Fork of mellinoe/ImGui.NET, an ImGui wrapper for .NET, which includes access to internal functions.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ImGuiNET
public static class ImGui
public static void NewFrame()
public static void Render()
public static void Shutdown()
private static unsafe readonly IO s_io = new IO(ImGuiNative.igGetIO());
public static unsafe IO GetIO() => s_io;
private static unsafe readonly Style s_style = new Style(ImGuiNative.igGetStyle());
public static unsafe Style GetStyle()
return s_style;
public static void PushID(string id)
public static void PushID(int id)
public static void PushIDRange(string idBegin, string idEnd)
ImGuiNative.igPushIdStrRange(idBegin, idEnd);
public static void PushItemWidth(float width)
public static void PopItemWidth()
public static void PopID()
public static uint GetID(string id)
return ImGuiNative.igGetIdStr(id);
public static uint GetID(string idBegin, string idEnd)
return ImGuiNative.igGetIdStrRange(idBegin, idEnd);
public static void Text(string message)
public static void Text(string message, Vector4 color)
ImGuiNative.igTextColored(color, message);
public static void TextDisabled(string text)
public static void TextWrapped(string text)
public static unsafe void TextUnformatted(string message)
fixed (byte* bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message))
ImGuiNative.igTextUnformatted(bytes, null);
public static void LabelText(string label, string text)
ImGuiNative.igLabelText(label, text);
public static void Bullet()
public static void BulletText(string text)
public static bool InvisibleButton(string id) => InvisibleButton(id, Vector2.Zero);
public static bool InvisibleButton(string id, Vector2 size)
return ImGuiNative.igInvisibleButton(id, size);
public static void Image(IntPtr userTextureID, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1, Vector4 tintColor, Vector4 borderColor)
ImGuiNative.igImage(userTextureID, size, uv0, uv1, tintColor, borderColor);
public static bool ImageButton(
IntPtr userTextureID,
Vector2 size,
Vector2 uv0,
Vector2 uv1,
int framePadding,
Vector4 backgroundColor,
Vector4 tintColor)
return ImGuiNative.igImageButton(userTextureID, size, uv0, uv1, framePadding, backgroundColor, tintColor);
public static bool CollapsingHeader(string label, string id, bool displayFrame, bool defaultOpen)
return ImGuiNative.igCollapsingHeader(label, id, displayFrame, defaultOpen);
public static bool Checkbox(string label, ref bool value)
return ImGuiNative.igCheckbox(label, ref value);
public static unsafe bool RadioButton(string label, ref int target, int buttonValue)
int targetCopy = target;
bool result = ImGuiNative.igRadioButton(label, &targetCopy, buttonValue);
target = targetCopy;
return result;
public static bool RadioButtonBool(string label, bool active)
return ImGuiNative.igRadioButtonBool(label, active);
public unsafe static bool Combo(string label, ref int current_item, string[] items)
return ImGuiNative.igCombo(label, ref current_item, items, items.Length, 5);
public unsafe static bool Combo(string label, ref int current_item, string[] items, int heightInItems)
return ImGuiNative.igCombo(label, ref current_item, items, items.Length, heightInItems);
public static bool ColorButton(Vector4 color, bool smallHeight, bool outlineBorder)
return ImGuiNative.igColorButton(color, smallHeight, outlineBorder);
public static unsafe bool ColorEdit3(string label, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, bool showAlpha)
Vector3 localColor = new Vector3(r, g, b);
bool result = ImGuiNative.igColorEdit3(label, &localColor);
if (result)
r = localColor.X;
g = localColor.Y;
b = localColor.Z;
return result;
public static unsafe bool ColorEdit3(string label, ref Vector3 color, bool showAlpha)
Vector3 localColor = color;
bool result = ImGuiNative.igColorEdit3(label, &localColor);
if (result)
color = localColor;
return result;
public static unsafe bool ColorEdit4(string label, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, bool showAlpha)
