Fork of mellinoe/ImGui.NET, an ImGui wrapper for .NET, which includes access to internal functions.
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using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
namespace ImGuiNET
public unsafe partial struct ImDrawList
public ImVector/*<ImDrawCmd>*/ CmdBuffer;
public ImVector/*<ImDrawIdx>*/ IdxBuffer;
public ImVector/*<ImDrawVert>*/ VtxBuffer;
public ImDrawListFlags Flags;
public IntPtr _Data;
public byte* _OwnerName;
public uint _VtxCurrentIdx;
public ImDrawVert* _VtxWritePtr;
public ushort* _IdxWritePtr;
public ImVector/*<ImVec4>*/ _ClipRectStack;
public ImVector/*<ImTextureID>*/ _TextureIdStack;
public ImVector/*<ImVec2>*/ _Path;
public int _ChannelsCurrent;
public int _ChannelsCount;
public ImVector/*<ImDrawChannel>*/ _Channels;
public unsafe partial struct ImDrawListPtr
public ImDrawList* NativePtr { get; }
public ImDrawListPtr(ImDrawList* nativePtr) => NativePtr = nativePtr;
public ImDrawListPtr(IntPtr nativePtr) => NativePtr = (ImDrawList*)nativePtr;
public static implicit operator ImDrawListPtr(ImDrawList* nativePtr) => new ImDrawListPtr(nativePtr);
public static implicit operator ImDrawList* (ImDrawListPtr wrappedPtr) => wrappedPtr.NativePtr;
public static implicit operator ImDrawListPtr(IntPtr nativePtr) => new ImDrawListPtr(nativePtr);
public ImPtrVector<ImDrawCmdPtr> CmdBuffer => new ImPtrVector<ImDrawCmdPtr>(NativePtr->CmdBuffer, Unsafe.SizeOf<ImDrawCmd>());
public ImVector<ushort> IdxBuffer => new ImVector<ushort>(NativePtr->IdxBuffer);
public ImPtrVector<ImDrawVertPtr> VtxBuffer => new ImPtrVector<ImDrawVertPtr>(NativePtr->VtxBuffer, Unsafe.SizeOf<ImDrawVert>());
public ref ImDrawListFlags Flags => ref Unsafe.AsRef<ImDrawListFlags>(&NativePtr->Flags);
public ref IntPtr _Data => ref Unsafe.AsRef<IntPtr>(&NativePtr->_Data);
public NullTerminatedString _OwnerName => new NullTerminatedString(NativePtr->_OwnerName);
public ref uint _VtxCurrentIdx => ref Unsafe.AsRef<uint>(&NativePtr->_VtxCurrentIdx);
public ImDrawVertPtr _VtxWritePtr => new ImDrawVertPtr(NativePtr->_VtxWritePtr);
public IntPtr _IdxWritePtr { get => (IntPtr)NativePtr->_IdxWritePtr; set => NativePtr->_IdxWritePtr = (ushort*)value; }
public ImVector<Vector4> _ClipRectStack => new ImVector<Vector4>(NativePtr->_ClipRectStack);
public ImVector<IntPtr> _TextureIdStack => new ImVector<IntPtr>(NativePtr->_TextureIdStack);
public ImVector<Vector2> _Path => new ImVector<Vector2>(NativePtr->_Path);
public ref int _ChannelsCurrent => ref Unsafe.AsRef<int>(&NativePtr->_ChannelsCurrent);
public ref int _ChannelsCount => ref Unsafe.AsRef<int>(&NativePtr->_ChannelsCount);
public ImPtrVector<ImDrawChannelPtr> _Channels => new ImPtrVector<ImDrawChannelPtr>(NativePtr->_Channels, Unsafe.SizeOf<ImDrawChannel>());
public void ChannelsSetCurrent(int channel_index)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_ChannelsSetCurrent(NativePtr, channel_index);
public void ChannelsSplit(int channels_count)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_ChannelsSplit(NativePtr, channels_count);
public void AddPolyline(ref Vector2 points, int num_points, uint col, bool closed, float thickness)
byte native_closed = closed ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
fixed (Vector2* native_points = &points)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddPolyline(NativePtr, native_points, num_points, col, native_closed, thickness);
public void PopClipRect()
public void PushClipRect(Vector2 clip_rect_min, Vector2 clip_rect_max)
byte intersect_with_current_clip_rect = 0;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PushClipRect(NativePtr, clip_rect_min, clip_rect_max, intersect_with_current_clip_rect);
public void PushClipRect(Vector2 clip_rect_min, Vector2 clip_rect_max, bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect)
byte native_intersect_with_current_clip_rect = intersect_with_current_clip_rect ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PushClipRect(NativePtr, clip_rect_min, clip_rect_max, native_intersect_with_current_clip_rect);
public void PathBezierCurveTo(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3)
int num_segments = 0;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathBezierCurveTo(NativePtr, p1, p2, p3, num_segments);
public void PathBezierCurveTo(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3, int num_segments)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathBezierCurveTo(NativePtr, p1, p2, p3, num_segments);
public void UpdateTextureID()
public void Clear()
public void AddBezierCurve(Vector2 pos0, Vector2 cp0, Vector2 cp1, Vector2 pos1, uint col, float thickness)
int num_segments = 0;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddBezierCurve(NativePtr, pos0, cp0, cp1, pos1, col, thickness, num_segments);
public void AddBezierCurve(Vector2 pos0, Vector2 cp0, Vector2 cp1, Vector2 pos1, uint col, float thickness, int num_segments)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddBezierCurve(NativePtr, pos0, cp0, cp1, pos1, col, thickness, num_segments);
public void PushTextureID(IntPtr texture_id)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PushTextureID(NativePtr, texture_id);
public void AddRectFilled(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col)
float rounding = 0.0f;
int rounding_corners_flags = (int)ImDrawCornerFlags.All;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRectFilled(NativePtr, a, b, col, rounding, rounding_corners_flags);
public void AddRectFilled(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col, float rounding)
int rounding_corners_flags = (int)ImDrawCornerFlags.All;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRectFilled(NativePtr, a, b, col, rounding, rounding_corners_flags);
public void AddRectFilled(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col, float rounding, int rounding_corners_flags)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRectFilled(NativePtr, a, b, col, rounding, rounding_corners_flags);
