Head and arms inverse kinematics

copygirl 3 months ago
parent f49865666b
commit 679f5935ba
  1. 125
  2. 5
  3. 572

@ -1,17 +1,28 @@
class_name copyMediaPipe
extends Mod_Base
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Potentially configurable variables.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var arm_rest_angle := 65
var time_to_rest := 0.1 # Time without tracking data before returning to the rest pose.
var interpolation_factor := 0.000000001 # Yes this value needs to be THAT small.
var rest_interpolation_factor := 0.2 # "Lerp about 80% in one second."
var rest_interpolation_factor := 0.2 # "Lerp about 80% of the way in one second."
var min_confidence_threshold := 0.85
var time_to_rest := 0.1 # Time without tracking data before returning to the rest pose.
# TODO: Change this via calibration!
var camera_transform := Transform3D(Basis(), Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.3))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FIXME: Best to get this from the tracker process (if possible).
var camera_aspect_ratio := 4.0 / 3.0 # Logitech C920 default?
# TODO: Ensure that this works with the model offset from the world origin.
var ik_chains: Array[copyMediaPipe_IKChain] = []
@onready var tracking_root: Node3D = $TrackingRoot
@onready var landmark_template: MeshInstance3D = $TrackingRoot/LandmarkTemplate
@ -19,7 +30,7 @@ var camera_aspect_ratio := 4.0 / 3.0 # Logitech C920 default?
last_data = null, # Most recent tracking data received.
last_received = INF, # How long ago it was received (in seconds).
tracker = $TrackingRoot/Head, # Node for visualizing tracking data.
rest_pose = Transform3D.IDENTITY, # Rest position of the head (from 0,0,0).
rest_pose = Transform3D.IDENTITY, # Rest position of the head.
@onready var hands := {
@ -39,6 +50,9 @@ var camera_aspect_ratio := 4.0 / 3.0 # Logitech C920 default?
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func _ready() -> void:
@ -60,16 +74,18 @@ func _exit_tree() -> void:
# Called after mod is initialized or model is changed.
func scene_init() -> void:
# Called before mod is removed, model is changed or application is shut down.
func scene_shutdown() -> void:
ik_chains = []
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
if is_tracker_running():
## Sets up 21 nodes for the landmarks that make up hand/finger tracking.
func setup_hand_landmarks() -> void:
@ -82,32 +98,85 @@ func setup_hand_landmarks() -> void:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialization functions that are called when a new model is loaded.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Initialized the stored rest positions for the head and hands.
## Also applies a rotation to the arms so they're not T-posing.
func initialize_rest_pose() -> void:
var skel := get_skeleton()
if not skel: return
var head_idx := skel.find_bone("Head")
var head_origin := skel.get_bone_global_rest(head_idx).origin
var head_idx := skel.find_bone("Head")
var head_rest := skel.get_bone_global_rest(head_idx)
# Move the tracking root such that it is at the height of the head.
tracking_root.transform = camera_transform * head_rest
tracking_root.transform = camera_transform * Transform3D(Basis(), head_origin)
head.rest_pose = camera_transform.inverse()
head.rest_pose = tracking_root.transform.inverse() * head_rest
for side in hands:
var shoulder_idx := skel.find_bone(side.capitalize() + "Shoulder")
var hand_idx := skel.find_bone(side.capitalize() + "Hand")
var shoulder_transform := skel.get_bone_global_rest(shoulder_idx)
var hand_transform := skel.get_bone_global_rest(hand_idx)
var shoulder_idx := skel.find_bone(side.capitalize() + "Shoulder")
var hand_idx := skel.find_bone(side.capitalize() + "Hand")
var shoulder_rest := skel.get_bone_global_rest(shoulder_idx)
var hand_rest := skel.get_bone_global_rest(hand_idx)
