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185 lines
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class_name StreamBuffer |
extends Resource |
# This maximum capacity is just to ensure we're not doing something wrong, |
# should be enough for our purpose: Encoding and decoding packets. |
const MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 256 * 1024 # 256 KiB |
var buffer: PackedByteArray |
var capacity: int |
var size: int |
var cursor: int |
## Bit index (0 to 7) for writing / reading the next bit. |
var bit: int |
func _init(_buffer: PackedByteArray) -> void: |
buffer = _buffer |
capacity = buffer.size() |
## Creates a new StreamBuffer with the specified capacity. |
## This is intended for writing / encoding data. |
static func with_capacity(initial_capacity: int) -> StreamBuffer: |
var _buffer = PackedByteArray() |
_buffer.resize(initial_capacity) |
return |
## Creates a new StreamBuffer from the specified buffer, pre-initializing "size". |
## This is intended for reading / decoding data. |
static func from_buffer(_buffer: PackedByteArray) -> StreamBuffer: |
var stream := |
stream.size = stream.capacity |
return stream |
## Returns the remaining capacity before the buffer needs to be resized to fit more data. |
func remaining_capacity() -> int: |
return capacity - size |
## Returns the remaining number of bytes to read. |
func remaining_bytes() -> int: |
return size - cursor |
## Returns a slice of this StreamBuffer. |
## By default returns a slice of the currently written bytes. |
func slice(begin: int = 0, end: int = -1) -> PackedByteArray: |
if end < 0: end = size |
return buffer.slice(begin, end) |
## Clears the buffer and resets the cursor, ready to encode new data. |
## For performance, does not clear the existing data in the underlying buffer. |
func clear() -> void: |
size = 0 |
cursor = 0 |
bit = 0 |
## Ensures that the capacity for this buffer is large enough for the specified number of bytes to be written. |
## For the sake of not resizing too often, this simply doubles the current capacity. |
func ensure_capacity(required_bytes: int) -> void: |
var total_required_capacity := size + required_bytes |
if capacity < total_required_capacity: |
while capacity < total_required_capacity: capacity *= 2 |
assert(capacity <= MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) |
buffer.resize(capacity) |
func write_int8(value: int) -> void: ensure_capacity(1); buffer.encode_s8(size, value); size += 1; bit = 0 |
func write_int16(value: int) -> void: ensure_capacity(2); buffer.encode_s16(size, value); size += 2; bit = 0 |
func write_int32(value: int) -> void: ensure_capacity(4); buffer.encode_s32(size, value); size += 4; bit = 0 |
func write_int64(value: int) -> void: ensure_capacity(8); buffer.encode_s64(size, value); size += 8; bit = 0 |
func write_byte(value: int) -> void: write_uint8(value) |
func write_uint8(value: int) -> void: ensure_capacity(1); buffer.encode_u8(size, value); size += 1; bit = 0 |
func write_uint16(value: int) -> void: ensure_capacity(2); buffer.encode_u16(size, value); size += 2; bit = 0 |
func write_uint32(value: int) -> void: ensure_capacity(4); buffer.encode_u32(size, value); size += 4; bit = 0 |
func write_uint64(value: int) -> void: ensure_capacity(8); buffer.encode_u64(size, value); size += 8; bit = 0 |
func write_float16(value: float) -> void: ensure_capacity(2); buffer.encode_half(size, value); size += 2; bit = 0 |
func write_float32(value: float) -> void: ensure_capacity(4); buffer.encode_float(size, value); size += 4; bit = 0 |
func write_float64(value: float) -> void: ensure_capacity(8); buffer.encode_double(size, value); size += 8; bit = 0 |
func write_vector16(value: Vector3) -> void: write_float16(value.x); write_float16(value.y); write_float16(value.z) |
func write_vector32(value: Vector3) -> void: write_float32(value.x); write_float32(value.y); write_float32(value.z) |
func write_transform16(value: Transform3D) -> void: write_vector16(value.basis.x); write_vector16(value.basis.y); write_vector16(value.basis.z); write_vector16(value.origin) |
func write_transform32(value: Transform3D) -> void: write_vector32(value.basis.x); write_vector32(value.basis.y); write_vector32(value.basis.z); write_vector32(value.origin) |
func write_range8(value: float) -> void: write_uint8(roundi(value * 255)) |
func write_range16(value: float) -> void: write_uint16(roundi(value * 65535)) |
func write_range32(value: float) -> void: write_uint32(roundi(value * 4294967295)) |
func read_int8() -> int: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 1); var result := buffer.decode_s8(cursor); cursor += 1; bit = 0; return result |
