs_pipeline_op_t);
pq->cur_i = 0;
} else {
return rebuilt;
void ecs_run_pipeline(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t pipeline,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time)
if (!pipeline) {
pipeline = world->pipeline;
/* create any worker task threads request */
if (ecs_using_task_threads(world)) {
EcsPipeline *p =
ECS_CONST_CAST(EcsPipeline*, ecs_get(world, pipeline, EcsPipeline));
flecs_workers_progress(world, p->state, delta_time);
if (ecs_using_task_threads(world)) {
/* task threads were temporary and may now be joined */
int32_t flecs_run_pipeline_ops(
ecs_world_t* world,
ecs_stage_t* stage,
int32_t stage_index,
int32_t stage_count,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time)
ecs_pipeline_state_t* pq = world->pq;
ecs_pipeline_op_t* op = pq->cur_op;
int32_t i = pq->cur_i;
ecs_assert(!stage_index || op->multi_threaded, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(&pq->systems);
ecs_entity_t* systems = ecs_vec_first_t(&pq->systems, ecs_entity_t);
int32_t ran_since_merge = i - op->offset;
for (; i < count; i++) {
ecs_entity_t system = systems[i];
const EcsPoly* poly = ecs_get_pair(world, system, EcsPoly, EcsSystem);
ecs_poly_assert(poly->poly, ecs_system_t);
ecs_system_t* sys = (ecs_system_t*)poly->poly;
/* Keep track of the last frame for which the system has ran, so we
* know from where to resume the schedule in case the schedule
* changes during a merge. */
sys->last_frame = world->info.frame_count_total + 1;
ecs_stage_t* s = NULL;
if (!op->no_readonly) {
/* If system is no_readonly it operates on the actual world, not
* the stage. Only pass stage to system if it's readonly. */
s = stage;
ecs_run_intern(world, s, system, sys, stage_index,
stage_count, delta_time, 0, 0, NULL);
if (ran_since_merge == op->count) {
/* Merge */
return i;
void flecs_run_pipeline(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_pipeline_state_t *pq,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time)
ecs_assert(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_assert(pq != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(pq->query != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_stage_t);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
int32_t stage_index = ecs_get_stage_id(stage->thread_ctx);
int32_t stage_count = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
ecs_assert(!stage_index, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
bool multi_threaded = ecs_get_stage_count(world) > 1;
// Update the pipeline the workers will execute
world->pq = pq;
// Update the pipeline before waking the workers.
flecs_pipeline_update(world, pq, true);
// If there are no operations to execute in the pipeline bail early,
// no need to wake the workers since they have nothing to do.
while (pq->cur_op != NULL) {
if (pq->cur_i == ecs_vec_count(&pq->systems)) {
flecs_pipeline_update(world, pq, false);
bool no_readonly = pq->cur_op->no_readonly;
bool op_multi_threaded = multi_threaded && pq->cur_op->multi_threaded;
pq->no_readonly = no_readonly;
if (!no_readonly) {
ECS_BIT_COND(world->flags, EcsWorldMultiThreaded, op_multi_threaded);
ecs_assert(world->workers_waiting == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (op_multi_threaded) {
ecs_time_t st = { 0 };
bool measure_time = world->flags & EcsWorldMeasureSystemTime;
if (measure_time) {
const int32_t i = flecs_run_pipeline_ops(
world, stage, stage_index, stage_count, delta_time);
if (measure_time) {
/* Don't include merge time in system time */
world->info.system_time_total += (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(&st);
if (op_multi_threaded) {
if (!no_readonly) {
ecs_time_t mt = { 0 };
if (measure_time) {
int32_t si;
for (si = 0; si < stage_count; si ++) {
ecs_stage_t *s = &world->stages[si];
pq->cur_op->commands_enqueued += ecs_vec_count(&s->cmd->queue);
if (measure_time) {
pq->cur_op->time_spent += ecs_time_measure(&mt);
/* Store the current state of the schedule after we synchronized the
* threads, to avoid race conditions. */
pq->cur_i = i;
flecs_pipeline_update(world, pq, false);
void flecs_run_startup_systems(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
if (!idr || !flecs_table_cache_count(&idr->cache)) {
/* Don't bother creating startup pipeline if no systems exist */
int32_t stage_count = world->stage_count;
world->stage_count = 1; /* Prevents running startup systems on workers */
/* Creating a pipeline is relatively expensive, but this only happens
* for the first frame. The startup pipeline is deleted afterwards, which
* eliminates the overhead of keeping its query cache in sync. */
ecs_dbg_2("#[bold]create startup pipeline#[reset]");
ecs_entity_t start_pip = ecs_pipeline_init(world, &(ecs_pipeline_desc_t){
.query = {
.filter.terms = {
{ .id = EcsSystem },
{ .id = EcsPhase, .src.flags = EcsCascade, .src.trav = EcsDependsOn },
{ .id = ecs_dependson(EcsOnStart), .src.trav = EcsDependsOn },
{ .id = EcsDisabled, .src.flags = EcsUp, .src.trav = EcsDependsOn, .oper = EcsNot },
{ .id = EcsDisabled, .src.flags = EcsUp, .src.trav = EcsChildOf, .oper = EcsNot }
.order_by = flecs_entity_compare
/* Run & delete pipeline */
ecs_dbg_2("#[bold]run startup systems#[reset]");
ecs_assert(start_pip != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
const EcsPipeline *p = ecs_get(world, start_pip, EcsPipeline);
flecs_workers_progress(world, p->state, 0);
ecs_dbg_2("#[bold]delete startup pipeline#[reset]");
ecs_delete(world, start_pip);
world->stage_count = stage_count;
bool ecs_progress(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_ftime_t user_delta_time)
ecs_ftime_t delta_time = ecs_frame_begin(world, user_delta_time);
/* If this is the first frame, run startup systems */
if (world->info.frame_count_total == 0) {
/* create any worker task threads request */
if (ecs_using_task_threads(world)) {
ecs_dbg_3("#[bold]progress#[reset](dt = %.2f)", (double)delta_time);
const EcsPipeline *p = ecs_get(world, world->pipeline, EcsPipeline);
flecs_workers_progress(world, p->state, delta_time);
if (ecs_using_task_threads(world)) {
/* task threads were temporary and may now be joined */
return !ECS_BIT_IS_SET(world->flags, EcsWorldQuit);
return false;
void ecs_set_time_scale(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_ftime_t scale)
world->info.time_scale = scale;
void ecs_reset_clock(
ecs_world_t *world)
world->info.world_time_total = 0;
world->info.world_time_total_raw = 0;
void ecs_set_pipeline(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t pipeline)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check( ecs_get(world, pipeline, EcsPipeline) != NULL,
ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "not a pipeline");
world->pipeline = pipeline;
ecs_entity_t ecs_get_pipeline(
const ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_check(world != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
world = ecs_get_world(world);
return world->pipeline;
return 0;
ecs_entity_t ecs_pipeline_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_pipeline_desc_t *desc)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_entity_t result = desc->entity;
if (!result) {
result = ecs_new(world, 0);
ecs_query_desc_t qd = desc->query;
if (!qd.order_by) {
qd.order_by = flecs_entity_compare;
qd.filter.entity = result;
ecs_query_t *query = ecs_query_init(world, &qd);
if (!query) {
ecs_delete(world, result);
return 0;
ecs_check(query->filter.terms != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER,
"pipeline query cannot be empty");
ecs_check(query->filter.terms[0].id == EcsSystem,
ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "pipeline must start with System term");
ecs_pipeline_state_t *pq = ecs_os_calloc_t(ecs_pipeline_state_t);
pq->query = query;
pq->match_count = -1;
pq->idr_inactive = flecs_id_record_ensure(world, EcsEmpty);
ecs_set(world, result, EcsPipeline, { pq });
return result;
return 0;
/* -- Module implementation -- */
void FlecsPipelineFini(
ecs_world_t *world,
void *ctx)
if (ecs_get_stage_count(world)) {
ecs_set_threads(world, 0);
ecs_assert(world->workers_running == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
#define flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, phase, depends_on)\
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, phase);\
flecs_bootstrap_phase_(world, phase, depends_on)
void flecs_bootstrap_phase_(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t phase,
ecs_entity_t depends_on)
ecs_add_id(world, phase, EcsPhase);
if (depends_on) {
ecs_add_pair(world, phase, EcsDependsOn, depends_on);
void FlecsPipelineImport(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_MODULE(world, FlecsPipeline);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsSystem);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(FlecsPipeline),
"Module that schedules and runs systems");
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsPipeline);
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsPhase);
/* Create anonymous phases to which the builtin phases will have DependsOn
* relationships. This ensures that, for example, EcsOnUpdate doesn't have a
* direct DependsOn relationship on EcsPreUpdate, which ensures that when
* the EcsPreUpdate phase is disabled, EcsOnUpdate still runs. */
ecs_entity_t phase_0 = ecs_new(world, 0);
ecs_entity_t phase_1 = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsDependsOn, phase_0);
ecs_entity_t phase_2 = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsDependsOn, phase_1);
ecs_entity_t phase_3 = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsDependsOn, phase_2);
ecs_entity_t phase_4 = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsDependsOn, phase_3);
ecs_entity_t phase_5 = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsDependsOn, phase_4);
ecs_entity_t phase_6 = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsDependsOn, phase_5);
ecs_entity_t phase_7 = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsDependsOn, phase_6);
ecs_entity_t phase_8 = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsDependsOn, phase_7);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsOnStart, 0);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsPreFrame, 0);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsOnLoad, phase_0);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsPostLoad, phase_1);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsPreUpdate, phase_2);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsOnUpdate, phase_3);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsOnValidate, phase_4);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsPostUpdate, phase_5);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsPreStore, phase_6);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsOnStore, phase_7);
flecs_bootstrap_phase(world, EcsPostFrame, phase_8);
ecs_set_hooks(world, EcsPipeline, {
.ctor = ecs_default_ctor,
.dtor = ecs_dtor(EcsPipeline),
.move = ecs_move(EcsPipeline)
world->pipeline = ecs_pipeline(world, {
.entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "BuiltinPipeline" }),
.query = {
.filter.terms = {
{ .id = EcsSystem },
{ .id = EcsPhase, .src.flags = EcsCascade, .src.trav = EcsDependsOn },
{ .id = ecs_dependson(EcsOnStart), .src.trav = EcsDependsOn, .oper = EcsNot },
{ .id = EcsDisabled, .src.flags = EcsUp, .src.trav = EcsDependsOn, .oper = EcsNot },
{ .id = EcsDisabled, .src.flags = EcsUp, .src.trav = EcsChildOf, .oper = EcsNot }
.order_by = flecs_entity_compare
/* Cleanup thread administration when world is destroyed */
ecs_atfini(world, FlecsPipelineFini, NULL);
* @file addons/pipeline/worker.c
* @brief Functions for running pipelines on one or more threads.
/* Synchronize workers */
void flecs_sync_worker(
ecs_world_t* world)
int32_t stage_count = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
if (stage_count <= 1) {
/* Signal that thread is waiting */
if (++world->workers_waiting == (stage_count - 1)) {
/* Only signal main thread when all threads are waiting */
/* Wait until main thread signals that thread can continue */
ecs_os_cond_wait(world->worker_cond, world->sync_mutex);
/* Worker thread */
void* flecs_worker(void *arg) {
ecs_stage_t *stage = arg;
ecs_world_t *world = stage->world;
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_poly_assert(stage, ecs_stage_t);
ecs_dbg_2("worker %d: start", stage->id);
/* Start worker, increase counter so main thread knows how many
* workers are ready */
world->workers_running ++;
if (!(world->flags & EcsWorldQuitWorkers)) {
ecs_os_cond_wait(world->worker_cond, world->sync_mutex);
while (!(world->flags & EcsWorldQuitWorkers)) {
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope((ecs_world_t*)stage, 0);
ecs_dbg_3("worker %d: run", stage->id);
flecs_run_pipeline_ops(world, stage, stage->id, world->stage_count,
ecs_set_scope((ecs_world_t*)stage, old_scope);
ecs_dbg_2("worker %d: finalizing", stage->id);
world->workers_running --;
ecs_dbg_2("worker %d: stop", stage->id);
return NULL;
/* Start threads */
void flecs_create_worker_threads(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
int32_t stages = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
for (int32_t i = 1; i < stages; i ++) {
ecs_stage_t *stage = (ecs_stage_t*)ecs_get_stage(world, i);
ecs_assert(stage != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_poly_assert(stage, ecs_stage_t);
ecs_assert(stage->thread == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ecs_using_task_threads(world)) {
/* workers are using tasks in an external task manager provided to
* the OS API */
stage->thread = ecs_os_task_new(flecs_worker, stage);
} else {
/* workers are using long-running os threads */
stage->thread = ecs_os_thread_new(flecs_worker, stage);
ecs_assert(stage->thread != 0, ECS_OPERATION_FAILED, NULL);
void flecs_start_workers(
ecs_world_t *world,
int32_t threads)
ecs_set_stage_count(world, threads);
ecs_assert(ecs_get_stage_count(world) == threads, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!ecs_using_task_threads(world)) {
/* Wait until all workers are running */
void flecs_wait_for_workers(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
int32_t stage_count = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
if (stage_count <= 1) {
bool wait = true;
do {
if (world->workers_running == (stage_count - 1)) {
wait = false;
} while (wait);
/* Wait until all threads are waiting on sync point */
void flecs_wait_for_sync(
ecs_world_t *world)
int32_t stage_count = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
if (stage_count <= 1) {
ecs_dbg_3("#[bold]pipeline: waiting for worker sync");
if (world->workers_waiting != (stage_count - 1)) {
ecs_os_cond_wait(world->sync_cond, world->sync_mutex);
/* We shouldn't have been signalled unless all workers are waiting on sync */
ecs_assert(world->workers_waiting == (stage_count - 1),
world->workers_waiting = 0;
ecs_dbg_3("#[bold]pipeline: workers synced");
/* Signal workers that they can start/resume work */
void flecs_signal_workers(
ecs_world_t *world)
int32_t stage_count = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
if (stage_count <= 1) {
ecs_dbg_3("#[bold]pipeline: signal workers");
void flecs_join_worker_threads(
ecs_world_t *world)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
bool threads_active = false;
/* Test if threads are created. Cannot use workers_running, since this is
* a potential race if threads haven't spun up yet. */
ecs_stage_t *stages = world->stages;
int i, count = world->stage_count;
for (i = 1; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_stage_t *stage = &stages[i];
if (stage->thread) {
threads_active = true;
/* If no threads are active, just return */
if (!threads_active) {
/* Make sure all threads are running, to ensure they catch the signal */
/* Signal threads should quit */
world->flags |= EcsWorldQuitWorkers;
/* Join all threads with main */
for (i = 1; i < count; i ++) {
if (ecs_using_task_threads(world)) {
} else {
stages[i].thread = 0;
world->flags &= ~EcsWorldQuitWorkers;
ecs_assert(world->workers_running == 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* -- Private functions -- */
void flecs_workers_progress(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_pipeline_state_t *pq,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_assert(!ecs_is_deferred(world), ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
/* Make sure workers are running and ready */
/* Run pipeline on main thread */
ecs_world_t *stage = ecs_get_stage(world, 0);
ecs_entity_t old_scope = ecs_set_scope((ecs_world_t*)stage, 0);
flecs_run_pipeline(stage, pq, delta_time);
ecs_set_scope((ecs_world_t*)stage, old_scope);
void flecs_set_threads_internal(
ecs_world_t *world,
int32_t threads,
bool use_task_api)
ecs_assert(threads <= 1 || (use_task_api
? ecs_os_has_task_support()
: ecs_os_has_threading()),
int32_t stage_count = ecs_get_stage_count(world);
bool worker_method_changed = (use_task_api != world->workers_use_task_api);
if ((stage_count != threads) || worker_method_changed) {
/* Stop existing threads */
if (stage_count > 1) {
ecs_set_stage_count(world, 1);
if (world->worker_cond) {
if (world->sync_cond) {
if (world->sync_mutex) {
world->workers_use_task_api = use_task_api;
/* Start threads if number of threads > 1 */
if (threads > 1) {
world->worker_cond = ecs_os_cond_new();
world->sync_cond = ecs_os_cond_new();
world->sync_mutex = ecs_os_mutex_new();
flecs_start_workers(world, threads);
/* -- Public functions -- */
void ecs_set_threads(
ecs_world_t *world,
int32_t threads)
flecs_set_threads_internal(world, threads, false /* use thread API */);
void ecs_set_task_threads(
ecs_world_t *world,
int32_t task_threads)
flecs_set_threads_internal(world, task_threads, true /* use task API */);
bool ecs_using_task_threads(
ecs_world_t *world)
return world->workers_use_task_api;
* @file addons/rules/api.c
* @brief User facing API for rules.
* @file addons/rules/rules.h
* @brief Internal types and functions for rules addon.
