const std = @import("std"); const os_api = @import("./os_api.zig"); // Meant for internal use, but exposed since flecs-zig-ble // doesn't wrap nearly enough of Flecs' available features. pub const errors = @import("./errors.zig"); pub const c = @import("./c.zig"); // Allows access to types built into Flecs, useful for type lookups. pub const flecs = @import("./builtin/flecs.zig"); pub const FlecsError = errors.FlecsError; pub const Path = @import("./path.zig"); pub usingnamespace @import("./context.zig"); pub usingnamespace @import("./entity.zig"); pub usingnamespace @import("./id.zig"); pub usingnamespace @import("./iter.zig"); pub usingnamespace @import("./pair.zig"); pub usingnamespace @import("./world.zig"); /// Ensures that some global settings are set up to interface with Flecs. /// Must be called before creating a `World`. Subsequent calls are a no-op, /// but the same allocator must be used. pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void { if (!os_api.is_setup) os_api.setup(allocator) else if (allocator.ptr != os_api.allocator.ptr) std.debug.panic("init called multiple times, but allocator does not match", .{}); } test { std.testing.refAllDecls(@This()); _ = @import("./test/main.zig"); }