# First, get relative transform of hand to shoulder.
var hand_to_shoulder := shoulder_transform.inverse() * hand_transform
var hand_to_shoulder := shoulder_rest.inverse() * hand_rest
# Next, rotate this relative transform by arm_rest_angle.
hand_to_shoulder = hand_to_shoulder.rotated(Vector3.LEFT, deg_to_rad(arm_rest_angle))
# Finally, put the relative transform back into skeleton-relative coordinates.
var hand_rest_transform := shoulder_transform * hand_to_shoulder
var new_hand_transform := shoulder_rest * hand_to_shoulder
hands[side].rest_pose = tracking_root.transform.inverse() * new_hand_transform
## Sets up the inverse kinematics chains to move the model depending on the location of the visual trackers.
func initialize_ik_chains() -> void:
ik_chains = []
var chain_spine := copyMediaPipe_IKChain.new()
chain_spine.skeleton = get_skeleton()
chain_spine.base_bone = "Hips"
chain_spine.tip_bone = "Head"
chain_spine.rotation_low = 0.0 * TAU
chain_spine.rotation_high = 1.0 * TAU
chain_spine.do_yaw = true
chain_spine.main_axis_of_rotation = Vector3.RIGHT
chain_spine.secondary_axis_of_rotation = Vector3.UP
chain_spine.pole_direction_target = Vector3.ZERO # No pole target.
chain_spine.tracker_object = head.tracker
chain_spine.yaw_scale = 0.25 # chest_yaw_scale (Unsure what this does.)
var x_pole_dist = 10.0
var y_pole_dist = 5.0
var z_pole_dist = 10.0
var arm_rotation_axis = Vector3.UP
hands[side].rest_pose = tracking_root.transform.inverse() * hand_rest_transform
for side in hands:
var hand = hands[side]
var chain_hand := copyMediaPipe_IKChain.new()
chain_hand.skeleton = get_skeleton()
chain_hand.base_bone = side.capitalize() + "UpperArm"
chain_hand.tip_bone = side.capitalize() + "Hand"
chain_hand.rotation_low = 0.025 * TAU
chain_hand.rotation_high = 0.990 * TAU
chain_hand.do_yaw = false
chain_hand.do_bone_roll = true
chain_hand.secondary_axis_of_rotation = Vector3.UP
if side == "left":
chain_hand.main_axis_of_rotation = -arm_rotation_axis
chain_hand.pole_direction_target = Vector3(x_pole_dist, -y_pole_dist, -z_pole_dist)
chain_hand.tracker_object = hand.tracker
chain_hand.main_axis_of_rotation = arm_rotation_axis
chain_hand.pole_direction_target = Vector3(-x_pole_dist, -y_pole_dist, -z_pole_dist)
chain_hand.tracker_object = hand.tracker
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions to start/stop the PYTHON TRACKER PROCESS and communicate with it.
@ -199,11 +268,7 @@ func process_tracker_data(data: Dictionary) -> void:
# Face matrix is in centimeters, convert to meters.
data["face"]["transform"].origin /= 100
# TODO: Make this configurable.
var min_confidence_threshold := 0.85
# NOTE: Face confidence currently either 0.0 or 1.0.
if data["face"]["confidence"] > min_confidence_threshold:
head.last_data = data["face"]
head.last_received = 0.0
@ -236,12 +301,12 @@ func to_vector(array) -> Vector3:
func to_transform(matrix) -> Transform3D:
return Transform3D(
Basis(Vector3(matrix[0][0], matrix[1][0], matrix[2][0]),
Vector3(matrix[0][1], matrix[1][1], matrix[2][1]),
Vector3(matrix[0][2], matrix[1][2], matrix[2][2])),
Vector3(matrix[0][1], matrix[1][1], matrix[2][1]),
Vector3(matrix[0][2], matrix[1][2], matrix[2][2])),
Vector3(matrix[0][3], matrix[1][3], matrix[2][3]))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions that take the CONVERTED DATA and update the VISUAL TRACKER nodes.