public void AddDrawCmd()
public void UpdateClipRect()
public void PrimVtx(Vector2 pos, Vector2 uv, uint col)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PrimVtx(NativePtr, pos, uv, col);
public void PrimRect(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PrimRect(NativePtr, a, b, col);
public void AddQuad(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, uint col)
float thickness = 1.0f;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddQuad(NativePtr, a, b, c, d, col, thickness);
public void AddQuad(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, uint col, float thickness)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddQuad(NativePtr, a, b, c, d, col, thickness);
public void ClearFreeMemory()
public ImDrawListPtr CloneOutput()
ImDrawList* ret = ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_CloneOutput(NativePtr);
return new ImDrawListPtr(ret);
public void AddRect(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col)
float rounding = 0.0f;
int rounding_corners_flags = (int)ImDrawCornerFlags.All;
float thickness = 1.0f;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRect(NativePtr, a, b, col, rounding, rounding_corners_flags, thickness);
public void AddRect(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col, float rounding)
int rounding_corners_flags = (int)ImDrawCornerFlags.All;
float thickness = 1.0f;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRect(NativePtr, a, b, col, rounding, rounding_corners_flags, thickness);
public void AddRect(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col, float rounding, int rounding_corners_flags)
float thickness = 1.0f;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRect(NativePtr, a, b, col, rounding, rounding_corners_flags, thickness);
public void AddRect(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col, float rounding, int rounding_corners_flags, float thickness)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRect(NativePtr, a, b, col, rounding, rounding_corners_flags, thickness);
public void AddCallback(IntPtr callback, IntPtr callback_data)
void* native_callback_data = callback_data.ToPointer();
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCallback(NativePtr, callback, native_callback_data);
public void PathRect(Vector2 rect_min, Vector2 rect_max)
float rounding = 0.0f;
int rounding_corners_flags = (int)ImDrawCornerFlags.All;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathRect(NativePtr, rect_min, rect_max, rounding, rounding_corners_flags);
public void PathRect(Vector2 rect_min, Vector2 rect_max, float rounding)
int rounding_corners_flags = (int)ImDrawCornerFlags.All;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathRect(NativePtr, rect_min, rect_max, rounding, rounding_corners_flags);
public void PathRect(Vector2 rect_min, Vector2 rect_max, float rounding, int rounding_corners_flags)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathRect(NativePtr, rect_min, rect_max, rounding, rounding_corners_flags);
public void PathArcToFast(Vector2 centre, float radius, int a_min_of_12, int a_max_of_12)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathArcToFast(NativePtr, centre, radius, a_min_of_12, a_max_of_12);
public void PathStroke(uint col, bool closed)
byte native_closed = closed ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
float thickness = 1.0f;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathStroke(NativePtr, col, native_closed, thickness);
public void PathStroke(uint col, bool closed, float thickness)
byte native_closed = closed ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathStroke(NativePtr, col, native_closed, thickness);
public void PathFillConvex(uint col)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathFillConvex(NativePtr, col);
public void PathLineToMergeDuplicate(Vector2 pos)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathLineToMergeDuplicate(NativePtr, pos);
public void PathArcTo(Vector2 centre, float radius, float a_min, float a_max)
int num_segments = 10;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathArcTo(NativePtr, centre, radius, a_min, a_max, num_segments);
public void PathArcTo(Vector2 centre, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathArcTo(NativePtr, centre, radius, a_min, a_max, num_segments);
public void AddConvexPolyFilled(ref Vector2 points, int num_points, uint col)
fixed (Vector2* native_points = &points)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddConvexPolyFilled(NativePtr, native_points, num_points, col);
public void AddImageQuad(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d)
Vector2 uv_a = new Vector2();
Vector2 uv_b = new Vector2(1, 0);
Vector2 uv_c = new Vector2(1, 1);
Vector2 uv_d = new Vector2(0, 1);
uint col = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImageQuad(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, c, d, uv_a, uv_b, uv_c, uv_d, col);
public void AddImageQuad(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, Vector2 uv_a)
Vector2 uv_b = new Vector2(1, 0);
Vector2 uv_c = new Vector2(1, 1);
Vector2 uv_d = new Vector2(0, 1);
uint col = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImageQuad(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, c, d, uv_a, uv_b, uv_c, uv_d, col);
public void AddImageQuad(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b)
Vector2 uv_c = new Vector2(1, 1);
Vector2 uv_d = new Vector2(0, 1);
uint col = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImageQuad(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, c, d, uv_a, uv_b, uv_c, uv_d, col);
public void AddImageQuad(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b, Vector2 uv_c)
Vector2 uv_d = new Vector2(0, 1);
uint col = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImageQuad(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, c, d, uv_a, uv_b, uv_c, uv_d, col);