typedef uint8_t ecs_var_id_t;
typedef int16_t ecs_rule_lbl_t;
typedef ecs_flags64_t ecs_write_flags_t;
#define EcsRuleMaxVarCount (64)
#define EcsVarNone ((ecs_var_id_t)-1)
#define EcsThisName "this"
/* -- Variable types -- */
typedef enum {
EcsVarEntity, /* Variable that stores an entity id */
EcsVarTable, /* Variable that stores a table */
EcsVarAny /* Used when requesting either entity or table var */
} ecs_var_kind_t;
typedef struct ecs_rule_var_t {
int8_t kind; /* variable kind (EcsVarEntity or EcsVarTable) */
bool anonymous; /* variable is anonymous */
ecs_var_id_t id; /* variable id */
ecs_var_id_t table_id; /* id to table variable, if any */
ecs_var_id_t base_id; /* id to base entity variable, for lookups */
const char *name; /* variable name */
const char *lookup; /* Lookup string for variable */
const char *label; /* for debugging */
} ecs_rule_var_t;
/* -- Instruction kinds -- */
typedef enum {
EcsRuleAnd, /* And operator: find or match id against variable source */
EcsRuleAndId, /* And operator for fixed id (no wildcards/variables) */
EcsRuleAndAny, /* And operator with support for matching Any src/id */
EcsRuleTriv, /* Trivial search */
EcsRuleTrivData, /* Trivial search with setting data fields */
EcsRuleTrivWildcard, /* Trivial search with (exclusive) wildcard ids */
EcsRuleSelectAny, /* Dedicated instruction for _ queries where the src is unknown */
EcsRuleUp, /* Up traversal */
EcsRuleUpId, /* Up traversal for fixed id (like AndId) */
EcsRuleSelfUp, /* Self|up traversal */
EcsRuleSelfUpId, /* Self|up traversal for fixed id (like AndId) */
EcsRuleWith, /* Match id against fixed or variable source */
EcsRuleTrav, /* Support for transitive/reflexive queries */
EcsRuleIds, /* Test for existence of ids matching wildcard */
EcsRuleIdsRight, /* Find ids in use that match (R, *) wildcard */
EcsRuleIdsLeft, /* Find ids in use that match (*, T) wildcard */
EcsRuleEach, /* Iterate entities in table, populate entity variable */
EcsRuleStore, /* Store table or entity in variable */
EcsRuleReset, /* Reset value of variable to wildcard (*) */
EcsRuleOr, /* Or operator */
EcsRuleOptional, /* Optional operator */
EcsRuleIf, /* Conditional execution */
EcsRuleNot, /* Sets iterator state after term was not matched */
EcsRuleEnd, /* End of control flow block */
EcsRulePredEq, /* Test if variable is equal to, or assign to if not set */
EcsRulePredNeq, /* Test if variable is not equal to */
EcsRulePredEqName, /* Same as EcsRulePredEq but with matching by name */
EcsRulePredNeqName, /* Same as EcsRulePredNeq but with matching by name */
EcsRulePredEqMatch, /* Same as EcsRulePredEq but with fuzzy matching by name */
EcsRulePredNeqMatch, /* Same as EcsRulePredNeq but with fuzzy matching by name */
EcsRuleLookup, /* Lookup relative to variable */
EcsRuleSetVars, /* Populate it.sources from variables */
EcsRuleSetThis, /* Populate This entity variable */
EcsRuleSetFixed, /* Set fixed source entity ids */
EcsRuleSetIds, /* Set fixed (component) ids */
EcsRuleSetId, /* Set id if not set */
EcsRuleContain, /* Test if table contains entity */
EcsRulePairEq, /* Test if both elements of pair are the same */
EcsRulePopulate, /* Populate any data fields */
EcsRulePopulateSelf, /* Populate only self (owned) data fields */
EcsRuleYield, /* Yield result back to application */
EcsRuleNothing /* Must be last */
} ecs_rule_op_kind_t;
/* Op flags to indicate if ecs_rule_ref_t is entity or variable */
#define EcsRuleIsEntity (1 << 0)
#define EcsRuleIsVar (1 << 1)
#define EcsRuleIsSelf (1 << 6)
/* Op flags used to shift EcsRuleIsEntity and EcsRuleIsVar */
#define EcsRuleSrc 0
#define EcsRuleFirst 2
#define EcsRuleSecond 4
/* References to variable or entity */
typedef union {
ecs_var_id_t var;
ecs_entity_t entity;
} ecs_rule_ref_t;
/* Query instruction */
typedef struct ecs_rule_op_t {
uint8_t kind; /* Instruction kind */
ecs_flags8_t flags; /* Flags storing whether 1st/2nd are variables */
int8_t field_index; /* Query field corresponding with operation */
int8_t term_index; /* Query term corresponding with operation */
ecs_rule_lbl_t prev; /* Backtracking label (no data) */
ecs_rule_lbl_t next; /* Forwarding label. Must come after prev */
ecs_rule_lbl_t other; /* Misc register used for control flow */
ecs_flags16_t match_flags; /* Flags that modify matching behavior */
ecs_rule_ref_t src;
ecs_rule_ref_t first;
ecs_rule_ref_t second;
ecs_flags64_t written; /* Bitset with variables written by op */
} ecs_rule_op_t;
/* And context */
typedef struct {
ecs_id_record_t *idr;
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
int16_t column;
int16_t remaining;
} ecs_rule_and_ctx_t;
/* Down traversal cache (for resolving up queries w/unknown source) */
typedef struct {
ecs_table_t *table;
bool leaf; /* Table owns and inherits id (for Up queries without Self) */
} ecs_trav_down_elem_t;
typedef struct {
ecs_vec_t elems; /* vector<ecs_trav_down_elem_t> */
bool ready;
} ecs_trav_down_t;
typedef struct {
ecs_entity_t src;
ecs_id_t id;
int32_t column;
bool ready;
} ecs_trav_up_t;
typedef struct {
ecs_map_t src; /* map<entity, trav_down_t> or map<table_id, trav_up_t> */
ecs_id_t with;
ecs_flags32_t dir;
} ecs_trav_up_cache_t;
/* And up context */
typedef struct {
ecs_rule_and_ctx_t and;
ecs_table_t *table;
int32_t row;
int32_t end;
ecs_entity_t trav;
ecs_id_t with;
ecs_id_t matched;
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with;
ecs_id_record_t *idr_trav;
ecs_trav_down_t *down;
int32_t cache_elem;
ecs_trav_up_cache_t cache;
} ecs_rule_up_ctx_t;
/* Cache for storing results of upward/downward "all" traversal. This type of
* traversal iterates and caches the entire tree. */
typedef struct {
ecs_entity_t entity;
ecs_id_record_t *idr;
int32_t column;
} ecs_trav_elem_t;
typedef struct {
ecs_id_t id;
ecs_id_record_t *idr;
ecs_vec_t entities;
bool up;
} ecs_trav_cache_t;
/* Trav context */
typedef struct {
ecs_rule_and_ctx_t and;
int32_t index;
int32_t offset;
int32_t count;
ecs_trav_cache_t cache;
bool yield_reflexive;
} ecs_rule_trav_ctx_t;
/* Eq context */
typedef struct {
ecs_table_range_t range;
int32_t index;
int16_t name_col;
bool redo;
} ecs_rule_eq_ctx_t;
/* Each context */
typedef struct {
int32_t row;
} ecs_rule_each_ctx_t;
/* Setthis context */
typedef struct {
ecs_table_range_t range;
} ecs_rule_setthis_ctx_t;
/* Ids context */
typedef struct {
ecs_id_record_t *cur;
} ecs_rule_ids_ctx_t;
/* Control flow context */
typedef struct {
ecs_rule_lbl_t op_index;
ecs_id_t field_id;
} ecs_rule_ctrl_ctx_t;
/* Trivial context */
typedef struct {
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
} ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t;
typedef struct ecs_rule_op_ctx_t {
union {
ecs_rule_and_ctx_t and;
ecs_rule_up_ctx_t up;
ecs_rule_trav_ctx_t trav;
ecs_rule_ids_ctx_t ids;
ecs_rule_eq_ctx_t eq;
ecs_rule_each_ctx_t each;
ecs_rule_setthis_ctx_t setthis;
ecs_rule_ctrl_ctx_t ctrl;
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t trivial;
} is;
} ecs_rule_op_ctx_t;
typedef struct {
/* Labels used for control flow */
ecs_rule_lbl_t lbl_query; /* Used to find the op that does the actual searching */
ecs_rule_lbl_t lbl_begin;
ecs_rule_lbl_t lbl_cond_eval;
ecs_write_flags_t cond_written_or; /* Cond written flags at start of or chain */
bool in_or; /* Whether we're in an or chain */
} ecs_rule_compile_ctrlflow_t;
/* Rule compiler state */
typedef struct {
ecs_vec_t *ops;
ecs_write_flags_t written; /* Bitmask to check which variables have been written */
ecs_write_flags_t cond_written; /* Track conditional writes (optional operators) */
/* Maintain control flow per scope */
ecs_rule_compile_ctrlflow_t ctrlflow[FLECS_QUERY_SCOPE_NESTING_MAX];
ecs_rule_compile_ctrlflow_t *cur; /* Current scope */
int32_t scope; /* Nesting level of query scopes */
ecs_flags32_t scope_is_not; /* Whether scope is prefixed with not */
} ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t;
/* Rule run state */
typedef struct {
uint64_t *written; /* Bitset to check which variables have been written */
ecs_rule_lbl_t op_index; /* Currently evaluated operation */
ecs_var_t *vars; /* Variable storage */
ecs_iter_t *it; /* Iterator */
ecs_rule_op_ctx_t *op_ctx; /* Operation context (stack) */
ecs_world_t *world; /* Reference to world */
const ecs_rule_t *rule; /* Reference to rule */
const ecs_rule_var_t *rule_vars; /* Reference to rule variable array */
ecs_flags32_t *source_set; /* Whether ecs_iter_t::sources is written by instruction */
ecs_rule_iter_t *rit;
} ecs_rule_run_ctx_t;
typedef struct {
ecs_rule_var_t var;
const char *name;
} ecs_rule_var_cache_t;
struct ecs_rule_t {
ecs_header_t hdr; /* Poly header */
ecs_filter_t filter; /* Filter */
/* Variables */
ecs_rule_var_t *vars; /* Variables */
int32_t var_count; /* Number of variables */
int32_t var_pub_count; /* Number of public variables */
bool has_table_this; /* Does rule have [$this] */
ecs_hashmap_t tvar_index; /* Name index for table variables */
ecs_hashmap_t evar_index; /* Name index for entity variables */
ecs_rule_var_cache_t vars_cache; /* For trivial rules with only This variables */
char **var_names; /* Array with variable names for iterator */
ecs_var_id_t *src_vars; /* Array with ids to source variables for fields */
ecs_rule_op_t *ops; /* Operations */
int32_t op_count; /* Number of operations */
/* Mixins */
ecs_iterable_t iterable;
ecs_poly_dtor_t dtor;
int32_t var_size; /* Used for out of bounds check during compilation */
/* Convert integer to label */
ecs_rule_lbl_t flecs_itolbl(
int64_t val);
/* Get ref flags (IsEntity) or IsVar) for ref (Src, First, Second) */
ecs_flags16_t flecs_rule_ref_flags(
ecs_flags16_t flags,
ecs_flags16_t kind);
/* Check if variable is written */
bool flecs_rule_is_written(
ecs_var_id_t var_id,
uint64_t written);
/* Check if ref is written (calls flecs_rule_is_written)*/
bool flecs_ref_is_written(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
const ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags16_t kind,
uint64_t written);
/* Compile filter to list of operations */
int flecs_rule_compile(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_rule_t *rule);
/* Get allocator from iterator */
ecs_allocator_t* flecs_rule_get_allocator(
const ecs_iter_t *it);
/* Traversal cache for transitive queries. Finds all reachable entities by
* following a relationship */
/* Find all entities when traversing downwards */
void flecs_rule_get_trav_down_cache(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_cache_t *cache,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t entity);
/* Find all entities when traversing upwards */
void flecs_rule_get_trav_up_cache(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_cache_t *cache,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_table_t *table);
/* Free traversal cache */
void flecs_rule_trav_cache_fini(
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_trav_cache_t *cache);
/* Traversal caches for up traversal. Enables searching upwards until an entity
* with the queried for id has been found. */
/* Traverse downwards from starting entity to find all tables for which the
* specified entity is the source of the queried for id ('with'). */
ecs_trav_down_t* flecs_rule_get_down_cache(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
bool self);
/* Free down traversal cache */
void flecs_rule_down_cache_fini(
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache);
ecs_trav_up_t* flecs_rule_get_up_cache(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t with,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_trav);
/* Free up traversal cache */
void flecs_rule_up_cache_fini(
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache);
/* Convert instruction kind to string */
const char* flecs_rule_op_str(
uint16_t kind);
/* Iterator for trivial queries. */
bool flecs_rule_trivial_search(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx,
bool first,
int32_t until);
/* Iterator for trivial queries. */
bool flecs_rule_trivial_search_nodata(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx,
bool first,
int32_t until);
/* Iterator for trivial queries with wildcard matching. */
bool flecs_rule_trivial_search_w_wildcards(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx,
bool first,
int32_t until);
/* Trivial test for constrained $this. */
bool flecs_rule_trivial_test(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
bool first,
int32_t term_count);
/* Trivial test for constrained $this with wildcard matching. */
bool flecs_rule_trivial_test_w_wildcards(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
bool first,
int32_t term_count);
#include <ctype.h>
static ecs_mixins_t ecs_rule_t_mixins = {
.type_name = "ecs_rule_t",
.elems = {
[EcsMixinWorld] = offsetof(ecs_rule_t, filter.world),
[EcsMixinEntity] = offsetof(ecs_rule_t, filter.entity),
[EcsMixinIterable] = offsetof(ecs_rule_t, iterable),
[EcsMixinDtor] = offsetof(ecs_rule_t, dtor)
const char* flecs_rule_op_str(
uint16_t kind)
switch(kind) {
case EcsRuleAnd: return "and ";
case EcsRuleAndId: return "andid ";
case EcsRuleAndAny: return "andany ";
case EcsRuleTriv: return "triv ";
case EcsRuleTrivData: return "trivpop ";
case EcsRuleTrivWildcard: return "trivwc ";
case EcsRuleSelectAny: return "any ";
case EcsRuleUp: return "up ";
case EcsRuleUpId: return "upid ";
case EcsRuleSelfUp: return "selfup ";
case EcsRuleSelfUpId: return "selfupid";
case EcsRuleWith: return "with ";
case EcsRuleTrav: return "trav ";
case EcsRuleIds: return "ids ";
case EcsRuleIdsRight: return "idsr ";
case EcsRuleIdsLeft: return "idsl ";
case EcsRuleEach: return "each ";
case EcsRuleStore: return "store ";
case EcsRuleReset: return "reset ";
case EcsRuleOr: return "or ";
case EcsRuleOptional: return "option ";
case EcsRuleIf: return "if ";
case EcsRuleEnd: return "end ";
case EcsRuleNot: return "not ";
case EcsRulePredEq: return "eq ";
case EcsRulePredNeq: return "neq ";
case EcsRulePredEqName: return "eq_nm ";
case EcsRulePredNeqName: return "neq_nm ";
case EcsRulePredEqMatch: return "eq_m ";
case EcsRulePredNeqMatch: return "neq_m ";
case EcsRuleLookup: return "lookup ";
case EcsRuleSetVars: return "setvars ";
case EcsRuleSetThis: return "setthis ";
case EcsRuleSetFixed: return "setfix ";
case EcsRuleSetIds: return "setids ";
case EcsRuleSetId: return "setid ";
case EcsRuleContain: return "contain ";
case EcsRulePairEq: return "pair_eq ";
case EcsRulePopulate: return "pop ";
case EcsRulePopulateSelf: return "popself ";
case EcsRuleYield: return "yield ";
case EcsRuleNothing: return "nothing ";
default: return "!invalid";
/* Implementation for iterable mixin */
void flecs_rule_iter_mixin_init(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_poly_t *poly,
ecs_iter_t *iter,
ecs_term_t *filter)
ecs_poly_assert(poly, ecs_rule_t);
if (filter) {
iter[1] = ecs_rule_iter(world, ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_rule_t*, poly));
iter[0] = ecs_term_chain_iter(&iter[1], filter);
} else {
iter[0] = ecs_rule_iter(world, ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_rule_t*, poly));
void flecs_rule_fini(
ecs_rule_t *rule)
if (rule->vars != &rule->vars_cache.var) {
ecs_poly_free(rule, ecs_rule_t);
void ecs_rule_fini(
ecs_rule_t *rule)
if (rule->filter.entity) {
/* If filter is associated with entity, use poly dtor path */
ecs_delete(rule->filter.world, rule->filter.entity);
} else {
ecs_rule_t* ecs_rule_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_filter_desc_t *const_desc)
ecs_rule_t *result = ecs_poly_new(ecs_rule_t);
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
/* Initialize the query */
ecs_filter_desc_t desc = *const_desc;
desc.storage = &result->filter; /* Use storage of rule */
result->filter = ECS_FILTER_INIT;
if (ecs_filter_init(world, &desc) == NULL) {
goto error;
result->iterable.init = flecs_rule_iter_mixin_init;
/* Compile filter to operations */
if (flecs_rule_compile(world, stage, result)) {
goto error;
ecs_entity_t entity = const_desc->entity;
result->dtor = (ecs_poly_dtor_t)flecs_rule_fini;
if (entity) {
EcsPoly *poly = ecs_poly_bind(world, entity, ecs_rule_t);
poly->poly = result;
ecs_poly_modified(world, entity, ecs_rule_t);
return result;
return NULL;
int32_t flecs_rule_op_ref_str(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags16_t flags,
ecs_strbuf_t *buf)
int32_t color_chars = 0;
if (flags & EcsRuleIsVar) {
ecs_assert(ref->var < rule->var_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_rule_var_t *var = &rule->vars[ref->var];
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "#[green]$#[reset]");
if (var->kind == EcsVarTable) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '[');
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "#[green]");
if (var->name) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, var->name);
} else {
if (var->id) {
if (var->label) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, var->label);
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, '\'');
ecs_strbuf_append(buf, "%d", var->id);
} else {
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "this");
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "#[reset]");
if (var->kind == EcsVarTable) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(buf, ']');
color_chars = ecs_os_strlen("#[green]#[reset]#[green]#[reset]");
} else if (flags & EcsRuleIsEntity) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(rule->filter.world, ref->entity);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "#[blue]");
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(buf, path);
ecs_strbuf_appendlit(buf, "#[reset]");
color_chars = ecs_os_strlen("#[blue]#[reset]");
return color_chars;
char* ecs_rule_str_w_profile(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_poly_assert(rule, ecs_rule_t);
ecs_strbuf_t buf = ECS_STRBUF_INIT;
ecs_rule_op_t *ops = rule->ops;
int32_t i, count = rule->op_count, indent = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_rule_op_t *op = &ops[i];
ecs_flags16_t flags = op->flags;
ecs_flags16_t src_flags = flecs_rule_ref_flags(flags, EcsRuleSrc);
ecs_flags16_t first_flags = flecs_rule_ref_flags(flags, EcsRuleFirst);
ecs_flags16_t second_flags = flecs_rule_ref_flags(flags, EcsRuleSecond);
if (it) {
const ecs_rule_iter_t *rit = &it->priv.iter.rule;
"#[green]%4d -> #[red]%4d <- #[grey] | ",
"#[normal]%2d. [#[grey]%2d#[reset], #[green]%2d#[reset]] ",
i, op->prev, op->next);
int32_t hidden_chars, start = ecs_strbuf_written(&buf);
if (op->kind == EcsRuleEnd) {
indent --;
ecs_strbuf_append(&buf, "%*s", indent, "");
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, flecs_rule_op_str(op->kind));
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, " ");
int32_t written = ecs_strbuf_written(&buf);
for (int32_t j = 0; j < (12 - (written - start)); j ++) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&buf, ' ');
hidden_chars = flecs_rule_op_ref_str(rule, &op->src, src_flags, &buf);
if (op->kind == EcsRuleNot ||
op->kind == EcsRuleOr ||
op->kind == EcsRuleOptional ||
op->kind == EcsRuleIf)
indent ++;
if (!first_flags && !second_flags) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, "\n");
written = ecs_strbuf_written(&buf) - hidden_chars;
for (int32_t j = 0; j < (30 - (written - start)); j ++) {
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&buf, ' ');
if (!first_flags && !second_flags) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, "\n");
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, "(");
flecs_rule_op_ref_str(rule, &op->first, first_flags, &buf);
if (second_flags) {
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, ", ");
flecs_rule_op_ref_str(rule, &op->second, second_flags, &buf);
} else {
switch (op->kind) {
case EcsRulePredEqName:
case EcsRulePredNeqName:
case EcsRulePredEqMatch:
case EcsRulePredNeqMatch: {
int8_t term_index = op->term_index;
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, ", #[yellow]\"");
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, rule->filter.terms[term_index].second.name);
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, "\"#[reset]");
case EcsRuleLookup: {
ecs_var_id_t src_id = op->src.var;
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, ", #[yellow]\"");
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, rule->vars[src_id].lookup);
ecs_strbuf_appendstr(&buf, "\"#[reset]");
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&buf, ')');
ecs_strbuf_appendch(&buf, '\n');
#ifdef FLECS_LOG
char *str = ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
flecs_colorize_buf(str, ecs_os_api.flags_ & EcsOsApiLogWithColors, &buf);
return ecs_strbuf_get(&buf);
char* ecs_rule_str(
const ecs_rule_t *rule)
return ecs_rule_str_w_profile(rule, NULL);
const ecs_filter_t* ecs_rule_get_filter(
const ecs_rule_t *rule)
return &rule->filter;
const char* ecs_rule_parse_vars(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_iter_t *it,
const char *expr)
ecs_poly_assert(rule, ecs_rule_t);
char token[ECS_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];
const char *ptr = expr;
bool paren = false;
const char *name = NULL;
if (rule->filter.entity) {
name = ecs_get_name(rule->filter.world, rule->filter.entity);
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
if (!ptr[0]) {
return ptr;
if (ptr[0] == '(') {
paren = true;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 1);
if (ptr[0] == ')') {
return ptr + 1;
do {
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
int var = ecs_rule_find_var(rule, token);
if (var == -1) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"unknown variable '%s'", token);
return NULL;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
if (ptr[0] != ':') {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"missing ':'");
return NULL;
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr + 1);
ptr = ecs_parse_identifier(name, expr, ptr, token);
if (!ptr) {
return NULL;
ecs_entity_t val = ecs_lookup_fullpath(rule->filter.world, token);
if (!val) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"unresolved entity '%s'", token);
return NULL;
ecs_iter_set_var(it, var, val);
ptr = ecs_parse_ws_eol(ptr);
if (ptr[0] == ')') {
if (!paren) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"unexpected closing parenthesis");
return NULL;
ptr ++;
} else if (ptr[0] == ',') {
ptr ++;
} else if (!ptr[0]) {
if (paren) {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"missing closing parenthesis");
return NULL;
} else {
ecs_parser_error(name, expr, (ptr - expr),
"expected , or end of string");
return NULL;
} while (true);
return ptr;
return NULL;
* @file addons/rules/compile.c
* @brief Compile rule program from filter.
#define FlecsRuleOrMarker ((int16_t)-2) /* Marks instruction in OR chain */
ecs_rule_lbl_t flecs_itolbl(int64_t val) {
return flecs_ito(int16_t, val);
ecs_var_id_t flecs_itovar(int64_t val) {
return flecs_ito(uint8_t, val);
ecs_var_id_t flecs_utovar(uint64_t val) {
return flecs_uto(uint8_t, val);
#define flecs_set_var_label(var, lbl) (var)->label = lbl
#define flecs_set_var_label(var, lbl)
bool flecs_rule_is_builtin_pred(
ecs_term_t *term)
if (term->first.flags & EcsIsEntity) {
ecs_entity_t id = term->first.id;
if (id == EcsPredEq || id == EcsPredMatch || id == EcsPredLookup) {
return true;
return false;
bool flecs_rule_is_written(
ecs_var_id_t var_id,
uint64_t written)
if (var_id == EcsVarNone) {
return true;
ecs_assert(var_id < EcsRuleMaxVarCount, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return (written & (1ull << var_id)) != 0;
void flecs_rule_write(
ecs_var_id_t var_id,
uint64_t *written)
ecs_assert(var_id < EcsRuleMaxVarCount, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
*written |= (1ull << var_id);
void flecs_rule_write_ctx(
ecs_var_id_t var_id,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
bool cond_write)
bool is_written = flecs_rule_is_written(var_id, ctx->written);
flecs_rule_write(var_id, &ctx->written);
if (!is_written) {
if (cond_write) {
flecs_rule_write(var_id, &ctx->cond_written);
ecs_flags16_t flecs_rule_ref_flags(
ecs_flags16_t flags,
ecs_flags16_t kind)
return (flags >> kind) & (EcsRuleIsVar | EcsRuleIsEntity);
bool flecs_ref_is_written(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
const ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags16_t kind,
uint64_t written)
ecs_flags16_t flags = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, kind);
if (flags & EcsRuleIsEntity) {
ecs_assert(!(flags & EcsRuleIsVar), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (ref->entity) {
return true;
} else if (flags & EcsRuleIsVar) {
return flecs_rule_is_written(ref->var, written);
return false;
bool flecs_rule_var_is_anonymous(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_var_id_t var_id)
ecs_rule_var_t *var = &rule->vars[var_id];
return var->anonymous;
ecs_var_id_t flecs_rule_find_var_id(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const char *name,
ecs_var_kind_t kind)
ecs_assert(name != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Backwards compatibility */
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(name, "This")) {
name = "this";
if (kind == EcsVarTable) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(name, EcsThisName)) {
if (rule->has_table_this) {
return 0;
} else {
return EcsVarNone;
if (!flecs_name_index_is_init(&rule->tvar_index)) {
return EcsVarNone;
uint64_t index = flecs_name_index_find(
&rule->tvar_index, name, 0, 0);
if (index == 0) {
return EcsVarNone;
return flecs_utovar(index);
if (kind == EcsVarEntity) {
if (!flecs_name_index_is_init(&rule->evar_index)) {
return EcsVarNone;
uint64_t index = flecs_name_index_find(
&rule->evar_index, name, 0, 0);
if (index == 0) {
return EcsVarNone;
return flecs_utovar(index);
ecs_assert(kind == EcsVarAny, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* If searching for any kind of variable, start with most specific */
ecs_var_id_t index = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, name, EcsVarEntity);
if (index != EcsVarNone) {
return index;
return flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, name, EcsVarTable);
int32_t ecs_rule_var_count(
const ecs_rule_t *rule)
return rule->var_pub_count;
int32_t ecs_rule_find_var(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const char *name)
ecs_var_id_t var_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, name, EcsVarEntity);
if (var_id == EcsVarNone) {
if (rule->filter.flags & EcsFilterMatchThis) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(name, "This")) {
name = "this";
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(name, EcsThisName)) {
var_id = 0;
if (var_id == EcsVarNone) {
return -1;
return (int32_t)var_id;
const char* ecs_rule_var_name(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
int32_t var_id)
if (var_id) {
return rule->vars[var_id].name;
} else {
return EcsThisName;
bool ecs_rule_var_is_entity(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
int32_t var_id)
return rule->vars[var_id].kind == EcsVarEntity;
const char* flecs_term_id_var_name(
ecs_term_id_t *term_id)
if (!(term_id->flags & EcsIsVariable)) {
return NULL;
if (term_id->id == EcsThis) {
return EcsThisName;
return term_id->name;
bool flecs_term_id_is_wildcard(
ecs_term_id_t *term_id)
if ((term_id->flags & EcsIsVariable) &&
((term_id->id == EcsWildcard) || (term_id->id == EcsAny)))
return true;
return false;
ecs_var_id_t flecs_rule_add_var(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
const char *name,
ecs_vec_t *vars,
ecs_var_kind_t kind)
const char *dot = NULL;
if (name) {
dot = strchr(name, '.');
if (dot) {
kind = EcsVarEntity; /* lookup variables are always entities */
ecs_hashmap_t *var_index = NULL;
ecs_var_id_t var_id = EcsVarNone;
if (name) {
if (kind == EcsVarAny) {
var_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, name, EcsVarEntity);
if (var_id != EcsVarNone) {
return var_id;
var_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, name, EcsVarTable);
if (var_id != EcsVarNone) {
return var_id;
kind = EcsVarTable;
} else {
var_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, name, kind);
if (var_id != EcsVarNone) {
return var_id;
if (kind == EcsVarTable) {
var_index = &rule->tvar_index;
} else {
var_index = &rule->evar_index;
/* If we're creating an entity var, check if it has a table variant */
if (kind == EcsVarEntity && var_id == EcsVarNone) {
var_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, name, EcsVarTable);
ecs_rule_var_t *var;
ecs_var_id_t result;
if (vars) {
var = ecs_vec_append_t(NULL, vars, ecs_rule_var_t);
result = var->id = flecs_itovar(ecs_vec_count(vars));
} else {
ecs_dbg_assert(rule->var_count < rule->var_size,
var = &rule->vars[rule->var_count];
result = var->id = flecs_itovar(rule->var_count);
rule->var_count ++;
var->kind = flecs_ito(int8_t, kind);
var->name = name;
var->table_id = var_id;
var->base_id = 0;
var->lookup = NULL;
flecs_set_var_label(var, NULL);
if (name) {
flecs_name_index_init_if(var_index, NULL);
flecs_name_index_ensure(var_index, var->id, name, 0, 0);
var->anonymous = name[0] == '_';
/* Handle variables that require a by-name lookup, e.g. $this.wheel */
if (dot != NULL) {
ecs_assert(var->table_id == EcsVarNone, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
var->lookup = dot + 1;
return result;
ecs_var_id_t flecs_rule_add_var_for_term_id(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_term_id_t *term_id,
ecs_vec_t *vars,
ecs_var_kind_t kind)
const char *name = flecs_term_id_var_name(term_id);
if (!name) {
return EcsVarNone;
return flecs_rule_add_var(rule, name, vars, kind);
/* This function walks over terms to discover which variables are used in the
* query. It needs to provide the following functionality:
* - create table vars for all variables used as source
* - create entity vars for all variables not used as source
* - create entity vars for all non-$this vars
* - create anonymous vars to store the content of wildcards
* - create anonymous vars to store result of lookups (for $var.child_name)
* - create anonymous vars for resolving component inheritance
* - create array that stores the source variable for each field
* - ensure table vars for non-$this variables are anonymous
* - ensure variables created inside scopes are anonymous
* - place anonymous variables after public variables in vars array
int flecs_rule_discover_vars(
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_rule_t *rule)
ecs_vec_t *vars = &stage->variables; /* Buffer to reduce allocs */
ecs_vec_reset_t(NULL, vars, ecs_rule_var_t);
ecs_term_t *terms = rule->filter.terms;
int32_t a, i, anonymous_count = 0, count = rule->filter.term_count;
int32_t anonymous_table_count = 0, scope = 0, scoped_var_index = 0;
bool table_this = false, entity_before_table_this = false;
/* For This table lookups during discovery. This will be overwritten after
* discovery with whether the rule actually has a This table variable. */
rule->has_table_this = true;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
ecs_term_id_t *first = &term->first;
ecs_term_id_t *second = &term->second;
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
if (first->id == EcsScopeOpen) {
/* Keep track of which variables are first used in scope, so that we
* can mark them as anonymous. Terms inside a scope are collapsed
* into a single result, which means that outside of the scope the
* value of those variables is undefined. */
if (!scope) {
scoped_var_index = ecs_vec_count(vars);
scope ++;
} else if (first->id == EcsScopeClose) {
if (!--scope) {
/* Any new variables declared after entering a scope should be
* marked as anonymous. */
int32_t v;
for (v = scoped_var_index; v < ecs_vec_count(vars); v ++) {
ecs_vec_get_t(vars, ecs_rule_var_t, v)->anonymous = true;
ecs_var_id_t first_var_id = flecs_rule_add_var_for_term_id(
rule, first, vars, EcsVarEntity);
if (first_var_id == EcsVarNone) {
/* If first is not a variable, check if we need to insert anonymous
* variable for resolving component inheritance */
if (term->flags & EcsTermIdInherited) {
anonymous_count += 2; /* table & entity variable */
/* If first is a wildcard, insert anonymous variable */
if (flecs_term_id_is_wildcard(first)) {
anonymous_count ++;
if ((src->flags & EcsIsVariable) && (src->id != EcsThis)) {
const char *var_name = flecs_term_id_var_name(src);
if (var_name) {
ecs_var_id_t var_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(
rule, var_name, EcsVarEntity);
if (var_id == EcsVarNone || var_id == first_var_id) {
var_id = flecs_rule_add_var(
rule, var_name, vars, EcsVarEntity);
if (var_id != EcsVarNone) {
/* Mark variable as one for which we need to create a table
* variable. Don't create table variable now, so that we can
* store it in the non-public part of the variable array. */
ecs_rule_var_t *var = ecs_vec_get_t(
vars, ecs_rule_var_t, (int32_t)var_id - 1);
ecs_assert(var != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!var->lookup) {
var->kind = EcsVarAny;
anonymous_table_count ++;
if (!(term->flags & EcsTermNoData)) {
/* Can't have an anonymous variable as source of a term
* that returns a component. We need to return each
* instance of the component, whereas anonymous
* variables are not guaranteed to be resolved to
* individual entities. */
if (var->anonymous) {
"can't use anonymous variable '%s' as source of "
"data term", var->name);
goto error;
/* Track which variable ids are used as field source */
if (!rule->src_vars) {
rule->src_vars = ecs_os_calloc_n(ecs_var_id_t,
rule->src_vars[term->field_index] = var_id;
} else {
if (flecs_term_id_is_wildcard(src)) {
anonymous_count ++;
} else if ((src->flags & EcsIsVariable) && (src->id == EcsThis)) {
if (flecs_rule_is_builtin_pred(term) && term->oper == EcsOr) {
flecs_rule_add_var(rule, EcsThisName, vars, EcsVarEntity);
if (flecs_rule_add_var_for_term_id(
rule, second, vars, EcsVarEntity) == EcsVarNone)
/* If second is a wildcard, insert anonymous variable */
if (flecs_term_id_is_wildcard(second)) {
anonymous_count ++;
if (src->flags & EcsIsVariable && second->flags & EcsIsVariable) {
if (term->flags & EcsTermTransitive) {
/* Anonymous variable to store temporary id for finding
* targets for transitive relationship, see compile_term. */
anonymous_count ++;
/* Track if a This entity variable is used before a potential This table
* variable. If this happens, the rule has no This table variable */
if (src->id == EcsThis) {
table_this = true;
if (first->id == EcsThis || second->id == EcsThis) {
if (!table_this) {
entity_before_table_this = true;
int32_t var_count = ecs_vec_count(vars);
ecs_var_id_t placeholder = EcsVarNone - 1;
bool replace_placeholders = false;
/* Ensure lookup variables have table and/or entity variables */
for (i = 0; i < var_count; i ++) {
ecs_rule_var_t *var = ecs_vec_get_t(vars, ecs_rule_var_t, i);
if (var->lookup) {
char *var_name = ecs_os_strdup(var->name);
var_name[var->lookup - var->name - 1] = '\0';
ecs_var_id_t base_table_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(
rule, var_name, EcsVarTable);
if (base_table_id != EcsVarNone) {
var->table_id = base_table_id;
} else if (anonymous_table_count) {
/* Scan for implicit anonymous table variables that haven't been
* inserted yet (happens after this step). Doing this here vs.
