Use scene_init to detect model change

copygirl 3 months ago
parent a3a33cd683
commit d4f7fa604a
  1. 26

@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ var accumulative_offset := Vector3( 0.35, 0.0, 0.0)
# I don't believe this should be a source of issues.
func _ready() -> void:
# FIXME: Hardcoded way to get the main model controller.
main_controller = $"/root/SnekStudio_Main/ModelController"
# FIXME: This is just thrown together. Dunno if this is an accurate list.
# TODO: Allow specifying additional bones, with the help of a hierachical list of existing bones in the model.
tracked_bones = [ "Hips", "Spine", "Chest", "UpperChest", "Neck", "Head" ]
@ -46,11 +49,6 @@ func _ready() -> void:
for phalange in [ "Proximal", "Intermediate", "Distal" ]:
tracked_bones.append("%s%s%s" % [ side, finger, phalange ])
# FIXME: Hardcoded way to get the main model controller.
main_controller = $"/root/SnekStudio_Main/ModelController"
setup_setting_widget("cache" , "Cache/LineEdit", true )
setup_setting_widget("nickname", "Name/LineEdit" , false)
setup_setting_widget("address" , "Host/Address" , true )
@ -222,13 +220,12 @@ func clear_player_models() -> void:
func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
# Will be called once when the module is initialized, and also when a child is
# added to the main ModelController, which happens when the model is changed.
func on_model_changed(model: Node) -> void:
if (model == null) or ( != "Model"): return
var skeleton: Skeleton3D = main_controller._get_model_skeleton()
if not skeleton: return # Do nothing, I guess? Unsure if potential bug.
# Called when module is initialized or load_vrm is called.
func scene_init() -> void:
var model := get_model()
var skeleton := get_skeleton()
# Do nothing, I guess? Unsure if source of potential bugs.
if (not model) or (not skeleton): return
# This "version" is used to ensure that sync updates
# are not applied to the incorrect lookup tables.
@ -250,11 +247,8 @@ func on_model_changed(model: Node) -> void:
# Wait for one frame, then "_last_loaded_vrm" is updated.
await get_tree().process_frame
var filename = main_controller._last_loaded_vrm.get_file()
if multiplayer.get_peers().size() > 1:
var filename = main_controller._last_loaded_vrm.get_file()
change_model.rpc(version, bone_lookup, blendshape_lookup, filename)
