High-level wrapper around Flecs, a powerful ECS (Entity Component System) library, written in Zig language
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

75 lines
2.1 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEql = std.testing.expectEqual;
const expectStrEql = std.testing.expectEqualStrings;
const flecs = @import("../src/main.zig");
const c = flecs.c;
const context = flecs.Context(void);
const Entity = context.Entity;
const Iter = context.Iter;
const Id = context.Id;
pub const MAX_SYS_COLUMNS = 20;
pub const MAX_ENTITIES = 256;
pub const MAX_INVOCATIONS = 1024;
pub const Probe = struct {
system: c.ecs_entity_t,
event: c.ecs_entity_t,
eventId: c.ecs_id_t,
offset: i32,
count: i32,
invoked: i32,
termCount: i32,
termIndex: i32,
e: [MAX_ENTITIES]c.ecs_entity_t,
param: ?*anyopaque,
pub fn init() Probe {
return std.mem.zeroes(Probe);
pub fn probeSystemWithContext(ctx: *Probe, it: *Iter) !void {
ctx.*.param = it.*.param;
ctx.*.system = it.*.system;
ctx.*.event = it.*.event;
ctx.*.eventId = it.*.eventId;
ctx.*.offset = 0;
ctx.*.termCount = it.*.fieldCount;
ctx.*.termIndex = it.*.termIndex;
for (0..ctx.*.term_count) |i| {
ctx.*.c[ctx.*.invoked][i] = it.*.ids[i];
ctx.*.s[ctx.*.invoked][i] = it.fieldSource(i + 1);
const e = it.fieldId(i + 1);
try expect(e != 0);
for (0..it.*.count) |i| {
if (i + ctx.*.count < 256) {
ctx.*.e[i + ctx.*.count] = it.*.entities[i];
} else {
// Can't store more than that, tests shouldn't
// rely on getting back more than 256 results.
ctx.*.count += it.*.count;
ctx.*.invoked += 1;
pub fn probeIter(it: *Iter) !void {
var ctx = c.ecs_get_context(it.*.world);
if (ctx == null) ctx = it.*.ctx;
if (ctx) |ct| {
var p: *Probe = @ptrCast(ct);