* ensures that anonymous variables are appended at the end of
* the variable array, while also ensuring that variable ids are
* stable (no swapping of table var ids that are in use). */
for (a = 0; a < var_count; a ++) {
ecs_rule_var_t *avar = ecs_vec_get_t(
vars, ecs_rule_var_t, a);
if (avar->kind == EcsVarAny) {
if (!ecs_os_strcmp(avar->name, var_name)) {
base_table_id = (ecs_var_id_t)(a + 1);
if (base_table_id != EcsVarNone) {
/* Set marker so we can set the new table id afterwards */
var->table_id = placeholder;
replace_placeholders = true;
ecs_var_id_t base_entity_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(
rule, var_name, EcsVarEntity);
if (base_entity_id == EcsVarNone) {
/* Get name from table var (must exist). We can't use allocated
* name since variables don't own names. */
const char *base_name = NULL;
if (base_table_id) {
ecs_rule_var_t *base_table_var = ecs_vec_get_t(
vars, ecs_rule_var_t, (int32_t)base_table_id - 1);
base_name = base_table_var->name;
} else {
base_name = EcsThisName;
base_entity_id = flecs_rule_add_var(
rule, base_name, vars, EcsVarEntity);
var = ecs_vec_get_t(vars, ecs_rule_var_t, i);
var->base_id = base_entity_id;
var_count = ecs_vec_count(vars);
/* Add non-This table variables */
if (anonymous_table_count) {
anonymous_table_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < var_count; i ++) {
ecs_rule_var_t *var = ecs_vec_get_t(vars, ecs_rule_var_t, i);
if (var->kind == EcsVarAny) {
var->kind = EcsVarEntity;
ecs_var_id_t var_id = flecs_rule_add_var(
rule, var->name, vars, EcsVarTable);
ecs_vec_get_t(vars, ecs_rule_var_t, i)->table_id = var_id;
anonymous_table_count ++;
var_count = ecs_vec_count(vars);
/* If any forward references to newly added anonymous tables exist, replace
* them with the actual table variable ids. */
if (replace_placeholders) {
for (i = 0; i < var_count; i ++) {
ecs_rule_var_t *var = ecs_vec_get_t(vars, ecs_rule_var_t, i);
if (var->table_id == placeholder) {
char *var_name = ecs_os_strdup(var->name);
var_name[var->lookup - var->name - 1] = '\0';
var->table_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(
rule, var_name, EcsVarTable);
ecs_assert(var->table_id != EcsVarNone,
/* Always include spot for This variable, even if rule doesn't use it */
var_count ++;
ecs_rule_var_t *rule_vars = &rule->vars_cache.var;
if ((var_count + anonymous_count) > 1) {
rule_vars = ecs_os_malloc(
(ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_rule_var_t) + ECS_SIZEOF(char*)) *
(var_count + anonymous_count));
rule->vars = rule_vars;
rule->var_count = var_count;
rule->var_pub_count = var_count;
rule->has_table_this = !entity_before_table_this;
rule->var_size = var_count + anonymous_count;
char **var_names = ECS_ELEM(rule_vars, ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_rule_var_t),
var_count + anonymous_count);
rule->var_names = (char**)var_names;
rule_vars[0].kind = EcsVarTable;
rule_vars[0].name = NULL;
flecs_set_var_label(&rule_vars[0], NULL);
rule_vars[0].id = 0;
rule_vars[0].table_id = EcsVarNone;
rule_vars[0].lookup = NULL;
var_names[0] = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, rule_vars[0].name);
rule_vars ++;
var_names ++;
var_count --;
if (var_count) {
ecs_rule_var_t *user_vars = ecs_vec_first_t(vars, ecs_rule_var_t);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(rule_vars, user_vars, ecs_rule_var_t, var_count);
for (i = 0; i < var_count; i ++) {
var_names[i] = ECS_CONST_CAST(char*, rule_vars[i].name);
/* Hide anonymous table variables from application */
rule->var_pub_count -= anonymous_table_count;
/* Sanity check to make sure that the public part of the variable array only
* contains entity variables. */
for (i = 1 /* first element = $this */; i < rule->var_pub_count; i ++) {
ecs_assert(rule->vars[i].kind == EcsVarEntity, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return 0;
return -1;
ecs_var_id_t flecs_rule_most_specific_var(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
const char *name,
ecs_var_kind_t kind,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
if (kind == EcsVarTable || kind == EcsVarEntity) {
return flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, name, kind);
ecs_var_id_t evar = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, name, EcsVarEntity);
if ((evar != EcsVarNone) && flecs_rule_is_written(evar, ctx->written)) {
/* If entity variable is available and written to, it contains the most
* specific result and should be used. */
return evar;
ecs_var_id_t tvar = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, name, EcsVarTable);
if ((tvar != EcsVarNone) && !flecs_rule_is_written(tvar, ctx->written)) {
/* If variable of any kind is requested and variable hasn't been written
* yet, write to table variable */
return tvar;
/* If table var is written, and entity var doesn't exist or is not written,
* return table var */
if (tvar != EcsVarNone) {
return tvar;
} else {
return evar;
ecs_rule_lbl_t flecs_rule_op_insert(
ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_op_t *elem = ecs_vec_append_t(NULL, ctx->ops, ecs_rule_op_t);
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(ctx->ops);
*elem = *op;
if (count > 1) {
if (ctx->cur->lbl_begin == -1) {
/* Variables written by previous instruction can't be written by
* this instruction, except when this is a union. */
elem->written &= ~elem[-1].written;
elem->next = flecs_itolbl(count);
elem->prev = flecs_itolbl(count - 2);
return flecs_itolbl(count - 1);
ecs_rule_op_t* flecs_rule_begin_block(
ecs_rule_op_kind_t kind,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_op_t op = {0};
op.kind = flecs_ito(uint8_t, kind);
ctx->cur->lbl_begin = flecs_rule_op_insert(&op, ctx);
return ecs_vec_get_t(ctx->ops, ecs_rule_op_t, ctx->cur->lbl_begin);
void flecs_rule_end_block(
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_op_t new_op = {0};
new_op.kind = EcsRuleEnd;
ecs_rule_lbl_t end = flecs_rule_op_insert(&new_op, ctx);
ecs_rule_op_t *ops = ecs_vec_first_t(ctx->ops, ecs_rule_op_t);
ops[ctx->cur->lbl_begin].next = end;
ecs_rule_op_t *end_op = &ops[end];
if (ctx->cur->lbl_query != -1) {
ecs_rule_op_t *query_op = &ops[ctx->cur->lbl_query];
end_op->prev = ctx->cur->lbl_begin;
end_op->src = query_op->src;
end_op->first = query_op->first;
end_op->second = query_op->second;
end_op->flags = query_op->flags;
end_op->field_index = query_op->field_index;
} else {
end_op->prev = ctx->cur->lbl_begin;
end_op->field_index = -1;
ctx->cur->lbl_begin = -1;
void flecs_rule_begin_block_cond_eval(
ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_write_flags_t cond_write_state)
ecs_var_id_t first_var = EcsVarNone, second_var = EcsVarNone, src_var = EcsVarNone;
ecs_write_flags_t cond_mask = 0;
if (flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleFirst) == EcsRuleIsVar) {
first_var = op->first.var;
ecs_assert(first_var != EcsVarNone, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
cond_mask |= (1ull << first_var);
if (flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSecond) == EcsRuleIsVar) {
second_var = op->second.var;
ecs_assert(second_var != EcsVarNone, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
cond_mask |= (1ull << second_var);
if (flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSrc) == EcsRuleIsVar) {
src_var = op->src.var;
ecs_assert(src_var != EcsVarNone, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
cond_mask |= (1ull << src_var);
/* Variables set in an OR chain are marked as conditional writes. However,
* writes from previous terms in the current OR chain shouldn't be treated
* as variables that are conditionally set, so instead use the write mask
* from before the chain started. */
if (ctx->ctrlflow->in_or) {
cond_write_state = ctx->ctrlflow->cond_written_or;
/* If this term uses conditionally set variables, insert instruction that
* jumps over the term if the variables weren't set yet. */
if (cond_mask & cond_write_state) {
ctx->cur->lbl_cond_eval = flecs_itolbl(ecs_vec_count(ctx->ops));
ecs_rule_op_t jmp_op = {0};
jmp_op.kind = EcsRuleIf;
if ((first_var != EcsVarNone) && cond_write_state & (1ull << first_var)) {
jmp_op.flags |= (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst);
jmp_op.first.var = first_var;
if ((second_var != EcsVarNone) && cond_write_state & (1ull << second_var)) {
jmp_op.flags |= (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSecond);
jmp_op.second.var = second_var;
if ((src_var != EcsVarNone) && cond_write_state & (1ull << src_var)) {
jmp_op.flags |= (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc);
jmp_op.src.var = src_var;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&jmp_op, ctx);
} else {
ctx->cur->lbl_cond_eval = -1;
void flecs_rule_end_block_cond_eval(
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
if (ctx->cur->lbl_cond_eval == -1) {
ecs_assert(ctx->cur->lbl_query >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_rule_op_t end_op = {0};
end_op.kind = EcsRuleEnd;
ecs_rule_lbl_t end = flecs_rule_op_insert(&end_op, ctx);
ecs_rule_op_t *ops = ecs_vec_first_t(ctx->ops, ecs_rule_op_t);
ops[ctx->cur->lbl_cond_eval].next = end;
ecs_rule_op_t *end_op_ptr = &ops[end];
ecs_rule_op_t *query_op = &ops[ctx->cur->lbl_query];
end_op_ptr->prev = ctx->cur->lbl_cond_eval;
end_op_ptr->src = query_op->src;
end_op_ptr->first = query_op->first;
end_op_ptr->second = query_op->second;
end_op_ptr->flags = query_op->flags;
end_op_ptr->field_index = query_op->field_index;
void flecs_rule_begin_block_or(
ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_op_t *or_op = flecs_rule_begin_block(EcsRuleNot, ctx);
or_op->kind = EcsRuleOr;
/* Set the source of the evaluate terms as source of the Or instruction.
* This lets the engine determine whether the variable has already been
* written. When the source is not yet written, an OR operation needs to
* take the union of all the terms in the OR chain. When the variable is
* known, it will return after the first matching term.
* In case a term in the OR expression is an equality predicate which
* compares the left hand side with a variable, the variable acts as an
* alias, so we can always assume that it's written. */
bool add_src = true;
if (term->first.id == EcsPredEq && term->second.flags & EcsIsVariable) {
if (!(flecs_rule_is_written(op->src.var, ctx->written))) {
add_src = false;
if (add_src) {
if (op->flags & (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc)) {
or_op->flags = (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc);
or_op->src = op->src;
void flecs_rule_end_block_or(
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_op_t op = {0};
op.kind = EcsRuleEnd;
ecs_rule_lbl_t end = flecs_rule_op_insert(&op, ctx);
ecs_rule_op_t *ops = ecs_vec_first_t(ctx->ops, ecs_rule_op_t);
int32_t i, j, prev_or = -2;
for (i = ctx->cur->lbl_begin + 1; i < end; i ++) {
if (ops[i].next == FlecsRuleOrMarker) {
if (prev_or != -2) {
ops[prev_or].prev = flecs_itolbl(i);
ops[i].next = flecs_itolbl(end);
prev_or = i;
} else {
/* Combine operation with next OR marker. This supports OR chains
* with terms that require multiple operations to test. */
for (j = i + 1; j < end; j ++) {
if (ops[j].next == FlecsRuleOrMarker) {
if (j == (end - 1)) {
ops[i].prev = ctx->cur->lbl_begin;
} else {
ops[i].prev = flecs_itolbl(j + 1);
ops[ctx->cur->lbl_begin].next = flecs_itolbl(end);
ops[end].prev = ctx->cur->lbl_begin;
ops[end - 1].prev = ctx->cur->lbl_begin;
/* Scan which variables were conditionally written in the OR chain and
* reset instructions after the OR chain. If a variable is set in part one
* of a chain but not part two, there would be nothing writing to the
* variable in part two, leaving it to the previous value. To address this
* a reset is inserted that resets the variable value on redo. */
for (i = 1; i < (8 * ECS_SIZEOF(ecs_write_flags_t)); i ++) {
ecs_write_flags_t prev = 1 & (ctx->ctrlflow->cond_written_or >> i);
ecs_write_flags_t cur = 1 & (ctx->cond_written >> i);
if (!prev && cur) {
ecs_rule_op_t reset_op = {0};
reset_op.kind = EcsRuleReset;
reset_op.flags |= (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc);
reset_op.src.var = flecs_itovar(i);
flecs_rule_op_insert(&reset_op, ctx);
ctx->ctrlflow->in_or = false;
ctx->cur->lbl_begin = -1;
void flecs_rule_insert_each(
ecs_var_id_t tvar,
ecs_var_id_t evar,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
bool cond_write)
ecs_rule_op_t each = {0};
each.kind = EcsRuleEach;
each.src.var = evar;
each.first.var = tvar;
each.flags = (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc) |
(EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst);
flecs_rule_write_ctx(evar, ctx, cond_write);
flecs_rule_write(evar, &each.written);
flecs_rule_op_insert(&each, ctx);
void flecs_rule_insert_lookup(
ecs_var_id_t base_var,
ecs_var_id_t evar,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
bool cond_write)
ecs_rule_op_t lookup = {0};
lookup.kind = EcsRuleLookup;
lookup.src.var = evar;
lookup.first.var = base_var;
lookup.flags = (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc) |
(EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst);
flecs_rule_write_ctx(evar, ctx, cond_write);
flecs_rule_write(evar, &lookup.written);
flecs_rule_op_insert(&lookup, ctx);
void flecs_rule_insert_unconstrained_transitive(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
bool cond_write)
/* Create anonymous variable to store the target ids. This will return the
* list of targets without constraining the variable of the term, which
* needs to stay variable to find all transitive relationships for a src. */
ecs_var_id_t tgt = flecs_rule_add_var(rule, NULL, NULL, EcsVarEntity);
flecs_set_var_label(&rule->vars[tgt], rule->vars[op->second.var].name);
/* First, find ids to start traversal from. This fixes op.second. */
ecs_rule_op_t find_ids = {0};
find_ids.kind = EcsRuleIdsRight;
find_ids.field_index = -1;
find_ids.first = op->first;
find_ids.second = op->second;
find_ids.flags = op->flags;
find_ids.flags &= (ecs_flags8_t)~((EcsRuleIsVar|EcsRuleIsEntity) << EcsRuleSrc);
find_ids.second.var = tgt;
flecs_rule_write_ctx(tgt, ctx, cond_write);
flecs_rule_write(tgt, &find_ids.written);
flecs_rule_op_insert(&find_ids, ctx);
/* Next, iterate all tables for the ids. This fixes op.src */
ecs_rule_op_t and_op = {0};
and_op.kind = EcsRuleAnd;
and_op.field_index = op->field_index;
and_op.first = op->first;
and_op.second = op->second;
and_op.src = op->src;
and_op.flags = op->flags | EcsRuleIsSelf;
and_op.second.var = tgt;
flecs_rule_write_ctx(and_op.src.var, ctx, cond_write);
flecs_rule_write(and_op.src.var, &and_op.written);
flecs_rule_op_insert(&and_op, ctx);
void flecs_rule_insert_inheritance(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
bool cond_write)
/* Anonymous variable to store the resolved component ids */
ecs_var_id_t tvar = flecs_rule_add_var(rule, NULL, NULL, EcsVarTable);
ecs_var_id_t evar = flecs_rule_add_var(rule, NULL, NULL, EcsVarEntity);
flecs_set_var_label(&rule->vars[tvar], ecs_get_name(rule->filter.world, term->first.id));
flecs_set_var_label(&rule->vars[evar], ecs_get_name(rule->filter.world, term->first.id));
ecs_rule_op_t trav_op = {0};
trav_op.kind = EcsRuleTrav;
trav_op.field_index = -1;
trav_op.first.entity = term->first.trav;
trav_op.second.entity = term->first.id;
trav_op.src.var = tvar;
trav_op.flags = EcsRuleIsSelf;
trav_op.flags |= (EcsRuleIsEntity << EcsRuleFirst);
trav_op.flags |= (EcsRuleIsEntity << EcsRuleSecond);
trav_op.flags |= (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc);
trav_op.written |= (1ull << tvar);
if (term->first.flags & EcsSelf) {
trav_op.match_flags |= EcsTermReflexive;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&trav_op, ctx);
flecs_rule_insert_each(tvar, evar, ctx, cond_write);
ecs_rule_ref_t r = { .var = evar };
op->first = r;
op->flags &= (ecs_flags8_t)~(EcsRuleIsEntity << EcsRuleFirst);
op->flags |= (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst);
void flecs_rule_compile_term_id(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_term_id_t *term_id,
ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags8_t ref_kind,
ecs_var_kind_t kind,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
bool create_wildcard_vars)
if (!ecs_term_id_is_set(term_id)) {
if (term_id->flags & EcsIsVariable) {
op->flags |= (ecs_flags8_t)(EcsRuleIsVar << ref_kind);
const char *name = flecs_term_id_var_name(term_id);
if (name) {
ref->var = flecs_rule_most_specific_var(rule, name, kind, ctx);
ecs_assert(ref->var != EcsVarNone, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} else if (create_wildcard_vars) {
bool is_wildcard = flecs_term_id_is_wildcard(term_id);
if (is_wildcard && (kind == EcsVarAny)) {
ref->var = flecs_rule_add_var(rule, NULL, NULL, EcsVarTable);
} else {
ref->var = flecs_rule_add_var(rule, NULL, NULL, EcsVarEntity);
if (is_wildcard) {
ecs_get_name(world, term_id->id));
ecs_assert(ref->var != EcsVarNone, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (term_id->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
op->flags |= (ecs_flags8_t)(EcsRuleIsEntity << ref_kind);
ref->entity = term_id->id;
int flecs_rule_compile_ensure_vars(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags16_t ref_kind,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
bool cond_write,
bool *written_out)
ecs_flags16_t flags = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, ref_kind);
bool written = false;
if (flags & EcsRuleIsVar) {
ecs_var_id_t var_id = ref->var;
ecs_rule_var_t *var = &rule->vars[var_id];
if (var->kind == EcsVarEntity &&
!flecs_rule_is_written(var_id, ctx->written))
/* If entity variable is not yet written but a table variant exists
* that has been written, insert each operation to translate from
* entity variable to table */
ecs_var_id_t tvar = var->table_id;
if ((tvar != EcsVarNone) &&
flecs_rule_is_written(tvar, ctx->written))
if (var->lookup) {
if (!flecs_rule_is_written(tvar, ctx->written)) {
ecs_err("dependent variable of '$%s' is not written",
return -1;
if (!flecs_rule_is_written(var->base_id, ctx->written)) {
tvar, var->base_id, ctx, cond_write);
} else {
flecs_rule_insert_each(tvar, var_id, ctx, cond_write);
/* Variable was written, just not as entity */
written = true;
} else if (var->lookup) {
if (!flecs_rule_is_written(var->base_id, ctx->written)) {
ecs_err("dependent variable of '$%s' is not written",
return -1;
written |= flecs_rule_is_written(var_id, ctx->written);
} else {
/* If it's not a variable, it's always written */
written = true;
if (written_out) {
*written_out = written;
return 0;
bool flecs_rule_compile_lookup(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_var_id_t var_id,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
bool cond_write)
ecs_rule_var_t *var = &rule->vars[var_id];
if (var->lookup) {
flecs_rule_insert_lookup(var->base_id, var_id, ctx, cond_write);
return true;
} else {
return false;
void flecs_rule_insert_contains(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_var_id_t src_var,
ecs_var_id_t other_var,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_op_t contains = {0};
if ((src_var != other_var) && (src_var == rule->vars[other_var].table_id)) {
contains.kind = EcsRuleContain;
contains.src.var = src_var;
contains.first.var = other_var;
contains.flags |= (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc) |
(EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst);
flecs_rule_op_insert(&contains, ctx);
void flecs_rule_insert_pair_eq(
int32_t field_index,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_op_t contains = {0};
contains.kind = EcsRulePairEq;
contains.field_index = flecs_ito(int8_t, field_index);
flecs_rule_op_insert(&contains, ctx);
bool flecs_rule_term_fixed_id(
ecs_filter_t *filter,
ecs_term_t *term)
/* Transitive/inherited terms have variable ids */
if (term->flags & (EcsTermTransitive|EcsTermIdInherited)) {
return false;
/* Or terms can match different ids */
if (term->oper == EcsOr) {
return false;
if ((term != filter->terms) && term[-1].oper == EcsOr) {
return false;
/* Wildcards can assume different ids */
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(term->id)) {
return false;
/* Any terms can have fixed ids, but they require special handling */
if (term->flags & (EcsTermMatchAny|EcsTermMatchAnySrc)) {
return false;
/* First terms that are Not or Optional require special handling */
if (term->oper == EcsNot || term->oper == EcsOptional) {
if (term == filter->terms) {
return false;
return true;
int flecs_rule_compile_builtin_pred(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_write_flags_t write_state)
ecs_entity_t id = term->first.id;
ecs_rule_op_kind_t eq[] = {EcsRulePredEq, EcsRulePredNeq};
ecs_rule_op_kind_t eq_name[] = {EcsRulePredEqName, EcsRulePredNeqName};
ecs_rule_op_kind_t eq_match[] = {EcsRulePredEqMatch, EcsRulePredNeqMatch};
ecs_flags16_t flags_2nd = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSecond);
if (id == EcsPredEq) {
if (term->second.flags & EcsIsName) {
op->kind = flecs_ito(uint8_t, eq_name[term->oper == EcsNot]);
} else {
op->kind = flecs_ito(uint8_t, eq[term->oper == EcsNot]);
} else if (id == EcsPredMatch) {
op->kind = flecs_ito(uint8_t, eq_match[term->oper == EcsNot]);
op->first = op->src;
op->src = (ecs_rule_ref_t){0};
op->flags &= (ecs_flags8_t)~((EcsRuleIsEntity|EcsRuleIsVar) << EcsRuleSrc);
op->flags &= (ecs_flags8_t)~((EcsRuleIsEntity|EcsRuleIsVar) << EcsRuleFirst);
op->flags |= EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst;
if (flags_2nd & EcsRuleIsVar) {
if (!(write_state & (1ull << op->second.var))) {
ecs_err("uninitialized variable '%s' on right-hand side of "
"equality operator",
ecs_rule_var_name(rule, op->second.var));
return -1;
if (!(write_state & (1ull << op->first.var))) {
/* If this is an == operator with a right-hand side that resolves to a
* single entity, the left-hand side is allowed to be undefined, as the
* instruction will be evaluated as an assignment. */
if (op->kind != EcsRulePredEq && op->kind != EcsRulePredEqName) {