Vector4 localColor = new Vector4(r, g, b, a);
bool result = ImGuiNative.igColorEdit4(label, &localColor, showAlpha);
if (result)
r = localColor.X;
g = localColor.Y;
b = localColor.Z;
a = localColor.W;
return result;
public static unsafe bool ColorEdit4(string label, ref Vector4 color, bool showAlpha)
Vector4 localColor = color;
bool result = ImGuiNative.igColorEdit4(label, &localColor, showAlpha);
if (result)
color = localColor;
return result;
public static void ColorEditMode(ColorEditMode mode)
public unsafe static void PlotLines(
string label,
float[] values,
int valuesOffset,
string overlayText,
float scaleMin,
float scaleMax,
Vector2 graphSize,
int stride)
fixed (float* valuesBasePtr = values)
public unsafe static void PlotHistogram(string label, float[] values, int valuesOffset, string overlayText, float scaleMin, float scaleMax, Vector2 graphSize, int stride)
fixed (float* valuesBasePtr = values)
public static bool SliderFloat(string sliderLabel, ref float value, float min, float max, string displayText, float power)
return ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat(sliderLabel, ref value, min, max, displayText, power);
public static bool SliderVector2(string label, ref Vector2 value, float min, float max, string displayText, float power)
return ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat2(label, ref value, min, max, displayText, power);
public static bool SliderVector3(string label, ref Vector3 value, float min, float max, string displayText, float power)
return ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat3(label, ref value, min, max, displayText, power);
public static bool SliderVector4(string label, ref Vector4 value, float min, float max, string displayText, float power)
return ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat4(label, ref value, min, max, displayText, power);
public static bool SliderAngle(string label, ref float radians, float minDegrees, float maxDegrees)
return ImGuiNative.igSliderAngle(label, ref radians, minDegrees, maxDegrees);
public static bool SliderInt(string sliderLabel, ref int value, int min, int max, string displayText)
return ImGuiNative.igSliderInt(sliderLabel, ref value, min, max, displayText);
public static bool SliderInt2(string label, ref Int2 value, int min, int max, string displayText)
return ImGuiNative.igSliderInt2(label, ref value, min, max, displayText);
public static bool SliderInt3(string label, ref Int3 value, int min, int max, string displayText)
return ImGuiNative.igSliderInt3(label, ref value, min, max, displayText);
public static bool SliderInt4(string label, ref Int4 value, int min, int max, string displayText)
return ImGuiNative.igSliderInt4(label, ref value, min, max, displayText);
public static bool DragFloat(string label, ref float value, float min, float max, float dragSpeed = 1f, string displayFormat = "%f", float dragPower = 1f)
return ImGuiNative.igDragFloat(label, ref value, dragSpeed, min, max, displayFormat, dragPower);
public static bool DragVector2(string label, ref Vector2 value, float min, float max, float dragSpeed = 1f, string displayFormat = "%f", float dragPower = 1f)
return ImGuiNative.igDragFloat2(label, ref value, dragSpeed, min, max, displayFormat, dragPower);
public static bool DragVector3(string label, ref Vector3 value, float min, float max, float dragSpeed = 1f, string displayFormat = "%f", float dragPower = 1f)
return ImGuiNative.igDragFloat3(label, ref value, dragSpeed, min, max, displayFormat, dragPower);
public static bool DragVector4(string label, ref Vector4 value, float min, float max, float dragSpeed = 1f, string displayFormat = "%f", float dragPower = 1f)
return ImGuiNative.igDragFloat4(label, ref value, dragSpeed, min, max, displayFormat, dragPower);
public static bool DragFloatRange2(
string label,
ref float currentMinValue,
ref float currentMaxValue,
float speed = 1.0f,
float minValueLimit = 0.0f,
float maxValueLimit = 0.0f,
string displayFormat = "%.3f",