# Functions for updating VISUAL TRACKERS and THE MODEL itself.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func update_visual_trackers(delta: float) -> void:
@ -279,14 +344,15 @@ func update_visual_trackers(delta: float) -> void:
var pos := world_landmarks[i] - wrist_position
hand.landmarks[i].position = hand_rotation.inverse() * pos
## Smoothly interpolates transforms in a framerate-independent way.
## For example, using a factor of 0.2, will move roughly 80% of the remaining distance in a second.
func fi_slerp(value: Transform3D, target: Transform3D, factor: float, delta: float) -> Transform3D:
return value.interpolate_with(target, 1 - factor ** delta)
func update_ik_chains() -> void:
for chain in ik_chains:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Utility functions, currently only relating to update_visual_trackers.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Indices of hand landmarks.
const WRIST := 0
const THUMB_CMC := 1
const THUMB_MCP := 2
@ -326,7 +392,7 @@ func get_hand_rotation(side: String, landmarks: Array[Vector3]) -> Basis:
## to force the hand and head into the same scale range, roughly.
func get_hand_viewspace_origin(
image_landmarks: Array[Vector3],
_world_landmarks: Array[Vector3],
_world_landmarks: Array[Vector3], # unused
hand_to_head_scale: float,
) -> Vector3:
# Values found through experimentation.
@ -404,3 +470,8 @@ func ndc_to_viewspace(v: Vector3, z_offset: float) -> Vector3:
var x := (v[0] - px) * z / fx
var y := (v[1] - py) * z / fy
return Vector3(x, y, z)
## Smoothly interpolates transforms in a framerate-independent way.
## For example, using a factor of 0.2, will move roughly 80% of the remaining distance in a second.
func fi_slerp(value: Transform3D, target: Transform3D, factor: float, delta: float) -> Transform3D:
return value.interpolate_with(target, 1 - factor ** delta)

@ -23,21 +23,26 @@ script = ExtResource("1_0kpr8")
[node name="TrackingRoot" type="Node3D" parent="."]
[node name="DebugVisuals" parent="TrackingRoot" instance=ExtResource("2_8wmot")]
visible = false
[node name="Head" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="TrackingRoot"]
visible = false
mesh = SubResource("BoxMesh_wtdv4")
[node name="DebugVisuals" parent="TrackingRoot/Head" instance=ExtResource("2_8wmot")]
visible = false
[node name="LeftHand" type="Node3D" parent="TrackingRoot"]
transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 1, -4.37114e-08, 0, -4.37114e-08, -1, -1, -4.37114e-08, 1.91069e-15, 0.5, 0, 0)
[node name="DebugVisuals" parent="TrackingRoot/LeftHand" instance=ExtResource("2_8wmot")]
visible = false
[node name="RightHand" type="Node3D" parent="TrackingRoot"]
transform = Transform3D(1.91069e-15, -1, 4.37114e-08, -4.37114e-08, -4.37114e-08, -1, 1, 0, -4.37114e-08, -0.5, 0, 0)
[node name="DebugVisuals" parent="TrackingRoot/RightHand" instance=ExtResource("2_8wmot")]
visible = false
[node name="LandmarkTemplate" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="TrackingRoot"]
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.5, 0)

@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
class_name copyMediaPipe_IKChain
extends RefCounted
# FIXME: We pass this around internally a bunch and don't need to.
var skeleton : Skeleton3D = null
var base_bone : String
var tip_bone : String
var tracker_object : Node = null
var rotation_low : float = 0.1
var rotation_high : float = 2.0 * PI - 0.1
var do_yaw : bool = true
var do_bone_roll : bool = false
var main_axis_of_rotation : Vector3 = Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# If do_yaw is true, then this is the "yaw" rotation axis.
