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233 lines
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233 lines
11 KiB
[gd_scene load_steps=21 format=3 uid="uid://dmd7w2r8s0x6y"] |
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bfh3eqgywr0ul" path="res://assets/models/character.blend" id="1_3qh37"] |
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://player/Player.cs" id="1_a0mas"] |
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://player/MovementController.cs" id="2_1pst4"] |
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://player/PushbackArea.cs" id="2_almik"] |
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://player/PickupController.cs" id="2_ns2pe"] |
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://player/CameraController.cs" id="2_r3gna"] |
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://player/AnimationController.cs" id="3_5rlwc"] |
[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape3D" id="CapsuleShape3D_h1mfd"] |
radius = 0.24 |
height = 1.5 |
[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape3D" id="CapsuleShape3D_l8s0f"] |
radius = 0.24 |
height = 1.5 |
[sub_resource type="SceneReplicationConfig" id="SceneReplicationConfig_305lt"] |
properties/0/path = NodePath(".:position") |
properties/0/spawn = true |
properties/0/replication_mode = 1 |
properties/1/path = NodePath(".:rotation") |
properties/1/spawn = true |
properties/1/replication_mode = 1 |
properties/2/path = NodePath(".:velocity") |
properties/2/spawn = true |
properties/2/replication_mode = 1 |
properties/3/path = NodePath("MovementController:InputVector") |
properties/3/spawn = true |
properties/3/replication_mode = 1 |
properties/4/path = NodePath("CameraController:CurrentPitch") |
properties/4/spawn = true |
properties/4/replication_mode = 1 |
properties/5/path = NodePath("CameraController:CurrentYaw") |
properties/5/spawn = true |
properties/5/replication_mode = 1 |
[sub_resource type="AnimationNodeAnimation" id="AnimationNodeAnimation_v7y1g"] |
animation = &"hold" |
[sub_resource type="AnimationNodeAnimation" id="AnimationNodeAnimation_ra5r1"] |
animation = &"idle" |
[sub_resource type="AnimationNodeBlend2" id="AnimationNodeBlend2_10xtt"] |
filter_enabled = true |
filters = ["Skeleton/Skeleton3D:LowerArm_L", "Skeleton/Skeleton3D:LowerArm_R", "Skeleton/Skeleton3D:UpperArm_L", "Skeleton/Skeleton3D:UpperArm_R", "Skeleton/Skeleton3D:Wrist_L", "Skeleton/Skeleton3D:Wrist_R"] |
[sub_resource type="AnimationNodeAnimation" id="AnimationNodeAnimation_cun17"] |
animation = &"idle" |
[sub_resource type="AnimationNodeAnimation" id="AnimationNodeAnimation_c1sen"] |
animation = &"walk_backward" |
[sub_resource type="AnimationNodeTransition" id="AnimationNodeTransition_j7sk1"] |
sync = true |
xfade_time = 0.1 |
input_0/name = "forward" |
input_0/auto_advance = false |
input_0/reset = true |
input_1/name = "backward" |
input_1/auto_advance = false |
input_1/reset = true |
[sub_resource type="AnimationNodeAnimation" id="AnimationNodeAnimation_4taqe"] |
animation = &"walk_forward" |
[sub_resource type="AnimationNodeBlend2" id="AnimationNodeBlend2_krc6q"] |
[sub_resource type="AnimationNodeTransition" id="AnimationNodeTransition_nyobm"] |
xfade_time = 0.25 |
input_0/name = "idle" |
input_0/auto_advance = false |
input_0/reset = false |
input_1/name = "move" |
input_1/auto_advance = false |
input_1/reset = true |
[sub_resource type="AnimationNodeBlendTree" id="AnimationNodeBlendTree_cstk8"] |
nodes/hold/node = SubResource("AnimationNodeAnimation_v7y1g") |
nodes/hold/position = Vector2(800, 340) |
nodes/idle/node = SubResource("AnimationNodeAnimation_ra5r1") |
nodes/idle/position = Vector2(600, 60) |
nodes/is_holding/node = SubResource("AnimationNodeBlend2_10xtt") |
nodes/is_holding/position = Vector2(1000, 200) |
nodes/not_moving/node = SubResource("AnimationNodeAnimation_cun17") |
nodes/not_moving/position = Vector2(400, 60) |
