Fork of mellinoe/ImGui.NET, an ImGui wrapper for .NET, which includes access to internal functions.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

6907 lines
324 KiB

using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace ImGuiNET
public static unsafe partial class ImGui
public static float GetFrameHeight()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetFrameHeight();
return ret;
public static IntPtr CreateContext()
ImFontAtlas* shared_font_atlas = null;
IntPtr ret = ImGuiNative.igCreateContext(shared_font_atlas);
return ret;
public static IntPtr CreateContext(ImFontAtlasPtr shared_font_atlas)
ImFontAtlas* native_shared_font_atlas = shared_font_atlas.NativePtr;
IntPtr ret = ImGuiNative.igCreateContext(native_shared_font_atlas);
return ret;
public static void TextUnformatted(string text)
int text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(text);
byte* native_text = stackalloc byte[text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* text_ptr = text)
int native_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text_ptr, text.Length, native_text, text_byteCount);
native_text[native_text_offset] = 0;
byte* native_text_end = null;
ImGuiNative.igTextUnformatted(native_text, native_text_end);
public static void PopFont()
public static bool Combo(string label, ref int current_item, string[] items, int items_count)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int* items_byteCounts = stackalloc int[items.Length];
int items_byteCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
string s = items[i];
items_byteCounts[i] = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(s);
items_byteCount += items_byteCounts[i] + 1;
byte* native_items_data = stackalloc byte[items_byteCount];
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
string s = items[i];
fixed (char* sPtr = s)
offset += Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sPtr, s.Length, native_items_data + offset, items_byteCounts[i]);
offset += 1;
native_items_data[offset] = 0;
byte** native_items = stackalloc byte*[items.Length];
offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
native_items[i] = &native_items_data[offset];
offset += items_byteCounts[i] + 1;
int popup_max_height_in_items = -1;
fixed (int* native_current_item = &current_item)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igCombo(native_label, native_current_item, native_items, items_count, popup_max_height_in_items);
return ret != 0;
public static bool Combo(string label, ref int current_item, string[] items, int items_count, int popup_max_height_in_items)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int* items_byteCounts = stackalloc int[items.Length];
int items_byteCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
string s = items[i];
items_byteCounts[i] = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(s);
items_byteCount += items_byteCounts[i] + 1;
byte* native_items_data = stackalloc byte[items_byteCount];
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
string s = items[i];
fixed (char* sPtr = s)
offset += Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sPtr, s.Length, native_items_data + offset, items_byteCounts[i]);
offset += 1;
native_items_data[offset] = 0;
byte** native_items = stackalloc byte*[items.Length];
offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
native_items[i] = &native_items_data[offset];
offset += items_byteCounts[i] + 1;
fixed (int* native_current_item = &current_item)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igCombo(native_label, native_current_item, native_items, items_count, popup_max_height_in_items);
return ret != 0;
public static bool Combo(string label, ref int current_item, string items_separated_by_zeros)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int items_separated_by_zeros_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(items_separated_by_zeros);
byte* native_items_separated_by_zeros = stackalloc byte[items_separated_by_zeros_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* items_separated_by_zeros_ptr = items_separated_by_zeros)
int native_items_separated_by_zeros_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(items_separated_by_zeros_ptr, items_separated_by_zeros.Length, native_items_separated_by_zeros, items_separated_by_zeros_byteCount);
native_items_separated_by_zeros[native_items_separated_by_zeros_offset] = 0;
int popup_max_height_in_items = -1;
fixed (int* native_current_item = &current_item)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igComboStr(native_label, native_current_item, native_items_separated_by_zeros, popup_max_height_in_items);
return ret != 0;
public static bool Combo(string label, ref int current_item, string items_separated_by_zeros, int popup_max_height_in_items)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int items_separated_by_zeros_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(items_separated_by_zeros);
byte* native_items_separated_by_zeros = stackalloc byte[items_separated_by_zeros_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* items_separated_by_zeros_ptr = items_separated_by_zeros)
int native_items_separated_by_zeros_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(items_separated_by_zeros_ptr, items_separated_by_zeros.Length, native_items_separated_by_zeros, items_separated_by_zeros_byteCount);
native_items_separated_by_zeros[native_items_separated_by_zeros_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_current_item = &current_item)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igComboStr(native_label, native_current_item, native_items_separated_by_zeros, popup_max_height_in_items);
return ret != 0;
public static void CaptureKeyboardFromApp()
byte capture = 1;
public static void CaptureKeyboardFromApp(bool capture)
byte native_capture = capture ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
public static bool IsWindowFocused()
ImGuiFocusedFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsWindowFocused(flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsWindowFocused(ImGuiFocusedFlags flags)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsWindowFocused(flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void Render()
public static bool DragFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_speed = 1.0f;
float v_min = 0.0f;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_min = 0.0f;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v, float v_speed, float v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsMousePosValid()
Vector2* mouse_pos = null;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMousePosValid(mouse_pos);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsMousePosValid(ref Vector2 mouse_pos)
fixed (Vector2* native_mouse_pos = &mouse_pos)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMousePosValid(native_mouse_pos);
return ret != 0;
public static Vector2 GetCursorScreenPos()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetCursorScreenPos();
return ret;
public static bool DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(string version_str, uint sz_io, uint sz_style, uint sz_vec2, uint sz_vec4, uint sz_drawvert)
int version_str_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(version_str);
byte* native_version_str = stackalloc byte[version_str_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* version_str_ptr = version_str)
int native_version_str_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(version_str_ptr, version_str.Length, native_version_str, version_str_byteCount);
native_version_str[native_version_str_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(native_version_str, sz_io, sz_style, sz_vec2, sz_vec4, sz_drawvert);
return ret != 0;
public static void SetScrollHere()
float center_y_ratio = 0.5f;
public static void SetScrollHere(float center_y_ratio)
public static void SetScrollY(float scroll_y)
public static void SetColorEditOptions(ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)
public static void SetScrollFromPosY(float pos_y)
float center_y_ratio = 0.5f;
ImGuiNative.igSetScrollFromPosY(pos_y, center_y_ratio);
public static void SetScrollFromPosY(float pos_y, float center_y_ratio)
ImGuiNative.igSetScrollFromPosY(pos_y, center_y_ratio);
public static Vector4* GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol idx)
Vector4* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetStyleColorVec4(idx);
return ret;
public static bool IsMouseHoveringRect(Vector2 r_min, Vector2 r_max)
byte clip = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMouseHoveringRect(r_min, r_max, clip);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsMouseHoveringRect(Vector2 r_min, Vector2 r_max, bool clip)
byte native_clip = clip ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMouseHoveringRect(r_min, r_max, native_clip);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_speed = 1.0f;
float v_min = 0.0f;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_min = 0.0f;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v, float v_speed, float v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static void Value(string prefix, bool b)
int prefix_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(prefix);
byte* native_prefix = stackalloc byte[prefix_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* prefix_ptr = prefix)
int native_prefix_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(prefix_ptr, prefix.Length, native_prefix, prefix_byteCount);
native_prefix[native_prefix_offset] = 0;
byte native_b = b ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiNative.igValueBool(native_prefix, native_b);
public static void Value(string prefix, int v)
int prefix_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(prefix);
byte* native_prefix = stackalloc byte[prefix_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* prefix_ptr = prefix)
int native_prefix_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(prefix_ptr, prefix.Length, native_prefix, prefix_byteCount);
native_prefix[native_prefix_offset] = 0;
ImGuiNative.igValueInt(native_prefix, v);
public static void Value(string prefix, uint v)
int prefix_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(prefix);
byte* native_prefix = stackalloc byte[prefix_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* prefix_ptr = prefix)
int native_prefix_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(prefix_ptr, prefix.Length, native_prefix, prefix_byteCount);
native_prefix[native_prefix_offset] = 0;
ImGuiNative.igValueUint(native_prefix, v);
public static void Value(string prefix, float v)
int prefix_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(prefix);
byte* native_prefix = stackalloc byte[prefix_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* prefix_ptr = prefix)
int native_prefix_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(prefix_ptr, prefix.Length, native_prefix, prefix_byteCount);
native_prefix[native_prefix_offset] = 0;
byte* native_float_format = null;
ImGuiNative.igValueFloat(native_prefix, v, native_float_format);
public static void Value(string prefix, float v, string float_format)
int prefix_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(prefix);
byte* native_prefix = stackalloc byte[prefix_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* prefix_ptr = prefix)
int native_prefix_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(prefix_ptr, prefix.Length, native_prefix, prefix_byteCount);
native_prefix[native_prefix_offset] = 0;
int float_format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(float_format);
byte* native_float_format = stackalloc byte[float_format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* float_format_ptr = float_format)
int native_float_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(float_format_ptr, float_format.Length, native_float_format, float_format_byteCount);
native_float_format[native_float_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiNative.igValueFloat(native_prefix, v, native_float_format);
public static Vector2 GetItemRectMax()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetItemRectMax();
return ret;
public static bool IsItemDeactivated()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsItemDeactivated();
return ret != 0;
public static void PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar idx, float val)
ImGuiNative.igPushStyleVarFloat(idx, val);
public static void PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar idx, Vector2 val)
ImGuiNative.igPushStyleVarVec2(idx, val);
public static string SaveIniSettingsToMemory()
uint* out_ini_size = null;
byte* ret = ImGuiNative.igSaveIniSettingsToMemory(out_ini_size);
return Util.StringFromPtr(ret);
public static string SaveIniSettingsToMemory(out uint out_ini_size)
fixed (uint* native_out_ini_size = &out_ini_size)
byte* ret = ImGuiNative.igSaveIniSettingsToMemory(native_out_ini_size);
return Util.StringFromPtr(ret);
public static bool DragIntRange2(string label, ref int v_current_min, ref int v_current_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_speed = 1.0f;
int v_min = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte* native_format_max = null;
fixed (int* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (int* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragIntRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragIntRange2(string label, ref int v_current_min, ref int v_current_max, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int v_min = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte* native_format_max = null;
fixed (int* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (int* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragIntRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragIntRange2(string label, ref int v_current_min, ref int v_current_max, float v_speed, int v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte* native_format_max = null;
fixed (int* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (int* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragIntRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragIntRange2(string label, ref int v_current_min, ref int v_current_max, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte* native_format_max = null;
fixed (int* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (int* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragIntRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragIntRange2(string label, ref int v_current_min, ref int v_current_max, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte* native_format_max = null;
fixed (int* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (int* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragIntRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragIntRange2(string label, ref int v_current_min, ref int v_current_max, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, string format, string format_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
int format_max_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format_max);
byte* native_format_max = stackalloc byte[format_max_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_max_ptr = format_max)
int native_format_max_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_max_ptr, format_max.Length, native_format_max, format_max_byteCount);