var secondary_axis_of_rotation : Vector3 = Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
# Set to 0,0,0 if no pole target.
var pole_direction_target : Vector3 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
var pole_direction_rotation_object : Node3D = null
var _calculated_distance_to_angle_mappings = null
var _calculated_max_extension_angle = 0.0
var _calculated_min_extension_angle = 2.0 * PI
var _calculated_max_extension_distance = 1.0
var _calculated_min_extension_distance = 0.0
# FIXME: Get rid of these or make them actual config options once everything is
# working.
var do_ik_curve = true
var do_yaw_global = true
var do_point_tracker = true
var do_pole_targets = true
var do_rotate_to_match_tracker = true
var yaw_scale : float = 0.25
var reset_first : bool = true
var symmetric : bool = false
# Local space to the rest position of whatever bone we're working on.
var symmetric_axis : Vector3 = Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
var symmetric_influence_scale : float = 2.0
var symmetric_influence_start_offset : float = 1.0
func _debug_print_chain_rotation_mapping(
skel : Skeleton3D,
base_bone_index : int,
tip_bone_index : int):
# Print a graph of the head-to-hips distances based on spine bone
# pitches. Find the max extension angle.
var n = 0.0
var found_max_extension_angle = 0.0
var found_max_extension_angle_distance = 0.0
while n <= PI:
var dist = attempt_spine_rotation(skel, n, base_bone_index, tip_bone_index)
var barstr = ""
var barcounter = 0
while barcounter < dist:
barstr += "#"
barcounter += 0.01
print("%2f = %f %s" % [n, dist, barstr])
n += 0.02
if dist > found_max_extension_angle_distance:
found_max_extension_angle_distance = dist
found_max_extension_angle = n
print("MAX EXTENSION ANGLE: ", found_max_extension_angle)
func rotate_chain_so_tip_points_in_direction(
skel : Skeleton3D,
base_bone_index : int,
tip_bone_index : int,
target_position_worldspace : Vector3):
# FIXME: Fix this comment. We're doing more than just hips/head with this function now.
# We can use "Hips" here, and have it affect the legs as well (pivoting the other way), or
# we can target the bone right above the hips, along the spine, and only move the upper
# torso.
# My model relies on hips rotation for tail flapping in the background, so I'm gonna leave
# this as "Hips" right now.
var bone_after_hips = base_bone_index
# Get *current* hips and head positions.
var head_world_space = skel.get_global_transform() * skel.get_bone_global_pose(tip_bone_index)
var hips_world_space = skel.get_global_transform() * skel.get_bone_global_pose(bone_after_hips)
# Figure out the rotation from the direction the spine is pointing, to the direction to the
# head tracker.
var delta_to_tracker = (target_position_worldspace - hips_world_space.origin).normalized()
var delta_to_head = (head_world_space.origin - hips_world_space.origin).normalized()
var rotation_axis = -delta_to_tracker.cross(delta_to_head).normalized()
var rotation_angle = acos(delta_to_tracker.dot(delta_to_head))
var hips_index = bone_after_hips
var root_index = skel.get_bone_parent(hips_index)
var hips_transform_worldspace = skel.get_global_transform() * skel.get_bone_global_pose(hips_index)
hips_transform_worldspace = hips_transform_worldspace.rotated(rotation_axis, rotation_angle)
var root_transform_worldspace = skel.get_global_transform() * skel.get_bone_global_pose(root_index)
var new_hips_transform = root_transform_worldspace.inverse() * hips_transform_worldspace
skel.set_bone_pose_rotation(hips_index, new_hips_transform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion())
func rotate_chain_to_pole_target(
skel : Skeleton3D,
base_bone_index : int,
tip_bone_index : int,
pole_direction_target_skeleton_space : Vector3):
# If we have a reference rotation object, use that now.
if pole_direction_rotation_object:
var pole_direction_rotation_skeleton_space : Transform3D = \
skel.global_transform.inverse() * pole_direction_rotation_object.global_transform