ecs_err("uninitialized variable '%s' on left-hand side of "
"equality operator",
ecs_rule_var_name(rule, op->first.var));
return -1;
return 0;
int flecs_rule_ensure_scope_var(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags16_t ref_kind,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_var_id_t var = ref->var;
if (rule->vars[var].kind == EcsVarEntity &&
!flecs_rule_is_written(var, ctx->written))
ecs_var_id_t table_var = rule->vars[var].table_id;
if (table_var != EcsVarNone &&
flecs_rule_is_written(table_var, ctx->written))
if (flecs_rule_compile_ensure_vars(
rule, op, ref, ref_kind, ctx, false, NULL))
goto error;
return 0;
return -1;
int flecs_rule_ensure_scope_vars(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_term_t *term)
/* If the scope uses variables as entity that have only been written as
* table, resolve them as entities before entering the scope. */
ecs_term_t *cur = term;
while(cur->first.id != EcsScopeClose) {
/* Dummy operation to obtain variable information for term */
ecs_rule_op_t op = {0};
flecs_rule_compile_term_id(world, rule, &op, &cur->first,
&op.first, EcsRuleFirst, EcsVarEntity, ctx, false);
flecs_rule_compile_term_id(world, rule, &op, &cur->second,
&op.second, EcsRuleSecond, EcsVarEntity, ctx, false);
if (op.flags & (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst)) {
if (flecs_rule_ensure_scope_var(
rule, &op, &op.first, EcsRuleFirst, ctx))
goto error;
if (op.flags & (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSecond)) {
if (flecs_rule_ensure_scope_var(
rule, &op, &op.second, EcsRuleSecond, ctx))
goto error;
cur ++;
return 0;
return -1;
void flecs_rule_compile_push(
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ctx->cur = &ctx->ctrlflow[++ ctx->scope];
ctx->cur->lbl_begin = -1;
ctx->cur->lbl_begin = -1;
void flecs_rule_compile_pop(
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ctx->cur = &ctx->ctrlflow[-- ctx->scope];
bool flecs_rule_term_is_or(
const ecs_filter_t *filter,
const ecs_term_t *term)
bool first_term = term == filter->terms;
return (term->oper == EcsOr) || (!first_term && term[-1].oper == EcsOr);
int flecs_rule_compile_term(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
bool first_term = term == filter->terms;
bool first_is_var = term->first.flags & EcsIsVariable;
bool second_is_var = term->second.flags & EcsIsVariable;
bool src_is_var = term->src.flags & EcsIsVariable;
bool builtin_pred = flecs_rule_is_builtin_pred(term);
bool is_not = (term->oper == EcsNot) && !builtin_pred;
bool is_or = flecs_rule_term_is_or(filter, term);
bool first_or = false, last_or = false;
bool cond_write = term->oper == EcsOptional || is_or;
ecs_rule_op_t op = {0};
if (is_or) {
first_or = first_term || (term[-1].oper != EcsOr);
last_or = term->oper != EcsOr;
/* !_ (don't match anything) terms always return nothing. */
if (is_not && term->id == EcsAny) {
op.kind = EcsRuleNothing;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&op, ctx);
return 0;
if (is_or && (first_term || term[-1].oper != EcsOr)) {
ctx->ctrlflow->cond_written_or = ctx->cond_written;
ctx->ctrlflow->in_or = true;
if (!term->src.id && term->src.flags & EcsIsEntity) {
/* If the term has a 0 source, check if it's a scope open/close */
if (term->first.id == EcsScopeOpen) {
if (flecs_rule_ensure_scope_vars(world, rule, ctx, term)) {
goto error;
if (term->oper == EcsNot) {
ctx->scope_is_not |= (ecs_flags32_t)(1ull << ctx->scope);
flecs_rule_begin_block(EcsRuleNot, ctx);
} else {
ctx->scope_is_not &= (ecs_flags32_t)~(1ull << ctx->scope);
} else if (term->first.id == EcsScopeClose) {
if (ctx->scope_is_not & (ecs_flags32_t)(1ull << (ctx->scope))) {
ctx->cur->lbl_query = -1;
} else {
/* Noop */
return 0;
if (builtin_pred) {
if (term->second.id == EcsWildcard || term->second.id == EcsAny) {
/* Noop */
return 0;
/* Default instruction for And operators. If the source is fixed (like for
* singletons or terms with an entity source), use With, which like And but
* just matches against a source (vs. finding a source). */
op.kind = src_is_var ? EcsRuleAnd : EcsRuleWith;
op.field_index = flecs_ito(int8_t, term->field_index);
op.term_index = flecs_ito(int8_t, term - filter->terms);
/* If rule is transitive, use Trav(ersal) instruction */
if (term->flags & EcsTermTransitive) {
ecs_assert(ecs_term_id_is_set(&term->second), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
op.kind = EcsRuleTrav;
} else {
/* Ignore cascade & parent flags */
ecs_flags32_t trav_flags = EcsTraverseFlags & ~(EcsCascade|EcsParent);
if (term->flags & (EcsTermMatchAny|EcsTermMatchAnySrc)) {
op.kind = EcsRuleAndAny;
} else if ((term->src.flags & trav_flags) == EcsUp) {
op.kind = EcsRuleUp;
} else if ((term->src.flags & trav_flags) == (EcsSelf|EcsUp)) {
op.kind = EcsRuleSelfUp;
/* If term has fixed id, insert simpler instruction that skips dealing with
* wildcard terms and variables */
if (flecs_rule_term_fixed_id(filter, term)) {
if (op.kind == EcsRuleAnd) {
op.kind = EcsRuleAndId;
} else if (op.kind == EcsRuleSelfUp) {
op.kind = EcsRuleSelfUpId;
} else if (op.kind == EcsRuleUp) {
op.kind = EcsRuleUpId;
/* Save write state at start of term so we can use it to reliably track
* variables got written by this term. */
ecs_write_flags_t cond_write_state = ctx->cond_written;
/* Resolve component inheritance if necessary */
ecs_var_id_t first_var = EcsVarNone, second_var = EcsVarNone, src_var = EcsVarNone;
/* Resolve variables and entities for operation arguments */
flecs_rule_compile_term_id(world, rule, &op, &term->first,
&op.first, EcsRuleFirst, EcsVarEntity, ctx, true);
flecs_rule_compile_term_id(world, rule, &op, &term->second,
&op.second, EcsRuleSecond, EcsVarEntity, ctx, true);
if (first_is_var) first_var = op.first.var;
if (second_is_var) second_var = op.second.var;
flecs_rule_compile_term_id(world, rule, &op, &term->src,
&op.src, EcsRuleSrc, EcsVarAny, ctx, true);
if (src_is_var) src_var = op.src.var;
bool src_written = flecs_rule_is_written(src_var, ctx->written);
/* Insert each instructions for table -> entity variable if needed */
bool first_written, second_written;
if (flecs_rule_compile_ensure_vars(
rule, &op, &op.first, EcsRuleFirst, ctx, cond_write, &first_written))
goto error;
if (flecs_rule_compile_ensure_vars(
rule, &op, &op.second, EcsRuleSecond, ctx, cond_write, &second_written))
goto error;
/* If the query starts with a Not or Optional term, insert an operation that
* matches all entities. */
if (first_term && src_is_var && !src_written && term->src.id != EcsAny) {
bool pred_match = builtin_pred && term->first.id == EcsPredMatch;
if (term->oper == EcsNot || term->oper == EcsOptional || pred_match) {
ecs_rule_op_t match_any = {0};
match_any.kind = EcsAnd;
match_any.flags = EcsRuleIsSelf | (EcsRuleIsEntity << EcsRuleFirst);
match_any.flags |= (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc);
match_any.src = op.src;
match_any.field_index = -1;
if (!pred_match) {
match_any.first.entity = EcsAny;
} else {
/* If matching by name, instead of finding all tables, just find
* the ones with a name. */
match_any.first.entity = ecs_id(EcsIdentifier);
match_any.second.entity = EcsName;
match_any.flags |= (EcsRuleIsEntity << EcsRuleSecond);
match_any.written = (1ull << src_var);
flecs_rule_op_insert(&match_any, ctx);
flecs_rule_write_ctx(op.src.var, ctx, false);
/* Update write administration */
src_written = true;
/* A bit of special logic for OR expressions and equality predicates. If the
* left-hand of an equality operator is a table, and there are multiple
* operators in an Or expression, the Or chain should match all entities in
* the table that match the right hand sides of the operator expressions.
* For this to work, the src variable needs to be resolved as entity, as an
* Or chain would otherwise only yield the first match from a table. */
if (src_is_var && src_written && builtin_pred && term->oper == EcsOr) {
/* Or terms are required to have the same source, so we don't have to
* worry about the last term in the chain. */
if (rule->vars[src_var].kind == EcsVarTable) {
flecs_rule_compile_term_id(world, rule, &op, &term->src,
&op.src, EcsRuleSrc, EcsVarEntity, ctx, true);
src_var = op.src.var;
if (flecs_rule_compile_ensure_vars(
rule, &op, &op.src, EcsRuleSrc, ctx, cond_write, NULL))
goto error;
/* If source is Any (_) and first and/or second are unconstrained, insert an
* ids instruction instead of an And */
if (term->flags & EcsTermMatchAnySrc) {
op.kind = EcsRuleIds;
/* Use up-to-date written values after potentially inserting each */
if (!first_written || !second_written) {
if (!first_written) {
/* If first is unknown, traverse left: <- (*, t) */
if (term->first.id != EcsAny) {
op.kind = EcsRuleIdsLeft;
} else {
/* If second is wildcard, traverse right: (r, *) -> */
if (term->second.id != EcsAny) {
op.kind = EcsRuleIdsRight;
op.src.entity = 0;
op.flags &= (ecs_flags8_t)~(EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc); /* ids has no src */
op.flags &= (ecs_flags8_t)~(EcsRuleIsEntity << EcsRuleSrc);
/* If source variable is not written and we're querying just for Any, insert
* a dedicated instruction that uses the Any record in the id index. Any
* queries that are evaluated against written sources can use Wildcard
* records, which is what the AndAny instruction does. */
} else if (!src_written && term->id == EcsAny && op.kind == EcsRuleAndAny) {
/* Lookup variables ($var.child_name) are always written */
if (!rule->vars[src_var].lookup) {
op.kind = EcsRuleSelectAny; /* Uses Any (_) id record */
/* If this is a transitive term and both the target and source are unknown,
* find the targets for the relationship first. This clusters together
* tables for the same target, which allows for more efficient usage of the
* traversal caches. */
if (term->flags & EcsTermTransitive && src_is_var && second_is_var) {
if (!src_written && !second_written) {
rule, &op, ctx, cond_write);
/* Check if this term has variables that have been conditionally written,
* like variables written by an optional term. */
if (ctx->cond_written) {
if (!is_or || first_or) {
flecs_rule_begin_block_cond_eval(&op, ctx, cond_write_state);
/* Handle Not, Optional, Or operators */
if (is_not) {
flecs_rule_begin_block(EcsRuleNot, ctx);
} else if (term->oper == EcsOptional) {
flecs_rule_begin_block(EcsRuleOptional, ctx);
} else if (first_or) {
flecs_rule_begin_block_or(&op, term, ctx);
/* If term has component inheritance enabled, insert instruction to walk
* down the relationship tree of the id. */
if (term->flags & EcsTermIdInherited) {
flecs_rule_insert_inheritance(rule, term, &op, ctx, cond_write);
op.match_flags = term->flags;
if (first_is_var) {
op.first.var = first_var;
op.flags &= (ecs_flags8_t)~(EcsRuleIsEntity << EcsRuleFirst);
op.flags |= (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst);
if (term->src.flags & EcsSelf) {
op.flags |= EcsRuleIsSelf;
/* Insert instructions for lookup variables */
ecs_write_flags_t write_state = ctx->written;
if (first_is_var) {
if (flecs_rule_compile_lookup(rule, first_var, ctx, cond_write)) {
write_state |= (1ull << first_var); // lookups are resolved inline
if (src_is_var) {
if (flecs_rule_compile_lookup(rule, src_var, ctx, cond_write)) {
write_state |= (1ull << src_var); // lookups are resolved inline
if (second_is_var) {
if (flecs_rule_compile_lookup(rule, second_var, ctx, cond_write)) {
write_state |= (1ull << second_var); // lookups are resolved inline
if (builtin_pred) {
if (flecs_rule_compile_builtin_pred(rule, term, &op, write_state)) {
goto error;
/* If we're writing the $this variable, filter out disabled/prefab entities
* unless the filter explicitly matches them.
* This could've been done with regular With instructions, but since
* filtering out disabled/prefab entities is the default and this check is
* cheap to perform on table flags, it's worth special casing. */
if (!src_written && src_var == 0) {
ecs_flags32_t filter_flags = filter->flags;
if (!(filter_flags & EcsFilterMatchDisabled) ||
!(filter_flags & EcsFilterMatchPrefab))
ecs_flags32_t table_flags = 0;
if (!(filter_flags & EcsFilterMatchDisabled)) {
table_flags |= EcsTableIsDisabled;
if (!(filter_flags & EcsFilterMatchPrefab)) {
table_flags |= EcsTableIsPrefab;
op.other = flecs_itolbl(table_flags);
/* After evaluating a term, a used variable is always written */
if (src_is_var) {
flecs_rule_write(src_var, &op.written);
flecs_rule_write_ctx(op.src.var, ctx, cond_write);
if (first_is_var) {
flecs_rule_write(first_var, &op.written);
flecs_rule_write_ctx(first_var, ctx, cond_write);
if (second_is_var) {
flecs_rule_write(second_var, &op.written);
flecs_rule_write_ctx(second_var, ctx, cond_write);
flecs_rule_op_insert(&op, ctx);
ctx->cur->lbl_query = flecs_itolbl(ecs_vec_count(ctx->ops) - 1);
if (is_or) {
ecs_rule_op_t *op_ptr = ecs_vec_get_t(ctx->ops, ecs_rule_op_t,
op_ptr->next = FlecsRuleOrMarker;
/* Handle self-references between src and first/second variables */
if (src_is_var) {
if (first_is_var) {
flecs_rule_insert_contains(rule, src_var, first_var, ctx);
if (second_is_var && first_var != second_var) {
flecs_rule_insert_contains(rule, src_var, second_var, ctx);
/* Handle self references between first and second variables */
if (first_is_var && !first_written && (first_var == second_var)) {
flecs_rule_insert_pair_eq(term->field_index, ctx);
/* Handle closing of Not, Optional and Or operators */
if (is_not) {
} else if (term->oper == EcsOptional) {
} else if (last_or) {
/* Handle closing of conditional evaluation */
if (ctx->cur->lbl_cond_eval && (first_is_var || second_is_var || src_is_var)) {
if (!is_or || last_or) {
/* Ensure that term id is set after evaluating Not */
if (term->flags & EcsTermIdInherited) {
if (is_not) {
ecs_rule_op_t set_id = {0};
set_id.kind = EcsRuleSetId;
set_id.first.entity = term->id;
set_id.flags = (EcsRuleIsEntity << EcsRuleFirst);
set_id.field_index = flecs_ito(int8_t, term->field_index);
flecs_rule_op_insert(&set_id, ctx);
return 0;
return -1;
bool flecs_rule_var_is_unknown(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_var_id_t var_id,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_var_t *vars = rule->vars;
if (ctx->written & (1ull << var_id)) {
return false;
} else {
ecs_var_id_t table_var = vars[var_id].table_id;
if (table_var != EcsVarNone) {
return flecs_rule_var_is_unknown(rule, table_var, ctx);
return true;
/* Returns whether term is unkown. A term is unknown when it has variable
* elements (first, second, src) that are all unknown. */
bool flecs_rule_term_is_unknown(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_term_t *term,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_op_t dummy = {0};
flecs_rule_compile_term_id(NULL, rule, &dummy, &term->first,
&dummy.first, EcsRuleFirst, EcsVarEntity, ctx, false);
flecs_rule_compile_term_id(NULL, rule, &dummy, &term->second,
&dummy.second, EcsRuleSecond, EcsVarEntity, ctx, false);
flecs_rule_compile_term_id(NULL, rule, &dummy, &term->src,
&dummy.src, EcsRuleSrc, EcsVarAny, ctx, false);
bool has_vars = dummy.flags &
((EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst) |
(EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSecond) |
(EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc));
if (!has_vars) {
/* If term has no variables (typically terms with a static src) there
* can't be anything that's unknown. */
return false;
if (dummy.flags & (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst)) {
if (!flecs_rule_var_is_unknown(rule, dummy.first.var, ctx)) {
return false;
if (dummy.flags & (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSecond)) {
if (!flecs_rule_var_is_unknown(rule, dummy.second.var, ctx)) {
return false;
if (dummy.flags & (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc)) {
if (!flecs_rule_var_is_unknown(rule, dummy.src.var, ctx)) {
return false;
return true;
/* Find the next known term from specified offset. This function is used to find
* a term that can be evaluated before a term that is unknown. Evaluating known
* before unknown terms can significantly decrease the search space. */
int32_t flecs_rule_term_next_known(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
int32_t offset,
ecs_flags64_t compiled)
ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
int32_t i, count = filter->term_count;
for (i = offset; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
if (compiled & (1ull << i)) {
/* Only evaluate And terms */
if (term->oper != EcsAnd || flecs_rule_term_is_or(&rule->filter, term)){
/* Don't reorder terms before/after scopes */
if (term->first.id == EcsScopeOpen || term->first.id == EcsScopeClose) {
return -1;
if (flecs_rule_term_is_unknown(rule, term, ctx)) {
return i;
return -1;
/* If the first part of a query contains more than one trivial term, insert a
* special instruction which batch-evaluates multiple terms. */
int32_t flecs_rule_insert_trivial_search(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
int32_t i, term_count = filter->term_count;
/* Find trivial terms, which can be handled in single instruction */
int32_t trivial_wildcard_terms = 0;
int32_t trivial_data_terms = 0;
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
if (!(term->flags & EcsTermIsTrivial)) {
/* We can only add trivial terms to plan if they no up traversal */
if ((term->src.flags & EcsTraverseFlags) != EcsSelf) {
if (ecs_id_is_wildcard(term->id)) {
trivial_wildcard_terms ++;
if (!(term->flags & EcsTermNoData)) {
trivial_data_terms ++;
int32_t trivial_terms = i;
if (trivial_terms >= 2) {
/* If there's more than 1 trivial term, batch them in trivial search */
ecs_rule_op_t trivial = {0};
if (trivial_wildcard_terms) {
trivial.kind = EcsRuleTrivWildcard;
} else {
if (trivial_data_terms) {
/* Check to see if there are remaining data terms. If there are,
* we'll have to insert an instruction later that populates all
* fields, so don't do double work here. */
for (i = trivial_terms; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
if (!(term->flags & EcsTermIsTrivial)) {
if (trivial_terms == term_count || i != term_count) {
/* Nobody else is going to set the data fields, so we should
* do it here. */
trivial.kind = EcsRuleTrivData;
if (!trivial.kind) {
trivial.kind = EcsRuleTriv;
/* Store on the operation how many trivial terms should be evaluated */
trivial.other = (ecs_rule_lbl_t)trivial_terms;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&trivial, ctx);
} else {
/* If fewer than 1 trivial term, there's no point in batching them */
trivial_terms = 0;
return trivial_terms;
/* Insert instruction to populate data fields. */
void flecs_rule_insert_populate(
ecs_rule_t *rule,
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t *ctx,
int32_t trivial_terms)
ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
int32_t i, term_count = filter->term_count;
/* Insert instruction that populates data. This instruction does not
* have to be inserted if the filter provides no data, or if all terms
* of the filter are trivial, in which case the trivial search operation
* also sets the data. */
if (!(filter->flags & EcsFilterNoData) && (trivial_terms != term_count)) {
int32_t data_fields = 0;
bool only_self = true;
/* There are two instructions for setting data fields, a fast one
* that only supports owned fields, and one that supports any kind
* of field. Loop through (remaining) terms to check which one we
* need to use. */
for (i = trivial_terms; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[i];
if (term->flags & EcsTermNoData) {
/* Don't care about terms that have no data */
data_fields ++;
if (!ecs_term_match_this(term)) {
if (term->src.flags & EcsUp) {
if (i != filter->term_count) {
only_self = false; /* Needs the more complex operation */
if (data_fields) {
if (only_self) {
ecs_rule_op_t nothing = {0};
nothing.kind = EcsRulePopulateSelf;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&nothing, ctx);
} else {
ecs_rule_op_t nothing = {0};
nothing.kind = EcsRulePopulate;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&nothing, ctx);
int flecs_rule_compile(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_rule_t *rule)
ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
ecs_rule_compile_ctx_t ctx = {0};
ecs_vec_reset_t(NULL, &stage->operations, ecs_rule_op_t);
ctx.ops = &stage->operations;
ctx.cur = ctx.ctrlflow;
ctx.cur->lbl_begin = -1;
ctx.cur->lbl_begin = -1;
/* Find all variables defined in query */
if (flecs_rule_discover_vars(stage, rule)) {
return -1;
/* If rule contains fixed source terms, insert operation to set sources */
int32_t i, term_count = filter->term_count;
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
if (term->src.flags & EcsIsEntity) {
ecs_rule_op_t set_fixed = {0};
set_fixed.kind = EcsRuleSetFixed;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&set_fixed, &ctx);
/* If the rule contains terms with fixed ids (no wildcards, variables),
* insert instruction that initializes ecs_iter_t::ids. This allows for the
* insertion of simpler instructions later on. */
for (i = 0; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
if (flecs_rule_term_fixed_id(filter, term) ||
(term->src.flags & EcsIsEntity && !term->src.id))
ecs_rule_op_t set_ids = {0};
set_ids.kind = EcsRuleSetIds;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&set_ids, &ctx);
/* Insert trivial term search if query allows for it */
int32_t trivial_terms = flecs_rule_insert_trivial_search(rule, &ctx);
/* Compile remaining query terms to instructions */
ecs_flags64_t compiled = 0;
for (i = trivial_terms; i < term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[i];
int32_t compile = i;
if (compiled & (1ull << i)) {
continue; /* Already compiled */
bool can_reorder = true;
if (term->oper != EcsAnd || flecs_rule_term_is_or(&rule->filter, term)){
can_reorder = false;
/* If variables have been written, but this term has no known variables,
* first try to resolve terms that have known variables. This can
* significantly reduce the search space.
