Inventory management focused game written in Godot / C#
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24 lines
674 B

public partial class PushbackArea : Area3D
[Export] public float PushForce { get; set; } = 24.0f;
Player _player;
float _radius;
public override void _Ready()
_player = GetParent<Player>();
_radius = ((CapsuleShape3D)GetNode<CollisionShape3D>("CollisionShape3D").Shape).Radius;
public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta)
foreach (var area in GetOverlappingAreas()) {
var offset = (GlobalPosition - area.GlobalPosition) with { Y = 0 };
var directions = offset.Normalized();
var distance = offset.Length() / (_radius * 2);
var force = (1 - distance) * PushForce * (float)delta;
_player.Velocity += directions * force;