native_format_max[native_format_max_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (int* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragIntRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max);
return ret != 0;
public static void Unindent()
float indent_w = 0.0f;
public static void Unindent(float indent_w)
public static void PopAllowKeyboardFocus()
public static void LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(string ini_filename)
int ini_filename_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(ini_filename);
byte* native_ini_filename = stackalloc byte[ini_filename_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* ini_filename_ptr = ini_filename)
int native_ini_filename_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ini_filename_ptr, ini_filename.Length, native_ini_filename, ini_filename_byteCount);
native_ini_filename[native_ini_filename_offset] = 0;
public static Vector2 GetCursorStartPos()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetCursorStartPos();
return ret;
public static void SetCursorScreenPos(Vector2 screen_pos)
public static bool InputInt4(string label, ref int v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputInt4(native_label, native_v, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputInt4(string label, ref int v, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputInt4(native_label, native_v, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsRectVisible(Vector2 size)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsRectVisible(size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsRectVisible(Vector2 rect_min, Vector2 rect_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsRectVisibleVec2(rect_min, rect_max);
return ret != 0;
public static void LabelText(string label, string fmt)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
ImGuiNative.igLabelText(native_label, native_fmt);
public static void LogFinish()
public static bool IsKeyPressed(int user_key_index)
byte repeat = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsKeyPressed(user_key_index, repeat);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsKeyPressed(int user_key_index, bool repeat)
byte native_repeat = repeat ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsKeyPressed(user_key_index, native_repeat);
return ret != 0;
public static float GetColumnOffset()
int column_index = -1;
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetColumnOffset(column_index);
return ret;
public static float GetColumnOffset(int column_index)
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetColumnOffset(column_index);
return ret;
public static void SetNextWindowCollapsed(bool collapsed)
byte native_collapsed = collapsed ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowCollapsed(native_collapsed, cond);
public static void SetNextWindowCollapsed(bool collapsed, ImGuiCond cond)
byte native_collapsed = collapsed ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowCollapsed(native_collapsed, cond);
public static IntPtr GetCurrentContext()
IntPtr ret = ImGuiNative.igGetCurrentContext();
return ret;
public static bool SmallButton(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSmallButton(native_label);
return ret != 0;
public static bool OpenPopupOnItemClick()
byte* native_str_id = null;
int mouse_button = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igOpenPopupOnItemClick(native_str_id, mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static bool OpenPopupOnItemClick(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
int mouse_button = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igOpenPopupOnItemClick(native_str_id, mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static bool OpenPopupOnItemClick(string str_id, int mouse_button)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igOpenPopupOnItemClick(native_str_id, mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsAnyMouseDown()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsAnyMouseDown();
return ret != 0;
public static bool ImageButton(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size)
Vector2 uv0 = new Vector2();
Vector2 uv1 = new Vector2(1, 1);
int frame_padding = -1;
Vector4 bg_col = new Vector4();
Vector4 tint_col = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igImageButton(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, frame_padding, bg_col, tint_col);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ImageButton(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0)
Vector2 uv1 = new Vector2(1, 1);
int frame_padding = -1;
Vector4 bg_col = new Vector4();
Vector4 tint_col = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igImageButton(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, frame_padding, bg_col, tint_col);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ImageButton(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1)
int frame_padding = -1;
Vector4 bg_col = new Vector4();
Vector4 tint_col = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igImageButton(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, frame_padding, bg_col, tint_col);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ImageButton(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1, int frame_padding)
Vector4 bg_col = new Vector4();
Vector4 tint_col = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igImageButton(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, frame_padding, bg_col, tint_col);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ImageButton(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1, int frame_padding, Vector4 bg_col)
Vector4 tint_col = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igImageButton(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, frame_padding, bg_col, tint_col);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ImageButton(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1, int frame_padding, Vector4 bg_col, Vector4 tint_col)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igImageButton(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, frame_padding, bg_col, tint_col);
return ret != 0;
public static void EndFrame()
public static bool SliderFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v, float v_min, float v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat2(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v, float v_min, float v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat2(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v, float v_min, float v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat2(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool RadioButton(string label, bool active)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_active = active ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igRadioButtonBool(native_label, native_active);
return ret != 0;
public static bool RadioButton(string label, ref int v, int v_button)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igRadioButtonIntPtr(native_label, native_v, v_button);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit();
return ret != 0;
public static ImDrawListPtr GetWindowDrawList()
ImDrawList* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetWindowDrawList();
return new ImDrawListPtr(ret);
public static void NewLine()
public static bool IsItemFocused()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsItemFocused();
return ret != 0;
public static void LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(string ini_data)
int ini_data_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(ini_data);
byte* native_ini_data = stackalloc byte[ini_data_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* ini_data_ptr = ini_data)
int native_ini_data_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ini_data_ptr, ini_data.Length, native_ini_data, ini_data_byteCount);
native_ini_data[native_ini_data_offset] = 0;
uint ini_size = 0;
ImGuiNative.igLoadIniSettingsFromMemory(native_ini_data, ini_size);
public static void LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(string ini_data, uint ini_size)
int ini_data_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(ini_data);
byte* native_ini_data = stackalloc byte[ini_data_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* ini_data_ptr = ini_data)
int native_ini_data_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ini_data_ptr, ini_data.Length, native_ini_data, ini_data_byteCount);
native_ini_data[native_ini_data_offset] = 0;
ImGuiNative.igLoadIniSettingsFromMemory(native_ini_data, ini_size);
public static bool SliderInt2(string label, ref int v, int v_min, int v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderInt2(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderInt2(string label, ref int v, int v_min, int v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderInt2(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static void SetWindowSize(Vector2 size)
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowSizeVec2(size, cond);
public static void SetWindowSize(Vector2 size, ImGuiCond cond)
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowSizeVec2(size, cond);
public static void SetWindowSize(string name, Vector2 size)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowSizeStr(native_name, size, cond);
public static void SetWindowSize(string name, Vector2 size, ImGuiCond cond)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowSizeStr(native_name, size, cond);
public static bool InputFloat(string label, ref float v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float step = 0.0f;
float step_fast = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat(string label, ref float v, float step)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float step_fast = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat(string label, ref float v, float step, float step_fast)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat(string label, ref float v, float step, float step_fast, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat(string label, ref float v, float step, float step_fast, string format, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(float r, float g, float b, out float out_h, out float out_s, out float out_v)
fixed (float* native_out_h = &out_h)
fixed (float* native_out_s = &out_s)
fixed (float* native_out_v = &out_v)
ImGuiNative.igColorConvertRGBtoHSV(r, g, b, native_out_h, native_out_s, native_out_v);
public static bool BeginMenuBar()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginMenuBar();
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsPopupOpen(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsPopupOpen(native_str_id);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsItemVisible()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsItemVisible();
return ret != 0;
public static void SetNextWindowSize(Vector2 size)
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowSize(size, cond);
public static void SetNextWindowSize(Vector2 size, ImGuiCond cond)
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowSize(size, cond);
public static void SetWindowCollapsed(bool collapsed)
byte native_collapsed = collapsed ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowCollapsedBool(native_collapsed, cond);
public static void SetWindowCollapsed(bool collapsed, ImGuiCond cond)
byte native_collapsed = collapsed ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowCollapsedBool(native_collapsed, cond);
public static void SetWindowCollapsed(string name, bool collapsed)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
byte native_collapsed = collapsed ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowCollapsedStr(native_name, native_collapsed, cond);
public static void SetWindowCollapsed(string name, bool collapsed, ImGuiCond cond)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
byte native_collapsed = collapsed ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowCollapsedStr(native_name, native_collapsed, cond);
public static Vector2 GetMouseDragDelta()
int button = 0;
float lock_threshold = -1.0f;
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetMouseDragDelta(button, lock_threshold);
return ret;
public static Vector2 GetMouseDragDelta(int button)
float lock_threshold = -1.0f;
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetMouseDragDelta(button, lock_threshold);
return ret;
public static Vector2 GetMouseDragDelta(int button, float lock_threshold)
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetMouseDragDelta(button, lock_threshold);
return ret;
public static ImGuiPayloadPtr AcceptDragDropPayload(string type)
int type_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(type);
byte* native_type = stackalloc byte[type_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* type_ptr = type)
int native_type_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(type_ptr, type.Length, native_type, type_byteCount);
native_type[native_type_offset] = 0;
ImGuiDragDropFlags flags = 0;
ImGuiPayload* ret = ImGuiNative.igAcceptDragDropPayload(native_type, flags);
return new ImGuiPayloadPtr(ret);
public static ImGuiPayloadPtr AcceptDragDropPayload(string type, ImGuiDragDropFlags flags)
int type_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(type);
byte* native_type = stackalloc byte[type_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* type_ptr = type)
int native_type_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(type_ptr, type.Length, native_type, type_byteCount);
native_type[native_type_offset] = 0;
ImGuiPayload* ret = ImGuiNative.igAcceptDragDropPayload(native_type, flags);
return new ImGuiPayloadPtr(ret);
public static bool BeginDragDropSource()
ImGuiDragDropFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginDragDropSource(flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginDragDropSource(ImGuiDragDropFlags flags)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginDragDropSource(flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void PlotLines(string label, ref float values, int values_count)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int values_offset = 0;
byte* native_overlay_text = null;
float scale_min = 3.40282347e+38F;
float scale_max = 3.40282347e+38F;
Vector2 graph_size = new Vector2();
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotLines(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotLines(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte* native_overlay_text = null;
float scale_min = 3.40282347e+38F;
float scale_max = 3.40282347e+38F;
Vector2 graph_size = new Vector2();
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotLines(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotLines(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int overlay_text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay_text);
byte* native_overlay_text = stackalloc byte[overlay_text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_text_ptr = overlay_text)
int native_overlay_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_text_ptr, overlay_text.Length, native_overlay_text, overlay_text_byteCount);
native_overlay_text[native_overlay_text_offset] = 0;
float scale_min = 3.40282347e+38F;
float scale_max = 3.40282347e+38F;
Vector2 graph_size = new Vector2();
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotLines(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotLines(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text, float scale_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int overlay_text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay_text);