* Only perform this optimization after at least one variable has been
* written to, as all terms are unknown otherwise. */
if (can_reorder && ctx.written &&
flecs_rule_term_is_unknown(rule, term, &ctx))
int32_t term_index = flecs_rule_term_next_known(
rule, &ctx, i + 1, compiled);
if (term_index != -1) {
term = &rule->filter.terms[term_index];
compile = term_index;
i --; /* Repeat current term */
if (flecs_rule_compile_term(world, rule, term, &ctx)) {
return -1;
compiled |= (1ull << compile);
ecs_var_id_t this_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, "This", EcsVarEntity);
/* If This variable has been written as entity, insert an operation to
* assign it to it.entities for consistency. */
if (this_id != EcsVarNone && (ctx.written & (1ull << this_id))) {
ecs_rule_op_t set_this = {0};
set_this.kind = EcsRuleSetThis;
set_this.flags |= (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleFirst);
set_this.first.var = this_id;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&set_this, &ctx);
/* Make sure non-This variables are written as entities */
if (rule->vars) {
for (i = 0; i < rule->var_count; i ++) {
ecs_rule_var_t *var = &rule->vars[i];
if (var->id && var->kind == EcsVarTable && var->name) {
ecs_var_id_t var_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, var->name,
if (!flecs_rule_is_written(var_id, ctx.written)) {
/* Skip anonymous variables */
if (!flecs_rule_var_is_anonymous(rule, var_id)) {
flecs_rule_insert_each(var->id, var_id, &ctx, false);
/* If rule contains non-This variables as term source, build lookup array */
if (rule->src_vars) {
ecs_assert(rule->vars != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
bool only_anonymous = true;
for (i = 0; i < filter->field_count; i ++) {
ecs_var_id_t var_id = rule->src_vars[i];
if (!var_id) {
if (!flecs_rule_var_is_anonymous(rule, var_id)) {
only_anonymous = false;
} else {
/* Don't fetch component data for anonymous variables. Because
* not all metadata (such as it.sources) is initialized for
* anonymous variables, and because they may only be available
* as table variables (each is not guaranteed to be inserted for
* anonymous variables) the iterator may not have sufficient
* information to resolve component data. */
for (int32_t t = 0; t < filter->term_count; t ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[t];
if (term->field_index == i) {
term->inout = EcsInOutNone;
/* Don't insert setvar instruction if all vars are anonymous */
if (!only_anonymous) {
ecs_rule_op_t set_vars = {0};
set_vars.kind = EcsRuleSetVars;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&set_vars, &ctx);
for (i = 0; i < filter->field_count; i ++) {
ecs_var_id_t var_id = rule->src_vars[i];
if (!var_id) {
if (rule->vars[var_id].kind == EcsVarTable) {
var_id = flecs_rule_find_var_id(rule, rule->vars[var_id].name,
/* Variables used as source that aren't This must be entities */
ecs_assert(var_id != EcsVarNone, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
rule->src_vars[i] = var_id;
/* If filter is empty, insert Nothing instruction */
if (!term_count) {
ecs_rule_op_t nothing = {0};
nothing.kind = EcsRuleNothing;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&nothing, &ctx);
} else {
/* Insert instruction to populate data fields */
flecs_rule_insert_populate(rule, &ctx, trivial_terms);
/* Insert yield. If program reaches this operation, a result was found */
ecs_rule_op_t yield = {0};
yield.kind = EcsRuleYield;
flecs_rule_op_insert(&yield, &ctx);
int32_t op_count = ecs_vec_count(ctx.ops);
if (op_count) {
rule->op_count = op_count;
rule->ops = ecs_os_malloc_n(ecs_rule_op_t, op_count);
ecs_rule_op_t *rule_ops = ecs_vec_first_t(ctx.ops, ecs_rule_op_t);
ecs_os_memcpy_n(rule->ops, rule_ops, ecs_rule_op_t, op_count);
return 0;
* @file addons/rules/engine.c
* @brief Rules engine implementation.
bool flecs_rule_dispatch(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx);
bool flecs_rule_run_until(
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
const ecs_rule_op_t *ops,
ecs_rule_lbl_t first,
ecs_rule_lbl_t cur,
ecs_rule_op_kind_t until);
ecs_allocator_t* flecs_rule_get_allocator(
const ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_world_t *world = it->world;
if (ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_world_t)) {
return &world->allocator;
} else {
ecs_assert(ecs_poly_is(world, ecs_stage_t), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return &((ecs_stage_t*)world)->allocator;
ecs_rule_op_ctx_t* flecs_op_ctx_(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
return &ctx->op_ctx[ctx->op_index];
#define flecs_op_ctx(ctx, op_kind) (&flecs_op_ctx_(ctx)->is.op_kind)
void flecs_reset_source_set_flag(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
int32_t field_index)
ecs_assert(field_index != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
(*ctx->source_set) &= ~(1u << field_index);
void flecs_set_source_set_flag(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
int32_t field_index)
ecs_assert(field_index != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
(*ctx->source_set) |= (1u << field_index);
ecs_table_range_t flecs_range_from_entity(
ecs_entity_t e,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(ctx->world, e);
if (!r) {
return (ecs_table_range_t){ 0 };
return (ecs_table_range_t){
.table = r->table,
.offset = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW(r->row),
.count = 1
ecs_table_range_t flecs_rule_var_get_range(
int32_t var_id,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_assert(var_id < ctx->rule->var_count, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_var_t *var = &ctx->vars[var_id];
ecs_table_t *table = var->range.table;
if (table) {
return var->range;
ecs_entity_t entity = var->entity;
if (entity && entity != EcsWildcard) {
var->range = flecs_range_from_entity(entity, ctx);
return var->range;
return (ecs_table_range_t){ 0 };
ecs_table_t* flecs_rule_var_get_table(
int32_t var_id,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_var_t *var = &ctx->vars[var_id];
ecs_table_t *table = var->range.table;
if (table) {
return table;
ecs_entity_t entity = var->entity;
if (entity && entity != EcsWildcard) {
var->range = flecs_range_from_entity(entity, ctx);
return var->range.table;
return NULL;
ecs_table_t* flecs_rule_get_table(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
const ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags16_t ref_kind,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_flags16_t flags = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, ref_kind);
if (flags & EcsRuleIsEntity) {
return ecs_get_table(ctx->world, ref->entity);
} else {
return flecs_rule_var_get_table(ref->var, ctx);
ecs_table_range_t flecs_rule_get_range(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
const ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags16_t ref_kind,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_flags16_t flags = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, ref_kind);
if (flags & EcsRuleIsEntity) {
ecs_assert(!(flags & EcsRuleIsVar), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return flecs_range_from_entity(ref->entity, ctx);
} else {
ecs_var_t *var = &ctx->vars[ref->var];
if (var->range.table) {
return ctx->vars[ref->var].range;
} else if (var->entity) {
return flecs_range_from_entity(var->entity, ctx);
return (ecs_table_range_t){0};
ecs_entity_t flecs_rule_var_get_entity(
ecs_var_id_t var_id,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_assert(var_id < (ecs_var_id_t)ctx->rule->var_count,
ecs_var_t *var = &ctx->vars[var_id];
ecs_entity_t entity = var->entity;
if (entity) {
return entity;
ecs_assert(var->range.count == 1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = var->range.table;
ecs_entity_t *entities = table->data.entities.array;
var->entity = entities[var->range.offset];
return var->entity;
void flecs_rule_var_reset(
ecs_var_id_t var_id,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ctx->vars[var_id].entity = EcsWildcard;
ctx->vars[var_id].range.table = NULL;
void flecs_rule_var_set_table(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_var_id_t var_id,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t offset,
int32_t count,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_assert(ctx->rule_vars[var_id].kind == EcsVarTable,
ecs_assert(flecs_rule_is_written(var_id, op->written),
ecs_var_t *var = &ctx->vars[var_id];
var->entity = 0;
var->range = (ecs_table_range_t){
.table = table,
.offset = offset,
.count = count
void flecs_rule_var_set_entity(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_var_id_t var_id,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_assert(var_id < (ecs_var_id_t)ctx->rule->var_count,
ecs_assert(flecs_rule_is_written(var_id, op->written),
ecs_var_t *var = &ctx->vars[var_id];
var->range.table = NULL;
var->entity = entity;
void flecs_rule_set_vars(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_id_t id,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_flags16_t flags_1st = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleFirst);
ecs_flags16_t flags_2nd = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSecond);
if (flags_1st & EcsRuleIsVar) {
ecs_var_id_t var = op->first.var;
if (op->written & (1ull << var)) {
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id)) {
op, var, ecs_get_alive(ctx->world, ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id)), ctx);
} else {
flecs_rule_var_set_entity(op, var, id, ctx);
if (flags_2nd & EcsRuleIsVar) {
ecs_var_id_t var = op->second.var;
if (op->written & (1ull << var)) {
op, var, ecs_get_alive(ctx->world, ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id)), ctx);
ecs_table_range_t flecs_get_ref_range(
const ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags16_t flag,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (flag & EcsRuleIsEntity) {
return flecs_range_from_entity(ref->entity, ctx);
} else if (flag & EcsRuleIsVar) {
return flecs_rule_var_get_range(ref->var, ctx);
return (ecs_table_range_t){0};
ecs_entity_t flecs_get_ref_entity(
const ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags16_t flag,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (flag & EcsRuleIsEntity) {
return ref->entity;
} else if (flag & EcsRuleIsVar) {
return flecs_rule_var_get_entity(ref->var, ctx);
return 0;
ecs_id_t flecs_rule_op_get_id_w_written(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
uint64_t written,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_flags16_t flags_1st = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleFirst);
ecs_flags16_t flags_2nd = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSecond);
ecs_entity_t first = 0, second = 0;
if (flags_1st) {
if (flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->first, EcsRuleFirst, written)) {
first = flecs_get_ref_entity(&op->first, flags_1st, ctx);
} else if (flags_1st & EcsRuleIsVar) {
first = EcsWildcard;
if (flags_2nd) {
if (flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->second, EcsRuleSecond, written)) {
second = flecs_get_ref_entity(&op->second, flags_2nd, ctx);
} else if (flags_2nd & EcsRuleIsVar) {
second = EcsWildcard;
if (flags_2nd & (EcsRuleIsVar | EcsRuleIsEntity)) {
return ecs_pair(first, second);
} else {
return flecs_entities_get_generation(ctx->world, first);
ecs_id_t flecs_rule_op_get_id(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
return flecs_rule_op_get_id_w_written(op, written, ctx);
int16_t flecs_rule_next_column(
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t id,
int32_t column)
if (!ECS_IS_PAIR(id) || (ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) != EcsWildcard)) {
column = column + 1;
} else {
ecs_assert(column >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
column = ecs_search_offset(NULL, table, column + 1, id, NULL);
ecs_assert(column != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return flecs_ito(int16_t, column);
void flecs_rule_it_set_column(
ecs_iter_t *it,
int32_t field_index,
int32_t column)
ecs_assert(column >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(field_index >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
it->columns[field_index] = column + 1;
ecs_id_t flecs_rule_it_set_id(
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t field_index,
int32_t column)
ecs_assert(column >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(field_index >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
return it->ids[field_index] = table->type.array[column];
void flecs_rule_set_match(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_table_t *table,
int32_t column,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_assert(column >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
int32_t field_index = op->field_index;
if (field_index == -1) {
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
flecs_rule_it_set_column(it, field_index, column);
ecs_id_t matched = flecs_rule_it_set_id(it, table, field_index, column);
flecs_rule_set_vars(op, matched, ctx);
void flecs_rule_set_trav_match(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
int32_t column,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t second,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
int32_t field_index = op->field_index;
if (field_index == -1) {
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
ecs_id_t matched = ecs_pair(trav, second);
it->ids[op->field_index] = matched;
if (column != -1) {
flecs_rule_it_set_column(it, op->field_index, column);
flecs_rule_set_vars(op, matched, ctx);
bool flecs_rule_table_filter(
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_rule_lbl_t other,
ecs_flags32_t filter_mask)
uint32_t filter = flecs_ito(uint32_t, other);
return (table->flags & filter_mask & filter) != 0;
bool flecs_rule_select_w_id(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_id_t id,
ecs_flags32_t filter_mask)
ecs_rule_and_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, and);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = op_ctx->idr;
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
ecs_table_t *table;
if (!redo) {
if (!idr || idr->id != id) {
idr = op_ctx->idr = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world, id);
if (!idr) {
return false;
if (ctx->rule->filter.flags & EcsFilterMatchEmptyTables) {
if (!flecs_table_cache_all_iter(&idr->cache, &op_ctx->it)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!flecs_table_cache_iter(&idr->cache, &op_ctx->it)) {
return false;
if (!redo || !op_ctx->remaining) {
tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&op_ctx->it, ecs_table_record_t);
if (!tr) {
return false;
op_ctx->column = flecs_ito(int16_t, tr->index);
op_ctx->remaining = flecs_ito(int16_t, tr->count - 1);
table = tr->hdr.table;
flecs_rule_var_set_table(op, op->src.var, table, 0, 0, ctx);
} else {
tr = (ecs_table_record_t*)op_ctx->it.cur;
ecs_assert(tr != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
table = tr->hdr.table;
op_ctx->column = flecs_rule_next_column(table, idr->id, op_ctx->column);
op_ctx->remaining --;
if (flecs_rule_table_filter(table, op->other, filter_mask)) {
goto repeat;
flecs_rule_set_match(op, table, op_ctx->column, ctx);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_select(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_id_t id = 0;
if (!redo) {
id = flecs_rule_op_get_id(op, ctx);
return flecs_rule_select_w_id(op, redo, ctx, id,
bool flecs_rule_with(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_and_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, and);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = op_ctx->idr;
const ecs_table_record_t *tr;
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_rule_get_table(op, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc, ctx);
if (!table) {
return false;
if (!redo) {
ecs_id_t id = flecs_rule_op_get_id(op, ctx);
if (!idr || idr->id != id) {
idr = op_ctx->idr = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world, id);
if (!idr) {
return false;
tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (!tr) {
return false;
op_ctx->column = flecs_ito(int16_t, tr->index);
op_ctx->remaining = flecs_ito(int16_t, tr->count);
} else {
if (--op_ctx->remaining <= 0) {
return false;
op_ctx->column = flecs_rule_next_column(table, idr->id, op_ctx->column);
ecs_assert(op_ctx->column != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
flecs_rule_set_match(op, table, op_ctx->column, ctx);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_and(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
if (written & (1ull << op->src.var)) {
return flecs_rule_with(op, redo, ctx);
} else {
return flecs_rule_select(op, redo, ctx);
bool flecs_rule_select_id(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_flags32_t table_filter)
ecs_rule_and_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, and);
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
int8_t field = op->field_index;
ecs_assert(field != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!redo) {
ecs_id_t id = it->ids[field];
ecs_id_record_t *idr = op_ctx->idr;
if (!idr || idr->id != id) {
idr = op_ctx->idr = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world, id);
if (!idr) {
return false;
if (ctx->rule->filter.flags & EcsFilterMatchEmptyTables) {
if (!flecs_table_cache_all_iter(&idr->cache, &op_ctx->it)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!flecs_table_cache_iter(&idr->cache, &op_ctx->it)) {
return false;
repeat: {}
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_table_cache_next(
&op_ctx->it, ecs_table_record_t);
if (!tr) {
return false;
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if (flecs_rule_table_filter(table, op->other, table_filter)) {
goto repeat;
flecs_rule_var_set_table(op, op->src.var, table, 0, 0, ctx);
flecs_rule_it_set_column(it, field, tr->index);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_with_id(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (redo) {
return false;
ecs_rule_and_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, and);
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
int8_t field = op->field_index;
ecs_assert(field != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_rule_get_table(op, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc, ctx);
if (!table) {
return false;
ecs_id_t id = it->ids[field];
ecs_id_record_t *idr = op_ctx->idr;
if (!idr || idr->id != id) {
idr = op_ctx->idr = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world, id);
if (!idr) {
return false;
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (!tr) {
return false;
flecs_rule_it_set_column(it, field, tr->index);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_and_id(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
if (written & (1ull << op->src.var)) {
return flecs_rule_with_id(op, redo, ctx);
} else {
return flecs_rule_select_id(op, redo, ctx,
bool flecs_rule_up_select(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
bool self,
bool id_only)
ecs_rule_up_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, up);
ecs_world_t *world = ctx->world;
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
bool redo_select = redo;
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &ctx->rule->filter;
/* Early out if traversal relationship doesn't exist */
op_ctx->trav = filter->terms[op->term_index].src.trav;
if (!op_ctx->idr_trav) {
op_ctx->idr_trav = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world,
ecs_pair(op_ctx->trav, EcsWildcard));
if (!op_ctx->idr_trav || !flecs_table_cache_count(&op_ctx->idr_trav->cache)){
if (!self) {
return false;
} else if (id_only) {
return flecs_rule_select_id(op, redo, ctx,
} else {
return flecs_rule_select(op, redo, ctx);
if (!redo) {
op_ctx->with = flecs_rule_op_get_id(op, ctx);
op_ctx->idr_with = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world, op_ctx->with);
if (!op_ctx->idr_with) {
return false;
op_ctx->down = NULL;
op_ctx->cache_elem = 0;
ecs_trav_down_t *down = op_ctx->down;
do {
while (!down) {
ecs_table_t *table = op_ctx->table;
if (!table) {
ecs_table_range_t range;
it->sources[op->field_index] = 0;
do {
bool result;
if (id_only) {
result = flecs_rule_select_id(op, redo_select, ctx, 0);
} else {
result = flecs_rule_select_w_id(op, redo_select, ctx,
op_ctx->with, 0);
if (!result) {
return false;
redo_select = true;
range = flecs_rule_get_range(
op, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc, ctx);
ecs_assert(range.table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} while (!self && range.table->_->traversable_count == 0);
if (!range.count) {
range.count = ecs_table_count(range.table);
table = op_ctx->table = range.table;
op_ctx->row = range.offset;
op_ctx->end = range.offset + range.count;
op_ctx->matched = it->ids[op->field_index];
if (self) {
if (!flecs_rule_table_filter(table, op->other,
flecs_reset_source_set_flag(ctx, op->field_index);
op_ctx->row --;
return true;
redo_select = true;
} else {
op_ctx->row ++;
if (table->_->traversable_count == 0) {
op_ctx->table = NULL;
} else {
int32_t row;
ecs_entity_t entity = 0;
ecs_entity_t *entities = flecs_table_entities_array(table);
for (row = op_ctx->row; row < op_ctx->end; row ++) {
entity = entities[row];
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
if (record->row & EcsEntityIsTraversable) {
it->sources[op->field_index] = entity;
if (row == op_ctx->end) {
op_ctx->table = NULL;
down = op_ctx->down = flecs_rule_get_down_cache(ctx, &op_ctx->cache,
op_ctx->trav, entity, op_ctx->idr_with, self);
op_ctx->cache_elem = -1;
if ((++ op_ctx->cache_elem) >= ecs_vec_count(&down->elems)) {
down = NULL;
ecs_trav_down_elem_t *elem = ecs_vec_get_t(
&down->elems, ecs_trav_down_elem_t, op_ctx->cache_elem);
flecs_rule_var_set_table(op, op->src.var, elem->table, 0, 0, ctx);
flecs_rule_set_vars(op, op_ctx->matched, ctx);
if (flecs_rule_table_filter(elem->table, op->other,
goto next_elem;
} while (true);
flecs_set_source_set_flag(ctx, op->field_index);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_up_with(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &ctx->rule->filter;
ecs_rule_up_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, up);
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
/* Early out if traversal relationship doesn't exist */
op_ctx->trav = filter->terms[op->term_index].src.trav;
if (!op_ctx->idr_trav) {
op_ctx->idr_trav = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world,
ecs_pair(op_ctx->trav, EcsWildcard));
if (!op_ctx->idr_trav || !flecs_table_cache_count(&op_ctx->idr_trav->cache)){
return false;
if (!redo) {
op_ctx->trav = filter->terms[op->term_index].src.trav;
op_ctx->with = flecs_rule_op_get_id(op, ctx);
op_ctx->idr_with = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world, op_ctx->with);
if (!op_ctx->idr_with) {
return false;
ecs_table_range_t range = flecs_rule_get_range(
op, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc, ctx);
if (!range.table) {
return false;
ecs_trav_up_t *up = flecs_rule_get_up_cache(ctx, &op_ctx->cache,
