Fork of mellinoe/ImGui.NET, an ImGui wrapper for .NET, which includes access to internal functions.
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using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
namespace ImGuiNET
public unsafe partial struct ImFont
public float FontSize;
public float Scale;
public Vector2 DisplayOffset;
public ImVector/*<ImFontGlyph>*/ Glyphs;
public ImVector/*<float>*/ IndexAdvanceX;
public ImVector/*<unsigned short>*/ IndexLookup;
public ImFontGlyph* FallbackGlyph;
public float FallbackAdvanceX;
public ushort FallbackChar;
public short ConfigDataCount;
public ImFontConfig* ConfigData;
public ImFontAtlas* ContainerAtlas;
public float Ascent;
public float Descent;
public byte DirtyLookupTables;
public int MetricsTotalSurface;
public unsafe partial struct ImFontPtr
public ImFont* NativePtr { get; }
public ImFontPtr(ImFont* nativePtr) => NativePtr = nativePtr;
public ImFontPtr(IntPtr nativePtr) => NativePtr = (ImFont*)nativePtr;
public static implicit operator ImFontPtr(ImFont* nativePtr) => new ImFontPtr(nativePtr);
public static implicit operator ImFont* (ImFontPtr wrappedPtr) => wrappedPtr.NativePtr;
public static implicit operator ImFontPtr(IntPtr nativePtr) => new ImFontPtr(nativePtr);
public ref float FontSize => ref Unsafe.AsRef<float>(&NativePtr->FontSize);
public ref float Scale => ref Unsafe.AsRef<float>(&NativePtr->Scale);
public ref Vector2 DisplayOffset => ref Unsafe.AsRef<Vector2>(&NativePtr->DisplayOffset);
public ImPtrVector<ImFontGlyphPtr> Glyphs => new ImPtrVector<ImFontGlyphPtr>(NativePtr->Glyphs, Unsafe.SizeOf<ImFontGlyph>());
public ImVector<float> IndexAdvanceX => new ImVector<float>(NativePtr->IndexAdvanceX);
public ImVector<ushort> IndexLookup => new ImVector<ushort>(NativePtr->IndexLookup);
public ImFontGlyphPtr FallbackGlyph => new ImFontGlyphPtr(NativePtr->FallbackGlyph);
public ref float FallbackAdvanceX => ref Unsafe.AsRef<float>(&NativePtr->FallbackAdvanceX);
public ref ushort FallbackChar => ref Unsafe.AsRef<ushort>(&NativePtr->FallbackChar);
public ref short ConfigDataCount => ref Unsafe.AsRef<short>(&NativePtr->ConfigDataCount);
public ImFontConfigPtr ConfigData => new ImFontConfigPtr(NativePtr->ConfigData);
public ImFontAtlasPtr ContainerAtlas => new ImFontAtlasPtr(NativePtr->ContainerAtlas);
public ref float Ascent => ref Unsafe.AsRef<float>(&NativePtr->Ascent);
public ref float Descent => ref Unsafe.AsRef<float>(&NativePtr->Descent);
public ref Bool8 DirtyLookupTables => ref Unsafe.AsRef<Bool8>(&NativePtr->DirtyLookupTables);
public ref int MetricsTotalSurface => ref Unsafe.AsRef<int>(&NativePtr->MetricsTotalSurface);
public void AddRemapChar(ushort dst, ushort src)
byte overwrite_dst = 1;
ImGuiNative.ImFont_AddRemapChar(NativePtr, dst, src, overwrite_dst);
public void AddRemapChar(ushort dst, ushort src, bool overwrite_dst)
byte native_overwrite_dst = overwrite_dst ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiNative.ImFont_AddRemapChar(NativePtr, dst, src, native_overwrite_dst);
public void AddGlyph(ushort c, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, float advance_x)
ImGuiNative.ImFont_AddGlyph(NativePtr, c, x0, y0, x1, y1, u0, v0, u1, v1, advance_x);
public void GrowIndex(int new_size)
ImGuiNative.ImFont_GrowIndex(NativePtr, new_size);
public ImFontGlyphPtr FindGlyphNoFallback(ushort c)
ImFontGlyph* ret = ImGuiNative.ImFont_FindGlyphNoFallback(NativePtr, c);
return new ImFontGlyphPtr(ret);
public bool IsLoaded()
byte ret = ImGuiNative.ImFont_IsLoaded(NativePtr);
return ret != 0;
public float GetCharAdvance(ushort c)
float ret = ImGuiNative.ImFont_GetCharAdvance(NativePtr, c);
return ret;
public void SetFallbackChar(ushort c)
ImGuiNative.ImFont_SetFallbackChar(NativePtr, c);
public void RenderChar(ImDrawListPtr draw_list, float size, Vector2 pos, uint col, ushort c)
ImDrawList* native_draw_list = draw_list.NativePtr;
ImGuiNative.ImFont_RenderChar(NativePtr, native_draw_list, size, pos, col, c);
public ImFontGlyphPtr FindGlyph(ushort c)
ImFontGlyph* ret = ImGuiNative.ImFont_FindGlyph(NativePtr, c);
return new ImFontGlyphPtr(ret);
public string GetDebugName()
byte* ret = ImGuiNative.ImFont_GetDebugName(NativePtr);
return Util.StringFromPtr(ret);
public void BuildLookupTable()
public void ClearOutputData()