byte* native_overlay_text = stackalloc byte[overlay_text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_text_ptr = overlay_text)
int native_overlay_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_text_ptr, overlay_text.Length, native_overlay_text, overlay_text_byteCount);
native_overlay_text[native_overlay_text_offset] = 0;
float scale_max = 3.40282347e+38F;
Vector2 graph_size = new Vector2();
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotLines(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotLines(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int overlay_text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay_text);
byte* native_overlay_text = stackalloc byte[overlay_text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_text_ptr = overlay_text)
int native_overlay_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_text_ptr, overlay_text.Length, native_overlay_text, overlay_text_byteCount);
native_overlay_text[native_overlay_text_offset] = 0;
Vector2 graph_size = new Vector2();
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotLines(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotLines(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max, Vector2 graph_size)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int overlay_text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay_text);
byte* native_overlay_text = stackalloc byte[overlay_text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_text_ptr = overlay_text)
int native_overlay_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_text_ptr, overlay_text.Length, native_overlay_text, overlay_text_byteCount);
native_overlay_text[native_overlay_text_offset] = 0;
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotLines(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotLines(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max, Vector2 graph_size, int stride)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int overlay_text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay_text);
byte* native_overlay_text = stackalloc byte[overlay_text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_text_ptr = overlay_text)
int native_overlay_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_text_ptr, overlay_text.Length, native_overlay_text, overlay_text_byteCount);
native_overlay_text[native_overlay_text_offset] = 0;
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotLines(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static int GetFrameCount()
int ret = ImGuiNative.igGetFrameCount();
return ret;
public static void ListBoxFooter()
public static void PopClipRect()
public static Vector2 GetWindowSize()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetWindowSize();
return ret;
public static bool CheckboxFlags(string label, ref uint flags, uint flags_value)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (uint* native_flags = &flags)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igCheckboxFlags(native_label, native_flags, flags_value);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsWindowHovered()
ImGuiHoveredFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsWindowHovered(flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsWindowHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags flags)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsWindowHovered(flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void PlotHistogram(string label, ref float values, int values_count)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int values_offset = 0;
byte* native_overlay_text = null;
float scale_min = 3.40282347e+38F;
float scale_max = 3.40282347e+38F;
Vector2 graph_size = new Vector2();
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotHistogramFloatPtr(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotHistogram(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte* native_overlay_text = null;
float scale_min = 3.40282347e+38F;
float scale_max = 3.40282347e+38F;
Vector2 graph_size = new Vector2();
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotHistogramFloatPtr(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotHistogram(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int overlay_text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay_text);
byte* native_overlay_text = stackalloc byte[overlay_text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_text_ptr = overlay_text)
int native_overlay_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_text_ptr, overlay_text.Length, native_overlay_text, overlay_text_byteCount);
native_overlay_text[native_overlay_text_offset] = 0;
float scale_min = 3.40282347e+38F;
float scale_max = 3.40282347e+38F;
Vector2 graph_size = new Vector2();
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotHistogramFloatPtr(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotHistogram(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text, float scale_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int overlay_text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay_text);
byte* native_overlay_text = stackalloc byte[overlay_text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_text_ptr = overlay_text)
int native_overlay_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_text_ptr, overlay_text.Length, native_overlay_text, overlay_text_byteCount);
native_overlay_text[native_overlay_text_offset] = 0;
float scale_max = 3.40282347e+38F;
Vector2 graph_size = new Vector2();
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotHistogramFloatPtr(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotHistogram(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int overlay_text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay_text);
byte* native_overlay_text = stackalloc byte[overlay_text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_text_ptr = overlay_text)
int native_overlay_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_text_ptr, overlay_text.Length, native_overlay_text, overlay_text_byteCount);
native_overlay_text[native_overlay_text_offset] = 0;
Vector2 graph_size = new Vector2();
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotHistogramFloatPtr(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotHistogram(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max, Vector2 graph_size)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int overlay_text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay_text);
byte* native_overlay_text = stackalloc byte[overlay_text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_text_ptr = overlay_text)
int native_overlay_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_text_ptr, overlay_text.Length, native_overlay_text, overlay_text_byteCount);
native_overlay_text[native_overlay_text_offset] = 0;
int stride = sizeof(float);
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotHistogramFloatPtr(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static void PlotHistogram(string label, ref float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max, Vector2 graph_size, int stride)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int overlay_text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay_text);
byte* native_overlay_text = stackalloc byte[overlay_text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_text_ptr = overlay_text)
int native_overlay_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_text_ptr, overlay_text.Length, native_overlay_text, overlay_text_byteCount);
native_overlay_text[native_overlay_text_offset] = 0;
fixed (float* native_values = &values)
ImGuiNative.igPlotHistogramFloatPtr(native_label, native_values, values_count, values_offset, native_overlay_text, scale_min, scale_max, graph_size, stride);
public static bool BeginPopupContextVoid()
byte* native_str_id = null;
int mouse_button = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextVoid(native_str_id, mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginPopupContextVoid(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
int mouse_button = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextVoid(native_str_id, mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginPopupContextVoid(string str_id, int mouse_button)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextVoid(native_str_id, mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static void ShowStyleEditor()
ImGuiStyle* @ref = null;
public static void ShowStyleEditor(ImGuiStylePtr @ref)
ImGuiStyle* native_ref = @ref.NativePtr;
public static bool Checkbox(string label, ref bool v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_v_val = v ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_v = &native_v_val;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igCheckbox(native_label, native_v);
v = native_v_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static Vector2 GetWindowPos()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetWindowPos();
return ret;
public static void SetNextWindowContentSize(Vector2 size)
public static void TextColored(Vector4 col, string fmt)
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
ImGuiNative.igTextColored(col, native_fmt);
public static void LogToFile()
int max_depth = -1;
byte* native_filename = null;
ImGuiNative.igLogToFile(max_depth, native_filename);
public static void LogToFile(int max_depth)
byte* native_filename = null;
ImGuiNative.igLogToFile(max_depth, native_filename);
public static void LogToFile(int max_depth, string filename)
int filename_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(filename);
byte* native_filename = stackalloc byte[filename_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* filename_ptr = filename)
int native_filename_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(filename_ptr, filename.Length, native_filename, filename_byteCount);
native_filename[native_filename_offset] = 0;
ImGuiNative.igLogToFile(max_depth, native_filename);
public static bool Button(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igButton(native_label, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool Button(string label, Vector2 size)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igButton(native_label, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsItemEdited()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsItemEdited();
return ret != 0;
public static void TreeAdvanceToLabelPos()
public static bool DragInt2(string label, ref int v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_speed = 1.0f;
int v_min = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt2(string label, ref int v, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int v_min = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt2(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt2(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt2(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsAnyItemActive()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsAnyItemActive();
return ret != 0;
public static bool MenuItem(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte* native_shortcut = null;
byte selected = 0;
byte enabled = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igMenuItemBool(native_label, native_shortcut, selected, enabled);
return ret != 0;
public static bool MenuItem(string label, string shortcut)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int shortcut_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(shortcut);
byte* native_shortcut = stackalloc byte[shortcut_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* shortcut_ptr = shortcut)
int native_shortcut_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(shortcut_ptr, shortcut.Length, native_shortcut, shortcut_byteCount);
native_shortcut[native_shortcut_offset] = 0;
byte selected = 0;
byte enabled = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igMenuItemBool(native_label, native_shortcut, selected, enabled);
return ret != 0;
public static bool MenuItem(string label, string shortcut, bool selected)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int shortcut_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(shortcut);
byte* native_shortcut = stackalloc byte[shortcut_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* shortcut_ptr = shortcut)
int native_shortcut_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(shortcut_ptr, shortcut.Length, native_shortcut, shortcut_byteCount);
native_shortcut[native_shortcut_offset] = 0;
byte native_selected = selected ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte enabled = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igMenuItemBool(native_label, native_shortcut, native_selected, enabled);
return ret != 0;
public static bool MenuItem(string label, string shortcut, bool selected, bool enabled)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int shortcut_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(shortcut);
byte* native_shortcut = stackalloc byte[shortcut_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* shortcut_ptr = shortcut)
int native_shortcut_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(shortcut_ptr, shortcut.Length, native_shortcut, shortcut_byteCount);
native_shortcut[native_shortcut_offset] = 0;
byte native_selected = selected ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte native_enabled = enabled ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igMenuItemBool(native_label, native_shortcut, native_selected, native_enabled);
return ret != 0;
public static bool MenuItem(string label, string shortcut, ref bool p_selected)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int shortcut_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(shortcut);
byte* native_shortcut = stackalloc byte[shortcut_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* shortcut_ptr = shortcut)
int native_shortcut_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(shortcut_ptr, shortcut.Length, native_shortcut, shortcut_byteCount);
native_shortcut[native_shortcut_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_selected_val = p_selected ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_selected = &native_p_selected_val;
byte enabled = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igMenuItemBoolPtr(native_label, native_shortcut, native_p_selected, enabled);
p_selected = native_p_selected_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool MenuItem(string label, string shortcut, ref bool p_selected, bool enabled)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int shortcut_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(shortcut);
byte* native_shortcut = stackalloc byte[shortcut_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* shortcut_ptr = shortcut)
int native_shortcut_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(shortcut_ptr, shortcut.Length, native_shortcut, shortcut_byteCount);
native_shortcut[native_shortcut_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_selected_val = p_selected ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_selected = &native_p_selected_val;
byte native_enabled = enabled ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igMenuItemBoolPtr(native_label, native_shortcut, native_p_selected, native_enabled);