pole_direction_target_skeleton_space = \
pole_direction_rotation_skeleton_space * pole_direction_target_skeleton_space
# Get average bone direction.
var current_bone_index = skel.get_bone_parent(tip_bone_index)
var total_bone_offset = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
var base_bone_origin = skel.get_bone_global_pose(base_bone_index).origin
while current_bone_index != base_bone_index:
total_bone_offset += skel.get_bone_global_pose(current_bone_index).origin - base_bone_origin
current_bone_index = skel.get_bone_parent(current_bone_index)
# Get pole direction.
var pole_direction = \
skel.get_bone_global_pose(tip_bone_index).origin - \
#if (pole_direction.length() - head_dist_target) > - 0.01:
if true:
#print(skel.get_bone_name(base_bone_index), " ", pole_direction.length() - head_dist_target)
pole_direction = pole_direction.normalized()
# Project average bone displacement onto rotation plane.
var s = total_bone_offset.normalized().dot(pole_direction)
var direction_offset = total_bone_offset.normalized() - pole_direction * s
direction_offset = direction_offset.normalized()
assert(abs(direction_offset.dot(pole_direction)) < 0.001)
# Project pole target direction onto rotation plane.
var pole_direction_target_offset = pole_direction_target_skeleton_space - \
(skel.get_bone_global_pose(base_bone_index).origin +
skel.get_bone_global_pose(tip_bone_index).origin) / 2.0
s = pole_direction_target_offset.dot(pole_direction)
var target_direction_offset = pole_direction_target_offset - pole_direction * s
target_direction_offset = target_direction_offset.normalized()
assert(abs(target_direction_offset.dot(pole_direction)) < 0.001)
# print(skel.get_bone_name(tip_bone_index))
# print(direction_offset)
# print(target_direction_offset)
var rotation_direction = sign(direction_offset.cross(target_direction_offset).dot(pole_direction))
var rotation_amount = acos(direction_offset.dot(target_direction_offset))
var parent_space = skel.get_bone_global_pose(skel.get_bone_parent(base_bone_index)).basis
# Find second-to-last bone.
# current_bone_index = tip_bone_index
# while skel.get_bone_parent(current_bone_index) != base_bone_index:
# current_bone_index = skel.get_bone_parent(current_bone_index)
current_bone_index = base_bone_index
var new_global_pose = \
skel.get_bone_global_pose(current_bone_index).basis.rotated(pole_direction, rotation_amount * rotation_direction)
skel.set_bone_pose_rotation(current_bone_index, (parent_space.inverse() * new_global_pose))
func chain_distribute_bone_roll(
base_bone_index : int,
tip_bone_index : int):
# Count up bones.
var bone_count = 1
var current_bone = skeleton.get_bone_parent(tip_bone_index)
while current_bone != -1 and current_bone != base_bone_index:
bone_count += 1
current_bone = skeleton.get_bone_parent(current_bone)
# Determine the bone roll axis for tip bone by averaging out all the child
# positions and using that as a bone direction.
var tip_bone_roll_axis = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
var tip_bone_children = skeleton.get_bone_children(tip_bone_index)
for tip_bone_child in tip_bone_children:
tip_bone_roll_axis += skeleton.get_bone_rest(tip_bone_child).origin
tip_bone_roll_axis = tip_bone_roll_axis.normalized()
var current_tip_rotation : Quaternion = \
skeleton.get_bone_rest(tip_bone_index).basis.get_rotation_quaternion().inverse() * \
# This is us trying to narrow down the roll component out of the entire
# rotation by using the dot product of the two axes of rotation as a scaling
# value for the angle.
var tip_roll = \
var bone_chain_index = bone_count
current_bone = skeleton.get_bone_parent(tip_bone_index)
while current_bone != -1:
bone_chain_index -= 1
var avg_child_direction = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# Save child bone rotations in parent-parent space.
