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107 lines
2.9 KiB
107 lines
2.9 KiB
[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://cdxnwsgmevndb"] |
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[node name="copyMultiplayerSettings" type="VBoxContainer"] |
anchors_preset = 15 |
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anchor_bottom = 1.0 |
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grow_vertical = 2 |
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script = ExtResource("1_7d55i") |
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layout_mode = 2 |
size_flags_horizontal = 3 |
[node name="Button" type="Button" parent="Cache"] |
layout_mode = 2 |
tooltip_text = "Open Directory" |
text = " ... " |
[node name="FileDialog" type="FileDialog" parent="Cache"] |
title = "Select a Directory" |
ok_button_text = "Select" |
file_mode = 2 |
access = 2 |
[node name="Name" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."] |
layout_mode = 2 |
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="Name"] |
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text = "Name" |
[node name="LineEdit" type="LineEdit" parent="Name"] |
layout_mode = 2 |
size_flags_horizontal = 3 |
placeholder_text = "Anonymous" |
[node name="Host" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."] |
layout_mode = 2 |
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="Host"] |
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layout_mode = 2 |
text = "Host" |
[node name="Address" type="LineEdit" parent="Host"] |
layout_mode = 2 |
size_flags_horizontal = 3 |
placeholder_text = "" |
secret = true |
[node name="ShowHide" type="Button" parent="Host"] |
layout_mode = 2 |
tooltip_text = "Reveal / Hide Address" |
toggle_mode = true |
icon = ExtResource("2_1u5pu") |
flat = true |
[node name="Port" type="SpinBox" parent="Host"] |
layout_mode = 2 |
min_value = 1024.0 |
max_value = 65000.0 |
value = 52410.0 |
alignment = 2 |
[node name="Buttons" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."] |
layout_mode = 2 |
[node name="Join" type="Button" parent="Buttons"] |
layout_mode = 2 |
size_flags_horizontal = 3 |
tooltip_text = "Open Directory" |
text = "Join" |
[node name="Host" type="Button" parent="Buttons"] |
layout_mode = 2 |
size_flags_horizontal = 3 |
tooltip_text = "Open Directory" |
text = "Host" |
[node name="Disconnect" type="Button" parent="Buttons"] |
layout_mode = 2 |
size_flags_horizontal = 3 |
tooltip_text = "Open Directory" |
disabled = true |
text = "Disconnect |
" |
[connection signal="pressed" from="Cache/Button" to="." method="_on_cache_dir_dialog_pressed"] |
[connection signal="toggled" from="Host/ShowHide" to="." method="_on_show_hide_address_toggled"]