p_selected = native_p_selected_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v, float v_min, float v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat4(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v, float v_min, float v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat4(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v, float v_min, float v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat4(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static float GetCursorPosX()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetCursorPosX();
return ret;
public static int GetColumnsCount()
int ret = ImGuiNative.igGetColumnsCount();
return ret;
public static void PopButtonRepeat()
public static bool DragScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* v_min = null;
void* v_max = null;
byte* native_format = null;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, float v_speed, IntPtr v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* v_max = null;
byte* native_format = null;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, v_speed, native_v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, float v_speed, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
byte* native_format = null;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, v_speed, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, float v_speed, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, v_speed, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, float v_speed, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, v_speed, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static void Spacing()
public static bool IsAnyItemFocused()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsAnyItemFocused();
return ret != 0;
public static void MemFree(IntPtr ptr)
void* native_ptr = ptr.ToPointer();
public static Vector2 GetFontTexUvWhitePixel()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel();
return ret;
public static bool IsItemClicked()
int mouse_button = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsItemClicked(mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsItemClicked(int mouse_button)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsItemClicked(mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static void ProgressBar(float fraction)
Vector2 size_arg = new Vector2(-1, 0);
byte* native_overlay = null;
ImGuiNative.igProgressBar(fraction, size_arg, native_overlay);
public static void ProgressBar(float fraction, Vector2 size_arg)
byte* native_overlay = null;
ImGuiNative.igProgressBar(fraction, size_arg, native_overlay);
public static void ProgressBar(float fraction, Vector2 size_arg, string overlay)
int overlay_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(overlay);
byte* native_overlay = stackalloc byte[overlay_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* overlay_ptr = overlay)
int native_overlay_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(overlay_ptr, overlay.Length, native_overlay, overlay_byteCount);
native_overlay[native_overlay_offset] = 0;
ImGuiNative.igProgressBar(fraction, size_arg, native_overlay);
public static void SetNextWindowBgAlpha(float alpha)
public static bool BeginPopup(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopup(native_str_id, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginPopup(string str_id, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopup(native_str_id, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static float GetScrollX()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetScrollX();
return ret;
public static int GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey imgui_key)
int ret = ImGuiNative.igGetKeyIndex(imgui_key);
return ret;
public static ImDrawListPtr GetOverlayDrawList()
ImDrawList* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetOverlayDrawList();
return new ImDrawListPtr(ret);
public static uint GetID(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
uint ret = ImGuiNative.igGetIDStr(native_str_id);
return ret;
public static uint GetID(IntPtr ptr_id)
void* native_ptr_id = ptr_id.ToPointer();
uint ret = ImGuiNative.igGetIDPtr(native_ptr_id);
return ret;
public static bool ListBoxHeader(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igListBoxHeaderVec2(native_label, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ListBoxHeader(string label, Vector2 size)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igListBoxHeaderVec2(native_label, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ListBoxHeader(string label, int items_count)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int height_in_items = -1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igListBoxHeaderInt(native_label, items_count, height_in_items);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ListBoxHeader(string label, int items_count, int height_in_items)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igListBoxHeaderInt(native_label, items_count, height_in_items);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsMouseReleased(int button)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMouseReleased(button);
return ret != 0;
public static Vector2 GetItemRectMin()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetItemRectMin();
return ret;
public static void LogText(string fmt)
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
public static void TextWrapped(string fmt)
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
public static void EndGroup()
public static ImFontPtr GetFont()
ImFont* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetFont();
return new ImFontPtr(ret);
public static void TreePush(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
public static void TreePush()
void* ptr_id = null;
public static void TreePush(IntPtr ptr_id)
void* native_ptr_id = ptr_id.ToPointer();
public static void TextDisabled(string fmt)
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
public static void SetNextTreeNodeOpen(bool is_open)
byte native_is_open = is_open ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetNextTreeNodeOpen(native_is_open, cond);
public static void SetNextTreeNodeOpen(bool is_open, ImGuiCond cond)
byte native_is_open = is_open ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiNative.igSetNextTreeNodeOpen(native_is_open, cond);
public static void LogToTTY()
int max_depth = -1;
public static void LogToTTY(int max_depth)
public static ImGuiIOPtr GetIO()
ImGuiIO* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetIO();
return new ImGuiIOPtr(ret);
public static bool DragInt4(string label, ref int v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_speed = 1.0f;
int v_min = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt4(string label, ref int v, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int v_min = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt4(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt4(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt4(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt4(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static void NextColumn()
public static void SetCursorPos(Vector2 local_pos)
public static bool BeginPopupModal(string name)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
byte* p_open = null;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupModal(native_name, p_open, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginPopupModal(string name, ref bool p_open)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_open_val = p_open ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_open = &native_p_open_val;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupModal(native_name, native_p_open, flags);
p_open = native_p_open_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginPopupModal(string name, ref bool p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_open_val = p_open ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_open = &native_p_open_val;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupModal(native_name, native_p_open, flags);
p_open = native_p_open_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderInt4(string label, ref int v, int v_min, int v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderInt4(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderInt4(string label, ref int v, int v_min, int v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderInt4(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static void ShowMetricsWindow()
byte* p_open = null;
public static void ShowMetricsWindow(ref bool p_open)
byte native_p_open_val = p_open ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_open = &native_p_open_val;
p_open = native_p_open_val != 0;
public static float GetScrollMaxY()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetScrollMaxY();
return ret;
public static void BeginTooltip()
public static void SetScrollX(float scroll_x)
public static ImDrawDataPtr GetDrawData()
ImDrawData* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetDrawData();
return new ImDrawDataPtr(ret);
public static float GetTextLineHeight()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetTextLineHeight();
return ret;
public static void Separator()
public static bool BeginChild(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte border = 0;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginChild(native_str_id, size, border, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginChild(string str_id, Vector2 size)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte border = 0;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginChild(native_str_id, size, border, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginChild(string str_id, Vector2 size, bool border)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte native_border = border ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginChild(native_str_id, size, native_border, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginChild(string str_id, Vector2 size, bool border, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte native_border = border ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginChild(native_str_id, size, native_border, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginChild(uint id)
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte border = 0;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginChildID(id, size, border, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginChild(uint id, Vector2 size)
byte border = 0;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginChildID(id, size, border, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginChild(uint id, Vector2 size, bool border)
byte native_border = border ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginChildID(id, size, native_border, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginChild(uint id, Vector2 size, bool border, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
byte native_border = border ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginChildID(id, size, native_border, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsMouseClicked(int button)
byte repeat = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMouseClicked(button, repeat);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsMouseClicked(int button, bool repeat)
byte native_repeat = repeat ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMouseClicked(button, native_repeat);
return ret != 0;
public static float CalcItemWidth()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igCalcItemWidth();
return ret;
public static void EndChildFrame()
public static void Indent()
float indent_w = 0.0f;
public static void Indent(float indent_w)
public static bool SetDragDropPayload(string type, IntPtr data, uint size)
int type_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(type);
byte* native_type = stackalloc byte[type_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* type_ptr = type)
int native_type_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(type_ptr, type.Length, native_type, type_byteCount);
native_type[native_type_offset] = 0;
void* native_data = data.ToPointer();
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSetDragDropPayload(native_type, native_data, size, cond);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SetDragDropPayload(string type, IntPtr data, uint size, ImGuiCond cond)
int type_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(type);
byte* native_type = stackalloc byte[type_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* type_ptr = type)
int native_type_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(type_ptr, type.Length, native_type, type_byteCount);
native_type[native_type_offset] = 0;
void* native_data = data.ToPointer();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSetDragDropPayload(native_type, native_data, size, cond);
return ret != 0;
public static void ShowDemoWindow()
byte* p_open = null;
public static void ShowDemoWindow(ref bool p_open)
byte native_p_open_val = p_open ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_open = &native_p_open_val;
p_open = native_p_open_val != 0;
public static void EndMenu()
public static bool ColorButton(string desc_id, Vector4 col)
int desc_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(desc_id);
byte* native_desc_id = stackalloc byte[desc_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* desc_id_ptr = desc_id)
int native_desc_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(desc_id_ptr, desc_id.Length, native_desc_id, desc_id_byteCount);
native_desc_id[native_desc_id_offset] = 0;
ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = 0;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorButton(native_desc_id, col, flags, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ColorButton(string desc_id, Vector4 col, ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)
int desc_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(desc_id);
byte* native_desc_id = stackalloc byte[desc_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* desc_id_ptr = desc_id)
int native_desc_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(desc_id_ptr, desc_id.Length, native_desc_id, desc_id_byteCount);
native_desc_id[native_desc_id_offset] = 0;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorButton(native_desc_id, col, flags, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ColorButton(string desc_id, Vector4 col, ImGuiColorEditFlags flags, Vector2 size)
int desc_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(desc_id);
byte* native_desc_id = stackalloc byte[desc_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* desc_id_ptr = desc_id)
int native_desc_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(desc_id_ptr, desc_id.Length, native_desc_id, desc_id_byteCount);
native_desc_id[native_desc_id_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorButton(native_desc_id, col, flags, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsKeyReleased(int user_key_index)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsKeyReleased(user_key_index);
return ret != 0;
public static void SetClipboardText(string text)
int text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(text);
byte* native_text = stackalloc byte[text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* text_ptr = text)