public void AddImageQuad(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b, Vector2 uv_c, Vector2 uv_d)
uint col = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImageQuad(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, c, d, uv_a, uv_b, uv_c, uv_d, col);
public void AddImageQuad(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b, Vector2 uv_c, Vector2 uv_d, uint col)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImageQuad(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, c, d, uv_a, uv_b, uv_c, uv_d, col);
public void AddImage(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
Vector2 uv_a = new Vector2();
Vector2 uv_b = new Vector2(1, 1);
uint col = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImage(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, uv_a, uv_b, col);
public void AddImage(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 uv_a)
Vector2 uv_b = new Vector2(1, 1);
uint col = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImage(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, uv_a, uv_b, col);
public void AddImage(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b)
uint col = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImage(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, uv_a, uv_b, col);
public void AddImage(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b, uint col)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImage(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, uv_a, uv_b, col);
public void AddCircleFilled(Vector2 centre, float radius, uint col)
int num_segments = 12;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled(NativePtr, centre, radius, col, num_segments);
public void AddCircleFilled(Vector2 centre, float radius, uint col, int num_segments)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled(NativePtr, centre, radius, col, num_segments);
public void AddCircle(Vector2 centre, float radius, uint col)
int num_segments = 12;
float thickness = 1.0f;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCircle(NativePtr, centre, radius, col, num_segments, thickness);
public void AddCircle(Vector2 centre, float radius, uint col, int num_segments)
float thickness = 1.0f;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCircle(NativePtr, centre, radius, col, num_segments, thickness);
public void AddCircle(Vector2 centre, float radius, uint col, int num_segments, float thickness)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCircle(NativePtr, centre, radius, col, num_segments, thickness);
public void AddTriangleFilled(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, uint col)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddTriangleFilled(NativePtr, a, b, c, col);
public void AddTriangle(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, uint col)
float thickness = 1.0f;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddTriangle(NativePtr, a, b, c, col, thickness);
public void AddTriangle(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, uint col, float thickness)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddTriangle(NativePtr, a, b, c, col, thickness);
public void AddQuadFilled(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, uint col)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddQuadFilled(NativePtr, a, b, c, d, col);
public void PrimReserve(int idx_count, int vtx_count)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PrimReserve(NativePtr, idx_count, vtx_count);
public void AddRectFilledMultiColor(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col_upr_left, uint col_upr_right, uint col_bot_right, uint col_bot_left)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRectFilledMultiColor(NativePtr, a, b, col_upr_left, col_upr_right, col_bot_right, col_bot_left);
public void AddLine(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col)
float thickness = 1.0f;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddLine(NativePtr, a, b, col, thickness);
public void AddLine(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col, float thickness)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddLine(NativePtr, a, b, col, thickness);
public Vector2 GetClipRectMin()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin(NativePtr);
return ret;
public void PopTextureID()
public void PrimWriteVtx(Vector2 pos, Vector2 uv, uint col)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PrimWriteVtx(NativePtr, pos, uv, col);
public Vector2 GetClipRectMax()
Vector2 ret = ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax(NativePtr);
return ret;
public void AddImageRounded(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b, uint col, float rounding)
int rounding_corners = (int)ImDrawCornerFlags.All;
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImageRounded(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, uv_a, uv_b, col, rounding, rounding_corners);
public void AddImageRounded(IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b, uint col, float rounding, int rounding_corners)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImageRounded(NativePtr, user_texture_id, a, b, uv_a, uv_b, col, rounding, rounding_corners);
public void PrimQuadUV(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b, Vector2 uv_c, Vector2 uv_d, uint col)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PrimQuadUV(NativePtr, a, b, c, d, uv_a, uv_b, uv_c, uv_d, col);
public void PathClear()
public void PrimWriteIdx(ushort idx)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PrimWriteIdx(NativePtr, idx);
public void PushClipRectFullScreen()
public void ChannelsMerge()
public void PathLineTo(Vector2 pos)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PathLineTo(NativePtr, pos);
public void PrimRectUV(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b, uint col)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_PrimRectUV(NativePtr, a, b, uv_a, uv_b, col);