string displayFormatMax = null,
float power = 1.0f)
return ImGuiNative.igDragFloatRange2(label, ref currentMinValue, ref currentMaxValue, speed, minValueLimit, maxValueLimit, displayFormat, displayFormatMax, power);
public static bool DragInt(string label, ref int value, float speed, int minValue, int maxValue, string displayText)
return ImGuiNative.igDragInt(label, ref value, speed, minValue, maxValue, displayText);
public static bool DragInt2(string label, ref Int2 value, float speed, int minValue, int maxValue, string displayText)
return ImGuiNative.igDragInt2(label, ref value, speed, minValue, maxValue, displayText);
public static bool DragInt3(string label, ref Int3 value, float speed, int minValue, int maxValue, string displayText)
return ImGuiNative.igDragInt3(label, ref value, speed, minValue, maxValue, displayText);
public static bool DragInt4(string label, ref Int4 value, float speed, int minValue, int maxValue, string displayText)
return ImGuiNative.igDragInt4(label, ref value, speed, minValue, maxValue, displayText);
public static bool DragIntRange2(
string label,
ref int currentMinValue,
ref int currentMaxValue,
float speed = 1.0f,
int minLimit = 0,
int maxLimit = 0,
string displayFormat = "%.0f",
string displayFormatMax = null)
return ImGuiNative.igDragIntRange2(
ref currentMinValue,
ref currentMaxValue,
public static bool Button(string message)
return ImGuiNative.igButton(message, Vector2.Zero);
public static bool Button(string message, Vector2 size)
return ImGuiNative.igButton(message, size);
public static void SetNextWindowSize(Vector2 size, SetCondition condition)
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowSize(size, condition);
public static void SetNextWindowPos(Vector2 position, SetCondition condition)
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowPos(position, condition);
public static void SetNextWindowPosCenter(SetCondition condition)
public static void AddInputCharacter(char keyChar)
/// <summary>
/// Helper to scale the ClipRect field of each ImDrawCmd.
/// Use if your final output buffer is at a different scale than ImGui expects,
/// or if there is a difference between your window resolution and framebuffer resolution.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawData">Pointer to the DrawData to scale.</param>
/// <param name="scale">The scale to apply.</param>
public static unsafe void ScaleClipRects(DrawData* drawData, Vector2 scale)
for (int i = 0; i < drawData->CmdListsCount; i++)
DrawList* cmd_list = drawData->CmdLists[i];
for (int cmd_i = 0; cmd_i < cmd_list->CmdBuffer.Size; cmd_i++)
DrawCmd* drawCmdList = (DrawCmd*)cmd_list->CmdBuffer.Data;
DrawCmd* cmd = &drawCmdList[cmd_i];
cmd->ClipRect = new Vector4(cmd->ClipRect.X * scale.X, cmd->ClipRect.Y * scale.Y, cmd->ClipRect.Z * scale.X, cmd->ClipRect.W * scale.Y);
public static float GetWindowHeight()
return ImGuiNative.igGetWindowHeight();
public static float GetWindowWidth()
return ImGuiNative.igGetWindowWidth();
public static Vector2 GetWindowSize()
Vector2 size;
ImGuiNative.igGetWindowSize(out size);
return size;
public static void SetWindowSize(Vector2 size, SetCondition cond)
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowSize(size, cond);
public static bool BeginWindow(string windowTitle) => BeginWindow(windowTitle, WindowFlags.Default);
public static bool BeginWindow(string windowTitle, WindowFlags flags)
bool opened = true;
return ImGuiNative.igBegin(windowTitle, ref opened, flags);
public static bool BeginWindow(string windowTitle, ref bool opened, WindowFlags flags)
return ImGuiNative.igBegin(windowTitle, ref opened, flags);
public static bool BeginWindow(string windowTitle, ref bool opened, float backgroundAlpha, WindowFlags flags)
return ImGuiNative.igBegin2(windowTitle, ref opened, new Vector2(), backgroundAlpha, flags);
public static bool BeginMenu(string label)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginMenu(label, true);