int native_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text_ptr, text.Length, native_text, text_byteCount);
native_text[native_text_offset] = 0;
public static bool IsWindowCollapsed()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsWindowCollapsed();
return ret != 0;
public static void ShowFontSelector(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
public static void SetNextWindowFocus()
public static void SameLine()
float pos_x = 0.0f;
float spacing_w = -1.0f;
ImGuiNative.igSameLine(pos_x, spacing_w);
public static void SameLine(float pos_x)
float spacing_w = -1.0f;
ImGuiNative.igSameLine(pos_x, spacing_w);
public static void SameLine(float pos_x, float spacing_w)
ImGuiNative.igSameLine(pos_x, spacing_w);
public static bool Begin(string name)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
byte* p_open = null;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBegin(native_name, p_open, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool Begin(string name, ref bool p_open)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_open_val = p_open ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_open = &native_p_open_val;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBegin(native_name, native_p_open, flags);
p_open = native_p_open_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool Begin(string name, ref bool p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_open_val = p_open ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_open = &native_p_open_val;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBegin(native_name, native_p_open, flags);
p_open = native_p_open_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool ColorEdit3(string label, ref Vector3 col)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = 0;
fixed (Vector3* native_col = &col)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorEdit3(native_label, native_col, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ColorEdit3(string label, ref Vector3 col, ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector3* native_col = &col)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorEdit3(native_label, native_col, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat2(native_label, native_v, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat2(native_label, native_v, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v, string format, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat2(native_label, native_v, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void PushButtonRepeat(bool repeat)
byte native_repeat = repeat ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
public static void PopItemWidth()
public static float GetFontSize()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetFontSize();
return ret;
public static bool InputDouble(string label, ref double v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
double step = 0.0f;
double step_fast = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.6f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.6f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.6f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (double* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputDouble(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputDouble(string label, ref double v, double step)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
double step_fast = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.6f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.6f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.6f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (double* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputDouble(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputDouble(string label, ref double v, double step, double step_fast)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.6f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.6f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.6f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (double* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputDouble(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputDouble(string label, ref double v, double step, double step_fast, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (double* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputDouble(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputDouble(string label, ref double v, double step, double step_fast, string format, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (double* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputDouble(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void EndPopup()
public static bool InputTextMultiline(string label, string buf, uint buf_size)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int buf_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(buf);
byte* native_buf = stackalloc byte[buf_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* buf_ptr = buf)
int native_buf_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buf_ptr, buf.Length, native_buf, buf_byteCount);
native_buf[native_buf_offset] = 0;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0;
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback = null;
void* user_data = null;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputTextMultiline(native_label, native_buf, buf_size, size, flags, callback, user_data);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputTextMultiline(string label, string buf, uint buf_size, Vector2 size)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int buf_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(buf);
byte* native_buf = stackalloc byte[buf_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* buf_ptr = buf)
int native_buf_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buf_ptr, buf.Length, native_buf, buf_byteCount);
native_buf[native_buf_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0;
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback = null;
void* user_data = null;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputTextMultiline(native_label, native_buf, buf_size, size, flags, callback, user_data);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputTextMultiline(string label, string buf, uint buf_size, Vector2 size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int buf_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(buf);
byte* native_buf = stackalloc byte[buf_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* buf_ptr = buf)
int native_buf_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buf_ptr, buf.Length, native_buf, buf_byteCount);
native_buf[native_buf_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback = null;
void* user_data = null;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputTextMultiline(native_label, native_buf, buf_size, size, flags, callback, user_data);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputTextMultiline(string label, string buf, uint buf_size, Vector2 size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags, ImGuiInputTextCallback callback)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int buf_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(buf);
byte* native_buf = stackalloc byte[buf_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* buf_ptr = buf)
int native_buf_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buf_ptr, buf.Length, native_buf, buf_byteCount);
native_buf[native_buf_offset] = 0;
void* user_data = null;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputTextMultiline(native_label, native_buf, buf_size, size, flags, callback, user_data);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputTextMultiline(string label, string buf, uint buf_size, Vector2 size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags, ImGuiInputTextCallback callback, IntPtr user_data)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int buf_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(buf);
byte* native_buf = stackalloc byte[buf_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* buf_ptr = buf)
int native_buf_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buf_ptr, buf.Length, native_buf, buf_byteCount);
native_buf[native_buf_offset] = 0;
void* native_user_data = user_data.ToPointer();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputTextMultiline(native_label, native_buf, buf_size, size, flags, callback, native_user_data);
return ret != 0;
public static bool Selectable(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte selected = 0;
ImGuiSelectableFlags flags = 0;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSelectable(native_label, selected, flags, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool Selectable(string label, bool selected)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_selected = selected ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiSelectableFlags flags = 0;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSelectable(native_label, native_selected, flags, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool Selectable(string label, bool selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_selected = selected ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSelectable(native_label, native_selected, flags, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool Selectable(string label, bool selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags flags, Vector2 size)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_selected = selected ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSelectable(native_label, native_selected, flags, size);
return ret != 0;
public static bool Selectable(string label, ref bool p_selected)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_selected_val = p_selected ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_selected = &native_p_selected_val;
ImGuiSelectableFlags flags = 0;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSelectableBoolPtr(native_label, native_p_selected, flags, size);
p_selected = native_p_selected_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool Selectable(string label, ref bool p_selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_selected_val = p_selected ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_selected = &native_p_selected_val;
Vector2 size = new Vector2();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSelectableBoolPtr(native_label, native_p_selected, flags, size);
p_selected = native_p_selected_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool Selectable(string label, ref bool p_selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags flags, Vector2 size)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_selected_val = p_selected ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_selected = &native_p_selected_val;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSelectableBoolPtr(native_label, native_p_selected, flags, size);
p_selected = native_p_selected_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool ListBox(string label, ref int current_item, string[] items, int items_count)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int* items_byteCounts = stackalloc int[items.Length];
int items_byteCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
string s = items[i];
items_byteCounts[i] = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(s);
items_byteCount += items_byteCounts[i] + 1;
byte* native_items_data = stackalloc byte[items_byteCount];
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
string s = items[i];
fixed (char* sPtr = s)
offset += Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sPtr, s.Length, native_items_data + offset, items_byteCounts[i]);
offset += 1;
native_items_data[offset] = 0;
byte** native_items = stackalloc byte*[items.Length];
offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
native_items[i] = &native_items_data[offset];
offset += items_byteCounts[i] + 1;
int height_in_items = -1;
fixed (int* native_current_item = &current_item)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igListBoxStr_arr(native_label, native_current_item, native_items, items_count, height_in_items);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ListBox(string label, ref int current_item, string[] items, int items_count, int height_in_items)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int* items_byteCounts = stackalloc int[items.Length];
int items_byteCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
string s = items[i];
items_byteCounts[i] = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(s);
items_byteCount += items_byteCounts[i] + 1;
byte* native_items_data = stackalloc byte[items_byteCount];
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
string s = items[i];
fixed (char* sPtr = s)
offset += Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sPtr, s.Length, native_items_data + offset, items_byteCounts[i]);
offset += 1;
native_items_data[offset] = 0;
byte** native_items = stackalloc byte*[items.Length];
offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
native_items[i] = &native_items_data[offset];
offset += items_byteCounts[i] + 1;
fixed (int* native_current_item = &current_item)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igListBoxStr_arr(native_label, native_current_item, native_items, items_count, height_in_items);
return ret != 0;
public static Vector2 GetCursorPos()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetCursorPos();
return ret;
public static bool InputFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat4(native_label, native_v, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat4(native_label, native_v, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat4(string label, ref Vector4 v, string format, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector4* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat4(native_label, native_v, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void SetCursorPosY(float y)
public static string GetVersion()
byte* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetVersion();
return Util.StringFromPtr(ret);
public static void EndCombo()
public static void PushID(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
public static void PushID(IntPtr ptr_id)
void* native_ptr_id = ptr_id.ToPointer();
public static void PushID(int int_id)
public static void AlignTextToFramePadding()
public static void PopStyleColor()
int count = 1;
public static void PopStyleColor(int count)
public static void Text(string fmt)
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
public static float GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing();
return ret;
public static void EndTooltip()
public static bool DragInt(string label, ref int v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_speed = 1.0f;
int v_min = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt(string label, ref int v, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int v_min = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderFloat(string label, ref float v, float v_min, float v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderFloat(string label, ref float v, float v_min, float v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderFloat(string label, ref float v, float v_min, float v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static uint ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(Vector4 @in)