var this_parent_index = skeleton.get_bone_parent(current_bone)
var child_indices = skeleton.get_bone_children(current_bone)
var this_bone_starting_rotation = skeleton.get_bone_pose_rotation(current_bone)
var preserved_rotations_in_parent_space = []
for child in child_indices:
var child_bone_rotation = skeleton.get_bone_pose_rotation(child)
this_bone_starting_rotation * child_bone_rotation)
avg_child_direction += skeleton.get_bone_rest(child).origin
avg_child_direction = avg_child_direction.normalized()
# Rotate the actual bone.
var rotation_alpha = float(bone_chain_index) / float(bone_count)
var new_rotation = \
this_bone_starting_rotation * \
Quaternion(avg_child_direction, tip_roll * rotation_alpha)
skeleton.set_bone_pose_rotation(current_bone, new_rotation)
# Set all the children back.
var child_index = 0
var new_bone_rotation = skeleton.get_bone_pose_rotation(current_bone)
for child in child_indices:
var new_child_bone_rotation = \
new_bone_rotation.inverse() * \
skeleton.set_bone_pose_rotation(child, new_child_bone_rotation)
child_index += 1
if current_bone == base_bone_index:
current_bone = this_parent_index
func rotate_chain_twist_on_secondary_axis(
skel : Skeleton3D,
base_bone_index : int,
tip_bone_index : int,
target_transform_worldspace : Transform3D,
forward_axis_for_secondary_rotation : Vector3,
rotation_scale : float):
#var forward_axis_for_secondary_rotation : Vector3 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
# Count up how many bones we're going to need to distribute this among.
var bone_count_to_hips = 0
var current_bone_index = tip_bone_index
while current_bone_index != -1 and current_bone_index != base_bone_index:
current_bone_index = skel.get_bone_parent(current_bone_index)
bone_count_to_hips += 1
# Figure out angle difference between the direction where the hips are
# facing and the direction the head is facing.
var hips_forward_skelspace = skel.get_bone_global_pose(base_bone_index).basis * forward_axis_for_secondary_rotation
var head_forward_skelspace = skel.global_transform.basis.inverse() * target_transform_worldspace.basis * forward_axis_for_secondary_rotation
hips_forward_skelspace.y = 0.0
hips_forward_skelspace = hips_forward_skelspace.normalized()
head_forward_skelspace.y = 0.0
head_forward_skelspace = head_forward_skelspace.normalized()
# Figure out how many radians we're off. We're actually not projecting the directions onto
# the the same plane and comparing there because we just don't have to be as precise for
# this one.
var radians_to_rotate_body = \
sign(secondary_axis_of_rotation.dot(head_forward_skelspace.cross(hips_forward_skelspace))) * \
# Scale rotation amount for body.
# FIXME: Make configurable.
# TODO: Make it configurable.
radians_to_rotate_body *= rotation_scale
# Go from the head down to the hips and apply an even fraction of the rotation (distributing
# the rotation among all the bones between head and hips).
current_bone_index = tip_bone_index
while current_bone_index != -1 and current_bone_index != base_bone_index:
var bone_transform_current = skel.get_bone_global_pose(current_bone_index)
bone_transform_current = bone_transform_current.rotated(
radians_to_rotate_body / bone_count_to_hips)
var parent_bone_transform = skel.get_bone_global_pose(skel.get_bone_parent(current_bone_index))
skel.set_bone_pose_rotation(current_bone_index, (parent_bone_transform.inverse() * bone_transform_current).basis.get_rotation_quaternion())
current_bone_index = skel.get_bone_parent(current_bone_index)
func rotate_bone_to_match_object(
skel: Skeleton3D, tip_bone_index: int,
target_transform_worldspace: Transform3D,
) -> void:
var target_basis := skel.global_basis.inverse() * target_transform_worldspace.basis
var parent_index := skel.get_bone_parent(tip_bone_index)
var parent_basis := skel.get_bone_global_pose(parent_index).basis
var new_basis := parent_basis.inverse() * target_basis
skel.set_bone_pose_rotation(tip_bone_index, new_basis.get_rotation_quaternion())
func do_ik_chain():
var target_transform : Transform3D = \
if _calculated_distance_to_angle_mappings == null:
var base_bone_index = skeleton.find_bone(base_bone)
var tip_bone_index = skeleton.find_bone(tip_bone)
