A game where you get to play as a slime, made with Godot.
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public partial class CameraController : SpringArm3D
[Export] public Vector2 MouseSensitivity { get; set; } = new(0.2f, 0.2f); // Degrees per pixel.
[Export] public float PitchMinimum { get; set; } = -90;
[Export] public float PitchMaximum { get; set; } = -25;
// FIXME: Fix the "snappyness" when moving slowly.
// TODO: Add a "soft" minimum / maximum for pitch.
// TODO: Gradually return to maximum spring length.
// TODO: Turn player transparent as the camera moves closer.
public static bool IsMouseCaptured
=> Input.MouseMode == Input.MouseModeEnum.Captured;
public override void _Input(InputEvent ev)
if (IsMouseCaptured && ev.IsActionPressed("ui_cancel")) {
// When escape is pressed, release the mouse.
Input.MouseMode = Input.MouseModeEnum.Visible;
public override void _UnhandledInput(InputEvent ev)
switch (ev) {
case InputEventMouseButton { ButtonIndex: MouseButton.Left, Pressed: true } when !IsMouseCaptured:
// When left mouse button is pressed, capture the mouse.
Input.MouseMode = Input.MouseModeEnum.Captured;
case InputEventMouseMotion motion when IsMouseCaptured:
ApplyRotation(-motion.Relative * MouseSensitivity);
void ApplyRotation(Vector2 delta)
delta *= Tau / 360; // degrees to radians
var (pitch, yaw, _) = Rotation;
yaw += delta.X;
pitch += delta.Y;
pitch = Clamp(pitch, DegToRad(PitchMinimum), DegToRad(PitchMaximum));
Rotation = new(pitch, yaw, 0);