uint ret = ImGuiNative.igColorConvertFloat4ToU32(@in);
return ret;
public static void PushClipRect(Vector2 clip_rect_min, Vector2 clip_rect_max, bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect)
byte native_intersect_with_current_clip_rect = intersect_with_current_clip_rect ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiNative.igPushClipRect(clip_rect_min, clip_rect_max, native_intersect_with_current_clip_rect);
public static void SetColumnWidth(int column_index, float width)
ImGuiNative.igSetColumnWidth(column_index, width);
public static bool BeginMainMenuBar()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginMainMenuBar();
return ret != 0;
public static bool VSliderScalar(string label, Vector2 size, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
byte* native_format = null;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igVSliderScalar(native_label, size, data_type, native_v, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool VSliderScalar(string label, Vector2 size, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igVSliderScalar(native_label, size, data_type, native_v, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool VSliderScalar(string label, Vector2 size, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igVSliderScalar(native_label, size, data_type, native_v, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static void StyleColorsLight()
ImGuiStyle* dst = null;
public static void StyleColorsLight(ImGuiStylePtr dst)
ImGuiStyle* native_dst = dst.NativePtr;
public static bool SliderFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v, float v_min, float v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat3(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v, float v_min, float v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat3(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v, float v_min, float v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderFloat3(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat(string label, ref float v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_speed = 1.0f;
float v_min = 0.0f;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat(string label, ref float v, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_min = 0.0f;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat(string label, ref float v, float v_speed, float v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat(string label, ref float v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat(string label, ref float v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat(string label, ref float v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static float GetWindowHeight()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetWindowHeight();
return ret;
public static Vector2 GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup();
return ret;
public static void EndDragDropSource()
public static float GetFrameHeightWithSpacing()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetFrameHeightWithSpacing();
return ret;
public static void CloseCurrentPopup()
public static void BeginGroup()
public static bool SliderScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
byte* native_format = null;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginCombo(string label, string preview_value)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int preview_value_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(preview_value);
byte* native_preview_value = stackalloc byte[preview_value_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* preview_value_ptr = preview_value)
int native_preview_value_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(preview_value_ptr, preview_value.Length, native_preview_value, preview_value_byteCount);
native_preview_value[native_preview_value_offset] = 0;
ImGuiComboFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginCombo(native_label, native_preview_value, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginCombo(string label, string preview_value, ImGuiComboFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int preview_value_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(preview_value);
byte* native_preview_value = stackalloc byte[preview_value_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* preview_value_ptr = preview_value)
int native_preview_value_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(preview_value_ptr, preview_value.Length, native_preview_value, preview_value_byteCount);
native_preview_value[native_preview_value_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginCombo(native_label, native_preview_value, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginMenu(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte enabled = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginMenu(native_label, enabled);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginMenu(string label, bool enabled)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_enabled = enabled ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginMenu(native_label, native_enabled);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsItemHovered()
ImGuiHoveredFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsItemHovered(flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags flags)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsItemHovered(flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void Bullet()
public static bool InputText(string label, string buf, uint buf_size)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int buf_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(buf);
byte* native_buf = stackalloc byte[buf_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* buf_ptr = buf)
int native_buf_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buf_ptr, buf.Length, native_buf, buf_byteCount);
native_buf[native_buf_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0;
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback = null;
void* user_data = null;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputText(native_label, native_buf, buf_size, flags, callback, user_data);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputText(string label, string buf, uint buf_size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int buf_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(buf);
byte* native_buf = stackalloc byte[buf_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* buf_ptr = buf)
int native_buf_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buf_ptr, buf.Length, native_buf, buf_byteCount);
native_buf[native_buf_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback = null;
void* user_data = null;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputText(native_label, native_buf, buf_size, flags, callback, user_data);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputText(string label, string buf, uint buf_size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags, ImGuiInputTextCallback callback)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int buf_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(buf);
byte* native_buf = stackalloc byte[buf_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* buf_ptr = buf)
int native_buf_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buf_ptr, buf.Length, native_buf, buf_byteCount);
native_buf[native_buf_offset] = 0;
void* user_data = null;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputText(native_label, native_buf, buf_size, flags, callback, user_data);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputText(string label, string buf, uint buf_size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags, ImGuiInputTextCallback callback, IntPtr user_data)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int buf_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(buf);
byte* native_buf = stackalloc byte[buf_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* buf_ptr = buf)
int native_buf_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buf_ptr, buf.Length, native_buf, buf_byteCount);
native_buf[native_buf_offset] = 0;
void* native_user_data = user_data.ToPointer();
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputText(native_label, native_buf, buf_size, flags, callback, native_user_data);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputInt3(string label, ref int v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputInt3(native_label, native_v, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputInt3(string label, ref int v, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputInt3(native_label, native_v, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void StyleColorsDark()
ImGuiStyle* dst = null;
public static void StyleColorsDark(ImGuiStylePtr dst)
ImGuiStyle* native_dst = dst.NativePtr;
public static bool InputInt(string label, ref int v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int step = 1;
int step_fast = 100;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputInt(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputInt(string label, ref int v, int step)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int step_fast = 100;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputInt(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputInt(string label, ref int v, int step, int step_fast)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputInt(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputInt(string label, ref int v, int step, int step_fast, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputInt(native_label, native_v, step, step_fast, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void SetWindowFontScale(float scale)
public static bool SliderInt(string label, ref int v, int v_min, int v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderInt(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderInt(string label, ref int v, int v_min, int v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderInt(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static void SetNextWindowPos(Vector2 pos)
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
Vector2 pivot = new Vector2();
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowPos(pos, cond, pivot);
public static void SetNextWindowPos(Vector2 pos, ImGuiCond cond)
Vector2 pivot = new Vector2();
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowPos(pos, cond, pivot);
public static void SetNextWindowPos(Vector2 pos, ImGuiCond cond, Vector2 pivot)
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowPos(pos, cond, pivot);
public static bool DragInt3(string label, ref int v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_speed = 1.0f;
int v_min = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt3(string label, ref int v, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int v_min = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt3(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int v_max = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt3(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragInt3(string label, ref int v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragInt3(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static void OpenPopup(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
public static Vector2 CalcTextSize(string text)
int text_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(text);
byte* native_text = stackalloc byte[text_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* text_ptr = text)
int native_text_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text_ptr, text.Length, native_text, text_byteCount);
native_text[native_text_offset] = 0;
byte* native_text_end = null;
byte hide_text_after_double_hash = 0;
float wrap_width = -1.0f;
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igCalcTextSize(native_text, native_text_end, hide_text_after_double_hash, wrap_width);
return ret;
public static IntPtr GetDrawListSharedData()
IntPtr ret = ImGuiNative.igGetDrawListSharedData();
return ret;
public static void Columns()
int count = 1;
byte* native_id = null;
byte border = 1;
ImGuiNative.igColumns(count, native_id, border);
public static void Columns(int count)
byte* native_id = null;
byte border = 1;
ImGuiNative.igColumns(count, native_id, border);
public static void Columns(int count, string id)
int id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(id);
byte* native_id = stackalloc byte[id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* id_ptr = id)
int native_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(id_ptr, id.Length, native_id, id_byteCount);
native_id[native_id_offset] = 0;
byte border = 1;
ImGuiNative.igColumns(count, native_id, border);
public static void Columns(int count, string id, bool border)
int id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(id);
byte* native_id = stackalloc byte[id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* id_ptr = id)
int native_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(id_ptr, id.Length, native_id, id_byteCount);
native_id[native_id_offset] = 0;
byte native_border = border ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiNative.igColumns(count, native_id, native_border);
public static bool IsItemActive()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsItemActive();
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginDragDropTarget()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginDragDropTarget();
return ret != 0;
public static bool ColorPicker3(string label, ref Vector3 col)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = 0;
fixed (Vector3* native_col = &col)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorPicker3(native_label, native_col, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ColorPicker3(string label, ref Vector3 col, ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector3* native_col = &col)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorPicker3(native_label, native_col, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static Vector2 GetContentRegionMax()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetContentRegionMax();
return ret;
public static bool BeginChildFrame(uint id, Vector2 size)
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginChildFrame(id, size, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginChildFrame(uint id, Vector2 size, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginChildFrame(id, size, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void SaveIniSettingsToDisk(string ini_filename)
int ini_filename_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(ini_filename);
byte* native_ini_filename = stackalloc byte[ini_filename_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* ini_filename_ptr = ini_filename)
int native_ini_filename_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ini_filename_ptr, ini_filename.Length, native_ini_filename, ini_filename_byteCount);
native_ini_filename[native_ini_filename_offset] = 0;
public static string GetClipboardText()
byte* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetClipboardText();
return Util.StringFromPtr(ret);
public static void EndDragDropTarget()
public static int GetKeyPressedAmount(int key_index, float repeat_delay, float rate)
int ret = ImGuiNative.igGetKeyPressedAmount(key_index, repeat_delay, rate);