func read_int16() -> int: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 2); var result := buffer.decode_s16(cursor); cursor += 2; bit = 0; return result |
func read_int32() -> int: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 4); var result := buffer.decode_s32(cursor); cursor += 4; bit = 0; return result |
func read_int64() -> int: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 8); var result := buffer.decode_s64(cursor); cursor += 8; bit = 0; return result |
func read_byte() -> int: return read_uint8() |
func read_uint8() -> int: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 1); var result := buffer.decode_u8(cursor); cursor += 1; bit = 0; return result |
func read_uint16() -> int: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 2); var result := buffer.decode_u16(cursor); cursor += 2; bit = 0; return result |
func read_uint32() -> int: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 4); var result := buffer.decode_u32(cursor); cursor += 4; bit = 0; return result |
func read_uint64() -> int: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 8); var result := buffer.decode_u64(cursor); cursor += 8; bit = 0; return result |
func read_float16() -> float: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 2); var result := buffer.decode_half(cursor); cursor += 2; bit = 0; return result |
func read_float32() -> float: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 4); var result := buffer.decode_float(cursor); cursor += 4; bit = 0; return result |
func read_float64() -> float: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 8); var result := buffer.decode_double(cursor); cursor += 8; bit = 0; return result |
func read_vector16() -> Vector3: return Vector3(read_float16(), read_float16(), read_float16()) |
func read_vector32() -> Vector3: return Vector3(read_float32(), read_float32(), read_float32()) |
func read_transform16() -> Transform3D: return Transform3D(Basis(read_vector16(), read_vector16(), read_vector16()), read_vector16()) |
func read_transform32() -> Transform3D: return Transform3D(Basis(read_vector32(), read_vector32(), read_vector32()), read_vector32()) |
func read_range8() -> float: return float(read_uint8()) / 255 |
func read_range16() -> float: return float(read_uint16()) / 65535 |
func read_range32() -> float: return float(read_uint32()) / 4294967295 |
func write_bit(value: bool) -> void: |
if bit == 0: ensure_capacity(1); buffer[size] = 0; size += 1 |
buffer[size - 1] = buffer[size - 1] | (int(value) << bit) |
bit = (bit + 1) % 8 |
func read_bit() -> bool: |
if bit == 0: assert(remaining_bytes() >= 1); cursor += 1 |
var result := bool((buffer[cursor - 1] >> bit) & 1) |
bit = (bit + 1) % 8 |
return result |
func write_raw_buffer(value: PackedByteArray) -> void: |
ensure_capacity(value.size()) |
for i in value.size(): |
buffer[size] = value[i] |
size += 1 |
func read_raw_buffer(length: int) -> PackedByteArray: |
assert(remaining_bytes() >= length) |
var result := PackedByteArray() |
result.resize(length) |
for i in length: |
result[i] = buffer[cursor] |
cursor += 1 |
return result |
func write_string(value: String) -> void: |
var bytes := value.to_utf8_buffer() |
write_uint16(bytes.size()) |
write_raw_buffer(bytes) |
func read_string() -> String: |
var length := read_uint16() |
var bytes := read_raw_buffer(length) |
return bytes.get_string_from_utf8() |
# Optimized way to write a bone transform, since bones are likely to not contain offset or scale. |
func write_bone_pose(pose: Transform3D, rest: Transform3D) -> void: |
var pos := pose.origin |
var rot := pose.basis.get_euler() |
var scale := pose.basis.get_scale() |
var has_pos := !pos.is_equal_approx(rest.origin) |
var has_rot := !rot.is_zero_approx() |
var has_scale := !scale.is_equal_approx(Vector3.ONE) |
var has_scale3 := !is_equal_approx(scale.x, scale.y) or !is_equal_approx(scale.x, scale.y) |
write_bit(has_pos); write_bit(has_rot); write_bit(has_scale); write_bit(has_scale3) |
if has_pos: write_vector16(pos) |
if has_rot: write_range16(rot.x / TAU); write_range16(rot.y / TAU); write_range16(rot.z / TAU) |
if has_scale3: write_vector16(scale) |
elif has_scale: write_float16((scale.x + scale.y + scale.z) / 3) |
func read_bone_pose(rest: Transform3D) -> Transform3D: |
var pos := Vector3.ZERO |
var rot := Vector3.ZERO |
var scale := Vector3.ONE |
var has_pos := read_bit() |
var has_rot := read_bit() |
var has_scale := read_bit() |
var has_scale3 := read_bit() |
pos = read_vector16() if has_pos else rest.origin |
if has_rot: rot = Vector3(read_range16() * TAU, read_range16() * TAU, read_range16() * TAU) |
if has_scale3: scale = read_vector16() |
elif has_scale: var s := read_float16(); scale = Vector3(s, s, s) |
var basis := Basis.from_scale(scale) * Basis.from_euler(rot) |
return Transform3D(basis, pos)