range.table, op_ctx->with, op_ctx->trav, op_ctx->idr_with,
if (!up) {
return false;
it->sources[op->field_index] = flecs_entities_get_generation(
ctx->world, up->src);
it->columns[op->field_index] = up->column + 1;
it->ids[op->field_index] = up->id;
flecs_rule_set_vars(op, up->id, ctx);
flecs_set_source_set_flag(ctx, op->field_index);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool flecs_rule_self_up_with(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
bool id_only)
if (!redo) {
bool result;
if (id_only) {
result = flecs_rule_with_id(op, redo, ctx);
} else {
result = flecs_rule_with(op, redo, ctx);
if (result) {
ecs_rule_up_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, up);
op_ctx->trav = 0;
if (flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSrc) & EcsRuleIsVar) {
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
it->sources[op->field_index] = 0;
return true;
flecs_reset_source_set_flag(ctx, op->field_index);
return flecs_rule_up_with(op, redo, ctx);
} else {
ecs_rule_up_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, up);
if (op_ctx->trav == 0) {
return flecs_rule_with(op, redo, ctx);
return false;
bool flecs_rule_up(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
if (flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc, written)) {
return flecs_rule_up_with(op, redo, ctx);
} else {
return flecs_rule_up_select(op, redo, ctx, false, false);
bool flecs_rule_self_up(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
if (flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc, written)) {
return flecs_rule_self_up_with(op, redo, ctx, false);
} else {
return flecs_rule_up_select(op, redo, ctx, true, false);
bool flecs_rule_up_id(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
if (flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc, written)) {
return flecs_rule_up_with(op, redo, ctx);
} else {
return flecs_rule_up_select(op, redo, ctx, false, true);
bool flecs_rule_self_up_id(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
if (flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc, written)) {
return flecs_rule_self_up_with(op, redo, ctx, true);
} else {
return flecs_rule_up_select(op, redo, ctx, true, true);
bool flecs_rule_select_any(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
return flecs_rule_select_w_id(op, redo, ctx, EcsAny,
bool flecs_rule_and_any(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_flags16_t match_flags = op->match_flags;
if (redo) {
if (match_flags & EcsTermMatchAnySrc) {
return false;
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
int32_t remaining = 1;
bool result;
if (flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc, written)) {
result = flecs_rule_with(op, redo, ctx);
} else {
result = flecs_rule_select(op, redo, ctx);
remaining = 0;
if (!redo) {
ecs_rule_and_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, and);
if (match_flags & EcsTermMatchAny && op_ctx->remaining) {
op_ctx->remaining = flecs_ito(int16_t, remaining);
int32_t field = op->field_index;
if (field != -1) {
ctx->it->ids[field] = flecs_rule_op_get_id(op, ctx);
return result;
bool flecs_rule_triv(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, trivial);
int32_t until = flecs_ito(int32_t, op->other);
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
ctx->written[ctx->op_index + 1] |= 1ull;
if (written & 1ull) {
return flecs_rule_trivial_test(ctx->rule, ctx, !redo, until);
} else {
return flecs_rule_trivial_search_nodata(ctx->rule, ctx, op_ctx, !redo, until);
bool flecs_rule_triv_data(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, trivial);
int32_t until = flecs_ito(int32_t, op->other);
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
ctx->written[ctx->op_index + 1] |= 1ull;
if (written & 1ull) {
return flecs_rule_trivial_test(ctx->rule, ctx, !redo, until);
} else {
return flecs_rule_trivial_search(ctx->rule, ctx, op_ctx, !redo, until);
bool flecs_rule_triv_wildcard(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, trivial);
int32_t until = flecs_ito(int32_t, op->other);
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
ctx->written[ctx->op_index + 1] |= 1ull;
if (written & 1ull) {
return flecs_rule_trivial_test_w_wildcards(ctx->rule, ctx, !redo, until);
} else {
return flecs_rule_trivial_search_w_wildcards(ctx->rule, ctx, op_ctx, !redo, until);
bool flecs_rule_trav_fixed_src_reflexive(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_table_range_t *range,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t second)
ecs_table_t *table = range->table;
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_entity_t *entities = table->data.entities.array;
int32_t count = range->count;
if (!count) {
count = ecs_table_count(table);
int32_t i = range->offset, end = i + count;
for (; i < end; i ++) {
if (entities[i] == second) {
/* Even though table doesn't have the specific relationship
* pair, the relationship is reflexive and the target entity
* is stored in the table. */
if (i == end) {
/* Table didn't contain target entity */
return false;
if (count > 1) {
/* If the range contains more than one entity, set the range to
* return only the entity matched by the reflexive property. */
ecs_assert(flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSrc) & EcsRuleIsVar,
ecs_var_t *var = &ctx->vars[op->src.var];
ecs_table_range_t *var_range = &var->range;
var_range->offset = i;
var_range->count = 1;
var->entity = entities[i];
flecs_rule_set_trav_match(op, -1, trav, second, ctx);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_trav_unknown_src_reflexive(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t second)
ecs_assert(flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSrc) & EcsRuleIsVar,
ecs_var_id_t src_var = op->src.var;
flecs_rule_var_set_entity(op, src_var, second, ctx);
flecs_rule_var_get_table(src_var, ctx);
flecs_rule_set_trav_match(op, -1, trav, second, ctx);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_trav_fixed_src_up_fixed_second(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (redo) {
return false; /* If everything's fixed, can only have a single result */
ecs_flags16_t f_1st = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleFirst);
ecs_flags16_t f_2nd = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSecond);
ecs_flags16_t f_src = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSrc);
ecs_entity_t trav = flecs_get_ref_entity(&op->first, f_1st, ctx);
ecs_entity_t second = flecs_get_ref_entity(&op->second, f_2nd, ctx);
ecs_table_range_t range = flecs_get_ref_range(&op->src, f_src, ctx);
ecs_table_t *table = range.table;
/* Check if table has transitive relationship by traversing upwards */
int32_t column = ecs_search_relation(ctx->world, table, 0,
ecs_pair(trav, second), trav, EcsSelf|EcsUp, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (column == -1) {
if (op->match_flags & EcsTermReflexive) {
return flecs_rule_trav_fixed_src_reflexive(op, ctx,
&range, trav, second);
} else {
return false;
flecs_rule_set_trav_match(op, column, trav, second, ctx);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_trav_unknown_src_up_fixed_second(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_flags16_t f_1st = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleFirst);
ecs_flags16_t f_2nd = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSecond);
ecs_entity_t trav = flecs_get_ref_entity(&op->first, f_1st, ctx);
ecs_entity_t second = flecs_get_ref_entity(&op->second, f_2nd, ctx);
ecs_rule_trav_ctx_t *trav_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, trav);
if (!redo) {
ecs_record_t *r_second = flecs_entities_get(ctx->world, second);
bool traversable = r_second && r_second->row & EcsEntityIsTraversable;
bool reflexive = op->match_flags & EcsTermReflexive;
if (!traversable && !reflexive) {
trav_ctx->cache.id = 0;
/* If there's no record for the entity, it can't have a subtree so
* forward operation to a regular select. */
return flecs_rule_select(op, redo, ctx);
/* Entity is traversable, which means it could have a subtree */
flecs_rule_get_trav_down_cache(ctx, &trav_ctx->cache, trav, second);
trav_ctx->index = 0;
if (op->match_flags & EcsTermReflexive) {
trav_ctx->index = -1;
return flecs_rule_trav_unknown_src_reflexive(
op, ctx, trav, second);
} else {
if (!trav_ctx->cache.id) {
/* No traversal cache, which means this is a regular select */
return flecs_rule_select(op, redo, ctx);
if (trav_ctx->index == -1) {
redo = false; /* First result after handling reflexive relationship */
trav_ctx->index = 0;
/* Forward to select */
int32_t count = ecs_vec_count(&trav_ctx->cache.entities);
ecs_trav_elem_t *elems = ecs_vec_first(&trav_ctx->cache.entities);
for (; trav_ctx->index < count; trav_ctx->index ++) {
ecs_trav_elem_t *el = &elems[trav_ctx->index];
trav_ctx->and.idr = el->idr; /* prevents lookup by select */
if (flecs_rule_select_w_id(op, redo, ctx, ecs_pair(trav, el->entity),
return true;
redo = false;
return false;
bool flecs_rule_trav_yield_reflexive_src(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_table_range_t *range,
ecs_entity_t trav)
ecs_var_t *vars = ctx->vars;
ecs_rule_trav_ctx_t *trav_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, trav);
int32_t offset = trav_ctx->offset, count = trav_ctx->count;
bool src_is_var = op->flags & (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc);
if (trav_ctx->index >= (offset + count)) {
/* Restore previous offset, count */
if (src_is_var) {
ecs_var_id_t src_var = op->src.var;
vars[src_var].range.offset = offset;
vars[src_var].range.count = count;
vars[src_var].entity = 0;
return false;
ecs_entity_t entity = ecs_vec_get_t(
&range->table->data.entities, ecs_entity_t, trav_ctx->index)[0];
flecs_rule_set_trav_match(op, -1, trav, entity, ctx);
/* Hijack existing variable to return one result at a time */
if (src_is_var) {
ecs_var_id_t src_var = op->src.var;
ecs_table_t *table = vars[src_var].range.table;
ecs_assert(!table || table == ecs_get_table(ctx->world, entity),
vars[src_var].entity = entity;
vars[src_var].range = flecs_range_from_entity(entity, ctx);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_trav_fixed_src_up_unknown_second(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_flags16_t f_1st = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleFirst);
ecs_flags16_t f_src = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSrc);
ecs_entity_t trav = flecs_get_ref_entity(&op->first, f_1st, ctx);
ecs_table_range_t range = flecs_get_ref_range(&op->src, f_src, ctx);
ecs_table_t *table = range.table;
ecs_rule_trav_ctx_t *trav_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, trav);
if (!redo) {
flecs_rule_get_trav_up_cache(ctx, &trav_ctx->cache, trav, table);
trav_ctx->index = 0;
if (op->match_flags & EcsTermReflexive) {
trav_ctx->yield_reflexive = true;
trav_ctx->index = range.offset;
trav_ctx->offset = range.offset;
trav_ctx->count = range.count ? range.count : ecs_table_count(table);
} else {
trav_ctx->index ++;
if (trav_ctx->yield_reflexive) {
if (flecs_rule_trav_yield_reflexive_src(op, ctx, &range, trav)) {
return true;
trav_ctx->yield_reflexive = false;
trav_ctx->index = 0;
if (trav_ctx->index >= ecs_vec_count(&trav_ctx->cache.entities)) {
return false;
ecs_trav_elem_t *el = ecs_vec_get_t(
&trav_ctx->cache.entities, ecs_trav_elem_t, trav_ctx->index);
flecs_rule_set_trav_match(op, el->column, trav, el->entity, ctx);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_trav(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
if (!flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc, written)) {
if (!flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->second, EcsRuleSecond, written)) {
/* This can't happen, src or second should have been resolved */
"invalid instruction sequence: unconstrained traversal");
} else {
return flecs_rule_trav_unknown_src_up_fixed_second(op, redo, ctx);
} else {
if (!flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->second, EcsRuleSecond, written)) {
return flecs_rule_trav_fixed_src_up_unknown_second(op, redo, ctx);
} else {
return flecs_rule_trav_fixed_src_up_fixed_second(op, redo, ctx);
bool flecs_rule_ids(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (redo) {
return false;
ecs_id_record_t *cur;
ecs_id_t id = flecs_rule_op_get_id(op, ctx);
cur = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world, id);
if (!cur || !cur->cache.tables.count) {
return false;
flecs_rule_set_vars(op, cur->id, ctx);
if (op->field_index != -1) {
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
it->ids[op->field_index] = id;
it->sources[op->field_index] = EcsWildcard;
it->columns[op->field_index] = -1; /* Mark field as set */
return true;
bool flecs_rule_idsright(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_ids_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, ids);
ecs_id_record_t *cur;
if (!redo) {
ecs_id_t id = flecs_rule_op_get_id(op, ctx);
if (!ecs_id_is_wildcard(id)) {
/* If id is not a wildcard, we can directly return it. This can
* happen if a variable was constrained by an iterator. */
op_ctx->cur = NULL;
flecs_rule_set_vars(op, id, ctx);
return true;
cur = op_ctx->cur = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world, id);
if (!cur) {
return false;
} else {
if (!op_ctx->cur) {
return false;
do {
cur = op_ctx->cur = op_ctx->cur->first.next;
} while (cur && !cur->cache.tables.count); /* Skip empty ids */
if (!cur) {
return false;
flecs_rule_set_vars(op, cur->id, ctx);
if (op->field_index != -1) {
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
ecs_id_t id = flecs_rule_op_get_id_w_written(op, op->written, ctx);
it->ids[op->field_index] = id;
it->sources[op->field_index] = EcsWildcard;
it->columns[op->field_index] = -1; /* Mark field as set */
return true;
bool flecs_rule_idsleft(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_ids_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, ids);
ecs_id_record_t *cur;
if (!redo) {
ecs_id_t id = flecs_rule_op_get_id(op, ctx);
if (!ecs_id_is_wildcard(id)) {
/* If id is not a wildcard, we can directly return it. This can
* happen if a variable was constrained by an iterator. */
op_ctx->cur = NULL;
flecs_rule_set_vars(op, id, ctx);
return true;
cur = op_ctx->cur = flecs_id_record_get(ctx->world, id);
if (!cur) {
return false;
} else {
if (!op_ctx->cur) {
return false;
do {
cur = op_ctx->cur = op_ctx->cur->second.next;
} while (cur && !cur->cache.tables.count); /* Skip empty ids */
if (!cur) {
return false;
flecs_rule_set_vars(op, cur->id, ctx);
if (op->field_index != -1) {
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
ecs_id_t id = flecs_rule_op_get_id_w_written(op, op->written, ctx);
it->ids[op->field_index] = id;
it->sources[op->field_index] = EcsWildcard;
it->columns[op->field_index] = -1; /* Mark field as set */
return true;
bool flecs_rule_each(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_each_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, each);
int32_t row;
ecs_table_range_t range = flecs_rule_var_get_range(op->first.var, ctx);
ecs_table_t *table = range.table;
if (!table) {
return false;
if (!redo) {
row = op_ctx->row = range.offset;
} else {
int32_t end = range.count;
if (end) {
end += range.offset;
} else {
end = table->data.entities.count;
row = ++ op_ctx->row;
if (op_ctx->row >= end) {
return false;
ecs_assert(row < ecs_table_count(table), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_entity_t *entities = table->data.entities.array;
ecs_entity_t e;
do {
if (row == ecs_table_count(table)) {
return false;
e = entities[row ++];
ecs_assert(e != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
/* Exclude entities that are used as markers by rule engine */
} while ((e == EcsWildcard) || (e == EcsAny) ||
(e == EcsThis) || (e == EcsVariable));
flecs_rule_var_set_entity(op, op->src.var, e, ctx);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_store(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (!redo) {
flecs_rule_var_set_entity(op, op->src.var, op->first.entity, ctx);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool flecs_rule_reset(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (!redo) {
return true;
} else {
flecs_rule_var_reset(op->src.var, ctx);
return false;
void flecs_rule_reset_after_block(
const ecs_rule_op_t *start_op,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_rule_ctrl_ctx_t *op_ctx)
ecs_rule_lbl_t op_index = start_op->next;
const ecs_rule_op_t *op = &ctx->rit->ops[op_index];
ctx->written[op_index] = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
ctx->op_index = op_index;
int32_t field = op->field_index;
if (field == -1) {
goto done;
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
/* Not terms return no data */
it->columns[field] = 0;
/* Ignore variables written by Not operation */
uint64_t *written = ctx->written;
uint64_t written_cur = written[op->prev + 1];
ecs_flags16_t flags_1st = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleFirst);
ecs_flags16_t flags_2nd = flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, EcsRuleSecond);
/* Overwrite id with cleared out variables */
ecs_id_t id = flecs_rule_op_get_id(op, ctx);
if (id) {
it->ids[field] = id;
/* Reset variables */
if (flags_1st & EcsRuleIsVar) {
if (!flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->first, EcsRuleFirst, written_cur)){
flecs_rule_var_reset(op->first.var, ctx);
if (flags_2nd & EcsRuleIsVar) {
if (!flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->second, EcsRuleSecond, written_cur)){
flecs_rule_var_reset(op->second.var, ctx);
/* If term has entity src, set it because no other instruction might */
if (op->flags & (EcsRuleIsEntity << EcsRuleSrc)) {
it->sources[field] = op->src.entity;
op_ctx->op_index = op_index;
const char* flecs_rule_name_arg(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
int8_t term_index = op->term_index;
ecs_term_t *term = &ctx->rule->filter.terms[term_index];
return term->second.name;
bool flecs_rule_compare_range(
const ecs_table_range_t *l,
const ecs_table_range_t *r)
if (l->table != r->table) {
return false;
if (l->count) {
int32_t l_end = l->offset + l->count;
int32_t r_end = r->offset + r->count;
if (r->offset < l->offset) {
return false;
if (r_end > l_end) {
return false;
} else {
/* Entire table is matched */
return true;
bool flecs_rule_pred_eq_w_range(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_table_range_t r)
if (redo) {
return false;
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
ecs_var_id_t first_var = op->first.var;
if (!(written & (1ull << first_var))) {
/* left = unknown, right = known. Assign right-hand value to left */
ecs_var_id_t l = first_var;
ctx->vars[l].range = r;
if (r.count == 1) {
ctx->vars[l].entity = ecs_vec_get_t(&r.table->data.entities,
ecs_entity_t, r.offset)[0];
return true;
} else {
ecs_table_range_t l = flecs_rule_get_range(
op, &op->first, EcsRuleFirst, ctx);
if (!flecs_rule_compare_range(&l, &r)) {
return false;
ctx->vars[first_var].range.offset = r.offset;
ctx->vars[first_var].range.count = r.count;
return true;
bool flecs_rule_pred_eq(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index]; (void)written;
ecs_assert(flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->second, EcsRuleSecond, written),
"invalid instruction sequence: uninitialized eq operand");
ecs_table_range_t r = flecs_rule_get_range(
op, &op->second, EcsRuleSecond, ctx);
return flecs_rule_pred_eq_w_range(op, redo, ctx, r);
bool flecs_rule_pred_eq_name(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
const char *name = flecs_rule_name_arg(op, ctx);
ecs_entity_t e = ecs_lookup_fullpath(ctx->world, name);
if (!e) {
/* Entity doesn't exist */
return false;
ecs_table_range_t r = flecs_range_from_entity(e, ctx);
return flecs_rule_pred_eq_w_range(op, redo, ctx, r);
bool flecs_rule_pred_neq_w_range(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_table_range_t r)
ecs_rule_eq_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, eq);
ecs_var_id_t first_var = op->first.var;
ecs_table_range_t l = flecs_rule_get_range(
op, &op->first, EcsRuleFirst, ctx);
/* If tables don't match, neq always returns once */
if (l.table != r.table) {
return true && !redo;
int32_t l_offset;
int32_t l_count;
if (!redo) {
/* Make sure we're working with the correct table count */
if (!l.count && l.table) {
l.count = ecs_table_count(l.table);
l_offset = l.offset;
l_count = l.count;
/* Cache old value */
op_ctx->range = l;
} else {
l_offset = op_ctx->range.offset;
l_count = op_ctx->range.count;
/* If the table matches, a Neq returns twice: once for the slice before the
* excluded slice, once for the slice after the excluded slice. If the right
* hand range starts & overlaps with the left hand range, there is only
* one slice. */
ecs_var_t *var = &ctx->vars[first_var];
if (!redo && r.offset > l_offset) {
int32_t end = r.offset;
if (end > l_count) {
end = l_count;
/* Return first slice */
var->range.table = l.table;
var->range.offset = l_offset;
var->range.count = end - l_offset;
op_ctx->redo = false;
return true;
} else if (!op_ctx->redo) {
int32_t l_end = op_ctx->range.offset + l_count;
int32_t r_end = r.offset + r.count;
if (l_end <= r_end) {
/* If end of existing range falls inside the excluded range, there's
* nothing more to return */
var->range = l;
return false;
/* Return second slice */
var->range.table = l.table;
var->range.offset = r_end;
var->range.count = l_end - r_end;
/* Flag so we know we're done the next redo */
op_ctx->redo = true;
return true;
} else {
/* Restore previous value */
var->range = l;
return false;
bool flecs_rule_pred_match(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
bool is_neq)
ecs_rule_eq_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, eq);
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
ecs_assert(flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->first, EcsRuleFirst, written),
"invalid instruction sequence: uninitialized match operand");
ecs_var_id_t first_var = op->first.var;
const char *match = flecs_rule_name_arg(op, ctx);
ecs_table_range_t l;
if (!redo) {
l = flecs_rule_get_range(op, &op->first, EcsRuleFirst, ctx);
if (!l.table) {
return false;
if (!l.count) {
l.count = ecs_table_count(l.table);
op_ctx->range = l;
op_ctx->index = l.offset;
op_ctx->name_col = flecs_ito(int16_t,
ecs_table_get_type_index(ctx->world, l.table,
ecs_pair(ecs_id(EcsIdentifier), EcsName)));
if (op_ctx->name_col == -1) {
return is_neq;
op_ctx->name_col = flecs_ito(int16_t,
ecs_assert(op_ctx->name_col != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
} else {
if (op_ctx->name_col == -1) {
/* Table has no name */
return false;
l = op_ctx->range;
const EcsIdentifier *names = l.table->data.columns[op_ctx->name_col].data.array;
int32_t count = l.offset + l.count, offset = -1;
for (; op_ctx->index < count; op_ctx->index ++) {
const char *name = names[op_ctx->index].value;
bool result = strstr(name, match);
if (is_neq) {
result = !result;
if (!result) {
if (offset != -1) {
} else {
if (offset == -1) {
offset = op_ctx->index;
if (offset == -1) {
ctx->vars[first_var].range = op_ctx->range;
return false;