public static bool BeginMenu(string label, bool enabled)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginMenu(label, enabled);
public static void BeginMenuBar()
public static void CloseCurrentPopup()
public static bool BeginWindow(string windowTitle, ref bool opened, Vector2 startingSize, WindowFlags flags)
return ImGuiNative.igBegin2(windowTitle, ref opened, startingSize, 1f, flags);
public static void EndMenuBar()
public static void EndMenu()
public static bool BeginWindow(string windowTitle, ref bool opened, Vector2 startingSize, float backgroundAlpha, WindowFlags flags)
return ImGuiNative.igBegin2(windowTitle, ref opened, startingSize, backgroundAlpha, flags);
public static void Separator()
public static bool MenuItem(string label)
return MenuItem(label, string.Empty, false, true);
public static bool MenuItem(string label, string shortcut)
return MenuItem(label, shortcut, false, true);
public static bool MenuItem(string label, bool enabled)
return MenuItem(label, string.Empty, false, enabled);
public static bool MenuItem(string label, string shortcut, bool selected, bool enabled)
return ImGuiNative.igMenuItem(label, shortcut, selected, enabled);
public static unsafe bool InputText(string label, byte[] textBuffer, uint bufferSize, InputTextFlags flags, TextEditCallback textEditCallback)
return InputText(label, textBuffer, bufferSize, flags, textEditCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
public static unsafe bool InputText(string label, byte[] textBuffer, uint bufferSize, InputTextFlags flags, TextEditCallback textEditCallback, IntPtr userData)
Debug.Assert(bufferSize <= textBuffer.Length);
fixed (byte* ptrBuf = textBuffer)
return InputText(label, new IntPtr(ptrBuf), bufferSize, flags, textEditCallback, userData);
public static unsafe bool InputText(string label, IntPtr textBuffer, uint bufferSize, InputTextFlags flags, TextEditCallback textEditCallback)
return InputText(label, textBuffer, bufferSize, flags, textEditCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
public static unsafe bool InputText(string label, IntPtr textBuffer, uint bufferSize, InputTextFlags flags, TextEditCallback textEditCallback, IntPtr userData)
return ImGuiNative.igInputText(label, textBuffer, bufferSize, flags, textEditCallback, userData.ToPointer());
public static void EndWindow()
public static void PushStyleColor(ColorTarget target, Vector4 color)
ImGuiNative.igPushStyleColor(target, color);
public static void PopStyleColor()
public static void PopStyleColor(int numStyles)
public static void PushStyleVar(StyleVar var, float value) => ImGuiNative.igPushStyleVar(var, value);
public static void PushStyleVar(StyleVar var, Vector2 value) => ImGuiNative.igPushStyleVarVec(var, value);
public static void PopStyleVar() => ImGuiNative.igPopStyleVar(1);
public static void PopStyleVar(int count) => ImGuiNative.igPopStyleVar(count);
public static unsafe void InputTextMultiline(string label, IntPtr textBuffer, uint bufferSize, Vector2 size, InputTextFlags flags, TextEditCallback callback)
ImGuiNative.igInputTextMultiline(label, textBuffer, bufferSize, size, flags, callback, null);
public static unsafe DrawData* GetDrawData()
return ImGuiNative.igGetDrawData();
public static unsafe void InputTextMultiline(string label, IntPtr textBuffer, uint bufferSize, Vector2 size, InputTextFlags flags, TextEditCallback callback, IntPtr userData)
ImGuiNative.igInputTextMultiline(label, textBuffer, bufferSize, size, flags, callback, userData.ToPointer());
public static bool BeginChildFrame(uint id, Vector2 size, WindowFlags flags)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginChildFrame(id, size, flags);
public static void EndChildFrame()
public static bool IsKeyDown(int keyIndex)
return ImGuiNative.igIsKeyDown(keyIndex);
public static bool IsKeyPressed(int keyIndex, bool repeat = true)
return ImGuiNative.igIsKeyPressed(keyIndex, repeat);
public static bool IsKeyReleased(int keyIndex)
return ImGuiNative.igIsKeyReleased(keyIndex);