var current_bone_index = tip_bone_index
# Reset all rotations.
if reset_first:
while current_bone_index != -1:
current_bone_index = skeleton.get_bone_parent(current_bone_index)
if current_bone_index == base_bone_index:
if do_ik_curve:
var hips_global = skeleton.global_transform * skeleton.get_bone_global_pose(base_bone_index).origin
var head_tracker_global = target_transform.origin
var head_dist_target : float = (hips_global - head_tracker_global).length()
var best_angle : float = _calculated_max_extension_angle
if head_dist_target <= _calculated_min_extension_distance:
best_angle = _calculated_min_extension_angle
elif head_dist_target >= _calculated_max_extension_distance:
best_angle = _calculated_max_extension_angle
for k in range(0, len(_calculated_distance_to_angle_mappings) - 1):
var dist_high = _calculated_distance_to_angle_mappings[k+1][0]
var dist_low = _calculated_distance_to_angle_mappings[k][0]
if dist_low >= head_dist_target and \
dist_high <= head_dist_target:
var alpha = (head_dist_target - dist_low) / (dist_high - dist_low)
best_angle = lerp(
if symmetric:
var global_symmetric_axis : Vector3 = skeleton.global_transform.basis * skeleton.get_bone_global_pose(base_bone_index).basis * symmetric_axis
var global_symmetry_check_point : Vector3 = head_tracker_global - hips_global
var dp = global_symmetric_axis.dot(global_symmetry_check_point)
best_angle *= -dp * symmetric_influence_scale
#var symmetric_influence_start_offset : float = -1.0
skeleton, best_angle,
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Simpler approach attempt
# var max_dist_angle = 0.0
# var min_dist_angle = PI
# var max_dist = attempt_spine_rotation(max_dist_angle, base_bone_index, tip_bone_index)
# var min_dist = attempt_spine_rotation(min_dist_angle, base_bone_index, tip_bone_index)
# var lerp_alpha = (head_dist_target - min_dist) / (max_dist - min_dist)
# lerp_alpha = clamp(lerp_alpha, 0.0, 1.0)
# var use_angle = lerp(max_dist_angle, min_dist_angle, 1.0 - lerp_alpha)
# attempt_spine_rotation(use_angle, base_bone_index, tip_bone_index)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Yaw chest to head orientation
if do_yaw and do_yaw_global:
skeleton, base_bone_index, tip_bone_index,
Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), yaw_scale)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rotate whole spine section to point towards the head tracker.
if do_point_tracker:
rotate_chain_so_tip_points_in_direction(skeleton, base_bone_index, tip_bone_index, target_transform.origin)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aim at pole target
if do_pole_targets:
if pole_direction_target != Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
rotate_chain_to_pole_target(skeleton, base_bone_index, tip_bone_index, pole_direction_target)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rotate the head to face the same direction as the head tracker.
# We have to do this after everything else so the transform of the bone below it is already
# fully calculated and finalized.
if do_rotate_to_match_tracker:
rotate_bone_to_match_object(skeleton, tip_bone_index, target_transform)
if do_bone_roll:
chain_distribute_bone_roll(base_bone_index, tip_bone_index)