nodes/output/position = Vector2(1180, 260) |
nodes/walk_backward/node = SubResource("AnimationNodeAnimation_c1sen") |
nodes/walk_backward/position = Vector2(200, 300) |
nodes/walk_direction/node = SubResource("AnimationNodeTransition_j7sk1") |
nodes/walk_direction/position = Vector2(400, 200) |
nodes/walk_forward/node = SubResource("AnimationNodeAnimation_4taqe") |
nodes/walk_forward/position = Vector2(200, 160) |
nodes/walk_speed/node = SubResource("AnimationNodeBlend2_krc6q") |
nodes/walk_speed/position = Vector2(600, 200) |
nodes/walk_state/node = SubResource("AnimationNodeTransition_nyobm") |
nodes/walk_state/position = Vector2(800, 120) |
node_connections = [&"is_holding", 0, &"walk_state", &"is_holding", 1, &"hold", &"output", 0, &"is_holding", &"walk_direction", 0, &"walk_forward", &"walk_direction", 1, &"walk_backward", &"walk_speed", 0, &"not_moving", &"walk_speed", 1, &"walk_direction", &"walk_state", 0, &"idle", &"walk_state", 1, &"walk_speed"] |
[node name="Player" type="CharacterBody3D"] |
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.75, 0) |
collision_layer = 4 |
collision_mask = 3 |
script = ExtResource("1_a0mas") |
[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="."] |
shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape3D_h1mfd") |
[node name="PushbackArea" type="Area3D" parent="."] |
collision_layer = 4 |
collision_mask = 4 |
script = ExtResource("2_almik") |
[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="PushbackArea"] |
shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape3D_l8s0f") |
[node name="Model" parent="." instance=ExtResource("1_3qh37")] |
transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, -8.74228e-08, 0, 1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 0, -1, 0, -0.75, 0) |
[node name="MultiplayerSynchronizer" type="MultiplayerSynchronizer" parent="."] |
replication_config = SubResource("SceneReplicationConfig_305lt") |
[node name="MovementController" type="Node" parent="."] |
script = ExtResource("2_1pst4") |
[node name="CameraController" type="Node" parent="." node_paths=PackedStringArray("Camera")] |
script = ExtResource("2_r3gna") |
Camera = NodePath("../AnimationController/Root/LowerBody/UpperBody/Neck/Head/Camera") |
[node name="AnimationController" type="Node3D" parent="." node_paths=PackedStringArray("Skeleton")] |
script = ExtResource("3_5rlwc") |
Skeleton = NodePath("../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="AnimationTree" type="AnimationTree" parent="AnimationController"] |
active = false |
root_node = NodePath("../../Model") |
tree_root = SubResource("AnimationNodeBlendTree_cstk8") |
anim_player = NodePath("../../Model/AnimationPlayer") |
parameters/is_holding/blend_amount = 0.0 |
parameters/walk_direction/current_state = "forward" |
parameters/walk_direction/transition_request = "" |
parameters/walk_direction/current_index = 0 |
parameters/walk_speed/blend_amount = 0.0 |
parameters/walk_state/current_state = "idle" |
parameters/walk_state/transition_request = "" |
parameters/walk_state/current_index = 0 |
[node name="Root" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController"] |
transform = Transform3D(1, -8.74228e-08, 0, 0, 0, 1, -8.74228e-08, -1, 0, 2.18384e-09, 0.271327, 0.0249802) |
bone_name = "Root" |
bone_idx = 2 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="LowerBody" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController/Root"] |
transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 8.74228e-08, 8.71645e-08, 0.0768132, 0.997046, -6.71523e-09, 0.997046, -0.0768132, 0, 0, -0.199593) |
bone_name = "LowerBody" |
bone_idx = 3 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="UpperBody" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController/Root/LowerBody"] |
transform = Transform3D(1, -1.08108e-08, 8.67517e-08, 0, 0.992324, 0.123662, -8.74228e-08, -0.123662, 0.992324, 1.77636e-15, 0.154362, 0) |