public static bool IsMouseDown(int button)
return ImGuiNative.igIsMouseDown(button);
public static bool IsMouseClicked(int button, bool repeat = false)
return ImGuiNative.igIsMouseClicked(button, repeat);
public static bool IsMouseDoubleClicked(int button)
return ImGuiNative.igIsMouseDoubleClicked(button);
public static bool IsMouseReleased(int button)
return ImGuiNative.igIsMouseReleased(button);
public static bool IsMouseHoveringWindow()
return ImGuiNative.igIsMouseHoveringWindow();
public static bool IsMouseHoveringAnyWindow()
return ImGuiNative.igIsMouseHoveringAnyWindow();
public static bool IsMouseHoveringRect(Vector2 minPosition, Vector2 maxPosition, bool clip)
return IsMouseHoveringRect(minPosition, maxPosition, clip);
public static bool IsMouseDragging(int button, float lockThreshold)
return ImGuiNative.igIsMouseDragging(button, lockThreshold);
public static Vector2 GetMousePos()
Vector2 retVal;
ImGuiNative.igGetMousePos(out retVal);
return retVal;
public static Vector2 GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup()
Vector2 retVal;
ImGuiNative.igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup(out retVal);
return retVal;
public static Vector2 GetMouseDragDelta(int button, float lockThreshold)
Vector2 retVal;
ImGuiNative.igGetMouseDragDelta(out retVal, button, lockThreshold);
return retVal;
public static void ResetMouseDragDelta(int button)
public static MouseCursorKind MouseCursor
return ImGuiNative.igGetMouseCursor();
public static Vector2 GetCursorStartPos()
Vector2 retVal;
ImGuiNative.igGetCursorStartPos(out retVal);
return retVal;
public static bool BeginChild(string id, bool border = false, WindowFlags flags = 0)
return BeginChild(id, new Vector2(0, 0), border, flags);
public static bool BeginChild(string id, Vector2 size, bool border, WindowFlags flags)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginChild(id, size, border, flags);
public static bool BeginChild(uint id, Vector2 size, bool border, WindowFlags flags)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginChildEx(id, size, border, flags);
public static void EndChild()
public static Vector2 GetContentRegionMax()
Vector2 value;
ImGuiNative.igGetContentRegionMax(out value);
return value;
public static Vector2 GetContentRegionAvailable()
Vector2 value;
ImGuiNative.igGetContentRegionAvail(out value);
return value;
public static float GetContentRegionAvailableWidth()
return ImGuiNative.igGetContentRegionAvailWidth();
public static Vector2 GetWindowContentRegionMin()
Vector2 value;
ImGuiNative.igGetWindowContentRegionMin(out value);
return value;
public static Vector2 GetWindowContentRegionMax()
Vector2 value;
ImGuiNative.igGetWindowContentRegionMax(out value);
return value;
public static float GetWindowContentRegionWidth()
return ImGuiNative.igGetWindowContentRegionWidth();
public static bool Selectable(string label)
return Selectable(label, false);
public static bool Selectable(string label, bool isSelected)
return Selectable(label, isSelected, SelectableFlags.Default);
public static bool BeginMainMenuBar()
return ImGuiNative.igBeginMainMenuBar();
public static bool BeginPopup(string id)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginPopup(id);
public static void EndMainMenuBar()
public static bool SmallButton(string label)
return ImGuiNative.igSmallButton(label);
public static bool BeginPopupModal(string name)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupModal(name, WindowFlags.Default);
public static bool BeginPopupModal(string name, WindowFlags extraFlags)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupModal(name, extraFlags);
public static bool BeginPopupModal(string name, ref bool opened)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupModal(name, ref opened, WindowFlags.Default);
public static bool BeginPopupModal(string name, ref bool opened, WindowFlags extraFlags)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupModal(name, ref opened, extraFlags);