return ret;
public static void NewFrame()
public static void ResetMouseDragDelta()
int button = 0;
public static void ResetMouseDragDelta(int button)
public static float GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing();
return ret;
public static Vector2 GetMousePos()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetMousePos();
return ret;
public static void PopID()
public static bool IsMouseDoubleClicked(int button)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMouseDoubleClicked(button);
return ret != 0;
public static void StyleColorsClassic()
ImGuiStyle* dst = null;
public static void StyleColorsClassic(ImGuiStylePtr dst)
ImGuiStyle* native_dst = dst.NativePtr;
public static void SetWindowFocus()
public static void SetWindowFocus(string name)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
public static void ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(float h, float s, float v, out float out_r, out float out_g, out float out_b)
fixed (float* native_out_r = &out_r)
fixed (float* native_out_g = &out_g)
fixed (float* native_out_b = &out_b)
ImGuiNative.igColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h, s, v, native_out_r, native_out_g, native_out_b);
public static bool VSliderFloat(string label, Vector2 size, ref float v, float v_min, float v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igVSliderFloat(native_label, size, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool VSliderFloat(string label, Vector2 size, ref float v, float v_min, float v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igVSliderFloat(native_label, size, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool VSliderFloat(string label, Vector2 size, ref float v, float v_min, float v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (float* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igVSliderFloat(native_label, size, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static Vector4 ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(uint @in)
Vector4 ret = ImGuiNative.igColorConvertU32ToFloat4(@in);
return ret;
public static void PopTextWrapPos()
public static ImGuiStoragePtr GetStateStorage()
ImGuiStorage* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetStateStorage();
return new ImGuiStoragePtr(ret);
public static float GetColumnWidth()
int column_index = -1;
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetColumnWidth(column_index);
return ret;
public static float GetColumnWidth(int column_index)
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetColumnWidth(column_index);
return ret;
public static void EndMenuBar()
public static void SetStateStorage(ImGuiStoragePtr storage)
ImGuiStorage* native_storage = storage.NativePtr;
public static string GetStyleColorName(ImGuiCol idx)
byte* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetStyleColorName(idx);
return Util.StringFromPtr(ret);
public static bool IsMouseDragging()
int button = 0;
float lock_threshold = -1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMouseDragging(button, lock_threshold);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsMouseDragging(int button)
float lock_threshold = -1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMouseDragging(button, lock_threshold);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsMouseDragging(int button, float lock_threshold)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMouseDragging(button, lock_threshold);
return ret != 0;
public static void PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol idx, uint col)
ImGuiNative.igPushStyleColorU32(idx, col);
public static void PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol idx, Vector4 col)
ImGuiNative.igPushStyleColor(idx, col);
public static IntPtr MemAlloc(uint size)
void* ret = ImGuiNative.igMemAlloc(size);
return (IntPtr)ret;
public static void SetCurrentContext(IntPtr ctx)
public static void PushItemWidth(float item_width)
public static bool IsWindowAppearing()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsWindowAppearing();
return ret != 0;
public static ImGuiStylePtr GetStyle()
ImGuiStyle* ret = ImGuiNative.igGetStyle();
return new ImGuiStylePtr(ret);
public static void SetItemAllowOverlap()
public static void EndChild()
public static bool CollapsingHeader(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igCollapsingHeader(native_label, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool CollapsingHeader(string label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igCollapsingHeader(native_label, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool CollapsingHeader(string label, ref bool p_open)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_open_val = p_open ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_open = &native_p_open_val;
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igCollapsingHeaderBoolPtr(native_label, native_p_open, flags);
p_open = native_p_open_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool CollapsingHeader(string label, ref bool p_open, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte native_p_open_val = p_open ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte* native_p_open = &native_p_open_val;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igCollapsingHeaderBoolPtr(native_label, native_p_open, flags);
p_open = native_p_open_val != 0;
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloatRange2(string label, ref float v_current_min, ref float v_current_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_speed = 1.0f;
float v_min = 0.0f;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte* native_format_max = null;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (float* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloatRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloatRange2(string label, ref float v_current_min, ref float v_current_max, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_min = 0.0f;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte* native_format_max = null;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (float* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloatRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloatRange2(string label, ref float v_current_min, ref float v_current_max, float v_speed, float v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte* native_format_max = null;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (float* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloatRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloatRange2(string label, ref float v_current_min, ref float v_current_max, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte* native_format_max = null;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (float* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloatRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloatRange2(string label, ref float v_current_min, ref float v_current_max, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte* native_format_max = null;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (float* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloatRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloatRange2(string label, ref float v_current_min, ref float v_current_max, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format, string format_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
int format_max_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format_max);
byte* native_format_max = stackalloc byte[format_max_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_max_ptr = format_max)
int native_format_max_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_max_ptr, format_max.Length, native_format_max, format_max_byteCount);
native_format_max[native_format_max_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (float* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (float* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloatRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloatRange2(string label, ref float v_current_min, ref float v_current_max, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format, string format_max, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
int format_max_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format_max);
byte* native_format_max = stackalloc byte[format_max_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_max_ptr = format_max)
int native_format_max_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_max_ptr, format_max.Length, native_format_max, format_max_byteCount);
native_format_max[native_format_max_offset] = 0;
fixed (float* native_v_current_min = &v_current_min)
fixed (float* native_v_current_max = &v_current_max)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloatRange2(native_label, native_v_current_min, native_v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, native_format_max, power);
return ret != 0;
public static void SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor type)
public static Vector2 GetWindowContentRegionMax()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetWindowContentRegionMax();
return ret;
public static bool InputScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* step = null;
void* step_fast = null;
byte* native_format = null;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, IntPtr step)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_step = step.ToPointer();
void* step_fast = null;
byte* native_format = null;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, native_step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, IntPtr step, IntPtr step_fast)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_step = step.ToPointer();
void* native_step_fast = step_fast.ToPointer();
byte* native_format = null;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, native_step, native_step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, IntPtr step, IntPtr step_fast, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_step = step.ToPointer();
void* native_step_fast = step_fast.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, native_step, native_step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, IntPtr step, IntPtr step_fast, string format, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_step = step.ToPointer();
void* native_step_fast = step_fast.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, native_step, native_step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static uint GetColorU32(ImGuiCol idx)
float alpha_mul = 1.0f;
uint ret = ImGuiNative.igGetColorU32(idx, alpha_mul);
return ret;
public static uint GetColorU32(ImGuiCol idx, float alpha_mul)
uint ret = ImGuiNative.igGetColorU32(idx, alpha_mul);
return ret;
public static uint GetColorU32(Vector4 col)
uint ret = ImGuiNative.igGetColorU32Vec4(col);
return ret;
public static uint GetColorU32(uint col)
uint ret = ImGuiNative.igGetColorU32U32(col);
return ret;
public static double GetTime()
double ret = ImGuiNative.igGetTime();
return ret;
public static int GetColumnIndex()
int ret = ImGuiNative.igGetColumnIndex();
return ret;
public static bool BeginPopupContextItem()
byte* native_str_id = null;
int mouse_button = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextItem(native_str_id, mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginPopupContextItem(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
int mouse_button = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextItem(native_str_id, mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginPopupContextItem(string str_id, int mouse_button)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextItem(native_str_id, mouse_button);
return ret != 0;
public static void SetCursorPosX(float x)
public static Vector2 GetItemRectSize()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetItemRectSize();
return ret;
public static bool ArrowButton(string str_id, ImGuiDir dir)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igArrowButton(native_str_id, dir);
return ret != 0;
public static ImGuiMouseCursor GetMouseCursor()
ImGuiMouseCursor ret = ImGuiNative.igGetMouseCursor();
return ret;
public static void PushAllowKeyboardFocus(bool allow_keyboard_focus)
byte native_allow_keyboard_focus = allow_keyboard_focus ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
public static float GetScrollY()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetScrollY();
return ret;
public static void SetColumnOffset(int column_index, float offset_x)
ImGuiNative.igSetColumnOffset(column_index, offset_x);
public static void SetWindowPos(Vector2 pos)
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowPosVec2(pos, cond);
public static void SetWindowPos(Vector2 pos, ImGuiCond cond)
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowPosVec2(pos, cond);
public static void SetWindowPos(string name, Vector2 pos)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
ImGuiCond cond = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowPosStr(native_name, pos, cond);
public static void SetWindowPos(string name, Vector2 pos, ImGuiCond cond)
int name_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* native_name = stackalloc byte[name_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* name_ptr = name)
int native_name_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name_ptr, name.Length, native_name, name_byteCount);
native_name[native_name_offset] = 0;
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowPosStr(native_name, pos, cond);
public static void SetKeyboardFocusHere()
int offset = 0;
public static void SetKeyboardFocusHere(int offset)
public static float GetCursorPosY()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetCursorPosY();
return ret;
public static void EndMainMenuBar()
public static float GetContentRegionAvailWidth()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetContentRegionAvailWidth();
return ret;
public static bool IsKeyDown(int user_key_index)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsKeyDown(user_key_index);
return ret != 0;
public static bool IsMouseDown(int button)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsMouseDown(button);
return ret != 0;
public static Vector2 GetWindowContentRegionMin()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetWindowContentRegionMin();
return ret;
public static void LogButtons()
public static float GetWindowContentRegionWidth()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetWindowContentRegionWidth();
return ret;
public static bool SliderAngle(string label, ref float v_rad)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_degrees_min = -360.0f;
float v_degrees_max = +360.0f;
fixed (float* native_v_rad = &v_rad)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderAngle(native_label, native_v_rad, v_degrees_min, v_degrees_max);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderAngle(string label, ref float v_rad, float v_degrees_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_degrees_max = +360.0f;
fixed (float* native_v_rad = &v_rad)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderAngle(native_label, native_v_rad, v_degrees_min, v_degrees_max);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderAngle(string label, ref float v_rad, float v_degrees_min, float v_degrees_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (float* native_v_rad = &v_rad)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderAngle(native_label, native_v_rad, v_degrees_min, v_degrees_max);