ctx->vars[first_var].range.offset = offset;
ctx->vars[first_var].range.count = (op_ctx->index - offset);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_pred_eq_match(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
return flecs_rule_pred_match(op, redo, ctx, false);
bool flecs_rule_pred_neq_match(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
return flecs_rule_pred_match(op, redo, ctx, true);
bool flecs_rule_pred_neq(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index]; (void)written;
ecs_assert(flecs_ref_is_written(op, &op->second, EcsRuleSecond, written),
"invalid instruction sequence: uninitialized neq operand");
ecs_table_range_t r = flecs_rule_get_range(
op, &op->second, EcsRuleSecond, ctx);
return flecs_rule_pred_neq_w_range(op, redo, ctx, r);
bool flecs_rule_pred_neq_name(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
const char *name = flecs_rule_name_arg(op, ctx);
ecs_entity_t e = ecs_lookup_fullpath(ctx->world, name);
if (!e) {
/* Entity doesn't exist */
return true && !redo;
ecs_table_range_t r = flecs_range_from_entity(e, ctx);
return flecs_rule_pred_neq_w_range(op, redo, ctx, r);
bool flecs_rule_lookup(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (redo) {
return false;
const ecs_rule_t *rule = ctx->rule;
ecs_entity_t first = flecs_rule_var_get_entity(op->first.var, ctx);
ecs_rule_var_t *var = &rule->vars[op->src.var];
ecs_entity_t result = ecs_lookup_path_w_sep(ctx->world, first, var->lookup,
NULL, NULL, false);
if (!result) {
flecs_rule_var_set_entity(op, op->src.var, EcsWildcard, ctx);
return false;
flecs_rule_var_set_entity(op, op->src.var, result, ctx);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_setvars(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
const ecs_rule_t *rule = ctx->rule;
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
ecs_var_id_t *src_vars = rule->src_vars;
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
if (redo) {
return false;
int32_t i;
ecs_flags32_t source_set = *ctx->source_set;
for (i = 0; i < filter->field_count; i ++) {
ecs_var_id_t var_id = src_vars[i];
if (!var_id) {
if (source_set & (1u << i)) {
it->sources[i] = flecs_rule_var_get_entity(var_id, ctx);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_setthis(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_setthis_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, setthis);
ecs_var_t *vars = ctx->vars;
ecs_var_t *this_var = &vars[op->first.var];
if (!redo) {
/* Save values so we can restore them later */
op_ctx->range = vars[0].range;
/* Constrain This table variable to a single entity from the table */
vars[0].range = flecs_range_from_entity(this_var->entity, ctx);
vars[0].entity = this_var->entity;
return true;
} else {
/* Restore previous values, so that instructions that are operating on
* the table variable use all the entities in the table. */
vars[0].range = op_ctx->range;
vars[0].entity = 0;
return false;
bool flecs_rule_setfixed(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
const ecs_rule_t *rule = ctx->rule;
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
if (redo) {
return false;
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < filter->term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[i];
ecs_term_id_t *src = &term->src;
if (src->flags & EcsIsEntity) {
it->sources[term->field_index] = src->id;
return true;
bool flecs_rule_setids(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
const ecs_rule_t *rule = ctx->rule;
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
if (redo) {
return false;
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < filter->term_count; i ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &filter->terms[i];
it->ids[term->field_index] = term->id;
return true;
bool flecs_rule_setid(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (redo) {
return false;
ecs_assert(op->field_index != -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ctx->it->ids[op->field_index] = op->first.entity;
return true;
/* Check if entity is stored in table */
bool flecs_rule_contain(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (redo) {
return false;
ecs_var_id_t src_id = op->src.var;
ecs_var_id_t first_id = op->first.var;
ecs_table_t *table = flecs_rule_var_get_table(src_id, ctx);
ecs_entity_t e = flecs_rule_var_get_entity(first_id, ctx);
return table == ecs_get_table(ctx->world, e);
/* Check if first and second id of pair from last operation are the same */
bool flecs_rule_pair_eq(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (redo) {
return false;
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
ecs_id_t id = it->ids[op->field_index];
bool flecs_rule_select_or(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
ecs_rule_iter_t *rit = &it->priv.iter.rule;
ecs_rule_ctrl_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, ctrl);
ecs_rule_lbl_t first = flecs_itolbl(ctx->op_index + 1);
if (!redo) {
op_ctx->op_index = first;
const ecs_rule_op_t *cur = &rit->ops[op_ctx->op_index];
bool result = false;
/* Evaluate operations in OR chain one by one. */
do {
ctx->op_index = op_ctx->op_index;
ctx->written[op_ctx->op_index] = op->written;
result = flecs_rule_dispatch(cur, redo, ctx);
if (result) {
ctx->written[op_ctx->op_index] |= cur->written;
/* If a previous operation in the OR chain returned a result for the
* same matched source, skip it so we don't yield for each matching
* element in the chain. */
ecs_rule_lbl_t prev_index;
for (prev_index = first; prev_index < op_ctx->op_index;
prev_index ++)
const ecs_rule_op_t *prev = &rit->ops[prev_index];
ctx->op_index = prev_index;
ctx->written[prev_index] = ctx->written[op_ctx->op_index];
if (flecs_rule_dispatch(prev, false, ctx)) {
if (prev_index != op_ctx->op_index) {
/* Duplicate match was found, redo search */
redo = true;
/* No result was found, go to next operation in chain */
op_ctx->op_index ++;
cur = &rit->ops[op_ctx->op_index];
redo = false;
} while (cur->kind != EcsRuleEnd);
return result;
bool flecs_rule_run_block(
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_rule_ctrl_ctx_t *op_ctx)
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
ecs_rule_iter_t *rit = &it->priv.iter.rule;
if (!redo) {
op_ctx->op_index = flecs_itolbl(ctx->op_index + 1);
} else if (ctx->rit->ops[op_ctx->op_index].kind == EcsRuleEnd) {
return false;
ctx->written[ctx->op_index + 1] = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
return flecs_rule_run_until(
redo, ctx, rit->ops, ctx->op_index, op_ctx->op_index, EcsRuleEnd);
bool flecs_rule_with_or(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_ctrl_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, ctrl);
bool result = flecs_rule_run_block(redo, ctx, op_ctx);
if (result) {
/* If a match was found, no need to keep searching for this source */
op_ctx->op_index = op->next;
return result;
bool flecs_rule_or(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (op->flags & (EcsRuleIsVar << EcsRuleSrc)) {
uint64_t written = ctx->written[ctx->op_index];
if (!(written & (1ull << op->src.var))) {
return flecs_rule_select_or(op, redo, ctx);
return flecs_rule_with_or(op, redo, ctx);
bool flecs_rule_run_block_w_reset(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_rule_ctrl_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, ctrl);
bool result = flecs_rule_run_block(redo, ctx, op_ctx);
if (!result) {
flecs_rule_reset_after_block(op, ctx, op_ctx);
return result;
bool flecs_rule_not(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (redo) {
return false;
return !flecs_rule_run_block_w_reset(op, redo, ctx);
bool flecs_rule_optional(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
bool result = flecs_rule_run_block_w_reset(op, redo, ctx);
if (!redo) {
return true; /* Return at least once */
} else {
return result;
bool flecs_rule_eval_if(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
const ecs_rule_ref_t *ref,
ecs_flags16_t ref_kind)
if (flecs_rule_ref_flags(op->flags, ref_kind) == EcsRuleIsVar) {
if (ctx->vars[ref->var].entity == EcsWildcard) {
ecs_rule_ctrl_ctx_t *op_ctx = flecs_op_ctx(ctx, ctrl);
flecs_rule_reset_after_block(op, ctx, op_ctx);
return false;
return true;
bool flecs_rule_if(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (!redo) {
if (!flecs_rule_eval_if(op, ctx, &op->src, EcsRuleSrc) ||
!flecs_rule_eval_if(op, ctx, &op->first, EcsRuleFirst) ||
!flecs_rule_eval_if(op, ctx, &op->second, EcsRuleSecond))
return true;
return flecs_rule_run_block_w_reset(op, redo, ctx);
bool flecs_rule_end(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
(void)op; (void)ctx;
return !redo;
bool flecs_rule_populate(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (!redo) {
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
if (it->flags & EcsIterNoData) {
return true;
ECS_BIT_CLEAR(it->flags, EcsIterHasShared);
const ecs_rule_t *rule = ctx->rule;
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
int32_t i, field_count = filter->field_count;
ecs_flags64_t data_fields = filter->data_fields;
ecs_table_range_t *range = &ctx->vars[0].range;
ecs_table_t *table = range->table;
if (table && !range->count) {
range->count = ecs_table_count(table);
for (i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
if (!(data_fields & (1llu << i))) {
int32_t index = it->columns[i];
ecs_assert(index >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!index) {
ecs_entity_t src = it->sources[i];
if (!src) {
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (range->count && table->column_map) {
int32_t column = table->column_map[index - 1];
if (column != -1) {
it->ptrs[i] = ECS_ELEM(
} else {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(ctx->world, src);
ecs_table_t *src_table = r->table;
if (src_table->column_map) {
int32_t column = src_table->column_map[index - 1];
if (column != -1) {
it->ptrs[i] = ecs_vec_get(
ECS_BIT_SET(it->flags, EcsIterHasShared);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool flecs_rule_populate_self(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
if (!redo) {
const ecs_rule_t *rule = ctx->rule;
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
int32_t i, field_count = filter->field_count;
ecs_flags64_t data_fields = filter->data_fields;
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
ecs_table_range_t *range = &ctx->vars[0].range;
ecs_table_t *table = range->table;
if (!table->column_map) {
return true;
if (!ecs_table_count(table)) {
return true;
for (i = 0; i < field_count; i ++) {
if (!(data_fields & (1llu << i))) {
int32_t index = it->columns[i];
ecs_assert(index >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL); /* Only owned */
if (!index) {
int32_t column = table->column_map[index - 1];
if (column != -1) {
it->ptrs[i] = ECS_ELEM(
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool flecs_rule_dispatch(
const ecs_rule_op_t *op,
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsRuleAnd: return flecs_rule_and(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleAndId: return flecs_rule_and_id(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleAndAny: return flecs_rule_and_any(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleTriv: return flecs_rule_triv(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleTrivData: return flecs_rule_triv_data(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleTrivWildcard: return flecs_rule_triv_wildcard(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleSelectAny: return flecs_rule_select_any(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleUp: return flecs_rule_up(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleUpId: return flecs_rule_up_id(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleSelfUp: return flecs_rule_self_up(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleSelfUpId: return flecs_rule_self_up_id(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleWith: return flecs_rule_with(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleTrav: return flecs_rule_trav(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleIds: return flecs_rule_ids(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleIdsRight: return flecs_rule_idsright(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleIdsLeft: return flecs_rule_idsleft(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleEach: return flecs_rule_each(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleStore: return flecs_rule_store(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleReset: return flecs_rule_reset(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleOr: return flecs_rule_or(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleOptional: return flecs_rule_optional(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleIf: return flecs_rule_if(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleEnd: return flecs_rule_end(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleNot: return flecs_rule_not(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRulePredEq: return flecs_rule_pred_eq(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRulePredNeq: return flecs_rule_pred_neq(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRulePredEqName: return flecs_rule_pred_eq_name(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRulePredNeqName: return flecs_rule_pred_neq_name(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRulePredEqMatch: return flecs_rule_pred_eq_match(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRulePredNeqMatch: return flecs_rule_pred_neq_match(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleLookup: return flecs_rule_lookup(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleSetVars: return flecs_rule_setvars(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleSetThis: return flecs_rule_setthis(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleSetFixed: return flecs_rule_setfixed(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleSetIds: return flecs_rule_setids(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleSetId: return flecs_rule_setid(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleContain: return flecs_rule_contain(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRulePairEq: return flecs_rule_pair_eq(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRulePopulate: return flecs_rule_populate(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRulePopulateSelf: return flecs_rule_populate_self(op, redo, ctx);
case EcsRuleYield: return false;
case EcsRuleNothing: return false;
return false;
bool flecs_rule_run_until(
bool redo,
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
const ecs_rule_op_t *ops,
ecs_rule_lbl_t first,
ecs_rule_lbl_t cur,
ecs_rule_op_kind_t until)
ecs_assert(first >= -1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(cur >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(cur > first, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ctx->op_index = cur;
const ecs_rule_op_t *op = &ops[ctx->op_index];
ecs_assert(op->kind != until, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
do {
ctx->rit->profile[ctx->op_index].count[redo] ++;
bool result = flecs_rule_dispatch(op, redo, ctx);
cur = (&op->prev)[result];
redo = cur < ctx->op_index;
if (!redo) {
ctx->written[cur] |= ctx->written[ctx->op_index] | op->written;
ctx->op_index = cur;
op = &ops[ctx->op_index];
if (cur <= first) {
return false;
if (op->kind == until) {
return true;
} while (true);
return false;
void flecs_rule_iter_init(
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx)
ecs_assert(ctx->written != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
const ecs_rule_t *rule = ctx->rule;
ecs_flags64_t it_written = it->constrained_vars;
ctx->written[0] = it_written;
if (it_written && ctx->rule->src_vars) {
/* If variables were constrained, check if there are any table
* variables that have a constrained entity variable. */
ecs_var_t *vars = ctx->vars;
int32_t i, count = rule->filter.field_count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_var_id_t var_id = rule->src_vars[i];
ecs_rule_var_t *var = &rule->vars[var_id];
if (!(it_written & (1ull << var_id)) ||
(var->kind == EcsVarTable) || (var->table_id == EcsVarNone))
/* Initialize table variable with constrained entity variable */
ecs_var_t *tvar = &vars[var->table_id];
tvar->range = flecs_range_from_entity(vars[var_id].entity, ctx);
ctx->written[0] |= (1ull << var->table_id); /* Mark as written */
ecs_flags32_t flags = rule->filter.flags;
if (flags & EcsFilterIsTrivial) {
if ((flags & EcsFilterMatchOnlySelf) ||
if (it_written) {
it->offset = ctx->vars[0].range.offset;
it->count = ctx->vars[0].range.count;
if (!it->count) {
ecs_assert(!it->offset, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
it->count = ecs_table_count(ctx->vars[0].range.table);
it->flags |= EcsIterTrivialTest;
flecs_rule_setids(&rule->ops[0], false, ctx);
} else {
if (flags & EcsFilterHasWildcards) {
it->flags |= EcsIterTrivialSearchWildcard;
flecs_rule_setids(&rule->ops[0], false, ctx);
} else if (flags & EcsFilterNoData) {
it->flags |= EcsIterTrivialSearchNoData;
flecs_rule_setids(&rule->ops[0], false, ctx);
} else {
it->flags |= EcsIterTrivialSearch;
flecs_rule_setids(&rule->ops[0], false, ctx);
bool ecs_rule_next_instanced(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_assert(it->next == ecs_rule_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_rule_iter_t *rit = &it->priv.iter.rule;
ecs_rule_run_ctx_t ctx;
ctx.world = it->real_world;
ctx.rule = rit->rule;
ctx.it = it;
ctx.vars = rit->vars;
ctx.rule_vars = rit->rule_vars;
ctx.written = rit->written;
ctx.op_ctx = rit->op_ctx;
ctx.source_set = &rit->source_set;
ctx.rit = rit;
const ecs_rule_op_t *ops = rit->ops;
bool redo = true;
if (!(it->flags & EcsIterIsValid)) {
ecs_assert(ctx.rule != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
redo = false;
} else {
it->frame_offset += it->count;
/* Specialized iterator modes for trivial queries */
if (it->flags & EcsIterTrivialSearch) {
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx = &ctx.op_ctx[0].is.trivial;
int32_t fields = ctx.rule->filter.term_count;
if (!flecs_rule_trivial_search(ctx.rule, &ctx, op_ctx, !redo, fields)) {
goto done;
it->table = ctx.vars[0].range.table;
it->count = ecs_table_count(it->table);
it->entities = flecs_table_entities_array(it->table);
return true;
} else if (it->flags & EcsIterTrivialSearchNoData) {
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx = &ctx.op_ctx[0].is.trivial;
int32_t fields = ctx.rule->filter.term_count;
if (!flecs_rule_trivial_search_nodata(ctx.rule, &ctx, op_ctx, !redo, fields)) {
goto done;
it->table = ctx.vars[0].range.table;
it->count = ecs_table_count(it->table);
it->entities = flecs_table_entities_array(it->table);
return true;
} else if (it->flags & EcsIterTrivialTest) {
int32_t fields = ctx.rule->filter.term_count;
if (!flecs_rule_trivial_test(ctx.rule, &ctx, !redo, fields)) {
goto done;
return true;
} else if (it->flags & EcsIterTrivialSearchWildcard) {
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx = &ctx.op_ctx[0].is.trivial;
int32_t fields = ctx.rule->filter.term_count;
if (!flecs_rule_trivial_search_w_wildcards(ctx.rule, &ctx, op_ctx, !redo, fields)) {
goto done;
it->table = ctx.vars[0].range.table;
it->count = ecs_table_count(it->table);
it->entities = flecs_table_entities_array(it->table);
return true;
/* Default iterator mode */
if (flecs_rule_run_until(redo, &ctx, ops, -1, rit->op, EcsRuleYield)) {
ecs_assert(ops[ctx.op_index].kind == EcsRuleYield,
ecs_table_range_t *range = &ctx.vars[0].range;
ecs_table_t *table = range->table;
int32_t count = range->count;
if (table) {
if (!count) {
count = ecs_table_count(table);
it->table = table;
it->offset = range->offset;
it->count = count;
it->entities = ECS_ELEM_T(
table->data.entities.array, ecs_entity_t, it->offset);
} else if (count == 1) {
it->count = 1;
it->entities = &ctx.vars[0].entity;
rit->op = flecs_itolbl(ctx.op_index - 1);
return true;
return false;
bool ecs_rule_next(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_check(it->next == ecs_rule_next, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
if (flecs_iter_next_row(it)) {
return true;
return flecs_iter_next_instanced(it, ecs_rule_next_instanced(it));
return false;
void flecs_rule_iter_fini_ctx(
ecs_iter_t *it,
ecs_rule_iter_t *rit)
const ecs_rule_t *rule = rit->rule;
int32_t i, count = rule->op_count;
ecs_rule_op_t *ops = rule->ops;
ecs_rule_op_ctx_t *ctx = rit->op_ctx;
ecs_allocator_t *a = flecs_rule_get_allocator(it);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_rule_op_t *op = &ops[i];
switch(op->kind) {
case EcsRuleTrav:
flecs_rule_trav_cache_fini(a, &ctx[i].is.trav.cache);
case EcsRuleUp:
case EcsRuleSelfUp:
case EcsRuleUpId:
case EcsRuleSelfUpId: {
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache = &ctx[i].is.up.cache;
if (cache->dir == EcsDown) {
flecs_rule_down_cache_fini(a, cache);
} else {
void flecs_rule_iter_fini(
ecs_iter_t *it)
ecs_rule_iter_t *rit = &it->priv.iter.rule;
ecs_assert(rit->rule != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
ecs_poly_assert(rit->rule, ecs_rule_t);
int32_t op_count = rit->rule->op_count;
int32_t var_count = rit->rule->var_count;
if (it->flags & EcsIterProfile) {
char *str = ecs_rule_str_w_profile(rit->rule, it);
printf("%s\n", str);
flecs_iter_free_n(rit->profile, ecs_rule_op_profile_t, op_count);
flecs_rule_iter_fini_ctx(it, rit);
flecs_iter_free_n(rit->vars, ecs_var_t, var_count);
flecs_iter_free_n(rit->written, ecs_write_flags_t, op_count);
flecs_iter_free_n(rit->op_ctx, ecs_rule_op_ctx_t, op_count);
rit->vars = NULL;
rit->written = NULL;
rit->op_ctx = NULL;
rit->rule = NULL;
ecs_iter_t ecs_rule_iter(
const ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_rule_t *rule)
ecs_iter_t it = {0};
ecs_rule_iter_t *rit = &it.priv.iter.rule;
ecs_run_aperiodic(rule->filter.world, EcsAperiodicEmptyTables);
int32_t i, var_count = rule->var_count, op_count = rule->op_count;
it.world = ECS_CONST_CAST(ecs_world_t*, world);
it.real_world = rule->filter.world;
it.query = &rule->filter;
it.terms = rule->filter.terms;
it.next = ecs_rule_next;
it.fini = flecs_rule_iter_fini;
it.field_count = rule->filter.field_count;
it.sizes = rule->filter.sizes;
it.system = rule->filter.entity;
flecs_filter_apply_iter_flags(&it, &rule->filter);
flecs_iter_init(world, &it,
flecs_iter_cache_ids |
flecs_iter_cache_columns |
flecs_iter_cache_sources |
rit->rule = rule;
rit->rule_vars = rule->vars;
rit->ops = rule->ops;
rit->source_set = 0;
if (var_count) {
rit->vars = flecs_iter_calloc_n(&it, ecs_var_t, var_count);
if (op_count) {
rit->written = flecs_iter_calloc_n(&it, ecs_write_flags_t, op_count);
rit->op_ctx = flecs_iter_calloc_n(&it, ecs_rule_op_ctx_t, op_count);
rit->profile = flecs_iter_calloc_n(&it, ecs_rule_op_profile_t, op_count);
for (i = 1; i < var_count; i ++) {
rit->vars[i].entity = EcsWildcard;
it.variables = rit->vars;
it.variable_count = rule->var_pub_count;
it.variable_names = rule->var_names;
return it;
* @file addons/rules/trav_cache.c
* @brief Cache that stores the result of graph traversal.