public static bool Selectable(string label, bool isSelected, SelectableFlags flags)
return Selectable(label, isSelected, flags, new Vector2());
public static bool Selectable(string label, bool isSelected, SelectableFlags flags, Vector2 size)
return ImGuiNative.igSelectable(label, isSelected, flags, size);
public static bool SelectableEx(string label, ref bool isSelected)
return ImGuiNative.igSelectableEx(label, ref isSelected, SelectableFlags.Default, new Vector2());
public static bool SelectableEx(string label, ref bool isSelected, SelectableFlags flags, Vector2 size)
return ImGuiNative.igSelectableEx(label, ref isSelected, flags, size);
public static unsafe Vector2 GetTextSize(string text, float wrapWidth = Int32.MaxValue)
Vector2 result;
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(text);
byte* textStart = (byte*)buffer.ToPointer();
byte* textEnd = textStart + text.Length;
ImGuiNative.igCalcTextSize(out result, (char*)textStart, (char*)textEnd, false, wrapWidth);
return result;
public static bool BeginPopupContextItem(string id)
return BeginPopupContextItem(id, 1);
public static bool BeginPopupContextItem(string id, int mouseButton)
return ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextItem(id, mouseButton);
public static unsafe void Dummy(float width, float height)
Dummy(new Vector2(width, height));
public static void EndPopup()
public static unsafe void Dummy(Vector2 size)
public static void Spacing()
public static void Columns(int count, string id, bool border)
ImGuiNative.igColumns(count, id, border);
public static void NextColumn()
public static int GetColumnIndex()
return ImGuiNative.igGetColumnIndex();
public static float GetColumnOffset(int columnIndex)
return ImGuiNative.igGetColumnOffset(columnIndex);
public static void SetColumnOffset(int columnIndex, float offsetX)
ImGuiNative.igSetColumnOffset(columnIndex, offsetX);
public static float GetColumnWidth(int columnIndex)
return ImGuiNative.igGetColumnWidth(columnIndex);
public static int GetColumnsCount()
return ImGuiNative.igGetColumnsCount();
public static void OpenPopup(string id)
public static void SameLine(float localPositionX = 0, float spacingW = -1.0f)
ImGuiNative.igSameLine(localPositionX, spacingW);
public static bool IsLastItemHovered()
return ImGuiNative.igIsItemHovered();
public static bool IsLastItemHoveredRect()
return ImGuiNative.igIsItemHoveredRect();
public static bool IsLastItemActive()
return ImGuiNative.igIsItemActive();
public static bool IsLastItemVisible()
return ImGuiNative.igIsItemVisible();
public static bool IsAnyItemHovered()
return ImGuiNative.igIsAnyItemHovered();
public static bool IsAnyItemActive()
return ImGuiNative.igIsAnyItemActive();
public static void SetTooltip(string text)
public static void SetNextTreeNodeOpened(bool opened)
ImGuiNative.igSetNextTreeNodeOpened(opened, SetCondition.Always);
public static void SetNextTreeNodeOpened(bool opened, SetCondition setCondition)
ImGuiNative.igSetNextTreeNodeOpened(opened, setCondition);
public static bool TreeNode(string label)
return ImGuiNative.igTreeNode(label);
public static void TreePop()
public static Vector2 GetLastItemRectSize()
Vector2 result;
ImGuiNative.igGetItemRectSize(out result);
return result;
public static Vector2 GetLastItemRectMin()
Vector2 result;
ImGuiNative.igGetItemRectMin(out result);
return result;
public static Vector2 GetLastItemRectMax()
Vector2 result;
ImGuiNative.igGetItemRectMax(out result);
return result;
public static void SetWindowFontScale(float scale)
public static void SetScrollHere()
public static void SetScrollHere(float centerYRatio)
public static unsafe void PushFont(Font font)
public static void PopFont()
public static void SetKeyboardFocusHere()
public static void SetKeyboardFocusHere(int offset)
public static void CalcListClipping(int itemsCount, float itemsHeight, ref int outItemsDisplayStart, ref int outItemsDisplayEnd)
ImGuiNative.igCalcListClipping(itemsCount, itemsHeight, ref outItemsDisplayStart, ref outItemsDisplayEnd);