return ret != 0;
public static bool TreeNodeEx(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igTreeNodeExStr(native_label, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool TreeNodeEx(string label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igTreeNodeExStr(native_label, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool TreeNodeEx(string str_id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, string fmt)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igTreeNodeExStrStr(native_str_id, flags, native_fmt);
return ret != 0;
public static bool TreeNodeEx(IntPtr ptr_id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, string fmt)
void* native_ptr_id = ptr_id.ToPointer();
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igTreeNodeExPtr(native_ptr_id, flags, native_fmt);
return ret != 0;
public static float GetWindowWidth()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetWindowWidth();
return ret;
public static void PushTextWrapPos()
float wrap_pos_x = 0.0f;
public static void PushTextWrapPos(float wrap_pos_x)
public static bool SliderInt3(string label, ref int v, int v_min, int v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderInt3(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderInt3(string label, ref int v, int v_min, int v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderInt3(native_label, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static void ShowUserGuide()
public static bool SliderScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
byte* native_format = null;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool SliderScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igSliderScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static void Image(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size)
Vector2 uv0 = new Vector2();
Vector2 uv1 = new Vector2(1, 1);
Vector4 tint_col = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
Vector4 border_col = new Vector4();
ImGuiNative.igImage(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, tint_col, border_col);
public static void Image(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0)
Vector2 uv1 = new Vector2(1, 1);
Vector4 tint_col = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
Vector4 border_col = new Vector4();
ImGuiNative.igImage(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, tint_col, border_col);
public static void Image(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1)
Vector4 tint_col = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
Vector4 border_col = new Vector4();
ImGuiNative.igImage(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, tint_col, border_col);
public static void Image(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1, Vector4 tint_col)
Vector4 border_col = new Vector4();
ImGuiNative.igImage(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, tint_col, border_col);
public static void Image(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1, Vector4 tint_col, Vector4 border_col)
ImGuiNative.igImage(user_texture_id, size, uv0, uv1, tint_col, border_col);
public static void SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(Vector2 size_min, Vector2 size_max)
ImGuiSizeCallback custom_callback = null;
void* custom_callback_data = null;
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min, size_max, custom_callback, custom_callback_data);
public static void SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(Vector2 size_min, Vector2 size_max, ImGuiSizeCallback custom_callback)
void* custom_callback_data = null;
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min, size_max, custom_callback, custom_callback_data);
public static void SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(Vector2 size_min, Vector2 size_max, ImGuiSizeCallback custom_callback, IntPtr custom_callback_data)
void* native_custom_callback_data = custom_callback_data.ToPointer();
ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min, size_max, custom_callback, native_custom_callback_data);
public static void Dummy(Vector2 size)
public static bool VSliderInt(string label, Vector2 size, ref int v, int v_min, int v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%d");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%d")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%d".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igVSliderInt(native_label, size, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static bool VSliderInt(string label, Vector2 size, ref int v, int v_min, int v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igVSliderInt(native_label, size, native_v, v_min, v_max, native_format);
return ret != 0;
public static void BulletText(string fmt)
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
public static bool ColorEdit4(string label, ref Vector4 col)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = 0;
fixed (Vector4* native_col = &col)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorEdit4(native_label, native_col, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ColorEdit4(string label, ref Vector4 col, ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector4* native_col = &col)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorEdit4(native_label, native_col, flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ColorPicker4(string label, ref Vector4 col)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = 0;
float* ref_col = null;
fixed (Vector4* native_col = &col)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorPicker4(native_label, native_col, flags, ref_col);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ColorPicker4(string label, ref Vector4 col, ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float* ref_col = null;
fixed (Vector4* native_col = &col)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorPicker4(native_label, native_col, flags, ref_col);
return ret != 0;
public static bool ColorPicker4(string label, ref Vector4 col, ImGuiColorEditFlags flags, ref float ref_col)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector4* native_col = &col)
fixed (float* native_ref_col = &ref_col)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igColorPicker4(native_label, native_col, flags, native_ref_col);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InvisibleButton(string str_id, Vector2 size)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInvisibleButton(native_str_id, size);
return ret != 0;
public static void LogToClipboard()
int max_depth = -1;
public static void LogToClipboard(int max_depth)
public static bool BeginPopupContextWindow()
byte* native_str_id = null;
int mouse_button = 1;
byte also_over_items = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextWindow(native_str_id, mouse_button, also_over_items);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginPopupContextWindow(string str_id)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
int mouse_button = 1;
byte also_over_items = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextWindow(native_str_id, mouse_button, also_over_items);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginPopupContextWindow(string str_id, int mouse_button)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte also_over_items = 1;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextWindow(native_str_id, mouse_button, also_over_items);
return ret != 0;
public static bool BeginPopupContextWindow(string str_id, int mouse_button, bool also_over_items)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
byte native_also_over_items = also_over_items ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBeginPopupContextWindow(native_str_id, mouse_button, native_also_over_items);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* v_min = null;
void* v_max = null;
byte* native_format = null;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, float v_speed, IntPtr v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* v_max = null;
byte* native_format = null;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, v_speed, native_v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, float v_speed, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
byte* native_format = null;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, v_speed, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, float v_speed, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, v_speed, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragScalar(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, float v_speed, IntPtr v_min, IntPtr v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_v_min = v_min.ToPointer();
void* native_v_max = v_max.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragScalar(native_label, data_type, native_v, v_speed, native_v_min, native_v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static void SetItemDefaultFocus()
public static void CaptureMouseFromApp()
byte capture = 1;
public static void CaptureMouseFromApp(bool capture)
byte native_capture = capture ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
public static bool IsAnyItemHovered()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igIsAnyItemHovered();
return ret != 0;
public static void PushFont(ImFontPtr font)
ImFont* native_font = font.NativePtr;
public static bool InputInt2(string label, ref int v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputInt2(native_label, native_v, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputInt2(string label, ref int v, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
fixed (int* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputInt2(native_label, native_v, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static void TreePop()
public static void End()
public static void DestroyContext()
IntPtr ctx = IntPtr.Zero;
public static void DestroyContext(IntPtr ctx)
public static void PopStyleVar()
int count = 1;
public static void PopStyleVar(int count)
public static bool ShowStyleSelector(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igShowStyleSelector(native_label);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* step = null;
void* step_fast = null;
byte* native_format = null;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, IntPtr step)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_step = step.ToPointer();
void* step_fast = null;
byte* native_format = null;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, native_step, step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, IntPtr step, IntPtr step_fast)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_step = step.ToPointer();
void* native_step_fast = step_fast.ToPointer();
byte* native_format = null;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, native_step, native_step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, IntPtr step, IntPtr step_fast, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_step = step.ToPointer();
void* native_step_fast = step_fast.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, native_step, native_step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputScalarN(string label, ImGuiDataType data_type, IntPtr v, int components, IntPtr step, IntPtr step_fast, string format, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
void* native_v = v.ToPointer();
void* native_step = step.ToPointer();
void* native_step_fast = step_fast.ToPointer();
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputScalarN(native_label, data_type, native_v, components, native_step, native_step_fast, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool TreeNode(string label)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igTreeNodeStr(native_label);
return ret != 0;
public static bool TreeNode(string str_id, string fmt)
int str_id_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str_id);
byte* native_str_id = stackalloc byte[str_id_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* str_id_ptr = str_id)
int native_str_id_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str_id_ptr, str_id.Length, native_str_id, str_id_byteCount);
native_str_id[native_str_id_offset] = 0;
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igTreeNodeStrStr(native_str_id, native_fmt);
return ret != 0;
public static bool TreeNode(IntPtr ptr_id, string fmt)
void* native_ptr_id = ptr_id.ToPointer();
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igTreeNodePtr(native_ptr_id, native_fmt);
return ret != 0;
public static float GetScrollMaxX()
float ret = ImGuiNative.igGetScrollMaxX();
return ret;
public static void SetTooltip(string fmt)
int fmt_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(fmt);
byte* native_fmt = stackalloc byte[fmt_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* fmt_ptr = fmt)
int native_fmt_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fmt_ptr, fmt.Length, native_fmt, fmt_byteCount);
native_fmt[native_fmt_offset] = 0;
public static Vector2 GetContentRegionAvail()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.igGetContentRegionAvail();
return ret;
public static bool InputFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat3(native_label, native_v, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat3(native_label, native_v, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool InputFloat3(string label, ref Vector3 v, string format, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector3* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igInputFloat3(native_label, native_v, native_format, extra_flags);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_speed = 1.0f;
float v_min = 0.0f;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v, float v_speed)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_min = 0.0f;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v, float v_speed, float v_min)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
float v_max = 0.0f;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount("%.3f");
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = "%.3f")
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, "%.3f".Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
float power = 1.0f;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;
public static bool DragFloat2(string label, ref Vector2 v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string format, float power)
int label_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* native_label = stackalloc byte[label_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* label_ptr = label)
int native_label_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(label_ptr, label.Length, native_label, label_byteCount);
native_label[native_label_offset] = 0;
int format_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(format);
byte* native_format = stackalloc byte[format_byteCount + 1];
fixed (char* format_ptr = format)
int native_format_offset = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(format_ptr, format.Length, native_format, format_byteCount);
native_format[native_format_offset] = 0;
fixed (Vector2* native_v = &v)
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igDragFloat2(native_label, native_v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, native_format, power);
return ret != 0;