Inventory management focused game written in Godot / C#
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public partial class PickupController : Node3D
public Item CurrentItem { get; private set; }
public bool HasItemsHeld => GetChildCount() > 0;
Node3D _placementPreview;
[Export] public Camera3D Camera { get; set; }
[Export] public float PickupDistance { get; set; } = 2.0f;
Player _player;
Node3D _world;
public override void _Ready()
_player = GetParent<Player>();
// TODO: Find a better way to find the world.
_world = GetNode<Node3D>("/root/Game/Workshop");
public override void _UnhandledInput(InputEvent @event)
if (!_player.IsLocal) return;
if (CurrentItem == null) return;
if (@event.IsActionPressed("interact_pickup")) {
if (!HasItemsHeld) {
// Create clone of the item's model, use it as placement preview.
_placementPreview = (Node3D)CurrentItem.Model.Duplicate(0);
_placementPreview.Name = "PlacementPreview";
_placementPreview.TopLevel = true;
_placementPreview.Visible = false;
SetMeshLayerOutline(_placementPreview, OutlineMode.Exclusive);
// Parent item to the `PickupController`.
var prevRot = CurrentItem.GlobalRotation;
SetMeshLayerOutline(CurrentItem.Model, OutlineMode.Disable);
CurrentItem.Position = Vector3.Zero;
CurrentItem.GlobalRotation = prevRot;
CurrentItem.CollisionLayer &= (uint)~PhysicsLayer.Static;
// CurrentItem.Freeze = true;
} else if (@event.IsActionPressed("interact_place")) {
if (HasItemsHeld) {
// Parent item back to the world.
var prevTransform = CurrentItem.GlobalTransform;
CurrentItem.CollisionLayer |= (uint)PhysicsLayer.Static;
// CurrentItem.Freeze = false;
CurrentItem.GlobalTransform = _placementPreview.Visible
? _placementPreview.GlobalTransform
: prevTransform;
_placementPreview = null;
public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta)
if (!_player.IsLocal) return;
if (HasItemsHeld) {
if ((RayToMouseCursor() is RayResult ray) && (ray.Collider is Grid grid)) {
// Snao rotation to nearest axis.
var localBasis = grid.GlobalBasis.Inverse() * CurrentItem.GlobalBasis;
localBasis = Basis.FromEuler(localBasis.GetEuler().Snapped(Tau / 4));
_placementPreview.GlobalBasis = grid.GlobalBasis * localBasis;
// Snap the position to the grid.
var halfSize = (Vector3)CurrentItem.Size * Grid.StepSize / 2;
var localPos = ray.Position * grid.GlobalTransform; // Get grid-local ray position.
var localNormal = ray.Normal * grid.GlobalBasis; // Get grid-local ray normal. (Pointing away from surface hit.)
var off = localBasis * halfSize.PosMod(1.0f); // Calculate an offset for grid snapping.
off[(int)localNormal.Abs().MaxAxisIndex()] = 0; // Do not include offset in the normal direction.
localPos = off + (localPos - off).Snapped(Grid.StepSize); // Snap `localPos` to nearest grid value.
var axis = (localNormal * localBasis).Abs().MaxAxisIndex(); // Find object-local axis that the normal is pointing towards.
localPos += halfSize[(int)axis] * localNormal; // Offset (push out) object by half its size.
_placementPreview.GlobalPosition = grid.GlobalTransform * localPos;
_placementPreview.Visible = true;
} else {
_placementPreview.Visible = false;
} else {
var interactable = RayToMouseCursor()?.Collider;
// Remove the outline from the previously looked-at item.
if (CurrentItem != null) SetMeshLayerOutline(CurrentItem.Model, OutlineMode.Disable);
// If the ray hits anything and the object hit is an item, set it as current.
CurrentItem = interactable as Item;
// Add the outline to the currently looked-at item.
if (CurrentItem != null) SetMeshLayerOutline(CurrentItem.Model, OutlineMode.Enable);
void EnsureCurrentItemValid()
if (CurrentItem == null) return;
if (!IsInstanceValid(CurrentItem)) {
CurrentItem = null;
if (_placementPreview != null) {
_placementPreview = null;
RayResult RayToMouseCursor()
var mouse = GetViewport().GetMousePosition();
var from = Camera.ProjectRayOrigin(mouse);
var to = from + Camera.ProjectRayNormal(mouse) * PickupDistance;
var query = PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.Create(from, to);
query.CollisionMask = (uint)PhysicsLayer.Interactable;
query.CollideWithAreas = true;
// Exclude the `CurrentItem` from collision checking if it's being held.
query.Exclude = HasItemsHeld ? [ CurrentItem.GetRid() ] : [];
var result = GetWorld3D().DirectSpaceState.IntersectRay(query);
return (result.Count > 0) ? new(result) : null;
class RayResult(Dictionary dict)
public CollisionObject3D Collider { get; } = dict["collider"].As<CollisionObject3D>();
public Vector3 Position { get; } = (Vector3)dict["position"];
public Vector3 Normal { get; } = (Vector3)dict["normal"];
enum OutlineMode { Disable, Enable, Exclusive }
static void SetMeshLayerOutline(Node3D parent, OutlineMode mode)
var children = parent.FindChildren("*", "MeshInstance3D", owned: false);
foreach (var mesh in children.Cast<MeshInstance3D>())
switch (mode) {
case OutlineMode.Disable: mesh.Layers &= ~(uint)RenderLayer.Outline; break;
case OutlineMode.Enable: mesh.Layers |= (uint)RenderLayer.Outline; break;
case OutlineMode.Exclusive: mesh.Layers = (uint)RenderLayer.Outline; break;