void flecs_rule_build_down_cache(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *a,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_cache_t *cache,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_id_record_t *idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(trav, entity));
if (!idr) {
ecs_trav_elem_t *elem = ecs_vec_append_t(a, &cache->entities,
elem->entity = entity;
elem->idr = idr;
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (flecs_table_cache_iter(&idr->cache, &it)) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_assert(tr->count == 1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if (!table->_->traversable_count) {
int32_t i, count = ecs_table_count(table);
ecs_entity_t *entities = table->data.entities.array;
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get(world, entities[i]);
if (r->row & EcsEntityIsTraversable) {
world, a, ctx, cache, trav, entities[i]);
void flecs_rule_build_up_cache(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *a,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_cache_t *cache,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_table_t *table,
const ecs_table_record_t *tr,
int32_t root_column)
ecs_id_t *ids = table->type.array;
int32_t i = tr->index, end = i + tr->count;
bool is_root = root_column == -1;
for (; i < end; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t second = ecs_pair_second(world, ids[i]);
if (is_root) {
root_column = i;
ecs_trav_elem_t *el = ecs_vec_append_t(a, &cache->entities,
el->entity = second;
el->column = root_column;
el->idr = NULL;
ecs_record_t *r = flecs_entities_get_any(world, second);
if (r->table) {
ecs_table_record_t *r_tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(
cache->idr, r->table);
if (!r_tr) {
flecs_rule_build_up_cache(world, a, ctx, cache, trav, r->table,
r_tr, root_column);
void flecs_rule_trav_cache_fini(
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_trav_cache_t *cache)
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &cache->entities, ecs_trav_elem_t);
void flecs_rule_get_trav_down_cache(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_cache_t *cache,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t entity)
if (cache->id != ecs_pair(trav, entity) || cache->up) {
ecs_world_t *world = ctx->it->real_world;
ecs_allocator_t *a = flecs_rule_get_allocator(ctx->it);
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, &cache->entities, ecs_trav_elem_t);
flecs_rule_build_down_cache(world, a, ctx, cache, trav, entity);
cache->id = ecs_pair(trav, entity);
cache->up = false;
void flecs_rule_get_trav_up_cache(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_cache_t *cache,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_table_t *table)
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_world_t *world = ctx->it->real_world;
ecs_allocator_t *a = flecs_rule_get_allocator(ctx->it);
ecs_id_record_t *idr = cache->idr;
if (!idr || idr->id != ecs_pair(trav, EcsWildcard)) {
idr = cache->idr = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(trav, EcsWildcard));
if (!idr) {
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, &cache->entities, ecs_trav_elem_t);
ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(idr, table);
if (!tr) {
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, &cache->entities, ecs_trav_elem_t);
ecs_id_t id = table->type.array[tr->index];
if (cache->id != id || !cache->up) {
ecs_vec_reset_t(a, &cache->entities, ecs_trav_elem_t);
flecs_rule_build_up_cache(world, a, ctx, cache, trav, table, tr, -1);
cache->id = id;
cache->up = true;
void flecs_trav_entity_down_isa(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
ecs_trav_down_t *dst,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
bool self);
ecs_trav_down_t* flecs_trav_entity_down(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
ecs_trav_down_t *dst,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_trav,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
bool self);
ecs_trav_down_t* flecs_trav_down_ensure(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
ecs_entity_t entity)
ecs_trav_down_t **trav = ecs_map_ensure_ref(
&cache->src, ecs_trav_down_t, entity);
if (!trav[0]) {
trav[0] = flecs_iter_calloc_t(ctx->it, ecs_trav_down_t);
ecs_vec_init_t(NULL, &trav[0]->elems, ecs_trav_down_elem_t, 0);
return trav[0];
ecs_trav_down_t* flecs_trav_table_down(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
ecs_trav_down_t *dst,
ecs_entity_t trav,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
bool self)
ecs_assert(table->id != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (!table->_->traversable_count) {
return dst;
ecs_assert(idr_with != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_first(&table->data.entities);
int32_t i, count = ecs_table_count(table);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t entity = entities[i];
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, entity);
if (!record) {
uint32_t flags = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW_FLAGS(record->row);
if (flags & EcsEntityIsTraversable) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr_trav = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(trav, entity));
if (!idr_trav) {
flecs_trav_entity_down(world, a, cache, dst,
trav, entity, idr_trav, idr_with, self);
return dst;
void flecs_trav_entity_down_isa(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
ecs_trav_down_t *dst,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
bool self)
if (trav == EcsIsA || !world->idr_isa_wildcard) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr_isa = flecs_id_record_get(
world, ecs_pair(EcsIsA, entity));
if (!idr_isa) {
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (flecs_table_cache_all_iter(&idr_isa->cache, &it)) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if (!table->_->traversable_count) {
ecs_entity_t *entities = ecs_vec_first(&table->data.entities);
int32_t i, count = ecs_table_count(table);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
ecs_entity_t e = entities[i];
ecs_record_t *record = flecs_entities_get(world, e);
if (!record) {
uint32_t flags = ECS_RECORD_TO_ROW_FLAGS(record->row);
if (flags & EcsEntityIsTraversable) {
ecs_id_record_t *idr_trav = flecs_id_record_get(world,
ecs_pair(trav, e));
flecs_trav_entity_down(world, a, cache, dst, trav, e,
idr_trav, idr_with, self);
ecs_trav_down_t* flecs_trav_entity_down(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
ecs_trav_down_t *dst,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t entity,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_trav,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
bool self)
ecs_assert(dst != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(idr_with != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
world, a, cache, dst, trav, entity, idr_with, self);
int32_t first = ecs_vec_count(&dst->elems);
ecs_table_cache_iter_t it;
if (flecs_table_cache_iter(&idr_trav->cache, &it)) {
ecs_table_record_t *tr;
while ((tr = flecs_table_cache_next(&it, ecs_table_record_t))) {
ecs_assert(tr->count == 1, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
bool leaf = false;
if (flecs_id_record_get_table(idr_with, table) != NULL) {
if (self) {
leaf = true;
/* If record is not the first instance of (trav, *), don't add it
* to the cache. */
int32_t index = tr->index;
if (index) {
ecs_id_t id = table->type.array[index - 1];
if (ECS_IS_PAIR(id) && ECS_PAIR_FIRST(id) == trav) {
int32_t col = ecs_search_relation(world, table, 0,
idr_with->id, trav, EcsUp, NULL, NULL, &tr);
ecs_assert(col >= 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (col != index) {
/* First relationship through which the id is
* reachable is not the current one, so skip. */
ecs_trav_down_elem_t *elem = ecs_vec_append_t(
a, &dst->elems, ecs_trav_down_elem_t);
elem->table = table;
elem->leaf = leaf;
/* Breadth first walk */
int32_t t, last = ecs_vec_count(&dst->elems);
for (t = first; t < last; t ++) {
ecs_trav_down_elem_t *elem = ecs_vec_get_t(
&dst->elems, ecs_trav_down_elem_t, t);
if (!elem->leaf) {
flecs_trav_table_down(world, a, cache, dst, trav,
elem->table, idr_with, self);
return dst;
ecs_trav_down_t* flecs_rule_get_down_cache(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_entity_t e,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
bool self)
ecs_world_t *world = ctx->it->real_world;
ecs_assert(!(cache->dir & EcsUp), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
cache->dir = EcsDown;
ecs_allocator_t *a = flecs_rule_get_allocator(ctx->it);
ecs_map_init_if(&cache->src, a);
ecs_trav_down_t *result = flecs_trav_down_ensure(ctx, cache, e);
if (result->ready) {
return result;
ecs_id_record_t *idr_trav = flecs_id_record_get(world, ecs_pair(trav, e));
if (!idr_trav) {
if (trav != EcsIsA) {
world, a, cache, result, trav, e, idr_with, self);
result->ready = true;
return result;
ecs_vec_init_t(a, &result->elems, ecs_trav_down_elem_t, 0);
world, a, cache, result, trav, e, idr_trav, idr_with, self);
result->ready = true;
return result;
void flecs_rule_down_cache_fini(
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache)
ecs_map_iter_t it = ecs_map_iter(&cache->src);
while (ecs_map_next(&it)) {
ecs_trav_down_t *t = ecs_map_ptr(&it);
ecs_vec_fini_t(a, &t->elems, ecs_trav_down_elem_t);
ecs_trav_up_t* flecs_trav_up_ensure(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
uint64_t table_id)
ecs_trav_up_t **trav = ecs_map_ensure_ref(
&cache->src, ecs_trav_up_t, table_id);
if (!trav[0]) {
trav[0] = flecs_iter_calloc_t(ctx->it, ecs_trav_up_t);
return trav[0];
int32_t flecs_trav_type_search(
ecs_trav_up_t *up,
const ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
ecs_type_t *type)
ecs_table_record_t *tr = ecs_table_cache_get(&idr_with->cache, table);
if (tr) {
up->id = type->array[tr->index];
return up->column = tr->index;
return -1;
int32_t flecs_trav_type_offset_search(
ecs_trav_up_t *up,
int32_t offset,
ecs_id_t with,
ecs_type_t *type)
ecs_assert(offset > 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(with != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
while (offset < type->count) {
ecs_id_t type_id = type->array[offset ++];
if (ecs_id_match(type_id, with)) {
up->id = flecs_to_public_id(type_id);
return up->column = offset - 1;
return -1;
ecs_trav_up_t* flecs_trav_table_up(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_allocator_t *a,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t src,
ecs_id_t with,
ecs_id_t rel,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_trav)
ecs_trav_up_t *up = flecs_trav_up_ensure(ctx, cache, src);
if (up->ready) {
return up;
ecs_record_t *src_record = flecs_entities_get_any(world, src);
ecs_table_t *table = src_record->table;
if (!table) {
goto not_found;
ecs_type_t type = table->type;
if (flecs_trav_type_search(up, table, idr_with, &type) >= 0) {
up->src = src;
goto found;
ecs_flags32_t flags = table->flags;
if ((flags & EcsTableHasPairs) && rel) {
bool is_a = idr_trav == world->idr_isa_wildcard;
if (is_a) {
if (!(flags & EcsTableHasIsA)) {
goto not_found;
if (!flecs_type_can_inherit_id(world, table, idr_with, with)) {
goto not_found;
ecs_trav_up_t up_pair = {0};
int32_t r_column = flecs_trav_type_search(
&up_pair, table, idr_trav, &type);
while (r_column != -1) {
ecs_entity_t tgt = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(up_pair.id);
ecs_assert(tgt != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_trav_up_t *up_parent = flecs_trav_table_up(ctx, a, cache,
world, tgt, with, rel, idr_with, idr_trav);
if (up_parent->column != -1) {
up->src = up_parent->src;
up->column = up_parent->column;
up->id = up_parent->id;
goto found;
r_column = flecs_trav_type_offset_search(
&up_pair, r_column + 1, rel, &type);
if (!is_a) {
idr_trav = world->idr_isa_wildcard;
r_column = flecs_trav_type_search(
&up_pair, table, idr_trav, &type);
while (r_column != -1) {
ecs_entity_t tgt = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(up_pair.id);
ecs_assert(tgt != 0, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_trav_up_t *up_parent = flecs_trav_table_up(ctx, a, cache,
world, tgt, with, rel, idr_with, idr_trav);
if (up_parent->column != -1) {
up->src = up_parent->src;
up->column = up_parent->column;
up->id = up_parent->id;
goto found;
r_column = flecs_trav_type_offset_search(
&up_pair, r_column + 1, rel, &type);
up->column = -1;
up->ready = true;
return up;
ecs_trav_up_t* flecs_rule_get_up_cache(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache,
ecs_table_t *table,
ecs_id_t with,
ecs_entity_t trav,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_with,
ecs_id_record_t *idr_trav)
if (cache->with && cache->with != with) {
ecs_world_t *world = ctx->it->real_world;
ecs_allocator_t *a = flecs_rule_get_allocator(ctx->it);
ecs_map_init_if(&cache->src, a);
ecs_assert(!(cache->dir & EcsDown), ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
cache->dir = EcsUp;
cache->with = with;
ecs_assert(idr_with != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_assert(idr_trav != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
ecs_table_record_t *tr = ecs_table_cache_get(&idr_trav->cache, table);
if (!tr) {
return NULL; /* Table doesn't have the relationship */
int32_t i = tr->index, end = i + tr->count;
for (; i < end; i ++) {
ecs_id_t id = table->type.array[i];
ecs_entity_t tgt = ECS_PAIR_SECOND(id);
ecs_trav_up_t *result = flecs_trav_table_up(ctx, a, cache, world, tgt,
with, ecs_pair(trav, EcsWildcard), idr_with, idr_trav);
ecs_assert(result != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
if (result->src != 0) {
return result;
return NULL;
void flecs_rule_up_cache_fini(
ecs_trav_up_cache_t *cache)
* @file addons/rules/engine.c
* @brief Iterator for trivial queries.
bool flecs_rule_trivial_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_filter_t *filter)
int32_t t, count = filter->term_count;
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
for (t = 0; t < count; t ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[t];
if (!term->idr) {
term->idr = flecs_id_record_get(world, term->id);
if (!term->idr) {
/* Id doesn't exist, so query can't match */
return false;
return true;
bool flecs_rule_trivial_test(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
bool first,
int32_t term_count)
if (first) {
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
int32_t t;
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
if (!flecs_rule_trivial_init(ctx->world, filter)) {
return false;
ecs_table_t *table = ctx->vars[0].range.table;
ecs_assert(table != NULL, ECS_INVALID_OPERATION, NULL);
for (t = 0; t < term_count; t ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[t];
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_id_record_get_table(
term->idr, table);
if (!tr) {
return false;
it->columns[t] = tr->index + 1;
if (it->count && tr->column != -1) {
it->ptrs[t] = ecs_vec_get(
it->table = table;
it->entities = &flecs_table_entities_array(table)[it->offset];
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool flecs_rule_trivial_search_init(
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx,
const ecs_filter_t *filter,
bool first)
if (first) {
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
if (!flecs_rule_trivial_init(ctx->world, filter)) {
return false;
if (filter->flags & EcsFilterMatchEmptyTables) {
if (!flecs_table_cache_all_iter(&terms[0].idr->cache, &op_ctx->it)){
return false;
} else {
if (!flecs_table_cache_iter(&terms[0].idr->cache, &op_ctx->it)) {
return false;
return true;
bool flecs_rule_trivial_search(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx,
bool first,
int32_t term_count)
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
int32_t t;
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
if (!flecs_rule_trivial_search_init(ctx, op_ctx, filter, first)) {
return false;
do {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_table_cache_next(
&op_ctx->it, ecs_table_record_t);
if (!tr) {
return false;
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if (table->flags & (EcsTableIsPrefab|EcsTableIsDisabled)) {
for (t = 1; t < term_count; t ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[t];
const ecs_table_record_t *tr_with = flecs_id_record_get_table(
term->idr, table);
if (!tr_with) {
it->columns[t] = tr_with->index + 1;
if (tr_with->column != -1) {
it->ptrs[t] = ecs_vec_first(
if (t == term_count) {
ctx->vars[0].range.table = table;
ctx->vars[0].range.count = 0;
ctx->vars[0].range.offset = 0;
it->columns[0] = tr->index + 1;
if (tr->column != -1) {
it->ptrs[0] = ecs_vec_first(
} while (true);
return true;
bool flecs_rule_trivial_search_w_wildcards(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx,
bool first,
int32_t term_count)
bool result = flecs_rule_trivial_search(
rule, ctx, op_ctx, first, term_count);
if (result) {
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
ecs_table_t *table = ctx->vars[0].range.table;
int32_t t;
for (t = 0; t < term_count; t ++) {
it->ids[t] = table->type.array[it->columns[t] - 1];
return result;
bool flecs_rule_trivial_test_w_wildcards(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
bool first,
int32_t term_count)
bool result = flecs_rule_trivial_test(
rule, ctx, first, term_count);
if (result) {
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
ecs_table_t *table = ctx->vars[0].range.table;
int32_t t;
for (t = 0; t < term_count; t ++) {
it->ids[t] = table->type.array[it->columns[t] - 1];
return result;
bool flecs_rule_trivial_search_nodata(
const ecs_rule_t *rule,
const ecs_rule_run_ctx_t *ctx,
ecs_rule_trivial_ctx_t *op_ctx,
bool first,
int32_t term_count)
const ecs_filter_t *filter = &rule->filter;
int32_t t;
ecs_term_t *terms = filter->terms;
ecs_iter_t *it = ctx->it;
if (!flecs_rule_trivial_search_init(ctx, op_ctx, filter, first)) {
return false;
do {
const ecs_table_record_t *tr = flecs_table_cache_next(
&op_ctx->it, ecs_table_record_t);
if (!tr) {
return false;
ecs_table_t *table = tr->hdr.table;
if (table->flags & (EcsTableIsPrefab|EcsTableIsDisabled)) {
for (t = 1; t < term_count; t ++) {
ecs_term_t *term = &terms[t];
const ecs_table_record_t *tr_with = flecs_id_record_get_table(
term->idr, table);
if (!tr_with) {
it->columns[t] = tr_with->index + 1;
if (t == term_count) {
ctx->vars[0].range.table = table;
ctx->vars[0].range.count = 0;
ctx->vars[0].range.offset = 0;
it->columns[0] = tr->index + 1;
} while (true);
return true;
* @file addons/system/system.c
* @brief System addon.
ecs_mixins_t ecs_system_t_mixins = {
.type_name = "ecs_system_t",
.elems = {
[EcsMixinWorld] = offsetof(ecs_system_t, world),
[EcsMixinEntity] = offsetof(ecs_system_t, entity),
[EcsMixinDtor] = offsetof(ecs_system_t, dtor)
/* -- Public API -- */
ecs_entity_t ecs_run_intern(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_stage_t *stage,
ecs_entity_t system,
ecs_system_t *system_data,
int32_t stage_index,
int32_t stage_count,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time,
int32_t offset,
int32_t limit,
void *param)
ecs_ftime_t time_elapsed = delta_time;
ecs_entity_t tick_source = system_data->tick_source;
/* Support legacy behavior */
if (!param) {
param = system_data->ctx;
if (tick_source) {
const EcsTickSource *tick = ecs_get(world, tick_source, EcsTickSource);
if (tick) {
time_elapsed = tick->time_elapsed;
/* If timer hasn't fired we shouldn't run the system */
if (!tick->tick) {
return 0;
} else {
/* If a timer has been set but the timer entity does not have the
* EcsTimer component, don't run the system. This can be the result
* of a single-shot timer that has fired already. Not resetting the
* timer field of the system will ensure that the system won't be
* ran after the timer has fired. */
return 0;
if (ecs_should_log_3()) {
char *path = ecs_get_fullpath(world, system);
ecs_dbg_3("worker %d: %s", stage_index, path);
ecs_time_t time_start;
bool measure_time = ECS_BIT_IS_SET(world->flags, EcsWorldMeasureSystemTime);
if (measure_time) {
ecs_world_t *thread_ctx = world;
if (stage) {
thread_ctx = stage->thread_ctx;
} else {
stage = &world->stages[0];
/* Prepare the query iterator */
ecs_iter_t pit, wit, qit = ecs_query_iter(thread_ctx, system_data->query);
ecs_iter_t *it = &qit;
qit.system = system;
qit.delta_time = delta_time;
qit.delta_system_time = time_elapsed;
qit.frame_offset = offset;
qit.param = param;
qit.ctx = system_data->ctx;
qit.binding_ctx = system_data->binding_ctx;
flecs_defer_begin(world, stage);
if (offset || limit) {
pit = ecs_page_iter(it, offset, limit);
it = &pit;
if (stage_count > 1 && system_data->multi_threaded) {
wit = ecs_worker_iter(it, stage_index, stage_count);
it = &wit;
ecs_iter_action_t action = system_data->action;
it->callback = action;
ecs_run_action_t run = system_data->run;
if (run) {
} else if (system_data->query->filter.term_count) {
if (it == &qit) {
while (ecs_query_next(&qit)) {
} else {
while (ecs_iter_next(it)) {
} else {
if (measure_time) {
system_data->time_spent += (ecs_ftime_t)ecs_time_measure(&time_start);
system_data->invoke_count ++;
flecs_defer_end(world, stage);
return it->interrupted_by;
/* -- Public API -- */
ecs_entity_t ecs_run_w_filter(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t system,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time,
int32_t offset,
int32_t limit,
void *param)
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_system_t *system_data = ecs_poly_get(world, system, ecs_system_t);
ecs_assert(system_data != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return ecs_run_intern(world, stage, system, system_data, 0, 0, delta_time,
offset, limit, param);
ecs_entity_t ecs_run_worker(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t system,
int32_t stage_index,
int32_t stage_count,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time,
void *param)
ecs_stage_t *stage = flecs_stage_from_world(&world);
ecs_system_t *system_data = ecs_poly_get(world, system, ecs_system_t);
ecs_assert(system_data != NULL, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
return ecs_run_intern(
world, stage, system, system_data, stage_index, stage_count,
delta_time, 0, 0, param);
ecs_entity_t ecs_run(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t system,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time,
void *param)
return ecs_run_w_filter(world, system, delta_time, 0, 0, param);
ecs_query_t* ecs_system_get_query(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t system)
const ecs_system_t *s = ecs_poly_get(world, system, ecs_system_t);
if (s) {
return s->query;
} else {
return NULL;
void* ecs_system_get_ctx(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t system)
const ecs_system_t *s = ecs_poly_get(world, system, ecs_system_t);
if (s) {
return s->ctx;
} else {
return NULL;
void* ecs_system_get_binding_ctx(
const ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t system)
const ecs_system_t *s = ecs_poly_get(world, system, ecs_system_t);
if (s) {
return s->binding_ctx;
} else {
return NULL;
/* System deinitialization */
void flecs_system_fini(ecs_system_t *sys) {
if (sys->ctx_free) {
if (sys->binding_ctx_free) {
ecs_poly_free(sys, ecs_system_t);
void flecs_system_init_timer(
ecs_world_t *world,
ecs_entity_t entity,
const ecs_system_desc_t *desc)
if (ECS_NEQZERO(desc->interval) || ECS_NEQZERO(desc->rate) ||
if (ECS_NEQZERO(desc->interval)) {
ecs_set_interval(world, entity, desc->interval);
if (desc->rate) {
ecs_entity_t tick_source = desc->tick_source;
if (!tick_source) {
tick_source = entity;
ecs_set_rate(world, entity, desc->rate, tick_source);
} else if (desc->tick_source) {
ecs_set_tick_source(world, entity, desc->tick_source);
ecs_abort(ECS_UNSUPPORTED, "timer module not available");
ecs_entity_t ecs_system_init(
ecs_world_t *world,
const ecs_system_desc_t *desc)
ecs_poly_assert(world, ecs_world_t);
ecs_check(desc->_canary == 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NULL);
ecs_assert(!(world->flags & EcsWorldReadonly),
ecs_entity_t entity = desc->entity;
if (!entity) {
entity = ecs_new(world, 0);
EcsPoly *poly = ecs_poly_bind(world, entity, ecs_system_t);
if (!poly->poly) {
ecs_system_t *system = ecs_poly_new(ecs_system_t);
ecs_assert(system != NULL, ECS_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL);
poly->poly = system;
system->world = world;
system->dtor = (ecs_poly_dtor_t)flecs_system_fini;
system->entity = entity;
ecs_query_desc_t query_desc = desc->query;
query_desc.filter.entity = entity;
ecs_query_t *query = ecs_query_init(world, &query_desc);
if (!query) {
ecs_delete(world, entity);
return 0;
/* Prevent the system from moving while we're initializing */
flecs_defer_begin(world, &world->stages[0]);
system->query = query;
system->query_entity = query->filter.entity;
system->run = desc->run;
system->action = desc->callback;
system->ctx = desc->ctx;
system->binding_ctx = desc->binding_ctx;
system->ctx_free = desc->ctx_free;
system->binding_ctx_free = desc->binding_ctx_free;
system->tick_source = desc->tick_source;
system->multi_threaded = desc->multi_threaded;
system->no_readonly = desc->no_readonly;
flecs_system_init_timer(world, entity, desc);
if (ecs_get_name(world, entity)) {
ecs_trace("#[green]system#[reset] %s created",
ecs_get_name(world, entity));
} else {
ecs_poly_assert(poly->poly, ecs_system_t);
ecs_system_t *system = (ecs_system_t*)poly->poly;
if (desc->run) {
system->run = desc->run;
if (desc->callback) {
system->action = desc->callback;
if (system->ctx_free) {
if (system->ctx && system->ctx != desc->ctx) {
if (system->binding_ctx_free) {
if (system->binding_ctx && system->binding_ctx != desc->binding_ctx) {
if (desc->ctx) {
system->ctx = desc->ctx;
if (desc->binding_ctx) {
system->binding_ctx = desc->binding_ctx;
if (desc->ctx_free) {
system->ctx_free = desc->ctx_free;
if (desc->binding_ctx_free) {
system->binding_ctx_free = desc->binding_ctx_free;
if (desc->query.filter.instanced) {
ECS_BIT_SET(system->query->filter.flags, EcsFilterIsInstanced);
if (desc->multi_threaded) {
system->multi_threaded = desc->multi_threaded;
if (desc->no_readonly) {
system->no_readonly = desc->no_readonly;
flecs_system_init_timer(world, entity, desc);
ecs_poly_modified(world, entity, ecs_system_t);
return entity;
return 0;
void FlecsSystemImport(
ecs_world_t *world)
ECS_MODULE(world, FlecsSystem);
ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsDoc);
ecs_doc_set_brief(world, ecs_id(FlecsSystem),
"Module that implements Flecs systems");
ecs_set_name_prefix(world, "Ecs");
flecs_bootstrap_tag(world, EcsSystem);
flecs_bootstrap_component(world, EcsTickSource);
/* Make sure to never inherit system component. This makes sure that any
* term created for the System component will default to 'self' traversal,
* which improves efficiency of the query. */
ecs_add_id(world, EcsSystem, EcsDontInherit);