# This function will rotate a bone in the global (skeleton object) coordiate
# space, as though it were in its rest position. So hardcoded Y axis can be
# used for elbow, hardcoded X axis can be used for spine, etc.
func rotate_bone_in_global_space(
skel : Skeleton3D,
bone_index : int,
axis : Vector3,
angle : float):
var parent_bone_index = skel.get_bone_parent(bone_index)
var gs_rotation = Basis(axis.normalized(), angle).get_rotation_quaternion()
var gs_rotation_parent = skel.get_bone_global_rest(parent_bone_index).basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
var gs_rotation_rest = skel.get_bone_global_rest(bone_index).basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
var bs_rotation = gs_rotation_parent.inverse() * gs_rotation * gs_rotation_rest
func attempt_spine_rotation(
skel : Skeleton3D,
rotation_amount, base_bone_index,
var current_bone_index = tip_bone_index
var first_bone = current_bone_index
var last_bone = current_bone_index
# Count up bones so we can evenly distribute the rotation out among all of
# them.
var bone_count = 0
while current_bone_index != -1 and current_bone_index != base_bone_index:
bone_count += 1
current_bone_index = skel.get_bone_parent(current_bone_index)
current_bone_index = tip_bone_index
# Switch over to per-bone rotation amount.
rotation_amount /= bone_count
while current_bone_index != -1 and current_bone_index != base_bone_index:
rotate_bone_in_global_space(skel, current_bone_index, main_axis_of_rotation, rotation_amount)
current_bone_index = skel.get_bone_parent(current_bone_index)
last_bone = current_bone_index
# FIXME: Make this a normal error (non-compliant model).
assert(last_bone == base_bone_index)
var head_dist = \
(skel.get_bone_global_pose(first_bone).origin -
return head_dist
func evaluate_bone_chain_limit():
var base_bone_index = skeleton.find_bone(base_bone)
var tip_bone_index = skeleton.find_bone(tip_bone)
var n = rotation_low
var found_max_extension_angle = 0.0
var found_max_extension_angle_distance = 0.0
var found_min_extension_angle = 0.0
var found_min_extension_angle_distance = 99999999.0
var output_mapping = []
var sample_count = 64.0
while n <= rotation_high:
var dist = attempt_spine_rotation(
skeleton, n, base_bone_index,
# # Debug display.
# var barstr = ""
# var barcounter = 0
# while barcounter < dist:
# barstr += "#"
# barcounter += 0.02
# print("%2f = %f %s" % [n, dist, barstr])
n += (rotation_high - rotation_low) / sample_count
if dist > found_max_extension_angle_distance:
found_max_extension_angle_distance = dist
found_max_extension_angle = n
if dist < found_min_extension_angle_distance:
found_min_extension_angle_distance = dist
found_min_extension_angle = n
# Go through an resample the entire curve given the min/max range that we now know.
for i in range(0, sample_count):
var a = float(i) / float(sample_count)
var angle = lerp(found_max_extension_angle, found_min_extension_angle, a)
var dist = attempt_spine_rotation(
skeleton, angle, base_bone_index,
output_mapping.append( [dist, angle] )
# Sanity check.
for k in range(1, len(output_mapping)):
if output_mapping[k-1][0] < output_mapping[k][0]:
# FIXME: Normal error message.
print("BAD SAMPLES")
_calculated_distance_to_angle_mappings = output_mapping
_calculated_max_extension_angle = found_max_extension_angle
_calculated_min_extension_angle = found_min_extension_angle
_calculated_max_extension_distance = found_max_extension_angle_distance
_calculated_min_extension_distance = found_min_extension_angle_distance
if symmetric:
_calculated_max_extension_distance += symmetric_influence_start_offset
return [
found_max_extension_angle, found_max_extension_angle_distance,
found_min_extension_angle, found_min_extension_angle_distance, output_mapping ]
# Reset every bone in a bone chain, inclusive of both tip and base bones, to its
# resting pose.
func reset_bone_chain(
skel : Skeleton3D,
base_bone_index, tip_bone_index):
if base_bone_index is String:
base_bone_index = skel.find_bone(base_bone_index)
if tip_bone_index is String:
tip_bone_index = skel.find_bone(tip_bone_index)
var current_bone_index = tip_bone_index
while current_bone_index != -1:
if current_bone_index == base_bone_index:
current_bone_index = skel.get_bone_parent(current_bone_index)