bone_name = "UpperBody" |
bone_idx = 4 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="Neck" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController/Root/LowerBody/UpperBody"] |
transform = Transform3D(1, -4.4409e-16, -7.10543e-15, 0, 0.998891, -0.0470728, 0, 0.0470728, 0.998892, -1.11022e-15, 0.251888, 1.49012e-08) |
bone_name = "Neck" |
bone_idx = 5 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../../../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="Head" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController/Root/LowerBody/UpperBody/Neck"] |
transform = Transform3D(-1, 7.10543e-15, 8.74228e-08, 8.74228e-08, -7.10543e-15, 1, 0, 1, 7.10543e-15, -2.22045e-16, 0.101598, -3.72529e-09) |
bone_name = "Head" |
bone_idx = 6 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../../../../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="Camera" type="Camera3D" parent="AnimationController/Root/LowerBody/UpperBody/Neck/Head"] |
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37114e-08, -1, 0, 1, -4.37114e-08, 0, 0.08, 0.04) |
cull_mask = 1 |
current = true |
[node name="UpperArm_L" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController/Root/LowerBody/UpperBody"] |
transform = Transform3D(-0.572005, 0.82025, 9.68575e-08, -0.819341, -0.571371, -0.0470728, -0.0386114, -0.026926, 0.998891, 0.0873834, 0.213866, -0.00179176) |
bone_name = "UpperArm_L" |
bone_idx = 7 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../../../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="LowerArm_L" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController/Root/LowerBody/UpperBody/UpperArm_L"] |
transform = Transform3D(0.999306, 0.0372507, 2.71155e-07, -0.0372507, 0.999306, -3.32672e-09, -2.66575e-07, -3.54041e-09, 1, 0, 0.193644, 0) |
bone_name = "LowerArm_L" |
bone_idx = 8 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../../../../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="Wrist_L" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController/Root/LowerBody/UpperBody/UpperArm_L/LowerArm_L"] |
transform = Transform3D(0.999334, 0.0364873, 3.47525e-07, -0.0364873, 0.999334, -1.66881e-08, -3.47903e-07, 3.9968e-09, 1, 1.19209e-07, 0.187995, -1.86265e-09) |
bone_name = "Wrist_L" |
bone_idx = 9 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../../../../../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="UpperArm_R" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController/Root/LowerBody/UpperBody"] |
transform = Transform3D(-0.572005, -0.82025, -9.68575e-08, 0.819341, -0.571371, -0.0470728, 0.0386114, -0.026926, 0.998891, -0.0873834, 0.213866, -0.00179176) |
bone_name = "UpperArm_R" |
bone_idx = 14 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../../../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="LowerArm_R" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController/Root/LowerBody/UpperBody/UpperArm_R"] |
transform = Transform3D(0.999306, -0.0372507, -2.71155e-07, 0.0372507, 0.999306, -3.3267e-09, 2.69728e-07, -3.66446e-09, 1, 0, 0.193644, 1.86265e-09) |
bone_name = "LowerArm_R" |
bone_idx = 15 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../../../../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="Wrist_R" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="AnimationController/Root/LowerBody/UpperBody/UpperArm_R/LowerArm_R"] |
transform = Transform3D(0.999334, -0.0364873, -3.47525e-07, 0.0364873, 0.999334, -1.66882e-08, 3.47903e-07, 3.99677e-09, 1, -1.19209e-07, 0.187995, -1.86265e-09) |
bone_name = "Wrist_R" |
bone_idx = 16 |
use_external_skeleton = true |
external_skeleton = NodePath("../../../../../../../Model/Skeleton/Skeleton3D") |
[node name="PickupController" type="Node3D" parent="."] |
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.4, -0.45) |
script = ExtResource("2_ns2pe")